Water Meter 2014 Drinking water production and distribution in figures


Title Water Meter 2014

Compiler Flemish Regulation Unit - WaterRegulator

Summary This report provides a statistical overview of drinking water production and distribution in from source to tap.

Reference Flanders Environment Agency (2015), Water Meter 2014 - Drinking Water Production and Distribution in Figures

Publisher Michiel Van Peteghem, VMM

Questions concerning this report Flanders Environment Agency Dokter De Moorstraat 24-26 9300 Aalst Tel: 053 72 62 10 [email protected]

Photography VMM archive, Shutterstock.com

Depot number D/2015/6871/014


2 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures WATERMETER 2014 IN A NUTSHELL

100 %

public shareholders

10 3

water companies million subscribers

348 1% 84 99

million m³ less invoiced m³ annual liter drinking water invoiced water water consumption consumption for per person in 2013 in 2013 (vs 2012) an average family per day

100 %

quality guaranteed

€ 4.3 € 1.9 € 2.4

per m³ per m³ per m³ (incl 6% VAT) for drinking water waste water treatment

62 177 1 571 163

thousand km water towers million m³ million € million € pipe line storage capacity turnover from worth of water sale investments

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 INDEX

Introduction...... 6 Characteristics Of The Drinking Water Supply In Flanders...... 7 Organisation Of The Drinking Water Supply In Flanders...... 7 Legal Form Of Water Companies...... 8 Alliances Between Water Companies...... 10 ISWa...... 10 Synductis...... 10 Coordinating Structures...... 10 Belgaqua...... 10 AquaFlanders...... 10 Other Activities...... 11 Regulatory Framework For The Drinking Water Supply...... 11 Local Authorities...... 11 Provincial Authorities...... 11 Regional Government ()...... 12 Federal Government ()...... 12 European Government...... 12 Distribution Areas And Infrastructure Of Water Companies...... 13 Evolution Of The Number Of Water Companies...... 13 Specifications Of Distribution Areas...... 14 Infrastructure Of Drinking Water Supply...... 15 Efforts For Sustainable Water Use...... 16 Drinking Water Balance: From Source To Tap...... 17 Drinking Water Chain From Source To Tap...... 17 Water Production...... 18 Water Balance Sheet...... 22 Water Distribution And Water Sale...... 24 Drinking Water Quality...... 34 Quality In The Distribution Network...... 35 Quality At The Tap...... 35 Conclusion...... 35

The Price Of Mains Water...... 37 Integral Water Invoice...... 37 Evolution Of Integral Water Invoice Of An Average Family...... 38 Evolution Of The Integral Water Invoice Of Different Family Types...... 41 Relativity Of The Evolution Of The Integral Water Invoice...... 42 Share In Total Consumption Of A Family...... 43 Share In The Disposable Income Of Different Income Groups...... 44 Tariffs And Price For Production And Distribution Of Mains Water (Drinking Water Component)...... 48 Pricing Structures For Families...... 48 Tariffs And Price For Production And Distribution Of Mains Water For Households...... 50 Price Comparison Of The Drinking Water Component In Surrounding Regions...... 56 Pricing Structures For Businesses...... 58 Tarifs And Price For The Production And Distribution Of Mains Water For Companies...... 60

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Financial Statements Of The Water Sector...... 64 Global Data About The Water Sector...... 64 Sectorial Balance Sheet...... 64 Sectorial Profit-And-Loss Account...... 65 Sectorial Ratios...... 66 Evolution Of The Ratios Per Water Company...... 67 Financial Data About Water Activity...... 70 Turnover From Water Sale...... 70 Relative Income Structure...... 72 Relative Cost Structure...... 73 Investments In Water Supply...... 74

Glossary...... 77

APPENDICES Appendix 1: list of figures...... 79 Appendix 2: List of tables...... 80 Appendix 3: Contact details of all water companies...... 81 Appendix 4: Overview of muncipalities distributed per water company with the share of the population supplied...... 83 Appendix 5: Overview of average annual mains water consumption per family type, per province and per water company...... 89 Appendix 6: Distribution Of Families Across The Distribution Areas Based On Household Size...... 92 Appendix 7: Overview Of Tariffs In Force On 01/01/2015...... 94

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 INTRODUCTION

This report provides a statistical overview of the drinking water sector in Flanders, from source to tap.

With this report the WaterRegulator (the Flemish water regulator) aims to paint a clear picture of the drinking water sector in Flanders, by means of figures and statistics, in order to contribute to better transparency. The purpose of this document is to provide the reader with clear information about the production and the distribution of drinking water in Flanders.

Each year the WaterRegulator aims to further refine and complete the provided information, without wanting to be ‘complete’ for all aspects of the water chain. For example, only a limited amount of information about drinking water quality and waste water treatment is included in this document. On this, more detailed information can be found in other VMM (Flemish Environment Agency) reports which are specifically devoted to these subjects. They can be consulted at www.vmm.be.

Unless stated otherwise, the information in this report relates to the situation that was current on 1 January 2014. The calculations in the tables were made using the most detailed figures available. In order to make the document more readable, the numbers are given a maximum of two decimal places. As a result, some rounding errors may occur. A glossary is included at the end of this document.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DRINKING WATER SUPPLY IN FLANDERS ORGANISATION OF THE DRINKING WATER SUPPLY IN FLANDERS

The drinking water supply in Flanders is a municipal responsibility. In order to provide a better service, many municipalities have formed different alliances for the production and the distribution of mains water. Since every municipality (and therefore every alliance) has many different options for organising its drinking water supply, a vast diversity has come about in the management of the public water distribution network, investment planning and service provision. The level of input of the participating municipalities in the alliances also varies strongly. On 1 January 2014 the public water distribution network is managed by 10 operators1 (hereinafter also referred to as water companies). Flanders counts 308 municipalities. In 26 of them two water companies are active in the same municipality. A list with contact details of all operators is to be found in Appendix 3 of this report. Appendix 4 contains an overview of the municipalities distributed per water company.

Figure 1. Distribution areas of water companies – Situation in 2014

Legend AGSO Knokke-Heist IWM (De Watergroep) Pidpa

Brabant Water (NL) IWVA VIVAQUA

De Watergroep IWVB Water-link FARYS/TMVW

Source: AquaFlanders, VMM Water Bank

1 As of 1 January 2015, the activities carried out by IWM will be taken over by De Watergroep. Hence, commencing 1 January 2015, Flanders will count 9 operators. AWW pushed through a name change in 2014 and became Water-link.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7 LEGAL FORM OF WATER COMPANIES

In Flanders mains water is mostly supplied by intermunicipal alliances, intermunicipal companies and one autonomous Flemish public utility company. Additionally, there is still one municipal water company and one foreign water company active in 2014. The water sector is entirely in public hands on 1 January 2014.

Table 1. Legal form of water companies (2014)

Public limited Intermunicipal alliance Intermunicipal company Autonomous Flemish Municipal water company public utility company company under Dutch law

AGSO Knokke-Heist

Brabant Water (NL)

De Watergroep FARYS/TMVW End 22/12/2041 IWM End 09/11/2019 IWVA End 05/2019 IWVB End 24/02/2018 Pidpa End 09/11/2019 VIVAQUA End 01/01/2041 Water-link End 31/12/2025 Source: VMM Water Bank

Intermunicipal alliances

The legal foundations of the intermunicipal alliances were laid in accordance with the Decree concerning Intermunicipal Cooperation. More precisely, intermunicipal alliances are mandated associations: alliances with conferral of management. For that reason the participating municipalities must entrust the implementation of one or more clearly defined competences concerning one or more coherent functional policy areas to the alliance. In such an alliance only municipalities can be active, together with provinces, autonomous municipal companies, public social welfare centres and their associations, stipulated that they consist exclusively of legal persons in public law. Other alliances, set up according to the provisions of the Decree concerning Intermunicipal Cooperation, may also be involved. Mandated associations are under administrative supervision. More specifically, establishments and statute amendments are submitted to approbation supervision by the Flemish government (with delegation to the Flemish minister for internal affairs). The associations have the obligation to forward a concise overview of the resolutions reached to the supervisory authority.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Intermunicipal companies

The legal foundations of the intermunicipal companies were laid in accordance with the Law of 22 December 1986 concerning intermunicipal companies. The provisions of the decree mentioned in the previous paragraph do not apply to these organisations. Indeed, it is explicitly stipulated that the decree only applies to intermunicipal alliances ‘which entire jurisdiction falls within the borders of the Flemish Region’. This is not the case for TMVW and VIVAQUA. However, at the end of 2013, the Flemish government approved a proposal for a cooperation agreement with other regions concerning supervision of interregional intermunicipal companies. Thus, based on this agreement, TMVW and VIVAQUA will be submitted to Flemish administrative supervision and administrative supervision respectively. FARYS is a cooperative company with limited liability which was established on 26 June 2014 and which acts as the operator of TMVW. Besides TMVW, both the Algemeen Ziekenhuis Jan Palfijn Gent (General Hospital Jan Palfijn Ghent) and the private limited liability company Solar Invest are also shareholders of FARYS.

Autonomous Flemish public utility company

The legal foundations of De Watergroep – an autonomous Flemish public utility company and the largest active water company in Flanders – were laid in accordance with its Establishment Decree: the Decree of 28 June 1983 concerning the Establishment of VMW. VMW’s commercial name was changed into De Watergroep on 1 January 2013.

Municipal water companies (GW)

On 1 January 2014, there is only one municipal water company that is still active: the water company of Knokke-Heist. Note that it has been part of the Autonomous Municipal Company for City Development of Knokke-Heist (hereinafter referred to as AGSO Knokke-Heist) since 2012.

Public limited company under Dutch law

In the Flemish municipality of Baarle-Hertog, the Dutch water company Brabant Water supplies mains water to a part of the Flemish population. Brabant Water is a public limited company, evidently operating under Dutch law.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9 ALLIANCES BETWEEN WATER COMPANIES


ISWa, or the Intermunicipal Cooperation Committee for Water Companies, was established in 1992. It was set up by IWVA and the Vereniging Limburgse Waterbedrijven (Association of Water Companies of Limburg), which consists of IWM, GW Tongeren, GW Heusden-Zolder and GW Leopoldsburg. Later on, other municipal water companies (GW) and city water companies (SW) also joined the alliance (e.g. SW Ieper, SW Oudenaarde, GW Knokke-Heist, etc.). ISWa provides a platform for consultation and directs concrete cooperation between the members in certain areas. On 1 January 2014, IWM and AGSO Knokke-Heist are the only ISWa members who are still active as operators. On 1 January 2015 IWM will be included in De Watergroep, and ISWa will put its activities to a stop.


Synductis is an alliance between FARYS/TMVW, IWVB and IWVA and Eandis (Flemish operator for the distribution of electricity and natural gas) established in 2012. The Proximus/Belgacom Group (Belgium’s largest telecom company) acts as an observing partner in this cooperation. The main goal of Synductis is to better plan utility work and to better coordinate the execution of it.



Belgaqua is the Belgian Federation of the Water Sector. This professional association groups together all three regional associations of the water sector in Belgium. It consists of AQUABRU, AQUAWAL and AquaFlanders, respectively active in the Brussels Capital Region, Walloon Region and Flemish Region.

Belgaqua defends the common interests of its members on a federal, European and international level. The federation stimulates the conduction of studies and provides information to both users and professionals about the use of mains water and the protection of water quality. Belgaqua also inspects the apparatus connected to the public water distribution network and the materials that come into contact with the drinking water


AquaFlanders is the umbrella organisation that unites all the Flemish water companies. By employing a more goal-oriented cooperation approach, the organisation aims to improve transparency, increase efficiency and obtain more uniformity in both the customer approach and the working methods employed. Furthermore, AquaFlanders wants to contribute to a more effective implementation of the water policy by acting as a representative of its members at various forums.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures OTHER ACTIVITIES

Besides the service provision related to drinking water production and distribution via the public water distribution network, the water companies also provide other services. For example, a number of water companies, whether or not legally separated from the water entity, offer specific services for industrial companies (e.g. supply of ‘customised’ water, water audits, optimisation of internal water flows, reuse of waste water within the production process, etc.).

Since 2005, all water companies are legally obligated to treat the water they distribute. Consequently, they do not only produce and distribute drinking water, they must also ensure that the waste water of their customers is purified so that the quality of the drinking water remains guaranteed (waste water treatment activity).

In addition, a number of companies also conduct activities that are non-water related (other activities). For instance, the water company of Knokke-Heist is part of AGSO Knokke-Heist, which also conducts real estate transactions, executes city development projects and implements the policy on land and premises that especially focuses on the construction of affordable housing. FARYS/TMVW presents itself as a partner of its municipal associates, by, among other things, managing swimming and sports facilities and offering framework agreements for the purchase, maintenance, operation and management of services (e.g. repair service etc.) and goods (e.g. stationery, road salt, telecoms, etc.).



The drinking water supply in Flanders is a municipal responsibility. In practice, this responsibility is generally carried out by intermunicipal alliances. The municipal associates run these alliances through their representatives in the dedicated governing bodies (Management Board, General Meeting, specific committees, etc.).


The Flemish provinces do not have any competences concerning drinking water. However, some do participate in intermunicipal alliances responsible for the mains water production and distribution (e.g. Provincial Authority of Antwerp is an associate of Pidpa aka the Provincial and Intermunicipal Drinking Water Company of the Province of Antwerp).

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 11 REGIONAL GOVERNMENT (FLEMISH REGION)

Guaranteeing quantity and quality of drinking water

In application of the Groundwater Decree, protection zones have been indicated around groundwater collection sites for the benefit of drinking water production. Within these protection zones, activities that could pollute the groundwater are banned or restricted.

The Supervisory Official (organised within VMM) develops and supervises the Drinking Water Decree and the ensuing Acts and public service obligations. This form of supervision mainly concerns the quality of the water supplied, as well as the application of the General Water Sale Regulations.

Guaranteeing transparency and efficiency of water companies

The Flemish water regulator, known as the WaterRegulator (organised within VMM) focusses on increasing transparency regarding drinking water production and distribution in Flanders. The WaterRegulator also compares the performance and efficiency of the Flemish water companies in order to ensure that drinking water is supplied at a fair price. In addition, the WaterRegulator also conducts studies. Based on the results the regulator advises the Flemish government through the Flemish minister for environment.

Administrative supervision

Administrative supervision of intermunicipal alliances takes place under direction of the Flemish minister for internal affairs.


On 1 July 2014, in the framework of the sixth state reform, the competence for tariff regulation of drinking water was transferred from federal level (Belgium) to regional level (Flanders).


The Drinking Water Directive imposes standards on drinking water quality. The European Water Framework Directive (WFD), among other things, establishes the principles relating to the cost allocation for water services, including production and distribution. For the greater part, these principles have already been converted to Flemish regulation.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures DISTRIBUTION AREAS AND INFRASTRUCTURE OF WATER COMPANIES EVOLUTION OF THE NUMBER OF WATER COMPANIES

The number of water companies is on the downgrade while the larger companies keep on growing. In real terms, this means that both the municipal and city water companies are disappearing and that their activities are being taken over by the larger companies. In 1998 a total number of 14 water companies, both municipal and city water companies, were active in Flanders. By 2010 their number had fallen to 4. On 1 January 2014 only one municipal water company is still active (in Knokke-Heist). As of 1 January 2015 the activities carried out by IWM will be taken over by The Watergroep. Hence, commencing 1 January 2015, Flanders will count 9 operators.

Figure 2. Evolution of the number of water companies (1998-2014) 25





0 1998 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total number of water companies Number of muncipal water companies

Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 13 SPECIFICATIONS OF DISTRIBUTION AREAS

In Table 2 some statistical data about the specifications of the distribution areas of the different water companies is admitted.

Table 2. Statistics about distribution areas – absolute values2 (2014)

Number of Number of Number of Population density companies companies in Area residents (number of NOT in agriculture, agriculture, Water company (km2) (x 1,000) residents/km2) forestry en fishery forestry en fishery (2014) (2014) (2014)) AGSO Knokke-Heist 56 34 595 3,938 145 Brabant Water (NL) 3 2 808 156 38 De Watergroep 7,504 2,878 384 207,121 18,561 FARYS/TMVW 2,271 1,258 554 94,297 5,748 IWM 253 101 402 7,739 617 IWVA 313 62 200 5,195 630 IWVB 259 245 945 15,917 353 Pidpa 2,586 1,189 460 86,654 4,898 VIVAQUA 27 39 1,450 2,121 29 Water-link 278 618 2,219 43,137 251 Total 13,522 6,427 475 466,276 31,270 Source: FPS Economy, CORVE, VMM Water Bank, inquiry with municipalities

In Table 3, the specifications of the distribution areas are compared with each other. The distribution areas of the three largest companies (De Watergroep, Pidpa and FARYS/TMVW) gathered together extend over an area that covers more than 90% of the Flemish territory. Together, these three water companies are responsible for the drinking water supply for more than 80% of the Flemish population.

Table 3. Statistics about distribution areas - relative values (2014)

Share of Share of Share Share of Rank of companies companies SURFACE residents population density NOT in agriculture, in agriculture, Water company (km2) (x 1,000) (residents/km2) forestry and fishery forestry and fishery (2014) (2014) (2014)) AGSO Knokke-Heist 0.4% 8 0.5% 9 5 0.8% 8 0.5% 8 Brabant Water (NL) 0.02% 10 0.03% 10 4 0.0% 10 0.1% 9 De Watergroep 55.5% 1 44.8% 1 9 44.4% 1 59.4% 1 FARYS/TMVW 16.8% 3 19.6% 2 6 20.2% 2 18.4% 2 IWM 1.9% 7 1.6% 6 8 1.7% 6 2.0% 5 IWVA 2.3% 4 1.0% 7 10 1.1% 7 2.0% 4 IWVB 1.9% 6 3.8% 5 3 3.4% 5 1.1% 6 Pidpa 19.1% 2 18.5% 3 7 18.6% 3 15.7% 3 VIVAQUA 0.2% 9 0.6% 8 2 0.5% 9 0.1% 10 Water-link 2.1% 5 9.6% 4 1 9.3% 4 0.8% 7 Total 100% 100% 100% 100% Source: FPS Economy, CORVE, VMM Water Bank, inquiry with municipalities

2 The number of companies is the sum of the number of natural persons liable to VAT and the number of legal persons liable to VAT in terms of a commercial enterprise (e.g. public limited company, private limited liability company etc.).

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 14 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures INFRASTRUCTURE OF DRINKING WATER SUPPLY

Table 4 provides an overview of the infrastructure for the production and distribution of mains water per water company. Evidently, due to the different nature of the distribution areas, also the infrastructure of water companies differs. For example, whilst their distribution areas are similar in size, there is a big difference between the infrastructure of Pidpa and the infrastructure of FARYS/TMVW. Pidpa has sufficient groundwater sources in its disposal within its own distribution area. The company is therefore able to produce drinking water in a decentralised way by means of 12 water production centres. By contrast, FARYS/TMVW mainly purchases its water from external suppliers in order to meet the demand of its area. The company merely has 2 small water production centres at its disposal.

Water-link and De Watergroep are the only water companies that use surface water sources for the production of drinking water. IWVB is the sole water company that does not have any sources at its disposal in its distribution area. All the water delivered by IWVB to subscribers is purchased from other water companies.

The available water storage capacity of water storage facilities and water towers in Flanders is 984 million m3. This is a bit more (104%) than the calculated daily amount of distributed water3 (944 million m3/ per day).

Table 4. Infrastructure for the production and distribution of mains water (2014)

Number of Available Number of Total number water Network drinking water Number of Number of water of clear water Number of pressure length storage Water company groundwater surface water production storage water towers boosting (km) capacity sources sources centres facilities stations (x 1,000 m3) Brabant Water ------(NL) FARYS/TMVW 18 0 2 22 27 36 11,583 170 De Watergroep 70 6 76 73 82 63 30,953 399 ISWa leden 29 0 5 9 6 8 1,583 24 IWVA 4 0 2 7 2 4 1,006 19 IWVB 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,643 0 Pidpa 26 0 12 95 60 24 12,659 150 VIVAQUA 1 0 1 4 0 7 313 75 Water-link 0 1 2 6 0 6 2,489 147 Total 148 7 100 216 177 148 62,228 984 Source: VMM Water Bank

3 Daily amount of water distributed in 2013: 344.7 million m3 / 365 days = 0.944 million m3 per day.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 15 EFFORTS FOR SUSTAINABLE WATER USE

Since mid-2011, water companies are obliged to apply the provisions of the General Water Sale Regulations. For example, by means of actions and campaigns, water companies must raise awareness about sustainable water use and promote it to their customers. In doing so, they must pay particular attention to vulnerable groups. In 2013, many actions were realised. Some of them are mentioned below.

First and foremost, to a greater or lesser extent, all companies pay attention to sustainable water use on their website. Many of them also have different publications concerning the subject. De Watergroep even raises awareness through articles on rational water use in its customer magazine ‘Waterwereld’ (‘Water World’). During Summer, the company even spreads information specifically devoted to sustainable water use through mail-outs to all its associates.

Besides that, two water companies established their own education centre: the visitor centre of IWVA in Koksijde and the interactive Water-DO-Centre ‘Hidrodoe’ of Pidpa in Herentals. In both centres, the theme ‘sustainable water use’ is emphasized.

In addition, in order to promote sustainable water use during many events all over Flanders, De Watergroep and FARYS/TMVW set up water bars providing participants with free tap water. FARYS/TMVW also organises projects specifically for the underprivileged.

On sector level, AquaFlanders cooperates with non-profit organisation GoodPlanet Belgium for the establishment of the campaign ‘Kranig Water4’. The campaign is devised to encourage pupils of primary and secondary schools to drink tap water and to use water in a sustainable way. They are also taught that by reducing packaging waste, they reduce CO2 emissions. Schools cannot only participate in the campaign, they can also take part in the related competition, in which different schools compete for the title of ‘Kranigste School’5.

4 Kranig Water’ is a pun: ‘kranig’ literally means ‘brave’, but also refers to ‘kraan’, which is the Dutch word for ‘tap’. 5 This is again a pun: ‘kranigste’ means ‘bravest’ and also refers to ‘kraan’, the Dutch word for ‘tap’.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 16 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures DRINKING WATER BALANCE: FROM SOURCE TO TAP


The drinking water chain consists of two consecutive main processes: the production and the distribution/ supply of drinking water. An abridged schematic representation is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Drinking water chain from source to tap

Source: VMM

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 17 WATER PRODUCTION

In 2013, the water companies in Flanders produced more than 400 million m3 of drinking water. 80% of the drinking water produced for Flanders is also being produced in Flanders. The remaining 20% is being produced outside Flemish territory and is nearly all (18%) being purchased by Flemish water companies. FARYS/TMVW is the only Flemish water company that collects and produces water outside of Flanders (Wallonia). More specifi cally, they collect and produce 9 million m3 or 2% of the drinking water produced for Flanders, in Wallonia.

By the end of 2011, De Watergroep handed over its water collection sites located in Wallonia to the Walloon water company SWDE. Therefore, as of 2012, a little over 6% of the drinking water produced for Flanders is being produced by SWDE and consequently purchased from SWDE by De Watergroep.

VIVAQUA, a water company from Brussels, produces 12% of the drinking water produced for Flanders. The major part is sold to other Flemish water companies. The minor part is distributed in Flanders by the company itself. VIVAQUA collects and produces nearly all its water in Wallonia. In Flanders, more specifi cally in , the company only has one small water collection site and one water production facility, where they produce around 188,000 m3 water a year. Less than 1% of the Flemish drinking water originates from The Netherlands and France. At their turn, the Flemish water companies also sell drinking water to water companies in Wallonia and The Netherlands (about 8 million m3 per year).

In Flanders, a little more drinking water is produced from surface water rather than groundwater. The drinking water purchased outside of Flanders is mainly produced from groundwater. More information about water quantities can be found in the VMM report ‘Leidingwaterbalans voor Vlaanderen2013’6 (‘Mains Water Balance for Flanders 2013’).

Legend with Figure 4

Flanders (79.7%)

Walloon Region (19.6%) - (11% via Brussels) Brussels Region (VIVAQUA - offspring/production water = Walloon Region)

Foreign countries (0.7%)

m3 drinking water

produced in Flanders from surface water (174 mio m3)

produced in Flanders from ground water (161 mio m3)

produced outside Flanders from ground water (9 mio m3)

purchased in the Walloon Region - ground water (27 mio m3)

purchased in the Brussels Region (VIVAQUA) - ground water (29 mio m3)

purchased in the Brussels Region (VIVAQUA) - surface water (17 mio m3)

purchased in The Netherlands (2 mio m3)

purchased in France (1 mio m3)

6 www.vmm.be/publicaties //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 18 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in fi gures Figure 4. Water production for Flanders in million m3 (2013)

0.5% 0.2%

4.1% 6.9% 2 1 17 6.4% 29

2.2% 27 9 174 41.3% m³



Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 19 Water-link is the largest producer of drinking water for Flanders, followed by De Watergroep, Pidpa and VIVAQUA. VIVAQUA plays a double part: on the one hand it is the operator of a public distribution network for subscribers in four municipalities (Kraainem, , and Wezembeel-Oppem) and on the other hand it is the supplier of water to other water companies (mainly FARYS/TMVW and IWVB). Table 5 shows that VIVAQUA produces 12% of the water produced for Flanders while it only supplies 1% of it directly to subscribers.

Table 5. Overview of the production share for Flanders vs the supply to subscribers in Flanders per water company (2013)

Supplies Water company Producers Rank to subscribers Rank (water supplier) (operator)

Brabant Water (NL) 0% 8 0% 9

De Watergroep 31% 2 35% 1

FARYS/TMVW 3% 5 16% 4

ISWa leden 2% 6 2% 6

IWVA 1% 7 1% 7

IWVB 0% 9 3% 5

Pidpa 16% 3 17% 3

VIVAQUA 12% 4 1% 8

Water-link 35% 1 25% 2

Flanders 100% 100% Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 20 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Figure 5 paints a picture of the share of domestic production from ground and surface water and the share of purchased water in 2013. The figure clearly shows that Water-link produces nearly all its water from surface water. Brabant Water and Pidpa produce nearly all their water from groundwater, while FARYS/TMVW largely depends on purchased water. IWVB entirely depends on the purchase of water.

Figure 5. Water sources per water company (2013) 100%





0% Brabant Water De Watergroep FARYS/TMVW ISWa leden IWVA IWVB Pidpa VIVAQUA* Water-link (NL)*

Produced drinking water Produced drinking water Purchased drinking water from surface water from ground water

* For Brabant Water and VIVAQUA the origin of the water meant for distribution in Flanders is presented Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 21 WATER BALANCE SHEET

In Figure 6 an overall water balance sheet including all the operators active in Flanders is drawn up for the year 2013. Concerning VIVAQUA only figures about the amount of water collected and produced for Flanders are admitted in the balance sheet. Figures of Brabant Water are omitted. This balance sheet includes figures of the water collection per type of raw water source, the amount of water collected and the amounts of drinking water produced and distributed, for the entire Flemish water sector.

Figure 6. Water balance sheet for the sector in million m3 (2013)

Collected Collected ground water surface water

204.1 Total 200.1 collected water 404.2 Sale 'raw water' and 'other water' 4.8

Production loss 9.2 Produced drinking water 390.2 Intercompany purchase Intercompany sale (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) 106.6 106.5 External purchase (WC NOT active in Flanders) External sale 30.0 (WC NOT active in Flanders) 8.2 Calculated input distribution network Unregistered 412.1 drinking water 67.4

Supplied drinking water* 344.7 SECTOR Million m³ * based on estimated sales 2013 WC: water company

Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 22 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures In Figure 7, an individual water balance for each water company is drawn up for the year 2013. The balance sheet of VIVAQUA (a water company located in Brussels) shows the amount of water collected and produced for Flanders only. Figure 7. Water balance sheet per water company in million m3 (2013)

Collected Collected Collected Collected Collected Collected ground water surface water ground water surface water ground water surface water Total 40.2 Total 0.1 Total 0.0 90.4 collected water 10.1 collected water 6.9 collected water 130.6 10.2 6.9 Sale Sale Sale 'raw water' and 'other water' 'raw water' and 'other water' 'raw water' and 'other water' 3.4 0.1 0.0

Production loss Production loss Production loss 4.7 0.0 0.1 Produced Produced Produced drinking water drinking water drinking water

Intercompany purchase 122.4 Intercompany sale Intercompany purchase 10.1 Intercompany sale Intercompany purchase 6.8 Intercompany sale (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) 14.5 4.9 71.8 12.2 2.7 0.0 External purchase External purchase External purchase (WC NOT active in Flanders) (WC NOT active in Flanders) (WC NOT active in Flanders) External sale External sale External sale 27.2 (WC NOT active in Flanders) 2.0 (WC NOT active in Flanders) 0.0 (WC NOT active in Flanders) 3.8 1.2 0.0 Calculated input Calculated input Calculated input distribution network distribution network distribution network Unregistered Unregistered Unregistered 155.5 drinking water 70.5 drinking water 9.5 drinking water 34.0 13.8 2.0

Supplied drinking water* Supplied drinking water* Supplied drinking water* 121.5 56.7 7.5 De Watergroep FARYS/TMVW Million m³ * based on estimated sales 2013 Million m³ * based on estimated sales 2013 ISWa Million m³ * based on estimated sales 2013 WC: water company WC: water company WC: water company

Collected Collected Collected Collected Collected Collected ground water surface water ground water surface water ground water surface water Total Total 0.0 Total 0.0 3.6 collected water 0.0 0.0 collected water 63.9 collected water 3.6 0.0 63.9 Sale Sale Sale 'raw water' and 'other water' 'raw water' and 'other water' 'raw water' and 'other water' 0.0 0.0 0.0

Production loss Production loss Production loss 0.1 0.0 1.4 Produced Produced Produced drinking water drinking water drinking water

Intercompany purchase 3.6 Intercompany sale Intercompany purchase 0.0 Intercompany sale Intercompany purchase 62.5 Intercompany sale (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) 0.2 0.1 13.3 0.0 3.0 1.2 External purchase External purchase External purchase (WC NOT active in Flanders) (WC NOT active in Flanders) (WC NOT active in Flanders) External sale External sale External sale 0.8 (WC NOT active in Flanders) 0.0 (WC NOT active in Flanders) 0.0 (WC NOT active in Flanders) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Calculated input Calculated input Calculated input distribution network distribution network distribution network Unregistered Unregistered Unregistered 4.5 drinking water 13.3 drinking water 64.3 drinking water 0.5 2.8 6.6

Supplied drinking water* Supplied drinking water* Supplied drinking water* 4.0 10.5 57.7 IWVA Million m³ * based on estimated sales 2013 IWVB Million m³ * based on estimated sales 2013 Pidpa Million m³ * based on estimated sales 2013 WC: water company WC: water company WC: water company

Collected Collected Collected Collected ground water surface water ground water surface water

Total Total 29.2 collected water 17.1 0.0 collected water 142.7 46.3 142.7 Sale Sale 'raw water' and 'other water' 'raw water' and 'other water' 0.0 1.3

Production loss Production loss 0.0 2.9 Produced Produced drinking water drinking water

Intercompany purchase 46.3 Intercompany sale Intercompany purchase 138.5 Intercompany sale (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) (WC active in Flanders) 0.0 44.1 1.0 44.2 External purchase External purchase (WC NOT active in Flanders) (WC NOT active in Flanders) External sale External sale 0.0 (WC NOT active in Flanders) 0.0 (WC NOT active in Flanders) 0.0 3.1 Calculated input Calculated input distribution network distribution network Unregistered Unregistered 2.2 drinking water 92.2 drinking water 0.3 7.3

Supplied drinking water* Supplied drinking water* 1.9 84.9 VIVAQUA Million m³ * based on estimated sales 2013 Water-link Million m³ * based on estimated sales 2013 WC: water company WC: water company

Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 23 WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WATER SALE

Density of the network

In Table 6 a few key figures about the water supply per water company are admitted. The connection density of a public water distribution network is closely linked to the urban or more rural character of a distribution area. A higher population density and a higher degree of urbanisation leads to a higher connection density.

In 2013, an average of 5,600 litres of water is invoiced per meter pipeline in Flanders. Water-link has the most concentrated network with 73 subscribers (i.e. active water meters) per km pipeline. With 40 subscribers per km, De Watergroep has the lowest connection density. Water-link bills more than 37,000 litres of water per meter pipeline. That is almost ten times more than De Watergroep and IWVA: on average, they invoice only 4,000 litres of water per meter pipeline. The difference between the density per connection and the density per subscriber indicates a significant presence of apartment blocks in the distribution area. This difference is strikingly higher in the IWVA area (coastal area) and also, but to a lesser extent, in the IWVB and Water-link areas (mainly urban environments).

Table 6. Key figures of water distribution and sale (2013)

Subscribers (active Invoiced Invoiced Number of Network water consumption consumption Water company subscribers lenght Branches meters) 2013 2013 (x 1,000) (km) (number/km) (number/km) (million m3) (m3 / km)

Brabant Water (NL) 1 9 - - 0 9

De Watergroep 1.379 1 30.953 1 36 7 40 8 119 1 3.839 8

FARYS/TMVW 680 2 11.583 3 49 3 49 4 55 4 4.720 4

ISWa leden 88 6 1.583 6 49 4 49 5 7 6 4.694 5

IWVA 55 7 1.006 7 29 8 51 3 4 7 3.962 7

IWVB 107 5 1.643 5 50 2 58 2 10 5 6.298 2

Pidpa 570 3 12.659 2 36 6 41 7 57 3 4.501 6

VIVAQUA 16 8 313 8 43 5 47 6 2 8 6.123 3

Water-link 203 4 2.489 4 62 1 73 1 94 2 37.697 1

Total 3.098 62.228 40 44 348 5.594 Source: VMM Water Bank, VMM Water Book

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 24 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Evolution of invoiced mains water consumption

Figure 8 shows the evolution of the water consumption invoiced by water companies in Flanders between 2003 and 2013. The trend is falling. Over 10 years’ time, the invoiced mains water consumption decreased by 6%. Compared to 2012 the invoiced consumption decreased by 1%.

Figure 8. Evolution of invoiced mains water consumption (2003-2013)

million m³ 400





300 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Invoiced water consumption Trendline

Source: VMM Water Book

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 25 Customer profiles

For the distribution of mains water to the three target groups7 defined in the WFD or European Water Framework Directive (households, industry, and agriculture) there are hardly any separate networks. Therefore the quality of the water distributed through the public water distribution network is usually irrespective of the target group to which the user belongs, and always meets the standards.

Still, based on the final use of the supplied mains water – i.e. whether the water is used for domestic activities (families), industrial activities (in the context of professional activities, excluding agriculture) or agricultural activities – the subscribers can be assigned to one of the target groups mentioned above.

By crossing parameters from different databases, the majority of subscribers (86%) can be assigned to one of these target groups with a relatively high degree of certainty. Subscribers that cannot be assigned are referred to as ‘remaining group’ in Figure 9.

Even though the number of residents in Flanders increased by 4% between January 2009 and January 2014, the mains water consumption of the families has remained relatively stable (around 190 million m3 per year). This means that the consumption per resident is decreasing. In 2013, the invoiced water consumption of the industry is just under 135 million m3. The decrease of the total invoiced water consumption can mainly be attributed to the decrease of the water consumption of the industry.

Figure 9. Evolution of the invoiced water consumption of different target groups (2009-2013) million m³ 400








0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Households Industry Agriculture Remaining group Total

Source: VMM Levy Database, VMM Water Bank, VMM Water Book

7 The definitions of the target groups are to be found in the glossary at the end of this report.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 26 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Almost 80% of the subscribers are households and they account for more than half (56%) of the invoiced mains water in 2013. The industry represents a mere 7% of the total number of subscribers but accounts for 38% of the total water consumption. The agricultural sector is a very small group for it represents only 1% of the subscribers, and uses around 2% of the mains water supplied.

Figure 10. Distribution of subscribers and invoiced water consumption over the target groups (2013)

Subscribers Consumption 2% 5% 5% 1% 13%14%


38%40% 53%56%


Households Industry Agriculture Remaining group

Source: VMM Levy Database, VMM Water Bank, VMM Water Book

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 27 Consumption profiles

In Table 7 the invoiced water consumption of subscribers that could be assigned to a target group (households, industry, agriculture) is more thoroughly analysed. First, based on the invoice period and the invoiced water consumption in 2013, the annual mains water consumption is calculated for each subscriber. Then, all subscribers and their respective invoiced water consumption are assigned to the corresponding annual consumption blocks. It comes to show that more than 75% of all subscribers have an invoiced water consumption that is less than 100 m3 per year. Undeniably, the households make up the largest part of that 75%. They are practically fully responsible for the water consumption below 100 m3 per subscriber. Taking a more detailed look at this group reveals that the majority (25%) has an annual mains water consumption between 50 and 100 m3. Another 16% uses between 25 m3 and 50 m3 water per year. About 12% has a water invoice for less than 15 m3 per year, of which 6% concerns ‘no water consumption or negative water consumption8’. Taking a deeper look into the industry group specifically, it can be concluded that, compared to all annual consumption blocks, there is significantly more water consumption in the blocks between 1,000 m3 and 6,000 m3. However, it is even more striking that the actual high industrial consumption is mainly to be found in the blocks above 100,000 m3. Besides that, it seems that a very limited number of subscribers (0.004%), accounts for almost 21% of the total mains water consumption.

Table 7. Conversion of invoiced mains water consumption into annual-consumption blocks (2013)


ammount % of TOTAL % of TOTAL % of TOTAL number of m3 of % of TOTAL ammount % of TOTAL ammount % of TOTAL ammount Annual consumption blocks subscribers consumption number of m3 of number of m3 of number of m3 of (van - tot m3) (% ) (%) subscribers consumption subscribers consumption subscribers consumption No or negative consumption 12.92% -0.59% 6.32% -0.28% 2.13% -0.15% 0.12% -0.02%

from 0 m3 to 5 m3 4.39% 0.10% 1.63% 0.04% 0.71% 0.02% 0.02% 0.00%

from 6 m3 to 10 m3 3.30% 0.24% 1.90% 0.14% 0.35% 0.02% 0.01% 0.00%

from 11 m3 to 15 m3 3.38% 0.40% 2.31% 0.27% 0.27% 0.03% 0.01% 0.00%

from 16 m3 to 25 m3 7.25% 1.35% 5.64% 1.05% 0.40% 0.07% 0.02% 0.00%

from 26 m3 to 50 m3 18.41% 6.31% 15.88% 5.46% 0.60% 0.20% 0.04% 0.01%

from 51 m3 to 100 m3 27.75% 18.34% 25.32% 16.75% 0.61% 0.40% 0.07% 0.05%

from 101 m3 to 150 m3 12.57% 13.82% 11.49% 12.63% 0.34% 0.38% 0.05% 0.06%

from 151 m3 to 200 m3 4.75% 7.37% 4.19% 6.50% 0.22% 0.35% 0.04% 0.06%

from 201 m3 to 250 m3 1.89% 3.79% 1.56% 3.13% 0.16% 0.32% 0.02% 0.05%

from 251 m3 to 350 m3 1.44% 3.78% 1.06% 2.79% 0.20% 0.55% 0.03% 0.09%

from 351 m3 to 500 m3 0.77% 2.88% 0.48% 1.79% 0.18% 0.68% 0.03% 0.11%

from 501 m3 to 1,000 m3 0.70% 4.31% 0.34% 2.05% 0.26% 1.65% 0.04% 0.27%

from 1,001 m3 to 2,000 m3 0.28% 3.44% 0.09% 1.10% 0.15% 1.87% 0.03% 0.33%

from 2,001 m3 to 6,000 m3 0.16% 4.65% 0.04% 1.10% 0.10% 3.05% 0.02% 0.42%

from 6,001 m3 to 10,000 m3 0.03% 2.07% 0.01% 0.50% 0.02% 1.48% 0.00% 0.08%

from 10,001 m3 to 20,000 m3 0.02% 2.42% 0.00% 0.45% 0.02% 1.89% 0.00% 0.05%

from 20,001 m3 to 60,000 m3 0.01% 3.23% 0.00% 0.24% 0.01% 2.87% 0.00% 0.12%

from 60,001 m3 to 100,000 m3 0.00% 1.33% 0 0 0.00% 1.30% - -

from 100,001 m3 to 1,000,000 m3 0.003% 7.03% - - 0.003% 6.98% - -

> 1,000,001 m3 0.001% 13.72% - - 0.001% 13.72% - -

Total 100% 100% 78% 56% 7% 38% 1% 2% Source: VMM Levy Database, VMM Water Bank, VMM Water Book 8 Negative consumption can be caused by an overestimation of the consumption in previous periods. Consequently, as soon as payment is effected after an actual water meter reading this will lead to credit notes and thus negative consumption. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 28 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Figure 11. Relation between customer profiles and consumption profiles (2013) Flanders 100 99% 99.93% 100% 90 90% 90% 80 80% 77% 70 70% 70% 60 60% 58% 50 50% 40 40% 41% 30 30% 20 26% 20% 10 10%


3 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 )

3 - 5m 3 - 10m 3 - 15m 3 - 25m 3 - 50m 3 - 100m 3 - 150m 3 - 200m 3 - 250m 3 - 350m 3 - 500m (0m 3 - 1,000m3 - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m (6m 3 - 10,000m3 - 20,000m3 - 60,000m (11m (16m (26m (51m 3 - 100,000m 1 2 3 4 (101m (151m (201m (251m (351m 3 - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 5 6 7 8 9 (501m 10 11 (1,001m Block Block Block 12 (2,001m (6,001m 20 Block Block Block 13 (10,001m (20,001m Block Block Block 14 15 (60,001m Block Block 16 17 (100,001m Block 18 Block Block no or negative consumption Block Block 19 Block Block Block Block Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers

Source: VMM Water Bank

The graph drawn up in Figure 11 shows the relation between the total number of subscribers and the total invoiced water consumption in Flanders. In Figure 12 the same kind of graphs are drawn up, this time per water company. It is remarkable that 77% of all subscribers uses less than 100 m3 of water per year, whilst this group represents only 26% of the total invoiced water consumption. Contrary to that, a very small group of 0.07% is responsible for 30% of the total invoiced water consumption.

At AGSO Knokke-Heist, FARYS/TMVW, De Watergroep West-Flanders and IWVA the share of ‘less than 100 m3 users’ is even higher than 80%, and at IWVA this goes up to 88% of the subscribers. The large number of secondary residences in the coastal area undeniably plays a part in this.

Water-link is quite an outsider compared to the other water companies. In the Water-link area, only 58% of the subscribers has a water consumption that is lower than 100 m3. Only at Brabant Water (a Dutch water company active in one Flemish municipality) this percentage is lower (56%). The ‘over 6,000 m3’ consumption is clearly concentrated at Water-link, which invoices 67% of the mains water consumption in its distribution area to 0.24% of its subscribers. Likewise, De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen has an important number of major consumers among its subscribers and invoices 30% of the consumption in its distribution area to 0.06% of its subscribers.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 29 Figure 12. Relation customer profiles vs consumption profiles per water company (2013)

AGSO Knokke-Heist Brabant Water 100 98% 99.95% 100 98% 99.91% 100% 100% 90 88% 90 95% 90% 93% 90% 80 80% 80 80% 80% 75% 78% 70 70 70% 70% 67% 60 60 60% 60% 56% 50 50 50% 50% 40 40 40% 40% 39% 40% 30 30 30% 30% 27% 20 20 20% 20% 21% 10 10 10% 10%

0%0 0%0 3 3 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) )

3 - 5m 3 - 5m 3 - 10m 3 - 15m 3 - 25m 3 3 - 10m 3 - 15m 3 - 25m 3 - 50m 3 3 3 - 50m 3 3 3 - 100m - 150m 3 - 200m - 250m 3 - 350m 3 - 500m - 100m - 150m 3 - 200m - 250m 3 - 350m 3 - 500m 3 3 (0m - 1,000m3 - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m (0m - 1,000m3 - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m (6m 3 - 10,000m3 3 - 60,000m (6m 3 - 10,000m3 3 - 60,000m (11m (16m - 20,000m 3 (11m (16m - 20,000m 3 (26m (51m - 100,000m (26m (51m - 100,000m 1 2 3 (101m 3 1 2 3 (101m (151m 3 4 (151m (201m (251m (351m - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 4 5 6 (201m (251m (351m - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 5 6 7 (501m 7 8 9 (501m 8 9 11 (1,001m Block 10 11 (1,001m (2,001m Block Block 10 (2,001m (6,001m 20 Block Block 12 (6,001m 20 Block Block 12 (10,001m (20,001m Block Block Block 13 (10,001m (20,001m Block Block Block 13 14 (60,001m Block Block Block 14 15 (60,001m Block Block Block 15 Block Block 16 17 (100,001m Block 16 17 (100,001m Block Block 18 Block Block 18 Block no or negative consumption Block Block 19 no or negative consumption Block Block 19 Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers

De Watergroep Limburg De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 100 99% 99.95% 100 99% 99.97% 100% 100% 92% 90 90% 90 90% 90% 89% 80 80 79% 86% 80% 80% 75% 78% 70 70 76% 70% 70% 60 60 60% 60% 57% 50 56% 50 50% 50% 40 40 40% 40% 38% 30 36% 30 30% 30% 20 20 20% 20% 10 10 10% 10%

0%0 0%0

3 3 3 3 3 ) 3 3 3 3 3 3 ) ) 3 ) ) 3 ) ) 3 ) ) 3 ) ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 )

3 - 5m 3 3 - 10m 3 - 15m 3 - 25m 3 - 5m 3 3 3 - 50m 3 3 3 - 10m - 15m - 25m 3 - 50m - 100m - 150m 3 - 200m - 250m 3 - 350m 3 - 500m 3 - 100m 3 - 150m 3 3 - 250m 3 3 - 500m 3 - 200m - 350m - 1,000m3 3 3 3 (0m (6m - 2,000m - 6,000m3 3 (0m - 1,000m - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m (16m - 10,000m3 - 20,000m - 60,000m (6m 3 - 10,000m3 - 20,000m3 - 60,000m (11m (26m (51m 3 - 100,000m (11m (16m 3 - 100,000m 1 2 3 3 (26m (51m 4 (101m (151m (201m (251m (351m - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 1 2 3 4 (101m (151m (201m (251m (351m 3 - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 5 6 7 (501m 5 6 (501m 8 9 11 (1,001m 7 8 9 11 Block 10 (2,001m (6,001m 20 Block 10 (1,001m (2,001m 20 Block Block Block 12 (10,001m Block Block 12 (6,001m Block Block 13 (20,001m (60,001m Block Block Block 13 (10,001m (20,001m Block Block Block Block 14 15 Block Block Block 14 15 (60,001m Block 16 17 (100,001m Block Block Block 16 17 (100,001m Block 18 Block 18 Block no or negative consumption Block Block Block Block 19 no or negative consumption Block Block 19 Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers

De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 100 99% 99.95% 100 99% 99.94% 100% 100% 94% 90 91% 90 90% 90% 89% 86% 80 80 80% 76% 80% 70 76% 70 70% 70% 70% 60 60 60% 60% 58% 50 56% 50 50% 50% 40 40 45% 40% 40% 30 36% 30 30% 30% 33% 20 20 20% 20% 10 10 10% 10%

0%0 0%0

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ) ) 3 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 3 ) ) ) ) 3 ) ) ) 3 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 )

3 - 5m 3 - 10m 3 - 15m 3 - 25m 3 - 50m 3 - 5m 3 - 100m 3 - 150m 3 3 - 250m 3 3 3 - 10m 3 3 - 200m - 350m - 500m - 15m - 25m 3 - 50m 3 3 - 100m 3 - 150m 3 3 - 250m 3 3 - 500m (0m - 1,000m3 - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m - 200m - 350m (6m 3 - 10,000m3 3 - 60,000m 3 - 1,000m3 3 (11m (16m - 20,000m 3 (0m - 2,000m - 6,000m3 (26m (51m - 100,000m (6m (16m - 10,000m3 - 20,000m3 - 60,000m 1 2 3 (101m (151m (201m 3 - 1,000,000m (11m (26m (51m 3 - 100,000m 4 (251m (351m (> 1,000,000m 1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8 (501m 4 5 (101m (151m (201m (251m (351m - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 9 11 (1,001m 6 7 8 (501m Block Block 10 (2,001m (6,001m 20 9 11 (1,001m Block Block 12 (10,001m (20,001m Block Block 10 (2,001m (6,001m 20 Block Block 13 (60,001m Block Block 12 (10,001m (20,001m Block Block Block Block 14 15 Block Block 13 (60,001m Block 16 17 (100,001m Block Block Block Block Block 14 15 Block 18 Block 16 17 (100,001m Block Block Block 18 no or negative consumption Block Block 19 Block Block Block no or negative consumption Block Block 19 Block Block Block Block Block Block Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 30 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures FARYS/TMVW IWVA 100 99.94% 100 99.94% 100% 99% 100% 98% 92% 94% 90 90 88% 90% 90% 82% 80 80 83% 80% 82% 80% 70 70 70% 70% 60 67% 60 60% 60% 50 50 56% 50% 50% 49% 40 40 40% 40% 42% 30 34% 30 30% 30% 33% 20 20 20% 20% 10 10 10% 10%

0%0 0%0

3 3 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 )

3 - 5m 3 3 - 5m - 10m 3 - 15m 3 - 25m 3 - 50m 3 - 10m 3 - 15m 3 - 25m 3 - 50m 3 - 100m 3 - 150m 3 - 200m 3 - 250m 3 - 350m 3 - 500m 3 - 100m 3 - 150m 3 - 200m 3 - 250m 3 - 350m 3 - 500m (0m 3 - 1,000m3 - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m (0m 3 - 1,000m3 - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m (6m 3 - 10,000m3 - 20,000m3 - 60,000m (6m 3 - 10,000m3 - 20,000m3 - 60,000m (11m (16m (26m (51m 3 - 100,000m (11m (16m (26m (51m 3 - 100,000m 1 2 3 4 (101m (151m (201m (251m (351m 3 - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 1 2 3 4 (101m (151m (201m (251m (351m 3 - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 5 6 7 8 9 (501m 5 6 7 8 9 (501m 10 11 (1,001m 10 11 (1,001m Block Block Block 12 (2,001m (6,001m 20 Block Block Block 12 (2,001m (6,001m 20 Block Block Block 13 (10,001m (20,001m Block Block Block 13 (10,001m (20,001m Block Block Block 14 15 (60,001m Block Block Block 14 15 (60,001m Block Block 16 17 (100,001m Block Block 16 17 (100,001m Block 18 Block Block 18 Block Block Block no or negative consumption Block Block 19 no or negative consumption Block Block 19 Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers

IWVB Pidpa 100 99.92% 100 99.94% 100% 98% 100% 99% 90 90 90% 90% 87% 90% 88% 80 80 84% 80% 80% 70 72% 75% 70 72% 70% 70% 73% 60 60 60% 60% 50 50 50% 50% 50% 50% 40 40 40% 40% 30 30 30% 30% 31% 31% 20 20 20% 20% 10 10 10% 10%

0%0 0%0

3 3 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 )

3 3 - 5m 3 3 3 - 5m 3 - 10m 3 - 15m 3 - 10m - 15m - 25m 3 - 50m - 25m 3 - 50m 3 3 3 - 100m 3 - 150m 3 - 200m 3 - 250m 3 - 350m 3 - 500m - 100m 3 - 150m 3 - 200m - 250m 3 - 350m 3 - 500m 3 3 3 - 1,000m3 (0m - 1,000m - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m (0m - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m3 (6m 3 - 10,000m3 - 20,000m3 - 60,000m (6m (16m - 10,000m3 - 20,000m3 - 60,000m (11m (16m (26m (51m 3 - 100,000m 1 (11m (26m (51m 3 - 100,000m 1 2 3 4 (101m (151m (201m (251m (351m 3 - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 2 3 4 (101m (151m (201m (251m (351m 3 - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 5 6 7 (501m 5 6 7 8 (501m 8 9 11 (1,001m 9 11 (1,001m Block 10 (2,001m (6,001m 20 Block Block 10 (2,001m (6,001m 20 Block Block Block 12 (10,001m Block Block 12 (10,001m (20,001m Block Block 13 (20,001m (60,001m Block Block 13 (60,001m Block Block Block 14 15 Block Block Block Block 14 15 Block Block 16 17 (100,001m Block 16 17 (100,001m Block Block 18 Block Block 18 Block Block no or negative consumption Block Block 19 no or negative consumption Block Block 19 Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers

VIVAQUA Water-link 100 98% 99.91% 100 99.76% 100% 100% 96% 90 90 90% 84% 90% 80 84% 80 80% 80% 75% 70 70 70% 70% 65% 60 67% 60 60% 60% 58% 50 50 50% 50% 40 43% 40 40% 40% 30 30 30% 30% 33% 20 24% 20 20% 20% 22% 10 10% 10 10% 10% 6% 0%0 0%0

3 3 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) 3 )

3 3 - 5m 3 - 10m 3 - 15m 3 - 5m 3 3 3 - 25m 3 - 50m 3 3 - 10m - 15m - 25m 3 - 50m - 100m 3 - 150m 3 - 200m - 250m 3 - 350m 3 - 500m 3 - 100m 3 - 150m 3 - 200m 3 - 250m 3 - 350m 3 - 500m 3 - 1,000m3 3 3 (0m - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m3 (0m - 1,000m - 2,000m 3 - 6,000m (6m (16m - 10,000m3 - 20,000m3 - 60,000m (6m 3 - 10,000m3 - 20,000m3 - 60,000m 1 (11m (26m (51m 3 - 100,000m (11m (16m (26m (51m 3 - 100,000m 2 3 4 (101m (151m (201m (251m (351m 3 - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 1 2 3 4 (101m (151m (201m (251m (351m 3 - 1,000,000m(> 1,000,000m 5 6 7 8 (501m 5 6 7 (501m 9 11 (1,001m 8 9 11 (1,001m Block Block 10 (2,001m (6,001m 20 Block 10 (2,001m (6,001m 20 Block Block 12 (10,001m (20,001m Block Block Block 12 (10,001m Block Block 13 (60,001m Block Block 13 (20,001m (60,001m Block Block Block Block 14 15 Block Block Block 14 15 Block 16 17 (100,001m Block Block Block 16 17 (100,001m Block 18 Block 18 Block no or negative consumption Block Block Block Block 19 no or negative consumption Block Block 19 Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers Invoiced consumption Number of subscribers

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 31 Calculated average consumption of different family types

The calculation of the typical annual mains water consumption of families is based on the 2013 final invoices of water companies to subscribers with domiciled residents with an invoice period of 10 to 14 months. However, note that the number of residing family members does not necessarily corresponds with the number of domiciled residents. Think of reconstituted families for example.

A calculated average family in Flanders consist of 2.33 persons in 2013. This average family has a calculated mains water consumption of 84 m3 per year or 99 litres per person per day. This theoretical average family the family type used for the price calculations in this report. Appendix 5 includes a more detailed overview of the calculated average consumption per family situation in different provinces and per water company.

Table 8. Average annual mains water consumption per family situation (2013)

Average annual Average annual Average daily Number of mains water consumption mains water consumption mains water consumption domiciled residents per family type per domiciled resident per domiciled resident (m3) (m3) (litre) 1 48 48 132 2 75 38 103 3 104 35 95 4 127 32 87 5 154 31 84

Average family 2.33 84 36 99 Source: VMM Water Bank, VMM Water Book

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 32 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures In Flanders, reduction in family size has been going on for years. The number of persons in an average family has decreased by 3% over 10 years’ time (from 2.40 persons per family to 2.33 persons per family). However, the number of families did increase by 9% during the same period. In 2014, one- and two-person families account for 65% (31% + 34% respectively) of the total number of families in Flanders. Three- and four-person families make up 15% and 14% respectively. Families consisting of five persons and more represent only 5% and 1%9 respectively. In Appendix 6 an overview of the distribution of different family types over the different water companies is included.

Evidently, these trends are reflected in the evolution of the number of subscribers. One- and two-person families represent almost half of all subscribers (20% + 28% respectively) The three-, four- and five-person families gathered together make up nearly 30% (13% + 12% + 4%). Large families with six or more domiciled residents account for less than 3% of the number of subscribers. Subscribers without domiciled residents have a share of 21%. The small families also have the sharpest rise in the number subscribers. Over the last five years their total number has increased by 11% (one-person families) and 5% (two-person families) respectively. The share of the one-person families in the invoiced consumption has increased by 4.2%. Note that the number of one-person families increased by 11%.

Table 9. Evolution of the number of subscribers (2009 – 2013)

Share in Evolution Share in Evolution Number of total number of number of total invoiced invoiced domiciled residents subscribers subscribers consumption consumption (m3) 2013 2009 -2013 2013 2009 - 2013 1 20.3% 11.0% 7.1% 4.2% 2 27.5% 4.9% 15.7% -0.3% 3 12.7% -0.4% 10.5% -4.7% 4 11.7% 2.4% 11.7% -5.0% 5 4.1% 1.5% 5.1% -5.5% 5+ 2.6% -1.3% 9.5% -30.4% None 21.1% 11.6% 40.3% -5.6% 100% 6.2% 100% -3.5% Source: VMM Water Bank, VMM Water Book

9 FPS Economy – ADSEI – DAR (note: data as processed by the WaterRegulator)

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 33 DRINKING WATER QUALITY

Drinking water is water intended for human consumption and is therefore safe and healthy to drink. The Government Act of 13 December 2002 provides the legal framework to guarantee the quality of drinking water. The government act lays down the minimum quality requirements for drinking water and governs the organisation of minimum checks on the production and distribution of drinking water. The water companies are responsible for conducting these legally obliged checks. Every year they need to draw up a monitoring schedule that has to be approved by VMM.

The monitoring of the drinking water quality is organised by delivery area. A delivery area is a geographically defined area in which the supplied water is of a more or less uniform quality and originates from one or a few sources. In Flanders approximately 90 different delivery areas have been demarcated.

In Flanders, the mains water must meet the quality requirements at the point in the distribution network where it becomes available to the customer. In other words: at the tap. In practice, sampling is done at the kitchen tap in homes or public buildings. The drinking water company is responsible for the water that flows through the public water distribution network up to the water meter. The proper functioning of the indoor water system is the responsibility of the owner of the building or the house.

Figure 13. Quality of the drinking water in the public water distribution network in Flanders (2013)

Source: VMM

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 34 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Figure 13 shows the quality of the supplied water per delivery area. For the health-related parameters, the annual median value of each parameter was determined. This median value was compared with the drinking water standards. In most of the delivery areas that were assessed, more specifically in 88%, the median for all health parameters was below 50% of the standard value. For the chemical parameters of arsenic, benzo(a) pyrene, bromate, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite and total trihalomethanes, the signal value of 50 % of the standard value was exceeded in a limited number of delivery areas.


Besides legally obliged checks at the customer’s tap, water companies also carry out additional checks at the water production centre or at important storage facilities. Unlike those at the tap, the results of these operational checks provide a more representative picture of the drinking water quality in a specific delivery area. After all, the customer’s indoor water system might influence the result of an analysis considerably.

An analysis of the results of the operational check shows that the drinking water distributed in Flanders almost always meets the imposed standards. The total compliance rate exceeds 99%. For the four health- relevant parameters, E. coli, enterococci, benzo(a)pyrene and nitrite, noncompliance was stated in a limited number of delivery areas. This was always immediately followed up by the water company, thereby avoiding any risks for public health.


The checks carried out by the water companies meet or even exceed the minimum requirements. In 2013 a total of 11,072 monitoring checks and 1,088 audits were carried out. The drinking water quality at the tap was good in 2013. The total compliance percentage of all parameters - calculated based on both the total number of analyses and the total recorded non-compliance score also exceeds 99%. An analysis of the recorded non- compliance score of the parameters that are relevant for public health shows that lead, nickel, enterococci, nitrite and E. coli have the highest non-compliance scores. The highest non-compliance percentage (0.6%) was recorded for lead. A large number of non-compliance scores for E. coli, enterococci, nickel and nitrite were not re-confirmed during re-sampling. This probably indicates temporary changes in the water quality. The cause for the high score for lead mainly lies with the subscriber and only partly with the water company. More information about lead in drinking water is to be found in the VMM publication ‘Actieplan Loodpreventie in Drinkwater – Rapportering over het jaar 201310’ (‘Action Plan Lead Prevention in Drinking Water – Report on the year 2013’).


In summary, based on both the results of the legally obliged annual minimum check at the tap (monitoring schedule) and the results of the additional operational check carried out by the water companies, it can be stated that the quality of drinking water in Flanders meets the imposed quality requirements to a very large extent. More information about the quality of drinking water can be found on the VMM website11.

10 www.vmm.be/publicaties 11 www.vmm.be/publicaties

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 35 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 36 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures THE PRICE OF MAINS WATER INTEGRAL WATER INVOICE

All subscribers pay their water company via the integral water invoice. They pay for both the production and the distribution of mains water, as well as for the collection, drain-off and purification of waste water (used mains water)12. An integral water invoice therefore consists of a drinking water component (production and distribution) and the waste water components (drain-off and purification).

The drinking water component is the payment for the production and distribution of mains water. This component consists of an annual fixed fee (subscription fee) and a variable fee (depending on actual water consumption). Every water company is still legally obliged to annually supply 15 m3 of water per domiciled resident free of charge (€ 0 per m3 of used water). The tariffs for drinking water production and distribution differ from one water company to another.

The waste water components are:

—— the municipal contribution (GSB), the payment used to finance the municipal waste water treatment obligation (drain-off and collection of used water). The GSB for families is calculated based on a tariff per m3 used mains water. The used tariff for the GSB for families can vary from one municipality to another13. Although, the municipal tariff is limited to a maximum of 1.4 times the amount of the BGB (which is explained below). For businesses there are various possibilities for setting the tariff, depending on the provisions laid down in the contract between the municipality (or the sewer manager appointed by the municipality) and the water company14.

—— the regional contribution (BGB), the payment used to finance the regional waste water treatment obligation (purification of waste water). The BGB for families is also calculated based on a tariff per m3 used mains water. For companies the BGB is based on the amount of supplied mains water and an individual tariff that is based on the waste load of the waste water. As of 2014 the water companies also charge the BGB to companies and agriculturalists that use other water than drinking water. The BGB, which is tax-deductible, is deducted from the levy so that there is no double charging. The residue levy is the tailpiece of the regional charging. As of 2014, the charging of both the municipal and the regional contribution is on the same bill.

12 The collection/drain-off and treatment of waste water originating form a private water source (water well) can also be charged by the water company. On this, more information is to be found at www.vmm.be/water/drinkwaterfactuur. 13 An overview of the tariffs for water distribution and treatment per municipality is to be found at www.vmm.be/water/ drinkwaterfactuur. 14 An overview of the pricing structures for companies on a municipal level is to be found at www.vmm.be/water/drinkwaterfactuur.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 37 EVOLUTION OF INTEGRAL WATER INVOICE OF AN AVERAGE FAMILY

Figure 14 and 15 and Table 10 give an overview of the evolution of the integral water invoice for a calculated average family15 and the share that the previously mentioned components (incl. VAT) represent in this bill. The amounts included are those calculated for an average family with the tariffs that are in force on 1 January 2014, weighted on the basis of the distribution of the population across the water companies. In 2014, the share of the price for production and distribution of the drinking water on the integral water invoice (excl. VAT) of an average family is 44% on average. The municipal contribution counts for 32% and the regional contribution represents 24%. Over the past five years (2010-2014) the integral water invoice increased by 15% for an average family in Flanders. Between 2013 and 2014 it increased by 5%. This evolution can be attributed to the fact that nowadays almost every municipality charges a municipal waste water treatment contribution. Besides that, more and more municipalities employ the maximum tariff. More information and a thorough analyses and evaluation of the waste water treatment contributions is to be found in the report of the Economic Supervisor ‘Evaluatie of de bovengemeentelijke en gemeentelijke bijdrage16’ (‘Evaluation of the regional and municipal contribution’) and on the VMM website. The evolution of the drinking water component is thoroughly discussed in the next chapter about the tariffs and the price of the drinking water component. Appendix 7 includes information about the tariffs in force on 1 January 2015.

Figure 14. Evolution of the integral water invoice and its components, average family (2010-2014)

€ 400

€ 350

€ 300

€ 250

€ 200

€ 150

€ 100

€ 50

€ 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Fixed fee Muncipal contribution VAT 6% Variable fee Regional contribution

Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs, VMM Database - Waste Water Treatment 15 An average family counts 2.33 persons, has an average consumption of 84 m3 and no private water source. 16 www.vmm.be/publicaties //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 38 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Figure 15. Calculated integral price per m3 for an average family (2014) €0.0 €0.5 €1.0 €1.5 €2.0 €2.5 €3.0 €3.5 €4.0 €4.5 €5.0 €5.5

AGSO Knokke-Heist € 0.26 € 1.28 € 1.34 € 0.96 € 0.23

Brabant Water* € 0.84 € 0.51 € 0.08

De Watergroep Limburg € 0.63 € 0.92 € 1.33 € 0.96 € 0.23

De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 0.63 € 1.24 € 1.31 € 0.96 € 0.25

De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 0.63 € 1.19 € 1.29 € 0.96 € 0.24

De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 0.63 € 1.26 € 1.34 € 0.96 € 0.25

FARYS/TMVW € 0.65 € 1.37 € 1.29 € 0.96 € 0.26

IWM € 0.64 € 1.05 € 1.34 € 0.96 € 0.24

IWVA € 0.59 € 1.10 € 1.34 € 0.96 € 0.24

IWVB € 0.55 € 1.45 € 1.27 € 0.96 € 0.25

Pidpa € 0.69 € 0.74 € 1.25 € 0.96 € 0.22

VIVAQUA - Kraainem € 0.46 € 1.60 € 1.34 € 0.96 € 0.26

VIVAQUA - Linkebeek € 0.46 € 1.60 € 1.34 € 0.96 € 0.26

VIVAQUA - Steenokkerzeel € 0.49 € 1.60 € 1.34 € 0.96 € 0.26

VIVAQUA - Wezembeek-Oppem € 0.46 € 1.60 € 1.34 € 0.96 € 0.26

Water-link € 0.81 € 0.84 € 1.33 € 0.96 € 0.24

Fixed fee Variable fee Muncipal contribution Regional contribution VAT 6% Calculated prices in force on 1 January 2014 per m3 for an average family (2.33 persons - 84 m3 consumption per year). The price of the municipal contribution is a calculated price per distribution area, weighed on the basis of the population. * For Brabant Water, the waste water treatment contributions are not collected through the integral water invoice. A levy is sent separately. Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs, VMM Database - Waste Water Treatment

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 39 Table 10. Overview and evolution of the integral water invoice and its components for an average family (2000-2014)

Average figures weighed on the basis of population - caclulated with tariffs in force on 01/01

Average family Increase Increase Increase 2,33 domiciled residents 2010 2012 2013 84 m3 consumption per year 2000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 Weighed average € 108.02 € 311.80 € 322.13 € 331.62 € 340.68 € 357.12 15% 8% 5% integral invoice incl 6% VAT

VAT € 6.11 € 17.65 € 18.23 € 18.77 € 19.28 € 20.21 15% 8% 5%

Weighed average € 101.91 € 294.15 € 303.90 € 312.85 € 321.40 € 336.91 15% 8% 5% integral invoice 6% excl VAT

Fixed fee € 30.72 € 47.67 € 48.55 € 49.43 € 50.39 € 55.15 16% 12% 9% Variable fee € 71.19 € 84.78 € 86.66 € 88.48 € 90.88 € 92.12 9% 4% 1% Total drinking water € 101.91 € 132.45 € 135.21 € 137.91 € 141.27 € 147.27 11% 7% 4% Municipal contribution € 0.00 € 88.47 € 93.38 € 96.75 € 100.17 € 109.03 23% 13% 9% Regional contribution € 0.00 € 73.22 € 75.31 € 78.20 € 79.97 € 80.61 10% 3% 1% Total waste water treatment € 0.00 € 161.70 € 168.68 € 174.95 € 180.13 € 189.64 17% 8% 5%

Weighed average integral invoice incl 6% VAT € 1.29 € 3.71 € 3.83 € 3.95 € 4.06 € 4.25 € per m3 VAT (€ per m3) € 0.07 € 0.21 € 0.22 € 0.22 € 0.23 € 0.24 Weighed average inetegrated invoice excl 6% VAT € 1.21 € 3.50 € 3.62 € 3.72 € 3.83 € 4.01 (€ per m3) Fixed fee (€ per m3) € 0.37 € 0.57 € 0.58 € 0.59 € 0.60 € 0.66 Variable fee (€ per m3) € 0.85 € 1.01 € 1.03 € 1.05 € 1.08 € 1.10 Total drinking water (€ per m3) € 1.21 € 1.58 € 1.61 € 1.64 € 1.68 € 1.75 Muncipal contrbution (€ per m3) € 0.00 € 1.05 € 1.11 € 1.15 € 1.19 € 1.30 Regional contribution (€ per m3) € 0.00 € 0.87 € 0.90 € 0.93 € 0.95 € 0.96 Total waste water treatment (€ per m3) € 0.00 € 1.92 € 2.01 € 2.08 € 2.14 € 2.26

Share in weighed average 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% integral invoice (%)

Share of fixed fee 30% 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% Share of variable fee 70% 29% 29% 28% 28% 27% Total share of drinking water 100% 45% 44% 44% 44% 44% Share of municipal contribution 0% 30% 31% 31% 31% 32% Share of regional contribution 0% 25% 25% 25% 25% 24% Total share of waste water treatment 0% 55% 56% 56% 56% 56% Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs, VMM Database - Waste Water Treatment

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 40 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures EVOLUTION OF THE INTEGRAL WATER INVOICE OF DIFFERENT FAMILY TYPES

Table 11 gives an overview of the evolution of a calculated average integral water invoice for different family types which do not own a private water source. The calculated average integral water invoices per family type are weighted averages on the basis of the distribution of the various household sizes across Flanders. An overview of the distribution of the different family types across both Flanders and the water companies is included in Appendix 6.

The huge fluctuations between the minimum and maximum invoice in Table 11 can be explained by the different tariffs that the different water companies use for the drinking water component on the one hand, and the variation that occurs in municipal contribution tariffs. For example, subscribers of Brabant Water in Baarle- Hertog (NL) do not pay any waste water treatment contributions through the water invoice. For regional waste water treatment, VMM still imposes a levy on water pollution there. Furthermore, the groundwater tax was abolished in The Netherlands on 1 January 2012. Because of this the water for subscribers of Brabant Water became cheaper compared to 2010. A detailed overview of the different family types is included in Appendix 7.

Table 11. Overview of the evolution of the calculated integral water invoice of different family types (2010-2014)

Calculated integral invoice for different family types weighed on the basis of household size Number dom. res. Calculated Increase Increase Increase / m3 integral invoice 2010 2012 2013 consump. incl 6% VAT 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 1 / 48 Weighed average € 209 € 216 € 221 € 227 € 240 15% 8% 6% Median € 216 € 222 € 230 € 238 € 245 14% 7% 3% Min € 109 € 109 € 103 € 106 € 106 -4% 2% 0% Max € 230 € 237 € 251 € 258 € 262 14% 5% 2% 2 / 75 Weighed average € 286 € 296 € 304 € 313 € 328 14% 8% 5% Median € 298 € 305 € 318 € 329 € 337 13% 6% 2% Min € 123 € 122 € 114 € 117 € 117 -5% 2% 0% Max € 320 € 329 € 342 € 353 € 359 12% 5% 2% 3 / 104 Weighed average € 371 € 384 € 396 € 407 € 425 14% 7% 4% Median € 389 € 398 € 414 € 429 € 438 12% 6% 2% Min € 140 € 138 € 127 € 130 € 130 -7% 2% 0% Max € 419 € 431 € 446 € 459 € 467 11% 5% 2% 4 / 127 Weighed average € 433 € 447 € 461 € 474 € 495 14% 7% 4% Median € 456 € 465 € 480 € 502 € 511 12% 6% 2% Min € 149 € 148 € 134 € 137 € 137 -8% 2% 0% Max € 490 € 504 € 521 € 531 € 540 10% 4% 2% 5 / 154 Weighed average € 508 € 526 € 542 € 557 € 583 15% 8% 5% Median € 538 € 550 € 566 € 593 € 603 12% 7% 2% Min € 163 € 161 € 145 € 148 € 148 -9% 2% 0% Max € 579 € 596 € 616 € 626 € 636 10% 3% 2% Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs, VMM Database - Waste Water Treatment

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 41 RELATIVITY OF THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTEGRAL WATER INVOICE

Figure 16 shows the evolution of the integral water invoice of an average family in relation to the consumer price index (CPI). The CPI increased by 10% between January 2009 and January 2014. During the same period, the drinking water component (fixed + variable fee) increased by 11%, and the waste water components (GSB + BGB) by 17%.

The figure clearly shows that, with the exception of the BGB (purification), every component of the drinking water invoice has increased more sharply than the CPI. The biggest increasers are the fixed fee of the drinking water component (16%) and the GSB of the waste water components (23%).

The steep rise of the fixed fee during 2013-14 can partly be explained by the introduction of additional social corrections, of which the cost is collected through the fixed fee (obligated by law). For the municipal contribution the explanation can be looked for in the fact that more and more municipalities change over to charging a maximum contribution.

Figure 16. Evolution of the integral water invoice in relation to CPI (2010-2014 – Basis 2009 = 0) 35 %

30 %

25 %

20 %

15 %

10% 10 %

5 %

0 % 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Fixed fee Muncipal contribution Integrated invoice Variable fee Regional contribution Index base 2009=0

Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs, VMM Database - Waste Water Treatment - CPI

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 42 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures SHARE IN TOTAL CONSUMPTION OF A FAMILY

The Household Budget Survey (HBS), a biennial survey conducted by the FPS Economy, estimates the expenditures of the Belgian households based on a representative sample on the level of the Kingdom and the three regions (Brussels Capital Region, Flanders and Wallonia).

According to the latest figures available (2012), the share of the cost for ‘mains water and treatment of waste water’ accounts for 0.77% of the average total consumption of a Flemish household. In the Walloon Region that is 0.95%, in Brussels 0.91% and in the whole of Belgium0.91%. In comparison, the cost for electricity in Flanders for the same period represents 2.26% of the average household budget. Gas and other fuels represent 3.14% of the household budget.

Given the increase of the integral water price over the last years, the significance of the share ‘cost for water’ is increasing. It rose from 0.55% of the total consumption of a Flemish household in 2007 to 0.77% in 2012.

Figure 17. Share of the ‘cost for water’ of the total consumption (HBS 2012)






0% Flanders Wallonia Brussels Belgium

Gas and other fuels Electricity Mains water and purification wast water

Source: FPS Economy (HBS)

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 43 SHARE IN THE DISPOSABLE INCOME OF DIFFERENT INCOME GROUPS

Figure 18 and Table 12 show the share of the cost for ‘mains water and treatment of waste water’ in the ‘equivalent annual disposable income17’ as was indicated by the respondents of the HBS. The figure and table show that for many participating families the share in the equivalent annual disposable income is significantly higher than the share in the total consumption in 2012.

Figure 18. Share of the ‘cost for water’ in equivalent annual income per decile (HBS 2012) 5 %

4 %

3 %

2 %

1 %

0 % 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Deciles

1-pers. family 2-pers. family 3-pers. family 4- (or more) pers. family

Source: FPS Economy (HBS)

For families in the lowest income groups the proportion of the ‘cost for water’ in the equivalent annual available income varies from 2.3% to 4.7%, depending on the family type. The HBS does not inquire whether or not the family is eligible for a social correction. Therefore, it is unknown whether or not social corrections were taken into account in the reported cost. Regarding the fact that on average the reported numbers for ‘treatment of waste water’ in the survey are lower than the cost for mains water, it could (carefully) be assumed that the invoice for part of the respondents is indeed socially corrected18. This assumption inevitably leads also to the consideration that the share for some families might be even higher.

17 The disposable income on an individual level (‘equivalent income’) is derived of the disposable family income that is corrected depending on the size of the family for that purpose. In order to come to the disposable income on an individual level, the disposable family income is not just divided by the number of family members: the fact that on average not all adult family members and especially children contribute proportionally to the family income is taken into account. A weight of 1 is given to the person of reference in the household. A weight of 0.5 is given to every other person over the age of 14, and a weight of 0.3 to every child. 18 The share of waste water treatment (drain-off + purification waste water) on the integral water invoice is 56% on average, compared to a 44% share of drinking water (mains water). Also, legally speaking, there was only a social correction available for the waste water component in 2012. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 44 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Table 12. Share of the ‘cost for water’ in the ‘equivalent disposable income’ (HBS 2012)

Average equivalent Number of domiciled residents in inquired family annual disposable income Decile 2012 1 2 3 4 or more

10 € 8,904 2.3% 2.6% 3.3% 4.7%

20 € 12,013 1.6% 1.7% 2.2% 2.9%

30 € 13,825 1.4% 1.8% 2.5% 3.5%

40 € 15,516 1.1% 1.5% 2.1% 2.4%

50 € 17,431 1.0% 1.7% 2.3% 2.7%

60 € 19,498 1.0% 1.3% 1.7% 2.1%

70 € 21,681 1.1% 1.4% 1.7% 1.6%

80 € 24,025 1.0% 1.2% 1.5% 1.4%

90 € 27,458 0.7% 1.0% 1.6% 1.3%

100 € 36,163 0.6% 0.9% 1.0% 1.1% Source: FPS Economy (HBS)

In Table 13 the same exercise is made as in Table 12, but with the price of an average calculated integral water invoice – without any kind of social correction. This shows that, depending on the situation, the share can rise up to 5.2%.

Table 13. Share of calculated integral water invoice in the ‘equivalent disposable income’ (HBS 2012)

Average 1-pers. family 2-pers. family 3-pers. family 4-pers. family equivalent 48 m3 75 m3 104 m3 127 m3 annual disposable income consumption consumption consumption consumption Decile 2012 € 221,49 € 304,40 € 395,81 € 461,33

10 € 8,904 2.5% 3.4% 4.4% 5.2%

20 € 12,013 1.8% 2.5% 3.3% 3.8%

30 € 13,825 1.6% 2.2% 2.9% 3.3%

40 € 15,516 1.4% 2.0% 2.6% 3.0%

50 € 17,431 1.3% 1.7% 2.3% 2.6%

60 € 19,498 1.1% 1.6% 2.0% 2.4%

70 € 21,681 1.0% 1.4% 1.8% 2.1%

80 € 24,025 0.9% 1.3% 1.6% 1.9%

90 € 27,458 0.8% 1.1% 1.4% 1.7%

100 € 36,163 0.6% 0.8% 1.1% 1.3% Source: FPS Economy (HBS), VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 45 Figure 19 and Table 14 show the share of the average cost for drinking water, sewerage and waste water treatment (integral water invoice) for a two-person family type and 77 m3 annual consumption19. The share is calculated with regard to the first decile, the median decile and the ninth decile of the equivalent annual disposable income of families in different European countries and regions.

On average, in all countries and regions, the share is 3.5% of the low equivalent annual disposable income (first decile), 1.9% of the median equivalent annual disposable income and 1.1% of the high equivalent annual disposable income of families (ninth decile).

In Flanders the share for that family type amounts to 2.6% on average for the lowest incomes. This is significantly lower than in other countries and regions, with the exception of Austria. There the share is 2.5% for a two- member family. In Germany the share for this family type amounts to an average of 4.7% for low incomes. More information can be found in the VMMstudy ‘Prijsvergelijking van de kostprijs van water/afvalwater/ hemelwater voor de gebruikers in verschillende landen20’ (‘Price Comparison of the Cost for Water/Waste water/Rainwater for Users in Different Countries’).

Figure 19. Overview of the share of the water invoice for a two-person family type / 77 m3 annual mains water consumption of different income groups in different countries (2012) 5 %

4 %

3 %

2 %

1 %

0 % Austria Wallonia Portugal France Engeland Czech Republic Flanders Sweden Brussels The Nederlands Denmark Germany

Income group 1st decile Income group median decile Income group 9th decile

Source: VMM study ‘Prijsvergelijking van de kostprijs van water/afvalwater/hemelwater voor de gebruikers in verschillende ’ (‘Price Comparison of the Cost for Water/Waste water/Rainwater for Users in Different Countries’)

19 Annual consumptions employed in the study ‘Prijsvergelijking van de kostprijs van water/afvalwater/hemelwater voor de gebruikers in verschillende landen’. 20 www.vmm.be/publicaties

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 46 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Table 14. Share of calculated integral water invoice in ‘equivalent annual disposable income’ for various countries and regions (EU-SILC - 2012)

Calculated average share of an integral water invoice for a two-person family type / 77 m3 annual mains water consumption

The Czech Flanders Brussels Wallonia Netherlands France Germany England Austria Republic Sweden Denmark Portugal Average First 2.6% 3.4% 3.1% 3.6% 3.4% 4.7% 3.9% 2.5% 4.6% 3.1% 3.9% 3.4% 3.5% decile Median 1.4% 1.7% 1.7% 2.1% 1.8% 2.4% 1.9% 1.4% 2.8% 1.7% 2.1% 1.6% 1.9% decile Ninth 0.9% 0.7% 1.0% 1.2% 1.0% 1.3% 1.0% 0.8% 1.7% 1.1% 1.3% 0.8% 1.1% decile Source: VMM study ‘Prijsvergelijking van de kostprijs van water/afvalwater/hemelwater voor de gebruikers in verschillende landen’ (‘Price Comparison of the Cost for Water/Waste water/Rainwater for Users in Different Countries’)

The previous figures and tables clearly illustrate that the current available data must be nuanced and handled with due caution. On the one hand, the share of the average cost for ‘mains water and treatment of waste water’ (HBS 2012) in the total budget amounts to 0.8% of the average total consumption of the participating households in Flanders. But on the other hand, the share amounts to 4.7% and even 5.2% of the equivalent annual disposable income of the same participating families (depending on the situation). Then again, these percentages are (very) similar to the results of the VMMstudy, where the calculated invoice of different countries and regions is compared to the equivalent annual disposable income from the 2012 EU-SILC survey. Further investigation is definitely necessary in order to paint a clear and accurate picture of the issue concerning affordability of the water invoice.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 47 TARIFFS AND PRICE FOR PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF MAINS WATER (DRINKING WATER COMPONENT)


Table 15 provides an overview of the tariffs and the pricing structures as employed by different water companies on 1 January 2014. Clearly, there is a vast diversity.

For the variable fee there are differences in terms of the number of consumption blocks used, the volume included in consumption blocks and the way of applying the consumption blocks (i.e. whether or not per domiciled resident). The differentiation concerning the way of charging the fixed fee no longer occurs in 2014. From then onwards, nearly all water companies charge a fixed fee per housing unit.

In addition to the first consumption which is legally obliged to be free of charge for all subscribers, Water-link, Pidpa and De Watergroep opt for one flat-rate consumption block (block 2), with no regard to the actual water consumption.

FARYS/TMVW and VIVAQUA employ more progressive pricing structures in order to stimulate sustainable water use. They employ multiple consumption blocks of which the rather limited volumes are adapted pro rata the number of domiciled residents and of which the tariffs go up from free ‘basic’ consumption, to more costly ‘normal’ consumption, to expensive ‘luxurious’ consumption. The other water companies have intermediate pricing structures with one or two limited consumption blocks. However, for these water companies the upper limit of the first paying block (block 2) is usually so high, that the total consumption can entirely be settled within this block.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 48 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Table 15. Overview of pricing structures for the drinking water component (2014)

Fixed fee Variable fee (consumption)

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit € / year € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 Per housing unit 15 m3 pp 1,000 m3 infinite AGSO Knokke-Heist € 22.00 € 0.00 € 2.20 € 1.73

Per housing unit 15 m3 pp 300 m3 infinite Brabant Water € 70.44 € 0.00 € 0.88 € 0.88

3 De Watergroep Per housing unit 15 m pp infinite Limburg € 53.19 € 0.00 € 1.58

3 De Watergroep Per housing unit 15 m pp infinite Oost-Vlaanderen € 53.19 € 0.00 € 2.12

3 De Watergroep Per housing unit 15 m pp infinite Vlaams-Brabant € 53.19 € 0.00 € 2.04

3 De Watergroep Per housing unit 15 m pp infinite West-Vlaanderen € 53.19 € 0.00 € 2.15

Per housing unit 15 m3 pp 35 m3 pp forfait 15 m3* 500 m3 50,000 m3 100,000 m3 infinite FARYS/TMVW € 54.37 € 0.00 € 2.34 € 2.34 € 3.00 € 1.42 € 1.36 € 1.23

Per housing unit 15 m3 pp 5,000 m3 infinite IWM € 53.60 € 0.00 € 1.80 € 1.60

Per housing unit 15 m3 pp 1,200 m3 60,000 m3 infinite IWVA € 49.45 € 0.00 € 1.88 € 1.63 € 1.07

Per housing unit 15 m3 pp 1,000 m3 infinite IWVB € 45.93 € 0.00 € 2.49 € 1.72

Per housing unit 15 m3 pp infinite Pidpa € 57.89 € 0.00 € 1.27

3 3 3 VIVAQUA - Per housing unit 15 m pp 30 m pp 60 m pp infinite Kraainem € 38.37 € 0.00 € 2.55 € 3.21 € 3.59

3 3 3 VIVAQUA - Per housing unit 15 m pp 30 m pp 60 m pp infinite Linkebeek € 38.37 € 0.00 € 2.55 € 3.21 € 3.59

3 3 3 VIVAQUA - Per housing unit 15 m pp 30 m pp 60 m pp infinite Steenokkerzeel € 41.00 € 0.00 € 2.55 € 3.21 € 3.59

3 3 3 VIVAQUA - Per housing unit 15 m pp 30 m pp 60 m pp infinite Wezembeek-Oppem € 38.37 € 0.00 € 2.55 € 3.21 € 3.59

Per housing unit 15 m3 pp infinite Water-link € 67.84 € 0.00 € 1.44 pp = per person, domiciled op 01/01 * fixed ammount of 15m3 per subscriber with domiciled residents For the consumption blocks that are applied ‘per domiciled person’, the volume (upper limit) is expanded pro rata the number of domiciled residents. 1 x 15m3 free of charge for a family with 1 domiciled resident, 2 x 15m3 free of charge for a family with 2 domiciled residents, etc. Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49 TARIFFS AND PRICE FOR PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF MAINS WATER FOR HOUSEHOLDS

Tables 16 and Figure 20 provide an overview per water company of the calculated price per m3 and the total price (both excluding VAT) of the drinking water component for an average family based on the tariffs in force on 1 January 2014.

The average drinking water price in Flanders is € 1.75 per m3 and varies from € 1.35 (Brabant Water) to € 2.09 (VIVAQUA Steenokkerzeel). Also the share of the fixed fee in the drinking water price varies strongly among the different water companies: from 17% (ASGO Knokke-Heist) to 62% (Brabant Water).

Table 16. Overview and evolution of calculated drinking water component in price per year for an average family (2014)

Average family Share in total Evolution (2,33 persons) Prices excl. VAT Rank drinking water price 2013-2014 1 = most in force on 01/01/2014 % share % share € increase % increase expensive Price for 84 m3 annual Total Total Total Total consumption (excl. VAT) drinking drinking drinking drinking water price water price water price water price Variable fee Fixed + Fixed + Variable fee Fixed + Fixed + Fixed fee (consumption) Variable Variable Fixed fee (consumption) Variable Variable AGSO Knokke-Heist € 22.00 € 107.91 € 129.91 14 16.9% 83.1% € 2.45 1.9% Brabant Water € 70.44 € 43.25 € 113.69 16 62.0% 38.0% € 0.00 0.0% De Watergroep Limburg € 53.19 € 77.50 € 130.69 13 40.7% 59.3% € 5.51 4.4% De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 53.19 € 103.99 € 157.18 8 33.8% 66.2% € 6.00 4.0% De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 53.19 € 100.06 € 153.25 9 34.7% 65.3% € 6.00 4.1% De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 53.19 € 105.46 € 158.65 7 33.5% 66.5% € 6.00 3.9% FARYS/TMVW € 54.37 € 114.78 € 169.15 5 32.1% 67.9% € 11.82 7.5% IWM € 53.60 € 88.29 € 141.89 10 37.8% 62.2% € 3.60 2.6% IWVA € 49.45 € 92.21 € 141.66 11 34.9% 65.1% € 3.64 2.6% IWVB € 45.93 € 122.13 € 168.06 6 27.3% 72.7% € 4.75 2.9% Pidpa € 57.89 € 62.06 € 119.95 15 48.3% 51.7% € 0.00 0.0% VIVAQUA Kraainem € 38.37 € 134.38 € 172.75 3 22.2% 77.8% € 4.35 2.6% VIVAQUA Linkebeek € 38.37 € 134.38 € 172.75 2 22.2% 77.8% € 4.35 2.6% VIVAQUA Steenokkerzeel € 41.00 € 134.38 € 175.38 1 23.4% 76.6% € 4.35 2.5% VIVAQUA Wezembeek-Oppem € 38.37 € 134.38 € 172.75 3 22.2% 77.8% € 4.35 2.6% Water-link € 67.84 € 70.58 € 138.42 12 49.0% 51.0% € 6.99 5.3%

Calculated average € 49.40 € 101.61 € 151.01 8 33.8% 66.2% € 4.64 3.1% Median € 53.19 € 104.72 € 155.21 9 33.7% 66.3% € 4.35 2.6% Minimum € 22.00 € 43.25 € 113.69 1 16.9% 38.0% € 0.00 0.0% Maximum € 70.44 € 134.38 € 175.38 16 62.0% 83.1% € 11.82 7.5%

Weighed average € 55.15 € 92.12 € 147.27 37.4% 62.6% € 4.76 4.2% on the basis of population

Calculated average per m3 € 0.59 € 1.21 € 1.80 33.8% 66.2% € 0.06 3.1% Median per m3 € 0.63 € 1.25 € 1.85 33.7% 66.3% € 0.05 2.6% Minimum per m3 € 0.26 € 0.51 € 1.35 16.9% 38.0% € 0.00 0.0% Maximum per m3 € 0.84 € 1.60 € 2.09 62.0% 83.1% € 0.14 7.5%

Weighted average per m3 € 0.66 € 1.10 € 1.75 37.4% 62.6% € 0.06 4.2% on the basis of population Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 50 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Figure 20. Overview of the drinking water price per m3 for an average family (2014) € 0.0 € 0.2 € 0.4 € 0.6 € 0.8 € 1.0 € 1.2 € 1.4 € 1.6 € 1.8 € 2.0 € 2.2

AGSO Knokke-Heist € 0.26 € 1.28

Brabant Water € 0.84 € 0.51

De Watergroep Limburg € 0.63 € 0.92

De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 0.63 € 1.24

De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 0.63 € 1.19

De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 0.63 € 1.26

FARYS/TMVW € 0.65 € 1.37

IWM € 0.64 € 1.05

IWVA € 0.59 € 1.10

IWVB € 0.55 € 1.45

Pidpa € 0.69 € 0.74

VIVAQUA - Kraainem € 0.46 € 1.60

VIVAQUA - Linkebeek € 0.46 € 1.60

VIVAQUA - Steenokkerzeel € 0.49 € 1.60

VIVAQUA - Wezembeek-Oppem € 0.46 € 1.60

Water-link € 0.81 € 0.84

Fixed fee Variable fee

Calculated drinking water prices in force on 01/01/2014 per m³ for an average family (2.33 persons - 84 m³ consumption/year)

Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 51 Evolution of drinking water component for households

Table 17 shows the evolution of the calculated average drinking water component and its subcomponents for different family types. The calculated prices presented are arithmetic averages of the water companies.

Between 2000 and 2014, the fixed fee increased more strongly than the variable fee. The fixed fee increased from € 30 on average to € 49 on average, which equals a 65% rise. The variable fee increased from € 85 on average to € 117 on average which equals a 38% rise. It is also noteworthy that households with one domiciled resident clearly pay more per m3 of used mains water than households with several domiciled residents. This is due to the fact that the fixed fee does not progressively increase according to the number of domiciled residents.

Table 17. Overview and evolution of the calculated drinking water component for different family types (2000-2014)

Family type Increase Increase Increase dom. residents Drinking water 2000 2010 2013 / m3 consump. component 2000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 1 / 48 Fixed fee € 30 43 44 45 47 49 65% 14% 6% Variable fee € 50 63 64 66 68 70 41% 11% 2% Variable + Fixed € 80 106 108 111 115 119 50% 12% 4% Variable + Fixed € / m3 € 1.66 € 2.21 € 2.25 € 2.31 € 2.40 € 2.48 50% 12% 4% 2 / 75 Fixed fee € 30 43 44 45 47 49 65% 14% 6% Variable fee € 68 85 86 89 92 94 39% 11% 2% Variable + Fixed € 97 128 130 133 138 143 47% 12% 3% Variable + Fixed € / m3 € 1.30 € 1.71 € 1.74 € 1.78 € 1.85 € 1.91 47% 12% 3% 3 / 104 Fixed fee € 30 43 44 45 47 49 65% 14% 6% Variable fee € 88 110 113 115 120 122 38% 10% 2% Variable + Fixed € 118 154 157 160 166 171 45% 11% 3% Variable + Fixed € / m3 € 1.14 € 1.48 € 1.51 € 1.54 € 1.60 € 1.65 45% 11% 3% 4 / 127 Fixed fee € 30 43 44 45 47 49 65% 14% 6% Variable fee € 102 125 127 130 134 138 35% 11% 3% Variable + Fixed € 132 168 171 175 181 187 42% 11% 4% Variable + Fixed € / m3 € 1.04 € 1.32 € 1.35 € 1.38 € 1.42 € 1.48 42% 11% 4% 5 / 154 Fixed fee € 30 43 44 45 47 49 65% 14% 6% Variable fee € 118 147 150 152 158 161 36% 10% 2% Variable + Fixed € 148 190 194 197 204 210 42% 11% 3% Variable + Fixed € / m3 € 0.96 € 1.23 € 1.26 € 1.28 € 1.33 € 1.36 42% 11% 3% Fixed Calculated average € 30 43 44 45 47 49 65% 14% 6% fee Median € 30 43 44 45 47 49 65% 14% 6% Minimum € 30 43 44 45 47 49 65% 14% 6% Maximum € 30 43 44 45 47 49 65% 14% 6% Variable Calculated average € 85 106 108 111 114 117 38% 10% 2% fee Median € 88 110 113 115 120 122 38% 11% 2% Minimum € 50 63 64 66 68 70 35% 10% 2% Maximum € 118 147 150 152 158 161 41% 11% 3% Fixed + Calculated average € 115 149 152 155 161 166 45% 11% 3% Variable Median € 118 154 157 160 166 171 45% 11% 3% fee Minimum € 80 106 108 111 115 119 42% 11% 3% Maximum € 148 190 194 197 204 210 50% 12% 4% Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 52 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Figure 21 shows the evolution of the drinking water component of the different water companies for an average family. Striking is the vast diversity in the evolution of, and the massive spread between the highest and the lowest tariffs. In 2000, the minimumand maximumtariffs were € 79 and € 133 respectively. In 2014, these tariffs increased to € 114 and € 175 respectively. Between 2000 and 2014, the tariffs of VIVAQUA Steenokkerzeel increased the most (73%), followed by AGSO Knokke-Heist (64%).

Figure 21. Overview and evolution of the calculated drinking water component of different water companies for an average family (2000-2014) € 180

€ 160

€ 140

€ 120

€ 100

€ 80

€ 60 2000 20052004200320022001 2009200820072006 2013201220112010 2014

AGSO Knokke-Heist De Watergroep Limburg FARYS/TMVW Pidpa

Brabant Water De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen IWM (De Watergroep) VIVAQUA De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant IWVA Water-link De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen IWVB

Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 53 Social corrections

On 6 December 2013 the Flemish government approved the Implementation Act that lays down the measures for the protection of vulnerable target groups (protected customers). Because of this, as of January 2014, a subgroup of the protected customers, the formerly identified group of customers entitled to be exempted from or compensated for the regional contribution, is also exempted from paying the fixed fee of the drinking water component of the integral water invoice. The fixed fee is charged per housing unit, an exemption or a compensation is allowed per family. Starting from the allowed social corrections of the regional contribution in 2013, 9% of the households in Flanders qualify for a social correction of the fixed fee of the drinking water component.

However, Table 18 shows that there are significantly more housing units than households. Especially in the coastal areas (AGSO-Knokke and IWVA) the difference is huge. Among other things, this can be attributed to the large number of secondary residences in the coastal area. Compared to the number of housing units (the basis for the revenue of the fixed fee) the share of social beneficiaries is 7%.

Table 18. Overview of the applied social corrections for the drinking water component (2013)

Share of Total social beneficiaries Share of Calculated number of vs calculated social beneficiaries number of Number of exemptions number of vs number of Water company households housing units + compensations households housing units (WC) (01/01/2014) (2013) (2013) AGSO Knokke-Heist 16,754 42,061 1,258 8% 3% Brabant Water - - - - - De Watergroep 1,180,981 1,456,087 117,532 10% 8% IWVA 29,658 70,341 3,856 13% 5% IWVB 97,721 121,012 2,907 3% 2% IWM 43,527 56,432 4,647 FARYS/TMVW 546,410 758,324 49,015 9% 6% Pidpa 485,430 570,752 30,695 6% 5% VIVAQUA 14,909 17,138 541 4% 3% Water-link 274,451 335,147 18,976 7% 6% Total Flanders 2,689,840 3,427,294 229,427 9% 7% Source: FPS Economy, VMM Water Bank, VMM Water Book

Besides that the act also provides several other measures in order to protect vulnerable target groups. As of 1 January 2014 protected customers are, free of charge, entitled to: —— information about possible causes and steps to be taken following a sharp rise in consumption; —— a monthly payment; —— a personalised payment plan; —— a meter reading at their home; —— a water scan (This means a specialist examines which measures can be taken to optimise the water consumption of a subscriber)

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 54 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Protected customers are also exempt from paying the cost associated with the sending of a formal notice and/ or a notice of default. To protect (all) water users from disconnection of the water supply, this government act also lays down a clear procedure that must be followed by the water companies before they are allowed to cut off the water supply. For instance, there must be at least six weeks between the notification of the imminent disconnection and the point at which the tap is actually closed. During that period, other arrangements can still be made. The local advisory committee of the OCMW (Public Social Welfare Centre) plays a key role in this procedure.

Tariffs for one-off services

In addition to the cost of drinking water production and distribution which is charged through the integral invoice, the water companies also charge numerous other tariffs for one-off services. Table 19 provides an overview of the tariffs in force on 1 January 2014 for a house connection, the replacement of a defective water meter and the first mandatory check (for instance a new estate) employed by different water companies. Here also, a vast differentiation is stated.

Table 19. Overview of tariffs for one-off services per water company (2014)

Prices excl VAT in force on 01/01/2014 Tariff for Tariff for replacement Tariff for residential connection defective water meter first (mandatory) check Water company incl 1 water meter Rank (negligent customer) Rank residential system Rank AGSO Knokke-Heist 1,080 € 1 270 € 1 130 € 1 Brabant Water 716 € 15 196 € 3 0 € 15 De Watergroep Limburg 918 € 4 149 € 5 115 € 5 De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 918 € 4 149 € 5 115 € 5 De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 918 € 4 149 € 5 115 € 5 De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 918 € 4 149 € 5 115 € 5 FARYS/TMVW 932 € 3 158 € 4 116 € 4 IWM 873 € 9 131 € 10 0 € 15 IWVA 765 € 14 103 € 15 114 € 9 IWVB 607 € 16 86 € 16 110 € 10 Pidpa 901 € 8 133 € 9 119 € 3 VIVAQUA - Kraainem 860 € 10 114 € 11 110 € 10 VIVAQUA - Linkebeek 860 € 10 114 € 11 110 € 10 VIVAQUA - Steenokkerzeel 860 € 10 114 € 11 110 € 10 VIVAQUA - Wezebeek-Oppem 860 € 10 114 € 11 110 € 10 Water-link 960 € 2 205 € 2 120 € 2

Average 872 € 146 € 100 € Median 887 € 141 € 114 € Minimum 607 € 86 € 0 € Maximum 1,080 € 270 € 130 € Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 PRICE COMPARISON OF THE DRINKING WATER COMPONENT IN SURROUNDING REGIONS

In table 20 and Figure 22 the Flemish drinking water price (water treatment cost excluded) for families is compared to the price in Wallonia and Brussels. As in Flanders, the drinking water component consists of a fixed fee (subscription fee) and a variable fee (based on consumption). Both in the Brussels Capital Region and the Walloon Region one uniform pricing structure is used for the entire region.

In the Brussels Capital Region a solidary and progressive pricing structure was introduced. In this structure, the price per m3 differs depending on the used amount of mains water and the family type. There are four progressive consumption blocks that are employed for both the drinking water component and the waste water components.

Brussels Capital Region Fixed fee (subscription fee) Per house or housing unit Variable fee Block 1: Vital Block from 0 m3 tot 15 m3 per domiciled resident per year Block 2: Social Block from 15 m3 tot 30 m3 per domiciled resident per year Block 3: Normal Block from 30 m3 tot 60 m3 per domiciled resident per year Block 4: Comfort Block from 60 m3 per domiciled resident per year

In Wallonia a uniform pricing structure is applicable since 2005. This pricing structure is based on the principle of the so-called ‘actual cost of mains water’ (CVD – the actual cost of the distribution, and CVA - the actual cost of the water treatment). CVD is an indicator in euro per m3 that is set per water company. The pricing structure consists of a fixed and a variable part. The variable part has a pricing structure based on three consumption blocks. The size (volume) of the consumption blocks is laid down in legislation, as well as the proportion of the tariffs per block and the contribution to the Social Fund. The pricing structure is a combination of two progressive price brackets (up to 5,000 m3) and digressive tariffs for the consumption over 5,000 m3.

Walloon Region Fixed fee drinking water 20 x CVD Fixed fee waste water treatment 30 x CVA Variable fee Block 1: from 0 to 30 m3 per year 1/2 CVD + Social Fund for Water + 6% VAT Block 2: from 31 to 5,000 m3 per year CVD + CVA + Social Fund for Water + 6% VAT Block 3: from 5,000 m³ to 25,000 m3 per year 0.9 CVD + CVA + Social Fund for Water + 6% VAT a x CVD + CVA + Social Fund for Water + 6% VAT Block 4: more than 25,000 m3 per year ( a : 0.5 =< a =< 0.9 )

In comparison to the other Belgian regions, the price of drinking water (water treatment excluded) in the Flemish Region is lower than in the Brussels Capital Region and the Walloon Region for every single family type. Striking is that the differentiation increases as the families grow in size. This can be attributed to the free granting of 15 m3 of water per domiciled resident in Flanders. This measure does not exist in other regions. Between 2012 and 2014 the price in the Brussels Capital Region increased the least in terms of percentage.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 56 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Table 20. Average cost price of drinking water in the surrounding regions (2012-2014)

1-pers. 2-pers. 3-pers. 4-pers. 1/01/2012 48 m3/year 75 m3/year 104 m3/year 127 m3/year Flemish Region € 110 € 131 € 156 € 170 Brussels Capital Region € 119 € 155 € 196 € 220 Walloon Region € 117 € 177 € 241 € 292 1-pers. 2-pers. 3-pers. 4-pers. 1/01/2013 48 m3/year 75 m3/year 104 m3/year 127 m3/year Flemish Region € 112 € 134 € 160 € 174 Brussels Capital Region € 122 € 159 € 202 € 227 Walloon Region € 125 € 189 € 257 € 311 1-pers. 2-pers. 3-pers. 4-pers. 1/01/2014 48 m3/year 75 m3/year 104 m3/year 127 m3/year Flemish Region € 119 € 140 € 166 € 181 Brussels Capital Region € 122 € 159 € 202 € 227 Walloon Region € 129 € 195 € 266 € 322 Evolution Evolution Evolution Evolution 2012 2012 2012 2012 2014 2014 2014 2014 Flemish Region 8% 7% 6% 6% Brussels Capital Region 3% 3% 3% 3% Walloon Region 10% 10% 10% 10% Flemish Region: Figures Weighted based on the distribution of households across the water companies; Walloon Region: Figures Weighted based on the distribution of water meters across the water companies (calculations incl. contribution to the social Fund (€ 0.0125/m3)); Brussels Capital Region: Calculation includes the funding of the social fund (€ 0.03/m3). Source: VMM Water Bank Figure 22. Average cost price of drinking water in the surrounding regions for four family types (2014) 350 322

300 266

250 227 195 202 200 181 159 166 140 150 129 119 122


55.67 55.01 48.62 48.62 54.95 48.62 54.89 48.62 50 23.80 23.80 23.80 23.80

0 1-pers. family 2-pers. family 3-pers. family 4-pers. family 48m3/year 75m3/year 104m3/year 127m3/year

Flanders Brussels Capital Region Walloon Region

Flanders Brussels Capital Region Walloon Region Fixed fee Fixed fee Fixed fee

Source: VMM Water Bank //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 57 PRICING STRUCTURES FOR BUSINESSES

Table 21 provides an overview of the tariffs and the pricing structures for non-household customers as employed by the different water companies on 1 January 2014. Here as well a lot of differentiation among the water companies can be stated. Water-Link, Pidpa and VIVAQUA employ a flat pricing structure with only one, non-restricted, consumption block. The other companies use a digressive structure. For most companies, the first consumption block is limited in volume, going from 500 m3 to 6,000 m3. IWVA and De Watergroep also apply a second consumption block, limited at 60,000 m3. In this way, they make a clear distinction between small- and large-schale industry. With four consumption blocks, FARYS/TMVW has the most extended pricing structure and makes an even more nuanced distinction for its industrial customers.

Table 21. Overview of pricing structures of the drinking water component for companies (2014)

Fixed fee Variable fee (consumption) Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Diameter < 30 mm Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit € / year € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 per subscriber 1,000 m3 infinite AGSO Knokke-Heist € 22.00 € 2.20 € 1.77 per subscriber 300 m3 infinite Brabant Water € 70.44 € 0.88 € 0.88 per subscriber 6,000 m3 60,000 m3 infinite De Watergroep Limburg € 250.95 € 1.38 € 1.15 € 1.13 per subscriber 6,000 m3 60,000 m3 infinite De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 250.95 € 1.77 € 1.51 € 1.39 per subscriber 6,000 m3 60,000 m3 infinite De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 250.95 € 1.78 € 1.49 € 1.41 per subscriber 6,000 m3 60,000 m3 infinite De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 250.95 € 1.80 € 1.54 € 1.42 per subscriber 500 m3 50,000 m3 100,000 m3 infinite FARYS/TMVW € 54.37 € 3.00 € 1.42 € 1.36 € 1.23 per subscriber 5,000 m3 infinite IWM € 53.60 € 1.80 € 1.60 per subscriber 1,200 m3 60,000 m3 infinite IWVA € 46.79 € 1.86 € 1.61 € 1.07 per subscriber 1,000 m3 infinite IWVB € 45.93 € 2.49 € 1.72 per subscriber infinite Pidpa € 62.91 € 1.00 per subscriber infinite VIVAQUA - Kraainem € 38.37 € 3.21 per subscriber infinite VIVAQUA - Linkebeek € 38.37 € 3.21 per subscriber infinite VIVAQUA - Steenokkerzeel € 41.00 € 3.21 per subscriber infinite VIVAQUA - Wezembeek-Oppem € 38.37 € 3.21 per subscriber infinite Water-link € 62.50 € 1.44 Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 58 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Capacity fees for large water meters for companies

Companies often need additional extraction capacity. This can have very different reasons: going from safety reasons (e.g. fire extinguishing capacity), to a very specific extraction behaviour (e.g. a large amount of water in very short time) to just major water use.

A larger capacity requires a larger water meter. Table 22 provides an overview of the annual fixed fee and/ or water meter rental charged for water meters with a diameter up to 100 mm. Sometimes more advanced water meters are used in combination with data loggers etc. Those tariffs are not included in the overview.

The table mainly shows that the tariffs at most water companies increase in relation to the capacity of the water meter. At the same time it proves that, here as well, there is a lot of differentiation among the water companies. FARYS/TMVW and VIVAQUA do not make any distinction between small and larger water meters.

Table 22. Overview of the tariffs for water meters with larger capacities for companies (2014)

Prices excl VAT in force on 01/01/2014 Water meter Water meter Water meter Water meter Water meter Water company Diameter <30 Diameter 40 Diameter 50 Diameter 80 Diameter 100 AGSO Knokke-Heist € 22 € 752 € 752 € 752 € 752 Brabant Water € 70 n.b n.b n.b n.b De Watergroep Limburg € 251 € 387 € 508 € 569 € 612 De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 251 € 387 € 508 € 569 € 612 De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 251 € 387 € 508 € 569 € 612 De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 251 € 387 € 508 € 569 € 612 FARYS/TMVW € 54 € 54 € 54 € 54 € 54 IWM € 54 € 80 € 105 € 169 € 264 IWVA € 47 € 95 € 186 € 316 € 316 IWVB - FARYS/TMVW € 46 € 109 € 117 € 127 € 133 IWVB - Vivaqua € 46 € 138 € 230 € 322 € 459 Pidpa € 63 € 266 € 377 € 979 € 1,468 VIVAQUA - Kraainem € 38 € 38 € 38 € 38 € 38 VIVAQUA - Linkebeek € 38 € 38 € 38 € 38 € 38 VIVAQUA - Steenokkerzeel € 41 € 41 € 41 € 41 € 41 VIVAQUA - Wezebeek-Oppem € 38 € 38 € 38 € 38 € 38 Water-link € 68 € 172 € 462 € 901 € 1,325 Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 59 TARIFS AND PRICE FOR THE PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF MAINS WATER FOR COMPANIES

Table 23 and Figure 23 provide an overview of the calculated price per m3 and the total price for a company with an annual consumption of 1,000 m3 and a water meter with a diameter smaller than 30 mm. The calculation is based on the tariffs in force on 1 January 2014. For the record it should be mentioned that in certain cases the theoretical calculations may deviate from practice. For instance, not all company types occur in all distribution areas. Sometimes additional conditions are imposed concerning minimum annual consumption (e.g. annual consumption of De Watergroep must be at least 3,000 m3). With major consumers, the water companies almost always enter into individual contracts. These contracts consist of individual pricing structures and the accompanying individually negotiated tariffs. These individual pricing structures and tariffs are unknown. Consequently they were not included in the calculations in this document. Among the water companies there is a huge difference in the pricing for companies, as there is for families. The differentiation occurs for both the variable fee going from € 0.88 per m3 (Brabant Water) to € 3.21 per m3 (VIVAQUA) and the fixed fee going from € 22 per year (AGSO Knokke-Heist) to € 250.95 per year (De Watergroep).

Table 23. Overview and evolution of calculated drinking water component in price per year for a typical company (2014)

Company type Share in total Evolution 1,000 / < 30 Prices excl. VAT Rank drinking water price 2013-2014 1 = most in force on 01/01/2014 expensive % share % share € increase % increase Price for Total Total Total Total 1,000 m3 drinking drinking drinking drinking consumption per year water price water price water price water price Variable fee Fixed + Fixed + Fixed + Fixed + Fixed fee (consumption) Variable Variable Fixed fee Variable fee Variable Variable AGSO Knokke-Heist € 22.00 € 2,200.00 € 2,222.00 7 1.0% 99.0% € 50.00 2.3% Brabant Water € 70.44 € 881.70 € 952.14 16 7.4% 92.6% € 0.00 0.0% De Watergroep Limburg € 250.95 € 1,380.00 € 1,630.95 13 15.4% 84.6% € 12.23 0.8% De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 250.95 € 1,770.00 € 2,020.95 10 12.4% 87.6% € 22.23 1.1% De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 250.95 € 1,780.00 € 2,030.95 9 12.4% 87.6% € 22.23 1.1% De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 250.95 € 1,800.00 € 2,050.95 8 12.2% 87.8% € 22.23 1.1% FARYS/TMVW € 54.37 € 2,210.00 € 2,264.37 6 2.4% 97.6% € 63.88 2.9% IWM € 53.60 € 1,800.00 € 1,853.60 12 2.9% 97.1% € 3.60 0.2% IWVA € 46.79 € 1,860.00 € 1,906.79 11 2.5% 97.5% € 0.00 0.0% IWVB € 45.93 € 2,490.00 € 2,535.93 5 1.8% 98.2% € 23.77 0.9% Pidpa € 62.91 € 1,000.00 € 1,062.91 15 5.9% 94.1% € 0.00 0.0% VIVAQUA Kraainem € 38.37 € 3,210.00 € 3,248.37 2 1.2% 98.8% € 110.00 3.5% VIVAQUA Linkebeek € 38.37 € 3,210.00 € 3,248.37 2 1.2% 98.8% € 110.00 3.5% VIVAQUA Steenokkerzeel € 41.00 € 3,210.00 € 3,251.00 1 1.3% 98.7% € 110.00 3.5% VIVAQUA Wezembeek-Oppem € 38.37 € 3,210.00 € 3,248.37 2 1.2% 98.8% € 110.00 3.5% Water-link € 67.84 € 1,438.90 € 1,506.74 14 4.5% 95.5% € 39.04 2.7%

Calculated average € 98.99 € 2,090.66 € 2,189.65 5.3% 94.7% € 43.70 1.7% Median € 53.99 € 1,830.00 € 2,040.95 2.7% 97.3% € 23.00 1.1% Minimum € 22.00 € 881.70 € 952.14 1.0% 84.6% € 0.00 0.0% Maximum € 250.95 € 3,210.00 € 3,251.00 15.4% 99.0% € 110.00 3.5%

Calculated average per m3 € 0.10 € 2.09 € 2.19 0.0% 0.1% € 0.04 1.7% Median per m3 € 0.05 € 1.83 € 2.04 0.0% 0.1% € 0.02 1.1% Minimum per m3 € 0.02 € 0.88 € 0.95 0.0% 0.1% € 0.00 0.0% Maximum per m3 € 0.25 € 3.21 € 3.25 0.0% 0.1% € 0.11 3.5% Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 60 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Figure 23. Overview of drinking water price for a typical company (2014) € 0.0 € 0.5 € 1.0 € 1.5 € 2.0 € 2.5 € 3.0 € 3.5

AGSO Knokke-Heist € 0.02 € 2.20

Brabant Water € 0.07 € 0.88

De Watergroep Limburg € 0.25 € 1.38

De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 0.25 € 1.77

De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 0.25 € 1.78

De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 0.25 € 1.80

FARYS/TMVW € 0.05 € 2.21

IWM € 0.05 € 1.80

IWVA € 0.05 € 1.86

IWVB € 0.04 € 2.47

Pidpa € 0.06 € 1.00

VIVAQUA - Kraainem € 0.04 € 3.21

VIVAQUA - Linkebeek € 0.04 € 3.21

VIVAQUA - Steenokkerzeel € 0.04 € 3.21

VIVAQUA - Wezembeek-Oppem € 0.04 € 3.21

Water-link € 0.07 € 1.44

Fixed fee Variable fee

Calculated drinking water prices in force on 01/01/2014 per m³ for a company (type 1,000 m³/year - water diameter < 30)

Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 61 Evolution of the tariffs for the production and distribution for companies 2000-2014

Table 24 shows the evolution of the calculated average drinking water component and its subcomponents for different types of companies. The presented calculated prices are the arithmetic averages of the water companies. It is found that companies with a lower water consumption pay significantly more per m3 used water than companies with a higher water consumption and a larger water connection. This is due to the regressive tariff for large volumes that is used by several water companies.

Table 24. Overview and evolution of calculated drinking water component for different company types (2000-2014)

Company type Increase Increase Increase m3 consump. Drinking water 2000 2010 2013 / diameter component 2000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 500 / <30 Fixed fee € 32 90 92 94 97 99 210% 10% 2% Variable fee € 763 949 969 1,007 1,048 1,070 40% 13% 2% Variable + Fixed € 795 1,039 1,061 1,101 1,145 1,169 47% 13% 2% Variable + Fixed € / m3 € 1.59 € 2.08 € 2.12 € 2.20 € 2.29 € 2.34 47% 13% 2% 2,000 / <30 Fixed fee € 32 90 92 94 97 99 210% 10% 2% Variable fee € 2,612 3,577 3,651 3,798 3,963 4,044 55% 13% 2% Variable + Fixed € 2,643 3,667 3,743 3,892 4,060 4,143 57% 13% 2% Variable + Fixed € / m3 € 1.32 € 1.83 € 1.87 € 1.95 € 2.03 € 2.07 57% 13% 2% 10,000 / <30 Fixed fee € 32 90 92 94 97 99 210% 10% 2% Variable fee € 11,486 17,062 17,408 18,136 18,937 19,327 68% 13% 2% Variable + Fixed € 11,518 17,152 17,499 18,230 19,034 19,426 69% 13% 2% Variable + Fixed € / m3 € 1.15 € 1.72 € 1.75 € 1.82 € 1.90 € 1.94 69% 13% 2% 50,000 / 40 Fixed fee € 84 154 157 160 170 206 147% 34% 21% Variable fee € 55,345 83,189 84,842 88,475 92,354 94,254 70% 13% 2% Variable + Fixed € 55,429 83,343 84,999 88,635 92,524 94,460 70% 13% 2% Variable + Fixed € / m3 € 1.11 € 1.67 € 1.70 € 1.77 € 1.85 € 1.89 70% 13% 2% 100,000 / 50 Fixed fee € 131 217 220 225 239 270 105% 24% 13% Variable fee € 109,978 163,690 166,948 174,210 181,738 185,524 69% 13% 2% Variable + Fixed € 110,110 163,907 167,168 174,435 181,977 185,794 69% 13% 2% Variable + Fixed € / m3 € 1.10 € 1.64 € 1.67 € 1.74 € 1.82 € 1.86 69% 13% 2% Fixed Calculated average € 62 128 130 133 140 155 176% 18% 8% fee Median € 32 90 92 94 97 99 210% 10% 2% Minimum € 32 90 92 94 97 99 105% 10% 2% Maximum € 131 217 220 225 239 270 210% 34% 21% Variable Calculated average € 36,037 53,694 54,764 57,125 59,608 60,844 60% 13% 2% fee Median € 11,486 17,062 17,408 18,136 18,937 19,327 68% 13% 2% Minimum € 763 949 969 1,007 1,048 1,070 40% 13% 2% Maximum € 109,978 163,690 166,948 174,210 181,738 185,524 70% 13% 2% Fixed + Calculated average € 36,099 53,821 54,894 57,258 59,748 60,999 62% 13% 2% Variable Median € 11,518 17,152 17,499 18,230 19,034 19,426 69% 13% 2% fee Minimum € 795 1,039 1,061 1,101 1,145 1,169 47% 13% 2% Maximum € 110,110 163,907 167,168 174,435 181,977 185,794 70% 13% 2% Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 62 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Figure 24 below illustrates the evolution of the drinking water component of a company type with an annual consumption of 1,000 m3 and a water meter with a diameter smaller than 30 mm. Striking is the vast diversity in the evolution of and the massive spread between the highest and the lowest tariffs, which keeps on widening over the years.

Figure 24. Overview and evolution of the calculated drinking water component of different water companies for a typical company (2000-2014) € 3.500

€ 3.000

€ 2.500

€ 2.000

€ 1.500

€ 1.000

€ 500

€ 0 2000 20052004200320022001 2009200820072006 2013201220112010 2014

AGSO Knokke-Heist De Watergroep Limburg FARYS/TMVW Pidpa

Brabant Water De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen IWM (De Watergroep) VIVAQUA De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant IWVA Water-link De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen IWVB

Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 63 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE WATER SECTOR GLOBAL DATA ABOUT THE WATER SECTOR

This chapter discusses the sectorial profit-and-loss account and the evolution of a limited amount of sectorial ratios. The tables and graphs in this chapter are based on the figures that water companies publish in their filed annual accounts. The figures relate to all activities carried out by the water companies, not merely water related activities. Water companies are responsible for the production and distribution of drinking water (drinking water activity) treatment of the water supplied (waste water treatment activity) and, in addition, also carry out other activities (for instance, FARYS/TMVW manages sports infrastructure and AGSO Knokke- Heist manages city development).

SECTORIAL BALANCE SHEET21 The sectorial balance sheet total is obtained by adding up the individual data of the different water companies. The total sum of the fixed assets of the sector is almost 85% of the balance sheet total. This indicates the investment-intensive character of the sector.

Table 25. Sectorial balance sheet (2013)

Assets Codes (x 1,000€) Fixed assets 20/28 4,713,173 I Preliminary flotation 20 7,256 II Intangible fixed assets 21 16,651 III Tangible fixed assets 22/27 4,643,616 IV Financial fixed assets 28 45,651 Current assets 29/58 839,912 V Long-term receivables 29 49,924 VI Iventories and work-in-progress 3 58,028 VII Short-term receivables 40/41 322,454 VIII Capital investments 50/53 91,796 IX Liquid assets 54/58 114,909 X Other assets 490/1 202,801 TOTAL ASSETS 20/58 5,553,086

Liabilities Codes (x 1,000€) Equity 10/15 2,786,495 I Capital 10 1,302,176 II Share premiums 11 27,160 III Revaluation reserves 12 672,310 IV Reserves 13 552,851 V Profit (loss) reserve brought forward 14 13,670 VI Grants 15 218,328 VII Provisions and deferred taxation 16 641,671 VIIA Provisions for liabilities and charges 160/5 641,671 Debt payable 17/49 2,124,920 VIII Long-term liabilities 17 1,168,577 IX Short-term liabilities 42/48 582,619 X Other liabilities 492/3 373,723 TOTAL LIABILITIES 10/49 5,553,086 Source: National Bank of Belgium- Balance Centre, VMM Water Bank 21 It concerns the figures from the balance sheet of all operators with the exception of Brabant Water and GW . For VIVAQUA, only the figures concerning Flanders were admitted. In addition, also the figures of TMWV were used for these calculations. IMVW groups together 16 participants that are distribution associates of FARYS/TMVW for the distribution of the drinking water on their territory. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 64 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures SECTORIAL PROFIT-AND-LOSS ACCOUNT22

The sectorial profit-and-loss account paints a general picture of the exploitation during 2013. Note that the sectorial profit-and-loss-account is merely the sum of the figures from the profit-and-loss account of every water company individually. For instance, the turnover achieved through intercompany selling was not corrected.

Table 26. Sectorial profit-and-loss account (2013)

Profit-and-loss account Codes (x 1,000€) I Operating income 70/74 1,618,668 100.0% A Turnover 70 1,272,866 78.6% B Changes to the inventory of goods-in-progress and finished product and to the 71 1,618 0.1% work-in-progress (increase +, decrease -) C Produced fixed assets 72 49,920 3.1% D Other operating income 74 294,264 18.2% II Operating expenses 60/64 1,556,150 96.1% A Goods for resale, raw materials and consumables 60 490,361 30.3% B Other external charges 61 521,258 32.2% C Remunerations, national security contributions and pensions 62 275,342 17.0% D Depreciation and value reductions preliminary flotation, intangible and tangible 630 220,602 13.6% fixed assets E Value reductions on inventories, work-in-progress and trade receivables - 631/4 1,207 0.1% Additions (subtractions) F Provisions for liabilities and charges - additions (expenditures and write-backs) 635/7 -2,163 -0.1% G Other operating expenses 640/8 49,543 3.1% H Operating expenses activated as restructurating cost 649 0 0.0% III COMPANY PROFIT (LOSS) 9901 62,518 3.9% IV Financial income 75 22,823 1.4% V Financial expenses 65 33,120 2.0% VI PROFIT (LOSS) FROM NORMAL ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 9902 52,221 3.2% VII Exceptional income 76 4,677 0.3% VIII Exceptional expenses 66 5,349 0.3% IX PROFIT (LOSS) FINANCIAL YEAR BEFORE TAXATION 9903 51,549 3.2% X Withdrawal from/transfer to deferred taxation 780/680 0 0.0% XI Taxation on result 67/77 237 0.0% XII PROFIT (LOSS) OF FINANCIAL YEAR 9904 51,312 3.2% Source: National Bank of Belgium- Balance Centre, VMM Water Bank

22 It concerns the figures from the profit-and-loss-account of all operators with the exception of Brabant Water and GW Hoeilaart. For VIVAQUA, only the figures concerning Flanders were admitted. In addition, also the figures of TMWV were used for these calculations. IMVW groups together 16 participants that are distribution associates of FARYS/TMVW for the distribution of the drinking water on their territory.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 65 SECTORIAL RATIOS23

Sectorial averages

The ratios and conclusions on sector level in Table 27 are based on absolute figures and therefore take into account the size of every single water company. The liquidity of a company is the ability of a company to pay short-term obligations (debts when they are due). The short-term liquidity is calculated based on the current ratio. This is the ratio between the current assets24 and the short-term loan capital. A value higher (lower) than one indicates a positive (negative) working capital. In that case, the total assets of the sector are basically (not) sufficient to fulfil its short-term financial responsibilities. Still, a ratio below one should not be problematic by definition. The higher the ratio, the healthier the company’s liquidity position. In 2013 the ratio for the drinking water sector decreased to 0.83. This means that the current ratio on sector level is still below the tilt value of one.

The solvency of a company is the capacity of a company to fulfil its long-term financial responsibilities. It indicates to which extent the sector chooses to finance either with equity, or with loan capital. In 2013 the ratio is 50%. Compared to 2012, it increased by 5%. Thus, in 2013, half of the balance sheet total of the sector is financed with loan capital and the other half with equity.

The profitability of a company is a measure for the production efficiency. The profitability of the total assets before taxation is the return of the total assets or equity. The profitability of the used material resources has been decreasing since 2010, and amounts 1.52% in 2013. The profitability of the equity after taxation, the return of allocated capital, decreases by 0.60% to a percentage of 1.84% in 2013 (compared to 2012).

Table 27. Sectorial ratios (2009-2013)

Liquidity Short-term liquidity: current ratio Current assets/Short-term debt capital 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Ratio 0,95 0.97 0.89 0.95 0.83 0.83

Solvancy Degree of social independence (in %) Equity/Total assets 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Ratio 53,11% 52.23% 51.28% 45.35% 50.18% 50.18% Profitability Net profitability of total assets before taxation (in %) Profit of financial year before financial costs en before taxation/Total assets 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Ratio 1,59% 1.90% 1.85% 1.72% 1.52% 1.52% Net profitability of equity after taxation (in %) Profit of financial year after taxation/Equity 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Ratio 1,95% 2.57% 2.40% 2.44% 1.84% 1.84% Source: National Bank of Belgium - Balance Centre, VMM Water Bank

23 The ratios on sector level are calculated based on the sectorial balance sheet and the sectorial profit-and-loss account. Brabant Water and GW Hoeilaart are not admitted in the sectorial ratios. Only the figures of the Flemish part of VIVAQUA are included. Besides that, this calculation also includes figures of IMWV. 24 This is the sum of the inventories and work-in-progress, the short-term receivables, the financial investments, the liquid assets and other current assets (accounting codes 3 until 490/1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 66 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures EVOLUTION OF THE RATIOS PER WATER COMPANY25

The three figures below illustrate the evolution of the liquidity, the solvency and the profitability of every water company between 2009 and 2013.

Figure 25 illustrates the evolution of the liquidity of the drinking water sector. This evolution is based on the evolution of the current ratio. The liquidity position of Pidpa is the strongest in 2013. The current ratio of VIAVAQUA, IWM and De Watergroep26 is below the tilt value of one in 2013. Globally seen a falling trend can be stated within the water sector. In order to make Figure 25 clear and readable, the figure for AGSO Knokke- Heist was not admitted. It has an extremely high ratio as a consequence of the real estate activity. The current ratio of AGSO Knokke-Heist is 12.0% and 7.6% in 2012 and 2013 respectively.

Figure 25. Evolution liquidity water companies (2009-2013) 2,00%




0,00% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

De Watergroep IWM (De Watergroep) IWVB VIVAQUA

FARYS/TMVW IWVA Pidpa Water-link

Source: National Bank of Belgium- Balance Centre, VMM Water Bank

25 With exception of Brabant Water and GW Hoeilaart. For AGSO Knokke-Heist only figures of 2012 were admitted, the year in which the water activities were transferred to the AGSO. 26 The annual report of De Watergroep of 2013 mentions that De Watergroep has moved on to the activation of the drinking water branches. These investments are largely financed by third parties.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 67 Figure 26 illustrates the evolution of the solvency of the water companies, based on the evolution of the degree of financial independence. In 2013, the solvency of IWVA (64.8%) and Water-link (64.6%) is the highest. For most water companies this ratio is in between 40% and 60%. The value of IWVB is negative as a consequence of the negative equity.

Figure 26. Evolution solvency water companies (2009-2013) 80,0% 70,0% 60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0%

-10,0% -20,0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


De Watergroep IWVA Pidpa Water-link


Source: National Bank of Belgium- Balance Centre, VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 68 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Figure 27 illustrates the evolution of the profitability of the water companies, based on the evolution of the degree of profitability of the equity after taxation. According to this ratio, the equity of Water-Link pays the most profit in 2013. IWM and IWVB are the sole companies in 2013 that have a negative return on the equity. In order to keep Figure 27 clear and readable, IWVB27 was not included in this figure, because it struggles with a negative equity and loss.

Figure 27. Evolution profitability water companies (2009-2013) 16,0% 14,0% 12,0% 10,0% 8,0% 6,0% 4,0% 2,0% 0,0%

-2,0% -4,0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

AGSO FARYS/TMVW IWVA VIVAQUA De Watergroep IWM (De Watergroep) Pidpa Water-link

Source: National Bank of Belgium- Balance Centre, VMM Water Bank

27 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Profitability of equity after taxation of IWVB 0.07% -0.05% 0.21% -4.06% -12.33%

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 69 FINANCIAL DATA ABOUT WATER ACTIVITY


Table 28 illustrates the evolution of the turnover28 from production and distribution of water per water company and also provides the share of the turnover from water sale compared to both the total turnover and the operating income.

Table 28. Turnover from water sale vs total turnover and operating income (2013)

Evolution Turnover Evolution Evolution operating Turnover from Turnover Turnover turnover total income from water sale from from from water turnover WC per WC water sale /operating Water company water sale water sale sale /turnover income 2012 2013 2012 2012 2012 (x 1,000 €) (x 1,000 €) 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013

Brabant Water 155 155 0.0%

De Watergroep 197,920 204,770 3.5% 4.8% 9.9% 44.4% 35.0%

FARYS/TMVW 122,947 125,758 2.3% 2.6% 5.1% 38.6% 32.5%

ISWa leden 13,596 13,313 -2.1%

IWVA 8,564 9,007 5.2% 1.4% 3.7% 58.2% 45.0%

IWVB 21,654 21,314 -1.6% -2.9% 1.1% 40.0% 34.8%

Pidpa 80,928 81,037 0.1% 4.2% 3.5% 40.4% 31.6%

VIVAQUA* 4,569 4,097 -10.3% 2.8% 0.8% 1.3% 1.3%

Water-link 112,201 111,808 -0.4% -7.3% 6.5% 68.3% 46.7% * For VIVAQUA only the turnover from the water sale directly to subscribers in Flanders was admitted. Source: National Bank of Belgium- Balance Centre, VMM Water Bank

28 Only amounts for the sale of water (raw water, clear water and other water) are used to calculate the turnover from water sale. Turnover from service provision and other turnover related to drinking water activity were not admitted.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 70 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Table 29 shows the market share per water company, which is calculated based on the turnover from the water sale. The table shows that De Watergroep has the largest market share in 2013. More than 35% of the turnover achieved from water sale in Flanders was realised by De Watergroep. De four largest water companies (De Watergroep, Water-link, Pidpa and FARYS/TMVW) achieved more than 91% of the turnover from water sale in 2013. This indicates a very high concentration within the sector.

The same conclusion can be made after calculating the Herindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI). This index is calculated by summing up all the squared market shares. It is often used in competition issues as a criterion for the concentration in the sector. In 2013, the HHI is 0.24 and is therefore higher than benchmark 0.18. This indicates a high concentration within the sector. The score does not change whether or not ISWa members are, as a group, included in the calculation

Table 29. Market share of the water companies based on the turnover from water sale (2013)

Turnover from water sale Market share Rank Water company 2013 2013 (x 1,000€)

Brabant Water 155 0% 9

De Watergroep 204,770 36% 1

FARYS/TMVW 125,758 22% 2

ISWa leden 13,313 2% 6

IWVA 9,007 2% 7

IWVB 21,314 4% 5

Pidpa 81,037 14% 4

VIVAQUA 4,097 1% 8

Water-link 111,808 20% 3

Sector 571,259 100% Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 71 RELATIVE INCOME STRUCTURE

Figure 28 shows the share of different income items from water activity in relation to the total of water related revenue per water company.

Figure 28. Relative revenues and gains (2013) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% De Watergroep ISWa-leden FARYS/TMVW IWVA IWVB Pidpa VIVAQUA Waterlink

Legend: Raw waterRuwwater wholesale afnemersrs: turnover from supplyVaste of vergoeding raw water to abonnees non-subscribers Dienstverlening Clear water wholesalers: turnover from supply of drinking water to non-subscribers Other wateReinwaterr wholesalers: afnemers turnover from supplyVariabele of other vergoeding water to abonneesnon-subscribers Overige Fixed feeAnder subscribers: water turnoverafnemers from supply of drinking water to subscribers based on the fixed fee Variable fee subscribers: turnover from the supply of drinking water to subscribers based on the variable fee Service provision: turnover or proceeds from other services such as the (re)placement or relocation of a water meter, connections, testing, leak investigations, sampling and analysing, legionella prevention etc. Other: turnover or proceeds from other activities (not from direct sale or service provision to subscribers and non-subscribers. For instance, this concerns the management of ecology and recreation (visitor centres), proceeds from cell towers, lab services for third parties etc.

* For VIVAQUA only the income from the water sale and service provision directly to subscribers in Flanders is admitted. ** In the figures of ISWa members only the figures of IWM and AGSO Knokke-Heist are admitted. Source: VMM Water Bank

Water-link and FARYS/TMVW achieve a notable turnover from the sale of clear water to wholesalers (i.e. the sale of clear water to other water companies) compared to the other water companies. De Watergroep is the sole company that supplies ‘other water’ to wholesalers, i.e. the supply of industrial water.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 72 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures RELATIVE COST STRUCTURE

Figure 29 shows the share of different cost items of water activity in relation to the total of water related expenses per water company.

Figure 29. Relative expenses structure (2013)

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% De Watergroep ISWa-leden FARYS/TMVW IWVA IWVB Pidpa VIVAQUA Waterlink

Legend: Cost ofVermogenskosten capital: the cost of the capital consistingPersoneelskosten of interest on short-term loan capital,Inkoop interest Water on long-term loan capital,Afschrijvingen allowance for expenses, booked Dienstenprofit, dividends derden, and materialen tax on income from investmentsOverige kosten en Depreciations: the depreciations, corrected before the received grants & energie voorzieningen Levies: Heffingenthe cost for levies consisting of the groundwater levy, the surface water levy, levy on passing waste water and other levies Staff expenses: the staff expenses excluding staff expenses for produced assets Services third parties, materials and energy: the cost for services provided to third parties, energy, materials and leasing and rentals, excluding the cost for produced assets (the amounts shown are amounts excluding capitalised expenses) Purchase water: the cost for the purchase of raw and clear water Other expenses and provisions: the remaining costs and provisions

* In the figures for ISWa members only the figures for IWM and AGSO-Kokke-Heist are admitted. Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 73 INVESTMENTS IN WATER SUPPLY

It is important to closely monitor the investments made by water companies in water infrastructure in order to properly regulate the water companies. Indeed, sufficient investments in the public water supply are necessary in order to guarantee long-term qualitative and affordable drinking water in Flanders. Under- investment can lead to risks for the quality of both the infrastructure and the drinking water. Over-investment can lead to inefficient use of the infrastructure and unaffordable tariffs for the end-consumer. Financial data about the investments made for water infrastructure are available for 2011, 2012 and 2013.

In Figure 30 and Table 30 the investments that were put to use in the drinking water supply are split up into three sub-activities: —— Investments in water pipes: the total of investments put to use for replacement, renovation or extension of the water pipes (clear water + raw water) —— Investments in water related systems: the total of investments put to use for water systems that are directly related to the production and distribution of water but that are not water pipes. —— Other investments: the total of investments put to use that are not directly related to the production and distribution of water, but that are still assigned to the drinking water activity (e.g. overhead)

In order to determine the number of investments put to use over the course of 2013, the sum of ‘procurements, including the produced fixed assets’ and the ‘transfers from of one item to another’ (as far as they relate to transferred assets-in-progress) was made for the tangible fixed assets, with the exception of fixed assets-in- progress. Concretely, it is about figures for terrains and buildings, systems, machines and equipment, furniture and rolling stock, leasing and comparable rights and other tangible fixed assets (accounting codes 22 until 26). The investments of GW Hoeilaart are unknown for 2013. GW Hoeilaart was however included in the 2011 and 2012 reports. The share of investments made by GW Hoeilaart compared to the total investments in 2012 is 0.26%.

Figure 30. Overview of investments put to use in the drinking water supply (2011-2013) x €1,000






00 Water pipes Water related Other Total systems water activity 2011 2012 2013

Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 74 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures In Flanders € 153 million and € 198 million was invested in the production and distribution of drinking water in 2011 and 2012 respectively. In 2013 the water companies invested € 163 million in the water activity, which is a decrease by 17.7 % compared to 2012. The decrease in 2013 compared to 2012 is due to the strong decrease of other investments. The investments in water pipes and water related systems remained stable on sector level. Table 30 shows the value of the investments put to use in the public water supply, per water company and the three sub-activities mentioned above.

Table 30. Overview of investments put to use in the drinking water supply (2013)

Water related Total Water company Water pipes systems Other water activity (€) (€) (€) (€) De Watergroep 28,527,762 5,999,132 18,105,763 52,632,657 FARYS/TMVW* 50,190,126 12,740,787 5,544,529 68,475,442 ISWa leden** 2,037,402 2,727,280 389,188 5,153,869 IWVA 1,343,912 646,516 36,633 2,027,061 IWVB - - - - Pidpa 10,294,506 5,922,388 1,952,583 18,169,477 VIVAQUA 670,586 0 0 670,586 Water-link 2,980,300 9,048,035 3,973,202 16,001,537 Total 96,044,594 37,084,137 30,001,897 163,130,628 * The investments made by IWVB are put together with the investments made by FARYS/TMVW. IWVB invested € 6,769,849 in water pipes and € 69,766 in water related systems. ** For the figures of ISWa members only figures of IWM and AGSO Knokke-Heist were admitted. Source: VMM Water Bank

Figure 31 gives insight into the age of the water pipe network in Flanders in 2013. The percentages reflect the weighed situation in Flanders according to the length of the network. The figures take the replacement and the extension of the network into account. The data represent almost 97% of the total water pipe network in Flanders. For IWVB and VIVAQUA there is no data available. About 43% of the total water pipe network was constructed between 1960 and 1980. Of the total water pipe network 4% dates from the period 2010-2013.

Figure 31. Age of the water pipe network in Flanders (2013)






0% < ‘50 ‘50 - ’59 ‘60 - ’69 ‘70 - ’79 ‘80 - ’89 ‘90 - ’99 ‘00 - ’09 ‘10 - ’12

Share of water pipe network compared to the complete pipe network in Flanders

* For the figures of ISWa members the figures dating from 2012 were used for AGSO Knokke-Heist and GW Hoeilaart. ** No data available for IWVB and VIAVAQUA. Source: VMM Water Bank

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 75 Figure 32 shows the composition of the water pipe network in Flanders and contains information about 97% of the total network. The composition of the water pipe network in Flanders is summarised through different categories, based on the construction materials that were used: (1) synthetics, (2) metals, (3) concrete and (4) others/unknown. On this subject, only IWVB is unable to provide data. Based on the length, approximately 48% of the pipe network was constructed based on synthetics, roughly 32% based on concrete and 19% based on metals. More information on the subject of investments is to be found in the VMM report ‘Investeringen voor publieke watervoorziening’29 (‘Investments for the Public Water Supply’).

Figure 32. Materials used in the water pipe network in Flanders (2011-2013) 60%






0% Synthetic basis Cement/Concrete basis Metal basis Other / Unknown basis

2011 2012 2013

* Pipe network materials for IWVB are unknown. Source: VMM Water Bank

29 www.vmm.be/publicaties

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 76 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures GLOSSARY

Average family: a family consisting of 2.33 domiciled persons with an annual mains water consumption of 84 m3 and no private water collection site. Clear water: drinking water supplied to wholesalers. Collected water: all the collected ground- and surface water. Delivery area: a geographically demarcated area within which the water intended for human consumption originates from one or more sources of which the water is expected to be of nearly uniform quality. Distribution area: the area within which the operator of a public water distribution network supplies drinking water, via pipelines of the public water distribution network, to subscribers. Drinking water: water that meets the requirements laid down for water for human consumption. This includes all the water that, in untreated or treated form, is destined for drinking, cooking, food preparation or other household purposes, regardless of the origin and regardless of whether the water is distributed via a public water distribution network or via a private water source, from a tanker or lorry or in bottles or cartons, with the exception of: a. natural mineral water, which is recognised as such in accordance with the Royal Decree of 8 February 1999 concerning natural mineral water and source water; b. water that is a medicine. Drinking Water Decree: the legal framework for the management of drinking water and the protection of drinking water quality. Drinking water component: the payment for the production and distribution of the mains water (part of the integral water invoice). This component consists of an annual fixed fee (subscription fee) and a variable fee (depending on water consumption). Equivalent annual disposable income: the disposable income at the individual level (‘equivalent income’) is derived from the available family income adjusted to the size of the family. The disposable income at individual level is not just the household disposable income divided by the number of family members. The fact that in general not all adult family members and especially children make a proportional contribution to the family income is taken in account. A weight of 1 is assigned to the reference person in the household, a weight of 0.5 to any other person over 14 years and a weight of 0.3 to every child. EU-SILC: European Union – Statistics on Income and Living Conditions Fixed fee: fixed part of the drinking water component of the integral water invoice. The fixed part is also known as the subscription fee. Flanders Environment Agency (VMM): an agency of the Flemish Government which is active in the following areas: environment in general, air and water. VMM has many different duties within these three areas. Among other things, the agency plays a part in the integral water policy: it measures and monitors the quantity and quality of water, manages water systems, imposes a levy on water pollution and groundwater collection and supervises the infrastructure for waste water treatment. Besides that, VMM is also responsible for the drinking water regulation Groundwater: all the water that is situated under the ground surface in the saturated zone, and that comes into direct contact with the soil or subsoil. Groundwater Decree: the legal framework for the management of groundwater and the protection of groundwater quality. HBS: The Household Budget Survey (Belgian households) Housing unit: each unit in a housing that is designed or adapted to be used separately and that has at least the following residential provisions: a living room in combination with a lavatory, a shower or bath and a kitchen or kitchenette. Integral water invoice: the invoice that water companies send to their subscribers. This invoice contains a drinking water component and waste water components.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 77 ISWa member: an active water company that is part of the alliance ISWa, more specifically GW Hoeilaart, ASGO Knokke- Heist and IWM. Mains water: water that is supplied via the public water distribution network. Major consumers (GV): non-small consumers. The major consumers are mainly companies and farmers. Municipal contribution (GSB): a payment that is used to finance the municipal waste water treatment obligation (drain- off and collection of used water). It is one of the waste water components on the integral water invoice. Raw water: water before production (which is converted into drinking water or other water further into the cycle). Regional contribution (BGB): a payment that is used to finance the regional waste water treatment obligation (purification of waste water). It is one of the waste water components on the integral water invoice. Small consumers (KV): non-major consumers. Small consumers are mainly families, but also small companies and services that only use small amounts of water. (Cf. article 35quater, § 1 of the Law of 26 March 1971 concerning the protection of surface waters against pollution.) Subscriber: any natural or legal person entitled to a real estate, connected to a public water distribution network and to whom the operator of a public distribution network supplies drinking water via said public water distribution network. Surface water: all the water that water companies collect that is not groundwater. Target groups: three target groups are distinguished, more specifically, households, industry, and agriculture (cf. WFD). Different subscribers are assigned to different target groups: 1. major consumers a. with an agricultural activity (cf. tax on water pollution) are classified as agricultural; b. without agricultural activity are classified as industrial. 2. small consumers a. with domiciled residents are classified as household; b. without domiciled residents and with a VAT number are classified as industrial; c. the remaining group, i.e. small consumers without domiciled residents or with an unknown number of domiciled residents and without VAT number. This group includes secondary residences and companies that did not report a VAT number. Variable fee: variable part of the drinking water component of the integral water invoice. The variable fee depends on the water consumption. Water activity: the whole of activities for the production and distribution of water to subscribers and wholesalers. Water company: the operator of a public water distribution network. Water consumption: water that is used in a measurable quantity. Water Sale Regulations: the Government Act of 8 April 2011 containing provisions for the rights and obligations of the operators of a public water distribution network and their customers concerning the distribution of water intended for human consumption, the implementation of the waste water treatment obligation and the General Water Sale Regulations. Waste water components: the contributions for the drain-off, collection and purification of the waste water originating from the used mains water. They consist of the GSB and/or GSV and the BGB. The waste water components are part of the integral water invoice. WaterRegulator: a Flemish regulation unit for drinking water set up in 2009 as a sub-entity of VMM with primary focus: a. increasing transparency concerning drinking water production, b. comparing the performances and efficiency of the water companies, c. conducting studies and, based on the results, giving advice to the Flemish government. Wholesaler: every customer that is not a subscriber and to whom the operator of a public water distribution network supplies water.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 78 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures APPENDIX 1: LIST OF FIGURES

Figure 1. Distribution areas of water companies – Situation in 2014...... 7 Figure 2. Evolution of the number of water companies (1998-2014)...... 13 Figure 3. Drinking water chain from source to tap...... 17 Figure 4. Water production for Flanders in million m3 (2013)...... 19 Figure 5. Water sources per water company (2013)...... 21 Figure 6. Water balance sheet for the sector in million m3 (2013)...... 22 Figure 7. Water balance sheet per water company in million m3 (2013)...... 23 Figure 8. Evolution of invoiced mains water consumption (2003-2013)...... 25 Figure 9. Evolution of the invoiced water consumption of different target groups (2009-2013)...... 26 Figure 10. Distribution of subscribers and invoiced water consumption over the target groups (2013)...... 27 Figure 11. Relation between customer profiles and consumption profiles (2013)...... 29 Figure 12. Relation customer profiles vs consumption profiles per water company (2013)...... 30 Figure 13. Quality of the drinking water in the public water distribution network in Flanders (2013)...... 34 Figure 14. Evolution of the integral water invoice and its components, average family (2010-2014)...... 38 Figure 15. Calculated integral price per m3 for an average family (2014)...... 39 Figure 16. Evolution of the integral water invoice in relation to CPI (2010-2014 – Basis 2009 = 0)...... 42 Figure 17. Share of the ‘cost for water’ of the total consumption (HBS 2012)...... 43 Figure 18. Share of the ‘cost for water’ in equivalent annual income per decile (HBS 2012)...... 44 Figure 19. Overview of the share of the water invoice for a two-person family type / 77 m3 annual mains water consumption of different income groups in different countries (2012)...... 46 Figure 20. Overview of the drinking water price per m3 for an average family (2014)...... 51 Figure 21. Overview and evolution of the calculated drinking water component of different water companies for an average family (2000-2014)...... 53 Figure 22. Average cost price of drinking water in the surrounding regions for four family types (2014)...... 57 Figure 23. Overview of drinking water price for a typical company (2014)...... 61 Figure 24. Overview and evolution of the calculated drinking water component of different water companies for a typical company (2000-2014)...... 63 Figure 25. Evolution liquidity water companies (2009-2013)...... 67 Figure 26. Evolution solvency water companies (2009-2013)...... 68 Figure 27. Evolution profitability water companies (2009-2013)...... 69 Figure 28. Relative revenues and gains (2013)...... 72 Figure 29. Relative expenses structure (2013)...... 73 Figure 30. Overview of investments put to use in the drinking water supply (2011-2013)...... 74 Figure 31. Age of the water pipe network in Flanders (2013)...... 75 Figure 32. Materials used in the water pipe network in Flanders (2011-2013)...... 76

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 79 APPENDIX 2: LIST OF TABLES

Table 1. Legal form of water companies (2014)...... 8 Table 2. Statistics about distribution areas – absolute values (2014)...... 14 Table 3. Statistics about distribution areas - relative values (2014)...... 14 Table 4. Infrastructure for the production and distribution of mains water (2014)...... 15 Table 5. Overview of the production share for Flanders vs the supply to subscribers in Flanders per water company (2013)...... 20 Table 6. Key figures of water distribution and sale (2013)...... 24 Table 7. Conversion of invoiced mains water consumption into annual-consumption blocks (2013)...... 28 Table 8. Average annual mains water consumption per family situation (2013)...... 32 Table 9. Evolution of the number of subscribers (2009 – 2013)...... 33 Table 10. Overview and evolution of the integral water invoice and its components for an average family (2000-2014)...... 40 Table 11. Overview of the evolution of the calculated integral water invoice of different family types (2010-2014)...... 41 Table 12. Share of the ‘cost for water’ in the ‘equivalent disposable income’ (HBS 2012)...... 45 Table 13. Share of calculated integral water invoice in the ‘equivalent disposable income’ (HBS 2012)...... 45 Table 14. Share of calculated integral water invoice in ‘equivalent annual disposable income’ for various countries and regions (EU-SILC - 2012)...... 47 Table 15. Overview of pricing structures for the drinking water component (2014)...... 49 Table 16. Overview and evolution of calculated drinking water component in price per year for an average family (2014) ...... 50 Table 17. Overview and evolution of the calculated drinking water component for different family types (2000-2014)...... 52 Table 18. Overview of the applied social corrections for the drinking water component (2013)...... 54 Table 19. Overview of tariffs for one-off services per water company (2014)...... 55 Table 20. Average cost price of drinking water in the surrounding regions (2012-2014)...... 57 Table 21. Overview of pricing structures of the drinking water component for companies (2014)...... 58 Table 22. Overview of the tariffs for water meters with larger capacities for companies (2014)...... 59 Table 23. Overview and evolution of calculated drinking water component in price per year for a typical company (2014)...... 60 Table 24. Overview and evolution of calculated drinking water component for different company types (2000-2014)...... 62 Table 25. Sectorial balance sheet (2013) ...... 64 Table 26. Sectorial profit-and-loss account (2013)...... 65 Table 27. Sectorial ratios (2009-2013)...... 66 Table 28. Turnover from water sale vs total turnover and operating income (2013)...... 70 Table 29. Market share of the water companies based on the turnover from water sale (2013)...... 71 Table 30. Overview of investments put to use in the drinking water supply (2013)...... 75

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 80 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures APPENDIX 3: CONTACT DETAILS OF ALL WATER COMPANIES

AGSO Knokke-Heist Headquarters Contact / Info Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf ‘t Walletje 104 bus 101 Tel. 050 44 25 00 stadsontwikkeling 8300 Knokke-Heist E-mail: [email protected] Knokke-Heist http://www.agsoknokke-heist.be

BRABANT WATER Headquarters Contact / Info Brabant Water N.V. Magistratenlaan 200 Tel. 0031 73 683 88 88 5223 MA 's-Hertogenbosch E-mail: [email protected] http://www.brabantwater.nl

De Watergroep Headquarters Contact / Info Central Board of Direction Vlaamse maatschappij voor Vooruitgangstraat 189 Tel. 02 238 94 11 watervoorziening 1030 Brussel E-mail: [email protected] http://www.dewatergroep.be

De Watergroep Provincial Customer Service Contact / Info Limburg Limburg Runkstersteenweg 208 Tel. 011 28 06 11 3500 Hasselt E-mail: [email protected] http://www.dewatergroep.be

De Watergroep Provincial Customer Service Contact / Info Oost-Vlaanderen Oost-Vlaanderen Koning Boudewijnstraat 46 Tel. 09 240 91 11 9000 Gent E-mail: [email protected] http://www.dewatergroep.be

De Watergroep Provincial Customer Service Contact / Info Vlaams-Brabant Vlaams Brabant Herbert Hooverplein 23 Tel. 016 24 09 11 3000 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.dewatergroep.be

De Watergroep Provincial Customer Service Contact / Info West-Vlaanderen West-Vlaanderen Roggelaan 2 Tel. 056 23 17 11 8500 Kortrijk E-mail: [email protected] http://www.dewatergroep.be

FARYS/TMVW Headquarters Contact / Info Tussengemeentelijke Stropstraat 1 Tel. 078 35 35 99 Maatschappij der Vlaanderen 9000 Gent Klantencontact via www.farys.be voor Watervoorziening (TMWV) http://www.farys.be

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 81 IWM* Headquarters Contact / Info Intercommunale Watermaatschappij Willekensmolenstraat 122 Tel. 011 28 85 60 3500 Hasselt E-mail: [email protected] http://www.iwm.be * Incorporated by De Watergroep on 01/01/2015

IWVA Headquarters Contact / Info Intercommunale Waterleidingsmaatschappij Doornpannestraat 1 Tel. 058 53 38 33 van Veurne-Ambacht 8670 Koksijde E-mail: [email protected] http://www.iwva.be

IWVB Headquarters Contact / Info Intercommunale voor Waterbedeling Alsembergsesteenweg 1046 Tel. 02 359 17 17 in Vlaams-Brabant 1652 http://www.dewatergroep.be Administrative seat Contact / Info Stropstraat 1 Tel. 078 35 35 99 9000 Gent

Pidpa Headquarters Contact / Info Provinciale en Intercommunale Vierselsebaan 5 Drinkwatermaatschappij 2280 Grobbendonk der Provincie Antwerpen

Administrative seat Contact / Info Desguinlei 246 Tel. 03 216 88 00 2018 Antwerpen E-mail: [email protected] http://www.Pidpa.be

VIVAQUA Headquarters Contact / Info VIVAQUA Keizerinlaan 17-19 Tel. 02 518 81 11 1000 Brussel E-mail: [email protected] http://www.vivaqua.be

Water-link Headquarters Contact / Info Antwerpse Waterwerken Mechelsesteenweg 66 Tel. 078 35 35 99 2018 Antwerpen E-mail: [email protected] http://www.water-link.be

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 82 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures APPENDIX 4: OVERVIEW OF MUNCIPALITIES DISTRIBUTED PER WATER COMPANY WITH THE SHARE OF THE POPULATION SUPPLIED

AGSO Knokke-Heist Distributed % 1 Knokke-Heist 100%

BRABANT WATER Distributed % 1 Baarle Hertog 87%

De Watergroep Limburg Distributed % Distributed % 1 Alken 100% 23 Kinrooi 100% 2 As 100% 24 Kortessem 100% 3 Beringen 100% 25 Lanaken 100% 4 Bilzen 100% 26 Lommel 100% 5 Bocholt 100% 27 Lummen 100% 6 Borgloon 100% 28 Maaseik 100% 7 Bree 100% 29 Maasmechelen 100% 8 Diepenbeek 100% 30 Meeuwen-Gruitrode 100% 9 Dilsen-Stokkem 100% 31 Neerpelt 100% 10 Genk 100% 32 Nieuwerkerken (Limb.) 100% 11 Gingelom 100% 33 Opglabbeek 100% 12 Halen 100% 34 Overpelt 100% 13 Ham 100% 35 Peer 100% 14 Hamont-Achel 100% 36 Riemst 100% 15 Hasselt 37% 37 Sint-Truiden 100% 16 Hechtel-Eksel 100% 38 Tessenderlo 100% 17 Heers 100% 39 Tongeren 100% 18 Herk-de-Stad 100% 40 Voeren 100% 19 Herstappe 100% 41 Wellen 100% 20 Heusden-Zolder 100% 42 Zonhoven 100% 21 Hoeselt 100% 43 Zutendaal 100% 22 Houthalen-Helchteren 100%

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 83 De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen Distributed % Distributed % 1 Assenede 100% 15 Lokeren 100% 2 Berlare 100% 16 Maldegem 100% 3 Beveren 100% 17 Moerbeke (Waas) 100% 4 Denderleeuw 100% 18 Ninove 100% 5 Eeklo 100% 19 Sint-Gillis-Waas 100% 6 Evergem 100% 20 Sint-Laureins 100% 7 Geraardsbergen 100% 21 Sint-Niklaas 100% 8 Haaltert 100% 22 Stekene 100% 9 Herzele 32% 23 Temse 100% 10 Kaprijke 100% 24 Waarschoot 100% 11 Kruibeke 100% 25 Waasmunster 100% 12 Laarne 100% 26 Wachtebeke 100% 13 Lierde 33% 27 Zele 100% 14 Lochristi 42%

De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant Distributed % Distributed % 1 100% 26 66% 2 100% 27 Landen 32% 3 100% 28 100% 4 100% 29 Leuven 100% 5 Bever 100% 30 10% 6 100% 31 100% 7 100% 32 100% 8 100% 33 100% 9 100% 34 95% 10 100% 35 90% 11 100% 36 Oud-Heverlee 100% 12 66% 37 100% 13 100% 38 100% 14 68% 39 100% 15 100% 40 100% 16 Halle 20% 41 Scherpenheuvel-Zichem 100% 17 100% 42 Steenokkerzeel 46% 18 Herne 100% 43 58% 19 100% 44 32% 20 Hoeilaart 100% 45 Tielt-Winge 100% 21 100% 46 93% 22 100% 47 100% 23 100% 48 100% 24 Kapelle-op-den-Bos 100% 49 Zaventem 9% 25 100% 50 100%

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 84 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen Distributed % Distributed % 1 Anzegem 100% 27 Menen 100% 2 Ardooie 100% 28 Mesen 100% 3 Avelgem 100% 29 Meulebeke 100% 4 Bredene 100% 30 Middelkerke 13% 5 Deerlijk 100% 31 Moorslede 100% 6 Dentergem 100% 32 Oostende 21% 7 Diksmuide 91% 33 Oostkamp 41% 8 Gistel 100% 34 Oostrozebeke 100% 9 Harelbeke 100% 35 Oudenburg 100% 10 Heuvelland 100% 36 Pittem 100% 11 Hooglede 100% 37 Poperinge 100% 12 Houthulst 100% 38 Roeselare 100% 13 Ichtegem 100% 39 Spiere-Helkijn 100% 14 Ieper 100% 40 Staden 100% 15 Ingelmunster 100% 41 Tielt 100% 16 Izegem 100% 42 Torhout 100% 17 Jabbeke 58% 43 Vleteren 100% 18 Koekelare 100% 44 Waregem 100% 19 Kortemark 100% 45 Wervik 100% 20 Kortrijk 100% 46 Wevelgem 100% 21 Kuurne 100% 47 Wielsbeke 100% 22 Langemark-Poelkapelle 100% 48 Wingene 100% 23 Ledegem 100% 49 Zedelgem 100% 24 Lendelede 100% 50 Zonnebeke 100% 25 Lichtervelde 100% 51 Zwevegem 100% 26 Lo-Reninge 100%

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 85 FARYS/TMVW Distributed % Distributed % 1 Aalst 100% 30 Lochristi 58% 2 Aalter 100% 31 Lovendegem 100% 3 100% 32 Maarkedal 100% 4 100% 33 Melle 100% 5 Beernem 100% 34 Merelbeke 100% 6 Blankenberge 100% 35 Middelkerke 87% 7 Brakel 100% 36 Nazareth 100% 8 Brugge 100% 37 Nevele 100% 9 Buggenhout 100% 38 Oostende 79% 10 Damme 100% 39 Oosterzele 100% 11 De Haan 100% 40 Oostkamp 59% 12 De Pinte 100% 41 Opwijk 10% 13 Deinze 100% 42 Oudenaarde 100% 14 Dendermonde 100% 43 Ronse 100% 15 Destelbergen 100% 44 Ruiselede 100% 16 Erpe-Mere 100% 45 Sint-Lievens-Houtem 100% 17 Gavere 100% 46 Sint-Martens-Latem 100% 18 Gent 100% 47 Ternat 42% 19 Hamme (Vl.) 100% 48 Wetteren 100% 20 Herzele 68% 49 Wichelen 100% 21 Horebeke 100% 50 Wortegem-Petegem 100% 22 Jabbeke 42% 51 Zelzate 100% 23 Kluisbergen 100% 52 Zingem 100% 24 Knesselare 100% 53 Zomergem 100% 25 Kruishoutem 100% 54 Zottegem 100% 26 Lebbeke 100% 55 Zuienkerke 100% 27 Lede 100% 56 Zulte 100% 28 Liedekerke 90% 57 Zwalm 100% 29 Lierde 67%

IWM* Distributed % Distributed % 1 Glabbeek 34% 5 Leopoldsburg 100% 2 Hasselt 63% 6 Linter 100% 3 100% 7 Tienen 7% 4 Landen 68% 8 100% * Incorporated by De Watergroep on 01/01/2015

IWVA Distributed % Distributed % 1 Alveringem 100% 4 Koksijde 100% 2 De Panne 100% 5 Nieuwpoort 100% 3 Diksmuide 9% 6 Veurne 100%

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 86 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures IWVB Distributed % Distributed % 1 Beersel 100% 8 Merchtem 5% 2 100% 9 Sint-Genesius-Rode 100% 3 100% 10 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw 100% 4 Grimbergen 32% 11 Tervuren 68% 5 Halle 80% 12 100% 6 Kortenberg 34% 13 Zaventem 91% 7 (Brab.) 100%

Pidpa Distributed % Distributed % 1 Aartselaar 100% 34 Malle 100% 2 Arendonk 100% 35 Mechelen 100% 3 Baarle Hertog 13% 36 Meerhout 100% 4 Balen 100% 37 Merksplas 100% 5 Beerse 100% 38 Mol 100% 6 Berlaar 100% 39 Niel 100% 7 Boechout 21% 40 Nijlen 100% 8 Bonheiden 100% 41 Olen 100% 9 Boom 100% 42 Oud-Turnhout 100% 10 Bornem 100% 43 Putte 100% 11 Borsbeek 100% 44 Puurs 100% 12 Brasschaat 100% 45 Ranst 100% 13 Brecht 100% 46 Ravels 100% 14 Dessel 100% 47 Retie 100% 15 Duffel 100% 48 Rijkevorsel 100% 16 Essen 100% 49 Rumst 100% 17 Geel 100% 50 Schelle 100% 18 Grobbendonk 100% 51 Schilde 100% 19 Heist-op-den-Berg 100% 52 Schoten 100% 20 Hemiksem 100% 53 Sint-Amands 100% 21 Herentals 100% 54 Sint-Katelijne-Waver 100% 22 Herenthout 100% 55 Stabroek 100% 23 Herselt 100% 56 Turnhout 100% 24 Hoogstraten 100% 57 Vorselaar 100% 25 Hulshout 100% 58 Vosselaar 100% 26 Kalmthout 100% 59 Westerlo 100% 27 Kapellen 97% 60 Wijnegem 100% 28 Kasterlee 100% 61 Willebroek 100% 29 Kontich 9% 62 Wommelgem 100% 30 Laakdal 100% 63 Wuustwezel 100% 31 Lier 100% 64 Zandhoven 100% 32 Lille 100% 65 Zoersel 100% 33 Lint 100%

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 87 VIVAQUA Distributed % Distributed % 1 Kraainem 100% 3 Steenokkerzeel 54% 2 Linkebeek 100% 4 Wezembeek-Oppem 100%

Water-link Distributed % Distributed % 1 Antwerpen 100% 5 Kapellen 3% 2 Boechout 79% 6 Kontich 91% 3 Edegem 100% 7 Mortsel 100% 4 Hove 100% 8 Zwijndrecht 100%

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 88 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures APPENDIX 5: OVERVIEW OF AVERAGE ANNUAL MAINS WATER CONSUMPTION PER FAMILY TYPE, PER PROVINCE AND PER WATER COMPANY

Average Average Average Family type ANNUAL consumption ANNUAL consumption DAILY consumption with number of in m3 per in m3 per in litre per Provincie domiciled residents family ype domiciled resident domiciled resident

Antwerpen 1 52 52 142 Limburg 1 47 47 130 Oost-Vlaanderen 1 47 47 128 Vlaams-Brabant 1 48 48 133 West-Vlaanderen 1 45 45 123

Antwerpen 2 81 41 111 Limburg 2 76 38 104 Oost-Vlaanderen 2 71 36 98 Vlaams-Brabant 2 74 37 101 West-Vlaanderen 2 67 34 92

Antwerpen 3 114 38 104 Limburg 3 104 35 95 Oost-Vlaanderen 3 99 33 91 Vlaams-Brabant 3 102 34 93 West-Vlaanderen 3 95 32 87

Antwerpen 4 138 35 95 Limburg 4 127 32 87 Oost-Vlaanderen 4 121 30 83 Vlaams-Brabant 4 123 31 84 West-Vlaanderen 4 117 29 80

Antwerpen 5 168 34 92 Limburg 5 152 30 83 Oost-Vlaanderen 5 146 29 80 Vlaams-Brabant 5 147 29 81 West-Vlaanderen 5 144 29 79

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 89 Average Average Average Family type ANNUAL consumption ANNUAL consumption DAILY consumption with number of in m3 per in m3 per in litre per Water company domiciled residents family ype domiciled resident domiciled resident AGSO Knokke-Heist 1 61 61 168 DWG Limburg 1 48 48 132 DWG Oost-Vlaanderen 1 44 44 120 DWG Vlaams-Brabant 1 48 48 131 DWG West-Vlaanderen 1 43 43 119 FARYS/TMVW 1 48 48 130 IWM 1 44 44 120 IWVA 1 44 44 122 IWVB 1 50 50 136 Pidpa 1 49 49 134 VIVAQUA 1 54 54 149 Water-link 1 63 63 173

AGSO Knokke-Heist 2 97 48 132 DWG Limburg 2 76 38 104 DWG Oost-Vlaanderen 2 71 35 97 DWG Vlaams-Brabant 2 74 37 101 DWG West-Vlaanderen 2 65 32 89 FARYS/TMVW 2 71 36 98 IWM 2 72 36 99 IWVA 2 70 35 96 IWVB 2 74 37 102 Pidpa 2 79 40 108 VIVAQUA 2 80 40 109 Water-link 2 91 45 124

AGSO Knokke-Heist 3 135 45 123 DWG Limburg 3 105 35 96 DWG Oost-Vlaanderen 3 99 33 90 DWG Vlaams-Brabant 3 101 34 92 DWG West-Vlaanderen 3 91 30 83 FARYS/TMVW 3 100 33 91 IWM 3 100 33 92 IWVA 3 99 33 91 IWVB 3 102 34 93 Pidpa 3 111 37 101 VIVAQUA 3 109 36 100 Water-link 3 126 42 115

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 90 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Average Average Average Family type ANNUAL consumption ANNUAL consumption DAILY consumption with number of in m3 per in m3 per in litre per Water company domiciled residents family ype domiciled resident domiciled resident AGSO Knokke-Heist 4 160 40 110 DWG Limburg 4 127 32 87 DWG Oost-Vlaanderen 4 121 30 83 DWG Vlaams-Brabant 4 122 30 83 DWG West-Vlaanderen 4 112 28 77 FARYS/TMVW 4 121 30 83 IWM 4 123 31 84 IWVA 4 130 33 89 IWVB 4 123 31 84 Pidpa 4 135 34 92 VIVAQUA 4 132 33 90 Water-link 4 150 38 103

AGSO Knokke-Heist 5 230 46 126 DWG Limburg 5 153 31 84 DWG Oost-Vlaanderen 5 146 29 80 DWG Vlaams-Brabant 5 145 29 80 DWG West-Vlaanderen 5 136 27 74 FARYS/TMVW 5 147 29 81 IWM 5 147 29 81 IWVA 5 151 30 83 IWVB 5 150 30 82 Pidpa 5 160 32 88 VIVAQUA 5 152 30 83 Water-link 5 185 37 101

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 91 APPENDIX 6: DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILIES ACROSS THE DISTRIBUTION AREAS BASED ON HOUSEHOLD SIZE

Distribution of different houshold types across the water companies and their distribution area in 2014

Calculated % HH-1 % HH-2 % HH-3 % HH-4 % HH-5 % HH-5+ Water company Calculated number of Calculated % compared Calculated % compared Calculated % compared Calculated % compared Calculated % compared Calculated % compared Water company (WC) Population households number population to number population to number population to number population to number population to number population to (WC) 2014 2014 HH-1 in HH-1 total HH-1 HH-2 in HH-2 total HH-2 HH-3 in HH-3 total HH-3 HH-4 in HH-4 total HH-4 HH-5 in HH-5 total HH-5 HH-5+ in HH-5+ total HH-5+

AGSO Knokke-Heist 33,573 16,754 6,607 20% 1% 6,488 19% 1% 1,800 5% 0% 1,384 4% 0% 393 1% 0% 82 0% 0% AGSO Knokke-Heist

Brabant Water 2,176 881 254 12% 0% 291 13% 0% 115 5% 0% 148 7% 0% 57 3% 0% 17 1% 0% Brabant Water

De Watergroep 2,979,880 1,224,508 348,555 12% 42% 429,431 14% 46% 194,412 7% 48% 178,012 6% 49% 58,314 2% 47% 15,785 1% 44% De Watergroep

De Watergroep 794,940 318,437 82,903 10% 10% 111,642 14% 12% 54,642 7% 14% 49,019 6% 13% 15,690 2% 13% 4,540 1% 13% De Watergroep - Limburg Limburg

IWM 101,463 43,527 13,613 13% 2% 15,433 15% 2% 6,734 7% 2% 5,502 5% 2% 1,723 2% 1% 522 1% 1% IWM

De Watergroep 564,749 232,134 65,511 12% 8% 83,013 15% 9% 37,100 7% 9% 32,964 6% 9% 10,473 2% 8% 3,073 1% 9% De Watergroep - Oost-Vlaanderen Oost-Vlaanderen

De Watergroep 712,233 294,860 89,375 13% 11% 99,165 14% 11% 45,028 6% 11% 42,118 6% 12% 15,111 2% 12% 4,063 1% 11% De Watergroep - Vlaams Brabant Vlaams Brabant

De Watergroep 806,494 335,551 97,153 12% 12% 120,178 15% 13% 50,908 6% 13% 48,408 6% 13% 15,317 2% 12% 3,587 0% 10% De Watergroep - West-Vlaanderen West-Vlaanderen

FARYS/TMVW 1,258,386 546,410 184,268 15% 22% 185,846 15% 20% 78,739 6% 20% 68,656 5% 19% 22,685 2% 18% 6,216 0% 17% FARYS/TMVW

IWVA 62,440 29,658 10,998 18% 1% 11,371 18% 1% 3,342 5% 1% 2,784 4% 1% 933 1% 1% 231 0% 1% IWVA

IWVB 244,887 97,721 28,410 12% 3% 31,495 13% 3% 15,581 6% 4% 14,708 6% 4% 5,677 2% 5% 1,849 1% 5% IWVB

Pidpa 1,189,011 485,430 133,794 11% 16% 175,044 15% 19% 75,161 6% 19% 71,503 6% 20% 23,587 2% 19% 6,341 1% 18% Pidpa

VIVAQUA 38,726 14,909 4,050 10% 0% 4,637 12% 1% 2,328 6% 1% 2,524 7% 1% 1,083 3% 1% 287 1% 1% VIVAQUA

Water-link 617,511 274,451 117,963 19% 14% 79,575 13% 9% 32,321 5% 8% 27,209 4% 7% 12,243 2% 10% 5,140 1% 14% Water-link

Total 6,426,591 2,690,721 834,899 924,177 403,798 366,927 124,972 35,948 Total

% of total sharel % of total sharel HH in Flanders 31% 34% 15% 14% 5% 1% HH in Flanders

HH x: x = number of domiciled residents (Household size)

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 92 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures APPENDIX 6: DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILIES ACROSS THE DISTRIBUTION AREAS BASED ON HOUSEHOLD SIZE

Distribution of different houshold types across the water companies and their distribution area in 2014

Calculated % HH-1 % HH-2 % HH-3 % HH-4 % HH-5 % HH-5+ Water company Calculated number of Calculated % compared Calculated % compared Calculated % compared Calculated % compared Calculated % compared Calculated % compared Water company (WC) Population households number population to number population to number population to number population to number population to number population to (WC) 2014 2014 HH-1 in HH-1 total HH-1 HH-2 in HH-2 total HH-2 HH-3 in HH-3 total HH-3 HH-4 in HH-4 total HH-4 HH-5 in HH-5 total HH-5 HH-5+ in HH-5+ total HH-5+

AGSO Knokke-Heist 33,573 16,754 6,607 20% 1% 6,488 19% 1% 1,800 5% 0% 1,384 4% 0% 393 1% 0% 82 0% 0% AGSO Knokke-Heist

Brabant Water 2,176 881 254 12% 0% 291 13% 0% 115 5% 0% 148 7% 0% 57 3% 0% 17 1% 0% Brabant Water

De Watergroep 2,979,880 1,224,508 348,555 12% 42% 429,431 14% 46% 194,412 7% 48% 178,012 6% 49% 58,314 2% 47% 15,785 1% 44% De Watergroep

De Watergroep 794,940 318,437 82,903 10% 10% 111,642 14% 12% 54,642 7% 14% 49,019 6% 13% 15,690 2% 13% 4,540 1% 13% De Watergroep - Limburg Limburg

IWM 101,463 43,527 13,613 13% 2% 15,433 15% 2% 6,734 7% 2% 5,502 5% 2% 1,723 2% 1% 522 1% 1% IWM

De Watergroep 564,749 232,134 65,511 12% 8% 83,013 15% 9% 37,100 7% 9% 32,964 6% 9% 10,473 2% 8% 3,073 1% 9% De Watergroep - Oost-Vlaanderen Oost-Vlaanderen

De Watergroep 712,233 294,860 89,375 13% 11% 99,165 14% 11% 45,028 6% 11% 42,118 6% 12% 15,111 2% 12% 4,063 1% 11% De Watergroep - Vlaams Brabant Vlaams Brabant

De Watergroep 806,494 335,551 97,153 12% 12% 120,178 15% 13% 50,908 6% 13% 48,408 6% 13% 15,317 2% 12% 3,587 0% 10% De Watergroep - West-Vlaanderen West-Vlaanderen

FARYS/TMVW 1,258,386 546,410 184,268 15% 22% 185,846 15% 20% 78,739 6% 20% 68,656 5% 19% 22,685 2% 18% 6,216 0% 17% FARYS/TMVW

IWVA 62,440 29,658 10,998 18% 1% 11,371 18% 1% 3,342 5% 1% 2,784 4% 1% 933 1% 1% 231 0% 1% IWVA

IWVB 244,887 97,721 28,410 12% 3% 31,495 13% 3% 15,581 6% 4% 14,708 6% 4% 5,677 2% 5% 1,849 1% 5% IWVB

Pidpa 1,189,011 485,430 133,794 11% 16% 175,044 15% 19% 75,161 6% 19% 71,503 6% 20% 23,587 2% 19% 6,341 1% 18% Pidpa

VIVAQUA 38,726 14,909 4,050 10% 0% 4,637 12% 1% 2,328 6% 1% 2,524 7% 1% 1,083 3% 1% 287 1% 1% VIVAQUA

Water-link 617,511 274,451 117,963 19% 14% 79,575 13% 9% 32,321 5% 8% 27,209 4% 7% 12,243 2% 10% 5,140 1% 14% Water-link

Total 6,426,591 2,690,721 834,899 924,177 403,798 366,927 124,972 35,948 Total

% of total sharel % of total sharel HH in Flanders 31% 34% 15% 14% 5% 1% HH in Flanders

HH x: x = number of domiciled residents (Household size)

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 93 APPENDIX 7: OVERVIEW OF TARIFFS IN FORCE ON 01/01/2015

Overview of pricing structures for the drinking water component (2015)

Fixed fee Variable fee (consumption)

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Volume (m3) Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit Upper limit € / year € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 € / m3 per housing unit 15 m3 pp 1,000 m3 infinite AGSO Knokke-Heist € 22.00 € 0.00 € 2.20 € 1.73

per housing unit 15 m3 pp 300 m3 infinite Brabant Water € 70.44 € 0.00 € 0.88 € 0.88

3 De Watergroep per housing unit 15 m pp infinite Limburg € 53.19 € 0.00 € 1.58

3 De Watergroep per housing unit 15 m pp infinite Oost-Vlaanderen € 53.19 € 0.00 € 2.12

3 De Watergroep per housing unit 15 m pp infinite Vlaams-Brabant € 53.19 € 0.00 € 2.04

3 De Watergroep per housing unit 15 m pp infinite West-Vlaanderen € 53.19 € 0.00 € 2.15

per housing unit 15 m3 pp 35 m3 pp forfait 15 m3 * 500 m3 50,000 m3 100,000 m3 infinite FARYS/TMVW € 54.37 € 0.00 € 2.34 € 2.34 € 3.00 € 1.42 € 1.36 € 1.23

per housing unit 15 m3 pp 1,200 m3 60,000 m3 infinite IWVA € 49.45 € 0.00 € 1.88 € 1.63 € 1.07

per housing unit 15 m3 pp 1,000 m3 infinite IWVB € 47.18 € 0.00 € 2.57 € 1.77

per housing unit 15 m3 pp infinite Pidpa € 61.57 € 0.00 € 1.28

3 3 3 VIVAQUA - per housing unit 15 m pp 30 m pp 60 m pp infinite Kraainem € 38.37 € 0.00 € 2.55 € 3.21 € 3.59

3 3 3 VIVAQUA - per housing unit 15 m pp 30 m pp 60 m pp infinite Linkebeek € 38.37 € 0.00 € 2.55 € 3.21 € 3.59

3 3 3 VIVAQUA - per housing unit 15 m pp 30 m pp 60 m pp infinite Steenokkerzeel € 41.00 € 0.00 € 2.55 € 3.21 € 3.59

3 3 3 VIVAQUA - per housing unit 15 m pp 30 m pp 60 m pp infinite Wezembeek-Oppem € 38.37 € 0.00 € 2.55 € 3.21 € 3.59

per housing unit 15 m3 pp infinite Water-link € 67.84 € 0.00 € 1.44 pp = per person, domiciled op 01/01 * fixed ammount of 15m3 per subscriber with domiciled residents For the consumption blocks that are applied ‘per domiciled person’, the volume (upper limit) is expanded pro rata the number of domiciled residents. 1 x 15m3 free of charge for a family with 1 domiciled resident, 2 x 15m3 free of charge for a family with 2 domiciled residents, etc. Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 94 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Overview and evolution of calculated drinking water component in price per year for an average family (2015) Average family Share in total Evolution (2,33 persons) Prices excl. VAT Rank drinking water price 2014-2015 1 = most in force on 01/01/2015 % share % share € increase % increase expensive Price for 84 m3 annual Total Total Total Total consumption (excl. VAT) drinking drinking drinking drinking water price water price water price water price Variable fee Fixed + Fixed + Variable fee Fixed + Fixed + Fixed fee (consumption) Variable Variable Fixed fee (consumption) Variable Variable AGSO Knokke-Heist € 22.00 € 107.91 € 129.91 13 16.9% 83.1% € 0.00 0.0% Brabant Water € 70.44 € 43.25 € 113.69 15 62.0% 38.0% € 0.00 0.0% De Watergroep Limburg € 53.19 € 77.50 € 130.69 12 40.7% 59.3% € 0.00 0.0% De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 53.19 € 103.99 € 157.18 8 33.8% 66.2% € 0.00 0.0% De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 53.19 € 100.06 € 153.25 9 34.7% 65.3% € 0.00 0.0% De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 53.19 € 105.46 € 158.65 7 33.5% 66.5% € 0.00 0.0% FARYS/TMVW € 54.37 € 114.78 € 169.15 6 32.1% 67.9% € 0.00 0.0% IWVA € 49.45 € 92.21 € 141.66 10 34.9% 65.1% € 0.00 0.0% IWVB € 47.18 € 126.06 € 173.24 2 27.2% 72.8% € 5.17 3.1% Pidpa € 61.57 € 62.66 € 124.24 14 49.6% 50.4% € 4.28 3.6% VIVAQUA Kraainem € 38.37 € 134.38 € 172.75 4 22.2% 77.8% € 0.00 0.0% VIVAQUA Linkebeek € 38.37 € 134.38 € 172.75 3 22.2% 77.8% € 0.00 0.0% VIVAQUA Steenokkerzeel € 41.00 € 134.38 € 175.38 1 23.4% 76.6% € 0.00 0.0% VIVAQUA Wezembeek-Oppem € 38.37 € 134.38 € 172.75 4 22.2% 77.8% € 0.00 0.0% Water-link € 67.84 € 70.58 € 138.42 11 49.0% 51.0% € 0.00 0.0%

Calculated average € 49.45 € 102.80 € 152.25 33.6% 66.4% € 0.63 0.4% Median € 53.19 € 105.46 € 157.18 33.5% 66.5% € 0.00 0.0% Minimum € 22.00 € 43.25 € 113.69 16.9% 38.0% € 0.00 0.0% Maximum € 70.44 € 134.38 € 175.38 62.0% 83.1% € 5.17 3.6%

Weighed average € 55.87 € 92.21 € 148.08 37.7% 62.3% € 0.72 0.6% on the basis of population

Calculated average per m3 € 0,59 € 1,22 € 1,81 33,6% 66,4% € 0,01 0,4% Median per m3 € 0,63 € 1,26 € 1,87 33,5% 66,5% € 0,00 0,0% Minimum per m3 € 0,26 € 0,51 € 1,35 16,9% 38,0% € 0,00 0,0% Maximum per m3 € 0,84 € 1,60 € 2,09 62,0% 83,1% € 0,06 3,6%

Weighted average per m3 € 0,67 € 1,10 € 1,76 37,7% 62,3% € 0,01 4,8% on the basis of population Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 95 Evolution of the integral water invoice and its components, average family (2010-2015)

€ 450

€ 400

€ 350

€ 300

€ 250

€ 200

€ 150

€ 100

€ 50

€ 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Fixed fee Muncipal contribution VAT 6% Variable fee Regional contribution

Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs, VMM Database - Waste Water Treatment

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 96 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Calculated integral price per m3 for an average family (2015)

€ 0.0 € 0.5 € 1.0 € 1.5 € 2.0 € 2.5 € 3.0 € 3.5 € 4.0 € 4.5 € 5.0 € 5.5

AGSO Knokke-Heist € 0.26 € 1.28 € 1.69 € 1.21 € 0.27

Brabant Water* € 0.84 € 0.51 € 0.08

De Watergroep Limburg € 0.63 € 0.92 € 1.64 € 1.21 € 0.26

De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 0.63 € 1.24 € 1.65 € 1.21 € 0.28

De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 0.63 € 1.19 € 1.61 € 1.21 € 0.28

De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 0.63 € 1.26 € 1.66 € 1.21 € 0.29

FARYS/TMVW € 0.65 € 1.37 € 1.39 € 1.21 € 0.28

IWVA € 0.59 € 1.10 € 1.65 € 1.21 € 0.27

IWVB € 0.56 € 1.50 € 1.40 € 1.21 € 0.28

Pidpa € 0.73 € 0.75 € 1.42 € 1.21 € 0.25

VIVAQUA - Kraainem € 0.46 € 1.60 € 1.69 € 1.21 € 0.30

VIVAQUA - Linkebeek € 0.46 € 1.60 € 1.69 € 1.21 € 0.30

VIVAQUA - Steenokkerzeel € 0.49 € 1.60 € 1.69 € 1.21 € 0.30

VIVAQUA - Wezembeek-Oppem € 0.46 € 1.60 € 1.69 € 1.21 € 0.30

Water-link € 0.81 € 0.84 € 1.36 € 1.21 € 0.25

Fixed fee Variable fee Muncipal contribution Regional contribution VAT 6%

Calculated prices in force on 1 January 2014 per m3 for an average family (2.33 persons - 84 m3 consumption per year). The price of the municipal contribution is a calculated price per distribution area, weighed on the basis of the population. * For Brabant Water, the waste water treatment contributions are not collected through the integral water invoice. A levy is sent separately. Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs, VMM Database - Waste Water Treatment

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 97 Overview of the evolution of the calculated integral water invoice of different family types (2010-2015)

Calculated integral invoice for different family types weighed on the basis of household size Number dom. res. Calculated Increase Increase Increase / m3 integral invoice 2010 2013 2014 consump. incl 6% VAT 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 1 / 48 Weighed average € 209 € 216 € 221 € 227 € 240 € 264 27% 16% 10% Median € 216 € 222 € 230 € 238 € 245 € 273 26% 15% 11% Min € 109 € 109 € 103 € 106 € 106 € 106 -4% 0% 0% Max € 230 € 237 € 251 € 258 € 262 € 293 27% 13% 12% 2 / 75 Weighed average € 286 € 296 € 304 € 313 € 328 € 366 28% 17% 12% Median € 298 € 305 € 318 € 329 € 337 € 378 27% 15% 12% Min € 123 € 122 € 114 € 117 € 117 € 117 -5% 0% 0% Max € 320 € 329 € 342 € 353 € 359 € 406 27% 15% 13% 3 / 104 Weighed average € 371 € 384 € 396 € 407 € 425 € 478 29% 18% 12% Median € 389 € 398 € 414 € 429 € 438 € 493 27% 15% 13% Min € 140 € 138 € 127 € 130 € 130 € 130 -7% 0% 0% Max € 419 € 431 € 446 € 459 € 467 € 533 27% 16% 14% 4 / 127 Weighed average € 433 € 447 € 461 € 474 € 495 € 560 29% 18% 13% Median € 456 € 465 € 480 € 502 € 511 € 576 27% 15% 13% Min € 149 € 148 € 134 € 137 € 137 € 137 -8% 0% 0% Max € 490 € 504 € 521 € 531 € 540 € 623 27% 17% 15% 5 / 154 Weighed average € 508 € 526 € 542 € 557 € 583 € 660 30% 18% 13% Median € 538 € 550 € 566 € 593 € 603 € 681 27% 15% 13% Min € 163 € 161 € 145 € 148 € 148 € 148 -9% 0% 0% Max € 579 € 596 € 616 € 626 € 636 € 739 28% 18% 16% Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs, VMM Database - Waste Water Treatment

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 98 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Overview and evolution of the integral water invoice and its components for an average family (2000-2015)

Average figures weighed on the basis of population - caclulated with tariffs in force on 01/01

Average family Increase Increase Increase 2,33 domiciled residents 2010 2013 2014 84 m3 consumption per year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 Weighed average € 311.80 € 322.13 € 331.62 € 340.68 € 357.12 € 399.58 28% 17% 12% integral invoice incl 6% VAT

VAT € 17.65 € 18.23 € 18.77 € 19.28 € 20.21 € 22.62 28% 17% 12%

Weighed average € 294.15 € 303.90 € 312.85 € 321.40 € 336.90 € 376.96 28% 17% 12% integral invoice 6% excl VAT

Fixed fee € 47.67 € 48.55 € 49.43 € 50.39 € 55.15 € 55.87 17% 11% 1% Variable fee € 84.78 € 86.66 € 88.48 € 90.88 € 92.11 € 92.31 9% 2% 0% Total drinking water € 132.45 € 135.21 € 137.91 € 141.27 € 147.26 € 148.18 12% 5% 1% Municipal contribution € 88.47 € 93.38 € 96.75 € 100.17 € 109.03 € 127.28 44% 27% 17% Regional contribution € 73.22 € 75.31 € 78.20 € 79.97 € 80.61 € 101.50 39% 27% 26% Total waste water treatment € 161.70 € 168.68 € 174.95 € 180.13 € 189.64 € 228.78 41% 27% 21%

Weighed average integral invoice incl 6% VAT € 3.71 € 3.83 € 3.95 € 4.06 € 4.25 € 4.76 € per m3 VAT (€ per m3) € 0.21 € 0.22 € 0.22 € 0.23 € 0.24 € 0.27 Weighed average inetegrated invoice excl 6% VAT € 3.50 € 3.62 € 3.72 € 3.83 € 4.01 € 4.49 (€ per m3) Fixed fee (€ per m3) € 0.57 € 0.58 € 0.59 € 0.60 € 0.66 € 0.67 Variable fee (€ per m3) € 1.01 € 1.03 € 1.05 € 1.08 € 1.10 € 1.10 Total drinking water (€ per m3) € 1.58 € 1.61 € 1.64 € 1.68 € 1.75 € 1.76 Muncipal contrbution (€ per m3) € 1.05 € 1.11 € 1.15 € 1.19 € 1.30 € 1.52 Regional contribution (€ per m3) € 0.87 € 0.90 € 0.93 € 0.95 € 0.96 € 1.21 Total waste water treatment (€ per m3) € 1.92 € 2.01 € 2.08 € 2.14 € 2.26 € 2.72

Share in weighed average 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% integral invoice (%)

Share of fixed fee 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% 15% Share of variable fee 29% 29% 28% 28% 27% 24% Total share of drinking water 45% 44% 44% 44% 44% 39% Share of municipal contribution 30% 31% 31% 31% 32% 34% Share of regional contribution 25% 25% 25% 25% 24% 27% Total share of waste water treatment 55% 56% 56% 56% 56% 61% Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs, VMM Database - Waste Water Treatment

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 99 Overview and evolution of the integral water invoice and its components for different family types (2010-2015)

Average figures weighed on the basis of family size - Calculated with tariffs in force on 01/01 Family type number of Increase Increase Increase domiciled residents/m3 Calculated integral invoice waighed on 2010 2013 2014 conumption the basis of family size 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 Weighed average integral invoice € 208.53 € 215.61 € 221.47 € 227.17 € 240.09 € 263.81 27% 16% 10% 1/48 Including 6% VAT VAT € 11.80 € 12.20 € 12.54 € 12.86 € 13.59 € 14.93 27% 16% 10% Weighed average integral invoice € 196.73 € 203.40 € 208.94 € 214.31 € 226.50 € 248.88 27% 16% 10% Excluding 6% VAT Fixed fee € 48.27 € 49.01 € 49.80 € 50.72 € 55.67 € 56.30 17% 11% 1% Variable fee (consumption) € 57.22 € 58.58 € 59.74 € 61.29 € 62.20 € 62.30 9% 2% 0% Total drinking water distribution € 105.49 € 107.58 € 109.54 € 112.01 € 117.87 € 118.59 12% 6% 1% Municipal contribution € 49.40 € 52.79 € 54.71 € 56.61 € 62.56 € 72.28 46% 28% 16% Regional contribution € 41.84 € 43.03 € 44.69 € 45.70 € 46.07 € 58.00 39% 27% 26% Total waste water treatment € 91.24 € 95.82 € 99.40 € 102.31 € 108.63 € 130.28 43% 27% 20% Share fixed fee 25% 24% 24% 24% 25% 23% Share variable fee (consumption) 29% 29% 29% 29% 27% 25% Total share drinking water distribution 54% 53% 52% 52% 52% 48% Share municipal contribution 25% 26% 26% 26% 28% 29% Share regional contribution 21% 21% 21% 21% 20% 23% Total share waste water treatment 46% 47% 48% 48% 48% 52%

Family type number of Increase Increase Increase domiciled residents/m3 Calculated integral invoice waighed on 2010 2013 2014 conumption the basis of family size 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 Weighed average integral invoice € 286.10 € 295.76 € 304.37 € 312.64 € 327.51 € 365.68 28% 17% 12% 2/75 Including 6% VAT VAT € 16.19 € 16.74 € 17.23 € 17.70 € 18.54 € 20.70 28% 17% 12% Weighed average integral invoice € 269.90 € 279.02 € 287.14 € 294.95 € 308.98 € 344.98 28% 17% 12% Excluding 6% VAT Fixed fee € 47.67 € 48.43 € 49.28 € 50.27 € 55.01 € 55.74 17% 11% 1% Variable fee (consumption) € 77.72 € 79.73 € 81.39 € 83.55 € 84.66 € 84.83 9% 2% 0% Total drinking water distribution € 125.39 € 128.16 € 130.67 € 133.82 € 139.67 € 140.57 12% 5% 1% Municipal contribution € 79.13 € 83.62 € 86.65 € 89.72 € 97.33 € 113.78 44% 27% 17% Regional contribution € 65.38 € 67.24 € 69.83 € 71.40 € 71.98 € 90.63 39% 27% 26% Total waste water treatment € 144.51 € 150.86 € 156.47 € 161.12 € 169.30 € 204.41 41% 27% 21% Share fixed fee 18% 17% 17% 17% 18% 16% Share variable fee (consumption) 29% 29% 28% 28% 27% 25% Total share drinking water distribution 46% 46% 46% 45% 45% 41% Share municipal contribution 29% 30% 30% 30% 31% 33% Share regional contribution 24% 24% 24% 24% 23% 26% Total share waste water treatment 54% 54% 54% 55% 55% 59%

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 100 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Family type number of Increase Increase Increase domiciled residents/m3 Calculated integral invoice waighed on 2010 2013 2014 conumption the basis of family size 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 Weighed average integral invoice € 371.19 € 384.16 € 395.79 € 406.63 € 424.81 € 477.82 29% 18% 12% 3/104 Including 6% VAT VAT € 21.01 € 21.74 € 22.40 € 23.02 € 24.05 € 27.05 29% 18% 12% Weighed average integral invoice € 350.18 € 362.41 € 373.38 € 383.61 € 400.77 € 450.78 29% 18% 12% Excluding 6% VAT Fixed fee € 47.54 € 48.31 € 49.20 € 50.20 € 54.95 € 55.67 17% 11% 1% Variable fee (consumption) € 101.76 € 104.44 € 106.69 € 109.55 € 111.00 € 111.25 9% 2% 0% Total drinking water distribution € 149.29 € 152.75 € 155.89 € 159.75 € 165.94 € 166.92 12% 4% 1% Municipal contribution € 110.23 € 116.42 € 120.66 € 124.85 € 135.01 € 158.18 43% 27% 17% Regional contribution € 90.66 € 93.24 € 96.83 € 99.01 € 99.81 € 125.68 39% 27% 26% Total waste water treatment € 200.89 € 209.66 € 217.49 € 223.86 € 234.82 € 283.86 41% 27% 21% Share fixed fee 14% 13% 13% 13% 14% 12% Share variable fee (consumption) 29% 29% 29% 29% 28% 25% Total share drinking water distribution 43% 42% 42% 42% 41% 37% Share municipal contribution 31% 32% 32% 33% 34% 35% Share regional contribution 26% 26% 26% 26% 25% 28% Total share waste water treatment 57% 58% 58% 58% 59% 63%

Family type number of Increase Increase Increase domiciled residents/m3 Calculated integral invoice waighed on 2010 2013 2014 conumption the basis of family size 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 Weighed average integral invoice € 432.66 € 447.45 € 461.29 € 473.87 € 495.11 € 559.79 29% 18% 13% 4/127 Including 6% VAT VAT € 24.49 € 25.33 € 26.11 € 26.82 € 28.03 € 31.69 29% 18% 13% Weighed average integral invoice € 408.17 € 422.12 € 435.18 € 447.05 € 467.09 € 528.10 29% 18% 13% Excluding 6% VAT Fixed fee € 47.52 € 48.32 € 49.22 € 50.25 € 54.89 € 55.65 17% 11% 1% Variable fee (consumption) € 115.28 € 118.18 € 120.76 € 123.79 € 125.83 € 126.12 9% 2% 0% Total drinking water distribution € 162.80 € 166.50 € 169.97 € 174.03 € 180.72 € 181.77 12% 4% 1% Municipal contribution € 134.67 € 141.77 € 146.97 € 152.12 € 164.50 € 192.88 43% 27% 17% Regional contribution € 110.70 € 113.85 € 118.23 € 120.89 € 121.87 € 153.46 39% 27% 26% Total waste water treatment € 245.37 € 255.62 € 265.20 € 273.01 € 286.37 € 346.33 41% 27% 21% Share fixed fee 12% 11% 11% 11% 12% 11% Share variable fee (consumption) 28% 28% 28% 28% 27% 24% Total share drinking water distribution 40% 39% 39% 39% 39% 34% Share municipal contribution 33% 34% 34% 34% 35% 37% Share regional contribution 27% 27% 27% 27% 26% 29% Total share waste water treatment 60% 61% 61% 61% 61% 66%

Family type number of Increase Increase Increase domiciled residents/m3 Calculated integral invoice waighed on 2010 2013 2014 conumption the basis of family size 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 Weighed average integral invoice € 507.53 € 525.59 € 542.07 € 557.44 € 583.22 € 660.38 30% 18% 13% 5/154 Including 6% VAT VAT € 28.73 € 29.75 € 30.68 € 31.55 € 33.01 € 37.38 30% 18% 13% Weighed average integral invoice € 478.80 € 495.84 € 511.39 € 525.88 € 550.20 € 623.00 30% 18% 13% Excluding 6% VAT Fixed fee € 47.84 € 48.59 € 49.47 € 50.45 € 55.16 € 55.91 17% 11% 1% Variable fee (consumption) € 135.45 € 138.83 € 141.81 € 145.88 € 147.91 € 148.29 9% 2% 0% Total drinking water distribution € 183.28 € 187.42 € 191.28 € 196.34 € 203.06 € 204.20 11% 4% 1% Municipal contribution € 161.29 € 170.38 € 176.75 € 182.96 € 199.37 € 232.73 44% 27% 17% Regional contribution € 134.23 € 138.04 € 143.35 € 146.58 € 147.77 € 186.07 39% 27% 26% Total waste water treatment € 295.51 € 308.42 € 320.11 € 329.55 € 347.14 € 418.80 42% 27% 21% Share fixed fee 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 9% Share variable fee (consumption) 28% 28% 28% 28% 27% 24% Total share drinking water distribution 38% 38% 37% 37% 37% 33% Share municipal contribution 34% 34% 35% 35% 36% 37% Share regional contribution 28% 28% 28% 28% 27% 30% Total share waste water treatment 62% 62% 63% 63% 63% 67% Source: VMM Water Bank - Drinking Water Tariffs, VMM Database - Waste Water Treatment

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 101 Overview of the integral water invoice and its components per municipality (2015)

Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Aalst FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Aalst FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Aalter FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Aalter FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Aarschot De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Aarschot De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Aartselaar Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Aartselaar Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Affligem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Affligem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Alken De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Alken De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Alveringem IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.6923 1.2088 € 385 Alveringem IWVA € 251 € 352 € 462 € 544 € 645 Antwerpen Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.3361 1.2088 € 352 Antwerpen Water-link € 237 € 323 € 417 € 487 € 573 Anzegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Anzegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Ardooie De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Ardooie De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Arendonk Pidpa 61.57 0.75 0.6600 1.2088 € 281 Arendonk Pidpa € 193 € 259 € 331 € 385 € 450 As De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.0000 1.2088 € 316 As De Watergroep Limburg € 211 € 290 € 376 € 440 € 518 Asse FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Asse FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Assenede De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Assenede De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Avelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Avelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Baarle-Hertog* Pidpa 61.57 0.75 0.0000 1.2088 € 226 Baarle-Hertog* Pidpa € 162 € 210 € 263 € 301 € 349 Baarle-Hertog* Brabant Water 70.44 0.51 0.0000 0,0000 € 114 Baarle-Hertog* Brabant Water € 100 € 110 € 122 € 130 € 140 Balen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Balen Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Beernem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Beernem FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Beerse Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Beerse Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Beersel IWVB - FARYS/TMVW 47.18 1.50 1.4110 1.2088 € 393 Beersel IWVB - FARYS/TMVW € 258 € 359 € 471 € 552 € 654 Begijnendijk De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Begijnendijk De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Bekkevoort De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Bekkevoort De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Beringen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Beringen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Berlaar Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Berlaar Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Berlare De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Berlare De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Bertem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Bertem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Bever De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Bever De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Beveren De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Beveren De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Bierbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Bierbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Bilzen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Bilzen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Blankenberge FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Blankenberge FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Bocholt De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Bocholt De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Boechout Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.6923 1.2088 € 382 Boechout Water-link € 255 € 350 € 454 € 533 € 628 Boechout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Boechout Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Bonheiden Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Bonheiden Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Boom Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Boom Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609

* For the subscribers of Brabant Water (NL), the waste water treatment contributions are not collected through the integral water invoice. A levy is sent separately. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 102 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Overview of the integral water invoice and its components per municipality (2015)

Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Aalst FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Aalst FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Aalter FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Aalter FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Aarschot De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Aarschot De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Aartselaar Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Aartselaar Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Affligem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Affligem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Alken De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Alken De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Alveringem IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.6923 1.2088 € 385 Alveringem IWVA € 251 € 352 € 462 € 544 € 645 Antwerpen Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.3361 1.2088 € 352 Antwerpen Water-link € 237 € 323 € 417 € 487 € 573 Anzegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Anzegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Ardooie De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Ardooie De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Arendonk Pidpa 61.57 0.75 0.6600 1.2088 € 281 Arendonk Pidpa € 193 € 259 € 331 € 385 € 450 As De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.0000 1.2088 € 316 As De Watergroep Limburg € 211 € 290 € 376 € 440 € 518 Asse FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Asse FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Assenede De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Assenede De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Avelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Avelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Baarle-Hertog* Pidpa 61.57 0.75 0.0000 1.2088 € 226 Baarle-Hertog* Pidpa € 162 € 210 € 263 € 301 € 349 Baarle-Hertog* Brabant Water 70.44 0.51 0.0000 0,0000 € 114 Baarle-Hertog* Brabant Water € 100 € 110 € 122 € 130 € 140 Balen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Balen Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Beernem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Beernem FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Beerse Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Beerse Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Beersel IWVB - FARYS/TMVW 47.18 1.50 1.4110 1.2088 € 393 Beersel IWVB - FARYS/TMVW € 258 € 359 € 471 € 552 € 654 Begijnendijk De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Begijnendijk De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Bekkevoort De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Bekkevoort De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Beringen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Beringen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Berlaar Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Berlaar Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Berlare De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Berlare De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Bertem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Bertem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Bever De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Bever De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Beveren De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Beveren De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Bierbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Bierbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Bilzen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Bilzen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Blankenberge FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Blankenberge FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Bocholt De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Bocholt De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Boechout Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.6923 1.2088 € 382 Boechout Water-link € 255 € 350 € 454 € 533 € 628 Boechout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Boechout Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Bonheiden Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Bonheiden Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Boom Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Boom Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 103 Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Boortmeerbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Boortmeerbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Borgloon De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Borgloon De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Bornem Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.511 1.2088 € 353 Bornem Pidpa € 234 € 323 € 420 € 493 € 581 Borsbeek Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Borsbeek Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Boutersem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Boutersem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Brakel FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Brakel FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Brasschaat Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Brasschaat Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Brecht Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Brecht Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Bredene De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Bredene De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Bree De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Bree De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Brugge FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 0.8500 1.2088 € 342 Brugge FARYS/TMVW € 230 € 314 € 407 € 473 € 556 Buggenhout FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Buggenhout FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Damme FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Damme FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 De Haan FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 De Haan FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 De Panne IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.6923 1.2088 € 385 De Panne IWVA € 251 € 352 € 462 € 544 € 645 De Pinte FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 De Pinte FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Deerlijk De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Deerlijk De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Deinze FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Deinze FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Denderleeuw De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Denderleeuw De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Dendermonde FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Dendermonde FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Dentergem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Dentergem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Dessel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0752 1.2088 € 316 Dessel Pidpa € 213 € 290 € 374 € 437 € 514 Destelbergen FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Destelbergen FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Diepenbeek De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Diepenbeek De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Diest De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Diest De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Diksmuide IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.6923 1.2088 € 385 Diksmuide IWVA € 251 € 352 € 462 € 544 € 645 Diksmuide De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Diksmuide De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Dilbeek IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.4110 1.2088 € 393 Dilbeek IWVB - VIVAQUA € 258 € 359 € 471 € 552 € 654 Dilsen-Stokkem De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Dilsen-Stokkem De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Drogenbos IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.6923 1.2088 € 417 Drogenbos IWVB - VIVAQUA € 271 € 380 € 501 € 588 € 697 Duffel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3300 1.2088 € 337 Duffel Pidpa € 226 € 309 € 401 € 470 € 553 Edegem Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.6923 1.2088 € 382 Edegem Water-link € 255 € 350 € 454 € 533 € 628 Eeklo De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Eeklo De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Erpe-Mere FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Erpe-Mere FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Essen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0400 1.2088 € 313 Essen Pidpa € 212 € 288 € 371 € 433 € 509 Evergem De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Evergem De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Galmaarden De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Galmaarden De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Gavere FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Gavere FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Geel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.4385 1.2088 € 347 Geel Pidpa € 231 € 318 € 412 € 483 € 570

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 104 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Boortmeerbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Boortmeerbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Borgloon De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Borgloon De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Bornem Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.511 1.2088 € 353 Bornem Pidpa € 234 € 323 € 420 € 493 € 581 Borsbeek Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Borsbeek Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Boutersem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Boutersem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Brakel FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Brakel FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Brasschaat Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Brasschaat Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Brecht Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Brecht Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Bredene De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Bredene De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Bree De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Bree De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Brugge FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 0.8500 1.2088 € 342 Brugge FARYS/TMVW € 230 € 314 € 407 € 473 € 556 Buggenhout FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Buggenhout FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Damme FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Damme FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 De Haan FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 De Haan FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 De Panne IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.6923 1.2088 € 385 De Panne IWVA € 251 € 352 € 462 € 544 € 645 De Pinte FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 De Pinte FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Deerlijk De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Deerlijk De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Deinze FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Deinze FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Denderleeuw De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Denderleeuw De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Dendermonde FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Dendermonde FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Dentergem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Dentergem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Dessel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0752 1.2088 € 316 Dessel Pidpa € 213 € 290 € 374 € 437 € 514 Destelbergen FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Destelbergen FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Diepenbeek De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Diepenbeek De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Diest De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Diest De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Diksmuide IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.6923 1.2088 € 385 Diksmuide IWVA € 251 € 352 € 462 € 544 € 645 Diksmuide De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Diksmuide De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Dilbeek IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.4110 1.2088 € 393 Dilbeek IWVB - VIVAQUA € 258 € 359 € 471 € 552 € 654 Dilsen-Stokkem De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Dilsen-Stokkem De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Drogenbos IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.6923 1.2088 € 417 Drogenbos IWVB - VIVAQUA € 271 € 380 € 501 € 588 € 697 Duffel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3300 1.2088 € 337 Duffel Pidpa € 226 € 309 € 401 € 470 € 553 Edegem Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.6923 1.2088 € 382 Edegem Water-link € 255 € 350 € 454 € 533 € 628 Eeklo De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Eeklo De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Erpe-Mere FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Erpe-Mere FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Essen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0400 1.2088 € 313 Essen Pidpa € 212 € 288 € 371 € 433 € 509 Evergem De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Evergem De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Galmaarden De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Galmaarden De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Gavere FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Gavere FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Geel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.4385 1.2088 € 347 Geel Pidpa € 231 € 318 € 412 € 483 € 570

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 105 Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Geetbets De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Geetbets De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Genk De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Genk De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Gent FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Gent FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Geraardsbergen De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Geraardsbergen De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Gingelom De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Gingelom De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Gistel De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Gistel De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Glabbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Glabbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Gooik De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Gooik De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Grimbergen IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.6923 1.2088 € 417 Grimbergen IWVB - VIVAQUA € 271 € 380 € 501 € 588 € 697 Grimbergen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Grimbergen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Grobbendonk Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.5700 1.2088 € 358 Grobbendonk Pidpa € 237 € 327 € 426 € 500 € 590 Haacht De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Haacht De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Haaltert De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Haaltert De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Halen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Halen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Halle IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.4110 1.2088 € 393 Halle IWVB - VIVAQUA € 258 € 359 € 471 € 552 € 654 Halle De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.4110 1.2088 € 373 Halle De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 246 € 341 € 446 € 523 € 618 Ham De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Ham De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Hamme (VL) FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Hamme (VL) FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Hamont-Achel De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.3440 1.2088 € 345 Hamont-Achel De Watergroep Limburg € 228 € 316 € 412 € 483 € 571 Harelbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Harelbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Hasselt De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Hasselt De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Hechtel-Eksel De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Hechtel-Eksel De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Heers De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Heers De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Heist-op-den-Berg Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Heist-op-den-Berg Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Hemiksem Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.1485 1.2088 € 322 Hemiksem Pidpa € 217 € 296 € 382 € 447 € 526 Herent De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.2200 1.2088 € 357 Herent De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 237 € 327 € 426 € 498 € 588 Herentals Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Herentals Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Herenthout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Herenthout Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Herk-de-Stad De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Herk-de-Stad De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Herne De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Herne De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Herselt Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Herselt Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Herstappe De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Herstappe De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Herzele FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Herzele FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Herzele De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Herzele De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Heusden-Zolder De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.3440 1.2088 € 345 Heusden-Zolder De Watergroep Limburg € 228 € 316 € 412 € 483 € 571 Heuvelland De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Heuvelland De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Hoegaarden De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Hoegaarden De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Hoeilaart De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.3332 1.2088 € 367 Hoeilaart De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 243 € 336 € 438 € 513 € 606 Hoeselt De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Hoeselt De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 106 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Geetbets De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Geetbets De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Genk De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Genk De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Gent FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Gent FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Geraardsbergen De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Geraardsbergen De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Gingelom De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Gingelom De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Gistel De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Gistel De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Glabbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Glabbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Gooik De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Gooik De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Grimbergen IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.6923 1.2088 € 417 Grimbergen IWVB - VIVAQUA € 271 € 380 € 501 € 588 € 697 Grimbergen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Grimbergen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Grobbendonk Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.5700 1.2088 € 358 Grobbendonk Pidpa € 237 € 327 € 426 € 500 € 590 Haacht De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Haacht De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Haaltert De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Haaltert De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Halen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Halen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Halle IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.4110 1.2088 € 393 Halle IWVB - VIVAQUA € 258 € 359 € 471 € 552 € 654 Halle De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.4110 1.2088 € 373 Halle De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 246 € 341 € 446 € 523 € 618 Ham De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Ham De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Hamme (VL) FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Hamme (VL) FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Hamont-Achel De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.3440 1.2088 € 345 Hamont-Achel De Watergroep Limburg € 228 € 316 € 412 € 483 € 571 Harelbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Harelbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Hasselt De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Hasselt De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Hechtel-Eksel De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Hechtel-Eksel De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Heers De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Heers De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Heist-op-den-Berg Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Heist-op-den-Berg Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Hemiksem Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.1485 1.2088 € 322 Hemiksem Pidpa € 217 € 296 € 382 € 447 € 526 Herent De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.2200 1.2088 € 357 Herent De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 237 € 327 € 426 € 498 € 588 Herentals Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Herentals Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Herenthout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Herenthout Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Herk-de-Stad De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Herk-de-Stad De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Herne De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Herne De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Herselt Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Herselt Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Herstappe De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Herstappe De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Herzele FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Herzele FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Herzele De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Herzele De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Heusden-Zolder De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.3440 1.2088 € 345 Heusden-Zolder De Watergroep Limburg € 228 € 316 € 412 € 483 € 571 Heuvelland De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Heuvelland De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Hoegaarden De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Hoegaarden De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Hoeilaart De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.3332 1.2088 € 367 Hoeilaart De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 243 € 336 € 438 € 513 € 606 Hoeselt De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Hoeselt De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 107 Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Holsbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Holsbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Hooglede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Hooglede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Hoogstraten Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.1851 1.2088 € 325 Hoogstraten Pidpa € 219 € 299 € 386 € 451 € 531 Horebeke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Horebeke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Houthalen- Houthalen- De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Helchteren Helchteren Houthulst De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Houthulst De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Hove Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.6923 1.2088 € 382 Hove Water-link € 255 € 350 € 454 € 533 € 628 Huldenberg De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Huldenberg De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Hulshout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Hulshout Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Ichtegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Ichtegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Ieper De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Ieper De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Ingelmunster De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Ingelmunster De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Izegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Izegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Jabbeke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Jabbeke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Jabbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.4110 1.2088 € 379 Jabbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 250 € 346 € 452 € 530 € 626 Kalmthout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3440 1.2088 € 339 Kalmthout Pidpa € 226 € 311 € 402 € 471 € 556 Kampenhout De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Kampenhout De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Kapellen Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.6923 1.2088 € 382 Kapellen Water-link € 255 € 350 € 454 € 533 € 628 Kapellen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Kapellen Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Kapelle-op-den-Bos De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Kapelle-op-den-Bos De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Kaprijke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Kaprijke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Kasterlee Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.2000 1.2088 € 327 Kasterlee Pidpa € 219 € 300 € 387 € 453 € 533 Keerbergen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 0.2800 1.2088 € 278 Keerbergen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 192 € 257 € 328 € 379 € 444 Kinrooi De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Kinrooi De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Kluisbergen FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Kluisbergen FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Knesselare FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Knesselare FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Knokke-Heist AGSO Knokke-Heist 22,00 1.28 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Knokke-Heist AGSO Knokke-Heist € 234 € 339 € 454 € 538 € 643 Koekelare De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Koekelare De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Koksijde IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.6923 1.2088 € 385 Koksijde IWVA € 251 € 352 € 462 € 544 € 645 Kontich Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.6923 1.2088 € 382 Kontich Water-link € 255 € 350 € 454 € 533 € 628 Kontich Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Kontich Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Kortemark De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Kortemark De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Kortenaken De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Kortenaken De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Kortenberg IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.2088 1.2088 € 376 Kortenberg IWVB - VIVAQUA € 248 € 344 € 450 € 526 € 623 Kortenberg De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.2088 1.2088 € 356 Kortenberg De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 237 € 326 € 425 € 497 € 587 Kortessem De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Kortessem De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Kortrijk De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Kortrijk De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Kraainem VIVAQUA Kraainem 38.37 1.60 1.6923 1.2088 € 416 Kraainem VIVAQUA Kraainem € 274 € 381 € 500 € 582 € 689 Kruibeke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Kruibeke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 108 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Holsbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Holsbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Hooglede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Hooglede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Hoogstraten Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.1851 1.2088 € 325 Hoogstraten Pidpa € 219 € 299 € 386 € 451 € 531 Horebeke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Horebeke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Houthalen- Houthalen- De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Helchteren Helchteren Houthulst De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Houthulst De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Hove Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.6923 1.2088 € 382 Hove Water-link € 255 € 350 € 454 € 533 € 628 Huldenberg De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Huldenberg De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Hulshout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Hulshout Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Ichtegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Ichtegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Ieper De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Ieper De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Ingelmunster De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Ingelmunster De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Izegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Izegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Jabbeke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Jabbeke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Jabbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.4110 1.2088 € 379 Jabbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 250 € 346 € 452 € 530 € 626 Kalmthout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3440 1.2088 € 339 Kalmthout Pidpa € 226 € 311 € 402 € 471 € 556 Kampenhout De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Kampenhout De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Kapellen Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.6923 1.2088 € 382 Kapellen Water-link € 255 € 350 € 454 € 533 € 628 Kapellen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Kapellen Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Kapelle-op-den-Bos De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Kapelle-op-den-Bos De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Kaprijke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Kaprijke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Kasterlee Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.2000 1.2088 € 327 Kasterlee Pidpa € 219 € 300 € 387 € 453 € 533 Keerbergen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 0.2800 1.2088 € 278 Keerbergen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 192 € 257 € 328 € 379 € 444 Kinrooi De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Kinrooi De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Kluisbergen FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Kluisbergen FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Knesselare FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Knesselare FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Knokke-Heist AGSO Knokke-Heist 22,00 1.28 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Knokke-Heist AGSO Knokke-Heist € 234 € 339 € 454 € 538 € 643 Koekelare De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Koekelare De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Koksijde IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.6923 1.2088 € 385 Koksijde IWVA € 251 € 352 € 462 € 544 € 645 Kontich Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.6923 1.2088 € 382 Kontich Water-link € 255 € 350 € 454 € 533 € 628 Kontich Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Kontich Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Kortemark De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Kortemark De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Kortenaken De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Kortenaken De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Kortenberg IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.2088 1.2088 € 376 Kortenberg IWVB - VIVAQUA € 248 € 344 € 450 € 526 € 623 Kortenberg De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.2088 1.2088 € 356 Kortenberg De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 237 € 326 € 425 € 497 € 587 Kortessem De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Kortessem De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Kortrijk De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Kortrijk De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Kraainem VIVAQUA Kraainem 38.37 1.60 1.6923 1.2088 € 416 Kraainem VIVAQUA Kraainem € 274 € 381 € 500 € 582 € 689 Kruibeke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Kruibeke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 109 Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Kruishoutem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Kruishoutem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Kuurne De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Kuurne De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Laakdal Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Laakdal Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Laarne De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Laarne De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Lanaken De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Lanaken De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Landen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Landen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Langemark- Langemark- De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Poelkapelle Poelkapelle Lebbeke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Lebbeke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Lede FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Lede FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Ledegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Ledegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Lendelede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Lendelede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Lennik De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Lennik De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Leopoldsburg De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Leopoldsburg De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Leuven De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Leuven De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Lichtervelde De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Lichtervelde De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Liedekerke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Liedekerke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Liedekerke De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.4110 1.2088 € 373 Liedekerke De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 246 € 341 € 446 € 523 € 618 Lier Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Lier Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Lierde FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Lierde FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Lierde De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.4110 1.2088 € 377 Lierde De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 249 € 345 € 451 € 528 € 624 Lille Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0400 1.2088 € 313 Lille Pidpa € 212 € 288 € 371 € 433 € 509 Linkebeek VIVAQUA Linkebeek 38.37 1.60 1.6923 1.2088 € 416 Linkebeek VIVAQUA Linkebeek € 274 € 381 € 500 € 582 € 689 Lint Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3425 1.2088 € 339 Lint Pidpa € 226 € 310 € 402 € 471 € 555 Linter De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Linter De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Lochristi FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.2088 1.2088 € 372 Lochristi FARYS/TMVW € 248 € 341 € 444 € 518 € 612 Lochristi De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.2088 1.2088 € 360 Lochristi De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 239 € 330 € 430 € 502 € 593 Lokeren De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.2088 1.2088 € 360 Lokeren De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 239 € 330 € 430 € 502 € 593 Lommel De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Lommel De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Londerzeel De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Londerzeel De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Lo-Reninge De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Lo-Reninge De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Lovendegem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Lovendegem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Lubbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Lubbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Lummen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Lummen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Maarkedal FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Maarkedal FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Maaseik De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Maaseik De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Maasmechelen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Maasmechelen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Machelen (Brab.) IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.4110 1.2088 € 393 Machelen (Brab.) IWVB - VIVAQUA € 258 € 359 € 471 € 552 € 654 Maldegem De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Maldegem De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Malle Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Malle Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 110 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Kruishoutem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Kruishoutem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Kuurne De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Kuurne De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Laakdal Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Laakdal Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Laarne De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Laarne De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Lanaken De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Lanaken De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Landen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Landen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Langemark- Langemark- De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Poelkapelle Poelkapelle Lebbeke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Lebbeke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Lede FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Lede FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Ledegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Ledegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Lendelede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Lendelede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Lennik De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Lennik De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Leopoldsburg De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Leopoldsburg De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Leuven De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Leuven De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Lichtervelde De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Lichtervelde De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Liedekerke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Liedekerke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Liedekerke De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.4110 1.2088 € 373 Liedekerke De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 246 € 341 € 446 € 523 € 618 Lier Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Lier Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Lierde FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Lierde FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Lierde De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.4110 1.2088 € 377 Lierde De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 249 € 345 € 451 € 528 € 624 Lille Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0400 1.2088 € 313 Lille Pidpa € 212 € 288 € 371 € 433 € 509 Linkebeek VIVAQUA Linkebeek 38.37 1.60 1.6923 1.2088 € 416 Linkebeek VIVAQUA Linkebeek € 274 € 381 € 500 € 582 € 689 Lint Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3425 1.2088 € 339 Lint Pidpa € 226 € 310 € 402 € 471 € 555 Linter De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Linter De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Lochristi FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.2088 1.2088 € 372 Lochristi FARYS/TMVW € 248 € 341 € 444 € 518 € 612 Lochristi De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.2088 1.2088 € 360 Lochristi De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 239 € 330 € 430 € 502 € 593 Lokeren De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.2088 1.2088 € 360 Lokeren De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 239 € 330 € 430 € 502 € 593 Lommel De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Lommel De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Londerzeel De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Londerzeel De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Lo-Reninge De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Lo-Reninge De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Lovendegem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Lovendegem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Lubbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Lubbeek De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Lummen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Lummen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Maarkedal FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Maarkedal FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Maaseik De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Maaseik De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Maasmechelen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Maasmechelen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Machelen (Brab.) IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.4110 1.2088 € 393 Machelen (Brab.) IWVB - VIVAQUA € 258 € 359 € 471 € 552 € 654 Maldegem De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Maldegem De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Malle Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Malle Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 111 Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Mechelen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Mechelen Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Meerhout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Meerhout Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Meeuwen-Gruitrode De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Meeuwen-Gruitrode De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Meise De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Meise De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Melle FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Melle FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Menen De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.3297 1.2088 € 372 Menen De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 246 € 340 € 444 € 520 € 614 Merchtem IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.6923 1.2088 € 417 Merchtem IWVB - VIVAQUA € 271 € 380 € 501 € 588 € 697 Merchtem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Merchtem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Merelbeke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Merelbeke FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Merksplas Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Merksplas Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Mesen De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Mesen De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Meulebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Meulebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Middelkerke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Middelkerke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Middelkerke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.4110 1.2088 € 379 Middelkerke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 250 € 346 € 452 € 530 € 626 Moerbeke (Waas) De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Moerbeke (Waas) De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Mol Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.2768 1.2088 € 333 Mol Pidpa € 223 € 305 € 395 € 463 € 545 Moorslede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Moorslede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Mortsel Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.3440 1.2088 € 353 Mortsel Water-link € 238 € 324 € 418 € 488 € 575 Nazareth FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Nazareth FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Neerpelt De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 0.7500 1.2088 € 295 Neerpelt De Watergroep Limburg € 199 € 271 € 350 € 408 € 480 Nevele FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Nevele FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Niel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.2768 1.2088 € 333 Niel Pidpa € 223 € 305 € 395 € 463 € 545 Nieuwerkerken Nieuwerkerken De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 (Limb.) (Limb.) Nieuwpoort IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.6923 1.2088 € 385 Nieuwpoort IWVA € 251 € 352 € 462 € 544 € 645 Nijlen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0400 1.2088 € 313 Nijlen Pidpa € 212 € 288 € 371 € 433 € 509 Ninove De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Ninove De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Olen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Olen Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Oostende FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Oostende FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Oostende De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.4110 1.2088 € 379 Oostende De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 250 € 346 € 452 € 530 € 626 Oosterzele FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Oosterzele FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Oostkamp FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Oostkamp FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Oostkamp De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Oostkamp De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Oostrozebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Oostrozebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Opglabbeek De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Opglabbeek De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Opwijk FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Opwijk FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Opwijk De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.4110 1.2088 € 373 Opwijk De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 246 € 341 € 446 € 523 € 618 Oudenaarde FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.3440 1.2088 € 384 Oudenaarde FARYS/TMVW € 254 € 351 € 458 € 535 € 632 Oudenburg De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Oudenburg De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Oud-Heverlee De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Oud-Heverlee De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 112 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Mechelen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Mechelen Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Meerhout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Meerhout Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Meeuwen-Gruitrode De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Meeuwen-Gruitrode De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Meise De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Meise De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Melle FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Melle FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Menen De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.3297 1.2088 € 372 Menen De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 246 € 340 € 444 € 520 € 614 Merchtem IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.6923 1.2088 € 417 Merchtem IWVB - VIVAQUA € 271 € 380 € 501 € 588 € 697 Merchtem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Merchtem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Merelbeke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Merelbeke FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Merksplas Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Merksplas Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Mesen De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Mesen De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Meulebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Meulebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Middelkerke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Middelkerke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Middelkerke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.4110 1.2088 € 379 Middelkerke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 250 € 346 € 452 € 530 € 626 Moerbeke (Waas) De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Moerbeke (Waas) De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Mol Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.2768 1.2088 € 333 Mol Pidpa € 223 € 305 € 395 € 463 € 545 Moorslede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Moorslede De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Mortsel Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.3440 1.2088 € 353 Mortsel Water-link € 238 € 324 € 418 € 488 € 575 Nazareth FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Nazareth FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Neerpelt De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 0.7500 1.2088 € 295 Neerpelt De Watergroep Limburg € 199 € 271 € 350 € 408 € 480 Nevele FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Nevele FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Niel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.2768 1.2088 € 333 Niel Pidpa € 223 € 305 € 395 € 463 € 545 Nieuwerkerken Nieuwerkerken De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 (Limb.) (Limb.) Nieuwpoort IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.6923 1.2088 € 385 Nieuwpoort IWVA € 251 € 352 € 462 € 544 € 645 Nijlen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0400 1.2088 € 313 Nijlen Pidpa € 212 € 288 € 371 € 433 € 509 Ninove De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Ninove De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Olen Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Olen Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Oostende FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Oostende FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Oostende De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.4110 1.2088 € 379 Oostende De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 250 € 346 € 452 € 530 € 626 Oosterzele FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Oosterzele FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Oostkamp FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Oostkamp FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Oostkamp De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Oostkamp De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Oostrozebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Oostrozebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Opglabbeek De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Opglabbeek De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Opwijk FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Opwijk FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Opwijk De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.4110 1.2088 € 373 Opwijk De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 246 € 341 € 446 € 523 € 618 Oudenaarde FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.3440 1.2088 € 384 Oudenaarde FARYS/TMVW € 254 € 351 € 458 € 535 € 632 Oudenburg De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Oudenburg De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Oud-Heverlee De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Oud-Heverlee De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 113 Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Oud-Turnhout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0000 1.2088 € 310 Oud-Turnhout Pidpa € 210 € 285 € 367 € 428 € 503 Overijse De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.3300 1.2088 € 367 Overijse De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 242 € 335 € 438 € 512 € 605 Overpelt De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Overpelt De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Peer De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Peer De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Pepingen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Pepingen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Pittem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Pittem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Poperinge De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Poperinge De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Putte Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Putte Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Puurs Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.511 1.2088 € 353 Puurs Pidpa € 234 € 323 € 420 € 493 € 581 Ranst Pidpa 61.57 0.75 0.4000 1.2088 € 259 Ranst Pidpa € 181 € 240 € 304 € 351 € 410 Ravels Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.2386 1.2088 € 330 Ravels Pidpa € 221 € 303 € 391 € 458 € 539 Retie Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.2096 1.2088 € 327 Retie Pidpa € 220 € 300 € 388 € 454 € 535 Riemst De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Riemst De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Rijkevorsel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Rijkevorsel Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Roeselare De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Roeselare De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Ronse FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Ronse FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Roosdaal De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Roosdaal De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Rotselaar De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Rotselaar De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Ruiselede FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Ruiselede FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Rumst Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Rumst Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Schelle Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0000 1.2088 € 310 Schelle Pidpa € 210 € 285 € 367 € 428 € 503 Scherpenheuvel- Scherpenheuvel- De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Zichem Zichem Schilde Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3297 1.2088 € 337 Schilde Pidpa € 226 € 309 € 401 € 470 € 553 Schoten Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Schoten Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Sint-Amands Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Sint-Amands Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Sint-Genesius-Rode IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 0.7580 1.2088 € 338 Sint-Genesius-Rode IWVB - VIVAQUA € 226 € 310 € 403 € 469 € 553 Sint-Gillis-Waas De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Sint-Gillis-Waas De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Sint-Katelijne-Waver Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Sint-Katelijne-Waver Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Sint-Laureins De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Sint-Laureins De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Sint-Lievens-Houtem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Sint-Lievens-Houtem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Sint-Martens-Latem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.2208 1.2088 € 373 Sint-Martens-Latem FARYS/TMVW € 248 € 342 € 445 € 520 € 613 Sint-Niklaas De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Sint-Niklaas De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.5000 1.2088 € 401 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw IWVB - VIVAQUA € 262 € 366 € 481 € 563 € 667 Sint-Truiden De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Sint-Truiden De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Spiere-Helkijn De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Spiere-Helkijn De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Stabroek Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.511 1.2088 € 353 Stabroek Pidpa € 234 € 323 € 420 € 493 € 581 Staden De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Staden De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Steenokkerzeel VIVAQUA Steenokkerzeel 41,00 1.60 1.6923 1.2088 € 419 Steenokkerzeel VIVAQUA Steenokkerzeel € 276 € 383 € 502 € 585 € 692 Steenokkerzeel De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Steenokkerzeel De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 114 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Oud-Turnhout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0000 1.2088 € 310 Oud-Turnhout Pidpa € 210 € 285 € 367 € 428 € 503 Overijse De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.3300 1.2088 € 367 Overijse De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 242 € 335 € 438 € 512 € 605 Overpelt De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Overpelt De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Peer De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Peer De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Pepingen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Pepingen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Pittem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Pittem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Poperinge De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Poperinge De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Putte Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Putte Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Puurs Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.511 1.2088 € 353 Puurs Pidpa € 234 € 323 € 420 € 493 € 581 Ranst Pidpa 61.57 0.75 0.4000 1.2088 € 259 Ranst Pidpa € 181 € 240 € 304 € 351 € 410 Ravels Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.2386 1.2088 € 330 Ravels Pidpa € 221 € 303 € 391 € 458 € 539 Retie Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.2096 1.2088 € 327 Retie Pidpa € 220 € 300 € 388 € 454 € 535 Riemst De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Riemst De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Rijkevorsel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Rijkevorsel Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Roeselare De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Roeselare De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Ronse FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Ronse FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Roosdaal De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Roosdaal De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Rotselaar De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Rotselaar De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Ruiselede FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Ruiselede FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Rumst Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Rumst Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Schelle Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.0000 1.2088 € 310 Schelle Pidpa € 210 € 285 € 367 € 428 € 503 Scherpenheuvel- Scherpenheuvel- De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Zichem Zichem Schilde Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3297 1.2088 € 337 Schilde Pidpa € 226 € 309 € 401 € 470 € 553 Schoten Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Schoten Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Sint-Amands Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Sint-Amands Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Sint-Genesius-Rode IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 0.7580 1.2088 € 338 Sint-Genesius-Rode IWVB - VIVAQUA € 226 € 310 € 403 € 469 € 553 Sint-Gillis-Waas De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Sint-Gillis-Waas De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Sint-Katelijne-Waver Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Sint-Katelijne-Waver Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Sint-Laureins De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Sint-Laureins De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Sint-Lievens-Houtem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Sint-Lievens-Houtem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Sint-Martens-Latem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.2208 1.2088 € 373 Sint-Martens-Latem FARYS/TMVW € 248 € 342 € 445 € 520 € 613 Sint-Niklaas De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Sint-Niklaas De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.5000 1.2088 € 401 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw IWVB - VIVAQUA € 262 € 366 € 481 € 563 € 667 Sint-Truiden De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Sint-Truiden De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Spiere-Helkijn De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Spiere-Helkijn De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Stabroek Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.511 1.2088 € 353 Stabroek Pidpa € 234 € 323 € 420 € 493 € 581 Staden De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Staden De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Steenokkerzeel VIVAQUA Steenokkerzeel 41,00 1.60 1.6923 1.2088 € 419 Steenokkerzeel VIVAQUA Steenokkerzeel € 276 € 383 € 502 € 585 € 692 Steenokkerzeel De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Steenokkerzeel De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 115 Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Stekene De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Stekene De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Temse De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Temse De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Ternat FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Ternat FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Ternat De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Ternat De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Tervuren IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.0700 1.2088 € 365 Tervuren IWVB - VIVAQUA € 241 € 334 € 436 € 509 € 601 Tervuren De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.0700 1.2088 € 345 Tervuren De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 230 € 316 € 411 € 479 € 565 Tessenderlo De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.3000 1.2088 € 341 Tessenderlo De Watergroep Limburg € 226 € 312 € 407 € 478 € 564 Tielt De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Tielt De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Tielt-Winge De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Tielt-Winge De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Tienen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Tienen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Tongeren De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Tongeren De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Torhout De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Torhout De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Tremelo De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.2088 1.2088 € 356 Tremelo De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 237 € 326 € 425 € 497 € 587 Turnhout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Turnhout Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Veurne IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.4506 1.2088 € 365 Veurne IWVA € 239 € 334 € 437 € 513 € 608 Vilvoorde De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Vilvoorde De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Vleteren De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Vleteren De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Voeren De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Voeren De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Vorselaar Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Vorselaar Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Vosselaar Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Vosselaar Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Waarschoot De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Waarschoot De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Waasmunster De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Waasmunster De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Wachtebeke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Wachtebeke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Waregem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Waregem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Wellen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Wellen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Wemmel IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.2088 1.2088 € 376 Wemmel IWVB - VIVAQUA € 248 € 344 € 450 € 526 € 623 Wervik De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Wervik De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Westerlo Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Westerlo Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Wetteren FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Wetteren FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Wevelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Wevelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Wezembeek-Oppem VIVAQUA Wezembeek-Oppem 38.37 1.60 1.6923 1.2088 € 416 Wezembeek-Oppem VIVAQUA Wezembeek-Oppem € 274 € 381 € 500 € 582 € 689 Wichelen FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Wichelen FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Wielsbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Wielsbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Wijnegem Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Wijnegem Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Willebroek Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Willebroek Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Wingene De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.3297 1.2088 € 372 Wingene De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 246 € 340 € 444 € 520 € 614 Wommelgem Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Wommelgem Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Wortegem-Petegem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Wortegem-Petegem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Wuustwezel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Wuustwezel Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 116 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Stekene De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Stekene De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Temse De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Temse De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Ternat FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Ternat FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Ternat De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Ternat De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Tervuren IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.0700 1.2088 € 365 Tervuren IWVB - VIVAQUA € 241 € 334 € 436 € 509 € 601 Tervuren De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.0700 1.2088 € 345 Tervuren De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 230 € 316 € 411 € 479 € 565 Tessenderlo De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.3000 1.2088 € 341 Tessenderlo De Watergroep Limburg € 226 € 312 € 407 € 478 € 564 Tielt De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Tielt De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Tielt-Winge De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Tielt-Winge De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Tienen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Tienen De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Tongeren De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Tongeren De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Torhout De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Torhout De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Tremelo De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.2088 1.2088 € 356 Tremelo De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 237 € 326 € 425 € 497 € 587 Turnhout Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Turnhout Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Veurne IWVA 49.45 1.10 1.4506 1.2088 € 365 Veurne IWVA € 239 € 334 € 437 € 513 € 608 Vilvoorde De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Vilvoorde De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Vleteren De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Vleteren De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Voeren De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Voeren De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Vorselaar Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Vorselaar Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Vosselaar Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Vosselaar Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Waarschoot De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Waarschoot De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Waasmunster De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Waasmunster De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Wachtebeke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Wachtebeke De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Waregem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Waregem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Wellen De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Wellen De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Wemmel IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.2088 1.2088 € 376 Wemmel IWVB - VIVAQUA € 248 € 344 € 450 € 526 € 623 Wervik De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Wervik De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Westerlo Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Westerlo Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Wetteren FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Wetteren FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Wevelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Wevelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Wezembeek-Oppem VIVAQUA Wezembeek-Oppem 38.37 1.60 1.6923 1.2088 € 416 Wezembeek-Oppem VIVAQUA Wezembeek-Oppem € 274 € 381 € 500 € 582 € 689 Wichelen FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Wichelen FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Wielsbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Wielsbeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Wijnegem Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Wijnegem Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Willebroek Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Willebroek Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Wingene De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.3297 1.2088 € 372 Wingene De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 246 € 340 € 444 € 520 € 614 Wommelgem Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.6923 1.2088 € 368 Wommelgem Pidpa € 243 € 337 € 439 € 516 € 609 Wortegem-Petegem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Wortegem-Petegem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Wuustwezel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Wuustwezel Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 117 Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Zandhoven Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Zandhoven Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Zaventem IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.6923 1.2088 € 417 Zaventem IWVB - VIVAQUA € 271 € 380 € 501 € 588 € 697 Zaventem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Zaventem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Zedelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Zedelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Zele De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Zele De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Zelzate FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zelzate FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zemst De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Zemst De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Zingem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zingem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zoersel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Zoersel Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Zomergem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zomergem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zonhoven De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Zonhoven De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Zonnebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Zonnebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Zottegem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zottegem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zoutleeuw De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Zoutleeuw De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Zuienkerke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zuienkerke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zulte FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zulte FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zutendaal De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Zutendaal De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Zwalm FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Zwalm FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Zwevegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Zwevegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Zwijndrecht Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.0612 1.2088 € 329 Zwijndrecht Water-link € 224 € 303 € 389 € 453 € 531

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 118 - Water Meter 2014 - Drinking water production and distribution in figures Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculted Calculated Regional Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice Integral Invoice price per m3 Municipal Contribution (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water (drinking water Annual for mains Contribution (Waste water + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage + sewerage Fixed fee water (Sewerage) treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) + treatment) All Average family All All Average family 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons family types (2.33 pers) family types family types (2.33 pers) family family family family family Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Muncipality Water Company 84 m3 / year 84 m3 / year Muncipality Water Company 48 m3 / year 75 m3 / year 104 m3 / year 127 m3 / year 154 m3 / year Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force Tariff in force on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 on 01/01/2015 Price per year Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per m3 Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Price per year Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Excl. 6% VAT Zandhoven Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Zandhoven Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Zaventem IWVB - VIVAQUA 47.18 1.50 1.6923 1.2088 € 417 Zaventem IWVB - VIVAQUA € 271 € 380 € 501 € 588 € 697 Zaventem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Zaventem De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Zedelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Zedelgem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Zele De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.24 1.6923 1.2088 € 401 Zele De Watergroep Oost-Vlaanderen € 262 € 366 € 480 € 564 € 667 Zelzate FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zelzate FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zemst De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Zemst De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Zingem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zingem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zoersel Pidpa 61.57 0.75 1.3574 1.2088 € 340 Zoersel Pidpa € 227 € 312 € 404 € 473 € 558 Zomergem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zomergem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zonhoven De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Zonhoven De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Zonnebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Zonnebeke De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Zottegem FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zottegem FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zoutleeuw De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant 53.19 1.19 1.6923 1.2088 € 397 Zoutleeuw De Watergroep Vlaams-Brabant € 260 € 363 € 475 € 558 € 661 Zuienkerke FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zuienkerke FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zulte FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.4110 1.2088 € 389 Zulte FARYS/TMVW € 257 € 356 € 465 € 544 € 643 Zutendaal De Watergroep Limburg 53.19 0.92 1.6923 1.2088 € 374 Zutendaal De Watergroep Limburg € 245 € 342 € 448 € 527 € 625 Zwalm FARYS/TMVW 54.37 1.37 1.6923 1.2088 € 413 Zwalm FARYS/TMVW € 271 € 377 € 494 € 580 € 686 Zwevegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen 53.19 1.26 1.6923 1.2088 € 402 Zwevegem De Watergroep West-Vlaanderen € 263 € 368 € 482 € 566 € 670 Zwijndrecht Water-link 67.84 0.84 1.0612 1.2088 € 329 Zwijndrecht Water-link € 224 € 303 € 389 € 453 € 531

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 119 Flanders Environment Agency Dokter De Moorstraat 24-26 9300 Aalst en.vmm.be