1University Party Picks D D D L of Deep South Beau Re Mon ' 0 S
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TUESDAY • TUESDAY Edition t Edition \Vashingto n and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volume LIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, APRIL 13, 1954 Number 44 Talent Show Text of Proposed Amendments Glee Club Plans 1University Party Picks To the Student Body Constitution 2,200 Mile Tour d d D l Tryouts Set AMENDMENTS TO THE STUDENT BODY CONSTITUTION -to be submitted to the Student Body at thJ SPrlnll El~tlons. Thur dll~ Of Deep South Beau Re mon ' 0 s' This Week April 22 AMEND~'lT No. I .proposed by the Executive CommJtlee by vote taken March 15, 1954, for submtsston to the Slucent Body at the ~:.~:.ra:.~ir~': Robbins, and Fishburn SWMSFC To Select Sprlng ElecUons. 11) Tha~ Arllcle IV. ~ctlon B, Part 3, Becllcn c, be amended A week from tomorrow, the By TOM ALEXANDER On Thursday, Friday to read: 40-man Wa..<~hlngt.on and Lee Glee Tryouts for the annual Student e. A!t.er the election of a permanent. chairman. nominations Club wlll leave for Its 2.000 mile Beau Redmond has been selected by che University Party War Memorial Scholar~hlp Fund Md t>lecllons for accrt.'<ilt.ed candidates for the follO\\ing omce shall spring tour through the South as trs candtdace for presadent of the Student Body in rhe com· Concerts wut be made ln three Talent Show will be Thut roay and be held In the following order President. of the Student. Body VICI" ing Unaversiry elections. Friday, April 1S and 16 at 3 p.m . Pre: ldl'nt of the Student. Body, Secretary or the Student Body, Prcsl principal wuthern cities, Mem Redmond will lead the University Party's slate which will in the S.ujent. Union bulldlnr. said ~ent. or Finals. President. of Fancy Dress. President of OpellUlg .• and phis, Shreveport. and Birming Dave Mccain. chairman of the Prestdent of Spring Dances. ham. The trip wlll Include t.elevt Include BUI Dols tor vice prestdent, sion and radio appearance'l, con- ;r-.,.__..-,...,.Tl"""~- sch.ola t ~hlp fund committee. • Tom Robbins ror secretary, and 121 That Article VIII. Section A, Part I, be amended t.o r«:ad : certs at high school!!, college . and Bob Fl•hburn for Final Dance... Halt the 17 W&L fraternities 1. The following positions shall be filled as provided for in will be judged Thursday and half alumni banquets. The candidate Cor president. or Article IV for omcer~: cal the Pre~ldents or Finals and of Fancy Friday nCternoon. SWMSFC Com EnUre plans for the trip have Fancy Dress has not been de.finltely that these officers shall be sclec..ted from among the members of the been carried out by the members decided. mittee members will serve as CotUllQll Club. judges 1n Lhe prellmlnary Judging. of the Glee Club, who have made The candldntes wiJl be formally Eight houses, selecled ln the AMENDMENT No. II-propo~ed by the Executive Committee by the necessary arrangements in nomllltl.lrd at the nominating con preliminaries, will participate in vote taken AprU s. 1954, for submission to the Student Body at the lh!!ir home to\l.m. The first stop vention Monday, April 19 in Lee the Finals Tuesday, AprU 20 at Spring elections. will be Memphis. on Thur 'iday. Chapel. AprU 22, where t"'o concerts will 7:15 p.m. In D01·emuc: gymnasium. 111 That. Article VI, &.-ctlon C Part 4. be amended to read: The Umver'$lly elections will be Faculty members and their wives be gtven, one t.o the entire student held In the Stu;ient Union building 4. Fre.,hman Law Ch s. 1he thud Monday In Octob ~ r or body of Central High School, and wtll Judac the FIMls show. Mc the yur during which he shall from 8 a.m. to 5'30 pm. on Thurs Cain said the Judgt'S would base .sen .. the other to the large alumni as 121 That Article VI SectiC(ll C. Furt 8 be amended to read: day, April 22. In addition t.o the their selections on each fraternity's sociation at a banquet that night. \'OtlnR on candidates for student. "Talmt, abtllty, and planning of 8. Freshman: The third Monday in October of the year dur Television Prorram body offices. two amendments to show material." Ing which he shatJ &en·e. the Con,tllutlon wlll be voted on Friday, the group wlll slng in ClrculaUng Trophy One amendment concerns CoUlllon Shreveport. preSI' ntlng a 30-mln Club elections and the other deals A trophy circulated amo11g the ule telecast over KSLA-TV and a wllh the lime or election or fresh y~arly winners of the talent show. Rehearsals Start for Troubs' concel't at the audlt.orlum or Cen man and freshman law executive h row held by Sigma Nu, last Itenary College, the old~t college committeemen. year's show winners. Second place ~Ten Indians'; Play Set May 4-7 1 west of the Mi~sls..t;Jp pl River. The in the '53 l::tlent. show went to Phi Glee Club will be enlert.nined at Fancy Dress Etl'llon Pl. The t.ropby will be The case for Agatha Christie's "Ten Little I ndians" has 1 an Informal banquet following the Redmond. a Junior from New Or given to the winner ror one year . evening concert. Plans for the begun rehearsals for the1r Sprtng presentatton, May 4, 5, 6, 7. Shreveport appearance are being BEAU REDMOND leans. Is a member of Beta. Theta or until another house wins fi.rst. Phi, was president of Fancy Dress place. The show selected by the Troubadours, wtll be the final conducted by the city's active t.h1s year. a vice president of The raffle drl\'e, another annual - •production of the theater 1roup alumni association. EC T A d Fancy Dress last year and sopho Event. or th" War Memorial com· s A d this season. saturday nl1ht.. a concert will 0 tten more Executive Committee repre mltter. wUI rontlnue llll lhe night treet War S Rud Abbott, who heads the male be present.£;! In Bhmlngham at • senla.llve. of the Final talent ~how. Drawings casl, will take the part of Philip Lhe Birmingham Sout.hern College ITown Council He ls now a member or Omicron to1 t.he dozen~ of prizes offered In Set Up Here Lombard, the romnnllc hero. play- audlt.orlum. Publicity In BlrmJng- Delta. Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi this ~·ear's contest will be some· lug opposite him Is Mrs. LaMar ham Includes a television proarnm, . d time during the show. I commerce frat.ernlty). the White Bishop, as vera Vlayt.horne. as well as several radio shows. I Representatives lnv1te Frlars, Scabbard and Blade and Adml!-s1on to the Talent. Show Prizes Established Abbott. was seen reccnUy ns once ap.ln the plans bel g B T M R "'"'~~·· ln "Mr. Ro....,r"·" while .... s. • are n y own anager oop Sigma. He has also been a. con on April 20 1s 35 cenLs. F A d' v· 1 F' ld ~.A~\< "" ~ ..~ managed by lhe alumni cbapt.er in The SWMSFC grossed $153 on or u 10· ISUa ae Bishop appeared as the nurse lieu- that. city sist.ent. Dean's List student. the Faculty-Student Quiz Bowl. tenant In that. show. Representatives of the Execu- Bill Dots ls \'Ice president of Slv- wilt ta~t Wednesday night. ln Doremus The Department of Journalism I Included in the cast of eight men Varied Pro,..-a.rn Uve Commlt.t.ee attend Thurs- ma Nu, vice president or tile gymnasium. The show. something announced today the est.abllsh- lllld three women arc: George The program of songs from which day night's Lexlnaton Town Coun- Junior class secretary or the IFC new ror the committee. was model ment. of the James St.reet. Awards Smith. playing Rogers; Mrs. the group may pick 1s varied. It in cU meeting t.o present. the student's and manaa~g edlt.or of the Calyx. ed a!ler the Quiz Bowl of the Alr for Cleatlve accomplishment in the 'Ihoma..; v. Barrett, Mrs. Rogers; eludes several sacred works, Ador vl£w concerning the proposed sale and Whlt.e Friars. program. Memorial Chairman Mc audlo-vlsuat media. Bob Tolle, Narracott; Howard Oel- tamus Te, Emlttee plrituum of local nut.omoblle licenses. Tom Robbins Is a member ot Cain said the program was well The awards have been set up by Us, Antony Marston; MUte Clark. Tuum, and Ave 1\faris St.ella, In In a preliminary meeting yester- ~ Pi Kappa Alpha, PI Alpha. Nu. the atten:O:ed with both teams putting James Street of Chapel Hill, N.C .. Wllllam Blore; Norman Dobyns. addition to the Brahm's Alto day, Town Manager A. Kyle Roop IFC and hlstorlan of Alpha Epsilon on an excellent. performance for lo encourage serious creative work General MacKenzie; Jeanne Tracy, Rhapsody, which w111 be sung by assured student body officials that Delta I medical fraterni~y). He has the benefit. of SWMSFC. by students ln tum, radio and tete- Emily Brent; Da\e Collins, Sir a member of the Mary Baldwin the Council was anxious to rea.ch a. also participated in varsity base vlslon. These awards wUJ supple- Lawrence Wargro.ve. and Jan Glee Club who will make t.he trlp fair settlement concernlng the stu- ball, soccer and lacrosse. ment. for the non-press mass Drabt;k, as Doctor Armstrong. also. From Broadway, the group dent. problem. -Lee media. Ule awards for news and Smith, Tolle. Clark. Oellls.