Siston and , . day of October. 1867, to send by post, prepaid, to Messrs. ni^O be sold by auction, pursuant to an Order of the High J., T.. and R. Gole, of No. 49, Lime.-street, Leadenhall- -H. Court of Chancery, made in a cause Bush v. Peterson, street, in the city of London, the Solicitois ot the defendant with the approbation of the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Richard Thomas Lewis, the executor of the deceased, their Chris- Dialing, the Judg.< to whose Court such cause is attached, tian and surnames, addresses nnd descriptions, the full par- in several lots, by Messrs. Alexander and Daniel, the ticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and persons appointed by the Judge for the purpose, at the the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, or in King's Arms Inn, Kingswood hill, in the county of Glou- default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the cester, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 17th and 18th days benefit of the said Decree. Every creditor holding any of September, 1867, at one of the clock in the afternoon security is to produce the same before the Master of the on each day :— Rolls, at his chambers, situate in the Rolls-yard, Chancery- Siston. lane, Middlesex, on Friday, the 8th day of November, Several freehold messuages, cottntges, gardens, and 1867, at twelve o'clock at noon, being the time appointed valuable pieces of land, including the Maypole Inn, and the for adjudicating on the claims.—Dated this 6th day of Horse Shoe Inn upon the Siston Warren, in the parish of August, 1867. Siston, in the county of , and the uninclosed OURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chan- warrenj or common, containing about seventy-four acres, •JL eery, made in a cause Susanna Mary Amey agaiust with the warrener's house, rabbit warren, coal pit, buildings, John Jasper Taylor and others, the creditors of.Cornelius and shafts, and the minerals under the warren, both inclosed Smith, late of No. 56, Gracechurch street, in the city of and uninclosed, and Midland Branch Railway Company, London, Surgeon (who died on or about the 6ih day of the reversion in fee expectant on the decease of lives, of December, 1861), are, ou or before the 1st day of October, several messuages, cottages, and lands, including the Black 1667, to send by post, prepaid, to Messrs. Rutherford and Horse Inn upon Siston Warren. Son, of No. 14, Gracecburch street, in the city ol London, A most compact and valuable estate, comprising a farm the Solicitors of the defendants, John Jasper Taylor and house and homestead, a dwelling house and malt house, Frances Glynes, the executors of the deceased, their Chris- orchards, and arable and pasture lands, in the parish of tian and surnames, in full, their addresses and descriptions, Siston aforesaid, and known as the Stumps, Cherry Orchard, with the Christian and surnames, in lul, of any partner or ajid Sariain's Estate, and containing altogether about partners, and full particulars of their claims, a statement seventy-eight acres. of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) Several shares in the minerals under an estate in the said held by them, or in default thereof they will be peremp- parish of Siston, called Brook Farm, containing about torily excmded from the benefit of the said Decree. Every seventy-one acres of land. creditor holding any security is to produce the same before A valuable piece of pasture land, called Tilley's Ground, the Master of the Rolls, at his chambers, situated in the or Griffin Ground, situate near the Griffin Inn, in the said Rolls-yard, Chancery-lane, Middlesex, on Monday, the 4th parish of Siston, containing about seven acres, and now or day of November, 1867, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, lately occupied by Mr. Edward Bigwood. being the time appointed for adjudicating on the claims.— Mangotsfield. Dated this 9th day of August, 1867. Three cottages and a shed or smiths' shop in the street of Mangotsfield, in the said county of Gloucester. PURSUANT to an Order of the High Court of Cliar.- The' reversion in fee expectant on the decease of a lady t cery, made in the matter of the estate of Robert aged sixty-five years, in a valuable freehold family residence, Walker Simpson, and iu a cause Haigh aguin.-t Simpson, with the garden, stable, and offices known as Mangotsfield the creditors of Robert Walker Simpson, late of'Armle)- House, in Mangotsfield aforesaid. grove, near Leeds, in the county of York, who died in or A fourth part of the rectorial tithe rent charge issuing about the month of March, 1867, are, on or before the 20th out of lands in Mangotsfield, producing annually the fixed day of September, 1867, to send by post, prepaid, to Joseph sum of £19 13s. 4d. Hopps, o. Leeds aforesaid, one of the executors of the deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and de- The tithe rent charge, commuted at £2 10s. 4d. per scriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a state- year, payable out of lands in Mangotsfield aforesaid, occupied ment of their accounts, and the nature of the securities by Mr. Charles Payne. (if any) held by them, or in default thereof they will All the property, except Mangotsfield House, may be be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said viewed on application to the respective tenants; and Man- Order, livery'creditor holding any security is to produce gotsfield House may be viewed by cards which will be the same before the Ma.-t«r of the Rolls, at his chambers, supplied on application to the Vendor's Solicit*. situated in Uolls-yard, (. hancer>-lane, .Middlesex, on Tues- Particulars and conditions, with plans, may be had (gratis) day, the 29ih day of Oe;ober, 1867, at eleven o'clock in at the place of sale; of the Auctioneers, Broad-street,' the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on ; Mr. James Marmont, Surve>or, Corn-street, the claims.—Dated this tub day of August, 18D7. Bristol; of the following Solicitors in London, Messrs. Mead and Daubeny, No. 2, King's Bench walk, Temple; Messrs. URSUANT to a Decree, made in a cause George Meredith and Lucas, No. 8, New-square, Lincoln's-inn; P Jiartleit, ou beiiaif of himself and all other the un- Mes-srs. Poole and Gamlen, No. 3, Gray's-inn-square; satisfied creditors of Samuel Bovill, late oi Hill-lane, in the Messrs. Walter and Moojen, No. 8, Southampton-street, town and county of the town of Southampton, deceased, Bloomsbury; Messrs. Matthews and Greetbaun, No. 68, who will came in and comribu e to the expenses of the t-uit Lincoln's-iim-fields; Messrs. Newbon and Evans, Nicholas- against Amanda Maria Bovill and <>:hers, the creditors of lane, Lombatd-street; and of the following Solicitors in the said Samuel Buvill, who died in or about the month of Bristol, Messrs. Stanley and Wasbroupb, Corn-street; November, 1865, are, on or before the 15th d.-iy of October, Mr. Charles Harris, Small-street; Mr. Stamford P. Parker, 1867, to send by posr. prepaid, to Messrs. Netht-rsule and Nieholas-chumliers; Mr. Henry H. Beckm^ham, Broad- Speechly, of No. 1, New-inn, London, the Solicitors of the street; and of the Vendors' Solicitor, Mr. George F. Fox, defendant, Amanda .via:id Bovill, the administratrix, with No. 35, C'oru-btreet. the will annexed of tne saiu deceased, t!u ir Christian and surnames in full, addrc-ses and descriptions, "itti the JUKSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chan- Christian and surnames in full i..f any partner or partners, J cery, made in a cause lievan against Bevan, the and tuil particulars of their claims, a statement of their creditors of George Edward Hevan, late of Hath, in the accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by county of Somerset, -who died in or about the mouth of them, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily ex- May, 1866, are, on or before the 1st day of Odober, 1867, cluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Every creditor to send by posr, prepaid, to Messrs. Secretan, Wnodhouse, holding any security is to produce the same before the and Colborne, of Newport, in ihe county at' Monmouth, the Vice-Cliiiucillor sir John Stuart, at his chambers, situated Solicitors of Emily Bevan, Widow, the executrix of the at No. 1:2, Old-square, Lincoln's-inu, iu the county of Biid GeorgeEdward Bevan, their Christian and surnames, Middlesex, on the 5th day of November, 1867, at two addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their o'clock in the afternoon, being the time appointed for claims, a statement ol their accounts, and the nature of the adjudicating on the claims.— Dated this 9tn day of August, securities (if any) held by them,* or in default thereof they Ib67. •will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Every creditor holding any security is to produce OURSUANT to au Order of the High Court of Chan- the same before the Master of the Rolls, at bis chambers, !_ eery, mude in ihe matter of the estate of Charles situated Rolls-yard, Chancery-lane, Middlesex, on Monday, Harcouit Smith, deceased, and in. a cause Smith against the 4th day ot November, 1867, at eleven o'clock in the Hallutt, the creditors of ihe said diaries llarcourt Smith, forenoon, being the time appointed tor adjudicating on the late an Admiralty Mail Agent, employed iu the Red Sea, a claims.—Dated this 9th day of August, 1867. Lieutenant in Her Majesty's Uoyal Navy, who died at sea on the '2o:;\ day of August, 1864, are, on or before the 25th( "OURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chan- day of September, 1867, 10 send in by post, prepaid, to1. JL eery, made in a cause Kirkiuan against Lewis, the M'-ssn-. Ajeyrick and Co., of No. 4, StoreyVgate, Great creditors of Abraham Kirkmau, latu of No. 89, Cnaneury- George-streer, \Vestminiter, S. W., ttie Solicitors of Jaruts lane, iu tlie county of .Middlesex, and of Llangorse, in the Alfred Hallett, the surviving executor of the said Charles couu-y of BrtC"n, Barrister-at-Law, who died in or about llarcourt.-Smith, their Christian and surname?, addresses and the month of December, 1866, are. on or before the 1st descriptions, tlie full particulars of their claims, a statement