A Case Study of How the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Relates to Alternative Journalism in Disaster and Conflict Operations
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Fakulteten för Ekonomi, kommunikation och IT Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Nina Paulsen Harling ‘More nimble, more human, more efficient‘ A case study of how the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement relates to alternative journalism in disaster and conflict operations ”Flinkare, humanare och effektivare” En fallstudie om hur rödakors- och rödahalvmånerörelsen förhåller sig till alternativ journalistik vid katastrof- och konfliktinsatser Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, C-uppsats Media and communication studies, thesis Termin/Semester: Våren/Spring 2012 Examinator/Examiner: Ulf Buskqvist Karlstads universitet 651 88 Karlstad Tfn 054-700 10 00 Fax 054-700 14 60 [email protected] www.kau.se Preface I would like to extend a big and warm thank you to Karlstads universitet and to my teachers and supervisors Ulf Buskqvist, Christer Clerwall and above all Michael Karlsson and Paola Sartoretto —thank you for the advice and support. I am also very grateful to my Red Cross and Red Crescent collages that kindly donated their time and shared their experience to answering my questions and providing important content for this essay. Many thanks! Nina Paulsen Harling 2 1 Abstract Different forms of non-traditional journalism play an increasingly important role when it comes to informing us about what´s happening around the world. By the use of one case study—the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement—this essay aims to research the following problem: How does the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement relate to alternative journalism during disaster and conflict operations? The question is explored from theory on alternative journalism and its alleged empowering potential and as an alternative in cases where traditional journalism fails. Through individual interviews with participants from the organization including one focus group interview, the study gives an overview of how these professionals relate to alternative journalism and how it is incorporated into the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement´s (hereafter RCRCM) activities. Conclusions include that: RCRCM is increasingly using information from alternative journalism to monitor and listen to different audiences and as sources for operational purposes. Alternative journalism comes with opportunities such as; closer dialogue and feedback, credibility and accountability to the sector as well as empowerment. Direct Movement organizational benefits include helping to mobilize communities to participate in operations through for instance becoming members and volunteers and contributing to fundraising efforts. However there are challenges, in particularly in view of adhering to the RCRCMs fundamental and key operational principles of impartiality, neutrality and independence. Keywords: Alternative journalism, advocacy journalism, citizen journalism, participatory journalism, disaster and conflict affected Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, disaster and conflict operations, beneficiary communication. 3 Sammanfattning Olika former av icke-traditionell journalistik spelar en allt viktigare roll för oss när det gäller att informera oss om vad som händer i världen. Genom att använda en fallstudie, rödakors- och rödahalvmånerörelsen, undersöker uppsatsen följande problem: Hur relaterar rödakors- och rödahalvmånerörelsen till alternativ journalistik under katastrof- och konfliktinsatser? Frågan undersöks utifrån teorier om alternativ journalistik och dess påstådda potential som alternativ i fall där traditionell journalistik misslyckas. Genom individuella intervjuer och en fokusgrupp-intervju med kommunikatörer från organisationen ger studien en översikt över hur de förhåller sig till alternativ journalistik och hur den införlivas i rödakors- och rödahalvmånerörelsens (härefter RCRCM) aktiviteter. Slutsatser inkluderar att: RCRCM använder alltmer alternativ journalistik för att följa och lyssna på bredare målgrupper men också som källor för operativa ändamål. Alternativ journalistik ger framförallt möjligheter såsom närmare dialog och återkoppling, trovärdighet och ansvarighet (accountability) för sektorn samt medbestämmande. Direkta organisatoriska fördelar inkluderar underlättandet vad gäller att mobilisera befolkningen till att delta i insatser, till exempel genom att bli volontärer/frivilliga eller medlemmar samt bidra till ökad insamling. Men det finns utmaningar, särskilt när det gäller att följa organisationens grundläggande och viktiga operationella principer om opartiskhet, neutralitet och oberoende. Nyckelord: Alternativ journalistik, opinionsbildande journalistik, medborgarjournalistik, deltagande journalistik, katastrof- och konfliktdrabbade, Röda Korset och Röda halvmånen, katastrof- och konfliktområden, förmånstagar-kommunikation. 4 Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Abstract ................................................................................................................................ 3 Sammanfattning ........................................................................................................................... 4 2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Problem statement and research questions ..................................................................... 8 2.2 Relevance ........................................................................................................................ 10 2.3 Background to problem area – Alternative Journalism .................................................. 12 2.4 Background to problem area – Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement....................... 13 2.5 Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 15 2.6 Disposition ....................................................................................................................... 15 3 Theoretical framework ....................................................................................................... 16 3.1 Examples of historically related research ....................................................................... 17 3.2 Technical development and use...................................................................................... 18 3.3 The State, deterritorialization, and jurisdiction: security ............................................... 19 3.4 The role of alternative journalism in disasters and conflicts .......................................... 21 3.4.1 Interaction between traditional and alternative journalism ............................... 25 3.5 Organization Communication ......................................................................................... 27 3.5.1 ICRC approach to work in conflict and crisis, communication objectives and social media channels ........................................................................................................ 28 3.5.2 IFRC approach to work in disaster and crisis management communication objectives and social media channels ................................................................................ 29 3.5.3 National Society communication objectives and social media channels related to conflict and disasters, the example of Swedish Red Cross ................................................ 31 4 Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 31 4.1 Choice of method ............................................................................................................ 32 5 4.2 Population and selection ................................................................................................. 32 4.2.1 Interview details ................................................................................................... 32 4.3 Execution ......................................................................................................................... 33 4.4 Critique of method .......................................................................................................... 35 4.4.1 Generalization ...................................................................................................... 36 4.4.2 Reliability .............................................................................................................. 36 4.4.3 Validity .................................................................................................................. 37 4.5 Ethical considerations ..................................................................................................... 37 5 Results and analysis ............................................................................................................ 38 5.1 Research question one: How does the RCRCM use externally produced alternative journalism? ................................................................................................................................. 43 5.2 Research question two: What kind of actions is taken by RCRCM, based on reports from alternative journalism during disaster and/or conflict operations? .......................................... 45 5.3 Research question three: How do RCRCM communicators use platforms of alternative journalism (journalism by participating in internal and external web-based media or channels such as blogs or micro