Systematic phenomics analysis of -associated reveals parallel networks underlying reversible impairments in habituation

Troy A. McDiarmida, Manuel Belmadanib,c, Joseph Lianga, Fabian Meilia, Eleanor A. Mathewsd, Gregory P. Mullene, Ardalan Hendif, Wan-Rong Wongg, James B. Randd,h, Kota Mizumotof, Kurt Haasa, Paul Pavlidisa,b,c, and Catharine H. Rankina,i,1

aDjavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 2B5, Canada; bDepartment of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 2A1, Canada; cMichael Smith Laboratories, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada; dGenetic Models of Disease Research Program, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, OK 73104; eBiology Program, Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City, OK 73106; fDepartment of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada; gDivision of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125; hOklahoma Center for Neuroscience, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK 73104; and iDepartment of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada

Edited by E. Robinson, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Urbana, IL, and approved October 25, 2019 (received for review July 16, 2019)

A major challenge facing the genetics of disorders have dramatically increased the pace of gene discovery in ASD (ASDs) is the large and growing number of candidate risk genes and (5–9). There are now >100 diverse genes with established ties gene variants of unknown functional significance. Here, we used to ASD, many of which are being used in diagnosis. Impor- Caenorhabditis elegans to systematically functionally characterize tantly, each gene accounts for <1% of cases and none have ASD-associated genes in vivo. Using our custom machine vision sys- shown complete specificity for ASD, with many implicated in tem, we quantified 26 phenotypes spanning morphology, locomo- multiple neurodevelopmental disorders (3, 4, 8). Some of these tion, tactile sensitivity, and habituation learning in 135 strains each genes have fallen into an encouragingly small set of broadly carrying a mutation in an ortholog of an ASD-associated gene. We defined biological processes such as gene expression regulation identified hundreds of genotype–phenotype relationships ranging (e.g., chromatin modification) and synaptic neuronal commu- from severe developmental delays and uncoordinated movement nication (3, 6–8, 10). Seminal studies using mouse models, to subtle deficits in sensory and learning behaviors. We clustered genetically stratified populations of individuals with ASD, human genes by similarity in phenomic profiles and used epistasis analysis induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and, more recently, high- to discover parallel networks centered on CHD8•chd-7 and NLGN3•nlg-1 throughput genetic model organisms such as Drosophila and that underlie mechanosensory hyperresponsivity and impaired ha- bituation learning. We then leveraged our data for in vivo func- Significance tional assays to gauge missense variant effect. Expression of wild- type NLG-1 in nlg-1 mutant C. elegans rescued their sensory and Although >100 genes have been implicated in the etiology of au- learning impairments. Testing the rescuing ability of conserved tism spectrum disorder (ASD), we need to better understand their ASD-associated variants revealed varied partial loss of functions to reveal mechanisms underlying ASD and develop function despite proper subcellular localization. Finally, we used treatments. We developed a pipeline to discover functions of ASD- CRISPR-Cas9 auxin-inducible degradation to determine that phe- associated genes by inactivating each gene in the model organism notypic abnormalities caused by developmental loss of NLG-1 can Caenorhabditis elegans and observing the phenotypic conse- be reversed by adult expression. This work charts the phenotypic quences using machine vision. We quantified 26 phenotypes landscape of ASD-associated genes, offers in vivo variant func- spanning morphology, locomotion, tactile sensitivity, and learning tional assays, and potential therapeutic targets for ASD. in >27,000 animals representing 135 genotypes, allowing us to identify disruptions in habituation (a neural circuit’s plastic ability to autism spectrum disorder | neurodevelopmental disorders | Caenorhabditis decrease responding to repeated sensory stimuli) as a shared im- elegans | habituation learning | variants of uncertain significance pairment. We then demonstrated how this database can facilitate experiments that determine the functional consequences of mis- utism spectrum disorders (ASDs) encompass a clinically and sense variants and whether phenotypic alterations are reversible. Agenetically heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in social communication and Author contributions: T.A.M., J.B.R., K.M., K.H., P.P., and C.H.R. designed research; T.A.M., interaction, restrictive repetitive behaviors, and profound sensory J.L., E.A.M., G.P.M., A.H., J.B.R., and P.P. performed research; T.A.M., M.B., J.L., F.M., E.A.M., G.P.M., A.H., W.-R.W., J.B.R., K.M., K.H., P.P., and C.H.R. contributed new processing abnormalities (1–4). The fifth edition of the Diagnostic reagents/analytic tools; T.A.M., M.B., J.L., E.A.M., G.P.M., J.B.R., K.M., K.H., P.P., and C.H.R. and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders combines autistic dis- analyzed data; T.A.M. and C.H.R. wrote the paper; and M.B., J.B.R., K.M., K.H., and P.P. order, Asperger disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and edited completed manuscript. pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified into the The authors declare no competing interest. single grouping of autism spectrum disorder (1). Despite extensive This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. study, there is currently no unanimously agreed upon structural or Published under the PNAS license. functional neuropathology common to all individuals with ASD, Data deposition: All data generated in this work are available free online in their raw and processed forms at and there is little understanding of the biological mechanisms that 5683/SP2/FJWIL8. All analysis code is freely available at cause ASD (3). The most promising avenue for research into ASDs McDiarmid-etal-2019_Multi-Worm-Tracker-analysis. All strains, sequence confirmation has stemmed from the observation that they have a strong genetic files, and reagents are available from the corresponding author upon request. component, with monozygotic concordance estimates of ∼70 to See Commentary on page 26. 90% and several distinct highly penetrant genetic syndromes (3, 4). 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected]. Rapid advances in copy number variation association, whole- This article contains supporting information online at exome, and more recently, whole-genome sequencing tech- doi:10.1073/pnas.1912049116/-/DCSupplemental. nology and the establishment of large sequencing consortia, First published November 21, 2019.

656–667 | PNAS | January 7, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 1 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 zebrafish have investigated the molecular, circuit, and behavioral et al. (8), the largest exome sequencing study of ASD to date phenotypic disruptions that result from mutations in diverse ASD- (35,584 individuals, 11,986 ASD cases). We also identified associated genes. These systems have offered valuable insights into numerous orthologs from SFARI Gene ( the biological mechanisms underlying this heterogeneous group of “syndromic” and “high confidence” categories and the top 50 ASD- SEE COMMENTARY disorders (11–24). However, thousands of additional mutations in associated genes by variant count from our ongoing meta-analysis these and many other genes have been identified in individuals of rare variants, VariCarta ( (38). with ASD, and their roles as causative agents, or their pathoge- Of note, 72% (18/25) of genes in the SFARI high confidence nicity, remain ambiguous. Thus, there are 2 major challenges category and 78% (80/102) of genes associated with ASD by facing ASD genetics: (1) the large, growing number of candidate Satterstrom et al. (8) have a clear C. elegans ortholog according to risk genes with poorly characterized biological functions and (2) OrthoList2 and the Alliance of Genome Resources, compendiums the inability to predict the functional consequences of the large of human–C. elegans orthology prediction algorithm results. This is number of rare missense variants. Difficulties in rare missense substantially higher than the 53% estimated genome-wide orthol- variant interpretation stem in part from constraints on computa- ogy between humans and C. elegans (10,678/23,010) (32), sug- tional variant effect prediction and a paucity of in vivo experi- gesting an exceptionally high conservation of biological processes mental variant functional assays (25, 26). This lag between gene core to ASD pathology (SI Appendix,Fig.S1B and C). discovery and functional characterization is even more pro- Rapid advances in gene discovery and orthology prediction nounced when assessing the role of putative ASD risk genes and have altered the gene lists used during the course of this project. variants in complex sensory and learning behaviors. As such, there Despite this challenge, our list covers 92% (58/63) of the most is a great need to rapidly determine the functions of ASD- strongly associated genes from Satterstrom et al. (8) and 100% associated genes and the functional consequences of variants of (15/15) of the SFARI Gene high confidence category genes uncertain significance and to delineate complex functional genetic (Datasets S1 and S2) that had an assay-suitable ortholog networks among ASD-associated genes in vivo. or severe missense allele available. This mix of currently defined The genetic model organism Caenorhabditis elegans is a powerful high- and mid-confidence ASD-associated genes offered a unique system for the functional analysis of disease-associated genetic opportunity to study putative ASD-associated genes of unknown variation, particularly for high-throughput in vivo characterization function alongside genes with known roles in neurodevelopment of risk genes identified through genomics (27). C. elegans’sfully and sensory processing (Datasets S1 and S2 provide a complete sequenced and thoroughly annotated genome and complete con- listing of characterized strains, orthology relationships, and ASD- nectome have fueled numerous disease discoveries, including the association confidence). identification of presenilins as part of the gamma secretase com- We then used our MWT (SI Appendix,Fig.S1D) to systemati-

plex and the role of the insulin signaling pathway in normal and cally characterize the 135 C. elegans strains with a mutation in an NEUROSCIENCE pathological aging (27–30). There are clear C. elegans orthologs ortholog of an ASD-associated gene (98 strains with mutations in for >50% of human genes, and human genes have repeatedly been different genes and 37 strains with additional alleles of a subset of shown to be so structurally and functionally conserved that they these genes; Dataset S1 and SI Appendix). We developed software can directly replace their C. elegans ortholog (27, 31–33). There to measure a comprehensive range of parameters while animals were are well-annotated libraries of C. elegans strains with deletion al- subjected to an automated short-term habituation learning behav- leles available for >16,000 of the ∼20,000 coding genes ioral paradigm (SI Appendix,Fig.S1E–I; further details provided in (34). C. elegans’s small size and rapid hermaphroditic mode of Materials and Methods and SI Appendix). We measured habituation reproduction (3 d from egg to egg-laying adult) allows for the because it is a sensitive in vivo assay of synaptic function and be- routine cultivation of large numbers of isogenic animals. Further, havioral plasticity. Habituation is also impaired in individuals with CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering is reliable and efficient in C. ASD, and abnormalities in tactile sensitivity are present in >95% of elegans, and, unlike most organisms analyzed to date, rigorous cases (2, 39, 40). The degree of habituation impairment in ASD whole-genome sequencing studies have revealed no significant off- correlates with the severity of social impairment, and recent studies target effects due to CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing in this or- in monogenic mouse models of ASD suggest peripheral tactile hy- ganism (34, 35). Finally, we developed the Multi-Worm Tracker persensitivity and impaired habituation precede, and may even lead (MWT), a machine vision system that allows for comprehensive to, more complex cognitive and social impairments (2, 39, 40). phenotypic analysis of large populations of freely behaving animals We wrote custom scripts to extract 26 quantitative phenotypic while they perform complex sensory and learning behaviors (36, features that fall into 5 categories: morphology, baseline loco- 37). Multiplexing by running several trackers in parallel allows motion, initial sensitivity, habituation learning, and spontaneous for analysis of multiple measures of morphology, locomotion, recovery/short-term memory retention (SI Appendix, Fig. S2A and mechanosensory sensitivity, and several forms of learning in hun- Table S1 provide complete feature descriptions). Features were dreds of animals simultaneously. designed to minimize redundancy while maintaining interpret- Here, we developed a scalable phenomic characterization ability. For example, we quantified multiple features of habitua- pipeline to discover functions of ASD-associated genes by system- tion because we have previously shown these response components atically inactivating each gene in a model organism and observing habituate to different extents and with different time courses (SI the phenotypic consequences using machine vision (SI Appendix, Appendix,Fig.S1F–I) and because growing evidence indicates Fig. S1A). We present data summarizing scores on 26 quantitative different components of a single habituating response are mediated phenotypes spanning morphology, baseline locomotion, tactile sen- by different molecular mechanisms (37, 41–43). Quantification of sitivity, and habituation learning in 135 strains of C. elegans each correlations between all possible phenotypic feature pairs revealed carryingamutationinanorthologofanASD-associatedgene,re- expected moderate correlations (e.g., between length and width) vealing hundreds of shared and unique genotype–phenotype rela- and clustering that reflected the feature categories we predefined tionships. We clustered strains based on phenotypic similarity to (SI Appendix,Fig.S2B). Digital representations of all strains discover functional interactions among ASD-associated genes, which are freely available in their raw and processed forms (https:// we validate with epistasis analysis. Further, we use the phenotypic profiles for in vivo functional assays to assess missense variant effect, SP2/FJWIL8) (44), allowing the code to be modified to extract any and to determine whether phenotypic alterations are reversible us- simple or compound phenotypic feature of choice. ing targeted protein degradation methods based on degrons. Quantitative Phenotypic Profiles Identify Shared Functions Among Results ASD-Associated Genes. One way to visualize these data is as a se- ASD-Associated Genes Are Highly Conserved to C. elegans. We ries of 26 quantitative reverse genetic screens, where each strain is identified C. elegans orthologs of the 102 genes associated with compared to wild-type on each phenotypic feature to determine if increased risk for ASD (FDR ≤ 0.1) according to Satterstrom and how that gene plays a role in the biological process of interest

McDiarmid et al. PNAS | January 7, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 1 | 657 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 (Fig. 1 and Dataset S3). Phenotypes shared by a large number of behavior toward increased activity in strains harboring mutations ASD risk genes were of particular interest, as they would suggest in orthologs of ASD-associated genes. common biological functions among these seemingly diverse genes. Assessing the duration, distance, and speed of reversal responses We found that mutations in the vast majority of ASD-associated to the first mechanosensory stimulus indicated that mutations in gene orthologs decrease multiple measures of size, most notably orthologs of ASD-associated genes are approximately equally length (77/135, 57%), in age-synchronized populations (Fig. 1A). likely to result in initial hyper- or hyporesponsivity to tactile stimuli Thus, the majority of genes putatively associated with ASD/neuro- (SI Appendix,Fig.S3B; bidirectional analysis of initial sensi- developmental disorders delay development or impede growth tivity was precluded only for response probability due to a ceiling effect with >90% of animals responding to the initial when inactivated. stimulus). These results identify positive and negative roles for Analysis of baseline locomotion revealed that mutations in a multiple ASD-associated genes in modulating mechanosensory large proportion of ASD-associated gene orthologs increase processing. forward movement bias and path length (distance traveled; SI Analysis of habituation learning across 135 strains revealed Appendix, Fig. S3A). This means many strains with mutations in that mutations in many ASD-associated gene orthologs specifically ASD-associated gene orthologs spent more time moving forward impair habituation of response probability (Fig. 1C). Even after before reversing. The frequency and duration of spontaneous filtering out strains with abnormal initial response probability, reversals is modulated by the integration of multiple cross-modal ASD-associated gene orthologs were ∼3-fold more likely to impair sensory inputs (45), suggesting a widespread imbalance in the habituation than enhance it (Fig. 1D and Dataset S3). This is a neural circuits that control spontaneous forward movement remarkably specific phenotype that causes the neural circuit to

A Length B Initial response duration

Gene class Gene class Wild-type (N2) Wild-type (N2) ASD ASD ASD (n.s.) ASD (n.s.) Sample mean distance from wild-type Sample mean distance from wild-type

HabituationHabituation of responseof response probability probability C D Gene class Wild-type (N2) ASD Impaired habituation ASD (n.s.) Enhanced habituation





-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 n strains (FDR < 0.1) Sample mean distance from wild-type Sample mean distance from willd-type

Fig. 1. Phenotypic profiles enable rapid reverse genetic screens to identify shared functions among ASD-associated genes. Plots illustrate sample mean distance of each genotype group from wild-type. Strains outside the 95% confidence interval of the wild-type distribution are labeled and colored blue. A maximum of 5 strains are labeled in each direction to prevent overplotting. (A) Length by genotype. (B) Initial response duration by genotype. (C) Habituation of response probability by genotype. Error bars represent 95% confidence interval. (D) The number of strains with normal initial responses that either impair habituation (blue) or enhance habituation (gray) across the 4 response metrics quantified.

658 | McDiarmid et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 continue responding in an inflexible manner, versus merely underscore the need to assess multiple complex phenotypes to impairing the ability to detect stimuli or respond. Importantly, we understand the functions of ASD-associated genes. only observed this phenomenon for response probability; there was no such consistent pattern of habituation impairment for the du- Phenotypic Profiles of Strains with Mutations in ASD-Associated SEE COMMENTARY ration, distance, or speed of the same measured responses (Fig. 1D Genes Define Shared and Unique Functions. In addition to visualiz- and Dataset S3). Together, these results suggest that many ASD- ing scores of all strains on each phenotype, one can also visualize associated genes normally mediate plasticity of the likelihood, but the scores of each strain on all phenotypes, or the “phenotypic not vigor, of responding to mechanosensory stimuli. profile” for each strain (Fig. 2 and Dataset S4). Classical un- Finally, we discovered that distinct sets of genes alter initial coordinated “unc” mutants, such as the calcium channel subunit sensitivity, habituation, and retention of the same component of the CACNA1E•unc-2(gk366), displayed the most severe phenotypic same behavioral response (Fig. 1C and SI Appendix,Fig.S3,and profiles, consistent with their documented roles in neuronal de- Dataset S3). Adding to the complexity, we also found that different velopment and function (Fig. 2A). Phenotypic profiles also revealed genes affect different components of the same behavior (e.g., some previously unknown phenotypes even in well-characterized mutants. genes affect only response duration but not probability and vice For example, β-catenin has well-known roles in development, versa). These results support the hypothesis that habituation is so it follows that CTNNB1•bar-1(ga80) mutants are smaller controlled by several dissociable genetic mechanisms (43) and than wild-type animals. However, here we identify a previously

t-statistic t-statistic A -20 -100 2010 B -20 -100 2010 Path Length Path Length Bias Bias Direction Direction Angular Speed Angular Speed Aspect Aspect Kink Kink Crab Crab Baseline Speed Baseline Speed Curve Curve Width Width Length Length Morphwidth Morphwidth NEUROSCIENCE Area Area Midline Length Midline Length Habituation of Response Probability Habituation of Response Probability Habituation of Response Duration Habituation of Response Duration Habituation of Response Speed Habituation of Response Speed Habituation of Response Distance Habituation of Response Distance Initial Response Probability Initial Response Probability Initial Response Duration Initial Response Duration Initial Response Speed Initial Response Speed Initial Response Distance Initial Response Distance Spontaneous Recovery Probability Spontaneous Recovery Probability Spontaneous Recovery Duration Spontaneous Recovery Duration Spontaneous Recovery Speed Spontaneous Recovery Speed Spontaneous Recovery Distance Spontaneous Recovery Distance t-statistic t-statistic -20 -100 2010 -20 -100 2010 C Path Length D Path Length Bias Bias Direction Direction Angular Speed Angular Speed Aspect Aspect Kink Kink Crab Crab Baseline Speed Baseline Speed Curve Curve Width Width Length Length Morphwidth Morphwidth Area Area Midline Length Midline Length Habituation of Response Probability Habituation of Response Probability Habituation of Response Duration Habituation of Response Duration Habituation of Response Speed Habituation of Response Speed Habituation of Response Distance Habituation of Response Distance Initial Response Probability Initial Response Probability Initial Response Duration Initial Response Duration Initial Response Speed Initial Response Speed Initial Response Distance Initial Response Distance Spontaneous Recovery Probability Spontaneous Recovery Probability Spontaneous Recovery Duration Spontaneous Recovery Duration Spontaneous Recovery Speed Spontaneous Recovery Speed Spontaneous Recovery Distance Spontaneous Recovery Distance

Feature class: Morphology Baseline locomotion Initial sensitivity Habituation learning Spontaneous recovery

Fig. 2. Phenotypic profiles of strains with mutations in ASD-associated genes define shared and unique functions. (A) Phenotypic profile for CACNA1E•unc-2(gk366). (B) Phenotypic profile for CTNNB1•bar-1(ga80).(C) Phenotypic profile for KAT2B•pcaf-1(tm3318).(D) Phenotypic profile for KCNJ10•irk-3(tm7416).

McDiarmid et al. PNAS | January 7, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 1 | 659 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 unknown role for β-catenin in habituation learning, evidenced architecture of ASD-associated genes. t-distributed stochastic by a profound deficit in habituation of response probability in neighbor embedding (t-SNE) and multiple other clustering CTNNB1•bar-1(ga80) mutants (Fig. 2B). Animals carrying muta- methods revealed that ASD-associated genes were largely con- tions in KAT2B•pcaf-1(tm3318), involved in CREB-related tran- tinuously distributed in phenotypic space (SI Appendix,Fig.S5B). scription coactivation and acetyltransferase activity, have relatively We found no evidence for a small number of highly discrete normal baseline locomotion but profound alterations in sensory clusters that would suggest distinct “phenotypic classes” of ASD- and learning behaviors that are only revealed through stimulation associated genes (Fig. 3A and SI Appendix,Fig.S5B). (Fig. 2C). Conversely and more surprisingly, animals carrying Next, we used epistasis analysis to test some of our interactions mutations in genes such as KCNJ10•irk-3(tm7416), an inward predicted by phenotypic proximity in vivo. Using sensory and rectifying potassium channel, have relatively normal sensory and habituation learning features for hierarchical clustering revealed learning behaviors despite profoundly abnormal morphology and 2 high-confidence clusters with members that display impaired baseline locomotion (Fig. 2D). Finally, several strains were not habituation of response probability and hyperresponsivity to significantly different from wild-type on almost all phenotypic mechanosensory stimuli (increased initial reversal response dura- features, such as the membrane palmitoylated protein encoded by tion; Fig. 4 A and B and SI Appendix,Fig.S6A and B and Dataset MPP6•C50F2.8(ok533) (SI Appendix,Fig.S4and Dataset S4). S9). Genes within these clusters were selected for epistasis analysis Together, these results indicate a remarkable degree of phenotypic based on confidence of ASD association and confirmation of modularity and provide a catalog of the unique phenotypic profiles genotype-to-phenotype relationships using analysis of a second of ASD-associated genes. allele or transformation rescue. Crossing strains within the same cluster revealed a functional interaction between the Chromodo- A Phenomic Database of Strains with Mutations in ASD-Associated main Helicase DNA Binding Protein CHD8•chd-7(gk306) and the ∼ ∼ Genes. Fig. 3A summarizes the scores of 27,000 animals ( 200 GTPase-activating protein GAPVD1•rme-6(b1014); the impair- animals per genotype) across 135 genotypes and 26 phenotypes ment in habituation of response probability of double mutants was for a total of 3,510 in vivo genotype-to-phenotype assessments not significantly different from single mutants, suggesting that they ) (Fig. 3A and Datasets S5 and S6 . We included several annotations function in the same genetic pathway to mediate short-term behav- on this heat map and reverse genetic screen plots to denote current ioral plasticity (Fig. 4C). A second allele of GAPVD1•rme-6(tm6649) estimates of ASD-association confidence and specificity (Fig. 3A and an additional allele of CHD8•chd-7(gk209) tested after the and Datasets S7 and S8). For the phenotypes quantified and strains large-scale characterization also displayed the same phenotypic tested, no single phenotype is affected by all putative ASD-associated profile, confirming genotype-to-phenotype relationships (SI Ap- gene orthologs (Fig. 3A). However, all strains were significantly pendix,Fig.S7). CHD8 is a high-confidence ASD-associated gene different from wild-type on at least 1 phenotypic metric (Fig. 3B). A whereas GAPVD1 is relatively low confidence, yet, when they are larger number of strains displayed altered morphological and base- inactivated in a model organism, they cause strikingly similar phe- line locomotion phenotypes compared to sensory or learning phe- notypic profiles and function together to promote normal habituation notypes (Fig. 3B). Finally, our results indicate that distinct, partially learning. overlapping sets of genes influence the different classes of pheno- Crossing between clusters revealed that CHD8•chd-7(gk306) types (e.g., naïve sensitivity and habituation learning are influenced and the sole C. elegans ortholog of vertebrate NLGN1/ by different sets of ASD-associated genes; Fig. 3 A and B). 2/3/4X•nlg-1(ok259) function in parallel genetic pathways, with While there are many potential downstream uses for this data- double mutants exhibiting additive impairments in habituation base, we endeavored to illustrate a few of the most promising (Fig. 4C). Interestingly, we also discovered a synthetic lethal in- applications. First, we clustered the mutant strains based on their teraction between CHD8•chd-7(gk306) and CTNNB1•bar-1(ga80), similarity in overall phenotypic profiles with the hypothesis, sup- suggesting CHD8 can function independently of its canonical role ported by recent large-scale model organism phenotyping efforts, in mediating the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway (56). These re- that phenotypic similarity would enrich for functional genetic in- β teractions among ASD-associated genes. However, while it has sults are consistent with the observation that Wnt/ -catenin targets been successful for C. elegans morphology and baseline locomo- are neither up-regulated nor the cause of lethality in CHD8 ho- tion profiles in the past (46–52), a large-scale phenotypic clustering mozygous knockout mice (57), suggesting that Wnt-independent approach has not been attempted in combination with complex functions of CHD8 are present in multiple species (58). We combined our results with the recent observation that Wnt/ sensory and learning phenotypes. Before clustering, we confirmed β the sensitivity and consistency of our phenotypic measures by ex- -catenin signaling increases expression and synaptic clustering amining the correlation of independently generated alleles tar- of NLGN3 (59) to draw parallel pathways underlying impaired geting the same gene within the set of strains we tested. Our habituation (Fig. 4D). Together, these results demonstrate that sample contained 33 genes represented by multiple independently systematic phenotypic clustering and epistasis analysis of com- generated alleles (29 genes with secondary alleles and 4 with both plex sensory and learning phenotypes present an in vivo ap- secondary and tertiary alleles targeting the same gene). Analysis of proach to map functional genetic network interactions among the distribution of the overall phenomic correlations between the ASD-associated genes and prioritize candidates that would be same gene-independent allele pairs revealed that the average cor- missed by focusing on currently high-confidence genes. relation was indeed higher than all other possible gene pairs (n = 9,004) and that the same gene allele pair distribution was skewed Phenomic Profiles Can Be Leveraged for In Vivo Variant Functional toward highly positive correlations (SI Appendix,Fig.S5A). We also Assays. Another challenge facing ASD is the inability to interpret included heat maps illustrating only genotype–phenotype relation- the functional consequences of the large number of rare variants ships seen in all independent alleles of a given gene (Dataset S6). of uncertain significance (25). Many variants found in ASD are We then used several clustering methods to group genes based so rare they preclude traditional genetic approaches to infer on phenotypic similarity to predict genetic interactions. Hierar- pathogenicity (25, 26). Experimental variant functional assays, chical clustering accurately identified several well-known in- where the variant is introduced into a model system, can be teractions, such as those between voltage-gated calcium channels combined with computational approaches to guide clinical assess- CACNA1E•unc-2, Syntaxin binding STXBP1•unc-18,and ment, but there is a paucity of such assays for most ASD-associated Rab3 binding proteins RIMS1•unc-10 (Fig. 3A and Datasets S5 genes due to a lack of understanding of their normal biological and S9) (53, 54). Our analysis also confirmed recently discovered functions (25, 60, 61). Here, we show how the phenomic functional interactions, such as those between the dual specificity kinase data we generated by studying inactivating mutations in ASD- DYRK1A•mbk-1 and the histone acetyltransferase CREBBP•cbp-1, associated gene orthologs can be combined with the genetic trac- and predicted several new interactions (Fig. 3A and Datasets S5 tability of C. elegans to develop in vivo variant functional assays and S9) (55). We then investigated the overall phenotypic using complex sensory and learning behaviors as a readout.

660 | McDiarmid et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 t-test for features (FDR < 0.1) t-statistic AB20 TEK•R151.1(ok2347) TEK•R151.1(ok2347) SPAG9•unc-16(n730) SPAG9•unc-16(n730) SPAG9•unc-16(e109) SPAG9•unc-16(e109)

PRKD1•dkf-1(ok2695) PRKD1•dkf-1(ok2695) SEE COMMENTARY NTNG1•epi-1(gm57) NTNG1•epi-1(gm57) ARX•unc-4(e120) ARX•unc-4(e120) CDKL5•cdkl-1(ok2694) CDKL5•cdkl-1(ok2694) PAX5•pax-2(ok3078) PAX5•pax-2(ok3078) RIMS1•unc-10(md1117) -20 RIMS1•unc-10(md1117) RIMS1•unc-10(e102) RIMS1•unc-10(e102) CELF4•unc-75(e950) CELF4•unc-75(e950) ARX•unc-4(gk705) ARX•unc-4(gk705) CELF4•unc-75(tm9711) CELF4•unc-75(tm9711) CACNA2D3•unc-36(ad698) CACNA2D3•unc-36(ad698) STXBP1•unc-18(e234) STXBP1•unc-18(e234) STXBP1•unc-18(md299) STXBP1•unc-18(md299) STXBP1•unc-18(e81) STXBP1•unc-18(e81) CACNA2D3•unc-36(e251) CACNA2D3•unc-36(e251) CACNA1E•unc-2(gk366) CACNA1E•unc-2(gk366) CACNA1E•unc-2(e55) CACNA1E•unc-2(e55) VEZF1•M03D4.4(tm10242) VEZF1•M03D4.4(tm10242) BCL11A•bcl-11(tm522) BCL11A•bcl-11(tm522) DHCR7•dhcr-7(tm6473) DHCR7•dhcr-7(tm6473) PAX5•npax-2(tm2107) PAX5•npax-2(tm2107) POGZ•row-1(tm556) POGZ•row-1(tm556) GIGYF1•C18H9.3(tm4671) GIGYF1•C18H9.3(tm4671) AP2S1•aps-2(tm2752) AP2S1•aps-2(tm2752) CTNNB1•bar-1(ga80) CTNNB1•bar-1(ga80) KAT2B•pcaf-1(tm3318) KAT2B•pcaf-1(tm3318) TM9SF4•ZK858.6(ok2921) TM9SF4•ZK858.6(ok2921) DMPK•mrck-1(ok586) DMPK•mrck-1(ok586) FAT1/FAT3•cdh-4(hd40) FAT1/FAT3•cdh-4(hd40) HDAC4•hda-4(ok518) HDAC4•hda-4(ok518) NCKAP1•gex-3(zu196) NCKAP1•gex-3(zu196) ELAVL3•exc-7(ok370) ELAVL3•exc-7(ok370) CREBBP•cbp-1(ku258) CREBBP•cbp-1(ku258) KMT5B•set-4(ok1481) KMT5B•set-4(ok1481) VPS13B•C25H3.11(gk425293) VPS13B•C25H3.11(gk425293) SHANK1/2/3•shn-1(ok1241) SHANK1/2/3•shn-1(ok1241) DYRK1A•mbk-1(pk1389) DYRK1A•mbk-1(pk1389) FAT1/FAT3•cdh-4(ok1323) FAT1/FAT3•cdh-4(ok1323) GRIA2•glr-2(ok2342) GRIA2•glr-2(ok2342) NRXN1/2/3•nrx-1(ds1) NRXN1/2/3•nrx-1(ds1) SPAST•spas-1(tm683) SPAST•spas-1(tm683) PTCHD1•daf-6(e1377) PTCHD1•daf-6(e1377) LRRC4C•lron-8(tm8188) LRRC4C•lron-8(tm8188) AKAP9•hcp-1(gk237614) AKAP9•hcp-1(gk237614) KDM6B•jmjd-3.3(tm3197) KDM6B•jmjd-3.3(tm3197) TCF7L2•pop-1(tm6676) TCF7L2•pop-1(tm6676) UBR4•ubr-4(tm3968) UBR4•ubr-4(tm3968) TBR1•tbx-38(tm581) TBR1•tbx-38(tm581) GABRB2/3•gab-1(tm3577) GABRB2/3•gab-1(tm3577) PTCHD1•ptr-6(ok2988) PTCHD1•ptr-6(ok2988) GAPVD1•rme-6(tm6649) GAPVD1•rme-6(tm6649) VEZF1•M03D4.4(tm559) VEZF1•M03D4.4(tm559) KCNQ3•kqt-1(tm8384) KCNQ3•kqt-1(tm8384) USP7•math-33(tm6724) USP7•math-33(tm6724) IRF2BPL•tag-260(ok1339) IRF2BPL•tag-260(ok1339) AGAP2•cnt-2(ok1767) AGAP2•cnt-2(ok1767) KCNJ10•irk-3(gk542081) KCNJ10•irk-3(gk542081) SIN3A•sin-3(tm1276) SIN3A•sin-3(tm1276) KCNQ3•kqt-1(tm846) KCNQ3•kqt-1(tm846) ZBTB20•ztf-6(gk122271) ZBTB20•ztf-6(gk122271) ELAVL3•exc-7(rh252) ELAVL3•exc-7(rh252) KMT2C•set-16(gk190875) KMT2C•set-16(gk190875) PTCHD1•ptr-10(ok2106) PTCHD1•ptr-10(ok2106) MET•F11E6.8(ok2754) MET•F11E6.8(ok2754) TSC2•hgap-1(gk101481) TSC2•hgap-1(gk101481) SYNE1•anc-1(e1802) SYNE1•anc-1(e1802) KCNJ10•irk-3(tm7416) KCNJ10•irk-3(tm7416) UPF3B•smg-4(tm5409) UPF3B•smg-4(tm5409) TM9SF4•ZK858.6(ok3464) TM9SF4•ZK858.6(ok3464) NSD1•met-1(ok2172) NSD1•met-1(ok2172) SYNE1•anc-1(e1753) SYNE1•anc-1(e1753) ZBTB20•ztf-6(tm1803) ZBTB20•ztf-6(tm1803) KDM5B•rbr-2(ok2544) KDM5B•rbr-2(ok2544) PPP2R5D•pptr-2(ok1467) PPP2R5D•pptr-2(ok1467) DMD•dys-1(cx18) DMD•dys-1(cx18) NRXN1/2/3•nrx-1(ok1649) NRXN1/2/3•nrx-1(ok1649) KCNMA1•slo-1(js118) KCNMA1•slo-1(js118)

KCNMA1•slo-1(eg142) KCNMA1•slo-1(eg142) NEUROSCIENCE KCNMA1•slo-1(js379) KCNMA1•slo-1(js379) FOXP1•fkh-7(gk793) FOXP1•fkh-7(gk793) PTEN•daf-18(ok480) PTEN•daf-18(ok480) GABRB2/3•gab-1(gk189051) GABRB2/3•gab-1(gk189051) SBF1•mtm-5(ok469) SBF1•mtm-5(ok469) SYNGAP1•gap-2(tm748) SYNGAP1•gap-2(tm748) PTEN•daf-18(e1375) PTEN•daf-18(e1375) CHD2•chd-1(ok2798) CHD2•chd-1(ok2798) CTNND2•jac-1(ok3000) CTNND2•jac-1(ok3000) CLASP1•cls-3(tm5775) CLASP1•cls-3(tm5775) GAPVD1•rme-6(b1014) GAPVD1•rme-6(b1014) CACNA1C•egl-19(n582) CACNA1C•egl-19(n582) UPF3B•smg-4(gk244058) UPF3B•smg-4(gk244058) PAX5•pax-2(ok946) PAX5•pax-2(ok946) CORO1A•cor-1(ok869) CORO1A•cor-1(ok869) ARID1B•let-526(gk110913) ARID1B•let-526(gk110913) NSD1•met-1(gk510) NSD1•met-1(gk510) DST•vab-10(e698) DST•vab-10(e698) CTNNB1•bar-1(mu63) CTNNB1•bar-1(mu63) SYNGAP1•gap-2(ok1001) SYNGAP1•gap-2(ok1001) MKX•irx-1(tm238) MKX•irx-1(tm238) KDM6B•jmjd-3.3(tm3104) KDM6B•jmjd-3.3(tm3104) CTNNB1•hmp-2(qm39) CTNNB1•hmp-2(qm39) UBR4•ubr-4(gk109613) UBR4•ubr-4(gk109613) TBR1•tbx-38(gk186909) TBR1•tbx-38(gk186909) EHMT1•set-11(n4488) EHMT1•set-11(n4488) SHANK1/2/3•shn-1(gk181) SHANK1/2/3•shn-1(gk181) FAT1/FAT3•cdh-1(gk747) FAT1/FAT3•cdh-1(gk747) ZMYND8•bra-1(nk1) ZMYND8•bra-1(nk1) PAX5•pax-2(ok935) PAX5•pax-2(ok935) DIP2A•dip-2(ok885) DIP2A•dip-2(ok885) GRIN2B•nmr-2(ok3324) GRIN2B•nmr-2(ok3324) SETD5•set-9(n4949) SETD5•set-9(n4949) CLASP1•cls-3(ok3375) CLASP1•cls-3(ok3375) CACNA1H•cca-1(ad1650) CACNA1H•cca-1(ad1650) DST•vab-10(gk45) DST•vab-10(gk45) CHD8•chd-7(gk306) CHD8•chd-7(gk306) NSD1•met-1(n4337) NSD1•met-1(n4337) GNAI1•gpa-16(ok2349) GNAI1•gpa-16(ok2349) SLC9A6•nhx-5(ok661) SLC9A6•nhx-5(ok661) SPAST•spas-1(ok1608) SPAST•spas-1(ok1608) Feature Class MPP6•C50F2.8(ok533) MPP6•C50F2.8(ok533) SLC6A1•snf-11(ok156) SLC6A1•snf-11(ok156) Morphology DSCAM•igcm-1(ok711) DSCAM•igcm-1(ok711) NLGN1/2/3/4X•nlg-1(ok259) NLGN1/2/3/4X•nlg-1(ok259) Baseline locomotion MYT1L•ztf-11(ok646) MYT1L•ztf-11(ok646) PPP1R9B•nab-1(gk164) PPP1R9B•nab-1(gk164) Initial sensitivity PHF2•jmjd-1.1(hc184) PHF2•jmjd-1.1(hc184) Habituation learning MED13L•let-19(gk149538) MED13L•let-19(gk149538) DPYSL2•dhp-1(tm1072) DPYSL2•dhp-1(tm1072) Spontaneous Recovery PPP1R9B•nab-1(ok943) PPP1R9B•nab-1(ok943) PPP5C•pph-5(ok3498) PPP5C•pph-5(ok3498) GRIA2•glr-1(n2461) GRIA2•glr-1(n2461) SETD5•set-24(n4909) SETD5•set-24(n4909)

NDD Kink Bias Crab Width Area CurveAspect Length Satterstrom et al. association confidence FWER ≤ 0.05 FDR ≤ 0.05 FDR ≤ 0.1 NA ASD Direction

p or Path Length Morphwidth Midline Length Angular Speed Baseline Speed ASDp or ASDNDD ASDp ASDNDD NA ASD

SFARI Gene category SFARI Gene syndromic Initial Response Speed SFARI Gene catgeory 15432 NA Initial ResponseInitial DistanceResponse Duration Initial Response Probability Satterstrom et al. confidence Spontaneous Recovery Speed Habituation of Response Speed SpontaneousSpontaneous Recovery Recovery Duration Distance SFARI Gene syndromic YesNo NA HabituationHabituation of Response of DistanceResponseSpontaneous Duration Recovery Probability Habituation of Response Probability

Fig. 3. A phenomic database of strains with mutations in ASD-associated genes. (A) Heat map summarizing the phenotypic profiles of 135 strains harboring a mutation in an ortholog of an ASD-associated gene. Cells represent directional t-statistics from comparisons to wild-type controls. t-statistics are clipped at 20, and only cells significant at FDR < 0.1 are colored for ease of interpretation. Interactive heat maps illustrating the full range of t-statistics are provided in

Dataset S5.ASDp, ASD predominant; ASDNDD, ASD and neurodevelopmental disorders (8). (B) The number of significantly different features for each strain tested. Stacked bars are color-coded according to feature subclasses.

In our large-scale characterization, we discovered that muta- to rescue, revealing varied partial loss of function (Fig. 5 D–G). tions in the C. elegans ortholog of vertebrate neuroligins cause We found similar results for these variants on 3 additional be- impairments in habituation of response probability. We generated havioral functional assays: octanol avoidance chemotaxis, ther- a wild-type nlg-1::YFP fusion transgene and found that expression motaxis, and sensory integration (SI Appendix,Fig.S9). Each of of this construct in nlg-1(ok259) deletion mutants was sufficient to these functional assays involve distinct neural circuits, suggesting a restore normal habituation learning (Fig. 5 A–C and SI Appendix, general partial loss-of-function mechanism due to ASD-associated Fig. S8A). We then used this transgenic rescue to assess the neuroligin variants in whole organism behavior. All ASD-associated functional consequences of mutations equivalent to 4 conserved variants were expressed at similar levels and properly local- ASD-associated neuroligin missense variants by testing their ability ized to synapses in vivo, likely ruling out a simple pathogenic

McDiarmid et al. PNAS | January 7, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 1 | 661 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 A B 99


C D ***

*** CTNNB1 CHD8 bar-1 chd-7 *** *** chd-7(gk306);rme-6(b1014) chd-7(gk306);nlg-1(ok259)

NLGN1-4x GAPVD1/ nlg-1 rme-6

*** *** Normal sensitivity and habituation learning

Fig. 4. Combining phenotypic clustering and epistasis analysis to map parallel genetic networks underlying hyperresponsivity and impaired habituation. (A and B) Hierarchical clustering based on sensory and learning features identified 2 sets of genes with members that display impairments in habituation of response probability and hyperresponsivity to mechanosensory stimuli (increased initial reversal response duration). Rectangles outline the largest clusters with AU P values >95%. (C) Final reversal probability across genotypes (average of the 28th to 30th responses). Dots represent individual plate means, and horizontal lines represent median of plate replicates. Binomial logistic regression followed by Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) criterion was used to determine significance of the habituated level (proportion reversing at tap 30) for each pair of strains (***P < 0.001). (D) Parallel genetic pathways of ASD- associated genes underlie impaired habituation learning.

mechanism of improper trafficking or severely reduced cellular the observation that inactivation of MECP2, neuroligins, and sev- abundance (Fig. 5B). We also characterized 2 additional neu- eral other ASD-associated genes in adulthood could cause severe roligin variant lines generated with a precise CRISPR-Cas9 ge- electrophysiological and behavioral impairments demonstrated nome engineering method (61) and again observed varied that they were not simply neurodevelopmental genes, and instead partial loss of function (Fig. 5H). Finally, we assessed 5 addi- that they function throughout the lifespan to promote normal tional missense variants in chd-7 (orthologous to CHD8 and sensory and learning behaviors (63–65). Such conditional rescue CHD7) also generated with CRISPR-Cas9 and observed that and inactivation experiments are valuable to ASD research, but P165L•P253L and R2627Q•R2624Q displayed wild-type func- they are expensive, technically difficult, and time-consuming in tion and habituated normally, while L834P•L1220P, G996S•G1225S, mammalian model systems and are thus not yet practical for many and L1257R•L1487R displayed impairments in habituation learn- genes. With C. elegans, however, conditional and reversible ing (Fig. 5 I–K). Importantly, all ASD-associated gene orthologs, protein depletion is precise, rapid, and straightforward owing including those with no prior functional annotation, were signifi- to their genetic tractability and the recent advent of CRISPR- cantly different from wild-type animals on at least one phenotypic Cas9 auxin-inducible degradation (AID) (66). AID relies on metric in our characterization (Fig. 3B), suggesting this will be a transgenic expression of TIR1, an inducible E3 ubiquitin ligase broadly applicable approach to decipher variants of uncertain that targets any protein with an AID degron peptide tag for deg- significance. radation by the proteasome only when in the presence of its ac- tivating hormone auxin (Fig. 6). Moreover, upon removal from CRISPR-Cas9 Auxin-Inducible Degradation Reveals That nlg-1 Phenotypes auxin, TIR1 is inactivated, allowing rapid reconstitution of protein Are Reversible by Adult-Specific Reexpression. Historically, it was expression in large populations of freely behaving and intact ani- believed that the neurodevelopmental insults caused by monogenic mals without the need for surgery or vector delivery (66). risk factors for ASD were so severe that they would not be re- Despite extensive study, adult transgenic rescue tests of be- versible in adulthood, and thus any treatment would have to be havioral phenotype reversibility have not been completed for any administered early to be effective. The seminal discoveries that member of the vertebrate neuroligin family (53, 67). We used the phenotypes caused by mutations in MECP2 couldbereversedby CRISPR-Cas9 dual marker selection (DMS) cassette genome transgenic expression of the protein in adulthood, after a presumed editing strategy to insert GFP and a short AID degron peptide tag critical developmental period had passed, offered tremendous into the endogenous C. elegans neuroligin 13 residues before hope for families suffering from Rett syndrome (62). Conversely, the stop codon (Fig. 6A; further details provided in SI Appendix,

662 | McDiarmid et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 C. elegans nlg-1 locus D A B A P C nlg-1 promoter nlg-1 *** V NR n.s. nlg-1p::nlg-1 WT rescue SEE COMMENTARY

nlg-1(ok259) !! 1 KB





NR *** *** *** *** *** *** *** D E F G n.s. NLG-1 R87W NLG-1 V403M V397M NLG-1 R451C R430C NLG-1 R704C R714C

!! !! !! !! NEUROSCIENCE *** *** *** *** *** n.s. H NLG-1 G84R I CHD-7 R2627Q R2624Q n.s. J CHD-7 G996S G1225S K CHD-7 L834P L1220P NLG-1 A283T CHD-7 P165L P253L CHD-7 L1257R L1487R !! !! !! !!

Fig. 5. Functional assessment of ASD-associated missense variants. (A) Schematic of the nlg-1(ok259) deletion allele and NLG-1::YFP transgene. Lollipops indicate the approximate locations of the equivalent ASD-associated variants assessed. Note the R430C variant in C. elegans NLG-1 corresponds to a mutation in human NLGN3 whereas the R62W, V397M, and R714C NLG-1 variants correspond to mutations in human NLGN4X.(B) All neuroligin variants were expressed at similar levels and localized properly to synapses in the nerve ring and nerve cords. A, anterior; P, posterior; D, dorsal; V, ventral; NR, nerve ring. (Scale bar: 0.02 mm.) (C) Expression of wild-type NLG-1::YFP rescued nlg-1(ok259) deletion mutant impaired habituation of response probability. (D–G) Each neuroligin variant was scored for its ability to rescue impaired habituation of response probability, revealing varied partial loss of function. (H) Missense variants in nlg-1 generated with CRISPR-Cas9 also displayed varied partial loss of function with corresponding impairments in habituation. Note the G59R and A268T variants in C. elegans NLG-1 correspond to variants in human NLGN4X.(I–K) P165L•P253L and R2627Q•R2624Q missense variants in C. elegans CHD-7 did not display habituation impairments, while L834P•L1220P, G996S•G1225S, and L1257R•L1487R displayed impairments in habituation. Note that the G1225S, L1487R, and R2624Q missense variants in C. elegans CHD-7 correspond to variants in human CHD7, while L1220P and P253L correspond to variants in human CHD8. (C–K) Data shown as mean ± SEM using plates as n. Binomial logistic regression followed by Tukey’s HSD criterion was used to determine significance of the habituated level (proportion reversing at tap 30) for each pair of strains (***P < 0.001). n.s., not significant.

SI Materials and Methods). This fusion protein localized properly 6F). Importantly, wild-type animals continuously exposed to auxin to synapses and is fully functional; there were no habituation displayed no morphological or behavioral abnormalities (Fig. 6G). impairments or gross neuroanatomical abnormalities in genome- Strikingly, we observed that, for animals reared on auxin to edited animals (Fig. 6 C and D and SI Appendix,Fig.S8B). We degrade NLG-1 throughout development, adult-specific expres- then crossed this strain into animals expressing TIR1 under a sion of neuroligin was sufficient to partially rescue the habitua- ubiquitous promoter and observed that treatment with 0.025 mM tion impairment phenotype (Fig. 6H). Surprisingly, adult-specific auxin for <10.0 h was sufficient for complete degradation of the degradation of neuroligin did not lead to impaired habituation functional NLG-1::AID::GFP fusion protein at multiple life stages (Fig. 6I). These results indicate a critical role for neuroligin in (Fig. 6D). Moreover, NLG-1::AID::GFP was partially recovered generating a circuit properly tuned for normal mechanosensory 48 h after removal from auxin (Fig. 6D). We used this approach to processing and short-term behavioral plasticity. Further, they test several conditional rescue and inactivation groups simulta- suggest behavioral disruptions caused by developmental loss of neously (Fig. 6E). Animals reared on auxin for continuous deg- neuroligins might be at least partially reversible by adult ex- radation displayed habituation impairments equivalent to those of pression. Given the speed of machine vision phenotyping and nlg-1(ok259) null mutants, confirming effective degradation (Fig. relative ease of CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing in C. elegans, AID

McDiarmid et al. PNAS | January 7, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 1 | 663 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 C. elegans nlg-1 locus A nlg-1 promoter nlg-1 B

450BP Homology nlg-1(ok259) AChE AChE 1 KB

LoxP LoxP AID GFP 5305 BP

Dual-marker selection nlg-1 promoter 450BP Homology cassette 450BP Homology v v nlg-1 AID Cas9 TIR1

Auxin GFP GFP LoxP LoxP nlg-1 promoter Cullin2- based E3 PDZ ubiquitin ligase

LoxP nlg-1 promoter ubiquitin


| Period of Auxin administration / Conditional protein degradation | D DNC A P V No Auxin negative control group

NR NLG-1::AID::GFP Day 0 Day 4 | adulthood TIR1::mRuby VNC Continuous Auxin positive control group DNC n.s. nlg-1::AID::GFP DSM U.E.!!

Day 0 Day 4 | adulthood

NR Adult re-expression/reversibility conditional rescue test group NLG-1::AID::GFP TIR1::mRuby VNC

Day 0 Day 4 | adulthood DNC

Adult conditional inactivation test group

NR NLG-1::AID::GFP Day 0 Day 4 | adulthood n.s. nlg-1::AID::GFP !! TIR1::mRuby VNC


nlg-1::AID::GFP;TIR1 nlg-1::AID::GFP;TIR1 !! nlg-1::AID::GFP;TIR1 !! nlg-1::AID::GFP;TIR1 !! n.s. n.s. n.s. nlg-1::AID::GFP;TIR1 + Auxin! *** Auxin nlg-1::AID::GFP;TIR1 Adult rescue nlg-1::AID::GFP;TIR1 Adult deg.

Fig. 6. CRISPR-Cas9 auxin-inducible degradation reveals phenotypes caused by developmental loss of neuroligin can be rescued by adult reexpression. (A)The modified DMS cassette genome editing strategy used to insert GFP and a short degron tag into the endogenous neuroligin locus. The maroon line in the repair template indicates the location of an engineered silent mutation in the protospacer adjacent motif to prevent cleavage of exogenous DNA. (B) Schematic of the NLG-1::AID::GFP transgene. In the presence of auxin, TIR1 is activated targeting the fusion protein for degradation. Following auxin treatment, TIR1 is inactivated, allowing conditional degradation and reexpression of the fusion protein. (C) The fusion protein is fully functional; NLG-1::AID::GFP animals did not display ha- bituation impairments before (Top)orafter(Bottom) DMS cassette excision. (D) The fusion protein localizes properly to synapses in the nerve ring and nerve cords (Top). Treatment with 0.025 mM auxin is sufficient for complete degradation of the fusion protein (Middle) that is reversible 48 h after removal from auxin (Bottom). A, anterior; P, posterior; D, dorsal; V, ventral; NR, nerve ring. (Scale bar: 0.02 mm.) (E) Period of auxin administration for each group. (F) Continuous auxin administration recapitulated impairments in habituation of response probability. (G) Wild-type•N2 animals continuously treated with auxin exhibited normal habituation. (H) Adult-specific reexpression of neuroligin partially rescued impaired habituation. Solid blue circles represent continuous auxin administration group (as in F). (I) Adult-specific degradation of neuroligin did not induce habituation impairments (solid blue circles as in F). (C, F,andI) Binomial logistic regression followed by Tukey’s HSD criterion was used to determine significance of the habituated level (proportion reversing at tap 30) for each pair of strains (***P < 0.001). n.s., not significant. Data shown as mean ± SEM using plates as n.

664 | McDiarmid et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 represents a scalable approach that can be applied to diverse continuously distributed, certain genes were closer to each other ASD-associated genes. than others in a manner that reflected underlying molecular in- teractions. The observation that ASDs are a group of etiologically Discussion distinct and variably phenotypically similar disorders provides SEE COMMENTARY We quantified 26 phenotypes for >27,000 animals across 135 further motivation for tailored treatments designed on the bases of genotypes and identified hundreds of genotype–phenotype shared molecular pathway disruptions (3, 73). relationships. When combined with a recent aggregation of all For the majority of genes studied in this work, there is a clear other machine vision behavioral datasets collected in this organism C. elegans ortholog with a loss-of-function mutation available to date, our database more than doubles the number of tracked from stock centers, oftentimes in an outcrossed strain to mini- animals reported in the literature from ∼15,000 to >30,000 (68). mize the effects of background mutations. For some genes, By making the raw and processed data available online, we have orthology relationships are less clear, and there was a paucity of created open and shareable phenotypic atlas of C. elegans strains outcrossed deletion alleles, making the functional annotations carrying mutations in orthologs of ASD-associated genes. We have added onto these genes provisional at this point. This limitation shown how this database can be used to identify shared functions, becomes less important when the same phenotypes were observed map genetic networks, gauge missense variant effect, and deter- in 2 strains carrying independently generated alleles of the same mine reversibility of phenotypic disruptions. gene, when the phenotypes were rescued by expression of the wild- We found that the vast majority of strains with mutations in type allele, or when the phenotypes were observed in a strain ASD-associated genes displayed delayed development or growth generated with CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing. As such, the reader impediments, a finding consistent with a recent large-scale analysis should gauge the confidence of the genotype-to-phenotype rela- of inactivating mutations in constrained genes in humans (69). We tionships reported for individual strains accordingly when de- also found that a large number of ASD-associated genes impair signing follow-up studies, an approach that has proven to be habituation, a finding consistent with a recently reported large- straightforward and extremely valuable when applied to previous scale analysis of ASD- and intellectual disability/developmental large-scale phenotyping of baseline locomotion in similarly gen- delay-associated genes in Drosophila and humans (70). Interest- erated C. elegans knockout libraries (46, 47, 68, 74). ingly, our data show that ASD-associated genes specifically im- It is also important to consider whether the functions of ASD- pair habituation of response probability. These results provide a associated genes discovered here will be conserved to their human genotype-to-phenotype list (Fig. 1C) that may hint at a common orthologs, and, if they are conserved, whether they display speci- pathological mechanism that impairs plasticity of a neural circuit’s ficity to ASD. Regardless of the qualitative diagnostic label ap- decision to respond without altering response vigor. Indeed, these plied, understanding the functions of these poorly characterized

Drosophila and C. elegans results may reflect a behavioral out- neurodevelopmental disorder-associated genes will be valuable for NEUROSCIENCE come of circuit-level hyperexcitability recently discovered in sev- understanding pathology and designing treatments. Further, un- eral human iPSC-derived neuronal culture models of a number of derstanding gene functions that may not be specific to ASD pa- monogenic ASD risk factors (71, 72). The results also provide a thology (e.g., seizures) can still be useful in diagnosis or treating potentially plausible explanation for inconsistent reports of im- comorbidities. Even in cases where a given gene may be implicated paired habituation in humans, which variably employ diverse re- in multiple disorders, or where a deletion allele may not be the sponse metrics most often without genetic stratification of patient best model of genetic etiology, understanding the consequences of populations (15, 39). While these shared phenotypes are exciting, loss of function in that gene can offer valuable insights that aid in our results and those of several other model systems (11, 15, 19, the interpretation of the functional impact of particular risk vari- 22, 70, 71) reveal a remarkable diversity in phenotypic disruptions, ants that may be specific to a given disease pathology. Regarding suggesting that single phenotype functional validation and char- conservation of function, several of the shared functions for ASD- acterization efforts will be insufficient to capture the complex associated gene orthologs identified here, such as promoting multifaceted phenotypic disruptions that stem from mutations in normal development or habituation of response probability, have ASD-associated genes. concurrently been discovered in higher model organisms and hu- man iPSCs, suggesting many of the other functions reported here Phenomic Clustering and Epistasis to Map Genetic Networks Among will also be conserved. Indeed, our analysis and previous work in ASD-Associated Genes In Vivo. We combined phenotypic clustering other model systems suggest that ASD-associated genes are highly with epistasis analysis to map functional genetic networks among conserved throughout evolution (75). It is also worth reiterating ASD-associated genes and identified parallel genetic networks that many human genes have been shown to functionally replace centered on CHD8•chd-7 and NLGN1/2/3/4X•nlg-1 that underlie their C. elegans orthologs. For example, human NLGN1 and hyperresponsivity and impaired habituation. These results provide NLGN4 have both been shown to rescue multiple sensory ab- in vivo functional support to the proposed broad categorization of normalities caused by loss of C. elegans nlg-1 (33, 76). We have also ASD-associated genes into those involved in synaptic neuronal recently shown that directly replacing daf-18 with only a single communication (neuroligin) and gene expression regulation (CHD8) copy of its human ASD-associated ortholog PTEN at the endog- (6, 8). An exciting question for future research will be to determine enous locus using CRISPR-Cas9 is able to rescue multiple sensory how well the phenomic functional interactions delineated here abnormalities caused by complete deletion of daf-18 (31). Indeed, map onto biochemical interactions. Indeed, in vivo genetic net- it would not be surprising if a highly conserved human gene could works will serve as an important benchmark from which to com- replace its C. elegans ortholog. All model systems have their rel- pare and extend existing networks of ASD-associated genes. ative strengths and weaknesses, and the fastest and most gener- Phenomic clustering will be particularly useful for capturing long- alizable insights in ASD research will undoubtedly come from range functional interactions between proteins expressed in dif- synthesis of large amounts of information derived from diverse ferent cells or even different points in development, which cannot model systems and studies of individuals with ASD. be detected by measures of direct protein–protein interactions or coexpression. Phenomic Profiles Can Be Leveraged for In Vivo Assays of Missense The strains we characterized were generally continuously Variant Effect. We used neuroligin as a proof of principle to show distributed in phenotypic space, and we did not detect highly how our phenomic profiles can be leveraged to establish in vivo separated discrete phenotypic clusters. Even in this carefully variant functional assays. We found that all neuroligin variants controlled genetic background and environment, we found no tested displayed partial loss of function despite effective expression evidence for distinct phenotypic classes of ASD-associated genes. and proper subcellular localization. Further, we observed that This is in contrast to the molecular level, where multiple studies variant functional results were consistent across multiple behav- and our work suggest there are functionally distinct classes of ioral functional assays involving distinct neural circuits. While the ASD-associated genes (3, 8, 73). While phenotypic profiles were neurobiological mechanisms underlying the behavioral effects of

McDiarmid et al. PNAS | January 7, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 1 | 665 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 ASD-associated neuroligin variants currently remain controversial and thereby prioritize candidates for further study in less evolu- (different studies have implicated altered receptor trafficking, tionarily distant model systems with greater translational potential. circuit-specific electrophysiological imbalances, etc.) (77–82), our results suggest that a treatment should be designed to increase Conclusions neuroligin function while taking into account the presence of an We have completed a systematic phenomics analysis of ASD- existing dysfunctional protein. We also assessed several missense associated genes and identified shared delays in development, variants in chd-7 and observed habituation impairments in a sub- hyperactivity, and impairments in habituation learning. Our data set, further prioritizing these candidates for future study (61). add to the rapidly expanding use of model organism phenomics Importantly, all strains were significantly different from wild-type to discover the functions of poorly characterized genes identified on at least one metric, allowing for many diverse in vivo variant through genomic sequencing (9, 31, 85–87). We have shown how functional assessments moving forward. Many genes were signifi- such data can be used to identify genetic interactions, establish cantly different on multiple metrics, giving researchers with in- variant functional assays, and develop tests of phenotypic re- terests in particular biological processes the ability to choose a versibility. This work sets the stage for numerous future experi- phenotypic functional assay most suited to their needs. A strength ments using cell-specific and inducible genetic manipulations to of C. elegans will continue to be the ability to rapidly assess mul- delineate each of the specific mechanisms through which muta- tiple variants in complex sensory and learning behaviors in vivo. tions in these genes produce their emergent phenotypic profiles. There is substantial evidence that an insufficient understanding Harnessing Phenotypic Profiles for Tests of Adult Reversibility. We of the biology of many disease-associated genes has prevented found that adult expression of neuroligin could partially reverse the impaired habituation phenotypes of animals that developed the successful development of therapies and that preclinical re- without neuroligin. Interestingly, we also found that adult-specific search is biased toward experimentally well-accessible genes inactivation did not produce phenotypic disruptions. These results (88). It is ideal to be systematic and unbiased whenever possible, are surprising, as inactivation of NLGN1, NLGN2,andNLGN3 in an opportunity high-throughput model organisms such as C. mature vertebrates produces abnormalities in several complex elegans afford and thus one we should continue to exploit. As we behaviors (63, 64, 83). However, a plausible explanation could be continue to chart the phenotypic landscape of ASD-associated that neuroligin is only necessary in adulthood for forms of learning genes, the complicated paths to understanding mechanisms and and memory that require structural plasticity. Indeed, all studies developing personalized treatments become simpler to navigate. reporting an adult requirement for neuroligin examined different forms of long-term memory, which, in contrast to the short-term Materials and Methods memories studied here, require de novo activity-dependent syn- Ortholog identification, machine vision phenotypic analyses, behavioral apse growth and maturation. Further, the phenotypes observed assays, statistical analyses, cloning, genome editing, auxin administration, often did not manifest until weeks after neuroligins were inacti- and confocal imaging are described in SI Appendix, SI Materials and vated in adult animals (64). These results led to a model in which Methods. Briefly, Bristol N2 animals were used as the wild-type C. elegans neuroligin is sufficient to build a circuit capable of normal sensi- strain. Strains were maintained on NGM (nematode growth medium) plates tivity and short-term habituation at any point throughout the seeded with Escherichia coli strain OP50 according to standard experi- lifespan, but, once that circuit has been built, its function is no mental procedures. At 96 h posthatch, hermaphrodite animals grown and longer required for short-term learning. Continued function of tested at 20 °C were used for all experiments in the large-scale character- neuroligin would then remain necessary only for more complex ization. All C. elegans strains used in this study are listed in the SI Appendix. forms of long-term learning and memory that require de novo Transgenic strains were generated by microinjection of transgene DNA or activity-dependent growth and maturation of synaptic connections. by genetic crosses. The C. elegans nervous system is thought to have largely invariant connections across individuals, and there is no clear evidence ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Dr. Evan Ardiel for discussions regarding the manuscript; Dr. Paul Sternberg, Dr. John Calarco, Dr. Erik Jorgensen, and yet of new synapse formation underlying long-term learning in Dr. Don Moerman and their labs for sharing constructs and protocols or C. elegans, making this model currently difficult to test. How- making them available; the C. elegans knockout consortium for alleles and ever, an adult form of experience/activity-dependent neural the National Bioresource Project and the C. elegans Genetics Center (National circuit remodeling where neural activity driving male mating Institutes of Health Office of Research Infrastructure Programs, P40623 behavior rewires synaptic connections has recently been discovered OD010440) for strains; Lexis Kepler, Aaron Reiss, and Anna Willms for in C. elegans, and neuroligin was identified as a critical component assistance with experiments; and Christine Ackerley for discussions regard- in this process (84). These results suggest that some phenotypic ing figure design. This work was supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Doctoral Research Award to T.A.M.; Simons Foundation alterations due to developmental loss of neuroligin may be re- Autism Research Initiative (205081) and Autism Speaks Grants (1975) to J.B.R., a versible in adulthood. More broadly, they provide a rapid and SFARI award (573845) to K.H. (PI), P.P., and C.H.R. (co-PIs); a SFARI award inexpensive strategy where AID can be used to test reversibility of (367560) to Paul Sternberg (PI) supporting W.-R.W.; and a CIHR project grant phenotypic disruptions caused by diverse ASD-associated genes (CIHR MOP 130287) to C.H.R.

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