" RELATED TO THE ENTIRE BIBLE" STUDY Starting on Saturday, January 4th, 2013, at 1PM to 3:20PM 10 classes from 1/4/14 to 3/8/14 Fresno School of Mission Mount Olive Baptist Church 101 W. Clinton Avenue Fresno, CA 93705 Dr. Nzash Lumeya, director Fitzalbert M. Marius, teacher



THE REVELATION: the last book of the Bible; unfolds the great events bringing history to consummation. It includes the revelation of Christ at His . The word “revelation”, as used in the title of the book, is from the Latin revelatio, which means (as does the Greek apokalupsis, from which the English word “apocalypse” is derived) disclosure of that which was previously hidden or unknown. The author is generally believed to be the beloved apostle John, although some believe it to be some other John. The author mentions his name three (3) times: Rev. 1:1; 1:9; 22:8. The book has three major divisions. (1). The things past: the things that you have seen. (2). The things present, the things that are. (3). The things future, the things which shall be hereafter. The third division is characterized by a series of sevens: , seven trumpets, seven bowls, seven dooms, and seven new things.


Introduction. Revelation 1:1-3

The general Letter to the Church. Revelation 1:4-20

The Particular Letters to the Seven Churches. Revelation 2:1-3:22

Worship in Heaven. Revelation 4:1-5:14 Worship of God as Creator (4:1-11) Worship of the Redeeming Lamb (5:1-14)

The Cycle of the Seven Seals. Revelation 6:1-8:5 The First Six Seals (6:1-7) Interlude of the Sealing of the Redeemed (7:1-17) The Seventh Seal: Preparation for the New Cycle (8:1-5)

The Cycle of the Seven Trumpets. Revelation 8:6-11:19 The First Six Trumpets (8:6-9:21 Interlude of the Bitter Scroll and the Two Witnesses (10:1-11:14) The Seventh Trumpet: Announcement of the Impending Doom (11:15-19

The Cycle of the Seven Mystic Signs. Revelation 12:1-14:20 The Direct Struggle: The First Three Signs (12:1-17) The Indirect Struggle: the Next Three Signs (13:1-14:5) Interlude of Angelic Messengers of the Blessed Dead (14:6-13) The Seventh Sign: the Reaper on the Cloud (14:14-20)

The Cycle of the Seven Bowls. Revelation 15:1-16:21 Preparation for the Pouring of the Bowls (15:1-8) The First Six Bowls (16:1-12) Interlude of the Frogs and the Battle of Armageddon (16:13-16) The Seventh Bowl: Destruction in the Air (16:17-21)

The Cycle of the Episodes of Final Judgment. Revelation 17:1-20:15) The Harlot City and the Beast (17:1-18) Judgment of the Harlot City (18:1-24) The Hallelujah Chorus (19:1-5) The Marriage Supper Of the Lamb (19:6-10) The White Horseman (19:11-16) The Destruction of the Beast and the Prophet (19:17-21) Interlude of the Millennium, with the Binding and Loosing of Satan (20:1-10) The Great White Throne (20:11-15)

The New Heaven and the New Earth. Revelation 21:1-22:5

Conclusion. Revelation 22:6-21 (“The Layman’s Bible Commentary” Volume #25, pages 51 & 52.)


THE BLESSING: “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophesy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is at hand.” Revelation 1:3.

THE CURSE: “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophesy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Rev. 22:19.