Valentines 34, an Inseparable Companion O[ J Ki N (Lluiinl Ll!L1 1 T !> S Wrolc Ws Id
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wrvar Advertising in "Tfee A-Ivcr i*inf' la "Tfae Leader" u "Miking .sad"" U "M your business safe for THE WESTFIELD LEADER Four butine*i •«f e far THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR—NO. 21 (HELP KEEP WESTFIELD A CLEAN CITY) WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1925 (BOOST WESTKIELD TODAY AND EVERYDAY) 12 P»ge*~ 5 cents WESTFIELD TO HELP THIEVES THEN TO t- MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION ELIZABETH COURT! TO THE PEOPLE OF WESTFIELD: NEAR EAST SUNDAY Chief Rosecrans Discovers Sta- [ On Sunday next an appeal for the orphan children in the care uf the Near East Relief, will be made in Westfield. ten Island Owners of Represeniatives from Churches to Call at Each Home tor The unselfish and effective work done by the Near East Relief Jewelry i should appeal to every person in our Town. Since the dose of Contributions. Keep Up Work of Helping the World War the Near East Relief has saved over one and one- LONG POLICE RECORDS Needy Children half millions from death, including two hundred thousand children. A great number of orphan children are without food, clothing and The three men that are alleged to shelter, ready to succumb to the famine and pestilence which stalks have robbed two houses on Benson in the wake of the World War, unless help is forthcoming. place, on January 25, and who werej ILLUSTRATED LECTURE FRIDAY EVENING These little ones are helpless through no fault ot their own, captured by the Westfield Police and; . Continuous Existence and Surely, as we sit by our comfortable firesides during these cold were taken to the County jail at! winter evenings, the thought of little children hungry, shelterless brought hero before the local court,; and poorly clothed, should inspire us to contribute to tho Near Elizabeth last Thursday, where they: , The existence of The Wcstfleld Trust Company Plans have been completed by the Near East Relief ia doing in molding East Relief. Westfleld Near East Committee for plastic little lives for usefulness to will await, trial by jury. It is under- j ia continuous—and this is an important point presentation of the cause of 41,000 their native country. All these chil- 1 realize that many and worthy demands are being made upon stood that there will be little difficult to consider when appointing an Executor of motherles3 and fatherless little chil- dren have been removed from Turkey our people, but I know that Westfield has always been ready to ty in convictng two of the men who| help the poor and the needy, and I sincerely hope that all will freely were found with the jewelry on their your will. The individual Executor may die dren in Bible Lands to the people of and now have permanent protection give to the Near East Relief and thereby rescue many little ones before the estate is settled. Westfield. The situation of these in Christian Armenia, Greece and whose lot has been thrown in lands afflicted by pestilence and famine. person. children is serious. They have been Syria. Chief Rosecrans, aa soon ns the Let us give life and not death to the little ones in the Near men were captured, communicated • We cordially invite you to consult ua about any saved from death by America, and rn addition to the 41,000 children East, who hold out their hands to us! now that they have been feaved they under complete care in the American j with the police of Newark and Rhode I trust matter. are confronted by the problem of the Institutions who look to us for their WILLIAM M. BEARD, Island. It was found that both of immediate future. Has America very existence, their are 10,000 homo- Mayor. the men had long records in the an-[ saved them only to let them go at i orphan children huddled in Salon- j nals of Providence. The fellow who css Rave his numo ns Douglas Anthony this time? Unless they are cared iea under unspeakable conditions asj jBfosiffeKi tet (tompatnj | for during the next year or two they the reeulut of the great forced Chris- is in reality Anthony Oliver and is will sink back into a condition of tian evacuation of Greeks and Ar- known in the Providence County WESTFIELD.N.J, m beggary and destitution which would meniana from Turkey, to Greece fol- Jail as No. 43I5G, It is also under- BDY SCOOTS SHOW SCHOOL ELECTION TO stood that he has a record with Ihej The Oldest ultimately force them into a life of lowing the Turkish victory at Smyrna, Montclntr police and communications! pagan immorality. Over a million people have been saved are in progress on this point. The! Westfield has helped save some of from death, including 200,000 chil- PROGRESS IN 1924 BE ON FEBRUARY 10 other, who claimed his name is' these children and has brought them dren of tender years as the result of j Richard Hurley, ia Timothy Khugrue, through the dark period in their lit- the American aid in the Near East, Six Troop* to Participate in Budget for Year 1925-26 to bewith jail number 3224. I tie lives when all the world seemed This work is being constantly cur- Big Activities of Anni- Approved and Members of against them, and now that they have tailed. A little over a year ago 00,- Oliver's record dates over n period reuched a point where it is possible 000 children were being cured for. versary Week Board Elected of seventeen years, and his first act; to put them out into the life of their This number has been reduced by of lawlessness happened when ho was GRAND RALLY FEB. 13 ten years old. Shuprue began his 28,000.00 To Loan WICK EXPLAINS BUDGET earner at the ago of fifteen. Terry, | the third member of tho trio, has no » Westfield Boy Scouts during the The annual school election will bo polic5 11 1e3 record. Tho Moon past year, have justified their exis- held next Tuesday from 7.SO until i' " - 'vtum. tni! ivjoon car, to We have a client who has $24,000 to loan on First tence. Backed by their fathers, who 9 ^p. m. at the Grunt, Lincoln, ,, I which he claimed ownership, was Mortgage on Westfield property. realizing the need of an organiza- Klnley and High a< tion to foster tho movement, formed citizens will have a Will divide to suit your need in amounts from $2,000 the "Dads' Association of the Boypass on tho annual c Scouts of Westfield," the Scout chnscd the car on the installment to fill vacancies on tho Board made by plan from Frank Crook, a denier of to $7,500. Troops have become permanently or- tho expiration of terms of Mrs, Anna ganized. Pawtucket, R. I., and although ho had Rosa Taylor, Thomas R. Tate and turned in his old car, had neglected ?4,000 will be placed on second mortgage. Anniversary Week of tho Boy Fred G. Smith. to pay any installments on the new Scouts of America, in 1924 found 1 The school budget totals $272,450, j n iff Ann Ann n il ' v»«> onerttLuiuu. According to the Rhode Island Westfii'ld with five troops, poorly or- OFFICE; of which $08 000 comes from fl»|taw he ha(i m to tirivo the car fDay-168 ganised and under strength both in state and as tuition for frofrom || Second Floor lenders and in boys; an infant organ- | out flf ttha BtBt(J umi, h(J , f Tel-l Night-1037 Panwood, Scotch Mains and Moun-;u> Th ization without bucking or support. talnsido, and $204,450 must be raised 214 East Broad St. l.Night-91-W This Anniversary Week finds the elx Thursday to Edward J. Donovan who 2,200 Children Whom We.lficld hai Helped to Save by local taxation. Tho entire bud- represented Crook. troops fully organized and recruited, Bet will be found on page 12. respective countries to become a great 19,000, clearly showing what won- with interested leaders and Scouts, President HI C. Wck of the Board H.rb«rt R. Welch, Pr««. A. M. Sorter, Tmt, influence for good and a living me- derful progress has been made in and a live organization of fathers In- )f Education stated last night: "While | Jail./ When •Jftmes M* Squler, Secretary morial to the generosity and farplacin- g children in homes or in posi- terested in, and working with their they loft Provic'ence they had three the trustees havo made every effort women in the car with them, but up Protecting Westfield Property for over $8,000,000.00 sightedness of their American friends, tions of self-support. boys, to teach them better citizenship. to cut down the amount of the bud- Westfield, it is hoped will see them Over a hundred volunteer workers It ia not alone In number that our to the present time tho women have, let and eliminate unnecessary expend- not been located. Perry is so im-|\i through until it is assured that our on Sunday, February 8th, will call organization has bettered, but in theiture, nevertheless they feel that it past investments will not be thrown at every home in Westfield for the plicated with the other twe that in advancement in Scouting and the re-Is not economy to allow the valuable all likelihood ho will receive the same away. purpose of receiving pledges and con- quirements of Scout work. By properties under their control to fall is represented in this punishment that will be ffiven to the Weatfield tributions for the support of these Iarge mRjorityi our boys havo put into a state of disrepair or to place others.