Culture and Violence: Psycho-Cultural Variables Involved in Homicide Across Nations
Culture and Violence: Psycho-cultural Variables Involved in Homicide across Nations Written by: Hamid Bashiriyeh Dipl. Psych. A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Psychology, Department of Psychology; University of Koblenz-Landau Under supervision of: Professor Dr. Manfred Schmitt Dean, Department of Psychology, Koblenz-Landau University Professor Dr. Ulrich Wagner Department of Psychology, Philipps-University Marburg 2010 To my brother and true friend Iraj, whose benevolence knows no bounds. Acknowledgments For the completion of this thesis, I owe my deepest gratitude and appreciation to: - Professor Dr. Manfred Schmitt, whose supervision, continuous attention, recommendations, encouragements, and supports, made the present dissertation possible in the way it is. I have learned much more than academic knowledge from him, who was always accessible and ready to help, even at times he was submerged in lots of his professional responsibilities. - Professor Dr. Ulrich Wagner, who not only gave many valuable advices, but also offered me an opportunity to stay with him and his research team (the Group Focused Enmity) at the Dept. of Psychology in Marburg for more than six months, in a very friendly and constructive atmosphere, during which he also offered me an opportunity to receive a six-month DFG scholarship, and to have a daily access to their research facilities. I am also grateful to the following people and institutions: - Friends and colleagues I used to meet and talk to for several months at the “Group Focused Enmity” in Marburg, for their friendliness as well as inspiring ideas. - Koblenz-Landau University, for providing me with the opportunity to study in Germany - Philipps University of Marburg, Dept.
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