Left Ventricular Volume Calculation Using a Count-Based Ratio Method Applied to Multigated Radionucide

Teresa Massardo, Rami A. Gal, Raymond P. Grenier, Donald H. Schmidt, and Steven C. Port

University of Wisconsin Medical School, Milwaukee Clinical Campus and Sinai Samaritan Medical Center, Mount Sinai Campus, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

based on the fact that the radioactivity recorded from a The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy chamber, at equilibrium, is proportional to the volume of a new count-proportional method for the measurement of the chamber. Sorensen et al. showed that ofleft ventricular volume when applied to gated equilibrium counts were directly related to stroke volume measured blood-pool imaging. An equation is developed that relates invasively (10) and both Slutsky et al. (11) and Dehmer total chamber volume, V1,to the area of a pixel (M) and et al. (12,13) calculated absolute volume from chamber the ratio (A) of total counts within the chamber to the activity. The latter required peripheral blood sampling countswithinthe hottestpixelinthechambersuchthat V@ to determine the counts/ml of a reference volume and = 1 .38 M3R312. The value of M is a constant for the applied a regression equation obtained by comparison particular scintillation camera-collimator system and R is obtained from observed count rates. All calculated vol to contrast angiographic volumes. umes were compared to volumes measured using biplane That approach is compromised by the attenuation of contrast ventriculography. In 25 patients, the method for left ventricular counts and the lack of attenuation of ventricular volumes gave an r of 0.95 and an s.e.e. of 23 counts from the reference volume. A method to correct ml [Volume (nuclear) = 0.94 Volume (cath) + 1.3]. End for photon attenuation using the attenuation factor of systolic volume was best calculated from end-diastolic water (@:0.l5 cm@) has been proposed by Links (14) volume and . Manual regions of interest and also used by others (15,16). However, the assump were more accuratethan automatedregionsof interest. tion that the density ofthe whole chest is similar to that Thismethodappearsto be as accurateas morecomplex of water has been amply disputed. The range of the approaches and has the advantage of not requiring atten attenuation factor has been estimated to be 0.08 to 0.16 uation correction or blood sampling. cm' (11—22). J NucI Med 1990; 31:450—456 Maurer (23) reported the use of an intraesophageal source to calculate a transmission factor for individual determination ofattenuation. Harpen (24) used a trans mission factor from a first-pass acquisition. Another he first non-invasive radionuclide angiographic approach to solve this problem was the use of a “build (RNA) approach to left ventricular volume determina up factor,―which also attempted to correct for scatter tion was a geometric technique applying the formulas activity (25,26). The methods that correct for attenua used in contrast angiography (1). Other authors have tion require a measurement of the distance from the also utilized geometric techniques (2—6).The disadvan center of the left (LV) to the collimator. That tages of the geometric methods include the limited was commonly obtained through a trigonometric func resolution of RNA studies and the application of a tion using a static anterior view (18) or a two-dimen prolate ellipsoid model to ventricles in which dilatation sional echocardiographic technique (16). A last ap or wall motion abnormalities distort the shape (a limi proach has used SPECT with a known voxel size and tation inherent in most geometric approaches). An early no background correction; however, that is a very corn nongeometric approach used dilution curve analysis plex and time-consuming method (27). ( 7,8) but was also shown to have significant limitations Bourguignon (28) has developed a method of volume (9). Count-proportional, nongeometric methods are calculation based on aortic arch counts and background correction (that should be similar in the and LV) without blood sampling. ReceivedOct. 24, 1988;revisionaccepted Oct. 31, 1989. A count density distribution method has also been For reprints contact: Steven C. Port, MD, Section,SinaiSamaritanMediCalcenter,950N.12thSt.,Milwaukee,WI described (29-31) and applied to first-pass RNA acqui 53233. sitions. That approach was based on a measurement of

450 The Journal of •Vol. 31 •No. 4 •April 1990 the ratio of total counts to peak pixel counts in the LV. The constant of proportionality is eliminated by taking the The ratio was shown to be a function of the volume. ratio R = Ct/Nm which from Equations 1 and 2 is as follows:

That technique is particularly attractive since neither — C, Ky, _ V1 _ /6D3 /61Y @ attenuation correction nor blood sampling is required. R - N KVmf Vm@ M2D M2. (3) In the present report, we expand on that particular It is clear that R is a dimensionless quantity that is equal to count-based theory and describe its application to mul the number of reference volumes contained in the entire tigated equilibrium (EqRNA) spherical volume. (32). Equation 3 may be solved for D as follows:

D = 6M2R. (4) METHODS The volume of the sphere is:

Count Proportional Volume Theory Vt = /6D3, hence from Equation 4, From a homogeneously mixed volume ofa gamma emitting V5= /6 6M2R3 tracer, the total number of gamma rays that pass through a multichannel collimator (total count) is proportional to the volume, independent ofits shape. The maximum pixel count or, is proportional to an effective reference volume defined as the V, = 1.38 M3R312 (5) product of the length of the longest axis perpendicular to the collimator and the cross-sectional area of the pixel. The con The volume of the sphere, in cm3, is directly obtained from stant ofproportionality can be eliminated by forming the ratio Equation 5 since M is known for any pixel matrix and R is oftotal counts to maximum pixel counts. the observed count ratio. That ratio is fundamentally a measure of the number of reference volumes contained in the total volume. The key, Patient Population then, to the determination of total volume is to determine the Twenty-five patients were prospectively studied, 16of them exact volume of the reference volume. For many volume males and 9 females, with a mean age of 62.8 and a range of shapes (e.g., spheres, ellipsoids, cylinders), the reference vol 38 to 83 yr. They were recruited from the population undergo ume is readily determined. ing routine diagnostic catheterization. The only selection cri In general, a reference volume theorem is defined as follows: teria were the patient's clinical stability, the possibility of the reference volume (cm3) is always equal to the pixel area performing a biplane left ventriculogram prior to any other (cm2) times the longest axis (cm). The reference volume angiography, and the availability ofthe portable gamma cam theorem can be proven for a broad class of parallel-hole era. Documented informed consent was obtained from all multichannel collimators, including all the collimators used patients. in practice with scintillation camera systems. The theorem is independent of the spatial resolution, the efficiency of the Radionuclide Acquisition collimator, the shape of the collimator holes, or the distance EqRNA was performed in the catheterization laboratory of the source from the collimator. The rigid and formal immediately after arterial access was obtained and before mathematical proof of the reference volume theorem is be biplane angiography was done. yond the scope ofthis article: however, empirical proof of this In vivo red cell labeling was used with injection of 1.2 mg theorem is easily obtained by measuring a variety of known of Sn-pyrophosphate followed, 20 mm later, by 925 Mbq (25 volume distributions with any gamma scintillation camera at mCi) of -99m-pertechnetate. The best combina different distances from the collimator, with different colli tion of left anterior oblique and caudal angulations was se mators and with different sampling matrices. lected for separation of the two ventricles. The RNA was The practical applications of the reference volume theorem performed with a portable, small field of view (200 mm) can be simply illustrated by using a spherical volume of equipped with an all-purpose, low-energy, distribution as an example. Let a spherical volume of diame parallel-hole collimator. Data were acquired in frame mode ter, D, filled with a homogeneous solution of gamma-emitting using 24 frames per cycle, a matrix of64x64 pixels, an energy tracer, be measured with a multichannel collimator/scintilla window of 140 keV ±10% and a beat-rejection window of tion camera system using a sampling matrix with pixel dimen 15%. Beats within the window were interpolated “on-the-fly― sion equal to M, in cm, so that the cross-sectional area of each so that a uniform LV time-activity curve was generated. The pixel is equal to M2. The reference volume theorem states that acquisition was stopped at pixel saturation and total counts the reference volume, Vr, is equal to M2D. In this example, averaged 6-8 x 106. the pixel which samples Vr is clearly the pixel with maximum counts, (Nm). Nm is proportional to V@,hence: Data Processing Nm KVr = KM2D, (1) The LV ejection fraction (EF) was calculated in the 25 studies using automated and manual programs. With the where K is the constant of proportionality with dimensions counts/cm3. The total counts, C,, is proportional to the total automated method, the regions of interest (RO!) were gener ated using a second derivative edge detection threshold. A volume of the sphere, V,, hence: semicircular shaped background ROI was created around the Cl = Ky, = K/6D3. (2) LV on the end-systolic (ES) frame, and average counts per

Count-Based Ratio Method for LV Volume Measurements •Massardo et al 451 pixel in the background ROl were subtracted from the time Ejection Fraction. The comparison between the bi activity curve. With the manual approach, the ROI were plane ventriculographic EFs and the radionuclide EFs drawn manually at end-diastole (ED) and end-. The using the standard manual ROI method (Table 1) same background subtraction method was used. Both the showed a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.88 and a s.e.e. manually-drawn and the computer-generated ROI for ED and of 0.08 [EF (RNA) = 1. 1 EF (contrast) —0.09]. A ESwererecordedand laterappliedto the originalrawdata in paired analysis showed no significant difference (p = order to calculate the ED and ES volumes. The total raw counts in the LV ROI both at ED and ES 0. 16). The discrepancies were all <0. 15 except in one were determined as well as the maximum pixel count (Nm). case where the RNA LVEF underestimated the contrast In order to minimize statistical errors an average of the four LVEF by 0.20 in a patient with severe apical dyskinesia. highestpixelswasusedto calculateNm. The automated ROI method for calculating the radio nuclide EF was also correlated with the contrast EF. 1. Knowing LV counts and LV Nm at ED and ES, the ratio The r was 0.86, the s.e.e. was 0.08 [EF (RNA) = 0.98 Total Counts. R = N ‘@calculated. EF (contrast) —0.02], and in this case there was a significant difference between the two (p = 0.0 13). 2. M, or size of the pixels, was 0.344 cm. The formula in Volumes. In this method, Equation 5 (see Count Equation 5 for the volume of a sphere, 1.38 M3R312was then applied to both ED and ES. Proportional Volume Theory) was applied to the man ually-drawn ED and ES LV ROI. The correlation be This method was used with both manual and automated tween the 50 contrast angiographic LV volumes (all ED ROl. Although ES volume was calculateddirectly,as men plus ES volumes) and the RNA volumes showed an r tioned above, it was also derived by using the EF and the ofO.95, a s.e.e. of23 ml [Volume (RNA) = 0.94 Volume calculated ED volume. For reproducibility, the manually (contrast) + 1.3] and a p value ofO.045 (Fig. 1A). The drawn ROl were performed by a second observer. Both in correlation obtained after excluding the case with poor traobserver and interobserver variation were analyzed for ED statistics in the LV at ES was similar but the p value and ES volumes. was 0.06. Comparing the ED volumes alone gave a ContrastAngiography correlation coefficient of 0.93, a s.e.c. of 24 ml and a Left catheterization and coronary arteriography were slope of 0.94. There was a significant difference (p = performed using standard techniques. Simultaneous biplane 0.01) between the two measurements. contrast ventriculography was performed in 30-degree right The correlation between ES volumes gave an r of anterior oblique (RAO) and 60-degree left anterior oblique 0.93, a s.e.e. of 23 ml and a slope of 1. 1. In this case, (LAO)viewsat 30 frames/secfor each viewusing 30—50ml the volumes were not significantly different (p = 0.46). of diatrizoate meglumine. Left ventricular volumes and EFs This method was also applied to the automatically were calculated using the biplane approach of Dodge and drawn left ventricular ROI (Fig. lB). Here, the volumes Sandler (33). showed a similar correlation coefficient to that obtained Statistics with the manually-drawn ROI (0.93) and a similar The Students t-test for paired data and linear regression s.e.e., but the slope ofthe regression equation was much and correlations were applied to all the measurements. Statis lower and the difference much more significant (p = tical significance was assigned to a p level of 0.05. 0.0002). The biplane contrast volumes (all ED and ES volumes) averaged 124 ± 73 ml while the nuclear RESULTS volume from automatic ROIs averaged 97 ±58 ml, Contrast Angiography (Table 2). The biplane ventriculograms were of good quality in For all the volume calculations, the counts from the all 25 cases. The contrast angiographic LV volumes respective ED and ES frames were applied to Equation ranged between 3 1 ml at ES and 357 ml at ED. The EFs obtained from those volumes varied from 0.33 to TABLE I 0.75. Wall motion analysis revealed 1 1 normokinetic Correlations Between Radionuclide and Contrast ventricles, 1 diffusely hypokinetic ventricle, 8 segmen Angiographic Ejection Fractions tally hypokinetic or akinetic ventricles, and 5 cases with RNA RNA segmental dyskinesia. (manual (automated The final angiographic diagnoses were coronary ar ROl) CATH ROl) tery disease in 22, dilated in 1, and no meanLVEF0.540.560.52±s.d.—0.09—0.02s.e.e.0.080.08p0.160.01 cardiac disease in 2 cases. Radionuclide Angiography The radionuclide angiography was ofgood quality in 24 of the 25 cases. One patient had poor statistics in the left ventricle because maximal activity was recorded in the pulmonary outflow tract.

452 The Journal of Nuclear Medicine •Vol. 31 •No. 4 •April 1990 A B


E w 300

-j 0 > 4 . @/@•y=5.1+.74X FIGURE1 z r = .93 Linearregressionanalysesbetweenall (end-diastolic plus end-systolic) con SEE= 21 trastangiographic(cath)volumesand radionuclide (RNA) volumes using 0 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 eithermanual(A)or automated(B)AOl. CATHVOLUME(ml) CATHVOLUME(ml)

5 without background correction. (Background correc DISCUSSION tion was only used for EF calculations). Ifone compares The measurement of left ventricular volume has the EFs calculated from the ED and ES volumes oh always been of interest to clinicians and investigators. tamed with manual ROI, then the nuclear volumetric Almost every diagnostic modality that can provide EF showed an r of 0.8 1, a s.e.e. of 0.09, and a slope of some estimate of cardiac dimensions has been applied 0.96 when compared to contrast angiographic volumet to the calculation of cardiac chamber volumes. The x ric EFs (Fig. 2A). Those same volumetric nuclear EFs ray techniques, because of their excellent spatial reso were also compared to the standard method of calcu lution, have been regarded as most accurate and biplane lating nuclear EF using identical ROI. The correlation contrast left ventriculography is generally used as the coefficient was 0.93, the s.e.e. was 0.06, and the slope independent variable (gold standard) when a new tech 0.85 (Fig. 2B). nique is investigated. However, the traditional use of ES Volume Determinations from ED Volume and the prolate ellipsoid model ofa LV suffers from the fact EF. In this case, the nuclear ED volume was calculated that the human LV can assume a myriad of shapes at with a manual ROI at ED. The ES volume was then both ED and especially at ES due to the variable manner calculated by multiplying the nuclear ED volume and in which disease states, most notably coronary the standard nuclear EF to give the stroke volume and disease, can alter left ventricular geometry and contrac then subtracting that stroke volume from the nuclear tion. Furthermore, it requires left heart catheterization ED volume (Fig. 3). The correlation between those and, hence, is not well suited for repeated or serial results and the contrast ES volume showed a better evaluations. correlation coefficient (0.95) and a smaller s.e.e. (20 ml) Radionuclide approaches can be independent of geo with the same slope (1 . 1) than was obtained when the metric considerations and, thus, have great appeal. Fur nuclear ES volume was calculated directly from an ES thermore, they are less traumatic. In vitro, count-pro ROI. portional approaches to the measurement of chamber Observer Variability. For the volume calculations volume can be quite accurate and reproducible using the manually-drawn ROI, the intraobserver vari (11,14,19,34). However, in vivo, several factors can ability showed an r of 0.99, and a s.e.e. of 1 1 ml, (Fig. affect such methods (19,20,27,35). Most important are 4A). There was no significant difference between the attenuation, scauer, and background activity, but the two measurements. Interobserver variation showed a inaccuraciesof ROI assignmentsand chamberdepth s.e.e. of 12 ml while the correlation coefficient was the measurements as well as the compromise due to studies same as for the intraobserver comparison (Fig. 4B). with suboptimal statistics are additional sources of er ror. TABLE 2 The radionuclide method used in this study is based Left Ventricular Volumes Compared to Contrast on a reference volume theory, which uses a ratio be Angiographic Volumes tween the total counts recorded from a chamber and RNA the counts in the hottest pixel. This approach has been AOl)ED (manualAOl)CATHRNA(automated previously applied to first-pass data (30,31), and in this 58@ED+ ESVolumes1 20 ±73@124 ±7397 ± report we extend its application to equilibrium acqui 52@ESVolume160 ±65170 ±65130 ± sitions. 49@psVolume81 ±6080 ±5268 ± The formal mathematical proof of the reference vol ume is only valid for the idealized conditions of no 0.05... scatter, attenuation, or background activity and with p < 0.001 compared to cath. the volume perpendicular to the collimator face. In the

Count-Based Ratio Method for LV Volume Measurements •Massardo et al 453 <@@

too A 1.00 B z 0 I- .80 .80 U

@LL.60 .60 FIGURE2 IiJZ Di: (A) LVEFscalculatedfrom the radio -Jo .40 .40 nuclide (RNA) determined ED and ES ow>-, volumesare comparedto the EFs cal w 0 @AOSEE :@@x+ .07 culated from contrast angiographic 4 .20 .20 (cath) ED and ES volumes. (B) LVEFs z determinedfrom ANA ED and ES vol umes are compared to LVEFs deter 0 .20 .40 .60 .80 tOO mined by the standard ANA count CATH EJECTION FRACTION STANDARD RNA EJECTION basedmethod. FRACTION gated blood-pool measurement, the left ventricle is different amounts of water showed that self-atten usually sampled in the LAO position. The raw counts uation and scatter within the tracer volume and observed are influenced by a number of complicating distance changes between the collimator and the factors such as scatter, self-attenuation in the ventricu balloon within the physiologic range have a neg lar chamber, attenuation from the myocardial wall, and ligible effect on the true ratio of total counts to background from the adjacent anatomy. Furthermore, hottest pixel counts over a wide range of volumes. the diameter of the LV in the LAO position, corre sponding to maximum pixel counts, is intermediate in A length between the length of the minor axis and the 400 length of the major axis. A preliminary analysis of the complicating factors suggested that the best approach to analyzing the data from the LAO position was the WI-. 300 simple spherical model of Equation 5 using the raw pixel data with no corrections of any kind for back -J ground, scatter, attenuation, or ventricular chamber 200 >W eccentricity. Three considerations led to this simplest of approaches: y=X—.65 100 r =.99 1. Extensive measurements on balloons and cylin ders in different sizes and shapes, immersed in

0 100 200 300 400

400 C., B o::-j 300

C1)W Woi 300 200 Z@i @1 Wo y= 1.1X—8.1 >W

454 The Journal of Nuclear Medicine •Vol. 31 •No. 4 •April 1990 2. The effect on observed counts from background equilibrium acquisition itself, resulting in a s.e.e. that and attenuation in the extraventricular chambers is comparable to previously published techniques. With tend to cancel each other since background in improved edge detection algorithms, a fully automated creases counts and attenuation decreases counts. approach could be developed. 3. The intermediate value of the left ventricular axis observed in the maximum pixel from the LAO REFERENCES view tends to effectively approach the length of I. Strauss HW, Zaret BL, Hurley PW, et al. A scintigraphic the sphere with the same volume as the ventricular method for measuringleft ventricularejectionfractionin chamber. man without catheterization. Am J Cardiol 1971; 28:575— 580. End-DiastolicVersusEnd-SystolicVolumes 2. Sullivan RW, Bergeron DA, Vetter WR, et al. 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456 The Journal of Nuclear Medicine •Vol. 31 •No. 4 •April 1990