The Lost Light AN INTERPRETATION OF ANCIENT SCRIPTURES Alvin Boyd Kuhn Electronically typed and edited by Juan Schoch for educational research purposes. Please do not remove this notice. I can be contacted at
[email protected]. I will be greatly indebted to the individual who can put me in touch with the associates of the Estate of Dr. Alvin Boyd Kuhn and/or any of the following works: The Mighty Symbol of the Horizon, Nature as Symbol, The Tree of Knowledge, The Rebellion of the Angels, The Ark and the Deluge, The True Meaning of Genesis, The Law of the Two Truths, At Sixes and Sevens, Adam Old and New, The Real and the Actual, Immortality: Yes - But How?, The Mummy Speaks at Last, Symbolism of the Four Elements, Through Science to Religion, Creation in Six Days?, Rudolph Steiner's "Mystery of Golgotha", Krishnamurti and Theosophy, A. B. Kuhn's graduation address at Chambersburg Academy "The Lyre of Orpheus", A. B. Kuhn's unpublished autobiography, Great Pan Returns. To THE MEMORY OF DR. ROBERT NORWOOD WHOSE CHARGE TO ME TO WRITE THIS BOOK WAS AN IMPELLING AND SUS- TAINING INSPIRATION TO THE TASK, THIS WORK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED CONTENTS PROLOGUE I. TRAGEDY DIES IN LAUGHTER II. ECCE HOMO-EOCE DEUS III. TRUTH CRUSHED TO EARTH IV. WISDOM HIDDEN IN A MYSTERY V. LOOSING THE SEVEN SEALS VI. THE DESCENT TO AVERNUS VII. COLONISTS FROM HEAVEN IX. ALIVE IN DEATH X. THE MUMMY IN AMENTA XI. DISMEMBERMENT AND DISFIGUREMENT XII. AMBROSIA AND NECTAR XIII. EARTH, WATER, AIR, FIRE XIV. FIRE ON HEAVEN’S HEARTH XV.