The Council is again very thankful of the hard work put in by the parish clerk Samantha Hatwell during the past year on the council’s behalf. Also for being the Parish Council’s active point of contact with the various organisations, and local authorities.

Planning and Village Development

During the last 12 months the Parish Council has had very few planning application to view, most of which relate to tree works in the conservation area. The Peacehaven development is nearing completion and we look forward to welcoming the new residents in the parish.

Playing Field and Playground

The popularity of the Playing Field and Playground continues, it’s pleasing to see the various activities, and community use in this area. The football club have improved the facilities at the Pavilion, and is well worth consideration should you wish to hire a room for an event or party. For more details please contact the football club direct.


At the time of writing all allotments have been taken up, and the parish council wish the allotments holders’ success with their crops. Hopefully they will be well rewarded for their efforts.


The Parish Council has kept the precept for at the 2016 figure for the 2017/18 financial year.

Village Defibrillator

With the help of Christopher Harris, the Parish Council were able to secure a grant for the supply and installation of a Defibrillator. The Parish Council much appreciate Charlton Services for allowing the installation to be located centrally in the village at the entrance to the bus garage.

In addition we wish also to record our thanks to Christopher Harris for kick starting this project and obtaining the grant for the parish from Scottish and Southern Electrical Networks Resilient Communities Fund, plus Dick Tracey and his team at South Central Ambulance Services for their time and assistance.

South Central Ambulance Services have an “APP” called “Save A Life” available for the smart phone users from their website This is very much worth downloading as it will give you the nearest location of a defibrillator wherever you are within the South Central Ambulance Services area, plus information on it use and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

Old Cemetery

The Parish Council would like to thanks Eric Cooper for continuing with his tender loving care he gives to the old cemetery, as always a delightful sight through spring to early summer.

Bicester to Railway Works

The rail works are now completed; it is disappointing that the promises of road repairs and contributions into local community projects have not been forthcoming.

Dogs Fouling Footpaths and Grass Verges

Dogs fouling the footpaths, and grass verges is the major complaint from people in the village, also there are some perpetrators who have a habit of bagging up the dogs “pooh” and dumping it in the ditches or grass verges. Not cleaning up after your dog, and proper disposal is very anti-social act, for which the offenders can be fined.

Whilst we suffer in the village, the problem is nationwide, are we that point where we need to name a shame the offenders with photographs?.

Parking On Pavements and Grass Verges

Thoughtless parking is another area of complaint and upsets the harmony of residents in the village. Please think before you park, causing an obstruction that prevents farm machinery, and the likes of Charlton Services buses from passing through is inconsiderate. More seriously, would you want to be the one to cause a delay to the emergency services by thoughtless parking?.

Pavements are there for pedestrians, and obstruction from parked cars cause problems for people in wheel chairs and those with youngsters in prams or pushchairs. Any obstruction whether complete or partially is committing an offence and therefore can be subject to a fixed penalty notice.

The grass verge at the bottom of Church Lane continues to be damaged and turned into a muddy mess, we ask those responsible, just look and think about the damage that is being caused.

All the Parish Council asks is when parking please give consideration to others who use the paths and roads.

Village Community Works by Others

The Parish Council extend their grateful thanks to all those individuals who carry various “housekeeping” tasks around the village, from grass cutting to litter picking.

Possible changes to the County and District Councils.

Oxfordshire County Council are looking to be a single unitary authority for the county of , a proposal that is strongly opposed but three of the five local authorities, namely Cherwell District Council, West Oxfordshire Council, and Oxford City Council.

The Parish Council are not in support of the single authority whose present track record shows very little support to the local rural communities.

Parish Council WEB Site

The Parish Council have been working to set up a Parish WEB site which we are expecting to go live in the not too distant future.


I would like to thank the other councillors and parish residents for their support during the past 12 months.

Chairman Charlton-on-Otmoor Parish Council