A preliminary assessment of faunal values within and adjacent EPC 1029, Styx Basin, central-east Queensland ) Prepared for Yeats Consulting Engineers by Ed Meyer, Ecological Consultant,S Luscombe Street, Runcorn QLD 4113 (
[email protected]) Conditions of use This report may only be used for the purposes for which it was commissioned. The use of this report, or part thereof, for any other reason or purpose is prohibited without the written consent of the author. Front cover: Fauna recorded from EPC 1029 during March 2011 surveys. Clockwise from upper left: ornamental snake (Denisonia maculata); squatter pigeon (southern race) (Geophaps scripta scripta); metallic snake-eyed skink (Cryptoblepharus metal/icus); and eastern sedgefrog (Litoria tal/ax). ©Edward Meyer 2011 5 Luscombe Street, Runcorn QLD 4113 E-mail:
[email protected] Version 2 _ 3 August 2011 2 Table of contents 1. Summary 4 2. Background 6 Description of study area 6 Nomenclature 6 Abbreviations and acronyms 7 3. Methodology 9 General approach 9 ) Desktop assessment 9 Likelihood of occurrence assessments 10 Field surveys 11 Survey conditions 15 Survey limitations 15 4. Results 17 Desktop assessment findings 17 Likelihood of occurrence assessments 17 Field survey results -fauna 20 Field survey results - fauna habitat 22 Habitat for conservation significant species 28 ) 5. Summary and conclusions 37 6. References 38 Appendix A: Fauna previously recorded from Desktop Assessment Study Area 41 Appendix B: likelihood of occurrence assessments for conservation significant fauna 57 Appendix C: March 2011 survey results 73 Appendix D: Habitat photos 85 Appendix E: Habitat assessment proforma 100 3 1. Summary The faunal values of land within and adjacent Exploration Permit for Coal (EPe) 1029 were investigated by way of desktop review of existing information as well as field surveys carried out in late March 201l.