$1 Cumberland DVOCATE APUBLISHED IN WISCONSIN’S ISLAND CITY www.cumberland-advocate.com CUMBERLAND, WISCONSIN 54829 137th YEAR • NO. 17
[email protected] WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 2018 Emergency Landing at Our very own “Little Big Shot” Rice Lake Airport At approximately 2:18 with no injuries. The pilot p.m. on June 24 2018, the reported a smell of some- Barron County 911 Center thing hot with smoke in received a report of a plane the cockpit, and proceeded on fre at the Rice Lake Air- with an emergency landing. port in Cameron. All occu- The aircraft stopped, occu- pants were reported to be pants exited, then the plane out of the aircraft with no caught on fre. FAA, FSDO, injuries. and NTSB were notifed. Upon approach, initial Responding agencies size-up indicated a Ces- included Rice Lake Fire sna 310 fxed-wing aircraft Department, Rice Lake Po- on the shoulder of Runway lice Department, Lakeview 119, nose down, fully en- Medical Center Ambu- gulfed with fre. Two occu- lance, and the Barron Coun- pants had exited the aircraft ty Sheriff’s Department. Human Traffcking: Be aware! Human Traffcking is the may include: misuse of other people. This • Travel out of the area/to often happens for the pur- somewhere out of the ordi- pose of sexual exploitation. nary or unusual for the child Three time World Champion Log Roller, Libby Magnone will appear this Thursday on Steve Harvey’s “Little Big Many youth who are being without caregiver permis- Shots” on NBC. The show will air at 7:00 p.m.