Ordinary Meeting of Council 8 April 2019 10


Councillor Colacino has submitted the following Notice of Motion – “I formally move that Council – 1 Write to the Roads and Maritime Service (RMS), Minister for Transport, Minister for Roads, Minister for Tourism and all Local Members of State Parliament, asking for consideration to be given to expediating the investigation into the traffic congestion issues related to Drive (LHD).

2 Emphasise within the letter that, although there is less congestion along LHD Monday to Friday, it is the weekend usage that is of most concern, and that any traffic counts utilised to support the conclusions within the report include weekend and public holiday usage as well as weekdays.

3 Include the fact that the residential capacity of the Northern Suburbs is almost at capacity because of the reliance on LHD as the only route possible for access from Helensburgh to Thirroul, apart from the M1 or via Bulli Tops.

4 Alert all recipients of the letter that LHD is at a virtual standstill during the prime usage days of Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Day and almost any other weekend during the summer period.

5 Inform all recipients of the concerns, held by many residents in the Northern Suburbs, that any emergency which occurs on one of those weekends highlighted in Point 4, will not be able to be dealt with effectively and in a timely manner because of the congestion that runs both north and south on LHD.

6 Remind all recipients that this is a follow up letter to the letters that have been sent over the past number of years which related to the confusion caused by the intersection at the top of Bald Hill. Also, the hazards relating to residents, young and old, who try to cross LHD without the comfort of enough pedestrian crossing points, and that the Northern Beaches of are heavily utilised when the is closed because parking is full.

7 With the growth of the south western residential areas of Sydney the traffic congestion issues along LHD will only become worse as those new residential areas come on line.

8 Highlight that on many of the high usage days, residents along LHD are confined to their property because they cannot use their car along LHD.

9 Point out to all recipients that the beaches from Stanwell Park to Thirroul are considered by many tourists the gateway beaches to the South Coast.

10 Advise all recipient that separate to the capacity issues relating to LHD, that correspondence has been sent in the past that highlighted another problem which related to anti-social behaviour displayed by car and motor bike enthusiasts. This anti-social behaviour manifests itself by displays of excessive speed and noise along the entire length of LHD, late at night, especially Tuesday and Wednesday nights. This behaviour is extremely reckless when one considers the physical constraints of this road. Namely that there are no verges along many sections of LHD where evasive actions could be taken by innocent, and inexperienced drivers, who are often confronted by this sort of inconsiderate and illegal behaviour.

Ordinary Meeting of Council 8 April 2019 11

11 Ask for a response from all recipients which will include a timeline for possible actions that will be taken to remediate the issues highlighted above.

12 A copy of the correspondence, as outlined within Point 1 (one), be forwarded to all Councillors at the same time as it is sent to the listed recipients, as well as the responses asked for within Point 11 (eleven).”