MEMORABLE SEPHARDI VOICES Compiled by Lucien Gubbay The Montefiore Endowment Schaller House Campus, 44A Albert Road, London NW4 2SJ Kol Israel Haverim - Eretz Hemdah Alliance (KIAH) i Institute for Advanced Jewish Studies Jerusalem iii Memorable Sephardi Voices. Published by Chroniclers for the Montefiore Endowment, Schaller House Campus, 44A Albert Road, London NW4 2SJ ISBN 978-965-436-038-8 © 2020 Lucien Gubbay Back Cover: ‘Tree of Life’ embroidered pulpit cover by Estelle Levy Memorable Sephardi Voices, published by the trustees of the Montefiore Endowment, is a project developed by the Montefiore Endowment in partnership with KIAH (Alliance - Kol Israel Haverim). Eretz Hemdah (Institute for Advanced Jewish Sudies, Jerusalem), recognising the value of the work, undertook to advise and to check the English language text to ensure the accuracy of both the translations and the interpretations of the Sages’ quotations. It will also publish the original Hebrew texts on its own website. Designed and typeset by Geoff Fisher
[email protected] Printed, bound and distributed by CPI (UK) Croydon CR0 4YY Copies of the paperback edition of Memorable Sephardi Voices may be obtained at a cost of GBP £9 each (plus postage) from CPI Your Way© at: (Scroll down to ‘Memorable Sephardi Voices’ on the left hand side of the opening page.) ii iv FOREWORD by Rabbi Yosef Carmel Rabbinical Dean of Eretz Hemdah, Institute for Advanced Jewish Studies, Jerusalem From Girona and Fez in the West, sweeping through Aleppo to Bagh- dad and beyond in the East, the authority and wisdom of the great Sephardi sages spreads.