With Which Is Incorporated^ a. C. FEDERATIONIST

Seventeenth Year. No. 83 VANCOUVER, B. C, %^,Ai_Y MORNING, AUG. 14, 1925 .Bight Pages 5c A COPY

i*eiie**e"e»e**eooOa*o**e**e»ene*'e»e*oeo>e**e~e**eoia**e»e< ^••••"•"•"•"•••••miili ti i tut l*,ii*,.iiiitiiim..*,mini ft. Democratic America Unity Brings Triumph Barbarous Russia "WITH our murder and "AS TO the Impartiality of homicide record of 238 British Workers Are Rapidly Centralizing Power and Authority •** these (soviet people's) this year In this' (Cook) courts, thero is a general [By Len De Caux, Federated Press!' to confirmation of the membership, production and distribution." Its agreement that they 'weigh county, two men have been main object is "to assist any or all T ONDON.—The great solidarity states the methods of assistance to the balance' in favor of the of .the allied organizations in de hanged, two negroes, both of the British member unions as a) negotiation, worker as against the well- fending the hours of labor and poor and without Iriends. It movement in supporting the miners (b) financial, (c) partial sympa­ to-do; and (his is defeudt-d wage standards and securing ad has forced the mine owners to back thetic action, (d) sympathetic ac­ on the ground that lt cor­ is the experience of this vancement of the standard of liv down from their blocking of fur­ tion by stages, (e) complete sym­ responds to the weighing of eountry that a murderer Ing." ther negotiations, Under pressure pathetic action. the scale elsewhere."—Brit­ N, U. R. Objections with money will not be from the government, which of­ Centralized Direction ish rades Union Delegation The only objection so far Is from hanged." — Chicago Tribune fered a 9-month profit subsidy the Centralized direction of strikes is Report * on Russia, 1924-25, the National Union of Railwaymen, editorial, August 8, 1925. owners withdrew for two weeks provided in the clause that "upon page 93. whose executive has decided that their notices reducing wages and the general conference (of the Al­ while it agrees with the aim, unless •••••*.llll"tll<..»W.H..*,..g., Ht.^..t •i ii i n II i.nim«ii|niiiii HIIIH..>..I..»..»..»I.«..-..> lengthening hours. Probably this liance) sanctioning assistance, the >Ha wtMw#wt a complete understanding is ob­ wlU mean at least a tt-mouth arm­ conduct of the movement shall tained between unions catering for istice in the course of which a roy­ then pass into the control of the Parson To Tell How the same industry, such an alliance Workers of Shanghai al eommission will go Into every executive council." One of the ls bound to meet with Internal dif­ Movies Helped Boss phase of the situation. duties of the executive council of Boycott British and ficulties. With this in view it has the proposed alliance is to keep To Break Up Strikes The miners union had "placed appointed a committee to amend Japanese Made Goods the general council of the Trades its case unreservedly in the hands the proposed constitution. Union congress informed* and to SHANGHAI — lhe Students- Federated Press.) of the general council of the Trade The movement for the consolida­ secure Its co-operation in the co­ Union has issued printed warnings NEW TORK.—Moving pictures Union congress at the supreme na­ tion of trade union forces has gain­ ordination of the whole trade un­ to Chinese merchants not to used to break strikes. The story tional trade union committee," and ed momentum. ' The formation of ion movement. handle British or Japanese goods. of how this haa been done will it is this body that sees to lt that the general council and the grant­ The merchants' stocks of such be one of the features at the com­ the support of all sections of the Composition and Purpose ing to it of increased powers are goods will be confiscated if they ing meeting of the National Conn­ trade union movement is given to The alliance is to "consist of or­ recent developments. This body is violate the boycott notice. cil of the Congregational Church­ the miners in their struggle. . ganizations representing workpeo­ coming to be the general staff of There are indications that the es at Washington, D.C, October The Industrial Alliance ple engaged in all forms of trans­ British labor in fact as well as in workers are becoming resentful of next This Information is con­ The constitution of the proposed port (railway, dock, waterways, claim and the placing of the min some Chinese capitalists who are tained in advance publicity issued Industrial Alliance, which has al­ road, sea, air) engineering, ship- er's case in the hands of the coun trying to stop the strike because by the national council, advertis­ ready been accepted by the Trans-! building, Iron and steel production, dl ls a big step toward the cen­ it hurts their business although ing the address to be delivered by port Workers, convention, subject mining, and all forms of. power tralized direction of the. movement. their own workers are pot on Ute Rev. Fred. Bridgeman of the strike. This has caused an exten­ Transvaal, missionary of tbe Am­ sion of the strike to'6,000 silk mill erican-Board of Foreign Missions. Exploited Girls Are Textile Workers May workers, who walked out because Bridgeman will tell the assem­ Hoodwinked By Boss Demand Wage Increase their bosses were trying to get the bled clergymen that he, with his Highlight! on This general strike broken up. little moving-picture machine, The movement to organize tins (By Federated Press) The boycott officially slated to halted an industrial uprising of operators of .Vancouver ueaui*/ Week's News NEW YORK.—Wage increases begin on August 1, is beginning to his black parishioners in the great snops nas thrown consternation in­ I approximating 20% for workers in have a serious effect on British Johannesburg strike of 1922 and to the hearts ot tne various ueauty Page both wool and cotton branches of and Japanese trade in many of restored them to a satisfactory panor owners ot this city, ana in the textile industry may be de­ the citfes. Some students are not British Labor Holds Own.... 1 state of peace. oruer to torestaii any- successful manded by United Textile Workers stopplnfe. with the British and Jap­ The Miracle attempt to organize them the bos­ Movies Break Strike 1 union officials whenever they de­ anese. iAs • the British-American Tobacco company has great stores "The Ignorant blacks," says the ses have opened their charter and Chinese Workers Boycott.... 1 cide the time ls opportune to act of cigarettes in China, students publicity sheet, "fell an easy prey invited the operators to join up against the wholesale wage reduc­ U. S. Farmers Fleeced 2 have been busy burning them to agitators and they milled with their bosses in "one great tions which have featured the in­ when Jbund in,stores. They go up around and were on the point of big family." Imperialists Exploit Aus­ dustry. Power is given the offi­ tralia S in Smoke but by way of bonfires. open rebellion." Then the mis­ The beauty operators ol! Van­ cers by the union's emergency sionary's movie machine began couver are exploited ln tne most British Capitalism lu Decay 7 board to seek restoration of the In many cases where British and Japanese have been forced to grinding and, like a miracle, peace callous fashion. Many of them pay Miners and Transport 1920 wage scale which would bring leave, the Chinese are demonstrat­ descended. from {50 to $100 to learn the traue Workers United 1 the increases. Wages of over 60,- ing their feelings by completely and after five or six week's cur­ 000 woolen and worsted mill work­ As a prelude to this fancy- Moroccan Leader Defies tearing down the houses these ene­ sory instruction are given a be- ers throughout New England have straining finale, the account de­ Imperialism 8 mies occupied, to exterminate the ribboned diploma, and turned loose scribes his parishioners ln the pa­ just been reduced 10%. memory of .-their residence there. tronizing and sneering fashion to work upon the public. Other Wage Slashes characteristic of those who bear girls are taken into the shop of the Summer School Begins Effective Jan. 1, 1921, textile the white man's burden. There is beauty parlor owner and set to workers' wages were slashed Wage War Looms in mention of the black hordes liv- work on commission, which usually Sessions This Week 22%%* In 1923 the mill workers ihg in their huge compounds by gives the boss the lion's share, and were given 12%% increase in mo* _% American Coal Fields the mines, and ln gambling, vice, then some. In many instances the WBST SUMMERLAND, B. C— places. Last fall and winter, wages fights and dances spending their girls paying for the course in al­ All preparations for the third an­ in cotton mills were again lowered ATLANTIC CITY.—Responsibll- leisure. "These are the idle leged beauty culture learn little nual summer school to be held 10%, and now they have beeen gjsngen-­ ' for the' expected strike of 155,- hours,*' goes the narrative, "nnd more than the most elementary here from August 10 th to 30th are erally cut in the woolen and wo(i_f union anthracite miners, Sep- with natives as with white men, facts of personal hygiene and the now completed and the sessions ed mills. Mfeiber 1, is placed on the opera­ care of the hair. will commence next Sunday, Aug­ tors by President John L. Lewis, Satan finds mischief for idle hands A general strike in the textile'ln- to do." Vancouver beauty shop opera­ ust 16th, with a lecture by Mrs. United Mine Workers Union. dustry is not impossible, thoili H[ regret," said Lewis, "that the The White HeU tors to protect themselves against Rose Henderson on "The Religion there are many phases which this state of affairs, propose an of the New Democracy," which wfcge negotiations with the opera­ That the terrible exploitation of pause to more cautious union organization of beauty shop em­ will be given at The Log Cabin, tes were unsuccessful. However, the blaek laborers might have cers, The estimated 1,611,000 tex­ no other result could be expected ployees, but the bosses here are where all the evening lectures of taken a part in bringing the In­ tile workers throughout the ci •hen representatives of the op- trying to forestall such a move by the school will be held. dustrial, revolt, and that better try are comparatively poorly ersitors entered the conference un- inviting the girls into the bosses eonditlons might be a peace- Much Interest has been aroused ganized. The United Tejjl lronclad instructions to concede organization, where they can be bringing factor are subjects avoid­ in the summer school and workers Workers, affiliated with the hing whatever to the miners. properly "guided". ed ln the advance* notice ot the from many points ih Western Can­ erican Federation of Labor, < had hoped the conference ada and the United States are ex­ missionary's' speech, which takes 30,000 members. Amalga Id reach an agreement. We pected to be in attendance," al­ Textile Workers, One Big /* up most of the three columns of AUSTRALIA jttttjjwant ah agreement, so that the though unfortunately several from and Industrial Workers of "tsM- publicity on the coming national As the outcome of a conference __..— mfly continue to operate'and Vancouver will be unable to attend World, all of which had Influence council meeting. The thing that of unions in the production and en be steadily employed, due to unforeseen circumstances. among textile workers at one til ls frankly emphasised ls the use. distribution of food, a Foods ore than 600 anthracite coal or another, have practically d of the movies as a strikebreaking Jack Logie of West Summerland s are killed every year in ac­ Trade federation Is planned on an appeared from the field. force, the first paragraph of the industrial basis. \ is manager of the school, and all ts, and more than 20,000 are advance sheets beginning with the communications regarding it isly injured. Men who take words: "The use of motion pic­ should be addressed to him. PLUMBERS WIN STRIKE risks are entitled to a wage da is a matter that labor has long ratefjthat will enable them to meet tures to quell a strike outbreak." I SCRANTON, Pa.—(FP; — Uniorf faced, but astonishment was voic­ the-over-increasing cost of living, Labor men to whom the Fed­ Man must either labor or perish. plumbers of Scranton end their ed that the Congregational Church Md iay aside something against erated Press correspondent show­ Bhould so naively commend their Nature gives us absolutely nothing two months' atrike with wage inj gratis; we must win it by toil of tune and old age. There is ed this publicity expressed sur­ use for ending a strike In the for­ creases of _5 cents per d*iy, takin bg unreasonable ln such de­ prise that a prominent denomina­ eign field without at the same some sort or degree.—William effect immediately, another raise t* Morris. nts, and they must be granted." tion should lend Itself to such time recommending better treat­ come Jan. 1. 1926. Plumbers and aaratlons for the strike that stuff. The use of movies In this ment of the native workers by steamfltters are getting JJ a day] ahead are going on. oountry for anti-labor propagan- their employers. Patronize Our Advertisers and asked _or $10. Page Two THE CANADIAN LABOR ADVOCATE Friday, August 14, 1925 Strikebreakers Use Tombstone Names To CLASSIFIED ADS. A Page for the Man on the Land Rob the Government BARRISTERS Bird, Bird & Lefeaux, 401 Metro­ NEW YORK—Another . chapter politan Bldg. has been added to the unsavory Soviet Youth Study BATHS Money Lenders Fleece Farmers history of strike-breaking: detective Vancouver Turkish Baths, pacific Scientific Farming agencies. Bldg., 744 Hastings St. W. (By Leland Olds, Federated Press Industrial Editor.) In 1920, during the so-called (By Carl Brannin, Federated "outlaw" railroad strike, John J. BICYCLES Press Correspondent.) PWRMEKS get a far lower rate cured only 4.1 per cent, for both Ascher, head of the Ascher Detec­ ASKINS & ELLIOTT, 800 Pender AyTOSCOW.—There nre three Street W. The best makes of bicycles of return for their capital and management and capital. tive agency, was hired by the New Hon easy terms. .thousand young men and wo­ management combined than they Gross Income York Central to furnish guards men enrolled in the National Col­ are forced to pay the organized Gross income from agriculture for its property. BOOTS (LOGGING) lege ot Agriculture at Moscow. Be­ money power for capital-' loaned for the year ended June 30, 1925, This was during the six months' H. Harvey, 68 Cordova St. W. guarantee period following the re­ fore the revolution there wero only t*> them. Tills Is the story ofithc amounted to $12,136,000,000, a CASTS turn of the railroads-to their own­ 600. Whereas iii' other countries** 1921-25 agricultural balance sheet gain of about 7% per cent, over Empire Cafe, 76 Hastings St.;B. ers, when the U,. S. government' farming has little to offer the com­ cast up by the- department of ag­ the previous year. The*.increase was guaranteeing the operating CHIROPODIST ing generation, here tlio youuy riculture. It is the fnrmers' an­ in expense of operation was worker u'nd peasant sees a limitless expenses and the profits of the HY SUITER WITH SORE FEETt nual report, revealing the way the slight. The net farm income show­ Hannah Lund, 924 Birks Bldg., gives field Willi adequate individual re­ ed* an increase of $725,000,000, or roads. W food producers of the country are instant relief; evenings by appointment. ward and progress through ma­ 14% per cent. It is this increaso The sums charged the railroads Sey. 1213. exploited to feed tlie huge cities chinery, cooperation-1 nnd efficient which has enabled the press to were so excessive as to arouse the that serve commercial capital. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON methods rebounding to thc benefit broadcast propaganda concerning suspicions of the government's au­ The Mortgage Company of all the people of the republic. the farmer's prosperity. ditors. An investigation disclosed COAL The outside moneylender who conditions which caused the De­ Farmers Get Skinned LESLIE OOAL OO'Y Ltd. The secretary of the student provides the other capital requir­ partment of Justice to bring crim­ Phono Sey. 7137 trade union section says the new ed by farmers as the mortgage But the following figures from inal charges against Ascher in the slogan of the Communist Party of curse extends assumes no respon­ the government's annual report Federal court in Buffalo, ew York. DENTIST Face Toward the Village will help sibility for production. Yet he got show that this gain is based on It is alleged that a scheme was Dr. W. J. Curry, 301 Dominion Bldg. an increasing interest in the sci­ 6.4 per cent, interest while the so poor a condition that it falls hatched between the Ascher com­ entific study oi agriculture. All far short of placing the farm pop­ farmer with full responsibility se- pany and certain members of the DRUGS the agricultural colleges (there are ulation even with the game: New York Central police force, Red Star Drug Store, Cor. Cor- one ur more in each, affiliated re­ Income from Farms- 1924-25 1923-24 whereby the detective agency was dova and Carrall. public; will reflect this stimulus Gross cash income..... $9,777,000,000 $8,928,000,000 permitted to pay the pay rolls by in larger ..enrollments. • / the addition of hundreds of fic­ FLORISTS Food and fuel 2,359,000,000 2,360,000,000 titious names, or of the names of Brown Bros. & Co. Ltd., 48 Has- Thc Moscow Institution tlngs St. E. men who rendered no service dur­ Iii tlio Moscow institution are Total income 12,136,000,000 11,288,000,000 ing the strike. ' GLASS . three departments, agronomy, jec Expense of production 6,486,000,000 6,363,000,000 onomics and engineering. The first Some of these names, It is said, GLAZING,-SILVERING, -BEVELLING Net income 5,650,000,000 were taken from tombstones, j ESTERN GLASS CO. LTD., 168 relatc-3 to soil culture, plant breed 4,925,000,000 Cordova St. W„ few doors west of ing, annual husbandry, fisheries, Interest on loans 784,000,000 808,500,000 As a result of this conspiracy, WWoodward's. Sey. 8687. Wholesale and forestry, etc.; tha aecond to co-op the Ascher company is alleged!to retail window glass. eration, organization, rural insti­ Farmers' net income 4,866,000,000 4,116,500,000 have overoharg*'d the New York Central about $300,000, and as the HOTEL tutions, education; the third j to Labor of farmer and* family plus government wi^s guaranteeing the Hotel Stratford, Gore Ave. and builoing, irrigation, machinery ut­ taxes 2,938,000,000 2,932,500,000 company's expenses and profits,, Keefer. ilization and farm mechanics. E^ch this money came out of the ,U. S. student in the four-year course ^ias Net for farmers' management and HOSPITAL capital $1,928,000,000 treasury. ETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY— two years general work and the $1,184,000^00 Grandview Hospital—Medical, surg- last two years in his chosen de­ Bioal, maternity. 1090:. Victoria Drive. partment. There are 1,647 enriol- The food and fuel item repre­ farmers were forced to pay fell A fighting labor press can't be High. 137. , _. *1_ led for agronomy; 612 for econ­ sents food and fuel, consumed on slightly from an average of 6.6 built by wishing. Send In your LADIES WEAR omics and 874 for engineering. the farm where it is produced. per cent, in 1923-24 to 6.4 per sub today. The labor of the* farmer and his Famous Cloak &• Suit Co., 619 Most of the women students spe­ cent, last year. Hastings West. cialize in horticultural and garden family is charged for at the reg­ The capital owned by actual Hudsons Bay Coy., Granville St. work. ' ular rate fop-agricultural labor. farm operators, according to the MEN'S FURNISHINGS Peasant Students Total Capital) Invested department, was $4t>, 904,000,000 W. B. Brummitt, 18-20 Cordova The total capital invested in ag­ DEAFNESS The majority of the students are, lh 1924-26, and:; $47>*298,000,000 Street. riculture is estimated by the de­ NOISES IN THE HEAD peasants or the children otopeas- the,preceding year. Thus the re­ AND NASAL OATABBK Arthur Frith & Co., 2313 Main St. ants, the next largest number come partment at $59,154,000,000 *in turn" -received by - farmers irose from homes of workers. When 1924-25, and at $59,548,000,000 from 2.5 per cent, in 1923-24 to Can Be Relieved MEN'S SUITS they arrive they are urged to be­ the preceding year. Farm indebt­ 4.1 per cent, last year. This in­ C. D. Bruco Ltd., Homer and Hast­ Tbe new Continental Remedy called ings Streets. come members of trade unions in edness amounted to $12,250,000,- come is all the farmer gets for ^"LARMALENE" (Regd.) W. ' B. Brummitt, 18-20 Cordova on of six sections, workers of fields 000, being approximately the same both managerial service and for IB a simple, harmless home treatment Street. in both years. But the interest whieh absolutely relieves, deafness, and forest, metal workers, miners the use of his capital. noises in the head, eto. No expen­ (peat cutting), builders, foodwork- sive appliances needed for this new MUSIC ers, sugarworke'rs. Ninety-five per Ointment, instantly operates npon the T7IOLINS ADJUSTED, VOICED, RE- MEMPHIS, Tenn.—Because he affected parts with complete and per­ V paired, by expert. Will Edmunds, cent, of the students belong to one refused to work overtime after American Investments manent success. Scores of wonder­ 90S Robson St. Sey. 2094. ful cases reported. of these sections. Thirty-five per working 12 hours in a sawmill, Show Speedy Growth RELIABLE TESTIMONY OPTICIAN cent, are members bf the Commun­ James William was beaten to death ist party, 25 per cent, belong to Mrs. E. Orowe, of Whltehorae Pitman Optical House, 615 Hast­ by the boss. William worked in a (By Leland Olds, Federated Press Road, Croydon, writes: "I am pleas­ ings West. the Young Communist league. The ed to tell you that the small tin of sawmill across the Mississippi in Staff Correspondent) ointment you sent to me at Ventnpr students are represented on all Arkansas. He had been working has proved a complete success, my PAINTS ETC. faculty committees and the board Rapid growth of the American Gregory & Reid, 117 Hastings 12 hours and refused to work long­ hearing is now quite normal and the of management usually In the ratio investment empire in the first halt horrible head noises have ceased. Street East. er. The boss became angry and The action of this new remedy mast of one student, to two professors. of 1925 is reflected in the sum­ beat William with a stick, hold­ be very remarkable, for I have been PHOTOGRAPHER Relations betweeft teachers and mary of American foreign loans troubled with these complaints for ing a pistol on him until he be­ nearly 10 years and have had some /CAMPBELL STUDIO, 640 OBANVILLE students are cordial. Many pro­ published by the U. S. department V4 St., 3. large photos, 81 with ad. came unconscious. He was found of the very best medical' adviee, to­ fessors had been in thorough sym­ of commerce. The par value of gether with other expensive ear. in­ Extra photo free. dead the next morning in bed when struments, all to no purpose. I need pathy with the revolution from (the foreign securities taken by Ameri­ hardly say how very grateful I ain, RANGES AND STOVES beginning. the doctor arrived. can investors in that period am­ for my life has undergone an entire Canada Pride Range Co., 346 Hast­ ounts to $551,59l",000 an Increase change." ings Street East. * Guns Into Ploughshare. *.«. of 45 per cent, over the same per- 1st gun factory) is in use on the Try one box today, whieh ean be TOBACCOS Upon graduation studejjte ior of 1924 when our capitalists forwarded to any address on receipt farm. of money order for $1.00. There ill Mainland Cigar Store, 310 Carrall sent to demonstration far«rt(i invested $379,700,000 abroad. nothing better at any price. Address Street. periment stations and schodjjP* Rye patches were seen, under orders to Manager "LARMALENE' their vacation periods they Aft scientific plowing and with good This is of immense importance Oo.,' Deal, Kent, England. TRUSSES quired to work in close O0«iao^ seeds producing 224 lbs. per acre to American labor because such C. E. Heard, 959 Robson Street. with the peasants. The toll«gi The average peasant produces 67 investment means the development experimental fields and a fUrm lbs. per acre. Oats on the experi­ of industry abroad to compete with Fresh Out Flowers, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bouquets, Pot those at home while the profits 600 acres with a well ei mental plots yield 266 libs, per Plants, Ornamental and Shade Trees, Seeds, Bulbs, eventually flow to America in the dairy. All sorts of farm m acre where the peasant gets only Florists' Sundries form of goods. and implements are on hai 53. A group of SO peasant men study and experiments; and< and women were seen in the dairy Brown Brothers & Co. Ltd. mechanical laboratory and»${ v barn listening to the explanations So this is the paper you have FLORISTS AND NURSERYMEN new devices are being devifti L^A? of a student instructor, clad in a been wanting? Prove it by sup­ B—STORES—8 Atractor made in exact dup. ~ bathing suit. These people had porting it with your subscription 48 Hastings St. Eait, Sey. 988-672 666 GranvUle Street Sey. 9518-1391 of the Fordson by the jgj| come from a province 126 miles and those of your neighbors and 151 Hastings Street West... Sey. • 1370 Metal Works at Leningrad away. friends. "SAY IT WITH FLOWBBS" PR ENT FOREST FIRES = IT PAYS — Friday, August 14, 1925 THE CANADIAN LABOB ADVOCATE Page Thre.

Address All Letters a)nd $2 A YEAR .Remittances to the Editor •3% (Eanafctatt ffiahnrAimontf ? $1 SIX MONTHS 1139 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C.

rpHE FOREST INCENDIARIES—the logging operators- Ourselves and Our Critics Bank Clerks' Strike Book Rttiiew have done their work well. The stifling smoke pall that Halts French Loans enshrouds the B. C. coast from Alert Bay to the International A RECENT issue of "The Labor Statesman" states an allega­ PARIS, France.—The strike of Boundary, the charred and blackened hillsides, denuded of tion is being made that this jour­ The First Time in History the bank clerks has become gen­ nal is "a communist organ, al­ soil and vegetation to the bare, rock, bears mute testimony to eral and Finance Minister Caillaux though up to the present it has (A. L. STRONG) their vandalist proclivities and their insatiable greed. Up and admits that the new government not shown its true colors." •piJSSIAN industries are not run down the coast, wherever logging operations are being carried fonr per cent, loan has been Inter­ In the same the indus­ We are indebted to our contem­ fered with by the strike. on, the forests are blazing and the orgy of destruction pro­ porary for the information. We tries of other countries. For one The bank clerks, who demand a thing, they are nearly aU govern­ ceeds apace. One would almost think that their profit-hungry, had not previously heard it, and seeing we do not know anyone fifteen per cent. Increase ln wages, ment owned and controlled, and to destructive methods of removing the timber was wasteful with a vision sufficiently keen and have forced Caillaux to agree to a great extent this is only another enough, but there are no depths of social iniquity to which penetrating to detect the nature meet a delegation of the strikers way of saying they are owned and of a thing before it displays man­ which he at first refused to do. controlled hy the people. The peo­ this motley crew of plunderers will not sink in their efforts to ifestations; we hesitate to venture The employees of the Credit ple who work, that is. get rich quick. That a few million feet of timber goes up in a conjecture .as to who originated Lyonnals, one of the largest banks In Russia they call their way of smoke concerns them but liUHe. When one claim is burned the tale, but presume it comes in France, appeared at the bank doing things State Capitalism. from the same source as the story doors in the morning, but instead They do not pretend it is commu­ up the -.provincial government?, with magnanimous generosity, that we are receiving a dole from of going to their desks, marched nism, but they claim that it is a will give them another to despoil in like fashion,. When last Liberal heelers. in a body to the headquarters of step toward communism. Com­ election was on they were careful to put up sufficient repre­ It is characteristic of those in­ the trade union to join the strik­ munism is Russia's near-future capable of independent analysis to ers. goal; the system she hopes to build sentation to see that this wasjdone. classify the unknown new with the np—until something better than known old. It matters not to thei:i The probabilities are that the socialism or communism evolves. • • • • • that this classification may be In­ well-meaning old coots who cheer­ Rut meantime the basic indus­ •T1HE DAILY PRESS, intend upon shielding its benefactors accurate. It ls the simplest and ily inform us every few minutes tries are organized in great Inter­ easiest method, It satisfies their that hard work never kills, never locking trusts, much the same as by casting suspicion in another direction, has now launched curiosity, and enables them to re­ worked very hard themselves, and in this country. In every other a campaign against the workers of British Columbia, charging tain their mental complacency. never intend to.—"Ohio State Jour­ country the profit goes to the few. them with starting the forest fires in an effort to secure em­ Even the Queen Charlotte Islands nal." and the few who haven't earned lt. sea serpent had to have "eyes like In Russia the profit ls primarily ployment. In this, it is reported, they are being ably assisted an automobile's headlights." devoted to the industry; ultimately by the political hangers-on the government has appointed to We have had in the past social­ UNION DIRECTORY therefore lt goes to the people. act as fire wardens. That workingmen should be accused of ist, socialist labor, liberal labor, Russia has her "trade unions, oi and even conservative labor pub­ ALLIED PRINTINO TRADES COUNCIL course, hut whereas in so many starting a forest fire in order to get a job putting it out at lications. One and all they es­ —Meeti leeond Mondty in tk* month. poused some particular political Preildent, J. R. White; lecretary, R. H countries trade unions only serve twenty-five cents an hour is truly a sad commentary on the Neelandi. P. 0. Box 66. eWWWl to conciliate the workers, with the numerous glowing tales, broadcasted every day by the daily or economic faith. Now when a paper that publishes the news of FEDERATED LABOR PARTT—Room non-workers and help perpetuate 111, tit Pender St. Weit. Bnilnm the system, in Russia thc trade press, of the untold opportunities this province offers every all factions and the opinions of meeting! lit snd Srd Wedneidiy even- none apepars on the scene, being inn. R. H. Neeltndi, Chairman; E. R. unions are, next to the government, hard and willing worker to become rich in a few years. If Morriion, Sec-Treei.; Annul Mtelnnli, tlie strongest organization. To the daily prosperity song is correct, then obviously no one a departure from the orthodox 8544 Prlnee Edward Street, Vtneonver, quoto from the authoress: "These rule, it is immediately labelled, by B.O., Corresponding Secretary. would burn up a forest, swallow blinding smoke and risk his Any dlitrlet In Brltlih Columbia de- trade unions are entitled to know the mentally hog-tled, as a com­ •Irlng Information re eeenrlng ipetkert aU the inner secrets of the busi life in order to collect $2.00 per day. If the incendiary munist plot, or a product of Lib­ or the formttlon of loctl brtnehei, hint* ness; any citizen ls entitled to eralism's malodorous cesspool. Iy eommunlctte with Provlncltl Beere­ slanders are true, then the prosperity tales must be a myth. ttry ,1. Lyle Telford, 514 Birki Bid*., know, for they aire public affairs." This paper is NOT a communist Vtneonver, B.O. Telephone Beymour Trade unions are not concerned Either way convicts our newsmongers and opinion-moulders publication. There ls but one com­ 18(3, or Btyvlew 6880. primarily with the question of munist organ printed ln Canada— BAKERY SALESMEN, LOCAL 871— of being ordinary penny-ante liars. Meeti ucond Thnndty every month wages, for while they con and do The Worker, published in Toronto. In Holden Bnildinc. Preildent, J. Bright- insist on reasonable wages, they • . * • •/"..'• THE CANADIAN LABOR ADVO­ well; flntneltl secretary, H. A. Bow are also concerned with the ex* CATE is a newspaper publishing ron, 761 18th Ave. But. pension of industry itself. local, national and international CIVIO EMPLOYEES UNION—Meets WANTON DESTRUCTION is the policy pursued by the lum­ tint tnd third Fridays In eteh month In most other countries the bermen in logging the forests of this province. When news of the labor movement. We tt 448 Rlchtrdi itreet. Preildent, Stvtl workers are privileged to criticize will publish any brand of news Cuthlll, 185S Albert itreet; leorettry- they finish logging a claim half the timber remains on it, affecting the well being of the tretmrer, Oeo. Htrrlion, 11(1 Ptrker those who own them, providing •treet. working clfliss whether it be so­ they stop at mere criticism. Cap­ not standing so that it can grow, but torn down, smashed, cialist, communist, or trade union. ENGINEERS —THE INTERNATIONAL italism can afford to take no no­ UNION OF STEAM AND OPERATING and left lying on the ground to rot. This because the local All we insist upon is that it be —Loctl 883—Meet! every Wedneidiy tice; a little hotr air hurts no one; market can not absorb all the lower grades, and only the news. We have no quarrel with tt 8 p.m., Room 806, Holden Bnildinc* even revolutionary talk is healthy. Preildent, Ohtrlei Priee; bnilneii tgenl" higher grades can be exported.' It is not a question of secur­ journals of opinion. They have a tnd flntneltl iecretary, F. L. Hnnt; re­ But in Russia the workers are a place to fill, and doubtless have a cording leerettry, J. T. Venn. factor to he reckoned with, and ing lumber for the use of the populace, but of exploiting necessary function. Experience !s MUSICIANS* MUTUAL PROTECTIVE neither those who are sent to help the forests so that a handful of profit-hungry camp owners the great teacher, and a know­ UNION, Loctl 145, A. F. ef M.— govern nor those who manage In­ Meeti ln O.W.V.A. Htll, Seymonr tnd can amass a few thousand dollars as rapidly as possible. This ledge of the efforts and struggles Pender Streetl, second Snnday it 10 dustry can afford to ignore the of labor In other places is a neces­ a.m. Preildent, E. C. Miller, 001 Mel- voice of the people. son street; secrettry. E. A. Jamleson, in our day and generation is called good business and build­ sary part of the education of Can­ 091 Nelion itreet; financial iecretary, The Communist Party is the soul ing up the country. Wherever logging is being carried on adian workers. W. E. Williams, 001 Nelion itreet; er- of Russia, for humanity has not saniier, F. Fletcher, 001 Nelion itreet. yet advanced to the point where there exists a veritable fire trap. The debris which litters " In our first issue we tried to THE FEDERATED SEAFARERS' everyone has developed the social the ground to a depth of several hundred feet cannot, help make clear the simple fact that UNION OF CANADA—Headquartera our especial forte would be pub­ at Roomi 5, 6 tnd 7, Flack Building, conscience. The ultimate respon­ but burn. No real effort for fire prevention is made, because 168 Haitingi Street W„ Vanconver, B.O. sibility rests neither with the Work lishing news of the labor move­ Tel. Sey. 8606. Preildent, Robert Them; ers' Committee nor with the Man it would not be profitable. And now, in the face of their ment, but apparently even an ord­ Vice-President, Divld Ollleiple; See'y inary truth like that was more Treunrer, Wm. H. Donaldion. Vlctorit ager, but with the Communist numerous acts of vandalism, they have the brazen audacity Brtnch, Room 11, Oreen Block, Brotd group in each plant; some of these than some people were able to Street, Vlctorit, B.O. Phone 1006. nre in the management and the to accuse the workers of this province of destroying the comprehend. However, their lack TYPOORAPHIOAL UNION, No. 830— of brains is no fault of ours, but Preildent. R. P. Pettlplece; vlee-prei- rest are scattered* as workers forests in order to get a job. Ident, O. F. CtmpbeU; secretary-treti- through the plant. They have no we heartily assure them of our urer, R. H. Neeltndi, P.O. Box 66. sympathy. ' MeeU Itit Sundty of etch month it 8 direct control, but theirs is the p.m. In Holden Building, 16 Hutlngi t. moral responsibility of making As for the accusation that we PRINOE RUPERT TYPOGRAPHICAL Stato Industry succeed. Rut lt is pROCODILE TEARS pour from The Vancouver Province have not shown our true colors, UNION. No. 418—Preildent, 8. D. rather difficult to talk ahout moral we can assure those who are so Maedonald; secretary- treaiurer, J. M. ^ over the destruction going on in the woods. The editor Campbell, P.O. Box 680. Meeta lut responsibility in highly civilized interested in us that we have Thunday ef each month. capitalist countries, where the only wails over the paucity of his vocabulary when he tries to neither mental prostitutes nor recognized responsibility in Indus describe the iniquitous worker, who, in order "to earn a few Presbyterian hypocrites hanging THB OANADIAJT try and commerce ls one of dollars paltry dollars," would start a bush fire. Says The Province: around the fringes. We have no­ and eents. :.• ••*. • * * . thing to gain by "sailing under ["The man is either a criminal or a lunatic, and in either case gospel colors, just for a screen." Eatmr Afcttorat* (To be continued.) * That can be well left to those who, With Whieh Is Incorporated jit is madness to leave him at large." It certainly is madness, THB BRITISH COLUMBIA FBDREA- under the pretext of moving with TXOMIflt Capitalism is based, upon the ex­ •but The Province would be th« last ,to call for the impeach­ the times, are so well used to ploitation of the working class, and PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAT ment of the really. guilty persons—the lumbermen. Every changing their opinions to suit the By ttl Ltbor TnbUiltfi Os. when the working class ceases to large fire burning today has begun in the vicinity of logging exigencies of j,(thft -jmoment. We be exploited there will no longer be BuiUiu aid Bditorltl Offls*,'.."•* operations. The forests are beitog burned because it is cheaper .have no stomach for such morsels. 1181 Howe It. any capitalists.—Eugene V. Debs. ; • .*. *i.ea* .teem** ' i ins.yiV.^ I never could believe that Pro­ for the lumbermen to let them* burn than take adequate pre­ The Canadian Labor Advocate ii. a non- . It is because of the.existing In­ factional weekly newspaper, giving newt vidence had sent a few men into cautions. But the destruction that is taking place in the justices and the utter Inability of tst the farmer-labor movement In action. the world ready booted and spur­ Subscription Ratal: United Statu aal - private ownership to satisfy the red to ride, and millions ready forests of B. .C. is no worse than the general destructive foreign, 83.50 per year; Otatdi, 88 aspirations of our people and the par yetr, 91 tat aix non tin toutoaa saddled and bridled to be ridden.— methods of capitalist industry. Certainly it would not be necessities, of thepublic that th9 aubi«ar!bta_f ia a Wdy, Ut pn •«•• R. Rumbold. bir pir month. tolerated under any sane social system, and The Provinee, agitation for nationalization must Member Thi Federal!* Prin ud Tk* as an upholder of capitalism and a panderer to the great god I go ceaselessly forward.—A. .1. Cook British Laber Ttaat Labor ls its own bond slave.- Profit, is equally guilty with the lumbermen. (secretary British Miners' Federa- Wordsworth. Lugust H: 192.5, THE CANADIAN LABOB Page Five

Orpheum Notes Geo. McCuaig WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT Commencing matinee next AUCTIONEER tnd APPRAISER Thursday, the. Orpheum Theatre Phone Sir. 1070 presents as the headline act, that 748 Richards Street, Vtncouver, B.O. aid Unemployment of.P.eno and Rochelle, two talent­ Work For All But Father ed masters of terpslchore, who are JEFFERSON pnce sal 4 considered America's leading ex­ RUPTURE -•(By Carl Haessler, Federated They talk of "securing the largest ponents of the Apache. They are Specialist in Trusses for Men, Women, Hon is a medicine neces- Children and Infanta he health of a! nation-.*' Press.) educational output," of "mass in­ assisted by Deno Brothers and struction" and "continuous use of 0. E. HEARD of present conditions, HICAGO.—The door ls being Dave Herman's band, which makes C the school plant." Phons Sey. 8820 not have added more pushed open a little fn the the offering a delightful combina­ 050 Bobson Street, Vtncouver, B.O. r for the protection of wall of Illinois law that prohibits No Holidays Wanted tion of dance, song and music. 23 Tears Established in Vaneoaver and family. child labor under the age of 14. They call attention to the op­ I Another pleasing offering is e Jons rise and fall when The gentlemen pushing at the portunity to "finish the present clever interpretation of famous rish, when people lose door are a committee appointed eight grades of the elementary folk of Broadway, by Mr. Frank Vancouver Turkish Baths school in six years or high school Will Cure Tour Rheumatism, Lum- on, and nations ' decay by William McAndrew, the Big De Voe, himself a former musical- In three years Instead of four." comedy star whose mode of en­ . btgo, Neuritis or Baid Oold much or too little.- Business .superintendent of Chi­ MASSAGE A SPEOIALTT g conditions from one That they expect the majority of tertainment is so up-to-date that cago schools. PACIFIC BUILDING lis country--to the other the school children and not an it is called "1925 Humor In a 1925 744 Htstings St. W. Phone Sey. 2070 mpted to ask how long McAndrew's committee wants exceptional minority to attend all Way." an continue 'to* endure a the schools to run all the year the year round Is seen from their One of the cleverest vaudeville nder which'her children round in 5 terms of 10 weeks condemnation of the summer va­ sketches of the year is Joseph B. each, leaving 10 school days to cation as "the most serious inter­ NEW FALL STYLES the bare necessities of Stanely's offering entitled "Wait­ ABE OUT squeeze In as vacations around ruption the child encounters in ing." Manuel Vega has been laugh­ Christmas and sometime in the school life." T ADIE8 who hive been eag- >oman must get into the ed at by all Europe, which to Mr. 1— erly waiting to Bee whtt ivement, and take her summer. No proposition to run Ninety-seven per cent, of the Vega's &ay of thinking is an honor, the Fall Btyles are like will" the schools Saturday and Sundays soon have an opportunity of responsibility goes with- children in Chicago schools come for he is a patominical acrobat. viewing an advance display of ig. The .making of the has so far been advanced, but the from worker families, McAndrew Moore and Mitchell, two clever Coats and Dresses. Watch the arguments for a 7-day week admits. The ultimate purpose of vaudevilllans, are artists of the windows at the "Famous"— (the work of both man arrivals of the new garments lan. Women must fight should be just as convincing. the all-year school is thus to ship first water. There will be another are expected to arrive any her historic ancestors did, Cramming them into the factories as quickly act that will please and the usual •'ay, and Mr. Kostmtn, who The child labor angle, which the is uow on a buying trip in ,ve her children. from the as possible. pictures and capably arranged the East, reports that this ' prey in the jungle, but committee does not mention in its • Teachers Affected overture. year the styles are more beau­ plausible report, arises from the tiful and more varied than ts of prey In the present Teachers had better look closely ever. I system,. namely adult fact that a child now graduating at the scheme also. It affords Advertisers are helping us. Re­ .ment on the one hand, at 14 from the elementary school Supt. McAndrew, who has already 1 labor, with its dally toll and going to work under Illinois ciprocate by buying from them, Famous growled about their sick leave, a and tell them you saw It in the law will be able to get the same Cloak and Suit Co., Ltd. mortality.on the other, fine chance to speed-up and sweat Advocate. frequently, worse than the amount of schooling under the his subordinates, still further. His 1319-623 Hastinga Strait West| if the jungle, full-year system by the time he is committee recommends that as achieved wonders in 12 years old. Then the manufac­ teachers work four terms of the building up Industry, har- turers' lobby will argue at Spring­ all-year school on the present Dr. W. J. CURRY, Dentist tnd controlling the forces field that the child labor age wage basis, and that they be paid e; in transportation, agr should be lowered from 14 to 12 25 per cent, more if they work OFFICE: 301 DOMINION BUILDING and warfare, but he has since the only reason for keeping the fifth term as well. It would Phono Sey. 2354 for Appointment levised a system whernbv it up was to gjye the child at least not be long before McAndrew or AN I continue to pay for this space and so help sustain y may he fed, arid him- an elementary education. Under some other "superintendent of C The Labor Advocate? oui of the bread line. the old scheme that was at 14; mass instruction" could call "the It depends on how you act; but answer this question: r es ln face of abundance; the new scheme would give it by attention of the board of educa­ Who is more apt to give you an up-to-date, honest and liberal ,ds his' home in crowded 12. (The 7-day week would re­ tion to the fact that other work­ treatment, the Doctor, Dentist, &c, who through ignorance or fear of losing "respectable" patronage supports Capitalism, or s within sight "of open duce it still further to under 8. ers get only two weeks' vacation He cowers and cringes, years.) they who possess the understanding and courage to break ln the year (lf any) arid that with their old associations and champion the great "cause of ils forefathers did' before .Mass Education . teachers are like employes in revolutionary revolt which this journal represents? jiown dangers of .thie for- That this Is in the mind of the other "plants." The fact that some ne^,j|ghtnirig,; .McAndrew1 educators is evident of them were already working re a man Uke > himself, from their approach to the sub­ fifty weeks on "educational out­ In his ^Ig^braWc'e, he has ject. . Like an employer lobby, put" could be used against them to rule .over him... < they say: "No Industrial concern in a recommendation that all now ip the busy season would voluntarily keep its plant teachers do so, with the 25 per still walk the streets in idle for two months each year." cent, bonus abolished. i. work.;'What nke win it 11 the-harvest-Is over? Men's Boots these men have helped to "But what wealth then shall be Girls Used to Break Iranarlesthey •w'lll-go hun- - left us ugh they haye, conquered When none shall gather gold The Eight Hour Day d and the- storm, like a To buy his friend in the market hout a rudder, they will And pinch and pine the sold? CHICAGO—(FP)—The lockout aimlessly; and, -hopelessly, "Nay, what save the lovely city. by the Gibson Spring Co. of union by no man. They will And the little house on the hill. machinists who refused to agree and Oxfords ortures1 worse than death And the wastes and woodland to a 9-hour day has been loaded I poverty "and. the loss of beauty, against the workers by lnstalaltion mlly and home, And the happy fields we till." of automatic' power machinery On Sale at, Per Pair 'ssentlal that woman awake —William Morris. that displaces skilled experienced e her place "In- the fight workers with unorganized unskill­ ed girls. The concern, which for MI, for : the "'betterment of Pass this copy to your shop- the past ten years paid the highest of those who.'toll. mate and get him to subscribe. wages in the springmaking indus­ try in Chicago, is now lined up !pb./j ilpb./j with the openshop forces in the THE HOME CORNER National Metal Trades Association. AN OPPORTUNE time for visitors as well as our Diseased Meat Fed O KEEP ON GOOD and Instead of the usual dressing regular patrons to purchase _EKM$ WITH YOUR use olive oil. To the British Poor footwear suitable for pres­ DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Economical Custard ent and fall wear at* a clear —In the House of Com­ 1 pint milk, 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful' mons on Monday, July 13, arising saving of $3.25 and $4.25 Is time* of .the year,, the corn starch, 2 tablespoons brown out of a question regarding the on every pair. an and other harmless. sugar, vanilla flavoring (if de­ slaughter of tuberculous cattle ire In their element. For sired. under a new departmental order, es and fruits are as cheap These are English shoes, made in Northampton, of the Beat the egg, sugar and corn­ Mr. Will Thorne asked: is any; cheaper than many finest quality leather, including black and tan willow starch together. Bring the milk to "What will become of these ani­ And the digestive system .the boll In a double boiler; add the calf, glace kid and Martin's Scotch grain. English oak i.nderstands not our civil- mals when they are slaughtered; other ingredients and cook until will they be burned, or how will bark leather and Dri-ped or crepe rubber soles. Foot­ indards of values prefers thick. ft rather than the starchy, they be disposed of?" wear for every occasion, as well as for golf. flavored, wrongty '• cooked* * Cut bananas- lengthwise, cover Mr. Herbert Williams (Conser­ with jam and.pour the boiled cus- vative M.P. for Reading): "Send rtilch are. usually consider- . . _-. Actual values to $10.50 them to the West Ham Board of •correct *__,.# L A. *_ ;tard on* them; Guardians." per pair. Sale price— ables and -fruits- contain* Indian Trifle wral -salts sb necessary; to- : ..First make boiled ground rice as MONTREAL FCR WORKERS moreover,. they, .are coarse ..fallows; 1 pint milk; 2 table­ particularly'"-when "eaten spoons ground rice, sugar arid CONTINUE THEIR FIGHT $5.75 and $6.75 id coarse.foods are.always flavor to taste. B6ll' for eight NEW YORK—(FP)—The Inter­ ble to the - digestive ''tjracl}.- minutes. Tlieh add' chopped al- national Fur Workers Union re­ ire therefore just '-as- much J.monds or other nuts. ports the general strike in • tho -Main Floor. ry to/pe'slfly^ttflift.-sf^he Montreal fur market In good con­ socialism .or any other ism, :f-"A'man must stand^ei-ect, not b'6 dition, with big mass meetings •y good" so^affsOi\owsy,.":"". kept .erect by .'.others.—-Marcus and aggressive picketing. . Sixteen are isom* of-the Items ot ^LursHus., pickets were ,arrested In ope* day U suirlpiei. IgwUl*'':;;-;. and daily interference by police is Salad * reported. The strike ls entering mmn •The .right arm of Labor is. si itrts A ice, tomatoes,.- water cress, strong press.* Add power to this its third month. e, cucumherr'celer'y P-hopped arm by subscribing to THE CAN VANCOUVER k. sprinkling of lemon juice, ADIAN LABOR ADVOCATE. Patronize Our Advertisers. PagTSix'' THB GANADftN tk-6- ADVOdATft W Friday, Augudt Bjjggjgagggggggj jinamnamnmsoa' the Marine Workers The Logger and a City J (Conducted by W. H. Donaldson, Secretary Federated Seafarers •pWERY how arid 'then the logger*atK6_ri forget that they af Question;- I have been working J|J of Canada.) pets bitten by the "job in the I the fight solely for five * ^n a place where I was paid at the city"' germ,' packs his grip, drags cents rtiore a day, nor as rate of $115 per month, but I was his time, and beats it to town. ters to uphold -certain SEA^JE_#S AcTiVffiEs paid every two weeks. I have After a week or two in the city he rules of the trade, the "til finds the illusive job he has do" and the "thou shalt been given two week's notice. Is HE conditions aboard the S. S.*> nothing else but duly qualified dreamed of is an elusive one. All Let them extend the ham T ImporteT-rvi nAptaHr o_-_•_f* th4-\\ en fnnCanadian -.intn. SailorBnilflfBs anonrdl fir-amfiremen or, . Thrpiien amalga____.__1l__1.__*. , this legal.—G. A. B. the jobs requiring a modicum of lowship to the laborer, re. Government .Merchant Marine, ac­ matlon proposals of the National Answer—It is Impossible to tell brains and a minimum of work ing that labor progresses cording to a letter received this Sailors and Firemen Union of Can­ without more information. I all are held and entrenched against the sporadic attacks morning, is something damnable. ada, are to be thrashed out once depends on the actual contract of outside attack by the zoological unions, but on the organis Many of the crew left the ship at again. The last proposals for am­ employment but very often the orders of the Moose,* Elks, Odd­ labor as a whole. Montreal, owing to the starvation algamation put forward by the manner of payment Is the best fellows or Freemasons, and so he Going back to the wood conditions that exist aboard. This National Sailors and Firemen's evidence of the term of the en­ takes up the old pick and shovel, the logger is in the same is the ship that never fails to Union were all one sided. There­ gagement and where you were or some other job in which brawn the building laborer-—uno: starve the crew. The victualling fore it has been decided to put paid by the fortnight you would is the main requisite. Failing that -•-I can say this for the department Say that they are un forth a more get-to-gether plan ble entitled to only a fortnight he helps to swell the dividends of He rebels in every camp 1 able id ."orrect matters concerning for the benefit of the seamen of notice. This is far from final, the Union Steamship Co..andagain himself in, and the majorit! the feeding of the crew aboard British Columbia. however. Only a solicitor who takes to the tall timbers'. building laborers in Va the "Importer," probably Sir had all the facts could properly would not rebel even if Becoming infected by the germ Hpnry' Thornton might be able to The Imperial Oil Company are advise you. kicked them on the back \ I hied myself to the city, and adjust -.natters' in this particular still paying lower wages than any pants to get them off th< after a long search was' at last able case Instead of travelling ih"a spe­ other company but of the port of J. A. B. Question: I have been working to connect up with a job on a, cial car en the C. N. R. at tin ex­ Vancouver. The company is to be as a carpenter on a* job putting up building in the course of construc­ pense cf the Canadian public. approached to pay the same waigbs ,a ndw house' and am having soino tion. It was a mules job, wheel­ HINDUS ELECT NEW G as all other companies sailing The r eWs concerning ths bad trouble getting my wages. I was ing a barrowful of concrete' up a cohdUior.c aboard the "Impoiter" from British Columbia ports." it NEW YORK—*(FP) — hii-ed-'hythie maa that got the gang plank all day. Nehfu Succeeds C. R. Di was mailed from Cristobal, Puna- will be noticed that quite a few work and not by the owner, but if The superintendent was a sawed died' last month, as presli ma Canrl Zone, of the oil and gasoline stations in he dofessn't pay me can $1 make Off little Scotchman' with an air of the All-Indian Swaraj Pai the city are the property of' the the owner of the property'pay my bustle that waxed furious when the All-India Trade Unioi Negotiations are to be entered Imperial Oil dompanyl'therefore .hack pay?*—Reader. into with the Kingsley Navigation the company should pay a living the cohcrete mixbr began Its daily gress. Nehru until how vie Answer. Tes. You will have a Company, regarding the payment wage to the seamen" employed n grind. 'The chief pastime Of this dent of the independence lien on the property for your of Longshoremen's rates for the their vessels-^the S.S. '"Mina abbreviated edition of- Simon' Le- Was Selected at a special wages but you must take steps to seamen aboard ' the S.S. "E. D. Brea," "Calgarolite"' and "Iihp'ei-**** gree Seemed to be hurrying the iheeting In Calcutta. file the Hen within thirty-one days Kingsley" and the S.S. "Rochelle," ial." laborers. If he eoiild get th'6 lab­ from the date you did your last when doing the work of longshore­ orers'running around' ih' circles', HOW'VETERANS FARE work on the building or job. Tou men at ports, outside of the home and'falling over e&ehother's feet BENEATH "OLD G Reports from the whaling sta­ probably will not have to do this port of Vancouver, where the sea­ iii their haste-to carry ' but his tions indicate that there is not a as the law of liens is so well AUBURN, Cal.—(FP) - men are never' asked to do the s commands, he wfis happy'. ' very good catch' %{' whale's s8 far .known that probably the . owner Howard, overseas veteran c work Of longshoremen. An In­ arid that it looks as lf'there"is to iwill i see to It that you get paid if The editor of 'the' '"Sun" 'shot off job, went into a restaurs crease in the wages of the seamen be a bad season' for' the seamen you: let him know how things a mouthful of "blah" tue other asked for a glass of water is to be included in the negotia­ who are on the bonus system. The stand. day oh the dignity of labor; I can from feeling hungry. The tions, in order to put the Kingsley reprt states that the living erudi­ see no dignity" in the Spectacle of etor had him arrested, clalr ships on the same basis as C. P. R. tions are good. a dozen of so laborers, in' a con­ had begged a bowl of so; coastal vessels and the Union Question: Cain a girl . over crete gang,' feverishly tolling up the A. E. F.veteran was se Steamship Company of B. C. The Brother GIlmartirT is still'at the iclghteeh' agree' to work for less and down "a gang'plank,'with to 90 days in the Placer Kingsley Navigation Company have General Hospital. than the' minimnm wage lf she sweat soaked shirts arid pefspira- jail. been very courteous in their deal­ The mail list Is extra large thts wants to and if she does has any tion dripping from' thb end of ings Wtth the men and their or­ week so members would be wise of the other girls the right to butt their hoses, and all'afraid to pause ganization in the past, and it must CHICAGO— (FP)—Havir to get to headquafters'arid bollect ip-about it7—Mary. for breath, with the ever present have been an oversight that the J. Louis Engdahl, editor their mall. AnsWer.' Tour ' question -would fear of being' fifed. The dignity seamen''did'not' receive the same Dally Worker $50 for stree-j Headquarters "Is" at the Piack iri'tficEte'dspirit hot very friendly of 'labor—the dignity' of labor be wages'as other vessel's sailing on damned. Ing without a permit the Building, 1'6S Hastings streetwesti to or£a_iizeff"Tabor, and if the the coast of British Columbia, other girls "butt in" as you put I was much interested in the courts dismissed 19 other \ that is before the seamen were Vancouver. it, they'are ho doubt taking the Union of Carpenters' method of Party defendants arrested attached to The Federated Sea­ Letters have been received from f proper "ttep to protect their own Ofganiaztlon on the job. When a same charge. Police report farers^ Unioti of Canada. London, "England, Montfeal/ C)a.n- ada, and Sari Frainclscb*',' concern­ Wages:' ' Provisibh' has been made neW carpenter started dn the build­ businessmen objected to tl ing the activity of the' oflgkrilza- by the Act governing the Minimum ing the tiriion delegate was soon boxing. ' The business meeting of the tion. Wage for Women Whereby women on his track to enquire if he was Federated Seafarers' Union prom­ Next week the amalgamation over eighteen who are physically a member of the union. If he ises some lively discussion on Fri­ proposals of the National Sailors Jdefectfve and not able to earn as wasn't I presume lt was intimated to him that it would be to his in­ day, August 21st, at 8 p.m. The and "Firemens* Union of Canada much as able bodied persons may terest to find another job. agenda consists,, of a program to will be published in contrast with agree to work for less, and also be lined lib 'tot-' the coming winter, the suggested' pf'opbssils ef' 'amal- for apprentices who want to learn The activities of the delegate on and an appeal is to be made to gamatl'dri of The Federated ; Sea­ a trade, but. to do this a special this particular job made it certain the engineers' and mates' to hire farers' Union of Canada.' ' license should he obtained from that every carpenter became •'• a MIDSUMMER the Minimum Wage Board. member of the union. I am look­ The "Empress" ships are still on ing forward to the time when the : the unfair list for members of The building laborer' comes out of his r seiTi Feder aW ' Seafarers' Union of White Man Shivers present state of coma, organizes a Empire Canada. "We have not at any time As '*KH)ai_ffu" Grins strong union, and puts an end to been asked' to supply ' scabs' or ,the present state of galley-slavery The Confcd Natives' that exists in the building con­ "Empresg"* ships to"' feplaefe '"'the Big redu6ti5hs, sple: Cafe Chinese.' ' * struction. God knows if ever any­ (By Federated Press) one needed an organiaztiori to pro­ values; Regular pj QUALITY MONTREAL. — Representatives BRUSSELS—Why do natives ob­ tect his interests lt is the building $22.50 to $42.50, iw COURTESY of thirty-three lumber manufac­ ject to white1 rtifen taking "their laborer. •''" , Giving 'all credit to'that 'credit** REASONABLE turers'-.! Ontario"arid' Quebec "met country from them, driving them here and decide'd to restrict" this to work'by taxation,' and Civilizing able "organization, the Carpenter's 76 Hastings East year's production of sawmills and them with the whip and the rifle? Union, I would suggest that they $15 to $37. reduce logging operations by fifty The answer is Klbangu—at least take a little more Interest in their fellow workers—the laborers. Let HAROLD DEGG and per cent.' High cost "of produc-' in the Belgian Congo, lf we are 1 BOB KRAUSE tion and dei-resstori'ih the' liimber to believe Gbvef hof-'gerier'al' Rut- UU 64th Batt. and 72nd Batt. market were" the . reasons' given"- tern as reported ih the Belgian fairly large 'village, Which is,'it C.D.BRU for this decision. press. "Everything' would be lovely seems; a model'village." lf it were not foi- Klbangu; -Ki- To set up a model'village with­ Limited out the aid of Europeans would, bahglsm arid iflba'n'gisti.. "Severe Cor. Homer and Haatin in Itself, seem insubordination. measures," he says, howeveR' VANCOUVER, B.O But communication with their "haVe 'Been 'taken ngainst" those ' " ' fellows is censored and they are who 'preach this doctrine,'"*l r forbidden to meet - in the temples "ThePlaeeforPip^ there is now "fib reason tb fekr ali "under penalty of deportation for The Original extension of Klbari'gisth." menacing public order." Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention The Sinister Doctrine A Nationalist-Movement HARVEY What then is this sinister doo- Kibanglsm, which 'takes its 310 OARRALL STREET VANCOUVER, _.C. trlne that makes the gentle Cion- name from-'the1 prophet Klbangu. Logging Ba gan restive beneath the white who was sentenced to death and man's burden? At the bottom of HAND-MADE BOOT then pardoned-in 1921, is a rell-•• It, according "to the governor,' is for ' gious-nationallst movement which [ 'the "Assertion that iSurbfeetJiris can LOGGERS, MINERS T 1 •hjas*; taken root among the natives'] Red Star Drug Store be*-"* dispensed" %ith"' f fern' 'every , of. the Lower • Congo. —In spite of 1 CRUISERS and ---'— -' •* • **amtmW point'of view." "'"The ' gbvefriw the reassuring-remarks of Govef-K PROSPECTORS thfriks'thait- ^Europeans" are 'nefres*** rior Ruttern, the Belgian eaipital- Quit* It-vice fer Bopali sa'W fn the scherfrtr-'bf 'things.*'ri. » "The MaH-Order-Bru&gists" ,v lst press .agitated possibly by tha All Work Ourtntoad The ^^In^'PrSijess " uneasy 'memory"" 61 "Belgl&h's lfn- Sp-icUl Alton.Ion to If sll 'We haye,''" "he says, ""removed! perlalism's Til'Jeous"record "of atro­ W« Make a Special Effort to Get Goods Out by First Mail' the Kibangists "Vb other "parts' of After Receipt of Youf'Oi*—-' cities in extracting rubber' * ft6rh~t the colony,' to se'paf£e them "from the Congo, Is not to be comforted. H. Harve the' surroundings Where they hkd It attributes the danger'5 to the Corner Oordova and Oarrall Vanoouver, B.O. shown signs of insubordination. "hidden hand bf Mosebw,"' and EiUbllihtd In Vonoonvor ln They have been sent to Panthler- denounces "Commhnlst activities" BS CORDOVA STREET! ville, where they have set up' a in the Congo. ismiiomv m*****j*^**+tm*m marmi^^m**^*-*-

, August 14, 1925 ^mb-mm® Mmi'mm™ ___%____ m SH LABOR South African Cop MANDS OTLL Smells a~ Red Plot EREAJER UNITY to %m^ .LONDON—Here is something y Federated Press) " *• - from South Africa (where the PN— {*-*•),*-._to&^ unity Prince of Wales is on show): pr unions is tho slogan of. f More Wage Slashing Two Johannesburg youths were the recent union conven- ism in .Desired By British waylaid by two CJ.D. men, who Brltaln. Rallwaymen's and insisted oh,searching them.. .Wben trade unions have 'both By ICELAND OLDS ' This meant an investment em­ .Industrial Captains they resisted one of the detectives for amalgamation-ln their . Double ,nay,, ordered Jor.. British pire imposed upon the commercial ran to a group of young men in e Industries. The National nuvy nien employed on or in con­ empire, The two were potentially (British Labor Press Service) a near-by street and asked them f Rallwaymen appointed a' nection with industrial work dur­ conflicting but the conflict did not LONDON—A series of "reme­ to fetch a policeman. workout in the collapse of English ee to discuss.., amalgainu- ing a strike brings home the seri­ dies" for the improvement of the They merely laughed, whereat home industry until after the war. l» the other big unions in ousness of the Industrial crisis Industrial situation have been put the badly rattled detective shouted Then British workers saw India, rtry, and the Amalgamated England is facing. British labor before the President of the Board hysterically: "Call yourselves citi­ formerly the chief market for ' Building Trade Workers is asking whether the owners Will of Trade by the Association of zens! . Here is a. communist plot English cotton goods, importing a resolution for a single have the navy on their side In the British Chambers of' Commerce, and you.won't*fetch a policeman!" over 153,000,000 yards of cloth r the .building industry on struggle to determine whether Who which has been taking stock of am}, qver .30,1OOO.OOp, (founds of the notions of its individual mem­ as against a craft basis." shall pay for the decline of capi­ twist from Japan while textile TEXTILE WAGES CUT talist Industrialism. bers. nalgamation Wanted workers at home had to accept LAWRENCE, Mass. .A*** (FP) — Wage-cutting seems to be the Four thousand workers in the act that there, are nearly England rose to supremacy , as part time. main obsession behind most of worsted department of the* Pacific de unions in Great Briain the workshop of the world. First :. English, upper classes may'draw C these proposals,* which de­ Mills were cut 10 per cent July s less significant when we in the field with power machinery huge profits from the. cheap labor serve special notice. They are: 27, the day set by the American that five sixths of Britain's it produced a surplus of manufac­ Of Shanghai and* Bengal, but the r tures. The securing of markets Wages paid by local author- Wool Co. and other concerns for inionists are organized in foundation of capitalist imperial­ > lties should be brought into e unions, but .the urgent for this surplus created a vast ism, at home is shaken. Says the similar reductions. The cotton commercial empire. To check rival line with those paid by firms workers were cut by the same • amalgamation is recogniz- London Daily. Herald: /'Capitalism workshops, in other.,,countries lhe in the same locality to skilled amount last fall. p.11 sides. The National is breaking down.with the. inevit­ merchant-manufacturers. prohibit­ and unskilled labor. ^m*—^*^^SS^^^^*m1^^^*j*—*_7T^^i^=mt f Railwaymen is an Indus'-" ability of. gradualness. Our. direct- ed the exportation of machinery. Steps should be taken to nion, itself the outcome of ting classes are not. a help but a The first spinning frames and deal with agitators on the unions, and takes in the hindrance to pur trade. Their en power looms brought to,America same lines as those whb create of railroad workers, but ergies are concentrated, on individ werp,smuggled *out part by part. " ual,gain ajifl the speeding qf, their disaffection among loyal sub­ e still 82 unions in the in- jects. with 28 rival.unions eater- But finances got control of,the gains. These ar,e ,cpmmp# pmp- These suggestions would be hard shopmen alone. Most of wealth that poured in. . Their jin- toms of a decaying system. Cap­ to beat for cool impudence. unions are small local and terest lay not in full employment italism, constructive in its day, unions of no importance of English labor but in exploiting has.., passed into the corruption What about. seeing that wages TENDER FOB MOTOR great bulk of the railroad labor whereever it would producp phaqe. Eve.ry^where the.pyiftem paid , by private enterprise, are are organized in the'Na- the largest profits. British capital set up by the industrial r,evpjutip# brought „mpre into Une with the VEHICLE. NUMBER PLATES Jnion of Railwaymen, the began to develop workshops, in which began.a.century and a half* obligations to provide the workers EALED TENDERS, marked "Tender America, Asia and Africa. ago is breaking down." with a decent standard of living? for Motor Vehicle Number Plates," ed Society of Locomotive Swill be received by the undersigned up *>rs and Firemen, and. the What about treating as agitators, to noon, Monday, August 81st, 1025, m_ guilty of disloyalty to the com­ for the furnishing of Clerks Association, • A 60,000 pairs Motor Vehicle Number ion of these three unions British Transport Miners and Transport munity,, every profiteer who slan­ "•• Plates, lin been brought to the ders his workers every time he 2,000 pairs Demonstration Plates, ... Wftrker^JMake Gains Workers..Are, One, thinks the public conscience is 1,500 Single Motor Cyole Number the recent convention of - Plates,' '• •' '- J. R. Says Labor Leader getting uneasy about profiteering 50 Single Demonstration Motor Cyole (By Federated Press) as an enterprise? Number Plates, Fhe Budding Trades LONDON—-(FP)—Wage advan­ . It may come to this, some day, 1,000 Single Trailer Plates. (British Labor Press Service) All plates to be manufactured of full e building trades most of ces amounting to $22,500,000 for despite, the complaining clamour pickled cold rolled annealed steel,' fin­ ons have been federated in its members were reported at the LONDON—An emphatic declar of the Association of British Cham-* ished first with a primary 'coat and ional Federation of Build- first biennial delegate * conference ation in favor of solidarity with bers of Commerce. then a coat of best grade enamel; baked tbe.miners was made by, Mr. Harry on at a high temperature with guaran­ ;ade , Operatives, but ..the of the Transport and General teed permanent colors, which will not [ers and plasterers hay* Worker^ union. in July at Scar­ Gosling, BlB.,:,in. his presidential crack or pool- ott. .address at the, opening, of the .bi­ Blue Prints showing exact site of -withdrawn to press de- borough. The conference repre­ Plates and all information as to weight ennial conference of the Transport Britain DWJ TO Break which, they claim, could senting ,(127,560 .members, unani­ of metal, coloring, packing, etc.,-may be and General Workers' Union at had from the Superintendent of Provin­ done from within the Fed- mously indorsed the proposed In­ With Soviet Russia Scarborough. cial Police, Victoria, B.C., Assistant Su­ That this withdrawal is dustrial, alliance with the miners, perintendent Owen, Provincial Police Of­ "For all industrial purposes," he LqNDQJft.—Therp is np imme­ fice, Court House, Vancouver, B.C., or mporary and the principle railwayman, and metal workers. the undersigned. ...trial unionism is still an said, "the miners.are ourselves,apd diate likelihood of a rupture of The Transport and General Sample Plates must accompany tender and practical issue is indi- we are the miners. British-Soviet diplomatic relations, and contractor will be required, to sup­ Workers Union 'was formed three ply additional plates, if any required, 'y the recent convention-of Christian Rakovsky, Soviet charge and a half years ago, out of,a, big "We cannot in a great crisisi like during the period of contract,' at his algamated Union of Build- d'affairs in London, declared her; original tender price, •• -**•"• amalgamation of unions anil: has this speak of them as a separate !de Workers (the bricklay- „'*Jt hayp .receiye.d, absolute assur­ N.B.—PLATES MANUFACTURED IN made, remarkable, strides. Harry entity so long as they are willing, PREFERENCE. m), where, the . resolution as I am sure they are, that we ance from the. highest quarters BRITISH COLUMBIA WILL BE GIVEN Gosling in his presidential address, fjiat the British goypj-nment does JAMES PATTERSON, mplete amalgamation of should act together. stated that the conference marked not * contemplate any diplomatic Purchasing Agent. * trades unions was passed. "I feel that we ought to declare Parliament Buildings, the successful launching of one of br.ijak with Russia and that any Victoria, B.C., Aug. 12th, 1025. the greatest schemes of amalga­ without equivocation of any kind such rupture is extremely unlike­ 3 MILLION MEMBERS mation so far achieved. The ulti­ that we will stand by our com ly," Rakovsky said. rades. EHNGTON — (FP) — One mate outcome, he said, would be Thrpp, things are. responsible for "The General Council of the •men now are members.of that every member of the trade the Anglo-Soviet crisis, British Emergencies and the trades unions in the union movement would become German, and czarist propaganda ; States and Canada, accord- under an obligation to every other" Parliamentary Labor Party have against the , Rakov­ TJfTHEN a crisis comes and Geo. F. Hedrick, president, member, of, the movement. taken up this matter. It is a test sky declared. of our loyalty. someone at a distance r trades department, Am- Besides the big wage advances Other countries are taking ed- must be reached quickly, Pederation of Labor. . in 1924, the union reports a 25 "Any settlement made by any vantage of the possibility of im­ per cent increase ln membership of the great organiaztions of labor porting Soviet grain and other pro­ the long-distance telephone in the last 12 months. Resolutions is bound to reflect upon ourselves, ducts, while England sits back and will prove its worth. were passed condemning the gov­ and our cause will be helped or sees red, thus being bested in this ernment's policy on unemployment hindered as a result. immense market. and protesting against Britain's "As this is bound to happen, B. 0. Telephone Company Wft"***l then the idea of amalgamation imperialism in China and the ex­ Send In Tour Subscription Today. ploitation of Chinese workers. must be developed further.' To nders for Dredging meet this need for a much greater and stronger amalgaamtlon, steps TENDERS, addressed to the 135,000 Workers on are being taken to form an alii 'signed and endorsed "Tender glng, Viotorla Harbour, B.C.," ance." received until 12 o'clock noon Strike in British saving), Tuesday, August 18, Textile Industry ment in the industry has resulted s will not be considered unless from these continual reductions, the forms supplied by the De- (By Federated Press) and according to the condl- The only result for the workers forth therein. LONDON — (FP) — "The first has been short time, lower earn­ ied specification and form of general stoppage in the wool tex­ ings and increased unemployment. n be obtained on application to rsigned, also at tho offico of tile trade since I entered trade The textile workers determined to ict Engineer, Post Office Build- unionism 42 years ago," is the way make a stand when the employers COMPLETE orla, B.O. Ben Turner, president National No Drugs Used ln Examination i must includo the towing of again made the old plea that the Association of Unions in the Tex­ to and from the work, Industry is suffering from high •THIS advertisement means high- redges and other plant which tile Trade, characterizes the lock­ cost of production in the face of •*• grade glasses, with a thor­ ridod to be used on the work out involving 136,000 textile oper­ foreign competition. • e been duly registered in Can- ough and advanced eye examina­ the time of the filing of the atives which started July 24. The Employers Disruptive Efforts tion by a graduate specialist. Tou •ith the Department, or shall stoppage is the result of the em­ will find that we give the most sn built in Canada after the The textile unions (there are 279 the tender. ployers' demand for a 5 per cent value for the least money, and we unions organizing the various tex stand back of all work turned ender must be accompanied by reduction in wages. All the 27 tile workers) have long been con ited cheque on a chartered bank, unions are acting in harmony aiid out. to the order of the Minister of sidered the most conservative in Works, for 5 per cent, of the a council of action has been form­ Great Britain. Besides the [ dis­ If your eyes ache, see us. price, but no oheque to be for ed' representing" "all fhe' unions fifteen hundred dollars. Bonds unity due to the many rival ur'.ons, Dominion of Canada and bonds which keeps ih touch wltb.-'the the employers have sought to: ren­ Canadian National Railway Corn- British Trade's Union Cbrt'giress. Bird Eye Service Ill be accepted as security, or der the workers docile by selling nd a cheque if required to make The Workers'; Position ':-": them shares of stock at easy rates. 205 SEBVIOE BLDQ. >dd amount. By order, During the Past four years the It has previously been almost im. 680 Bobson Street S. E. O'BRIEN, wool textile operatives have suf­ possible to achieve a militant, and Phone Sey. 8955 Socrotary. fered reductions ln wages amount­ united policy in face of the em­ lent of Publio Worka, •a, July 81, 102S. ing to $25,000,000. No improve- ployers. Page Eight THB CANADIAN LABOB ADVOCATE Friday, Augus The Real Abd-El-Krim Edmonton Nominates THE REWARDS OF Its Labor Candidate IMPERIALISM SHO: Editor's Note—-The following ex-ttask of redeeming all the Arab peo- (By Federated Press) FOR THE cerpts from a letter sent by Abrt* pies of the Mediterranean Coast George Latham, President of the El-Krim, the Moroccan leader, and Eastern Asia. A free Moroc­ Alberta Section of the Canadian SAN FRANCICO.—James Bureo WHOLE FA1 who is defying the armed might co and a free Egypt shall be the Labor Party has been selected to was 23 when he volunteered for A complete line of French and Spanish imperialism two pillars from which shall spring contest the East Edmonton consti­ the world war. In the Argonne his •**• Women and in Northern Africa, to a group of the renaissance of a race that as tuency at the forthcoming Federal left leg was torn off, and his right Every pair a gent university students in Buenos honored humanity with three glor­ election. hip had to be wired. He was gain. Our low pr Ayres, Argentina, reveals him in a surprise you, much different light from that de­ ious civilizations. Three others were nominated for badly gassed. At the end of the pleted in the daily press. Krim My dear brothers, listen with the office, but Latham secured a war he was a cripple, a tuberculo­ SERVIOE — GOV was educated in Europe, and, as sympathy to this message that thc majority over all the others. The sis victim, and had contracted the ..-* SAVING the following shows, has u thor­ people of Morocco send you vote stood: Latham, 2S7; A. Far­ morphine habit. He became a der- AT ough understanding of modern through my mouth with all the milo, 110; Rice, Sheppard, 80; W. lict, a beggar on the streets of San problems. We are indebted to H. Walker, 31. "The Advance," official organ of warmth of the blood that fills their Francisco. The other day the po­ .the Amalgamated Clothing Work­ hearts. I need not say that in ap­ William Irvine, M.P., was pres­ lice picked him up for vagrancy THEIMPE ers of America, for tliis translation. pealing for your sympathy we do ent at the nominating convention. with a dime in his pocket. He be­ not ask you to become enemies of came so ill in jail that night, that SHOE STOI My Dear Brothers: Spain, with whom you have become he was rushed to an emergency completely reconciled since she has Municipal Engineers 1087 OUt hospital, where he died in five Responding to the courteous in­ brought herself to recognize your Threaten To Strike Opp, Standard vitation of the Groupo Kenovacion sacred right to independence. . . minutes. The doctors said it was of Buenos Aires, I address myself lack of food. The right arm of We regret that our state of war NEW YORK.—The 3,500 muni­ with a heart filled with joy to all Now he will have a funeral with strong press. Add and the fact that we are not recog­ cipal engineers, who were recently Latin Americans at this glorious full military honors at the Monter­ arm by subscribing nized by the imperialist govern­ unsuccessful in an attempt to se­ hour when they celebrate the feat ey Presidio. ADIAN LABOR ADVC of arms that won their indepen­ ment of Europe prevent our send­ cure a twenty-five per cent. In­ dence and liberated them from a ing a special mission to the cele­ crease in salary, have formed a foreign yoke. bration of glorious Ayacucho. But union, the Association of Engineers be assured that we shall not wait of New York, and will re-submit No right is more sacred and in­ for its next centennial tp estab­ their demands for better, wages Shoes for the Ki alienable than that or every peo­ lish solid relations of friendship and working conditions to the city. ple to rule itself, to give Itselt ihe and fraternity with your govern­ The union, which is the largest form of government best suited ments, conceived in a spirit of sin­ MOTHER will be wondering where shd to it temperament and its aspira­ single aggregation of the profes­ cerity very different from the con­ sion in the world, was formed "for tions get the best shoe value to hold that sj ventional hypocrisy that character­ the object of securing improvement Europe, corrupted by a world boy. Try us. I know our prices are izes the current diplomacy of cap­ of salary and working conditions." war and filled with moral anarchy italist imperialism. At the first meeting several of than any other store. by the imperialist greed of its cap­ My dear brothers, the people of the engineers called for an imme­ italist regime, has forfeited the And our shoes are made of leather. Morocco address these words to diate strike if their demands are right to impose its ideas and its you from battle-grounds that the not granted. WRITE FOR QUOTATIONS will upon the people of other con­ enemy 4s abandoning day by day, tinents. We aspire to erect a civil­ and join you in honoring the cen- The advertiser ls always inter­ ization based on canons of peace tenlal of Ayacucho through your and social Justice. We people of ested in knowing where you saw W. B. BRUMMI friend, Arab stock long to throw off the his advertisement. Just mention Abd-El-Krim,. . . 18-20 CORDOVA STBEET WEST yoke of England, of France, of the Advocate and you'll see. Italy, and of Spain. Our brothers in Egypt have struck the first blow, So this is the paper you have and I confidently hope that the been wanting? Prove it by sup­ world will soon witness the second porting it with your subscription See Our Exhibit in the Manufacturers' Building at the Fair! blow here is Morocco. Then the and those of your neighbors and hour will strike for Algeris, Tunis, friends. and Tripoli, whose people are al­ ready preparing for the moment ol' the great delivery. HEBE are many good Our cause is a just cause, exactly T reasons why you Beatty Values Leaj as was yours. We are not moved should buy from FBITH. by hatred of Spain, which in old­ Here are some: en days was our fatherland and the cradle of our ancestors. All His Goods are Reliable educated Spaniards know that in His Prices are Right THAT'S WHY WE HAVE SOLI the golden age of their art a ma­ He Supports Your Cause • * •-....-:',*- jority of their people were Arabs.- YOU PAY LESS atFRITH'S And the fatal hour when a relig­ GKEB WORK BOOTS—Sizes 6 1 Q I W Electric Washing Ontfj ious war caused our expulsion from to 11. Special $4.96 a Peninsula embellished by our art BOYS' BROWN RUNNING A €f M. 4 since May 1st, 1924 and enriched by our industry was SHOES $1.26 MEN'S OXFORD OUTING also the fatal hour that doomed SHOES $1.46 that beloved land to the irrepar­ MEN'S KHAKI PANTS—$1.70 Made ln Canada and $2.26 able decadence in which it is now MEN'S CARIBOU BRAND OOT- ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR WH] submerged. TONADE PANTS $1.86 MEN'S COTTON SOCKS—Tan, The baneful chauvinism of a grey or . black 25c military and Catholic caste in 5 pairs for B5c SHE THINKS OF HER MULESKIN GLOVES 36c Spain has plunged her people in­ 8 pairs for. $1.00 to an insane and disastrous war, that has made Morocco the ceme­ BEATTY ELECTRIC tery of her sons and a bottomless Arthur Frith & Co. pit into which she has. flung, her Men's and Boys' Furnishings, wealth. Poor Spanish boys are Hatt, Boots and Shoes WASHER sent here to die, just as they were 2318 MAIN STREET sent one hundred years ago to die Between 7th and 8th Avenues No matter where you live, you have a neighbor in the valleys of the Andes, and Phone Fair, 14 one of our famous washing Outfits thirty years ago to die in the fever Pass this copy on to your shop- swamps of Cuba. mate and get him to subscribe. A BEATTY WASHING OUTFIT consists of eith We abhor such slaughter. We OUB ELEOTEIC WASHEBS, OUB PATE1 demand that the Spanish desist from these futile heroics and evac­ THE FOLDING TUB BENCH, AND YOUB 0HOI0I uate Morocco as they evacuated FOUB OTHEB USEFUL WASHDAY ABTlj your America, leaving us to resume the labors of peace, industry, and Paint and Panel enlightenment that will make \X "WHITE CAP" YOUB CBEDIT possible for us to take our merited IS GOOD place in the fraternity of nations Store as' you have done. Has a Special in Grey, OU can buy a complete phone — Can — or I address you as brothers be­ Guaranteed Y washing outfit on terms give yom order to cause the Spanish blood that cour­ PUBE FAINT ses in your veins is largely Arab, so easy you will never miss onr salesman when as it was in the veins of all the for $3.85 Fer Gallon the money. he calls Spaniards from the southern half VARNISHES of the Peninsula who sailed out of 11900 Palos, Seville, and Cadiz to carry for Any Purpose to your America the Arab spirit KALSOMINES that still stirs in your Oauchos and BRUSHES BEATTY BROS. Llaneros, even though under the Painting, Scrubbing or banner of a different faith. . . . for Sweeping LIMITED We shall struggle on without Largest Washer Manufacturers tn British Empire ceasing until we have finished our : I Gregory & Reid 928 GRANVILLE ST. SEY. 786S Bird, Bird & Lefeaux BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, BTO. Paint Co. New Westminster at 521 Columbia Street 401-408 M-tropolltan Building Sey. 4636 117 Hastings E. Phone West. 29 "1900" CATARACT 137 Hastings St. W., Vanconvor, B.O. WE DELIVER Zaltphsnu: Seymour MM Md 6(07