
Dra. Nur Cahaya Bangun, M.Si

NIP. 19600711198903 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English Study Program

Approved by

Head of English Diploma Study Program,

Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A.

NIP. 19521126198112 1 001

Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatra Utara

As a Paper for the Diploma (D-III) Examination

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III

Examination of the Diploma (D-III) of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies,

University of Sumatera Utara.

The examination is held on August 15th, 2016

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara


Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S.

NIP. 19600805198703 1 001

Board of Examiners Signature

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP)

2. Dra. Nur Cahaya Bangun, M.Si (Supervisor)



I am, EGY FRIEN SITUMORANG declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in the whole in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or a awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without used due acknowledgement in the main text of the paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of anothe rdegree in any tertiary education.

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Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discrection of the Librarian of the Diploma III Department Faculty of Culture Studies USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of .

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This paper entitled "The Potentials of the White Crater High King in Kab.Simalungun as a tourism object" is about the development of tourism in Simalungun which has a potential tourist area. Ranging from nature, culture and heritage in the ancient times. The uniqueness of the Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja so has tremendous potential. Starting from the history, the uniqueness of Kawah Putih, as well as the surrounding environment is still overgrown by shady trees. White crater area still arguably the areas that are still protected as a nature reserve area are all sorts of plants and nature is still under surveillance. Tinggi Raja as one of the natural attractions in the district Simalungun has a natural potential that is quite interesting, it can be used as a lure to increase tourism visits Simalungun district. In addition to support their tourist attraction, as good managers and professionals are also needed in the development of the natural attractions. But the lack of attention from the local government led to excursions in the area proficiency level tends to decrease. To restore the number of tourist visits, requires a concept of tourism development is the concept of sustainable tourism development. Thus, the attraction that has managed to grow and demand a lot of tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists in the long run. Retrieval of data taken from reference, the internet, and some informants as evidence to find and develop the content of this paper.



Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Potentials of Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja in Kab.Simalungun as a tourism object” ini membahas tentang perkembangan pariwisata di Kabupaten Simalungun yang memiliki kawasan wisata yang sangat berpotensi. Mulai dari alam, kebudayaan serta peninggalan pada zaman dahalu. Keunikan kawah putih Tinggi Raja sangat memiliki potensi yang luar biasa. Mulai dari sejarahnya, keunikan air kawahnya, serta lingkungan sekitarnya yang masih ditumbuhin pepohonan yang rindang. Kawasan kawah putih masih dibilang kawasan yang masih dilindungi karena merupakan kawasan cagar alam yang segala macam tanaman dan alamnya masih dalam pengawasan. Tinggi Raja sebagai salah satu objek wisata alam di kabupaten Simalungun yang memiliki potensi alam yang cukup menarik, dapat dijadikan sebagai daya tarik untuk meningkatkan kunjungan wisata kabupaten Simalungun. Selain didukung adanya daya tarik wisata, pengelola secara baik dan profesional juga sangat dibutuhkan dalam pengembangan objek wisata alam tersebut. Namun kurangnya perhatian dari pemerintah daerah menyebabkan kunjungan wisata di daerah tesebut cenderung menurun. Untuk memulihkan kembali jumlah kunjungan wisata tersebut, dibutuhkan suatu konsep pengembangan pariwisata yaitu konsep pengembanagan pariwisata berkelanjutan. Dengan demikian, maka objek wisata yang telah dikelola dapat berkembang dan diminati banyak wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara dalam jangka panjang. Pengambilan data diambil dari referensi, internet, dan beberapa informan sebagai bukti untuk menemukan dan mengembangkan isi dari kertas karya ilmiah ini.



First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strenght, and case to accomplish this paper. This paper is accomplished in order to fulfill one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Study Progtam in Faculty of Culture Study,University of Sumatera Utara.

I realize that, without helps and guidance from many people, since I have been studying in this program until this time I accomplish this paper, it is so hard for me to accomplish this paper. Because of that, I would like to express my deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to :

 Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S., as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Study  Dr. Matius C.A Sembiring, M.A., as the Head of English Diploma Study Program.  Dra. Nur Cahaya Bangun, M.Si., as my supervisor, who gives me corrections and advices to finish this paper  , as my reader for your time and advice  All lecturers in English Study Program for giving me advice and knowledges.  My beloved parents, Parulian Situmorang and Asriani Harahap, for motivation, supporting, praying, caring, and loving.  Ririe Hasibuan, the greatest friend that I ever had, for everything that we have done along my research.  And all my friends The Mind Kingdom in English Diploma III, for your supports, attention, and happiness.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA And finally, I hope the Almight God is plessed to replay all the kindness from all people who helped me. Hopefully this paper can be useful to develop our knowledge.


The Writer,




AUTHOR’S DECLARATION …………………………………. i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION……………………………….. ii ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………… iii ABSTRAK………………………………………………………... iv ACKNOWLEDGEGEMENTS………………………………..... v TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………... vii

1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………. 1 1.1 The Background of Study…………………………………… 1 1.2 The Problem of Study………………………………………. 3 1.3 The Scope of Study…………………………………………. 3 1.4 The Reason for Choosing This Topic………………………. 3 1.5 The Purpose of Study……………………………………….. 3 1.6 The Method of Study……………………………………….. 4 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE…………………. 5 2.1 Definition of Tourism…………………………………...... 5 2.2 Typies of Tourism...... 7 2.3 Definition of Tourist………………………………………... 13 2.4 Tourist Object and Tourist Attraction…………………….... 15 2.5 Infrastructure and Superstructure…………………………... 15 3. DISCUSSION………………………………….……………… 18 3.1 Brief Description of Tinggi Raja…………………………... 18 3.1.1 Socio-Economic Conditions……………………………….. 19 3.1.2 Social Cultural Circumstance………….…………………... 19 3.2 Potential Attractions in Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja………… 19 3.3 Accessibility………………………………………………... 22 3.4 Accomodation……………………………………………… 23 4. CONCLUSION AND SUGESTION…………………………. 28 4.1 Conclusion………………………………………………….. 28 4.2 Sugestion…………………………………………………… 29 REFERENCES…………………………………………………… 30 APPENDICS…………………………………………………...... 31

A. Bah Balakbak……………………………………….…...... 31 B. Bukit Kapur…………………………………………………. 30



1.1. The Background of The Study

North Sumatera is one province in Indonesia with a big potential of tourism

and has a number of unique attractions, both natural and cultural attractions. Some of

these attractions have been widely known to foreign countries such as,

with it’s beautiful natural scenery and Bukit Lawang with The Sumatra Orang Utan

uniqueness, different from The Orang Utan. The capital city of North

Sumatera is Medan.

Medan itself as a gateway to various tourist destinations in Sumatra, has a

number of city's attractions such as the Grand Mosque, and the King's

Pool, Tjong A Fie with Kesawan area, and old buildings, relics of the colonial period.

From the first, Medan is known to foreign countries as the city of trade in which

stood a number of corporate headquarters Deli tobacco plantations as well.

There are twenty five regencies in North Sumatera, and one of them is

Simalungun Regency. The population of it is 903 529 inhabitants. Simalungun is

located in Province. forward Potential natural

attractions such as Lake Toba, Tigaras, Haranggaol, Tinggi Raja, Sidamanik Tea

Garden, and many else. Simalungun also have places of cultural heritage custom

homes in the district of Purba to attract tourist visits indonesia and abroad.

We can find a hidden beautiful crater with an exotic view, in Simalungun

which name is Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja. Forest Tourism Kawah Putih is

administratively located in the village of Dolok Marawa, Silou Kahean District,

Simalungun, North Sumatra province with a height of ± 1000 masl. Geographically

located between 02º to 02º 42'00`` 39'00`` BT BT and 099º to 099º 62'00`` LU 64'00``


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA LU. ( Lopez , 2009). Dolok Marawa has a total area of ± 811.5 ha. The distance from the White crater Large cities are Medan ± 120 Km, Siantar ± 60 km,

High Cliff ± 40 Km Mileage approximately 3 to 4 hours drive from Medan to Tinggi

Raja. Road conditions are still not paved rocky and sometimes difficult to pass when the road is wet and slippery, while the boundaries of the region are as follows Kawah

Putih ( BKSDA 1 North Sumatra, 2003).

• North: Village Nagori Kasian

• South: Bahoan Village 1 and Village Bahoan 2

• West: Village Dolok Marawa 2

• East: District of Buttu Siantar .

This Crater appeared and were among the limestone hill has its own

exoticism. Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja surrounded by pandanus forest, the water is blue

with chunks of sulfur that occur naturally as a thick layer of ice. Sightseeing is not

explored well, located in the middle of the forest make these places not popular yet.

Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja possess the crater area of 4 hectares of land is like a pearl in

the mud. While enjoying the scenery in this crater, the visitors will be enchanted by

the beauty of white limestone hills and hot water beautiful flow resemble white snow.

Hot springs reach temperatures of around 90 degrees Celsius, Kawah Putih Tinggi

Raja is derived from the small hills in the area, so that hot water was able to boil an

egg. The flow of hot water flowing between the limestone rocks, this incident made

the rock becomes white as snow. Some people call it the Snow Heat.

Such as exploiting the existence of a new tourist attraction, there has been no

development effort of local government earlier. People also gain sustenance, all have

a price. Starting from the bathroom to the spot to take pictures are also subject to

tariffs. The price ranges from Rp1,000 - Rp2,000. Facilities available are still very


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA minimal, bathrooms available are still simple, and some have only covered a few

strands of long cloth . if not ready, many homes also provide toilet facilities.

1.2. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background has been explained so that the problem of this study

are :

 What are The Potensials to develop Kawah Putih as aTourism Object ?

 What are Strategies in developing Kawah Putih as a Tourism Object ?

1.3. The Scope of the Study

The scope of this study has an important role in writing of this paper. It is used

to limit the problem therefore the topic in this paper is more focused. The writer just

focused this paper on talking / discussing of Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja due to the

potentials of the nature, the facilities and the infrastructures.

1.4. The Reason for Choosing This Topic

The reason why the writer choosing this topic becuause we can only find

Kawah Putih in two places in Indonesia there is in Jawa Barat and the other

one in Tinggi Raja Simalungun. Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja is not popular as Kawah

Putih Bandung and not explored well, so the writer interested to discuss why not

Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja can be popular and explored well like Kawah Putih Jawa


1.5. The Purpose of the Study

To provide the local authorities in order to shore Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja

can be used as a powerful attraction and attract domestic or foreign tourist, so it can


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA add to the welfare of society in particular and increase foreign exchion whange local


1.6. The Method of the Study

In writing this paper, the writer uses three methods of research method.

They are :

 Field Research

Some of the most valuable information and data in the world are not

located in the book (library) oe even online (social website). Field

research is a kind of research method that is used to find out data and

information from the field directly by visiting the object study place or

having a survey to the place where we want to know. The writer used this

method by having direct observation to Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja to get

some information about Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja.

 Library research

Library research is a kind of method research that is used to find a

certain data and information by searching and collecting some books

which are relevant to the them.

 Interview

Interview is a kind of method research by having a conversation and

preparing some question to be asked to the interviewer to get information

detail and accurate. In finding out some information and data detail, the

writer must have interviewed to a person who js the key one that knows

well about the information.



2.1. Definition of Tourism

The word “tourism” became popular in Indonesia after the convening of the

national conference of tourism II in , East on 12-14 June 1958, which is

more known as tourism.

Theobald (1994) suggested that “etymologically, the word tour is derived

from the Latin, ‘tornare’ and the Greek, ‘tornos’, meaning ‘a lathe or circle; the

movement around a central point or axis’. The meaning changed in modern English to

represent ‘one’s turn’. The suffix –ism is defined as ‘an action or process; typical

behavior or quality’, while the suffix, -ist denotes ‘one that combined, they suggest

the action’. When the word tour and the suffixes –ism and –ist are combined, they

suggest the action of movement around a circle. One can argue that a circle represent

a starting point, which ultimately returns back to its beginning. Therefore, like a

circle, a tour represents a journey in that it is a roundtrip, i.e., the act of leaving and

then returning to the original starting point, and therefore, one who takes such a

journey can be called a tourist.

Based on the Law Decree No. 10 of 2009 on tourism said that tourism is:

"A wide range of tourist activities and supported a variety of facilities and

servicesprovided by communities, businesses, governments, and local

governments".Institute of tourisme in britain (now Tourism society in britain) in 1976

to formulate Tourism is "Departure of people while in the short term to the place

where the destination outside the residence and daily work as well as their activities

while at the goal, include the departure for various purposes, including a day trip or



UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Robert McIntosh and Gupta revealed that tourism is:

"A combination of symptoms and relationships that arise from the interaction of tourists, businesses, host governments and host communities in the process of attracting and serving tourists as well as the other visitors".

Herman von zu Schullern schrattenhofen an Australian economist, in 1910 theorized that tourism is:

"A number of activities that are primarily economic, which is directly related to the entry, stay and movement of foreigners in a country, city or region".

E. Guyer-Freuler give the formulation of the notion of tourism are:

"Tourism in the modern sense is a symptom of this era, which is based on the need for health and the replacement of the weather, as an assessment of the conscious and the growing sense of love for the natural beauty, as a result of the development of the association of nations and classes of people that are the result of the development of commerce, industry , trade and the improvement of transport equipment ".

While Prof. Hunzieker and Prof. Krapf said that tourism is

"A number of relationships and symptoms resulting from residence of foreigners, as long as they lived it did not cause the right to stay as well as businesses that are permanent as the quest for full employment".

From some of the definitions set forth above, there are several things that are the hallmark of tourism, namely:

1. The trip is done from one place to another.

2. The trip is done for a while.

3. The trip was related to recreation.

4. Those who make the trip does not make a living in the places he visited, but only

as a consumer.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA And it can be concluded that tourism is a journey that carried people from one place

to another, for a time with the intent or purpose is not to try or look for a job in the

place visited, but simply to enjoy the trip sightseeing, to meet the wishes of various


2.2 Typies of Tourism

In the previous description the definition of tourism has been described then tourism

can be deivided into the following categories :

I. The Number of Tourist

With regard to the number of tourist, whether they come alone or in groups. It can

be classified into :

- Individual tourism is someone or only one relative that take travelling.

- Group tourism are a group persons that take travelling together. Such as club,

group student, an organisation that has a leader.

II. The Origin of Tourists

First of all, travelers need to know whether they came from the country or abroad. If it

is their country of origin that means the travelers only have a temporary move within

the territory of their own country and during his travel time, it is called domestic

tourism, whereas if they come from abroad it is called international tourism.

III. The Destination of Tourists

The destination of tourists can be divided into :

- Recreation tourism, to relax and refresh body and mind.

- Culture tourism, to know other culture which can increase knowledge.

- Sport tourism, to develop hobby such as hunting, climbing mountain.



The arrival of tourists from abroad is expected to bring foreign currency. Foreign

exchange income brings a positive impact for the balance of foreign payments for

country they visit, which is called active tourism. The departure of foreign citizens

also has a negative impact for the balance of foreign payments, it is called passive


V. The Means of Transport

Viewed in terms of the use of means of transport used by tourist, then this category

can be divided into :

- Land tourism ( bus, train and private transportation ).

- Water tourism ( lake, ocean and river ).

- Air ttourism ( plane).

VI. According to The Geographical

This category can be divided into :

- Domestic national tourism.

- Regional tourism.

- International tourism.

VII. According to The Price

This category can be divided into :

- Lux tourism

- Middle tourism

- Economic tourism



A tourist stays the length of time in a place or a country is measured as short-term

tourism or long-term tourism. This term of measurements depends on a country to

classify it as short or long time stay.

The requirement of destination should have the attraction in order to make

the tourist or visitor attract to visit that destination. There are some categories of

tourism. They are :

1. Ecotourism

Ecotourism, also known as ecological tourism, is responsible travel to fragile, pristine, and

usually protected areas that strives to be low impact and (often) small scale. It helps educate

the traveler; provides funds for conservation; directly benefits the economic development and

political empowerment of local communities; and fosters respect for different cultures and for

human rights.

Pro-poor tourism, which seeks to help the poorest people in developing countries, has

been receiving increasing attention by those involved in development; the issue has been

addressed through small-scale projects in local communities and through attempts by

Ministries of Tourism to attract large numbers of tourists. Research by the Overseas

Development Institute suggests that neither is the best way to encourage tourists' money to

reach the poorest as only 25% or less (far less in some cases) ever reaches the poor;

successful examples of money reaching the poor include mountain-climbing in Tanzania and

cultural tourism in Luang Prabang, Laos.

Recession tourism is a travel trend, which evolved by way of the world economic

crisis. Identified by American entrepreneur Matt Landau (2007), recession tourism is defined

by low-cost, high-value experiences taking place of once-popular generic retreats. Various


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA recession tourism hotspots have seen business boom during the recession thanks to comparatively low costs of living and a slow world job market suggesting travelers are elongating trips where their money travels further.

When there is a significant price difference between countries for a given medical procedure, particularly in Southeast Asia, India, Eastern Europe and where there are different regulatory regimes, in relation to particular medical procedures (e.g. dentistry), traveling to take advantage of the price or regulatory differences is often referred to as "medical tourism".

Educational tourism developed, because of the growing popularity of teaching and learning of knowledge and the enhancing of technical competency outside of the classroom environment.[citation needed] In educational tourism, the main focus of the tour or leisure activity includes visiting another country to learn about the culture, such as in Student

Exchange Programs and Study Tours, or to work and apply skills learned inside the classroom in a different environment, such as in the International Practicum Training


Creative tourism has existed as a form of cultural tourism, since the early beginnings of tourism itself. Its European roots date back to the time of the Grand Tour, which saw the sons of aristocratic families traveling for the purpose of mostly interactive, educational experiences. More recently, creative tourism has been given its own name by Crispin

Raymond and Greg Richards, who as members of the Association for Tourism and Leisure

Education (ATLAS), have directed a number of projects for the European Commission, including cultural and crafts tourism, known as sustainable tourism. They have defined

"creative tourism" as tourism related to the active participation of travellers in the culture of the host community, through interactive workshops and informal learning experiences.

Meanwhile, the concept of creative tourism has been picked up by high-profile organizations such as UNESCO, who through the Creative Cities Network, have endorsed creative tourism


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA as an engaged, authentic experience that promotes an active understanding of the specific cultural features of a place. More recently, creative tourism has gained popularity as a form of cultural tourism, drawing on active participation by travelers in the culture of the host communities they visit. Several countries offer examples of this type of tourism development, including the United Kingdom, Austria, France, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Spain, Italy and New


The growing interest of tourist in this new way to discover a culture regards particularly the operators and branding managers, attentive to the possibility of attracting a quality tourism, highlighting the intangible heritage (craft workshops, cooking classes, etc.) and optimizing the use of existing infrastructure (for example, through the rent of halls and auditorium). Since the late 1980s, sports tourism has become increasingly popular. Events such as rugby, Olympics, Commonwealth games, Asian Games and football World Cups have enabled specialist travel companies to gain official ticket allocation and then sell them in packages that include flights, hotels and excursions.

The focus on sport and spreading knowledge on the subject, especially more so recently, lead to the increase in the sport tourism. Most notably, the international event such as the Olympics caused a shift in focus in the audience who now realize the variety of sports that exist in the world. In the United States, one of the most popular sports that usually are focused on was Football. This popularity was increased through major events like the World

Cups. In Asian countries, the numerous football events also increased the popularity of football. But, it was the Olympics that brought together the different sports that lead to the increase in sport tourism. The drastic interest increase in sports in general and not just one sport caught the attention of travel companies, who then began to sell flights in packages.

Due to the low number of people who actually purchase these packages than predicted, the cost of these packages plummeted initially. As the number start to rise slightly the packages


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA increased to regain the lost profits. With the certain economic state, the number of purchases decreased once again. The fluctuation in the number of packages sold was solely dependent on the economic situation, therefore, most travel companies were forced to set aside the plan to execute the marketing of any new package features.

1.1 The Ecotourism Activities

Activities to do in ecotourism, namely:

• Trekking

Trekking is a part of adventure travel, it involves visits to remote areas, lodging in tents and minimal accommodation. It is done for adventure and expedition.

• Hiking

Hiking is an outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often in mountainous or other scenic terrain. People often hike on hiking walls. Studies have confirmed the health benefits of different types of hiking, including losing excess weight, decreasing hypertension, and improving mental health.

• Camping

Camping is an outdoor recreational activity. The participants (known as campers) leave urban areas, their home region or civilization and enjoy nature while spending one or several nights outdoors, usually at a campsite. Camping may involve the use of a tent, caravan, cabin, a primitive structure, or no shelter at all. Camping as a recreational activity became popular in the early 20th century.

• Rafting

Rafting is the challenging recreational outdoor activity of using an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water. This is usually done on white water or different degrees of rough water, in order to thrill and excite the raft passengers. The development of this activity


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA as a leisure sport has become popular since the mid-1970s. it is considered an extreme sport, as it can be dangerous.

2. Agro Tourism

Agro tourism is a destination utilizes agricultural as main aim visitor, for example at Berastagi is famous about fresh vegetable and fruit, especially Marquisa.

3. Cultural tourism

Cultural shows about custom culture, the tradition, as an attraction at a destination. For example ; custom home of Karoness is that Siwaluh Jabu at Lingga and at Dokan. Reog Ponorogo is typical performances from Ponorogo.

4. Definition of Nature Tourism

Nature tourism is responsible travel to natural areas, which conserves the environment and improves the welfare of local people. It is tourism based on the natural attractions of an area.

Examples include bird watching, photography, stargazing, camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, and visiting parks. These experiential tourists are interested in a diversity of natural and cultural resources.

Nature tourism provides incentives for local communities and landowners to conserve wildlife habitats upon which the industry depends – it promotes conservation by placing an increased value on remaining natural areas. As nature tourism becomes more important to the local economy, communities have additional incentive to conserve their remaining natural areas for wildlife and wildlife enthusiasts.

2.3 Definition of Tourist

Talking about tourism would not be separated from discussions about tourists . And

one we need to know is who is called "the tourists. Many people define it as a simple

rating that travelers are people who travel . But the understanding is still relatively

small or regular.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA According to WTO (World Tourism Organization) (1995:5) the meaning of tourist

is as following:

a. Tourism-activities of person traveling to and staying in places outside their

usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business

and other purpose.

b. Visitor-any person traveling to a place other than that of his/her usual

environment for less than 12 consecutive months and whose main purpose of

travel is not to work for pay in the place visited.

c. Tourist-overnight visitor, visitor staying at least one night in a colection or

private accomodation in the place visited.

d. Same day visitor-exursionists, visitor who does not spend the night in a

collective or private accomodation in the place visited.

According IUOTO (International Union of Official Travel Organization), in

Gamal Suwantoro (2009:4) use restrictions on tourists in general: visitors that every

person who comes into a country or other residence and usually with the intent to do

anything except work pay. So there are two categories of visitor designator, namely:

1) Tourists are visitors staying temporarily, at least 24 hours in a country. With the intention of travelling tourists can be classified into:

2) Travelers (excursionist) temporary visitors is someone living in a country visited in less than 24 hours.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the tourists are the ones who do the activities with the purpose of obtaining pleasure trip, not to work, settle down and earn


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA living. Besides tourist term, any other term is same meaning. The term is a foreign visitor.

The foreign visitor is a person traveled in a destination without stay in. Points of different are both that maximum time to get travelling which has been established by International Civil

Aviation Organizaion and Commission of the United Nation. They give a limited about three month until six month for get travelled according by role of each country. A place which is visited by the tourists are called destination. The requirement of destination should have the attraction in order to make the tourist or visitor attract to visit that destination.

2.4 Tourist Object and Tourist Attraction

Tourist object and attraction are two different things but very closely related.

Without the appeal of an attraction then the object would certainly not growing, because the fascination inherent in an attraction, that's what growing a tourist motivation to visit an attraction. So the versa tourist attraction yet developed into a tourist attraction merely constitute a potential resource which can not be called a tourist attraction. Attractions dang tourist attraction is the basis for tourism (Drs. Happy Marpaung, SH., MH, 2000: 78)

Government Regulation No.24 / 1979 explained that the attraction is "the embodiment of human creation, layout life, art and culture as well as history of the nation and the state of nature that has appeal to visit"

2.5 Infrastructure and Superstructure

The systemic Infrastructure of Tourism is the biggest and most decisive component in the success of the Tourism. This component consists of various subsystems that really needs attention, the provision and maintenance.

Infrastructure tourism facilities should be available so as to allow the economy to run smoothly in such a manner, in order to enable people to meet their needs. Then require services that suit their needs and desires, namely since departing to their destination, until


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA returning home. This all covers the facilities provided for tourists. They usually want to know


1. Transport facilities that will take their to and from the tourist destination areas they want to visit.

2. Accommodation facilities, in a place where they stay while in the destination areas.

3. Facility of Catering Service, which provides them with services in connection with food and drink certainly suits them.

4. Object and tourist attractions that exist in destination areas to be visited.

5. Recreation Activities they can do in destination areas they will visit.

6. Shopping facilities (Shopping Facilities), where they can buy things they need or sometimes they also need to repair their camera, to get the film developed and many others.

7. The post office (Post office), for sending letters to relatives, friends or in connection with travel agencies being involved.

8. Telephone communication facilities through, telex and faxcimile and other communication tools for sending the information during the journey.

Meanwhile, tourism superstrucures are companies that provide services to tourists, either directly . There are three important things for tourism, namely:

1. Main Tourism Superstructure

Main Tourism Superstructure provide the basic facilities that will determine the success of a region into a tourist destination. Many companies are dependent on the flow of tourists, or people who travel, both international tourists and domestic tourists.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The principal function of tourism is that the companies provide services to the tourist in the destination. They are Travel Agent and Tour Operator; Tourist Transportation; Hotels and other accommodation; Catering, Trades; Travel and Tourist Attraction objects.

2. Supplementary Tourism Superstructure

Supplementary Tourism Superstructure provide facilities for recreation whose function is nothing but to supplement the principal function of tourism. The most important function is to make the tourists stay longer in Tourism Destination Region. This includes the sports surf, etc.

3. Supporting Tourism superstructure

Supporting Tourism Superstructure provides facilities and basic facilities that serve not only to make tourists stay longer but more importantly is to make tourists spend more money in the places they visit. The supporting facilities are needed to encourage the tourists, since not all guests require to come, such services as night club, Steambaths, and casinos, they are not absolutely needed.

Overall the infrastructure and tourism facilities must exist or be available before we promote an area as a tourist destination.

Based on the Law Decree No. 10 of 2009 on tourism said that the tourist attraction is

"anything that has a uniqueness, beauty, and value in the form of natural diversity, culture, and the result of man-made targeted or destination tourist visits".

Factors to be considered in the construction of objects and tourist attraction is

1. The ability to boost the development of economy and social life.

2. religious values, customs, and the views and values of living in society.

3. Preservation of cultural and environmental quality of life.

4. Sustainability of the tourism industry itself.



3.1 Brief Description of Tinggi Raja

Dolok Marawa village is made up of 6 (six) Dusun, has an area of 811, 5 hectares, with the following details:

1. Dusun Dolok Marawa I : 164 Ha

2. Dusun Dolok Marawa II : 154 Ha

3. Dusun Bahoan I : 97 Ha

4. Dusun Bahoan II : 111 Ha

5. Dusun Buttu Siattar : 200.5 Ha

6. Dusun Kasian Nagori : 81 Ha

Dolok Marawa Village including Silou Kahean Districts of Simalungun.

Located 8 km West of Silou Kahean sub-district office, with boundaries as follows:

1. The northern side is bordered by forestry

2. The south adjacent to the Dolok Saribu Bangun Village

3. The east by the Nagori Dolok Village

4. west borders on forestry.

Dolok Marawa village located at an altitude of between 400 m - 600 m above the surface sea located in the path of traffic between the Kerapuh District with the Dolok Silou


The weather that occur each year that appear at specific times occur on, the transition seasons took place in March, April May. The dry season occurs in

June, July, August, September. The rainy season occurs the month of October, November,

December, January, and February.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3.1.1 Socio-Economic Conditions

Dolok Marawa Village is a farming village, then the results of their economy and livelihood Dolok Marawa visibly apparent difference between households categorized as poor, very poor, moderate, and rich. This is because, since his livelihood in the business sectors are different too, mostly in the non-formal as construction workers, farmers, rice farmers, the land of rain, rubber plantations and palm oil and a small portion in the formal sector such as civil servants, teachers, medical personnel, and etc.

3.1.2 Social Cultural Circumstances

The community life in Dolok Marawa Village very thick with tradition, traditional ceremonies associated with human life cycle (birth-adult / married - died). Cooperativeness society is still strong, the habit visit the sick (neighbors / relatives family) was made public.

So the traditions deliberation, cooperation and wisdom local else was done by the people from the village Dolok Marawa and it can effectively avoid any conflict - a clash between groups of people. The condition of public health is quite good, especially after their

PUSKESMAS helper. The existence of malnourished children began to decrease in line with the good economy of the people.

3.2 Potential Attractions in Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja

At the White crater Dolok High King, there are many different types of attractions that can be visited, namely:

1. Bah Balakbak

Bah Balakbak is located beneath a limestone hill, which means Air Bah, while

Balakbak means hot water source flowing into the river into the cool water. So Bah Balakbak means hot water is flowing into the river where the water becomes cool. This hot water flows into river rocks Area High mountain crater of White King and the water is clear and cool.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Here visitors can also enjoy sports such as: bathing in the stream Bah Balakbak, and using sulfur directly into the body, the sulfur contained in the meeting of hot water and cold water is very cool as a result of natural processes.

2. Bukit Kapur

Limestone hills traversed by the flow of hot water that makes these rocks into beautiful eyes, there is also the beauty of the natural carpet formed from mossy river flow that bypassed the hot water makes these rocks as a whitish green carpet. Above there is also a natural pool is not big enough berluas issuing hot springs bubbling from the bottom of the pool visible, which of course, visitors are prohibited from bathing in that area. The flow of hot water through the bushes and trees that dries gathered together to form a blue-green lake is very beautiful.

3. Hill Caves

Cave Hill is amazing because he is under the limestone hills that form caves. Many obstacles to get to this location, such as topography and difficult road. But after arriving at this location, we can satisfy the exhaustion by unwind in a cave that served the water that flows from the warmer.

Each attraction has unique natural resources that are the hallmark of the tourist attraction, the uniqueness of natural resources is what will be the main attraction to lure tourists to visit the tourist attraction. Suwantoro (1997) states that the natural attractions are the natural resources potential and powerful attraction for tourists, and aimed at fostering a love of nature, both in nature and after cultivation activities. Furthermore, it also explained that the attractiveness of tourist attractions are also called which has a unique natural resource is the potential of the driver of the presence of tourists to a tourist destination.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA a. The uniqueness of natural resources

According Sudarto (1999) The most important elements are the main attraction of an ecotourism destination is the natural condition, the condition of flora, rare and endemic species, condition of natural phenomena, customs and culture conditions. Kawah White has a unique like their hot springs, caves, creeks which is the flow of the hot springs where visitors often shower here because the water is crystal clear, but it also has a Kawah Putih customs / culture nice and still rare, which still uses the old culture / local namely Simalungun culture.

b. Natural resources stand

The natural resources that stand out in the vicinity of the Kawah Putih is rocks, rock here is limestone rocks that can be found in the vicinity of the white crater. For the flora, fauna, and water is as it is, the king of trees, birds, and water is the flow of the hot springs and the river. As for natural phenomena occur is that there are hot springs found in tourist locations.

c. Nature Activity Guide

Nature tourism activities to do in the location Kawah Putih is, Enjoy the beauty of nature is very nice, seeing the flora around Kawah Putih, and can also do research / education this location, that type nature tourism activities are usually carried out by the visitor while in

Regional travel.

d. Cleanliness Location Destinations

Cleanliness is required in tourist sites. Kawah Putih area is free from the crowded streets, from industry influence because there are no large industries located around the area of nature, also free of other contaminants.



Procurement of security in tourist areas Kawah Putih this will add additional value to the region. Apart from that region White crater is no dangerous currents as the river flow is quite heavy, no theft, no dangerous diseases such as malaria, there is no confidence that intrusive. Kawah Putih tourist location is a safe location, but there are still travel around the site found some problems such as landslides and illegal encroachment. The issue will interfere with the security of visitors so as to reduce the interest of visitors to visit the location.

f. Comfort

Convenience is one of the important things that must be considered at a tourist attraction. A sense of comfort in tourist locations will increase the interest of visitors to re- visit to the tourist site Leisure travel site Kawah Putih. Services to visitors and the provision of facilities and infrastructure is a matter that must be considered. Leisure attractions at one location will attract the attention of visitors / tourists and increase the interest of tourists to re- visit the tourist sites. White crater area is the site of attraction are quite comfortable with their cottage, away from the bustling street noise, no traffic that interfere with site attractions. So that makes the traveler who first visit would be keen to come back again to visit tourism activities.

3.3 Accessibility

Accessibility is a supportive factor to facilitate visitors to visit a tourist destination.

These factors are very important in order to boost the potential tourist attraction to be visited by tourists. Accessibility includes distance, road conditions, and the travel time from the city center. Soekadijo (2000) states that accessibility is a condition that is important for tourism.

Without connected to the transport network may not be an object of tourist visits. Attraction is the end of your tour and must be easily accessible and of itself is also easy to find.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Therefore, there must always be the way to attractions. That road is the access to the object and access roads were to be associated with public infrastructure. The condition of public roads and access roads determines the accessibility of an attraction. Based on the distance to the terrain from the city attractions in the village area Dolok Tinggi Raja of approximately

120 km (2-3 hours) on a motorbike, to the access road to the Kawah Putih is Medan -

Lubukpakam - Galang - Bangun Purba - Dolok Tinggi Raja / Kawah Putih.

Accessibility to the area of the Kawah Putih classified as less unfavorable conditions this accessibility is a condition of the road which is quite far away and travel time from

Medan to the village of Kawah Putih, with the type of asphalt road and then rocky / macadam. Road conditions that impede the accessibility of tourists who will conduct tourist activities. Long distance of the city make the journey becomes longer and longer.

3.4 Accommodation

Accommodation is one factor that makes the visitor interested to do a tourist visit.

The availability of accommodation in tourist sites is very helpful to visitors when visitors want to stay in a location that they visit. But if there is no accommodation in tourist sites, visitors can search for accommodation that is not far from the tourist sites. Kawah Putih not provide accommodation facilities in the region. However, for some people who want to stay in the tourist for a few days, usually in place of citizens. This is taken into consideration for the manager to add facilities such as accommodation in the area so that the visitors who will come to the site and want to stay can stay in the location sites. the absence of supportive accommodation for all locations, as well as the number of rooms or lodging that does not exist in the surrounding area Kawah Putih.

In developing Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja still in the stage of the process. Kawah Putih

Tinggi Raja where is now a nature reserve area. Which mean still protected by the Forest

Service through the North Sumatra Provincial Center for Conservation Natural Resources


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA (KSDA) and a wildlife reserve. So that the sub-district nor the district can not touch for managed, treated and processed became a tourist area. In addition, through the village head

Dolok Marawa already proposed that called for the liberation of approximately 67 hectares of the area of 202 hectares. All the proposals have been approved by the Provincial Forestry

Office of North Sumatra and had reached the Ministry of Forestry Republic of Indonesia in


With the achievement of objectives for land acquisition of approximately 67 hectares, the District of and Simalungun will fix all the existing facilities and infrastructure.

Starting from the condition of the road, steep road to bathing place be cemented, will be made bathroom, dressing room and so on. For now the role is to development of

Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja is the local community. Local community jointly work together to build all facilities in Kawah Putih of the 2 (two) years is visited. The makeshift facilities made by local people increasingly crowded by tourists locally and foreign tourists. Peak density visiting Kawah Putih on the Saturday and Sunday, as well as other holidays, such as

Eid al-Fitr, and Eid Adha.

Local community facilities created as a parking lot, tour guide, locker rooms, showers, a place to sell, bridges and huts for photos and hut to rest. If there are tourists who come from other countries, such as Japan, France, China and Belgium are usually greeted by guides who are around tourist attraction. Although tourists are brought Guide (the tour guide) itself, they must use the services of a local tour guide. Because the more familiar local guides the intricacies of the white crater. to pay the services of a local tour guide depends we each gave. In an effort to Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja became a tourist attraction that is now developing rapidly, can not be separated from the interference of the military were willing to fix roads and bridges so that now Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja become famous , and the community is also very instrumental important in this effort.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In the world of tourism additional factor to make an object become a tourist area is the infrastructure that exists around the object. Facilities and infrastructure in an attraction very supportive to make the region into an object of interest to tourists. Facilities and infrastructure is one of the supporting facilities, tourism facilities that can live and grow in order to provide services to tourists to meet their diverse needs. With the facilities and infrastructure that support will add value to tourist visits.

Facilities and infrastructure to Kawah Putih areas still need of repair is feasible.

Facilities and infrastructure in 2 (two) years is growing because of the work of devotion

Army and the people who worked together to build the region's natural attractions. Existing facilities around the object are only one simple huts and infrastructure, such as infrastructure or access roads to Kawah Putih is still categorized as still steep. In case of rain will be landslides because of the unspoiled areas and many trees and soils prone to landslides.

Even the danger to pass four-wheeled vehicles. Facilities and infrastructure that exist around the white crater was still sober. Because Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja is not yet a tourist area and can not be managed. Because Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja is still the existence of protected areas. Facilities and infrastructure in the like: parking space, locker rooms, showers, tourist guides, to sell, as well as lodges around the crater of the only white local community initiatives to make these facilities.

The cost of all the facilities are pretty cheap. Visitors will be charged contributions, his charges Rp.1000 individual, Rp.5000 parking place, dressing room and bathroom

Rp.2000, family cottage 10,000 to 20,000, and the lodge to take pictures as well as access bridge only pay Rp.1000 per person. Because still in the area that are still protected, people can not do anything more.

If at any time the community transported stalls, the public can not do nothing, and are already banned the Department of Tourism and Conservation of Natural Resources (KSDA).


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Efforts developments that occurred two (2) In recent years, the regents, Silou Kahean

Districts, head of the village, and the local community has proved that Kawah Putih Tinggi

Raja is able to become one of the tourist destinations of interest to tourists locally and foreigner. Kawah Putih has a unique white, history, and the atmosphere is still beautiful that make this area into a tourist destination. And it has been proven that Kawah Putih deserves to be a tourism area. Being able to attract tourists to visit. Not only to see the crater of white, blue crater only, but can enjoy the cold water of the river that flows Balakbak Bak, while looking stalactites (hanging lime sludge), and along the way there are rivers Bak Balakbak and Bat Caves.

In line with this, a lot have been done on the development efforts of Kawah Putih

Tinggi Raja, ranging from land acquisition request, the work of the military service, as well as the enthusiasm of local communities to build facilities and infrastructure. Many obstacles encountered in efforts to make the white crater has become a tourist destination.

Constraints that occur first, infrastructure or access roads. The access road from

Serdang Bedagai to headquarters still need their repairing. But compared with the current condition of antiquity very much progress. Due to mutual cooperation that made the person of the military are working together to repair the damaged roads. So many tourists start visiting Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja. Second, can not be managed. Because still controlled under the supervision of the Forestry Service of North Sumatra Province. But the district and the district has asked for as much as 67 hectares of land acquisition for conversion attractions.

Many hopes to achieve the county, district, village, or if the people themselves white crater area are given the freedom to be a tourism area. Access roads and other facilities will be built properly. With its Kawah Putih became a tourist area, cleanliness around the crater should be taken not to eliminate white beauty of Kawah Putih, as well as security. With facilities and infrastructure that supports it, you can bet the value of tourist visits increased.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA As well as with the development of the white crater High King would increase foreign exchange and local communities to be more prosperous.


4.1 Conclusions

The potential of the White Crater High King deserve to be a tourism area.

where high white crater king has its own charm, ranging from legends, flowers

High King scarce, water craters are changing, as well as other objects. The role of

government, as well as the community continues to strive to make the white crater High

King became a tourist area. One effort that has been shown that the White Crater High

King to become the first tourist area, access road has been no change compared to the

ancient times, facilities built by the community, and the request for land acquisition has

been posted. The role of government has a position as holder of the power to determine

what policies will be done in the future.

People are the main supporting and have freshly important in the effort

development Kawah Putih High King became one of the tourist destinations. The public

can also cooperate in conserving the tourist area and create an atmosphere and

harmonious conditions in tourism activities. Community awareness and knowledge of the

importance of tourism in order to increase tourist visits nilah. And able to provide good

service for tourists.



To develope Kawah Putih as famous tourism resort, the writer has seen from the source the lack of Kawah Putih. The strategies to develope Kawah Putih as famous tourism resort are :

1. The local government should care more about to develope Kawah Putih as

tourism resort. If Kawah Putih becomes a famous tourism resort, it can

add job vacancies and foreign exchange for the population who lives


2. A well design transportation linkage. This is necessary to easy the

movement of people in the tourist domain where large crowd of people

are concentrated during the tourist season. There is need for a well signed

transport linkage route such activities attracts large crowd to the host areas

and such needs a well singed transportation linkage.

3. The local Government should have relationship with industries which

move in Tourism to fulfill the requirement as good destination for Kawah


4. The people who live there should have to the same idea with Government

and the industries to develope Kawah Putih to be a good destination and

be able to be called Tourism Resort.

5. Supervision by the community in maintaining the nature reserve area so

Kawah Putih can be neatly arranged and care about the environment


6. The Government and people are expected to give a warning to travelers,

in order to preserve around the crater and so that no fire rating due to

carelessly throw away cigarette butts.



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A. Bah Balakbak



B. Bukit Kapur