Transportation Analysis

Hidden Forest DRI# 1352 Cobb County,

Prepared for: The Pacific Group, Inc.

Prepared for: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Norcross, GA

ãKimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. October 2007 015972006 Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Project Description ...... 1 1.1 Introduction...... 1 1.2 Site Plan Review...... 1 1.3 Site Access...... 2 1.4 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities...... 2 1.5 Transit Facilities...... 3 2.0 Analyses Methodology and Assumptions...... 3 2.1 Growth Rate ...... 3 2.2 Traffic Data Collection ...... 4 2.3 Detailed Intersection Analysis ...... 5 3.0 Study Network...... 5 3.1 Gross Trip Generation ...... 5 3.2 Trip Distribution ...... 6 3.3 Level of Service Standards...... 6 3.4 Study Network Determination ...... 7 3.5 Existing Facilities ...... 8 3.6 Proposed Transportation Improvements...... 10 4.0 Trip Generation...... 10

5.0 Trip Distribution and Assignment ...... 11

6.0 Traffic Analysis ...... 11 6.1 Existing Traffic...... 11 6.2 2015 No-Build Traffic ...... 13 6.3 2015 “Build” Traffic...... 15 7.0 Identification of Programmed Projects ...... 21

8.0 Ingress/Egress Analysis...... 22

9.0 Internal Circulation Analysis...... 22

10.0 Compliance with Comprehensive Plan Analysis...... 22

11.0 Non-Expedited Criteria...... 23 11.1 Quality, Character, Convenience, and Flexibility of Transportation Options...... 23 11.2 Vehicle Miles Traveled...... 23 11.3 Relationship Between Location of Proposed DRI and Regional Mobility ...... 23 11.4 Relationship Between Proposed DRI and Existing or Planned Transit Facilities...... 24 11.5 Transportation Management Area Designation...... 24 11.6 Offsite Trip Reduction and Trip Reduction Techniques...... 24 11.7 Balance of Land Uses – Jobs/Housing Balance...... 24 11.8 Relationship Between Proposed DRI and Existing Development and Infrastructure ...... 24 12.0 Area of Influence...... 25 12.1 Criteria...... 25 12.2 Study Area Determination and Characteristics ...... 25 12.3 Development Housing Analysis...... 26 12.4 Affordable Housing Analysis...... 28 13.0 ARC’s Air Quality Benchmark...... 29

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LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1: Proposed Land Uses ...... 1 Table 2: Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI, Gross Trip Generation...... 6 Table 3: Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI, Net Trip Generation ...... 10 Table 4: Existing 2007 Intersection Levels of Service...... 12 Table 5: 2015 “No-Build” Intersection Levels of Service...... 14 Table 6: 2015 “No-Build” with Improvements Intersections Levels of Service...... 15 Table 7: 2015 “Build” Intersections Levels of Service ...... 17 Table 8: 2015 “Build” with Improvements Intersections Levels of Service ...... 18 Table 9: 2015 “Build” Intersections Levels of Service for Proposed Site Driveways ...... 19 Table 10: Census Tract Information...... 25 Table 11: Estimated Workers per Household...... 26 Table 12: AOI Jobs and Average Salaries...... 27 Table 13: Expected Workers ...... 28 Table 14: ARC VMT Reductions...... 29

LIST OF FIGURES Following Page Figure 1: Site Location ...... 1 Figure 2: Site Aerial...... 1 Figure 3: Site Plan...... 1 Figure 4A-C: Residential Distribution...... 11 Figure 5A-C: Non-Residential Distribution ...... 11 Figure 6A-C: Project Trips ...... 11 Figure 7A-C: Existing 2007 Conditions ...... 11 Figure 8A-C: Projected 2015 “No-Build” Conditions...... 13 Figure 9A-C: Projected 2015 “Build” Conditions...... 16 Figure 10: Programmed Improvements ...... 21 Figure 11: Area of Influence...... 25

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This report presents the analysis of the anticipated traffic impacts of a proposed 52.11-mixed-use development (Hidden Forest) located east of and west of Interstate 575 along Big Shanty Road, approximately 0.2 miles east of George Busbee Parkway, near the intersection of Big Shanty Road at Hidden Forest Court in Cobb County, Georgia. This report is being prepared as part of a submittal requesting rezoning from R-20 (Single Family Residential) to PVC (Planned Village Community). Because the mixed-use project will exceed 400,000 square feet, the proposed development is a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and is subject to Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) review. The Cobb County Future Land Use Plan identifies the area as Regional Activity Center. The proposed development is expected to consist of approximately 144,600 square feet of retail space, 143,000 square feet of office space, a 31,200 square foot church, 1,351 apartments, 248 condominium units, and 185 senior adult housing units. The development is scheduled to be completed over multiple phases with build-out by the year 2015. Based on the existing 2007 conditions, five of the study area intersections currently operate below the acceptable Level of Service standard (LOS D). It is important to note there is one programmed improvement project that will affect a few of the study intersections. The Big Shanty Road Extension (Phase I and Phase II) project includes the extension of Big Shanty Road from George Busbee Parkway to Chastain Road. This project has been designed and has a construction schedule start date of 2009. Per GRTA’s Letter of Understanding guidelines, the Big Shanty Road Extension project was included in the 2015 No-Build and 2015 Build Conditions Analysis. The results of the detailed intersection analysis for the 2015 No-Build and 2015 Build conditions identified improvements that will be necessary in order to maintain the Level of Service standard (LOS D or E) within the study network. These improvements are listed below:

2015 No-Build recommended improvements (includes background growth but does not include the Hidden Forest DRI project traffic):

Chastain Road @ George Busbee Parkway (Intersection #4) • No-Build LOS was within LOS standard; however based on the “no-build” volumes engineering judgment recommends dual lefts. Chastain Road @ Bells Ferry Road (Intersection #8) • Construct a westbound right-turn along Chastain Road (see programmed improvement #1 in Section 7.0 of this report). • Construct a northbound right-turn lane along Bells Ferry Road (see programmed improvement #1 in Section 7.0 of this report). George Busbee Parkway @ Busbee Drive (Intersection #9) • Install a traffic signal when warranted.

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Big Shanty Road @ Bells Ferry Road (Intersection #12) • Install a traffic signal when warranted. • Install split-phasing for the proposed traffic signal at the Big Shanty Road eastbound approach and the Kathryn Drive westbound approach or re-align the road to eliminate the offset. • Install protected/permissive left-turn phasing (green arrow) for the northbound approach. • Construct an eastbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. • Construct a southbound left-turn lane along Bells Ferry Road. Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 Southbound Ramps (Intersection #17) • Construct one additional westbound left-turn lane (creating dual left turn ) along Barrett Parkway. • Re-stripe the existing southbound approach geometry along the Interstate 575 Southbound Ramp as a separate left-turn lane, a shared left-turn/through/right-turn lane, and a separate right-turn lane. Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 Northbound Ramps (Intersection #18) • Construct one additional eastbound left-turn lane (creating dual left turn lanes) along Barrett Parkway. • Re-stripe the existing northbound approach geometry along the Interstate 575 Northbound Ramp as a separate left-turn lane, a shared left-turn/through/right-turn lane, and a separate right-turn lane. Barrett Parkway @ Chastain Meadows Parkway (Intersection #19) • Construct one additional southbound left-turn lane (creating dual left turn lanes) along Chastain Meadows Parkway. • Install protected/permissive left-turn phasing (green arrow) for the northbound approach. Barrett Parkway @ Bells Ferry Road (Intersection #20) • Construct a southbound through lane along Bells Ferry Road. • Construct a northbound through lane along Bells Ferry Road. • Construct a westbound through lane along Barrett Parkway. • Construct an eastbound through lane along Barrett Parkway. Chastain Road @ Big Shanty Road (Intersection #21) • Construct one additional westbound left-turn lane (creating dual left turn lanes) along Big Shanty Road. • Construct an eastbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road.

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2015 Build recommended improvements (2015 No-Build conditions plus the Hidden Forest DRI project traffic): (Note: These improvements are in addition to the 2015 No-Build recommended improvements.)

Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 Southbound Ramps (Intersection #5) • Construct an eastbound through lane along Chastain Road. George Busbee Parkway @ Big Shanty Road (Intersection #10) • Construct a westbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. Barrett Parkway @ George Busbee Parkway (Intersection #16) • Construct a westbound through lane along Barrett Parkway. • Install permissive/overlapped right-turn phasing (green arrow) for the southbound approach.

The following intersection geometry and improvements are recommended at the project site driveways and internal intersections (Note: The attached site plan includes these improvements):

Big Shanty Road @ Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (Intersection #22) • Install a traffic signal when warranted. • Construct a westbound left-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. • Construct an eastbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. • Install a northbound left-turn lane in median along Town Center – Big Shanty Connector. Reserve width to allow for possible through lane exiting the site for future conditions beyond the 2015 Build-out year. Town Center Drive @ Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (Intersection #23) • Re-stripe the existing westbound approach geometry along Town Center Drive as a separate left-turn lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. • Re-stripe the existing eastbound approach geometry along Town Center Drive as a separate left-turn lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. • Construct a southbound left-turn lane along Town Center – Big Shanty Connector • Construct a southbound shared through/right-turn lane along Town Center – Big Shanty Connector. • * At un-signalized intersections, it is not uncommon for side-street traffic to experience delays at an intersection with a major street. To satisfy GRTA’s level-of-service ‘D’ standard, an all-way stop should be considered if warranted. Big Shanty Road @ Proposed Right-in/Right-out Driveway #1 (Intersection #25) • Construct an eastbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. Big Shanty Road @ Proposed Right-in/Right-out Driveway #2 (Intersection #26) • Construct an eastbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road.

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1.1 Introduction This report presents the analysis of the anticipated traffic impacts of a proposed 52.11-mixed-use development (Hidden Forest) located east of Interstate 75 and west of Interstate 575 along Big Shanty Road, approximately 0.2 miles east of George Busbee Parkway, near the intersection of Big Shanty Road at Hidden Forest Court in Cobb County, Georgia. This report is being prepared as part of a submittal requesting rezoning from R-20 (Single Family Residential) to PVC (Planned Village Community). Because the mixed-use project will exceed 400,000 square feet, the proposed development is a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and is subject to Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) review. The Cobb County Future Land Use Plan identifies the area as Regional Activity Center. The proposed development is expected to consist of approximately 144,600 square feet of retail space, 143,000 square feet of office space, a 31,200 square foot church, 1,351 apartments, 248 condominium units, and 185 senior adult housing units. The development is scheduled to be completed over multiple phases with build-out by the year 2015. A summary of the proposed land-use and densities can be found below in Table 1.

Table 1 Proposed Land Uses Retail Space 144,600 SF Office Space 143,000 SF Church 31,200 SF Apartments 1,351 Units Residential Condominium Units 248 Units Senior Adult Housing - Attached 185 Units

Figure 1 and Figure 2 provide a location map and an aerial photograph of the site.

1.2 Site Plan Review The project site is located west of Interstate 75 and east of Interstate 575 along Big Shanty Road. The proposed site is bound by Interstate 575 to the east, / Town Center Mall/ Movie Theater to the south, existing townhomes/ retail to the west and office to the north. The development plan consists of a mix of uses including retail, office, restaurant, and residential uses. A parkway passes through the site from north to south, connecting the Town Center Mall northern entrance to Big Shanty Road. The existing site is currently low density residential. Figure 3 is a small-scale copy of the site plan. A full-size site plan consistent with GRTA’s Site Plan Guidelines is also being submitted as part of the Review Package.

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Proposed Site

Hidden Forest DRI Figure Site Location Transportation Analysis 1 d oa n R tai as







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Figure Hidden Forest DRI Site Aerial Transportation Analysis 2 Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

1.3 Site Access Vehicular access to the development is proposed at five locations. Three driveways are proposed along Big Shanty Road, one along George Busbee Parkway and one along Town Center Drive. • Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (Intersection #22), located along Big Shanty Road, is proposed to be a full-movement signalized driveway at the existing location of Big Shanty Road and Hidden Forest Court located approximately 1,100 feet east of the existing signalized intersection of Big Shanty Road and George Busbee Parkway. Upon build-out of the site, this road is referred to as Town Center – Big Shanty Connector • Proposed Driveway #1 (Intersection #25), located along Big Shanty Road, is proposed to be a restricted movement (right-in/ right-out) unsignalized driveway located approximately 800 feet east of the existing signalized intersection of Big Shanty Road and George Busbee Parkway. • Proposed Driveway #2 (Intersection #26), located along Big Shanty Road, is proposed to be a restricted movement (right-in/ right-out) unsignalized driveway located approximately 1,400 feet east of the existing signalized intersection of Big Shanty Road and George Busbee Parkway. • Mall Driveway/future Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (Intersection #23), located along Town Center Drive, is proposed to be a full-movement unsignalized driveway at the existing location of Mall Driveway and Town Center Drive located approximately 750 feet east of the existing signalized intersection of George Busbee Parkway and Town Center Drive. Upon build-out of the site, this road is referred to as Town Center – Big Shanty Connector. • George Busbee Parkway/ Retail Driveway (Intersection #13) connection is proposed to connect to the existing retail driveway approximately 300 feet east of the existing signalized intersection of George Busbee Parkway and Retail Driveway.

1.4 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities No sidewalks currently exist along Big Shanty Road parallel to the proposed development, however, approximately 250 feet west of the property line begins sidewalk and other pedestrian facilities along the south side of Big Shanty Road. Pedestrian facilities currently exist along both sides of George Busbee Parkway and along the south side of Town Center Drive in the vicinity of the proposed mixed-use development. The proposed development will provide sidewalks and trails for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The retail and residential portions of the development are proposed to be connected by sidewalks to potentially reduce the amount of vehicular traffic internal to the site. The proposed development will provide pedestrian access in accordance with Cobb County development requirements. Additionally, the programmed GDOT Project #0004511 is expected to develop a multi-use trail which will be a continuation of the Mountain to River trail at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park to Bells Ferry Road. A portion of the trail follows along side Noonday Creek right through the proposed site providing a scenic area to walk or bike and an enhanced pedestrian environment.

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1.5 Transit Facilities The proposed development is located within the Town Center Area Community Improvement District and Cobb Rides Transportation Management Association. There are at least four (4) bus stops located within a mile of the proposed development. One is located on Big Shanty Road just west of the proposed site entrance and three (3) are located on George Busbee Parkway. A Cobb County Transit Park and Ride Lot is located off Busby Drive less than a mile from the proposed site. See the attached route maps for detailed route descriptions. Cobb Community Transit (CCT) Route 10C operates from Town Center to Marta Arts Center via Marietta Transfer Center (MTC). The PM (Outbound) trips will begin at the Town Center Mall stop located at JC Penney, stopping only at the MTC and ending at the MARTA Arts Center station. CCT Route 40 passes to the west of the site along George Busbee Parkway. This route operates from Marietta to Kennesaw State University via Bells Ferry Road and George Busbee Parkway, with stops in the Town Center Mall area. CCT Route 45 passes in front of the proposed development along Big Shanty Road and to the west of the development along George Busbee Parkway. This route operates from Marietta to Town Center Mall area via U.S. 41 and Ernest Barrett Parkway, with access to Chastain Meadows Industrial Park and Kennesaw State University CCT Route 481 outbound operates express service from the Children’s Health Care Center, adjacent to the Busbee Park and Ride Lot. Route 481 will travel to three MARTA stations, MARTA Civic Center, MARTA Arts Center, and MARTA Midtown (10th Street).


2.1 Growth Rate Background traffic is defined as expected traffic on the roadway network in future year(s) absent the construction and opening of the proposed project. Historical traffic count data from the Georgia DOT was reviewed for the area surrounding the proposed development, and growth rates of 3.0% per year along all roadways were agreed upon in the GRTA Letter of Understanding. No traffic from other developments will be included in the analysis, as agreed to in the GRTA Letter of Understanding.

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2.2 Traffic Data Collection Year 2007 peak hour turning movement counts were conducted at 21 intersections between 7:30-9:30 AM and 4:30-6:30 PM on May 22, 2007 and May 24, 2007. The morning and afternoon peak hours varied between the twenty-one intersections: Year 2007 peak hour turning movement counts were conducted at 2 intersections between 7:00-9:00 AM and 4:30-6:30 PM in September of 2007 to account for the Big Shanty Road extension. The morning and afternoon peak hours varied between the two intersections: o Chastain Road @ Interstate 75 Southbound Ramps (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:00-6:00) o Chastain Road @ Interstate 75 Northbound Ramps (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:00-6:00) o Chastain Road @ Busbee Drive (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:00-6:00) o Chastain Road @ George Busbee Parkway (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:00-6:00) o Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 Southbound Ramps (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 4:45-5:45) o Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 Northbound Ramps (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:00-6:00) o Chastain Road @ Chastain Meadows Parkway (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:00-6:00) o Chastain Road @ Bells Ferry Road (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:00-6:00) o George Busbee Parkway @ Busbee Drive (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:00-6:00) o George Busbee Parkway @ Big Shanty Road (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:15-6:15) o Big Shanty Road @ Chastain Meadows Parkway (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 4:30-5:30) o Big Shanty Road @ Bells Ferry Road (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 4:45-5:45) o George Busbee Parkway @ Retail Driveway (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:00-6:00) o Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 75 Southbound Ramps (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 4:45-5:45) o Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 75 Northbound Ramps (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:30-6:30) o Barrett Parkway @ George Busbee Parkway (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 5:15-6:15) o Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 Southbound Ramps (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 4:45-5:45) o Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 Northbound Ramps (AM Peak 8:30-9:30, PM Peak 5:30-6:30) o Barrett Parkway @ Chastain Meadows Parkway (AM Peak 7:45-8:45, PM Peak 5:00-6:00) o Barrett Parkway @ Bells Ferry Road (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 4:30-5:30) o Big Shanty Road @ Hidden Forest Court (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 4:30-5:30) o Chastain Road @ Big Shanty Road NW/ Town Point NW (AM Peak 7:30-8:30, PM Peak 4:45-5:45) o Chastain Road @ Barrett Lakes Boulevard NW (AM Peak 7:15-8:15, PM Peak 4:45-5:45) o Town Center Drive @ Mall Driveway (AM Peak 8:30-9:30, PM Peak 5:15-6:15)

All raw count data is available upon request.

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2.3 Detailed Intersection Analysis Level-of-service (LOS) is used to describe the operating characteristics of a road segment or intersection in relation to its capacity. LOS is defined as a qualitative measure that describes operational conditions and motorists perceptions within a traffic stream. The Highway Capacity Manual defines six levels of service, LOS A through LOS F, with A being the best and F being the worst. Level of service analyses were conducted at all intersections within the study network using Synchro Professional, Version 6.0. Levels of service for signalized intersections are reported for the intersection as a whole. One or more movements at an intersection may experience a low level of service, while the intersection as a whole may operate acceptably. Levels of service for unsignalized intersections, with stop control on the minor street only, are reported for the side street approaches. Low levels of service for side street approaches are not uncommon, as vehicles may experience delay in turning onto a major roadway.


3.1 Gross Trip Generation The proposed development is expected to consist of approximately 144,600 square feet of retail space, 143,000 square feet of office space, a 31,200 square foot church, 1,351 apartments, 248 condominium units, and 185 senior adult housing units. The development is scheduled to be completed over multiple phases with build-out by the year 2015.

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Traffic for the various land uses was calculated using trip generation equations and rates contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, Seventh Edition, 2003. Gross trips generated are displayed below in Table 2.

Table 2 Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI Gross Trip Generation

ITE Daily Traffic AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Code Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Build-Out (Year 2015)

1,351 Units Apartment 220 4,135 4,135 133 533 495 266

248 Units Residential 230 695 695 18 89 85 42 Condominium/Townhouse

185 Units Senior Adult Housing - 252 322 322 7 8 12 8 Attached 31,200 SF Church 560 142 142 12 10 11 10 143,000 SF General Office 710 878 878 220 30 41 198 Building 144,600 SF Retail 820 4,316 4,316 119 76 384 415

Total 10,488 10,488 509 746 1,028 939

3.2 Trip Distribution The directional distribution and assignment of new project trips was based on the project land use, a review of land use densities in the area, combined with engineering judgment and discussions with staff at the Pre- Application meeting.

3.3 Level of Service Standards For the purposes of this traffic analysis, a level of service standard of D was assumed for all intersections and segments within the study network. If, however, an intersection or segment currently operates at LOS E or LOS F during an existing peak period, the LOS standard for that peak period becomes LOS E, consistent with GRTA’s Letter of Understanding.

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3.4 Study Network Determination A general study area was determined using the 7% rule. This rule recommends that all intersections and segments be analyzed which are impacted to the extent that the traffic from the proposed site is 7% or more of the Service Volume of the facility (at a previously established LOS standard) be considered for analysis. This general study area was refined during the Pre-Application meeting, and includes the following intersections:

o Chastain Road @ Interstate 75 Southbound Ramps o Chastain Road @ Interstate 75 Northbound Ramps o Chastain Road @ Busbee Drive o Chastain Road @ George Busbee Parkway o Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 Southbound Ramps o Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 Northbound Ramps o Chastain Road @ Chastain Meadows Parkway o Chastain Road @ Bells Ferry Road o George Busbee Parkway @ Busbee Drive o George Busbee Parkway @ Big Shanty Road o Big Shanty Road @ Chastain Meadows Parkway o Big Shanty Road @ Bells Ferry Road o George Busbee Parkway @ Retail Driveway o Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 75 Southbound Ramps o Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 75 Northbound Ramps o Barrett Parkway @ George Busbee Parkway o Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 Southbound Ramps o Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 Northbound Ramps o Barrett Parkway @ Chastain Meadows Parkway o Barrett Parkway @ Bells Ferry Road o Chastain Road @ Big Shanty Road NW/ Town Point NW o Big Shanty Road @ Town Center – Big Shanty Connector All twenty-two intersections were analyzed for the weekday AM and PM peak hour.

Each of the above listed intersections was analyzed for the Existing 2007 Condition, the 2015 “No-Build” Condition, and the 2015 “Build” Condition. The 2015 “No-Build” condition represents the existing traffic volumes grown at 3.0% per year for eight years. The 2015 “Build” condition adds the projected trips associated with the Hidden Forest Mixed Use development to the 2015 “No-Build” condition.

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Additionally, the proposed intersection listed below was only analyzed for the 2015 “No-Build” Condition and the 2015 “Build” Condition: o Barrett Lakes Boulevard NW @ Big Shanty Road (Extension) Additionally, the proposed site driveway listed below was only analyzed for the 2015 “Build” Condition: o Town Center Drive @ Mall Driveway / Town Center – Big Shanty Connector o Big Shanty Road @ Proposed right-in / right-out Driveway #1 o Big Shanty Road @ Proposed right-in / right-out Driveway #2 These intersections were analyzed for the weekday AM and PM peak hour conditions.

3.5 Existing Facilities

George Busbee Parkway is a four-lane roadway that extends from Barrett Parkway to Wade Green Road. George Busbee Parkway is classified as an urban collector street by GDOT and as an arterial by Cobb County. The posted speed limit along George Busbee Parkway is 45 MPH. Big Shanty Road is a two-lane undivided roadway that extends from its intersection with George Busbee Parkway east, under I-575, extending to where it intersects with Bells Ferry Road. Big Shanty Road is classified as an urban local street by GDOT and as a major collector by Cobb County. The posted speed limit along Big Shanty Road is 35 MPH. A driveway currently exists along Big Shanty Road at the location of Hidden Forest Court OR future Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (Intersection #22). Busbee Drive is a two-lane undivided roadway that extends from its intersection with George Busbee Parkway just south of Chastain Road, turning into a four-lane undivided roadway, and extending to George Busbee Parkway just north of Chastain Road. Busbee Drive is classified as an urban local arterial by GDOT and a major collector by Cobb County. The posted speed limit along Busbee Drive is 40 MPH. Interstate 575 is a four-lane divided roadway that is classified as an urban interstate principal arterial by GDOT. The posted speed limit along Interstate 575 is 65 MPH. I-575 has a north-south orientation and extends from its intersection with Interstate 75, passing to the east of the project site, traveling north to the Georgia/Tennessee state line. Interstate 75 is a six-lane divided roadway that is classified as an urban interstate principal arterial by GDOT. The posted speed limit along I-75 is 65 MPH. I-75 has a north-south orientation and passes to the west of the project site. Chastain Road is a six-lane divided roadway that extends from its intersection with Cobb Parkway to its intersection with Bells Ferry Road where it turns into New Chastain Road. Chastain Road is classified as an urban minor arterial by GDOT and an arterial by Cobb County. The posted speed limit along Chastain Road is 45 MPH. Chastain Meadows Parkway is a four-lane divided roadway that extends from its intersection with Barrett Parkway to its intersection with Chastain Road. Chastain Meadows Parkway is classified as an urban local street by GDOT and an arterial by Cobb County. The posted speed limit along Chastain Meadows Parkway is 45 MPH. Bells Ferry Road NE is a two-lane undivided roadway that extends from the City of Marietta to north of the project site. Bells Ferry Road NE is classified as an urban collector street by GDOT and an arterial by Cobb County. The posted speed limit along Bells Ferry Road NE is 45 MPH.

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North Cobb Parkway NW is a four-lane divided roadway that typically travels parallel to Interstate 75. North Cobb Parkway NW is classified as an urban minor arterial by GDOT and an arterial by Cobb County. The posted speed limit along North Cobb Parkway NW is 45 MPH. Barrett Parkway is a six-lane divided roadway from its intersection with Cobb Parkway to its intersection with Bells Ferry Road. Barrett Parkway is classified as an urban principal arterial by GDOT and an arterial by Cobb County. The posted speed limit along Barrett Parkway is 35 MPH in some locations and 45 MPH in other locations.

The table below summarizes the existing facilities in the vicinity of the proposed Hidden Forest development.

Posted Cobb County Number GDOT Functional Functional Roadway Speed Limit of Lanes Classification Classification (MPH) George Busbee 4-Lane 45 Urban Collector Street Arterial Parkway

Big Shanty Road 2-Lane Undivided 35 Urban Local Street Major Collector

Busbee Drive 2/4-Lane Divided 40 Urban Local Arterial Major Collector

Urban Interstate Interstate 575 4-Lane Divided 65 Interstate Principal Arterial Urban Interstate Interstate 75 6-Lane Divided 65 Interstate Principal Arterial

Chastain Road 6-Lane Divided 45 Urban Minor Arterial Arterial

Chastain Meadows 4-Lane Divide 45 Urban Local Street Arterial Parkway Bells Ferry Rd 2-Lane Undivided 45 Urban Collector Street Arterial NE N Cobb Parkway 4-Lane Divided 45 Urban Minor Arterial Arterial NW

Barrett Parkway 6-Lane Divided 35/45 Urban Principal Arterial Arterial

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3.6 Proposed Transportation Improvements

Section 7.0 lists twelve proposed roadway projects and pedestrian/bicycle improvements in the area. It is important to note there is one programmed improvement project that will affect two of the study intersections. The Big Shanty Road Extension (Phase I and Phase II) project includes the extension of Big Shanty Road from George Busbee Parkway to Chastain Road. This project is in the design phase and has a construction schedule start date of 2009. Per GRTA’s Letter of Understanding guidelines, the Big Shanty Road Extension project was included in the 2015 “No-Build” and the 2015 “Build” conditions analysis.


As stated earlier, trips associated with the proposed development were estimated using the trip generation equations and rates contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, Seventh Edition, 2003. Mixed-Use reductions were taken and are expected to reduce the PM peak hour trips by 11.20% and daily new vehicle trips by 11.43%. Pass-by reductions were calculated according to the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, Second Edition, 2004 and GRTA guidelines. Based on a GRTA’s “Limit Test”, the total pass-by trips were limited to 10% of the adjacent roadway’s existing traffic volumes. Additionally, alternate mode reductions of 2% were taken per discussions with GRTA during the pre-application meeting due to the proximity of transit service. The total trips generated and analyzed in the report are listed below in Table 3.

Table 3 Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI Net Trip Generation Daily Traffic AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Build-Out (Year 2015) Gross Trips 10,488 10,488 509 746 1,028 939

Mixed-Use Reductions -1183 -1183 -- -- -109 -109 Alternate Mode Reduction (2%) -186 -186 -9 -16 -19 -17 Pass-By Reductions (Retail Land Use only) -750 -750 -- -- -75 -75 New Trips 8,369 8,369 500 730 825 738

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New trips were distributed onto the roadway network using the percentages agreed to during the Pre-Application meeting. Figures 4A, 4B and 4C display the expected distribution percentages for the residential portions of the development throughout the roadway network. Figures 5A, 5B, and 5C displays the expected distribution percentages for the non-residential portions of the development throughout the roadway network. These percentages were applied to the new trips generated by the development (see Table 3, above), and the volumes were assigned to the roadway network. The expected peak hour turning movements generated by the proposed development are shown in Figure 6A, 6B and 6C.


6.1 Existing Traffic The existing traffic volumes are shown in Figure 7A, 7B and 7C. These volumes were input in Synchro 6.0 and an Existing Conditions analysis was performed. The results are displayed on the following page in Table 4.

O:\015972006 11 October 2007 NOT TO (XX)% Exiting Trip Exiting Distributions (XX)% SCALE X Entering Trip Distributions XX% Turning Movement Existing TrafficExisting Signal

Proposed& Extension Site Driveway Chastain Road Big Shanty Road Shanty Big 21




(2)% Town Point Road Point Town 5%

Barrett Lakes Boulevard

10% 24 (10)% (5)% 1 I-75 Southbound On-Ramp 5% (15)% Future BigExtension Shanty Road

Interstate 75 A Interstate 75 5% 2 I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp C B 15% (15)% (5)% 10% 5% 3

Retail Driveway Busbee Drive


(5)% ubeDrive Busbee 15% 10% 5% 15% 5% 4 George Busbee Parkway 25% 13 10

10% 9 (10)% George Busbee Parkway (5)% (10)% (15)% (25)%

(15)% (5)% 5% (5)% Big Shanty Road Shanty Big Proposed Entrance Chastain Road SEE FIGURE 7B FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE7B SEE FIGURE7B Proposed Site

Hidden Forest Residential Figure Transportation Analysis Distribution 4A SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE Chastain Road Town Center Drive Big Shanty Road Shanty Big NOT TO SCALE 35% 5% 25 Proposed Entrance

Proposed RIRO Driveway (40)% 30% 35% (30)% Mall Driveway (5)% 22 23 5% Town Center – Big (40)%

Shanty Connector (10)% 15% Proposed Forest Court HiddenExisting Site (10)% 26

Proposed RIRO Driveway (5)% 15% (5)%

5% 5 I-575 Southbound On-Ramp

Interstate 575 Interstate 575 Big Shanty Road Shanty Big (5)% 6 I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp (12)% (3)% 7 Chastain Meadows Parkway 3%

11 (3)% 12% 3% (XX)% Exiting Trip Exiting Distributions (XX)% XX% EnteringXX% Trip Distributions (9)% (3)% (3)% Turning Movement Existing TrafficExisting Signal Proposed Site Driveway 8 Bells Ferry Road 3% 12

LEGEND 9% (3)% 3% 3% Kathryn Drive Kathryn New Chastain Road New Chastain

Hidden Forest Residential Figure Transportation Analysis Distribution 4B Barrett Parkway NOT TO SCALE

I-75 Southbound On-Ramp

14 I-75 Southbound Off-Ramp (25)%

Interstate 75

Interstate 75

I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp

25% 15 I-75 Northbound On-Ramp (25)% 25%

(25)% (15)% Roberts Court

16 George Busbee Parkway 15% (15)%

I-575 Southbound On-Ramp

17 I-575 Southbound Off-Ramp 15%

Interstate 575

Interstate 575

I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp

15% 18 I-575 Northbound On-Ramp

Barrett Creek Boulevard

19 Chastain Meadows Parkway (XX)% Exiting Trip Exiting Distributions (XX)% XX% EnteringXX% Trip Distributions Turning Movement Existing TrafficExisting Signal Proposed Site Driveway (3)% (6)% Bells Ferry Road LEGEND 20 Bells Ferry Road 3% 6% Piedmont Road

Hidden Forest Residential Figure Transportation Analysis Distribution 4C NOT TO (XX)% Exiting Trip Exiting Distributions (XX)% SCALE X Entering Trip Distributions XX% Turning Movement Existing TrafficExisting Signal

Proposed& Extension Site Driveway Chastain Road Big Shanty Road Shanty Big 21




(2)% Town Point Road Point Town 6%

4% Barrett Lakes Boulevard (4)% 8% 24

(8)% (6)% (4)% 4% 1 I-75 Southbound On-Ramp 17% Future BigExtension Shanty Road

Interstate 75 A Interstate 75 (4)% 17% 2 I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp C B (17)% 12% 5% 3

Retail Driveway Busbee Drive (12)%

(5)% ubeDrive Busbee 15% 12% 3% 5%

2% 22% 5% 4 George Busbee Parkway 5% 32% 13 (3)% 10 7% (12)% 9 George Busbee Parkway (5)% (15)% (32)% (7)% (5)% (2)% (22)% (5)% 12% (12)% Big Shanty Road Shanty Big Proposed Entrance Chastain Road SEE FIGURE 7B FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE7B SEE FIGURE7B Proposed Site

Hidden Forest Non-Residential Figure Transportation Analysis Distribution 5A SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE Chastain Road Town Center Drive Big Shanty Road Shanty Big NOT TO SCALE 40% 7% 25 Proposed Entrance

Proposed RIRO Driveway (4)% (47)% (4%) 38% 20%

(20)% 22 Mall Driveway 23 Town Center – Big (47)%

Shanty Connector (15)% 21% Proposed Forest Court HiddenExisting Site (19%) 2% 26

Proposed RIRO Driveway (2)% (12)% 21%

12% 5 I-575 Southbound On-Ramp 4%

Interstate 575 Interstate 575 Big Shanty Road Shanty Big (12)% 4% 6 I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp (4)% (12)% (9)% 4% 7 Chastain Meadows Parkway 12% 11 (4)% 9% (8)% 8% (XX)% Exiting Trip Exiting Distributions (XX)% XX% EnteringXX% Trip Distributions (4)% (5)% (5)% (3)% Turning Movement Existing TrafficExisting Signal Proposed Site Driveway 5% 3% 8 Bells Ferry Road 2%

4% 12 LEGEND (2)% (3)% 3% 5% Kathryn Drive Kathryn New Chastain Road New Chastain

Hidden Forest Non-Residential Figure Transportation Analysis Distribution 5B Barrett Parkway NOT TO SCALE

Barrett Lakes Blvd. 4%

I-75 Southbound On-Ramp

14 I-75 Southbound Off-Ramp (18)% (4)%

Interstate 75

Interstate 75 4%

I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp

18% 15 I-75 Northbound On-Ramp (22)% 22%

(22)% (5)% Roberts Court

16 George Busbee Parkway 5% (5)%

I-575 Southbound On-Ramp

17 I-575 Southbound Off-Ramp 5%

Interstate 575

Interstate 575 (5)%

I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp

18 I-575 Northbound On-Ramp 5% (5)%

Barrett Creek Boulevard

19 Chastain Meadows Parkway 5% (XX)% Exiting Trip Exiting Distributions (XX)% XX% EnteringXX% Trip Distributions (2)% (3)% Turning Movement Existing TrafficExisting Signal Proposed Site Driveway (2)% (2)% Bells Ferry Road LEGEND 20 2% Bells Ferry Road 2% 3% 2% Piedmont Road

Hidden Forest Non-Residential Figure Transportation Analysis Distribution 5C NOT TO (XX) PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Hour Peak Traffic PM (XX) SCALE XX AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Peak AM XX Turning Movement Existing TrafficExisting Signal

Proposed& Extension Site Driveway Chastain Road Big Shanty Road Shanty Big 21

LEGEND (17) 10 (17)


8) 19

24 (27) 24

14 (15) 14 Town Point Road Point Town (44) 29

14 (12) Barrett Lakes Boulevard (19) 5

(77) 44 24 14 (12) 71 (65) 38 (42) 5 (19) 1 I-75 Southbound On-Ramp 67 (77) 93 (41) Future BigExtension Shanty Road

Interstate 75 A Interstate 75 (77) 67 (19) 5 2 I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp C B (79) 23 93 (41) 50 (93) (89) 57 (41) 25 3

Retail Driveway Busbee Drive (84) 76

37 (37) ubeDrive Busbee (124) 75 (41) 25 (89) 57 (9) 10

7 (6) 99 (145) 25 (41) 4 George Busbee Parkway 17 (15) 149 (227) 13 (14) 3 10 (74) 40 (84) 76 9 George Busbee Parkway (37) 37 110 (110) 110 (217) 190 70 (60) 6 (23) (9) 2 (143) 118 (37) 37 49 (62) (70) 45 Big Shanty Road Shanty Big Proposed Entrance Chastain Road SEE FIGURE 7B FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE7B SEE FIGURE7B Proposed Site

Hidden Forest Project Figure Transportation Analysis Trips 6A SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE Chastain Road Town Center Drive Big Shanty Road Shanty Big NOT TO SCALE (303) 192 (47) 32 25 Proposed Entrance

Proposed RIRO Driveway (19) 5 300 (328) 300 (297) 185 (218) 116 (19) 5

208 (176) 22 Mall Driveway 31 (14)

23 Town Center – Big (26) 8 (328) 300 Shanty Connector (97) 79 95 (142) Proposed Forest Court HiddenExisting Site (116) 83 (6) 7 26

Proposed RIRO Driveway (23) 33 (70) 45 95 (142)

49 (62) 5 I-575 Southbound On-Ramp 14 (12)

Interstate 575 Interstate 575 (12) 14 (70) 45 Big Shanty Road Shanty Big 6 I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp 5 (19) (75) 84 (64) 33 (12) 14 7 Chastain Meadows Parkway 46 (52) 11 (19) 5 33 (40)

50 (90) (45) 28 (XX) PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Volumes Traffic Hour Peak PM (XX) XX AM Peak Hour AMPeak TrafficVolumes XX (44) 61 (31) 25 (31) 25 (14) 3 Turning Movement Existing TrafficExisting Signal Proposed Site Driveway 22 (31) 10 (9) 8 Bells Ferry Road 7 (6)

(59) 28 12 LEGEND (9) 2 (22) 22 15 (25) 22 (31) Kathryn Drive Kathryn New Chastain Road New Chastain

Hidden Forest Project Figure Transportation Analysis Trips 6B Barrett Parkway NOT TO SCALE

(12) 14 Barrett Lakes Blvd.

I-75 Southbound On-Ramp

14 I-75 Southbound Off-Ramp 174 (152) 174 5 (19)

Interstate 75

Interstate 75 (12) 14

I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp

(186) 101 15 I-75 Northbound On-Ramp 179 (171) 179 (198) 115

179 (171) 99 (64) Roberts Court

16 George Busbee Parkway 40 (94) (41) 93 (23) 6

I-575 Southbound On-Ramp

17 I-575 Southbound Off-Ramp 40 (94)

Interstate 575

Interstate 575 (23) 6

I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp

18 I-575 Northbound On-Ramp

(79) 23 17 (15) (23) 6

Barrett Creek Boulevard

19 Chastain Meadows Parkway 17 (15) (XX) PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Hour Peak Traffic PM (XX) XX AM Peak Hour AMPeak TrafficVolumes XX (14) 3 (9) 2 Turning Movement Existing TrafficExisting Signal Proposed Site Driveway 21 (17) 39 (26) Bells Ferry Road LEGEND 20 (6) 7 Bells Ferry Road (22) 12 10 (9) 16 (38) Piedmont Road

Hidden Forest Project Figure Transportation Analysis Trips 6C NOT TO (XX) PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Hour Peak Traffic PM (XX) SCALE XX AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Peak AM XX Existing Roadway Laneage Existing Existing TrafficExisting Signal

Proposed& Extension Site Driveway Chastain Road Big Shanty Road Shanty Big 21


(131) 73 (131)

(13) 98 (13) (221) 393 (221)

( (9 1 77) 1,20346) 243

(1 8) 149 252 991 ( 342) 143 ( 1,36 (


11 (96) 11 4

11 (61) 11 )

50 (78) 50 Town Point Road Point Town (1,630) 1,191 (1,630) 623 (494)

Barrett Lakes Boulevard (193) 255 24 279 (888) 136 (67)

1 (4) 1 I-75 Southbound On-Ramp 318 (286) 152 (218) 152 (1,305) 1,315 Future BigExtension Shanty Road

Interstate 75 A Interstate 75 (1,197) 962 (1,197) (755) 545 2 I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp C B (99) 169

(1) 0 (1,400) 1,295 (459) 145 (140) 350 (1,075) 1,112 (1,075) (102) 146 (163) 60

143 (297)

61 (53) 3 30 (14)

Retail Driveway (286) 115 Busbee Drive

(82) 34 57 (77) (1,255) 1,168 12 (19) ubeDrive Busbee (49) 21 (1,002) 1,081 (1,002) (263) 314 (115) 39 (23) 30 (82) 28 (49) 19 (26) 2 (50) 1 (1) 0 (9) 8 (9) 4 4 (44) 47 (14) 26 (31) 38 (26) 919 (655) 887 (485) 908 (440) 26 (89) 4 George Busbee Parkway 10 (18) 263 (177) 0 (0) 85 (154) 13 10

(30) 2 9 (25) 10 (357) 97 George Busbee Parkway (176) 206 6 (13) 0 (0) 7 (24) (894) 240 60 (153) 22 (21) 64 (222) (837) 185 (779) 186 (52) 34 (748) 260 (1,082) 1,013 51 (62) (22) 8 (115) 57 (94) 99 Big Shanty Road Shanty Big Proposed Entrance Chastain Road SEE FIGURE 7B FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE7B SEE FIGURE7B Proposed Site

Hidden Forest Existing 2007 Figure Transportation Analysis Conditions 7A SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE Chastain Road Town Center Drive Big Shanty Road Shanty Big NOT TO SCALE 25 Proposed Entrance

Proposed RIRO Driveway (348) 276 (126) 63 (88) 42 (4) 3

Mall Driveway 22

23 Town Center – Big (149) 18 (5) 8 5 (8) 16 (142)

Shanty Connector 3 (7) (393) 141 (7) 4 (9) 12 Proposed Forest Court HiddenExisting Site 26 (2,007) 1,356 (2,007)

Proposed RIRO Driveway (318) 57

1,095 (807)

13 (0) 5 I-575 Southbound On-Ramp 287 (73) 36 (69) (993) 1,116

Interstate 575 Interstate 575 (859) 986 (904) 434 Big Shanty Road Shanty Big 6 I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp

(135) 295

(8) 0 (945) 806 47 (42) (68) 119 (115) 118 (111) 109 (865) 840 (122) 37 (72) 284 (0) 0 46 (13) 0 (0)

247 (125) 0 (0) 7 Chastain Meadows Parkway 12 (104) 0 (0)

(167) 46 11 (262) 40 43 (15) 91 (221) 3 (100) (348) 100 (0) 0 (95) 161 (787) 789 0 (0) (58) 61 (267) 47 (809) 611 (XX) PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Volumes Traffic Hour Peak PM (XX) (63) 107 (199) 69 XX AM Peak Hour AMPeak TrafficVolumes XX (99) 61 (49) 22 (8) 3

81 (42) 89 (49) Existing Roadway Laneage Existing Existing TrafficExisting Signal Proposed Site Driveway 677 (319) 525 (243) 8 Bells Ferry Road 4 (9) 251 (174)

(84) 67 12 LEGEND (61) 68

(549) 222 98 (73) (613) 771 86 (237)

12 (10) 12 (10) (468) 123 17 (14)

(16) 1 13 (1) (90) 67 New Chastain Road New Chastain Kathryn Drive Kathryn

Hidden Forest Existing 2007 Figure Transportation Analysis Conditions 7B Barrett Parkway NOT TO SCALE (1,444) 1,279 (1,444) (1,005) 956 (1,005)

87 (285) 0 (1) I-75 Southbound On-Ramp 82 (196)

14 I-75 Southbound Off-Ramp 330 (114) 330 (1,950) 1,732

Interstate 75

(1,505) 1,242 (1,505) Interstate 75 (91) 100

I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp

15 I-75 Northbound On-Ramp (593) 599 1,455 (1,408) 1,455 (172) 100 (295) 157 (1,213) 1,033 (1,213) (622) 324 (57) 53

137 (146) 42 (58) Roberts Court 196 (165)

(153) 88 16 George Busbee Parkway

(69) 25 27 (50) (1,251) 1,329 47 (148) (25) 18 (1,682) 1,092 (1,682) (108) 181

230 (393) 1 (0) I-575 Southbound On-Ramp 98 (207)

17 I-575 Southbound Off-Ramp 188 (249) 188 (1,129) 690

Interstate 575

Interstate 575 (1,482) 993 (1,482) (379) 171

I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp 18 (202) 121 I-575 Northbound On-Ramp (0) 1 (1,137) 823 (142) 100 (451) 145 (1,382) 871 (1,382) (338) 229 (160) 38

111 (140) 16 (71) Barrett Creek Boulevard 390 (291)

(106) 115 19 Chastain Meadows Parkway

(122) 54 20 (82) (972) 733 67 (150) (72) 69 (1,239) 855 (1,239) (XX) PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Hour Peak Traffic PM (XX) (328) 209 (104) 161 XX AM Peak Hour AMPeak TrafficVolumes XX Existing Roadway Laneage Existing Existing TrafficExisting Signal Proposed Site Driveway 73 (56) 221 (609) Bells Ferry Road 150 (118) LEGEND (205) 207 20 Bells Ferry Road

(180) 362 84 (94) (1,037) 572 85 (99) (67) 67 Piedmont Road

Hidden Forest Existing 2007 Figure Transportation Analysis Conditions 7C Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

Table 4 Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI 2007 Existing Intersection Levels of Service (delay in seconds) Intersection Control AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Chastain Road @ Interstate 75 1 Signal B (19.0) C (21.9) Southbound Ramps Chastain Road @ Interstate 75 2 Signal C (25.2) C (23.6) Northbound Ramps 3 Chastain Road @ Busbee Drive Signal C (23.4) D (37.4) Chastain Road @ George Busbee 4 Signal B (19.5) E (77.8) Parkway Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 5 Signal C (22.0) B (15.0) Southbound Ramps Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 6 Signal C (23.5) C (25.9) Northbound Ramps Chastain Road @ Chastain Meadows 7 Signal A (6.0) B (19.0) Parkway 8 Chastain Road @ Bells Ferry Road Signal D (54.4) E (67.8) 9 George Busbee Parkway @ Busbee Drive EB STOP D (29.1) C (15.6) George Busbee Parkway @ Big Shanty 10 Signal B (12.4) C (22.0) Road Big Shanty Road @ Chastain Meadows 11 Signal B (14.6) B (17.6) Parkway EB STOP D (29.3) E (36.4) 12 Big Shanty Road @ Bells Ferry Road WB STOP E (37.2) E (48.5) George Busbee Parkway @ Retail 13 Signal A (2.1) A (7.3) Driveway Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 75 14 Signal B (15.8) B (18.3) Southbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 75 15 Signal B (17.4) B (18.1) Northbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ George Busbee 16 Signal D (35.8) C (24.4) Parkway Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 17 Signal B (18.3) C (30.6) Southbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 18 Signal B (11.4) D (38.1) Northbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Chastain Meadows 19 Signal F (85.1) E (68.4) Parkway 20 Barrett Parkway @ Bells Ferry Road Signal D (39.8) F (137.5) 21 Chastain Road @ Big Shanty Road Signal C (34.9) D (38.1) 22 Big Shanty Road @ Hidden Forest Court NB STOP B (11.1) B (13.0)

As you can see in the table, five of the intersections currently operate below the acceptable Level of Service standard (LOS D) during the AM and/or PM peak hours.

O:\015972006 12 October 2007 Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

6.2 2015 No-Build Traffic The existing traffic volumes were grown at 3.0% per year along all roadway links within the study network. The 2015 “No-Build” traffic volumes were input in Synchro 6.0 and analyses of the projected “No-Build” conditions were performed. The programmed project located within the project vicinity is GDOT #0006869 and #0006870 (Big Shanty Road Extension – Phase I from George Busbee Parkway to Barrett Lakes Boulevard and Phase II from Barrett Lakes Boulevard to Chastain Road); this improvement is included in the 2015 No-Build per GRTA’s request. Based on our understanding of the Main Line plans from the Project Construction Report for the Construction of a Big Shanty Connector and Widening of Big Shanty Road we anticipate the No-Build Programmed improvements to be as described below by intersection:

Chastain Road @ Big Shanty Road (Intersection #21) • Note: the following improvements are programmed (GDOT #0006870). • Construct one westbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. • Construct a northbound right-turn lane along Chastain Road. Barrett Lakes Boulevard @ Big Shanty Road Extension (Intersection #24) • Note: the following improvements are programmed (GDOT #0006869 and #0006870). • Construct a signalized intersection. • Eastbound: Construct an exclusive left-turn lane, two through lanes and a shared through/ right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road Extension. • Westbound: Construct an exclusive left-turn lane, two through lanes and an exclusive right- turn lane along Big Shanty Road Extension. • Northbound: Construct an exclusive right-turn lane along Barrett Lakes Boulevard. • Southbound: Construct an exclusive right-turn lane along Barrett Lakes Boulevard.

The results are displayed on the following page in Table 5. The projected volumes for the year 2015 “No-Build” conditions are shown in Figure 8A, 8B and 8C.

O:\015972006 13 October 2007 NOT TO SCALE (XX) PMTraffic Volumes Peak Hour X AM Volumes Peak HourTraffic XX Programmed Roadway Laneage Roadway Programmed No-Build Roadway Laneage Laneage No-Build Roadway Existing Roadway Laneage Existing Roadway Laneage

Programmed Traffic Signal Signal Traffic Programmed Existing TrafficSignal

No-Build Traffic Signal Signal No-Build Traffic Chastain Road Big Shanty Road Shanty Big 21

LEGEND (166) 92 (166)

(67) 141 (67) (229) 481 (229)

( 1 (1 ,166) 1,49785) 308

(9 5) 216 275 1,20 ( 181 391) 4

( (1,601)

52) 65 (249) 65

58 (119) 58

63 (99) 63 Town Point Road Point Town 1 1 left-turns present. are the traffic signal when dual Install protected only phasingfor No-Build Improvements (0) 0 (123) 44 (0) 0

0 (0) 522 (472) 1,441 (1,816)

150 (80) Barrett Lakes Boulevard (244) 323

(0) 0 24 (859) 279

267 (154) 267 95 (169) 50 (140) 172 (85)

(266) 74 1 (5) 1 I-75 Southbound On-Ramp 403 (362) 193 (276) 193 1,454(1,410) Future BigExtension Shanty Road

Interstate 75 A Interstate 75 (1,267) 1,151 (1,267) (956) 690 2 I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp C B (125) 214

(1) 0 (1,530) 1,428 (581) 184 (177) 443 (1,185) 1,368 (1,185) (206) 76 (77) 158

181 (376)

77 (67) 3 38 (18)

Retail Driveway (235) 95 Busbee Drive

(104) 43 72 (98) (1,474) 1,319 15 (24) ubeDrive Busbee (62) 27 (1,143) 1,345 (1,143) (181) 215 (370) 109 (261) 371 (62) 27 (95) 32 (62) 24 (33) 3 (63) 1 (11) 5 (1) 0 5 (56) 327 (172) 33 (39) 48 (33) 1,164 (830) 947 (462) 1,250 (580) 33 (113) 4 George Busbee Parkway 13 (23) 316 (173) 0 (0) 108 (195) 13 10

(38) 3 9 (299) 114 (325) 72 George Busbee Parkway (223) 261 8 (16) 0 (0) 9 (30) (1,132) 304 76 (194) 72 (69) 37 (239) (793) 133 (1,071) 216 (66) 43 (980) 402 (1,297) 1,166 65 (79) (28) 10 (146) 72 (245) 149 Big Shanty Road Shanty Big Proposed Entrance Chastain Road 1 SEE FIGURE 7B FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE7B SEE FIGURE7B Proposed Site

Projected 2015 Hidden Forest Figure “No-Build” Transportation Analysis 8A Conditions SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE Chastain Road Town Center Drive Big Shanty Road Shanty Big NOT TO SCALE 25 Proposed Entrance

Proposed RIRO Driveway (441) 350 (160) 80 (111) 53 (5) 4

Mall Driveway 22 23 Town Center – Big (6) 10 (189) 23 6 (10) 20 (180)

Shanty Connector (11) 15 4 (9) (498) 179 (9) 5 Proposed Forest Court HiddenExisting Site 26 (2,542) 1,718 (2,542)

Proposed RIRO Driveway (403) 72

1,387 (1,022)

16 (0) 5 I-575 Southbound On-Ramp 364 (92) 46 (87) (1,258) 1,414

Interstate 575 Interstate 575 (1,088) 1,249 (1,088) (1,145) 550 (1,145) Big Shanty Road Shanty Big 6 I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp

(171) 374 (10) 0 (1,197) 1,021 60 (53) (86) 151 2 1 (1,096) 1,064 (1,096) approaches. eastbound and westbound Install split-phasing for the approach. the northbound left-turn phasing for the at traffic signal Install protected/ permissive No-Build Improvements (146) 149 (141) 138 (155) 47 (91) 360 (0) 0 58 (16) 0 (0)

313 (158) 0 (0) 7 Chastain Meadows Parkway 15 (132) 0 (0)

(212) 58 11 (332) 51 54 (19) (280) 115 4 (127) (441) 127 (0) 0 (120) 204 (997) 999 0 (0) (73) 77 (338) 60 (1,025) 774 (1,025) (125) 77 (XX) PMTraffic Volumes Peak Hour (80) 136 (252) 87 (62) 28 X AM Volumes Peak HourTraffic XX (10) 4

Programmed Roadway Laneage Roadway Programmed 103 (53) No-Build Roadway Laneage Laneage No-Build Roadway Existing Roadway Laneage Existing Roadway Laneage Programmed Traffic Signal Signal Traffic Programmed Existing TrafficSignal No-Build Traffic Signal Signal No-Build Traffic 113 (62)

858 (404) 665 (308) 8 Bells Ferry Road 5 (11) 318 (220) 1 (106) 85 12 LEGEND (77) 86

(695) 281 (92) 124 (777) 977 (300) 109

15 (13) 15 (13) (593) 156 22 (18)

(20) 1 16 (1) (114) 85 New Chastain Road New Chastain Kathryn Drive Kathryn 2

Projected 2015 Hidden Forest Figure “No-Build” Transportation Analysis 8B Conditions Barrett Parkway NOT TO SCALE (1,273) 1,211 (1,273) 1,620 (1,829)

110 (361) 0 (1) I-75 Southbound On-Ramp 104 (248)

14 I-75 Southbound Off-Ramp 418 (144) 418 (2,470) 2,194

Interstate 75

(1,906) 1,573 (1,906) Interstate 75 (115) 127

I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp

15 I-75 Northbound On-Ramp (751) 759 1,043 (1,784) 1,043 (218) 127 (374) 199 (1,537) 1,309 (1,537) (788) 410 (72) 67

174 (185) 53 (73) Roberts Court 248 (209)

(194) 111 16 George Busbee Parkway

(87) 32 34 (63) (1,585) 1,684 60 (187) (32) 23 (2,131) 1,383 (2,131) (137) 229 Re-stripe

291 (498) 1 (0) 2 I-575 Southbound On-Ramp 124 (262)

17 I-575 Southbound Off-Ramp 238 (315) 238 (1,430) 874

Interstate 575 4

Interstate 575 (1,877) 1,258 (1,877) 4 (480) 217

I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp Re-stripe 18 (256) 153 I-575 Northbound On-Ramp 3 1,043 (1,440) 1,043 (180) 127 3 4 2 1 (0) 1 (571) 184 left-turns present. are the traffic signalwhen dual Install protected only phasingfor left-turn/through/right-turn lane. througha shared lane as Re-stripe thenorthbound left-turn/through/right-turn lane. througha shared laneas Re-stripe thesouthbound approach. the northbound left-turn phasing for the at traffic signal Install protected/ permissive No-Build Improvements (1,751) 1,103 (1,751) (428) 290 (203) 48

141 (177) 20 (90) 4 Barrett Creek Boulevard 494 (369) 1 (134) 146 19 Chastain Meadows Parkway

(155) 68 25 (104) (1,231) 929 85 (190) (91) 87 (1,570) 1,083 (1,570) (XX) PMTraffic Volumes Peak Hour (416) 265 (132) 204 X AM Volumes Peak HourTraffic XX Programmed Roadway Laneage Roadway Programmed No-Build Roadway Laneage Laneage No-Build Roadway Existing Roadway Laneage Existing Roadway Laneage Programmed Traffic Signal Signal Traffic Programmed Signal Traffic Existing No-Build Traffic Signal Signal No-Build Traffic 92 (71) 280 (771) Bells Ferry Road 190 (149) LEGEND (260) 262 20 Bells Ferry Road

(228) 459 (119) 106 (1,314) 725 (125) 108 (85) 85 Piedmont Road

Projected 2015 Hidden Forest Figure “No-Build” Transportation Analysis 8C Conditions Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

Table 5 Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI 2015 “No-Build” Intersection Levels of Service (delay in seconds) LOS Intersection Control AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Standard Chastain Road @ Interstate 75 1 Signal D C (24.5) C (29.9) Southbound Ramps Chastain Road @ Interstate 75 2 Signal D B (19.1) C (25.8) Northbound Ramps 3 Chastain Road @ Busbee Drive Signal D C (28.9) D (36.3) Chastain Road @ George Busbee 4 Signal E C (33.7) E (79.7) Parkway Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 5 Signal D C (29.2) D (48.3) Southbound Ramps Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 6 Signal D C (26.4) C (32.2) Northbound Ramps Chastain Road @ Chastain Meadows 7 Signal D A (9.7) C (21.2) Parkway 8 Chastain Road @ Bells Ferry Road Signal E E (68.7) F (95.0) 9 George Busbee Parkway @ Busbee Drive EB STOP D F (125.9) C (21.4) George Busbee Parkway @ Big Shanty 10 Signal D C (23.0) D (48.2) Road Big Shanty Road @ Chastain Meadows 11 Signal D B (15.1) C (22.8) Parkway EB STOP E F (101.8) F (*) 12 Big Shanty Road @ Bells Ferry Road WB STOP E F (139.2) F (171.7) George Busbee Parkway @ Retail 13 Signal D A (4.2) A (8.7) Driveway Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 75 14 Signal D C (30.1) B (17.0) Southbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 75 15 Signal D C (20.9) C (23.3) Northbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ George Busbee 16 Signal D D (39.0) D (43.0) Parkway Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 17 Signal D C (28.1) F (97.7) Southbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 18 Signal D B (12.4) F (84.8) Northbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Chastain Meadows 19 Signal E E (57.9) F (118.0) Parkway 20 Barrett Parkway @ Bells Ferry Road Signal E E (55.1) F (221.9) 21 Chastain Road @ Big Shanty Road Signal D E (58.9) F (77.9) 22 Big Shanty Road @ Hidden Forest Court NB STOP D B (12.4) C (16.1) Barrett Lakes Boulevard @ Big Shanty 24 Signal D B (16.5) B (17.2) Road Extension * Long delays for side-street traffic

O:\015972006 14 October 2007 Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

As you can see in the table above, eight of the intersections currently operate below the acceptable Level of Service standard (LOS D) during the AM and/or PM peak hours. Eight of the study intersections failed to meet acceptable Level of Service standards for the year 2015 No-Build condition. Per GRTA’S Letter of Understanding guidelines, improvements were made to the eight intersections until the Level of Service was elevated to the GRTA standard. The 2015 “No-Build” with Improvements intersection Levels of Service are displayed below in Table 6.

Table 6 Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI 2015 “No-Build” with Improvements Intersection Levels of Service (delay in seconds) LOS Intersection Control AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Standard Chastain Road @ George Busbee 4 Signal E C (24.0) D (43.7) Parkway 8 Chastain Road @ Bells Ferry Road Signal E E (63.5) E (60.9) George Busbee Parkway @ Busbee 9 Signal D C (20.9) A (8.0) Drive 12 Big Shanty Road @ Bells Ferry Road Signal E C (31.7) B (17.4) Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 17 Signal D B (16.9) C (31.5) Southbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 18 Signal D B (18.1) C (27.1) Northbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Chastain Meadows 19 Signal E D (43.7) E (65.7) Parkway 20 Barrett Parkway @ Bells Ferry Road Signal E D (38.6) E (64.4) 21 Chastain Road @ Big Shanty Road Signal D D (48.6) D (47.9)

The 2015 No-Build recommended improvements made to the intersections are shown in Figure 8A, 8B and 8C and are listed below by intersection: Chastain Road @ George Busbee Parkway (Intersection #4) • No-Build LOS was within LOS standard; however based on the “no-build” volumes engineering judgment recommends dual lefts. Chastain Road @ Bells Ferry Road (Intersection #8) • Construct a westbound right-turn lane along Chastain Road (see programmed improvement #1 in Section 7.0 of this report). • Construct a northbound right-turn lane along Bells Ferry Road (see programmed improvement #1 in Section 7.0 of this report). George Busbee Parkway @ Busbee Drive (Intersection #9) • Install a traffic signal when warranted.

O:\015972006 15 October 2007 Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

Big Shanty Road @ Bells Ferry Road (Intersection #12) • Install a traffic signal when warranted. • Install split-phasing for the proposed traffic signal at the Big Shanty Road eastbound approach and the Kathryn Drive westbound approach or re-align the road to eliminate the offset. • Install protected/permissive left-turn phasing (green arrow) for the northbound approach. • Construct an eastbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. • Construct a southbound left-turn lane along Bells Ferry Road. Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 Southbound Ramps (Intersection #17) • Construct one additional westbound left-turn lane (creating dual left turn lanes) along Barrett Parkway. • Re-stripe the existing southbound approach geometry along the Interstate 575 Southbound Ramp as a separate left-turn lane, a shared left-turn/through/right-turn lane, and a separate right-turn lane. Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 Northbound Ramps (Intersection #18) • Construct one additional eastbound left-turn lane (creating dual left turn lanes) along Barrett Parkway. • Re-stripe the existing northbound approach geometry along the Interstate 575 Northbound Ramp as a separate left-turn lane, a shared left-turn/through/right-turn lane, and a separate right-turn lane. Barrett Parkway @ Chastain Meadows Parkway (Intersection #19) • Construct one additional southbound left-turn lane (creating dual left turn lanes) along Chastain Meadows Parkway. • Install protected/permissive left-turn phasing (green arrow) for the northbound approach. Barrett Parkway @ Bells Ferry Road (Intersection #20) • Construct a southbound through lane along Bells Ferry Road. • Construct a northbound through lane along Bells Ferry Road. • Construct a westbound through lane along Barrett Parkway. • Construct an eastbound through lane along Barrett Parkway. Chastain Road @ Big Shanty Road (Intersection #21) • Construct one additional westbound left-turn lane (creating dual left turn lanes) along Big Shanty Road. • Construct an eastbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road.

6.3 2015 “Build” Traffic The traffic associated with the proposed development (Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI) was added to the 2015 “No-Build” volumes. These volumes were then input into the 2015 “No-Build” with Improvements roadway network and analyzed with Synchro 6.0. The results of the analyses are displayed in Table 7. The projected volumes for the year 2015 “Build” conditions are shown in Figure 9A, 9B and 9C.

O:\015972006 16 October 2007 NOT TO SCALE (XX) PMTraffic Volumes Peak Hour X AM Volumes Peak HourTraffic XX Programmed Roadway Laneage Roadway Programmed Existing Roadway Laneage Existing Roadway Laneage Build Roadway Laneage Build Roadway Laneage No-Build Roadway Laneage Laneage No-Build Roadway

Programmed Traffic Signal Signal Traffic Programmed Existing Traffic Signal Signal Traffic Existing

Build Traffic Signal Signal No-Build Traffic Chastain Road Big Shanty Road Shanty Big 21


(166) 92 (166)

(84) 151 (84) (229) 481 (229)

( 1 (1 ,166) 1,49785) 308 (1 23) 235 275 1,20 ( 181 391) 4

( (1,601)

52) 89 (276) 89

72 (134) 72

63 (99) 63 Town Point Road Point Town 1 1 1 right-turn approach. traffic signalatthewestbound phasingfor the Install overlap left-turns present. are the traffic signal when dual Install protected only phasingfor Build Improvements No-Build Improvements (0) 0 (167) 73 (0) 0

0 (0) 522 (472) 1,146 (1,835)

164 (92) Barrett Lakes Boulevard (244) 323

(0) 0 24 (859) 279 338 (219) 338 (211) 133 55 (159) 186 (97)

(343) 118 1 (5) 1 I-75 Southbound On-Ramp 470 (439) 286 (317) 286 (1,410) 1,454 Future BigExtension Shanty Road

Interstate 75 A Interstate 75 (1,344) 1,218 (1,344) (975) 695 2 I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp C B (125) 214

(1) 0 (1,571) 1,521 (674) 234 (256) 466 (1,226) 1,393 (1,226) (295) 133 (57) 158

181 (376)

77 (67) 3 38 (18)

Retail Driveway (319) 171 Busbee Drive

(104) 43 72 (98) (1,511) 1,356 15 (24) ubeDrive Busbee (62) 27 (1,143) 1,345 (1,143) (190) 225 (186) 102 (370) 109 (350) 428 (136) 57 (62) 24 (33) 3 (63) 1 (11) 5 (1) 0 5 (56) 327 (172) 33 (39) 48 (33) 1,164 (830) 954 (468) 1,349 (725) 58 (154) 4 George Busbee Parkway 30 (38) 465 (400) 0 (0) 108 (195) 13 10

(38) 3 9 (313) 117 (4089) 148 George Busbee Parkway (260) 298 78 (76) 0 (0) 15 (53) (1,132) 304 76 (194) (179) 182 (456) 227 (802) 135 (1,214) 334 (103) 80 (1,042) 451 (1,297) 1,166 65 (79) (102) 50 (146) 72 (315) 194 Big Shanty Road Shanty Big Proposed Entrance 1 Chastain Road 1 SEE FIGURE 7B FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE7B SEE FIGURE7B Proposed Site

Projected 2015 Hidden Forest Figure “Build” Transportation Analysis 9A Conditions SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE SEE FIGURE 7A FIGURE SEE Chastain Road Town Center Drive Big Shanty Road Shanty Big NOT TO SCALE (743) 545 (53) 32 25 Proposed Entrance Re-stripe Proposed RIRO Driveway (25) 5 489 (832) 489 1 (314) 189 (448) 355 (230) 116 (153) 80 (106) 53

208 (193) 31 (22) 22 Mall Driveway 0 (6) 23 Re-stripe Town Center – Big (180) 23 (357) 310 6 (9) 20 (172) 0 (9) 1 Shanty Connector

(36) 8 (120) 94 99 (174) (475) 179 (8) 5 Proposed Forest Court HiddenExisting Site 1 (565) 448 Re-stripe (9) 7 26 (2,612) 1,763 (2,612)

Proposed RIRO Driveway (26) 33 (403) 72 277 (649) 277

1,436 (1,084)

16 (0) 5 I-575 Southbound On-Ramp 378 (104) 46 (87) (1,258) 1,414

Interstate 575 Interstate 575 1 right-turn lane. left-turn andshared through/ left-turna separate laneas through andshared through/ westbound andnorthbound Re-stripe theeastbound, Build Improvements (1,100) 1,263 (1,100) (1,215) 595 (1,215) Big Shanty Road Shanty Big 6 I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp

(171) 374 (10) 0 (1,197) 1,021 65 (72) (86) 151 2 1 (1,096) 1,064 (1,096) approaches. eastbound and westbound Install split-phasing for the approach. the northbound left-turn phasing for the at traffic signal Install protected/ permissive No-Build Improvements (146) 149 (216) 222 (103) 374 (219) 80 (0) 0 104 (68) 0 (0)

313 (158) 0 (0) 7 Chastain Meadows Parkway 15 (132) 0 (0)

(212) 58 11 (351) 56 54 (19) (370) 165 4 (127) (441) 127 (0) 0 (160) 237 (997) 999 0 (0) (73) 77 (383) 88 (1,056) 799 (1,056) (169) 138 (XX) PMTraffic Volumes Peak Hour X AM Volumes Peak HourTraffic XX (80) 136 (266) 90 (93) 53 (10) 4 Programmed Roadway Laneage Roadway Programmed Existing Roadway Laneage Existing Roadway Laneage Build Roadway Laneage Build Roadway Laneage No-Build Roadway Laneage Laneage No-Build Roadway Programmed Traffic Signal Signal Traffic Programmed Existing Traffic Signal Existing TrafficSignal Build Traffic Signal Signal No-Build Traffic 125 (84) 123 (71)

858 (404) 672 (314) 8 Bells Ferry Road 5 (11) 318 (220) 1 12 LEGEND (165) 113 (77) 86

(695) 281 (117) 139 (808) 999 (300) 109

22 (18) 15 (13) 16 (1) (602) 158 (20) 1 (136) 107 New Chastain Road New Chastain 2 Kathryn Drive Kathryn

Projected 2015 Hidden Forest Figure “Build” Transportation Analysis 9B Conditions Barrett Parkway NOT TO SCALE (1,273) 1,211 (1,273) 1,634 (1,841)

110 (361) 0 (1) I-75 Southbound On-Ramp 104 (248)

14 I-75 Southbound Off-Ramp 592 (296) 592 (2,489) 2,199

Interstate 75

(1,918) 1,587 (1,918) Interstate 75 (115) 127

I-75 Northbound Off-Ramp

15 I-75 Northbound On-Ramp (751) 759 2,022 (1,955) 2,022 (218) 127 (560) 300 (1,537) 1,309 (1,537) (986) 525 (72) 67

353 (356) 1 53 (73) Roberts Court 347 (273)

(194) 111 16 George Busbee Parkway

(87) 32 34 (63) (1,585) 1,684 (281) 100 (32) 23 (2,154) 1,389 (2,154) (178) 322 Re-stripe

291 (498) 1 (0) 2 I-575 Southbound On-Ramp 124 (262)

17 I-575 Southbound Off-Ramp 238 (315) 238 (1,524) 914 1 right--turn approach. traffic signal atthesouthbound phasingfor the Install overlap Build Improvements

Interstate 575 4

Interstate 575 (1,900) 1,264 (1,900) 4 (480) 217

I-575 Northbound Off-Ramp Re-stripe 18 (335) 176 I-575 Northbound On-Ramp 3 1,060 (1,455) 1,060 (180) 127 3 4 2 1 (0) 1 (571) 184 left-turns present. are the traffic signalwhen dual Install protected only phasingfor left-turn/through/right-turn lane. througha shared lane as Re-stripe thenorthbound left-turn/through/right-turn lane. througha shared laneas Re-stripe thesouthbound approach. the northbound left-turn phasing for the at traffic signal Install protected/ permissive No-Build Improvements (1,774) 1,109 (1,774) (428) 290 (203) 48

141 (177) 20 (90) 4 Barrett Creek Boulevard 494 (369) 1 (134) 146 19 Chastain Meadows Parkway

(155) 68 25 (104) (1,246) 946 85 (190) (91) 87 (1,584) 1,086 (1,584) (425) 267 (132) 204 (XX) PMTraffic Volumes Peak Hour X AM Volumes Peak HourTraffic XX Programmed Roadway Laneage Roadway Programmed Existing Roadway Laneage Existing Roadway Laneage Build Roadway Laneage Build Roadway Laneage No-Build Roadway Laneage Laneage No-Build Roadway Programmed Traffic Signal Signal Traffic Programmed Existing Traffic Signal Existing TrafficSignal Build Traffic Signal Signal No-Build Traffic 92 (71) 301 (788) Bells Ferry Road 229 (175) LEGEND (266) 269 20 Bells Ferry Road

(250) 471 (119) 106 (1,323) 735 (163) 124 (85) 85 Piedmont Road

Hidden Forest Projected 2015 Figure Transportation Analysis “Build” 9C Conditions Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

Table 7 Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI 2015 “Build” Intersection Levels of Service (delay in seconds)

Intersection Control LOS AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Standard Chastain Road @ Interstate 75 1 Signal D C (28.4) C (34.2) Southbound Ramps Chastain Road @ Interstate 75 2 Signal D C (21.7) C (25.5) Northbound Ramps 3 Chastain Road @ Busbee Drive Signal D C (29.0) D (36.1) Chastain Road @ George Busbee 4 Signal E C (27.4) D(48.1) Parkway Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 5 Signal D C (30.3) E (57.1) Southbound Ramps Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 6 Signal D C (26.9) C (34.0) Northbound Ramps Chastain Road @ Chastain Meadows 7 Signal D B (12.3) C (23.3) Parkway 8 Chastain Road @ Bells Ferry Road Signal E E (68.2) E (66.2) George Busbee Parkway @ Busbee 9 Signal D D (44.2) B (15.9) Drive George Busbee Parkway @ Big Shanty 10 Signal D C (37.0) F (121.3) Road Big Shanty Road @ Chastain Meadows 11 Signal D B (18.2) C (26.9) Parkway 12 Big Shanty Road @ Bells Ferry Road Signal E D (51.5) C (20.2) George Busbee Parkway @ Retail 13 Signal D A (7.9) B (11.5) Driveway Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 75 14 Signal D D (41.2) C (23.4) Southbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 75 15 Signal D B (19.8) C (25.0) Northbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ George Busbee 16 Signal D E (75.5) E (74.8) Parkway Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 17 Signal D B (17.0) C (31.8) Southbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Interstate 575 18 Signal D B (18.3) C (30.9) Northbound Ramps Barrett Parkway @ Chastain Meadows 19 Signal E D (45.0) E (66.8) Parkway 20 Barrett Parkway @ Bells Ferry Road Signal E D (41.2) E (70.4) 21 Chastain Road @ Big Shanty Road Signal D D (50.5) D (50.2) Town Center Drive @ Mall Driveway / NB STOP D C (17.5) F (*) 23 Town Center – Big Shanty Connector SB STOP D B (10.6) B(14.7) Barrett Lakes Boulevard @ Big Shanty 24 Signal D B (18.6) B (19.3) Road Extension * Long delays for side-street traffic

O:\015972006 17 October 2007 Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

As shown in Table 7, four of the intersections failed to meet the acceptable Level of Service standard for the PM peak hours and one of those four intersections fails to meet the acceptable Level of Service standard for the AM peak hour. Per GRTA’s Letter of Understanding guidelines, improvements were made to the intersections until the Level of Service was elevated to the GRTA standard. The 2015 Build with Improvement intersection Levels of Service are displayed below in Table 8.

Table 8 Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI 2015 “Build” with Improvements Intersection Levels of Service (delay in seconds) LOS Intersection Control AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Standard Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 5 Signal D C (24.6) B (10.7) Southbound Ramps George Busbee Parkway @ Big Shanty 10 Signal D C (26.8) D (53.6) Road Barrett Parkway @ George Busbee 16 Signal D D (43.4) D (54.5) Parkway

The 2015 Build improvements made to the intersections are shown in Figure 9A, 9B and 9C, and are listed below by intersection: Chastain Road @ Interstate 575 Southbound Ramps (Intersection #5) • Construct an eastbound through lane along Chastain Road. George Busbee Parkway @ Big Shanty Road (Intersection #10) • Construct a westbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. Barrett Parkway @ George Busbee Parkway (Intersection #16) • Construct a westbound through lane along Barrett Parkway. • Install permissive/overlapped right-turn phasing (green arrow) for the southbound approach.

The proposed project driveways were analyzed for the 2015 Build Conditions. The results of the analyses are presented in Table 9. The projected volumes and recommended intersection geometries are shown in Figure 9A, 9B and 9C.

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Table 9 Hidden Forest Mixed Use DRI 2015 “Build” Intersections Levels of Service for Proposed Site Driveways (delay in seconds) LOS Intersection Control AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Standard Big Shanty Road @ Town Center – Big 22 Signal D C (33.0) C (29.3) Shanty Connector Town Center Drive @ Mall Driveway / NB STOP D C (17.5) F (*) 23 Town Center – Big Shanty Connector SB STOP D B (10.6) B(14.7) Big Shanty Road @ Proposed RIRO 25 NB STOP D B(14.0) D (26.3) Driveway 1 Big Shanty Road @ Proposed RIRO 26 NB STOP D B (14.3) C (17.1) Driveway 2 * Long delays for side-street traffic

The intersection of Town Center Drive at Mall Driveway/ Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (23) failed to meet Level of Service standard ‘D’ for the year 2015 Build condition for the NB STOP during the PM peak hour. In conclusion, it is not uncommon for side-street traffic to experience delays at an intersection with a major street. Volumes on side-streets are not high enough to warrant a signal. The intersections of Big Shanty Road at Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (22), and Town Center Drive at Mall Driveway / Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (23) will most likely meet traffic peak hour volume warrants in the 2015 Build year during the AM and PM peak conditions. Installation of a traffic signal at this location should coincide when a major portion of the retail or a major portion of the residential is open. Intersection geometry and improvements were recommended at the project site driveways. They are shown in Figure 9A, 9B and 9C and are listed below by intersection: Big Shanty Road @ Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (Intersection #22) • Install a traffic signal when warranted. • Construct a westbound left-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. • Construct an eastbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. • Install a northbound left-turn lane in median along Town Center – Big Shanty Connector. Reserve width to allow for possible through lane exiting the site for future conditions beyond the 2015 Build-out year.

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Town Center Drive @ Mall Driveway / Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (Intersection #23) • Re-stripe the existing westbound approach geometry along Town Center Drive as a separate left-turn lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. • Re-stripe the existing eastbound approach geometry along Town Center Drive as a separate left-turn lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. • Construct a southbound left-turn lane along Town Center – Big Shanty Connector • Construct a southbound shared through/right-turn lane along Town Center – Big Shanty Connector. • * At unsignalized intersections, it is not uncommon for side-street traffic to experience delays at an intersection with a major street. To satisfy GRTA’s level-of-service ‘D’ standard, an all-way stop should be considered if warranted. Big Shanty Road @ Proposed Right-in/Right-out Driveway #1 (Intersection #25) • Construct an eastbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road. Big Shanty Road @ Proposed Right-in/Right-out Driveway #2 (Intersection #26) • Construct an eastbound right-turn lane along Big Shanty Road.

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The RTP, TIP, STIP, GDOT’s Construction Work Program, Cobb County SPLOST Program, and Town Center CID were researched for currently programmed transportation projects within the vicinity of the proposed development. Several projects are programmed for the area surrounding the study network. Information on the projects is included in the Appendix. Figure 10 illustrates the programmed projects listed below.

ARC# CO-313 Chastain Road at Bells Ferry Road – add right turn lanes 1. 2008 GDOT# 0000555 Completion Date: 2008, ROW-2007, Construction-2008 ARC# CO-332A Big Shanty Road Extension – Phase I From Busbee Parkway to Barrett Lakes 2. 2010 Boulevard at Big Shanty Road [See also CO-332B] GDOT# 0006869 Completion Date: 2010, ROW-2008, Construction-2009 ARC# CO-332B Big Shanty Road Extension – Phase II From Barrett Lakes Boulevard at Big 3. 2010 Shanty Road to Chastain Road [See also CO-332A]. GDOT# 0006870 Completion Date: 2010, ROW-2008, Construction-2009 ARC# CP-AR-BP219 Noonday Creek Trail: Phase II from US 41 (Cobb Parkway) to Bells Ferry Road. 4. 2010 GDOT# 00068185 Completion Date: 2013, ROW-2008, Construction-2009, 2010 Cobb County Transit Supportive Sidewalks 5. Town Center CID 2010 Completion Date: 2010 Bells Ferry Road – I-575 to North Cobb Parkway (US 41) – Intersection 6. SPLOST 2010 Improvements Completion Date: Scheduled Construction Bid – May 2010 ARC# ARC-H-005 I-575 HOV Lanes from I-75 North in Cobb County to Sixes Road in Cherokee 7. 2015 County. GDOT# 713640 Completion Date: 2015 ARC# AR-H-004 I-75 North HOV Lanes (Funding for Engineering and Design included under 8. 2024 AR-H-010) from I-575 to Wade Green Road in Cobb County. GDOT# 0006419 Completion Date: 2024 ARC# CO-297A Long Big Shanty Road from Busbee Parkway to Chastain Meadows Parkway. 9. GDOT# 0006861 Range Completion Date: Long Range ARC# CO-297B Long Big Shanty Road from Chastain Meadows Parkway to Bells Ferry Road. 10. GDOT# 0006861 Range Completion Date: Long Range ARC# CP-AR- South Barrett Reliever – Phase I: US 41 to Barrett Lakes, Phase II: has not started Long 11. BP214B Completion Date: Phase I: Design Ready, ROW + Construction will begin by Range GDOT# 0004511 June 2008, Phase II: proposed 2020 – Long Range Town Center Mall / Big Shanty Connector – North of the mall to Big Shanty 12. Town Center CID TBD Completion Date: No Funds/ No Timeframe

O:\015972006 21 October 2007 3 8 11 4 2 5 9 Proposed Site 12 7 11 10 1 6 # (see DRI Transportation Analysis) (see DRI Transportation Project Transportation Future Bike/Pedestrian Roadway Future Intersection Operations Roadway Capacity LEGEND NOT TO SCALE

Hidden Forest Programmed Figure Traffic Impact Study Improvements 10 Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

8.0 INGRESS/EGRESS ANALYSIS Vehicular access to the development is proposed at five locations. Three driveways are proposed along Big Shanty Road, one along George Busbee Parkway and one along Town Center Drive. • Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (Intersection #22), located along Big Shanty Road, is proposed to be a full-movement signalized driveway at the existing location of Big Shanty Road and Hidden Forest Court located approximately 1,100 feet east of the existing signalized intersection of Big Shanty Road and George Busbee Parkway. It is recommended that the driveway consist of two southbound ingress lane and two northbound egress lanes. With the northbound egress lanes consisting of one-exclusive right-turn lane, a northbound left-turn lane in median along Town Center – Big Shanty Connector, and reserve width to allow for possible through lane exiting the site for future conditions beyond the 2015 Build-out year. • Proposed Driveway #1 (Intersection #25), located along Big Shanty Road, is proposed to be a restricted movement (right-in/ right-out) unsignalized driveway located approximately 800 feet east of the existing signalized intersection of Big Shanty Road and George Busbee Parkway. It is recommended that the driveway consist of one southbound ingress lane and one northbound egress lane (one exclusive right-turn lane). • Proposed Driveway #2 (Intersection #26), located along Big Shanty Road, is proposed to be a restricted movement (right-in/ right-out) unsignalized driveway located approximately 1,400 feet east of the existing signalized intersection of Big Shanty Road and George Busbee Parkway. It is recommended that the driveway consist of one southbound ingress lane and one northbound egress lane (one exclusive right-turn lane). • Mall Driveway / Town Center – Big Shanty Connector (Intersection #23), located along Town Center Drive, is proposed to be a full-movement unsignalized driveway at the existing location of Mall Driveway and Town Center Drive located approximately 750 feet east of the existing signalized intersection of George Busbee Parkway and Town Center Drive. It is recommended that the driveway consist of two northbound ingress lanes and two southbound egress lanes (one exclusive left-turn lane and one shared through/ right-turn lane). • George Busbee Parkway/ Retail Driveway (Intersection #13) connection is proposed to connect to the existing retail driveway approximately 300 feet east of the existing signalized intersection of George Busbee Parkway and Retail Driveway. The existing driveway consists of one eastbound ingress lane and two southbound egress lane (one exclusive right-turn lane and one shared through/ left-turn lane).

9.0 INTERNAL CIRCULATION ANALYSIS The Hidden Forest development is mixed-use in nature, and is expected to reduce the PM peak hour trips by 11.20% and daily new vehicle trips by 11.43%. Please refer to the Appendix for the internal capture spreadsheet.

10.0 COMPLIANCE WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSIS The Cobb County Future Land Use Plan identifies the area as Regional Activity Center.

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11.1 Quality, Character, Convenience, and Flexibility of Transportation Options The site is accessible via vehicle, transit, walking or biking. The existing roadways and sidewalks provide transportation options to residents, employees, and visitors of the site. The proposed development is located within the Town Center Area Community Improvement District and Cobb Rides Transportation Management Association. There are at least four (4) bus stops located within a mile of the proposed development. One is located on Big Shanty Road just west of the proposed site entrance and three (3) are located on George Busbee Parkway. A Cobb County Transit Park and Ride Lot is located off Busby Drive less than a mile from the proposed site. See the attached route maps for detailed route descriptions. No sidewalks currently exist along Big Shanty Road parallel to the proposed development, however, approximately 250 feet west of the property line begins sidewalk and other pedestrian facilities along the south side of Big Shanty Road. Pedestrian facilities currently exist along both sides of George Busbee Parkway and along the south side of Town Center Drive in the vicinity of the proposed mixed-use development. The proposed development will provide sidewalks and trails for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The retail and residential portions of the development are proposed to be connected by sidewalks to potentially reduce the amount of vehicular traffic internal to the site. The proposed development will provide pedestrian access in accordance with Cobb County development requirements. Additionally, the programmed GDOT Project #0004511 is expected to develop a multi-use trail which will be a continuation of the Mountain to River trail at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park to Bells Ferry Road. A portion of the trail follows along side Noonday Creek right through the proposed site providing a scenic area to walk or bike and an enhanced pedestrian environment.

11.2 Vehicle Miles Traveled The following table displays the reduction in traffic generation expected due to mixed-use reductions, pass-by trips, and alternative mode reductions. Build-out Total Daily Gross Trip Generation: 20,975 (-)Mixed-use reductions (internal capture) -2,366 (-)Pass-by trips -1,500 (-)Alternative modes -372 Net Trips: 16,737

11.3 Relationship Between Location of Proposed DRI and Regional Mobility The development is located within the Town Center LCI study area. The proposed development has direct access to both to I-75 and I-575, allowing easy access to other parts of the area.

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11.4 Relationship Between Proposed DRI and Existing or Planned Transit Facilities The proposed development is located within the Town Center Area Community Improvement District and Cobb Rides Transportation Management Association. There are at least four (4) bus stops located within a mile of the proposed development. One is located on Big Shanty Road just west of the proposed site entrance and three (3) are located on George Busbee Parkway. A Cobb County Transit Park and Ride Lot is located off Busby Drive less than a mile from the proposed site. See the attached route maps for detailed route descriptions. Cobb Community Transit (CCT) Route 10C operates from Town Center to Marta Arts Center via Marietta Transfer Center (MTC). The PM (Outbound) trips will begin at the Town Center Mall stop located at JC Penney, stopping only at the MTC and ending at the MARTA Arts Center station. CCT Route 40 passes to the west of the site along George Busbee Parkway. This route operates from Marietta to Kennesaw State University via Bells Ferry Road and George Busbee Parkway, with stops in the Town Center Mall area. CCT Route 45 passes in front of the proposed development along Big Shanty Road and to the west of the development along George Busbee Parkway. This route operates from Marietta to Town Center Mall area via U.S. 41 and Ernest Barrett Parkway, with access to Chastain Meadows Industrial Park and Kennesaw State University CCT Route 481 outbound operates express service from the Children’s Health Care Center, adjacent to the Busbee Park and Ride Lot. Route 481 will travel to three MARTA stations, MARTA Civic Center, MARTA Arts Center, and MARTA Midtown (10th Street).

11.5 Transportation Management Area Designation The proposed development is located within Cobb Rides Transportation Management Association.

11.6 Offsite Trip Reduction and Trip Reduction Techniques Pass-by trip reductions were calculated according to the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 1998; however, according the GRTA’s 10% limit test, pass-by trips were limited to 10% of the adjacent roadway volumes.

11.7 Balance of Land Uses – Jobs/Housing Balance Please refer to the Area of Influence Analysis, located in Section 12.0 of the report.

11.8 Relationship Between Proposed DRI and Existing Development and Infrastructure The development is located in an area where, the existing infrastructure is expected to be adequate to serve the needs of the development upon build-out (2015).

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12.0 AREA OF INFLUENCE This section will describe the Area of Influence (AOI) demographics, AOI average wage levels, expected DRI housing costs, and the availability of jobs within the AOI that would reasonably position employees to purchase housing within the proposed DRI.

12.1 Criteria As part of the non-expedited review process for a DRI, an Area of Influence Analysis must be performed to determine the impact of the proposed development on the balance of housing and jobs within the immediate area surrounding the proposed development. For this proposed development expansion, the non-expedited review criterion is as follows: This section is included to satisfy the following GRTA Non-expedited review criteria:

7. The proposed DRI: (c) Is located in an area of influence with employment opportunities which are such that at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the persons that are reasonably anticipated to live in the proposed DRI and are reasonably expected to be employed will have an opportunity to find employment appropriate to such persons’ qualifications and experience within the Area of Influence.

12.2 Study Area Determination and Characteristics The Area of Influence is comprised of the area within six road-miles of the proposed development. To determine the AOI, TransCAD was used to measure six road miles from the nearest intersection to the project (Big Shanty Road at George Busbee Parkway). The population and housing statistics for the AOI were determined by taking the area outlined in TransCAD, creating a boundary in GIS format, and overlaying the boundary with a GIS layer containing census tract information. The Area of Influence (located within Cobb and Cherokee Counties) can be seen in Figure 11. Information obtained from the census tracts can be seen in Table 10.

Table 10 Census Tract Information

Total Households 43,999

Population in Households 119,197 Average household size 2.71 Total Workers 65,430 Workers per Household 1.49 Owner Occupied 76.7%

Rental Occupied 23.3%

As can be seen from the table above, the total population within the Area of Influence is 119,197, residing within 43,999 households (an average of 2.71 people per household). The AOI area totals 43,819 acres. Using the above calculated average of 1.49 persons per household, it can be anticipated that the proposed DRI will house approximately 4,835 people (1,784 proposed dwelling units multiplied by 2.71). Based on information obtained from the Census Tracts, it is estimated that approximately 2,658 of these expected 4,835 residents would be workers. The remainder of this section will demonstrate the availability of jobs for these expected workers within the development at or above the necessary income level to afford housing within the DRI. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution website was researched to find current listings of houses for sale in the vicinity of the proposed development (30066 Zip Code). At the time of this report, about 83 homes were listed for sale in the area, ranging in price from $99,900 to $1,650,000.

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Figure Hidden Forest DRI Area of 11 Transportation Analysis Influence Hidden Forest DRI #1352 - Transportation Analysis

12.3 Development Housing Analysis The development plan provides for houses for sale in four price ranges within the proposed development. Table 11, below, displays the number of units for sale, the average sale price for those units, and the number of workers expected to reside in the homes.

Table 11 Estimated Workers per Household Number of Average Number of Tier Description Units Price Workers $1,200/mont 1 Village Apartments 1,351 h 2,013 2 Townhomes 88 $300,000 131 3 Condominiums 160 $200,000 238 $1,500/mont 4 Senior Living 185 h 276

In order to determine the number of jobs available within the AOI that would provide adequate income, information about the types of jobs within the AOI and the average salaries for these positions was collected first. Information about the types of jobs available within the AOI was obtained from Claritas, a data solutions company. A map with the boundary of the AOI was sent to Claritas, and a report containing the types of employment opportunities and number of each type of job was compiled. The Claritas report is included in the Appendix of this report. Next, the Georgia Department of Labor website was researched to obtain average salary information for the positions available within the AOI. Average salary information for jobs in Cobb and Cherokee counties was matched to the jobs existing within the AOI. This information (also available in the Appendix), along with the information provided by Claritas, is included in the Table 12, on the following page.

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Table 12 AOI Jobs and Average Salaries Industry / Business Type # Businesses # Employees Average Salary Retail Trade 1,467 23,493 $25,986 Building Materials and Garden Supply 98 1,898 - General Merchandise Stores 48 3,176 - Food Stores 97 1,981 - Auto Dealers and Gas Stations 151 2,288 - Apparel and Accessory Stores 126 1,093 - Home Furniture, Furnishings, and Equipment 210 2,009 - Eating and Drinking Places 349 7,466 - Miscellaneous Retail Stores 387 3,582 - Finance 521 5,163 $50,864 Banks, Savings and Lending Institutions 172 2,481 - Securities and Commodity Brokers 33 157 - Insurance Carriers and Agencies 131 1,096 - Real Estate 184 1,428 - Trusts, Holdings, and Other Investments Services 2,572 29,485 - Hotels and Other Lodging 44 438 $14,737 Personal Services 668 3,541 - Business Services 756 7,572 $62,450 Motion Picture and Amusement 127 1,246 $20,203 Health Services 443 7,672 $40,396 Legal Services 71 277 $62,450 Education Services 75 5,267 $28,027 Social Services 103 1,383 $40,396 Miscellaneous, Membership 285 2,089 - Organizations and Nonclassified Agriculture 122 1,019 $23,094 Mining 6 51 $32,118 Construction 611 6,997 $42,480 Manufacturing 418 9,675 $51,602 Transportation, Communication/Public Utilities 199 3,457 $58,376 Wholesale Trade 387 6,135 $59,586 Public Administration 80 1,539 $35,137 Total 4,560 58,141 -

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12.4 Affordable Housing Analysis Various mortgage calculators are available online to aid in determining affordable housing based on given incomes and income ranges. These calculators were used to determine the minimum income necessary to afford housing within the proposed Hidden Forest development. It was assumed that no more than one third of an individual’s income would be used for mortgage costs (principal + interest), that a 7% interest rate on a 30-year conventional loan could be obtained, and that a 10% down payment would be made. The income required to purchase a home at the approximate price range was calculated and is displayed in Table 13. Because there is an average of 1.49 workers expected per household, the required income was divided by 1.49 to determine the average salary each worker within the development would be expected to earn in order to provide their “fair share” of the housing costs. This methodology assumes an equal burden on all workers within the development, and is considered to be a conservative approach since it eliminates the lower paying positions within the AOI from consideration in the analysis. Table 13 also displays the number of workers expected in each price range, as well as the number of jobs available at the necessary average income level to afford housing within that price range. As can be seen in the table, it is expected that all of the workers living within the DRI would be able to find employment within the AOI, thus satisfying the GRTA requirement of 25%.

Table 13 Expected Workers Average Sale Necessary Income per Expected Worker per Jobs at or above

Price Expected Worker Price Range Necessary Income 1 $1,200/month $28,993 2,013 49,921 2 $300,000 $43,401 131 32,279 3 $200,000 $28,934 238 49,921 4 $1,500/month $36,242 276 48,331 Percent of expected workers likely to find necessary employment within 100% the AOI

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13.0 ARC’S AIR QUALITY BENCHMARK The proposed development is expected to consist of approximately 144,600 square feet of retail space, 143,000 square feet of office space, a 31,200 square foot church, 1,351 apartments, 248 condominium units, and 185 senior adult housing units. ARC has establish criteria that link reductions in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) to improvements in air quality. The following describes the various reductions this development will accrue. For projects where residential is the dominant use: developments that have a unit to acre ratio greater than 15 dwelling units per acre will receive a 6% reduction. The project’s residential component is the dominant use with approximately 30 dwelling units per acre. A 2% reduction is applied because approximately 4% of the gross area is retail space and approximately 4% of the gross floor area is office. Since the project is located within ¼ mile of a CCT bus stop, a 3% reduction is applied. The development lies within the Cobb Rides Transportation Management Association, earning an additional 3% reduction. Since the development proposed sidewalks within the development, connecting the proposed buildings and connecting to the existing sidewalks along Town Center Drive, a 5% reduction is applied. The proposed development meets the ARC criteria for a total 19% VMT reduction. These reductions are displayed below in Table 14.

Table 14 ARC VMT Reductions Mixed-Use Project where Industrial is the dominant use Greater than 15 dwelling units/ acre -6% The primary land use is residential with a approximately 4% of the floor area as retail and -2% approximately 4% of the floor area as office Development is located within ¼ mile of a -3% CCT bus stop Participation in a Transportation Management -3% Association program Bike/ped network in development that met one -5% Density ‘target’ and connects to adjoining uses Total Reductions -19%

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