KRAMER HERITAGE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES KRAMER HERITAGE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES prospecting in the area, historical accounts of the region's mining glory days, and articles geared toward the growing number of weekend or "hobby" miners. Many vacationers who have never panned for gold before are the proud possessors of a gold pan, a prospectors pick and a shovel. They are all hoping to strike it rich but will settle for the flash of a few colors in the pan (Sourdough Gazette 1964). In 1965 renewed activity of one sort or another was going on at the old Greenback, Bunker Hill, and Benton mines in Josephine County, all famed producers in the early years of the century. By and large, however, such activity was of limited scope. In 1966 Oregon's Department of Geology and Mineral Industries reported that the total yearly gold production in the entire state was valued at just $4,0001 The most remarkable feature about in Oregon during 1966 was the almost complete lack of any production. A total of only 113 ounces was reported. A few small, seasonal placer mines and one or two small hard-rock mines were active. In sharp contrast, however, was the large and growing interest by the general public in recreational gold mining (The Ore Bin 1967:2). After 1965 available reporting sources on gold production offered data statewide only and ceased to breakdown production by county " avoid disclosing confidential data," an indication of just how limited active mining must have been in the state.3 Nevertheless, some of the state-wide Oregon production numbers for gold are of interest, documenting the plunging status of gold mining both within the state and nationally (Table 7).

Table 7 Gold Production in Fine Ounces, Western Region, 1966-1980 (from Bureau of the Mint, Annual Reports of the Director)

State 1966 19710 1976 1980 27070 34776 22887 3005 Arizona 140000 109853 102062 75566 64600 4999 10392 6228 Colorado 30140 37114 50764 38836 Idaho 4170 3128 2755 25373 Montana 29000 22456 24075 20599 Nevada 361100 480144 287962 236572 New Mexico 13600 8719 15198 Orevon 170 256 28 (]) Utah 413900 408029 187318 181155 Washingtrin0) (a)

(1) Production of several states (Pennsylvania, Washington and Wyoming) was combined in 1969 to avoid disclosing confidential individual company data. production was added to this group in 1971 and Oregon was added in 1972, and then reported sporadically thereafter.
