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Frick Fine Arts Library FRICK FINE ARTS LIBRARY ART & ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY ELECTRONIC JOURNALS Library Guide Series, No. 37 “Qui scit ubi scientia sit, ille est proximus habenti.” -- Brunetiere* Login: Pitt User Name and Password ULS Digital Library includes over 400 databases, including e-journals that are available for your use with your Pitt User Name and Password 24/7 from dorm, office, or home. Connecting From Home or Dorm Room You can connect from home to the ULS Digital Library and search the online databases to which it subscribes by using a web- based service called SSL VPN. Instructions on doing this are provided at a link on the ULS home page. Go to FINE ARTICLES and click on “Information on Connecting from Off Campus.” No special software is required. If you have problems connecting with SSL VPN, please contact Pitt’s Technology Department help line at 412-624-HELP (4357) for assistance. Locating E-Journals Electronic journals are easy to use and available 24/7 from the ULS libraries, dorm, or home. Begin at the ULS home page and click on FIND ARTICLES. Look at the options to the right of the screen and choose “Looking for a Specific E-Jounal.” You can choose to search by title OR you can scroll down the page and search by subject areas. A Subject Area Search - Choose ART, ARCHITECTURE AND APPLIED ARTS and the result will include: • Architecture – 36 online journals Includes such journals as Architectural History, Architectural Record, Architectural Review (London), Architecture (Washington, DC), Architecture Australia, Arq (London), Grey Room, Journal of Architecture (London), Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (UK), Journal of Urban Design, Perspecta, and several other titles. • Fine Arts – General – 21 online journals Includes such journal titles as African Arts, Artibus et Historiae, Border Crossings, Critical Inquiry, Cultural Trends, Genders, Journal of Cultural Economics, Journal of Visual Culture, New Criterion, October, Parachute, 1 Public Culture, Representations (Berkeley, CA), Third Text and some others. • Gardens, Landscape Architecture & Parks – 11 online journals Includes such titles as Garden History, Landscape Journal and others. • Visual Arts (sub-divided) • Decorative Arts – 11 online journals Includes Design Quarterly, Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, Journal of Design History, Ornament and others. • Photography – 22 online journals Includes such titles as Afterimage, Asia Image, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, Modern Photography, Studio Photography & Design, Videomaker and others. • Visual Arts – General – 63 online journals Includes such titles as American Art, American Art Journal, Apollo (London), Art Bulletin, Art History, Art in America, Art Journal, Art Monthly, Artforum, Artibus Asiae, Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Burlington Magazine, C (Toronto), C Magazine, Gesta, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Journal of Visual Art Practice, Konsthistorisk Tidskrift, Leonardo (Oxford), Metropolitan Museum Journal, Metropolitan Museum Studies, Modernism Magazine, Oxford Art Journal, Woman’s Art Journal, Zeitschrift fuer kunstgeschichte and others. One may also search for e-journals by individual title in Pitt Cat, the ULS online catalog. Go to “Books” on the ULS home page and click on Pitt Cat, the ULS online catalog. Type the title of a journal into the Pitt Cat search line, choose JOURNAL: TITLE as the type of search using the dropdown box. The result will be either an entry for a journal or a listing of one title held by more than one Pitt library. See the example for Art Bulletin below. Art Bulletin Location: Frick Fine Arts Library Art Bulletin Location: Bradford Campus Library Art Bulletin Johnstown Campus Library Art Bulletin [Electronic resource] Location: Available Online • Click the first entry for information on what volumes of the printed edition the Frick Fine Arts Library owns. These must be used in the library. 2 • Click the [Electronic resource] line for information on what volumes are available in the electronic full-text edition. • Note that the electronic edition is available via more than one electronic service and click on the one that covers the date you need. • Academic Search Premier – Currently offers 1975+ • Expanded Academic ASAP – Currently offers 1994+ • InfoTrac – Currently offers 1994+ • J-STOR – Currently archives 1919-2002 • For any of the above, click for year needed, click issue number desired and then click the title of the article needed to display the full-text. Using the Electronic Version of Art Bulletin If you click on the J-STOR archive of Art Bulletin, you will be able to search Art Bulletin in two ways. Search This Journal – Allows the searcher to use a search screen with several keywords or author’s names to retrieve a link to a specific article or all articles published in Art Bulletin by one individual or written on one subject. Browse This Journal – Allows the searcher to click on a link to all volumes of Art Bulletin in the J-STOR electronic collection. Then click on the link to an individual volume. A list of issues published in that volume/year will display. Then click on a particular issue of Art Bulletin and that will display a list of articles published in that issue of the journal. Further Use of the J-STOR Database One has the option of searching across all disciplines and all E-Journals archived by J-STOR (a database of selective digitized journals) to produce a list of archived articles on a particular subject. • In the JSTOR search line, enter a simple search such as PICASSO AND CUBISM • Search results will be listed according to relevancy to the search topic. The above search resulted in such e-journal articles as: • “Revising Cubism” by Patricia Leighten in Art Journal (Winter 1988) • “Picasso and Cubism” by Georges Monnet in October (Spring 1992) • “Cubism 1907-1908: An Early Eyewitness Account” by Edward F. Fry in the Art Bulletin • Several other full text journal articles. • Remember all that is being searched in JSTOR is journal titles that they archive; other results on PICASSO AND CUBISM will be found by searching art databases mounted on the ULS Digital Library (resulting in printed journals and other e-journals that are not indexed in the JSTOR database! 3 One may also search for a particular article within the J-STOR Database. • If one knows an article exists such as a journal article on Picasso’s surrealist paintings on the praying mantis theme, enter selected search terms in the ADVANCED SEARCH form of J-STOR. ANY OF THESE TERMS: Picasso EXACT PHRASE: Praying mantis This search results in two highly relevant full text articles: • Pressley, William. “The Praying Mantis in Surrealist Art.” Art Bulletin 55 (December 1973): 600-615. • Markus, Ruth. “Surrealism’s Praying Mantis and Castrating Woman.” Woman’s Art Journal 21 (Spring 2000): 33-39. List of Art and Architectural History Full Text Journals While all printed journals to which the ULS subscribes are listed by journal title in Pitt Cat, the ULS online catalog that is not the case for all electronic journals! The E-Journal link on the ULS home page described above does not include some of the journals that are available in electronic full text format via the database entitled Art Full Text. The reason is that AFT is not, at this time, compatible with the software that creates the E- Journals link. This also means that the electronic full text journals available in Art Full Text are not listed individually as such in Pitt Cat! The following list provides the user with a nearly complete list of full text art and architectural history journals available in ULS collections. Two Important Notes: 1. Journals that are only available in the printed edition are listed in Pitt Cat, the ULS online catalog and are not included in this list. 2. This list does not include full text titles in fields relevant to art history, such as history, archaeology, Asian Studies and others. To locate full text titles in other fields, use the E-Journals feature on the ULS home page, as explained above. Full-Text Journals and Dates Covered African Arts From Fall 1967 to Winter 2000 in JSTOR From April 1, 1990 to present in Academic Search Premier From January 1998 to present in Art Full Text 4 Afterimage From June 22, 1994 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP From June 1, 1996 to present in Academic Search Premier From January 1997 to present in Art Full Text American Art From Winter 1991 to Fall 2003 in JSTOR From June 1, 1997 to present in Academic Search Premier From Spring 2004 to present in University of Chicago Press American Art Journal From Spring 1969 to April 20, 2004 in JSTOR American Artist From May 1, 1990 to present in Academic Search Premier From January 1, 1993 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP From January 2006 to present in Art Full Text Aperture From January 1997 to present in Art Full Text Apollo From July 1, 2003 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP From July 1, 2003 to present in InfoTrac OneFile Architect (Washington, DC) From October 2006 to the present in Art Full Text Architectural Design From January 1, 2005 to present in Wiley Interscience Journals Architectual History From 1958 to February 28, 2002 in JSTOR Architectural Record From January 1, 1992 to present in LexisNexis Academic From January 1, 2001 to 1 month ago in Academic Search Premier From January 1, 2001 to 1 month ago in Business Source Premier Architectural Review
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