

Thuradaj^JnneJU^lW^ B1LT V AULE Y TM» BELT MONTANA Fn» T CHRISTY MATHEWSON GAINING IN i HEALTH DAILY AT SARANAC LAKE ; Pool Selling at Golf to Be Taboo Hereafter { OSS G] and - eh Pool soiling ut golf champion * • ships is to be taboo hereafter Î In America with the announce^ f ment of President J. Frederic Z Ç epb Byers of thevünlted States Golf > ' association in a letter to A. T. iA Packard, golf editor of the Chi­ I, r cago Evening Post, that his or­ ft ganization was opposed to the « ci practice. The Western Golf association, '»m JT* he said, has prevented pools for \ O some time, and as the associa­ t! V ;\ ist tion controls the courses during o a tournament, pool sellers will % co be barred. 4 Pi' ) \\\ I * SQUELCHES Pi dD ■ i el R A * -i. I hEMroijCr ■i m Moriarty Resorts to Drastic \\ippiMpp n V-5 ^rFpp'U'-' . Measures to Curb Hurler. tffrprmjri . A V%.i '#* \ Twlrler Who Pitched Nothing but Strikes Caught Off His Stride and Could Not Locate Plati Is ,W. V Given Deserved Call. «,■ 4 ©MrMMg ©if ©&© Sometimes an is forced to OPEN TO THE PUBLIC c* resort to drastic measures to silence a fV3 protesting athlete. George Moriarty, r i umpire, was up against such a situation one day last summer. i) 9a A certain American league pitcher, 3 i who throws nothing but strikes. If yon ■B I “Big SI*" as H.e Appeared In Pitching for the New York Giants. would fake his word for It, wa* doing pelBP^ Ilf’ Christy Mafhewson, formerly slar twlrler of the New York Giants, Is Im­ proving hi health dally at Saranac Lake and sees his ultimate recovery within \ 1 h it a short time. The lapses which he has suffered have not dimmed his optimism * or shaken his resolve to "come hack." This Is the substance of a message which “Big Six" delivered to George Wlltse, his roommate In the days when they il i1—1 Karl fjf-\ V were both shining lights on the New York team. Pi In the first personal Interview that "Matty" has given since he was sent v> Into virtual exile by his physician, thé old war horse said: "I am really feel­ ing Hue now. I am gaining In strength every day." Christy looks well and * speaks dn a strong voice, considering the terrible siege he has undergone. J-\rch. Sfreerf- X d pniladelph UL.. * Philadelphia to Have Diamond o ÏPS5 School of Umpires Squibs TIjc Philadelphia Baseball'as­ Weather I* never postponed on ac- 1 sociation announces it conducts count of baseball. ETSY BOSS is no myth— from his Quaker training not Inclined about a wife and child In Philadelphia a school of umpires to assure M---• so maintained Levi L. to perpetrate a He on the public, when “Claypoole (with 215 prisoners) was uniformity in enforcing rules, f.owrence, with Independence, Kan., Alrlch during his life, and he In 1870 prepared a paper on the placed on board the ship Symmetry not alone concerning national In the Southwestern stole 08 bases last so says Emma B. Alrich, Flag which he read before the Penn­ and was exchanged on reaching Amer­ year. lv.1l his widow. The Alrichea sylvania Historical society, also told ica. He sought out Mrs. Ashbum, regulations governing the sport, were editor and associate the story, not from tradition, but as who was so favorably Impressed with but In regard to the various grounds on which the many lo­ For sheer ability, no southpaw editor of the Public Rec­ told by Mrs. Ross to Mr. Cauby.” him, that they were married. May was as good as Rube Waddell, and none ao ord of Cawker City, Kan., Then follows the refutation, among 8, 1783. Five daughters were bom cal twilight contests are to be played. More than 125 “pupils” Irresponsible. for 35 years (1883-1918). the papers of Mr. Alrich. as he used It to them, one. Clarissa, married a Wil­ • • • . Mr. Alrich died In the year 1917. already are enrolled. on previous occasions It contains the son, and succeeded ber mother In the Edward Hughes of Wlndber. Pa., "As I could not lift the forms alone, following : Flag making business. has been elected captain of the la»- and everybody was 'gone to war,’ ” "A myth exists only In the Imag­ "The original number and street of Umpire George Marlarty. fayelte college freshman baseball team. says Mrs. Alrich, T was obliged to ination. Is Betsy Ross a myth! Did the Flag house was 89 Mulberry the pitching. Ordinarily, aaid pitcher close business, such a person live, and did she make street ; but Mulberry was changed to POP" FOWNES STAR AT GOLF New York Nationals have released is a mighty hard man to hit. This par­ "The statement was made in the the first Stars and Stripes which we Arch. The numbers began at the a young battery, Percy Malone, pitch­ ticular occasion was one of hia few off National Tribune, Washington, D. C., now reverently speak of as ‘Old Delaware river, alternating on north Father of Former National Champion, er. and Frank Samlde, catcher, to the days. He wti wild, and when he did that 'the story of Betsy Ross and the Glory’? and south side of the street. In Although WoM Along In Years, Waterbary club of the Eastern league. manage to get one over the batter flag Is a myth.’ I want to get the “It Is recorded that some time be­ 1856 the present system of n uni tier­ Flays Good Gama. • • • would take all kinds of liberties with * refutation of Mr. Alrich before the tween May 23 and June 7. 1777, ing In oil cities originated In Phil­ With a baseball league operating In it. At such times it ta always the cue public. I shall send a copy to every Commander in Chief George Wash­ adelphia, giving 100 to each block “Pop” H. U. Fownes of Pittsburgh, Paris, Franc*, this summer. It should for the pitcher to alibi himself at the historical society In the United States. ington. accompanied by the committee, (or square, in local parlance of that Pa., father of the former national not be long before the American expense of the umpire. The Kansas D. A. R. state convention Robert Morris and Col. George Ross city), the Flag house becoming 239. na- rhamplon. W, C. Fownes, and C. B. tlonal game la played all over the Moriarty. who was umpiring halls took It up and indorsed It and placed (a relative of Betsy) called on her, The writer lived below the old house (Chick") Fownes. and uncle of Misa world. and strikes, was displeasing the pitch­ if in their records." and there after consultation, in­ a short time before the new system • • • er most of the afternoon. The pitcher Mr. Alrich, In the Civil war, was structed her to make the Flag. The of «numbering was adopted, when ___ 1 Joe Mattes, a pitcher who came to managed to win his game despite the a member of Company B, Baker's Cali­ Mrs. Mund then kept a tobacco »tore American congress resolved, on Sat­ ' the Boston Red Sox from the Hamli- fact that the opposing team made fornia regiment (Seventy-first Penn­ urday, June 14, 1777, ‘that the Flag In It, and refused large sums of j ton team of the Mint league, haa been eight runs. In the eighth Inning, after sylvania infantry). Mrs. Alrich Is of the United States be 13 stripes money for parts of the house as M released to Albany of the Eaafern Moriarty had failed to cal) a certain relics." senior vice president of the National alternate red and white, that the j league. batter out on strikes, the pitcher let Then follows "William J. Cnnhy's Woman’s Relief Corps. Alarlc G. Al­ union be 13 stars, white on a blue the world know that he thought the / statement” : rich, their son. Is past division com- field, representing a new constella- • A * Mlsglvinga concerning Joe Dunn's umpiring was sour. mander. Sons of Veterans of Kansas, tion.' This was substantially the “It Is not tradition, It Is report from -, Denver team seem to have been ‘That !■ 14 you have missed on Mrs. Alrich has printed a pamphlet design agreed upon by the commlf- the Ups of the principal participator war- ranted, for the new Grizzlies have not me !” he yelled. with the title, "History, Not Myth,” tee and made by Betsy Ross, In the transaction directly told not m looked good in the early games of the “How tunny?" asked Moriarty In a which contains her husband's “refuta­ "But who was Betsy Ross? Her to one or two, but to a dozen or more > i season. voice equally loud. maiden name was Orlscom. Elisabeth living witnesses, of whom I am one. tion" mentioned in the foregoing. • • • "Fourteen !" replied the pitcher. Griscom, horn In 1752, of Quaker par- though but a little boy when I beard Mrs. Alrich's pamphlet begins thus: The by Boh Veach In the Then in a voice that carried all over ents. Samuel and Rebecca Griscom. H- I was eleven years old when Mrs "The statement recently made that I opener at Cleveland waa one of the j the park, Moriarty replied ; the story of ‘Betsy Boss and the Flag Samuel was a descendant of Andrew | Ross died In our house, and well re- "Some one must have told you to Griscom, who brought the first cargo j member her telling the story. 1 have longest hits ever made In the Cleve- is a Myth,’ aroused a feeling that I t, 1 land park. It cleared the right field say that ; you can’t couht that far." would not be loyal to the memory of of bricks from England, of which this [ the narrative from the oldest of my vi ri/Qdi- ■*, screen. my late husband. I^evl L. Alrich of famous house was built. Elisabeth 1 aunts, reduced In writing In 1857. married John Ross, an Episcopalian. 1 This aunt, Mrs. Clarissa Wilson. Baker's California regiment (Seventy- auc- fM Elliott Jlmerson, the young Indian Sporting Squibs ‘first Pennsylvania infantry), who en- I and for this awful misdemeanor she I <'ceiled to the business of making flags M H j pitcher who was taken south by the listed May, 1861. and took part in was expelled from the Friends’ sod- ! which had been exclusively held by m Reading club, has been given hla un of All Kinds 15 baffles in 18 months, unless pub- ety, and becoming an Episcopalian, Mrs. Ross, and she continued to |H j conditional release. He lacked expe- i liclty was given to his response to the with her husband, worshiped in the make flags for the navy yard and the The Ice palace, of Phlily, will bold B j rience. boxing contests all summer. same remark several years age. Old Christ Church, only a short dis- arsenals for many years until, being mà • • • À "Boro and reared In Philadelphia, tance from her home, and where the conscientious on the subject of war, % 2||| William H, Luden of Heading. Pa., London Banka Football (soccer) as­ Pa., he Improved the opportunities pew she occupied (No. 12) is still she gave up the government business, 7W. j^B will donate a sliver but and baseball sociation, h;*s twenty-three clubs and of research. It. the State Historical j marked to designate It as hers, as Is but continued the mercantile business ^B to the first Heading International play- . society ; the records of the Friends’ I «•*> her grave In Mount Moriah cem- "1 1,200 registered players. until 1857. Washington was a fre- BB er who Mt« home run over fence on roeetings ; also of the Holland Society etery, beside her husband, Claypoole. j quent visitor at my grandmother'* * i S Reading field. t * • of New York; the latter In the de- | General Waahlngfon alao worshiped In house, liefere receiving command of I Joseph Guillemot, French distance scent from Jac dt and Peter Alrich. the same church, and his pew Is also his army. She embroidered hla i'i runner, may be forced to retire from Dutch governors of Delaware, under j marked, and Jboth are nhown today, shirt ruffles and did ■ -• < 1 The Columbus c!ub made a deal by active competition because of hla many other r*\ Î fcTVi :• I which It traded Outfielder Jimmy Tag- Peter Stuyvesant of New York. I “Two children were bom to John things for him. health. He knew her skill I gart and Inflelder Fred Bralnerd to “In 1868, when frequenting places and Betsy Ross, one Zlllah dying In with the needle, Colonel Ross, with S Newark of the International for In- of Information, he met William J. | Infancy. The other was named Robert Morris and Gentrai Wash Walker, the 8t. Mlrron center for­ W’ ’fit | fielder Maurice Shannon. Canby. who had the only genealogical Eliza. Ross died when a young man. Ington, called upon Mrs. Ross and ward, with 38 goals in 81 games, free of the Canhy family In America : his widow being at the time of the told her they were a committee of leads all the scorers In the Scottish beginning with Thomas Canby, who episode twenty-five years of age. Boss congres* and wanted her to make the The Minneapolis club has released Soccer league. came from Thorn. JCngland, In 1685. was an npbolaterer, hi* widow con- Flag from a drawing, i rough one, Shortstop Elmer O'Shaughnesty to the which has on It all of his 16 children tlnuing the business, wa* so occupied wblcb upon her suggestion was re i Shreveport club of the Texas league. Mrs. Molls BJurstedt Mallory, Amer­ ican woman tennis champion, will seek and their descendants down to when the committee called upon her. drawn by General Washington, "Fop" Fownoa. He Is still the property of the Wash- 1888. «me Susan Canby. married a Widow Ross married Joseph Ash- chiefly because the star« were six j Ington Americans under a string. the world's championship on the courts IVter Alrich, who waa the paternal burn, who was devoted to the cause of cornered, and not five cornered I Sarah Fownes. ail well known golf • • • of the famous Wimbledon club in Eng­ grandfather of Levi L. Alrich, while the young republic, and waa cap- Ax the date to be daring Washing player», la shown In the photograph. The Boston Red Sox have turned land again this season. Susan was the maternal grandmother tu red by the British and died In Mill ton's visit to congress from New York Although he Is nearing the threescore Pitcher Tom (“Zip”) Sloan back to • • • of William J. Canhy. prison at Portsmouth. England Dor- when be came to confer upon the af veara and ten he still can play an ex- the Hartford club, Eastern league A helpful sign for rowing In thg Thta tree la «.mglble evidence that tng fata Imprisonment he told a fellow fall* of the army, the Flag being, no ■ client game of golf He la seen here Henry Fine, another recruit pitcher northwest section of the United State« William J. Canby la net a myth; and prisoner John Claypoole. his story doubt, ooe of these affairs" at the golf course at Plnehurst released by Duffy, has Joined Is the Introduction of the sport to stu­ the Bsy City clnb of the Mint league. dents of Reed college, Portland. Ore* POINTERS ON RUGBY RULES ______' " a ;, a a------— - - and at University of British Columbia, was closely related to America, for It dit loo. Her husband worried about From May 20 to June 15, 1921, the Vancouver, her lack of Moon Cousin Helen • * Chinese CompMment was here that many of the flreeraek- nil On* bud Fsutura of Canadian Styl« Is Baltimore club, champion* of the In­ era which formerly announced the In­ came from the Bust for a visit. Mar­ William. I ;58tt. Is again in training MaUS Flay Permitting Pushing ternational league, won 27 straight In China. If ooe deafrea to express dependence day celebration were tha improved wonderfully with bright game«* tying the world's record for and as hi* ailing leg seems to be In af bau Carrier. high cocnpllmml of a person, the made. Among the great men who hare companionship Her husband waa not consecutive victories, held by the Cor­ better abape than at any time last right thumb la »tuck up above a closed bees among Changsha's chief products slow to fiprwi Ms gratitude to hla A rugby foot halt coseb points out ah-ana club of the Texas league, made year, should make things very inter­ ft*l. T‘. extend the little finger, waa Gen. Tseng Kuo Fan. whose co­ wife’s couala. "Helen, you can't »mag that «ike h*d feature of the Catrtrdian In 1902 3 esting for those 2:06 pacers through I Uoog» r. to suggest that the person la operation with “Chinese Gordon” wa* lue bow much good your visit has style of play Is that the mass play • • • tba West. hebest contempt When the Chang- largely instrumentât In potting down «Jon« Martha. She looks fen year* penalta the pushing and assisting of While the Yankees were training In • .* • aha man refera to hla fellow citizens, the Tatptng rebellion younger." “Well, I am so glad. Cousin a ball carrier. One feature which the New Orleans Everett Scott, shortstop It Is estimated that 15,000 trotters he always resemble* a patient about George.” Helen babbled “And If she AmerVat game could adopt with of the New York club, had one of the and pacers are in training for the bar i <«. have bl* thumb bandaged Long Healthy Complexion A mured. keeps or using that rouge I’m leaving :-rollt, he points out la the rule pre boat cat days of hi* career, whan he racing season in this country sod before Vale establiahed the “Tale In Marthe was a pale little Wife whose her shell always here that healthy • coring "stalling.” in Canada the bail handled 17 chances cleanly In a eta Canada They will appear an tppral fhi»»" coil««? in Changsha the city white rbooks Indicated ber lletlaaa con- compterion, like mto« ’’—Exchange. mttot be in play 20 seconds after a Jor league battle this would have been taateiy 1.000 tracks, many af which will not permit betting. down Is culled. a record.
