1.1 As part of the East Loch Lomond Visitor Management Group (ELLVMG), the Council, the National Park Authority, the local community and other members of the Group have developed a Visitor Management Plan, aimed at improving the visitor experience to the Loch Lomond Area.

1.2 The Visitor Management Plan identifies a range of interventions to improve visitor management, and in particular the management of traffic and provision of parking within the East Loch Lomond area. The Plan proposes the introduction of parking controls and charges within the formal public car parks. A copy of the East Loch Lomond Visitor Management Plan (ELLVMP) is contained in Appendix 1.

1.3 In support of this Plan, the National Park Authority and Forestry Commission have proposed the introduction of parking controls and charges within their car parks in the East Loch Lomond area, with a view to controls being operational from April 2011.

1.4 The National Park have agreed that any surplus income generated from parking charges, net of operating costs, would be used to improve facilities and implement the ELLVMP.

1.5 Balmaha Car Park is the largest public car park in the East Loch Lomond area, with a capacity of 200 spaces. This car park is owned, managed and maintained by Stirling Council and currently operated without charges.

1.6 The Council’s Parking Strategy, approved in 2006, identified Balmaha as one of many areas that required a review of parking provision, which would include consideration of parking controls and charges.

1.7 This report seeks approval for the Roads, Transport and Open Space Service to commence work to begin the review of parking provision for Balmaha Car Park and the East Loch Lomond area, considering the introduction of parking controls and charges, in support of the East Loch Lomond Visitor Management Plan.


That the Executive:

2.1 notes the work being proposed by the East Loch Lomond Visitor Management Plan to improve access and visitor management in the area;

2.2 agrees that the Roads, Transport and Open Space Service commence a review of parking provision and consider the options for the introduction of parking controls and charges in Balmaha Car Park, as part of the Council’s overall Parking Strategy and liaising with the established cross-party member/officer Parking Strategy Review Group;

2.3 agrees that Council receive a report in October 2010, seeking a decision on recommendations for the Council’s parking interests in the East Loch Lomond area, including Balmaha Car Park.


3.1 The ELLVMG have produced a Visitor Management Plan, which is aimed at improving the visitor experience to the Loch Lomond area, whilst reducing the impacts of visitor pressure and anti-social behaviour in the area.

3.2 In addition to interventions that have been implemented by Stirling Council and Central Scotland Police to address problems with indiscriminate parking along the C6 Balmaha to Rowardennan Road, the Plan also identifies the need to improve facilities and management arrangements in the formal public parking areas, to encourage visitors to park in a responsible and controlled manner.

3.3 There are four main public car parks in the East Loch Lomond area, Balmaha (owned by the Council), Milarrochy Bay (owned by the NPA), Sallochy Bay and Rowardennan (both owned by Forestry Commission Scotland).

3.4 In addition, there is public parking within Drymen. It is not proposed to introduce further controls, or charging, in Drymen as part of the ELLVMP proposal.

3.5 These car parks (paragraphs.3.3 & 3.4 refer), which are currently operated as free parking, provide an essential facility for visitors accessing the East Loch Lomond area.

3.6 The ELLVMP seeks the introduction of parking controls and charges to manage the demands for parking across the four car parks listed in paragraph 3.3.

3.7 The National Park Authority and Forestry Commission Scotland have approved, in principle, the introduction of charges and controls in their car parks, and the ELLVMG is seeking Stirling Council to adopt the same position for Balmaha Car Park.

3.8 The ELLVMG is currently working on a detailed operational plan for the implementation of these controls, and Stirling Council will be an integral part of this process. The ELLVMG still require to determine the most suitable control measures, the periods of operation, permitted lengths of stay, charging levels, payment methods, etc.

3.9 Careful consideration of the impact of controls and charges, is also required to ensure that the controls achieve their desired objectives. The Council would need to satisfy itself that any proposed changes would improve the management of parking demands and not simply displace vehicles to other informal areas, nor incur additional costs.

3.10 Stirling Council’s Parking Strategy was approved in 2006 and ranked Balmaha 5th on a list of the settlements across Stirling to be considered for a parking review.

3.11 The ELLVMP proposes that any parking income (net of operating costs) be ring-fenced to support the Plan area and invested to improve local facilities: the ELLVMG are requesting that Stirling Council adopts this position in relation to any income generated from Balmaha Car Park.

3.12 Adopting this approach would represent a departure from current practice, which accrues car park income for the benefit of the entire Council area. It is not known if the introduction of charges in Balmaha would result in any surplus income. However, this will be investigated as part of the parking review.

3.13 Stirling Council currently manages all its parking facilities across the area in an holistic manner, including on-street parking, park and ride sites, nine pay and display car parks and 27 free car parks. The income from the charges is collected into a central budget, which funds the operational cost and maintenance of all the parking facilities.

3.14 In the past twelve months, £10,000 has been spent in Balmaha Car Park on surface improvements, signs and road markings.

3.15 Segregating surpluses from individual car parks for specific purposes would make it difficult for the Service to meet the operational cost of parking facilities that are operated as free parking or car parks that do not generate a surplus income, and would adversely affect the ability of the Service to meet budget targets.

3.16 Any changes to the car parking income would have to be considered as part of the Council’s budget process.


Policy Implications Diversity (age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation) No Sustainability (community, economic, environmental) Yes Corporate/Service Plan Yes Existing Policy or Strategy Yes Risk Yes Resource Implications Financial No People No Land and Property or IT Systems No Consultations Internal or External Consultations Yes

Policy Implications

4.1 This paper supports the Single Outcome Agreement by:-

- Improving the management of traffic and parking, complements Strategic Topic 6 (Making Stirling a Place with a high quality environment)

- Managing traffic, which in turn can contribute to a sustainable reduction in local carbon emissions, supports Strategic Theme C (Making Stirling more sustainable)

4.2 This paper supports the objectives of the Council’s Local Transport Strategy and Council-Wide Parking Strategy.

Resource Implications

4.3 Financial:

- There are no immediate financial implications of investigating changes to parking provision for the ELLVMP area.

- The financial implications of introducing changes will be examined in the business case options and highlighted in the October report to Council.


4.4 The Roads, Transport and Open Space Service will consult with the ELLVMG, Elected Members, and Officers from the Council’s Finance and Procurement Service as part of the review.

4.5 Full public consultation on any proposals would be undertaken following, and subject to, a decision being made by Council in October. 5 BACKGROUND PAPERS

5.1 “Stirling Council’s Parking Strategy”, Environment Committee, 25 August 2005.

5.2 “Local Transport Strategy”, Stirling Council, June 2006.

Author(s) Name Designation Tel No/Extension

Brian Roberts Roads Improvement 2872 Manager

Approved by Name Designation Signature

Les Goodfellow Head of Roads, Transport and Open Space

Date 28 April 2010 Reference REP1130EXE(LG)


East Loch Lomond Visitor Management Plan

1. Aim of the Visitor Management Plan

To improve the visitor experience of East Loch Lomond and reduce the impacts of visitor pressure and anti-social behaviour in the area.

2. Area

East Loch Lomond area is defined as covering the road corridor and lochshore from the Drymen village boundary to Ptarmigan Lodge north of Rowardennan, and encompassing the and east shore of Loch Lomond.

3. East Loch Lomond Visitor Management Group Membership

Buchannan Community Council Buchannan Community Partnership Central Scotland Police Forestry Commission Scotland Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority National Trust for Scotland Scottish Natural Heritage Stirling Council

4. Strategic Fit

The work that the East Loch Lomond Visitor Management Group proposes to take forward fits within a national and regional framework. The outcomes and priorities listed below set out those that the work in ELL will contribute to delivering.

Scottish Government Strategic Outcomes • SO 2 – We realise our full economic potential with more and better employment opportunities for our people.

• SO 9 – We live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger.

• SO 10 – We live in well-designed, sustainable places where we are able to access the amenities and services we need.

• SO 11 – We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others.

• SO 12 – We value and enjoy our built and natural environment and protect it and enhance it for future generations.

• SO 15 – Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people’s needs.

Stirling Council & Partners – Single Outcome Agreement

Strategic Topic 5 - Making Stirling a place with safe, strong and resilient communities

Local Outcomes • Citizens are supported and encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and how they affect others. • Stirling’s communities are safer, stronger and more resilient

Platforms for Action • Continuing to seek innovation in partnership working to prevent antisocial behaviour in our urban and rural communities • Focus on co-ordinated approaches to education and communication to reduce visitor antisocial behaviour, including litter and vandalism, particularly in the National Park and rural Stirling.

Strategic Topic 6 – Making Stirling a place with a high quality environment

Local Outcome • High quality physical environments, both built and natural.

Platforms for Action • Protecting and enhancing the quality of the built and natural environment • Ensuring environments promote and sustain healthy lifestyles and wellbeing • Addressing issues of public access to the natural and cultural environment • Raising awareness of the area’s unique environment and providing improved opportunities to enjoy it

Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Plan – Mid-Term Review

Visitor Experience Strategic Priority 3 – Improve the quality of the public realm in the National Park to encourage private investment and improve the visitor experience • East Loch Lomond Management Plan implemented

Strategic Priority 4 – Improve the quality and consistency of signage in the National Park to improve the visitors’ experience of the National Park • Trial visitor information signage in East Loch Lomond

Scottish Forestry Strategy

Outcome - Competitive and innovative businesses contributing to the growth of the Scottish economy.

Objective - Increase the contribution of forestry to tourism.

Forest for People – Access, Recreation & Tourism in Cowal & Trossachs Forest District

Recreation Priorities • Local health and well-being • Local economic development

5. Local Fit

Buchanan Community Action Plan 2007 - 2010

Vision statement – A place where visitors are welcome and are considerate of the lives and livelihoods of local people.

Theme 1 - Visitor Management Main Priority: establish better visitor management agreements and systems that allow people to enjoy the special qualities of the area and which eliminate anti-social behaviour and littering.

6. Proposed Area wide improvements

Visitor Management • Continue to enforce existing legislation and encourage responsible behaviour through Police and Ranger Services with specific effort focused through Operation Ironworks and the “Respect the Park” campaign. • Camping bye-law proposed to reduce the negative impacts of excessive visitor pressures linked to informal roadside and lochside camping in the area. • Alcohol bye-law proposed to reduce anti-social behaviour in the area. • Infrastructure improvements at key sites including Rowardennan, Sallochy, Milarrochy & Balmaha. • Snap plan in place for ‘excessive traffic’ weekends.

Signage • Improve the signage in East Loch Lomond and move from the current mixture of organisational signage to a simple and robust information signage approach that is easy for visitors to use and fits within the rural environment. • Provide relevant information and advice for visitors through well located signs that show useful information e.g. where the toilets are, car parking, walks, where to get ferries or where to climb Ben Lomond, Conic Hill etc.

Transport • Introduction of car park charging at 4 key sites owned by FCS, NPA & Stirling Council. • Car park capacity information signage established at Drymen to manage visitor pressure. • Consideration to be given to shuttle bus service provision from Drymen to Rowardennen. • Consideration to be given to restricted use of road north of Balmaha on high peak weekends. Link to shuttle bus service.

Generated Funding • All funding raised through car park charges to be recycled on visitor management issues in East Loch Lomond after costs of managing car parks taken into account.

Informal roadside parking • Prevent informal car parking through implementation of the clearway legislation and works at side of road e.g. bunding, ditching etc.

Rangering • Continue to support local community and visitor management through Ranger Service e.g. high profile patrolling and engagement with visitors using the area. Potential to increase ranger service provision dependent on funding raised through charging. • Long term education and awareness raising role with young people across west central Scotland and visitors using East Loch Lomond.

West Highland Way • Maintenance and management of the major tourist asset in the area – link to local businesses. • Promotion of day walk options to experience WHW, improved signage and information for both WHW walkers and day visitors. • Actively promote “leave no sign” behaviour by WHW walkers through guidebooks, websites and other publications.

See Appendix A - Draft Implementation Plan for Details

7. Project Delivery and Funding

The exact funding needed for each of the areas outlined in Appendix 1 is still to be agreed by all the partners. The funding outlined below gives an overview of funding and commitments for 10/11.

National Park Authority The NPA in 09/10 allocated £50k to FCS for site improvements at Sallochy and Rowardennan. A further £17k was spent on purchasing a toilet block for Sallochy in conjunction with SNH.

The NPA has dedicated funding allocated for financial year 2010/11 to progress with the implementation of the Plan. This includes:

Project Specific Funding • £97k for Milarrochy public toilet sceptic tank replacement (£37k in 09/10) • £50k for site upgrades • £15k signage upgrades • £25k for WHW upgrade at Manse Bay • £5k for camping byelaws promotion/signage/info • Approx £13k of continuing support to Central Scotland Police for Operation Ironworks • £1.5k VC signage for building

Ongoing Funding • Approx £288k of continuing Ranger Service activities in ELL (7.5 FTE permanent staff in ELL, 9 seasonal staff (4.5 FTE)) • Funding to open Balmaha VC 7 days per week during summer • Grounds maintenance and waste management contract (Milarrochy) • Toilet cleaning services contract (Rowardennan, Milarrochy, Balmaha) • Implementation of Inchcailloch Management Plan

Forestry Commission Scotland FCS has allocated the following funding and resources for the financial year 2010/11 to progress the implementation of the plan. This includes:

Project Specific: • Lead in the design & delivery of infrastructure works at Sallochy and Rowardennan in partnership with ELL VMG. • Up to £150k towards capital improvements at Sallochy to enhance the visitor experience • Up to £50k towards capital improvements at Rowardennan to enhance the visitor experience.

Ongoing Funding • Litter collection at Sallochy and Rowardennan • Maintenance and tree management at Sallochy and Rowardennan • Contribution to joint patrols as part of Operation Ironworks • Implementation of Forest Design Plan to convert East Loch Lomond to native woodland. • Partnership work within Ben Lomond National Memorial Park

Stirling Council • Site improvements at Balmaha car park - full extent to be determined but starting with entrance way improvements and white lining of parking bays by end March 2010 • A commitment to seek a change to the Council's existing policy on charging and use of income for the Balmaha car park with a decision by end May 2010. Fuller work on the overall parking strategy for Balmaha may take longer to achieve - to be discussed. • Promotion of an Outdoor Drinking Byelaw, with implementation by August 2010 • Exploring transfer of public toilet provision in Balmaha to the National Park Visitor Centre • Support to the National Park in the review of overall signage in East Loch Lomondside as required • To be explored, further capital investment including VMS car parking signage and longer term potential for park and ride/shuttle services - support at this stage would be to the development/assessment of the business case.

SNH £17k committed in 09/10 for the purchase of a toilet block for Sallochy. No financial commitment in 10/11 at this time although staff time is available to help take forward projects in ELL and potentially help community with an SRDP application.

Central Scotland Police Central Scotland Police to continue to provide resources for Operation Ironworks (and ongoing policing) and to provide assistance in implementing bye-laws proposed for East Loch Lomond.

APPENDIX A Draft Implementation Plan Camping Byelaws Lead Feb 10 May 10 June 10 July 10 Oct 10 Nov – Jan 11 Jan 11 Feb 11 Mar 11 Apr 11 Apr 2011 Organisation onwards NPA Launch Consultation Submit Submit Receive Develop Start Ranger Signage Implement Monitor camping responses revised camping approval implementation camping and installed in camping implementation Link to: byelaws received and camping byelaws from plan between byelaws Police ELL for byelaws CSP consultation analysed byelaws to Scottish NPA & CSP information Training camping FCS to NPA Scottish Ministers including PR campaign byelaws. SC Board Ministers for Strategy and Info on SNH camping camping area websites byelaws permit system and through press

Outdoor Drinking byelaws Lead May 10 June 10 August 10 September 11 Organisation SC Approval by Signage agreed with ELL VMG. Implement byelaw – Review operation of Stirling SC install signage need to consider byelaw and monitoring Link to: Council of implementation mid- reports. CSP extension of season NPA byelaw to ELL PR Strategy agreed

Develop Implementation plan SC, NPA & CSP

Signage Lead July 10 Sept 10 Nov 10 Feb 11 Apr 11 Apr 12 Organisation NPA Agree signage standard Agree signage Tender signage Phase 1 signage Phase 2 signage All signage in ELL at for ELL amongst implementation plan contract installation as part of installation new standard Link to: partners for ELL site upgrades FCS Remove old signage SNH NTS

Car Park Policy & Traffic Management Lead Mar 10 Apr 10 June 10 Sept 10 Oct 10 Jan 11 Feb 11 Apr 11 Organisation SC Car Park Policy Discuss with FCS Timber Agreed Install car park [SC to install PR plan Site Implement car Paper to NPA Transport options approach to charging electronic car established and improvements park charging Link to: Board car park regime as part park capacity implemented finished including and monitor NPA Reduce number of charging by of site signage at car park FCS informal car parks sites on SC, NPA & improvements Drymen for ELL] charging CSP ELL FCS. at Sallochy, – No funding at Rowardennan, present, need to Improved interim clearway Milarrochy & discuss and signage for summer 2010. Balmaha develop business case

Site Improvements Rowardennen Lead May 10 June 10 July 10 Sept 10 Oct 10 Jan 11 Feb 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Organisation onwards FCS Finalise site Agree funding Tender work Begin work at Tender Agree tenant Finish work on Official Monitor site improvement between FCS, for Rowardennan Rowardennan for site opening of site Link to: plans for NPA & SNH Rowardennan including car visitor building Rowardennan including new NPA Rowardennan. including site park charging to commercial building for tenant and car SC management regime sector season 2011 park charging SNH arrangements NTS BCC / BCP CSP

Site Improvements Sallochy Lead April 10 May 10 June 10 July 10 Sept 10 Feb 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 onwards Organisation FCS Agree project Finalise site Agree funding Tender work for Begin work at Finish work on Open site Manage and management for designs for between FCS, Sallochy Sallochy site including car Monitor site Link to: delivery of site Sallochy NPA & SNH park charging NPA upgrades. including including site SNH informal management SC campsite arrangements BCC / BCP CSP Obtain consents and permissions

Site Improvements Milarrochy Lead April 10 Sept 10 Oct 10 Nov 10 Jan 11 Feb 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 onwards Organisation NPA Replace sceptic Start winter Tender Install car park Agree tenant for Finish work on Official opening Monitor site tank to increase programme of Milarrochy charging regime Milarrochy site of site including Link to: toilet capacity site building to as part of site building for new tenant and FCS improvements. commercial improvement season 2011 car park SC sector charging BCC / BCP

Site Improvements Balmaha Lead Mar 10 Apr 10 Sept 10 Feb 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 onwards Organisation SC New signage on Balmaha car park line Install car park Finish work on site Open site including Monitor site NPA Balmaha Visitor Centre. marked by SC. charging regime as car park charging part of site Link to: VC Building open 7 Agreement between improvement. FCS days a week for SC & NPA to close SC summer Balmaha public toilet Improve visitor centre BCC / BCP and keep visitor centre experience and make open 365 days per toilets accessible from year. Funding outside discussion needed.

Enforcement by CSP & Rangers Lead Apr 10 Sept 10 Winter 10/11 Apr 11 Sept 11 Organisation CSP Operation Ironworks Operation Ironworks end of Prepare camping byelaws Operation Ironworks Operation Ironworks started: focus operations on operation review and implementation plan (see started closed Link to: public holidays, weekends reporting... above) NPA and school holiday periods Develop Operation FCS and periods of good Ironworks programme. weather.

Education, Outreach & Volunteers Lead April 10 June 10 Sept 10 Apr 11 Organisation NPA Continued Promotion of Respect Pilot NP Volunteer Ranger Review Volunteer Ranger pilots Role out NP Volunteer Ranger the Park as key message in ELL activities inc public information and prepare recruitment, training Programme Link to: and NP roles. and work programmes. CSP SNH Posters, web info, leaflets, litter Review Ranger Service summer FCS bags season. SC Ranger Service summer rotas starts.