We Taller D Radio GWR Shapes up for Consolidation
JULY 6, 2002 Volume 20, Issue 28 Music £3.95 euros 6.5 Nelly's Hot In Here (Uni- versal) is this week's high- est new entry on M&M's Eurochart Hot 100 singles, at number eight. Media®we taller dradio M&M chart toppers this week GWR shapes Eurochart Hot 100 Singles up for consolidation EMINEM by Jon Heasman comment on the moves, saying thatprogramming and other content at Without Me full details of the restructure will beGWR stations will all become part of (Interscope) LONDON- Another big radio group ismade public in late July. The amount GWR Creative, forming an indepen- European Top 100 Albums slimming down in order to be fit forof job losses involved in the dent business unit operat- EMINEM the rigours of the UK's big post -Com- processisunknown,al- ing along similar lines to The Eminem Show munications Bill shake -out. though in its recent annual GWR's London -based sales (Interscope) FollowingtheCapital Radio report the company allud- division Opus. The manag- group's decision to dispense with the ed to the need to cut costs ing director of Bristol -based European Radio Top 50 managing director's role at its local inthe coming financial GWR Creation is Dirk KYLIE MINOGUE stations (M&M, June 22), it is under-year,giventherecent Anthony (pictured), former- Love At First Sight stood that the GWR Group is alsodownturns in advertising ly GWR's group programme (Parlophone) eliminating the local MD position atrevenue. director. European Dance Traxx its stations. In addition, it has set up "There will no longer be GWR is also dispensing a new centralised programming andmanaging directors at with the programme con- MOONY content department-GWR Cre- GWR [local stations]," a GWR source troller's position at its smaller sta- Dove (I'll Be Loving You) ation-and hopes tocentraliseits tells M&M.
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