3Rd & 4Th Street Corridor Plan
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3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor Pl an: Chattanooga, Tennessee ma r c h 2016 3rd & 4th Street CLIENT STAKEHOLDERS River City Company Jeff Pfitzer Corridor Plan Kim White Benwood Foundation President/CEO Charles Wood Jim Williamson Chattanooga Area Chamber of Vice President, Commerce PREPARED FOR Planning and Development Lisa Maragnano River City Company Lyndhurst Foundation FUNDED BY Chattanooga Area Rapid Transit ur ba2016 n d esign a ssociat es Macon Toledano (CARTA) © The Lyndhurst Foundation Associate Director Christian Rushing Chattanooga Design Studio CONSULTANT TEAM Bob McNutt Urban Design Associates Chattanooga Neighborhood Elemi Architects Enterprises (CNE) Noell Consulting Group Alta Planning + Design Peggy Townsend Public Art Chattanooga PLANNED IN CONJUNCTION WITH Karen Hundt Regional Planning Agency Chattanooga Department of Transportation 3rd & 4th Street Tennessee Department of Improvements Transportation (TDOT) WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff Chancellor Steve Angle Alta Planning + Design University of Tennessee at Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates Chattanooga (UTC) Barge, Waggoner, Sumner, and Cannon Earthworx S&ME 3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor Pl an: Chat t anooga, Tennessee | mar ch 2016 | ur ban design a ssociat es Acknow l edgement s b OVERVIEW 1 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 29 Table of Contents Riverfront Parkway 30 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 Recreation & Green Space 31 ANALYSIS 3 Trail Connections 32 X-Ray Exhibits 4 PLACES IN THE PLAN 33 The Planning Process 13 Downtown Area Initiative Plan 34 Strengths 14 38 UTC Area Initiative Plan ur ba2016 n d esign a ssociat es Weaknesses 15 Hospital Area Initiative Plan 43 © Visions 16 Eastern Area Initiative Plan 49 Market Analysis 17 Precedent Corridors 19 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES 52 Guiding Principles of Urban Design 53 MASTER PLAN 21 Investment Strategy 55 MOBILITY PLAN 22 Public Investment 56 Transportation Improvements 23 Private Investment 57 Proposed Street Sections 25 Public and Private Joint 58 Transit Opportunities 28 Partnership Investment 58 APPENDIX — MARKET ANALYSIS 59 3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor Pl an: Chat t anooga, Tennessee | mar ch 2016 | ur ban design a ssociat es c River Cit y a nd t he City of Chattanooga have turned their Overview attention to improving the corridor defined y 3rd and 4th Streets, extending from downtown through the University of Tennessee (UTC) campus, the hospital district, and residential neighborhoods east to the foothills. This cor idor is viewed as an area with great eco- nomic development potential given the businesses and institutions located there. This Ri er City Company study concentrates on land use and economic development opportunities in the corridor. ur ba2016 n d esign a ssociat es © In parallel with this study, the city retained another consultant team led by Parsons Brinckerhoff to study oad improvements to Riverfront Parkway in the area of the downtown and UTC campus. The objecti e of this city-sponsored study is to turn this part of the corridor into an “aesthetically pleasing, safe, and accessible facility that reconnects and extends the downtown grid.” The ci y and River City decided to combine the community engagement process of both studies to enable a vision for the corridor to emerge that combined transportation and economic development Existing aerial view of study area MAJOR OPPORTUNITIES planning. Both consultant teams coordinated eorts and joined in IN THE 3RD & 4TH STREET two major public outreach events, an initial information gathering CORRIDOR session at the end of September/early October 2015 and a design » Improved street and pedes- charrette in mid-November, 2015. The wo consultant teams ben- trian circulation network » Creation of new development efited f om issues and ideas explored in the joint working sessions opportunities. and the combined eorts have facilitated a coordinated approach » Creation of a beautiful parkway to strategies and recommendations for infrastructure and economic and trail system » Accommodate institutional development initiatives. expansion » Provide new retail and services for the community Existing 3rd Street Existing 3rd Street 3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor Pl an: Chat t anooga, Tennessee | mar ch 2016 | ur ban design a ssociat es Ov e r v i e w 1 The 3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor p l an provides a vision Executive Summary and implementation strategy to help guide and coordinate catalysts of change for multiple districts in Chattanooga. The plan highlight transportation and mobility improvements being developed by the Chattanooga Department of Transportation; identifies ec nomic opportunities based on the custom market analysis; and provides sound urban design solutions that will enhance the corridor and the city. Downtown ur ba2016 n d esign a ssociat es © » New retail and residential development in the corridor. » Changes to Riverfront Parkway to improve safety and multi- modal connectivity. University of Tennessee Aerial view of UTC campus gateway concept » Changes to Riverfront Parkway to improve safety and connectiv- ity to the riverfront » Removal of 3rd Street to create new development sites Illustrative concept plan for study area » New UTC campus gateway development with student housing » New mixed-use development along Vine Street Hospital District » New street connections to the district » Institutional expansion and new parking facilities » Transformation of 3rd Street into a retail center for the district Eastern Neighborhoods Aerial view of hospital area concept » Regional garage with mixed use development at 3rd and Holtzclaw » New mixed-income and generational housing Perspective view of the downtown department store Perspective view of UTC campus gateway concept » Neighborhood retail and services 3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor Pl an: Chat t anooga, Tennessee | mar ch 2016 | ur ban design a ssociat es Execut ive Summar y 2 Analysis The 3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor extends approximately John Ross Bridge three-and-one-quarter miles running east/west along 3rd Street and Hunter Veteran’s Bridge Tennessee Museum of Tennessee River 4th Street. This is an impo tant and unique corridor in Chattanooga Aquarium American Art AT&T as it connects the central business district, a major university, two Field medical districts, historic landmarks, residential neighborhoods, a ur ba2016 n d esign a ssociat es © zoo, religious institutions, and public open spaces. 4th Street To better understand the study area, the UDA team prepared Siskin CSAS Hospital analytical maps that describe the urban form of the area and engaged Broad Street the community in a series of meetings and focus groups. The hysi- Market Street Erlanger Georgia Avenue Hospital University of Tennessee cal structure of the corridor and the dierent places it interconnects Chattanooga with was dissected and explored with the help of advanced GIS map- ping and site visits. This“hard data” provides a solid foundation from McCallie Avenue E 3rd Street Holtzclaw Avenue which to build design frameworks and development initiatives. “Soft E M L King Blvd data” was gathered in the form of an interactive charrette process Chattanooga Central Avenue Zoo where residents and stakeholders participated in sharing their local EXISTING RESIDENTIAL Memorial Orchard Knob Avenue knowledge, insights, concerns, and ideas for the corridor. EXISTING INSTITUTIONS Hospital Warner Park EXISTING OFFICE EXISTING COMMERCIAL Notre EXISTING HOTELS Dame High School EXISTING INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL LAND RESIDENTIAL LAND PARKS AND OPEN SPACE STUDY AREA PORTRAIT OF EXISTING CONDITIONS An illustrative drawing showing the existing conditions of the study area and the surrounding community 3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor Pl an: Chat t anooga, Tennessee | mar ch 2016 | ur ban design a ssociat es An a l y s i s 3 X-Ray Exhibits 2016 ur ba2016 n d esign a ssociat es © TOPOGRAPHY WHAT IT TELLS US: » The corridor sits between two ridges with small hills scattered throughout the study area and a sharp edge along the river. » The west side of the area is slightly higher than the east where a large portion of the area is within the 100-year flood plane. STUDY CORRIDOR 100 YEAR FLOOD 3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor Pl an: Chat t anooga, Tennessee | mar ch 2016 | ur ban design a ssociat es An a l y s i s 4 2016 ur ba2016 n d esign a ssociat es © BUILDING FOOTPRINT WHAT IT TELLS US: » Larger footprints are found in the downtown, the UTC campus, and the hospital area. » Residential neighborhoods are located south of the UTC cam- pus, adjacent to the hospital area and in the eastern study area. » The spaces in downtown and residential areas show potential infill development sites. » Railroad lines are in the linear void and are a clear barrier sepa- rating the east and west portions of the study area. DEVELOPMENT 100 YEAR FLOOD 3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor Pl an: Chat t anooga, Tennessee | mar ch 2016 | ur ban design a ssociat es An a l y s i s 5 2016 ur ba2016 n d esign a ssociat es Riverfront Parkway © 4th Street Broad Street Market Street Georgia Avenue 3rd Street Holtzclaw Avenue Central Avenue STREET FRAMEWORK WHAT IT TELLS US: Orchard Knob Avenue » 3rd/4th Street is one of the few east-west arterial connections. » The downtown grid remains intact but is disrupted by the UTC campus. » The street network in the hospi- tal area is fragmented and does not connect north to Riverfront Parkway. » Rail lines are major barriers that disrupt street grid continuity. HIGHWAYS ARTERIALS LOCAL STREETS RAIL LINES 3r d & 4th St r ee t Cor r idor Pl an: Chat t anooga, Tennessee | mar ch 2016 | ur ban design a ssociat es An a l y s i s 6 2016 ur ba2016 n d esign a ssociat es © TRANSIT NETWORK WHAT IT TELLS US: » The majority of transit routes serve the downtown.