MAGICAL This year’s Magical Molesey will be on Thursday November 24, The Molesey News 5.30pm in Walton Road. Come and see the Christmas lights, meet Santa and support our local Voice of the Molesey Conservative Residents Nov/Dec 2011 shops and stalls. See you there!

Editor: Steve Bax | Email: [email protected] | Web: | Twitter: @MoleseySteve

HELLO AND A Car park empty, streets full WARM WELCOME AST Molesey residents have complained of their Estreets being ‘clogged up’ by shopper and commuter cars, while the town centre car park lays virtually empty. The problem is said to be particu- larly acute in narrow School Road, but The Molesey News has heard accounts of people being unable HELLO and welcome to this to get out of drives or park outside second edition of The Molesey their homes in Hansler Grove and News, the voice of the Conserv- Palace, Wolsey and Matham roads. ative Party in Molesey. Meanwhile the 138-space Walton I am Steve Bax, editor of this Road car park is still being under- publication, and a prospective used on weekdays, despite a reduc- councillor for East Molesey. tion in charges in recent years to Since the last edition I have 20p an hour or £2 for the day. been busy on residents’ behalf A School Road resident invited g A busy School Road and (inset) an addressing some of the issues fac- the Molesey Conservative Resi- ing our town, many of which are empty looking Walton Road car park. dents’ Steve Bax to walk the street featured in this edition. with him and see the problems over eight years and have learnt to count all 28 Elmbridge car parks, permit scheme for their street. They include concerns about there first hand. live with the problems. But other including Thamesmead - the free Mr Strachan said these typically the loss of our distinctive 20th He said: “The real problems residents seem to be getting miffed 21-space car park in Walton, the cost each home £50-a-year for one Century streetlights, outrageous started when the charge came into and are leaving notes on cars and borough covered its costs and made reserved parking bay or £70 for potholes in Hampton Court Av- effect in the Walton Road car park, getting grumpy.” a £950k profit in the last year. two, with the money covering the enue, and empty homes in a poor and we now have a glut of cars that He feels the solution is to restore Steve Bax said: “Free parking at costs and enforcement. state of repair. don’t belong to the street, who park the free parking at Walton Road, so Walton Road would give Molesey But he warned permits can result Plus of course the topic of our here on a regular basis. Steve contacted Elmbridge Coun- businesses a boost and address in an overall reduction in park- lead article - nuisance parking in “My wife and I have lived here cil’s head of parking services, John some of the antisocial parking that ing spaces and resentment from residential streets. If you have a Strachan, to discuss options. residents have complained about. residents at having to pay to park moment please visit The Molesey It transpires the car park generated “But we need to bear in mind that outside their own homes. News website and take part in Molesey Library £32,653 in the 2010/11 financial charges contribute to the running Molesey Conservatives would our online parking survey. seeking friends year, but its operating costs were costs of our car park, which other- like your views on the parking In October I met with the £48,664 (this includes business wise would have to be borne by all situation and all the possible organisers of Magical Molesey, rates, lighting, maintenance and council taxpayers – including those solutions. Please take part in our and agreed to help with publicity enforcement) resulting in a loss to who don’t drive.” survey at http://themoleseynews. for this in my capacity as a local the council of £16,011. An alternative to free parking is We’ll announce the journalist. However when you take into ac- for residents to request a parking results in the next Molesey News. I also joined the Molesey Li- brary Steering Committee (now relaunched as the friends of the Streetlight upgrade raises library) and set-up its website. The news that Molesey Library A FRIENDS group has been will continue to be run by the created to support Molesey County Council and with Library and find ways to fears over loss of heritage paid staff is very welcome and is increase its usage. WORK is under-way in Molesey to replace all or- Steve Bax of the Molesey Conservative Residents a relief for users. It follows the very welcome ange glow street lamps with modern energy-efficient said: “We welcome the opportunity for the county to Jolly Boatman news that Surrey County Coun- white lamps, but concerns are being raised over the reduce its carbon output and save taxpayers millions I was delighted to receive many cil has changed its mind about loss of the town’s distinctive 20th Century posts. in electricity payments. But in looking to the future we emails and letters in response to ‘closing’ our local library and Surrey County Council has shouldn’t abandon our past. the first Molesey News, with most re-launching it as a volunteer- agreed a 25-year deal with its “The lamp-posts from saying how much they enjoyed it. run service. contractor Skanska to replace, Palace Road to Spring A subject that came up a lot The U-turn was announced by upgrade and maintain 89,000 Gardens, Bell Road to Vine was was the hotel, retail and Rose Wilson, head of the library streetlights across all 11 Surrey Road are good examples of homes development planned for service, at a meeting with the boroughs. early 20th Century street the ‘Jolly Boatman’ site opposite library steering committee of The project is being financed architecture and design and . concerned local residents. by a Government grant and is greatly enhance the character I am happy to state my posi- She suggested the change of intended to save 60,000 tonnes of those streets. It is worth tion which is that I do not think heart may have been due to the of carbon across the county and exploring all options to see the current scheme is right for distance to alternative branches, ‘at least £12 million’. if the existing columns can this site. I support the aspiration as well as the fact that Molesey The new lamp-posts will use be retained, cleaned-up and of the people of Molesey for the Library is larger than the 10 mobile phone technology to upgraded with the new heads Boatman area to become an open others due to become volunteer- communicate with a central if possible.” space which compliments the managed. It also has 1,000 more computer in Guildford, allow- After making enquiries the Palace and enhances the view of active borrowers than the next ing faults to be automatically Molesey Conservative Resi- it from our side of the river. biggest library. detected and for the lights to dents were told by the county With the exit of the Star & Gar- The meeting resolved to form be dimmed remotely to save council that “upgrading the ter care home from the scheme, I a ‘Friends of Molesey Library’ electricity. old high level gas service hope there will be some scope for group chaired by residents The white lamps are also said columns is not something we the developer to rethink its plans James Moore and Peter Ellis. to deter criminals by illuminat- could consider”. and come back with a scheme Mr Moore said: “A strong and ing the streets better, and create They say energy suppliers that Molesey can support. active Friends organisation will less glare into homes. will no longer work on the I believe our town needs a voice be critical in developing the pro- The Molesey News understands that posts under 15- older columns on health and safety grounds, and claim within the majority Conserva- file of the library and avoiding years-old will have their heads swapped, but around posts would need to be transported to the North of tive group at Elmbridge Council future threats. 70,000 older posts will be uprooted entirely. England to be upgraded, at a cost of £3,000 to £4,000 to ensure its views on planning “Some areas of activity will In conservation areas such as Molesey’s Kent Town per column, rather than carrying out upgrades at street matters such as the Boatman are include outreach work involving (encompassing Palace Road and other streets close to level. properly heard. schools and other community Hampton Court) Surrey plans to install ‘heritage style’ The MCR is working with local residents to investi- If elected a councillor in the groups, events linked to the swan-necked lamp-posts, although residents will be gate other alternatives, but we want to hear your views. future I would do just that. library and input to the facilities consulted on their preferred choice of heritage design. What do you think? Should Molesey’s older style Finally I would like to offer you and services provided.” People living outside the conservation area will be lamp-posts be saved or should the modern replace- and your family my very best For more on the Friends see able club together if they wish to pay the extra £150 ments be embraced? Email MoleseySteve@gmail. wishes for a Merry Christmas per post for a swan neck design. com or post your views on our website. and a Happy New Year! Making homes greener and affordable COMMUNITY LMBRIDGE councillor James Browne NEWS has been speaking to The Molesey News THE 3rd Molesey Scouts will Eabout the major housing challenges host another extra special facing our borough. Santa’s Grotto on the weekend Cllr Browne is the Conservative councillor for of December 10 and 11. Cobham Fairmile and has been the Elmbridge For £5 children can meet Fa- Cabinet member with responsibility for housing ther Christmas and receive a for 18 months – a role he is especially suited to quality toy, then step through given his background as a barrister specialising the doors into a ‘magical won- in landlord/tenant disputes. derland’ - where past themes He says his two biggest challenges at the mo- have included the Wizard of ment are increasing the availability of affordable Oz and fairytale adventures. homes, and helping those who could find them- This year’s theme is ‘top se- selves unable to pay the rent due to a national cret’ according to the organis- cut in housing benefits. ers but the set and scenery has Cllr Browne said: “It used to be that the Gov- been months in the making. ernment paid up to a maximum of 50% of the The grotto is at hut in St market rent as housing benefit, but since April Peter’s Road, West Molesey, this has dropped to 30%. Our fear is that there from 1pm to 4pm. Call Emma will be an increase in people in private sector g Councillor Browne pictured outside the eco-friendly new builds in Molesey’s Faraday Road on 07930 454675 to book. housing coming to us for help. So far it has only utilise renewable materials and contain environ- Cllr Browne said generally people look after been small and we have coped perfectly well, THE Molesey News understands mentally-friendly features such as solar panels their homes in Elmbridge, but the council can but if we get a tidal wave we could struggle.” that Surrey Police and the Envi- and heating systems that circulate warmth from serve notices on owners to upkeep their proper- The housing benefit bill in Elmbridge is around ronment Agency are in advanced bathrooms and kitchens to the rest of the home. ties, particularly if there is a health risk such as £40million a year with 1,322 claims in Molesey, talks about sharing a premises at Elmbridge has also joined forces with London- loose tiles or damp impacting on neighbours. and there are some 1,400 applicants on the wait- Molesey Lock. based Catalyst Housing to set-up a £1million pot Despite the need for more homes, Cllr Browne ing list for a home in Elmbridge. The plan would allow offic- of money to help local first time buyers to get on insists planning applications from developers Cllr Browne continued: “Our ers to continue to have a base the housing ladder here. will always be properly scrutinised, and opposed other big issue is to promote in Molesey once the station in “People in Elmbridge Buyers can apply for cash to- if councillors deem them inappropriate. the development of affordable Walton Road closes and they are wards their mortgage deposit and He said: “Planning is the biggest issue that housing. The major problem are very good at relocated to Civic Centre. this is repaid when they come to people contact us about, and people in Elm- in Elmbridge is that property In a possible sign of their clos- making their voices sell their home years later. bridge are very good at making their voices prices are so high that it makes er working ties, PC Ian Madelin heard when they Cllr Browne said: “So far 14 or heard when they don’t approve. it very difficult for key workers and the EA recently teamed up 15 applicants have been helped. “We don’t allow developers to do as they and families on low incomes to don’t approve” to tackle antisocial behaviour On average people stay in their please, but if all the developers walked away afford to live here.” from fishermen along the river. - Cllr James Browne homes for seven years, so the there would be a housing shortage and no money Through the council’s part- It follows complaints about hope is it won’t be long before in the pot for affordable housing or children’s ners, including Elmbridge Housing Trust, it has litter and tents being put up con- the scheme becomes self-financing.” playgrounds, and the housing market would brought 185 new homes on stream in the last trary to bylaws. Police, the EA Following the last edition of The Molesey stagnate.” financial year, up to April 2011, and expects to and the council have produced a News a resident got in touch for help regarding Do you have a housing question for Cllr create around 90 more by April 2012. leaflet for fishing tackle shops. New builds, such as the development in an empty home in Bell Road that was in a poor Browne? Email us at MoleseySteve@gmail. state of repair. com and we’ll pass it on. Faraday Road, West Molesey, will increasingly STICKING with the police, a reminder that there will be panel meetings in December Bikers boost Meals on Wheels Cameron backs local bid for residents to have a say on policing priorities. to get women into politics The first is at Mole Hall in ELMBRIDGE councillor Elise Bishop Fox Way, West Mole- Saunders is championing an sey, on December 7, 8.15pm, initiative to get more women and then at St Mary’s Church involved in politics. Hall in Bell Road, East Mole- The mother-of-four, who was sey, on December 20, 7.30pm. elected a Conservative councillor for & Stoke D’Arbernon THE Horse Rangers Association in May, has teamed up with local (HRA) has appealed for help to businesswomen to launch an Elm- get through difficult times. bridge chapter of the Conservative The charity based at the Royal Women’s Organisation. place where women can express Mews, Hampton Court, offers This is a national initiative sup- their opinions in a relaxed and riding classes to children, the ported by Prime Minister David welcoming environment and then disabled and vulnerable adults. Cameron, which arranges social perhaps get involved in activity But funds are tight due to the gatherings for women where they that can make a real beneficial VAT increase, a reduction in the can make new friends, share ideas, impact in our community.” Gift Aid charities can claim, and network and hear from influential To launch the Elmbridge CWO a price of hay doubling. REQUESTS for Elmbridge Conservative councillor Chris- guest speakers. Cllr Saunders will host an event at Director Jackie Bryans said: “When our hungry horses get Council’s Meals on Wheels are tine Elmer, the Elmbridge cabinet Cllr Saunders (pictured here with her home on the November 11. The guest speakers will be Tory through about 150 bales a up 83% after the service was member for Social Affairs, paid the PM) works in the acting indus- try and was introduced to politics MP and Transport Minister Theresa month, you can imagine how highlighted on the BBC’s Hairy tribute to the staff and volunteers in childhood when she presented Villiers, and Professor Tanya By- that adds up. It costs us £1,000 a Bikers programme. who took part in the programmes. flowers to the then Prime Minister ron, a psychologist, writer and me- month to get rid of what comes The bikers, real names David She said: “At Molesey as well Margaret Thatcher. dia personality, best known for her out the other end too!” Myers and Simon King (pictured as filming which took place over Speaking about the CWO she work as a child therapist on TV’s Helpers are producing hand- above with Elmbridge chief an extended period, they also said: “There are so many women Little Angels and The House of made cards and notebooks executive Rob Moran), visited the maintained the day to day service. who have political interests but are Tiny Tearaways. She also advises featuring the horses and ponies, Molesey Centre in School Road, “For the future, the aim is to not aware of any organisation that the Government on education. to sell at local events including East Molesey, where up-to 100 roll out ‘fresh’ menus across all offers the opportunity to discuss To attend this event or find out Magical Molesey on Nov. 24. fresh meals are prepared every centres once there are volunteers them and then to act on them. more about the CWO please email For further information, see day and delivered to elderly and in place with the preparation. “We aim to make this group a [email protected]. infirm residents. “The Hairy Bikers have offered They helped to modernise the their full ongoing support and our menu and raise awareness of the thanks go to them and the film We appreciate your feedback... What do you think of this newsletter? How can the Conservatives service and its constant need for company Optomen, for choos- Your name: make themselves more electable in Molesey? volunteers to deliver meals. ing Elmbridge and helping raise As a result of the series being awareness of volunteering.” Your address: broadcast in September and Octo- Users of the service pay £3.25 ber, Elmbridge received enquiries for a meal and can request a from 40 new potential volunteers supper too. Last year Elmbridge and a huge uptake in the service. delivered nearly 60,000 meals. Other councils are seeking to If you would like to find out Your email address: copy the borough’s model and more or can spare a bit of time it has even had emails from the to help deliver Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels Association of please call the volunteer coordi- Please tick if you would be willing to help deliver newsletters. America. nator on 01372 474552. Please detach and return by post to: Molesey Conservative Residents, c/o 2 Cambridge Road, West Molesey, KT8 2AU

The Molesey News, November-December 2011, published by Steve Bax, of 2 Cambridge Road, West Molesey, KT8 2AU on behalf of The Dittons & Molesey Conservative Association.