Extensions of Remarks
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2068 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 10, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PET OWNERSHIP FOR THE EL trained to pick up dropped objects, and he had to turn to public housing, DERLY AND HANDICAPPED-A carry things from one person to an Tammy, was not allowed in. Frank is RIGHTFUL NEED IN FEDERAL other, fetch a newspaper and bark on now forced to hide Tammy until some LY FUNDED HOUSING command for protection or as a call one can be found to adopt the aging for help. Dogs serving the deaf and animal; if not, then he must be put to HON. MARIO BIAGGI disabled are legally recognized in Ari sleep. A humane solution for Tammy, OF NEW YORK zona and California and have the same perhaps, but certainly not for Frank. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES privileges as seeing eye dogs. As the rental housing demand inten One of the more significant demo sifies, so too does the pressure mount Thursday, February 10, 1983 graphic factors identified in the 1980 for vacancies to be established and too • Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Speaker, as an census was the dramatic increase in often it is the elderly and disabled original member of the House Select the number of elderly persons living tenant who owns a pet who receives Committee on Aging, I have today re alone. Today in this country, there are the notice for eviction. introduced legislation of special impor 7. 7 million persons aged 65 and over It is important to note that my legis tance to me. The bill would prohibit living alone-this number is roughly lation fully recognizes that pet owner Federal housing assistance to any one-third of the total number of elder ship is not a right without responsibil housing project for the elderly and ly people in this Nation. In our re ities. My bill clearly states: handicapped if such projects do not search on the Select Committee on Nothing in this Act shall prevent the allow tenants to have pets. Aging, we have come across far too owner of rental housing-or the local hous My bill, which was H.R. 2441 in the many examples of elderly persons ing authority or any other appropriate au 97th Congress, has as its main purpose being sent to nursing homes simply be thority of the community where the hous to establish the basic right of millions cause of a lack of companionship. In ing is located from requiring the removal of elderly and handicapped persons to some instances, this isolation and lone from any rental housing of any pet whose own pets in federally subsidized hous liness which can contribute to poor conduct or condition is duly determined to ing. When we speak of pets for the el health for a senior citizen can be alle constitute a threat to the health or safety derly and handicapped, we are dealing viated by allowing pet ownership. of the other occupants of the housing or of with much more than a convenience. This legislation is purposely limited other persons in the community where the Studies done such as one by Dr. Erika in scope as a means of being able to housing is located. Friedmann of the University of Penn assess its impact. The bill is limited in Perhaps a better description of my sylvania indicate that good health is scope to housing projects assisted intent is that my bill seeks to bring to directly related to human/companion under section 202 of the Housing Act gether the responsible pet owners and animal bond. A study of 92 heart pa of 1959, to those assisted under the the reasonable landlord. tients found those who owned pets Housing Act of 1937, or title V of the There is growing local and State had a significant higher chance of sur Housing Act of 1949 which has a ma action being directed at this issue. viving 1 year than those who did not. jority of its tenants who are elderly In Fort Wayne, Ind.; Palm Beach Today in the United States, pets are and handicapped families-as defined County, Fla.; Albuquerque, N.Mex., being used more and more to curb the in section 202(d)(4) of the Housing Act and Multnomah County, Oreg., re feelings of loneliness often associated of 1959. It seems only appropriate that duced fees have been set for pet li with the aged. Another study done by if we are going to provide Federal tax censes or pet neutering surgery for Dr. Boris Levinson, a pioneer in the assistance to respective housing owners 65 and older. The Mobile, Ala., study of human/animal bond at Ye units-that these finds not contribute SPCA-an animal welfare agency shiva University and a board member in any form to discrimination against staffed by volunteers-helps elderly of the New York Humane Society, tenants because of pet ownership. people by transporting their pets to points out that the elderly often I grow concerned and distressed veterinarians. The Animal Medical suffer from a loss of relatives and when I read of elderly and/or disabled Center in New York City offers free withdraw from active participation in persons being evicted from their care for pets belonging to elderly human affairs. Objects and animals homes or apartments because of pet people with limited incomes. During which provided security in early life ownership. Many elderly people face the past winters, the Morris County, may assume greater importance in "pet eviction" because rental space is N.J., Welfare Department has boarded their later life. The animals may scarce and vacancy decontrol are in the pets of elderly people who had to indeed become an anchor for good picture. Landlords may employ dor be given temporary housing when mental health. mant no-pet clauses as a means of they could not pay their heating bills. In urban areas, elderly pet owners evicting long-time tenants to free A few years ago, the Minnesota may not only experience the feeling of apartments for new occupants-and State Legislature passed a bill to safety by having a pet by their side, thus substantial rent increases. Some permit nursing homes to keep pets on but would-be muggers and criminals times-as in the case of Alice Marstel the premises. In Boston, the American may be warded off by the sight of a lar, a 77-year-old Florida woman who Humane Education Society and the dog with his master. For the disabled, actually lost her "will to live" after Junior League jointly developed and pets can aid in improving mobility being forced to surrender her beloved operate a pet adoption program which while also providing important protec terrier, Sparky-this results in death. has placed animals in 22 institutional tion from crime. In Arizona, a non Another case comes to mind of Frank, settings for the elderly. profit organization called Handi-Dogs a disabled senior citizen whose 9-year At this point, California has the provides training classes for deaf, dis old dog, Tammy. provided him with only State law establishing the rights abled, and senior citizens, in which the only companionship and exercise of elderly pet owners in housing or op they are taught to obedience train for a man confined to a wheelchair in erated by any public agency-city, their dogs for companionship, protec a second floor apartment. When State or Federal. Several other tion, and assistance. These dogs are Frank's building turned condominium, States-Connecticut, New York, Mary- e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. February 10, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2069 land, and New Jersey have all intro Professor emeritus Boris Levinson is a pio Twenty-eight percent confide in them and duced legislation but none have been neer in the study of the human/companion talk about their day. Seventy-eight percent successful as of yet. Media also has animal bond at Yeshiva University in New say animals understand them and are sensi become involved with this issue. A York City. He believes that animal compan tive to their moods and feelings. One ions are crucial to older people. woman says very seriously. "After God, my recent "60 Minutes" segment was de "A person may find himself in a situation dachshund is my best friend." She means it. voted to the idea of pets being used for where he has lost his family and friends," According to author Patricia Curtis, "A therapy, and a recent made-for-televi says Levinson. "He may have retired. The pet is uncritical. The dog or cat loves you sion movie was aired about Skeezer, a woman no longer has a household to run. whether you're tall, short, fat, thin, strong dog who helped mentally disturbed The concept of a worthwhile individual may or weak." children find themselves. deteriorate. This loss of self-approval, com Curtis adds, "People depend on pets as pounded by loneliness, may create consider much as pets depend on people. It's some A resolution allowing the elderly and able havoc with the personality." disabled to keep pets in federally times easier to trust affection from a pet." Levinson also believes that interaction Dr. Anna Cain of the University of Mary funded housing was passed during the with pets can retard the aging process. land conducted a survey of people's reac 1981 White House Conference on Joe Bridges is a typical example. He walks tions to their pets. She learned that 87 per Aging. The resolution, which supports his Irish setter daily and has improved his cent considered pets members of the family, my bill, was passed by a near 2-to-1 own health as a result.