1960 Schedules Set for Regional
UGwaQ3(3iL(Diias'i?ii® isasaaa VOL XLIII AUSTIN, TEXAS, MARCH, I960 NO. 7 TILF Acquires 1960 Schedules Debate Award J. O. Webb, Houston, chairman Applicants may secure additional of the Texas Interscholastic details, plus an application blank, League Foundation board of from R. J. Kidd, secretary, Texas Interscholastic League Founda Set for Regional trustees, has announced a new $500 college scholarship to The Uni tion, Box 8028, University Station, versity of Texas for contestants in Austin 12. Many regional meet directors have an The deadline for certifying district win the League's debate contest. nounced tentative contest schedules for the ners to the regional meet is Monday, April The Charles I. Francis Debate Active Alum April 22-23 weekend and all schools qualify 18, and regional directors are authorized to Scholarship will be awarded each The scholarship donor, Charles I. reject late entries. District directors who have year for the next three years, be ing contestants from district to regional Francis of Houston, is vice-presi contests the weekend of April 16 should ginning with the 1960 spring meet dent and general counsel of Texas meets are urged to contact their regional di contests, to an outstanding debat- certify winners immediately, either by tele Eastern Transmission Corporation, rectors for an official and final schedule of jr ing contestant who was a member phone, telegram or special delivery letter. and was honored in 1958 as the of a winning debate team at the contests. Regional directors have only one week to con outstanding alumnus of The Uni regional meet level.
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