WORK Burbank Temple Emanu El, Burbank, CA (2018-2019) Rabbi EXPERIENCE  Torah Teacher: Directed Hebrew School, working with education committee to identify learning goals to redesign experiential curriculum; Designed and led adult classes, tailoring content based on participant interest; Tutored B’nei Mitzvah students developing prayer skills and encouraging each student to create unique positive Jewish identity.

 Prayer Facilitator: Reimagined prayer services with added meditation; Moderated lively Torah discussions; Created and piloted innovative musical Kabbalat Service; Grew Tot Shabbat Services from 15 average participants a month to over 40, identifying and recruiting key lay leaders and engaging families before and after services.

 Community Builder: Collaborated with Board to identify shared values and priorities, creating annual board retreat activities, serving on Strategic Planning Committee, rewriting mission statement; Proactively identified sponsorship opportunities, inviting members to give meaningful gifts while increasing participation; Worked one-on-one with members to craft lifecycle ceremonies; Represented congregation to larger Burbank community.

Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, Los Angeles, CA (2018) Substitute Halacha Instructor  Invited by dean to teach Jewish law to teach first-year rabbinical students, writing lectures and designing differentiated class activities to appeal to various student skill levels.

Temple Ramat Zion, Northridge, CA (2017-2018) Rabbinic Intern  Designed curriculum for post b’nei mitzvah students, selecting traditional texts based on student interests and facilitating informal conversations relating those texts to students’ lives; Taught adult education classes using theatre to connect to prayer, engaging with participants after class in one- on-one conversations on prayer experiences, establishing pastoral relationships; Led Shabbat services, offering intentions to enhance prayer experience; Delivered sermons connecting Torah to contemporary issues; Received mentoring from rabbinic supervisor, reflecting on various roles of rabbi in community and soliciting feedback.

Camp Ramah in , Ojai, CA (2014-Present) Head Kosher Supervisor and Judaics Teacher  Supervised of industrial kitchen for year-round camp programs; Formulated clear camp- wide kashrut policy in partnership with Executive Director; Worked proactively with staff to identify problems and implement systemic changes; Trained and mentored kosher supervisors; Educated non-Jewish staff in underlying values of kashrut, instilling team atmosphere between staff and supervisors.  Wrote and taught experiential curricula to campers grades 4-9; Created safe space ifor campers to ask deep questions, formulate and articulate beliefs, and respectfully disagree.

IKAR, Los Angeles, CA (2013-2016) Hebrew Teacher  Taught grades 3-6, revisiting prayers each year in greater depth; Counseled struggling students to build self-confidence and develop strategies to improve fluency.

Telefund, Santa Barbara, CA (2009-2012) Fundraiser, Trainer, and Floor Supervisor  Engaged current, potential, and lapsed donors, articulating client’s vision of better future and facilitating opportunities for meaningful giving; Trained staff in art of fundraising, incorporating regular shadowing, group and individual reflections, coaching, and feedback.  Managed team of 20+ fundraisers working on multiple simultaneous campaigns, monitoring performance in real-time, assigning callers based on strengths, providing support to struggling

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callers and soliciting best practices from top performers; Led shift meetings, articulating goals and inspiring team morale.

LEADERSHIP, AIPAC, Leffell Fellow (2017-2018): Engaged with rabbinical students across FELLOWSHIPS religious and political spectrum, creating space for deep conversations about Israel. & AWARDS Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, Abby Spivak Award for Community Service (2017), Henry Fisher Award for Outstanding Achievement in Jewish Studies (2018)

The , Prayer Committee Co-Chair (2015-2016), Community Conversation Committee Co-Chair (2012-2013): Collaborated with fellow students to enrich prayer culture of Yeshiva, empowering others to lead and promoting atmosphere of experimentation and communal reflection. Organized weekly event to foster stronger communal ethos, organizing creative activities, informal discussions and creating opportunities for individuals to share their passions and expertise.

T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, Rabbinical Student Fellow (2015-2016): Worked with cross-denominational team of rabbinical students in Israel to design and promote programing for rabbinical students on issues of human rights in Israel; Reflected and wrote about experiences for T’ruah publications.

AJC Inter-Sem, Planning Committee Member (2013): Developed theme and planned interfaith retreat for Protestant, Catholic and Jewish seminarians in Southern California with representatives from each school; Recruited classmates to attend retreat; Organized Jewish prayer service with students from HUC and AJR to represent diversity of Jewish practice to Christian participants.

PUBLICATIONS Co-author (with Rabbi Bradly Shavit Artson). God of Becoming and Relationship Study Guide: The Complete Study Guide to God of Becoming and Relationship: The Dynamic Nature of Process Theology. Jewish Lights Publishing: Woodstock, VT, 2014.

Copy Editor. Mishnah Sukkah: Translation and Commentary by Joshua Kulp. The Conservative Yeshiva; The United Synagogue of Conservative : Jerusalem, 2013.

TRAINING Storahtelling, Maven Training Seminar (2013): Trained in method to reimagine Torah service, using theatre, modern translations, and discussions to create interactive experiences for congregants.

EDUCATION Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, American Jewish University, Los Angeles, CA. Rabbinic Ordination and M.A. Rabbinic Studies, 2018 Rabbinics Capstone Project, The Drama of the Siddur: Theatre Techniques as a Way to Encounter Jewish Liturgy; A ten-lesson adult education curriculum using theatre exercises to deepen personal connections with traditional prayer.

Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA. B.A. Religion, Magna Cum Laude with Honors in Major Study, Minor in Theatre, 2004