Mounting Commands

• adfs - mount -t adfs /media/hfs # Journaling • - mount -t tmpfs -o /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy may need to be disabled size=512m tmpfs • affs - • hpfs - mount -t hpfs /mnt/ramdisk • mount -t affs -o /dev/hda2 /mnt • - offset=2099544064 • iso9660 - mount -t • mount -t ubifs /dev/sdf /media/Amiga iso9660 -o ro ubiX:NAME /mnt/ubifs • mount -t affs /dev/cdrom /mnt • mount -t ubifs /dev/loop1 • - mount -t jffs2 /dev/ubi0 /mnt/ubifs /media/Amiga #already /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/jffs2 • udf - mount -t udf mounted to a loopback • - mount -o noatime -t /dev/sr0 /cdrom/ device jfs /dev/jfs_dev /mnt/jfs • ufs - mount -r -t ufs -o • - • minix - losetup ufstype=old,ro • mount -t aufs -o /dev/loop0 minix.img -o /dev/sda1 /media/ufs br:/mnt/disk1=rw:/mnt 512 && mount -t minix • umsdos - mount -t /disk2=rw: /dev/loop0 /mnt umsdos /dev/sdb2 /mnt/disk3=rw,sum,cre • msdos - mount -t msdos /media/umsdos ate=mfs none /dev/sda1 /mnt • UnionFS - /mnt/aufs • nfs - mount -t nfs • mount -t -o • auplink /aufs/root SERVER:/SHARE dirs=/dir1:/dir2 > flush && mount -o /mnt/nfs/shares none /mnt/union remount,mod:/writable • nfs4 - mount -t nfs4 -o • mount -t unionfs -o /mount_point=ro proto=tcp,port=2049 dirs=/dir1_rw=rw:/dir /aufs/root SERVER:/SHARE 2_ro=ro unionfs • cifs - /mnt/nfs/shares /mnt/union • mount -t cifs • - mount -t ntfs • usbfs - mount -t usbfs //SERVER/SHARE /dev/sda1 /mnt none /proc/bus/usb -o /mnt/cifs -o • OverlayFS - mount -t devmode=0666 username=USRNAME,pass -o • vfat - mount -t vfat word=PSSWD,domain=DOM lowerdir=/dir1_ro,upperdi /dev/sda1 /mnt AIN-NAME r=/main_overlay overlayfs • - mount -t xfs • mount -t cifs /mnt/overlay /dev/sda1 /mnt //SERVER/SHARE • proc - mount -t proc none • - mount -t xiafs /MOUNTPOINT --verbose /proc /dev/sdc1 /mnt -o user=USRNAME • qnx4 - • - mount -t cramfs • mount -t qnx4 Special Mounts -o loop /path/cramfs- /dev/sda1 /mnt • *.img Files - mount -o img /media/cramfs/ • mount -t qnx4fs loop file.img /mnt/img/ • - mount -t /dev/sda1 /mnt • *.iso Files - debugfs none • ramfs - mount -t ramfs -o • mount -o loop /sys/kernel/debug size=512m ramfs file.iso /mnt/iso • - mount -t devpts /mnt/ramdisk • mount -o loop -t devpts /dev/pts • - mount -t iso9660 file.iso • efs - mount -r -t efs reiserfs -o nolog /mnt/iso /dev/cdrom /mnt/irix /dev/sdb1 /mnt/reiser • Floppies - mount /dev/fd0 • - mount -t ext2 • romfs - mount -o loop /mnt /dev/sda1 /media/hdd file.img /mnt/img/ • Zip Drive - mount -t vfat • - mount -t ext3 • - mount -t /dev/zip /mnt/zip /dev/sda1 /media/hdd squashfs -o loop • - mount -t ext4 /dir/file.squashfs /mnt/ /dev/sda1 /media/hdd • smbfs - mount -t • hfs - mount -t hfs smbfs //SERVER/SHARE /dev/sdc2 /media/hfs # /mnt/smb/share ±o Journaling may need to be username=USER,workgroup=W disabled ORKGROUP,password=PSWD • hfsplus - mount -t • - mount -t sysfs hfsplus /dev/sdc2 sys /sys

Made by Devyn Collier Johnson (2016) Donate to for more cheatsheets