1344 KINGSTON-UPON"-TB.AMES. . [KELLY's Treasurer, E. S. Phillips, Kingston W. Lamb, Knight's park, Kingston ; Maiden, T. F. Mill­ Sul'V'eyor & Inspector of Nuisances, T. Lock wood Reward, ward, Maiden; East , William Goodall, East Acacia grove, New Maiden Molesey; West Molesey, W. Heath, West Molesey; Wim· Collector, William Hyde, 17 :Market place, New Malden bledon, H. Rolt, Wimbledon Relieving Officers, No. I or Kingston di!itrict, Williatll Public Establishments. Johnson, I Canbury place, Kingston; No. 2 or Hampton Albany Club, Richmond road, A. C. Chinery, sec district, S. S. Tagg, ; No. 3 or Wimbledon Albany Hall, Fife road, George Bristow, lessee & proprietor district, George Baker, New Maiden Assize Courts, High street, William Parslow, hall keeper Vaccination Officer, J. W. Burrowes, Albert road, Norbiton Burial Board Office, Clarence street, John Durham, clerk; Medical Officers, Hampton & New Hampton districts, Cemetery, Hampden road, Norbiton, Thomas Cook, supt Wentworth Raynes Tindale M.B., C.M. The Hollies, Hamy. Cambridge Asylum for Soldiers' Widows, Cambridge .road, ton; Hampton Wick district, Theodore Giinther M.n. Norbiton, Col. J. Ainslie Stewart, sec.; Miss Winifred Hampton Wick; Teddington district, Digby Francis Winch, matron Baynes Cotes; district, Matthew Owen Coleman Cleave's Almshouses, London street M.D. 5 Victoria terrace, Surbioon ; Thames Ditton !lis- Commissioners of Taxes Office, 13 High st.; Jas. Bell, clerk trict, John E. Lane M. D., M. eh. Thames Ditton; Corn & Cattle Market (thurs. u a.m. to 3 p.m.), Market pl district, Charles William Izod, Esher; Ham district, County Court, held at the Assize courts, every first friday; Edward Matthew tlhirtliff M.D. Kingston; Kingston dis- His Honor Vernon Lushington Q.C. judge; James Bell, trict, James Donald, 31 St. James' road, Kingston; New registrar & high bailiff ; Alex. Mackintosh, 24 St. Malden district, Ed win Child, New Malden ; East & West Thomas' chambers, Railway approach, London Bridge, Molesey .district, R?be:t Skimming M.D. East Molesey; official receiver, office, High street ; Sudlow Herrick, Upper Wimbledon d1stnct, Other Windsor Berry, Wim- bailiff; Sudlow Herrick & James Wright (county court bledon; Lower Wimbledon district, Morris James Moly· offices), bailiffs under the Agricultural Holdings Act. neux L.F.P.s.Glas. Wimbledon. The places in the jurisdiction of the court are , Public Vaccinators, same as the Medical Officers, with the Esher, Ham with Hatch, Hampton (Middlesex), New exception of Wimbledon district, Frederick William Par- Hampton, Hampton Court, Hampton Wick (Middlesex), sons L.R.C.P.LOnd. Wimbledon Hook, Kingston, Long Ditton, Maiden, East Molesey, ! Superintendent Registrar, James Edgell, Io St. James' rd.; West Molesey, Teddington (Middlesex), Thames Ditton, deputy superintendent, Charles William Dash, Albert Wimbledon, Surbiton, New Maiden & . road, Norbiton Free Public Library, St. James' road, George Porter, hon. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Kingston sub-district, John sec. ; Charles Baxter, librarian Harris, 2 Richmond villas, London rd. Norbiton; deputy, Home Park Club, Portsmouth road, .a. W. Williamson, sec Mrs. Harris, 2 Richmond villas, London road; Hampton Highway Board Office, I3 High street, James Bell, clerk; s~b-district, Waiter l<'ry, Hampton Wick; Esher sub-dis- A. J. Henderson c.E. surveyor; board day, third sat. in trict, H. J. Storey, Thames Ditton; Wimbledon sub-dis- each month at u.x5 a. m trict, A. Harmer, Wimbledon Homreopathic Dispensary, cOnsulting physician, George M. Registrars of Marriages, William Johnson, Canbury passage, Carfrae M.D Kingston; & Arthur Harmer, Wimbledon Inland Revenue Office, 39 Orchard road; chief office, Ken- Workhouse, Combe lane, Norbiton, a large red brick build· sington; office hours, 10 to u a. m.; F. Prince, sur- ing in the Elizabethan style, opened in 1837, is available veyor of taxes; 1''. Masters, assessor & collector of taxes for 588 inmates; Charles Gardiner, master; Rev. John for Kingston & Albert Storr for Surbiton; Patrick Duffy, Rooker, chaplain; R. D. Harris, medical officer; Mrs. S. collector & receiving officer; William Mawlam, super- Gardiner, matron visor; John L. Bishop & J. H. Fisher, division pfficers; G. Phillipson, stamp distributor; James Bell, clerk to RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. commissiOners of taxes Meetings held alternate thursdays, at the Clerk's office, at Kingston & Surbiton Volunteer Fire Brigade: Engine II.I5 a.m. stations, London street; Victoria road, Surbiton; Alpha Clerk, James Edgell, St. James' road, Kingston - road, Surbiton hill ; Park road, Hampton Wick & Market Trea_surer, W. ShJIL Phillips, The Bank, Market place place, New Maiden; J. Yates Mould, sec. ; J. H. Harri­ Medical Officer of Health, Cuthbert Chapman Gibbes M.D., son, chief officer; William Lane & F. Butler, superin­ c.M. 3 Wyburn villas, Surbiton Hill · tendents; fire escape stations, Union street & Surbition Inspector of N uisauces, Thomas Mills, Teddington railway station Metropolitan Convalescent Home (children's branch), Glou­ . ScaooL ATTEND~NCE CoMMITTEE. cester road, Norbiton, Charles Holmes, sec.; Robert Col­ Meetings held alternate thursdays, at the Clerk's office, lnm M.D. sur.{eon ; Miss K. H. Close, lady superintendent at 10.45 a.m. Metropolitan Police Station, V Division, London street; Clerk, James Edgell, St. James' road Alfred Rushbridge, John Burnby, Timothy Curtin, Wm. Inquiry & School Attendance Officer, D. Hayer, Hampton Field & John Dowty, inspectors; 5 sergeants & 6o con­ Wick stables AsSESSMENT COMMITTEE, Provident Dispensary, Apple market, L. Down x.n. hon. Meetings second wednesday in each mol!th, at the Clerk's physician; E. Cock, consulting surgeon; E. M. Shirtliff office, at u a.m. K.D. R. Bayley & 0. Coleman M. D. medical officers; F. J. Clerk, J ames Edgell, St. J ames' road Vander Pant L.D.S.R.c.s.Irel. hon. dentist ; J. W. Sow­ den, sec. & collector Militar•y. Public Dispensary, Thomas D. Paradise, surgeon Stamp Office, Market place, George Phillipson, distributor 31st REGIMENTAL DISTRICT (EAST SURREY REGIMENT), to Kingston district xst & 2nd Battalions, 31st & 7oth foot. Town Hall, Market place, William Parslow, hall keeper Dep(>t, Barracks, King's road Workmen's Club & Institute, Fairfield road, H. Bettes­ Commanding Regimental district, Col. G: Bayley worth, sec Acting Adjutant, Capt. R. D. Wynyard Medical Officer, Dep. Surg.-Gen. W. Sly M.D KINGSTON UNION. Acting Chaplain, Rev. J. Lemon, St. Paul's vicarage, . h , Norbiton Board day, tuesday, fortmghtly, at t e Board room, at the EAsT SuRREY REGIMENT (3rd Battalion) (1st Royal Surrey workhouse, at II a.m. Militia); dep<)t, barracks, King's road. The places in the Union are Hampton, Hampton Wick, Col. T. W. Lemmon, commanding; E. C. Griffith, major; Teddington, Long Ditton, Thames Ditton, Esher, Ham Capt. 1''. L. Sanders, instructor of musketry; Major T. with Hatch, Hook, Kingston, Maiden, EastMolesey, West A. Freeman, adjutant; Lieut. F. Nadin, quartermaster; Molesey, Wimbledon. The population of the union in Surg.-Major Francis Bonney M.D. medical officer x88x was 77,Q43; & rateable value on Lady Day 1890 EAsT SuRREY REGIMENT (4th Battalion) (3rd Royal Surrey was £7o5,ooi1' Militia); dep(>t, barracks, King's road. Clerk to the Guardian11 & Assessment Committee, James Col. J. Le Geyt Daniell, commandant; C. H. Curtis & F. S. Edgell, St, James' road G. Moon, majors; Capt. G. E. Ma~de, instr~ctor of T Ed d Sh"ll Phill· musketry; Capt. R. D. Wynyard, adJutant; Lieut. W. reasurer, war I u 1ps L. Proudfoot, quartermaster; Surg.-Major M. 0. Cole- Collectors of Poor Rates, Hampton, John Jose Roberts, man M.D. medical officer Hampton; Hampton Wick, Charles H. Sanders, Hamp- EAST SuRREY REGIMENT (3rd Volunteer Battalion); head to.n Wick; Teddington, W. Porter, Teddington; Long quarters, Orchard road. D.Itton, F. Thorn, Long Ditton; Thames Ditton, Fredk. Col. W. F. Nettleship, commanding; Lient.-Col. E. f. S~ggs; Esher, J. Bedser & B. A. Everett, Esher; Ham, 'Ihompson & J. L. G. Powell, major.s ; Capt. H. W. Pearse, W. Warner, Ham; Hook, J. Muxworthy, Hook~ Kingston, adjutant; J. Macrostie, quartermaster