NTE GMA US President

Near Term Extinction Morning America [PDF]

Background Correspondence [PDF] 27 Sep 2015 – 10 Oct 2016 [PDF]

Correspondence To, or CC: , Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, US Political Parties, US Senate, Comm. on Presidential Debates, Federal Election Comm., Hamilton Electors.

2015: 27 Sep: → Bernie Sanders: disgusted by racist response to immigration; via Stop the War on Women’s Rights 29 Sep: → : Donald Trump ‘jobs and taxes’ plan. CC: Donald Trump.

2016: 06 May: → US Senate via Sen Ben Sasse: Re: Adult Decision-making: EoP or WiP NWO Future? 01 Jun: → US Political Parties: Failures of & Protest Marketing From Tiannamen to Paris Cop 21 to Euromaidan... 02 Jun: → US Political Parties & Religious Scholars: Re: EoP or WiP NWO Future: Adult Decision-making re: Breeding/Consumption War Madrassa’s 14 Jun: → Jeffrey Lord: Re: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord. CC: Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton. 27 Aug: → Terry Bell Writes; EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social & economic system’. CC: ; Communist Party USA; Democratic Socialists of America; Young Democratic Socialists; Jeffrey Lord, Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton. 29 Aug: → Gamechanger Labs; Re: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord. CC: Coffee Party. 06 Sep: → EoP Neg: GOP: Donald Trump; Coffee Party: Debilyn Molineaux: EoP Clerk policy on WiP only political party press releases. CC: US Political Parties, Movement Strategy, Rebuild the dream, Gamechanger Labs, Jeffery Lord, Roger Stone, Infowars, Diamond and Silk. 09 Oct: → UKIP: Nigel Farage: EoP Response to Nigel Farage: Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ is ‘alpha male boasting’. CC: GOP Donald Trump; Democrats: Hillary Clinton. 10 Oct: → KenBone: EoP Response to Energy Policy Question to WiP Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton St Louis debate. CC: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton.

27 Sep 2015: Bernie Sanders: disgusted by racist response to immigration; via Stop the War on Women’s Rights

EoP comment response to WiP comment is available at: EoP v WiP Negotiations: Transcript of Comments Correspondence [PDF: http://tiny.cc/EoP-WiPCommCorr ]

EoP: Ecology of Peace | WiP: Masonic War is Peace.

*~~~~~~~~* *~~~~~~~~*

Putin: “EU Refugee Crisis Absolutely Expected” -- Putin: EU [Islam Lebensraum Hijrah] Refugee Crisis Absolutely Expected.

“There is a single theme behind all our work; we must reduce population levels. Either they do it our way, through nice clean methods or they will get the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it” -- Thomas Ferguson, Latin American case officer for the State Department's Office of Population Affairs (OPA) -- Pope Francis: [Non-European: i.e. niggers, spicks, towelhead] Catholics Don't Have to Breed Like Rabbits

Bernie Sanders is a closet two faced hypocrite War is Peace patriarchal white supremacist racist; whose only concern about non-european immigrants is their welfare vote cannon fodder potential for his civilized patriarchy welfare vote farm slavery plantation.

What is – so-called race relations expert – Bernie Sanders response to: EoP PoW submission to Swiss Federal Council to amend Geneva Convention Prisoner of War definition: Notice to Anti- War, Disclosure and Race Relations Experts [PDF]?

Bernie Sanders if he gave a fuck about race relations honour:

Niggers, spicks or towelheads: If I gave a flying fuck about honourable race relations I would provide you with buck stops here honest feedback about what I sincerely think about you; and if there was anyone who disagreed with me based upon facts; not bullshit the public verbal diarrhoea; to hear them out and if they can prove me wrong I would happily change my mind.

Bernie’s Buck Stops Here Feedback to Niggers, Spicks, Towelheads:

I, Bernie Sanders; think you – niggers, spicks, towelheads -- are biologically, psychologically inferior to Europeans because you couldn’t control your genitals; to stop fucking like cockroaches on Viagra; if the Pentagon and Kremlin stuck a goddamn fucking gun to your head’.

What is Bernie Sanders definition of ‘freedom’ and ‘racism’?

He doesn’t have one; cause the word ‘racism’ to him is nothing but Smoke and Mirrors propaganda bullshit to shut up any European who does not agree with his Masonic War is Peace patriarchal racist propaganda bullshit; and bullshit ignorant fragile ego psychologically insecure niggers and spicks; that he pretends to give a fuck about them; cause most niggers and spicks – like lawyers and psychologists – are too goddamn stupid or intellectually corrupt to give a fuck about character and honour or objective reality.

Ecology of Peace definitions of freedom and racism:

Excerpt: EoP Amicus to Florida 4th Judicial Court: Florida v Michael Dunn.

------In order for a subjective belief to be 'racial/religious/gender/culture' supremacist (i.e. morally unethical); the ‘supremacist belief’ must be (a) subjectively fundamentalist insincerely held, and (b) objectively false. Consequently a sincerely (Sincere: free from pretence or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings) held subjective belief about the supremacy of any individual or generally speaking group of individuals, that is objectively false; cannot be ‘racist’ and hence ‘morally unethical’; since the individual subjectively has no factual or experiential evidence justifying the amendment of his objectively false belief. Only when such an individual has been provided with experiential or factual evidence to the contrary, and refuses to amend his objectively inaccurate belief, would his belief be considered both fundamentalist ‘insincerely held’ and objectively false, and hence morally unethical. For example: - White men are generally technologically speaking superior to black men. - African American men are generally speaking superior to white men in basketball. - Serena Williams is superior to 99% of white, black, asian women at tennis. Traditional Bushmen culture is superior to European, Asian and African culture at living sustainably. Stating an objective fact about any individual or generally speaking group of individual’s supremacy at any particular physical, intellectual, psychological or emotional skill cannot be morally unethical. If OBJECTIVELY TRUE, such statements are not racially supremacist, and hence not morally unethical. They are simply the statement of an objective fact. [..] Ecology of Peace CommonSism Responsible Freedom: to choose to be responsible by choosing to breed and consume below carrying capacity limits; to benefit from the resource abundance consequences.

Masonic War is Peace Slavery Consequences Freedumb: the freedumb to choose to avoid personal responsibility for breeding and consuming below carrying capacity limits; by denying personal responsibility for the resource war thieving organized violence consequences of collective slavery freedumb breeding and consuming decision-making.

The consequences of Slavery Freedumb: organized violence conquer and culling racism, sexism, nationalism, socialism, capitalism, nazism, islamism, zionism, corporatism, stalinism, etc; as people choose to join one or other ideological, religious, racial or cultural tribe to engage in resource war thieving to accumulate more resources to grow their tribe to enable it to protect itself from another tribes organized violence resource war thieving.

So the choices facing humanity are:

(1) Slavery Freedumb Organized Violence on Steroids: organized rule of force violence conquer and culling racism, sexism, nationalism, socialism, capitalism, nazism, islamism, zionism, corporatism, stalinism, etc on crack-cocaine steroids; (2) CommonSism Responsible Voluntarist Association Freedom: implementing ecologically literate national and international law based upon ecological carrying capacity limits, where all tribes are required to implement legislation to reduce and once attained maintain their procreation and consumption below ecological carrying capacity limits. ------

Large: RacismDefinition

29 Sep 2015: Fox News: Donald Trump ‘jobs and taxes’ plan; CC: Donald Trump.

CC: Donald J Trump

EoP comment response to your WiP article is available at: EoP v WiP Negotiations: Transcript of Comments Correspondence [PDF: http://tiny.cc/EoP-WiPCommCorr]

EoP: Ecology of Peace | WiP: Masonic War is Peace.

*~~~~~~~~~~* *~~~~~~~~~~*

I have watched the following documentaries about Mr. Trump: What’s the Deal?; Donald Trump Exposed; Donald Trump Success Story.

There are issues I agree with Mr. Trump on; if they are his sincere opinions; and not just verbal diarrhoea he’s spinning to get elected. I don’t share Mr. Trump’s definition of success. [See comments to JCS: General Dempsey].

I also don’t share Mr. Trumps definition of beauty: Tits and ass sluts disgust me. In terms of an individual I consider honour and character the primary characteristics of a ‘beautiful person’; physical appearance has fuck all to do with my definition of an individuals beauty.

On Mr. Trumps ‘American jobs’ issue: I am unclear whether Mr. Trump is simply ignorant or engaged in welfare-vote-farm-slavery-plantation bullshit the public verbal diarrhoea.

Mr. Trump’s 60 minutes interview promising American ‘jobs’. In the absence of US, Nato, Russia and China EoP Axis Officials implementing an EoP NWO international law social contract and its new low tech agrarian economy [La Proxima Economia] on the path to deindustrialization and return to ecological carrying capacity limits; the only jobs that the War is Peace NWO international law social contract – whether Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Jeremy Corbyn or any other politician in any country promising Masonic War is Peace freedumb slavery corporate or individual welfare on their Masonic War is Peace vote farm slavery plantation [Story of Human Factory Farm Enslavement]-- are going to be able to offer their citizens are ‘Arbeid Macht Frei’ jobs. [See among others comments to: The Economist Intelligence Unit; Warriors for African Consciousness; Unrepentant Cowboy; and Arktos]

06 May: US Senate via Sen Ben Sasse: Re: Adult Decision-making: EoP or WiP NWO Future?

______From: Lara Johnstone | To: US Senate via Senator Ben Sasse CC: EoP Applicants [PDF]; Lockheed Martin Brd Dir [PDF]; NSA & FSB [PDF] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 6:50 PM Subject: US Senate via Sen Ben Sasse: Re: Adult Decision-making: EoP or WiP NWO Future? ______

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 7:03 PM | 7:04 PM | 7:05 PM | 7:07 PM | 7:06 PM | 7:08 PM | 7:09 PM | 7:10 PM | 7:10 PM | 7:11 PM | 8:06 PM To: US Senate: 'TN: Lamar Alexander: David Cleary'; 'NH: Kelly Ayotte: Dan Auger'; 'WI: Tammy Baldwin: Michael DiNapoli'; 'WY: John Barrasso: Amber Bland'; 'CO: Michael Bennet: Juliana Herman'; 'CT: Richard Blumenthal: James Mikolowsky'; 'MO: Roy Blunt: Tracy Henke'; 'NJ: Cory Booker: Will Cunningham'; 'AR: John Boozman: Catherine McKinney'; 'CA: Barbara Boxer: Jackson Droney'; 'OH: Sherrod Brown: Kia Hamadanchy'; 'NC: Richard Burr: Chris Toppings'; 'DC: Maria Cantwell: Nico Janssen'; 'WV: Shelley Moore: Adam Tomlinson' | 'MD: Ben Cardin: Joel Cohen'; 'DE: Tom Carper: Michael Santora'; 'PN: Robert Casey: Jared Solomon'; 'LA: Bill Cassidy: Pamela Davidson'; 'IN: Dan Coats: Nancy Richardson'; 'MS: Thad Cochran: Constance Payne'; 'ME: Susan Collins: Jill Carney'; 'DE: Chris Coons: Jacqueline Thomas'; 'TN: Bob Corker: Daniel Vajdich'; 'TX: : Michelle Chin' | 'AR: Tom Cotton: John Martin'; 'ID: Mike Crapo: Kellie McConnell'; 'TX: : Courtney Asbill'; 'MT: Steve Daines: Dan Gerig'; 'IN: Joe Donnelly: Katie Campbell'; 'IL: Dick Durbin: Brad Middleton'; 'WY: Mike Enzi: Tara Shaw'; 'IO: Joni Ernst: Ryan Berger'; 'CA: Dianne Feinstein: Jennifer Duck'; 'NE: Deb Fischer: Sharon Burd'; 'AZ: Jeff Flake: Adam Kazda' | 'ND: John Hoeven: Shawn Affolter'; 'OK: James Inhofe: Jennifer Bowman'; 'GA: Johnny Isakson: Michael Black'; 'WI: Ron Johnson: Lydia Westlake'; 'VA: Tim Kaine: Karishma Merchant'; 'ME: Angus King: Aisha Woodward'; 'IL: Mark Kirk: Cade Clurman'; 'MN: Amy Klobuchar: Andrea Stoesz'; 'OK: James Lankford: Katherine Mayne'; 'VT: Patrick Leahy: Kathryn Toomajian' | 'MN: Al Franken: Gohar Sedighi'; 'CO: Cory Gardner: Curtis Swager'; 'NY: Kirsten Gillibrand: Maria Price'; 'SC: Lindsay Graham: Jessica-Phillips Tyson'; 'IA: Chuck Grassley: James Rice'; 'UT: Orrin Hatch: Katie Neal'; 'NM: Martin Heinrich: Elizabeth Hill'; 'ND: Heidi Heitkamp: Tracee Sutton'; 'NV: Dean Heller: Ryan McBride'; 'HI: Mazie Hirono: Jonathan Elkin' | 'UT: Mike Lee: Jordan Hess'; 'WV: Joe Manchin: Katherine Cassling'; 'MA: Ed Markey: John Phillips'; 'AZ: John McCain: David Cole'; 'MO: Claire McCaskill: Kyle Simpson'; 'KY: Mitch McConnell: Jen Kuskowski'; 'NJ: Robert Menendez: Kirby Mayo'; 'OR: Jeff Alan Merkley: Susan Lexer'; 'MD: Barbara Mikulski: Brent Palmer'; 'KS: Jerry Moran: Brian Perkins' | 'AK: Lisa Murkowski: Karen McCarthy'; 'CT: Chris Murphy: Emily Smith'; 'WA: Patty Murray: Sarah Bolton'; 'FL: Bill Nelson: Matt Williams'; 'KY: : Natalie Burkhalter'; 'GA: David Perdue: John Eunice'; 'MI: Gary Peters: Zepraphie Buetow'; 'OH: Rob Portman: Megan Harrington'; 'RI: Jack Reed: Moira Lenehan-Razzuri'; 'NV: Harry Reid: Jason Unger'; 'ID: James Risch: Rachel Burkett' | 'KS: Pat Roberts: Joshua Yurek'; 'SD: Mike Rounds: Gregg Rickman'; 'FL: Marco Rubio: Emily Bouck'; 'VT: Bernie Sanders: David Cohen'; 'HI: Brian Schatz: Melika Carroll'; 'NY: Chuck Schumer: Veronica Duron'; 'SC: Tim Scott: Chuck Cogar'; 'AL: : Mary Blanche Hankey'; 'NH: Jeanne Shaheen: Alison MacDonald'; 'AL: Richard Shelby: Dayne Cutrell' | 'MI: Debbie Stabenow: Doug Messana'; 'AL: Dan Sullivan: Kate Wolgemuth'; 'MT: Jon Tester: Hannah VanHoose'; 'SD: John Thune: Jon Abdnor'; 'NC: Thom Tillis: Joe Nolan'; 'PN: Pat Toomey: Dimple Gupta'; 'NM: Tom Udall: Fern Goodhart' | 'LA: David Vitter: Emily Wilkinson'; 'VA: Mark Warner: Marvin Figueroa'; 'MA: Elizabeth Warren: Julie Morgan'; 'RI: Sheldon Whitehouse: Brenna Barber'; 'MS: Roger Wicker: Sarah Lloyd Allred'; 'OR: Ron Wyden: Laura Berntsen' | 'CT: Richard Blumenthal: David Carpman'; 'WI: Tammy Baldwin: Brian Moulton'; 'Dan McCarthy' Subject: FW: US Senate via Sen Ben Sasse: Re: Adult Decision-making: EoP or WiP NWO Future?

US Senate: TN: Lamar Alexander: David Cleary ([email protected]); NH: Kelly Ayotte: Dan Auger ([email protected]); WI: Tammy Baldwin: Michael DiNapoli ([email protected]); WY: John Barrasso: Amber Bland ([email protected]); CO: Michael Bennet: Juliana Herman ([email protected]); CT: Richard Blumenthal: James Mikolowsky ([email protected]); MO: Roy Blunt: Tracy Henke ([email protected]); NJ: Cory Booker: Will Cunningham ([email protected]); AR: John Boozman: Catherine McKinney ([email protected]); CA: Barbara Boxer: Jackson Droney ([email protected]); OH: Sherrod Brown: Kia Hamadanchy ([email protected]); NC: Richard Burr: Chris Toppings ([email protected]); DC: Maria Cantwell: Nico Janssen ([email protected]); WV: Shelley Moore: Adam Tomlinson ([email protected]); MD: Ben Cardin: Joel Cohen ([email protected]); DE: Tom Carper: Michael Santora ([email protected]); PN: Robert Casey: Jared Solomon ([email protected]); LA: Bill Cassidy: Pamela Davidson ([email protected]); IN: Dan Coats: Nancy Richardson ([email protected]); MS: Thad Cochran: Constance Payne ([email protected]); ME: Susan Collins: Jill Carney ([email protected]); DE: Chris Coons: Jacqueline Thomas ([email protected]); TN: Bob Corker: Daniel Vajdich ([email protected]); TX: John Cornyn: Michelle Chin ([email protected]); AR: Tom Cotton: John Martin ([email protected]); ID: Mike Crapo: Kellie McConnell ([email protected]); TX: Ted Cruz: Courtney Asbill ([email protected]); MT: Steve Daines: Dan Gerig ([email protected]); IN: Joe Donnelly: Katie Campbell ([email protected]); IL: Dick Durbin: Brad Middleton ([email protected]); WY: Mike Enzi: Tara Shaw ([email protected]); IO: Joni Ernst: Ryan Berger ([email protected]); CA: Dianne Feinstein: Jennifer Duck ([email protected]); NE: Deb Fischer: Sharon Burd ([email protected]); AZ: Jeff Flake: Adam Kazda ([email protected]); ND: John Hoeven: Shawn Affolter ([email protected]); OK: James Inhofe: Jennifer Bowman ([email protected]); GA: Johnny Isakson: Michael Black ([email protected]); WI: Ron Johnson: Lydia Westlake ([email protected]); VA: Tim Kaine: Karishma Merchant ([email protected]); ME: Angus King: Aisha Woodward ([email protected]); IL: Mark Kirk: Cade Clurman ([email protected]); MN: Amy Klobuchar: Andrea Stoesz ([email protected]); OK: James Lankford: Katherine Mayne ([email protected]); VT: Patrick Leahy: Kathryn Toomajian ([email protected]); MN: Al Franken: Gohar Sedighi ([email protected]); CO: Cory Gardner: Curtis Swager ([email protected]); NY: Kirsten Gillibrand: Maria Price ([email protected]); SC: Lindsay Graham: Jessica-Phillips Tyson (jessica- [email protected]); IA: Chuck Grassley: James Rice ([email protected]); UT: Orrin Hatch: Katie Neal ([email protected]); NM: Martin Heinrich: Elizabeth Hill ([email protected]); ND: Heidi Heitkamp: Tracee Sutton ([email protected]); NV: Dean Heller: Ryan McBride ([email protected]); HI: Mazie Hirono: Jonathan Elkin ([email protected]); UT: Mike Lee: Jordan Hess ([email protected]); WV: Joe Manchin: Katherine Cassling ([email protected]); MA: Ed Markey: John Phillips ([email protected]); AZ: John McCain: David Cole ([email protected]); MO: Claire McCaskill: Kyle Simpson ([email protected]); KY: Mitch McConnell: Jen Kuskowski ([email protected]); NJ: Robert Menendez: Kirby Mayo ([email protected]); OR: Jeff Alan Merkley: Susan Lexer ([email protected]); MD: Barbara Mikulski: Brent Palmer ([email protected]); KS: Jerry Moran: Brian Perkins ([email protected]); AK: Lisa Murkowski: Karen McCarthy ([email protected]); CT: Chris Murphy: Emily Smith ([email protected]); WA: Patty Murray: Sarah Bolton ([email protected]); FL: Bill Nelson: Matt Williams ([email protected]); KY: Rand Paul: Natalie Burkhalter ([email protected]); GA: David Perdue: John Eunice ([email protected]); MI: Gary Peters: Zepraphie Buetow ([email protected]); OH: Rob Portman: Megan Harrington ([email protected]); RI: Jack Reed: Moira Lenehan-Razzuri ([email protected]); NV: Harry Reid: Jason Unger ([email protected]); ID: James Risch: Rachel Burkett ([email protected]); KS: Pat Roberts: Joshua Yurek ([email protected]); SD: Mike Rounds: Gregg Rickman ([email protected]); FL: Marco Rubio: Emily Bouck ([email protected]); VT: Bernie Sanders: David Cohen ([email protected]); HI: Brian Schatz: Melika Carroll ([email protected]); NY: Chuck Schumer: Veronica Duron ([email protected]); SC: Tim Scott: Chuck Cogar ([email protected]); AL: Jeff Sessions: Mary Blanche Hankey (maryblanche_hankey@sessions..gov); NH: Jeanne Shaheen: Alison MacDonald ([email protected]); AL: Richard Shelby: Dayne Cutrell ([email protected]); MI: Debbie Stabenow: Doug Messana ([email protected]); AL: Dan Sullivan: Kate Wolgemuth ([email protected]); MT: Jon Tester: Hannah VanHoose ([email protected]); SD: John Thune: Jon Abdnor ([email protected]); NC: Thom Tillis: Joe Nolan ([email protected]); PN: Pat Toomey: Dimple Gupta ([email protected]); NM: Tom Udall: Fern Goodhart ([email protected]); LA: David Vitter: Emily Wilkinson ([email protected]); VA: Mark Warner: Marvin Figueroa ([email protected]); MA: Elizabeth Warren: Julie Morgan ([email protected]); RI: Sheldon Whitehouse: Brenna Barber ([email protected]); MS: Roger Wicker: Sarah Lloyd Allred ([email protected]); OR: Ron Wyden: Laura Berntsen ([email protected]); CT: Richard Blumenthal: David Carpman ([email protected]); WI: Tammy Baldwin: Brian Moulton ([email protected]); Dan McCarthy ([email protected])

Transparency copy 06 May 2016 EoP correspondence to US Senate via: Sen Ben Sasse; Re: Adult Decision-making: EoP or WiP NWO Future?

______From: MILED EoP-PoW Clerk: Andrea Muhrrteyn [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 6:50 PM To: 'Ben Sasse: Eric Green'; 'Raven Shirley'; 'Chris Barkley'; 'Derrick Morgan'; 'Patrick Lehman'; 'Alyene Senger' Cc: 'Marillyn Hewson'; 'VP Space: Richard Ambrose'; 'VP Info: Sondra Barbour'; 'VP Missiles: Richard Edwards'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'US Amb in Pretoria: Amb Patrick Gaspard'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'NSA: Adm Rogers'; 'Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group'; 'GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office'; 'Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta'; 'David Petraeus'; 'Raymond Odierno and John Mulholland via US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'FSB: General Aleksandr Bortnikov' Subject: US Senate via Sen Ben Sasse: Re: Adult Decision-making: EoP or WiP NWO Future?

NE: Ben Sasse: Eric Green ([email protected]); Raven Shirley ([email protected]); Chris Barkley ([email protected]); Derrick Morgan ([email protected]); Patrick Lehman ([email protected]); Alyene Senger ([email protected])

CC: Lockheed Martin Board of Directors: Chair: Marillyn Hewson ([email protected]); VP Space: Richard Ambrose ([email protected]); VP Info: Sondra Barbour ([email protected]); VP Missiles: Richard Edwards ([email protected])

CC: EoP Applicants: Applicants: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: via US Navy JAG: VADM James W Crawford III via JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc ([email protected]); VADM Dennis McGinn via CNA Military Advisory Board Members: US Army: Gen Paul Kern ([email protected]); Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan ([email protected]); US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald ([email protected]); US Amb in Pretoria: Amb Patrick Gaspard ([email protected]); Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); via DOJ- NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); Copy to: NSA: Adm Rogers ([email protected]); Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group ([email protected]); Copy to: GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe ([email protected]); Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell ([email protected]); President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office ([email protected]); Copy to: Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta ([email protected]); David Petraeus ([email protected]); Raymond Odierno and John Mulholland via US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff (usarmy.pentagon.hqda-dcs-g- [email protected]); Stan McChrystal ([email protected]).

CC: FSB: General Aleksandr Bortnikov ([email protected])

US Senate via Sen Ben Sasse: Re: Adult Decision-making: EoP or WiP NWO Future?


What goddamn part of General Stan McChrystal’s ‘root cause problem solving vs wacking a mole’ – paraphrased: ‘when you are; or pretend to be the worlds ‘America First’ super power; and you do sweet goddamn fuck all for decades - presumably cause your entire culture is focused on nothing but corporate cocksucking of Hollywood like tits and ass sluts - about root cause problem solving and establishing a system of justice for all; your whacking a mole for corporate profiteering kaffirs pretending to be Aryan oligarchs; inaction leads to a fucking lot of resentment; where millions; perhaps billions of people around the planet; watching fuck honour American corporate profiteering whores terrorized into jumping out of the windows of World Trade Center skyscrapers; ranks amongst probably one of the happiest moments of their miserable lives – statement; do Americans not understand?

If your ‘conservatism’ has no buck stops here concern for establishing a legal social contract that legally conserves your nations resources; upon which all of life’s species rely upon for survival and sustenance; in accordance with ecological carrying capacity limits; by requiring your nation’s citizens to restrict their procreation and/or consumption to below ecological carrying capacity limits; then your ‘conservatism’ efforts to pretend to be concerned about conserving any other religious, racial or class cultural values is akin to farting against thunder. Put simply: If your conservatism is not about conserving the ecological carrying capacity resource foundations upon which all of life reside; your ‘conservatism’ ain’t nothing but fuck honour bullshit the public relations image management vote welfare bribery.

“If the economy / your bible / Koran / Torah / Talmud / Masonic Constitution is more important to you than the environment; try holding your breath; while you count your money / read your bible / Koran / Torah / Talmud / Masonic Constitution; and tell me what is more important to your survival: protecting the ecological carrying capacity resource foundation of life: our air, water and food by implementing an international social contract that restricts everyone’s breeding and consumption to ecological carrying capacity limits; so that all species on Earth can continue breathing, drinking clean water; and having organic food to eat; or counting your money / reading your Bible / Koran / Torah / Talmud / Masonic Constitution.” – amended quote of Guy McPherson; who coined the term ‘Near Term Extinction’ [NTE] which he writes about on his blog: Nature Bats Last.


I read the Fox: READ: Senator Calls for 'Adult' 3rd-Party Candidate in Scathing Post article; and Senator Sasse for Nebraska: Open Letter to Majority America.

Sen Sasse: “Washington isn’t fooling anyone -- Neither political party works. They bicker like children about tiny things, and yet they can’t even identify the biggest issues we face. They’re like a couple arguing about what color to paint the living room, and meanwhile, their house is on fire. They resort to character attacks as step one because they think voters are too dumb for a real debate.”

I am not a reporter. I’ve never come across anyone who identifies as a mainstream corporate journalist or editor who gives a flying fuck about doing anything to write about root cause problem solving. Perhaps such a person exist; I just have not met them. I am only aware of one politician – Vladimir Putin – who has repeatedly demonstrated his concerns about holding reporters who have fuck all concern for root cause problem solving accountable for their fuck root cause problem solving reporting. I have come across a few soldiers and intelligence agents who give a fuck about root cause problem solving.

I have never considered any voter; or any race, religion or class; too dumb for a sincere root cause problem solving public discussion; based on Ecology of Peace communication policy practices.

Ecology of Peace Honourable Reason and Logic Problem Solving Communication Policy:  always respond to verbal and written correspondence: from honourable communicators, with a sincere honest response; from communicators interpreted as dishonourable, with a sincere honest interpretation of the dishonourable elements of their communication, and if continued, with notice of the termination of correspondence, until they commit to honourable discourse; if committed to honourable discourse;  by sincerely and actively listening to the evidence from any individual, irrespective of their political ideology (right wing to left wing), religion, race or culture; actively listening means you verify that your interpretation of their statements is accurate; before concluding that you have ‘heard their argument’;  you focus on simplifying the issue discussed, using as much as possible descriptive words (as opposed to abstract concepts; and where you do use abstract concepts; you are willing to define your meaning of that abstract concept within that circumstance)  you evaluate their argument based upon the evidence they present, not their race, religion or political ideology; etc;  if you are not convinced by their evidence on any particular issue; you are willing to agree to disagree on that particular issue, and remain in the conversation until you find agreement (if ever); and support each other on other issues that you do agree upon.  if conflict arises in the discussion about the issue, you are committed to remaining in the conversation and finding a way to resolve the conflict, by allowing yourselves to get over your anger (as opposed to requiring yourself or others to suppress their anger for political correct ‘lets pretend we are getting along’ reasons). If or where such occurs: if sincere about resolving the disagreement; engage each other to find a fair arbitrator or fully informed consenting agreed upon process for resolving the conflict. Once the emotional steam has been released through the conflict resolution process; both parties will find themselves in a more calm neutral space where the truthseeking conversation can proceed.  if their evidence proves any of your evidence for any of your ideological or other working hypothesis theories or beliefs to be inaccurate; you love reason and logic more than your ego-identity and hence you are willing to publicly change your mind, on that particular subject and amend your ideological working hypothesis or belief with the new evidence provided.

If you sincerely care about root cause problem solving; feel free to read on. If you don’t sincerely care about root cause problem solving; only about your bullshit the public relations image management; then the answer to most of your squealing like pig being butchered questions; including your “WHY is Trump or Hillary the only choice?”; is in the mirror.

I am not an American citizen; hence not a member of Majority or Minority America. I am a member of an Ecology of Peace culture [EoP Oath PDF]. I don’t have any kids. I live in Africa.

Any individual on planet earth who prefers to shop at Walmart mega-stores or malls, instead of local farmers markets or small family owned businesses; should not be surprised if their community’s local economy is raped and pillaged by Fortune 500 economic gang rapist resource thief super predators; who would happily profit from covertly culling them from the genepool by slowly poisoning them to death with lead water pipes; toxic food or toxic products.

Similarly any individual with an internet connection and a minor modicum of curiosity would be aware of information and evidence in support thereof; that (i) Americans never put a man on the moon; it was a hoax; just like 19 Saudi Cessna learner license pilots; never flew kamikaze Boeings; into the WTC Towers; (ii) Americans – and other nations corporative industrialized citizens – have almost no concern for the planets health or healthy food.

Re: Voting in WiP Bribery Duhmockery Elections:

I have notified South African IEC officials that I shall not be voting in South Africa’s Masonic War is Peace Mandelatopia Duhmockery elections: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations Comments Correspondence [PDF]: IEC.

As far as I am aware: all politicians –– in America, Europe, Asia, Latin America or Africa; irrespective of whether they call themselves liberals, conservatives, socialists, communists, progressives, White Power, Black Power, Latino Power, etc –– play –– ‘vote for me to ensure your right to breed or consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’; and we’ll blame the overpopulation and overconsumption resource depletion consequences on some other racial, religious or class group –– corporate or individual welfare bribery politics according to the planetary Masonic War is Peace ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ international law social contract.

«« Excerpt: EoP Axis: Cop 21 [PDF] »» “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” - Albert Einstein

1. Economic inequality; psycho-social resource conflict conformity pressures; climate change, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, nation states standing army or dissident guerrilla army ‘terrorism’ resource war military aggression, etc – are a direct and indirect consequence of overpopulation and overconsumption.

2. Overconsumption and overpopulation are a direct consequence of humans procreating and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits.

3. Humans procreate and consume above ecological carrying capacity limits because the current international law social contract; allows nation states to provide their citizens with the implied ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’.

4. Humans will stop procreating and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits when legislators amend the current international law and national constitutional social contract statutes that enable procreation and consumption above ecological carrying capacity limits; to specifically require all the worlds/their nations citizens to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP Cop21 Simple Root Cause Problem Solving Recommendation:

Ask Cop 21 negotiators to vote on the following legally binding suggestion to eliminate the manmade causes of global warming.

Cop 21 negotiators agree to support international law legislation requiring all the worlds nations political parties to agree to implement national legislation by 11 September 2016; that requires all their citizens to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits. Any political party which refuses to cooperate; is to lose their political party license; and any nation that refuses to remove the violating political party’s license may be legally charged in an international court; by any individual in that nation or another nation with the intention to bribe their citizens to overbreed or overconsume; which shall be considered crimes of aggression acts of war; punishable by the death penalty for every single member of that political party.

Once implemented all political parties will be on an even playing field and will no longer be able to bribe their citizens with individual or corporate welfare to vote for their political party. Politicians shall have to find their Thomas Sankara backbones; to cooperate with their citizens to teach them how to become cooperating self-reliant sustainable nations.

«« End Excerpt: EoP Axis: Cop 21»»

EoP or WiP NWO choices for adult decision-makers:

«« Excerpt: EoP Axis: Diem 25 [PDF] »»

Put simply: Europe, Africa, Eurasia, America: All of humans on Planet Earth’s choices are between Ecology of Peace humane, orderly and relatively non-violent deindustrialization and depopulation; and Masonic War is Peace extremely violent Mad Max race wars, religious wars, four horses of the apocalypse Armageddon deindustrialization and depopulation.

It is true that when the European Union and World economy collapses; perhaps together; perhaps subsequent to each other by a few years [Meltdown]; the socio-economic conditions shall result in the rise of either Masonic ‘left: communist’ or ‘right: national socialist’ wing War is Peace populist extremist political parties. Irrespective of whether the extremist populist party in any particular nation is ‘left’ or ‘right’; that Masonic War is Peace populist extremist party shall need to engage in culling of the populace; to reduce the nations populace to levels closer to ecological carrying capacity limits. Both left and right wing Masonic War is Peace extremist populists shall have their respective ‘racial, cultural or religious trash’ [Soviet Story] whom they shall cull from their national genepool; whether via Stalinist Ukraine like famine; or Siberian concentration camps [Soviet Story]; or Nazi-like concentration camps [Jesuit Nazi Final Solution]; or American version Fema camps; or simply quickly and brutally Hutu-Tutsi style [Hutu-Tutsi]. There shall be mass culling. The decision-making about whom should and should not be culled; will not be based upon any racial, cultural, religious impartial ‘rule of culling law’ principle; but on the emotional hatred zeal of those in power; against perceived racial, religious or cultural group enemies; with no consideration whether individuals within that racial, religious or cultural group are guilty of the crimes; that some of their fellow racial, religious or cultural members are perceived to be guilty of by the respective Masonic Right/Left Extremist elite.

“Left right or right wing Capitalist WiP economic and population growth destroys the environment decreasing the nation’s resources. Left or Right wing Communist or National Socialist WiP economic and population growth destroys the environment decreasing the nation’s resources. The only difference is that Left or Right wing Capitalist growth does it faster and with greater economic inequality. When nations choose to follow a Masonic capitalist, communist, socialist, libertarian, Stalinist, nazi ‘right to breed/consume above ecological carrying capacity limits’ economic growth or population growth plan; they are buying a ticket on the Titanic. Whether they purchase a Left or Right Wing Neo Conservative/Liberal capitalist first-class or Left or Right wing Extremist Marxist/Nazi communist/national socialist third class steerage Titanic ticket is irrelevant. They are purchasing a ticket on the Titanic where the end sinking of the WiP capitalist/communist titanic economy; and mass covert or overt culling of ‘racial trash’ result is the same.” – amended quote of Albert Bartlett; Arithmetic, Population and Energy.

“The teachings of Marx and Engels were carefully studied by Lenin; the man who established the first Marxist country on Earth. One year after Lenin’s death in 1924, the New York Times published a small article, which at the time went almost unnoticed: "Hitlerite Riot In Berlin: Bear Glasses Fly When Speaker Compares Hitler and Lenin. It was about some newly established party in Germany. Berlin, Nov 27: The National Socialist-Labor Party, of which Adolph Hitler is patron and father, persists in believing Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted in a party meeting. Two weeks ago an attempted discussion of this subject led to one death, sixty injuries and GBP 3,000 damages to beer glasses, tables, chairs, windows and chandeliers in Chemnitz. Last night Dr Goebels tried the experiment in Berlin and only police intervention prevented a repetition of the Chemnitz affair. On Dr. Goebels assertion that Lenin was the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith were very slight, a faction war opened with whizzing beer glasses." Amazing. A Future Nazi propaganda minister Goebels was openly declaring that the difference between Lenin's communism and the Hitler faith was very slight.” -- The Soviet Story.

«« End Excerpt: EoP Axis: Diem 25 »»

Any political-economic system that allows citizens to procreate and/or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits; cannot – according to Tragedy of the Commons principles – do anything else but degenerate into predatory fascism. Bye bye Penis Cuntstudushin. Of interest regarding the future impending consequences of planetary predatory capitalism: Real News: Paul Jay’s Reality Asserts Itself: Who Makes US Foreign Policy interview of Lawrence Wilkerson; particularly the predatory capitalism part; which deals with the necessity of the great powers cooperating to implement a new economic order; to address the massive impending planetary social conflict problems resulting from climate change, peak food, peak water, peak oil, including how and where to bury 6 billion people.

«« Excerpt: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations CC [PDF]: Dept of Defence »»

JCS General Richard Myers: If ISIS goes away something else will take its place; we need a long range strategy – Fox; DIA General Michael Flynn: War on Terror is failing. You cannot defeat an enemy you don't admit exists. We must clearly define the enemy; then clearly articulate a strategy based on that definition of the enemy.- Freedom Daily.

«« End Excerpt: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations CC: Dept of Defence »»

Ecology of Peace New World Order Options:

Ecology of Peace Applicants [PDF] – of whom Vladimir Putin is one; and General Stan McChrystal is another – have partially cooperated to formulate a couple of different options which can be used individually or in select combination or collectively; for political; legal or military implementation of an Ecology of Peace International law social contract: (i) International Referendum; (ii) ICC: EoP PoW's –v– Nobel Committee & Peace Laureates et al; namely: Norwegian Nobel Committee; Nobel Peace Laureates; Bank of Intnl Settlements; Inter-American Dev Bank; APRACA: Asia-Pacific Rural & Agriculture Credit Assoc; WFE: World Fed. of Exchanges; OICU-IOSCO: Intnl Org of Securities Commissions; IAEA: Intnl Atomic Energy Agency; NEI: Nuclear Energy Institute; WCA: World Coal Assoc.; UN General Assembly States & UNDP / UNFPA / UNOPS Executive Board Secretariat; (iii) Swiss Federal Council: Ecology of Peace Prisoner of War submission to nullify and/or amend all International Treaties that do not address root causes of Resource War conflicts; and (iv) the final military option: EoP Military Necessity Evacuation: humane and orderly lotto nation draw depopulation of Scarcity Combatants; until all nations Attorney Generals filed EoP Axis Oaths with ICC.

‘Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton is irrelevant if American oligarchy has fuck all interest in EoP root cause problem solving.’ – paraphrased EoP interpretation of Vladimir Putin answer in 14 April 2016 Direct Line Q&A session.

The following question was asked of Vladimir Putin; at his 14 April 2016 citizen question and answer session.

«« Excerpt: Direct Line with Vladimir Putin »»

Valeriya Korableva: A question about elections, not in this country but in America. “Mr President, who is worse for Russia, Clinton or Trump?”

Vladimir Putin: You know, we should look for those who are better. I can only repeat what I said at the end of my response to the previous question, namely, that we have had moments in the history of our bilateral ties when we interacted very closely and achieved very good results on the national and international level.

Today there are also examples of such cooperation, relating to issues of nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the fight against terrorism, the resolution, say, of Iran’s nuclear problem, chemical weapons in Syria and the fight against terror in general.

There are also other examples of positive interaction, but our partners, to reiterate, if they act on the assumption… You see, it is not even a matter of specific individuals there. However, if they act on the false premise of their own exclusiveness, this will mean that they will lay claim to a special status and special rights. This is a gnoseological mistake, some experts say. It is essential to go to the root of the problem and act not from the position of force and dictate, not from the position of imperial ambitions, but to act respectfully with regard to all partners, and of course, with regard to Russia. Without this, it is impossible to build modern democratic international relations.

If they treat us respectfully, if they seek compromise solutions, the way we do, then we will find a solution that will suit everyone: both ourselves and our partners. Russia should simply be treated as an equal partner. This is the only correct conclusion based on what is happening now.

«« End Excerpt: Direct Line with Vladimir Putin »»

As noted in EoP correspondence in EoP Axis: TPP [PDF]; EoP Clerk has removed American EoP Axis ‘Commander in Chief’ authorization from civilian decision-makers in Republican and Democratic parties; or any other civilian political party; and transferred it to Joint Chiefs of Staff: General Joseph Dunford.

EoP or WiP NWO Future correspondence to MIC: Military Industrial Complex:

Enclosed below please find a transparency copy of 30 April 2016 21:45 PM GMT+2 correspondence to Lockheed Martin Board of Directors.

A copy of this correspondence shall be forwarded to all other US Senators Educational Liaison’s; and shall be documented at: (i) EoP Axis [PDF]: MIC: Military Industrial Complex; (ii) EoP Applicants [PDF]: All.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

______From: MILED EoP-PoW Clerk: Andrea Muhrrteyn [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2016 9:45 PM To: 'Marillyn Hewson'; 'VP Space: Richard Ambrose'; 'VP Info: Sondra Barbour'; 'VP MS & Training: Dale P Bennett'; 'VP Aeronautics: Orlando Carvalho'; 'VP Missiles: Richard Edwards' Cc: 'Cherylanne Anderson'; 'Donald F McGahn'; 'Killology: LtCol Dave Grossman'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Arif Hasan Akhundzada'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'FSB: General Aleksandr Bortnikov'; 'NSA: Adm Mike Rogers' Subject: Lockheed Martin Brd Dir: Info Request to Mil Ind Complex; Re EoP or WiP Future Preference

TO: Lockheed Martin Board of Directors: Chair: Marillyn Hewson ([email protected]); VP Space: Richard Ambrose ([email protected]); VP Info: Sondra Barbour ([email protected]); VP MS & Training: Dale P Bennett ([email protected]); VP Aeronautics: Orlando Carvalho ([email protected]); VP Missiles: Richard Edwards ([email protected])

CC: McChrystal Group: Rachel Mendelowitz via Cherylanne Anderson ([email protected]) CC: Donald Trump 2016: Re: America First Foreign Policy via Donald F McGahn ([email protected]) CC: Killology: LtCol Dave Grossman ([email protected]) CC: EoP Applicants: Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); Stan McChrystal ([email protected]); Observers: Arif Hasan Akhundzada ([email protected]); Major General Dana Pittard ([email protected]); CC: FSB: General Aleksandr Bortnikov ([email protected]); NSA: Adm Mike Rogers ([email protected])

Lockheed Martin Brd Dir: Info Request to Mil Ind Complex; Re EoP or WiP Future Preference

I shall attempt to make this as short as possible.

In 29 April 2016 -- EoP Response to McChrystal Group Org Psych: For Leaders, Soft is the New Strong –correspondence to Gen McChrystal [PDF]; regarding McChrystal Groups possible response to correspondence to FSB & NSA [PDF] -- EoP Interpretation Data: 23 April 2016: NSA & FSB: EoP Int: 22 Apr Earth Day Local Events: JAG Steel Law & Stan McChrystal ‘root cause problem solving vs wacking a mole’ blackout – I made the following working hypothesis conclusion:

----- Excerpt: EoP Response to McChrystal Group ----- “I imagine any rational thinking individual who is a corporate member of any military industrial complex related corporation; would far prefer small sustained profits from cooperating with Pentagon and/or Kremlin officials to provide military support for nations to implement Ecology of Peace orderly and humane depopulation and deindustrialization; to enable them to focus on transitioning their employees and corporations to an EoP low tech sustainable economy; than billions of profits for a few years; that go up in smoke; when the entire world economy very violently collapses; and they find out that American cities and suburbs are no different than formerly nigger and spick only inner city ghetto’s; where mothers, sisters, daughters and babies are gangraped for profits for crack. Then it will be too late for individuals who called themselves ‘white men rulers of planet earth’ to speak about ‘justice’ for anyone that looks like them; let alone everyone.”


What goddamn part of -- ‘when you are; or pretend to be the worlds ‘America First’ super power; and you do sweet goddamn fuck all for decades - presumably cause your entire culture is focused on nothing but corporate cocksucking of Hollywood like tits and ass sluts - about root cause problem solving and establishing a system of justice for all; your whacking a mole for corporate profiteering kaffirs pretending to be Aryan oligarchs; inaction leads to a fucking lot of resentment; where millions; perhaps billions of people around the planet; watching fuck honour American corporate profiteering whores terrorized into jumping out of the windows of World Trade Center skyscrapers; ranks amongst probably one of the happiest moments of their miserable lives -- Stan McChrystal ‘root cause problem solving vs wacking a mole’; does Ms McChrystal Group Organizational psychologist not understand? ----- End Excerpt: EoP Response to McChrystal Group -----

If my aforementioned working hypothesis regarding the possibility of rational individuals working for the military industrial complex corporations; being – like US Army Special Forces Michael Martin [PDF] or Hiram Stonebaker – cognitively green platoon common sense capable of the preference for making procreation, consumption and profit sacrifices to honourably cooperate with Pentagon, Kremlin, NATO and People’s Liberation Army of China; to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; that shall restrict all the worlds citizens, from all races and religions; to breeding and consuming below ecological carrying capacity limits; to enable orderly and humane deindustrialization and depopulation to a future EoP low tech sustainable economy; are incorrect; I have absolutely no problem amending such subjective truth and/or apologizing; verbally and/or in writing to General McChrystal; McChrytal Group and/or Ms. Mendelowitz.

Re: Hiram Stonebaker:

“In this country we build obsolescence into our products. Our national economy is based on waste. People buy because things look good and are packaged attractively. Take toilet paper, for example. We are starting to manufacture it in colour. Our test market hops prove conclusively that pale green sells best in St. Louis while pink is big in Boston. We have editors to snag the public by verbal gymnastics; brown isn't brown, its tawny brown. We subtly key in sexually stimulating music to back up radio commercials. We know that men like blue-coloured after shave lotion. Sanitary napkins will soon be packaged in boxes of various shapes with striped and polka dot wrappings. So who cares how the motor runs as long as the upholstery has eye appeal and the exterior is junked up with enough chrome?” - Clint Loveless, Whitcomb Associates Public Relations

“Well ... its just that I've been wiping my ass on plain white toilet paper for almost sixty years and I can't figure out any difference and I wonder if you really can.” - General Hiram Stonebaker -- Armageddon by Leon Uris

EoP Summaries:

Here follows my EoP summary to Dmitry Orlov; from Club Orlov.

======Excerpt: Dmitry Orlov: EoP Summary & Sixth Stage of Collapse ======

I hadn’t read your Sixth Stage of Collapse before today; and its way more powerful than Five Stages. Totally agree. I hope you don’t mind that I reposted it at: In Gods Name; updating Five Stages re-posted in 2008.

I recently shared that Five; now Six Stages of Collapse link:

 EoP Axis Negotiations: US v A Bundy et al [PDF]: 26 April 2016 8:54 PM: USA v A Bundy; Atlantic Ed & Journ: Re: Stan McChrystal ‘root cause problem solving vs wacking a mole’; and WiP Case No. 16-MJ-00006: USA v A Bundy et al.

You may wish to consider EoP Axis Military Necessity Evacuation blueprint ideas; with regard to your Sixth Stage of Collapse statement:

“This tragic [— environmental collapse — at the end of which we are left without a home, having rendered Earth (our home planet) uninhabitable] outcome may not be unavoidable. And if it is not unavoidable, then that's about the only problem left that's worth solving. The solution can be almost arbitrarily expensive in both life and treasure. I would humbly suggest that it's worth all the money in the world, plus a few billion lives, because if a solution isn't found, then that treasure and those lives are forfeit anyway. A solution for avoiding the sixth stage must be found, but I don't know what that solution would look like.”

EoP Axis Military Necessity Evacuation is the military necessity mutual coercion last resort option of the Ecology of Peace NWO social contract options. It provides a legal blueprint for how to legally, militarily, politically and economically implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; to enable immediate orderly and humane deindustrialization and massive depopulation measures.

The benefits of immediate implementation of humane and orderly depopulation measures are documented in among others: EoP Axis: Cop 21 [PDF: EoP Axis Humane De-Industrialization and Depopulation Options: 22 Jan 2016]. Furthermore Canadian Attorney Generals [PDF: 09 March 2016]; Hong Kong Prosecutor [PDF: 09 March 2016]; ICC Judges [PDF: 29 Dec 2015]; have been notified of the possibility that EoP Axis Military Necessity Evacuation measures shall be implemented.

------Excerpt: EoP Axis: Cop 21 [PDF: 22 Jan 2016] ------

If humane deindustrialization and depopulation is implemented internationally as per EoP Cop21 Simple Root Cause Problem Solving Recommendation [PDF] submitted to UNFCCC & Cop 21; and/or EoP complaint to ICC; it would have greater positive effects on re- forestation, biodiversity and climate change than the extremely violent depopulation implemented by Genghis Khan the Green; which only occurred in Eurasia; but resulted in massive reforestation and the plummeting of carbon levels.

Excerpts from: Coupled climate–carbon simulations indicate minor global effects of wars and epidemics on atmospheric CO2 between AD 800 and 1850 study by Julia Pongratz; article: Genghis Khan the GREEN: Invader killed so many people that carbon levels plummeted; Carnegie: War, Plague No Match for Deforestation in Driving CO2 Buildup.

Genghis Khan has been branded the greenest invader in history - after his murderous conquests killed so many people that huge swathes of cultivated land returned to forest. The Mongol leader, who established a vast empire between the 13th and 14th centuries, helped remove nearly 700 million tons of carbon from the atmosphere, claims a new study. The deaths of 40 million people meant that large areas of cultivated land grew thick once again with trees, which absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. And, although his methods may be difficult for environmentalists to accept, ecologists believe it may be the first ever case of successful manmade global cooling.

Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes had an impact on the global carbon cycle as big as today’s annual demand for gasoline. The Black Death, on the other hand, came and went too quickly for it to cause much of a blip in the global carbon budget. Dwarfing both of these events, however, has been the historical trend towards increasing deforestation, which over centuries has released vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, as crop and pasture lands expanded to feed growing human populations. Even Genghis Kahn couldn’t stop it for long.

“It’s a common misconception that the human impact on climate began with the large-scale burning of coal and oil in the industrial era,” says Julia Pongratz of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology, lead author of a new study on the impact of historical events on global climate published in the January 20, 2011, online issue of The Holocene. “Actually, humans started to influence the environment thousands of years ago by changing the vegetation cover of the Earth‘s landscapes when we cleared forests for agriculture.”

Clearing forests releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when the trees and other vegetation are burned or when they decay. The rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide resulting from deforestation is recognizable in ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica before the fossil-fuel era.

But human history has had its ups and downs. During high-mortality events, such as wars and plagues, large areas of croplands and pastures have been abandoned and forests have re-grown, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Pongratz decided to see how much effect these events could have had on the overall trend of rising carbon dioxide levels. Working with colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Germany and with global ecologist Ken Caldeira at Carnegie, she compiled a detailed reconstruction of global land cover over the time period from 800 AD to present and used a global climate-carbon cycle model to track the impact of land use changes on global climate. Pongratz was particularly interested in four major events in which large regions were depopulated: the Mongol invasions in Asia (1200-1380), the Black Death in Europe (1347-1400), the conquest of the Americas (1519-1700), and the Fall of the Ming Dynasty in China (1600- 1650).

“We found that during the short events such as the Black Death and the Ming Dynasty collapse, the forest re-growth wasn’t enough to overcome the emissions from decaying material in the soil,” says Pongratz. “But during the longer-lasting ones like the Mongol invasion and the conquest of the Americas there was enough time for the forests to re-grow and absorb significant amounts of carbon.”

The global impact of forest re-growth in even the long-lasting events was diminished by the continued clearing of forests elsewhere in the world. But in the case of the Mongol invasions, which had the biggest impact of the four events studied, re-growth on depopulated lands stockpiled nearly 700 million tons of carbon absorbed from the atmosphere. This is equivalent to the world’s total annual demand for gasoline today.

Pongratz points out the relevance of the study to current climate issues. “Today about a quarter of the net primary production on the Earth’s land surface is used by humans in some way, mostly through agriculture,” she says. “So there is a large potential for our land-use choices to alter the global carbon cycle. In the past we have had a substantial impact on global climate and the carbon cycle, but it was all unintentional. Based on the knowledge we have gained from the past, we are now in a position to make land-use decisions that will diminish our impact on climate and the carbon cycle. We cannot ignore the knowledge we have gained.”

As noted in Request for Assistance of Counsel to renowned Philippine’s Environmentalist lawyer: Tony Oposa [PDF]; if EoP Applicants cannot find any civilian attorneys to support their EoP ICC complaint; EoP Axis authorities can choose to implement the military necessity mutual coercion last resort option of the Ecology of Peace NWO social contract options.

If EoP Axis authorities – Leaders of Russia, China, USA & NATO – and/or IL Coercion authorities choose to implement the EoP Axis Military Necessity Evacuation – as detailed in 26 September 2015 Military Necessity Evacuation Lotto Pool Notice to Nation State Supreme Court Judges & Attorney Generals of: Bahrain, Brazil; Brunei, Burundi, China, Germany, India, Japan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Mali, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Niger, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Somalia, South Korea, Uganda, United Kingdom, of America, Vatican City [PDF]; Proof of Service [PDF] – the first two countries on the EoP Axis Military Necessity Evacuation lotto are: Phillipines [PDF] and India [PDF].

Lotto Military Necessity Evacuation implementation shall result in half of India and Phillipines – or subsequent lotto draw nations – scarcity combatants and breeding/consumption war extremist’s – whom Masonic War is Peace legislators, lawyers and judges formerly provided with Breeding/Consumption Innocence for sale Indulgences – being psychotronically humanely killed en masse; unless their city or the citizen has signed EoP Axis Oaths and provided such oaths to EoP Axis authorities as documented at EoP Supporters.

An EoP Military Necessity Evacuation: (a) Scarcity combatant is any citizen who is a member of the following professions: (i) Law: Judges, Prosecutors & Lawyers; (ii) Mental Health: Psychologists & Psychiatrists; (iii) Media: Print, TV or Radio: Editors, Producers & Journalists; (iv) Religious & Non Profit: Officials and Employees of any religious worship or charity organization with State non- profit status. (b) Breeding / consumption war extremist is any adult individual over the age of 18 who has co-procreated more than 3 children who survived beyond the age of 5; and/or who possesses capital assets amounting to more than US $ 2.55 million.

------End Excerpt: EoP Axis: Cop 21 [PDF: 22 Jan 2016] ------

======End Excerpt: Dmitry Orlov: EoP Summary & Sixth Stage of Collapse ======

Once the aforementioned breeding / consumption war extremists have either chosen to amend their ways by filing an EoP Axis Oath; or been eliminated from the genepool; the breeding / consumption war extremist definition shall be lowered to the ‘scarcity combatant’ definition as noted in ICC complaint detailed in correspondence to ICC Judges [PDF: 29 Dec 2015].

My working hypothesis regarding FSB Gen Bortnikov and NSA: Adm Rogers EoP summary is available at FSB & NSA: Summary [PDF: 21 March 2016].


I shall send copies of this correspondence to a few other Military Industrial Complex corporate individuals; for your MIC collective decision-making.

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented at: (i) EoP Applicants [PDF]: Stan McChrystal; Timothy McVeigh; (ii) FSB & NSA [PDF]: Stan McChrystal; (iii) EoP v WiP NWO negotiations: Psych [PDF]: McChrystal Group; (iv) EoP Axis [PDF]: MIC: Military Industrial Complex.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

01 Jun 2016: US Political Parties: Failures of Political Party & Protest Marketing From Tiannamen to Paris Cop 21 to Euromaidan...

______From: MILED EoP-PoW Clerk: Andrea Muhrrteyn Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 11:43 PM | 11:48 PM To: American Political Parties Subject: US Political Parties: Failures of Political Party & Protest Marketing From Tiannamen to Paris Cop 21 to Euromaidan... ______

From: MILED EoP-PoW Clerk: Andrea Muhrrteyn [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 11:43 PM | 11:48 PM To: ''; 'America First Party'; 'American Beer Drinker’s Party'; 'American Centrist Party'; 'American Heritage Party'; 'American Independent Party'; ''; 'American Party'; 'American Patriot Party'; 'American Patriot Party'; 'American Reform Party'; 'American Synthesis Party'; 'America’s Founding Fathers Party'; 'America’s Independent Party'; 'Autonomy Party'; 'Being Human Party'; 'Christian Falangist Party of America'; 'Citizens Party'; 'Common Good Party'; 'Commonwealth Party'; 'Communist Party USA'; 'Constitution Party'; 'Constitution Action Party'; 'Democratic Party'; 'Democratic Socialists Party'; ''; ''; 'Office'; 'Independence Party'; 'Independent American Party'; 'Independent American Party'; 'The Labor Party'; 'Labour Party'; 'Liberal Progress Party'; 'Libertarian Party'; 'HP'; 'Light Party' | 'Modern Whig Party'; 'National Socialist Movement'; 'Neo Whig Party'; 'Party X'; 'Populist Party of America'; ''; 'Prohibition Party'; 'Reform Party'; 'Reform Party'; 'Republican Party'; 'Republican National Committee'; 'Social Democrats'; 'Socialist Action'; 'Socialist Equality Party'; 'Education'; 'Detroit'; 'John Burton'; 'Canada: Socialist Equality Party'; 'Britain Socialist Equality Party'; 'Australia Socialist Equality Party'; 'Germany Partei für Soziale Gleichheit'; 'Sri Lanka Socialist Equality Party'; 'Socialist Labor Party'; 'Socialist Party'; 'Socialist Party USA'; 'Thermodynamic Law Party'; 'United Fascist Union'; 'Unity Party of America'; 'U.S. Marijuana Party'; 'U.S. Pacifist Party'; 'We The People Party'; 'Worker’s Socialist Party'; 'Workers World Party'; 'Constitution Party of '; 'Green Party of Texas'; 'Libertarian Party of Texas'; 'Reform Party of Texas'; 'Republican Party of Texas'; ''; 'Texas Communist Party'; ''; 'Texas Patriot Party'; 'Workers World Party' Subject: US Political Parties: Failures of Political Party & Protest Marketing From Tiannamen to Paris Cop 21 to Euromaidan...

American Party ([email protected]); America First Party ([email protected]); American Beer Drinker’s Party ([email protected]); American Centrist Party ([email protected]); American Heritage Party ([email protected]); American Independent Party ([email protected]); American Nazi Party ([email protected]); American Party ([email protected]); American Patriot Party ([email protected]); American Patriot Party ([email protected]); American Reform Party ([email protected]); American Synthesis Party ([email protected]); America’s Founding Fathers Party ([email protected]); America’s Independent Party ([email protected]); Autonomy Party ([email protected]); Being Human Party ([email protected]); Christian Falangist Party of America ([email protected]); Citizens Party ([email protected]); Common Good Party ([email protected]); Commonwealth Party ([email protected]); Communist Party USA ([email protected]); Constitution Party ([email protected]); Constitution Action Party ([email protected]); Democratic Party ([email protected]); Democratic Socialists Party ([email protected]); Freedom Socialist Party ([email protected]); Green Party ([email protected]); Office ([email protected]); Independence Party ([email protected]); Independent American Party ([email protected]); Independent American Party ([email protected]); The Labor Party ([email protected]); Labour Party ([email protected]); Liberal Progress Party ([email protected]); Libertarian Party ([email protected]); HP ([email protected]); Light Party ([email protected]); Modern Whig Party ([email protected]); National Socialist Movement [email protected]); Neo Whig Party ([email protected]); Party X ([email protected]); Populist Party of America ([email protected]); Prohibition Party ([email protected]); Prohibition Party ([email protected]); Reform Party ([email protected]); Reform Party ([email protected]); Republican Party ([email protected]); Republican National Committee ([email protected]); Social Democrats ([email protected]); Socialist Action ([email protected]); Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Education ([email protected]); Detroit ([email protected]); John Burton ([email protected]); Canada: Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Britain Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Australia Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Germany Partei für Soziale Gleichheit ([email protected]); Sri Lanka Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Socialist Labor Party ([email protected]); Socialist Party (natsec@sp- usa.org); Socialist Party USA ([email protected]); Thermodynamic Law Party ([email protected]); United Fascist Union ([email protected]); Unity Party of America ([email protected]); U.S. Marijuana Party ([email protected]); U.S. Pacifist Party ([email protected]); We The People Party ([email protected]); Worker’s Socialist Party ([email protected]); Workers World Party ([email protected]); Constitution Party of Texas ([email protected]); Green Party of Texas ([email protected]); Libertarian Party of Texas ([email protected]); Reform Party of Texas ([email protected]); Republican Party of Texas ([email protected]); Socialist Party of Texas ([email protected]); Texas Communist Party ([email protected]); Texas Democratic Party ([email protected]); Texas Patriot Party ([email protected]); Workers World Party ([email protected])

US Political Parties: Failures of Political Party & Protest Marketing From Tiannamen to Paris Cop 21 to Euromaidan...

Transparency Copy: EoP correspondence to Creative Touch: Jolindy Dreyer refers to Weakness of Bullshit the Public Relations Image Management Quantity over Quality Marketing; with reference to political protest marketing at Tiannamen and EuroMaidan: namely Han Dongfang quote from Global Financial Meltdown interview; and reasons for the failure of Euromaidan protests against Ukrainian political and corporate corruption.

The protestors fought and died for nothing; because they failed to (a) identify the root cause of their corporate; economic and political ‘corruption’ problem; (b) because their communication practices were not based upon buck stops here honesty root cause problem solving relationships with a truthseeking focus. The root cause of economic and political corruption is a Masonic War is Peace legal social contract that allows citizens to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits.

For more information on accurate identification of the root causes of Masonic War is Peace right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits; and laws to implement to restrict such corruption. See EoP Simple Root Cause Problem Solving suggestion made to UNFCCC, Cop21 & GMACCC [PDF]:

------Excerpt: NFCCC, Cop21 & GMACCC ------

UNFCCC, Cop 21 & GMACCC: EoP Cop21 Simple Root Cause Problem Solving Recommendation

Negotiators from over 190 countries – representing citizens from many different races, classes, cultures, religions – have come together to negotiate a ‘climate change agreement’; to stabilize atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to avoid “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”; with the aim of keeping global warming below 2°C.

Simplify Suggestion:

“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” - Albert Einstein

1. Climate change – like food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources – is a direct and indirect consequence of overpopulation and overconsumption. 2. Overconsumption and overpopulation are a direct consequence of humans procreating and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits. 3. Humans procreate and consume above ecological carrying capacity limits because the current international law social contract; provides the worlds nations citizens with the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’. 4. Humans will stop procreating and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits when legislators amend the international law social contract; to require all the worlds citizens to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP Cop21 Simple Root Cause Problem Solving Recommendation:

Ask Cop 21 negotiators to vote on the following legally binding suggestion to eliminate the manmade causes of global warming.

Cop 21 negotiators agree to support international law legislation requiring all the worlds nations political parties to agree to implement national legislation by 11 September 2016; that requires all their citizens to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits. Any political party which refuses to cooperate; is to lose their political party license; and any nation that refuses to remove the violating political party’s license may be legally charged in an international court; by any individual in that nation or another nation with the intention to bribe their citizens to overbreed or overconsume; which shall be considered crimes of aggression acts of war; punishable by the death penalty for every single member of that political party.

Once implemented all political parties will be on an even playing field and will no longer be able to bribe their citizens with individual or corporate welfare to vote for their political party. Politicians shall have to find their Thomas Sankara backbones; to cooperate with their citizens to teach them how to become cooperating self-reliant sustainable nations. ------End Excerpt: NFCCC, Cop21 & GMACCC ------

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented at (i) EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: China Labour Bulletin; Euromaidan; US Political Parties; (ii) EoP Axis: UNFCCC, Cop21 & GMACCC [PDF].


Lara Johnstone aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042 George East 6539 RSA GMC 4643-13 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

[copy of EoP 29 May 2016 08:10 PM correspondence to Jolindy Dreyer: Subject: EoP v WiP cultural -- education values; leadership; counselling/coaching; marketing -- values truthseeking discussion ]

______From: SQWorms [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2016 1:20 PM To: 'Jolindy Dreyer' Subject: Vegetable Gardening; Be Sociable Creative Touch & Heavenly Haven: Socially Responsible Charity

Jolindy Dreyer ([email protected]) Creative Touch

Hi Jolindy

Vegetable Gardening; Be Sociable Creative Touch & Heavenly Haven: Socially Responsible Charity

Thanks for popping in to ask about gardening info; offering space in your garden for growing vegetables; and for sharing your ideas about responsible charity.

Re: EoP Responsible Freedom v WiP Rat Race Slavery Freedumb Charity:

I took a look at your Heavenly Haven facebook page.

A few examples of my thoughts, ideas, research and pro-bono legal activism on responsible freedom charity.

EoP definition of Responsible Freedom is available at Ecology of Peace:

CommonSism Responsible Freedom: To choose to be responsible by choosing to breed and consume below carrying capacity limits; and relate socio-culturally in terms of Voluntarist fully informed consenting agreements; to benefit from the (a) resource abundance abundance ability to live a self sufficient sustainable lifestyle; and (b) freedom of association Voluntarist principles allowing all to engage in their own personal searches for meaning; without moralistic busybodies coercively asserting their political correct or other moralistic ideologies upon everyone. Essentially allowing all citizens to do whatever they want as long as (a) they breed and consume below carrying capacity; and (b) engage in fully informed consensual activities.

I don’t know of any Masonic War is Peace culture who has provided a clear and concise definition of what they mean by freedom. Based upon my observations of their cultural behaviours; if there was a buck stops here honest Freemason military, political, religious or corporate leader; they would define their version of freedom as stated at Masonic War is Peace:

Motarded Rat Race Slavery Freedumb: The seething energies of lucifer freedumb to obey the 'inalienable [freedumb slavery] right' to breed and consume above carrying capacity limits; denying personal responsibility for the human factory farming organized violence conquer and culling racism, sexism, nationalism, socialism, capitalism, nazism, islamism, zionism, corporatism, stalinism, human sacrifice culling, etc consequences; as people are motivated beyond retardation (motarded) to choose to join one or other ideological, religious, racial or cultural tribe to engage in resource war thieving to accumulate more resources to grow their tribe to enable it to protect itself from another tribes organized violence resource war thieving.

I don’t know if you are interested; but I did a very small – Breed or College -- survey in George asking people if they prefer education to help them be self-sufficient or charity welfare; their answers were: education.

More info about the Mosou culture I mentioned can be found at Tsedaqah: Ecological and Political Balance: Example of a TYGAE-like culture that practices Ecological and Political Balance: Mosuo Culture of SW China: No murder, rape, war, insanity or jails.

A pro-bono legal application I filed to an American court about a homeless African-American man; who filed a claim to the court; stating that he had been born unwanted and unloved: NY Brooklyn Supreme Court: Bernard Bey v Vickey Manley.

Re: Marketing:

I also browsed your corporate social media sites: Be Sociable Creative Touch; Be Sociable; Creative Touch.

I don’t share your perspective on marketing practices; and I am happy to clarify in more detail; if you are interested; and if not; that’s okay too.

See for example the Important Notice to Customers: Please Note Notice at SQWorms Contact Page.

Lara Johnstone SQWorms

______From: Jolindy Dreyer [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2016 2:04 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Vegetable Gardening; Be Sociable Creative Touch & Heavenly Haven: Socially Responsible Charity

Hi Lara

Thank you very much for your email - I really enjoyed reading it. I love engaging in intelligent conversation, and would love to chat some more. Perhaps you'd like to join me for coffee? My favourite coffee shop is Caloroso in Meade street - I'd be happy to pick you up.

I am especially passionate about marketing, and consider myself a Garden Route ambassador. I am one of the top 3 reviewers on TripAdvisor, I was nominated as Businesswoman of the year last year and Leadership magazine ran an article on me in August 2015. I am currently busy with my fourth degree (LLB), as I am equally passionate about gaining knowledge. It is fantastic meeting someone who has equally strong opinions as well as the knowledge and experience to back these up.

Have a fantastic day!

Warm regards Jolindy Dreyer

______From: MILED EoP-PoW Clerk: Andrea Muhrrteyn [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2016 8:10 PM To: 'Jolindy Dreyer' Subject: EoP v WiP cultural -- education values; leadership; counselling/coaching; marketing -- values truthseeking discussion

Jolindy Dreyer Creative Touch, Be Sociable & Heavenly Haven


EoP v WiP cultural -- education values; leadership; counselling/coaching; marketing - - values truthseeking discussion

Thanks for response. Interesting info. Apologies for length of email; some of the Ecology of Peace concepts may be alien to you; so I have tried to provide you with as succinct as possible overview of these concepts; so you can get an initial informed overview of where I am coming from.

I am going to include our written correspondence in EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Creative Touch; which will enable EoP Applicants and others following the EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations discussions to be provided with your feedback; whatever it may be.

I enjoy any truthseeking conversation that is focused on sincere problem solving; or how to educate others who are interested therein; to engage in sincere root cause problem solving; and would be happy to chat some more; if that interests you.

I prefer quiet relaxed environment to a busy coffee shop; surrounded by the cognitive dissonance energy of a bunch of people addicted to bullshit the public relations image management rather than honest sincere problem solving conversation. I’ve never been to Caloroso; so don’t know if its busy or quiet.

Re: EoP and WiP Cultural Educational Values:

I think its best to say that we have very different cultural and educational values; and consequently worldviews.

For example: I imagine you are very proud of yourself for being nominated Businesswoman of the year; and for being in Leadership magazine and for your degrees.

I totally understand your pride and values based upon your cultural values. They are however not my cultural values.

In my EoP cultural worldview perspective: Unfortunately Masonic War is Peace culture elite did not bother to educate their cultural citizens to be honest with you; or me; or any of the other millions born into Masonic War is Peace cultures; to inform you that your were born into a culture whose cultural values are Masonic War is Peace cultural values.

I am no longer a member of any Masonic War is Peace culture: EoP Oath [PDF].

No offence; but I would not accept a nomination for Masonic War is Peace rape the planet businesswoman of the year prize; if you stuck a gun to my head. I spent fourteen years backpacking around the planet; Europe, Russia, China, North America; etc. If I had to choose between a hands on physical experience education of backpacking around the planet; or a theoretical corporate rape the planet education from any of the institutions around the planet that call themselves universities; but have yet to find their balls to educate their students about Ecology of Peace Facts; I’d make the same choice again and again.

Re: Leadership:

I did a google search and found your LinkedIn and Whose Who profiles; a copy of the August 2015 Leadership magazine; and your Colour In Therapy page.

Did you ask Leadership Online what their definition of ‘leadership’ was before you agreed to accept their ‘leadership’ recognition?

A Survey Enquiry letter I wrote to Leadership Online [PDF] – and all other South African media editors – in 2012; asking them whether they practice root cause problem solving leadership or Masonic War is Peace parasite leadership.

Re: EoP v WiP Counselling, Therapy & Coaching:

EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Intnl Psych [PDF] survey to enquire from hundreds of International and South African psychologists and psychiatrists if any of their expert ‘psychotherapy counseling’ recognizes Ecology of Peace Factual Reality; provides an excellent example of fraudulent Masonic War is Peace Universities education of Psychologists and Psychiatrists; to ignore root cause problem solving.

Ecology of Peace Facts being: (a) Earth is not flat; (b) Earth renewable and non-renewable resources are finite; (c) When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; (d) To sustainably protect and conserve natural resources in accordance to local and national carrying capacity limits; and restrict national and international inter-cultural resource war conflict; humans must implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

The Ecology of Peace culture has not come across any scientifically based 'mental disorder' definition; and consequently does not consider Masonic War is Peace culture members allegations of 'mental disorders' to be scientifically based. In the same way that coalminers would use a canary to warn them of the toxicity of air in a coalmine; Ecology of Peace culture considers individuals experiencing cognitive dissonance from conformity pressures resulting from overpopulation and overconsumption resource war pressures; as human canaries unconsciously warning about the toxicity of Masonic War is Peace culture. -- EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence: Webster Tarpley .. Infowars.

Re: Strength of Buck Stops Here Quality Marketing:

When it comes to my small business – SQWorms -- I subscribe to a Radical Honoursty cultural version of Jacques Worth’s High Probability Selling. Put simply: the buck stops here facts and nothing but the facts. If they prefer products from corporations who engage in bullshit the public relations image management; then they are more than welcome to go and purchase their products from such corporations.

While I don’t have many customers; I do have quality products; which I barter exchange to pay for rent and so on. It also means I don’t have to waste my time with people who don’t know what they want; attempting to convince them to purchase my SQWorms products. I can focus all my spare time on things that interest me.

When it comes to Ecology of Peace NWO Future marketing; various different types of marketing are being practiced:

 Overt: I follow my Radical Honoursty cultural High Probability Selling buck stops here marketing practices.

 Plausible Deniable Overt: EoP Applicants [PDF] are military officials who are and have been the plausible deniable overt public faces; for EoP Clerk or Acting Clerk Radical Ecology of Peace negotiations correspondence. They engage in a form of plausible deniable support for Radical Honoursty cultural High Probability Selling buck stops here marketing practices; and sometimes provide cryptic SIGINT events impossible coincidence twilight language marketing practices responses.

 Covert: These are military officials from FSB, NSA, Mossad, MI6, etc; who have been; and are engaged in an enquiry to determine the level of support amongst political, religious, corporate and media elite and citizens for the implementation of an Ecology of Peace international law social contract. As far as I am aware their enquiry is focused on determining whether an Ecology of Peace international law social contract can be relatively non-violently implemented; or whether military coercive measures shall be required to implement an EoP international law social contract; and if so: whether they have sufficient supporting military and civilian personnel to do so. They engage in military cryptic SIGINT events impossible coincidence twilight language marketing practices.

 Overt Interpretation of Covert Messages: If or when I notice a possible military cryptic SIGINT event occurring; that indicates that EoP enquiry related Covert Military Officials were involved in psychotronically manipulating such event; based upon Ecology of Peace enquiry motives; as former EoP Clerk; and current Acting Clerk; I provide an EoP Clerk interpretation of their possible military cryptic SIGINT message; which are updated at MILED Clerk Notice.

Together we have been involved in co-creating the various different legal, political and military blueprint options in our enquiry to determine what the interest is for non-violently, honourably end cooperatively implementing an Ecology of Peace NWO Future; and if not; whether military coercive measures shall be required; and if so; whether there is sufficient prospects of success for such military coercive measures.

Re: Weakness of Bullshit the Public Relations Quantity Marketing:

“Han Dongfang was a leader of the Tiananmen protests; but speaking from experience he urged workers not to participate the violent demonstrations of 2008. "One of the lessons I learnt from 1989; was that the huge massive street action looks powerful; yes; but after a crackdown; everybody disappeared. We are human beings and we have fear infront of machine guns. Even a million people in the street continued for three days. That power is not really reliable."”- Han Dongfang; founder of the Beijing Workers Autonomous Federation; Excerpt: Global Financial Meltdown.

Consider the massive street protests of Ukraine’s Euromaidan allegedly opposing corruption. After massive street protests and a current civil war in Eastern Ukraine; all they did was replace one corrupt political oligarch acting as front manager for corporate oligarchs; with a new corrupt political corporate oligarch. [ Euromaidanpress: Oligarchs good old buddies who own Ukraine; Sunset and/or sunrise of the Ukrainian oligarchs; Vice: Ukraine Rising: 01/02; Ukraine Burning; Last Days of the Revolution]

The protestors fought and died for nothing; because they failed to (a) identify the root cause of their corporate; economic and political ‘corruption’ problem; (b) because their communication practices were not based upon buck stops here honesty root cause problem solving relationships with a truthseeking focus. The root cause of economic and political corruption is a Masonic War is Peace legal social contract that allows citizens to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits.

Consider also the battles of Blood River and Gallipoli; where quality of decision making enabled a minute group of individuals to win the battle against a force that massively outnumbered them.

If I had been the public relations or communications advisor for Volkswagen – long before their rape the planet greed resulted in Inside Volkswagens Diesel Fraud -- my advice would have been: Call all your company board of directors and managers together for a written referendum. Referendum Questions:: Do you want to work for a company whose primary focus is to provide its employees with (a) producing a cooperative employment atmosphere that provides enough resources for its employees simple but reasonable lifestyle; by producing a reliable sustainable durable product that earns its customers loyalty; or (b) a reputation and financial security Russian Roulette adventure that may or may not include prison: a dog eat dog cutthroat competition employment environment; where all employees are expected to be two faced hypocrites piranha cannibals; where those who are the most vicious two faced rape the planet cannibal hypocrites receive multi-million dollar bonuses, mansions and sports cars; and the others live a life of employment anxiety about whether they are able to pay their mortgage. See my EoP Acting Clerk correspondence to Lockheed Martin Board of Directors [PDF].

If they vote to work in an honourable sustainable cooperative corporation; I can help. If they vote to work in a Wolf of Wall Street corporation; with a few fake parasite cultural capitalism charities doing absolutely nothing about addressing the root causes of socio-economic and psycho-political misery; I honestly inform them that I am unable to help them; irrespective of how much money they are willing to pay me. My skills are buck stops here marketing based upon sincere cooperative root cause problem solving. If that is not what they want; then its best we don’t waste each others time.

Put differently I prefer to provide my energy time and resources to working with a few individuals of quality; sharing our information with individuals who may or may not be interested to cooperate with us in our goals; than wasting my time deceiving my ego about my fake importance; resulting from thousands or millions of social media likes from people who have made no sincere effort to understand my physical or ideological product. I’d rather have the attention of one sincere committed problem solving general, colonel or gunnery sergeant; than 10 million likes from imbecile zombies pretending to be humans.

Re: EoP v WiP Negotiations:

I am the current Acting Clerk for the aforementioned EoP Applicants and Military Officials. I do the administrative clerk functions of documenting the Ecology of Peace vs Masonic War is Peace NWO Future negotiations; which have been both informal discussions and formal legal applications to various International and South African courts.

If you have any constructive criticism about Ecology of Peace Factual Reality principles; or any related arguments in the EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations; we appreciate any constructive criticism exposing any errors in our principles or arguments.

Ecology of Peace communication practices are available at Ecology of Peace; under: State of Being/Relating Communication Policy.

Honourable Reason and Logic Problem Solving: 1. always respond to verbal and written correspondence: from honourable communicators, with a sincere honest response; from communicators interpreted as dishonourable, with a sincere honest interpretation of the dishonourable elements of their communication, and if continued, with notice of the termination of correspondence, until they commit to honourable discourse; if committed to honourable discourse; 2. by sincerely and actively listen to the evidence from any individual, irrespective of their political ideology (right wing to left wing), religion, race or culture; actively listening means you verify that your interpretation of their statements is accurate; before concluding that you have ‘heard their argument’; 3. you focus on simplifying the issue discussed, using as much as possible descriptive words (as opposed to abstract concepts; and where you do use abstract concepts; you are willing to define your meaning of that abstract concept within that circumstance) 4. you evaluate their argument based upon the evidence they present, not their race, religion or political ideology; etc; 5. if you are not convinced by their evidence on any particular issue; you are willing to agree to disagree on that particular issue, and remain in the conversation until you find agreement (if ever); and support each other on other issues that you do agree upon. 6. if conflict arises in the discussion about the issue, you are committed to remaining in the conversation and finding a way to resolve the conflict, by allowing yourselves to get over your anger (as opposed to requiring yourself or others to suppress their anger for political correct ‘lets pretend we are getting along’ reasons). If or where such occurs: if sincere about resolving the disagreement; engage each other to find a fair arbitrator or fully informed consenting agreed upon process for resolving the conflict. Once the emotional steam has been released through the conflict resolution process; both parties will find themselves in a more calm neutral space where the truthseeking conversation can proceed. 7. if their evidence proves any of your evidence for any of your ideological or other working hypothesis theories or beliefs to be inaccurate; you love reason and logic more than your ego-identity and hence you are willing to publicly change your mind, on that particular subject and amend your ideological working hypothesis or belief with the new evidence provided.

As I said above; I shall include a copy of our correspondence at EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Creative Touch.

I shall also send a transparency copy of this correspondence to Leadership Online and George Business Chamber.

Recent EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations correspondence to George Chamber of Commerce; and SA Media: Respondents in CCT 06-11: Alien on Pale Blue Dot v SANEF et al [PDF].


Lara Johnstone aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042 George East 6539 RSA GMC 4643-13 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

______From: Jolindy Dreyer [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2016 8:17 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: EoP v WiP cultural -- education values; leadership; counselling/coaching; marketing -- values truthseeking discussion

Hi Lara

I briefly read your mail while on our way to Cape Town (husband driving) and will definitely re- read it when I am back and can give it my full attention. Apologies for my brief response - I will definitely respond in full as soon as I am back at my desk in George later this week.

Have a fantastic evening, and thank you for all the information. I am really pleased that our paths crossed, and I am sure that I can learn a lot from you.

Warm regards Jolindy Dreyer

______From: MILED EoP-PoW Clerk: Andrea Muhrrteyn [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2016 8:32 PM To: 'Jolindy Dreyer' Subject: RE: EoP v WiP cultural -- education values; leadership; counselling/coaching; marketing -- values truthseeking discussion


No problem. Till then. Enjoy your trip.


02 June 2016: US Political Parties & Religious Scholars: Re: EoP or WiP NWO Future: Adult Decision-making re: Breeding/Consumption War Madrassa’s

To: US Political Parties [PDF]; Religious Scholars [PDF] Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 1:34 PM Subject: US Political Parties & Religious Scholars: Re: EoP or WiP NWO Future: Adult Decision-making re: Breeding/Consumption War Madrassa’s

From: MILED EoP-PoW Clerk: Andrea Muhrrteyn [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 1:34 PM To: 'America First Party'; 'American Beer Drinker’s Party'; 'American Centrist Party'; 'American Heritage Party'; 'American Nazi Party'; 'American Party'; 'American Patriot Party'; 'American Patriot Party'; 'America’s Founding Fathers Party'; 'Christian Falangist Party of America'; 'Citizens Party'; 'Common Good Party'; 'Communist Party USA'; 'Constitution Party'; 'Democratic Party'; 'Freedom Socialist Party'; 'Green Party'; 'Office'; 'Independence Party'; 'Independent American Party'; 'The Labor Party'; 'Labour Party'; 'Liberal Progress Party'; 'Libertarian Party'; 'Light Party'; 'Modern Whig Party'; 'National Socialist Movement'; 'Neo Whig Party'; 'Party X'; 'Prohibition Party'; 'Prohibition Party'; 'Reform Party'; 'Reform Party'; 'Republican Party'; 'Republican National Committee'; 'Social Democrats'; 'Socialist Action'; 'Socialist Equality Party'; 'Education'; 'Detroit'; 'John Burton'; 'Canada: Socialist Equality Party'; 'Britain Socialist Equality Party'; 'Australia Socialist Equality Party'; 'Germany Partei für Soziale Gleichheit'; 'Sri Lanka Socialist Equality Party'; 'Socialist Labor Party'; 'Socialist Party'; 'Socialist Party USA'; 'Thermodynamic Law Party'; 'United Fascist Union'; 'Unity Party of America'; 'U.S. Marijuana Party'; 'U.S. Pacifist Party'; 'We The People Party'; 'Worker’s Socialist Party'; 'Workers World Party'; 'Constitution Party of Texas'; 'Green Party of Texas'; 'Libertarian Party of Texas'; 'Reform Party of Texas'; 'Republican Party of Texas'; 'Texas Communist Party'; 'Texas Democratic Party'; 'Texas Patriot Party'; 'Workers World Party' Cc: 'Masonic: Grand Lodge of TX: Grand Secretary'; 'Prince Hall Masons via Elihu El'; 'François Stifani: Grande Loge Nationale Française'; 'Masonic High Council of Egypt'; 'Islamic: Al-Azhar Al Shareef'; 'Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs'; '[email protected]'; 'Karim Soliya'; 'Al Azhar Univ Islamic Sciences: Aziz Madel'; 'M Shashin'; 'Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Ctr: Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan'; 'Aref Ali Nayed'; 'Catholic: Holy See in London – Nuntius'; 'AngCh: Office'; 'AngCh: ExecOff: Christine Codner'; 'Buddhism: The 14th Dalai Lama'; 'Matthieu Ricard'; 'Karuna Shechen: Matthieu Ricard'; 'Orthodox Christian: Moscow Orthodox Theological Academy'; 'Cathedral of Christ Savior: Editor: Leonid Filatev'; 'Russian Orthodox Church'; 'Protestant Christian: Christianity Today: Mark Galli'; 'Angus Buchan'; 'Judaism via JTSA: Alan Mittleman'; 'Amy Kalmanofsky'; 'Meredith Katz'; 'Skip Moen'; 'Atheist via Daniel Dennett'; 'Richard Dawkins'; 'Hindu: Baba Amte: Anandwan Comm: Office'; 'Mata Amritanandamayi: HQ'; 'Baba Ramdev'; 'Asaram Bapu'; 'Heart of Hinduism'; 'Taoism: Beijing Dongyue Temple: Yuan Zhihong'; 'Chinese Taoist Assoc'; 'Hong Kong Taoist Assoc'; 'Taoism of Longhushan'; 'Shintoism: Futahashira Shrine'; 'International Shinto Foundation'; 'Guji Yukitaka Yamamoto'; 'Native American via Idle No More: Sheelah McLean'; 'Nina Wilson'; 'Sylvia McAdam'; 'Jess Gordon'; 'Sacred Religious Texts Archive'; 'United Nations: Special Rapporteur Rights of Indigenous peoples: James Anaya' Subject: US Political Parties & Religious Scholars: Re: EoP or WiP NWO Future: Adult Decision-making re: Breeding/Consumption War Madrassa’s

American Political Parties: America First Party ([email protected]); American Beer Drinker’s Party ([email protected]); American Centrist Party ([email protected]); American Heritage Party ([email protected]); American Nazi Party ([email protected]); American Party ([email protected]); American Patriot Party ([email protected]); American Patriot Party ([email protected]); America’s Founding Fathers Party ([email protected]); Christian Falangist Party of America ([email protected]); Citizens Party ([email protected]); Common Good Party ([email protected]); Communist Party USA ([email protected]); Constitution Party ([email protected]); Democratic Party ([email protected]); Freedom Socialist Party ([email protected]); Green Party ([email protected]); Office ([email protected]); Independence Party ([email protected]); Independent American Party ([email protected]); The Labor Party ([email protected]); Labour Party ([email protected]); Liberal Progress Party ([email protected]); Libertarian Party ([email protected]); Light Party ([email protected]); Modern Whig Party ([email protected]); National Socialist Movement [email protected]); Neo Whig Party ([email protected]); Party X ([email protected]); Prohibition Party ([email protected]); Prohibition Party ([email protected]); Reform Party ([email protected]); Reform Party ([email protected]); Republican Party ([email protected]); Republican National Committee ([email protected]); Social Democrats ([email protected]); Socialist Action ([email protected]); Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Education ([email protected]); Detroit ([email protected]); John Burton ([email protected]); Canada: Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Britain Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Australia Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Germany Partei für Soziale Gleichheit ([email protected]); Sri Lanka Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Socialist Labor Party ([email protected]); Socialist Party (natsec@sp- usa.org); Socialist Party USA ([email protected]); Thermodynamic Law Party ([email protected]); United Fascist Union ([email protected]); Unity Party of America ([email protected]); U.S. Marijuana Party ([email protected]); U.S. Pacifist Party ([email protected]); We The People Party ([email protected]); Worker’s Socialist Party ([email protected]); Workers World Party ([email protected]); Constitution Party of Texas ([email protected]); Green Party of Texas ([email protected]); Libertarian Party of Texas ([email protected]); Reform Party of Texas ([email protected]); Republican Party of Texas ([email protected]); Texas Communist Party ([email protected]); Texas Democratic Party ([email protected]); Texas Patriot Party ([email protected]); Workers World Party ([email protected])

Religious Scholars: Masonic: Grand Lodge of TX: Grand Secretary ([email protected]); Prince Hall Masons via Elihu El ([email protected]); François Stifani: Grande Loge Nationale Française ([email protected]); Masonic High Council of Egypt ([email protected]); Islamic: Al-Azhar Al Shareef ([email protected]); Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs ([email protected]); ([email protected]); Karim Soliya ([email protected]); Al Azhar Univ Islamic Sciences: Aziz Madel ([email protected]); M Shashin ([email protected]); Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Ctr: Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan ([email protected]); Aref Ali Nayed ([email protected]); Catholic: Superior General Adolfo Nicolas, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis via Holy See in London – Nuntius ([email protected]); AngCh: Office ([email protected]); AngCh: ExecOff: Christine Codner ([email protected]); Buddhism: The 14th Dalai Lama ([email protected]); Matthieu Ricard ([email protected]); Karuna Shechen: Matthieu Ricard ([email protected]); Orthodox Christian: Moscow Orthodox Theological Academy ([email protected]); Cathedral of Christ Savior: Editor: Leonid Filatev ([email protected]); Russian Orthodox Church ([email protected]); Protestant Christian: Christianity Today: Mark Galli ([email protected]); Angus Buchan ([email protected]); Judaism via JTSA: Alan Mittleman ([email protected]); Amy Kalmanofsky ([email protected]); Meredith Katz ([email protected]); Skip Moen ([email protected]); Atheist via Daniel Dennett ([email protected]); Richard Dawkins ([email protected]); Hindu: Baba Amte: Anandwan Comm: Office ([email protected]); Mata Amritanandamayi: HQ ([email protected]); Baba Ramdev ([email protected]); Asaram Bapu ([email protected]); Heart of Hinduism ([email protected]); Taoism: Beijing Dongyue Temple: Yuan Zhihong ([email protected]); Chinese Taoist Assoc ([email protected]); Hong Kong Taoist Assoc ([email protected]); Taoism of Longhushan ([email protected]); Shintoism: Futahashira Shrine ([email protected]); International Shinto Foundation ([email protected]); Guji Yukitaka Yamamoto ([email protected]); Native American via Idle No More: Sheelah McLean ([email protected]); Nina Wilson ([email protected]); Sylvia McAdam ([email protected]); Jess Gordon ([email protected]); Sacred Religious Texts Archive ([email protected]); United Nations: Special Rapporteur Rights of Indigenous peoples: James Anaya ([email protected])

US Political Parties & Religious Scholars:

US Political Parties & Religious Scholars: Re: EoP or WiP NWO Future: Adult Decision-making re: Breeding/Consumption War Madrassa’s

Recent EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations correspondence of interest regarding corporate economic growth and population growth terrorism madrassa’s: Political Parties and Islamic maddrassas addicted to bribing citizens for their economic or military cannon fodder vote by offering them ‘right to breed/consume’; and EoP applications that organizations that advocate for breeding and/or consumption above ecological carrying capacity limits; should be designated as “Scarcity- Combatant Consumption War Terrorist Organizations”.

PNG: 16-06-02_BattleBelgiumPeeConeCrazy-TrumpKKKarpathosZGSilvermineTokaiElephantsEye- Endgame Cone Crazy Battle of Belgium Mannekin Pis Party | Donald Trump KKKone Hair | Zero Gravity | Karpathos Caves | Tokai Silvermine Elephants Eye Cave | Endgame


“So that’s why he says running a nuclear power plant is like running an electric kettle. Have you ever seen a mosquito. Then you can imagine how thin a line it makes when it pisses. You have to be able to dance on a line as thin as that to be successful in [any Masonic War is Peace political or business] Party. If you can't; stay clear of politics or the Siberian mosquitos might bite you.” – Discussion between Chernobyl nuclear engineer technicians on 26 April 1986; as detailed in: Zero Hour: Disaster at Chernobyl: 00:23 - 01:23.

-- EoP v WiP NWO negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: 11 Nov: McChrystal Group


‘Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton is irrelevant if American oligarchy has fuck all interest in EoP root cause problem solving.’ – paraphrased EoP interpretation of Vladimir Putin answer in 14 April 2016 Direct Line Q&A session.

“What goddamn part of -- ‘when you are; or pretend to be the worlds ‘America First’ super power; and you do sweet goddamn fuck all for decades - presumably cause your entire culture is focused on nothing but corporate cocksucking of Hollywood like tits and ass sluts - about root cause problem solving and establishing a system of justice for all; your whacking a mole for corporate profiteering kaffirs pretending to be Aryan oligarchs; inaction leads to a fucking lot of resentment; where millions; perhaps billions of people around the planet; watching fuck honour American corporate profiteering whores terrorized into jumping out of the windows of World Trade Center skyscrapers; ranks amongst probably one of the happiest moments of their miserable lives.” -- Stan McChrystal ‘root cause problem solving vs wacking a mole’; does America not understand?

-- EoP v WiP NWO negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: 18 May RFERL …. Re: Adult Decision-making: EoP or WiP NWO Future?


In fact, it seems a decision to make a major policy switch has already been taken at the end of April Economic Politburo meeting (and now authoritatively leaked on 10 May in the Peoples Daily). China's authorities it seems, are no longer happy with credit and leverage-driven GDP ‘growth’. They see ‘areas of risk’, and for the first time, mention is made of (property) ‘bubbles’: “High leverage will bring higher risks. If we cannot control leverage well, it will heighten systematic financial risk, lead to negative GDP growth and swallow normal people’s saving. We cannot rely on high leverage to boost GDP”. And therefore the policy will shift to a conservative structural reform: “China’s economy will run as a L shape, not a U shape or V shape. L shape is a long process, but not just a one or two years’ period.” Indeed, it seems that the authorities are serious: Market News reports that combined new loans in April issued by the Chinese Big Four state-owned banks, were more than halved from March’s level.

Of course, once the pain begins to be too great, no doubt there will be another splurge of credit, and then the next leg down. But what is effectively being signalled here is that the biggest source of global growth (i.e. China’s huge (over-) investment spree) is about to hit the wall. China is intentionally slowing.

And ‘intentional’ it is. Yes, the CCP does want, and need economic growth, but not at any price. In his article in the New Yorker Magazine, Born Red, Evan Osnos quotes Chinese historian Zhang Lifan, answering the question as to what is the message Xi hoped to promote from China around the world, he replied, “Ever since Mao’s day, and the beginning of reform and opening up, we all talk about a ‘crisis of faith,’” - the sense that rapid growth and political turmoil have cut China off from its moral history -- “He is trying to solve that problem, so that there can be another new ideology.”

“Xi believed that there was a grave threat to China from within”, Osnos writes, “according to U.S. diplomats, Xi’s friend the professor described Xi as “repulsed by the all-encompassing commercialization of Chinese society, with its attendant nouveaux riches, official corruption, loss of values, dignity, and self-respect, and such ‘moral evils’ as drugs and prostitution.” If he ever became China’s top leader, the professor had predicted, “he would likely aggressively attempt to address these evils, perhaps at the expense of the new moneyed class.”


What events in China are telling us is that this last aspect is changing: the western debt-driven neo-liberal economic model is no longer wanted because it destroys markets, misdirects resources – and because the promised affluence turns out to be illusory (except for the 0.01%). But Xi, in common with many Russians, is saying that a global order based on growing consumption, inequality and moral vacuum is a “grave threat from within” – even an existential threat. They now plan to make their own dispositions to tackle that ‘threat’. In sum, the very basis for an American 21st century (its allure of affluence for all) is slipping away – even as its pros and cons are being so fiercely debated in the US presidential campaign. This will be unsettling to many, but as they say, ‘reality is a bitch’. -- Valdai Club: The "Great Rejuvination" of China and the Basis of the Global Order.


‘Economic Growth’ National Security Threat

World Economic Forum [WEF] and Bilderberg Group [BBG] meetings are Consumption War Madrassa of Flat Earth Economic Growth capitalist Imam clerics engaged in Corporate Flat Earth Pro-Growth Agenda Conspiracy to Profit from bribing the public to pretend the Earth is flat and resources are infinite; to engage in Scarcity-Conflict Procreation, Consumption and Production behaviours threatening the economic and ecological security of nations and the planet; for the socio-political and corporate benefits of its members and strategic partners.

WEF & BBG Madrassa imams Flat earth GDP/economic growth and energy consumption war propaganda aggravates the Climate Change Scarcity-Conflict Death Spiral on Steroids National Security Threat; by consciously and deliberately ignoring the economic and ecological national security reality that we live on a finite planet with finite resources and that humans procreating and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits results in social conflict which aggravates threats to nations and the planets economic and ecological security.

The WEF & BBG respondents should be designated as “Scarcity-Combatant Consumption War Terrorist Organizations”.


“If you can't measure something, you can't improve things because you have no basis of evaluation.” - Christine Le Garde; Global Financial Meltdown[1]

”Are we winning or losing the Global War on Terror? Is DoD changing fast enough to deal with the new 21st century security environment. .. Today we lack metrics to know if we are winning or losing the global war on terror. Are we capturing, killing or deterring and dissuading more terrorists every day than the madrassas and the radical clerics are recruiting, training and deploying against us.... Does the DoD need to think through new ways to organize, train, equip and focus to deal with the global war on terror. Are the changes we have and are making too modest and incremental? My impression is that we have not yet made truly bold moves, although we have made many sensible, logical moves in the right direction, but are they enough?” - Sec Def Donald Rumsfeld, 16 October 2003; Global War on Terror Memo to Combatant Commanders[2].

“I think what I'm saying is that the strategy that we've had is not -- is not working. I mean, it's clearly not working. Just look at the kinds of things we're facing. I mean, I -- you know, in my -- in my world, what I have grown up to have to do is define the enemy that we are facing. Like I said, if you -- you can't defeat an enemy that you don't admit exists and I think that we have to clearly define what the enemy is. That's number one.” - Lt Gen Michael Flynn -- Fox: 'You Can't Defeat An Enemy You Don't Admit Exists': Obama's Former DIA Chief: US Strategy To Fight Terrorism 'Clearly Not Working'

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQzEWeGJLP0 [2] https://www.facebook.com/103806706348436/ photos/a.118181601577613.18975.103806706348436/862670150462084/?type=1 “If ISIS goes away something else will take its place - need long range strategy.” - JCS General Richard Myers -- Fox News: If ISIS goes away something else will take its place.

-- Excerpts: EoP complaint to Austria & Swiss Police: EoP v Bilderberg Group & World Economic Forum Charges: Fraud & Threat to National Security.


"Donald Trump is receiving foreign policy advice from a former U.S. military intelligence chief who wants the United States to work more closely with Russia to resolve global security issues, according to three sources. The sources, former foreign policy officials in past administrations, said retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, who was chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama from 2012-2014, has been informally advising Trump..... A close associate of Flynn said that Trump was not the only presidential hopeful who had consulted the former DIA chief. "He responds to one and all but is not working for any one," the associate said...... Flynn raised eyebrows among some U.S. foreign policy veterans when he was pictured sitting at the head table with Putin at a banquet in Moscow late last year celebrating Russia Today, an international broadcasting network funded by the Russian government." -- Reuters: Trump being advised by ex-U.S. Lieutenant General who favors closer Russia ties


“Military Warfare is simply a form of culling and resource theft warfare between tribes living on a finite resource planet, managed by a ‘flat earth social contract’. Put simply it is the result of an absence of an international Ecology of Peace social contract, requiring all the worlds tribes to breed and consume below carrying capacity limits. A peace or reconciliation treaty that ignores finite resource reality as the foundation for its procreation and consumption social contract duties imposed on all signatory parties; is not a sincere peace or reconciliation treaty, because it totally and utterly ignores the ecological finite resource reality foundation and citizen procreation and consumption duties required for peaceful co-existence amongst tribes. To the contrary, such a ‘War is Peace’ peace or reconciliation treaty is simply a psycho-polegal – soma-pacification, or Trojan horse bullshit the public relations psychological warfare – resource theft tactic.” -- EoP Applicants Amendment of PoW Treaty Referral to Swiss Federal Council PDF; via Comments Correspondence PDF: 30 March: Press TV: Chinese Foreign Minister to P5+1: Seize opportunity in talks.

"The organizing principle of [all Masonic social contract] society's is for war. [In a 'F*ck Honour' Masonic War is Peace culture where men worship tits and ass sluts; women worship men's wallets and both worship their Mindfuck Ego's] War [acts] as a general social release. This is a psychosocial function [to release the suppressed psycho-social, emotional, sexual energies ], serving the same purpose for a society as do the holiday, the celebration, and the orgy for the individual---the release and redistribution of undifferentiated tensions. War provides for the periodic necessary readjustment of standards of social behaviour -- the "moral climate" -- and for the dissipation of general boredom, one of the most consistently undervalued and unrecognized of social phenomena. War fills certain essential [culling / weeding of the genepool ] functions to the stability of [the 'Fuck Honour' Masonic War is Peace human factory farm slavery freedumb] society; until other ways of filling them are developed, the war system must be maintained -- and improved in effectiveness." - Report from Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability for Peace. -- EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: 08 May: Dept of Defence: 70th Anniversary of VE Day Flyers


President / Secretary of Defence to Generals and Admirals:

My President / Secretary of Defence Preference is to abolish the War is a Masonic Breeding Slaves and Cannon Fodder Fertility Religion for Human Sacrifice and Profit Racket founded on Vatican Roman Empire Canon Law slavery [FL v Michael Dunn: EoP Amicus PDF para 20-50] social contract and implement an Ecology of Peace social contract that has a crystal clear metric; to determine between Eco-Innocent and Scarcity Combatant:

EoP Crimes of Aggression Acts of War crystal clear metric definition can be found in ICC: EoP PoW's –v– Nobel Committee & Peace Laureates et al: 27 August Draft [PDF] Para 31-37; succinctly summaried in EoP Clerk correspondence to ICC Judges [PDF]; as follows:

Succinct Summary of Private Prosecution Complaint:

On behalf of the EoP Applicants I have been preparing documentation for an ICC private prosecution in terms of Rendulic Rule Military Necessity doctrine; CA, UK, US & RSA Common Law Private Prosecution doctrine; Rome Statute: Art.5, 6, 7, 8 & 15; ICC Code of Judicial Ethics: Art 4, 5(1), 7 & 11. Charges: Crimes of Aggression Acts of War.

The Ecology of Peace culture’s definition of ‘crimes of aggression acts of war’ is as follows: “Any individual who is found guilty of advocating on behalf of, legislating, enforcing, or obeying any – cultural, religious, common, statutory, constitutional, or international – ‘scarcity combatant’ social contract; which enables or advocates on behalf of human procreation, consumption or production of resources that transgress ecological carrying capacity limits, is guilty of the ‘crime of aggression act of war’.”

Carrying Capacity Sustainability: I=PAT Equation:

For activities to be genuinely sustainable it must be possible for them to continue indefinitely. The impact of humanity on the environment and the demands that people place on the resources available on the planet can be summarized by what is known as the Ehrlich or IPAT equation, I=PAT. I = impact on the environment or demand for resources, P = population size, A = affluence and T = technology. The two most important conclusions deriving from this IPAT footprint relationship are that: (i) the Earth can support only a limited number of people, at a certain level of affluence, in a sustainable manner; and (ii) Population and Consumption must be reduced to below carrying capacity.

An individuals IPAT footprint is a result of: (A) Consumption Footprint multiplied by (B) Procreation Factor.

Consumption Footprint: Consumption footprint calculators are based upon Global Footprint Application Standards, and calculate an individuals consumption footprint based upon various questions about their consumption lifestyle’s; and provide a final consumption footprint in global hectares which is the individual’s ‘consumption footprint’; i.e. the amount of global productive land required for the production of products the individual consumes. Consumption Footprint calculators can be found at among others: Global Footprint Network; Earth Day; Center for Sustainable Economy; EcoCampus.

Global Footprint concepts were developed by among others: Dr. Mathis Wackernagel; Dr. William Rees; Dr. Herman Daly and the Global Footprint Network Standards Committee is one of two committees overseeing scientific review procedures and standards for Footprint calculations.

Procreation Factor: According to the research of Paul Murtaugh: A parent increases their consumption footprint by a factor of 20 for every child procreated.

Carrying Capacity aka Biocapacity Limits: “The maximum number of individuals that can be supported sustainably by a given environment is known as its ‘carrying capacity’. Worldwide the total amount of biologically productive land and sea amounts to 12 billion global hectares (gha); or 1.8 gha each if divided by 6.7 billion each. Guerrylla Laws are drawn up in accordance with the proactive conservation policies of Bhutan, who set aside 40% of their biologically productive to be returned to its natural state, for other species and wildlife conservation purposes; then that means that the total amount of biologically productive carrying capacity land available to humans is 60% of 12 billion; which amounts to 7.2 billion gha total; or 60% of 1.8 gha, which is 1 gha each.

Population factor is relevant, because the more humans there are, the less biologically productive land there is for everyone else.

For example:

Biocapacity limits of 6.7, 3.5, 1 Billion, 500, 250 & 100 Million humans: 7.2 billion global hectares of biologically productive land and water divided by (a) 6.7 billion humans, equals: 1.07 gha each; (b) 3.5 billion equals 2.05 gha each; (c) 1 billion equals 7.2 gha each; (d) 500 million equals 14.4 gha each; (e) 250 million equals 28.8 gha; (f) 100 million equals 72 gha each.

* EoP supporters: Please provide me with your buck stops here written support and options for political, legal and/or military strategy for implementing an EoP social contract.

* WiP supporters: Please provide me with your argument and evidence clarifying how and why the implementation of an EoP social contract should not be the top priority of honourable political and military leadership; or what exactly your reasons are for opposing the implementation of an EoP international law social contract. If you are addicted to being cannon fodder; as some people are addicted to being beaten; the ‘fully informed consenting principle values’ aspects of an EoP international law social contract; shall provide you the opportunity to meet and relate with other individuals addicted to being cannon fodder; in ‘cannon fodder BDSM fight club’ like private venues; where you can cannon fodder each other to whatever level of cannon fodder addiction extremism you prefer.

-- Amended Excerpt: -- EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: 15 March: US Dept of Defence: Sec Def Ash Carter – Rumsfeld GWOT Metrics Question.


Francis Al Sisi: Is it conceivable that 1.6 billion [ Muslims / masons / Christians / Catholics / Europeans / Africans ] could kill the worlds remaining population of 7 billion, so that they could live (on their own)?


EoP A: It is conceivable that 1.6 billion [ Muslims / masons / Christians / Catholics / Europeans / Africans ] could kill the worlds remaining population of 7 billion, so that they could live (on their own).

As far as I am aware it is quite possible for less than 1 million military officials with access to psychotronic technology to kill the remaining worlds population of 6 plus billion. See psychotronic technology referred to in EoP Axis.

NB Caveat: I could be wrong; and even if I am right; just because such military officials have access to the technology; does not necessarily mean they shall use it; or that if they choose to use it; that they shall follow my recommendations for whom to kill.

If the technology exists as described; and if those with the technology intend to use it; they are faced with the question: whom should live and whom should be evacuated from the planetary genepool?

It would depend on the primary existential values of those with access to the mass killing technology’s: whom they would prefer to get rid of; whether such decision is based upon some form of objectively reasonable standard based upon merit and merit alone; excluding questions of race, class, culture or religion; or whether such decision is made by one group based on their particular religion: Masonic elite; Muslim; Christian; Capitalist, Communist, or racial factors; etc.

I personally don’t have any problems with any group of individuals making the decision for an orderly and humane depopulation of the planet; to return to ecological carrying capacity limits.

As such I am quite in agreement with Stalin’s: The death of one eco-innocent is a tragedy; the death of 6 billion scarcity combatants a statistic.

My thoughts on the issue are that if you are an honourable person; you give the person/s you consider to be behaving in a manner that justifies their death; the In Your Face[3] legal notice -- EoP ICC Complaint[4] -- opportunity to be informed that their behaviour is unlawful and considered worthy of extermination from the genepool; should they refuse to alter it. If they don’t amend their ways; or provide a reasonable justification for their refusal; then you have made your honourable efforts to inform them in crystal clear terms they understand; what the consequences shall be if they refuse to alter their ways or provide justification for their behaviour. Essentially it is a fully informed consent assisted suicide; no different than that of Armin Meiwes[5] and Bernd Brandes[6] fully informed consenting cannibalism.

If I can help the ultimate decision-makers to make the process more fair, honourable; orderly and humane; between racial, class or religious warring parties; I do what I can; while I think they are sincere.

[3] http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/013004_in_your_face.html [4] http://tygae.weebly.com/eop-icc-complaint.html [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes [6] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/dec/04/germany.lukeharding

Personally I think the decision should be based upon Ecology of Peace co-operator merit; anyone from any class, race, culture or religion who is willing to take responsibility for cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; by signing an EoP Axis oath[7]; but if others decide on a racial or class or some other factors that exclude me; I am okay with that.

All I ask is: I’d like to spend a few months / years physically with Timothy; somewhere off-grid remote with my honey; before we choose to depart together.


My EoP Working Hypothesis Conclusion Response to Said Generals Working Hypothesis Problem Solving::

If they are 40 sincere Generals/Admirals whose priority is problem solving cooperation; with a few hundred or thousand similarly sincere soldiers, they could implement deindustrialization and humane and orderly depopulation of over 6 billion of the planets parasites within less than 2-5 years; if they really wanted to.

If they are parasite ego-mindfuck ‘lets create a bullshit the public relations perception management illusion that we are sincere problem solving Generals/Admirals/Scientists; while we really couldn’t care less about problem solving; cause the only thing we care about is our fragile ego’s; they shall do nothing to implement deindustrialization and humane and orderly depopulation until the planet ecological carrying capacity limits implements deindustrialization and depopulation very violently.

The hard ‘ecological necessity[8]’ tipping point[9] facts justifying such a coup d’etat have already been compiled[10], not only compiled, but submitted into various legal proceedings; such as for example: European Court for Human Rights: Johnstone v Norway[11].

To-do De-Industrialization list: Decommission of Nuclear Power plants:

The to-do list would depend on the whether your Generals/Admirals and their soldiers are (a) sincerely cooperating problem solving types; or (b) parasite leeching fragile ego Mindfuck types.

If you have any Generals/Admirals who are sincere cooperating problem solving types; how many are there; and how many similarly motivated sincere soldiers they have access to?

If they are 40 sincere Generals/Admirals whose priority is problem solving cooperation; with a few hundred or thousand similarly sincere soldiers, they could implement deindustrialization and humane and orderly depopulation of over 6 billion of the planets parasites within less than 2-5 years; if they really wanted to.

There are various options; it would depend on (a) what mass-killing technology the Generals/Admirals have direct ‘finger on the button’ access to; or what killing technology their soldiers are willing to strategically occupy for strategic killing or negotiating purposes[12]; (b)

[7] http://tygae.weebly.com/eop-supporters.html [8] http://tygae.weebly.com/ecological-overshoot.html [9] http://tygae.weebly.com/tipping-points.html [10] http://tygae.weebly.com/military-necessity-doctrine.html [11] http://ecofeminist-v-breivik.weebly.com/eu-court-human-rights.html [12] http://www.viva-la-revolucion.org/checkmate/ their ability to quickly target and eliminate those whom they have agreed upon to be the combatants; with legal authority – police, prosecutors, judges – support.

For example:

Chernobyl Decommission of Nuclear Power plants option.

In both the medium short term and long term; the Chernobyl – technical mistake – decommission option[13] [David Cameron: EU negotiations: all options on the Table[14] – resources to help Chilcot Inquiry into Iraq War[15] | Christian Defense League: Scottish Nuclear Power Plant Worker caught studying bomb-making websites at work[16]; Doosan Babcock contractor at Nuclear power plant 'visited bomb-making website'[17] | Washington Times: Obama calls slain TX Deputy Sheriff wife Kathleen Goforth; from plane on way to Alaska[18]] would be of far greater benefit to the environment and other animal species; than the devastation on the environment from human industrial agricultural habitation pontificating about nuclear power decommission, depopulation and deindustrialization [FT: Radiation Biology: New Life at Chernobyl[19]].

If necessary; prior to such nuclear decommission event in particular country; the ‘nuclear decommission team’ can include as one of their Chernobyl decommission hostage demands that all mainstream media publications should be raided; and required to play/print a pre-recorded message; whereby all citizens are informed that these media publications have been deliberately and malicious censoring information from the public about efforts to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; for the benefit of all the worlds citizens; so now they are being forced to do so at gunpoint.

The editors and journalists who refuse are fired and replaced with journalists wiling to cooperate and educate the citizens about the necessity of signing their EoP Axis Oaths. If there are enough scientists and engineers motivated to sincerely cooperate to decommission the nuclear power plant within 2 years; they can consider the option of doing so; or evacuate those who have signed EoP Axis oaths to other nations where there are no nuclear power plants; where all scarcity combatants who refused to sign EoP Axis Oaths have been psychotronically evacuated [EoP Axis evacuation info[20]]; leaving only a miniscule population; where there is space for individuals evacuated from Chernobyl decommission zone nations; who are sincere about living in accordance to EoP social contract terms; who can re-establish themselves in family or EoP like kibbutz communities; based upon New Economy principles.

[Turkish police raid media channels: Al Jazeera[21]; NBC News[22]; Mark Manning[23] | James Jay Lee Discovery Channel Hostage Event[24] | Russia Raids media channel: Putin System[25] | Russia – Pentagon cutting of information cables: CBS[26]; Mark Laymon[27] ]

[13] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS3WvKKSpKI [14] https://www.facebook.com/DavidCameronOfficial/posts/1071916989499285 [15] https://www.facebook.com/DavidCameronOfficial/posts/1072394669451517 [16] https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=983021648420933&id=129873903735716 [17] https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=983205231735908&id=1298739037 [18] http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/31/obama-calls-widow-darren-goforth/ [19] https://www.facebook.com/financialtimes/posts/10153621285060750 [20] http://tygae.weebly.com/eop-axis-milnec-evacuation.html [21] https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera/posts/10153822022738690 [22] https://www.facebook.com/NBCNews/posts/1229747140378647 [23] https://www.facebook.com/mark.manning.90/posts/10207782270335932 [24] http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/09/tribute-to-james-jay-lees-race-to-save.html [25] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi0Jjp16eVk [26] https://www.facebook.com/cbcnews/posts/10153756667994604 [27] https://www.facebook.com/MrWebAuthor/posts/1155227361157339

PNG: world_nuclear_power_reactors

There are many options; which depend on among other issues (a) the level of sincere problem solving of decision-makers –vs– ego Mindfuck bullshit image management; (b) military decision-makers access to killing technology and legal support for the implementation of such killing technology; (c) whether their depopulation goals and ‘combatant’ legal definitions are based upon merit irrespective of race, class or religion [Humans: An Endangered Species, by Magistrate Jason Brent[28]]; or Masonic elite human factory farming parasitism; (d) whether their goals are justice or parasitic profiteering; they will use different levels of white – gray – black information quality operations; to recruit fellow sincere problem solving peers or human factory farming sperm donor / brood sow cannon fodder; etc.

Legal support for the implementation of such killing technology:

The greater the honourable sincere legal support for the implementation of such killing technology; the more orderly, humane and transparent shall be the process of deindustrialization and depopulation.

Since they have the capacity for psychotronic control of Police, Prosecutors and Judges minds; I don’t imagine this would be a significant problem; once they had finalized their decision- making that winning Police, Prosecutors and Judges hearts and minds is no longer an option; time has run out; and so decide to use other forms of police / prosecutor / judges control methods; but I ain’t got all the facts. Naturally the former hearts and minds option is by far preferable.

-- Excerpts: EoP Axis: Cities Notices: Uganda: Peace Corps Volunteers: Stephen Filipiak Aloha Gambia; CC: Jenny Everett: Knock Knock Uganda [PDF]: 01 Nov 2015 11:53 PM: Subject: Aloha Gambia Natural Farming & Knock Knock Uganda PC Mortal Kombat; Ernesto Sirolli: Want to help someone? Shut up and listen | CC: Religious Scholars: Ref: VPutin New-or-No Rules Q: A: Egyptian Pres Al-Fattah Al-Sisi at Al-Azhar: We Must Revolutionize Our Religion.

[28] http://sqswans.weebly.com/jason-brent.html *~~~~~~~~~*

EoP bubble image interpretations of possible Military Intelligence use of Gov Mind Control Technologies to psychotronically compose Glass harp-toccata and fugue in D minor-Bach-BMW 565 geopolitical orchestra/opera - Culture Change to EoP Honour Eco-footprint Shrinking Lifeboat Ethics - message’s; are subject to EoP RH IQO caveat. Bubble conscious images and background information are available at: UJMC SF 44.

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented at (i) EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: US Political Parties; (ii) Ecology of Peace New Rules or current Masonic War is Peace No-Los-Pepes Rules culture negotiations [PDF]: Religious Scholars


Lara Johnstone aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042 George East 6539 RSA GMC 4643-13 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

14 Jun 2016: Jeffrey Lord: Re: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord. CC: Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton; Roger Stone; Gary Heavin; Infowars; Diamond & Silk.

______From: MILED EoP-PoW Clerk To: Jeffrey Lord; David Axelrod; Adam Tebrugge; Christina Williams CC: Donald Trump et al; Ella Baker Ctr for Human Rights; Hillary Clinton Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 12:08 AM Subject: FW: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord ______

From: MILED EoP-PoW Clerk: Andrea Muhrrteyn [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 12:08 AM To: 'David Axelrod'; 'Jeffrey Lord'; 'Adam Tebrugge'; 'Christina Williams' Cc: 'Donald J. Trump'; 'Counsel: Donald F McGahn'; 'Jeffrey Goldman'; 'Roger Stone'; 'Gary Heavin via Curves'; 'Donald Trump 2016'; 'Donald Trump'; 'Donald Trump 2016'; 'Trump Backers'; 'Our Principles PAC'; 'Make America Great Again PAC'; 'The Trump Report'; 'Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine'; 'Diamond & Silk'; 'Ella Baker Center for Human Rights: Darris Young'; 'Zaineb Mohammed'; 'Azadeh Zohrabi'; 'Emily Harris'; 'Jennifer Kim'; 'Color of Change'; 'Green for All'; 'Rebuild the Dream'; 'Hillary Clinton via Nathaniel Koloc' Subject: FW: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord

David Axelrod ([email protected]); Jeffrey Lord ([email protected]); Adam Tebrugge ([email protected]); Christina Williams ([email protected])

CC: Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump ([email protected]); Counsel: Donald F McGahn ([email protected]); Jeffrey Goldman ([email protected]); Roger Stone ([email protected]); Gary Heavin via Curves ([email protected]); Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Donald Trump ([email protected]); Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Trump Backers ([email protected]); Our Principles PAC ([email protected]); Make America Great Again PAC ([email protected]); The Trump Report ([email protected]); Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine (Katharine@.com); Diamond & Silk ([email protected])

CC: Ella Baker Center for Human Rights: Darris Young ([email protected]); Zaineb Mohammed ([email protected]); Azadeh Zohrabi ([email protected]); Emily Harris ([email protected]); Jennifer Kim ([email protected]); Color of Change ([email protected]); Green for All ([email protected]); Rebuild the Dream ([email protected])

CC: Hillary Clinton via Nathaniel Koloc ([email protected])

FW: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord

Transparency copy of correspondence sent to Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord

A copy of this correspondence shall be included at: (i) EoP Axis: Van Jones [PDF]; (ii) EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton; Roger Stone; Gary Heavin; Infowars; Diamond & Silk; Jeffrey Lord.


Lara Johnstone aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042 George East 6539 RSA GMC 4643-13 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

______Sent via VanJones.net: Contact Form:

Mr. Jones:

I have not received any response from you to the 02-03 March correspondence sent to you via among others Ella Baker Center: Re: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord. Transcript of correspondence available in EoP Axis: Van Jones [PDF1]

[1] http://tygae.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/13878165/15-08-12_eopaxis_admincorr_vanjones.pdf

A copy of this correspondence shall be included in aforementioned documentation.


Lara Johnstone aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042 George East 6539 RSA GMC 4643-13 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

27 Aug: Terry Bell Writes; Cape Times, Sekunjalo Inv, SAPS, FI Emb; Ella Baker Ctr Human Rights, Color of Change, Green for All; Rebuild the Dream; Crooks & Liars; CNN; Left Spot; LCCR; International Answer Coalition; Workers World Party; Communist Party USA; STARC: Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations; Socialist Scholars Conference; MarxMail; Democratic Socialists of America; Young Democratic Socialists; United for Peace and Justice; Campaign for America’s Future; Blue Green Alliance; We are Power Shift; Institute for Policy Studies; Center for American Progress; Netroots Nation; Rainforest Action Network; Free Press; Bioneers; Social Venture Network; Demos; Mumia Abu-Jamal Support Group; Jeffrey Lord, Donald Trump; Roger Stone; Infowars; Diamond and Silk; Hillary Clinton; Accuracy in Media: EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social & economic system’

Updated: CC: Cape Times, Sekunjalo Investments, SAPS, Finish Embassy; Ella Baker Ctr Human Rights, Color of Change, Green for All; Rebuild the Dream; Crooks & Liars; CNN; Left Spot; LCCR; International Answer Coalition; Workers World Party; Communist Party USA; STARC: Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations; Socialist Scholars Conference; MarxMail; Democratic Socialists of America; Young Democratic Socialists; United for Peace and Justice; Campaign for America’s Future; Blue Green Alliance; We are Power Shift; Institute for Policy Studies; Center for American Progress; Netroots Nation; Rainforest Action Network; Free Press; Bioneers; Social Venture Network; Demos; Mumia Abu-Jamal Support Group; Jeffrey Lord, Donald Trump; Roger Stone; Infowars; Diamond and Silk; Hillary Clinton; Accuracy in Media

______From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 7:39 PM Subject: EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social & economic system’ To: Terry Bell

Terry Bell ([email protected]) Terry Bell Writes blog

EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social & economic system’:

In your article: A Journalistic Travesty by Independent Media; which exposes the alleged ‘dirty tricks’ campaign against INMSA: Independent News Media South Africa’s owner Dr. Igbal Surve you write:

“I must confess that I am proud to be a member of a particular generation. We are the generation that suffered 90-day detention and exile; who went on, together with comrades such as Thabo and Moeletsi Mbeki, Pallo Jordan, Paul Trewhela Aziz Pahad and Thami Mhlambiso to establish the ANC Youth League in London. Although we have gone our separate ways, we are a generation of various shades of complexion who, for the most part, remain dedicated to the transformation of our social and economic system.”

I am unaware of what you mean by ‘remain dedicated to the transformation of our social and economic system’.

I prefer to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they are sincere truthseekers unconscious and unaware of the Masonic War is Peace matrix they reside in; before coming to a reasonable probable cause working hypothesis conclusion that they are simply a Masonic War is Peace right wing racial supremacist or left wing moral supremacist Flat Earth guru peddling their particular racial, religious or corporate cannibalism koolaid flavour of Masonic War is Peace bullshit the public relations.

In accordance with my preference to give all the benefit of the doubt that they are sincere socio- economic resource war conflict problem solving truthseekers unconscious and unaware of the Masonic War is Peace matrix they reside in; I share the following Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace negotiations correspondence; for your constructive criticism feedback consideration; should you find any errors of logic, fact or reasoning in any of the stated objective truth facts:

Ecology of Peace culture social and economic transformation:

I am a member of the Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty culture – EoP Oath [PDF].

Put simply: The Ecology of Peace culture’s perspective on the transformation of the Masonic War is Peace culture’s social and economic system is as follows: To amend the Masonic War is Peace right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract; and replace them with strict Ecology of Peace clauses that require all the citizens of all nations, of all races, religions and classes to (a) breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; and (b) relate in accordance with fully informed consenting agreement legal principles; and violator cheaters shall have their genes removed from the planetary genepool.

A more detailed overview can be found in among others: EoP v WiP NWO Neg CC: US Army Reserve Command Ft Bragg NC: Leaders Shrinking Lifeboat Course Activity creates biases awareness; EoP International Criminal Court complaint: EoP PoW's –v– Nobel Committee & Peace Laureates et al [PDF]; which is one of the Ecology of Peace culture’s options for implementation – preferably non violent -- of an Ecology of Peace international law social contract. EoP options include Ecology of Peace education ideas for media publications; such as including an EoP and WiP culture Notice to Readers on their newspapers or blogs:

Notice to Reader: The problems of poverty, unemployment, war, crime, violence, food shortages, food price increases, inflation, police brutality, political instability, loss of civil rights, vanishing species, garbage and pollution, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, climate change, racism, sexism, Nazism, Islamism, feminism, Zionism etc; are direct consequences of humans living in accordance to a Masonic War is Peace international law social contract that provides humans the ‘right to breed and consume’ with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits.

Ecology of Peace factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. To sustainably protect and conserve natural resources in accordance to local and national carrying capacity limits; and restrict national and international inter-cultural resource war conflict; humans must implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace NWO culture negotiations are updated at MILED Clerk Notice.

EoP Negotiations Correspondence to Iqbal Surve:

Recent EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations correspondence to: Iqbal Survé; can be found at: International Police: Unashamedly Ethical Fraud: Complaint Correspondence [PDF]: WC: Capetown [PDF]: Keith Matthee [PDF]: 06 March 2016 PM: Cape Times, Sekunjalo Inv, FI-CT Consul: Unashamedly Ethical Fraud: Keith Matthee: Cape Times: Atheists fail to grasp the real problems facing us?.

EoP Negotiations correspondence to Anglo American, CC: Lonmin; Marikana Comm:

Re: Terry Bell Writes: Marikana Mining and Industrial Peace:

EoP correspondence submitted to: Cynthia Carroll, CEO Anglo American; CC: Simon Scott, CEO Lonmin Plc; Police Comm.: Riah Phiyega c/o: Minister of Police: N Mthwethwa; Hon. Judge Ian Gordon Farlam, Marikana Commission of Enquiry. Subject: SQSwans: Apartheid preferred small population of self sufficient personally responsible K-Africans; Mine Owners prefer large population of desperate poverty stricken r-Africans.

Excerpt: Tipping Points: Peak NNR Scarcity:

As this scenario unfolds, increasingly large segments of humanity will become aware of the fact that NNRs enable our industrialized way of life, and that ever- increasing NNR scarcity is the fundamental cause underlying our continuously declining economic output (GDP) and societal wellbeing levels, both domestically (US) and, by that time, globally as well. Historically prevalent public attitudes of generosity and forbearance, which were made possible by abundant and cheap NNRs during our epoch of “continuously more and more”, will be displaced by public intolerance:

* Childbirth will be condemned rather than celebrated; * All immigration will be outlawed; * Traditionally unquestioned resource uses—from “social entitlements” and universally accessible healthcare, to professional sports and cosmetics—will be considered “unfair” or “wasteful”, and ultimately eliminated; and * “Excessive wealth” will be appropriated for “the public good”.


Previously sporadic social unrest and resource wars will degenerate—seemingly instantaneously—into full fledged conflicts among nations, classes, and ultimately individuals for remaining natural resources and real wealth. It will become universally understood that the only way to “stay even” within a continuously contracting operating environment—much less to improve one’s lot—is to take from somebody else. Life will become a “negative sum game” within the “shrinking pie” of “continuously less and less”.

Social institutions will dissolve; law and order will cease to exist; and chaos will fill the void— nations will collapse.

Given that half of the 89 analyzed NNRs are either likely or almost certain to remain scarce permanently at the global level; that no extraterrestrial source NNR imports exists for the world as a whole, and that the global industrialized / industrializing population has increased nearly 5 fold since 1975… …it is highly likely that the interval between global societal wellbeing “divergence” in 2008 and global societal collapse will be 35 years or less.

EoP Negotiations correspondence to Anti-Apartheid Movement:

Re: Terry Bell Writes: Operation Daisy and the Anti-Apartheid Art Prof Spy.

Jus Sanguinis: Letter to EU Anti-Apartheid Org's: Could the ANC have won liberation struggle Honourably and Non-violently; by ending their Swart Gevaar Breeding War?:

Prior to declaring a violent liberation struggle’; did the ANC at any time launch a non-violent cultural and political campaign to end the African ‘swart gevaar’ breeding-war, to demonstrate their honourable Just War Just Cause Intentions?

EoP Axis: Van Jones [PDF]:

Request for Information / Questions for Van Jones:

Since the advent of European / Jewish Military and Financial World Domination:

Do you know of any Non-European: African, African American, Latino, Muslim etc; or any ‘progressive’ Non-European: African, African American, Latino, Muslim lawyer, religious, philosophic advisor who has advised ‘progressive’ Non-European or European ‘Progressive’ political leaders to personally or legally directly approach European / Jewish Human Factory Farming Slave Master Oppressors; requesting them to engage in a public political and/or legal conversation that has never been had before; a conversation about abolishing the Masonic Left/Right Wing Human Factory Farm; a conversation about cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; that requires all the worlds citizens to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; or be exterminated from the planetary genepool?

I have not been able to find any such historical information about any ‘progressive’ Non-European: African, African American, Latino, Muslim lawyer, religious, philosophic advisor or religious or political leader?

My working hypothesis is that the reason I have not been able to find such a ‘progressive’ Non-European lawyer, religious, philosopher advisor or political leader; is because they all secretly believe that Non-Europeans are – in terms of their procreation capabilities and skills: sexual discipline, responsibility and fully informed consent gender relations restraint – about as sexually ‘superior/inferior’ equal to cockroaches on viagra.

Put differently they secretly believe that the majority of Non-Europeans are incapable of procreation discipline.

Put simply: They think Non-Europeans are inferior beings; are not and never will be ‘equal’ to a European or Asian or Jew; a significant majority of whom are capable of procreation discipline; and who are not remotely threatened by an international law social contract; that would require them to procreate below ecological carrying capacity limits.

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented in EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Terry Bell Writes.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

------Cape Times, Sekunjalo Inv, SAPS, FI Emb ------

From: EoP MILED Clerk To: Cape Times; Sekunjalo Inv; Finland Embassy; SAPS [PDF]; Keith Matthee [PDF]; CC: EoP Applicants: Vladimir Putin & Anthony Zinni [PDF] Date: Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 8:27 PM Subject: Cape Times, Sekunjalo Inv, SAPS, UE K Matthee, FI Emb: TC: EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social & economic system’:

______From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 8:27 PM Subject: Cape Times, Sekunjalo Inv, SAPS, UE K Matthee, FI Emb: TC: EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social & economic system’: To: "Cape Times News Editors: Ashfak Mohamed" , "Editor: Aneez Salie" , "Sekunjalo Investments: Exec Chair: Iqbal Survé" , Sekunjalo , Khalid Abdulla , "Acting as Honorary Consulate of Finland: Exec Asst Maude Nyandoro" , SAPS WC Prov Commissioner , Cape Town Police , Keith Matthee , Finland Embassy , Petri Salo , Anu Saxen , Anna Merrifield , Beverley Harris Cc: President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office , "Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta" , "General Anthony Charles Zinni USMC Ret."

Cape Times News Editors: Ashfak Mohamed ([email protected]); Editor: Aneez Salie ([email protected])

Sekunjalo Investment Holdings / Finland Consulate in Capetown: Sekunjalo Investments: Exec Chair: Iqbal Survé ([email protected]); Sekunjalo ([email protected]); Khalid Abdulla ([email protected]); Acting as Honorary Consulate of Finland: Exec Asst Maude Nyandoro ([email protected]); Chief of Staff: Zenariah Barends ([email protected]);

Int Police: LJ v UE: SAPS WC Prov Commissioner; Keith Matthee: SAPS WC Prov Commissioner ([email protected]); Cape Town Police (CTCentral- [email protected]); Keith Matthee ([email protected])

Embassy of Finland in Pretoria: Ambassador Petri Salo: Finland Embassy ([email protected]); Petri Salo ([email protected]); Anu Saxen ([email protected]); Anna Merrifield ([email protected]); Beverley Harris ([email protected])

EoP Applicants: Vladimir Putin & Anthony Zinni: President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office ([email protected]); Copy to: Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta ([email protected]); General Anthony Charles Zinni USMC Ret. ([email protected])

Cape Times, Sekunjalo Inv, SAPS, UE K Matthee, FI Emb: TC: EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social & economic system’:

Transparency copy of EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social and economic system’; which makes reference to 06 March 2016 PM correspondence to Cape Times, Sekunjalo Inv, FI-CT Consul: Unashamedly Ethical Fraud: Keith Matthee: Cape Times: Atheists fail to grasp the real problems facing us?; documented at International Police: Unashamedly Ethical Fraud: Complaint Correspondence: WC: Capetown: Keith Matthee [PDF].

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented in (i) EoP Applicants [PDF]: Vladimir Putin & Anthony Zinni; (ii) Intnl Police: Unashamedly Ethical Fraud: Complaint Correspondence: WC: Capetown: Keith Matthee [PDF]; (iii) EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Cape Times; Sekunjalo Investments; SA Police; Finland Embassy.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

[ copy of 27 Aug 2016 7:39 PM correspondence to Terry Bell: Subject: EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social and economic system ]

------Ella Baker Ctr Human Rights, Color of Change, Green for All; Rebuild the Dream; Crooks & Liars; CNN; Left Spot; LCCR; International Answer Coalition; Workers World Party; Communist Party USA; STARC: Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations; Socialist Scholars Conference; MarxMail; Democratic Socialists of America; Young Democratic Socialists; United for Peace and Justice; Campaign for America’s Future; Blue Green Alliance; We are Power Shift; Institute for Policy Studies; Center for American Progress; Netroots Nation; Rainforest Action Network; Free Press; Bioneers; Social Venture Network; Demos; Mumia Abu-Jamal Support Group; Jeffrey Lord, Donald Trump; Roger Stone; Infowars; Diamond and Silk; Hillary Clinton et al; Accuracy in Media ------

Date: Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 10:20 PM | 10:22 PM | 10:31 PM | 10:31 PM From: EoP MILED Clerk To: Van Jones [PDF]; Ella Baker Ctr Human Rights, Color of Change, Green for All; Rebuild the Dream; Crooks & Liars; CNN; Left Spot; LCCR; International Answer Coalition; Workers World Party; Communist Party USA; STARC: Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations; Socialist Scholars Conference; MarxMail; Democratic Socialists of America; Young Democratic Socialists; United for Peace and Justice; Campaign for America’s Future; Blue Green Alliance; We are Power Shift; Institute for Policy Studies; Center for American Progress; Netroots Nation; Rainforest Action Network; Free Press; Bioneers; Social Venture Network; Demos; Mumia Abu-Jamal Support Group [PDF] CC: Jeffrey Lord, Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton et al; Accuracy in Media: Subject: Van Jones: TC: EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social & economic system’

------From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 10:20 PM | 10:22 PM | 10:31 PM | 10:31 PM Subject: Van Jones: TC: EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social & economic system’ To: "Ella Baker Center for Human Rights: Darris Young" , Zaineb Mohammed , Azadeh Zohrabi , Emily Harris , Jennifer Kim , Color of Change , Green for All , Rebuild the Dream , "Crooks & Liars: John Amato" , Karoli Kuns , "CNN: Dylan Byers" , Dana Bash , Left Spot , "LCCR: Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights: San Francisco" , Boston , Laura Maslow-Armand , Sarah Gautier , R Hall , Tyler Crosby , Meredith Horton , "Jackson MS: Dana Thomas" , "Los Angeles: Marie Condron" , , Washington DC , International ANSWER Coalition , Albquerque , Boston , Chicago , Connecticut , Los Angeles , New York City , Philadelphia , Sacramento , San Francisco , Syracuse , Pittsburgh , "Workers World Party: Moorehead-Lilly" , Communist Party USA , "STARC: Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations" , Socialist Scholars Conference , "MarxMail: Louis Proyect" , Louis Proyect , "Democratic Socialists of America: Alabama: Douglas Williams" , "Alaska: Richard Farris" , "Arkansas: Corey Spangler" , "California: East Bay: Karl Knobler" , "South San Francisco: Thomas Wells" , "Los Angeles: Carol Newton" , "Sacramento: Andee Sunderland" , Michael Israel , City College , "San Diego: Virginia Franco" , "Colorado: Dave Anderson" , "Washington DC: Jose Gutierrez" , "Florida: Rachel Ochs" , "New York: Buffalo" , City , "Ithaca: Theresa Alt" , City College , Port Washington , "Ohio: Simone Morgen" , "Oregon: Todd Mayberry" , Rick Bellivieu , "Pennsylvania: Adam Goldman" , Northampton CC , "Rhode Island: Sean Monahan" , "Tennessee: Memphis: Jim Maynard" , "Knoxville: Travis Donoho" , Sewanee , "Georgia: Milt Tambor" , Young Democratic Socialists - UGA , Emory Univ , "Illinois: Chicago" , "Indiana: Brad Lorton" , "Kansas: Rannfrid Thelle" , Shawnee Mission SHS , "Maryland: Jonathan Phipps" , "Massachusetts: Mike Pattberg" , "Michigan: David Green" , "Minnesota: Kim William Jones" , "North Carolina: Neil Ashton" , "New Jersey: Sara Ali" , Russell Weiss-Irwin , Stanley Sheats , "Texas: Austin: Danny Fetonte" , Allison Behr , "Houston: Kenneth Jones" , Lamar Univ , El Paso UTX , "Virginia: Freedom HS" , "Washington: Seattle: Bill Yates" , "South Sond: John Adams" , "Wisconsin: Marc Silberman" , United for Peace & Justice , "Campaign for America's Future: Isaiah J. Poole" , Roger Hickey , Blue Green Alliance , Eliza Levy , Eric Steen , Lee Anderson , Jen Bakkom-Gatzke , Charlotte Brody , Sue Browne , Tom Conway , Stephanie Celt , Lee Geisse , Kim Glas , Katie Gulley , Bree Halverson , Roxanne Johnson , Erin Kelley , Zoe Lipman , Rob McCulloch , Ricki McMillan , Khari Mosley , Annie Murphy , Ross Nakasone , Leslie Robertson , Kelley Schwinghammer , Racquel Segall , JB Tengco , Michael Williams , We Are Power Shift , Institute for Policy Studies , Elaine de Leon Ahn , "Center for American Progress: Liz Bartolomeo" , Tom Caiazza , Allison Preiss , Tanya Arditi , Chelsea Kiene , Benton Strong , Jennifer Molina , Rachel Rosen , Sally Tucker , "Netroots Nation: Raven Brooks" , Carolyn Dulchinos , Melissa Foley , Karen Kolber , "Rainforest Action Network: Lindsey Allen" , Kelsey Baker , Bill Barclay , Ruth Breech , Ginger Cassady , J Chavez , Ben Collins , Jake Conroy , Lafcadio Cortesi , Toben Dilworth , Jason Disterhoft , Christopher Herrera , Jeri Howland , Cyriac Joseph , Alison Kirsch , Emma Rae Lierley , Chelsea Matthews , Katrina Mendoza , Virali Modi-Parekh , Peter Molof , Brihannala Morgan , Noel Natividad , Ethan Nuss , Scott Parkin , Sophie Roudane , Ahsley Schaeffer Yildiz , Brad Schenck , Jess Serrante , Andrea Skinner , Gabe Smalley , "Free Press: Craig Aaron" , Bioneers , "Social Venture Network: Tina Beck" , Donna Daniels , Isaac Graves , Evan Coller , Risa Blumlein , Jessica Aebi , Meg Escobosa , Madeleine Sneeden , "Demos: Heather McGhee" , Lucy Mayo , Tori O'Neal-McElrath , Jodeen Olguin-Tayler , Brenda Wright , Tamara Draut , Lisa Danetz , Jenn Rolnick Borchetta , Stuart Naifeh , Adam Lioz , Scott Novakowski , Liz Kennedy , Allie Boldt , Pamela Cataldo , Cameron Bell , Emmanuel Caicedo , Naila Awan , Damon Daniels , Viviana Bernal , Joseph Hines , Donte Donald , Maxwell Holyoke-Hirsch , Gwyn Ellsworth , Maya Gold , Lew Daly , Amy Traub , Mark Huelsman , Robert Hiltonsmith , Juhem Navarro-Rivera , Sean McElwee , Rachel Whiting , Laura Adams , Lucien Rothenstein , Brandon Stinchfield , Caitlyn Duer , Jonathan Braver , Alissa Vladimir , Kalin Drzewiecki-Sezer , Elida Rivera , Latchmi Gopal , Matt Bruenig , Benjamin Taylor , Han Zhang , Rich Benjamin , Chandler Atkinson , Farihin Ghaffar , "Mumia Abu Jamal Support Group: ICCFFMAJ" , Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition-NYC , CA Prison Radio , Collectif Unitaire National De Soutien A Mumia Abu-Jamal Cc: Jeffrey Lord , Adam Tebrugge , Christina Williams , "Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump" , "Counsel: Donald F McGahn" , Jeffrey Goldman , Roger Stone , Gary Heavin via Curves , Donald Trump 2016 , Trump Backers , Our Principles PAC , Make America Great Again PAC , The Trump Report , "Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine" , Diamond & Silk , Hillary Clinton via Nathaniel Koloc , David Axelrod , "AIM: Accuracy in Media" , Kliff Kincaid

TO: Anthony Kapel "Van" Jones via Progressive Org’s Ella Baker Ctr Human Rights, Color of Change, Green for All; Rebuild the Dream; Crooks & Liars; CNN; Left Spot; LCCR; International Answer Coalition; Workers World Party; Communist Party USA; STARC: Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations; Socialist Scholars Conference; MarxMail; Democratic Socialists of America; Young Democratic Socialists; United for Peace and Justice; Campaign for America’s Future; Blue Green Alliance; We are Power Shift; Institute for Policy Studies; Center for American Progress; Netroots Nation; Rainforest Action Network; Free Press; Bioneers; Social Venture Network; Demos; Mumia Abu- Jamal Support Group

CC: Jeffrey Lord, Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton et al; Accuracy in Media:

Van Jones via Progressive Orgs: Ella Baker Center for Human Rights: Darris Young ([email protected]); Zaineb Mohammed ([email protected]); Azadeh Zohrabi ([email protected]); Emily Harris ([email protected]); Jennifer Kim ([email protected]); Color of Change ([email protected]); Green for All ([email protected]); Rebuild the Dream ([email protected]); Crooks & Liars: John Amato ([email protected]); Karoli Kuns ([email protected]); CNN: Dylan Byers ([email protected]); Dana Bash ([email protected]); Left Spot ([email protected]); LCCR: Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights: San Francisco ([email protected]); Boston ([email protected]); Laura Maslow- Armand ([email protected]); Sarah Gautier ([email protected]); R Hall ([email protected]); Tyler Crosby ([email protected]); Meredith Horton ([email protected]); Jackson MS: Dana Thomas ([email protected]); Los Angeles: Marie Condron ([email protected]); Philadelphia ([email protected]); Washington DC ([email protected]); International ANSWER Coalition ([email protected]); Albquerque ([email protected]); Boston ([email protected]); Chicago ([email protected]); Connecticut ([email protected]); Los Angeles ([email protected]); New York City ([email protected]); Philadelphia ([email protected]); Sacramento ([email protected]); San Francisco ([email protected]); Syracuse ([email protected]); Pittsburgh ([email protected]); Workers World Party: Moorehead-Lilly ([email protected]); Communist Party USA ([email protected]); STARC: Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations ([email protected]); Socialist Scholars Conference ([email protected]); MarxMail: Louis Proyect ([email protected]); Les Schaffer ([email protected]); Louis Proyect ([email protected]); Democratic Socialists of America: Alabama: Douglas Williams ([email protected]); Alaska: Richard Farris ([email protected]); Arkansas: Corey Spangler ([email protected]); California: East Bay: Karl Knobler ([email protected]); South San Francisco: Thomas Wells ([email protected]); Los Angeles: Carol Newton ([email protected]); Sacramento: Andee Sunderland ([email protected]); Michael Israel ([email protected]); City College ([email protected]); San Diego: Virginia Franco ([email protected]); Colorado: Dave Anderson ([email protected]); Washington DC: Jose Gutierrez ([email protected]); Florida: Rachel Ochs ([email protected]); New York: Buffalo ([email protected]); City ([email protected]); Ithaca: Theresa Alt ([email protected]); City College ([email protected]); Port Washington ([email protected]); Ohio: Simone Morgen ([email protected]); Oregon: Todd Mayberry ([email protected]); Rick Bellivieu ([email protected]); Pennsylvania: Adam Goldman ([email protected]); Northampton CC ([email protected]); Rhode Island: Sean Monahan ([email protected]); : Memphis: Jim Maynard ([email protected]); Knoxville: Travis Donoho ([email protected]); Sewanee ([email protected]); Georgia: Milt Tambor ([email protected]); Young Democratic Socialists - UGA ([email protected]); Emory Univ ([email protected]); Illinois: Chicago ([email protected]); Indiana: Brad Lorton ([email protected]); Kansas: Rannfrid Thelle ([email protected]); Shawnee Mission SHS ([email protected]); Maryland: Jonathan Phipps ([email protected]); Massachusetts: Mike Pattberg ([email protected]); Michigan: David Green ([email protected]); Minnesota: Kim William Jones ([email protected]); North Carolina: Neil Ashton ([email protected]); New Jersey: Sara Ali ([email protected]); Russell Weiss-Irwin ([email protected]); Stanley Sheats ([email protected]); Texas: Austin: Danny Fetonte ([email protected]); Allison Behr ([email protected]); Houston: Kenneth Jones ([email protected]); Lamar Univ ([email protected]); El Paso UTX ([email protected]); Virginia: Freedom HS ([email protected]); Washington: Seattle: Bill Yates ([email protected]); South Sond: John Adams ([email protected]); Wisconsin: Marc Silberman ([email protected]); United for Peace & Justice ([email protected]); Campaign for America's Future: Isaiah J. Poole ([email protected]); Roger Hickey ([email protected]); Blue Green Alliance ([email protected]); Eliza Levy ([email protected]); Eric Steen ([email protected]); Lee Anderson ([email protected]); Jen Bakkom-Gatzke ([email protected]); Charlotte Brody ([email protected]); Sue Browne ([email protected]); Tom Conway ([email protected]); Stephanie Celt ([email protected]); Lee Geisse ([email protected]); Kim Glas ([email protected]); Katie Gulley ([email protected]) | Bree Halverson ([email protected]); Roxanne Johnson ([email protected]); Erin Kelley ([email protected]); Zoe Lipman ([email protected]); Rob McCulloch ([email protected]); Ricki McMillan ([email protected]); Khari Mosley ([email protected]); Annie Murphy ([email protected]); Linda Nielsen ([email protected]); Ross Nakasone ([email protected]); Leslie Robertson ([email protected]); Kelley Schwinghammer ([email protected]); Racquel Segall ([email protected]); JB Tengco ([email protected]); Michael Williams ([email protected]); We Are Power Shift ([email protected]); Institute for Policy Studies ([email protected]); Elaine de Leon Ahn ([email protected]); Center for American Progress: Liz Bartolomeo ([email protected]); Tom Caiazza ([email protected]); Allison Preiss ([email protected]); Tanya Arditi ([email protected]); Chelsea Kiene ([email protected]); Benton Strong ([email protected]); Jennifer Molina ([email protected]); Rachel Rosen ([email protected]); Sally Tucker ([email protected]); Netroots Nation: Raven Brooks ([email protected]); Carolyn Dulchinos ([email protected]); Melissa Foley ([email protected]); Karen Kolber ([email protected]); Rainforest Action Network: Lindsey Allen ([email protected]); Kelsey Baker ([email protected]); Bill Barclay ([email protected]); Ruth Breech ([email protected]); Ginger Cassady ([email protected]); J Chavez ([email protected]); Ben Collins ([email protected]); Jake Conroy ([email protected]); Lafcadio Cortesi ([email protected]); Toben Dilworth ([email protected]); Jason Disterhoft ([email protected]); Christopher Herrera ([email protected]); Jeri Howland ([email protected]); Cyriac Joseph ([email protected]); Alison Kirsch ([email protected]); Emma Rae Lierley ([email protected]); Chelsea Matthews ([email protected]); Katrina Mendoza ([email protected]); Virali Modi-Parekh ([email protected]); Peter Molof ([email protected]); Brihannala Morgan ([email protected]); Noel Natividad ([email protected]); Ethan Nuss Nuss ([email protected]); Scott Parkin ([email protected]); Sophie Roudane ([email protected]); Ahsley Schaeffer Yildiz ([email protected]); Brad Schenck ([email protected]); Jess Serrante ([email protected]); Andrea Skinner ([email protected]); Gabe Smalley ([email protected]); Free Press: Craig Aaron ([email protected]); Bioneers ([email protected]); Social Venture Network: Tina Beck ([email protected]); Donna Daniels ([email protected]); Isaac Graves ([email protected]); Evan Coller ([email protected]); Risa Blumlein ([email protected]); Jessica Aebi ([email protected]); Meg Escobosa ([email protected]); Madeleine Sneeden ([email protected]); Demos: Heather McGhee ([email protected]); Lucy Mayo ([email protected]); Tori O'Neal-McElrath ([email protected]); Jodeen Olguin-Tayler (JOlguin- [email protected]); Brenda Wright ([email protected]); Tamara Draut ([email protected]); Lisa Danetz ([email protected]); Jenn Rolnick Borchetta ([email protected]); Stuart Naifeh ([email protected]); Adam Lioz ([email protected]); Scott Novakowski ([email protected]) | Liz Kennedy ([email protected]); Allie Boldt ([email protected]); Pamela Cataldo ([email protected]); Cameron Bell ([email protected]); Emmanuel Caicedo ([email protected]); Liz Kennedy ([email protected]); Naila Awan ([email protected]); Damon Daniels ([email protected]); Viviana Bernal ([email protected]); Joseph Hines ([email protected]); Donte Donald ([email protected]); Maxwell Holyoke-Hirsch ([email protected]); Gwyn Ellsworth ([email protected]); Maya Gold ([email protected]); Lew Daly ([email protected]); Amy Traub ([email protected]); Mark Huelsman ([email protected]); Robert Hiltonsmith ([email protected]); Juhem Navarro-Rivera ([email protected]); Sean McElwee ([email protected]); Rachel Whiting ([email protected]); Laura Adams ([email protected]); Lucien Rothenstein ([email protected]); Brandon Stinchfield ([email protected]); Caitlyn Duer ([email protected]); Jonathan Braver ([email protected]); Alissa Vladimir ([email protected]); Kalin Drzewiecki-Sezer ([email protected]); Elida Rivera ([email protected]); Latchmi Gopal ([email protected]); Matt Bruenig ([email protected]); Benjamin Taylor ([email protected]); Han Zhang ([email protected]); Rich Benjamin ([email protected]); Chandler Atkinson ([email protected]); Farihin Ghaffar ([email protected]); Mumia Abu Jamal Support Group: ICCFFMAJ: International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal ([email protected]); Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition-NYC ([email protected]); CA Prison Radio ([email protected]); Collectif Unitaire National De Soutien A Mumia Abu- Jamal ([email protected])

Jeffrey Lord, Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton et al; Accuracy in Media: Jeffrey Lord ([email protected]); Adam Tebrugge ([email protected]); Christina Williams ([email protected]); Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump ([email protected]); Counsel: Donald F McGahn ([email protected]); Jeffrey Goldman ([email protected]); Roger Stone ([email protected]); Gary Heavin via Curves ([email protected]); Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Trump Backers ([email protected]); Our Principles PAC ([email protected]); Make America Great Again PAC ([email protected]); The Trump Report ([email protected]); Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine ([email protected]); Diamond & Silk ([email protected]); Hillary Clinton via Nathaniel Koloc ([email protected]); David Axelrod ([email protected]); AIM: Accuracy in Media ([email protected]); Kliff Kincaid ([email protected])

Van Jones: TC: EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social & economic system’

Transparency copy of EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social and economic system’; which makes reference to EoP Clerk correspondence to Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord; sent to Van Jones via Progressive Org's he had worked with; as documented in: EoP Axis: Van Jones [PDF].

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented in (i) EoP Axis: Van Jones [PDF]; (ii) EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Ella Baker Ctr Human Rights, Color of Change, Green for All; Rebuild the Dream; Crooks & Liars; CNN; Left Spot; LCCR; International Answer Coalition; Workers World Party; Communist Party USA; STARC: Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations; Socialist Scholars Conference; MarxMail; Democratic Socialists of America; Young Democratic Socialists; United for Peace and Justice; Campaign for America’s Future; Blue Green Alliance; We are Power Shift; Institute for Policy Studies; Center for American Progress; Netroots Nation; Rainforest Action Network; Free Press; Bioneers; Social Venture Network; Demos; Mumia Abu-Jamal Support Group; Jeffery Lord, Stone Zone, Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton; Accuracy in Media.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

[ copy of 27 Aug 2016 7:39 PM correspondence to Terry Bell: Subject: EoP response to Terry Bell ‘transformation of social and economic system ]

29 Aug: Gamechanger Labs; Rebuild the Dream; Coffee Party; Movement Strategy: Billy Wimsatt: Re: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord.

______From: EoP MILED Clerk To: Gamechanger Labs: Billy Wimsatt [PDF] CC: Rebuild the Dream [PDF]; Coffee Party; Movement Strategy [PDF] Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 10:27 PM Subject: Billy Wimsatt: Re: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord. ______

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 10:27 PM Subject: Billy Wimsatt: Re: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord. To: Billy Wimsatt Cc: "Coffee Party: Egberto Willies" , Bobby Rodrigo , Debilyn Molineaux , "Movement Strategy: Taj James" , Mimi Ho , Rachel Burrows , Rebuild the Dream

Billy Wimsatt ([email protected]) Gamechanger Labs

CC: Rebuild the Dream; Coffee Party; Movement Strategy: Coffee Party: Egberto Willies ([email protected]); Bobby Rodrigo ([email protected]); Debilyn Molineaux ([email protected]); Movement Strategy: Taj James ([email protected]); Mimi Ho ([email protected]); Rachel Burrows ([email protected]); Rebuild the Dream ([email protected])


Billy Wimsatt: Re: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord.

I imagine you don't remember me; so I'll give a short recap.

We met when we both attended a Radical Honesty Thought leaders workshop in Virginia; sometime in 2001. Other attendees were: Brad Blanton, Grace Llewellyn, Taber Shadburne, Bill Galt, Steven Keese, Susan Campbell, Tom Richards, Teri Fredericks, Michael Dowd, Eve D'Angremond, Charlie Rose, Deborah 'Taj' Anapol, Pila Hall. During the workshop you falsely accused Bill Galt of something; I don't recall what. I confronted you about it. You started screaming at me and waving your arms. I slapped you through the face, hard. You sat down and started crying and apologized to Bill for falsely accusing him of whatever it was that you falsely accused him of.

I am no longer a member of the Radical Honesty community. Long story. Details at: FBI: Brad Blanton and Radical Honesty Fraud.

I am writing to inform you of the following information. I noticed your Wikipedia page states that you co-founded Rebuild the Dream -- along with Natalie Foster and Van Jones -- and served as its Partnerships and Political Director.

Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty correspondence sent to Van Jones; via Rebuild the Dream: EoP Axis: Van Jones [PDF]. As noted in the correspondence; there has been no response from Van Jones. Summary excerpt:

Request for Information / Questions for Van Jones:

Since the advent of European / Jewish Military and Financial World Domination:

Do you know of any Non-European: African, African American, Latino, Muslim etc; or any ‘progressive’ Non-European: African, African American, Latino, Muslim lawyer, religious, philosophic advisor who has advised ‘progressive’ Non-European or European ‘Progressive’ political leaders to personally or legally directly approach European / Jewish Human Factory Farming Slave Master Oppressors; requesting them to engage in a public political and/or legal conversation that has never been had before; a conversation about abolishing the Masonic Left/Right Wing Human Factory Farm; a conversation about cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; that requires all the worlds citizens to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; or be exterminated from the planetary genepool?

I have not been able to find any such historical information about any ‘progressive’ Non-European: African, African American, Latino, Muslim lawyer, religious, philosophic advisor or religious or political leader?

My working hypothesis is that the reason I have not been able to find such a ‘progressive’ Non-European lawyer, religious, philosopher advisor or political leader; is because they all secretly believe that Non-Europeans are – in terms of their procreation capabilities and skills: sexual discipline, responsibility and fully informed consent gender relations restraint – about as sexually ‘superior/inferior’ equal to cockroaches on viagra.

Put differently they secretly believe that the majority of Non-Europeans are incapable of procreation discipline.

Put simply: They think Non-Europeans are inferior beings; are not and never will be ‘equal’ to a European or Asian or Jew; a significant majority of whom are capable of procreation discipline; and who are not remotely threatened by an international law social contract; that would require them to procreate below ecological carrying capacity limits.

It appears possible that it’s a ‘civilian liberal progressive male its our goddamn right to be walking penis moron’s thing’; cause military EoP Applicants [PDF] ain’t got no problem with the implementation of an international law social contract that requires everyone to breed below ecological carrying capacity limits.

As noted in EoP Submission to Swiss Federal Council Enclosure: Survey of AntiWar and Race Relations experts [PDF] I also know liberal progressive African women who have absolutely no problem with responsible procreation. They grew up in a South African township that make American ghetto’s look like bourgeois upper middle class suburbs and took responsible procreation way beyond ‘responsible sex’ to no sex at all. They were still virgins at the age of 26. One of them got married and she was still a virgin. They obviously would not be threatened at all by the implementation of an international law social contract; that would require them to procreate below ecological carrying capacity limits; any more than Caster Semenya is threatened by going for a jog.

Some perspectives on the ‘liberal progressive male its our goddamn right to be walking penis moron’s thing’:

Norman Mailer remarked during the sixties that the problem with the sexual revolution was that it had gotten into the hands of the wrong people. He was right. It was in the hands of men.

The pop idea was that fucking was good, so good that the more there was of it, the better. The pop idea was that people should fuck whom they wanted: translated for the girls, this meant that girls should want to be fucked--as close to all the time as was humanly possible. For women, alas, all the time is humanly possible with enough changes of partners. Men envision frequency with reference to their own patterns of erection and ejaculation. Women got fucked a lot more than men fucked.

Sexual radicalism was defined in classically male terms: number of partners, frequency of sex, varieties of sex (for instance, group sex), eagerness to engage in sex. It was all supposed to be essentially the same for boys and girls: two, three, or however many long-haired persons communing. It was especially the lessening of gender polarity that kept the girls entranced, even after the fuck had revealed the boys to be men after all. Forced sex occurred--it occurred often; but the dream lived on. Lesbianism was never accepted as lovemaking on its own terms but rather as a kinky occasion for male voyeurism and the eventual fucking of two wet women; still, the dream lived on. Male homosexuality was toyed with, vaguely tolerated, but largely despised and feared because heterosexual men however bedecked with flowers could not bear to be fucked "like women"; but the dream lived on. And the dream for the girls at base was a dream of a sexual and social empathy that negated the strictures of gender, a dream of sexual equality based on what men and women had in common, what the adults tried to kill in you as they made you grow up. It was a desire for a sexual community more like childhood--before girls were crushed under and segregated. It was a dream of sexual transcendence: transcending the absolutely dichotomized male-female world of the adults who made war not love. It was--for the girls--a dream of being less female in a world less male; an eroticization of sibling equality, not the traditional male dominance.

Wishing did not make it so. Acting as if it were so did not make it so. Proposing it in commune after commune, to man after man, did not make it so. Baking bread and demonstrating against the war together did not make it so. The girls of the sixties lived in what Marxists call, but in this instance do not recognize as, a "contradiction." Precisely in trying to erode the boundaries of gender through an apparent single standard of sexual-liberation practice, they participated more and more in the most gender-reifying act: fucking. The men grew more manly; the world of the counterculture became more aggressively male-dominated. The girls became women--found themselves possessed by a man or a man and his buddies (in the parlance of the counterculture, his brothers and hers too)--traded, gang-fucked, collected, collectivized, objectified, turned into the hot stuff of pornography, and socially resegregated into traditionally female roles. Empirically speaking, sexual liberation was practiced by women on a wide scale in the sixties and it did not work: that is, it did not free women. Its purpose--it turned out-- was to free men to use women without bourgeois constraints, and in that it was successful. One consequence for the women was an intensification of the experience of being sexually female--the precise opposite of what those idealistic girls had envisioned for themselves. In experiencing a wide variety of men in a wide variety of circumstances, women who were not prostitutes discovered the impersonal, class- determined nature of their sexual function. They discovered the utter irrelevance of their own individual, aesthetic, ethical, or political sensitivities (whether those sensitivities were characterized by men as female or bourgeois or puritanical) in sex as men practiced it. The sexual standard was the male-to-female fuck, and women served it--it did not serve women.

In the sexual-liberation movement of the sixties, its ideology and practice, neither force nor the subordinate status of women was an issue. It was assumed that--unrepressed-- everyone wanted intercourse all the time (men, of course, had other important things to do; women had no legitimate reason not to want to be fucked); and it was assumed that in women an aversion to intercourse, or not climaxing from intercourse, or not wanting intercourse at a particular time or with a particular man, or wanting fewer partners than were available, or getting tired, or being cross, were all signs of and proof of sexual repression. Fucking per se was freedom per se. …… Beatings and forced intercourse were commonplace in the counterculture. Even more widespread was the social and economic coercion of women to engage in sex with men. Yet no antagonism was seen to exist between sexual force and sexual freedom: one did not preclude the other. Implicit was the conviction that force would not be necessary if women were not repressed; women would want to fuck and would not have to be forced to fuck; so that it was repression, not force, that stood in the way of freedom.

Sexual-liberation ideology, whether pop or traditionally leftist-intellectual, did not criticize, analyze, or repudiate forced sex, nor did it demand an end to the sexual and social subordination of women to men: neither reality was recognized. Instead, it posited that freedom for women existed in being fucked more often by more men, a sort of lateral mobility in the same inferior sphere. No persons were held responsible for forced sex acts, rapes, beatings of women, unless the women themselves were blamed--usually for not complying in the first place.

--Right Wing Women: Chapter 3: Abortion; by Andrea Dworkin


In Pornland you discuss racism in pornography. Oftentimes I hear, “They’re not racist, they’re just funny titles.” How prevalent is racism in pornography, and is it being diminished or trivialized by consumers and producers alike? Why hasn’t most of society picked up on this element?

One in four new videos to hit the market is interracial, which is sex between a black man and a white woman. Today’s interracial videos depict body-punishing sex. A black man’s penis is referred to as “gigantic,” “huge,” and “monstrous,” and the images reduce black men to their penises, which has historical resonance in this culture. Black women are portrayed as extremely animalistic, uncontrollable, and deviant in their sexuality. Now what happens is when you show these images over and over, it reinforces the way white people think about people of color, because in this country one of the ways in which they have rendered invisible racist ideology is by sexualizing it.

Why haven’t many people picked up on this racist element in pornography?

I think most of them don’t know. When I tell people, they’re shocked. If you ask the men who use pornography, they’re not. But these men, once aroused and eager to find an image to masturbate to, are not in any mood to start doing a critical deconstruction of the text.

One of the main reasons why interracial porn is so popular with white men, which is the main consumer base, is if pornography is about the dehumanization of women, what better way to dehumanize a white woman in the eyes of white men than to see her being penetrated over and over by something they view as depraved, the black male body?

People or individuals who try to explain that sex is about intimacy, caring, sharing, and trust in a relationship are often cast off as “prudish,” “a tight-ass,” “a religious nut,” or “someone who isn’t getting any.” How difficult has it been to explain this aspect of sex and how pornography strips it of any human connection? Why is there such aversion to sex based on equality and respect?

I think there is a real fear of being labeled anti-sex. The way pornographers and their allies have sold this is that you’re either pro-pornography or you’re anti-sex. Which of course is ludicrous because pornography is not the same as sex. Pornography is an industrial product. It commodifies human needs and sells it back to people, often in an unrecognizable form. It is not simply a reflection of reality. It is a specific representation of it and it is a specific way of representing sex.

Now to assume that if you are against pornography you’re against sex, is to assume that anyone who criticizes McDonald’s is anti-eating. People who criticize McDonald’s are against the destruction of the environment, against the assault on healthy foods, and against child obesity. They are against an industrial product. They are not against eating. So why can’t they see that it is the same thing when it comes to pornography and sex?

-- XY: Gail Dines: How “Pornland” destroys intimacy and hijacks sexuality.


When do all of you walking penis morons who only want to spread your goddamn fucking sperm around the planet, to breed more fucking cannon fodder -- unwanted, hated, children -- for your little 'radical honesty', 'Al Qaeda' 'Anti-Apartheid' crusades; start a goddamn crusade for RESPONSIBLE FUCKING FATHERHOOD; you goddamn fucking WALKING PENIS MORONS?

Do you think the earth is goddamn fucking flat, and you male walking penis morons who have no fucking serious commitment to being fathers, can just fuck and fuck and breed and breed children, and there are no consequences for such children, to your fucking walking penis behaviour?

--- Amended correspondence to Radical Honesty Trainers [PDF]: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:43 AM: Subject: RE: [Radical Honesty Coaching Blog: 794] RE: Norway v.Breivik/Berwick: Application to Chief Justice Tore Schei ITO Article 85: Treason.

** If you don't think its a ‘civilian liberal progressive male its our goddamn right to be walking penis moron’s belief’ that is opposed to an honest sincere conversation about the implementation of an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; that requires all the worlds people; from all races, religions and classes to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; or be extermianted from the planetary genepool; what exactly is the problem standing in the way of an honest inter-racial and religious conversation about responsible procreation?

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented in (i) EoP Axis: Van Jones [PDF]; (ii) EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Gamechanger Labs; Coffee Party; Movement Strategy.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

06 Sep 2016: EoP Neg: GOP: Donald Trump; Coffee Party: Debilyn Molineaux: EoP Clerk policy on WiP only political party press releases. CC: US Political Parties, Movement Strategy, Rebuild the dream, Gamechanger Labs, Jeffery Lord, Roger Stone, Infowars, Diamond and Silk.

------From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 2:14 PM Subject: EoP Neg: GOP: Donald Trump; Coffee Party: Debilyn Molineaux To: Debilyn Molineaux , "Donald J. Trump" Cc: "Coffee Party: Egberto Willies" , Bobby Rodrigo , "Movement Strategy: Taj James" , Mimi Ho , Rachel Burrows , Rebuild the Dream , "Gamechanger Labs: Billy Wimsatt" , Jeffrey Lord , Adam Tebrugge , "Donald Trump: Counsel: Donald F McGahn" , Jeffrey Goldman , Roger Stone , Donald Trump 2016 , Trump Backers , Our Principles PAC , Make America Great Again PAC , The Trump Report , "Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine" , Diamond & Silk

Debilyn Molineaux ([email protected]); Donald J. Trump ([email protected])

Coffee Party & Republican Party: Coffee Party: Egberto Willies ([email protected]); Bobby Rodrigo ([email protected]); Movement Strategy: Taj James ([email protected]); Mimi Ho ([email protected]); Rachel Burrows ([email protected]); Rebuild the Dream ([email protected]); Gamechanger Labs: Billy Wimsatt ([email protected]); Jeffrey Lord ([email protected]); Adam Tebrugge ([email protected]); Donald Trump: Counsel: Donald F McGahn ([email protected]); Jeffrey Goldman ([email protected]); Roger Stone ([email protected]); Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Trump Backers ([email protected]); Our Principles PAC ([email protected]); Make America Great Again PAC ([email protected]); The Trump Report ([email protected]); Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine ([email protected]); Diamond & Silk ([email protected])

EoP Neg: GOP: Donald Trump; Coffee Party: Debilyn Molineaux

I received the Republican and Coffee Party’s press release’s; and unsubscribed from your press release correspondence databases.

EoP Clerk policy on WiP only political party press releases:

Ecology of Peace communication policy is available at: Ecology of Peace under the heading: State of Being/Relating Communication Policy: Honourable Reason and Logic Problem Solving.

EoP MILED Clerk EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations and related publications of such negotiations are interested in root cause problem solving; not being publishers for fuck honour parasites pretending to be ‘pretend we give a fuck about problem solving’ politicians bullshit the publication press releases.

There are hundreds of thousands of parasite fuck honour media publications – large and small – you can send your parasites pretending to be ‘pretend we give a fuck about problem solving’ politicians bullshit the publication press releases; who may or may not publish your verbal diarhea depending on whatever it is they consider to be their ‘communication policy and/or publication policy’ principles.

Alternatively if you have someone in your political party capable of buck stops here communicating; who has a possible sincere interest in EoP v WiP culture war issues; even if such individual sincerely thinks the implementation of an EoP social contract is 100% impossible; such individual is welcome to send their buck stops here communications to me; and such communications shall be enquired into and responded to; and published in full.

EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations and related publications publishing of EoP Clerk interpretations of Military Intelligence Agencies psychotronic manipulation of politicians and individuals running for election in various countries; are EoP interpretations of possible meanings of the messages of the Military Intelligence handlers of ‘ideological pacifist’ civilian politicians; as opposed to ‘Faced the bullet militarist pacifist’ politicians.

An ideological pacifist is someone who notices that allot of their fellow citizens, journalists, etc pretend to ‘oppose violence’ – clarification on pretend: Derrick Jensen: Civilization and Enlightenment -- and hence include ‘pacifist opposition to violence’ in their bullshit the public relations image management communications. When such a politician says ‘I want to be elected to do this or that; or am interested in EoP culture issues’ – for the most part ignore; until they demonstrate some level of sincerity; either in their communication policy discussions or actions.

A ‘faced the bullet militarist pacifist’ politician is a different kettle of fish. They are politicians who – Until you have faced death in the face you [Info] -- have personally dealt in life and death issues; such as for example: Vladimir Putin or Benjamin Netanyahu. When they personally – i.e. have been informed of Military Intelligence agencies possibly engaged in psychotronic manipulation of their statements and/or actions; and subsequent thereto – indicate in buck stops here or plausible deniable communications; that they may be sincerely and honourably interested in EoP culture issues; if you are sincere about EoP issues as I am; I listen and cooperate.

Consequently generally speaking EoP interpretations are not interpretations of messages from --- ‘ideological pacifist’ members of political parties; who like Brad Blanton and the Fuck honour radical honesty cult [Info] -- have sweet goddamn fuck all concern for any concept of honour; until they demonstrate otherwise: i.e. some level of sincerity; either in their communication policy discussions or actions. .

As noted in EoP v WiP Neg correspondence to Diary of a Negress: It is not possible to begin to enter into a sincere listening conversation about what anyone wants with an individual who has no fucking clue as to who they are; let alone as to what they want.

Off hand options for any member of a WiP only political party who gives a sincere fuck about a sincere root cause problem solving EoP and WiP cultural war issues election conversation:

1. Hold an election within your political party: Are you an EoP and WiP party or a WiP only political party. 2. If WiP only: In a nutshell Masonic WiP political culture is essentially based upon which political party is the best bullshit the public relations bullshitter. a. If you were one of the dumbfuck citizens bamboozled by WiP only ‘bullshit the public relations’ -- ‘pretend we give a fuck about problem solving; while doing sweet fuck all about the root Masonic war is peace right to breed and consume with deliberate disregard for ecological carrying capacity limit’s causes of all socio-economic problems’ – bullshitting. 3. WiP and EoP: A WiP and EoP party would include individuals in your party who (a) recognize that the only way to really solve any of the socio-economic problems they pretend to care about solving is to implement an EoP social contract for humane and orderly deindustrialization and depopulation return to ecological carrying capacity limits; and (b) are not sure whether it can be done; (c) but are willing to engage in a truthseeking educational enquiry about EoP and WiP issues. a. If your Party leadership are willing to engage in a discussion of EoP and WiP issues; that would indicate they are not threatened by such a conversation; and may be EoP and WiP. b. If you followed Party guidelines to engagine in a sincere discussion with Party leadership about holding an EoP or WiP vote or discussion; and Party leadership totally obstruct any internal discussion and/or EoP-WiP vote; that would indicate the possibility they are WiP only. 4. If WiP only bullshitting doesn’t interest you; and EoP root cause socio-economic problem solving still interests you: a. Resign from your WiP only party. b. File Fraud charges against your WiP only party: ask your city or county police, sheriff, or FBI; if they accept fraud complaints from an individual who is a member of an EoP culture. If your local police, sherrif, FBI accepts EoP fraud complaints, find out if the District Attorney accepts complaints filed by EoP culture citizens [Example: MD: Prince George’s Co [PDF]; VA: Arlington Co [PDF]], so you don’t waste the police, sheriff, FBI’s times with a complaint the DA is going to ignore. If so: file a complaint of fraud with the police, sheriff, against your former political party. c. Join others to form an EoP party; or form media or other organizations, or co-ops to educate others about Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace culture issues. 5. If EoP only: those who vote EoP should submit their EoP Oaths to EoP Clerk, for vetting and publication at EoP supporters.

EoP Clerk voting:

There is no EoP political party in South Africa, consequently EoP clerk notified the IEC; that she would not be voting in South Africa’s elections. There was no response from the IEC indicating any interest in educating South African voters about EoP and WiP culture war issues.

As far as I am aware – from 15 years of EoP activism in South Africa – I have not found any South African government official or citizen; interested in buck stops here cooperating to educate South Africans about the implementation of an EoP social contract. For the most part they appear to interpret my Ecology of Peace activism; as some form of mental disorder; and simply ignore me; as long my ‘mental disorder’ free speech; does not offend them; then they suddenly are offended by something someone whom they accuse of having a mental disorder said. Hell of a way to buck stops here confirm you have fuck all interest in honourable race, religious or class war relations, or root cause problem solving of the WiP socio-economic foundation of those resource war issues.

Hence my EoP cooperation has been with EoP Applicants from other countries.

Consequently while I would have been allowed to vote in America – if the INS had not chosen to deport a LEGAL RESIDENT – I have not voted in America and/or Russia, my actions, time and limited resources votes go to individuals – such as EoP Applicants – in any country – with no regard to race, class, religion or ideology – whom I interpret as reasonably sincere about cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; or engage in an enquiry about whether the implementation of an EoP social contract is possible; and if so how.

Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace New World Order Negotiations are updated at: MILED Clerk Notice.

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented in: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Coffee Party; Donald Trump; US Political Parties; Movement Strategy; Rebuild the Dream; Gamechanger Labs; Jeffery Lord; Roger Stone; Infowars; Diamond and Silk.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

09 Oct: UKIP: Nigel Farage: EoP Response to Nigel Farage: Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ is ‘alpha male boasting’. CC: GOP Donald Trump; Democrats: Hillary Clinton.

Correction Edits:

Added: “Donald Trump and” to paragraph: “If you know what you mean by ‘real issues’; my interpretation of your – and your party and other United Kingdom political parties, left and right -- actions indicate that – like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton – you don’t give a flying fuck about addressing the root causes of the ‘real issues’ you and your voters endlessly whine about like squeeling piglets stuck in a Halal abbatoir.”

Replaced confusing (i)(ii) with (a)(b) in paragraph: “I do what I can to support EoP Applicants, FSB, NSA individuals; to the extent that my working hypothesis conclusion interpretation of their actions and/or messages is that they (a) are attempting to determine whether it’s possible to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; preferably honourably, transparently with military, political, religious and media elite and citizens fully informed consent; or if that’s not possible; (i) whether there is enough military and legal support for minimum amount of force orderly and legal coercive implementation; and if not so: (ii) whether there is enough military and police support for military shock and awe ‘grab them by the pussy/nuts’: wake the fuck up you goddamn cockroaches; we are goddamn serious’ measures to change Masonic War is Peace military, political, religious and media elite and citizens minds to support of aforementioned fully informed consent or minimum orderly and coercive force measures to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; (b) shall reciprocate my support in helping them with their enquiry; by helping me to get what I want.”

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 10:50 PM Subject: EoP Response to Nigel Farage: Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ is ‘alpha male boasting’ To: Nigel Farage , UKIP Cc: Donald Trump 2016 , "Donald J. Trump" , "Counsel: Donald F McGahn" , Jeffrey Lord , Adam Tebrugge , Jeffrey Goldman , Roger Stone , Trump Backers , Our Principles PAC , Make America Great Again PAC , The Trump Report , "Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine" , Diamond & Silk , Hillary Clinton via Nathaniel Koloc , Rebecca Keate , N Budzinski , Lindsay Lassman , Jen Berg , Priyanka Mantha , Press , Timothy McVeigh , President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office

TO: UKIP: Nigel Farage CC: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

UKIP: Nigel Farage: Nigel Farage ([email protected]); Breaking Point: UKIP ([email protected]);

Donald Trump: Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump ([email protected]); Counsel: Donald F McGahn ([email protected]); Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Jeffrey Lord ([email protected]); Adam Tebrugge ([email protected]); Jeffrey Goldman ([email protected]); Roger Stone ([email protected]); Trump Backers ([email protected]); Our Principles PAC ([email protected]); The Trump Report ([email protected]); Make America Great Again PAC ([email protected]); Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine ([email protected]); Diamond & Silk ([email protected])

Hillary Clinton: Hillary Clinton via Nathaniel Koloc ([email protected]); Rebecca Keate ([email protected]); N Budzinski ([email protected]); Lindsay Lassman ([email protected]); Jen Berg ([email protected]); Priyanka Mantha ([email protected]); Press ([email protected])

EoP Applicants: Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office ([email protected])

Mr. Farage:

EoP Response to Nigel Farage: Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ is ‘alpha male boasting’

Ecology of Peace culture feedback regarding your statement to SkyNews about media disclosures about Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ remarks: "This is alpha male boasting. Its the kind of thing, if were being honest, that men do. They sit around and have a drink and they talk like this and by the way quite a lot of women say things amongst themselves that they would not want to see on Fox News or the front page of newspapers. I'm not pretending its good, its ugly. It is ugly. There are going to be Republican candidates running for the hills, disowning him. This is what happens in politics. People look after their own interests ahead of the collective good of the party. Look its not good, but I'll tell you what there's a whole host of stories coming out about Hillary, not to mention Bill, when we talk about sexual impropriety. If I were Trump going into this tomorrow; I would say "Hands Up... I behaved in a very alpha male boorish way. I apologize, but hey lets talk about the real issues."

Re: If we are being honest: Re: Alpha Male Boasting:

If I am accurately interpreting you: Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ etc behaviour is considered by some to be approved or condoned ‘alpha male’ behaviour.

I am not an alpha male; nor do I pretend to be; and I am no expert on what men who call themselves alpha males; or who pretend to be alpha males do to impress each other.

In fact; according to my reading and interpretation of Robert Ardrey’s opinions and research on alpha males; as described in his book: The Social Contract: A Personal Inquiry into the Evolutionary Sources of Order and Disorder; there is no absolute clear concrete definition of what exactly an alpha male is; that is relevant and applicable to all species and/or human culture’s. Put differently, different animals and species have different meanings and behavioural traits for what they consider ‘alpha male’ behaviour.

Aside from one species, the hamadryas, the structure of the baboon troop has a central group of alpha males who not only defend the whole troop but keep order within it. Washburn and De Vore concluded that the capacity to get along with one's fellows must be a necessity in the alpha male. We deal here not with as mild a creature as the samango or colobus monkeys, but with the most belligerent citizen in the non-human primate world. That alphaness must include the capacity to suppress rugged individualism bears notice. Yet the three or four males of the central group prefer one another's company, act always in concert, never quarrel, and accept any challenge to one as a challenge to all. Were a male however strong, however intelligent, however ambitious, unable to accept these essentially political conditions of existence, he could not be an alpha baboon.

The following year, in 1962, Stuart Altmann became the first observer to draw attention to the capacity for coalition in the rhesus monkey. Among rhesus males, however, such coalitions are not between equals. The steps of rank are distinct, and alpha is an individual who must somehow maintain his rank quite on his own, though he leads a group of animals only slightly less aggressive than baboons. In this situation true political shenanigans have value. Alpha, pressed by beta, will make a temporary alliance with gamma. Or gamma, with designs on beta, will ingratiate himself with alpha. Since greatest conflict comes between adjoining ranks, such temporary alliances may take place at any social level. When Thomas Struhsaker recently published his elegant series of studies of vervet-monkey troops in Kenya's Amboseli, he found that 20 percent of all contacts between males involved temporary coalitions.

From broad enough inspection of animal examples, we can gain some appreciation for the qualities of the alpha fish, but no organizing principles. We may say that dominance occurs. And rank in the social order becomes one of Wynne-Edwards' conventional prizes pursued by conventional means. We may look at armies and governments, political or religious movements, corporation personnel or academic faculties, and we shall find the same invariable structure of rank, the same motivation from below to above, the same command by alphas as in primate troops or elephant herds. In the organization of any society of unequal beings to act as one, evolution has favored the mechanism of hierarchy. But despite his universal appearance in social orders, despite the varied testimony we have gathered concerning the nature of the beast, we still do not know what an alpha fish is.

We have been inspecting hierarchy from the top down. We have been viewing the alpha as an individual phenomenon. But the dominating cannot exist without the dominated, the leader without followers. Perhaps if we reverse our standpoint we shall penetrate the mystery more deeply. If we take a fish- eye view of the hull of the passing ship, then who knows? Perhaps we shall glimpse the captain.

I know what my values are and what impresses me about others: sincerity, honesty, character, root cause problem solving. I don’t care if they are an alpha or pretend to be an alpha male or female; or what their physical appearance is.

According to my personal working hypothesis conception of an ‘alpha male’; I somehow cannot imagine alpha male Vladimir Putin saying or doing something like Donald Trump said to a random woman whom he may find attractive. Maybe when he was a thirteen year old thug, before he decided to leave thug life and; he may have said and done such things; but certainly not beyond the age of 18. He clearly has no fear whatsoever of making brutally clear statements; that many may find offensive; and seeing them published on the front page of the worlds newspapers. I imagine he does not engage in such ‘alpha male’ behaviour; cause its not what he considers ‘alpha male’ behaviour; and chasing around the planet with his dick in his hand, to engage in fake relating with tits and ass sluts; is not conducive to his existential goals.

That is not to say that alpha male Putin has not and not brutally and if necessary coercively assert his alpha male authority to a man or woman; in extremely harsh terms; if or when he consideres such verbal or physical brutal coercive actions to be necessary for the protection of the group or the groups values.

However engaging in such brutal less than informed consent behaviour for nothing more than the personal satisfaction of his own penis and fragile ego; is not the behaviour of a competent adult alpha male; who has a sincere concern for the group of individuals whom consider him to be their alpha male.

Maybe if Vladimir Putin’s life’s goals were fucking every tits and ass slut he remotely found attractive; he may have decided to devote his life to impressing his thug friends with how he would go up to random allegedly attractive women and grab them by the pussy; or refer to them as bleeding out of their vagina’s; when they hurt his fragile ego feelings.

However that is not, and does not appear to have been Vladimir Putin’s existential purpose. His life’s existential purpose – as far as I can tell – has been related to his concern for his country and its people: Russia; to regain some sort of stature for his country within international relations; and subsequent thereto to use such power and influence for the benefit of all; not simply Russians.

If the British Empire and/or the subsequent American Empire had given a fuck about using their power and influence for the benefit of all; by supporting the implementation of an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; then maybe Vladimir Putin may have chosen to devote his life to being a delinquent thug and running around the planet with his dick in his hand, to engage in relating with tits and ass sluts; although I doubt it.

I don’t imagine an alpha male Japanese samurai warrior saying or doing something like Donald Trump said to a random woman whom he may find attractive.

So I guess if we were being honest; we would say ‘Donald Trump was engaged in what one or more, but most certainly not all cultures on earth; consider alpha male boasting.’

Re: If we are being honest: Re: Alpha Male Boasting worthy of condemnation?:

I am not a member of Donald Trump’s culture. If the individuals who consider themselves a member of Donald Trump’s culture consider such behaviour to be condoned behaviour for their alpha male protectors; then it’s really not much of my business.

If Mr. Trump wants to engage in such non-consensual pussy grabbing behaviour with members of the Ecology of Peace culture; the steel justice bridge Ecology of Peace culture penalty for refusing to abide by informed consent principles will be in accordance to Deception Communication Crimes of Aggression; as clarified further below.

If Mr Donald Trump is confused about the meaning of informed consent; herewith an example of what he could say: I notice I am having thoughts about wanting to grab your pussy/penis. If that offends you I am sorry. If you are willing to discuss it; could you let me know so that we can discuss whether I can grab your pussy/penis; and what I mean by ‘grab’ and what I mean by ‘pussy/penis’. The woman or man could then say ‘No thanks’ or ‘Yes I am willing to discuss it; and such conversation could ensue; and the entire matter whether any pussy/penis grabbing occurred, and if so, hopefully in private; or not; would be a matter of informed consent between adults.

Re: If we are being honest: Advice for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton:

I don’t know what Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton want. I don’t know what anyone in Donald Trump’s Republican Party or Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party or any of their voters want.

In my culture if you sincerely want to help someone; you must first make buck stops here sure that you know exactly what they want.

If they are buck stops here clear about what they want; and you are capable of helping them get it; if you are willing to help them tell them, agree and inform them of what you charge in order to help them; or disagree and don’t waste their time.

If you are incapable of helping them get what they want; don’t pretend that you are capable of helping them get what they want. Tell them that you do not have the skills or authority to help them get what they want.

If you are buck stops here sincerely unsure about whether you can help them, inform them; and engage each other on a collective cooperative measure to get what they want.

If they are not buck stops here clear about what they want; then it is not possible to help them to get what they want. All you can do is to help them clarify for themselves what they want.

EoP Acting Clerk’s preferences:

The NSA, FSB, EoP Applicants, United States Government: former and current US Navy Judge Advocate Generals; Former and Current President Bush and Obama, Former and current Attorney Generals: John Aschroft, Eric Holder & Loretta Lynch have repeatedly been informed over the past 15 years, and consequently do currently know; what I want: clarification from Timothy McVeigh and/or the United States Government whether Timothy McVeigh’s faked execution pardon allows for us to spend a few years alone off grid somewhere in the Siberian wilderness before we depart the planet together. If McVeigh’s pardon does not make for such allowances; and/or there continues to be fuck all buck stops here response from Timothy McVeigh and/or the United States Government; I am and have been making preparations – see: correspondence to Magistrate Essel -- to depart on my own; preferably to Siberian wilderness in Russia; and if not possible: via assisted suicide at Dignitas in Switzerland.

EoP Applicants; FSB: Gen Bortnikov, NSA: Adm Rogers – and other FSB and NSA officials, numbers and names unknown - preferences:

I do what I can to support EoP Applicants, FSB, NSA individuals; to the extent that my working hypothesis conclusion interpretation of their actions and/or messages is that they (a) are attempting to determine whether it’s possible to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; preferably honourably, transparently with military, political, religious and media elite and citizens fully informed consent; or if that’s not possible; (i) whether there is enough military and legal support for minimum amount of force orderly and legal coercive implementation; and if not so: (ii) whether there is enough military and police support for military shock and awe ‘grab them by the pussy/nuts’: wake the fuck up you goddamn cockroaches; we are goddamn serious’ measures to change Masonic War is Peace military, political, religious and media elite and citizens minds to support of aforementioned fully informed consent or minimum orderly and coercive force measures to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; (b) shall reciprocate my support in helping them with their enquiry; by helping me to get what I want.

Re: If we are being honest: Real issues:

I am not a member of your culture; so I don’t know what you mean by ‘real issues’.

If you know what you mean by ‘real issues’; my interpretation of your – and your party and other United Kingdom political parties, left and right -- actions indicate that – like [Donald Trump and] Hillary Clinton – you don’t give a flying fuck about addressing the root causes of the ‘real issues’ you and your voters endlessly whine about like squeeling piglets stuck in a Halal abbatoir.

Real Issues for Ecology of Peace culture:

A. Buck stops here honourable factual communication. If you are not engaged in a buck stops here discussion; no matter how uncomfortable that makes your fuck honour ego; you are engaged in fragile ego attention seeking.

B. If your buck stops here honourable factual communication is about helping someone to solve something they refer to as a ‘problem’; and you have fuck all interest in helping them to get to the root causes of their ‘problem’ you ain’t got any goddamn fucking sincere interest in helping them.

C. A summary of the Ecology of Peace culture’s Ecology of Peace Reality Facts analysis of the root cause of most of what fuck honour religious political and corporate politicians and their fuck honour civilian citizens call ‘problems’: whether: slavery, oppression, climate change; food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racism, feminism, nazism, Islamism, capitalism, communism, militarization of police, etc:

Ecology of Peace Reality Facts: 1. Earth is not flat. 2. Resources are finite. 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in ecological overshoot, resource depletion and resource conflict. 4. The root policy cause of humans breeding and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits are the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract’. 5. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, political parties, and/or nations want to (a) sustainably protect natural resources for future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; they should (d) cooperate to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; to sustainably protect and conserve natural resources.

Here follows Ecology of Peace culture Wealth Transfer Options as excerpted from and updated at: EoP Wealth Transfer Option; which include Ecology of Peace Honourable Reason and Logic Problem Solving Communication Policy Values as excerpted and updated at: EoP RH culture info.

EoP Wealth Transfer Options to shut down Casino Ponzi Economy:

EoP Axis Nationalization of Individuals Property:

All individuals owning property greater than the EoP allotted ecofootprint ration – as detailed under: Ecology of Peace New Economy Sustainability Definition paragraphs – will have their property nationalized.

An EoP allotted ecofootprint ration of nationalized property shall be provided to any citizen who has no property; who has signed a Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration; for their use; to enable them to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; and engage with neighbours into local food production cooperatives; to begin the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

EoP Axis Nationalization of Banks & Corporations:

All Banks from Bank of International Settlements; Inter-American Development Bank; APRACA: Asia-Pacific Rural to the Agriculture Credit Association; to traded and privately owned corporations shall be nationalized. The Derivatives Market will go through bankruptcy proceedings and both the Derivatives Market and Stock Exchanges will be shut down.

The ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses of the Masonic War is Peace social contract shall be removed and replaced with Ecology of Peace clauses that restrict all the worlds citizens of all races, religions and classes to procreating and consuming below ecological carrying capacity limits; relating with others in accordance to fully informed consenting agreements; and violaters shall be eliminated from the planetary genepool. For more info on transforming the planetary economy to a sustainable economy: see: Community Solution: Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil; Doug Tompkins: The Next Economy: Transitions from Globalization to Eco-Localization.

The EoP Economy shall be based upon already mined gold and ultimately a resource mix based currency standard; where all lending / borrowing and/or bartering is to be limited to consumption and production of non-renewable and renewable natural resources below Ecological Carrying Capacity limits.

Banks and/or Corporations may avoid coercive nationalization by voluntarily choosing to engage in the conversion of their corporations to EoP cooperative corporations; by giving employees the opportunity to vote whether they wish to (a) remain with the corporation and convert their former corporation to be managed in accordance to cooperative ownership principles and agree to sign an Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration; (b) leave the corporation in accordance with with six months salary retrenchment package.

All nationalized corporations shall undergo the same employee vote process. Only individuals who have signed Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration may be considered for Cooperative Management positions.

All Corporate Pensions for all employees who have not yet retired; whether they sign Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration, vote to remain with the corporation or be retrenched; are immediately cancelled. All Corporate Pensions for individuals who have already retired shall be notified that such pensions shall be cancelled within twelve months.

All corporate employees, including current or former pension holders; who do not own any property; who sign an Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration shall be provided with an EoP allotted ecofootprint ration of nationalized property; for their use; to enable them to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; and engage with neighbours into local food production cooperatives; to begin the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Energy Facilities:

All IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency member states are to immediately draw up a report detailing how they commit to the decommission of all their Nuclear Weapons and Energy facilities; within five years.

World Coal Association: All member corporations are to immediately draw up a report detailing how they intend to support the orderly termination and closure of all coal mining and energy production with a Production Footprint above ecological renewable/non renewable carrying capacity limits; i.e. all future coal exploitation and production of non-renewable and renewable natural resources must be limited to below Ecological Carrying Capacity limits.

Breeding & Consumption Crimes of Aggression:

“Any individual who is found guilty of advocating on behalf of, legislating, enforcing, or obeying any – cultural, religious, common, statutory, constitutional, or international – ‘scarcity combatant’ social contract; which enables or advocates on behalf of human procreation, consumption or production of resources that transgress ecological carrying capacity limits, is guilty of the ‘crime of aggression act of war’.”

Crimes of Aggression Acts of War Convictions & Sentencing:

Consumption Violation Sentences:

Individuals found negligently guilty of violating consumption social contract limits; would be required to (a) relinquish their excess consumed products; and provide community service labour; to the extent of the infraction.

Individuals found intentionally guilty of violating consumption social contract limits; shall be provided the opportunity to (a) choose their preferred method of state assisted suicide; (b) be granted the opportunity to say goodbye to loved ones and (c) be eliminated from the planetary genepool by their preferred method of state assisted suicide.

Procreation Violation Sentences:

Individuals found guilty of negligently violating procreation social contract limits; would be required to be permanently sterilized.

Individuals found guilty of intentionally violating procreation social contract limits; would be required to (a) relinquish said child for adoption - if wanted to be adopted by a family - and be given their choice as to how they prefer to be humanely executed; (b) if no adoptive family is found; parents and child are to be given their choice as to how they prefer to be humanely executed.

EoP Axis Nation State Employees:

Every employee from the President down to the school janitor who is an employee of a federal, state, city or local government; is given one month to sign their Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration; and submit it to appointed Federal, National and Local Ecology of Peace Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration Ombudsman.

All State employees who refuse to sign Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration are retrenched; with six months salary retrenchment package.

All Government Pensions for all employees who have not yet retired; whether they sign Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration or not; are immediately cancelled. All Government Pensions for individuals who have already retired shall be notified in writing; that such pensions shall be cancelled within twelve months.

All Government employees, including current or former pension holders; who do not own any property; who sign an Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration shall be provided with an EoP allotted ecofootprint ration of nationalized property; for their use; to enable them to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; and engage with neighbours into local food production cooperatives; to begin the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration.

A citizen’s signed Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration will declare that the particular citizen understands and legally agrees to the following:

I hereby declare that I understand Responsible Freedom to mean: 1. Earth is not flat. 2. Resources are finite. 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in ecological overshoot, resource depletion and resource conflict. 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to (a) sustainably protect natural resources for future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; they should (d) cooperate to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; to sustainably protect and conserve natural resources. 5. The root cause of humans breeding and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits and consequently Nation States failure to (a) avoid resource depletion and sustainable protection of national renewable and non-renewable resources for other species and future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; are the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract’. 6. I request – and commit to support – the President and all supporting Political Party leaders; to officially and publicly begin legal International negotiations – by adopting any of the Ecology of Peace New World Order Negotiations social contract options used individually or in select combination or collectively; or other more suitable options – to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; that shall (i) abolish the root ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract’; and (ii) replace them with Ecology of Peace clauses that require all of the worlds citizens from all races, classes and religions to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; and anyone convicted of breeding and/or consumption violations shall be eliminated from the planetary genepool.

I hereby declare that I understand Honourable Reason & Logic Problem Solving Communication Policy Discourse values to mean:

7. If I am committed to honourable discourse; and I am giving someone else the benefit of the doubt that they are committed to honourable truthseeking discussion: A. I clarify my preferences; to enable people being communicated to, to clearly know what I want; and whether they are willing to engage me in entering into an agreement; to help me get what I want; and reciprocally whether I can help them to get what they may want. B. I always respond to verbal and written correspondence, with a sincere honest response. If I don't have time to respond; I inform them by when they can expect a response. C. I sincerely and actively listen to the evidence from any individual, irrespective of their political ideology – i.e. right wing to left wing – religion, race or culture. Active listening means you verify that your interpretation of their statements is accurate; before concluding that you have ‘heard their argument’. D. I focus on simplifying the issue discussed, using as much as possible descriptive words; as opposed to abstract concepts. If or where I include reference to abstract concepts; I am willing to define my meaning of that abstract concept within that circumstance. E. I evaluate their argument based upon the evidence they present, not their race, religion or political ideology; etc. F. If I am not convinced by the quality of their evidence on any particular issue; I am willing to agree to disagree on that particular issue, and cooperate if they are willing to engage in cooperative truthseeking to get better quality evidence; so that a stronger beyond reasonable doubt conclusion can be drawn on the particular issue in dispute. G. I remain in the conversation until we find agreement; so as to support each other on other issues that we do agree upon, which are based upon more conclusive buck stops here evidence. H. If or where sincere conflict arises in the discussion about the issue in dispute; I am committed to remaining in the conversation and finding a way to resolve the conflict, by allowing myself, them or both of us to get over our anger; as opposed to requiring them to suppress their anger for political correct ‘lets pretend we are getting along’ reasons. Once the emotional steam has been released through the conflict resolution process; both parties will find themselves in a more calm neutral space where the truthseeking conversation can proceed. I. If either of us decide that we are unable to resolve the conflict between us: 1. If none of us are employed by the State and/or legally obligated to help each other on the particular issue of preference in dispute; we honourably terminate discussions and approach others for help to get what we respectively want. 2. If one or both of us are employed by the State and/or an organization or profession legally obligated to provide support to enable resolution of the particular requested preference; we cooperatively refer the matter to an honourable discourse truthseeking arbitrator for impartial dispute resolution. J. If at any point during discussion; or arbitration proceedings; their evidence proves any of my evidence for any of my ideological, racial or religious working hypothesis theories or beliefs to be inaccurate; I love reason and logic more than my ego-identity and hence I am willing to publicly change my mind, on that particular subject and amend my ideological working hypothesis or belief with the new evidence provided; and if necessary to apologize.

Naturally anyone who refuses – without reasonable justification – to engage in aforementioned honourable discourse; is not remotely interested in peace, anti-war, or non-violent root cause problem solving of socio-economic resource war conflict; and depending on the circumstances; may consciously or unconsciously be providing their informed consent justification for the issue in dispute to be resolved by means of violence. Although honourable discourse would recommend that they be consciously made aware of how their refusal to engage in honourable discourse root cause problem solving of the issue in dispute; demonstrates their lack of commitment and sincerity to non-violent root cause problem solving.

Deception Communication Crimes of Aggression:

Fully Informed Consensual Relating Violation Sentences:

Individuals found guilty of negligently violating ‘Fully Informed Consenting Honourable Discourse’ as part of their inter-relating agreements; shall be required to attend and graduate from a Fully Informed Consenting Honourable Discourse’ communication values class; where they would learn how to communicate their preferences and relate to others in accordance to Fully Informed Consenting Communication values; and sign a Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration to graduate.

Individuals found guilty of intentionally violating ‘Fully Informed Consenting Honourable Discourse’ as part of their inter-relating agreements; shall be provided the opportunity to (a) choose their preferred method of state assisted suicide; (b) be granted the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones and (c) be eliminated from the planetary genepool by their preferred method of state assisted suicide.

Ecology of Peace New Economy Sustainability Definition:

A Sustainable society practices Sustainable Procreation and Sustainable Natural Resource Utilization Behaviour; i.e. all of its citizens consume and procreate below carrying capacity. Sustainable Natural Resource Utilization Behaviour behaviour involves the utilization of renewable natural resources—water, cropland, pastureland, forests, and wildlife—exclusively, which can be depleted only at levels less than or equal to the levels at which they are replenished by Nature. The utilization of non-renewable natural resources (NNR's)—fossil fuels, metals, and minerals—at any level, is not sustainable1.

Carrying Capacity Sustainability: I=PAT Equation:

For activities to be genuinely sustainable it must be possible for them to continue indefinitely. The impact of humanity on the environment and the demands that people place on the resources available on the planet can be summarised by what is known as the Ehrlich or IPAT equation, I=PAT. I = impact on the environment or demand for resources, P = population size, A = affluence and T = technology. The two most important conclusions deriving from this IPAT footprint2 relationship are that: (i) the Earth can support only a limited number of people, at a certain level of affluence, in a sustainable manner; and (ii) Population and Consumption must be reduced to below carrying capacity.

Carrying Capacity aka Biocapacity Limits:

1 Sustainability Defined, Chris Clugston, WakeUpAmerika 2 EcoFootprint: The difference between the biocapacity and Ecological Footprint of a region or country. A biocapacity deficit occurs when the Footprint of a population exceeds the biocapacity of the area available to that population. If there is a regional or national biocapacity deficit, it means that the region is importing biocapacity through trade or liquidating regional ecological assets. Global biocapacity deficit cannot be compensated through trade, and is overshoot. “The maximum number of individuals that can be supported sustainably by a given environment is known as its ‘carrying capacity’. Worldwide the total amount of biologically productive land and sea amounts to 12 billion global hectares (gha); or 1.8 gha each if divided by 6.7 billion each. Guerrylla Laws are drawn up in accordance with the proactive conservation policies of Bhutan3, who set aside 40% of their biologically productive to be returned to its natural state, for other species and wildlife conservation purposes; then that means that the total amount of biologically productive carrying capacity land available to humans is 60% of 12 billion; which amounts to 7.2 billion gha total; or 60% of 1.8 gha, which is 1 gha each. Population factor is relevant, because the more humans there are, the less biologically productive land there is for everyone else. For example:

Biocapacity limits of 6.7, 3.5, 1 Billion, 500, 250 & 100 Million:

7.2 billion global hectares of biologically productive land and water divided by (a) 6.7 billion humans, equals: 1.07 gha each; (b) 3.5 billion equals 2.05 gha each; (c) 1 billion equals 7.2 gha each; (d) 500 million equals 14.4 gha each; (e) 250 million equals 28.8 gha; (f) 100 million equals 72 gha each.

Procreation Factor:

As noted, the more people there are; the less biologically productive land there is available for everyone else. According to the research of Paul Murtaugh, the procreation factor that should be added by ecology footprint organisations to their Consumption footprint calculators, is 20 per child. [Each Child increases a parent’s cumulative consumption footprint by factor of 204]

Difference between Sustainable (Leaver Eco-Innocent) v Unsustainable (Taker Scarcity Combatant):

An individuals IPAT footprint is a result of: (A) Consumption Footprint multiplied by (B) Procreation Factor (Every child increases 20 Child Factor). If their IPAT footprint is below carrying capacity limits, they are an Eco-Innocent Leaver; if their IPAT footprint is above carrying capacity limits, they are a Scarcity Combatant Taker.

Total Footprint = Consumption x Procreation Factor.

To work out your Consumption footprint; you will need to use a Consumption Footprint calculator. Current online footprint calculators: Global Footprint Network5 (copy available at Earth Day6; Center for Sustainable Economy7; EcoCampus8. See more at Global Footprint’s Application Standards9, where they detail how their calculators calculate Consumption

3 Bhutan Proactive Conservation: Bhutan is seen as a model for proactive conservation initiatives. The Kingdom has received international acclaim for its commitment to the maintenance of its biodiversity. This is reflected in the decision to maintain at least sixty percent of the land area under forest cover, to designate more than 40% of its territory as national parks, reserves and other protected areas, and most recently to identify a further nine percent of land area as biodiversity corridors linking the protected areas. Environmental conservation has been placed at the core of the nation's development strategy, the middle path. It is not treated as a sector but rather as a set of concerns that must be mainstreamed in Bhutan's overall approach to development planning and to be buttressed by the force of law. - "Parks of Bhutan". Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation online. Bhutan Trust Fund. 4 Paul Murtaugh (7-31-09): Family Planning: A Major Environmental Emphasis, Oregon University http://sqswans.weebly.com/child--ecofootprint-x-20.html 5 http://footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/calculators/ 6 http://www.earthday.org/footprint-calculator 7 http://www.myfootprint.org/ 8 http://ecocamp.us/eco-footprint-calculator 9 http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/application_standards/ footprints. The quiz will ask you various questions about your consumption habits, and provide you with a final consumption footprint in global hectares which is your ‘consumption footprint’. For the purposes of this calculation; avoid footprint calculator quizzes that do not provide you with your final gha consumption footprint amount, such as for example: World Wildlife Fund’s footprint calculator10 or Stanford International Students11 (which is excellent and has great detail; but does not provide you with a final footprint in gha terms). Multiply your consumption footprint gha amount by your Procreation Factor: the number of children you have procreated multiplied by 20. The total amount is your Total Footprint.

EoP Updates pending reinstatement of deleted EoP websites.

Pending reinstatement of EoP accounts on Weebly:

Ecology of Peace correspondence on issues not stated as directly related to hacking of Tygae and SQSwans – including regarding Student Responsible Freedom Plaintiff Declaration; and its updated EoP Wealth Transfer Option – are temporarily updated at: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations Comments Correspondence.

A copy of this correspondence is documented at: SQSwans PRH: EoP v WiP NWO Neg CC.

If or when the Tygae and SQSwans websites and account are reinstated: (a) EoP v WiP Negotiations shall again be updated at MILED Clerk Notice; (b) this correspondence shall be documented at: (i) EoP Applicants [PDF]: Vladimir Putin; Timothy McVeigh; (ii) EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

10 http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ Other Green Footprint calculators: http://greenschools.net/article.php?id=271 11 http://footprint.stanford.edu/index.html

10 Oct: KenBone: EoP Response to Energy Policy Question to WiP Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton St Louis Townhall debate. CC: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton.

EoP MILED Clerk: 10 Oct 2016: @RealKennyBone: EoP culture response to Yr Energy Policy Q. http://tiny.cc/EoP-KBoneEPolicy CC: @Timothy4316, @realDonaldTrump, @HillaryClinton.

* ~~~~~~~ * * ~~~~~~~ *

Ken Bone:

“What steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while at the same time remaining environmentally friendly and minimizing job layoffs?” – Ken Bone to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; PBS: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton second Townhall debate in St. Louis; CNN: And the winner of the presidential debate is... Ken Bone. Penn Live: Who is Ken Bone? Debate question leads to admiration for man in red sweater. LA Times: What we know about Ken Bone, Karl Becker and the rest of the town hall debate questioners.

The Ecology of Peace culture’s – Ponzi Economy Background and EoP Wealth Transfer Options to shut down Casino Ponzi Economy – submissions below; updated at EoP Wealth Transfer Option; include excerpts of EoP v WiP New World Order Negotiations correspondence, submitted to national and international courts; political parties of dozens of nations, and citizens of dozens of nations; to enable citizens of all nations to meet their energy needs, while protecting the environment and converting jobs from human factory farming breeding – Story of Your Enslavement, Human Factory Farming: Our Enslavement – and consumption debt slavery freedumb War Economy Jobs to Ecology of Peace responsible freedom sustainable economy jobs. Community Solution: Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil; Doug Tompkins: The Next Economy: Transitions from Globalization to Eco-Localization.

A copy of this correspondence is documented at: SQSwans PRH: EoP v WiP NWO Neg CC.

EoP Updates pending reinstatement of deleted EoP websites.

Pending reinstatement of EoP accounts on Weebly:

If or when the Tygae and SQSwans websites and account are reinstated: (a) EoP v WiP Negotiations shall again be updated at MILED Clerk Notice; (b) this correspondence shall be documented at: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Ken Bone.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

*~~~~* *~~~~*

Ponzi Economy Background: Re: Deutsche Bank Systemic Chain Reaction Collapse:

Ecology of Peace suggestion options for your consideration for the international collective implementation of Ecology of Wealth Transfer Option; with regard to conversion of the Economy to an Ecology of Peace Sustainable Economy; and mitigating impending Deutsche Bank Systemic Breakdown Might Start a Chain Reaction Collapse.

The lowest current estimates of International Banks derivatives meltdown crisis is $1.4 Quadrillion.

$1.4 Quadrillion is roughly (a) 40 times the worlds stock market; (b) 10 times the value of every stock and every bond on the planet; (c) 23 times world GDP.

So imagine the world derivatives bubble bursts tomorrow; that will reap a financial tsunami that wipes out initially all the banks; but the money the banks have been using to play these derivative casino bets; was not their own money; but the banks clients money. So all the worlds stock markets [ in terms of all the financial transactions, debts and credits on their balance sheets ]; every stock and every bond on the planet; and the entire worlds GDP: BANKRUPT.

At this point a massive wealth transfer will occur.

"What are written about in history books is wealth destructions but they’re not really, they’re wealth transfers, if you look at them the way I do, which is that before and after the Wymar hyperinflation experience they are just as many acres of farmland and buildings around and people and productive property plant and equipment. But what happened was a lot of people got wiped out and who owned those things changed hands rather violently and dramatically." – Chris Martinson; Why Smart Money is so Nervous

Two Wealth Transfer options:

Masonic War is Peace Wealth Transfer: Instead of 50% of the world belonging to the 1%; 90% of the world belongs to them. One percent elite become overt In Your Face Warlord slavemasters; and the rest of the 99% overt slaves. The treatment of slaves, whether they are allowed to live or procreate; or how they are to be slaughtered, is totally dependent on their Warlord slavemasters goodwill.

Ecology of Peace wealth transfer: all bankrupt banks; corporations are nationalized. All individuals owning property greater than the EoP allotted ration footprint have their property nationalized. Families who agree to cooperate by signing EoP cooperator statements; are granted confiscated nationalized property sufficient for their family to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; to engage in the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

-- EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence: 01 Oct: X 22 Report; Robin Westenra: Deutsche Bank Systemic Breakdown Might Start a Chain Reaction Collapse.


“The Whole Economy is a Ponzi Scheme.’ – Michael Ruppert: Collapse: End of the Age of Oil.


“What goddamn part of General Stan McChrystal’s ‘root cause problem solving vs wacking a mole’ [..] statement; do Americans not understand?” – EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Chapter 15 [PDF]: 06 May: US Senate via Senator Ben Sasse: Re: Adult Decision-making: EoP or WiP NWO Future?

“How can you win a cyberwarfare battle if it takes you five and a half years to recognize and staff an office? It reminds me of a story of a friend of mine who worked so-called upgrading a Tomahawk missile electronics. He upgraded it from one obsolete system to another obsolete system. It just seems as though perhaps we have too many generals and not enough high school kids and college kids; who can put this stuff together; and recognize A. that there is a problem; and B. that it needs to be addressed; sooner, not five and a half years later. The stand up of a new domain; the standup of a new capability is a hugely difficult issue inside of a culture; absent something like a Pearl Harbour or a 911. So probably the biggest mistake that we made was that we threw all sorts of cash at it. So people were naming some of their kids after cyber, just to get some of that money. We ended up with a lot of people in charge; and all of them had no votes; nobody had a yes vote. I recall when I accepted the job at Strategic Command I had 19 people in the Department of Defense who thought they were in charge of me; who thought they were my direct boss. You can't get anything done that way. So we were pretty brutal in getting that cleaned up; and getting that straight. But there are all sorts of other places where we have the same kind of problem. Some of this is this country and the way we do business; and the incentive structure. Some of it is our own fault and the bureaucracy. If you bottom up something then you are never going to break out; you are going to incrementally improve. If you take someone from the top coming down to actually breakout and do something fundamentally different. The system is not tolerant of that quite frankly. They'll eat their young. Its a very difficult thing to do particularly if everybody hasn't had their identity or property stolen; then they go 'why do i have to do this?'. I am doing just fine the way I am. …. Don't let this desire for a unique vocabulary be taken over because the young lance corporal that is out there in the field, needs it to be as straight-forward as possible. They need to be able to speak the language. ... we have to keep it simple; so that everyone that can or needs to use it, can use it. Inside the inner agency of government there is the question who should be in charge of it. …. In China; we can make sure they know when we are not happy. .. We have enough capability to do that. They may have a lot of money, but they are operating on a thinner margin than we are for too many of their people being unemployed. The more they get; the more dangerous things become. They have more unemployed than we have citizens. So that is a huge problem for them, so if they start slowing down their economic machine they have a lot of people that get out of work and it starts to get a significant problem for them. So there is more than one kind of tool to be used here. You don't want to use them capriciously and you don't want to use just economic tools. ….. Are we really going to get an opportunity for a peace dividend, so to speak? Where we all just go home for a couple of years and get better and all those types of things? Not likely? The demographics go against it. The world population demographics. The energy demographics. The water demographics. The food demographics. All are against it. ... So we have a long term problem infront of us. The question is what do we want to be as a nation; as we look at that? ... So the question is at this inflection point; which way do we want to go as a country; and more importantly which way do we want to take this country for our children; because that is the decision that we are really making? We have to think about that. Right now we are doing a budget drill; we are just trying to figure out; what we can afford with the money we have. The reality is that we ought to be doing an inward look here: what do we want to be and what do we want this country to be for our children? Because that is the more important question right now. …. Many people in our society have not had something stolen from them. So when you talk to them. I need you to give up some of your privacy so I can go and find these viruses. They say No. I don't see the value in it. I don't see why I would do that. Historically we are a nation that requires something like a Pearl Harbour before we get our act together and go after something and we are willing to give up.” -- James E. Cartwright - Cyber Warfare and Special Ops: A General Weighs-In.

“General Mike Flynn: You can’t defeat an enemy you don’t admit exists. Any form of capitalism that allows citizens to procreate and/or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits; cannot – according to Tragedy of the Commons principles – do anything else but degenerate into predatory capitalism aka fascism. Of interest regarding the future impending consequences of planetary predatory capitalism: Real News: Paul Jay’s Reality Asserts Itself: Who Makes US Foreign Policy interview of Lawrence Wilkerson; particularly the predatory capitalism part; which deals with the necessity of the great powers cooperating to implement a new economic order; to address the massive impending planetary social conflict problems resulting from climate change, peak food, peak water, peak oil, including how and where to bury 6 billion people.” -- EoP Axis: Ft Bragg [PDF]: 25 January 2016: Ft Bragg: Leaders Shrinking Lifeboat Course Activity creates biases awareness; 01 Sep 2016: Jamie Atherton; Critical Legal Thinking; U Le Guin; Real News; Diem 25; ACLU v Clapper: Crisis of the Masonic War is Peace left.

RT: Keiser: Deutsche Bank ‘technically insolvent’, running a ‘ponzi scheme’; Bloomberg: Deutsche Bank Paranoia Crosses Atlantic; Activist Post: Run On Banks Begins — Deutsche Bank Clients Begin Withdrawing Excess Cash; Zero Hedge: Deutsche Bank ’s Problems Could Snowball... As Soon As Next Week!; Zero Hedge: About That Deutsche "Settlement" Rumor: Cryan Hasn't Even Started Negotiations With The DOJ; Bloomberg: Ten People Who Will Be Key in Deciding Deutsche Bank’s Future; Cryan Defends Deutsche Bank as Some Clients Pare Back Exposure; Bloomberg: A Russian Tragedy: How Deutsche Bank’s Wiz Kid Fell to Earth; Russia Today: German politician accuses US of waging ‘economic war’ against Deutsche Bank.

The Casino Ponzi World Economy:

John Stossel: Governments Ponzi Scheme. Chris Smith: Collapse: End of the Age of Oil. 2008 Economic Collapse: Al Jazeera: Global Financial Meltdown; The Corporation: Then and Now: The Corporation: Trailer. Ponzi on Steroids Traders & Corporations: Nick Leesom: Inside Story Special: £830,000,000 - Nick Leeson and the Fall of the House of Baring; Capital Films: Rogue Trader: The story of Nick Leesom; Nick Leeson: Lessons from Nick Leeson. Bernie Madoff: PBS: The Madoff Affair; Eye Too Productions: Ripped Off: Madoff and the Scamming of America; Jordan Belfort & Dana Giachetto: Wolf of Wall Street; Real Wolf of Wall Street. Enron: Magnolia Productions: Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room: Trailer; The Crooked E: The Truth about Enron; Accountants & Regulators: Frontline: Bigger than Enron.

Resource Limits to Economic and Population Growth

Another City: Masterslavl Master Town: Where Money Comes From: Mathew Simmons Review: Great Change: Revisiting The Limits to Growth: Could The Club of Rome Have Been Correct, After All? by Matthew Simmons. Matthew Simmons was founder of Simmons Intnl worlds largest energy investment bank; a member of Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force which was extensively interested in Iraqi oil fields; outspoken about causes of the 2003 North East blackout; whose thoughts on the economic collapse of world economy from peak oil is detailed in Peak Oil documentaries: Crude Impact: Trailer. A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash: Trailer.

PNG Info: Cree Indian Prophecy: Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned; and the last fish caught; will we realize we cannot eat money. Vladimir de Thezier: Last Tree art. Joseph Priestley Center: Bell Jar experiments. Guy McPherson: “If you think the economy is more important than the environment, try holding your breath while counting your money.

Other Peak Oil documentaries: Crash Course, Oil Smoke & Mirrors, Blind Spot, End of Suburbia, What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire, Peak Oil Solutions documentary: The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. Population: The Population Elephant in the Room: concludes: "The final graph is the outcome of the full simulation. It starts from our current population and shows the combined effects of a declining net birth rate and the excess death rate due to falling carrying capacity as described above. The goal of the model has been met: it has achieved a sustainable world population of one billion by the year 2082. The human cost of such an involuntary population rebalancing is, of course, horrific. Based on this model we would experience an average excess death rate of 100 million per year every year for the next 75 years to achieve our target population of one billion by 2082. The peak excess death rate would happen in about 20 years, and would be about 200 million that year. To put this in perspective, WWII caused an excess death rate of only 10 million per year for only six years."

Ecology of Peace De-industrialization and Depopulation:

EoP submissions regarding orderly and humane deindustrialization and de-population; can be found in among others: EoP NWO Options: EoP Axis Admin: Ft Bragg [PDF]: Revolution in Military Ethics: Defining just and unjust actions in war and military conflict: the operative question: Whom should the military kill? Who should be removed from the planetary genepool, how should they be removed, how many should be removed, by whom and when should they be removed?

[II] EoP Wealth Transfer Options to shut down Casino Ponzi Economy:

EoP Axis Nationalization of Individuals Property:

All individuals owning property greater than the EoP allotted ecofootprint ration – as detailed under: Ecology of Peace New Economy Sustainability Definition paragraphs – will have their property nationalized.

An EoP allotted ecofootprint ration of nationalized property shall be provided to any citizen who has no property; who has signed a Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration; for their use; to enable them to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; and engage with neighbours into local food production cooperatives; to begin the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

EoP Axis Nationalization of Banks & Corporations:

All Banks from Bank of International Settlements; Inter-American Development Bank; APRACA: Asia-Pacific Rural to the Agriculture Credit Association; to traded and privately owned corporations shall be nationalized. The Derivatives Market will go through bankruptcy proceedings and both the Derivatives Market and Stock Exchanges will be shut down.

The ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses of the Masonic War is Peace social contract shall be removed and replaced with Ecology of Peace clauses that restrict all the worlds citizens of all races, religions and classes to procreating and consuming below ecological carrying capacity limits; relating with others in accordance to fully informed consenting agreements; and violaters shall be eliminated from the planetary genepool. For more info on transforming the planetary economy to a sustainable economy: see: Community Solution: Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil; Doug Tompkins: The Next Economy: Transitions from Globalization to Eco-Localization.

The EoP Economy shall be based upon already mined gold and ultimately a resource mix based currency standard; where all lending / borrowing and/or bartering is to be limited to consumption and production of non-renewable and renewable natural resources below Ecological Carrying Capacity limits.

Banks and/or Corporations may avoid coercive nationalization by voluntarily choosing to engage in the conversion of their corporations to EoP cooperative corporations; by giving employees the opportunity to vote whether they wish to (a) remain with the corporation and convert their former corporation to be managed in accordance to cooperative ownership principles and agree to sign an Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration; (b) leave the corporation in accordance with with six months salary retrenchment package.

All nationalized corporations shall undergo the same employee vote process. Only individuals who have signed Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration may be considered for Cooperative Management positions.

All Corporate Pensions for all employees who have not yet retired; whether they sign Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration, vote to remain with the corporation or be retrenched; are immediately cancelled. All Corporate Pensions for individuals who have already retired shall be notified that such pensions shall be cancelled within twelve months.

All corporate employees, including current or former pension holders; who do not own any property; who sign an Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration shall be provided with an EoP allotted ecofootprint ration of nationalized property; for their use; to enable them to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; and engage with neighbours into local food production cooperatives; to begin the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Energy Facilities:

All IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency member states are to immediately draw up a report detailing how they commit to the decommission of all their Nuclear Weapons and Energy facilities; within five years.

World Coal Association: All member corporations are to immediately draw up a report detailing how they intend to support the orderly termination and closure of all coal mining and energy production with a Production Footprint above ecological renewable/non renewable carrying capacity limits; i.e. all future coal exploitation and production of non-renewable and renewable natural resources must be limited to below Ecological Carrying Capacity limits.

Breeding & Consumption Crimes of Aggression:

“Any individual who is found guilty of advocating on behalf of, legislating, enforcing, or obeying any – cultural, religious, common, statutory, constitutional, or international – ‘scarcity combatant’ social contract; which enables or advocates on behalf of human procreation, consumption or production of resources that transgress ecological carrying capacity limits, is guilty of the ‘crime of aggression act of war’.”

Crimes of Aggression Acts of War Convictions & Sentencing:

Consumption Violation Sentences:

Individuals found negligently guilty of violating consumption social contract limits; would be required to (a) relinquish their excess consumed products; and provide community service labour; to the extent of the infraction.

Individuals found intentionally guilty of violating consumption social contract limits; shall be provided the opportunity to (a) choose their preferred method of state assisted suicide; (b) be granted the opportunity to say goodbye to loved ones and (c) be eliminated from the planetary genepool by their preferred method of state assisted suicide.

Procreation Violation Sentences:

Individuals found guilty of negligently violating procreation social contract limits; would be required to be permanently sterilized.

Individuals found guilty of intentionally violating procreation social contract limits; would be required to (a) relinquish said child for adoption - if wanted to be adopted by a family - and be given their choice as to how they prefer to be humanely executed; (b) if no adoptive family is found; parents and child are to be given their choice as to how they prefer to be humanely executed.

EoP Axis Nation State Employees:

Every employee from the President down to the school janitor who is an employee of a federal, state, city or local government; is given one month to sign their Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration; and submit it to appointed Federal, National and Local Ecology of Peace Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration Ombudsman.

All State employees who refuse to sign Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration are retrenched; with six months salary retrenchment package.

All Government Pensions for all employees who have not yet retired; whether they sign Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration or not; are immediately cancelled. All Government Pensions for individuals who have already retired shall be notified in writing; that such pensions shall be cancelled within twelve months.

All Government employees, including current or former pension holders; who do not own any property; who sign an Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration shall be provided with an EoP allotted ecofootprint ration of nationalized property; for their use; to enable them to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; and engage with neighbours into local food production cooperatives; to begin the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration.

A citizen’s signed Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration will declare that the particular citizen understands and legally agrees to the following:

I hereby declare that I understand Responsible Freedom to mean: 8. Earth is not flat. 9. Resources are finite. 10. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in ecological overshoot, resource depletion and resource conflict. 11. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to (a) sustainably protect natural resources for future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; they should (d) cooperate to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; to sustainably protect and conserve natural resources. 12. The root cause of humans breeding and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits and consequently Nation States failure to (a) avoid resource depletion and sustainable protection of national renewable and non-renewable resources for other species and future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; are the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract’. 13. I request – and commit to support – the President and all supporting Political Party leaders; to officially and publicly begin legal International negotiations – by adopting any of the Ecology of Peace New World Order Negotiations social contract options used individually or in select combination or collectively; or other more suitable options – to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; that shall (i) abolish the root ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract’; and (ii) replace them with Ecology of Peace clauses that require all of the worlds citizens from all races, classes and religions to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; and anyone convicted of breeding and/or consumption violations shall be eliminated from the planetary genepool.

I hereby declare that I understand Honourable Reason & Logic Problem Solving Communication Policy Discourse values to mean:

14. If I am committed to honourable discourse; and I am giving someone else the benefit of the doubt that they are committed to honourable truthseeking discussion: A. I clarify my preferences; to enable people being communicated to, to clearly know what I want; and whether they are willing to engage me in entering into an agreement; to help me get what I want; and reciprocally whether I can help them to get what they may want. B. I always respond to verbal and written correspondence, with a sincere honest response. If I don't have time to respond; I inform them by when they can expect a response. C. I sincerely and actively listen to the evidence from any individual, irrespective of their political ideology – i.e. right wing to left wing – religion, race or culture. Active listening means you verify that your interpretation of their statements is accurate; before concluding that you have ‘heard their argument’. D. I focus on simplifying the issue discussed, using as much as possible descriptive words; as opposed to abstract concepts. If or where I include reference to abstract concepts; I am willing to define my meaning of that abstract concept within that circumstance. E. I evaluate their argument based upon the evidence they present, not their race, religion or political ideology; etc. F. If I am not convinced by the quality of their evidence on any particular issue; I am willing to agree to disagree on that particular issue, and cooperate if they are willing to engage in cooperative truthseeking to get better quality evidence; so that a stronger beyond reasonable doubt conclusion can be drawn on the particular issue in dispute. G. I remain in the conversation until we find agreement; so as to support each other on other issues that we do agree upon, which are based upon more conclusive buck stops here evidence. H. If or where sincere conflict arises in the discussion about the issue in dispute; I am committed to remaining in the conversation and finding a way to resolve the conflict, by allowing myself, them or both of us to get over our anger; as opposed to requiring them to suppress their anger for political correct ‘lets pretend we are getting along’ reasons. Once the emotional steam has been released through the conflict resolution process; both parties will find themselves in a more calm neutral space where the truthseeking conversation can proceed. I. If either of us decide that we are unable to resolve the conflict between us: 1. If none of us are employed by the State and/or legally obligated to help each other on the particular issue of preference in dispute; we honourably terminate discussions and approach others for help to get what we respectively want. 2. If one or both of us are employed by the State and/or an organization or profession legally obligated to provide support to enable resolution of the particular requested preference; we cooperatively refer the matter to an honourable discourse truthseeking arbitrator for impartial dispute resolution. J. If at any point during discussion; or arbitration proceedings; their evidence proves any of my evidence for any of my ideological, racial or religious working hypothesis theories or beliefs to be inaccurate; I love reason and logic more than my ego-identity and hence I am willing to publicly change my mind, on that particular subject and amend my ideological working hypothesis or belief with the new evidence provided; and if necessary to apologize.

Honourable Discourse principles are excerpted from: EoP RH culture info.

Naturally anyone who refuses – without reasonable justification – to engage in aforementioned honourable discourse; is not remotely interested in peace, anti-war, or non-violent root cause problem solving of socio-economic resource war conflict; and depending on the circumstances; may consciously or unconsciously be providing their informed consent justification for the issue in dispute to be resolved by means of violence. Although honourable discourse would recommend that they be consciously made aware of how their refusal to engage in honourable discourse root cause problem solving of the issue in dispute; demonstrates their lack of commitment and sincerity to non-violent root cause problem solving.

Deception Communication Crimes of Aggression:

Fully Informed Consensual Relating Violation Sentences:

Individuals found guilty of negligently violating ‘Fully Informed Consenting Honourable Discourse’ as part of their inter-relating agreements; shall be required to attend and graduate from a Fully Informed Consenting Honourable Discourse’ communication values class; where they would learn how to communicate their preferences and relate to others in accordance to Fully Informed Consenting Communication values; and sign a Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration to graduate.

Individuals found guilty of intentionally violating ‘Fully Informed Consenting Honourable Discourse’ as part of their inter-relating agreements; shall be provided the opportunity to (a) choose their preferred method of state assisted suicide; (b) be granted the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones and (c) be eliminated from the planetary genepool by their preferred method of state assisted suicide.

Ecology of Peace New Economy Sustainability Definition:

A Sustainable society practices Sustainable Procreation and Sustainable Natural Resource Utilization Behaviour; i.e. all of its citizens consume and procreate below carrying capacity. Sustainable Natural Resource Utilization Behaviour behaviour involves the utilization of renewable natural resources—water, cropland, pastureland, forests, and wildlife—exclusively, which can be depleted only at levels less than or equal to the levels at which they are replenished by Nature. The utilization of non-renewable natural resources (NNR's)—fossil fuels, metals, and minerals—at any level, is not sustainable12.

Carrying Capacity Sustainability: I=PAT Equation:

For activities to be genuinely sustainable it must be possible for them to continue indefinitely. The impact of humanity on the environment and the demands that people place on the resources available on the planet can be summarised by what is known as the Ehrlich or IPAT equation, I=PAT. I = impact on the environment or demand for resources, P = population size, A = affluence and T = technology. The two most important conclusions deriving from this IPAT footprint13 relationship are that: (i) the Earth can support only a limited number of people, at a certain level of affluence, in a sustainable manner; and (ii) Population and Consumption must be reduced to below carrying capacity.

Carrying Capacity aka Biocapacity Limits:

“The maximum number of individuals that can be supported sustainably by a given environment is known as its ‘carrying capacity’. Worldwide the total amount of biologically productive land and sea amounts to 12 billion global hectares (gha); or 1.8 gha each if divided by 6.7 billion each. Guerrylla Laws are drawn up in accordance with the proactive conservation policies of Bhutan14, who set aside 40% of their biologically productive to be returned to its natural state, for other species and wildlife conservation purposes; then that means that the total amount of biologically productive carrying capacity land available to humans is 60% of 12 billion; which amounts to 7.2 billion gha total; or 60% of 1.8 gha, which is 1 gha each. Population factor is relevant, because the more humans there are, the less biologically productive land there is for everyone else. For example:

Biocapacity limits of 6.7, 3.5, 1 Billion, 500, 250 & 100 Million:

7.2 billion global hectares of biologically productive land and water divided by (a) 6.7 billion humans, equals: 1.07 gha each; (b) 3.5 billion equals 2.05 gha each; (c) 1 billion equals 7.2 gha each; (d) 500 million equals 14.4 gha each; (e) 250 million equals 28.8 gha; (f) 100 million equals 72 gha each.

Procreation Factor:

As noted, the more people there are; the less biologically productive land there is available for everyone else. According to the research of Paul Murtaugh, the procreation factor that should be added by ecology footprint organisations to their Consumption footprint calculators,

12 Sustainability Defined, Chris Clugston, WakeUpAmerika 13 EcoFootprint: The difference between the biocapacity and Ecological Footprint of a region or country. A biocapacity deficit occurs when the Footprint of a population exceeds the biocapacity of the area available to that population. If there is a regional or national biocapacity deficit, it means that the region is importing biocapacity through trade or liquidating regional ecological assets. Global biocapacity deficit cannot be compensated through trade, and is overshoot. 14 Bhutan Proactive Conservation: Bhutan is seen as a model for proactive conservation initiatives. The Kingdom has received international acclaim for its commitment to the maintenance of its biodiversity. This is reflected in the decision to maintain at least sixty percent of the land area under forest cover, to designate more than 40% of its territory as national parks, reserves and other protected areas, and most recently to identify a further nine percent of land area as biodiversity corridors linking the protected areas. Environmental conservation has been placed at the core of the nation's development strategy, the middle path. It is not treated as a sector but rather as a set of concerns that must be mainstreamed in Bhutan's overall approach to development planning and to be buttressed by the force of law. - "Parks of Bhutan". Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation online. Bhutan Trust Fund. is 20 per child. [Each Child increases a parent’s cumulative consumption footprint by factor of 2015]

Difference between Sustainable (Leaver Eco-Innocent) v Unsustainable (Taker Scarcity Combatant):

An individuals IPAT footprint is a result of: (A) Consumption Footprint multiplied by (B) Procreation Factor (Every child increases 20 Child Factor). If their IPAT footprint is below carrying capacity limits, they are an Eco-Innocent Leaver; if their IPAT footprint is above carrying capacity limits, they are a Scarcity Combatant Taker.

Total Footprint = Consumption x Procreation Factor.

To work out your Consumption footprint; you will need to use a Consumption Footprint calculator. Current online footprint calculators: Global Footprint Network16 (copy available at Earth Day17; Center for Sustainable Economy18; EcoCampus19. See more at Global Footprint’s Application Standards20, where they detail how their calculators calculate Consumption footprints. The quiz will ask you various questions about your consumption habits, and provide you with a final consumption footprint in global hectares which is your ‘consumption footprint’. For the purposes of this calculation; avoid footprint calculator quizzes that do not provide you with your final gha consumption footprint amount, such as for example: World Wildlife Fund’s footprint calculator21 or Stanford International Students22 (which is excellent and has great detail; but does not provide you with a final footprint in gha terms). Multiply your consumption footprint gha amount by your Procreation Factor: the number of children you have procreated multiplied by 20. The total amount is your Total Footprint.

15 Paul Murtaugh (7-31-09): Family Planning: A Major Environmental Emphasis, Oregon University http://sqswans.weebly.com/child--ecofootprint-x-20.html 16 http://footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/calculators/ 17 http://www.earthday.org/footprint-calculator 18 http://www.myfootprint.org/ 19 http://ecocamp.us/eco-footprint-calculator 20 http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/application_standards/ 21 http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ Other Green Footprint calculators: http://greenschools.net/article.php?id=271 22 http://footprint.stanford.edu/index.html