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Goblin Slayer As an Anti-Hero in Kumo Kagyu's Goblin Slayer

Goblin Slayer As an Anti-Hero in Kumo Kagyu's Goblin Slayer




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By ARDIYOGA PUTRA SURYO NUGROHO Student Number: 134214152




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By ARDIYOGA PUTRA SURYO NUGROHO Student Number: 134214152





I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other'degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text ofthe undergraduate thesis.

Ardiyoga Putra Suryo Nugroho



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Ardiyoga Putra Suryo Nugroho Nomor Mahasiswa : 134214152 Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:


Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 24 Januari, 2021

Ardiyoga Putra Suryo Nugroho



What Doesn’t Kill You

Screws You Up Mentally




First of all, I would like to thank The Almighty God, Jesus Christ for His

Blessing and guidance. He has given me strength during my study until I finished writing this thesis.

My special gratitude goes to my Advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka,

M.Hum., and Co-Advisor, Th. Enny Anggraini, Ph.D., for reading, criticizing, contributing ideas and correcting my work, from beginning until the end of this thesis. I am greatly indebted to all lecturers of English Letters Department, Sanata

Dharma University who have patiently and devotedly given their service to me during my study at this university and guided me during my study.

My special gratitude and admiration go to my lovely mother Linda

Setyaningsih, for the incredible love, prayer, and financial support. My special thanks go to my sister and brother Amelia Putri Suryo Nugroho and Andrew Putra

Suryo Nugroho, my aunt Sri Mellyana Siem and my late grandfather, Paulus Siem

Suryo Nugroho. I also thank to my friends in English Letters Department with whom I have struggled to gain knowledge in this university. My last gratitude is for anyone whom I cannot mention but already gave me support and friendship.

Ardiyoga Putra Suryo Nugroho





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………….1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of Terms ...... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE …………………………… 6 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 8 1. Theory of and ...... 9 2. Theory of Anti-hero ...... 14 3. Structuralist Approach ...... 15 C. Theoretical framework ...... 17

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY …………….……………………… 18 A. Object of the Study ...... 18 B. Approach of the Study ...... 19 C. Method of Study ...... 21



CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ……………………………………………… 22 A. The Characteristics of Goblin Slayer ...... 22 1. Brutal ...... 22 2. Revengeful ...... 26 3. Unsympathetic ...... 29 4. Heartless ...... 33 5. Clumsy ...... 36 6. Pathetic ...... 37 7. Weak ...... 39 B. Goblin Slayer as Anti-hero ...... 40

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS ………………………………………...….41 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 43




Nugroho, Ardiyoga Putra Suryo. (2021). Goblin Slayer as an Anti-hero in Kumo Kagyu’s Goblin Slayer Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters. Faculty of Letters. Universitas Sanata Dharma.

This study discusses a entitled “Goblin Slayer”. The objective of writing this thesis is derived from the writer’s curiosity to find out the characterization of Goblin Slayer in the novel, and also to find out how Goblin Slayer’s characteristics him as anti-hero. There are two problems related to the topic of this thesis: (1) How are the characteristics of Goblin Slayer described? And, (2) How do Goblin Slayer’s characteristics reveal him as anti-hero? In order to answer the problems, structuralism approach was used. The researcher decided to take the structuralism approach for his analysis because of the main idea of structuralism that emphasized upon the relationship among the component of a literary work such as the relationship of characterization, method of and the characteristics as anti-hero. The theory was used to reveal Goblin Slayer characterization through his personal description, how the other characters saw him, speeches, his past life, etc, and related them to anti-hero theory. A library study method was also applied in this study. There were two sources used: primary and secondary sources. The primary data was the novel Goblin Slayer itself. The secondary data were of the data from the online journals, online criticism on the novel, the theory of character and characterization, and theory of anti-hero. Based on the analysis, there are two points that can be presented in the conclusions. The first conclusion is the about the characteristics. In the novel Goblin Slayer by Kumo Kagyu, Goblin Slayer is brutal, revengeful, unsympathetic person, a heartless warrior as well as a clumsy person He is also a pathetic person and a weak warrior. He is not granted great power and ability. The second conclusion about the relation of the characteristic and his figure as anti- hero in the story. Goblin Slayer is a perfect anti-hero. He is the central character of the story; even the title of the novel is his name. Another reason why he is an anti-hero is that his characteristics. Goblin Slayer has characteristics that are different from hero. It is said that a hero always manifesting largeness, dignity, power, or heroism, but Goblin Slayer has the opposite characteristic. He is just as nasty and barbaric as those he fights. Goblin Slayer has characteristics that are different from common hero. He is brutal, he kills without mercy. He is revengeful, he kills all Goblins just to take revenge for his sister and family who are killed by Goblins. He is also unsympathetic. He is also heartless and clumsy. Goblin Slayer is also pathetic and weak. Those characteristics are not normal hero characteristic and that is way he is an anti-hero.

Keywords: Anti-Hero, Structuralism, Goblin Slayer




Nurgoho, Ardi Yoga Putra Suryo. (2021). Goblin Slayer as an Anti-hero in Kumo Kagyu’s Goblin Slayer. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Sastra. Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini membahas sebuah novel berjudul “Goblin Slayer”. Tujuan penelitian ini didasarkan pada rasa penasaran penulis untuk mengetahui penokohan Goblin Slayer pada novel serta untuk mencaritahu bagaimanakah penokohan Goblin Slayer mengungkap jati dirinya sebagai seorang anti-hero. Ada dua masalah yang berhubungan dengan topic penelitian ini: 1). Bagaimanakah deskripsi penokohan Goblin Slayer? Dan 2) Bagaimanakah penokohan Goblin Slayer mengungkap jati dirinya sebagai anti-hero? Untuk menjawab petanyaan tersebut, pendekatan strukturalis digunakan. Pendekatan ini digunakan karena inti pendekatan ini adalah hubungan antar komponen dalam sebuah karya sastra seperti hubungan penokohan, metode penokohan, dan karakteristik seorang anti-hero.Teori ini dipergunakan untuk mengungkap penokohan Goblin Slayer melalui deskripsi personal, bagaimana tokoh lain memandangnya, perkataannya, sejarah hidupnya dan lain-lain, serta mengkaitkanya dengan teori anti-hero. Metode studi pustaka juga di pergunakan dalam penelitian ini.Ada dua sumber yang dipergunakan, sumber utama dan pendukung. Sumber utama adalah novel berjudul Goblin Slayer dan data pendukung diperoleh dari jurnal online, kritik novel online, teori karakter dan karakterisasi serta teori anti-hero. Berdasar analisis, ada dua kesimpulan yang bias diambil.Yang pertama, Goblin Slayer ditokohkan sebagai seorang yang brutal, pendendam, tak berperasaan, tak bernurani.Pada saat yang sama dia juga aneh, menyedihkan, dan seorang pejuang yang lemah yang tak punya kekuatan dan kemampuan hebat. Kesimpulan kedua mengenai hubungan penokohan dan sosoknya sebagai seorang anti-hero.Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Goblin Slayer adalah seorang anti-hero.Dia adalah tokoh sentral di dalam cerita, bahkan namanya juga menjadi judul novel.Alasan lain yang memperkuat jati dirinya sebagai anti-hero adalah karakteristiknya. Goblin slayer mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda dari karakteristik seorang hero / pahlawan pada umumnya. Dikatakan bahwa seorang hero harus besar, harga diri yang tinggi, penuh kekuatan, atau selalu bersifat pahlawan, akan tetapi Goblin Slayer mempunyai karakteristik yang bertolak belakang. Dia adalah seorang yang mengerikan serta barbar, sama seperti musuh yang ia lawan. Goblin Slayer punya karakteristik yang berbeda dari pahlawan biasanya. Dia brutal dan membunuh tanpa ampun. Dia pendendam dan membunuh semua goblin hanya demi membalas kematian saudari dan keluarganya yang dibunuh oleh para Goblin. Dia juga tak berperasaan, tak bernurani, serta aneh. Dia juga menyedihkan dan lemah. Karakteristik tersebut bukanlah karakteristik pahlawan yang sebenarnya dan oleh sebab itu dia disebut sebagai anti-hero.

Kata Kunci: Anti-Hero, Structuralisme, Goblin Slayer





A. Background of the Study

In the development of literary works around the world, the of heroism can be found in the whole society wherever they are. The theme of heroism becomes a lasting theme that has charmed the readers. Heroism is one of the themes which can be emerged by the author in the relation to the desire of the reconcilement in human life. Hero is a character, who appears as an human being to save other people. Hero appears as someone who stands out for liberty and equal rights to high and low society. Zimbardo states that, “heroes are people who transform compassion (a personal virtue) into heroic (a civic virtue).

In doing so, they put their best selves forward in service to humanity (2019: 2).

Heroic Imagination Project defines a hero as an individual or a network of people that take action on behalf of others in need, or in defense of integrity or a cause (Zimbardo, 2019: 2). There are many heroic types and expressions of heroism. The expressions or attitudes of heroism are showed through helping, caring, and willingness to sacrifice our live for others or take risks on behalf of others. We have witnessed many heroic acts in our real life like firemen helping people from a burning building, a boy saving a stray dog, people helping victims in an accident, and many more. In literature, we find stories designed to portray human life and action through some characters who, by their words, action and


reaction, convey certain messages for the purpose of education, information and propaganda.

Further, Barnet (1986: 113) says, “character is a figure that acts out in a story”. Character in some stories is not always portrayed as a human; we can also have the figure as an animal or plant. Thus, character is one of the significant elements in the works of literature. It is a figure in a story, which is usually a human being or at least a figure with the ability of human being. It includes the thoughts, speeches, and behavior, both good and bad of being human to attract the readers’ attention and carry out the author’s ideas.

In general, typical characters are expected to give strong impression and clear images to the . Besides, people tend to like good characterizations of the main character that can motivate them to do better in real life. This makes the heroes as they frequently gain the victory from the .

The examples of this kind of heroes are superheroes from Marvel Universe such as Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, and many more.

Nevertheless, not all filmmakers / writers use those positive traits in presenting characterizations of their characters. There are also characters that even do not show any characteristics of the heroes that are called anti-heroes. Anti- heroes is the antithesis of the single strong heroes who alone, “save the day”.

According to Richard Wilson (2013: 9), anti-heroes tend to be defined by five characteristics: empathy, humility, self-awareness, flexibility and, finally, an ability to acknowledge uncertainty. Other than that, the anti-hero lives in a universe with a more cynical, ambiguous moral code. He will have visible



character flaws, and will doubt himself. They will perform heroic acts like a traditional hero, but unlike a traditional hero who has both the physical and moral capabilities to be heroic, the anti-hero usually has neither. Anti-heroes are often the right-hand or rival of traditional heroes, or the in postmodern literature or film, or in deconstructions of the traditional hero.

Literary works have many works that load about the story of hero and also anti-hero, but the researcher only chooses one of those works that assumed that the main character in this story has both of character as a hero and also as anti- hero. The work is Goblin Slayer written by Kumo Kagyu. This novel is a Japanese novel.

The first volume of Goblin Slayer was released on February 15, 2016, and currently already on ninth volumes in Japanese language. also licensed the novel for English adaptation, and released the first volume on December

20,2016 in North America. It is a story about a veteran adventurer called Goblin

Slayer. However, he only motivates to hunts goblins, which earned him moniker

'Goblin Slayer'.

The reason the writer conducts research about anti-heroism in Goblin

Slayer is the uniqueness in Goblin Slayer characters, where he acts independently and solely focused on killing goblins, whom ruined his childhood. His trauma then later develops his anti-hero character. The writer also expresses his interest for anti-hero characteristic as how it shown in Goblin Slayer as how he acts, communicate and interact with his fellow adventurer. Goblin Slayer is shown to



be a man with little words, preferably to use several catchphrases to communicate which earns him a negative impression with his other peers.

B. Problem Formulation

To study further about anti-heroism in the novel, the writer has formulated two problems to solve in this study, they are:

1. How is the characterization of Goblin Slayer?

2. How does Goblin Slayer’s characterization reveal his characteristic as an


C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the formulation of problems above, the objectives of this study are to find out the characterization of Goblin Slayer in the novel, and also to find out how Goblin Slayer’s characterization in the novel reveals his characteristic as anti-hero.

D. Definition of Term

Anti-hero is the opposite of Hero. Anti-heroes may portray moral ambiguity as a result of having contradictory characterizations from a hero.

Abrams (1999: 11) said anti-hero is widely differed from the traditional protagonist of hero or a serious literary work. If a hero owns typically positive traits like using his bravery or strength as the ones who are found in old stories, an anti-hero will not use those deeds heroically or even does not have any of those traits. The figure of an anti-hero might show outrights manners or nothing to be proud of. Kadiroğlu (2012: 3) states an anti-hero might not have high moral



standards. Unlike traditional principle character of mythology, or , he also might be indecent. Yet, there must be a good side in an anti-hero that makes him the main role of a story. There are certain messages or moral lessons that the author wants to implicitly extend.





A. Review of Related Studies

There are some studies that similar to the topic the writer taken. The first study was The Protagonist’s Shadow and Persona as the Reflection of Anti-hero in The Phantom of the Opera Novel Retold by Diane Namm written by Raharto


This paper analyzes a work concerning the personality of the protagonist.

Unlike most protagonists who have the role to perform the traditional traits of a hero, some protagonists on the other hand tend to depict the characteristics of a . Yet the protagonist is still the leading character who just fails to enact the virtue of the society. In this case, a study of the concept of anti-hero is applied in order to expose the characteristics of anti-hero through the findings of the personality of the protagonist.

Raharto (2018: 1), in his published journal concludes several things. First, the portrayal of the phantom’s persona as the mysteriously creepy ghost to the society, Angel or Music to Christine and his shadow dealing with his crimes.

Second, the characteristics of anti-hero used his persona and shadow to show that anti-hero is flouting the traditional hero virtue and gaining sympathy from reader even though his darker side is more dominant.

The second study was written by Ajara (2018). Her study was The

Analysis of Anti-Hero as seen in Miller’s Deadpool. She focuses the study on


finding anti-hero characteristics that appear in Deadpool Movie. The aim of her research is to identify the anti-hero characteristics that appear in Deadpool Movie by using cinematographically aspects. In her published journal, Ajara (2018: 1) concludes that Deadpool was a missionary killer, a anti-hero, a vengeful person, a paid killer, a dumb, and a foolish.

The third study was written by Fauzi (2019). His study was Ambiguity of

Anti-Hero in Mel Gibson’s Hacksaw Ridge Movie. The objectives of the study was to examines the theme of ambiguity if that represent of anti-hero in the movie titled Hacksaw Ridge to discover the layers of meaning or interpretation of ambiguity.

The result of this research showed that in deadpool movie an ambiguity of anti-hero was shown clearly. Most anti-hero plays a role as a partner of hero. They help in many ways. In this movie the roles of hero and anti-hero was played by a person that is Desmond Doss as the main character. Desmond Doss was not too strong but he was not weak at all. On the other hand, the ambiguity analysis shows many possibilities of interpretation of those characters of hero and anti- hero.

The fourth study was by Atmadja (2013), entitled The Real Hero in

Bernard Shaw’s arms and The Man. This study aimed to find the major male characters of the , find out who the real hero of the play is, and show the messages the author of the play tries to deliver in term of idealism and realism.

Atmaja concluded that there are two major male characters, Captain Bluntschli who is straightforward, humorous, gentle, and practical and Major



SergiusSaranoff who is credulous, rude, brave, but gentle. The analysis shows that

Bluntschli possesses more heroic traits than does Sergius. Bluntschli has nine out of twenty traits while Sergius has six out of twenty traits. Bluntschli has the traits of an anti-hero at the most.

Her study (2013: 1) also concluded that the real hero of the play is Captain

Bluntschli. He acts as the anti-hero of the play. Despite his straightforward and practical thought, Bluntschli makes the other characters defeat their own egos and step away from their pretentions. He also saves the lives of thousands of hotel workers, employees, and Swiss residents by escaping in a battle in order to stay alive. The message that is conveyed through the play is that realism could triumph over idealism.

Those studies are related this study. The similarity is that all studies discuss about anti-hero, except the fourth study who discussed about hero.

However, those studies were also different because this study focused on Goblin

Slayer’s characteristics of an anti-hero. The topic of this study was never been written before. However, those related studies could help the writer to finish this study by becoming supporting resources to do the analysis.

B. Review of Related Theories

Review of related theories consists of several important parts to help the writer described the characterization of the main character in this study. They are theory of characterization, theory of anti-hero, and the last part is theory of critical approaches. The theory of character elaborates the definition of character. The theory of characterization consists of the definition of the characterization and the



methods of characterization. Theory of anti-hero explains the definition and the characteristics of an anti-hero. The literary approaches explain the theory that is used to relate the characterization and the anti-hero characteristics.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization a. Character

According to Barnet (1986: 113) says, “character is a figure that acts out in a story”. Character in some stories is not always portrayed as a human; we can also have the figure as an animal or plant. Thus, character is one of the significant elements in the works of literature. It is a figure in a story, which is usually a human being or at least a figure with the ability of human being. It includes the thoughts, speeches, and behavior, both good and bad of being human to attract the readers’ attention and carry out the author’s ideas.

Some of the experts who try to make definition of character are M H

Abrams and Sylvan Barnet. Abrams (1999: 20) states that “Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say in the dialogue and by what they do in their action”.

Further, a character need to be characterized in a literary work, and that is why we need characterization theory. By analyzing a character using characterization theory, characteristics or traits of a character can be identified, such as what he likes, what he does, and many more



b. Characterization

Characterizations consist of some important parts to help the writer answer the first question of this study. Those parts are definitions of characterization and methods of characterization.

1). Definition of Characterization

Rohrberger and Woods Jr. (1971: 20) define characterization as “The process by which an author creates a character… ”. Whereas, Murphy (1972: 52) states “Characterization is the technique used by the author to make the qualities of the character – his likes and dislikes, how he lives and what he does – known”.

It means that characterization is the way that is used by the author to describe the characters in his or her work of literature in order to make the readers able to recognize the characters and further to find out the information or ideas conveyed through the characters. Characterization is needed since it is necessary for the readers to justify the individual’s role and existence in the story.

2). Methods of Characterization

According to Barnet, (1986: 71-72) a character can be interpreted in four ways. Those are from what the character (the figure) says, what the character does, what other characters (including the narrator of the story) say about the main character, and what other characters do (others may illuminate the figure you are writing about in the work, figures who do or do not engage in actions resembling the actions of your figure).

Nevertheless, Barnet states that the best guide to understand a character is from what he does, and what he says. Every speech and every action are not only



ways to make a but also a manifestation of the character. Since a character is not only defined by what he does and what he says, the narrator or other characters in the story are also important toward a character analysis because they often describe a character through what the character does and what they say about him.

Murphy (1972: 161-173) states that the author may use some variety of ways in order to make his characters understandable and lifelike for his readers.

The ways he proposes are:

a) Personal descriptions

The author can describe the character in his story through character’s

appearance, clothes and what the wears.

b) Character as seen by another character

Instead of describing a character in a story directly, the author can

describe a character through the eyes and opinions of another character in

the story.

c) Speeches

The author can give the readers an insight into the character of one of the

persons involved in the book through what the person says. Whenever

the person speaks, whenever he is in conversation with another, or

whenever he puts forward an opinion, the author is giving us a clue to his


d) Past life



The readers can learn something about the character’s past life through

the events set by the author that also has shaped the characters. This

method can be done by the author through his direct comment, through

the person thought, through his conversation or through the medium of

another person. e) Conversation of others

The author can also give the readers some clues about a character

through the character’s conversation of other characters and the things

they say about the character. A character talks about other characters and

what they say often give the readers a clue to the characterization of the

character talked about. f) Reactions

The author can also give the reader a clue to a character by letting us

know how that character reacts to various situations and events. g) Direct comments

The author can describe or give comments on a character directly. h) Thoughts

The author can give the readers direct knowledge of what a character in

his novel is thinking about. In this respect, he is able to do what we can

not do in real life. He can tell us what different people are thinking. The

readers, then, is in privileged position. They have, as it were, a secret

listening device plugged into the inmost thoughts of a person in a novel. i) Mannerisms



The author can describe a person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies,

which may also tell us something about his characters.

According to Guth, (1981: 52) in a good story, the author does not simply tell the readers what the character is look like. The reader has a chance to observe the character in the story by himself or herself. An author may help the readers understand a character in variety of ways.

j) Outward impression.

Outward Impression often tells us something about a character. We pick

up some clues from the inner of a character through the character

physical features, small gestures and mannerism. Voice and clothing

sometimes give the reader a wrong impression. It is just as often the

author gives us an insight into what a character is like.

k) Actions

Actions often speak louder than words, to understand or judge a

character in a story we often have to see what the character will do

especially when a challenge or an important decision put the character

to be tested.

l) Thoughts and feelings

An author often lets the readers share directly in the thoughts and

feelings of the characters. What the characters think to themselves is as

important as what they say loud. Some modern writers bring them

private inner lives of their characters into sharper focus than the

outward events of the story.



Thus, the author of a story may use some ways to describe the characterization of their characters in the story. As the ways to understand characters in a story, the readers can also use those ways that are used by the authors to describe the characterization. The readers may interpret a character in a story in many ways. They may interpret the characterization by the character’s speeches, acts, and feelings in a story. Moreover, the characterization of a character in a story can also be interpreted from the characters’ past lives, the character’s conversation with others and the character’s personal description in a story.

2. Theory of Anti-hero

Abrams (1999: 11) defines an antihero as the chief person in a modern novel or play whose character is widely differed from the traditional protagonist of hero or a serious literary work. If a hero owns typically positive traits like using his bravery or strength as the ones who are found in old epic stories, an antihero will not use those deeds heroically or even does not have any of those traits. The figure of an anti-hero might show outrights manners or nothing to be proud of.

This makes antihero as the main character in a story that does not have the qualities of a typical hero. An anti-hero often reflects society’s confusion and ambivalence about morality. Abrams (1999: 11) states that the antihero is petty, ignominious, passive, ineffectual, or dishonest instead of manifesting largeness, dignity, power, or heroism. In an article Defining and Developing Your Anti-

Hero(2008), an antihero can also be an outsider. As a loner, this antihero often possesses a fragile self-esteem, has often failed at love, and is sometimes



estranged from people from his past. Based on the explanation above, the characterizations of an antihero can be concluded as follows (Hornby: 2010)

a. Petty : Caring too much about small and unimportant matters, especially

when this is unkind to other people. (2010: 1130)

b. Ignominious: What makes or should make you feel ashamed. (2010:


c. Passive : Accepting what happens or what people do without trying to

change anything or oppose them. (2010: 1107)

d. Ineffectual : Without the ability to achieve much; weak; not achieving

what you want to. (2010: 793)

e. Dishonest : Not honest; intending to trick people. (2010: 438)

f. Fragile : Weak and uncertain; easily destroyed or spoilt. (2010: 615)

g. Lonely : Unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to.


In this study, the researcher based the analysis on Abrams’ theory saying antihero is widely differed from the traditional protagonist of hero or a serious literary work. If a hero owns typically positive traits like using his bravery or strength as the ones who are found in old epic stories, an antihero will not use those deeds heroically or even does not have any of those traits. The researcher stands on the base that anti-hero is a protagonist that have opposite hero’s traits

3. Structuralist Approach

One of many ways to study a literary work is using structuralist approach.

Tyson (2006: 209) says structuralists are not interested in individual buildings or



individual literary works (or individual phenomena of any kind) except in terms of what those individual items can tell us about the structures that underlie and organize all items of that kind. For structuralism sees itself as a human science whose effort is to understand, in a systematic way, the fundamental structures that underlie all human experience and, therefore, all human behavior and production.

According to Abrams, in approaching a literary work, “structuralist criticism stands free from poet, , and its environment. It describes the literary work as a self-sufficient object”(Abrams, 1999: 87). What Abrams means by the self-sufficient object is a system which consists of inseparable interrelation elements. An element determines the identity of the others and vice versa.

Furthermore, in structuralist criticism, a library product should be analyzed and judged by intrinsic criteria such as complexity, coherence, equilibrium, integrity and the interrelationships of its component elements.

Structuralists view a literary work as a totality which is built coherently by its builder elements. In another side, “the structure of a literary work can be regarded as an arrangement, firmness, and depiction of all elements and materials which shaping a unity” (Abrams, 1999: 68). Each element cannot stand alone without the other elements. An element needs the other elements to produce a whole story.

Nugiyantoro states in his book Teori Pengkajian Fiksi (1995), that structuralist approach aims to explain as clearly and accurately as possible the functions and relationships among many elements of a literary work which produce the whole story. The important thing is to show how the elements relate



to each other. Structuralism itself is a way of thinking about the world which is predominantly concerned with the perceptions and description of structures.

Structuralism claims that the nature of every element in any given situation has no significance by itself, and in fact is determined by all the other elements involved in that situation.

The structure of literary works is also heading to the relationship among the elements. They influence each other and they make a unity. Each element can be very meaningful and important after having connection with the other elements as well as its contribution towards the story or play. Structuralism can be seen as one of literary approaches which give more attention on the relationship among the elements involving in a certain work.

C. Theoretical Framework

There are several things that the researcher does in this study. The first, the researcher read and reread the novel and apply the theory character and characterization. The theory of character is applied to find the main character or the protagonist of the novel. The second, the researcher finds out how the main character is characterized in the novel. By applying the theory of characterization, especially Murphy’s ways of characterization (personal description, character seen by others, speeches, past life, conversation of others, reactions, direct comment, thought, mannerism, outward impression, actions and feelings), the researcher reveals the main character’s traits or characteristic. Characteristic means specific feature belongs to specific subject or person or something which he can be



distinguished from others. In this case is the specific features belong to Goblin

Slayer as the main character of the novel, so that he can be distinguished from other character. The characteristics that the researcher wants to reveal is the characteristic as anti-hero. This leads the researcher to the third step, applying theory of anti-hero. By applying the theory of anti-hero while finding the characteristics of the main character, the researcher hopes that he finds main character’s traits as anti-hero. The theory of anti-hero that the researcher uses is

Abrams’ theory saying that antihero is widely differed from the traditional protagonist of hero or a serious literary work. If a hero owns typically positive traits like using his bravery or strength as the ones who are found in old epic stories, an antihero will not use those deeds heroically or even does not have any of those traits. The figure of an anti-hero might show outrights manners or nothing to be proud of.





A. Object of the Study

The object of this study was the first volume of a novel entitled Goblin

Slayer. Goblin Slayer is a Japanese dark fantasy series written by

Kumo Kagyu and illustrated by Noboru Kannatsuki. A adaptation by

Kōsuke Kurose is serialized in the Monthly Big Gangan magazine, and a second adaptation by Masahiro Ikeno runs in the same magazine. A prequel manga by

KentoEida runs in Young Gangan. Both the and the manga adaptations have been licensed by North American publisher Yen Press. Three audio drama

CDs have been released, bundled with the fourth, sixth, seventh, and eighth light novels. An television series adaptation by aired from October 7 to December 30, 2018. An anime film titled Goblin Slayer: Goblin's Crown is set to premiere on February 1, 2020. Goblin Slayer is a story of an experienced silver ranked adventurer who only concerns himself with hunting Goblins (little demon), to the point where the association has awarded him a Specialist classification due to both the sheer amount of goblins that he has killed as well as his work in studying their habits and biology. The jobs he takes only involve goblins and he takes no others, though he often gets roped into more dire quests for reasons beyond his control.

His appearance is not as glamorous or elegant due to using equipment that would seem lacking for an adventurer of his rank. He does this out of advice from


the Blacksmith or anything he learns on his journeys. While wearing only light armor and carrying a small round shield and occasionally a short sword that is routinely broken and has to be re-forged or replaced several times.

His style of combat relies more on pragmatism such as traps, using a weapon against its user, and taking whatever advantage that may come. He even uses his own imagination to repurpose a protection spell in order to kill all the goblins in a burning elven fortress. His most defining trait is the hatred of goblins that fuels him and his actions. The reason behind this is his family and village were massacred by goblins, causing him to pursue a vendetta against all goblins everywhere. The sole survivor of the attack, he was soon taken in by Master who taught him the skills needed to kill Goblins.

Five years later he applied for adventurers’ guild and was taken in by the uncle of his childhood friend, Cow Girl, and uses his income to pay for his stay.

Though he is open to the idea of there being genuinely good goblins somewhere in the world, he believes that until proven otherwise, they can only be assumed to be evil due to the death and destruction they cause. He goes into a mad berserker state when he witnesses any maiden violated by the goblins as it reminds him of his sister’s death.

B. Approach of the Study

To achieve the objective of the study stated in chapter I, structuralism approach is used. According to Abrams “structuralist approach describes the literary work as a self-sufficient object” (Abrams, 1999: 87). What Abrams means by the self-sufficient object is a system which consists of inseparable interrelation



elements. An element determines the identity of the others and vice versa.

Furthermore, in structuralist approach, a library product should be analyzed and judged by intrinsic criteria such as complexity, coherence, equilibrium, integrity and the interrelationships of its component elements. The approach views a literary work as a totality which is built coherently by its builder elements. In another side, “the structure of a literary work can be regarded as an arrangement, firmness, and depiction of all elements and materials which shaping a unity”

(Abrams, 1999: 68). Each element cannot stand alone without the other elements.

An element needs the other elements to produce a whole story. It is supported by

Nugiyantoro who states in his book “Teori Pengkajian Fiksi” (1995), that structuralist approach aims to explain as clearly and accurately as possible the functions and relationships among many elements of a literary work which produce the whole story. The important thing is to show how the elements relate to each other.

Therefore, the researcher decides to take the structuralist approach for his analysis because of the main idea of structuralism that emphasizes upon the relationship among the component of a literary work such as the relationship of characterization, method of characterizations and the characteristics as anti-hero.

The theory is used to reveal Goblin Slayer characterization through his personal description, how the other characters see him, speeches, his past life, etc, and relate them to anti-hero theory.



C. Method of Study

This study was a library research. The writer collected many data to have the research understandable. He divided them into two categories. They were primary data and secondary data. The primary data was the novel Goblin Slayer itself. The secondary data were of the data from the online journals, online criticism on the novel, the theory of character and characterization, and theory of anti-hero.

To successfully conduct a research and answer the formulated problem, a series of activities were needed. First, the writer read the novel several times to obtain a good understanding of the content of the story. While reading the novel, the writer put more attention to the main character, Goblin Slayer. Through the dialogues and actions, the writer found how Goblin Slayer was characterized in the novel. Second, the writer analyzed the characteristics through Murphy’s ways of characterization. Third, using structuralist approach, the writer reveals Goblin

Slayer as anti-hero by relating the characteristic and the theory of anti-hero. The last, the writer drew conclusions.





This chapter is dedicated to analyze the novel and find the answers for the formulated problems in chapter I.

A. The Characteristics of Goblin Slayer

Characteristic is a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, thing and serving to identify them. In this study, characteristic is a feature or quality belonging to Goblin Slayer and serving to identify him. By applying the theory of characterization, Goblin Slayer has the characteristics as follows.

1. Brutal

Brutal is cruel or without mercy (Oxford, 1995: 143). In the novel, the writer reveals that Goblin Slayer has brutal characteristic. Whenever he faces goblin, he slay them without mercy. Goblin Slayer’s brutality has been shown in the novel since its first page.

The brutal fight over, he ground his boot into slain goblin’s cadaver. He was stained crimson with the ’s blood, from his grimy steel helm and leather armor to the mail made of chain-linked metal rings that covered his entire body. … Heel braced against the creature’s corpse, he reached down with his free hand and casually withdrew his sword from its skull. It was a cheap- looking blade, its length poorly conceived, and now it was drenched in the goblin’s brains (Kagyu, 2016:1).

The above quotation shows one of Goblin Slayer’s fights against Goblins and he shows no mercy to them. His entire body is covered in his enemy blood, from head to toe. The story tells that Goblin Slayer finishes his enemy by stepping his


boot into goblin’s dead body and his sword into the Goblin’s skull. The readers can imagine how brutal the Goblin Slayer is whenever he pushes his sword into

Goblin’s head and then pulls it out along with Goblin’s brains. The way Goblin

Slayer kills his enemy shows his brutal characteristic.

His brutality is covered in his cheap-looking-grade warrior clothes that he wears. His appearance is absolutely strange. Some people may consider his as goblin or something worse: “Who was this man before her? So strange was his appearance, the aura that cloaked him, that she imagined he might be a goblin himself—or perhaps something far worse, something she had no knowledge of yet

(Kagyu, 2016:1).

However, Goblin Slayer’s brutality happens only when Goblin Slayer slay

Goblins but not the other enemy. Goblin is the lowest monster class. “Not of dragons or , but the lowliest of : goblins” (Kagyu, 2016:1). The

Goblin is considered as the weakest monster of all. It is said,

“There was no end to goblins. A proverb held that “each time a person fails, a goblin is born.” They had only their numbers going for them. They were the weakest of all the monsters that might attack a village. Even trolls were no comparison. Goblins had only the wits, strength, and physical size of small children. Then again, that’s another way of saying goblins were every bit as smart, strong, and quick-witted as children. Goblin slaying paid a pittance. Experienced adventurers avoided it like the plague” (Kagyu, 2016: 1)

The Goblin is pictured to be as small as children with their strength, however,

Goblin are many in number. It is said that experienced warrior tend to avoid

Goblin because they are like plaque. Different from those experienced warriors,

Goblin Slayer loves to slay Goblin without mercy, like when he helps four



adventurers that were defeated by Goblins in a cave. Goblin Slayer kills every

Goblin that emerges from the cave by swinging his weapon toward the Goblin’s head.

He dealt with each of the goblins as they emerged from the flames and smoke. One tripped on the rope and found his head split open. The second hopped over the rope but was laid low by the waiting ax. The third was the same. The ax wouldn’t come out of the cheekbone of the fourth creature, so Goblin Slayer took the monster’s club instead. “That’s seventeen. We’re going in.” (Kagyu, 2016: 22)

Goblin Slayer’s characteristic as a brutal warrior can also be seen when he kills all Goblin’s children without mercy. At that time, Goblin Slayer has defeats all Goblins and then he finds secret chamber where Goblin’s children hide. For

Goblin Slayer, killing Goblin should be thoroughly, and not to let one single

Goblin live, even if they are still children. Goblin Slayer is ready to kill the

Goblin’s children with calm. It can be seen in the following quotation.

Looking down at the cowering forms, Goblin Slayer adjusted his grip on the club. “You’ll…kill the children, too?” she asked, but she already knew the answer. She quailed as she heard the flat of her own voice. Had her heart, her emotions, been numbed by the onslaught of reality? She wanted it to be true. Just this once. “Of course I will,” he said with a calm nod (Kagyu, 2016: 22)

The characteristic a brutal adventurer can be seen in the way Goblin Slayer raise his club to smash the children. When the priestess asks if he also kill the Goblin children, with calm voice Goblin Slayer says yes with a calm nod. He says that if the Goblin children live, they will become a dangerous enemy because they see their families were slaughter without no mercy. Goblin Slayer is afraid that the survivor will become smarter by learning strategies from the warriors and become the leader of their own army.



… “We’ve destroyed their nest. They’ll never forget that, let alone forgive it. And the survivors of a nest learn, become smarter.” As he spoke, he casually raised the club, still covered in the shaman’s brains. “There is no reason to let them live.” “Even if there was…a good goblin?” … “The only good goblins are the ones that never come out of their holes.” He took a step. “This will make twenty-two (Kagyu, 2016: 23)

In the quotation above, Goblin Slayer is clearly rejecting the possibility of the existence of good Goblin. In his mind, all Goblin is evil and there is no reason to let them live. According to Goblin Slayer, the only good Goblins are the ones that never come out from their nest. Then, he kills the all Goblin children.

When talking to the other adventurers during a Goblin slaying quest, Goblin

Slayer tells how he annihilates Goblin in effective and merciless way. All adventurers in adventure guild are reluctant to take quest that put Goblin as the target. For them, Goblin quest is only for newbie or porcelain rank adventurer. So, most of the adventurers did not know how to kill Goblin. Goblin tells them how to annihilate Goblin in the most brutal way. It can be seen in the following quotation.

“Milord Goblin Slayer, you spoke before of your experience with such extensive nests,” the lizardman said, taking care that his tail did not drag across the alarm. “How did you deal with them?” “I flushed out the inhabitants and annihilated them one at a time. Sometimes I used fire. Sometimes I directed a river into the nest. There are various ways.” Standing next to him, the elf looked aghast. “But we can’t use those here.” He turned to High Elf Archer. “Can you make out any footprints?” “I’m sorry. In a cave, maybe, but on stone like this… (Kagyu, 2016: 80)

It reveals that Goblin Slayer often annihilates Goblins by flooding the nest with water or by using fire to burn the nest, and he kills every Goblin that escape the ambush. The method that Goblin Slayer uses in killing the Goblins in their nest is very brutal. Goblin’s nest is usually a cave and when it is flooded by water or



burn with fire, the Goblin inside will surely die of drowning or running out of oxygen. The death because of drowning or running out of oxygen is very painful.

The victims will long suffer before they actually die. That is why Goblin Slayer is said to have brutal characteristic because he kills cruelly and without mercy.

From the analysis above, it is revealed that Goblin Slayer has brutal characteristics. His brutality is seen from the way he kills Goblins. He always kills

Goblin by aiming at the head until the Goblin’s brain is drenched in his weapon.

He also use brutal manner to kill a group of Goblin in their nest such as flooding their nest with water or burning their cave so that they are drowning or cannot breath.

2. Revengeful

The writer also finds that the author, Kagyu, characterized Goblin Slayer as a revengeful person. Revengeful is showing desire for revenge (Oxford,

1995:1006). It is revealed that Goblin Slayer is full of desire to take revenge for what Goblins had done to his family in the past.

Something very terrible in the past has made Goblin Slayer into a revengeful person. It was his child memory when all of his family, friends, and all people in his village were killed by Goblins and he could not do anything because he was still ten years old. This is what made Goblin Slayer so revengeful to

Goblin and he makes sure that the Goblins he meets will always dead.

“Imagine that one day your home is suddenly attacked by monsters. “They swagger into your village like it belongs to them. They kill your friends, they kill your family, they loot your home. “Imagine that they assault your sister. They torture her, they rape her, they kill her. They desecrate the bodies of your family, do whatever they want,



cackling all the while. And you see it all from where you’re hidden, trying not to breathe. “How could you ever let that go? “So you get a weapon, you train yourself, you learn, you grow. Everything you do is to help you take revenge. “You search them out, hunt them down, you fight, you attack, and you kill them and kill them and kill them and kill them (Kagyu, 2016: 41)

The above quotation reveals that Goblin Slayer tells his childhood tragedy to someone in Guild house. He tells that one day the Goblins attack his village.

Not only they take goods, cattle and money, but they kill friends, parents, and family. They even attack his sister and rape her before they kill her. The Goblins also cut and desecrate the bodies in the village and do whatever they want.

What makes Goblin Slayer is so revengeful is that because in that day, he could only saw from the place he was hiding and could not do something to help his family, parents, friends, and everybody in the village. He cannot forget the memory and train himself hard to get revenge for what the Goblins had done to his beloved person.

Day after day and in every chance he has, Goblin Slayer always make sure that the Goblin he meets will always die. He cannot even forgive the baby Goblin and kill them

“Sometimes things go well, and sometimes they don’t. But each time you ask—how will I kill them next time? What’s the best way to kill them? Day after day, month after month, that is all you think about. “When you get a chance, of course you test every idea you have. …. he continued, “Some fools think they’re being magnanimous by saying we should spare the young ones.” Don’t they realize the goblins steal livestock to keep those children fed? Shaking slightly, Guild Girl nodded. She understood what he was saying very well (Kagyu, 2016: 42)

It can be said that Goblin Slayer is well prepared in doing his revenge. Fueled by his childhood memory, he trains everyday and take quest from the Guild House to



kill Goblin Slayer. Every mission he takes is what make Goblin Slayer now, a tough warrior with silver rank.

Goblin Slayer’s characteristic as a revengeful person can also be revealed from the mission he always chooses. The guild house is like a command center for adventurers. There are many requests from people to save their home, village, and town from goblins, dragons, vampires, demons and various monsters. They only need to fill the form and put some reward on it. The bigger the monster requires bigger reward too. The more experienced adventurer usually takes quest to kill bigger monsters to get more money. However, because of his revenge, Goblins

Slayer always takes quest that involves Goblin in it.

“…And we were hoping, with your help…” “Find someone else,” he said bluntly. “If it isn’t goblins, then I don’t care.” The elf stiffened. “Do you understand what I’m saying?” she asked through gritted teeth, an undercurrent of anger in her voice (Kagyu, 2016: 62)

Goblin Slayer hatred toward Goblins sets the aims of his life. Even when a group of adventurer asks his help to eliminate demons in capital, he rejects it because it does not involve Goblins. But when those adventurers said that the demons, they want to eliminate is just small devils, Goblin Slayer says yes.

“Fine by me,” the dwarf said, running his hand through his beard. “Better this than a coward.” “Milord Goblin Slayer, please do not mistake our meaning. We have, in fact, come to ask you to help us slay the small devils.” “I see. So you are talking about goblins,” Goblin Slayer said. “In that case, I accept.” There was silence. “Where are they? How many?” (Kagyu, 2016: 62)



It can be seen that because of his revengeful characteristic, Goblin Slayer wants to take any quests that involved Goblins. He really wants to take revenge to Goblins who had destroyed his home, tortured his family and kill anyone he knew. Even his name “Goblin Slayer” reflects his revengeful characteristic. He will stop for nothing to kill and annihilate the Goblins, “I don’t know what illusion you’re harboring now,” Goblin Slayer said in exasperation. His tone didn’t change. It was merciless, calm. “But I came here for one purpose: to slay Goblins” (Kagyu,

2016: 81)

3. Unsympathetic

After reading the novel, the writer reveals that Goblin Slayer is also characterized as a person who is unsympathetic. Unsympathetic means not showing sympathy, favor, approval, or not able to share in the feeling of others

(Oxford, 1995: 1211).

Goblin Slayer’s characteristic as not sympathetic person can be seen from the way he reacts to a situation where a Wizard is wounded on her stomach by a poisonous dagger. The Priestess wants to save the Wizard but Goblin Slayer says her to give up. It means to let the Wizard dies of the wound. Goblin Slayer pulls out the dagger and shows it to Priestess. The Priestess can see a dark viscous liquid on the dagger, it is Goblin’s poison made from excrement and herbs.

Then he said flatly, “Give up.” Shocked, Priestess turned pale and swallowed heavily. She hugged Wizard tighter. “Look.” Goblin Slayer pulled out the dagger still lodged in the mail under his shoulder. A dark, viscous liquid she couldn’t identify was slathered all along the blade. “Poison.”



“P-poison…?” “They make it from a mixture of their own spittle and excrement, along with herbs they find in the wild.” (Kagyu, 2016: 16)

By saying “give up” Goblin Slayer has shown his unsympathetic characteristic.

He has no sympathy for the wounded Wizard. The Wizard is badly wounded and almost died. If she does not get immediate treatments and help, she will surely die because the dagger that is used to stab her is poisonous. Goblin Slayer is sure that the Wizard will die soon but the Priestess believes that the Wizard can be saved by using the medicine Goblin Slayer gives her and combined with her healing spell.

Goblin Slayer is also unsympathetic toward Priestess’ feeling. He lets the

Priestess feel pity knowing that the Wizard will die before her eyes and she cannot do something for her and Goblin Slayer does care at all. Although Goblin Slayer shows the reasons behind his rejection to help the Wizard, still he is unsympathetic. He should have known how to show little sympathy toward wounded and pitiful persons.

Again, Goblin Slayer shows his unsympathetic characteristic in front of the Priestess. This moment happens in Guild House where Goblin Slayer wants to take a mission from the Guild’s Quest Board. The Guild girl offers him four missions that involved Goblins. Goblin Slayer wants to take the most difficult mission that is to slay Goblins in mountain nest, which is the biggest nest around the city. However, the priestess heard that some newbie adventurers take middle rank mission which is not suitable for porcelain tag adventurers (newbie). The



priestess wants to save them because she remembers her own mission with newbies and then defeated by the Goblins.

Priestess looked up at him imploringly. “We can’t leave them! If we don’t help them…” His answer was immediate. “Go if you want.” “What…?” “I’m taking out the mountain nest. At the very least, a hob or a shaman should be there.” Priestess looked at him vacantly. There was no guessing at the expression hidden behind his helm. “In time, that nest will grow, and then things will be worse. I have to nip it in the bud” (Kagyu, 2016: 35)

From the quotation, it can be seen that Goblin Slayer shows no sympathy for the Priestess. Goblin Slayer does not try to understand what the priestess feels inside her heart. As a woman, the priestess has delicate heart and feeling. She will easily get touched by sad things and she needs a person to calm her not to provoke her. When Priestess wants to save the new adventurers, Goblin Slayer says he wants to slay Goblin and let the Priestess helps the newbies by herself. The priestess is quite shocked with Goblin Slayer’s answer.

Unsympathetic characteristic of Goblin Slayer can also be seen from the way he reacts to a request of a mission. Unfortunately, the mission does not involve Goblin as the enemy. The mission requires the adventurer to annihilate demons in Capital. A group of adventurers consisted of High Elf Archer, Lizard priest, and Dwarf Shaman. They are sent by their respective leader to do a mission to find Goblin Slayer and ask him to join the league to protect the Capital from demons, but Goblin Slayer rejects it.

“Now, what do you want with me? A quest?” Goblin Slayer was to the point as ever. “Yes, that’s it,” the elf said. She looked grave. “The number of demons around the Capital has been growing, as I’m sure you know…” “No, I don’t.”



“This can be traced back to the revival of the evil spirits. They want to use an army to destroy the world!” “I see.” “…And we were hoping, with your help…” “Find someone else,” he said bluntly. “If it isn’t goblins, then I don’t care.” The elf stiffened. “Do you understand what I’m saying?” she asked through gritted teeth, an undercurrent of anger in her voice (Kagyu, 2016: 62)

It is clear that Goblin Slayer does not show sympathy at all toward the request.

The elf explains that the mission is very important because the number of demons has been growing around their Capital. As a Capital, the town needs to be protected from any danger to keep the people in order. After listening to the explanation, Goblin Slayer says that he cannot do the quest because the quest does not mention goblin at all. From the above elaboration, it is revealed that Goblin

Slayer has no sympathy toward the adventurers that feel worry about the Capital surrounded by the demons. The Goblin Slayer also has no sympathy for the

Capital and the people living in it. All he cares is to kill Goblin, not other monsters.

Another clue that Goblin Slayer is an unsympathetic person is during a quest to kill a large number of Goblin in northern of the city. Along with him there is the Priestess, the Lizard Priest, the Dwarf Shaman, and the High Elf

Shaman. After they enter the ruins where the Goblins nest is located, Goblin

Slayer walks in front of them with full of energy and spirit to kill Goblins. The other members of the quest group work hard to walk beside him until the priestess feels pity to them and tries to slowdown Goblin Slayer’s steps.

Priestess stood, as if unconsciously covering the elf. “Goblin Slayer, sir!” she said. “Can’t you be…a little more…?”



“I don’t want to mislead anyone,” he said with a slow shake of his head. “If you are able to join me, then join me. If you aren’t, then go back. It’s that simple.” “…Don’t be ridiculous,” the elf said, wiping drops of water from her mouth. “I’m a ranger. Orcbolg… you, even you, couldn’t handle scouting and looking for traps and fighting all by yourself” (Kagyu, 2016: 85)

The quotation above reveals that Goblin Slayer is unsympathetic toward his companions. He does not care if they walk slower or having less power. Since those adventurers have agreed to go on a quest together, Goblin Slayer expects that they have the same power and ability as him. He says that if they cannot catch up with him, they can go back to the Guild House and wait for him to return after the quest is finished.

From elaboration above, Goblin Slayer is truly an unsympathetic person.

He lacks of ability to share other people’s feelings and have no sympathy over other people’s problems. All he cares only how to kill Goblin as many as possible.

4. Heartless

Goblin Slayer is also characterized as a heartless person. Heartless means without pity or unkind (Oxford, 2016: 553). The fact that Goblin Slayer is a heartless person can be seen from the way he grants Wizard’s last wish. The

Wizard is a part of the newbie adventurers who are defeated by Goblins in the cave. She is badly wounded by the Goblins but not yet die. It seems that the

Goblin wants to use her later.

Just then, Wizard’s rolling eyes focused ever so briefly. She gurgled from the blood in her throat, and with trembling lips, she formed words without a sound, without voice. “…ill…e…” “Understood.” No sooner had he said it than Goblin Slayer cut Wizard’s throat.



Wizard jumped, gave a low moan, then coughed up one more mouthful of bloody foam and died (Kagyu, 2016: 16)

The Wizard tells Goblin Slayer “…ill..e…” which means she wants the Goblin

Slayer to kill her because she knows that if she live, she will suffer for more from

Goblins’ tortures. She also knows that she cannot be saved anymore. Hearing her last request, Goblin Slayer takes his dagger and cut Wizard’s throat without pity.

This is a sign of Goblin Slayer’s heartless characteristic. If he has not an heartless person, he will probably help the Wizard by giving medicine and take her to a shelter where Goblin cannot find her. Instead of saving her, he cuts her throat with no expression at all. Even the Priestess scolds him for being heartless.

Inspecting the blade, Goblin Slayer clicked his tongue when he saw it had been blunted by fat. “Don’t be upset,” he said. “How can you say that?!” Priestess exclaimed. “Maybe…maybe we still could have…helped her…” She clutched Wizard’s body, gone limp and lifelessly heavy (Kagyu, 2016: 16)

The priestess still cannot accept that Goblin Slayer kills the Wizard with his dagger. Again, Goblin Slayer showing no pity for the Priestess who cries over her dead friends by saying “don’t be upset”. It shows that Goblin Slayer is a heartless person who cannot show a little kindness by comforting the Priestess over her sadness.

Goblin Slayer also shows his attitude as a heartless man by forcing the

Priestess to follow him entering the Goblins’ cave with the possibility of going straight into an ambush. At that time, the Priestess is wounded by an arrow in her hand and she has tired from a long battle with Goblin. But now the Goblin Slayer forces her to go deeper into the cave and into an ambush set by the Goblins.



“If you were a goblin. What would you do?” At the unexpected question, Priestess tapped a slender finger against her chin, thinking furiously. What would she do if she were a goblin? Her hand, which had once assisted with services at the Temple, seemed too white to be an adventurer’s. “…Set an ambush?” “Exactly,” Goblin Slayer said in his calm voice. “And we’re going to walk right into it. Get ready.” Priestess paled but nodded. (Kagyu, 2016: 19)

The Priestess is surely afraid until her face gets pale. She can imagine that she will once again fight against Goblins. However, because she cannot go back alone, finally she nodded to follow the Goblin Slayer.

Heartless action by Goblin Slayer can also be seen from the way he open

Goblin’s dead body and takes his guts. He often does such thing to create cloak for himself and his weapon. The Goblin Slayer simply opens the chest of a Goblin with his dagger.

A knife had appeared in his hand. He dug it into the goblin’s corpse and casually cut out the creature’s guts. The elf stiffened and tugged at his arm. “H-how can you do that to them? I know you hate goblins, but you don’t have to—” “They have an excellent sense of smell.” “…Huh?” Goblin Slayer was calm as he delivered this answer that was no answer. He daubed his gauntlets with blood, then pulled a liver out from one of the bodies. “Especially for the scent of women, children, and elves.” “Wa…wait a second. Orcbolg. You can’t possibly mean…” (Kagyu, 2016: 77)

The thing that Goblin Slayer has done is heartless. He should not do such things to a corps, although it is his enemy. It is not right to desecrate a dead body. In fact, it should be treated well and buried.



5. Clumsy

It is also revealed that Goblin Slayer is a clumsy person. Clumsy means not graceful in movement or shape, awkward (Oxford, 1995: 213). Goblin Slayer is characterized as a clumsy person in the story. His appearance is totally clumsy.

It is told that Goblin Slayer always wears dirty helmet and dirty leather armor. His appearance is not impressive at all. He puts his shield in his left arm.

He was not very impressive. He wore dirty leather armor and a filthy steel helm. On his left arm, a shield was fastened, and in his hand was a torch. His right hand grasped a sword that seemed a strange length. Priestess couldn’t help thinking that her own woefully unprepared party had seemed better prepared than this (Kagyu, 2016: 13)

Whenever Goblin Slayer is in cave and found Priestess and her league who is defeated by Goblins, his looked is very clumsy, so that the Priestess thinks that

Goblin Slayer is an adventurer that does not like the real adventurer. The Goblin

Slayer’s appearance is not like other adventurers who are dashing, gallant, wearing clean armors and high quality weapons. Goblin Slayer is awkward with his dirty armor and strange sword.

Goblin Slayer is also clumsy in the way he moves or does things. For example, when he and the Priestess come to Guild House, the host, serve tea, he drinks it from his helmet. Normal people will drink the tea from the mug or cup but he pours the tea to his helmet before drinks it.

She set down the pretty clay mug with a tap. Steam rose from the light brown tea within. When he drank it, Goblin Slayer appeared to be simply pouring the liquid into his helmet. He paid no heed to the fragrance or the flavor. Or the fact that the leaves were from her personal stock, which she’d gotten from the Capital and mixed with a bit of Stamina potion to create a unique brew… (Kagyu, 2016: 40)



The quotation above shows that Goblin Slayer has awkward characteristic.

Normal people enjoy the tea fragrance from a mug or cup but he enjoys the tea with the fragrance of his helmet. Drinking from a helmet is truly awkward. Those elaboration above proves that Goblin Slayer is a clumsy person.

6. Pathetic

Goblin Slayer is also characterized as a pathetic person. According to

Oxford, pathetic means causing other people to feel pity or sadness, inadequate, useless, and worthless.

The first thing that makes Goblin Slayer pathetic is his weapon. Goblin

Slayer does not have a special weapon. His weapon is only a strange sword with unusual size.

Goblin Slayer, of course, moved easily from one throat to the next. And he doesn’t even have a special weapon. High Elf Archer watched his hands with the perspicuity of vision only an elvish hunter possessed. As he killed another goblin, he sliced a few fingers off to free the dagger from its hand, and traded his dulled blade for this new one (Kagyu, 2016: 88)

During a battle against Goblins in their nest, Goblin Slayer and his leagues slay

Goblins easily. At that time the Elf witnesses that Goblin Slayer kills Goblins easily without any special weapon. Goblin Slayer kills by using Goblins’ dagger.

He takes dagger from one Goblin to kill another. It is surely pathetic because a silver rank adventurer like Goblin Slayer does not have special weapon with him.

Another evidence of pathetic thing that Goblin Slayer does is when he fights an Ogre. Ogre is the big version of Goblin. It is stronger, fiercer, and can spell magic.

But Goblin Slayer said with profound exasperation, “No. I didn’t know.”



There was a tremendous cracking sound—the ogre was grinding his teeth. He looked at the warrior before him, in cheap leather armor and a steel helmet, as though he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “You cur! You dare to mock me?! I was granted an army by the Demon Generals—” “Hmm…I knew there had to be someone in charge,” Goblin Slayer said, shaking his head. “But I don’t know anything about ogres, or Demon Generals, or whatever” (Kagyu, 2016: 91)

The quotation above shows how pathetic Goblin Slayer is. When he has conversation with the Ogre, Goblin Slayer says that he does not what Ogre is. He also says that he does not know Demon General or whatever, except Goblin. It is very pathetic that Goblin Slayer, a famous adventurer with silver rank, does not know Ogre.

Another pathetic thing about Goblin Slayer is when he fights Ogre. Goblin

Slayer wants to fight alone without anyone else help. However, fighting this Ogre is the first time for Goblin Slayer. He does not know much about Ogre, so he attacks the Ogre as if he attacks a Goblin. As the result, embarrassing thing happens. Goblin Slayer’s weapon cannot cut Ogre’s skin.

Goblin Slayer opposed him alone. As he danced out, shield on his arm, he made a quick swipe at the monster’s legs with his sword. His movement was small, quick, precise, and as ruthless as ever— “Hrk…!” —and it bounced off the ogre with a metallic sound. The monster’s skin, even on his legs, was as hard as stone (Kagyu, 2016: 93)

The Ogre skin is hard to cut and when the sword hits it, the sword bounces with metallic sound. Goblin Slayer falls hard to the ground with his back first. The

Priestess hurries to help him and tries anything she can do to help him.

“Goblin Slayer, sir…!” Priestess called to him with tears in her eyes, supporting his head with her hands. With her help, he raised his head at last.



“I can’t…quite see… What is happen…ing…?” “Everyone is still fighting…!” “I see… Give me a Healing potion. A Stamina potion, too,” Goblin Slayer said calmly, inspecting their supplies at a glance (Kagyu, 2016: 95)

This thing is embarrassing. A Goblin Slayer falls just in one hit. Moreover, he needs to ask healing potion and healing stamina from the Priestess too. It seems that this time Goblin Slayer is likely to lose.

7. Weak

Goblin Slayer is also a weak person. He is not granted great power and ability by the gods. The evidence of Goblin Slayer’s characteristic as a weakling can be seen when he fights Ogre. Ogre is a powerful Goblin. He is bigger, stronger, and faster than usual Goblin. In fact, Ogre can also spell magic. When

Goblin Slayer fights an Ogre, he falls hardly on the ground. The Ogre hits him with the weapon and pierce Goblin Slayer’s shield.

He sat up stiffly. Part of his shield and the leather armor over his chest were crushed. His head felt funny somehow, and when he reached up to touch it, he realized there was a dent in his helmet. His whole body ached; every time he drew a breath, pain pierced him… But pain was a sign he was still alive. Fine. (Kagyu, 2016: 95)

Ogre is his hardest enemy to beat. The Ogre crushes his shield and helmet. His body is aching and he feel pain every time he takes a breath. The moment Goblin

Slayer is crushed by Ogre is the sign of his characteristic of weak person.

However, he does not give so easily.

Another sign of his characteristic of a weak person is asking for help when facing large enemy. One time, Goblin Slayer finds small foot prints outside his house. He knows that the foot prints belong to Goblins. He counts that there are



eight different foot prints which means there are eight level of Goblins that come to his house, it includes the Goblin Lord, Ogre, shaman, and many others. They are hard to fight and Goblin Slayer predict that there will be more than one hundred Goblins will attack at any moment.

So he goes to the Guild House and asks help from the adventurers there.

He stands on a table and asks their help.

Even an ignorant beginner would refuse to help. Only Goblin Slayer could happily face down something like that. And even Goblin Slayer, it was clear, was not willing to solo now… “There’s no time. Caves are one thing, but in a pitched battle, I can’t do this alone.” Goblin Slayer turned, taking in the entire room. “I need your help. Please.” Then he lowered his head (Kagyu, 2016: 120)

This is the moment where Goblin Slayer admits that he is a weak person. He still needs help from other adventurer. He even offers great reward for any adventurer that is willing to help him.

“How about you tell us what you’ll pay us to fight a hundred goblins?” “Everything.” The Guild Hall fell silent. Everyone knew what he meant by that word. “Everything that I have,” he said calmly. If any adventurer fights with me against a hundred goblins, he or she may ask for anything or everything. (Kagyu, 2016:121)

Goblin Slayer really hopes that those adventurers help him to destroy large number of Goblins that will attack his farm tonight.

B. Goblin Slayer as Anti-hero

In A Glossary of Literary Terms, literary critic Abrams defines anti-hero as

“the chief person in a modern novel or play whose character is widely discrepant from that which we associate with the traditional protagonist or hero of a serious literary work. Instead of manifesting largeness, dignity, power, or heroism, the



anti-hero is petty, ignominious, passive, ineffectual or dishonest” (1999:11). This theory means anti-hero is a hero and a protagonist of a story but without common attributes of a normal hero.

Another expert, Quinn gives explanation that an anti-hero might not have high moral standards, and might be indecent unlike the traditional principle character of mythology, folklore or legends. Lacking courage/gallantry, he is sometimes a coward. As a result, he is not honored as a savior or a leader. He can attempt to claim a war medal with his so called brave actions, but he does not actually deserve it, or he simply cannot achieve it. He is a “cowardly, weak, inept, or simply unlucky” (Quinn, 2006: 28-29).

The anti-hero is like a hero. He has complex notion of being both un- heroic and protagonist. If the protagonist does not comply with the traditional heroic traits, according to some views, then he is called anti-hero. Quinn’s explanation confirms this. For him, anti-hero is “the principle character in a play or novel who exhibits qualities the opposite of those usually regarded as ‘heroic’”

(Quinn, 2006: 28-29).

Anti-hero is a protagonist who is a non-hero or the antithesis of a traditional hero. While the traditional hero may be dashing, strong, brave, resourceful, or handsome, the anti-hero may be incompetent, unlucky, clumsy, dumb, ugly, or clownish. In short, anti-hero is a central character in a story who lacks conventional heroic attributes.

Based on those theory, the researcher stands on the theory that anti-hero is a hero and a protagonist of a story but without common attributes of a normal



hero. The figure of an anti-hero might show outrights manners or nothing to be proud of.

Based on those theories above, Goblin Slayer is a perfect anti-hero. He is the central character of the story; even the title of the novel is his name. Another reason why he is an anti-hero is that his characteristics. Goblin Slayer has characteristics that are different from hero. It is said that a hero always manifesting largeness, dignity, power, or heroism, but Goblin Slayer has the opposite characteristic. He is just as nasty and barbaric as those he fights. Goblin

Slayer has characteristics that are different from common hero. He is brutal, he kills without mercy. He is revengeful, he kills all Goblins just to take revenge for his sister and family who are killed by Goblins. He is also unsympathetic. He is also heartless and clumsy. Goblin Slayer is also pathetic and weak. Those characteristics are not normal hero’s characteristic and that is way he is an anti- hero.





After the study was done, the researcher concluded two things that became the answers of the formulated problems in chapter one; 1) How is the characterization of Goblin Slayer? and 2) How does Goblin Slayer’s characterization reveal his characteristic as an anti-hero?

The first conclusion is the about the characterization of Goblin Slayer.

Characterization is a way revealing features or qualities belonging to Goblin

Slayer and aiding to identify him. In the novel Goblin Slayer by Kumo Kagyu,

Goblin Slayer is brutal whenever he faces goblin, he slay them without mercy. He is also revengeful. He is full of desire to take revenge for what Goblins had done to his family in the past. Goblin Slayer also has characteristic as unsympathetic person. He is never showing sympathy, favor, approval, or not able to share in the feeling of others. He is also a heartless warrior. Goblin Slayer also has characteristic as a clumsy person. He is not graceful in movement or shape, awkward. He is also a pathetic person. Goblin Slayer is also a weak warrior. He is not granted great power and ability.

The second conclusion about how the characterization reveals his characteristic as an anti-hero in the story. Based on theories in chapter II, Goblin

Slayer is a perfect anti-hero. He is the central character of the story; even the title of the novel is his name. Another reason why he is an anti-hero is that his characteristics. Goblin Slayer has characteristics that are different from hero. It is


said that a hero always manifesting largeness, dignity, power, or heroism, but

Goblin Slayer has the opposite characteristics. He is just as nasty and barbaric as those he fights. Goblin Slayer has characteristics that are different from common hero. He is brutal, he kills without mercy. He is revengeful, he kills all Goblins just to take revenge for his sister and family who are killed by Goblins. He is also unsympathetic. He is also heartless and clumsy. Goblin Slayer is also pathetic and weak. Those characteristics are not normal hero characteristics and that is way he is an anti-hero.




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