Solomon says, “…He who gives to the poor will lack nothing,.” Prov. 14:31; and again, “ He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done” Prov. 19:17; above all, “ whoever is kind to the needy honors God” Prov. 14:31.

The Most High Mission Team together with of our beloved ministry partners at GHI has once more accomplished another fulfilling COVID-19 Food Baskets assistance program. Again, we say kudos to everyone.

All the beneficiaries were overwhelmed with the quantity of food items received. One beneficiary exclaimed, “Eiii! Pastor and Mommy, do you say all these items are for us?” “My children and I cannot be more than thankful to you and your friends.” “Akpe, akpe kaka nami.” (Thousand thanks to you all).

Another beneficiary, a 80 year old lady , was so excited about the food basket presented to her. She was dumbfounded and could only quote Psalms 41:1-3 and said, “thus my prayer and blessings for the Most High Mission and the Partners,” “Pastor, write it down in your report and send it to your friends for me.” And here we write,

Blessed is he who has regard for the weak (poor), The LORD delivers him in time of trouble. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; He will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes. The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness. NIV

Others, as custom demands, came so early to show their appreciation and express their gratitude for the food assistance.

Thirty (30) households were assisted this time round again with bags of rice, beans, maize, beverages- sachets of milo, tins of milk, kilos of sugar, packets of tea bags. In addition, three different kinds of assorted detergents, canned food/fish, tomato paste, kilos of onions and bottles cooking oil were added. We committed all the funds to support the Food Baskets, and no direct financial assistance whence we were able to reach such a number with much more supply.

We rented a vehicle for the distribution in the following communities, Doblo-Gonno (a rural community, north of the capital, Accra), (District capital), Tedeapenui, Dzogolokope, and Kebenu (all in the Central of the , and Tegbi, a coastal town in the ).

Once again, we say, kudos to you all at GHI and all our donors.