Memorial Drive Greenway Improvements, Phase III Public Comments received by DCR deadline May 9, 2019 Time Comment Name Email Adress Address City State Zip 4/9/19 11:51 AM re: Memorial Drive Greenway Improvements, Phase III -- yurij lojko
[email protected] 18 lawrence st medford MA 02155 there are lots of stretches of this greenway that become dicey on a bike. without a mountain bike, it's not likely to be a comfortable or safe experience biking from the museum of science to brighton, for example, on the greenway. some of the newer stretches around MIT are great, but the rest are kind of all over the place. making it all more obvious where bikes/peds should each go while repaving neglected stretches would go a long way in making something good even better! thanks, yurij 4/11/19 12:19 PM 1. We need more water fountains along the path all the way up to Suzanne Blier
[email protected] 5 Fuller Pl. Cambridge MA 02138 Watertown for runners. There are only 2 (one at the MIT boat house) and one at the Cambridge boat house. 2. The Memorial drive park at Harvard Square (right of the bridge as one faces Allston) should have an exercise area similar to the one near B.U. Two reasons for this: -1) fitness, and 2) it would bring more people here doing active things and this would cut down on people sleeping here and doing graffiti 3. related to greenway improvements: could we add a kind of memorial drive "pole" system that could be run from a switch so that Sundays the poles simply could be raised automatically at 10 AM and lowered at 4PM.