
Mobile phones give people a much stronger sense of security hoe-de-mobiele-telefoon-ons-leven-verandert/ Concept

Having the best network makes you feel safe Idea

Creating ‘interactive solar roads’ in a park*

These lanes will be connected to an interactive app to increase the sense of security in ‘unsafe’ areas, located by the app users themselves.

* We recommend park in Amsterdam, because our research has shown that Rembrandt park is seen as an unsafe area in Amsterdam. It is also the park where people who live in Amsterdam feel the most unsafe at night. ger~a4522786/ Once it gets dark, the lane will light up when the app users cycle over it. Next to that, the app will track your exact location using GPS to ensure family and friends can follow the user at any time.

You are probably wondering what the f*** solar roads are by now. Here is a short video that will provide you with a brief introduction to this new phenomenon

(Watch from 0:12 sec, gets really interesting from 1:35 sec) Inspiration

When you cycle or walk trough the park you can also choose to be filmed by scanning a QR code when you enter the park. This is a fun video that you could share with your friends on social media. The app

In combination with the solar panels in Rembrandt park, we suggest an app that we call:

Waakhond The app works with or without the Vodafone bicycle seat cover. The bicycle seat cover has a chip and it activates the app when you are sitting on it. The app knows your dangerous roads, parks etc. It has some area’s already marked as dangerous, but because it’s sometimes personal where we feel unsafe, you can add your own unsafe area.

The app also tracks up your regular cycling speed.

If you are in a dangerous marked zone and you change speed radically, the app asks if you are okay. If you give the answer ‘no’ or if you do not respond for while and you are still in the dangerous zone, your safety number is called.

The app also has a map that you share with your friends. If you are active in the app they can see were you are.

In this way we want to encourage to cycle together with your friends because it’s more fun and safe!

If you cycle in dangerous zone your own ‘waakhond’ turns orange. If you get the ‘are you okay’ notification your Waakhond will turn red and your friends know you are in danger.

Because we want to encourage people to cycle together, you can also ‘bark’ to your friends to let them you know you are nearby and that you want to cycle together. We ultimately wish to combine the app with the solar roads by creating one ‘super safe’ park. Not only will cycling through this park make the user feel safe, it will also be an amazing cycling experience. To encourage people to share their ‘solar road’ experiences the option to share with Facebook (and other social medias) will be provided in the app.