12, 1924 OIVW UH1OH Fkamkb I AJOVAL Auxnjay Amoni Ourselves » Jrvj* IALK a Mtooessj D J to Court Merritt Heminway, F
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• m * Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org •% •*. A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST? OF A LIVE AND MOWING TOWN VOL. X. NO. 7. WATEBTOWN, CONNECTICUT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924 OIVW UH1OH fKAMKB I AJOVAL AUXnJAY Amoni Ourselves » JrVJ* IALK A MTOOESSj D J to Court Merritt Heminway, F. of -» «, , » _ii- Af\ - - Rathburn has moved IttKfW The Woman's Auxiliary ft lSorth Woodbury. A. held a regular Meeting inj «d by Wnim to tht Goto- of Christ church held their an-] Community hall Friday evening.; tt fhtttra nual sale in the assembly hall on j chare _ t0 Perry of Hartford is Huughion Barlow has purchas-ij visiting 1 a Stqts touring ear. jl very successful and all articles Earle Reynolds and Franklin were disposed of .before dosing past few years, will again take Painter spent Tuesday in Milford A daughter, Nasoy Edge, was! time. Afternoon tea was served Vwitine relatives born at the Waterbury hospital I ckarge of the affair and armmge- with Mias L. Cowap of the Taft B - ' J. menta are being made to make to Mr. and Mm. Raymond Park- the event a success. It has not'School a« hostess. ,-,' Mrs. William H. Jacobs who •r, of Scott avenae. The following ha—d charge of I has been visiting in New York ti - , ! been definitely decided aa yet the various tablesD : Ap , The^KaJaaiittto^high school where the tree will be aa a num- the various tables: Apron ttble,1 uity -ha s returned..., to her .home on ber are of the opinion that the Miss Hattie Munsou, chairman; Hamilton avenue. basketball team will journey to, •re* on the Green opposite the. llrs. Henry Hickcox, Mrs. Chan. Seymour this evening where theyi Methodist church is entirely too Skilton'and Mrs. Cooper. (Tse- E. Norton Decker and family will oppose the high school team small. , ful articles, The Girls Friendly are now installed in their recent- ': that place. | WEAR This year the program will dif- Society. Candy, table, Mrs. Bar- ly purchased and newly renovat- fer somewhat from the past, as tow Heminway, chairman, Mrs. ed home at North Woodbury.. A daughter was born recently! it will contain a moving picture E. G. Reade, Mrs. Kekon Bush- at the Waterbury hospital to Mr.', show in Community theatre.after nell, Mrs. Gerald Low, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. English and and Mrs. Henry Derry. j the exercises have bee,n conclud- H. C. Evans. Fancy work, Mrs. family arc visiting in Detroit. e:l<at the tree outdoor*. The pro- W. Doster, chairman, Mrs .V. A. Francis Killoren has moved in-! That's the Best Way to Take pram will be held on December Johnston, Mrs. Sarah 'HalliwclL, E. P. McGowan of Cutler to Mrs. Guion Thompson's house! 21st, the Sunday before Christ- Mrs. 8. T. Buzzee, and Mrs. K. street is doing jury duty in Wa- on the Middlebury road. j mas, and the exercises will get "erpont. Food table, Mrs. Paul erbury. ' • under way at 6.45 p. m. Welton, chairman, Miss Marion PJTOnly 13 daya to Christmas, Scovill and Mrs. John Bucking- Mrs. E. F. Mitchell of Wdolsori Care of a Man's Christmas Santa Claus will also put man ham. Toy and doll table, Mm. appearance, and he is sched^ed street was a reeent visitor in MeerchandisW *» * 9au3l Town! No other gift is quite so certain to please a mnu is nomc smart M. W. Atwood, chairman, Mrs. Westport. to. deliver candy and various sur- Walter Fox. Woodbury, with a population sfticie of apparel—•ometliing lie bankora for, perlmps, but beul- prise packages to the youngsters Mrs. Harry Skilton had charge ot less than two thousand, is one tates about bujinj for himself. m attendance. A son waH born Tuesday at theof the beat business towns \ of the Christmas tree laydenwith Waterbury hospital to Mr. and surprises for the children, • and of less than 5000 inhabitants in: Out of a store alwunding in such gifts for men and boy§ we MAKING MOM BOOM Ms. Seymour Smith of the Litch- the state; and this is due to thej Imve chofen a few good ttringM to list for yonr oonveniencie. the grab bag* was in charge, of ficld road. AT BALDWIN SCHOOL Mrs. William Walker, Mrs. W. fimt that every one of her 15; Our label on iho box will enhance the value of your gift. Hewitt and Miss Lucy Skilton. ••^ * merchant*! is tt regular advertiser! The work on the new portable A son was born on Sunday to in the local paper—the moving Mr. and Ms. Eugene Lamphierof ( school building which is going to SENIORS' SMOKE HOUSE picture enterprise included. The; be erected near the Baldwin Main street. result of this nersiajtant advertw-; School has already been started DESTROYED BT FIRE ing is that much trade is attract-- Bathrobes Suits Rev. Raymond Cunningham, Sheep Lined Coata and it is hoped that the entire Fire of unknown origin destroy- ed from the surrounding terri-' Gloves work will be completed when former resident of Watertown, tory that otherwise would go Hosiery- Sweaters school reopens after the Christ- ed the Senior Class Smoke HOUKC was visiting friends here Wed 1 located on the Taft School cam- flscwherc. Woodbury's market Pajamas Shirts ina* recess. When the building nesday. htores, hardware store and dry: pus early Saturday morning. Handkerchiefs Neckwear is completed the/low grades will When the local fire department floods store arc peers among occupy the rooms, which will do Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Barlow stores of their kind in towns of • Sweaters Tim's Hate was called the building was a of Bidgeport were recent visitors HandkerchiefA away with the single session? mass of flames and it was burned several times her population. The j Bel^ which the school authorities have in town. .. columns of Woodbury's «ocal; ShirtB Overcoats been forced to hold last Septem- to the ground. The fire was dis- covered by Constable Ted llarty paper this week are overflowing | Neckwear MaeUdaWs ber. James Bean, yyoung son of Mr,with Reasonable advertising, and,) who sent a hurried call in to the Bean, is il Bats -:"•*' •' - ' Blouses The local high school is also in telephone exchange, but at the and Mrs*. Irving C. it is said, no extra solicitation • a vey crowded condition,' and with scarlet fever. van done by the publisher either, j Mufflers Stockings time of discovery the flames were Knit Vesta it is necessary to hold single ses- shooting out through the roof. Knityestn sions for the various classes. Wa- Mrs. John McLean of West Overcoats Gloves Numerous reports have been cir- bury Park is visiting- friends in A Challenge tertown is badly in-need of a new culateld regarding how the build Tuxedo Suits Pajamas high school building, and within Coaldale, Pa; ing caught fire, but upon investi- I. the manager of the Union Business Suits Belts a very short time the town will gation the exact origin could not City Five basketball team of be compelled to build one. Each Mrs. Alice Snow, a. former re be determined. i.tlent" of*• town but now living in Union City challenge any team year the attendance at the high in Watertown, or state, for a school is growing, and this year The Football Squad had plan- Washington, was a recent, visito ned to hold a banquet in the jjame of basketball to be played the enrollment is the Jargest in n town. on opponent's floor. We average tlip history of the school. Smoke House on Saturday even- UPSO ing, and all arrangements had Mrs. William Bartlett and sonbetween 130 and 140 lbs. All been completed for the affair. are visiting friends, in Hartford. toains desiring a good game com- WATERBURY, CONN. Federal Lodge Officers The sudden destruction of the municate with Mgr. Walter Ges- building forced the football men ;eck,- 102 Spring street, Union Charles Hamilton, who was re- Mr. and Ms. B. Havens Hem- to hold their banquet in the inway have returned to their Citv, Conn." We would like to cently elected Master of Federal school dining- room. Wr from "Chick" Lawson's Lodge, No; 17, F. and A. M. has home on Main street after visit- WOODBURY made the following appointments The members of the Senior ing in Ardmore, Pa. emu especially. About Oar Neighbors Orw 11M Oot4 class were nil in mourning, wear- Newsy Notes Boad West of 0s. for the coming year: Senior dea- ing black .ties and large black The classes of the North church Arrangements have been com- STEPHEN BROWN MmMm Htewferd, Arthur G. Evans; jun- HEADS MELK ASSOCIATION Sunday school arc rehearsing for pleted wiih Mrs. E. II. Scovill, so their Christmas exercises. ior steward. A. W. Lindsay; that the Senior Class may have, chaplain, Rev. C. E. WellHj Mar- the use of her portable house as Presents for Somebody The meeting of the Connecticut shall, Peter Beveridge; tyler. Milk Poducers association ^ for J. G. Gorham of Judson avenue a Smoking House until a new has built an addition to the rear Elgie Galpin. These officers to- building is erected. this district was held Friday gether with the other officer* night with a fairly good attend- of his house, thereby enlarging his kitchen. Also has transform- . elected at the annual meting will Senatorial election on Tuesday ance notwithstanding* the severe be installed at. the first regular weather. In connection with the ed his hennery into a garage. communication in January. business meeting addresses were 0. E. Smith Did It Itiven by C. E. Hough, president The Woodbury high school SPJTThe next and last issue of and Miss Dorothy Buckley, nu- basket ball teams will play their It may be of some interest to first home game on Friday night The News before'Christmas will some of Watertown's older citi- trition specialist of the Connector be on the 19th.