g ~; C/l < ort Read By -J sh < More Thon t.> .c, cies 0 35,000 ~ 0- four 0 N People t- 0 ,rship Cl) .,._. . THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. ::!Cl) '1UMBER43 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1974 20 PAGES 20c PER COPY ~'l • ~ ~ ~ l,Jt.j~g..o • rrill Hassenfeld Named Says US Threatened • < ::-- JJA's Women's Division • ~ 0 To Fly Aid To Eg.ypt e:: r(j CL Hassenfeld of :lected national RAMA T GAN, Israel: Moshe Dayan said. "They issued us an Dayan, former Defense Minister, ultimatum that if Israel does not \;mtu IUcUJ u,... United . Jewish Appeal's Women's Division at the charged that the permit the 80,000 cut-off force to annual national conference of the threatened in 1973 to fly supplies to get supplies from their main forces, UJA. Held recently at the New Egyptian troops surrounded in the they, the Americans, would do it York Hilton Hotel with Golda Suez Canal area if the Israelis themselves with helicopters. Meir, former Prime Minister of refused to allow food and water The Americans did not want to Israel as guest of honor, the con­ through their lines. get into a dispute with the Russians ference was attended by more When the Israelis began to allow and wanted to show the Arabs to than 3,000 American Jewish lead­ supplies through, there was what effect the United States could ers to usher in the 1975 UJA cam­ speculation that the United States help them. The Americans told us paign. A large delegation from had told the Israelis they must yield that everyone knew we won the war Rhode Island was present to par­ on this point because the Soviet and that nothing more could be ticipate in the conference. Union was threatening to intervene gained by capturing the 3rd .. In accepting the chairmanship on behalf of Egypt's beleaguered Army." of the Women's Division, I am 3rd Army in the Sinai Peninsula. Mr. Dayan said that Israeli only too fully aware of the awe­ After the Egyptian assault across policy-workers must keep these TO SPEAK: Dr. Louis Nulman, di­ some responsibilities which face the Suez Canal on October 6, 1973, events in mind for the future. • rector of research of the National an Israeli force struck west of the He also said that early in 1968, me - and which face every com­ Society for Hebrew Day Schools mitted Jew during this momemt in and· the Samuel Fryer Educational canal and cut off t~e Army units. less than a year after the 1967 war, our history," Mrs. Hassenfcld Research Foundation for Teaching Mr. Dayan's remarks on the war Israel was ready to return all of the said. of Moral Values, will be the situation were made during a talk Sinai Peninsula to Egypt and the "What is required of us is no At present, she is honorary speaker al the mid-winter Pe­ with a group of professors at Bar Golan Heights to Syria for a peace less than a total com ¼itment to president of the Women's Division dagogical Conference for Teachers, 11am University here after he had treaty with the two countries. the principle of• Jewish survival. h of the· JFRI .,m1ti ll)Sm ber of the Principals and School Committee been thwarted by a crowd of " Israel's readiness to do so was Chairmen whkh will take place demonstrators from delivering a brought to the direct attention of is a time for the Jewish women in Medical Resources Committee of on Sunday, January 5, from 1:30 America to realize in full the deci­ Brown University. She is also a lecture. The demonstrators, who the then Egyptian President, Gamal lo 5 p.m. al the Jewish Commu­ described themselves as parents of Abdel Nasser, who rejected it," sions that must be made and to member of the board of the nity Center. His subject will be organize themselves into unprece­ League of the Arts Committee of "Jewish Values and Moral Sensi­ Israelis killed during the war last Mr. Dayan said." All we asked in dented activities. There is a time the ·State of Rhode Island and of tivity Trainillg." year, accused Mr. Dayan of return in addition to the peace /or action, a time to explore al­ the Women's Association Board of . The Educators' Council of the responsibility for the Israeli attacks treaty was that both areas be ternatives, and a time to stand as the Rhode Island School of De­ Bureau of Je:wish Ed,.,_cation spon­ at the start of the conflict. demiiitarized." one." _sign. Mrs. Hassenfeld ·has made sors the. c'!nfeience'. The progNim Mr. Dayan left the Israeli Cabinet last April under pressure Mrs. Hassenfeld is a past presi­ numerous ·trips to Israel, one of will include a teacher's exhibit, a AIRCRAFT EXPORTS demonstration lesson with children of similar protests. He remains in dent of the Women's Division of the most recent being the Prime TEL AVIV: Israel Aircraft the Jewish Federation of Rhode Minister's Mission in August 1974 from the 7th grade of Temple Em­ Parliament, however. ' anu-EI and a workshop session. U.S. Obstruction C'barged Industries exports to Latin America Island and is a member of the and Women's Leadership Mission will reach $50 million this year, the Dr. Nulman received his MA de­ In hi s speech, Mr. Dayan board of the United Way in Provi­ to , Rumania and Israel in IA! publication revealed here. The gree from Teachers' College, Co­ reiterated earlier accusations by dence. She is a member of the October 1974. it e ms supplied include lumbia University and his PhD some Israelis that the United States board of directors or the Provi­ This is the second time that sophisticated weapons for land, air from the University of Pittsburgh. had stopped Israel from scoring a dence Chapter or Hadassah and a Rhode Island had a national chair­ He has written and lectured on and naval forces. Also included are complete victory in the war. member of the board of The Mi•­ man of the UJA Women's Divi­ teaching values, programmed in~ Arava and Westwind Executive "The Americans did not want riam Hospital Wome n's Associ- sion. Mrs. Albert Pilavin served as struction and vocational rehabilita­ planes and electronic machinery. ation. (Continued on page 11) tion of the mentally retarded. the Egyptians to surrender," Mr. A SETTLEMENT, IF THE ARABS WANT ONE JERUSALEM: In a n intervi~w with Le known, others less so, but all of them do ANDRE SCEMAMA INJER~IEWS SHIMON PERES Monde's Andre Scemama last week, Israeli exist. QUESTION: Among its other been a friend? Defence Minister Shimon Peres discussed fa ll out, the October War is said to have PERES: I have been deeply impressed by the Tiran Strait would not be hindered. Up the military and political future of the · stripped the Tsahal (the Israeli army) of its the attitude of most Frenchmen, who to this day, I don't understand why Nasser Middle East and France's attitude to Israel. deterrent value in the eyes of the Arabs. Do remain very friendly towards us despite blockaded this strait and decided to go to Asked whether, like ma ny other Israelis, he you think so, and if so, what conclusions everything. And this, notwithstanding the war. I haven ' t found a n y logical thought tha t in a new confrontation with do you draw from it? French Government's official position and ex planation for King Hussein 's decision to the Arabs the wa r would no longer be P E RES: You've got to distinguish the incorrect idea that some sections of the attack us in 1967, when he had been " conventional" - that is, spare civilian between wh at the Arabs say and what they press give . .We never asked Fra nce to be promised the West Bank would be left in polulations - Mr. Peres had this to say: think. If they really thought we had lost our exclusive friend, and I believe France is his hands. II there had been any " luxury" wars, our deterrent strength, they would have making a mistake by offering the Arabs its As for the future. I hope we succeed in then they were a lu xu ry fo r both sides. It's resumed the war. Don't forget that when it exclusive friendship. Le Monde has said coming lo some understanding with Egypt. true we have c ities a nd p opul ation comes to drawing conclusions from a war, that the United Nations' decision to admit For that there would have to be agreement concentrations close lo the frontiers. But there is a big difference between democratic the Palestine Libera tion Organisation on three points. that' s a lso true for the Arabs . Their and totalitarian regimes. A democracy wins created a situation where there was one I . Egypt should be guaranteed the free o rganisa tion is no · less vu ln erable than a war and all the media describe it as a state loo many in Palestine. I believe that is and unhindered use of the Suez Canal for o urs. Both sides avoided urban bo mbing defeat. A war lost by a dictatorship is a very fair observation. In fact, France's it s s hippin g and I s r ae l s h ou ld be during the last 26 years, mainly because shown as a victory. The Arabs to this day voice will be heard if it is the voice of guaranteed free navigati on in the Tiran both sides have cities and it was thought celebrate as victories the four wars they mora lity and not the expression of an Stra it. better not to get involved in that dangerous waged against us. econo mic option. All the same, as an 2. The Sinai desert should no lo nger be a game. Q : When you were working with Ben Israeli , I shall never forget what my military base which could threaten Israel. The Arabs can presumably make a Gurion you were one of the principal country owes France. But as an Israeli, too, 3. Egyptian policies should stop serving mista ke. considering they have just been a rchitects of the "European orientation" I can't turn a blind eye to the French the cause of Palestinian extremism. equipped with Scud miss iles. Why did the given to Israeli policy so as not to make the Government's present at,titudes. I believe we can a lso come to a Russians se nd· them Scuds? Only the most country solely dependent on the United Q: How do you envisage a settlement with settlement with Jordan. I haven ' t the faithful adepts of Marxism and paci fi sm States? the Arab? slightest doubt of that. It's more a question probably have the a nswer to that. The PERES: The question is not one of PERES: I think there is one prior of time than principle. The Palestinians can Middle Eas t was armed to the teeth knowing what the relations between Israel condition : the Arab s must want a be represented by one of these: King without that. The Scud is a weapon of very and Europe arc, but whether Europe is still settlement. It must be remembered that Hussein, the West Bank and Gaza leaders, limited effectiveness against military Europe. Andre Malraux has said that .the they didn't want one after we withdrew or lhc extremists of the Sabra district in objectives. As for the danger it poses to oil crisis has res ulted in Europe's from the Sinai in 1956 and we were no Beirut. Of these three choices, we prefer other objectives, that's one or the threats disappearance. Seen from here, Europe longer in control of the West Bank, the King Hussein. He is in effect the only Arab the Arabs have enough reason for not frequently looks like a world of scheming Gaza strip a nd the eastern half or leader who has seriously considered peace abandoning " luxury" war and for avoidin1 rather than of hope. Jerusalem. 9ur forces evacuated the Sinai lia I real political <:onception. Moreover, ti. "war of cilia." Some - are nil Q: And Fr~ of wbic:h you have Ions 11ain1t the mere promile that naviption in (CoatiaNd 1111 PIP 4) Make A Resolution To Give MORE To JFRI ---The Need Was Never Greater -- ___ ...... _]

Rabbi Baruch Korff of Rehoboth, Samuel Korff Massachusetts, who has been out­ Dies In Boston spoken in his support of former President Nixon. Funeral services for Rabbi Sam­ ... uel Samuel I. Korff, 6 1, a leader in the New England Jewish com­ munity, who died December 18 af­ (J/,ifuQJ,ju ter a short illness. were held the J following day at the ·Associated I Synagogue in Boston, Massachu­ MRS. NATHAN PRITCHER setts. Fun eral services for Arline Prit­ The husband of Anna Korff of cher of Hollywood, Florida, a for­ Newton, Massachusetts. he was mer resident of Provi dence, who born in Ru ssia. · died December 19, were held Sun­ A graduate of Univer­ day at the Riverside Memorial sity of New York City, Rabbi Chapel in North Mi ami Beach. Korff was among the founders of Florida. Buri al was in Beth El the Associated Synagogues of Memori al Gardens in Holl ywood. New England and served as rabbi ­ She was the daughter of Irwin ni cal administrator until his death. and Grace (Israel) Bellin. He was also a dri ving fo rce be­ Mrs. Pritcher was on the board -J hind the Rabbinical Court of Ju s­ of directors of the Counci l of Jew­ TOIAHS DEDICATED: Joseph lury, president of Congregation Lenas Hazedek, and some of the con­ ti ce (Beth Din) of the Associated ish Wom en and on the boa rd of qregation's members, presented three Torahs, crowns for the Torahs and other religious articles to the New Synagogues which received nation­ directors of th e South Browa rd England Academy of Torah, Inc., the High School division of the Providence Hebrew Day School, al· a recent wide attention for its activi ties in Jewish Federation. - the Je wish Hanukah celebration of the school. Rabbi Nachman Cohen, dean; Dr. Joseph Jay Fishbein, president, and such field s as landlord-tenan t rela­ Community Ce nters of South Arthur S. Robbins, vice president of the Providence Hebrew Day School, together with Thomas W. Pearlman, tionships. Florida, the Community Relations president, and Malcolm C. Bromberg, vice president, of the New England Academy of Torah, Inc., and Can­ Hi s activities in the field of Council of South Broward. was a tor Norman Gewirtz of Temple Beth El, joined the delegation from Congregation Lenas Hazedek in a tradi­ past presid ent of the Bell efare tional service. landlord-tenant relationships was credited with the es tabli shment of Home, a member of th e boa rd of the Boston Housing Court. the Jewi sh Family Services in HUGHES ROOFING JOE ANDRE'S South County Council Gutters• Slate Work He also led the Beth Din into Cleveland . Ohi o. ~nd served in ORCHESTRA other areas not usuall y associated various capaciti es in mental health Siding To Meet January 12 associa ti ons in bot h Florida and FREE ESTIMATES Music for that very special offoir with rabbinical courts. Th ese in ­ • Weddings l!ar Mitzvahs The annua l meetine of the Jew­ cluded an op ini on by the court Cleve land. She was an active pa r­ 124 FOURTH ST., PROV . ish Community Cou~cil of South ti cipa nt in Bond s for Israel and a 861-2338 . 831-3739 Res. 944-7298 concern in g the ci rcum stances un­ County 10 be held in the Neigh­ der which conscientious objection member of Temple Beth El in borhood Gu ild on Columbi a Street was permissible under Jewish law . Holl ywood . in Peace Dale on Sunday. January and health standards in food prep­ ... 12. at 8 p.m .. wi ll fea ture an exhi­ aration. bition and discussion of etchinus One of hi s goals wa s to establish She is survived by her hu sband. W4LLCO\JERINGS and graphics by David Itchkawich. Nathan Pritcher: one so n. Marc a central body upon which the A native· of Westerly and son of Jewish com munity could rely to Pritcher, and one daughter. Lisa WHEN YOU WANT Herman ltchk awich. a we ll -known certify that Jew ish dietary laws Pritcher, all of Hollywood. Rhode Island arti st and instru ctor, had been observed in food prepa­ THE UNUSUAL Mr. Itchkawich is a graduate of ration. HARRY IRVING Westerly High School and th e He also organized the certifica­ Funeral services for Harry Ir­ Rhode Island Sch ool of Design tion of kosher caterers in Mas­ ving, 70, of 73 Sumter Street, who where he received hi s bachelor of sachusetts. died December 5, were held the fine ans deg ree in 1961. While at In 1947, Mayor James M. Cur­ following day at the Sugarman RISD. he was in the schoo l· s hon­ ley appointed Rabbi Korff as the Memorial Chapel. Burial was in ors program which included a fir st Jewish chaplain of the Boston Lincoln Park Cemetery. term of study in Europe. Fire Department. a position which · His work has bee n publi shed in The hu sband of Sadie (Wingert) he held until hi s death . During the Irving, he was born in Romania. a the Intellectual Digest, Harper's, p~sl several years. he had also son of the late Mye r and Frieda Print Collector·s Newsletter. Chi­ served as_Jewish chapl ain at Deer Irving. He had li ved in Providence cago News. New Yo rk Tim es and Island House of Correc ti on. for 35 years. the Providence Journa l. Hi s etch­ During hi s entire career as a ings and graphics arc in the New He was a self-employed sales­ MEAT PRICES ARE LOWER rabbi, he led Congrega tion Kehil­ man in leather goods for 20 years York Public Library Collect ion. SUN., TUES., THURS-DEC. 29,31, JAN. 2 lath Jacob of Newton. one of the until he retired fi ve years ago. He the National Coll ection of Fin e largest Jewi sh co ngregations in the was a member of Congregation Arts in the Smithso nian . the Mun­ FIRST CUT - QUALITY - TENDER-JUICY Bosto n area. Shaare Zedek-Sons of Abraham. son-Proctor William s In stitute. the Co ngregati on Kehillath Jacob University of Delaware and in the Besides hi s wife, survivors in­ LB . was origina ll y located in Matta­ clude one so n. Frederick Irving of LONDON BROIL l e67 National Sh ows Exhibits of the pan. Massac hu se tt s. but Rabbi Long Island. New York; two 17t h and 18t h biennial at th e WESTERN STEER - ROLLED-OVEN ROAST Korff transferred it to Newton daughters, Marcia Peskin of Mu se um . He has also wheh the Jewish population in Rocky Hill. Connecticut and Jea n won first prizes at a number LB . or Mattapan was substantia ll y re­ Volpe of Hartsdale. New York. SHOULDER ROAST 1.47 outdoor shows. duced a few yea rs ago. and five grandchildren. Preceding Mr. Itchk aw ich"s pre­ At the congregation in Newton. sentation. there will be a bu siness he establi shed th e Institute for Re­ LB. meeting and the election 01: offi­ 69( ligious and Social Studies, which Cord of Thanks cers. Refreshments will be serv ed. brought together ex perts in To all our relatives and friends ALL MEATS SOAKED & SALTED-MADE KOSHER va ri ous field s for lectures and dis­ of our dear sister, the late EVEl YN Award For Translation cussions. SIMON, we wish to extend our Besides -his wife. he is survi ved heartfelt thanks and grateful ap­ Of Jewish Classics preciation for your many kind e K­ CAPE KOSHER FOODS by two sons. four brothers and pressions of sympathy. 58 WASHINGTON ST., PAWT .--726-9393 NEW YORK: A new National fo ur sisters. Among hi s brothers is THE SIMON FAMILY Jewish Book Award - for an English translation of a Jewish classic - has been established by the JWB Jewish Book Council , IN HOME according to Dr . Eugene B_. Borowitz, president of the Council. are The new award, in the amount of rnd r:h;e NURSING CARE $500 and a citation, will be WITH presented in the name of Dr. Jacob Freedman, a rabbi who is the MEDICAL PERSONNEL POOL official translator of the works of _) ( Having a problem finding really good care Israeli writer Avigdor Hameiri . for yoUr loved one? Patients are our con• The prize, for a new translation SUGARMAN MEMORIAL CHAPELS cern. When you need a person with medi• of a book originally published prior cal training to help out bt the hour, or live­ to 1920, will be presented for the "THE JEWISH FUNERAL DIRECTOR " in for short periods, ,he service you call has first time at the 197 5 National 4S8 HOPE STREET 1924 ELMWOOD AVE. a lot to.do with the kind of nurse you get. Je wish Book Awards ceremony of PROVIDENCE, R.I . WARWICK, R.I . the JWB Jewish Book Council. 331-8094 467-7750 Our aides and companions ore second Books to be considered for the to none in training and experience, We award must have been translated LEWIS J, BOSLER can provide as many or as few hours as into E ngli s h from Hebrew, you may need, in yovr own home. Yiddish, Ladino or any other IN FLORIDA ( 30S) 861-9066 language during the two calendar We ore o Nat1onol 'Nursing Service, in• years preceding presentation of the sured and bonded, ready to help day or award. Only residents of the United night. Call 272-3520 at any time and Stales and Ca nada are eli gible, and allow us to help you. no one translator m ay win th e SUGARMAN MONUMENT CO. award more than two times. "WE ARE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION AT YOUR CONVENIENCE .. . AT YOUR HOME CIR o, wr~t IN,y flf Ntetiplilt ltl4tf MORE AUTOS T E L AV IV : T h e 390,000 OR AT OUR DISPLAY YARDS . residents of Tel Aviv 14 years ago 314 BRANCH AVE . 1924 ELMWOOD AVE . 272-3520 WARWICK , R.I. 10DORRANa ST. possessed so me 28.000 PROVIDENCE, R.I. automobiles . In 1972, lllthough the 331 -1094 467-7750 population figu re was smaller by 28.000. the number of autos soared R0llRT M. GOlOllA TT lRWIN M. 80SUR to 78.000. ~~,------==~~-=-c=-=--c ----


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PROVIDENCE-MIAMI R.T . ' 174.07* PROVIDENCE-FT. LAUDERDALE R.T . ' 174.07* BOSTON-MIAMI R.T, '162.96* BOSTON-FT: LAUDERDALE R.T. '162.96* FROM PROVI­ DENCE OR BOSTON VIA SCHEDULED AIR­ LINES, HOTEL OR MOTEL in England, PACKAGES ALSO ARRANGED, it's HARRODS CHECK FOR BEST DAY SCHEDULES in France ZELDA KOUFFMAN--CRANSTON TRAVEL the TOUR D'ARGENT 785-2300 801 Park Ave., Cranston in Italy it's TRE SCALINI in Spain the JOCKEY CLUB CAMP YOUNG JUDAEA 36~~:;c.. lake Baboosic, Amherst, New Hampshire-1 Hour from Boston and at Home it's Mrs. Jeffrey G. Bookbinder Ideal Camping for Boys and Girls 9-1 5 Miss Joan Sima Kilberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kilberg 'PLAZA INN 168 Acres of Scenic Beauty of 54 Ardmore Avenue, became the bride on Saturday, December 21 , of Route One, Wrentham Over SO American Recreational and Israeli Cultural Activities Jeffrey Glenn Bookbinder of 31 Cedar ·Pond Drive, Warwick, son of at 495 overpass Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bookbinder of 40 Major Potter Road, Warwick. 8 WEEK SEASON OR TWO 4 - WEEK PERIODS Rabbi Samuel Kenner and Cantor Charles Ross officiated at the • Outstanding Waterfront & Athletic Activities 6:30 NOW ACCEPTING p.m . ceremony which was held at Temple Beth David. A reception fol­ RESERVATIONS FOR • Overnight Camping • S to 1 Camper Counselor Ratio lowed in the temple. Christmas Day • lsraeli•folksong, Dance, Dramatics & Di,cussion Program Given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a Priscilla gown of and New Year's Eve • Golf • Arts ond Crafts • Horseback Riding • Ecology white satin fashioned with an empire bodice of English net, a V-neckline e Ice Skating • a, Tennis Courts • Street Hockey PHONE JACQUES e Competent, Mature & Experienced Stoff and long, lull sleeves ruffled at the wrists. The bodice and the A-line 384-2800-69S-1 l 33 • Dietary Laws Observed e Modern Physical Plant skirt were appliqued with Alencorr lace and seed pearls. Her short tiered Accredited Camp: American Camping Association veil was edged in Alencon lace. She carried a Bible covered with ste- phanotis. · PLAZA INN Call or Send for Brochures and Applications to: Miss Joan Falb was maid of honor and Bruce Bookbinder served as Providence Highway, CHARLES ■ . ROTMAN, Ed.D,, Director 81 Kingsbury Street, Wellealey, Mass. 02181 best man for his brother. Ushers were Edward Bookbinder, brother of No. lat 495 the bridegroom; Howard Kilberg, ·brother of lhe bride; Michael Zarum · Tel.: 617-237-9410 or 332-6592 and Joel Kirshenbaum. Following a wedding trip to Hawaii and Las Vegas, the couple will live at 31 Cedar Pond Drive in Warwick. D.A. Gunning Photo ORGANIZATION NEWS TO GIVE AWARDS Camp Pembroke, an accredited CARUSO'S U.S. Senator from Rhode Is­ member ·of the American Camping land, Claiborne Pell, and past Association, is located on Lake CONTINENT AL RESTAURANT president of New England Young Oldham in Pembr.oke, Massachu­ Judaea. Mark Sokoll, will be the setts. recipients of the Myrtle Wreath In additi on to a lull range of SUNDAY Awards. These will be presented athlelics and Red Cross water in­ at the Second fyl yrtle Wreat~ struction, arts and crafts and dra­ Awards Luncheon of the Western matics, the camp also offers a New England Reg io n of Hadassah crea1i ve Jewish experience to girls which will be held Sundav. fr om 8 to 15 years of age. Dietary J a nu ar} 5. at 11 :JO a.m. a.I the laws are observed. Sheraton-Lincoln Inn in Worces­ Further information may be ob­ ter. Massachusetls. tained by calling Mrs. Bl ocker, 344 Kenrick Street, Newton, Mas­ New Life Members, new associ­ sachusetls, at 617 332-5375. ates and Hadassah work ers in the area of membership will be guesls. Senator Pell is a Senate spokes­ ELECTED TO BOARD ma n on educa ti on and has also in­ Les1er Macktez, textile execu­ CHOICE OF: itiated legislati o n concern ing ti ve. of 469 Woodla nd Road in Boneless Stuffed Veal Cutlet hea lth care and ocean a ffairs. Woonsocket. has been elected to CHICKEN 3.4S PARMESAN the board of governors of B'nai 3.9S Mr. Sokoll, a student, has re­ B'rith at the international con­ Baked Stuffed 12 oz. Choice turned from the Young Judaea ve nti o n of the organization in Is­ SHRIMP SIRLOIN year course in Israel. He is help­ S.9S 6.4S rael ing to establish a group of young Main course complete with, Tossed Green Salad, Golden Brown French The board is the top policy people, who have a lso returned Fries & Macaroni Shells served Family Style. A complimentary Caruso Bot­ making body of the 500.000 mem­ from Israeli programs. for the pu r­ tle of Chilled Wine, Hot Italian Bread, Butter, Coffee or Sott Beverages ber orga ni zali on. pose of forming a ne w Kibbutz in and Ice Cream for Desse rt . Mr. Macktez. who will serve a Israel. 1wo year term, is also vice chair­ HOURS: 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. No Reservations Accepted Mrs. Charles Housen of Erving. man of the B·nai B'rith Youlh Or­ Massachusetts, membership chair­ ga ni ta ti on commission a nd rormer The First 300 PersoM will be served, we

THE RHODE ISL,.ND HERALD FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1974-5 A subscription to the Herald can · mean a lot of different things to dif­ Pawtllcket'a large.et fereni people. News from home, reisiau·ranf. Famous ·ror 2.1,i, SUCC·ESSFUL\ recipes, local happenings, inter­ Cl,ri pourid · · lobsler-Jlshermai\j · national stories, everything is cov­ lllill■nlt style: Three lfistlnctlve· ered in your weekly Herald. For in­ ,44 M~el Drive rooms for fine dininil. INVESTING formation about a subscription call (o" Columliu ■ Ave:) daily luncheons. bah-, 724-0200, Pawtucket, A.I. qliefs. 'and socia'f 725-3550 functions. One of ·Rhode DA~ID R. SARGENT 1s1arid's · ' mdst beautnur restiluraota. . Partial RedemptiOII thoroqhly what It Is you would be {J3oufevard of E Bonds Allowed l111ylng. Bankers' acceptances are SHADE and Q: My mother has $10,000 Series effectively bank guarantees on THE BIG TEE E Savings Bond bought in 1940. If . corporate IOUs. These IOUs are DRAPE, Inc. she cashes it in she will have to pay -created in order to expedite business income tax on the considerable transactions between two firms * NEW STYLES interest which has been earned, unfamiliar with each other. * NEW FABRICS Can s)le cash in a portion of the Corporation "A" is about to ship * CUSTOM BUILT PRODUCTS bond. say $1,000 this year, $1,000 goods to Corporation "B" but wants PRICES with o difference * COVERING CO. next year, and so on? If this is to assure timely payment for its SPECIAL PRICES allowed. would -any bank handle merchandise once it is delivered. In * it?-R.I. order to satisfy this requirement To The TRADE CARPET LINOLEUM A: Partial redemption of any E Corporation "B" draws up a bond in a denomination of over 525 promissory note and then finds a 724-0680 Is possible. In your mother's case, reputable bank to "accept" or 742 EAST AVE PAWT., R.I. she would request partial redemption guarantee it. If, prior to the note's NOW AT HIS NEW LOCATION to the extent of $1,000 maturity maturity, Corporation -"A" wishes value, with the balance to be reissued to obtain cash, the note is sold at a 1 NOWOPE~ l WATERMAN AVENUE, EAST PROVIDENCE ( as of the original date) as nine discount to a bank. The bank may R (JUST OVER THE RED BRIDGE ) $1,000 E bonds. On the back of the either hold or resell the IOU at a I Dorothy Ann bond, above the signature, after the discount to an individual or a mutual 1 M Wiener , 0 request for payment the words "to fund. The safety of bankers' ~"YOUR TRAVEL AGENT" Inc. S ~lt~~438-4400 , the extent of SI ,000 maturity value acceptances depends on the credit and reissue of the remainder" would worthiness of the debtor corporation T N be added. · and the stability of the endorsing E She should present her request to bank. E w a local bank where her signature X E would be certified by a bank officer Payout Ratios p s and the request for payment Vary Widely E T Put a little bounce amended as described above. This l s th e r e a ny ya rd s tick for R corporate earnings and the amount I T bank will then forward the bond to a R your Federal Reserve Bank where the paid as di vidends? There is such a E in life wide

CONTEST RULES Winning Baby must be born in Rhode Is­ WHO'S THE FIRST JEWISH BABY IN RHODE ISLAND OF 197S? land. The first Jewish baby born in 1975 will be WHICH INFANT BOY OlfGIRL IS THE WINNER OF THE HERALD ANNUAL declared the winne r. In case of a dose contest, hospital and city records will be the deciding factor. No claims may be entered afte r the winne r FROM is declared . The following information must be sub­ .HASBRO mitted in writing . INDUSTRIES, INC. Ba by's Nome .... 1027 NE W PORT A.VE., PAWT. Exact Time of Birth .. ... Something Sex for baby's crib Weight .... PRIZES GALORE Place of Birth .... WILL BE STACKED AT HIS/ HER DOORSTEP Parents' Na mes .... FOR FIRST The Gifts and their Donors are listed on this page. The RHODE ISLAND JEWISH BABY Winner will be notified by mail. Pa rents' Add ress .. .. WINNER CAN ONLY ACCEPT GIFTS LISTED Doctor's Nome OF 1975 NO SUBSTITUTES - NO CASH and Sig nature .....

TWIN FLORIST'S 13 2 Gansen Ave., Cra nsto n, R.I. 94:!-8300

W ill donate a floral arrangement, A FREE a ho use plant or a dry arrangement. - HOMECOMING FOR THE FIRST CAKE ,., ------,.,,..,...., R.I. JEWISH BABY FOR BABY & FAMILY Visil Our Sho wroom - We carry a wid e va ­ OF 1975 PEERLESS rie l y o f Ha ngin f!,': Pla nters. Dry Arra R[it:f'• me nls. Ter rariums. Indoor Pla nts. 540 Powtuclcet Ave., Prov.-Pawt. City line s20.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE 1617 Warwick Ave., Hoxsie (Gateway Shopping Center) 508 Armistice Blvd., Darlington Open 8:00 -4 :30 • 7 days a week (TO BE USED IN WAYLAND SQUARE INFANT DEPT. ONLY) 633 North Moin St., University Heights


736-HOPE STREET 421-3047





LUCKETT -- VERLUYTEN Photographers 757 North Main St., Providence

ONE 8 X 10 PHOTO 521-3636 OLD IN NATURAL COLOR STONE OF THE FIRST JEWISH BANK BABY BORN IN 1975 Weddings . Bar Mitzvahs . Groups OF PROVIDENCE Adults . Children . _Eng•agemenls NORTH MAIN ST. AND DOYLE AVE. ------EXCELLENTWORKMAN SHIP S21 -3030 (UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS PLAZA) THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1974-7 ,, ---... . -.. - Subscribe to the Herald and re­ Prospects who buy often are .... ······••*''' ceive it in the mail weekly. For in­ much more likely to see your Only formation contact the Herald at newspaper ad than occasional . 724-0200. buyers . BRIDGE In America / s KOSHER By JU LIE DELICATESSEN ...... By Robert E. Starr . Harry 731 HOPE STREET 621 -9396 One thing I stress co.ntinuall y --. .. Spade. Golden BUSINESSMAN'S SPECIAL when I teach or advise is as De­ West led the singleton Diamond clarer, when- the opening lead is 10 and I watched as two good De­ PASTRAMI SANDWICH ON BREAD $ made, to examine it a nd also to clarers pondered over what to do POTATO SALAD OR COLESLAW plan as far ahead as one can how then. They both were quite sure 1 so he is to play the rest of the ha nd . that it indeed was what it was, all I000000000001 AND COFFEE--NO SUBSTITUTION • I watched as in today's hand some alone, and that a n1ff was in the Captialism an~ Depression very sharp Declarers figured just offing. Hoping to best offset this Adam Smith laid down the SUPER SPECIAL what the lead was so therefore they both finally decided to win in tried to offset what might happen Dummy so as to lead Trump dict um of what constitutes M&S BEEF $ wi thout realizing what else might which would possibly be ducked capita li sm. It is laissez-faire, which m eans the opt i on of free BOLOGNA MIDGETS " l.O9EACH befall them which would hurt and that when East ' eventually did FIRST TIME AT THIS LOW PRICE! them even worse. Where to win get in West would be out of competi tion. In bad times, said the first trick was the key to the Trumps. But West wo n the first Ad a m Smith, the thing is to produce more and charge less. SUPER SPECIAL whole hand. Trump lead and returned a Heart. M&SIEEF East went right up with his Ace Keeping the workers on the job North and lowering prices wou ld ♦ O 9 5 and quickly returned the Diamond encourage a vast competition to the SALAMI MIDGETS $ 1.19EACH • K85 Queen, West ru ffing South's Ace . FIRST TIME AT THIS LOW PRICE! ♦ K 9 8 5 4 West still had a Diamond trick benefits of the consumer an d +o 9 and that along with the Club trick Ameri ca. But we see capitalism in hard West East set the ha nd . Can you see what times in ri s in g prices , while ♦ A86 ♦ 7 2 Declarer should have thought at iloMANIAN PASTRAMI 2.49LB. •10 9 7 3 .AJ642 trick one? He heard East open the producing less. This is all wrong. SLICED OR BY THE PIECE ♦ 10 ♦ OJ 2 bidding so-with two Aces out there Thousands upon thousands of ♦ 108 743 ♦ K J 5 auto industry workmen have been South is no way he can keep East off lead before Trumps are extracted·. lai d off, thousands of municipal WHILE THEY LAST ♦ K J 10 4 3 emp l oyes are out , worke r s So aware of this Declarer should M&S -COCKTAIL FRANKS •o everywhere are now seeking food ♦ A 7 6 3 make sure that as long as West is ♦ A 6 2 not going to be kept from ruffing a nd shelte r through relief a nd TEENY WEENIES SAVE 40' 89~1G. welfare checks. North and South were a Diamond at least let him ruff a The reasons fo r not fo ll owing vulnerable, East Dealer with this loser rather than a winner. Going Adam Smith's prescription a re bidding: along with this in mind Declarer should win the first trick in his varied and multiple. None of them s N own hand and lead the Trump is reasonable and none is logical. CALL YOUR ORDER IN EARLY FOR I ♦ 2 ♦ Certainly none is fair. p p from there. YOUR NEW YEAR TRAYS OR POUNDS But the reason bad times 3 ♦ Now see what happens. West accele rate, I suppose, is because we The bidding is interesting in that can win and again lead the _ Heart are a permissive society. Any it is highly competitive. East just but now when East wins that trick society which will to lerate six , barely has an opening bid and and returns the Diamond for West seve n and eig ht per cent West just enough to give him a to ruff what does he ruff? Only a unemployment is permissive, to say 12 11 raise. Many think that West's bid low one from both hands for De­ the least. SARATOG A .. " is a "free" bid but in this case clarer is certainly not going to In these straitened times our ROUTE 146 LINCOLN L EDDIE DOWLING HGWY only, when one raises his partner's play Dummy's King if West ruffs government has decided it too will ounge opening bid in a Major to two it fir st. What does East have left cut services and payments a nd TAKE EXIT 295 makes no difference whether the now in Diamonds; the Jack alone. produce weekly forecasts of how _FROM PROV. opponent bids in between or not. That will now fall on Dummy's deep and enduring the recession When the bidding came to West King after Trumps -h ave been will be. Our government reminds again his next bid was sort of a drawn for East has no more en- · me of the man about to -be lashed · sacrifice as he felt he wouldn't go tries to get another ruff. making a catalogue of how and in down much in Hearts and that Moral: When you are in con­ what ways the cat-o-nihe tails will South could certainly make two trol, what you do at trick one is hurt. · EXOTIC DANCER & BAND. NOISE MAKER Spades. He achieved his purpose probably the most important trick The trouble with la issez-faire in DANCING TILL 2:30 A.M. when he made South bid one more of all. the modern industrial world is that S P ECIAL HOT & COLD BUFFET it is laissez-faire only as long as CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST profits a re large and guaranteed. All You Can Drink Till I A.M. Once the system is supposed to t~ •~o'Ultlta ~ work itself, then it is o nl y laissez EVE. pt•r couple MORN. and the government if expected to $ 4 5 ~ A UITLE BIT OF ITALY IN UITLE R.I Pt.US TAX 728-7766 722-3531 TRUE ITALIAN FOOD FOR THE DISCRIMINATING DINER do the fai re. :1 It is not incredible to imagine J[f OPEN NEW YEARS EVE that citizens of the richest nation on * For Reservations Coll 728-2110 earth wil l go hungry, lay idle, and 172 PINE Sl, PAM, RI PAM EXIT 27 OFF RTE 95 think mutiny . It is not incredible OPEN WED. T.. U MOHDAi AT 5 P.M. because it has happened before. J Q.OSED TUESl)A Y And, in fact, the G reat Depression of the 1930s was the severe trial for V •• ~ thi s country - one it fortunately weathered and weathered probably beca use Eu rope exploded in a war. Hunkering down does not help. In a tight spot, one often takes GIVE HIM/~~ chances. Neither does President Ford's idea of vo lunt a rism . I lush I •u ppi( ·s ~l~? Voluntarism is nonsense and leads lo disaster. Recently the highways were Gala New Year's clogged with Thanksgiving Day f,1 lnr rr k111q (olrl 1,•efl traffic ( generall y exceeding the President's proposed 55 m .p.h. Celebration fleerr, l1ned Soll speed limit.) Does this mea n Americans do not care about the • Fllet Mignon substance and implications of • laked Stuffed Shrimp Burns' warning? We do ubt it. We believe instead that they arc •Champagne so bafned a nd confused by the confl icting cou nsel they h ave 00 received from Washington that '15 ,•• '!' :.=.. many n o l o n ge r take any • Noisemakers • Hats • Balloons admonition seriously. Why should one fami ly remain Dance to The Nomads off the road when its next door neighbors are taking o ff on a Reservations Requested holiday ja unt? Why should anyone act as if the crisis is as grave as Telephone 728-6611 Burn s s ugge s t s if the Administration feels no obligation GARDEN CITY to impose any drastic, across the SHOPPING CENTER board program of sacrifice? CRANSTON . R I If the President rem a ins the TEl 943 -0028 captive o f those .advisers wh o continue to preach do-nothingism, the Democratic led Congress must assume command. Its failure to do (Continued fr om page 10) 8-THE RHODE HERALD, FRIDAY.DECEMBER 27, 1974 the new one bring? Happines for Herald subscribers comprise an results, adv<:rtise- ----in the Herald. you, we hope. - CARRY ON! · active buying market. For excellent Call 724-0200 or 724-0202. WEXLIR'S Hello Again! tONIS-ST AMPS-SUrPLIES TENNIS LESSONS-- CLINICS lJNIT(D suns ., FOREIGN News of the Sports World by Warren Wolden PHONE: 336-9183 PER $4 • 00 HOUR IUY-SEll-AP~•AISE SPEAKING OF BOWLS: Ac­ the game. In its infield, sur­ I IJ TAUNTON AVI. , cording to Webster, the definition rounded by the wooden bicycle SIIIO., aASs. 6-8 persons per clinic is, in part: "A concave vessel, usu­ track, the " Providence World ally hemispherical, to hold liquids, Champion Professional Steamrol­ 6 week sessions etc.---" Every football Ian is well ler Foo1ball Team" made history. SHADES aware of the necessity for revision What a sight' Fifteen thousand of the definition by Webster. 01 cheeri ng fans, crowding the slands course, everyone knows that a on the high side of the banked DRAPERIES CRANSTON TENNIS CLUB R.I. TENNIS CLUB "bowl" is where a0 lootball game is race track, forming a most memo­ 266 ATWOOD AVE . 70 BOYD AVE . played, especially when it's a rable picture for those who saw it! CRANSTON, R.I. EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. championship game. And so now No amplifying systems then. An 942-0655 when we 1mention "bowl'· the li s­ announcer, Bob Paglini, walked 434-5550 tener wonders whether it's the around 1he wooden apron with a " Rose-Bowl" · or the "Gator-Bowl" megaphone, shouting out the score or the ··orange-Bowl"" or the and other facts pertinent with "Sun-Bowl" " or other "bowls. ad keeping the fans informed. RESIDENTIAL infinitum...... AS G REAT AS ROSE BOWL COMMERCIAL IN THE MIDST: And so. now STARS: And so. when you drive INDUSTRIAL when you ·re ' going to be up to along North Main Street, think Hoving A Porty? your necks - in " bowls" of this once in a while of the outstanding sRENTI\LS name or that on television. on ra­ immortals who played football in CALL dio and in the newspapers. you the hi gh wooden sauce r that once MEMBER STATE-WIDE MLS AND should be aware of the fact that COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT DIVISION was located nearby. Check the U RENT-ALLS the name refer s to a bi g football record s for Ernie Ne vers. Gus game and not a bowl of oorn Sonnenberg. J im Conzelm an. Tables Chairs Dishes flak es. or oat flakes or even Wildca t Wilson. Jack Croni n. Cur­ shredded wheat. You should also ly Oden. John Spellm an and so Champagne Fountains RJchard G. Holland ID. avo id confusion by remembe ring o,v,.-~M•M•- ~tAUORJ many others who were famed th at the word "bowl."" also refers th rough! the land' The yea rs hav e 725-3779 to "a ball for ro ll ing on a level buil f many mo nu ments: what will surface'" and also it ,;eans 10 " roll 728-5000 a ball on a plane. as i_n the game of bow ls... And i•m sure Webster Max Berry Building; 101 Main Street, Pawtucket, R.I. 02860 1111111 ,ANGELO'S TAILOR SHOP (Across from ne w Apex} refers to our game of bowli ne on the polished aLJeys. And. omig'aoo­ ness. there's the definition "to pelt HAS MOVED or strik e with an vthing roll ed often used with "o.ver· -or "down. ·· TWO DOORS DOWN Ah ves. there are other definitions TO 778 HOPE STREET incl~ding those referring 10 the garoe of Cri cket. and then. 1hen;s the same pronunciat ion for the EXPERT DRY CLEANING wo rd "boll " whi ch hasn't a thing AND TAILORING to do with a bowl because it 331-6161 ,--~~~~~~~f!~§~f ! ''"'~I means. "the pod or capsu\e of a plant···.. * • • . pose of your unwonted jewels; o service REGARDLESS: Despit e the f offered to private owners, banks ond es- r ·many explanations in the dictiona­ CHINA GARDEN RESTAURANT os oil peopie ry. the wo rd " Bow l" at thi s tim e Ill ~,~:~~:;~II other with sim- ill! of yea r means a grea t big football 1601 Minero! Spring Ave. Present conditi.ons ond your need for ga me . And , like. the different N. Providence, R.I. at Pilgrim Plaza bowls of morning cereals. you across from Burger King funds prompt us to offer this service. have a wide choice for satisfying your football appetites. When re­ ferring to footba ll a number of BEST CHINESE FOOD & COCKTA[LS CALL (401) 781-1777 years ago. the mention of " bow1 ·· meant one thi ng alone. It was the Luncheons from s1 .00 CONLEY .. Yale Bowl , .. setting for the bi g Open 7 days a week including Sundays & Holidays REFINERS OF PRECIOUS METALS game of the football season when From 11 :30 a .m. to -midnight Harvard visited Yale for the year­ 1420 Elmwood Avenue ly gridiron classic with the Yale Room For Private Party• Orders to to lce out Cranston, Rhode Island 02910 Bulldog. In fact. the Yale Bowl Free Parking was a sig ht that was a " must"· Tel: 353-2123 or 353-2120 .•• ' •• •:•:•.•,•····=•:•:•:•:•:•,•=·=···=·=•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:: :-:-:♦:-:-:-:: · ; ❖ · . . . :,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,: •::,.,.••···•, .::::• . _.•.•-··•-=-•--:\,. .:.- back in the old en. gold en days when it took eighl or ten hours to trave·I from Providence to New York via motor-ca r or " machine:· as an au1omobi le was ca ll ed. "Let"s stop in New Hav en and see For the Yale Bowl." And sightseers. wh o hadn't bee n favored with the [B opportunily for watching a color­ ful Harvard-Yale football ga me, Sale REALTORc would look with awe al the st ru c­ ALL YOUR AUTO SEr ture. "made jusl for football '.·· We have combed the market and present here our choices far ... the best buys of the week. These are NEW EXCLUSIVE and 11 WE. TOO. HAD. BOWLS: You CO-EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS . ~Ct wouldn"t think so now, but right MAJOR ••• near the corner of Reservoir and EAST SIDE Park Avenues in Cranston. there OR MT. HOI'■ AVaNUR- ·>'"'""' Hit.. . teffllly ...._., 1\'t Nftll, -,.cten. once was a huge wooden bowl. It ...... ,drtcoratN. was called the "Cyc.ledrome" and MOLLY ST•e.~T-AlrceMI,..._. .,._ Wldl: ceMllial, >...... ,_, ,...... ,.._,., MINOR · mMl'ffl ldtcllen. molar-paced bicycle racers rooe w,usTON DRIV ■ -AW celMNt ...... ceMeM-•ry s ..... reMlli...... , TUNE-UP around a bowl-shaped track that w~~~}o~:-;•~~~,._.'"'' ew■ mn . ~...., ne.._,, maater...,...... required seve n laps for a mile. aALTON •oao-s ...... IWlftceMltiel, l\tt ...... ¥ery ...... tcMa. FOREIGN And then. someone thought of IRVING AYl:NU ■ -1' ..atlel 41 ...... ktl Hider MIi NINNII, 1wllliM"'1 ,..., IMfftttully slt•tN•w.,._l"I ri¥'1f', H,JM ..,_N .... ef taN. OR eac..• . making a bicycle racing bowl big 32.CN APR74 Fo,m 39 enough to encircle a football field COIi AYINUI - J MIi-,, 2 "-th., 2 ...... tN ,_ tWN, ,...,.._... '"4Ck DOMESTIC IVllffl AVIMII-.S ...,_.,_ ~--. ~ . o...t, 2~ .._... , 40t. and a bigger woooen saucer was •■ IIOUTIAL LOTS-A NW dlefce l9tl at HC911f1Nel ,rkft. built at th~ Providence- Pawtuckel TWOH._l,._..llf.,.. & THR ■■ l'AMILl. ■ S-levenl ...... '""'"'"""· c ...... flM Our reputati.on speaks for itself line on North Main Street. It was on the si le now occupi ed by a OAK HIUPLAT in fine service and quality per• dri ve-i n movie theater. That one ICOTT ITa ■■ T- 1 ...... ~atwlal , MtNilnl kllCMtt, 1 ..... ■ LAISD ■ LL AV ■ NU ■ -MMlnl , air c ...... , J ...... _ ""It, l 'h ._IM. formance. We also have a reputa­ appeared as a tremendous wooden feMily ,_,.. eM AC,..fieft rNffl , bowl. lls sea ting capacity lopped CAll'W•u. aYu•ua-c...,_...._ ...... ,. 2 ....._.. reMtl, leree ""'~ etttc rWffl eM le..... , ,aeyrwfft. ANNNMa. tion for low prices. 15.000 and the bike racers wenl around its circumference only fo ur times whi le compleling a mile . RADIATOR & .. .

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Interest Compounded Continuously and Credited Quarterly on ALL Accounts WARWICK FEDERAL SAUIIOS AND LOAN A SOC AT 0 N

1050 WARWICK AVENUE 685 BALD HILL ROAD 9AM-4 PM daily; Friday 'til 6 PM 9AM-4 PMdaily; Fri . 'ti l6PM Phone 467-6100 Phone 828-7900 Our Bald Hill Road branch Is directly opposite Midland Mall

"When m•"' ii left on dlpooit. II al a, part of tho dopooit ii withdrawn before metwity, F-al reguiet.,.,. '"°'" •r9duction of tho inter"' r.,. to that of 01A' regular paubool< NYil>gl ,.,., minus thrN montho lntornt on the amount wi!Mawn. The balance on dopooit - to -n In- at tho a,i9fnal rate ptCMdlng the minimum dopooit ii maintained. 10-THE RHODE HERAL~. FRIDA Y,DECEMBER 27, 1974 , Herald subscribers comprise an Subscribe to the Herald and re­ brush had bristles on both sides, active buying market. For excellent ceive it in the mail weekly. For in­ one with which to apply the polish results, advertise in the Herald. formation .contact the Herald a( HARRY GOLDEN and the other for rubbing. Call 724-0200 or 724-0202. 724-0200. We polished the stove but always kept one of the lid~ unpolished. (Continued from page 7) We also used washtubs to take This was for toast. We made toast, batHs al home. The bathtub was a WALLPAPER WINDOW SHADES before any of us had ever heard of so will render hollow any criticism luxury. Instead of keeping coal in •FREE UP the Democratic leadership may the burlap bag in which it was the word, with a heavy slice of rye so% lllStollotion bread on the lid and on top of that OFF level at passivity in the White delivered in 50 pound lots, we House. These are not subjects for a heavy 'flatiron. We spread •FREE dumped it into this most Vinyls • Grosscloth•FoilseFlocks schmalz (chicken fat) on the • Matching Fabric · Measuring leisurely, academic discussion. convenient container. They involve a deepening toasted bread and rubbed garlic on Thousands of Patterns To Choose From Above the black iron stove was a •FREE national emergency. the crust. It was a dandy meal. Oiit1 7000P1N1111\ Estimates shelf where my mother and DRAPERIES Te(ltotwfro111 countless others kept the can of Coll for ~- Stay informed. Read the Herald. Vulcan Stove Polish. The black Representative 944-4595 2a9 .. T.he Bowery 24 YI.US IXHIIIHCI As a boy, I used to walk along the most famous of all Skid Rows KENNEDY'S DECORA TI NG CENTER - the Bowery. When I sold TENNIS PRACTICE 892 Ooklown Av e I Rt e 5 Cranston newspapers-I walked the five blocks FIVE INDOOR PRACTICE COURTS of the Bowery every' 5:30 a.m. to WITH TENNIS IAll MACHINES ADJUSTED pick up the Jewish Morning TO MATCH YOUR GAME. Journal. In the early morning I used to see the alcoholics still 52.50 PER 1/a HOUR as leep in the doorwaysand 5 sometimes even across the 4.00 PER HOUR sidewalk . I can remember that the only RIVERDALE TENNIS RINSE people awake on the Bowery at 700 EAST AYENUE 5:30 A.M. were the fellows opening WARWICK, R.I. 02193 828-102S up their saloons and cafes. They used to be busy plastering huge signs in their windows, signs which WE WISH TO CORRECT AN ERROR read Oatmeal, 3 cents - with WHICH APPEARED IN LAST WEEK'S HERALD sugar, 5 cents, - with cream, 7 cents. All over ihe Bowery were signs, Beds - 15 cents. And there were the usual mission with the big sign, BE SAVED. Tropi~l Plant Imports The clothing stores employed husky fellows who stood outside on Airport Plaza, Warwick • 73S.8260 the sidewalk and "pulled" you in if you show.ed the slightest interest in the window display. This "pulling BROMELAIDS a.tail Price SHOULD READ in" was an accepted custom, and a A sparkling glossy rosette '15.95 fellow told you he was a "puller in" which tums striking red at ap­ as casually as someone would say proach al blooming time, Tri­ ' OUR 7•s he was a carpenter or plumber. color; 4 inch pot. PltlCE EACH Once you were inside the store, your chances of getting out without buying were very slim. If you took Attention JUN 10 RS your pants off to try on a "new suit," you were a dead pigeon CANTONESE & Put a little bounce · entirely. Unless you bought, your pail ts were suddenly ·~lost." AMERICAN FOOOS in your life Whisky, known as "a stack of hollc DiSMs • Drimfer reds," cost 10 cents; gin, "a stack of TM"Epk.,.." whites," was 5 cents; and beer; with hwliM New Coddail.,_ 11 2 HOURS OF PROFESSIONAL free lunch, was also a nickel. Tali....r!trvlc1 Fer Al FNis The fake auction store which yo·u Rlt. 13', 54t M1f11<1111 AY1., lrtst.l INSTRUCTION EVERY SUNDAY still see al seashore resorts, but with , .. hrtint 2~ a few refinements, had its origin on Starting December 22 at 5 P.M. the Bowery, with one such loud A FINE RESTAURANT TO ENJOY place in the middle of each block. FEE : s2.00 per session They even sang a song about them: When You Inioy Dining Our B beautiful indoor courts I went into an auction store, ~I Slm19 1111 11st btit1111 (11sit11 '1J I never saw any thieves before. ~ l • 011 f-h" l'IIIIIB U First he sold me a pair of socks, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALL COLLECT Then he said, "How much for @1 PARTY FACILITIIS AV AllAllt I 617 339-6360 or 617 543-6360 the box0 " ~1il ~ Sun. l~ni Fri. 12 lo 12 Slllruy 3 lo 12 Someone said, "Two dollars;" I TENNIS 95 is seconds off 1-95 said, "Three." on Foxboro-Mansfield line He emptied the box and g~ ,e it tome. "I sold you the box, not the socks," said he. I'll never go there any more. Sitting on the Stove The teacher would ask, "Why were you absent yesterday?" And the absentee would answer, "We lost one of the lids for our stove and my mother wanted me lo sit on the opening and keep the fire 2 Shows ol 5 & 9 (New Years Doy al 2 & 8) '"·This was funny in 1910. We all laughed. The black coal stove was a kitchen fixture in the homes of my neighborhood . Since those days, there have been innumerable jokes about keeping coal in the bathtub, but this indeed is where it was by Tom Stoppard directed by Word Boker stored in many homes, includimg Tues. thru Sun. Eves. at 8 my own . .. o wonde,fully , n,.,tc,,n,n9, uc,ti"111, ond i,-..Ulg,ent ,.,.nin9 of 1heoh1." Bathtubs were innovations back lrc,dford Swon , P,o., Jovrnol then. We were accustomed lo other faci lities. Every neighborhood had EDWIN S. SOFORENKO a fa ir sha re of public baths PREVIEWS BEGIN NEW YEAR'S EVE--'3 provided by the neighborhood Michael H. Silverman Howard S. Greene sell lemenl houses. Robert J. Janes Charles D. Gauvin Henrik There was the public mikvah, the Ibsen 's ritual baths for the women , and Murry M. Halpert John Edge T urki s h baths prol-iferated C. Fred Corbett, CLU PE[~ directed by throughout the whole section. Once Adrion Hall a week I went with my father lo the ALL llNES OF INSURANCE FOR BUSINESS with music by Katz's Turkish Baths. INDUSTRY , HOME AND PERSONAL PROTECTION Richard Cumming A fe w years ago, in Copenh agen, 6YNT I weml to the hotel's baths and 211 ANGELL STREET Opens Tues., Jan. 7 afte r a few minutes in the Tues. thru Svn. Eves . ot 8 steamroom, I climbed lo the lop UNion 1-1923 Wed Sot 5v M ts ot 2 bench. The attendant was deeply concerned and tried' to wave me INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS, INC. 201 WASHINGTON ST down, worried about the intense PROVIDENCE 3 S 1 -4242 heal al that height. But I was used to it from my days in Katz's Baths. THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1974-11 PLEDGE S18 MILLION CHICAGO: More than $18 Rabbi, Mrs. Rotman Arabs Want Israel million. that was the pledge made· Of Temple Beth Am To Stay Within UN sybll 9oldman by 600 American Jewish leaders personalized stationery toward the United Jewish Appeal- To lead Israel Tour U.N.: Informed sources report 1srael Emergency Fund at a._n Rabbi and Mrs. Bernard Rot­ that U.N. third-world delegates and invitations inaugural dinner here. man of Temple Beth Am will lead suggested to the Arab delegations a tour to Israel which departs on that they ask the UN to deal with Wednesday, February 12, and re- Israel as it did with South Africa; . turns on Wednesday, February 26. excluding it from participation in the deliberations of the United The itinerary of the tour includes by appointment visits to Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Nations. The exclusion of South Africa was supported by the Soviet­ phone 942-2216 Aviv, Galilee and an optional tour to Eilat on the Red Sea. A high· Arab bloc and the third-world 331-075_3 light of the tour will be the obser­ countries by a substantial vote in the General Assembly, despite the vance and celebration of the holi­ opposition of the United States and day, Purim, on February 25. Trav­ el arrangements are by Garber 25 other member slates. Travel. Sources close to t.he Arab In Jerusalem, a highlight of the delegations, however: say there is "Old City" tour will be a visit to little danger that Israel will get the the Western Wall. The full day same treatment as South Africa. "New City" tour features the Is­ They point out that the Arabs are rael Museum, the Knesset, Hebr­ interested in maintaining indirect contact with Israel and in utilizing ew University and the Hadassah Medical complex. From Jerusalem the decisions of the international the group will viit Jericho, Bethle­ body to put pressure on Isreal to hem and Hebron. withdraw from the occupied Haifa will be next on the tour territories. For that n the Arabs are with a later excursion planned for interested in Israel remaining Galilee, Tiberias, Capernaum and within the UN confines. Well Safed. The group will arrive in Tel informed sources add that Israel's RESERVE NOW! Aviv in time for Purim. UN Ambassador, Josef Tekoah, Rabbi Rotman, spiritual leader confirms this assessment of the No Cover of Temple Beth Am since August situation. 1972, has lived and-traveled in Is­ TO SUPPLY WEAPONS 7% ORANGE STREET rael. He is presently on the board WASHINGTON: According to lntown PIO\'identt of the Bureau of Jewish Educa­ Aviation Week the US has agreed Next to Prov. Gas tion, a member of the Warwick to supply Israel with 100 "Lance" Drug Abuse Board, Warwick Po­ rockets which have an effective · 421-3855 lice Chaplain and a teacher at the range of 64 kilometers and carry a Warwick-Cranston Adult Educa­ payload of 450 kilograms of tion Institute. explosives. The magazine also lists Further information on the tour other American weapons which may be obtained by calling Rabbi have been promised for Israel's Rotman at Temple Beth Am, 40 defense, among them the latest P- Gardiner Street in Warwick, or 15 planes and sophisticated "COCKTAILS SE•VED" electronic gear designed to detect • Take Out Slf'li