United States Patent Office Patented Apr

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United States Patent Office Patented Apr 3,801,490 United States Patent Office Patented Apr. 2, 1974 2 Pyrochlores provide a particularly satisfactory elec 3,801,490 trode material because they combine a high electrical con PYROCHLOREELECTRODES ductivity comparable to that of the metals, with a high Cletus N. Welch, Clinton, Ohio, assignor to PPG resistance to chemical attack comparable to that of the Industries, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. refractory metal oxides. Moreover, pyrochlores provide No Drawing. Filed July 18, 1972, Ser, No. 272,323 the high surface area normally associated with the oxides Int, C. B.01k3/06; C01b 11/26 of the platinum group metals and the low chlorine over U.S. C. 204-290 F 9 Claims voltages normally associated with the platinum group metals themselves. ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE 0 The bulk electrical conductivity of compressed powders Electrodes useful for electrochemical reactions are dis of BiRuO is on the order of about 0.5x103 to about closed. Also disclosed are electrolytic cells using such 2X 103 (ohm centimeters). Moreover, the pyrochlores, electrodes and the use of such electrodes in the conduct such as bismuth-ruthenium oxide bismuth-rhodium oxide of electrochemical reactions. The electrodes have a pyro and bismuth-iridium oxide, are resistant to attack by aqua 5 regia at 70° C. and by nascent chlorine. Furthermore, chlore-containing surface on a suitable electroconductive when applied as a thin coat on a titanium base, BiRu2O base. provides an electrode having a chlorine overvoltage of about 0.06 volt at a current density of 200 amperes per BACKGROUND square foot. Numerous electrochemical reactions such as the elec 20 Pyrochlores are a family of oxides having a cubic crys trolysis of brines, hydrochloric acid, and sulphates, elec tal structure with an Fci3m crystal habit, a 227 crystal troplating, electrowinning, electrolytic production of number, and a Schoenflies number of Oh. The crystall metal powders, electrolytic cleaning, electrolytic pickling, ography of the pyrochlores is particularly described in and the electrochemical generation of electric power, in J. Montmory and F. Dertaut, Pyrochlor-Related Struc volve the use of non-consumable anodes. Previously, 25 tures, Compt. Rend, 252, 4171 (1961); J. Longo and J. graphite anodes have been used in many of these proc: Goodenough, Preparation and Properties of Oxygen-De esses, especially in such processes as the electrolysis of is Pyrochlores, Mater, Res. Bulletin, 4 (3) 191 brines and the electrolysis of hydrochloric acid. More re 1969). cently, electrodes have been developed for such processes While an electrode that is a bulk pyrochlore body is utilizing a suitable electroconductive base or substrate 30 within the contemplated scope of this invention, such and an electrocatalytic coating thereon. Typically such electrodes will not normally be utilized for reasons of electrocatalytic coatings have been the platinum group economy. Preferably, the pyrochlore electrodes of this metals; e.g., platinum, osmium, iridium, ruthenium, pal invention will be in the form of an electrode having a ladium and rhodium, as well as their oxides. pyrochlore surface on a suitable electroconductive sub strate. The pyrochlore surface may be as thin as eight SUMMARY OF INVENTION angstroms. But, as a practical matter, the surface will be It has now been found that a particularly satisfactory at least 60 microinches thick and, preferably, in excess of electrode for the conduct of electrochemical reactions 150 to 200 microinches thick. The pyrochlore surface may be provided by the use of a pyrochlore surface on a need not, however, be greater than about 250 to 300 suitable electroconductive substrate or base member. 40 microinches in thickness. While a pyrochlore surface Pyrochlores are oxides of a high electrical conductivity, greater than 300 microinches in thickness (for example, low chlorine overvoltage, and high chemical resistance. as thick as 800 microinches or more) may be used with out deleterious effect, no additional advantages are ob DETALED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION tained thereby. Most frequently the pyrochlore surface According to this invention an electrode is provided will be from about 60 to about 300 microinches thick. having a pyrochlore surface on an electroconductive Sub According to one exemplification of this invention, the strate. Pyrochlores are metal oxycompounds having the pyrochlore will be in direct contact with the base mem stoichiometric formula ber and the electrolyte. (MBi-x) (M'Ru-y) O Additionally, the pyrochlores may be used to provide 50 an electroconductive layer on the electroconductive base where M is an ion of yttrium, thallium, indium, lead, or substrate with the pyrochlore surface having a further scandium, silver, cadmium or the rare earth metals, lan exterior coating of a suitable catalytic or electrocatalytic thanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, Samarium, material. For example, the exterior surface may be an europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, electrocatalyst having a low chlorine overvoltage with erbium, thulium, ytterbium, and lutetium. M' is an ion 55 of platinum, palladium, titanium, tin, chromium, rhodi the pyrochlore providing a corrosion-resistant electrocon um, iridium, antimony, lead, germanium, tungsten, seleni ductive layer between the exterior surface and the sub um and gold. Y is a number in the range of 0 to 2, and y strate, protecting the substrate from corrosion. Alterna is a number in the range of 0 to 2. tively, the exterior surface may be a surface catalyst hav In quaternary metal ion and tertiary metal ion pyro 60 ing a high porosity to allow the flow of electrolyte and chlores, most commonly M will be lead and M' will be current through the surface catalyst containing layer to iridium. In pyrochlores containing the ions of only two the pyrochlore surface and then back through the surface metals x will be 0, y will be either 0 or 2, and the pyro catalyst containing layer to the bulk of the electrolyte. chlore will contain bismuth and either ruthenium, rhodi The external surface, when present, should have a poros um or iridium. 65 ity of from about 0.50 to about 0.85. 3,801,490 3 4 Suitable surface catalytic materials include for exam By "suitable electroconductive substrates or base mem ple, bimetal spinels, such as cobalt aluminate (CoAl2O4), bers' is meant a substrate having an electrical resistivity nickel aluminate (NiAlO4), iron aluminate (FeAl2O4), within economic limits for its intended use, e.g., 10 (ohm or similar bimetal spinels. The catalytic exterior surface centimeters) or higher, and being substantially non may also be provided by perovskites or perovskite reactive with the electrolyte and the products of elec bronzes, such as the tungsten bronzes, e.g., sodium tung 5 trolysis. For example, in the electrolysis of brines, a suit state, potassium tungstate, and the vanadium bronzes, e.g., able electroconductive substrate would be one that is sub sodium vanadate, potassium vanadate, and the like. Al stantially non-reactive with sodium hydroxide, sodium ternatively, the catalytic exterior surface may contain a chloride, or hydrochloric acid solutions and not attacked delafossite, such as PtCoO, PdCoO, PdRhC), PdCrO2 by nascent chlorine. and the like. ... O The preferred electroconductive substrate or base ma Alternatively, other electrocatalytic materials, such as terials are the valve metals. The valve metals are those ruthenates, ruthenites, rhodates, rhodites, and the like may metals which form an oxide film under anodic conditions. be used to provide a porous exerior surface on the pyro The valve metals include titanium, tantalum, niobium, chlore coating. hafnium, tungsten, aluminum, zirconium, vanadium, According to the exemplification of this invention where 5 and alloys thereof. For reasons of cost and availability, a porous, exterior surface is provided atop the pyrochlore, titanium and titanium alloys are preferred as the substrate an electrode is provided having a layer of from about 60 for the electrodes of this invention. Where the electrodes to about 300 microinches thick of BiRuO on a titanium of this invention are intended for use in chlor-alkali cells, substrate, with a coating on the BiRuO of CoAl2O4, the valve metal substrates are substantially impervious to the coating having a thickness of from about 100 to about 20 the electrolyte. That is, the valve metal base is character 800 microinches and a porosity of from about 0.50 to ized by the substantial absence of pores and interstices about 0.80. such that the interior of the valve metal base is not wet According to still another exemplification of this in by the electrolyte. However, the electrodes of this inven vention, the pyrochlore surface may have interposed be tion may be in the form of arrays of rods and bars, or in tween it and the electrolyte a porous layer of a substan 25 the form of mesh or perforate or foraminous sheets, tially non-reactive material, such as titanium dioxide, thereby allowing for passage of electrolyte and gases vanadium oxide, tantalum oxide, tungsten oxide, niobium around the electrode structure. Such electrodes, while oxide, hafnium oxide, zirconium oxide, and the like, or themselves macroscopically electrolyte permeable to the silicon dioxide. This additional exterior coating serves to bulk flow of electrolyte have members that are micro provide further mechanical durability to the pyrochlore 30 scopically impermeable to the flow of electrolyte. surface. Additionally, these porous exterior coatings pro Alternatively, other materials such as graphite or car vide added surface area for surface-catalyzed reactions bon may be used as the electroconductive substrate or of the electrode products, or of the electrode reagents. base material without deleterious effects. A laminate of Preferably, the porous exterior coatings are formed in a valve metal and a less expensive metal such as iron situ as will be described hereinafter. According to this or steel may be used with a pyrochlore coating on the exemplification an electrode is prepared having a 60 valve metal.
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