Nova Scotia’s and Prince Edward Island’s Guide to Catholic Living May 15, 2010 VOL. VIII, NO.15 $1.25+HST

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DIOCESE OF Antigonish bISHOP Brian Dunn celebrated Mass at Our Lady of Grace Monastery May 8 as part of celebrations for the Feast of Our Lady of Grace. (MacEachern photo) PAGE 2 Diocesan News The Atlantic Catholic — May 15, 2010 Regnum Christi Couple Perseveres

Publisher and General Manager: Ken Sims — [email protected] Through Movement’s Difficulties Managing Editor: Brian Lazzuri — [email protected] Editorial Assistant/Halifax: By Nicole Myshak Nicole Myshak — As active members of the Regnum Christi [email protected] Movement for nearly six years, Joe and Contributing Reporters: Charlottetown: Doreen Beagan — Clare Yurchesyn were encouraged by a May [email protected] 1 communiqué published by the Advertising: Mike Hancox — Press Office concerning the Legionaries of [email protected] Christ. Christine MacGillivray — “It was positive,” summarizes Clare. [email protected] Subscriptions: Tena McGrath The parishioner of Blessed Pope John —[email protected] XXIII Church in Dartmouth explains how the release was “very supportive of the Mission Statement: To report Legionaries” in terms of the empathy and religious news that will inform, educate compassion it expressed for the “pain and and inspire Catholics, guided by the Church’s teaching, in faithfulness to sufferings they’ve experienced” on account the Good News. of the revelation of the grave sins of the congregation’s founder, Father Marcial Submissions: Please submit Maciel Degollado, who also founded the letters, notices, stories and photos Regnum Christi movement. to the editor at: atlanticcatholic@; fax (902)863-1943; or It provided hope, adds Joe of the send to 88 College St., Antigonish, communiqué, which relayed information N.S. B2G 2L7. The editor reserves the about the apostolic visitation of the right to edit copy, which should not Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ exceed 300 words for letters or 750 and the reports offered by the five bishops words for stories. The Atlantic Catholic CLARE AND JOE Yurchesyn joined Regnum Christi in 2004 as a way to deepen their faith. reserves the right to refuse letters. in charge of the investigation. Despite controversies assailing the movement, the Dartmouth couple has persevered in this Letters to the editor are the sole The statement also noted Pope Benedict particular vocation, which continues to bring them joy. (Myshak photo) opinion of the author and do not XVI “was present at one of the sessions, at reflect the opinions of The Atlantic which the visitors presented a summary of It also emphasized that “incontrovertible a “need to preserve, through appropriate Catholic. their reports.” evidence has confirmed” these disturbing formation, the enthusiasm of the faith of Poetry, songs and prayers will not be published. deeds of the now deceased priest. young members, their missionary zeal and All submissions, which must be Extensive their apostolic dynamism.” signed by the author and include a Moving Forward telephone number, should arrive one Investigation Comforting Words week prior to the desired publication The communiqué elaborated as to the The five visitators also “testified to having date. nature of the visitation, which consisted in met a great number of exemplary religious The Yurchesyns were heartened by the For information call interviews with more than 1,000 Legionaries who are honest and talented, many of them encouragement of the Pope included in the (902)863-4370. as well as examination of “hundreds of young, who seek Christ with genuine zeal communiqué when it said “the Holy Father written testimonies.” The release also said and are offering their entire lives to spread wishes to assure all Legionaries and members Advertising Deadline: Wednesday the visitors “went to almost all the religious the Kingdom of God.” of the ‘Regnum Christi’ Movement that they prior to publication date Publication Frequency: 24 times a houses and many of the apostolic works run Even so “the apostolic visit was able will not be abandoned.” year, every other week except first by the congregation.” to ascertain that the behaviour of Fr. “The Church is firmly resolved to issue of January and second issue “They heard, orally or in writing, the Marcial Maciel Degollado has had serious accompany them and help them on the path of July opinion of many diocesan bishops of the consequences for the life and structure of the of purification that awaits them,” it read. Subscriptions: $29.01 per year, countries in which the congregation works.” Legion, such as to require a process of in-depth Joe was particularly struck by this pledge including tax Additionally, “although it was not the revision.” Moreover “the Holy Father will of Pope Benedict’s. Send cheques, made payable to The subject of the visitation,” these visitors “met send a visitator to the consecrated members That sentence really jumped out at me, he Casket, to 88 College St. Box 1300, many members of the ‘Regnum Christi’ of the ‘Regnum Christi’ Movement, who have attests. “I had an image in my mind of the Antigonish, NS B2G 2L7. Telephone Movement,” especially those men and insistently requested this” and he will appoint Good Shepherd.” (902)863-4370. women who are consecrated. “a delegate of his own and a commission to “This will also mean dealing sincerely Published by The Casket Printing and Publishing Company (2006) While the document highlighted various study the Legion’s constitutions.” with all of those who, within and outside the Ltd. areas of concern, it affirmed “the sincere “Though each visitator acted Legion, were victims of sexual abuse and of We acknowledge the financial sup- zeal of most Legionaries” and asserted that independently, they came to substantial the power system devised by the founder,” port of the Government of Canada a “great majority … were unaware” of the agreement and a shared viewpoint in their continued the communiqué. “They are in the through the Publications Assistance troubling life of Father Maciel. assessments,” said the communiqué. These Holy Father’s thoughts and prayers at this Program toward our mailing costs. PAP Registration No. 10929 The release stated that the founder’s included the need to “review the exercise of time, along with his gratitude to those of them behaviour – which was “very serious and authority” and “redefine the charism of the who, even in the midst of great difficulties, objectively immoral” — “sometimes resulted Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ, had the courage and constancy to demand the in actual crimes, and manifests a life devoid of preserving its true core.” truth.” scruple and of genuine religious sentiment.” Furthermore the document specified (Please turn to Page 11) The Atlantic Catholic — May 15, 2010 Diocesan News Page 3 Catholic Honoured as an Associate of AST By Nicole Myshak is. “It’s a sense that we take with us wherever Marilyn Sweet’s association with the we go,” she perceives. Atlantic School of Theology (AST) helped “The school embodies ecumenism in influence both the trajectory of her life and really practical ways,” Sweet adds. “People her ministry within the Church. are together and they learn to talk with each “For me it’s been an extraordinary grace,” other” and “to see each other as colleagues and she asserts of the school and God’s providence companions on this journey of faith.” at work in her life. “All of it is.” “That creates a wonderful net of Having the opportunity to first study at, and relationships throughout the whole Christian then serve the school, has been just one of the tradition” which “plays out in so many great blessings of my life, she continues. “I different ways,” she states. consider it an extraordinary privilege.” Sweet provides the examples of the These contributions of Sweet to the AST support shown during recent Church sexual community were acknowledged during a abuse scandals including Bishop Raymond May 1 convocation ceremony when she Lahey’s arrest last fall for possession of child was presented with the Associate Award, an pornography. honour bestowed on a person who is “valued “It has been very comforting to know that and appreciated by the school in a particular people of other faith traditions, when they way.” gather for Sunday worship, have actively From what Sweet shares about the Atlantic prayed for the by name to School of Theology, it’s clear such sentiments support us in these hard times,” she says. are mutual. THE REVEREND CANON Eric Beresford, President of the Atlantic School of Theology, recognizes “That’s huge.” The wife and mother of three adult children Marilyn Sweet as an Associate of AST during the May 1 convocation at the Cathedral Church While Sweet acknowledges the small recounts beginning her studies at AST in 1988 of All Saints in Halifax. Grateful for a life “full of blessings,” Sweet says one of these “major size of the school and its student body, she when her “children were in high school.” “It blessings has been the opportunity to learn” as much as she has “and to develop good recognizes the great impact it’s had on the strong understandings” which she has, in turn, been able to share with others throughout was a very important time in my life,” she her ministry. (Myshak photo) broader community and individuals such as affirms of her years at the Halifax school. herself. “Everything fell into place for me to go.” millennium and beyond that.” of having people from “different faith “The works that the school does and the Although Sweet recalls not really Additionally, as part of her schooling, traditions” studying together. learning experience that people have while understanding “anything about ecumenism” at Sweet grew in appreciation of history She insists this enhances communion they’re there is really profound and continues the outset of her education, she soon learned to including that of the Church worldwide as among people and “the common sense of what to have a strong effect for a person’s continued “recognize and then appreciate the differences well as within Canada and in Nova Scotia. it is to be the Church” as well as who the Lord life and work in ministry,” she testifies. in each of the faith traditions represented at The latter was then embodied in her thesis, the school.” which concentrated on the preaching of A result of this was that Sweet came to a Archbishop James Hayes from 1964 until his “deeper appreciation for the Roman Catholic retirement in 1990. tradition.” She calls this one of the “great Then, following graduating with a Master blessings of studying” at the ecumenical and of Divinity, Sweet began her work at the tri-denominational theological school. Archdiocese of Halifax. “I’ve been here ever “My studies and the relationships that since in a variety of roles,” she says. These have Veritas Catholic Books and Gifts I formed with people in my own tradition involved work in youth ministry, catechetics, and people in other faith traditions helped adult faith formation and communications. me to become wider and broader in my faith Besides this, Sweet has served as a member Check with Veritas for all understanding and deeper and more committed of both the Canadian Conference of Catholic to the Roman Catholic faith tradition,” she Bishops (CCCB) National Council for Liturgy your church needs: notes. and the Advisory Committee on Adult Faith Sweet also explains that, during her Development for the National Office of hosts, altar wines, candles, education, she immersed herself in Catholic Religious Education. teachings and, in doing so, discovered that In addition to these many responsibilities, the more she studied within her own faith Sweet’s involvement with — and her instruction vestments and vessels tradition, the more she perceived “the richness thanks to — AST did not cease after graduation 1546 Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3X7 and the commonality that we had with other for she served as the Vice-Chair and Chair of faith traditions at the school.” the AST Board of Governors for several years. Tel: (902) 429-7216; fax: (902) 429-7237 “What I came to appreciate very quickly “I learned an awful lot in my time as chair of email: [email protected] is the truth of our common beginnings and the board,” she notes. the centuries that we were all together,” she Amongst these lessons was a newfound St. Bernard’s Veritas Outlet, Enfield says. awareness, “in a whole different way,” of the Tel: 883-8834 Fax: 883-2461 The Liturgy Director for the Archdiocese “significance of the Atlantic School Theology of Halifax also came to understand “the rich for the whole Christian tradition in Atlantic And in Cape Breton: sources that we have in common,” such as Canada and beyond.” Veritas Volunteer Extension & Lending Library the Church Fathers and Scripture, as well as The Director of Programs for the 35 Rear Intervale Rd. (Glencoe Rd.), Judique Intervale “the practice of being Church for a whole Archdiocese cites the significant consequences (902) 787-2103 PAGE 4 Editorial The Atlantic Catholic — May 15, 2010

In La y m a n ’s Te r m s Love One Another It’s All about While on the road recently, I had the privilege of attending a vibrant, Catholic Church, where the crowd at the 7:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday morning would put many of our local church crowds to shame. Saving Lives Not to say that there aren’t any vibrant parishes in our coverage area, because there are. However, it seems that more often than not these days the pews are Development ministers from eight of the richest nations in the world wrapped up a recent not as full as they should be, responses are minimal and there is a general lack Halifax meeting by agreeing to a set of guidelines to reduce maternal and child mortality of enthusiasm. in poor countries. Bev Oda, Canada’s minister for international co-operation, said the plan, though short In his homily, the priest at this Maine parish noted that in the Gospel Jesus on detail, will be flexible enough to allow each G8 (Group of Eight) country to determine instructed us to “love one another as I have loved you.” Not only that, said the how it can contribute to the health of women and children under five years old in poorer, pastor, but our Lord told us that His disciples would be known by their love of developing nations. one another. He pointed out that Jesus did not say our primary duty is to love our Oda claimed significant progress had been made on maternal and child mortality and enemies, but to “love one another.” that the issue will be a Canadian priority when G8 leaders meet in Huntsville, Ont., in June. The priest noted how profound this She said the ministers gathered in Halifax agreed on the need to improve nutrition, disease concept really is and how little attention prevention and that a range of care ought to be offered to pregnant women and their young children before, during and after delivery. we usually give it. But it makes complete The consensus was that funding must come from the G8 countries to combat the estimated sense. Jesus knew that if His church was 500,000 pregnancy-related deaths that occur each year. not founded upon the kind of love that He But Canada has been pilloried by delegates from other G8 countries, by this country’s exhibited – the self-sacrificing, through opposition parties, by international aid groups and in media commentaries for insisting that Editorial thick and thin kind of love – then the result abortions for Third World mothers will not be funded through Canadian aid. would be too shaky to last. So, access to and funding for abortions is OK for Canadian mothers but not for Third The priest also pointed out that we World mothers, argues a columnist in the Chronicle Herald. An editorial in a top British medical journal says it’s “hypocritical and unjust” that Canada cannot love our brothers and sisters in Christ if we do not know them. Yes, there get in the way of abortions abroad when Canadian women can have them at home. is a love we are called to when we meet the stranger, but we are called to know, In the House of Commons, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff chided: “Why is the prime and thereby love, our fellow parishioners on a deeper level. These are the people minister denying the fact that maternal health must include access to safe and legal abortions we are called to work alongside within our local church. If we go to Mass once be it in Canada, or be it outside of Canada.” a week at our parish and then file out as quickly as possible afterward, not to see Vocalizing his liberal bent, Ignatieff underlines the great abortion contradiction. A safe each other again for another seven days, then we are missing the point. That is not abortion is impossible. Any procedure that brutally ends the life of an innocent and unborn a community based on love, but rather a community based on blind obligation. baby can hardly be called safe. Delving further into the now muted abortion debate, it’s best to debunk that other To know each other we must spend time together, time outside of the 60 minutes popular abortion myth. Columnists and activists alike accuse the Canadian government of we share at Mass. There are endless possibilities for this time outside of Mass, as being disingenuous and hypocritical in allowing abortions at home while trying to deny a parish community – social gatherings, Bible studies, prayer groups, charitable them in poor countries. Abortion here in Canada is not illegal. That doesn’t mean that it’s works, etc. right. Abortion still ends the lives of unborn babies and it is simply wrong no matter how A friend said recently that if you are looking for the leaders in your community vehemently it is defended as a woman’s basic reproductive right by Ignatieff, NDP Leader and you look to your left and then to your right, and see none, then the leader is Jack Layton and the pro-abortion American administration led by President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. you. Love requires action. Sometimes all it takes is someone stepping forward to What kind of countries, what kind of governments and what kind of laws defend the rights initiate programs that will help parishioners get to know one another and build of women to choose while abandoning the rights of the most vulnerable and helpless? upon the love that is supposed to identify us as Christians. In this topsy-turvy, politically correct society of ours, those who oppose abortion are Of course, it’s one thing to initiate and offer these programs, but the real now denounced. A group of University of Calgary students face expulsion for refusing to challenge is getting people to actually participate. Motivation for church-related take down an anti-abortion display. The pro-life club’s display compares abortion with past activities seems to be lacking these days. Why? Many reasons, really, but mainly historical atrocities, such as the Rwandan genocide or the Holocaust. It includes graphic people have a different set of priorities than they did 50 years ago. When church photos of fetuses and victims of genocide. The display has been set up on the Calgary campus eight times since 2006. pews were filled and parish groups were bustling, there were no organized sports The University of Calgary, that paragon of free speech that championed the right of games or tournaments on Sunday. People’s lives didn’t revolve around hockey controversial and bigoted right-wing American activist Ann Coulter to speak on campus, arenas, soccer fields, the Internet, iPods or unlimited shopping opportunities. doesn’t like the anti-abortion message. Priorities. At one time people automatically ordered their priorities with God The university takes that indefensible position maintained by many pro-abortionists. and faith on top, but that is no longer the case. We can’t necessarily change Fetuses are not real people and abortion is a matter of choice, but yet depicting aborted fetuses people’s priorities, but, if, as the song says, “they’ll know we are Christians by on signs and displays is somehow reprehensible. Like others who spew the pro-abortion our love,” then we will never stop trying to come up with creative ways to get message, the University of Calgary wants to have it both ways: There is no life before birth but showing the end of this non-life is somehow gross and despicable. people involved in their faith, in their parish communities, and thereby, drawing The reasons women choose abortions and the ensuing and long-lasting remorse have them closer to Christ. been well documented. Because of overwhelming family or social pressure, some feel that The third verse of the abovementioned song says “We will walk with each other, abortion is the only choice, albeit a difficult and heart-wrenching one. But a new program we will walk hand in hand. And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our in Vancouver offers at least one alternative. land.” We need to make this a reality. By putting into action Jesus’ commandment A recent Canadian Press story described the Angel’s Cradle program launched in early to love one another as He loved us and all that entails, we can’t go wrong. May at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver. New mothers who want to give up their infants God Bless. because they face addiction, poverty or are still children themselves can walk away after dropping them off anonymously. (Please turn to Page 5) The Atlantic Catholic — May 15, 2010 Reflections Page 5

Th o u g h t s f r o m Ro m e Thoughts on the Anglican Constitution

By Fr. Bernard O’Connor seeking full communion are and people are being organized Congregation for Divine Worship his past November, the expected to profess The Catechism in each part of our (TAC) participated with the Archbishop BBC reported that a text of the Catholic Church (Const. art Communion.” The process is of Canterbury (Anglicanism’s Tmessage sent by Canadian I, no. 5). The Anglican signers evidently reflective, appropriately Rowan Williams). Transport Minister John Baird of the Portsmouth Letter (P. critical and profoundly discerning Their theme was the relationship caused quite a reaction among L.) indicated their belief that and prayerful. Following their between both Churches. In a Joint government officials. The message said Catechism represents the “full meeting of the College of Statement on the announcement read: “Thatcher is dead.” “most complete and authentic Bishops,” set for this Eastertide, of the Constitution, they said: Calls to verify details were expression and application of the “a formal response to the Holy “Without the dialogues of the past promptly forwarded to 10 Downing catholic faith” (P. L., no. 3). See” is anticipated. forty years, this recognition would Street and to Buckingham Palace. 3. Does the Constitution intend 4. What should be our attitude not have been possible…This Baird, however, was referring to address only a minor ‘fringe’ of as this process unfolds? Constitution is one consequence of to the demise of his 16-year-old the Anglican Church? In an Address to the Bishops (our) ecumenical dialogue.” That tabby, named for the famed Iron Fr. Bernard O’Connor works Not at all. It is meant to speak of England and Wales during their dialogue promises to continue in Lady. The Prime Minister, Stephen in the Vatican’s Congregation for to all similar-minded Anglicans, Ad Limina visit to the Holy See “close collaboration.” Harper, had been informed that it Eastern Churches. including those who may not (Jan. 2), Pope Benedict referred On Nov. 19, 2009, the was Baroness Margaret Thatcher, belong to TAC (established directly to the Constitution. He Archbishop of Canterbury gave a former British Prime Minister, to the petition of more than 38 in 1990). TAC’s membership, encouraged the bishops in their lecture in Rome for the Willebrands who had died. Characteristically, bishops and Vicars General of the however, is the primary population “important work” of promoting Symposium where he emphasized of course, she was proven to be Traditional Anglican Communion of those who have manifested their “ecumenical and inter-religious “the strong convergence” realized very much alive and well. (TAC). express initiative and concern to dialogue.” in formal Agreements between Embarrassing? Definitely. Their dissatisfaction with request unity with Roman the Anglican and Catholic It is remarkably easy for present-day Anglicanism has been Catholicism. “Without the dialogues of Churches, notably in terms of confusion to arise, not only where a widely known and publicized. The Since the Constitution’s ecclesiology (e.g. the shared three-word message is concerned, text of their “Portsmouth Letter” publication, 99 Anglican the past forty years, doctrine of the Church as but in terms of something with of Oct. 5, 2007, addressed to the parishes in the USA and 45 this recognition would community). the complexity and implications Congregation for the Doctrine of in Canada have indicated Admittedly, important of another document also issued the Faith (CDF), was explicit. their intention to seek not have been possible . . .” differences remain and these in November, Pope Benedict’s “We accept that the Church admission in accord with — Joint Statement of Anglican should not be ignored or Anglican Constitution, perhaps founded by Jesus Christ subsists the Constitution. TAC and Catholic churches minimized. There is ample better known by its Latin title, most perfectly in the churches asserts that it is now present latitude, he said, for discussion Anglicanorum Coetibus, together in communion with the See of in six continents, though and debate. And speaking at with its Complementary Norms. Peter” (art. 2). Further, “we seek predominantly located in India and And he asked that they be Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. I have been asked numerous a communal and ecclesial way Africa. Its current Primate resides “generous in implementing the March 6 the CDF Prefect, Cardinal questions in regard to the of being Anglican Catholics in in South Australia. Overall, an provisions” of the Constitution, William Levada, reiterated that the Constitution, including: communion with the Holy See” estimated 400,000 persons are “so as to assist those groups of Constitution “was not created in 1. Was Time magazine correct and “we seek the guidance of the said to identify with TAC. Anglicans who wish to enter into a vacuum,” but is the reasonable to describe the move on the Holy Holy See as to the fulfillment of Exactly how many of these full communion with the Catholic and logical development of the See’s part as “capitalizing on a these our desires” (art. 4). will actually embrace the Church.” The Pope’s view is official dialogues” between the rival’s friction?” 2. Does the Constitution mean Constitution’s provisions remains that “if given a warm and open- Churches. Time’s assertion (Nov. 2, 2009) that one can be simultaneously yet to be determined. As the hearted welcome, such groups The Constitution ensures is baseless. The Constitution was Anglican and Roman Catholic? TAC Primate (John Hepworth) will be a blessing for the entire that for those Anglicans who issued, not owing to a “predatory” This is not the meaning of stated on Jan. 16: “Regional Church.” That same mentality of now enter into full communion, strategy, but mainly in response the document. Those Anglicans gatherings of bishops, clergy receptivity and sensitivity should the “distinctive elements in the then characterize each of us. Anglican world which foster 5. Does the Constitution Catholic unity” can be retained contradict efforts at ecumenical with their admission. We see this It’s All about Saving Lives ... dialogue between the Anglican in the example of the Anglican and Catholic Churches? Book of Common Prayer. In Mothers can place the babies in a bassinet in a secure area in the hospital. An alarm alerts hospital staff There are those who may 2003, elements of the BCP were within 30 seconds of the drop-off. The baby is then assessed and placed in the care of the Ministry of Children interpret the Constitution as a “revised and adopted” for usage and Family Development. betrayal of Anglican-Catholic by Roman Catholics coming from Neither hospital officials nor police will make any effort to track down the mother, but if she later decides dialogue. This is as unfortunate as an Anglican background. she wants her baby back, the mother has the option of contacting the ministry and arranging a meeting with it is inaccurate. The exact opposite Where there is openness to social workers. It’s difficult to know our government’s agenda in opposing funding for abortions for mothers in developing was the motivation for a Press mutual understanding, there is countries. But, whatever Stephen Harper’s motivation might be in saying that there’s plenty for Canada to Conference on Oct. 20, 2009, in surely … hope! spend its development dollars on besides abortion, the prime minister ought to be applauded for refusing to which the Prefect of the Vatican’s NOTE: Part II will focus embrace the culture of death. Congregation for the Doctrine of upon specific provisions of the If only he had that same conviction about the innocent unborn in his homeland. the Faith and the Secretary of the Constitution. PAGE 6 Diocesan News The Atlantic Catholic — May 15, 2010 Distilling ‘Smear’ Campaign against Pope Father de Souza addresses recent scandals

By Nicole Myshak silenced in Canada, the chaplain With the latter Father de Souza There were few seats to spare for the Newman House at Queen’s expounded that the great burden at Father Raymond J. de Souza’s University opted — in light of current upon the whole Church had been to Neuhaus Lecture in Halifax last media accusations leveled at Pope tell the truth about what happened to month. Benedict XVI — to veer slightly off innocent victims and what had not The attendance of approximately topic to address this controversy. happened to the perpetrators. 175 people, who filled the Scotiabank In doing so he aimed to demonstrate Such scandals — as occurred Theatre in the Sobey Building at St. how there was, at the heart of this at the Mount Cashel Orphanage or Mary’s University (SMU) to near media frenzy, “a desire to push to within Boston — may have evoked capacity, could be said to reflect both the margins the Church’s voice and embarrassment, shame and anger, yet the significance of the inaugural event to marginalize the Church’s role in they concerned true things, he said. and the caliber of the speaker. our public life.” “This is different,” Father de The April 22 lecture, which Father de Souza addressed this Souza proposed of recent media was sponsored by St. Thomas explication by arguing that the recent reports targeting Pope Benedict Aquinas Canadian Martyrs Parish in events embroiling the Catholic Church XVI. cooperation with SMU, was held in were “sparked by false allegations The unmistakable gist of recent memory of Father Richard Neuhaus, against Pope Benedict XVI printed coverage by the CBC, CTV, the Globe a Canadian-born religious scholar, first in theNew York Times of March and Mail, even parts of the National writer and activist who was also the 25 and subsequently amplified in Post, was that as we speak, right now, founder and editor of First Things. literally thousands of other stories April 2010, that the Catholic Church “Father Richard was a very around the world.” These stories, he led by the Pope is engaged in a important man in my life and so it’s said, were “focused on Benedict’s widespread cover-up of sexual abuse a particular honour to be asked to give alleged personal complicity and the endemic in her midst, summarized this lecture,” noted Father de Souza covering up of two cases.” Father de Souza. “That’s the general of his friend and mentor who passed The priest of the Archdiocese gist of the story that we’ve been NATIONAL POST columnist Fr. Raymond de Souza was the guest speaker away last year. of Kingston emphasized how this presented with and that is false in at for the Neuhaus Lecture held at St. Mary’s University in Halifax April 22. Instead of addressing the original theme of the talk — an engagement Calling the event “an important original story was “false in its least four dimensions.” of the question of whether or not religious voices are being silenced in initiative,” Father de Souza expressed charges, suspect in its sources [and] Answering the Canada — Fr. de Souza chose instead to speak to the recent accusations his hope that in time it would “flourish unsupported” by its own documents. aimed at Pope Benedict XVI. (Myshak photo) here in Halifax and be imitated Hence he perceived that these Accusations elsewhere.” happenings have been part of an to suggest that the Church could be messages, is somehow to minimize “The Catholic voice in the public “orchestrated campaign to take down The diocesan priest advised that argued to be amongst the safest places the reality of the original message” of square is not something that we can the Pope.” the first dimension of falsehood for children in contemporary society the underlying sexual abuse itself. take for granted,” he insisted. Not desiring to have the entirety could be realized, and countered, by thanks to serious reforms made However, Father de Souza noted Pointing to “recent cases before of his presentation dominated by an acknowledgement that there is no on account of past abuse. “What that such inactivity is flawed on our Human Rights Commissions,” the an in depth substantiation of the such evidence. happened in 1985 is not happening multiple counts. “First, I think telling National Post columnist emphasized particulars, Father de Souza invited We have now, as opposed to 1980 in 2010,” he assured. “And that’s an the truth is good in itself,” he said, there are cultural forces that “seek interested parties to visit his website, or 1990, an enormous amount of important point to be made. Those are adding that too often this elementary to limit the free proclamation of the, where his research on this issue of sexual abuse truths that our own Catholic faithful point is forgotten. Christian faith” and drive religious extensive writings on this topic could of minors and there is no evidence need to hear.” Additionally, the alumnus of voices to the margins of public be found. that the incidence of sexual abuse is Too many of our own believe what Queen’s and the University of discourse. With that Father de Souza turned any greater in the Catholic Church is manifestly and demonstratively not Cambridge maintained that “allowing Accordingly he suggested that, “in his attention from an illustration of or amongst the Catholic clergy than true, he added. falsehood to go unchallenged” results such an environment, the Catholic the intricate proofs of this troubling elsewhere, relayed Father de Souza. in the sowing of “serious doubt in public witness requires the wit and situation to an discussion of the That’s not a great point of pride Why Speak Up the Catholic faithful” which ends up courage to make” oneself heard. As broader drama. In doing so he asserted obviously, he acknowledged. “But Father de Souza observed “there undermining trust in pastors whether well it demanded the “creativity to that, within this present circumstance, it’s true.” have been few” who have given a that be the Pope, bishops or parish present the Christian faith to those the question more pertinent to the Father de Souza also stressed that “forthright and robust defense of the priests. who are listening.” “topic of the Church’s voice in the impression that such abuse is a Holy Father” which can be attributed Father de Souza also stressed Father de Souza recommended public life” has become “how does “current, ongoing problem is false.” to a number of factors. “Many have that when “the Church appears too Father Neuhaus as a “great model of the Church tell the truth when faced “The cases that we are discussing are offered nary a public word in his weak to defend herself, in the face how this could be done.” “We need with falsehoods?” not current cases but from decades defense because it is thought that of manifest falsehoods,” this only many more like him,” he exhorted. “The challenge of the last few ago,” he continued. to do so would be, or appear, too “invites further attacks from her weeks has been to tell the truth Further, incidences of abuse — defensive or insufficiently contrite,” enemies.” Change of Topic about those who are peddling contrary to what media coverage he suggested. Consequently, with all eyes on While the theme of Father de falsehoods” which is an “entirely may lead individuals to believe — Another contributing factor to the Church, passivity communicates Souza’s talk was intended to be different phenomenon” than the are actually decreasing rather than Catholics’ silence is the mistaken there are “no consequences for public an engagement of the question of sexual abuse scandals of previous increasing. belief that “to criticize the messengers, animosity against the Church.” As whether religious voices are being years, he maintained. Father de Souza went so far as even if they’re passing along false (Please turn to Page 7) The Atlantic Catholic — May 15, 2010 Diocesan News Page 7

(Continued from Page 6) days immediately preceding Pope a result the capacity of the Church Benedict’s arrival a story broke “to teach hard truths in other areas is accusing Cardinal George Pell of undermined.” improperly attending to a sexual Mass of Thanksgiving for Priests While Father de Souza agreed abuse case concerning a priest within that “pastors of the Church should be the archdiocese. reluctant to be combative” because In the days which followed Father the “figure of the shepherd” is de Souza witnessed how the “most principally about care, not combat, relevant facts of the case” were he noted “there are times too when neglected and media reports were rife the shepherd must fight.” with a twisting of the facts in order “to create a false impression.” “It was a Obligation To Be searing experience to be at the center Informed of that storm,” he recalled. Accordingly, when the recent Another difficulty that Father de situation with the Holy Father arose, Souza highlighted — drawing upon Father de Souza recognized numerous the words of Father Neuhaus — was similarities that enabled him to see the “unseemly readiness on the part this situation for what it was. “I’d of many, including some Catholics, seen it before and it was a smear,” to believe the worst.” he stated. “Lay Catholics have a On account of this Father de Souza responsibility to discover the truth,” cautioned the Church’s shepherds. he urged. “We have great access to “Let every bishop know this,” he information. There is good Catholic warned. “No matter how quiet, how information available and we have a contrite or how accommodating responsibility to find it and to share you hope to be, what was done to it.” Cardinal Pell and what is being done The Catholic who concludes to the Holy Father will be done to — after reading two newspaper you in a heartbeat if they think it stories or catching a few minutes of worthwhile.” television news — anything about Defining “they,” Father de Souza The Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, who have a charism connected to the priesthood, organized the Church is being irresponsible, he said he was speaking not of “an a Mass of Thanksgiving in honour of the Year for Priests that was held at St. Michael Parish in Spryfield cautioned. international conspiracy against the April 19 with Archbishop Anthony Mancini as the main celebrant. (Submitted Photo) With a touch of dark humour Church” but of “those many in our Father de Souza proposed that, culture-forming institutions who “Catholics who are able to use the would like to see the Church’s role in Internet expertly to find a cheap, our public life marginalized.” all inclusive Caribbean vacation” “That is what Father Richard spent Respect Life Centre or who access all types of statistics his whole life fighting against,” he for sports “cannot blame others for noted. “That is what is behind so 344 Main Street, ANTIGONISH not knowing what the Church tells much of what we’ve faced this past them about pressing issues of great month.” (902)863-6636 importance.” Again quoting the writing of “The faithful have the right Father Neuhaus from 2002 Father Religious Goods for Baptisms, Weddings, First Communions and Holy to hold their bishops and priests de Souza insisted this “crisis must Days. Baby Blankets, Frames, Photo Albums, Plush Toys, Musical Tapes, accountable but that same right be permitted to do its work” which Irish Goods, Wall Hangings, Cards, Dishes and more . . . imposes an obligation too to become entails “scrupulous self examination, well informed themselves,” he candid confession, firm contrition and encouraged. a believable amendment of life.” New supply of Cat-Chat “And the doing of that hard Smear Campaign work is chiefly up to the bishops,” CD’s. Acknowledging that he is “perhaps he continued. “They are the ones more convinced” than others on the who got us into this mess and, given matter of an “orchestrated campaign what we believe is the divinely Just arrived: against the Holy Father” — which constituted structure of the Church, he insisted “does not minimize the they’re the ones who have to lead Dresses and suits for sexual abuse story as a whole” — in getting us out. Faithful Catholics Father de Souza attributed his firm owe it to the Church and owe it to First Communion and belief, in part, to having seen this type their bishops not to let them off the of situation before. hook.” Baptisms. The priest of nearly eight “And you shouldn’t let any one off years explained that in 2008 he the hook,” echoed Father de Souza. spent time living and working in “Not our pastors, not ourselves and We have Bibles and other gift items for Sydney, Australia in preparation not our enemies.” for World Youth Day. During the First Communion and Baptisms. PAGE 8 National News The Atlantic Catholic — May 15, 2010 Canada’s Nuncio Presents Credentials to GG By Deborah Gyapong She noted Canada celebrated 40 Brother André Bessette founded OTTAWA (CCN) — The new years of diplomatic relations with St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal. apostolic nuncio is now officially the Holy See last year. She remarked Jean also recalled her visit to recognized as the Holy See’s on the 2008 Eucharistic Congress in the Vatican in 2006, saying she had Ambassador to Canada. Quebec that coincided with the 400th wonderful memories of the warm At an April 28 ceremony at Rideau anniversary of Quebec’s founding welcome Pope Benedict XVI gave Hall, Archbishop Pedro López and looked ahead to celebrations her and her family. Quintana presented his credentials this year important to the Catholic Archbishop López arrived in to the Governor General, along with Church in Canada. Canada in February after serving as the ambassador-designates from “June 24 will mark the 400th apostolic nuncio to India and Nepal Vietnam, Kuwait and Peru. anniversary of the baptism of since 2003. He has also served in the “The Holy See has an influential Mi’kmaq chief Henri Membertou, apostolic nunciatures of Magagascar, voice on the international stage which is considered the first the Philippines and India, as well as in terms of spirituality, human baptismal ceremony performed in the Holy See’s Secretariat of State, rights, justice and peace,” Governor in Canada,” she said. “Then, on where he served as Assessor for General Michaëlle Jean told the October 17, the Holy Father will General Affairs formal gathering in her residence’s canonize an important figure in Archbishop López has been busy ballroom. She also noted the role our history, Brother André, who meeting the Canadian bishops, in the Holy See plays in international was renowned for his generosity, his key role as the Holy Father’s diplomacy. devotion and gift of healing.” representative to the Church in Canada. But he was unable to serve in an official capacity as ambassador until this ceremony took place. Born in Barbastro, Spain, Archbishop López was ordained a priest in 1980; entered the Holy See’s diplomatic service in 1984; and was ordained a bishop in 2003. Pope Benedict XVI announced his appointment to Canada in December. He replaces Archbishop , who left Canada last October to serve as nuncio to France GOVERNOR GENERAL Michaëlle Jean and Archbishop Pedro López Quintana. after eight years in this country. (MCpl Evan Kuelz, Rideau Hall photo)

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Civil Law vs. Canon Law on their behalf and present a strong case for nullity. The facts proceeding from the divorce and the evidence of witnesses and mental Impaired Consent in a Marriage health experts are all relevant. It is essential that advocates gain the The following is the second and anti-social behaviour. Walker also has a duty to maintain the marriage petitioners’ trust that they are acting final article by Fr. Evo DiPierro on found that abusive men have a at all costs because of her own in their best interests. spousal abuse and the annulment low self-esteem, a pathological spiritual and ethical views. The The best evidence in a nullity process within the Church. Fr. jealousy, a dual personality, low essential qualities of the marriage, case is the petitioner’s own. He or DiPierro is associate pastor at stress tolerance and a traditionalist being mutual self-giving, a life-time she is the witness of the violence that Stella Maris Parish, Pictou and view of male supremacy (p. 289). partnership, respect and equality was suffered. Aruna Gnanadason Holy Name Parish, Westville. Battered women tend to suffer may thus have been absent in the points out that, for the victim, By Fr. Evo DiPierro from low self esteem, passivity, mind of the abusing spouse. remembering is critical; otherwise he consent to marry may guilt, severe stress, a traditionalist The above findings are relevant the pain of the abuse remains be impaired due to mental, view of the wife’s position in the to annulment cases because the unresolved. The Church should Tpersonality or belief issues marriage and an acceptance of consent to marry may be impaired also be a supportive presence for involving either spouse or both of the responsibility for her abuse under such circumstances. A violent her: “The Church needs to become them. A person with an aggressive (Walker, 286). or aggressive personality may a ‘sanctuary of courage’ … where and impulsive attitude is less Battered women who are show itself both before and after violated women know they will be inclined to understand the concept into any of three general groups. religious may seek comfort from the consent. An abusive husband nurtured and surrounded by care” of the mutual good of the spouses. Fifty-percent of them are able to their faith. They tend to forgive who is traditional in the religious (p. 18). An abusive husband who is contain the violence at home and their husbands and identify sense was probably the same before The advocate should obtain traditional in the religious sense keep it clear of legal and criminal themselves with the suffering Christ the consent. The couple may have copies of all documents pertaining was probably that way before the action. Another 25 percent are (Nason-Clark, 304). They may have agreed, before the consent, that to the divorce under the divorce consent. The victim may have agreed severely abusive, psychologically interpreted the Bible as decreeing he would seek professional help act, whether or not it was contested. to marry him because she hoped he and sexually. About 20-25 percent that they remain in the relationship but he then failed to do so. If she The documents which were filed would cease his violent tendencies of abusive men have alcohol and/ because divorce is seen as evil. The is also traditional, then she may for the divorce, the transcripts of once they got married. The issue of or drug problems; they display a abused wife may have believed that, have chosen to endure the abuse the evidence taken and a copy of informed consent is thus raised as combined antisocial and impulsive once married, her husband will have even though her husband failed to the civil court’s findings are useful well as the commitment to form a personality disorder (Barry, 63-64; ended his abusive behaviour or get help. for the following reasons: (a) they covenant relationship. Walker, 281). sought professional help (Walker, In a nullity case, the role of contain facts which no longer need According to some researchers, All three groups, however, share 285). advocates is to safeguard their to be proven; (b) they may contain men who abuse their wives fall family histories of aggression and The victim may feel that she clients’ legal rights — to argue (Please turn to Page 10)

19 Test answer 55 Chief apostle 25 Irish luck Religious Crossword 20 Travel on water 61 Sea eagle 26 A minor prophet ACROSS 14 Got up 21 Reverberated 62 As previously given 27 Small lake 1 Saint of Lima and others 15 Certain soft drink 23 ______Ladder 63 Location of Vatican City 29 Heron 6 ___ of David 16 Unusual 26 Quantities 64 French Christmas 31 Evil we commit 10 The Alphabet 17 Leader of the Maccabees 27 Communion plate 65 Not one 33 Hot winter drink 28 “Now the body is not one 66 Become confused 34 Dull sound of impact _____, it is many.” (1 Cor DOWN 35 “…this very night before the 12:14) 1 Old Testament animal of cock crows, you will ___ me 30 Seaport in the S Ukraine sacrifice three times.” (Mt 26:34) 32 One of the gifts of the Magi 2 Pray, in ancient Rome 38 Certain Native Americans 33 Religious studies classes 3 Drunkard 39 Roseanne _____ (abbr.) 4 Superlative ending 41 Perry Mason’s creator 36 Promontory 5 Advent and Lent 43 Congenital displacement of 37 “I will bless those who bless 6 Split between the eastern and an organ you and _____…” (Gn 12:3) western churches 44 Our Lady of Mount ____ 39 Trunk of a tree 7 Labor 45 She asked for John’s head on 40 Banned pesticide (abbr.) 8 Alias (abbr.) a platter 41 Major and bar ender 9 Looked like 47 Norwegian dramatist 42 A member of the clergy 10 Legendary king of Britain 48 Very large in scale AC 325 44 Containers for the wine and 11 Member of the nobility 49 Dried plum water at Mass 12 Container for the water or 51 Adult males 46 Close friend wine at Mass 53 Augury 47 Antelopes or certain 13 Sows 56 Wedding words Chevrolets 18 Bill 57 Airport letters 50 Railway system 22 A college student 58 Bit 52 Cylindrical wooden container 23 Worn-out 59 Former measure of length 53 Mixture 24 “This is just ____, had there 60 Type of bread 54 Foul film been a real emergency…” (Solutions on Page 11) PAGE 10 Diocesan News The Atlantic Catholic — May 15, 2010 Development and Peace Impaired Consent in . . .

(Continued from Page 9) no stone unturned even if it means discretionary judgement, ignorance, Priest Facilitates facts which pertain to the time that the client should undergo a force or fear. The consent to marry of the consent; and, (c) they may psychological assessment when in may be impaired due to mental, contain reports from mental health fact it is the other spouse who has personality or belief issues involving professionals and the police. the issues. It is possible that both either spouse or both of them. Antigonish Such information may indicate lacked a sufficient understanding In order for these factors to be whether the psychological, of marriage in order to constitute relevant in an annulment case, the intellectual or volitional valid consent. cause for the annulment and the Workshop requirements were lacking at the To summarize: the evidence of facts to support it should lead to time of the consent. petitioners is important and the the conclusion that the consent was Mental health experts can be advocate and the Church should impaired from the beginning due to by Heather MacAdam utilized in nullity cases involving such issues. The advocate can best The Church’s social doctrine and faith-based action was the focus defective consent (c. 1680). reach this conclusion by presenting of a workshop held at St. Ninian Place May 1. Petitioners could undergo a mental The point is a strong case for the nullity and Father Paul McGillivray, co-ordinator of social justice ministry for assessment in order to show that to obtain the gaining the petitioner’s trust even the Diocese of Antigonish, facilitated the workshop which focused on they lacked a sufficient use of if the issue of consent also pertains the work of Development and Peace as a dynamic and far-reaching reason or judgement at the time of annulment even to the client. application of Catholic social teaching principles. the consent to marry. if the issue of Barry, Kevin. “Domestic Father McGillivray said the workshop focused on the organization They may have been affected defective consent Violence: Perspectives on the of Development and Peace, which has been active in the Church for mentally by the abuse at or around Male Batterer.” Journal of Pastoral about 40 years, and how it is an application of the Church’s social the time of the consent. One partner pertains to the Counselling 38 (2003): 58-68. teachings. may have believed the other when petitioner. Divorce Act (Statutes of Canada “The social teaching of the Church is, really, a component of the he or she promised that the situation 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.)). Church’s overall teaching seen from a social perspective,” he said. would change after marrying or Eilts, Mitzi N., “Saving the The Church’s social teachings respond to changes in the world, that help would be obtained. He or support them in giving evidence Family: When Is Covenant Broken?” Father McGillivray said, to bring Gospel values to bear on the she may have been afraid or have on the basis of memories. All In Violence Against Women and situations of contemporary society. married at the insistence of parents. documents from the divorce should Children: A Christian Theological Development and Peace aims to reach out to people in need If any religious factors influenced also be obtained for the nullity Sourcebook, ed. Carol J. Adams and throughout the world, Father McGillivray said, including developing the decision to marry, then this is trial. The witnesses can be friends Marie M. Fortune, 444-540. New countries and those affected by extreme need. also relevant to the intention and the and family members. Both the York: Continuum, 1995. “We had the recent earthquake in Haiti and the tsunami and other level of passivity. In short, the issue petitioner and the respondent may Gnanadason, Aruna. “‘We Have similar situations,” he said. “There are areas of the world that are of defective consent may apply to need a mental assessment but the Spoken So Long O God: When Will experiencing serious developmental needs.” both spouses. key point is that the annulment has We Be Heard?’ Development and Peace gets involved, particularly, at a local level The point is to obtain the to be proven even if the petitioner’s Theological Reflections on on a project basis, Father McGillivray said. annulment even if the issue of consent was defective. Overcoming Violence against “[Whether it’s] building a school or digging a well or helping to defective consent pertains to the Women.” Theology & Sexuality organize to improve living conditions. There are many projects of that petitioner. As a lawyer, I would Conclusion 13, no. 1 (2006): 9-22. kind that Development and Peace is linked to.” explain to my client that, even The Divorce Act grants a divorce Nason-Clark, Nancy. “When The organization is funded primarily through donations from though the abuse was not the that is based on physical and mental Terror Strikes at Home: The Interface Catholics and parishes across the country, Father McGillivray said. client’s fault, the assessment is cruelty as long as the court is Between Religion and Domestic Also a focus is the two main education campaigns held each year needed because he or she may satisfied that reconciliation between Violence.” Journal for the Scientific to bring awareness to the Canadian population of the needs in the have consented to marry with the the spouses is unlikely to happen. Study of Religion 43, no. 3 (2004): developing world, Father McGillivray said. conviction that the abuser would In comparison, the Code of Canon 303-310. “These focus on issues of development – it could be the need for change — to please him/her or other Law states that a defect in consent Walker, Lenore E. “The Battered water or the influence of certain enterprises like mining in developing people; or even out of fear. renders the marriage null. Woman: Myths and Reality.” In countries. [It aims at] helping the Canadian population develop a The client may have failed In the case of spousal abuse, Perspectives on Marriage: A Reader, greater awareness of situations of exploitation and what have you.” to appreciate or understand the defects in consent can arise most ed. Kieran Scott and Michael The discussion at Saturday’s workshop was positive, Father implications of marrying an abusive frequently in the contexts of Warren, 276-92. New York: Oxford McGillivray said. person. The advocate must leave mental illness, a grave defect in University Press, 2007. Anne Cooke, one of the organizers of Saturday’s workshop, said the workshops were held by the Diocesan Council for Development and Peace took place in Sydney River, as well as one in Antigonish. Another workshop was scheduled to take place in Mabou. Are you interested in promoting Cooke added she was really pleased with the turnout in Antigonish. the Atlantic Catholic in your parish? “It’s a group of very interesting people,” she said. “I also feel that people are comfortable openly discussing what their issues are.” Cooke said they wanted to have to the workshops to educate people on Development and Peace. Call 902-863-4370 or email atlanticcatholic@ “Our whole basis is in the teachings of the Church. What we do reflects back to our mission as Christians and Catholics.” for bulk rates. The Atlantic Catholic — May 15, 2010 Diocesan News Page 11 Diocese of Antigonish Crunching Numbers Priests gather to discuss financial future

by Connor MacEachern Bishop Raymond Lahey negotiated Phase 1 – through which parishes Father Abbass said parishioners Diocese of Antigonish priests the legal settlement. transferred funds to the legal can donate directly to programming met in Port Hawkesbury, N.S. April Father Abbass said the next phase settlement – will be announced such as religious education or youth 30 to discuss the financial future. of fundraising involves selling all soon, Father Abbass said. work. “That meeting was an update land and “non-core assets.” Father The Antigonish Catholic “Places where we feel we could for the priests on where we are Abbass said he expects the details Episcopal Corporation is corporate have some impact.” in terms of the first phase of the of those sales to be released next head of the Diocese of Antigonish. If specified for a particular pooling of the liquid assets and the week following regional parish and The Episcopal Corporation is also program, the donation will not be investments,” Diocesan spokesman finance council meetings. the majority shareholder of The transferred to the legal settlement Father Paul Abbass said. “We can presume following that, Casket Printing and Publishing fund, he added. “And then to help them to parishes will get notification as to Company. The regional meetings will become familiar with what are the which properties we foresee being Father Abbass said no decisions be held May 18 at St. Ninian next steps.” the first ones on the market.” have been made as to the future of Place, Antigonish, May 17 in Port The Casket company. Hawkesbury and May 19 in Sydney “We have said from the Father Paul Abbass is the spokesman River. beginning that all non-core assets for the Diocese of Antigonish. (File photo) “This was all predicated back at the very of the Diocese are on the table,” beginning when we said we would do our he said. resources,” he said. very best to make the process transparent.” “It certainly is a live “That could lead to some discussion.” cutbacks, which could, I suppose Father Paul Abbass, Diocesan spokesperson Central administration costs lead to some lay-offs.” are also being scrutinized, Father Any lay-offs would be made at Abbass said. the central administration level, “What it means is that we’re Father Abbass said. Individual The Diocese must raise about “This was all predicated back at looking at all the programs and parishes would make their own $18.5 million to cover a legal the very beginning when we said we trying to best discover how we staffing decisions, he added. settlement and other legal costs would do our very best to make the can continue to deliver a range of associated with sexual abuse process transparent,” he added. programs with very little financial allegations. Former Antigonish The total money raised during Regnum Christi ...

(Continued from Page 2) upon which each of them can build their own future and that of the Claymore Inn All Is Grace Legion.” For her part Clare particularly Clare acknowledges how these appreciated the closing lines of the words helped her recognize the & Conference Centre communiqué in which the Pope manifold gifts of God, which Church Street, Antigonish, NS B2G 2M5 renewed “his encouragement to all are evident in having “the grace the Legionaries of Christ, to their to persevere through difficult 902-863-1050 * [email protected] families, and to all the lay people times” and even the desire to involved in the ‘Regnum Christi’ want to persevere. “It’s just an Nova Scotia’s leader in environmental hospitality Movement, during this difficult encouragement,” she says. time for the congregation and for In this the mother of four each of them.” perceives the truth of Romans 5:20  Conference facilities for up to 300 “That was what struck me,” wherein St. Paul assures believers says Clare. that where sin increases, grace  Environmentally clean rooms This concluding paragraph of the increases all the more. “We’re able statement went on to note that the to, with God’s strength and His  Indoor pool, sauna and hottub Holy Father urges these individuals grace, to continue on,” she says.  Executive rooms “not to lose sight of the fact that As she continues on in her their vocation, which originates vocation within the movement, the Clergy receives a 50% discount in Christ’s call and is driven by Dartmouth woman insists that hope    the ideal of being witnesses of His and encouragement can always be love to the world, is a genuine gift found in the one thing that’s certain. We’re located next to the Antigonish Shopping Centre from God, a treasure for the Church, “We know that God is always with and the indestructible foundation us,” she states. PAGE 12 Reflection The Atlantic Catholic — May 15, 2010 Why Abortion Is The Issue

By Julie Culshaw imperfect, and dependent. ... When epidemic — increased risk of The legalization of abortion, we choose to offer death as an breast cancer, subsequent 40 years ago in Canada and 37 alternative to suffering, the list of premature deliveries of babies who years ago in the US, marked those who qualify under ‘the new may have disabilities, infertility the beginning of a cataclysmic ethic’ expands greatly,” states Jean in many women who have had change in thinking. This was the Staker Garton in Who Broke the induced abortions. And of course point at which we took the fate of Baby? the millions of individuals lost to individuals into our own hands. Twice in the last week, I came society, people we will never know Unlike capital punishment in across the comparison of abortion because they didn’t get their place which the legal system decides with the tragedy of Hiroshima. at the table of life. that someone should die for his When the atomic bomb was Perhaps the worst fallout from crime, or war in which leaders dropped on Hiroshima, no one the mushroom cloud of abortion of nations make that momentous anticipated the aftermath of that is the hardness of heart that has decision, abortion places the fate mushroom cloud. No one was developed in us as human beings, of someone’s life in the hands of prepared for the numbers of people our indifference to the tragedy. an individual. who would survive to live with “Evil, suffering, violence — The culture of the western irreparably damaged bodies, all these are bad in a society, but world has been unique in its with cancers caused by radiation, what is far worse is becoming humane consideration for life, with the psychological suffering used to them, tolerating them, and manifested in social policy, in law, of nightmares and fear; no one learning to live with them … We RAY HODGSON, Tom Roach and Al Balawyder participated in a Pro-Life and in the treatment of the sick and demonstration in Halifax in May 2009. (Myshak photo) anticipated the numbers of medical become as the crowd around the dying. The Judaeo-Christian ethic personnel required to look after cross at Golgotha. We recognize is to be credited for this. life and terminate that life if its performed in Holland, euthanasia those affected. the injustice, we see the suffering This ethic has been the basis value proves insufficient, all life and assisted suicide for those The same is true of abortion, of the innocent and abhor the for most of our laws and much of can now be subject to the scrutiny whose lives at the other end of Seen as a measure to help women violence of the act, but like those our social policy. The reverence of individual judgment. Abortion life don’t seem worth living. All solve a problem, abortion leaves on the day of Christ’s crucifixion, for each and every human life has changed our thinking that life is of these became possible when we in its wake damaged and broken we do nothing,” states Garton. also been a keystone of western intrinsically valuable, and with that approved abortion. women, guilty men who regret lost Yes, abortion is THE issue medicine (A New Ethic for doubt we have opened the door to “Abortion is the cutting edge, the fatherhood, siblings who have lost because it is the point at which Medicine and Society, California all the other ways in which life can initial wedge, for ‘the new ethic.’ brothers and sisters and carry the we cast aside our respect for life; Medicine, Official Journal of the be devalued. It is the tip of the iceberg in the guilt of knowing that they survived by allowing the small, dependent California Medical Association Embryonic stem cell research, proposed revision of what it means the abortion holocaust. life in the womb to be terminated (Sept. 1970)). in-vitro fertilization which chooses to be human. … In the acceptance We are beginning to recognize at will, we declared open season Legalized abortion changed some fertilized embryos and of abortion-on-demand, there the health effects of the abortion on all life. all that. discards the rest, induced labour occurs a subtle but profound shift With the ruling that a mother to bring about the death of disabled in the attitude of society toward can assess the value of her baby’s infants, euthanasia of infants as all people who are unwanted, Thank You, Father One-year subscription within Canada01 $29tax incl. Bulk rates for parishes and organizations are available. Ann Bradbury, president of the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Council of the Catholic Women’s League, presents a card to Father Gilbert Bertrand, OMI following a Year for Priest celebration at the Halifax parish Call 902-863-4370 or email May 5. Father Bertrand is one of a dozen priests who will join Archbishop Anthony Mancini on pilgrimage to Rome next month in celebration of the [email protected] Holy Year. (Myshak photo)