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YEIP /M 2000- 002 2000

Summary Report ofprospectin gwor k

Nameo fth eclaims : Vlad Giantnumbers :YC17416 -YC17427 ; YC20234-YC20244; YC20297-YC20298

NTSMap : 115006

Latitude:63 °25 'N Longitude: 139°0 7W

DawsonMinin gDistric t

Dateso fth eprogram : 04/1/2000-01/31/200 1

Registeredowno" : VladimirNedeche v

Authoro fth erepor t VladimirNedeche v

YEIP 2000- 002 2000 Y(^iPoo-oox

Summary Report ofprospectm gwor k

Nameo fth eclaims : Vlad Grantnumbers :YC17416 -YC17427 ; YC20234-YC20244; YC20297-YC20298

NTSM^ : 115006

Latitude:63 °25' N Longitude: 139°O TW

DawsonMinin gEHstric t

Dateso fdi eprogram :04/1/2000 -01/31/200 1

Registeredowner :Vladimi rNedeche v

Authoro fth ereport :Vladimi rNedeche v Summary Duringth esumme r2000 ,prospectin gwor kfo r goldwa sdon eo nth eclaim sVla dan d adjacent territorylocate dapproximatel y 80k msoutheas fromt Dawso nCity .Th eare a lieswithi nth elimit so fth eTintin aGol dBel tan doccupie sa territor yo fcontac tintrusiv e bodies(acidi ct ointermediate )wit hmetamorphi c rockso fPrecambria nt oPaleozoi cage .

Conducted workinclude dprospectin gsurvey san dgeochemica l sampling(silt ,soil ,an d rock). Siltsample swer ecollecte dfrom th estrea mo fHenderso nCree kan dit ssmal l tributaries,an dsoi lsamples -fo rth econfirmatio n ofgol danomalie sobtaine dfrom th e resultso fsil tsampling .Mos to fth eroc k sampleswer etake ni nth esouthwester npar to f theterritor ytha ti scharacterize db yth epresenc eo fmineralize dan dbrecciate drocks . Somesmal lfrenches an dpit swer edu gb yhan dfo r purposeo funcoverin gan dsamplin g ofmineralize drocks .

Severalanomahe so fgol d(u pt o5 7ppb )wer ereveale db ysil tsampling ,mostl yi n westempar to fth earea ,vdiic hcharacterize db ypresenc eo fsilve ran drelativel yelevate d copper,lead ,zinc ,an dmolybdenum . Onlylimite d soil samplingwa sdon ether ebecaus eth eare areveale db ysil tsamplin g needt ob esurveyin gb ybi gvolum eo fsample so nth esystemati cgrids ,howeve ron e sampleo f2 9assaye di sgreate rtha n60 0 ppb. Rocksamplin gconfirme d thepresenc eo fgol dmineralization .Bes tresul t(gra bsampl e ofquart zbreccia )i s2,79 6ppb .Chi psamplin go fsimila rbrecci aimcovere db ytrenchin g 1.4kilomete rnortherl ygav eth eresult sgreate rtha n 100 ppbo fgol dan d>0.1 %o flea d over2. 0m . Discoverednorth-northeas t trendingbrecci azon ei shoste dwithi nth emetamorphi crock s nearth econtac twit hintrusiv ebodie san dwa ssurveye dfo r adistanc eove r3 0 m. Distribution ofsevera lgol danomalie sreveale db ysil tsamplin gpermi tt osuppos ea n existenceo fmineralize dzone si na nare aa tleas t3. 5x 0. 8km . Basedo ncollecte ddata ,gol dmineralizatio n probablyi sepithermal/mesotherma ltype .


Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A2C6 Tableo fContent s

Introduction 1 Property Description 1 Location and Access 1 Physiography, Climatean d Vegetation 2

WorkProgra m 3 Exploration History 3 Current Program 3

Geology 4 Regional Geology 4 Property Geology 4 Mineralization 6

Geochemistry 9 SiltGeochemistr y 9 SoilGeochemistr y 10 RockGeochemistr y 10 Geochemistry 11

Conclusion and Recommendation 13


Figure 1.Vla dpropert ylocatio nma p 1 Figure2 .Genera lvie wo fth eare a(HendersonCreek ) 2 Figure3 . Generalgeolog yo fth eare a 5 Figure4 .Quart zstringer si namphibolite(? ) 7 Figures.Boo kstructur eo fquart zvei ni naltere droc k 7 Figure6 .Quart zbrecci a 8 Figure7 .Folde dquart zstringer si ngneissi croc k 8 Figure8 .Distributio no fgol dcontent si nsi hsample s 9 Figure9 .Analytica ldat ao froc ksample s(selecte delements ) 12 Figure 10.Summarize dgol ddat a 1999-2000 14


Appendix 1.Clai mlocatio nma p 15 Appendix2 . SampleLocation sN^ p Inpocke t Appendix3 .Locatio no fsample s(1999 )fo rheav yconcentrate s andgol danalysi s 16 Appendix4 .Mineralogica l compositiono fheav yconcentrate s (HendersonCreek) 17 Appendix5 . GoldThemati cMa p Inpocket Appendix6 .Distributio n ofbariu man dsilve r(si hsampling ) 18 Appendix7 .Distributio n ofpotassiu man dmolybdenu m(sil tsampling ) 19 Appnedix8 .Distributio n ofmultiplie d concentration Cux P bx Z n (siltsampling ) 20 Appendix9 .Propose dwor kprogra mma p 21 Appendix 10. Tableo fhigh-precisio n gold/electrum data 22 Appendix 11.Certificate s ofanalyse s 26 Introduction

Property Description

Thepropert yVla dconsist so ftwelv econtiguou sclaim s(Vla d 1-12, grantnumber s YC17416-YC17427,expir ydate -Augus t23,2002) ,totalin g~ 60 0acre s(Appendi x1) . Thirteenadditiona lclaim s(Vla d 13-25 )wer estake di nAugus t200 0i nth eadjoinin g area(Vla d 14-23 ,gran tnumber sY C20234-Y C20244 ,expir ydate -Augus t09,2001 ; Vlad24 -25 ,gran tnumber sY C20297-YC20298 ,expir ydate -Augus t23,2001) .

Location and Access

Thepropert y(63°24 'N , 139°0r W)i slocate dapproximatel y37 0k mnorthwes t fiom Whitehorse(Figur e 1)withi nth eDawso nMinin gDistric tan dlie swithi nNT Sma pshee t 115006. Thepropert yi saccessibl edurin gsumme rmonth sb ysecondar yroad st oplace rcamp s (from DawsonCit y-13 6 km).Las t0. 4k mt oth enorthe mlimi to fth epropert yi s accessibleonl yb yfoot -alon gth estrea mo fHenderso nCreek .

Figure 1. Vladpropert ylocatio nmap . Physiography, Climatean d Vegetation

Theare ai slocate d insouthe m parto fYuko nPlateau .Principa l waterstrea mi s Henderson Creek (itsuppe rpart)-righ t tributaryo fYuko n River.Henderso nCree k flows therei na northe m direction 5 kman ddrain sa nare ao fabou t 10 km^. Duringit scours e throughthi sarea ,i treceive sseve nsmal ltributaries ,whic h have,generally ,easterl yan d westerlydirections .Th emos to fthes etributarie sar eonl yaroun don ekilomete r oflengt h andthei rvalley sar epoorl ydeveloped . Theelevation srang efro m about220 0fee tt o 3400fee t abovese alevel .Th eslopin ghill sar eclothe d witha fores t ofspmce ,birch , willow,an dalde r(Figur e2 )an dther ei sles stha n 1% outcrop.Th efores tfloor i s dominatedb ymoss .Th eplace so fforme rfirewood covere db ydens evegetation . Theclimat e issub-arcti c continental with major temperaturevariabilit yo nbot ha dail y andseasona l basis.Mea nannua l precipitationi sabou t30 6mm .Temperature sar e extremewit hJanuar ymean snea r-30 ° C andJul ymean snea r+16 ° C.Sno wcove ri si n placegenerall yfro m Octoberan dlast st omi dMay .Th eperio dwit hmea ndail y temperaturesabov ezer orang e from lateMa yt olat eAugust . Permafrost iscommo ni n thearea .

Figure2 .Genera l viewo fth eare a(Henderso n Creek) Work Program

Exploration History

Thereha sbee nn orecorde dplace ro rlod eexploration .Firs ttwelv eclaim swer estake di n August 1999afte r thediscover yo fth eplace ri nuppe rpar to fHenderso nCreek .I n August2000 ,thirtee nadjoinin g claimswer eadded . Duringth esumme r 1999, HendersonCree kan dsom esmal ltributarie swer epanne d for goldb yth eauthor .Heav yconcentrate stake nfrom th egold-bearin ggrave lo fHenderso n Creekwer estudie dfo rth edeterminatio n ofmineralogica l associationi nsprin g200 0i n theMosco wStat eUniversit y(Moscow ,Russia) .On esampl eo fvei nquart zwit hre d mineral(fro m bedrocko fpi ti nHenderso nCreek )wa sstudie db yX-ra yi nlaborator y CRM(Sainte-Foy ,Quebec )i nfal l 1999.Thos eresult swer eapphe dwhil epreparin go f thisreport .

Current Program

Fieldwor kconsiste do fgeochemica l(sil tan dsoil )sampling ,an dsamplin go faltere d rocks(Appendi x2) . Somesmal lhan dtrenche san dpit swer eals odug .

Streamsedimen tsamplin gwa sdon efirs t inorde rt odetermin eth eelevate dcontent so f goldan d(or )indicato relement si ndispersio ntrains .A tota lo f 125 sampleswer e collected duringth eperio do fJun e 13 toJul y2,200 0from Henderso nCree kan dit s smalltributarie sdrainin gth earea .Th einterval sbetwee nth esample svarie dfrom 50-10 0 mi nth esmal ltributaries ,t o20 0m i nHenderso nCreek . Thesoi lsamplin g(2 9samples )wa sconducte d inAugust .Twelv esample swer ecollecte d from theslope swit hdistanc e30-6 0m from th ealluvium-slop econtac tfo rth epurpos eo f confirmation ofth egol danomalou sobtaine db yth eresult so fsil tsampling .Seventee n sampleswer ecollecte di nth elimit so faltere drocks .Cur tline so fsoi lsamplin ginclude d 5-6sample swit hinterval-10-2 0 man dcovere ddistance so fabou t 100m. Duringth eperio do fJun et oAugust ,200 0fort yfive roc kgra bsample san dfive roc kchi p sampleswer etake nfrom differen t rocks,mostl yfrom th esouthe mpar to fth earea ,wher e thealteration ,b yth efield observation ,i smor edeveloped . Smallhan dfrenches wer edu gb yhan dm southweste mpar to fth eare afo runcoverin go f mmeralizedrock .Interva lo fsamplin gwa son emete rfo rchi psample .

Allsample swer eanalyze dfo r goldan dothe relement ssuc ha sAg ,Cu ,Zn ,Pb ,As ,S b etc.(ICP-30 )i nNorthe mAnalytica lLaboratorie sLt d(Whitehorse ,Yukon )an d IntemationaiPlasm aLaborator y Ltd(Vancouver ,Britis hColumbia) .I naddition ,tw o sampleswer eanalyze dfo rP tan dPd . Forth epurpos eo fconfrol , duplicateso fsi xroc ksample swer esen tfo rth esam eanalysi s inth elaborator yo fChimite cBonda rCleg g(Va ld'Or , Quebec)i nSeptembe r2000 .

Thestud yo fgeochemica l compositiono fplace rgol d(th esample so f 1999)wa s accomplishedi nfal l 2000b yCygnu sConsultin gInc .(Montreal ,Quebec) . Twosmal llineament so fcircula rfeatur ear eth eova ldepression sabou t20-40 mo fwidt h atth ebotto man d 10-20mo fdepth .Th ewal lrock so fth edepression scontai nquart z lensesan dstringer san dar edense rtha nth eenclose drocks . Brecciationwa snote di nsouthweste mpar to fth earea .

Mineralization Somealteration swer enote di nth earea ,bu tbecaus eo fpoo rexposur eo fth erock ,thei r descriptionwa sgive nonl yi ngeneral . Argillicalteratio n(kaolinite? )reveale dlocall yb ypit si nsom eplace salon gth evalle yo f HendersonCree k(i nparticular-i nth ebotto mo fdepressions )fo rdistanc eabou t2. 5 km, althoughgrave lo fHenderso nCree kcontain salmos tn oan ycla yfi:action. Sericitizatio n ispresente db ydevelopmen to fsericit ei nquartzit ean dvei nquart zi nweste mpar to fth e area.Zeolitizatio n(stilbit )wa sdiscovere d insmal lamoun ti nvei nquart zi nit snorthe m part. Themos tcommo nminera lo fth eare ai squartz .Quart zstringers ,lense san dveins ,whic h aregenerall yabundan ti nth earea ,intrude di nal ltype so frock ,bu tmor edevelope di n westeman dsouthe mpart so fth earea .I nsom eplace squart zstringer sfor msmal l stockworks(Figur e4 )abou t20-3 0m i nbreadth ,i nth eothe rvei nquart zcharacterize db y bookstmctur e(Figur e5) .Th ewidt ho fquart zvein svarie sfrom 2 c mt o0. 5m . Inth esouthweste mpar to fth eare aquart zbrecci a(Figur e6 )uncovere db yfrenching i s abouttw ometre so fwidt han dsurveye dabou t3 0m i nlength .Thi sbrecci alie si nth e areao ffoUate d quaitz-micaschis tan dprobabl yha snorthe mtrending .Simila rbrecci a wasreveale di nsouthe mpar to fth earea . Quartzi srepresente db ydistinc ttype so fquart zveining :grayis hrelativel yclear ,vMt s (milkywhite )fine-mediu m grainedquart zan dbande dcryptocrystallin equart zprobabl y ofdifferen t ages.Clea rquart zsometime scontain ssmal ldrus ycavities .Relatio nbetwee n thedifferen t typeso fquart zi sunclear .B yfield observations ,i nsom eplace sbrecciate d grayishclea rquart zi scemente db yfine grain so fwiiit equartz .I ngeneral ,al ltype so f quartzar emor eo rles sfiractured. I nsom eplace si nweste mpar to fth eare ath e superficies ofth efragment s ofquart zvein sar emanganes e(blac kcolor )o riro n(rust y color)stained . Pyritizationconsist so fth edisseminate dpyrit e(i nal ltype so frocks )an dfine lense s (about 1 cmi nlengt han d< 1m mi nwidth )o fpyrit ewhic hfilled mostl ysmal l fi-actures invei nquart zan dquartzit ebu tsometime sbordere dsmal lquart zstringers .Pyritizatio ni s moredevelope di nth eweste mpar to fth eare abu tno texcee d 1%. Byfield observation s 1999, decomposedbedroc ki hth evalle yo fHenderso nCree kcontain s significant quantityo fpyrite .Crystal so fpyrit ehav ecubi can dcombine dcubic-octahedra l forms.

Mineralogicalcompositio no fheav yconcentrate sfrom gold-bearin ggrave lo fHenderso n Creekinclude smagnetite ,hematite ,pyrite ,electrum ,gold ,an dother smineral s (Appendix4) . Goldan delectru mvar yfrom chunk yan dplat yt ofin egraine di nform . Dendritean dwir eform so fgol dar eals onote di ntiie samples .Siz eo fgrain svarie d from 0.1t o5 mm .Som eparticle shav ebrow nstain .I ti softe n notedtha tgol di sattache dt o quartz.




Precambrian and Paleozoic A I Gneissic granite, granodiorite

apt I Aplite*

I E I Gneiss,quartzite , schist

•S^'ii' Miscellaneous

Lineament from aerial photograph

Lineament of circular 0 feature

\\ '7 Amphibolite (?)

^•-'' Geological boundary' (assumed)

-3000'^ Contour, in feet

* Not lo scale

US'or Figure 3. General geology ofth e area

Scale1:2 500 0

250 0 250 500 750 1000 Metres

250 0 250 500 750 1000Yard s Twosmal llineament so fcircula rfeatur ear eth eova ldepression sabou t20-40 mo fwidt h atth ebotto man d 10-20mo fdepth .Th ewal lrock so fth edepression scontai nquart z lensesan dstringer san dar edense rtha nth eenclose drocks . Brecciationwa snote di nsouthweste m parto fth earea .


Somealteration swer enote di nth earea ,bu tbecaus eo fpoo rexposur eo fth erock ,thei r descriptionwa sgive nonl yi ngeneral . Argillicalteratio n(kaolinite? )reveale dlocall yb ypit si nsom eplace salon gth evalle yo f HendersonCree k(i nparticular-i nth ebotto mo fdepressions )fo rdistanc eabou t2. 5 km, althoughgrave lo fHenderso nCree kcontain salmos tn oan ycla yfraction. Sericitizatio n ispresente db ydevelopmen to fsericit ei nquartzit ean dvei nquart zi nweste mpar to fth e area.Zeohtizatio n (stilbit)wa sdiscovere di nsmal lamoun ti nvei nquart zi nit snorthe m part. Themos tcommo nminera lo fth eare ai squartz .Quart zstringers ,lense san dveins ,whic h aregenerall yabundan ti nth earea ,intmde di nal ltype so frock ,bu tmor edevelope di n westeman dsouthe mpart so fth earea .I nsom eplace squart zstringer sfor m small stockworks(Figur e4 )abou t20-3 0m i nbreadth ,i nth eothe rvei nquart zcharacterize db y bookstmctur e(Figur e5) .Th ewidt ho fquart zvei mvarie sfrom 2 c mt o0. 5m . Inth esouthweste m parto fth eare aquart zbrecci a(Figur e6 )uncovere db ytrenchin gi s abouttw ometre so fwidt han dsurveye dabou t3 0m i nlength .Thi sbrecci alie si nth e areao ffohate d quartz-micaschis tan dprobabl yha snorthe mfrending. Simila rbrecci a wasreveale di nsouthe mpar to fth earea . Quartzi srepresente db ydistinc ttype so fquart zveining :grayis hrelativel yclear ,whit e (milkywhite )fine-medium graine dquart zan dbande dcryptocrystallin equart zprobabl y ofdifferen t ages.Clea rquart zsometime scontain ssmal ldrus ycavities .Relatio nbetwee n thedifferen t typeso fquart zi sunclear .B yfield observations ,i nsom eplace sbrecciate d grayishclea rquart zi scemente db yfine grain so fwhit equartz .I ngeneral ,al ltype so f quartzar emor eo rles sfi^ctured. h isom eplace si nweste mpar to fth eare ath e superficies ofth efragments o fquart zvein sar emanganes e(blac kcolor )o riro n(rust y color)stained . Pyritization consistso fth edisseminate dpyrit e(i nal ltype so frocks )an dfine lense s (about 1 cmi nlengt han d< 1m mi nwidth )o fpyrit ewhic hfilled mostl ysmal l fiuctures invei nquart zan dquartzit ebu tsometime sborttere d smallquart zstringers .Pyritizatio ni s moredevelope di nth eweste mpar to fth eare abu tno texcee d 1%. Byfield observation s 1999, decomposedbedroc ki ntite valle yo fHenderso nCree kcontain s significant quantityo fpyrite .Crystal so fpyrit ehav ecubi can dcombine dcubic-octahedra l forms.

Mineralogicalcompositio no fheav yconcenfrate sfrom gold-bearin ggrave lo fHenderso n Creekinclude smagnetite ,hematite ,pyrite ,electrum ,gold ,an dother smineral s (Appendix4) . Goldan delectru m varyfrom chunk yan dplat yt ofine graine di nform . Dendritean dwir eform so fgol dar eals onote di nth esamples .Siz eo fgrain svarie d from 0.1t o5 mm .Som eparticle shav ebrow nstain .I ti softe n notedtha tgol di sattache dt o quartz. Figure 4. Quartz stringers in amphibolite(?)

Figure 5. Book structure of quartz vein in altered rock Figure6 .Quart zbrecci a

Figure7 .Folde dquart zstringer si ngneissi croc k Quartz in quartz gold nuggets from placer presented by two types The first is small grained milky white quartz with abundant fluid inclusions Quartz of second type is relatively clear the size of grains isaround two mm Grains have some inclusions of minerals almost black in color and its surface is iron stamed Gold fills the interstices between grains of quartz

Dunng studying of gold geochemical composition natural inclusions ( pnmary or possibly acquired mechanically in the stream bed) were noted in many grams A sample taken in southem part ofth e area contains several inclusions of quartz potassium feldspar chlonte and pyrite the other (southeastem part) inclusions of pyrite carbonate and an inclusion of stromeyente (AgCuS)


Slit Geochemistry

Stream sediment samples consisted of approximately 400 grams of silt size stream sediments collected with shovel from bars immediately adjacent toth e active channel After drying and sievingt o 80mes h these samples were sent toNorthe m Analytical Laboratories m Whitehorse All samples were analyzed for gold and ICP 30 multi element suite The content of gold mth e samples varied from <5 upt o 57 ppb

Content of gold (ppb) <5 5 6 to 10 11t o 20 21 to 57 Number of samples 5 4 43 40 23 Percentage 12 32 344 32 184

Figure 8 Distribution of gold contents m silt samples

Since 88%o f the samples contain gold from 5t o 57pp b it was necessary to divide the contents of gold by elevated and anomalous levels Regional stream sediment and water geochemical reconnaissance data Yukon 1986 (NTS 115N (E Yz) O) show 75 9% of the samples contained gold <1t o 3 ppb (atota l of 1389 samples) i e this content appear to beth e regional background Background ofth e area wastake n as 5pp b the contents of gold four times higher (from 21 ppb and up) were accepted as anomalous andth e contents of gold from 6t o 20 ppb as elevated The elevated contents of gold were revealed m all streams of the area Anomalous gold contains mostly inth e streams which drained southem part ofth e area particularly its southwestem part (Appendix 5) Other elements that mayb e associated with gold (arsenic bismuth antimony etc ) were not detected in stream sediment samples and its contents are below limits of detection Only one sample showed the content ofarseni c 9pp m (westem part ofth e area) 10

Sliver with content from 0 1 to 06 pp m was revealed in northem and southwestem parts ofth e area (Appendix 6) and a little init s southeastem part Themolybdenu m contents m whole vary from 1 to 7pp m and one sample shows2 4 ppm Elevated contents of molybdenum (from 3t o 7ppm ) are noted inweste m parto fth e area which characterized byrelativel y elevated contents of potassium from 0 11t o 1 08%(Appendi x 7) The dispersion trains ofmolybdenu m and potassium are disposed mth e zone of contact of metamorphic rock with gneissic granitic bodies which have northeastern trend Banum has elevated contents (upt o 1339 ppm) m northwestem part ofth e area and manganese (up to 1827ppm ) sporadically in its westem part Tungsten (content 5ppm) was recovered mtw o samples m northwestem part ofth e area Copper lead and zmc are contained almost in all samples m ordinary amount with weakly variations Their multiply concentration (Cu xP b xZn ) shows an elevation in westem part ofth e area also (Appendix 8)

Inwhol e silt geochemistry demonstrates single gold anomalies that lie ina n area of elevated silver copper lead-zinc and molybdenum mineralizations

Soil Gleochemistry

Soil samples were collected usinga shovel from adept h of 15-20 cm All samples were sent to Northem Analytical Laboratones for gold and ICPmult i element suite analyzes The contents of gold varied from 8t o 25 ppb (28 samples) and one sample contained 637 ppb The last was collected nearanomal y of gold (40 ppb)reveale d by silt sampling m southwestem part of the area Source ofth e soil anomaly of gold remains unknown Six samples ofthi s line of sampling contain arsenic (two samples 5an d 9ppm ) tungsten (two samples 5an d 6ppm ) silver(tw o samples 03 and 06 ppm) and elevated molybdenum (from 3t o 7 ppm) The samples of other lines contain silver (eight samples from 0 1 to 06 ppm) molybdenum (upt o 6ppm ) arsenic (one sample 5ppm ) andtungste n (three samples 5 7 ppm) Thecontent s of elements m soil samples generally correspond to the contents obtained by silt sampling

Rock Geochemistry

Atota l of 50roc k samples collected inth e area includes 45 grab and 5chi p samples These five chip samples and six grab samples were taken from trenches three samples from outcrops and the others from float trains All rock samples (of weight upt o 15 kg ) were sent toNorthe m Analytical Laboratories for gold andIC P multi element suite Vein quartz breccia and different types of altered rock were sampled dunng prospecting (Figure 9) Gold was revealed in4 9 samples Altered rocks and vein quartz are charactenzed by its lowconten t upt o 002 2 ppm Brecciated rocks and breccia show variable contains of 11 gold from 18sample s one sample contains 2 796 ppm three samples contain gold from 0 138t o 0 181pp m and the others from 000 8t o 0 038 ppm Thebes t resuh (2 796 ppm)was obtained by grab sample of quartz breccia collected in the southwestem part ofth e area This sample contains silver (0 7ppm ) molybdenum (6 ppm) and reduced copper (4 ppm) lead (lower than detection limit) and zinc (2 ppm) Similar quartzbrecci a uncovered bytrenche s (~1 km north from the first descnbed) show the contents of gold 0 138an d 0 181pp m (two chip samples intervals of sampling 1 m) the contents of silver (upt o 4 1 ppm) copper (upt o 157ppm ) lead (upt o 1 477) ppm zinc (upt o 275 ppm) molybdenum (upt o 96 ppm) and arsemc (one sample) 24 ppm Brecciated quartz and quartzite from thesetrenche s contain gold (0 038 0 175ppm ) and vanable but elevated silver(u pt o 74 ppm) copper (upt o 155ppm ) lead (upt o 3 134 ppm) zinc (upt o 324 ppm) and molybdenum (up to 91 ppm) Altered wall rock (metaschist) contains gold only 001 4 ppm and the contents of other elements dimimshed also Generally brecciated rock m westem part ofth e area ismarke d by presence of silver sometimes arsenic and widely vanable copper lead zmc and molybdenum (upt o 554 ppm) Samples of different types of altered rock andvei n quartz collected mth e area seldom contain silver orelevate d contents of other elements Only one sample ofve m quartz (northwestem part ofth earea ) exhibits the content of silver 4 7pp m elevated lead 410 ppm and bismuth (8 ppm)

Analyses of six samples (duplicates) by another laboratory did not showan y substantial vanation in contents ofelements between duplicates and originals Antimony was revealed in one sample (6ppm) The contents of platinum and palladium (two samples) are lower than detection limit

In whole gold mineralization is more developed inquart z breccia fillmg the fractures Elements spatially associated with gold mineralization are silver lead zinc copper and molybdenum Arsenic in general presented sporadically and only in small amounts

Gold Geochemistry

Three samples of gold analyzed for its geochemical composition weretake n from gravel ofHenderso n Creek and its southeastem tributary The first (CA 1)wa scollecte d 06 km upstream from the confluence ofHenderso n Creek with 60Pu p the second (1-2 00)-2 8 km upsfream oftha t confluence and 0 1 km downstream from the mouth of southeastem tributary the last (1 3 00) m southeastem tributary approximately 0 7k m upstream from Itsmout h The grains of gold were mounted on polished thin sections by a Vancouver Petrographies Ltd and were subsequently analyzed using high precision electron microprobe WDS methods byCygnu s Consulting Inc (Montreal) Analytical data indicates that the samples contain grains of gold and electrum similar composition Contents of gold vary from 86 34t o 582 9 wt% and average contents of gold inth e samples are7 7 55 74 82 and 74 91 wt% from downstream to upstream 12

Sample number Rock descnption Au A^ Cu Pb Zn As Mo N5B00 Breccia 0 008 < 80 75 111 18 554 N79 00 Quartz breccia 2 796 07 4 < 2 < 6 N80 00 Breccia 0 01 02 22 88 46 9 23 N141 00 Brecciated quartz 0018 0 1 28 77 69 < 23 N144A 00 Brecciated quartzite 0 012 < 3 7 17 < 1 N146 00 Quartz breccia 0 021 < 25 9 296 < 32 N152 00 Quartz breccia 0 022 23 54 398 59 < 16 N159 00 Brecciated quartzite 0011 < 7 < 3J 10 1 N161 00 Brecciated quartz 0 03 06 55 24 52 21 41 N180 00 Breccia 0 01 < 10 10 46 < 2 N182 00 Brecciated quartz 0011 02 54 11 71 < 4 N194 00 Brecciated quartz 0 012 02 20 22 24 < 39 N196 00 Brecciated quartzite 0 175 14 155 202 324 6 12 N197 00 Quartz breccia 0 138 21 157 1477 275 < 18 N198 00 Quartz breccia 0 181 41 129 1369 185 24 96 N199 00 Brecciated quartzite 0 014 10 19 145 28 < 12 N201 00 Brecciated quartz 0 038 3 1 120 1015 237 < 29 N202 00 Brecciated quartz 0 038 74 82 3134 136 < 91 Nl 00 Vein quartz with mica <0 005 < 21 17 17 < 2 N2 00 Vein quartz 0 008 < 9 42 21 < 5 N6A00 Vem quartz 0 008 < 4 12 5 < 10 N7 00 Vein quartz with mica 0 008 < 5 9 5 < 2 N81A00 Vem quartz 0 007 < 25 5 22 < 3 N137 00 Vein quartz with mica 0 02 02 16 4 14 < 2 N138 00 Vein quartz with mica 0 009 < 6 3 22 < 1 N142 00 Vein quartz 0011 < 17 < 19 < 2 N158 00 Vem quartz 0 012 < 7 2 13 < 1 N195 00 Vein quartz 0 013 47 6 410 15 < 3 N81B 00 Metaschist 0 01 02 54 11 90 < 5 N136 00 with sulfides 0 014 01 15 < 36 < 3 N148 00 0 022 < 6 5 46 < 2 N200 00 0 014 09 65 280 264 < 4 N203 00 0 009 02 58 36 53 < 4 N139 00 Gray quartzite 0 007 02 98 15 51 < 6 N140 00 Quartzite with mica 0 012 < 4 4 5 < 2 N144B 00 Quartzite with mica 0011 < 6 7 73 < 2 N147 00 Quartzite 0 014 < 12 2 18 < 2 N139A 00 Altered intermediate 0 01 01 14 9 29 < 5 N143 00 dikeC^) with sulfides 0 013 06 50 17 133 < 9 N145 00 0 013 < 23 7 59 < 2 N150 00 0 017 < 18 9 89 < 4 N149 00 Altered pegmatite 0 017 < 74 9 80 < 2 N151 00 Altered aplite 0 013 < 6 < 7 < 1 N154 00 0 018 < 8 7 32 < 3 N153 00 AmphiboliteC?) 0 016 < 19 4 57 < 4 N155 00 with quartz 0 017 < 31 9 35 < 2 N156 00 and sulfides 0 015 < 4 3 12 < 2 N157 00 0 01 < 67 < 13 20 1 N160 00 Gneissic rock 0013 05 57 7 70 < 5 N174 00 with sulfides 0 012 < 7 5 45 < 2

Figure 10 Analytical datao froc ksample s(selecte delement s ppm) 13 respectively Silver contained in all three samples with variations from 39 94 to 118 6 wt% Its average content increases from downstream to upsfream 20 99 23 49 and 23 40 wt% Minor elements are generally below detection limits althoughtrace s of bismuth and tellurium contained in some grams of sample 12-0 0 and traces ofzin c and bismuth- in sample 3-1 00 Copper analyses were belowdetectio n limit

Based onthes e results silver mayb e applied as indicator element Other elements such as copper bismuth zinc and tellunum could be useful as additional pathfinders

Conclusion and Recommendation

Recovered gold mineralization (southwestem part ofth e area) disposed in quartz breccia zone which is at least 2 0m wide and was surveyed by french and float frain for a distance ofabou t 30 mN NE Only weathered part of breccia was sampled there 1 4 km southerly float grab sample of similar breccia has retumed value of 2 796 g/t Mineralization appears to becontrolle d byhig h angle structure but this supposal requires further study Several gold anomalies identified by silt sampling indicate existence of mineralized zones in an area at least 3 5x 0 8k m which isdispose d inmetamorphi c rocks near contact with mtmsive bodies (Figure 10) The most promising is its southem part around 17x08 km from which was obtained best result of soil sampling 063 7 g/t of gold Anomalies of gold (silt samplmg) disposed inth e limits of elevation from -2400 to -2900 feet that probably give evidence ofpresenc e of gold mineralization byvertica l at least 150 meters Presence of many grains of gold contaimng inclusions of different minerals (mostly quartz) and coarse character of gold recovered in gold beanng gravel ofHenderso n Creek indicate a possibility of existence of high grade ore shoots in mineralized zones Gold mineralization (byroc k sampling) isassociate d with silver and lead The inclusion ofcoppe r silver sulfide mineral (sfromeyente) noted in one gram of gold might indicate at least awea k copper association Charactenstics ofroc k alteration element association mineralogical compjosition of heavy concentrates and chemical composition of placer gold permit to suppose the epithermal/mesothermal type of gold mineralization In eastem part ofth e area mineralization isprobabl y localized in quartz stnngers and lenses occurnng m metamorphic rocks

Based onthi s data therecommendation s include (Appendix 9) 1 Southwestem part of the area (-1 7x08 km) soil samplmg on gnds oriented northeast southwest Sample spacing should be 10m (NE-SW)b y 100m (SE NW) 2 Northem and southeastem parts of theare a soil sampling with sample spacing2 0 m (NE SW)b y 200 m (SE NW) 3 Trenching for surveying and sampling ofrecovere d brecciated zone and for uncovering mineralized rocks mreveale d by soil sampling anomaly 14




Data of 2000

Content ofgol d SZMJt Rock sample g/t OMLQ Soil sample g/t

Silt samples |~~l 6t o 20 ppb \22 21 to 57pp b 63J!'I

Data of 1999

O Panned sample grains ofgol d

^^ Placer

— iooo-^ Contour in feet

m 07 Figure 10 Summanzed gold data 1999 2000

Scale 1 25 000 250 0 250 500 750 1000 Metres

250 0 250 500 750 1000Yard s 15 Appendix1

*4^^T^^yyl"^^'^f^ ^'^jr^

'Wiyy yM\ y^\ J ,«'yy\\%<^\ \ 4v^>«-~Cv .^ y^


Claim location map

Scale 1 31 680

1000 lOOOMelrcs

1300 1500 3000 Feet 16 Appendix 3



Sample and number

• Heavy concentrate

a Gold geochemistry

Location of samples (1999) for heavy concentrates and gold analyses

Scale1 2 ^00 0 250 250 500 750 1000Metre s

250 0 250 500 750 1000Yard s Appendix 4

No sample No sample Weight of Content of minerals Dercentaae/ Darticles field laborat heavy cone Magnetite Pyrite Hematite llmenite Zircon Garnet Orthopyroxe Diopside Amphibole Gold+electrum

CN1 1 BH 6 67g 36/ /40 2/ 15/ 11/ 24/ 10/ 1/ / CA1 2BH 517g 32/ 9/ 1/ 7/ 50/ / 1/ CV1 3BH 9 44g 47/ /80 3/ 19/ 10/ 11/ 9/ / / / CV2 4BH 4 28g 41/ /250 2/ 25/ 15/ 12/ 2/ / / / PL1 1 SBH 418g 53/ /350 2/ 16/ 14/ 9/ 4/ / / / PL1 2 6BH 10 65g 36/ 1/ 2/ 9/ 19/ 7/ 24/ 2/ / PL1 3 7BH 4 23g 24/ /IOO 2/ 13/ 8/ 13/ 34/ / 5/ / PL2 1 SBH 4 98g 24/ /2 2/ 12/ 3/ 30/ 23/ / 4/ /

CV1 1 SBH 3 53g 2/ 1/ 7/ 2/ 9/ 44/ / 33/ CV1 2 10 BH 3 29g 5/ / 3/ 2/ 6/ 35/ 1 / 48/ CV1 3 11 BH 2 90g 5/ / 1/ 7/ 37/ / 50/ CV1 4 12 BH 213g 28/ 1/ 15/ 3/ 13/ 22/ / 16/ CV1 5 13 BH 3 44g 17/ n 2/ 15/ 1/ 10/ 32/ 28/

VLT1 14 BH 1 78 g 2/ 12 / / 2/ 4/ 89/ 3/ 1 LD 15 BH 2 00g / 16 / 1/ / 95/ 3/ 2LD 16 BH 0 94g 3/ / 1/ 4/ 4/ 83/ 3/

CN1 PL2 1 samples from gold beanng gravel indeterminate number of particles cvi 1 cvi 5 samples from nght slope V LT 1 1 2 LD samples from left slope Some heavy concentrates containbiotit e apatite monazite and other minerals

Mineralogical composition ofheav yconcentrate s 18 Appendix 6

-4?—-. x\ N Cl X .\^

I.XV -. XV \



Ba(ppm )

I |<100

3 100t o 500

FFfl >500

Ag (ppm)

I I <01

R"^ 0 1 to 0 6

Distribution ofbanu m and silver(sil t sampling)

ScaleI 2 300 0

250 0 250 500 750 1000Metre s

250 0 250 500 750 1000Yard s 19 Appendix 7





I I0 OJ to 0 10

3 0 11 to 0 6

^ >0 6

Mo (ppm)

I I lto2

rrxi 3to7

Distribution ofpotassiu m andmolybdenu m (silt sampling)

Scale1 2 500 0 250 250 500 750 1000 Metres

250 0 250 500 750 1000 Yards 20

Appendix 8



Multiplied concentrations Cu X Pb XZ n

<1000 0

1000 0 to2 000 0

F7Q >2000 0

Distnbution ofmultiplie d concentrationsC ux P bx Z n(sil t sampling)

Scale1 2 500 0 250 250 500 750 1000 Metres

250 0 250 500 750 1000 Yards Appendix 9 21



syzir Legend

Soil sampling

Z 2 Gnd 10 X 100 m (trenching)

Z X Grid 20X 200m

iKfor Proposed work program map

Scale 1 2i 000 250 0 250 500 750 1000 Metres

250 0 250 500 750 1000Yard s 22

Appendix 10

Tableo fhig h precision gold/electrum data Groupe-conseil O/GNUS 23 ConsultingIn c

Analytical Report

Submittedt o VladimirNedeche v Clientdesignatio n 'YukonGol d Unountedgrain sreceive do n00/09/0 5 Mountedgrain sreceive do n00//09/2 2 Analysescomplete do n00/10/0 4

IxionCygnu sfil e VNOO 01 Submittedb y JimClar k Date October6 2000

Page 1 of3

ixionResearc hDivisio n CygnusConsultin gIn c 133-5475Royalmoun t Montreal QC H4P1J 3 phone(514 )735-947 7 fax(514 )735-922 4 Groupe-conseil IXION Research Division ^^ cyyQNus Consulting Inc

Hiqh-Precision Gold/ElectrumAnalyse sb vElectro nMicroprob eWD S

Client designation Yukon Gold Unmounted grams receivedfro m V Nedechev on 00/09/05 Polished grains receivedfro mVancouve r Petrographies Ltd on 00/09/22 Analyses completed on 00/10/04

JeolJXA-8900 Lelectro n microprobeusin gZA Fcorrectio n 20 kV 40n A 40s pea kcount s except3 0s fo rA uan dA g 50s fo rS ban d Bi and6 0s fo rH g pointbea m highprecisio nquantitativ edat a Typicallowe rdetectio n limitsa t3 sigm a are0 0 3wt° / forA s Sban d Bi 004wt%forZn 005wt / forTe 006wt%forAu 007wt / forCu 008w t / forAg 009w t / forP b and0 18wt / forHg Puremeta lstandar dfo rA u and syntheticA g Biselenid efo rA g Note totalsslightl ylo wdu et oabundan tfin einclusion so fdiamon dpolishin ggri tembedde dint ogra msurfac e w *. WeightPercen t

Sample Gram Comments Au Ag Hg Cu Zn Pb As Sb Bl Te Total 1000A u / / / / / / "/ / / / / Au+Ag

CAI 1 857 5 129 9 00 0 00 2 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 987 8 868 CA1 2 806 6 178 7 00 0 00 3 00 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 00 0 985 9 819 CA1 3 721 3 263 3 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 004 985 0 733 CAI 4 7164 267 5 00 0 00 1 00 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 00 2 984 4 728 CAI average 775 5 209 9 00 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 00 2 985 8 787

12 0 0 1 8634 118 6 00 0 00 5 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 982 7 879 12-0 0 2 747 8 235 6 00 0 00 2 00 0 00 0 00 1 00 0 00 6 00 6 984 8 760 12-0 0 3 582 9 399 4 00 0 00 2 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 004 01 0 983 8 593 12 0 0 4 798 6 186 0 00 0 00 2 00 0 00 0 00 1 00 0 00 1 00 1 985 1 811 12-0 0 average 748 2 234 9 00 0 00 3 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 00 5 984 1 761

13-0 0 1 738 2 246 6 00 0 00 0 00 4 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 4 985 6 750 13 0 0 2 835 3 1515 00 0 00 5 00 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 00 0 987 6 846 13 0 0 3 757 5 223 2 00 0 00 1 00 2 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 981 2 772 13 0 0 4 764 6 217 5 00 0 00 2 00 2 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 2 00 1 982 8 779

File VNOO 01 Page 2 of3 Weight Pe rcent

Sample Grain Comments Au Ag Hg Cu Zn Pb As Sb Bl Te Total 1000 Au / / / / / / /o / / / / Au+Ag

1 3 00 64 99 33 10 0 02 0 02 0 01 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 02 0 03 9818 663 1 3-00 average 74 91 23 40 0 00 0 02 0 02 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 01 0 02 98 38 762

std comp Au Taylor pure Au 100 00 std analysis Au Taylor pure Au 100 06 std comp 499 Canmet synth499 AgBiSe2 22 72 44 03 std analysis 499 Canmet synth499 AgBiSe2 22 69 std comp 451 Canmet synth451 Pd3HgTe3 22 22 42 41 std comp chal Canmet chalcopynte 346 2 std comp sphal Canmet synthsph2 1 sphalerite 60 30 std comp gain Canmetsynt h galena 86 60 std comp arse Canmet arsenopynte 44 85 std comp stb Canmet stibnrte 72 08 K) iyi

File VNOO0 1 Page 3 of 3 26

Appendix1 1

Certificates ofanalyse s

W0# 00040 WO# 00053 W0#0007 0 WO# 00092 WO#00118 IPL00G0717 IPL00G0803 iPL 00H0954 iPL 00H1072 COO 632280 ^^ Northern 105 Copper Road Analytical Whitehorse Yukon Y1A2Z7 Ph (867] 668^968 Fax [867] 668-4890 Emai l NAL@hypertech yk ca

05/07/2000 Certificate of Analysis

# of pages (not including this page) 1 Vladimir Nedechev W0# 00040

Certified by ^-^ Justin Lemphers (Senior Assayer) Date Received 12/06/00 ISAMPLE PREPARATION #of Icode Samples Type Preparation Description (Allwe t samples are dned first) | r 5 rock Crush to 10 mesh riffle split 200g pulvenze to 100 mesh 1 s 1 soil Screen 80 mesh

IANALYTICAL METHODS SUMMARY Method (A assay) Lower Upper Symbol Units Element (G qeochem) Fusion/Digestion Limit Limit Au ppb Gold G FA/AAS 15g FA/ aqua regia 5 7000

AAS =atomi c absorption spectrophotometry FA =fir e assay

10OOppb= 1pp m = 1g/m t =0 000 1% = 0 029166oz/ton Northern 105 Copper Road Analytical Whitehorse Yukon Y1A2Z7 Laboratones ltd Ph (867] 668-4968 Fax (867)668^890 Emai l NAL@hypertech yk ca

05/07/2000 Certificate of Analysis Page1

Vladimir Nedechev W0#0004 0

Certified by

Au Sample# ppb Nl0 0 <5 N20 0 8 N5fe00 8 N6A00 8 N6B00 9 N70 0 8 Northern >2?^ ^PP^'V"?^"^ Analytical whitehorse Yu^kon Laboratones ltd p,^ (867] 668-4968 Fax (867)668^890 Emai l NAL@hypertech ykc a

10/07/2000 Certificate of Analysis

# of pages (not including this page) 2 Vladimir Nedechev W0# 00053

Certified by Justin Lemphers (Senior Assayer) Date Received 26/07/00 ISAMPLE PREPARATION #of Code Samples Type Preparation Description (Allwe t samples i aredne d first) r 2 rock Crush to 10 mesh nffle split 200g pulven zet o 100 mesh s 56 soil Screen 80 mesh

JANALYTICAL METHODS SUMMARY Method (A assay) Lower Upper Symbol Units Element (G geochem) Fusion/Digestion Limit Limit Au ppb Gold G FA/AAS 15g FA/aqua regia 5 7000

AAS =atomi c absorption spectrophotometry FA = fire assay

10OOppb= 1pp m = 1g/m t =0 000 1% = 0029166oz/to n '^ )j^^^ ^ Northern 105 Copper Road Whitehorse Yukon Analytical Y1A2Z7 Laboratones ltd Ph (867)668^968 Fax (867)668-4890 Emai l NAL@hypertech yk ca

10/07/2000 Certificate of Analysis Page1

VladimirNedeche v W0#0005 3

Certified by

Au Sample# ppb s N80 0 3 s N90 0 28 s N100 0 36 s N110 0 <5 s N120 0 10 s N130 0 18 s N140 0 27 s N150 0 47 s N160 0 7 s N170 0 21 s N180 0 10 s N190 0 <5 s N200 0 <5 s N210 0 8 s N220 0 13 s N230 0 19 s N240 0 5 s N250 0 7 8 N260 0 10 s N270 0 17 s N280 0 <5 s N290 0 9 s N300 0 <5 s N310 0 10 s N320 0 14 s N330 0 33 s N340 0 14 s N350 0 6 s N360 0 21 s N370 0 <5 Northern 105 Copper Road Analytical Whitehorse Yukon Y1A2Z7 Laboratones ltd Ph (867) 668-4968 Fax (867)668^890 Emai l NAL@hypertech yk ca

10/07/2000 Certificate of Analysis Page2

Vladimir Nedechev WO#X)0053

Certified by

Au Sample# ppb s N380 0 32 s N390 0 16 s N400 0 18 s N410 0 21 s N420 0 18 s N430 0 14 s N440 0 24 s N450 0 18 s N460 0 18 s N470 0 23 s N480 0 <5 s N490 0 11 s N500 0 <5 s N510 0 13 s N520 0 6 s N530 0 31 s N540 0 7 s N550 0 11 s N560 0 5 s N570 0 <5 s N580 0 <5 s N590 0 6 s N600 0 14 s N610 0 10 s N620 0 10 s N630 0 <5 r N7f0 0 2796 r N800 0 10 Northern 105 Copper Road Analytical Whitehors^e Yuton Laboratoriesltd p^^ (867)668^968 Fax (867)668^890 Emai l NAL@hypertech ykc a

19/07/2000 Certificate ofAnalysi s

#o f pages(no tincludin gthi spage ) 3 Vladimir Nedechev W0# 00070

Certified by Justin Lemphers(Senio rAssayer ) DateReceive d 14/07/00 ISAMPLE PREPARATION #of Code Samples Type Preparation Descnption (Allwe t samples are dried first) r 6 rock Crusht o 10 mesh nffle split 200g pulvenze to 100 mesh s 69 soil Screen 80 mesh

[ANALYTICAL METHODS SUMMARY Method (A assay) Lower Upper Symbol Units Element (G geochem) Fusion/Digestion Limit Limit Au ppb Gold G FA/AAS 15g FA/aqua regia 5 7000

AAS= atomi cabsorptio nspectrophotometr y FA= fir eassa y

10OOppb= 1 pp m= 1 g/m t =0 000 1% =0 029166oz/to n Northern 105 Copper Road Whitehorse Yukon Analytical Y1A2Z7 Laboratones ltd Ph (867) 668-4968 Fax (867)668-4890 Emai l NAL@hypertech yk ca

19/07/2000 Certificate of Analysis Page1

Vladimir Nedechev WO#,00070

Certified by

Au Sample# ppb N640 0 15 N650 0 57 N660 0 18 N670 0 14 N680 0 23 N690 0 18 N700 0 18 N710 0 24 N720 0 40 N730 0 25 N740 0 25 N750 0 34 N760 0 21 N770 0 5 N780 0 18 N830 0 6 N840 0 10 N850 0 14 N860 0 7 N870 0 9 N880 0 6 N890 0 17 N900 0 7 N910 0 6 N920 0 6 s N930 0 8 s N940 0 7 s N950 0 22 s N960 0 18 s N970 0 ?2 Northern 105 Copper Road Analytical Whitehorse Yukon Y1A2Z7 Laboratones ltd Ph (867)668-4968 Fax (867)668^890 Emai l NAL@hypertech yk ca

19/07/2000 Certificate ofAnalysi s Page2

Vladimir Nedechev

Certifiedb y

Au Sample# ppb s N980 0 17 s N990 0 14 s N1000 0 9 s N1010 0 10 s N1020 0 13 s N1030 0 8 s N1040 0 8 s N1050 0 15 s N1060 0 8 s N1070 0 <5 s N1080 0 7 s N1090 0 15 s N1100 0 17 s N1110 0 9 s N1120 0 6 s N1130 0 7 s N1140 0 5 s N1150 0 7 s N11600 7 s N11700 9 s N1180 0 10 s N1190 0 18 s N1200 0 <5 s N1210 0 6 s N1220 0 9 s N1230 0 13 s N1240 0 6 s N1250 0 18 s N1260 0 54 s N1270 0 15 Northern 105 Copper Road Analytical Whitehorse Yukon Y1A2Z7 Laboratones ltd Ph (867)668^968 Fax (867) 668-4890 Emai l NAL@hypertech ykc a

19/07/2000 Certificate ofAnalysi s Pages

Vladimir Nedechev W0#0007 0

Certifiedb y /^

Au Sample# ppb s N1280 0 <5 s N1290 0 15 s N1300 0 10 s N1310 0 16 s N1320 0 14 s N1330 0 11 s N1340 0 9 s N1350 0 12 s N81A00 7 N81B00 10 N1360 0 14 N1370 0 20 N1380 0 9 N1390 0 7 N139A00 10 ^^ Northern 105 Copper Road Analytical Whitehorse Yukon Y1A2Z7 Laboratones ltd Ph (867) 668-4968 Fax (867) 668^890 Emai l NAL@hypertech yk ca

09/08/2000 Certificate of Analysis

# of pages (not including this page) 1 Vladimir Nedechev W0# 00092

Certified by Jft_ Justin Lemphers (Senior Assayer) Date Received 08/08/00 ISAMPLE PREPARATION #of Code Samples Type Preparation Descnption (Allwe t samples aredne d first) r 18 rock Crush to 10mes h nffle split 200g pulverize to 100 mesh

JANALYTICAL METHODS SUMMARY Method (A assay) Lower Upper Symbol Units Element (G geochem) Fusion/Digestion Limit Limit Au ppb Gold G FA/AAS 15g FA/aqua regia 5 7000

AAS =atomi c absorption spectrophotometry FA =fir e assay

10OOppb= 1pp m = 1g/m t =0 000 1% = 0 029166oz/ton Northern 105 Copper Road Analytical Whitehorse Yukon Y1A2Z7 Laboratones ltd Ph (867) 668-4968 Fax (867)668-4890 Emai l NAL@hypertech yk ca

09/08/2000 Certificate ofAnalysi s Page 1

Vladimir Nedechev

Certifiedb y

Au Sample# ppb r N1400 0 12 r N1410 0 18 r N1420 0 11 r N1430 0 13 r N144A00 12 r N144B00 11 r N1450 0 13 r N1460 0 21 r N1470 0 14 r N1480 0 22 r N1490 0 17 r N1500 0 17 r N1510 0 13 r N1520 0 22 r N1530 0 16 r N1540 0 18 r N1550 0 17 r N1560 0 15 Northern 105 Copper Road Analytical Whitehorse Yukon Y1A2Z7 Laboratones ltd Ph (867] 668-4968 Fax (867) 668-4890 Emai l NAL@hypertech ykc a

13/09/2000 Certificate of Analysis

# of pages (not including this page) 2 Vladimir Nedechev W0# 00118

Certified by Justin Lemphers (Senior Assayer) Date Received 24/08/2000 ISAMPLE PREPARATION #of Code Samples Type Preparation Descnption (All wet samples are dried first) r 18 rock Crush to 10 mesh nffle split 200g pulvenze to 100 mesh s 29 soil Screen 80 mesh

IANALYTICAL METHODS SUMMARY Method (A assay) Lower Upper Symbol Units Element (G geochem) Fusion/Digestion Limit Limit AU ppb Gold G FA/AAS 15g FA/ aqua regia 5 7000 Pt ppb Platinum G FA/AAS 30g FA/ aqua regia 30 7000 Pd ppb Palladium G F/VAAS 30g FA/ aqua regia 5 7000

AAS =atomi c absorption spectrophotometry FA =fir e assay

lOOOppb = 1ppm = Ig/mt =0 0001% = 0 029166oz/ton Northern 105 Copper Road Whitehorse Yukon Analytical Y1A2Z7 Laboratories ltd Ph (867)668-496 8 Fax(867 )668-489 0 Emai l NAL@hypertech ykc a

13/09/2000 Certif cate of An alysis Page

.^. Vladimir Nedechev WO#OP118

Certified by

Au PtSOg Pd30g Sample# ppb ppb ppb r N1570 0 10 r N1580 0 12 r N159 00 11 r N160 00 13 r N1610 0 30 r N1740 0 12 r N1800 0 10 r N1820 0 11 r N1940 0 12 r N1950 0 13 r N1960 0 175 r N1970 0 138 r N1980 0 181 r N1990 0 14 r N200 00 14 r N2010 0 38 r N202 00 38 r N203 00 9 s N1620 0 15 s N1630 0 17 s N1640 0 12 s N1650 0 13 s N1660 0 9 s N1670 0 15 s N1680 0 14

s N1690 0 25 s N1700 0 637 s N1710 0 21 s N172 00 21 s N1730 0 16 Northern 105 Copper Road Analytical Whitehorse Yukon Y1A2Z7 Laboratories ltd Ph (867] 668-4968 Fax (867) 668^890 E mail NAL@hypertech yk ca

13/09/2000 Certificate of Analysis Page 2

Vladimir Nedechev

Certified by

Au Pt30g PdSOg Sample# ppb ppb ppb s N1750 0 16 s N1760 0 12 s N1770 0 16 s N1780 0 13 s N1790 0 13 s N1810 0 13 s N1830 0 8 s N1840 0 15 s N1850 0 18 s N1860 0 14 s N1870 0 10 s N1880 0 14 s N1890 0 17 s N1900 0 12 s N1910 0 16 NMn on n oo N193 00 14 N81B00 <15 <5 N139 00 <15 <5 2036Columbi aStree t Vancouver BC iPL 00G0717 CanadaV5Y3E 1 Phone(604)87 9787 8 I TE AT ONA LASM LABORATORY LTD Fax (604)87 9789 8 Northern Analytical Laboratories 58 Samples Out Jul1 3 2000 In Jul1 0 2000 [071717 02 30 00071300] Project WO#00053 Shipper Norm CODE AMOUNT TYPE PREPARATION DESCRIPTION PULP REJECT Shipment P0# 176731 B31100 58 Pulp Pulp received asi t is no sample prep 12M/D1S OOM/Dis Analysis NS=No Sample Rep=Replicate M=Month Dis=Oiscard ICP(AqR)30 Analytical Summary Code Method Units Descnption Elemen t Limit Limit Comment Low High 0721 ICP ppm Ag ICP Silver 01 999 0711 ICP ppm Cu ICP Copper 1 20000 0714 ICP ppm Pb ICP Lead 2 20000 Document Distribution 0730 ICP ppm Zn ICP Zinc 1 20000 1 Northern Analytical Laboratories EN RT CC IN FX 0703 ICP ppm As ICP Arsemc 5 9999 105 Copper Road 12 110 Whitehorse DL 3D EM BT BL 0702 ICP ppm Sb ICP Antimony 5 999 YT YIA 111 OOOOO 0732 ICP ppra HgIC P Mercury 3 9999 Canada 0717 ICP ppm Mo ICP Molydenu m 1 999 Att Norm Smith Ph 867/668 4968 0747 ICP ppm TlIC P (Incomplete Digestion) Thai11u m 10 999 Fx 867/668 4890 0705 ICP ppm BlIC P Bismuth 2 9999 Em NALPhypertech ykc a 0707 ICP ppm Cd ICP Cadmium 01 99 0710 ICP ppm Co ICP Cobalt 1 9999 0718 ICP ppra Nl ICP Nickel 1 9999 0704 ICP ppm BaIC P (Incomplete Digestion) Barium 2 9999 0727 ICP ppm W ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Tungsten 5 999 0709 ICP ppm CrIC P (Incomplete Digestion) Chromium 1 9999 0729 ICP ppm VIC P Vanadium 2 9999 0716 ICP ppm Mn ICP Manganese 1 9999 0713 ICP ppm La ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Lanthanum 2 9999 0723 ICP ppm SrIC P (Incomplete Digestion) Strontium 1 9999 0731 ICP ppm Zr ICP Zirconium 1 9999 0736 ICP p-^m Sc ICP Scandium 1 9999 0726 ICP X TlIC P (Incomplete Digestion) Titanium 00 1 10 0 0701 ICP X AlIC P (Incomplete Digestion) Aluminum 00 1 9 99 0708 ICP * CaIC P (Incomplete Digestion) Calcium 00 1 9 99 0712 ICP X Fe ICP Iron 0 01 9 99 0715 ICP X MgIC P (Incomplete Digestion) Magnesium 0 01 9 99 0720 ICP X K ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Potassium 00 1 9 99 0722 ICP X NaIC P (Incomplete Digestion) Sodium 00 1 5 00 0719 ICP * PIC P Phosphorus 00 1 5 00

I N=Ln elope # RT=Rtpoit Style CC=Copies IN=lnvoices Fx=lax(l=YcsO=No) lotals l=Copy I=Invoi e 0=3/Disk Dl=Do\n]oad 3D=3/Disk FM=E Mail BT=BBS Type BL=BBS(l=Yes 0=No) ID=C030901 OUI 1 1 1t y limited sil ly lo the T nlyt 1 cost of these analyses BC Certified Assajer David Chiu_ • •••JIM •••••••••••••• •dl:lHrtdkW*MAt*|i • • • • • ••••liotlfeef • •• Vancouver B C iPL 00G0717 Canada V5Y3E1 Phone(604)879 7878 NTE A lONM L ?MA LA OR TORV TO Fax (604) 879 7898 Client Northern Analytical Laboratories 58Sample s Out Jul 2000 Page 1 of Project WO#00053 58=Pulp [071717 02 30 00071300] In Jul 2000 Section 1 of Sample Name Ag Cu Pb Zn As Sb Hg Mo Tl Bl Cd Co Nl Ba W Cr V Mn La Sr Zr Sc Tl Al Ca Fe Mg K Na P ppm ppm ppm ppm ppmpp m ppm pprapp m ppra ppm ppra ppm pprappr a ppm ppm ppm ppm pom ppm ppm * X X X % X X X N8 0 0 < 20 10 94 < < < 5 < < 29 13 21 373 < 21 60 485 13 33 2 30 10 1 610 5 72 5 70 7 603 40 0 300 8 N9 0 0 P < 20 13 98 < < < 4 < < 30 14 24 361 < 22 60 611 14 36 1 30 10 1 610 6 12 6 40 7 50 3 20 0 30 0 9 NIO0 0 P < 25 8 100 < < < 4 < < 33 14 26 419 < 24 65 570 16 41 2 40 10 1 780 6 72 7 40 7 803 30 0 300 8 Nil0 0 P < 17 8 90 < < < 4 < < 26 13 18 287 < 19 58 460 13 32 30 10 1 570 5 82 5 40 7 40 3 200 30 09 N120 0 P < 15 6 83 < < < 4 < < 25 13 17 258 < 18 54 524 13 32 30 09 14 50 5 92 4 20 6 202 60 0 30 1 0 NIS0 0 P < 16 9 90 < < < 4 < < 26 14 21 278 < 18 59 552 14 32 30 10 1 560 5 82 5 90 7 103 00 0 30 09 N140 0 P < 20 10 102 < < < 5 < < 30 14 22 283 < 20 62 497 16 38 40 10 1 670 6 52 8 50 7 60 3 10 0 30 0 9 N150 0 P < 20 13 96 < < < 5 < < 31 14 20 286 < 20 60 516 16 39 30 09 15 90 6 92 8 10 7 302 800 30 0 9 N160 0 P < 17 8 101 < < < 5 < < 28 15 21 262 < 18 59 547 14 35 30 10 16 205 92 9 00 8 103 70 0 30 0 9 N170 0 P < 20 12 80 < < < 5 < < 24 14 20 265 < 19 60 494 15 33 30 10 1 610 5 82 7 70 7 803 30 0 300 8 NIS0 0 P < n 11 72 < < < 4 < < 31 14 16 269 < 18 58 635 16 38 30 09 1 540 5 23 1 20 7 403 20 0 300 8 N190 0 P < 15 10 64 < < < 3 < < 21 13 19 218 < 15 51 446 12 28 30 09 14 40 5 323 10 7 30 3 40 0 300 8 N200 0 P < 21 10 77 < < < 4 < < 32 17 18 291 < 19 69 656 17 39 40 12 1 950 6 73 1 00 9 30 4 60 0 30 0 8 N210 0 P < 19 7 76 < < < 3 < < 32 16 18 262 < 19 67 562 15 37 40 11 1 970 6 43 0 00 9 10 4 10 0 300 7 N220 0 P < 16 11 65 < < < 3 < < 25 13 16 219 < 17 57 421 13 33 30 10 16 20 6 02 5 90 7 502 800 300 7 N230 0 P < 40 14 107 < < < 5 < < 45 20 19 460 < 21 102 762 18 21 50 1 72 6 00 5 73 7 61 5 30 9 60 0 30 1 1 N240 0 P < 17 8 75 < < < 4 < < 33 16 13 256 < 15 66 729 19 37 40 1 21 9 90 6 52 9 30 8 70 4 80 0 30 0 8 N250 0 P < 14 10 56 < < < 1 < < 22 13 17 218 < 24 50 424 11 32 30 0 71 4 20 6 62 3 40 5 90 1 10 0 30 0 9 N260 0 P < 16 8 54 < < < 1 < < 20 11 21 225 < 22 49 350 10 27 30 0 71 2 00 5 92 0 50 5 30 0 90 0 30 0 9 N270 0 P < 21 10 64 < < < 2 < < 27 15 21 288 < 28 58 551 12 40 40 0 61 5 908 12 7 00 6 30 1 10 0 30 0 9

N280 0 P < 14 4 51 < < < 2 < < 20 11 14 194 < 21 44 353 9 28 30 0 61 2 80 5 72 1 30 5 50 1 00 0 300 8 N290 0 P < 11 8 46 < < < 1 < < 21 10 11 163 < 19 41 303 8 27 30 0 51 2 10 5 71 9 00 5 200 90 0 300 8 N300 0 P < 13 8 54 < < < 2 < < 21 13 17 199 < 23 49 398 10 32 30 0 71 4 40 7 32 2 70 5 90 1 00 0 30 0 9 N310 0 P < 10 6 51 < < < 1 < < 20 11 17 177 < 21 42 333 10 27 30 0 71 2 70 5 919 30 5 401 200 30 0 9 N320 0 P < 10 7 45 < < < 1 < 19 10 14 148 < 19 39 333 9 26 30 0 61 1 60 6 11 7 50 5 00 1 00 0 30 0 9

N330 0 P < 7 4 31 < < < 2 < < 16 7 12 83 < 16 38 176 5 21 < 30 0 51 1 70 5 71 5 10 4 60 0 40 0 400 8 N340 0 P < 6 7 29 < < < 1 < < 14 7 9 79 < 16 36 166 4 21 < 30 0 51 1 00 5 614 30 4 30 0 30 0 40 0 9 N350 0 P < 6 3 30 < < < 1 < < 15 6 10 78 < 15 35 160 5 20 < 30 0 41 0 805 614 30 4 30 0 30 0 40 0 9 N360 0 P < 7 3 30 < < < 1 < < 14 7 12 79 < 15 34 162 4 19 < 30 0 41 0 70 5 31 4 10 4 30 0 30 0 40 0 9 N370 0 P < 10 9 34 < < < 2 < < 19 9 8 98 < 19 40 180 4 21 1 30 0 31 1 40 4 61 6 20 4 700 30 0 300 7

N380 0 P < 8 8 32 < < < 2 < < 18 8 12 92 < 18 38 180 4 20 1 30 0 41 1 20 4 81 5 70 4 70 0 30 0 300 8 N390 0 P < 9 9 58 < < < 4 < < 24 16 8 785 < 17 53 372 10 24 1 30 1 41 8 00 4 12 5 10 9 50 5 80 0 30 0 7 N400 0 P < 12 13 75 < < < 4 < < 39 20 13 776 < 21 85 502 9 20 2 30 2 02 3 603 63 5 11 2 90 8 00 0 30 0 7 N410 0 P 03 14 17 77 < < < 5 < < 43 21 18 969 < 24 88 533 14 23 2 40 2 02 6 00 4 33 7 01 3 60 8 80 0 30 0 8 N420 0 P 03 22 10 64 < < < 4 < < 31 19 16 797 < 24 89 381 11 25 2 30 2 02 5 003 62 8 91 2 50 9 00 0 30 0 4

N430 0 P 06 67 32 80 < < < 24 < < 28 24 26 924 5 34 126 386 34 26 5 70 21 3 210 3 13 6 01 3 70 8 00 0 30 0 5 N440 0 P < 13 6 56 < < < 2 < < 25 13 10 451 < 20 57 432 10 27 1 30 11 16 40 6 12 5 40 7 203 00 0 30 0 8 N450 0 P < 18 9 63 < < < C < < 28 15 14 603 < 25 67 527 9 30 2 40 12 19 80 5 12 7 90 8 50 3 10 0 30 0 6 N460 0 P 02 22 8 67 < < < 4 < < 27 16 14 1339 < 22 59 1357 16 59 2 40 10 18 81 2 72 5 50 8 204 20 0 300 8

Mm Limit 01 1 2 1 5 5 3 1 10 201 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 lOOlOOlOOlOOlOOlOOlOOlOOl Max Reported* 99 9 20000 20000 20000 9999 999 9999 999 999 9999 99 9 9999 9999 9999 999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 1 00 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 5 00 5 00 Method ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP —=No Test Ins=Insufficient Sample Del=Delay Max=No Estimate Rec=ReCheck m=xlOOO /=Estimate / NS=No SampleP=Pulp • • 1 !•••••• Mil !• ^AMflAf#(fr%Lf Aflt^ 2036 Columbia Street Vancouver B C iPL 00G0717 Canada V5Y3E1 Phone(604) 879 7878 INTL N 0 AL LASM A OR TORV TD Fax (604) 879789 8 Client Northern Analytical Laboratories 58Sample s Out Jul 13 2000 Page 2 of 2 Project WO#00053 58=Pulp 30 00071300] In Jul 10 2000 Section 1 of 1 SampleNam e Ag Cu Pb Zn As Sb Hg Mo Tl Bi Cd Co Ni Ba W Cr V Mn La Sr Zr Sc Ti Al Ca Fe Mg Na ppm ppm ppm ppm ppmpp m pprapp mpp m ppm ppm ppra ppm pprapp m ppm ppm ppra ppm ppm ppm ppra X X * X

Ml0 0 03 18 12 61 27 16 13114 3 21 63 724 20 40 4 0 12 15 0 69 2 78 0 95 0 62 0 02 0 08 N480 0 02 20 7 70 36 20 14104 1 25 76 715 17 43 5 0 17 60 0 80 3 35 1 20 0 76 0 03 0 07 N490 0 03 16 6 63 31 16 13 824 22 68 348 14 30 5 0 15 37 0 61 2 94 1 06 0 66 0 03 0 07 N500 0 02 17 10 78 39 23 16 997 25 89 711 13 29 4 0 20 75 0 60 3 69 1 38 0 99 0 02 0 07 N510 0 03 20 10 82 49 31 13111 5 27 94157 6 14 35 4 0 19 87 0 68 3 88 1 33 0 82 0 03 0 06

N520 0 < 10 2 29 14 6 11 83 13 29 143 5 22 3 00 5 10 0 52 1 39 0 34 0 05 0 04 0 10 N530 0 < 10 4 26 13 5 7 78 12 27 123 4 20 2 0 04 01 0 48 1 31 0 31 0 04 0 03 0 09 N540 0 < 9 < 22 11 4 6 57 10 24 107 3 20 2 0 04 91 0 47 1 20 0 28 03 0 03 0 09 N550 0 < 9 < 23 11 5 7 52 11 25 111 3 21 2 0 04 97 0 49 1 26 0 29 0 03 0 03 0 10 N550 0 < 9 < 23 10 4 7 54 10 24 106 3 20 2 0 03 0 87 0 50 1 19 0 28 0 03 0 03 0 10

N570 0 8 < 23 < < 15 5 7 52 11 25 113 3 18 3 0 04 0 94 0 55 1 23 0 29 0 03 0 04 0 11 N580 0 10 4 27 < < 13 6 9 63 13 29 137 4 24 3 0 04 1 12 0 60 1 44 0 34 0 04 0 04 0 11 N590 0 7 < 22 < < 13 5 9 43 11 26 130 3 21 3 0 04 0 97 0 65 1 23 0 30 0 03 0 05 0 12 N500 0 8 < 23 < < 11 5 7 53 11 26 129 3 23 3 0 04 94 0 60 1 29 30 0 03 0 04 0 12 N610 0 7 < 22 < < 12 5 9 49 11 24 119 3 21 3 0 04 94 0 57 1 21 30 0 03 0 04 0 10

N620 0 P < 14 6 33 < < < 2 < < 19 5 8 81 17 30 142 4 28 4 0 04 1 31 0 69 1 73 0 37 0 04 0 04 0 15 N530 0 P < 13 2 31 < < < 2 < < 17 6 10 65 14 29 156 3 24 4 0 04 1 20 0 74 1 68 0 35 0 04 0 05 0 17 N790 0 P 07 4 < 2 < < < 6 < < 04 1 4 20 112 5 20 < 4 < < 0 05 0 02 0 44 < 0 02 0 01 0 01 N800 0 P 02 22 88 46 9 < < 23 < < 11 4 19 137 109 58 37 12 32 1 < 0 26 0 55 1 11 0 03 0 09 0 02 0 25

Mm Limit 01 1 2 1 5 5 3 1 10 201 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 10 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 01 Max Reported* 99 9 20000 20000 20000 9999 999 9999 999 999 9999 99 9 9999 9999 9999 999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 1 00 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 5 00 5 00 Method ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP =No Test Ins=Insufficient Sample Del=Delay Max=No Estimate Rec=ReCheck m=xlOOO /=Estimate / NS=No SampleP=Pulp JdfeMiidkt^cM^iJLtdljP S^oMiW ^eer • • • Vancouver B C iPL 00G0803 Canada V5Y3E1 Phone(604)879 7878 I £ NAriONA Fax (604) 879 7898 Northern Analytical Laboratories 75 Samples Out Jul 28 2000 In Jul 21 2000 [080314 50 36 00072800] Project W0 00070 Shipper Norm Smith CODE AMOUNT TYPE PREPARATION DESCRIPTION PULP REJECT Shipment P0# 176734 B31100 75 Pulp Pulp received as it is no sample prep 12M/D1S OOM/Dis Analysis NS=No Sample Rep=Replicate M=Month Dis=Discard ICP(AqR)30 Analytical Summary Code Method Units Description Elemen t Limit Limit Comment Low High 0721 ICP ppmAg IC P Silver 01 999 0711 ICP ppmC u ICP Copper 1 20000 0714 ICP ppmP b ICP Lead 2 20000 Document Distribution- 0730 ICP ppmZ nIC P Zinc 1 20000 Northern Analytical Laboratories EN RT CC IN FX 0703 ICP ppmA sIC P Arsenic 5 9999 105 Copper Road 1 2 110 Whitehorse DL 3D EM BT BL 0702 ICP ppmS bIC P Antimony 5 999 YT YIA 2Z7 0 OOOO 0732 ICP ppmH gIC P Mercury 3 9999 Canada 0717 ICP ppmM o ICP Molydenum 1 999 Att Norm Smith Ph 857/558495 8 0747 ICP ppm Tl ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Thai11u m 10 999 Fx867/66 8489 0 0705 ICP ppra Bl ICP Bismuth 2 9999 EmNAL@hypertec hy kc a 0707 ICP ppm Cd ICP Cadmium 01 999 0710 ICP ppra Co ICP Cobalt 1 9999 0718 ICP ppm Nl ICP Nickel 1 9999 0704 ICP ppm BaIC P(Incomplet e Digestion) Banum 2 9999 0727 ICP ppm W ICP(Incomplet e Digestion) Tungsten 5 999

0709 ICP ppm Cr ICP(Incomplet e Digestion) Chromium 1 9999 0729 ICP ppm V ICP Vanadium 2 9999 0716 ICP ppm Mn ICP Manganese 1 9999 0713 ICP ppra LaIC P(Incomplet e Digestion) Lanthanum 2 9999 0723 ICP ppra Sr ICP(Incomplet e Digestion) Strontium 1 9999

0731 ICP ppm Zr ICP Zirconium 1 9999 0736 ICP ppm Sc ICP Scandium 1 9999 0726 ICP X Tl ICP(Incomplet e Digestion) Titanium 00 1 10 0 0701 ICP X Al ICP(Incomplet e Digestion) Aluminum 00 1 99 9 0708 ICP * CaIC P(Incomplet e Digestion) Calcium 00 1 99 9 0712 ICP * Fe ICP Iron 00 1 99 9 0715 ICP * MgIC P(Incomplet e Digestion) Magnesium 00 1 99 9 0720 ICP * K ICP(Incomplet e Digestion) Potassium 00 1 99 9 0722 ICP X NaIC P(Incomplet e Digestion) Sodium 0 1 50 0 0719 ICP X P ICP Phosphorus 0 1 50 0

EN=En elope rr RT=Rcpoit Style CC=Copies IN=lnvoices Fx=Fax(l=Yes 0=No) Totals l=ropy I=ln\oi(.e 0=3/ Disk Dl-Do nIoad 3D=3/Disk CM=E Mail BT=BBS Type BL=BBS(l=Yes 0=No) 1D=C030901 O u liabil ty islimite d solely toth eanalytica l cost ofthes e analyses BC Certified Assa^er David Chiu ^SiM1kMM:§9AMJIA9t f ZOS^olumbia Street W' VancouverB C iPL 00G0803 CanadaV5Y3E 1 Phone(604 )87 9787 8 N ER A 10 LPl M LABO TOR TD Fax (604)87 9789 8 Client Northern Analytical Laboratories 75Sample s Out Jul2 8 2000 Page 1o f 2 Project W 0 00070 75=Pulp [080314 50 36 00072800] In Jul2 1 2000 Section 1o f 1 Sample Name Ag Cu Pb Zn As Sb Hg Mo Tl Bl Cd Co Nl Ba W Cr V Mn La Sr Zr Sc Tl Al Ca Fe Mg K Na P ppm ppm ppm ppm pprapp m ppmppr app m ppm ppm ppm ppm ppmpp m ppra ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm XXXXXXXX N6 4 00 p 03 17 15 59 < < < 5 < < 27 13 13 230 < 17 53 399 14 28 2 40 0 81 5 10 5 62 6 10 6 30 2 40 0 20 1 0 N5 5 00 p 03 19 12 77 < < < 4 < < 30 15 11 262 < 18 62 372 17 23 2 40 1 11 8 104 52 7 00 8 10 4 00 0 20 0 7 N6 6 00 p 03 15 10 62 < < < 4 < < 26 11 12 204 < 15 51 319 12 22 1 30 0 814 604 82 3 70 6 30 2 40 0 20 0 9 N6 7 00 p 02 16 15 69 < < < 3 < < 31 13 15 231 < 18 50 410 14 26 2 40 0 91 5 705 42 7 70 7 10 2 80 0 20 0 8 N6 8 00 p 02 17 15 75 < < < 4 < < 30 14 10 250 < 17 66 505 17 26 1 50 1 01 8 10 5 52 9 40 7 90 4 00 0 20 0 9 N6 9 00 p 02 18 12 77 < < < 4 < < 28 15 12 259 < 21 70 563 16 25 1 60 1 01 8 704 92 9 50 7 90 3 50 0 20 0 8 N7 0 00 p 02 16 8 75 < < < 5 < < 76 16 11 250 < 18 74 726 16 24 1 70 0 91 8 30 5 12 9 90 8 00 3 90 0 20 0 8 N7 1 00 p 03 17 14 70 < < < 4 < < 25 13 11 274 < 16 61 451 17 25 1 4 01 11 8 30 5 02 4 30 7 50 3 90 0 20 0 8 N7 2 00 p 03 15 16 75 < < < 4 < < 28 15 7 243 < 15 53 468 14 21 1 40 1 31 9 404 22 7 70 8 70 5 30 0 20 0 8 N7 3 00 p 03 22 18 88 < < < 5 < < 39 19 17 305 < 22 83 824 18 26 2 70 1 12 0 205 13 4 00 9 10 4 30 0 20 0 8 N7 4 00 p 03 15 17 71 < < < 4 < < 25 14 9 220 < 13 57 496 15 19 1 40 1 11 7 103 82 5 20 7 90 4 80 0 20 0 7 N7 5 00 p 03 18 18 73 < < < 5 < < 24 14 13 238 < 14 61 479 17 22 1 40 1 21 8 204 32 6 60 8 30 5 20 0 20 0 7 N7 6 00 p 03 17 16 70 < < < 5 < < 26 17 9 249 < 13 56 1191 30 24 1 50 1 11 7 204 82 6 10 7 40 4 10 0 20 0 7 N7 7 00 p 06 18 34 72 < < < 7 < < 28 28 9 282 < 18 68182 7 21 25 1 40 1 01 8 804 22 9 00 7 50 2 90 0 20 0 8 N7 8 00 p 05 19 20 80 < < < 7 < < 30 16 11 333 < 17 69 680 21 27 2 50 1 22 0 10 5 13 0 10 8 50 4 10 0 20 0 8 N81 A 00 p < 25 5 22 < < < 3 < < 15 6 13 267 < 194 23 158 3 46 1 20 0 31 1 804 41 1 80 4 30 2 90 1 00 0 2 N81 B 00 p 02 54 11 90 < < < 5 < < 22 20 40 282 < 177 92 585 8 44 2 60 1 03 3 706 23 1 91 7 90 9 90 1 00 1 0 N8 3 00 p 02 10 13 87 < < < 4 < < 31 17 9 436 5 18 76 470 10 23 2 40 1 72 1 30 5 23 0 51 0 20 6 50 0 20 0 9 N8 4 00 p 01 8 15 82 < < < 3 < < 27 15 10 380 < 15 71 436 7 19 1 30 1 61 9 204 62 8 70 9 50 6 40 0 20 0 8 N8 5 00 p 01 11 11 94 < < < 4 < < 34 18 15 476 < 18 79 495 9 20 2 4 01 82 2 204 53 2 61 0 90 7 20 0 20 0 8 N8 5 00 p 02 11 10 77 < < < 4 < < 29 14 12 372 < 15 56 395 7 15 1 30 1 51 7 903 82 7 80 9 10 6 10 0 20 0 8 N8 7 00 p 02 12 12 99 < < < 3 < y 33 18 8 500 < 19 79 473 10 20 2 40 1 82 2 604 13 3 31 1 10 6 90 0 20 0 8 N8 8 00 p 02 9 11 76 < < < 5 < < 26 14 11 364 < 13 64 397 7 18 1 30 1 51 7 604 42 6 90 8 80 6 10 0 20 0 8 N8 9 00 p 02 13 20 102 < < < 4 < < 40 19 17 455 < 18 84 490 9 19 2 40 1 92 3 104 13 3 81 1 30 7 90 0 20 0 8 N9 0 00 p 01 16 15 120 < < < 4 < < 45 22 16 634 < 19 95 597 12 23 2 50 2 32 7 204 74 0 21 2 91 0 80 0 20 0 9 N9 1 00 p 01 14 20 115 < < < 4 < < 39 19 14 451 < 19 90 502 9 20 2 40 2 02 3 904 33 5 11 2 10 7 50 0 20 0 7 N9 2 00 p 02 9 16 85 < < < 3 < < 29 16 11 375 < 15 77 440 7 19 1 40 1 72 0 204 12 9 21 0 50 6 30 0 20 0 7 N9 3 00 p 01 10 18 94 < < < 3 < < 32 17 9 456 < 16 74 523 8 24 1 40 1 62 0 305 02 9 41 0 50 5 80 0 20 0 6 N9 4 00 p 02 23 13 70 < < < 4 < < 26 14 17 256 < 23 51 415 26 39 4 50 1 11 6 806 52 7 20 5 50 2 20 0 30 0 7 N9 5 00 p < 12 10 41 < < < 2 < < 19 9 13 167 < 17 38 253 7 24 1 30 0 61 2 30 5 31 7 80 4 10 0 80 0 30 0 9 N9 6 00 p 01 11 8 45 < < < 1 < < 18 12 15 160 < 19 41 401 9 26 1 30 0 61 2 20 5 41 7 60 4 20 0 60 0 30 0 9 N9 7 00 p 01 9 10 37 < < < 1 < < 16 7 11 132 < 16 35 187 6 22 1 30 0 61 1 405 61 5 90 3 90 0 60 0 30 0 9 N9 8 00 p 01 20 15 64 < < < 3 < < 21 13 24 250 < 24 52 311 11 35 2 30 0 71 3 306 92 2 90 5 90 0 70 0 40 0 9 N9 9 00 p 01 18 11 63 < < < 2 <: < 22 12 26 251 < 25 54 311 12 35 2 30 0 81 3 106 92 2 40 5 60 0 70 0 40 0 9 NlOO 00 p < 20 12 58 < < < 2 < < 22 11 22 257 < 24 54 293 12 33 2 30 0 81 1 807 52 1 80 5 30 0 70 0 40 1 0 NlOl 00 p < 9 7 33 < < < 1 < < 18 7 7 113 < 15 38 160 7 24 1 30 0 61 2 406 31 5 10 3 80 0 40 0 40 1 1 N102 00 p 01 11 7 38 < < < 1 < < 20 9 10 131 < 19 43 189 7 25 1 30 0 51 4 205 81 7 80 4 10 0 50 0 40 0 9 N103 00 p 01 12 5 39 < < < 2 < < 20 9 12 135 < 19 42 161 7 24 1 30 0 61 4 10 5 51 7 30 4 00 0 50 0 40 0 9 N104 00 p 01 12 9 38 < < < 3 < < 19 9 11 119 < 18 39 152 7 23 1 30 0 61 3 10 5 41 6 20 3 90 0 40 0 30 0 9

Mm Limit 0 1 1 2 1 5 5 3 1 10 2 0 1 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 Max Reported* 99 9 20000 20000 20000 9999 999 9999 999 999 9999 99 9 9999 9999 9999 999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 1 00 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 5 00 5 00 Method ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP —=No Test his=Insufficient Sample Del=Delay Max=No Estimate Rec=ReCheck m=xlOOO /=Estimate / NS=No SampleP=Pulp >(l:Mii(l##(iB%iJLtif# * "offiiffl *ee" * • Sf" Vancouver BC iPL OOG0803 Canada V5Y 3E1 Phone (604) 879 7878 N E A 10 AL PLASM L BO A OR T Fax (604) 879 7898 Client Northern Analytical Laboratories 75 Samples Out Jul 28 2000 Page 2 of 2 Project W0 00070 75=Pulp [080314 50 36 00072800] In Jul 21 2000 Section 1 of 1

Sample Name Ag Cu Pb Zn As Sb Hg Mo Tl Bl Cd Co Nl Ba W Cr V Mn La Sr Zr Sc Tl Al Ca Fe Mg K Na P ppm ppm ppra ppra ppm ppm ppra ppm ppra ppm ppra ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppra ppm ppm ppm X XXX XXXX N105 00 P 0 1 14 11 57 < < < 3 < < 2 2 13 15 254 < 19 49 352 10 28 2 3 0 09 1 28 0 61 2 12 0 60 0 19 0 03 0 09 N106 00 p 0 1 11 10 50 < < < 3 < < 2 4 11 13 218 <: 17 47 310 9 27 2 3 0 08 1 20 0 62 1 97 0 54 0 17 0 03 0 10 N107 00 p 0 2 18 14 76 < < < 3 < < 2 6 15 18 369 < 21 61 492 11 31 2 4 0 11 1 67 0 62 2 60 0 77 0 31 0 03 0 09 N108 00 p 0 2 16 10 58 < < < 5 < < 2 3 13 15 281 < 22 51 437 11 35 2 4 0 09 1 49 0 62 2 28 0 63 0 16 0 03 0 08 N109 00 p 0 2 17 9 67 < < < 3 < < 2 3 13 18 268 < 22 51 405 12 33 2 4 0 08 1 47 0 63 2 25 0 60 0 14 0 03 0 08

NllO 00 p 0 2 22 7 76 < < < 3 < < 2 3 13 20 322 < 25 56 391 13 37 2 4 0 09 1 61 0 65 2 43 0 66 0 15 0 03 0 08 Nlll 00 p 0 2 21 10 72 < < < 2 < < 2 3 13 20 300 < 23 53 340 13 35 2 4 0 08 1 53 0 62 2 28 0 62 0 14 0 03 0 08 N112 00 p 0 1 18 12 71 < < < 3 < < 2 2 13 18 279 < 22 50 334 11 32 2 4 0 08 1 47 0 50 2 24 0 62 0 15 0 03 0 08 N113 00 p 0 2 22 10 77 < < < 2 < < 2 3 13 19 311 <: 24 55 313 12 34 3 4 0 09 1 55 0 61 2 39 0 66 0 15 0 03 0 08 N114 00 p 0 2 17 12 69 < < < 4 < < 1 9 12 15 255 < 20 48 259 10 29 2 3 0 08 1 37 0 55 2 15 0 60 0 14 0 03 0 08

N115 00 p 0 1 17 11 65 < < < 3 < < 1 8 12 20 256 < 21 50 249 12 31 2 4 0 08 1 41 0 59 2 09 0 58 0 12 0 03 0 09 N116 00 p 0 1 15 7 62 < < < 2 < < 1 9 11 19 250 < 20 47 231 12 28 2 3 0 08 1 35 0 57 2 05 0 56 0 12 0 03 0 10 N117 00 p 0 2 22 7 91 < < < 5 < < 2 9 15 20 363 < 25 62 516 13 36 2 4 0 10 1 73 0 52 2 74 0 75 0 27 0 03 0 09 N118 00 p 0 2 21 11 77 < < < 4 < < 2 5 14 20 293 < 25 57 470 13 37 2 4 0 08 1 63 0 67 2 61 0 65 0 13 0 03 0 08 N119 00 p 0 2 24 12 78 < < < 3 < < 3 0 14 21 294 < 26 59 424 13 36 2 4 0 08 1 65 0 65 2 50 0 66 0 14 0 03 0 09

N120 00 p 0 2 25 12 79 < < < 4 < < 3 2 13 22 306 < 27 60 383 13 38 2 4 0 08 1 68 0 65 2 46 0 67 0 14 0 03 0 08 N121 00 p 0 2 15 10 60 < < < 3 < < 2 6 11 18 224 < 20 48 285 10 30 2 3 0 07 1 34 0 55 1 99 0 55 0 12 0 03 0 09 N122 00 p 0 2 9 5 46 < < < 3 < < 1 9 9 12 158 < 15 39 288 9 25 1 3 0 06 1 11 0 58 1 73 0 44 0 10 0 03 0 11 N123 00 p 0 1 11 10 53 < < < 2 < < 1 7 11 14 178 < 18 43 333 10 26 2 3 0 06 1 27 0 53 2 00 0 50 0 10 0 03 0 09 N124 00 p 0 1 10 6 45 < < < 2 < < 1 9 10 10 165 < 15 37 248 9 21 1 3 0 06 1 14 0 45 1 82 0 43 0 09 0 03 0 08

N125 00 p < 12 7 45 < < < 2 < < 2 2 9 17 167 < 19 41 237 9 23 2 3 0 06 1 17 0 51 1 86 0 42 0 07 0 03 0 09 N126 00 p < 10 7 47 < < < 2 < < 2 0 10 11 178 < 17 41 313 10 25 1 3 0 05 1 33 0 57 2 03 0 45 0 09 0 02 0 09 N127 00 p 0 2 18 9 67 < < < 2 < < 2 9 15 17 307 < 26 59 469 19 36 2 5 0 08 1 99 0 67 2 90 0 63 0 18 0 03 0 08 N128 00 p 0 1 12 5 50 < < < 1 < < 1 8 11 13 201 < 17 43 295 13 27 1 4 0 07 1 46 0 65 2 12 0 53 0 16 0 03 0 08 N129 00 p 0 2 18 8 44 < < < 2 < < 1 9 13 16 194 < 20 44 285 9 44 2 3 0 06 1 32 0 89 2 23 0 52 0 06 0 03 0 09

N130 00 p 0 2 24 7 42 < < < 3 < < 2 0 12 15 228 < 23 43 333 8 59 2 4 0 04 1 46 1 22 2 10 0 55 0 05 0 03 0 09 N131 00 p 0 1 23 10 57 < < < 3 < < 2 1 12 21 213 < 25 46 359 9 38 3 3 0 06 1 43 0 93 2 24 0 53 0 07 0 03 0 07 N132 00 p 0 1 11 9 39 < < < 2 < < 2 0 9 13 126 < 22 45 191 5 24 1 3 0 04 1 39 0 50 1 81 0 54 0 03 0 03 0 08 N133 00 p 0 1 12 8 39 < < < 4 < < 2 6 10 12 111 < 21 45 198 5 22 1 4 0 04 1 27 0 51 1 80 0 49 0 04 0 03 0 08 N134 00 p 0 1 11 7 37 < < < 2 < < 2 6 10 12 111 < 23 46 171 5 24 1 4 0 04 1 40 0 57 1 82 0 57 0 04 0 03 0 08

N135 00 p 0 1 9 7 37 < < < 1 < < 2 0 9 10 95 < 17 41 191 5 21 1 3 0 05 1 21 0 56 1 70 0 48 0 03 0 03 0 08 N136 00 p 0 1 15 < 36 < < < 3 < < 1 2 3 6 189 < 137 25 91 4 4 3 1 0 05 1 15 0 02 1 03 0 31 0 45 0 02 0 01 N137 00 p 0 2 16 4 14 < < < 2 < 1 1 2 6 89 < 242 22 91 7 10 2 2 0 01 0 32 0 04 0 91 0 19 0 14 0 06 0 02 N138 00 p < 5 3 22 < < < 1 < < 1 7 9 4 107 < 67 43 262 6 35 1 4 0 07 1 12 1 16 1 55 0 58 0 09 0 13 0 11 N139 00 p 0 2 98 15 51 < < < 6 < < < 19 26 18 < 186 81 478 3 167 1 8 0 13 5 03 1 74 3 40 2 17 1 56 0 35 0 05

N139A 00 p 0 1 14 9 29 < < < 5 < < < 17 24 14 < 127 23 215 3 178 1 2 0 03 4 79 3 11 2 68 0 67 0 20 0 25 0 06

Mn Limit 0 1 1 2 1 5 5 3 1 10 2 0 1 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 Max Reported* 99 9 20000 20000 20000 9999 999 9999 999 999 9999 99 9 9999 9999 9999 999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 1 00 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 5 00 5 00 Method ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP =No Test lns=Insufficienl Sample Del=Delay Max=No Estimate Rec=ReCheck m=xlOOO /=Cstimate / NS=No SampleP=Piilp Y-' CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 2036 Columbia Street Vancouver B C iPL 00H0954 Canada V5Y3E1 Phone (604) 879 7878 T « A 10 L I SMALABO ORV L D Fax (604)879 7898 Northern Analytical Laboratories 24 Samples Out Aug 18 2000 In Aug 15 2000 [095416 00 02 00081800] Project WO#00092 Shipper Norm Smith CODE AMOUNT TYPE PREPARATION DESCRIPTION PULP REJECT Shipment P0#17574 0 B31100 24 Pulp Pulp received as it is no sample prep 12M/D1S OOM/Dis Analysis NS=No Sample Rep=Replicate M=Month Dis=Discard ICP(AqR)30 Analytical Summary Code Method Units Description El ement Limit Limit Comment Low High 0721 ICP ppra Ag ICP Silver 0 1 99 9 0711 ICP ppra Cu ICP Copper 1 20000 0714 ICP ppra Pb ICP Lead 2 20000 Document Distribution 0730 ICP ppra Zn ICP Zinc 1 20000 1 Northern Analytical Laboratories EN RT CC IN FX 0703 ICP ppra As ICP Arsemc 5 9999 105Coppe r Road 12 110 Whitehorse DL 3D EM BT BL 0702 ICP ppra Sb ICP Antimony 5 999 YT YIA 2Z7 OOOOO 0732 ICP ppm Hg ICP Mercury 3 9999 Canada 0717 ICP ppm Mo ICP Molydenum 1 999 Att Norm Smith Ph 867/658 4968 0747 ICP ppmT lIC P (Incomplete Digestion) Thai11u m 10 999 Fx867/55 8 4890 0705 ICP ppm Bl ICP Bismuth 2 9999 Em NALPhypertech yk ca 0707 ICP ppm Cd ICP Cadmium 0 1 99 9 0710 ICP ppm Co ICP Cobalt 1 9999 0718 ICP ppra Nl ICP Nickel 1 9999 0704 ICP ppm Ba ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Barium 2 9999 0727 ICP ppra W ICP (Incoraplete Digestion) Tungsten 5 999

0709 ICP ppra Cr ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Chromium 1 9999 0729 ICP ppm V ICP Vanadium 2 9999 0716 ICP ppm Mn ICP Manganese 1 9999 0713 ICP ppm La ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Lanthanum 2 9999 0723 ICP ppm Sr ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Strontium 1 9999

0731 ICP ppm Zr ICP Zirconium 1 9999 0736 ICP ppm Sc ICP Scandium 1 9999 0726 ICP X Tl ICP (Incoraplete Digestion) Titanium 0 01 1 00 0701 ICP X Al ICP (Incoraplete Digestion) Alum inu m 0 01 9 99 0708 ICP X Ca ICP (Incoraplete Digestion) Calcium 0 01 9 99

0712 ICP X Fe ICP Iron 0 01 9 99 0715 ICP * Mg ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Magnesium 0 01 9 99 0720 ICP * K ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Potassium 0 01 9 99 0722 ICP X Na ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Sodium 0 01 5 00 0719 ICP X P ICP Phosphorus 0 01 5 00

EN=Envelope# RT=Report Style CC=Copies IN=Invoices Fx=Fax(l=Ye s0=No ) Totals l=Copy l=Invoice 0=3/Disk DL=Dovnload 3D=3/ Disk EM=E Mail BT=BBS Type BL=BBS(l=Yes 0=No) iD=C030901 Ol 1 1abilit y slimite d solely to the analytical cost of these analyses BC Certified Assayer David Chm CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 2036 ColumbiaStree t fT Vancouver B C iPL 00H0954 CanadaV5Y3E 1 Phone(604 ) 879787 8 NTERNATON lASMA LABO ATORV LTO Fax (604) 879789 8 Client Northern Analytical Laboratories 24 Samples Out Aug 18 2000 Page 1 of 1 Project WO#00092 24=Pulp [095415 00 02 00081800] In Aug 15 2000 Section 1 of 1 Sample Name Cu Pb Zn As Sb Hg Mo Tl Bi Cd Co Ni Ba W Cr V Mn La Sr Zr Sc Tl Al Ca Fe Mg Na ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppra ppra ppm ppra ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm X X X X N1400 0 4 4 5 < 2 13 5 4 31 < 90 17 186 79 20 0 40 8 51 1 90 7 400 40 0 10 0 20 0 5 N1410 0 01 28 77 69 < 23 22 4 15 100 < 155 116 14 1 <0 1 90 0 32 2 10 0 10 0 90 0 10 0 3 17 19 < 2 08 5 13 120 < 245 142 3 10 0 10 2 70 0 40 7 70 1 30 0 80 0 10 0 1 N1420 0 < N1430 0 50 133 < 9 38 25 38 28 < 225 105 898 8 76 90 1 23 8 90 9 93 9 32 5 61 2 20 1 50 0 8 06 17 N144A0 0 3 17 < 1 18 4 1 36 < 102 116 20 0 71 1 51 5 21 5 10 1 20 0 20 0 10 1 2 7 7 316 N144B0 0 5 7 73 < < < 2 25 7 5 272 < 147 12 399 10 10 60 090 9 60 2 22 750 4 70 540 0 70 0 4 N1450 0 23 7 59 < < < 2 25 15 6 491 < 129 75 423 8 12 60 141 5 608 12 431 0 80 620 1 20 0 5 N1450 0 25 9 296 < < < 32 46 5 74 55 < 202 49 132 5 21 4 <0 1 70 0 32 050 0 80 13 020 0 6 N1470 0 12 2 18 < < < 2 08 2 9 291 < 232 12 63 4 4 1 <0 2 40 0 40 6 40 1 600 5 030 0 1 N1480 0 6 5 46 < < < 2 17 5 5 130 < 107 11 354 17 5 40 0 90 5 00 1 01 8 00 1 904 4 050 0 2

N1490 0 74 9 80 < < < 2 < < 21 18 7 90 < 111 34 256 2 15 10 0 50 8 60 14 25 90 4 90 3 10 0 60 0 1 N1500 0 18 9 89 < < < 4 < < 40 19 10 555 < 58 86 655 7 28 50 1 62 4 10 9 3 37 31 2 00 8 30 1 10 1 2 N1510 0 < 6 < 7 < < < 1 < < 06 2 4 62 < 107 11 39 17 4 <0 0 10 1 60 0 20 8 50 0 10 0 90 0 40 0 1 N1520 0 54 398 59 < < < 16 < < 35 10 52 25 < 155 79 514 4 32 2 <0 14 12 810 5 40 0 90 0 20 1 2 N1530 0 23 19 4 57 < < < 4 < < 33 23 4 377 < 54 86 580 3 17 50 171 11 63 271 2 10 5 00 1 00 1 0

N1540 0 7 32 < < < 3 < < 19 5 1 131 < 102 7 302 15 30 0 70 7 80 2 52 0 90 3 80 1 80 0 50 0 4 N1550 0 31 9 35 < < < 2 < < 24 26 7 270 < 38 57 357 37 40 1 11 2 71 3 52 5 60 8 50 0 70 1 10 1 1 N1560 0 4 3 12 < < < 2 < < 06 4 16 21 < 118 19 125 14 30 0 80 4 50 6 80 7 00 4 00 0 20 0 30 0 5 Nl0 0 21 17 17 < < < 2 < < 13 8 10 71 < 110 22 148 15 20 0 70 6 30 6 01 2 90 3 70 0 70 0 60 0 6 N20 0 9 42 21 < < < 5 < < 14 2 8 8 < 186 10 101 1 <0 0 30 0 11 5 40 0 10 0 10 0 1 N5B0 0 80 75 111 18 <55 4 < < 43 5 51 160 < 59 37 64 23 51 30 010 2 60 0 14 0 60 0 40 2 30 0 20 1 0 N6A0 0 4 12 5 < < 10 < < 04 < 3 24 < 177 2 28 < 3 < <0 0 20 0 10 2 7 <0 0 10 0 1 < N6B0 0 26 14 76 < < 6 < < 45 24 15 674 < 30 103 677 10 37 50 2 12 7 40 6 73 8 11 5 31 0 50 0 20 0 9 N7A0 0 5 9 5 < < 2 < < 02 1 2 160 < 91 3 27 < 4 < <0 1 50 0 90 2 50 0 40 0 20 0 40 0 2

MinLimi t 01 1 2 1 5 5 3 1 10 2 01 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 1 MaxReported * 999 2000 02000 02000 0999 999 9999 999 999 9999 99 99 999 9999 9999 999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 91 0 09 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 95 0 05 0 0 MethoL ICP ICP ICP ICP ICPIC P ICPIC PIC P ICP ICP ICP ICP ICPIC P ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICPIC P CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 2036 Columbia Street iPL 00H1072 Vancouver B C lyu.** f./f/y^r'^ Canada V5Y3E1 Phone(604 ) 879 7878 IN ERNATIONAl PLASMA LABORATORY LTD Fax (604) 879 7898 Northern Analytical Laboratories 47 Samples Out Sep 06 2000 In Aug 30 2000 [107216 27 39 00090600] Project W0#00118 Shipper Norm Smith CODE AMOUNT TYPE PREPARATIONDESCRIPTIO N PULP REJECT Shipment P0# 176743 B31100 47 Pulp Pulpreceive d asi t is nosampl epre p 12M/D1S OOM/Dis Analysis NS=No Sample Rep=Replicate M=Month Dis=Discard ICP(AqR)30 -Analytical Summary ## Code Method Units Description Element Limit Limit Comment Low High 01 0721 ICP ppm Ag ICP Silver 01 999 02 0711 ICP ppm Cu ICP Copper 1 20000 03 0714 ICP ppm PbIC P Lead 2 20000 Document Distribution 04 0730 ICP ppm Zn ICP Zinc 1 20000 1 NorthernAnalytica l Laboratories EN RT CC IN FX 05 0703 ICP ppm As ICP Arsenic 5 9999 105Coppe rRoa d 12 110 Whitehorse DL 3D EM BT BL 06 0702 ICP ppm Sb ICP Antimony 5 999 YT YIA2Z 7 OOOOO 07 0732 ICP ppm Hg ICP Mercury 3 9999 Canada 08 0717 ICP ppm Mo ICP Molydenum 1 999 Att Norm Smith Ph867/66 8495 8 09 0747 ICP ppm TlIC P (IncompleteDigestion ) Thallium 10 999 Fx867/66 8489 0 10 0705 ICP ppm Bl ICP Bismuth 2 9999 EmNALPhypertec hy kc a 11 0707 ICP ppm CdIC P Cadmium 01 999 12 0710 ICP ppm Co ICP Cobalt 1 9999 13 0718 ICP ppm Nl ICP Nickel 1 9999 14 0704 ICP ppm BaIC P (IncompleteDigestion ) Barium 2 9999 15 0727 ICP ppm W ICP (IncompleteDigestion ) Tungsten 5 999

16 0709 ICP ppm CrIC P (IncompleteDigestion ) Chromium 1 9999 17 0729 ICP ppm VIC P Vanadium 2 9999 18 0716 ICP ppm MnIC P Manganese 1 9999 19 0713 ICP ppm LaIC P (IncompleteDigestion ) Lanthanum 2 9999 20 0723 ICP ppm SrIC P (IncompleteDigestion ) Strontium 1 9999

21 0731 ICP ppm Zr ICP Zirconium 1 9999 22 0736 ICP ppm ScIC P Scandium 1 9999 23 0726 ICP X TlIC P (IncompleteDigestion ) Titanium 00 1 10 0 24 0701 ICP X AlIC P (IncompleteDigestion ) Aluminum 00 1 9 9 25 0708 ICP X CaIC P (IncompleteDigestion ) Calcium 0 1 9 9

26 0712 ICP % Fe ICP Iron 00 1 9 9 27 0715 ICP X Mg ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Magnesium 00 1 9 9 28 0720 ICP % K ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Potassium 00 1 9 9 29 0722 ICP X Na ICP (Incomplete Digestion) Sodium 00 1 50 0 30 0719 ICP X P ICP Phosphorus 0 1 50 0

EN=Envelope# RT=Report Style CC=Copies IN=Invoices Fx=rax(l=Ves 0=No) Totals i=Copy l=hi oice 0=3/ Disk DL=Do nioad 3D=3/Dsk FM=F Mail BT=BBS Type Bl =BBS(l=Yes 0=No) iD=coioqoi Oui liability is limited solely to the analytical cost of these analyses BC Cei tified Assajei David Cluu CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 2036 Columbia Street Vancouver B C iPL 00H1072 Canada V5Y3E1 Phone(604 ) 879 7878 INTERNATIONALPLASM A U80R TOR LD Fax (604) 879 7898 Client NorthernAnalytica lLaboratorie s 47Sample s Out Sep 06 2000 Page 2 of 2 Project WO#00118 47=Pulp [1072162 73 900090600 ] In Aug 30 2000 Section 1 of 1 SampleNam e Ag Cu Pb Zn As Sb Hg Mo Tl Bi Cd Co Ni Ba W Cr V Mn La Sr Zr Sc Tl Al Ca Fe Mg Na ppm ppm ppm ppm ppmpp m ppmpp mpp m ppm ppm ppm ppm ppmpp m ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm X X X N1960 0 P 14 155 202 324 12 15 8 86 182 180 134 305 10 112 30 0 30 4 01 3 1 130 1 70 3 20 0 20 5 9 N1970 0 P 21 157 1477 275 18 6 3 15 33 156 42 58 3 29 <0 0 900 8 750 0 40 0 70 0 20 0 7 N1980 0 P 41 129 1359 185 24 96 5 3 11 59 128 31 48 3 29 <0 0 90 0 21 8 00 0 40 1 00 0 20 0 4 N1990 0 P 10 19 145 28 12 1 2 5 99 188 39 35 5 20 <0 0 10 0 70 0 1 730 0 10 1 00 0 20 0 2 N2000 0 P 09 65 280 254 4 4 7 23 75 108 31 188 3 20 0 11 1 701 0 150 8 10 1 90 0 20 0 4

N2010 0 31 120 1015 237 29 57 7 21 72 154 66 125 21 10 0 10 2 30 2 02 6 10 0 70 2 10 0 20 1 1 N2020 0 74 82 3134 135 91 51 4 9 74 149 31 87 36 1 <0 0 70 0 12 8 20 0 10 2 30 0 20 0 5 N2030 0 02 58 35 53 4 22 10 16 185 123 35 224 5 20 0 30 5 90 1 11 8 40 3 20 2 10 0 20 0 3

Mm Limit 01 1 2 1 5 5 3 1 10 2 01 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 1 MaxReported * 999 2000 02000 02000 0999 999 9999 999 999 9999 99 99 999 9999 9999 999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 91 0 09 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 95 0 05 0 0 Method ICP ICP ICP ICP ICPIC P ICPIC PIC P ICP ICP ICP ICP ICPIC P ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP —=No Test Ins=InsufricienlSampl e Del=Delay Ma\=NoLslimat e Rec=ReCleck m=xlO{)0 /-Istimat c/ NS=N Siniple l=P LI p «4 19 «• l|. !•! !• • 1 !• • 1 »1 \n • • • • 1 !•! !• • 1 f 1 !• • 1 !•! !••! m 1 • • Vi- Ji^ II • 1 ip ittflsft 1W ^^•• ^^ ^•^ ^ ^ ^•m CERTIFICATE OF AN AL^ s 2036 Columbia Street sTsi Vancouver B C *" .<^ 0 iPL 00H1072 Canada VSYSEI Phone(604) 879 7878 1 TERN TIONAL PLASM UBORATOR I D Fix (604) 879 7898 ;iient Northern Analytical Laboraton es 47 S amples Out Sep 06 2000 Page 1 of 2 Project WO#00118 47= Pulp [107216 27 39 00090600] In Aug 30 2000 Section 1 of 1

Sample Name Ag Cu Pb Zn As Sb Hg Mo Tl Bl :d Co Nl Ba W Cr V Mn La Sr Zr Sc Tl Al Ca Fe Mg K Na P ppm ppra ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm X X XXX * X X N157 00 p < 67 < 13 20 < < 1 < < 1 9 13 16 149 < 92 25 174 5 14 2 4 0 08 0 55 0 71 1 05 0 47 0 03 0 08 0 05 N158 00 p < 7 2 13 < < < 1 < < 0 8 3 5 59 < 156 17 232 6 1 1 < 0 14 0 04 0 65 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 02 N159 00 p < 7 < 33 10 < < 1 < < 1 5 5 18 87 < 142 29 473 3 2 2 < 0 18 0 07 1 19 0 02 0 03 0 02 0 03 N150 00 p 0 5 57 7 70 < < < 5 < < 5 9 18 6 55 < 85 83 704 5 9 5 0 14 1 79 0 28 4 07 1 11 1 00 0 05 0 07 N161 00 p 0 6 55 24 52 21 < < 41 < < 2 4 6 40 44 < 150 37 188 9 3 2 < 0 18 0 01 2 07 0 02 0 04 0 01 0 03 N162 00 p < 32 13 67 < < < 6 < < 3 9 12 18 225 < 28 66 325 12 21 3 0 07 1 51 0 26 2 79 0 50 0 14 0 02 0 07 N153 00 p 0 1 27 13 65 < < < 6 < < 3 6 11 24 238 < 29 57 230 11 22 3 0 06 1 65 0 28 2 55 0 60 0 10 0 02 0 07 N164 00 p 0 1 34 9 62 < < < 3 < < 4 0 11 19 207 < 25 60 226 12 19 3 0 05 1 61 0 23 2 58 0 51 0 06 0 02 0 07 00 p < 29 15 64 < < < 3 < < 3 9 12 23 227 < 22 65 251 11 18 2 0 06 1 56 0 23 2 58 0 55 0 11 0 02 0 06 N155 00 p < 25 12 65 < < < 3 < < 3 5 11 17 189 < 24 67 281 9 18 2 0 05 1 46 0 23 2 63 0 53 0 08 0 02 0 07 N167 00 p 0 1 35 15 79 < < 5 < < 4 4 16 26 304 < 32 73 434 13 24 1 3 0 07 1 84 0 25 2 87 0 65 0 12 0 02 0 08 N158 00 p < 18 19 53 < < < 4 < < 4 7 13 22 248 5 26 72 311 12 19 2 3 0 09 2 00 0 33 3 13 0 58 0 10 0 02 0 03 N169 00 p < 8 10 44 < < < 3 < < 5 6 9 9 193 6 13 52 227 8 16 2 2 0 09 1 28 0 25 2 00 0 45 0 14 0 02 0 03 N170 00 p < 17 13 58 < < 4 < < 3 5 12 18 214 < 20 61 319 11 18 2 3 0 10 1 62 0 31 2 55 0 57 0 09 0 02 0 05 N171 00 p < 20 14 65 9 < < 3 < < 4 1 14 18 227 < 22 65 337 10 20 3 3 0 10 1 85 0 39 2 91 0 57 0 13 0 02 0 04

N172 00 p 0 6 36 26 82 < < < 6 < < 5 3 20 24 590 < 29 80 1232 26 39 2 6 0 08 2 35 0 82 3 47 0 74 0 14 0 03 0 08 N173 00 p 0 3 33 9 70 5 < < 7 < < 6 2 29 25 545 < 26 93 1514 24 33 1 5 0 08 1 99 0 57 3 93 0 71 0 18 0 02 0 07 N174 00 p < 7 5 45 < < < 2 < < 3 6 16 7 111 < 91 56 467 3 9 2 2 0 13 1 50 0 20 2 28 0 98 0 93 0 04 0 03 N175 00 p < 25 7 60 5 < < 4 < < 4 5 14 26 185 < 30 67 345 12 15 2 4 0 10 2 14 0 17 2 97 0 76 0 25 0 02 0 03 N175 00 p < 46 18 114 < < < 5 < < 6 3 20 15 143 6 20 100 788 9 11 1 5 0 14 2 99 0 15 4 00 1 51 0 99 0 02 0 04 N177 00 p < 40 17 68 < < < 6 < < 6 1 21 25 195 < 28 89 501 12 18 3 7 0 07 2 56 0 25 3 89 0 86 0 22 0 02 0 05 N178 00 p < 35 11 71 < < < 4 < < 4 6 17 24 244 < 27 74 492 14 21 2 4 0 09 2 10 0 35 2 95 0 88 0 23 0 02 0 08 N179 00 p < 73 13 138 < < < 6 < < 7 0 26 48 552 < 43 97 959 16 19 1 7 0 07 2 66 0 60 4 19 1 12 0 40 0 02 0 24 N180 00 p < 10 10 46 < < < 2 < < 3 5 15 10 744 < 101 64 457 4 14 3 3 0 15 1 59 0 50 2 28 0 98 0 76 0 05 0 05 N181 00 p < 24 15 83 < < < 2 < < 5 4 21 14 833 < 30 89 445 12 28 12 5 0 21 2 44 0 44 3 35 1 22 0 79 0 03 0 05 N182 00 p 0 2 54 11 71 < < < 4 < < 5 7 29 18 254 < 77 76 655 3 11 2 2 0 16 2 34 0 39 3 62 1 55 0 85 0 06 0 05 N183 00 p < 22 13 81 < < < 5 < < 5 8 23 17 835 < 26 95 590 11 34 7 4 0 21 2 59 0 40 3 49 1 23 0 75 0 03 0 07 N184 00 p < 14 12 60 < < < 2 < < 3 5 13 13 502 < 22 59 255 10 26 2 3 0 13 1 89 0 40 2 49 0 80 0 28 0 02 0 05 N185 00 p < 15 10 63 < < < 2 < < 4 2 16 11 629 < 20 72 327 10 30 2 3 0 14 2 01 0 38 2 81 0 93 0 45 0 02 0 05 N186 00 p < 14 13 68 < < < 2 < < 4 7 17 15 532 < 23 79 329 11 21 3 3 0 17 2 30 0 37 3 02 1 00 0 43 0 03 0 05 N187 00 p 0 1 15 7 65 < < < 3 < < 4 7 18 17 659 7 22 86 470 9 28 2 4 0 15 2 08 0 47 3 09 1 04 0 53 0 03 0 07 N188 00 p 0 6 38 8 59 < < < 4 < < 5 2 19 17 1170 < 28 96 520 35 55 8 0 13 2 75 0 89 3 29 0 94 0 46 0 03 0 07 N189 00 p 0 1 23 14 73 < < < 4 < < 4 7 14 19 266 < 29 65 332 38 26 5 0 07 2 13 0 37 2 83 0 57 0 10 0 03 0 07 N190 00 p 0 1 15 7 55 < < < 1 < < 3 2 10 18 213 5 24 58 182 15 24 3 0 06 1 74 0 30 2 34 0 49 0 06 0 02 0 05 N191 00 p 0 1 23 7 45 < < < 1 < < 2 9 8 16 189 < 22 43 153 13 21 2 0 04 1 47 0 28 2 03 0 39 0 06 0 03 0 05

N192 00 p < 17 9 50 < < < 1 < < 3 1 10 14 152 < 22 45 156 10 20 2 0 06 1 56 0 29 2 02 0 42 0 06 0 02 0 06 N193 00 p < 18 8 48 < < < 1 < < 6 4 9 15 182 < 23 40 147 9 22 2 0 04 1 52 0 27 2 00 0 39 0 06 0 02 0 07 N194 00 p 0 2 20 22 24 < < < 39 < < 2 2 4 6 122 < 145 8 246 21 7 2 0 03 0 37 0 02 1 55 0 13 0 22 0 03 0 02 N195 00 p 4 7 6 410 15 < < < 3 < 8 0 7 2 2 49 < 166 10 39 < 2 < < 0 05 0 01 0 36 0 04 0 03 0 01 <

Mm Limit 0 1 1 2 1 5 5 3 1 10 2 0 1 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 Max Reported* 99 9 20000 20000 20000 9999 999 9999 999 999 9999 99 9 9999 9999 9999 999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 1 00 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 5 00 5 00 Method ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP —=No Test !ns=lnsufficient Sample Del=Delay Max=No Estimate Rcc=ReCheck m=xlOO0 /=Lslimate NS=No SampleP=rulp VLADIMIR NEDECHEV 5187, BERRI#16 MONTREAL, QUEBEC H2J2S 4 n r ITI

+ + + +


tr o CD ^ o p

p Q • O cOr T3 O Q Rapport Lab Geochimie CI-IIIVIITEC BOrsiOXVR CI-EGC: Geochemical Lab Report



DATE NUMBERO F LOWER SAMPLE TYPES NUHBER SIZE FRACTIONS NUMBER SAMPLE PREPARATIONS NUMBER APPROVED ELEMENT ANALYSES DETECTION EXTRACTION METHOD RXK 6 150 6 CRUSH/SPLIT& PUL V 6 000913 1Au3 0 Gold 6 5 PPB FireAssa yo f30 g 30g FireAssa y AA 000913 2A g Ag ICOI 6 0 2PP M HCL HN03 (3 1) INDUC COUP PLASHA 000913 3C u Cu ICOI 6 1 PPM HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA REPORT COPIEST O VLADIHIR NEDECHEV INVOICET O VLADIMIR NEDECHEV 000913 4P b Pb IC01 6 2 PPM HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 000913 5Z n Zn IC01 6 1 PPM HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA ** * *********** ********************** ******** A************************* 000913 6M o Mo ICOI 6 1PP M HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA This report must not be reproduced except in full The data presented in this report is specific to those sanples identified under Sanple NiJit)er and is 000913 7N l Nl IC01 6 1 PPM HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA applicable only to the samples as received expressed on a dry basis uiless 000913 8C o Co IC01 6 1PP M HCL HN03( 31 INDUC COUP PLASMA otherwise indicated 000913 9C d Cd 1C01 6 1 PPM HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA * *** ************ ************** *** *********************************** 0009131 0B l Bl IC01 6 5 PPH HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 000913 11 As As ICO I 6 5 PPM HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009131 2S b Sb IC01 6 5 PPM HCL HN03( 31 INDUC COUP PLASMA

0009131 3 Fe Fe ICO I 6 0 01PC T HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009131 4M n Mn IC01 6 1 PPM HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009131 5 TE Te IC01 6 10PP M HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 000913 16B a Ba ICO I 6 1PP M HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 000913 17C r Cr ICO I 6 1 PPH HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASHA 000913 18V V ICO I 6 1 PPH HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASHA

0009131 9S n Sn ICO I 6 20PP M HCL HN03( 31 INDUC COUP PLASHA 0009132 0W W ICOI 6 20PP H HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009132 1L a La IC01 6 1 PPM HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009132 2A l Al ICO I 6 0 01 PCT HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASHA 0009132 3M g Mg ICO I 6 0 01 PCT HCL HN03( 31 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009132 4 Ca Ca ICO I 6 0 01 PCT HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA

0009132 5 Na Na IC01 6 0 01 PCT HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASHA 0009132 6 K K ICO I 6 0 01PC T HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009132 7S r Sr IC01 6 1 PPM HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009132 8Y Y ICO I 6 1 PPM HCL HN03( 31 INDUC COUP PLASHA 0009132 9G a Ga IC01 6 2 PPM HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009133 0L l Ll ICO I 6 1 PPM HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA

0009133 1 Nb Nb 1C01 6 1 PPM HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASHA 0009133 2 Sc Sc 1C01 6 5PP M HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASHA 0009133 3 Ta Ta ICO I 6 10PP M HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009133 4 Tl Tl IC01 6 0 010PC T HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA 0009133 5 Zr Zr ICO I 6 1 PPH HCL HN03 (3 1 INDUC COUP PLASHA 0009133 6S S ICOI 6 0 01 PCT HCL HN03( 3 1 INDUC COUP PLASMA

D„„^., <-i„„„ n97RHnmcana Val d Or Quebec J9P 3X6 Tel (819)825 0178 Fax (819)825-0256 f-A> Rapport Lab Geochimie ci-iiiviixEc: BOIMD/VR C:L.EC:G Geochemical Lab Report



N80 OOC 7 0 3 23 36 28 15 17 4 <1 <5 16 <5 12 9 43<1 016 624 0 75<2 0<2 0 120 4 10 0 30 5 2< 0 10 1 25 4 14 3 2 <1 <5 <10 < 01 4 0 50 N143 OOC <5 < 2 <1 <2 111 3 24 23 <1 <5 <5 63 8 567 4<1 0 3622 6 75<2 0<2 0 34 2 225 11 6 50 2 41 3 712 1 6 6 28 <1 10 <10 116 2 2 18 N146 OOC 110 5 18 <2 136 20 33 2 2 <5 7 <51 3 410 6<1 0 4017 3 34<2 0<2 0 50 2 00 1 90 0 1< 0 10 1 92 1 3 <2 14 <1 <5 <10 < 01 3 00 6 N152 OOC 16 1 3 46 105 240 9 53 9 4 <5 24 <52 0 930 6<1 0 5820 611 9<2 0<2 0 70 3 204 21 6 20 0 10 1 36 0 23 <2 1 2 <5 <10 < 01 6 1 25 N153 OOC 5 <;2 3 <23 0 22 01 2< 1< 5 <5 <52 0 939 1 <10 2713 3 49<2 0<2 0 21 2 01 0 813 80 1 60 1 01 6 5 <2 3 2 6 <10 114 3 0 01

N194 OOC <5 < 2 11 9 16 15 4 2 <1 <5 <5 <5 1 10 146 <10 55 261 11 <20 <20 12 0 28 0 09 0 02 0 03 0 20 2 2 2 2 <1 <5 <10 021 5 0 01

Chimitec Bondar Clegg 1322 B Harncana Val d Or Qu^b o J9P 3X6 Tel (819)825-0178 Fax (819)825-0256 A)

PROJECTNO. ___2¢— 2%

LOCATION C: «rza {NIS 1180/06 7

NAME /ZZe~/s,;r 74/én41/ 2

fos 11

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Level:—§ 47


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MSC go 2p

Pacific # [ray/g ) LLA4E.te $4190971 North /

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2 /ew r7 CLitCLE, /

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47 oyioeg

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3. Aip — mal, Supply

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| —> ; 9 //‘ Ea. éacécé Tes / ”hard







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S—9a97 North

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47 2 3

oproeq Corp. /V — Aiddng . ¢

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Supply ~

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North S4eaen ‘Gei? , _] _bo¥e é/Q/e, Ya rf saj‘V‘fm/QJ

[zfir‘éc‘é 95:51,me AMI/7 co 6/12, (z T2 }6M% 0/46. 4&44 fsgemv r 27 z Yéa/ A!” 3.51 2 are it fl

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77 ©

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ffrz/ & ~" C

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SauIZ a«rfi NIP oo & 47 _ __ Re Zoe d On a > ( roo ck ) §9 << Corp. CaurpE w 159.6

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outed NM/73— ao | —a ¢ Corp. war/z ;

w {an. |330) 5 p

4&4, Scrip / 4, it |a 3 52h ny 84-6401 Supply ~ ‘dog E=—@A@ Zoo JEP— ao ap £:. 77 2 14—004;

Pacific / arinacth }) 59

Ly. ¥ F73—&o fa fif'aw — g4ene7 E=@ North p ,2 // 2 — C| S & any pies





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47 : hal 1 ayroey :2 VRC N~129—s0 y ,r mIZS — as , Corp. w / 494 — co Aiddng

Supply i ‘doo ~_/ ~ /Sfil A+ fat/gig / 3 cf: 2p 20 ~ / Caocez: 9, Pacific yeafs

~ fie. NMBF—80 | Y. tread 48 | North | I. w 173 — 20 / <4 mire 2 _ xk 4° z S—ESZLLLJA (21 A: r ler r fiC'C A (+ d

# 2004 e/‘ 47 {<, (2 £, C ~ ( 2 «// G §a( 7 &

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5 flue/“CZCIII ' fizz/(2112. , ,j Quemff pf'é' Wak

A !SD— ao! — m/Mac I'IQKUQ/e 0/ (Mg/m a /,@;,[/ Qf/fi‘;

iy — / a, /‘ a; procwsd Walaer ). 1, € aa N14 /— oo _ Bse 4% _wIF)/— 00 /‘egre £ ay 7¢cfow/s/ — ¢lhey apt/fia’e/ waA ; . ~ Z i5e—Z | — /4 (.‘ a —24 . 125 $41 71th” a Z &n, H2. ifi/‘Pfia/Mwuf £71

reck lare Kei ‘te Querz‘z /(-) Bary‘ be ‘) W/g/ — / / C KEY/"(KG (LKIJ/ Sluw za/aaubl v.01” b 61 Later v6‘ uuion


47 faKZJfX/z aren! 0 reel $ r ¢ an 4 Audi‘s/fl 5 I/fi'me, oyoed 7 9] . : Sau 4d ISPD Corp. fi/ P24. fiJz dxx-IC/ gt» 36 9,1 WI 2/64. 9/6 [0/ = Mfg / i z / > i [7‘7Fe¢4 Aldghs © / . i (eek ) qua/ssic . Nap/"hf k* f/f’MC’p/L Supply ‘doo & 2,0 m | 2p , Yor? riers» Palo e'fq- ./44//77 e" flz ”£75 Pacific alt o deaf/4.4 {J ~ _C ar — s4ene7 North ( 7F@.<,n/ W¢@/ef 7T/Ae. f/‘aaflqfiaw-fi/j ao] fl Le» {L |

/ O4 &f¢ qfei old/4:54“ Vang 914M/2 M 2 7 7 1, 6 a Daag] 2 S2 00 “fr/Son; / gee 2rdz. w: ‘6h zaé‘ge ado/4'u4/4J,

, : ; 7 reek ] w/e/ eed muff + SQ/t//a¢f(/9j(x'€/ ka g'Z/Z/é of?

|___ Saugd eo b. £44, arey Ti¢ Gavel i$] rreaty E w‘ Au y, ©. 7.50 €) ; /V0;7'f":-"" j | _5tflff/C /)/n,,eg

3 — wafiaxu }c€?a wefe fife/Zea fiZ/Wm — | §Ql(( 6“) / so ¢ \019 ——— 5 es & fr‘mu‘ N/J’ ¢ — a> Whege Tue JZCferas we?. xrh'éf7J ¥ Om.

KC'Z/[auyrv Le 22 Creek V pes w/g8. DJ"? : ye N If 3— oo i 5e2 é Ba I§

4w7¢gf /{ < >. I

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{raga MAVL} ~ 20 Z/Wa See a/é/ Z/f‘l.')/’é/7él.ff'2j DUN/LA qed

1 T _¥el M/ — 205° cc. efe T rfervap — $2. 4. = S da f. park 0 rcey qkuz/Zz’fe cueed_ ofl;

i. a Le F|___

7Zravigs f ~ 42 ; :

2 cP ra rels . ~Afie /-fr41u/ea§-é’ a/ a/r

6&44z/Lj muggy}, rag/C at yuop Qchr‘vf/zwfe


47 ASexrL2_ 2, YA Yl, — carb $f oy tots


Corp: —pe f | / Sare ? ) " * ~

Addng Tr Cy efriue $l | 2%0 , Al



SCaladfL M9680 4p isn Th >&«5€/$’%€fe cs “Anefla/{m Pacific

4,0/ A?! ”&'4é// Lea/r{z fie/147 4 $—19407 North 1 Z ( mi Lo€eou tre ef _ wie faaé ,

Travels Z Mamggb'zg 2 n / f‘i/Lc’ e _, s ee {l aqnzeafié 2, A2 5

2 JP V c fodf "Cl "74/3/ Cole: rF¢/— CaF W194? 0 J < Z. \ 7 T/ ¢ K/rz ¢ 42.¢¢Lf€/ q ce.‘g s: 0 Teck ,

to {A

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a¢ /ofiy'

7a r "Aes y 196: 00

yuon ¢. io f ~ : AL, Level—5 / M1970 _] | {mk 47 syroeg fi/Lfl-oo NMJoo ng

.es Corp. ( W197 —40 {reek A

i A i M9809 (reqq)

Supply A don

, 1199: 00 (rent) 2h 7

Pacific | . f/VJM —ov {reek1$ mo



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