H10678 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 2, 2008 AUTHORIZING THE USE OF EMAN- byterian boarding school for Native Amer- The Senate concurrent resolution CIPATION HALL ON DECEMBER 2, ican girls, now the ; was concurred in. 2008, FOR CEREMONIES AND AC- Whereas Alice Mary Robertson was ap- A motion to reconsider was laid on TIVITIES HELD IN CONNECTION pointed by President as the table. the 1st government supervisor of Creek In- WITH THE OPENING OF THE CAP- dian schools from 1900 to 1905, and later the f ITOL VISITOR CENTER TO THE postmaster of Muskogee, , from PUBLIC 1905 to 1913; APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS TO Whereas Alice Mary Robertson’s canteen ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON STU- Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. DENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to service to the troops during World War I later led to the formation of the Muskogee discharge the Committee on House Ad- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Chapter of the ; ant to section 491 of the Higher Edu- ministration from further consider- Whereas Alice Mary Robertson was elected ation of House Concurrent Resolution by the 2nd District of Oklahoma as a Repub- cation Act (20 U.S.C. 1098(c)), and the 435 and ask for its immediate consider- lican Representative to the 67th Congress, order of the House of January 4, 2007, ation in the House. from 1921 to 1923, serving on the Committee the Chair announces the Speaker’s ap- The Clerk read the title of the con- on Indian Affairs, the Committee on Expend- pointment of the following members on current resolution. itures in the Interior Department, and the the part of the House to the Advisory The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Committee on Woman ; Committee on Student Financial As- objection to the request of the gen- Whereas Alice Mary Robertson helped se- sistance for a term of 3 years: cure the building of a veteran’s hospital in Upon the recommendation of the Ma- tleman from Pennsylvania? Muskogee, following the creation of the Vet- There was no objection. erans Bureau in 1921; jority Leader: The text of the concurrent resolution Whereas Alice Mary Robertson became the Ms. Helen Benjamin, Vallejo, Cali- is as follows: 1st woman to preside over the House of Rep- fornia H. CON. RES. 435 resentatives on July 20, 1921, when she pre- Upon the recommendation of the Mi- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the sided over a roll call vote on S.J. Res. 34; and nority Leader: Senate concurring), That Emancipation Hall Whereas Alice Mary Robertson was a de- Mr. Anthony Guida, Pittsburgh, may be used on December 2, 2008, for cere- voted teacher for the Creek Nation and Pennsylvania helped the community through her trans- monies and activities held in connection f with the opening of the Capitol Visitor Cen- lation of portions of the Scriptures and ter to the public. Physical preparations for texts: Now, therefore, be it SPECIAL ORDERS Resolved, That the House of Representa- such ceremonies and activities shall be car- tives recognizes Alice Mary Robertson for The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. ried out in accordance with such conditions her spirit of service and dedication to her as the Architect of the Capitol may pre- CLARKE). Under the Speaker’s an- country, and honors her as a great American scribe. nounced policy of January 18, 2007, and in recognition of her contributions to the The concurrent resolution was agreed under a previous order of the House, State of Oklahoma and nationwide in the the following Members will be recog- to. House of Representatives. A motion to reconsider was laid on The resolution was agreed to. nized for 5 minutes each. the table. A motion to reconsider was laid on f f the table. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentle- HONORING AND RECOGNIZING f woman from (Ms. WOOLSEY) ALICE MARY ROBERTSON WHO, CORRECTING ENROLLMENT OF is recognized for 5 minutes. WHILE A MEMBER OF CONGRESS, H.R. 6063, NATIONAL AERO- (Ms. WOOLSEY addressed the House. BECAME THE FIRST WOMAN TO NAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINIS- Her remarks will appear hereafter in PRESIDE OVER THE FLOOR OF TRATION AUTHORIZATION ACT the Extensions of Remarks.) THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- OF 2008 TIVES Mr. LAMPSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask f Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. unanimous consent to take from the BAILING OUT WALL STREET Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Speaker’s table the Senate concurrent The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a discharge the Committee on House Ad- resolution (S. Con. Res. 105) directing previous order of the House, the gen- ministration from further consider- the Clerk of the House of Representa- tleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) is ation of House Resolution 1272 and ask tives to correct the enrollment of H.R. recognized for 5 minutes. for its immediate consideration in the 6063, and ask for its immediate consid- Madam Speaker, the American public House. eration. needs to know that there has been a The Clerk read the title of the resolu- The Clerk read the title of the Senate tremendous amount of discussion tion. concurrent resolution. about Main Street, about credit for The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there people to get students loans and car objection to the request of the gen- objection to the request of the gen- loans and home loans and all that, and tleman from Pennsylvania? tleman from Texas? There was no objection. talk about jobs. But those are all There was no objection. things I support. I think every Member The text of the resolution is as fol- The text of the Senate concurrent resolution is as follows: of this body supports that. They recog- lows: nize we have a deepening recession here S.CON RES. 105 H. RES. 1272 in the . Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- Whereas Alice Mary Robertson was born on resentatives concurring), That in the enroll- But the American public also needs January 2, 1854, in the Tullahassee Mission, ment of the bill H.R. 6063, an Act to author- to know that we are going to borrow Creek Nation, , now known ize the programs of the National Aeronautics $700 billion in their name for the bail- as Tullahassee, Oklahoma; and Space Administration, and for other pur- out package, and not one penny of it Whereas Alice Mary Robertson was an poses, the Clerk of the House of Representa- American educator, social worker, govern- goes to any of those issues. It is not tives shall make the following corrections: ment official, and politician; aimed at the real economy of America. In section 601(b)(2)(A)(iii) of the bill, strike It is aimed solely at the froth on Wall Whereas Alice Mary Robertson was the 2nd ‘‘Orbiter’’. woman to serve in Congress and the 1st from In section 611(d)(1) of the bill, strike ‘‘first Street, the speculators on Wall Street, the State of Oklahoma; President’’ and insert ‘‘President’’. the non-productive people on Wall Whereas Alice Mary Robertson was a clerk In section 611(e)(3) of the bill, strike ‘‘cor- Street, the certifiably smart ‘‘masters in the from 1873 to rectly’’ and insert ‘‘currently’’. of the universe,’’ like Secretary of the 1879, later returning to Indian Territory and In section 611(e)(7) of the bill, strike Treasury Henry Paulson, who created teaching in Tullahassee and the Carlisle In- ‘‘extention’’ and insert ‘‘extension’’. dian Industrial School; In section 612 of the bill, strike ‘‘oper- these financial weapons of mass de- Whereas Alice Mary Robertson established ations’’ and insert ‘‘operational’’. struction, and now as Secretary of the the Nuyaka Mission, taught in Okmulgee, In section 1119 of the bill, strike ‘‘The Re- Treasury a week ago last Friday lit the Oklahoma, and was in charge of a Pres- port’’ and insert ‘‘The report’’. fuse by projecting worldwide economic

VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:07 Oct 03, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02OC7.054 H02OCPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE October 2, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H10679 collapse if we didn’t bail out those lator, a regulator with experience, who preparing him to be the best angel he firms on Wall Street. piloted this country out of the savings could be, and anybody who knew him I believe there are simpler answers. I and loan crisis and saved us a bunch of knew Adam was the best person he just came from a meeting with William money. He’s not a big-time Wall Street could be.’’ Isaacs. He was the head of the Federal speculator who came down here and Adam Klutz’s friends and colleagues Deposition Insurance Corporation. got appointed by George Bush with remember him as a brave and honor- They deal with banks. Mr. Paulson was three-quarters of $1 billion in his pock- able young man, defined by his service a speculator on Wall Street. He deals et for money he had made in creating to the community and by his faith in with speculation. He doesn’t under- these financial weapons of mass de- Our Lord Jesus Christ. stand regulative banking. In fact, one struction. So we’re listening to the Speaking at his funeral, Reverend of his first big moves 10 days ago was wrong guy here. John Bell of the Philadelphia Lutheran he said guarantee all the money mar- Who believes George Bush? Does any- Church said of Adam, ‘‘He lived in a kets in an unlimited way. Know what body in America believe him? Remem- way that touched so many lives. He that did? It took $12 billion in deposits ber the last time there were weapons of lived in a way that made a difference. from banks, and they moved over into mass destruction 1 month before an He lived with the understanding that money markets because bank deposits election, and we got stampeded into a his vocation was a calling and that, are limited in their insurance and they war? They’re doing the same playbook through his faithfulness, through his pay lower rates of interest. He doesn’t here. Don’t buy it. Step back. Take service, he would bring the power of even understand this industry. But he your time. Use all of the no-cost emer- God’s kingdom a little closer to people. understands Wall Street and specu- gency powers first. If that doesn’t If you want to honor Adam, honor his lators, and those are the people he work, then we can talk about some commitment to service; honor the grew up with and worked with and other big appropriation of money, but strength of his faith.’’ dines with and wines with, and those don’t appropriate the money first and This evening, Madam Speaker, I ask are the people he wants to help, in ad- give it with unlimited powers to Mr. that we do just that, that we honor the dition to the fact there is a tremendous Paulson. amazing life of a real patriot, of a real amount of pressure being put on by f citizen, and that we honor the life and some very powerful creditors, and one The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a memory of Deputy Sheriff Adam Klutz of those happens to be the People’s Re- previous order of the House, the gen- of Caldwell County. public of China, who owns a lot of this May God rest his soul. tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) is recog- junk, and they want their money back nized for 5 minutes. f or they are threatening us. (Mr. POE addressed the House. His The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a b 1800 remarks will appear hereafter in the previous order of the House, the gen- Now, that’s not a good reason to go Extensions of Remarks.) tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. ahead with this faulty proposal. It does f LYNCH) is recognized for 5 minutes. not deal with the underlying crisis in (Mr. LYNCH addressed the House. His housing. If we don’t deal with the un- IN MEMORY OF DEPUTY ADAM remarks will appear hereafter in the derlying crisis in housing—with the KLUTZ Extensions of Remarks.) foreclosures, with the deteriorating The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a f values—when the values drop another 5 previous order of the House, the gen- or 10 percent and when that next big tleman from North Carolina (Mr. ‘‘NO’’ ON THE BUSH-PAULSON adjustment comes on March 1, you’re MCHENRY) is recognized for 5 minutes. BAILOUT PACKAGE going to find there’s another $1 trillion Mr. MCHENRY. Madam Speaker, I The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a in junk securities out there, and we’ll rise this evening to honor the life and previous order of the House, the gentle- have already maxed out our credit, and memory of Adam Klutz, a Caldwell woman from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) is rec- people will have lost more jobs. County Sheriff’s Deputy. ognized for 5 minutes. The auto dealers are saying people On September 19, Deputy Klutz was Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, for aren’t buying cars. It’s not because responding to a 911 call. Arriving on the second time in one week, this they can’t get a loan. My credit union the scene of a suspected domestic vio- House is confronted with a momentous is giving out loans right now, to any- lence situation, Deputy Klutz was fa- vote on the economic emergency facing body who is creditworthy, to go buy tally shot. our Nation, and it is imperative that cars. People don’t have confidence that We send our deepest sympathies to we get it right. We must do the right their jobs are going to be there. Their Adam’s parents—William and Sheila— thing. We must vote ‘‘no’’ on the Bush- wages haven’t increased. They’re wor- and to his entire family. Our thoughts Paulson bailout package. Three days ried about the real economy, not the and prayers are with you. have passed since we rejected that in- Wall Street economy. This is the prob- Adam Klutz was mature beyond his adequate proposal, but one thing hasn’t lem, this disconnect in this body and mere 25 years. Two weeks prior, two of changed: This is still a bailout for Wall particularly in the Senate—which is Deputy Klutz’ fellow officers were shot Street. One thing has changed: The full of millionaires. You know, that is and wounded. Despite being a rookie cost has increased dramatically. Be- not going to solve the underlying prob- officer, Deputy Klutz was tasked with lieve me, if you didn’t like the first lem, what is being proposed here. There delivering the news of the shooting to version of the Bush-Paulson bailout, is a cheaper, low-cost, no-cost alter- the wife of one of the wounded officers. you’re going to hate this one because native. Adam’s professionalism and compas- it’s even worse, 22 percent worse. The Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- sion in handling such a difficult situa- On Monday, the bailout bill would poration should declare an emergency. tion was praised by the officer and his have cost the American taxpayer $700 Mr. Isaac just counseled us on this. It wife, earning Deputy Klutz a letter of billion. Three days later, the bill com- gives them extraordinary powers. They commendation. ing from the Senate is going to cost us could use that to assess the same guar- The letter reads, in part, ‘‘For an of- $850 billion, driving up our deficit, driv- anty to all bank depositors, to all peo- ficer only having a year and a half of ing up our borrowing. The Senate drove ple in banks, that they did with experience, he acted like a seasoned up the cost of the bailout by 22 percent Wachovia—to all general creditors, not veteran. It was a testament to his by adding tax giveaways for special in- to investors but to general creditors. character. We should be proud to work terest groups. America might be facing He said that would immediately free up alongside Deputy Klutz.’’ an economic emergency, but it’s interbank lending and that it would Five months earlier, Adam came to Christmas in October in the Senate immediately bring a flood of foreign the aid of a fellow officer who had been here in Washington. The Bush-Paulson deposits into the U.S. because we injured in a vehicle chase. Hickory Po- bailout bill is loaded up like a Christ- would be a safe haven for banking and lice Officer Vic Camacho said, ‘‘Adam mas tree with ornaments known as tax for people’s deposits, but he is a regu- was my guardian angel. The Lord was giveaways for special interests. These

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