LETTERSaving you time. A monthly newsletter distilling FROMpublic policy and government decisions CANBERRA which affect business opportunities in Australia and beyond. NOVEMBER/MID-DECEMBER 2009 Issue No. 20 ETS/Climate Change/Christmas Edition Letter From Canberra is a sister publication of Letter From Melbourne, which was established 16 years ago INSIDE Liberals divided, Abbott the ETS voted down, Copenhagen By-election Immigration Interest Defence dollars then united, over ascendant double dissolution conversations results off the radar rate rises spent and saved climate change trigger provided momentarily Recent Developments in Roy Morgan 2 years on. 20 editions and 300,000 words. Readership Measurement - see Page 12 A great digest. Saving you time. NOVEMBER/MID-DECEMBER 2009 14 Collins Street Melbourne, 3000 Victoria, Australia EDITORIAL: OUR ENERGY FUTURE IN DETAIL P 03 9654 1300 F 03 9654 1165 A respected free-marketeer told your editor that the big ETS winner, in Australia, is Macquarie Bank, because it
[email protected] will have to clip ever so many transactions in the ETS ‘cap-and-trade’process. We are all starting to really learn www.letterfromcanberra.com.au some of the detail of an ETS for Australia, and the World, which is/has been hidden from view by both sides of politics, because of politics. Labor has its parliamentary members under control, and hence most of its votership. So much easier to keep control when in government, (the power, etc). The Liberals, on the other hand, have struggled for (any) cohesion. Let alone with their National partners. Editor Alistair Urquhart Associate Editor Hamish Brooks It’s a pity that the attention to detail by the media and other opinion formers, following the Liberal Party decision to Subscription Manager Juliette Beigler replace Turnbull with Abbott, was not shown towards what the emissions trading scheme actually is.