II ·C .. nsus of , .1951









Several States, including Uttar Pradesh, have been publishing village statistics by districts at each census. In 1941 they were published in U. P. under the title "District Census Statistics"with a separate volume for each district. In the 1951 census, when the tabulation has been more elaborate than ever in view ofthe requirements of the country, the district-wise volume has been expanded into a "District Census Handbook ", which now contains the District Census Tables (furnishing data with break-up for census tracts within the district), the District Index of Non-agricultural Occupations, agricul­ tural statistics from 1901-02 to 1950-SI and other miscellaneous statistics in addition to the usual village population statistics. The village population statistics also are given in an elaborate form giving the division of the population among eight livelihood classes and other details.

2. It may be added here that a separate set of district-wise volumes giving only populatio~ figures of rural areas by villages and of urban areas by wards and mohallas and entitled "District PopulatIon Statistics" has already been published. This separate series was necessitated by the urgent requirements of the U _ P. Government for elections to local bodies. The printing of the District Census Handbooks involves colossal work and is bound to take some time.


RAMpUR: Superintendent, Census Operations, June 24. 1954- Uttar Pr4desb.


tlftROJ)'II'OftOlt- A_The Distriot Wi! B_Ana.lysis of the Sta.tistics iii-x C-Eptplauetory notes on. the Statistics x-xii


A-GlDNlIlRAL POP'll'LA'rIOll' TABUS- A-I Area, Houses and Population a A·II Variation in POPJllation during Fifty Years 3 A·IIl Towns and Villago8 Classified by Population 4-5 A·IV Towns Olassified by PopUlation with Variations since 1901 6-8 A-V Towosarranged Territorially with Populat,ion by Livelihood Classes 9 E Al'ea and PopUlation of District and Tehsils by Livelihood Clas~es 10-11

B-EooNOMlO TABLEB- B-1 Livelihood Classes and Sub-classes 12-15 B.II Secondary Means of Livelihood 16-23 D-IlI Employers, Employees e.nd Independent Workel'~ in Industries and "Services by Divisions 24-54 and Sub-divisions B-IV Unemployment by Livelihood Cla.sses 55-56 Index of Non-agrioultural Occupations 57-61

O-HOUSEHOflD AND AGE (SAMl'LE) TABLES­ C·I HousehOld (Size and Composition) 62-63 C-II Livelihood Classes by Age.groups 64_69 C-III Age and Civil Condition 70-73 C·IV Age and Literacy 74-77 C-V Single Year Age Roturns 78-85

O-SOOIAL AND CULTUlI.AL TABLEs- D·I (i) Mother Tongue 86-87 (ii) Bilingualism 88-91 D-lI Religion 92-98 D-II! Soheduled Castes 92-93 D·IV Migrants 94-98 D.V (i) Displaced Per80ns by Year of Arrival in India 100-101 (ii) Displaced Persons by Livelihood Classes lOO-101 -D·VI Non-Indian Nationals 100-101 D.VII Livelihood Cla8(les by Educational Staudards 102.-10'1


1 Prima.ry ConsUl! Abstract 110-171 2 Pa.rgan... Md Tha.na·wisa PopUlation 172-113


Vital Statisticll 1711-119 :.1 Agricultural Stat>ist>ics (i) Rainfall 180-181 (ii) Area as Cl~ified with details of area under cultivation 182-185 (iii) Cropped area. 186-201 (iv) IrEigated &rea. 2()2-t05 a Live Stook, Agrioultural Machinery and Implements 208-1I0lt 4 List of Primary Schools 210-213



l. The distriot of Buh111dshahr is situated in the upper of the Ganga and t,he . It lip."! between in the north and OIl the south; on the west it is separated from and the Punjab by the Yam~na: lind on t~e ea,st froUl ?lorltflabad an~l BudEl.un by the Ganga. The total area. of the dmtl'lCt according to the latest. returns lS 1 889" sqial'c miles and its pO}11l1at,ioll in I DiH wag about 15 lakhs. Thcrc are four tehsils. Slkandrabad, the larg€.st tehRil of d;c d~8tTic~ with an area· o~ 52!. square mil~s~oc~upies a compact area. on the north-west·. h.hurJa, wIth 459 squa.re mlle8, 18 ,~ long thlll strIP stret­ ching along the-l\.livarh border OIl the south from the Yamuna all the weRt to beyond the Kali nodi on the ea~t. Bulandshahl', wltb 476 square miles, fills the north-east and centre of the district. , the Amallest. tehsil with 456 square miles i8 i,ho easterll tehsil lying along the Ganga. The district ha'l 13 llarganas and 16 thana".

2. The genCl'all>urfa.ee of the count,ry in this district presents an almost lllliform level Topograph, appeamnce wit,h a gradual slope from north~weHt to ~outh-cast. The hulk of it. Iie~ on the upland between the valleys of the two great !"lvers on Its horders, !l.uci the llplanct SOlI for the most part i~ a good firm loam, though here and there sand.,!, outcrops appeal", sometimes taking the form of actual sand .hmB. Th~ geneml ~e1'el _is oth~rwjse broken by two main drainage lines of which the mORt Important IS the Kah '/'lad!. rnnnIng roughly down the centre from north to F.outh; the other iA the Nim nadi which runs more or Irs.> parallel to the Kali nadi, between it and the Ganga. Other (hainagf' IU10;; are f>1irly mnllerOllS, but for the most lX\rt ar(' purely beneficial ~'lnd not nHLl'ked, Ill' thl'I>e two are, by scollred soil along the banks. An exoeption if; found in a tract in tho cast of parga-uns £a.ran, Shikal'ptlr and l'ahailU and ill the WCilt of pal'ganas Anupshahr and , where [I tributary system of t.he Nim, lmown as Choiya, is marked by stiff soil and some "water Jogging as well as u.sar waste. Another rather inferior tract is that drained by t.llC Kharon nad1: in pargana and and a small portion of parguna Barall, where saturation results in considerable patches of waste with- all uaaro1l8 taint.. T1Ie sandy outOl'OpS are most pz'Ominent in the nortll-east towards the Ganga ill pElrgana :-;ian2~ and Ahal', a.nd in discontinnous lines in the tnwt, west of the Kali in parganas Sikandrabad, Khurja and . The edge of the upland t.owards t.he Yamuna valley in tehsil Sikandrabad is also marked by light soil and ulldulatiJl_g bJ/ur. All theRe tracts, however, make relatively small scars on an extensive fertile plain.

The lowlands of the district are comparat,iveiy p,mall. Along the Ganga the kJlfu.lll,r is narrow and largely sand and waste. It has also some good soil in patches. The descent to the kkadar is genera.lly marked by precipitous ravme8 and ill places particularly in the north in pargana AhaI', the ravines extend two or three miles, or even Illore, inland. Towards the south the undulation.<.l 1\·re less pronounced. The descent to the Yamuna valley on the other side is not. so a.brupt. The <{amuna valley or khnda.r proper. is fairly wide on the north-west border but generally tenus to narrow further south. The'Madar is intersperlled with patches of waste. Cultivation lli shifting and l1ncertt1in. SOUle deterioJ'11tion is caused in a portion of it by changes in tILe Bhuriya na.rii, which has become pradically the lower course of the Hindllu. Rei. and water logging prevail in the Hindfl.n khadar.

3. The soils of th0 dist.rict are seo/a, dakra, pilota, bAu!", khadar and r('.1i,. 'rhe upland SoU. soil for t,Ile most }Htrt. is a good firm loam. locally Jmown as {!eota. It responds well to irrigation and becomes dark and rich when highly manured. It yieldl3 all the best crops. f)akm or clay is found in depressions. It iii often fert.ile but. heavy to till and being liable to floods it usually grows only mbi_ Pil.ota is yellow, light, sandy loam. It dries quickly &lld yield~ well only if it gets abundance of water. Bhur is mostly sa.nd, generally in ridges or hillocks. KharJar is river aUuvium. It i~ variable but commonly sandy, especially by the Yamwla. Belt, sltora and ka.llal' are the names of a disease of seota and dakl'a in lowly ina tracts, its extreme form being usa]' waste. It is caused by'stagnation and an unduly high water level and eats into fields thereby greatly reducing their yield. U sar land is speeialJy found in Kbllrja. In this nothing.grow'8 tfXcept. It little dluIA- and t,horn ju.ngle. The plains are white due to tell. 'TIle lli>!trict cont,ains nl1wh hmd capable of producing salt and salt- petre. These lands lie for the most part close to Yamuna but small saline patches arc to be met with along tho Ka,ji 1ur,rli where' the bank:> of Htl"Cam Iwe Jow. J{ ankar is COmmon in this district. ------_ .. _---_.. ------'"- ~--- - ~ -- ~--.- "The figure has h""n 9uppliec! by t·ho Surveyor Genera! of India. Th~ figure

Aotual flgurea (in QCl'es) Percentage

Cultivated area .. 926.545 75'8 Culturable waste (exoluding OUl'Teut, f"How) 114,510 9'4 CUl'l'ent fallow 31,123 2'5 FOl'est

Area not, available for oultivation of which 150,208 12'3

(a) Oovered with water 30,~54 2'5 (b) Under sites, roads awl buildings" 38,915 3'2 (0) Barren 10,839 6'6 ------The figure in the above table regardiug oulturable waste taken from the Season and Crop Report is, however, misleading. The State Agrioulture Department conducted in 1949-50 a detailed enquiry through the District Officers regarding the nature of this a,rea in each district, The following analysis of the area rcsultcd from this enquiry:

Area. ParticularR (in acre.) Porcentage

Total culturable waste (A+B+C) 112,360 100 A-Area undor cultivl1blc W!lBte land not avlti/abl" for immediate cultivat,ion 28,585 25-44 (i) Forest under any legal enactment,

(il) Groves 9.538 849 (iii) Forests of timber trees 246 0'22 (iv) Thatching grasses, shrubs and bushes 14,290 12' 72 (v) Land kept for grazing 4,511 4' 01 B-Arl'a 1ll1der culturable waste land availablo for immediate cultivation but which could not 44,637 39'73 be cultivated of which due to-

(i) Kans growth " 84 0'08

(ii) Threshing floor. 612 0' 55 (iii) l\Ialaril1

(iv) Floods 1,165 )'04 (v) Lack of drains, ,

(vi) Lack of water " 9,946 8'85

(vii) Distance from aba.l" 2,936 2'61 (viii) Damage from wild illlimuis 1,241 1'10

(ix) Other causes " 28,653 25'50 C-Area nndercnlturable waste land that can be hrought umler immediate cultivation "ft~l' 39,138 34 83 improvements besides the area given against D.

- -._--_' From the above it will appear that of the total area recorded as cultivable waste, only 34' 8 per cent. was really capable of being brought under immediate cultivat.ion after some improvements. Thus the land area cultivated and cultivable including current fallow per capita works out to 71' fi cents of which 63: 8* cents have already been brought under cultivation and only about 2' 6 c_enJ;s!mll be further brought uuder the plough after some improvements. It il; obvious that the saturation point for cultivation has already been reached in the dis­ trict,

Olimate and rain­ 5. The climate if! of the type nsually found in North India, It is extremely cold in ran winter. During the prevalencc of hot winds in the later part of the spriug and the begiuning of Bummer the climate is dry and very hot but when the rains set in it is moist iu the extreme,

'The ri~llre also i noludcR t.he area, claBBed as current. fallow, iii The average rainfall for the last quinquennium was 30' 7". During the last 45 years the rainfall has boon less than 15" in only 4 years and has been usually over 20". Buland­ shahr tehsil is by far the wettest portion of the district. Generally speaking morc rain is received towards the Ganga than towards the Yamuna. 6. Irrigation is derived from canals, tube-wells, other wells and other sources. In Irrigation 1950-51 the irrigated area from canals was 45' 7 per cent., from tube-wells 21' 2 per cent., from wells 31' 8 per oent, and from other sources l' 3 per cent. The important ca.nals bfthe district are Upper Ganga Canal, Anupshahr Canal, Mat Canal and Lower Ganga Canal. 7. More acreage is sown under rabi crops than under kharif. The area under rabi Crops in 1950-51 was 646,351 acres, under kkarif 591,965 acres and under zaid crops 6,431 acres. The principal kkarif crop is maize followed by juar and bajra. The principal rabi crop is wheat followed by barley. Sugarcane has now become an important crop. The area under it was 34 thousand acres in 1901-02 while in 1950-51 it was 115 thousand acres.

B-AN'ALYSIS OF THE STATISTICS 1. The table below shows the two basic figures-land area and population-and Population: General distrl bu­ the derived figures of land area per capita: tlon and densltJl

Density Land area (number (inlakhs Land Population per square of area Tehsil (inlakhs) mile) acres) ppr capita

Anupshahr 3'87 848 2'92 0'75 Bulandsha·hr 4'56 957 3'05 0'67 Khurja 3'40 741 2'94 0'86 SikandrablUl 3'17 609 3' 33 1'05

B"lanMhahr di,.tri~1 15'00 784* 12'24 0'82.

This district though twenty-sixth in order of area stands fourteenth in the State in respect of popUlation. The density per square mile is 784 while the average density of the State is 557 only. The density of the district has not been to a very great extent inflated by the presence Jlf large towns. The rural density of the district is also as high as 700 per square mile, the density of the rural parts of the tehsils being: Anupshahr 781, Buland­ shahr 829, Khurja 646 and Sikandrabad 559. It is, however, evident that people in the district are not distributed among the different tehsils in any kind of orderly proportion to the land area. The Sikandrabad tehsil has a lower density on account of its large khadar area. The proportions of areas that are cultivated are larger in the Bulandshah»- and Anup­ shahr te~sils. (Vide Table A-I and E) 2. The district had a mpid increase of population during the last fifty years. Its Growth 01 popu­ population in 1951 was 31' 9 per cent. higher than what it was fifty years ago, Compared lation to. this the increase in the population of the State during the corresponding period has been only 30 per cent. The table below exhibits the variation in the total, rural and urban popUlation for the last five decades.

Population Variation Census year Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

1901 1.137,039 952,356 184.683

1911 1.122.743 956.076 166.667 -14.296 +3.720 -18,016 (-1'3) (+0'4) (-9'8) 1921 1.066,149 912,933 153,216 -56,594 -43,143 -13,451

(-5'0) (-4'5) (-S'I) 1931 1.136.873 962,005 174,868 +70.724 +49,072 +21,652 (+6'6) (+5'4) (+14'1) 1941 1,317,m- - -j,106,867 210,356 +180,350 +144.862 +35,488 (+15'9) (+15'1) (+20'3) 1951 1,499,884 1,266,448 233,436 . +182,661 +159,581 +23,080 (+13'9>- (+14'4) (+11'0)

* Aceording to the area figures supplied by the Sur"eyor General of India, the density of th" district works out to 794. iv

Between Hiol and 1921 the population of the district recorded a decrease of 6' 2 pet' cent. when that of the State decreased by 4 per cent. only. During 1901-11 the district suffered from epidemic malaria and plague. The influenza of 1918-19 caused a decrease in the population both in the rural and the urban Percentage areas. Such abnormal deaths did not occur or were variation prevented from occurring in the post - 1921 period Tehsil 1941-51 and the population of the distriot reoorded an increase of 40' 7 per cent. since 1921 against an Bulandahahr district increase of 35' 5 per cent, in the population of the Anupshabr +13,9 State during the same period. BuJandshabr +16·0 The variations in the popUlation of the tehsils during 1941-51 are shown in the marginal table. Khurja +12,5 In Bulandshahr tehsil the larger increase is chiefly Sikandrabad +12"'4 due to the rise of the Bulandshahr town. The growth in other tehsils need~ no special comment. The Vital Stalls­ 3. Births and deaths mainly account for the trends in population growth. Migration tlCI also is a factor though of lesser importance. The following table gives the mea.n decennia.l registered birth and death-rates and the caloulated natural increase rates and population growth-rates of the last three decades for the district as a whole and for -its rural and urban areas:

Particulars Total Rural Urban

Mean decennial birth·rate 1941-50 33'1 32'2 37'7 1931-40 42'9 44'0 31'3 1921-30 40'9 44'3 22'0 Mean decennial death·rate 1941-50 20'0 19'1 24'9 1931-40 26'6 26'7 25'9 1921-30 30'9 33'1 18'8 Mean decennial rate of natural inorease 1941-50 13'1 13'1 12'8 1931-40 16'3 17'3 1l'4 1921-30 10'0 12'2 3'2 Mean decennial gTowth·rate 1941-50 13'0 13'4 10'4 1931-40 14'7 14""0 18·4 1921-30 6'4 5,2 13'2

There are large omissions in the registration of births as well as deaths and so the above rates do not represent the true picture at all. They may, however, be taken to be roughly­ indlcative of trends. Both birth and death-rates have fallen during the last decade. Furthermore, the figures of natural increase and growth-rate suggest a loss of popUlation by migration since 1921. The average yearly mortality from various causes in the district during 1941-50 was as follows : .

Percen. Number tage of of total Cauaea deaths deaths

Fever. .. 24,869 88') Dyl!6ntery and diarrhoea ,. ;;04 1'8 Respiratory dise8SEls 844 3'0 Plague, cholera and small-pooc 675 2'4 Others 1';333 4'7

As in the rest of the districts of the State 'fever' is responsible for a majority of deaths. But fever· covers a large numper of ailments which the reporters are unable to identify. (Vide Table I, Part III of this Volume) v

4. About 89' 2 per cent. of the people enumerated in the district at the census of 1951 Milraiioa were born there, 9' 2 per cent. were born in other districts of the State, l' 2 per cent. in other parts of India and 0' 4 per cent. came from other countries. Of the immigrants from the districts of the State as many as 134,939 (males 17,290, females 117,649) are from the other districts of the same natural division and only 2,332 (males 1,089, females 1,243) are from other parts of the State. The sex-proportion indicates that most of the migration from the neighbouring districts is marriage migration. Of 17,685 immigrants from the adjacent States 11,989 (males 2,350, females 9,639) are from Punjab, 3,946 (males 814, females 3,132) are from Delhi and 1,126 (males 405, females 721) are from Rajasthan. Most of this migra­ tion is also marriage migration. Of the immigrants who have come from territories beyond India 5,774 (males 3,129, females 2,645) are from Pakistan and only 127 (males 77, females 50) are from other terri­ tories. The Pakistan-born are the displaced persons who number 5,279 in the district. Of the immigrants born in other territories 74 (males 50, females 24) are Nepal-born. Of the three non-Indian nationals two are Nepalese ami one is American. Unfortunately the figures of emigration are not available. On the balance of migr,a.­ tion according to Vital Statistics, however, the district lost about 39,600 persons during 1921-;J0, 20,000 during 1931-40 and 1,100 during 1941-50. But it should be borne in mind that the figures cont!ci.n an element of registration error and are only indicative of trends. (Vide Tables D-IV and D-VI) . 5. We may now analyse the growth of population in the district during the last Decline 01 cult1- vatlonper capita , thirty years in relation to the growth ------~ of cultivation during the sa.me Area of period. The figures are exhibited Net area cu1tivation , fi f sown per capita in . the marginal table ( gures 0 Census year Population" , (in acres) (in cent~) area shown under census years are quinquennial averages for the five 1,066,519 827,498 years ending with the crop Y6lLr 1921 immediately preceding the oensus 1931 1,136,885 854,726 75'2 year). It is obvious that cultivation has failed to keep pace with 1941 1,317,223 864,744 65'6 population. The cultivated area 1951 1,499,884 916,806 per capita has gone down to 61' 0 cents in 1951 from 77'6 cents in 1921. The magnitude of this drop is about one-fourth of the 1921 level. It me:tns that (other things being equal) every man, woman and child must expect to get less food and other agricultural produce from the land in 1951 than in 1921. ! 6. It may be examined whether this shortage has been compensated by an inorease Double crop area in yield per acre. Increase in yield can be brought about by more double cropping, more per capita irrigation, better fertilization and better culture. The average (quinquennial) area sown more than o~e was 281,177 acres in 1921, it slightly decreased to 260,472 acres in 1931 ; again it slightly increased to 279,652 acres in 1941 ; and it further increased to 320,779 acres in 1951. The figures of double crop cultivation per capita in cents are as below:

Quinquennial averave for the year preceding ./ Particulars 1951 1941 1931 1921

Double crop cultivation per capita in cents 21'3 21'2 22'9 26·4 U nirrigated double crop cultivation per capita in cents 15'4 11'3 13'0 15'9 Irrigated double crop cultivation per capita in cents 5'9 9'9 9'9 10'5

It is evident that between 1921 and 1941 the double cropped area did not keep pace with the growth of population. During 1941-51 it has been stationary but the irrigated dQuble crop cultivation per capita has gone down appreciably. . 7, The average area irrigated in the distriot was 415,692 acres in 1921. The figures Irrigatedareap"r were 426,230 acres for 1931, 441,097 acres for 1941 and 467,600 acres for 1951. The. average capita area irrigated more than once was 11l,892 acres in 1921, 112,652 aores in 1931, 130,996 acres in 1941 and 89,174 acres in 1951: . The figures of irrigation per capita are shown in the table below


Parti culara 1951 1941 1931 1921

Irrigated single crop cultivat,ioll per capita in cents 25'2 23' 5 27'6 28'5 Irri"ated double crop cultivation per capita in cents 5·9 9'9 9·9 1a.5

*The figures of population of the various oensuses relate to the tben lay. out of tbe district. vi The trend since 1921 is towards a decline. Orop ped area 8. During the quinquennium 1916-21 74' 9 percent. of the cropped area was under food crops and only 25' 1 per cent. was under nOB-food crops. Thirty years after, during 1946 -51 the cropped area under food crops was 82' 1 per cent. and that under non-food crops 17 9 per cent. The proportionate area under different crops between 1911 and 1951 was as follows:

Percentage of cropped area under Total Quinquennial cropped average of area Rice Wheat Barley Juar Bajra Maize Gram Others

1911-16 1,128,330 0'2 17'2 14'0 7'5 6'3 10·0 11'7 33'1 1916-21 1,093,580 0'3 16'2 14·0 7'0 7'7 11'2 9'9 33"7 1921-26 1,134,279 02 18·2 12'1 8·3 6'8 9'5 13'5 31'4 1926--31 1,114,100 0·2 17"4 14 8 8 7 7'1 10'3 7'3 34'2 1931-·36 1,127,359 O· 3 18·) 12' 3 9'0 7'0 10'0 9'3· 33'8

1936--41 1,155,332 0'3 18' 6 13·0 9'0 6'2 11'9 8'0 33.·0 1941-46 1,201,012 0·4 184 13'6 8'6 8.9 12'2 7'3 30'6 1946-51 1,238,660 0'9 17' I' 12'8 7·4 9'3 11'6 9'2 31'7

Tho IIorea under cotton, incligo and tobacco has decreased. Under cotton the area in . 1901-02 was 88' 7 thousand acres while in 1950-51 it was 18' 7 thousand acres only. Under indigo the area in 1901-02 was 14,914 acres and in 1950-51 it has come down to 187 acres. Under tobacco the area in 1901-02 was 5,134 acres while in 1950-51 it was only 914 acres. Live-stock, 9. Live-stock in this country live for a large part of the year on by-prodoots of ploughs and carts agriculture supplemented by green-fodder crops. They have, therefore, to be oo-related not only with the grazing available but also with the total area under cultivation which carries a major portion of the burden of supporting the cattle population. As will appear from Table 3 of fart III the total number of cattle and buffaloes has been increasing ever since 1930. It was 586 thousands in 1930 and now it stands at 719 thousands. The number of working cattle and buffaloes was l' 7 lakhs in 1935, 2' 0 lakhs in 1944 and 2' 3 lakhR in 1951. This number is governed by the numbQr of ploughs and carts. The number of ploughs has gone 'up from about 0 8lakh in 1935 to l' 0 lakh in 1944 and 1'1 lakh in 1951. It is due to the progressive fractionalization of holdings. The number of carts have also started rising since 1935 and it now stands at 45' 6 thousands. The average net cultivated area per plough works out to 8' 5 acres in 1951 as against 10 9 acres in 1935 and the average net cultivated area per pair of working cattle works out to 8.J. acres in 1951 as {lompared to 10' 3 acres in 1935. Breeding cows and she-buffaloes are also increasing since 1935. They were 2' 0 lakhs in 1935, 2' 4 lakhs in 1944 and 2' 7 lakhs in 1951. The cows and female buffaloes in milk per 1,000' of human population were 27 and 61 respectively. Owing to the poor milk yield the share of milk per head is only a few ounoes per day. The number of sheep has been decreasing since 1935. The number was 33' 2 thousands in 1935 and it now stands at 14- 3 thousands. Goats also have gone down since 1944. They were 66' 0 thousands in 1944 and now the number stands at 38' 5 thousands. The number of horses and ponies is almost stationary since 1944 and stands at 8' 7 thousands. Donkeys during the same period howe, however, increased from 14' 0 thousands in 1944 to 15' 4 thousands in 1951. Poultry has also increased from 42' 3 thousands in 1944 to 55' 6 thousands in 1951. Distributed on 1,000 of human population the figures of the main categories of live­ stock in 1951 are as follows

Cattle Buffaloes Sheep Goats Poultry Others

267 212 10 26 37 32

10. To sum up, the population of the district is growing up at the biological natura I rate since 1921 but on the other hand, the land area per capita has declined. There is, at the same time, no evidence that crop yield per acre has increased. The threat for the • district· therefore, is the magnitude of the absolute numerical' increase in relation to the practic~lly stationary acreage under cultivation. vii

11. The district has 1,524 villages and 22 towns. Out of 15' 0 lakhs of people who VmagesaM were counted at the census of 1951, 12'7 lakhs were found in villages and 2'3 }akhs in the lawns towns, i,e" there are as Iliany as 844 people per 1,000 of populat,ion who live in the rural areas and only 156 live in towns . . The corresponding figures for the State as a whole are: rural 864, urban 136. The nlral population per inhabited village works out to 831. The villages in the dis­ trict generally comprise of a single compact size. There are only 1,906 hamlets in the dis­ trict. The population per hamlet is 664. The medi.um-sized village with inhabitants numbering between 500-2,{)QO is the dominant type in the district, Of the rural population 65' 5 per cent, live in such villages; 13' 1 per cent. live in small villages with a population under 500; 21' 0 per cent, live in villages with population between 2,000-5,000 j and only 0' 4 per cent. live in villages of population 5,000 and over. Towns vary in number of inhabitants even more widely'than villages. Tho popula­ tion per town is 10,611. 42' 9 per cent. of the urban population live in towns of popUlation of 20,000 and over (Khurja, Bulandshahr and Sikandrabad); 20' 9 per cent. live in towns of population between 10,000-20,000 (, Dibai, Shikarpur and ); 23' 9 per cent. of the populat,iolllivo in towns of population between 5,000-10,000 (, Anup­ shahr, , , Aurangabad, Khanpur Gantu, Rabupul'a ang Pahasu); and 12' 3 per cent. live in towns of population under 5,000 (, Khalaur, Saidpur, ,, , Bilaspur and Kakore). It is significant that Bulandshahr, Gulaothi and Dadri have record­ ed an increase of 26' 2 per cent., 24:' 8 per cent_ and 50' 9 per cent. respec-tively over 194:1. The population of Jahangirabad and Anupshahr has also been increasing. The others are declining towns. (Vide Tables A-III and A-IV)

12. Out of the total population of 1,499,884 (rural 1,266,448, urban 233,436}, 946,894 Oceupatlons : (rural 898,569, urban 48,325) or 63' 1 per cent. depend on agriculture for their means of Livellhood pattern livelihood ILnd 522,990 (rural 367,879, urban 185,1U) or 36' 9 per cont. depend on non-agri­ cultural sources. The fonowing table gives the distribution of 100 persons of the total~ rural and urban popUlation of the district under the different livelihood olasses :

Agricultural cl_s Non-agricultural classes

-""--~--"-"- ~",,~-~-----

Description Total 1 II III IV Total V VI VII VIII

Total 63'2 55'2 1'8 5'2 1'0 36 8 11'4 6'4 1-5 17'5 Rural 71'0 62'5 1'9 5"7 0'9 29'0 9'5 3'2 o,~ 15'4 Urban 20'7 15'3 1'4 l' 5 . 2'5 79"3 21'7 23'6 5'2 28"S

It is Dbv~oul'; that the district is one of the less agricultural districts of the State. Here as many as 63 1 per ~nt, of the people depend on agriculture as against 74' 2 pel' cent in the whole State. '

.Ofthe total population oft~e district 956,653 persons (males 332,749, females 623,904) or 6~ 8 per cent. ha:ve be~\ll classified as non-e£l,rning dependants. The percentage of non­ g :r1,llD depend~l'lts ill agrlOulturs,l popu1lLtion is 64' Q and jUllon-agricultural 63' 3, In the am "they consiSt of tlw females. 'rhe male non-earning dependants are mostly children 61,55i) persons (males 17,901~ femaI?" 43,65,4) or 4' I per cent. of the population are earDin' de~endan~s. Among the agrrculturlsts theIr proportion is 4' 6 per cent, and amon non~ agrll:ulturlSts they form only 3' 2 per oent. Agriculture is a family occupation a~d it prOVIdes work to women and grown up children in tho family The remaining 481 616 persons ,(males 446,664, f~1l1ales 35,012) or 32' I per cent. of the popUlation consists of ~elf­ support~ng pe~son8. Thell' proportion among agricultUrists is 31' 3 per cent. and amon non-agrIculturIsts: 33' 4: per o~nt. Of the self-supporting persons 296,733 (males 286",28l females LO,f 51 ) belong to agricultural classes and 184,943 "~males 160,382, females 24561) - to n~m-agrlcultur!J,l classes. On an avera.ge a self-supporting person maintains 2 'non­ earnwg dependants.

person~f(::~a~824:1~ ~!~~Pf~~i~er~t~ b~lOl~hingdt0:Erthe non-agricultural classes 3,412 th . .. " , n "eIr lve 00 om non-productzve sources Of - e remruUmg 181,63.1 self-supporting persons (rural 127,002, urban 54,529) 2004 (rural 367, urban 1,637) or 1 1 per cent. are employers, 24,-388 (rural11,463, urban 12925) or 13' 4 per ~ent, arekemployees and 155,139 (rural 115,172, urban 39 967) or 85' 5 per c~nt aI''''' d pellOAent wor ers. '."ill e- viii The distribution of 10,000 self-supporting persons of non-agricultural occupations classified according to the eoonomio divisions is as follows

Self-supporting person. by divi­ Name of division Stons

All industries and services 10,000 O-Primary indu striee not elsewhere specified 284 I -Mining and quarrying " 6 2-Processing and manufacture-foodstuffs, textiles, leather and products thereof, , 1,600 3-ProceBBing and manufacturo-metals, chemicals and products thereof, , 199 4-processinr and manufacture not elsewhere specified 985 5-Construction and utilities 1.258 6-Commerce 1.535 7-Transport. storage and communicatiotlB 403 a-Health, education and public administration " 486 9-Servicee not elsewhere specified 3,244

Among the large scale industries ccremics and pottery is the principal industry in the district, Among the cottage industries the principal are calico printing, iron utensils, tin oanisters, glass bangles, glazed pottery, ghee industries, basket making, moondhas, chiks and ropes, ban and moonj. Variation in the 13. The unfortunate fact is that the agricultural proportion was increasing from 1901 livelihood paUern to 1921 and has only slightly gone down in 1951. It was 50' 1 per cent. in 1901, 60' 8 per cent. in 1911, 64' 3 per cent. in 1921 and now stands at 63' 1* per cent. The actual number of persons who depend on agriculture has incrcased to 946,894 in 1951 from 685,606 in 1921 or by 38' l'per cent. while' the cultivated area has only slightly increased, This has resulted in progressive fragmentation and sub-division of holdings and pressure on impoverish­ ed soil. There appears to have boon a gradual deoline of village arts and handicrafts. The cumulative result is a fall in the proportion of workers and a corresponding rise in dependency. The proportion of workers in the total population in 1951 was only 36' 2 per cent. (agricultural 22' 7 per cent., non-agricultural 13' 5 per cent.) against 45' 8 per cent. (agricul­ tural 28' 0 per cent" non-agricultural 17' 8 per cent.) in 1921. The proportion of nOll­ earning dependants has consequently increased from 54' 2 per cent. (agricultural 36' 3 per cent., non-agricultural 17' 9 per cent.) ~ 1921 to 63' 8 per cent. (agricultural 40' 4 per cent., non-agricultural 23' 4 per cent.) in 1951. All this is an index of the increasing unemploy­ ment and under-employment. It is only by the diversion of the population to the cottage and other industries that the present disequilibrium in the economy of the district ca.n be redressed. (Vide Tables B-1, B-II and B-III) Houses and house. 14. There were 240,154 occupied houses in the district-200,823 in villages and 39,331 holds in towns. That gives an average of 6,306 persons per 1,000 houses or 6' 3 persons per house in the rural areas and 5,935 persons per 1,000 houses or 5' 9 persons per house in the urban areas. There were 288,810 households in the distriot, 2·38,496 in villages ana50,314 in towns. ~~------I That gives an average of 5,303 persons per PersoOB per 1,000 1,000 households or 5'3 persons per household households of in rural area and 4,582 persons per 1,000 households or 4' 6 persons per household in urban Rural Urban areas. The marginal table shows the development, popula­ popula­ Census year tion tion in the size of household since 1921. The rural household 'is increasing ever since 1921 and is bigger than the average ruralAtousehlold (5' 07) 1921 4,359 4,475 1931 4,725 4,551 in the State. The urban household has registered 1941 5,051 5,455 a marked decrease since 1941 apparently due 1951 5.303 4,582 to _large gains by migration. Out of 5,303 persons in every 1,000 rural household 2,813 are males and 2,491 females. There is male excess numbering 322 in every 1,000 'households. Out of 4,582 persons in eve:t;Y 1,000 urban households 2,438 are males and 2,144 females. There is male excess numbering 294 in every 1,000 households. .

*This figure includes earning dependants according to their secondary means of livelihood, while the tiguro 63' 1 in paragraph 12 includes earninz dependants accordintz to their principal meano of livelihood and henae tho difference. ix Information regarding types of household and household relationship was also colleoted at this census with the help of a sample of about 4 per cent, Aooording to this, in every 1,000 sample houscholds there are 5,255 persons (males 2,802, femalcs 2,453) in the district, The corresponding figure for the total count is 5,178, The table below shows the distribution by size of 1,000 sample households:

Very Small large with with 3 Medium Large IOmem- members with 4-6 with 7-9 bers or Description orles. members u_ombers more

Total 264 458 197 81 Rural 259 460 198 83 Urban .. ' 296 447 190 67 Medium households are the dominant type in villages as well as in towns, Family composition of 1,000 sample households is as follows : Number in 1,000 households f ( Male (married) 699 I I, All lIeads of households i. Male (Widowers) 243 - l Females 58 Wives ofhoads of households 699 1,699 (Sons of heads of households , , 1,214 Bi Daughtors of heads of households 729 1,943 fMale relations of heads of households (other than sons) __ 591 C lFemale relations of heads of households (other than daughter") 886

1.477 r Persons unrelated to the heads of the ~ lhOuseholds : r Males 55 1Females 81 136 Grand total -5,255 So~s outnumber the daughters of the heads of households. The latter leave the homes of their parents after marriage, Female relations (other than daughters) outnumber the male relations (other than Bons)_ Such females are generally those who become members of these households by marriage, (Vide Tables A-I and C-I) 15, In the district as It whole the sex-ratio was 881, i.e" there were 881 females to S&x-rallo every 1,000 males. It varied among the tehsils, The lowest value was 872 in Sikandrabad and the highest value was 891 for Anupshahr, The ratio was 874 in Bulandshahr and 888 in Khurja. The sex-ratio is smaller in the towns than in the villages. For the district as a. whole the sex-ratio in villages is as high as 884 (mainly due to male migration) while that in towns is 864. The corresponding figures of sex-ratio for the district were 896 in 1921, 882 in 1931, 909 in 1941 against 881 in 1951. The sex-ratio has decreased since 1941. 16, The number in each age-group in the district is shown below as a percentage of Age-structure the total number of all ages in the total, rural and ntban population separately :

Rural Urban Total population population population

Age-group Persons Males _ Females Males Females Males Females Infants aud young children 0-4 -W8 7'6 7'2 7'7 7'3 7'3 6'7 Boys and girls 5-14 24'6 13' 2 II' 4 )3'2 11'5 13'0 II'l Young men and women I~34 31'8 16' 5 IS' 3 16' 3 15-3 )7'7 15'0 Middle-aged men and Women 35-54 20'5 I)' 4 9') 11.3 902 ))'4 8'S Elderly persons 55 and 8' 3 4'9 3'4 4'8 3'4 5'4 3'6 over x

It will be seen that the population is progressive. 39' 4 per cent. of the population is of age under 15 and only 8' 3 of it consists of elderly persons. Again it may be noted that a larger proportion of perilons in working age:> (15-54) are found in the urban area". This is the effect of migration of workers to the towns from the villages many of whom are un­ accompanied by their families. (Vide Table O-III) !If arltal status 17. Out of every 10,000 persons in the district there are 5,356 m!1le3 and 4,64,4 fem!l.les*. Among them 2,650 males and 1,809 females are unmarried. If we reckon males and females together, the unmarried people are 44,' 6 per cent. of the population. Of the males 49' 5 per cent. were unm'1rried, 43·5 per oent. were married and 7' 0 per oent. were widowed or divorced. Among fem!1le3 39' 0 per oent. were unmarried, 51' 3 per cent. were married and 9' 7 per oent. were widowed or divoroed. Of the married males I' 6 per cent. were of ages below 15, 47' 2 p3r cent. were of ages 15-34,38' 8 per cent. were of ages 35-54 and 12· 4 per cent. were of ages 55 and over. Among married females 5' 6 per cent. were of .ages below 15, 59 1 per cent. were of ages 15-34, 30' 4 per cent. were of ages 35-54 and 4' 9 per cent. were elderly women. Marriage is universal. Among males and females aged 35 years and over only 6' 2 per cent. of the males and O· 1 per cent. of the females were found unmarried. Most of the females are married befme they attain the age of 25. Ohild marriage is still prevalent though it is not very common. l' 7 per cent. of the males of ages 0-14 and 7' 2 per cent. of the females of ages 0-14 were returned as m~rried. (Vide Table C-III) Languages 18. Over 99' 7 per cent. of the people of the district returned , Hindustani or as their monther-tongue. Among the other mother-to'1gues spoken the main is Punjabi (0' 25). Of the IS' 0 lakhs of people in the district only 2,287 or 0' 15 per cent. were bilingual (iu an Indian ). Th.ose whose mother-tongue is other than Hindi, Hindustani or Urdu are generally the migrants who are able to speak either of these as subsidiary language. Persons returning Hindi, Hindustani or Urdu as secondary language were 1,693 or 74' 0 per cent. of those who were bilingual in some Indian language. (Vide Table D-I) Religion and 19. Out of 10,000 population of the district the number of persons belonging to speolal groups different religions is : 8,204, Muslims 1,721, 42, Jains 11 and Ohristians 21. Of 10,000 population in villages the numbers are: Hindus 8,540, Sikhs 42, Jains 2, Muslims 1,394 and Ohristians 21. Of 10,000 population in towns the numbers are: Hindus 6,384, Sikhs 45, Jains 56, Muslims 3,491 and Ohristians 24. Muslims, Jains, Sikhs and Ohristians are generally concentrated in the urban areas of the district as is the case in other units of the State. There are 246' 7 thousand Scheduled'Oastes in the district. Their number per 10,000 of population works out to 1,645. In villages they are 1,758 for every 10,000 and in. the towns their number per 10,000 is only 1,030. There are 28 Anglo-Indians (males 7, fem

O-EXPLANATORY NOTE ON TfiE STATISTIOS The statistics in this volume have b3en presented in three pa.rts: I-District Census Tables II-Village, Town, Pargana. and Thana Statistics III-Miscellaneous Statistics Parts I and II contain census data. A brief account of the system of sorting of ceMUs slips and preparation of tables and abstract therefrom is given below. Part III contains statistics throwing light on special aspects of population and its growth. These have been derived from miscellaneous sources. Table 1, "Vital Statistics ", ha.'l been prepared from the published and unpublished records of the Director of Medical and Health Services; Table 2, " Agricultural Statistics", from the Annual Season and Crop Reports; Table 3, "Live-Stock, Agricultural Machinery and Implements", from the pub­ lished figures of Live Stock Oensus and Table 4, "List of Primary Sohools", from information specially supplied by Distriet Inspector of Schools.' *The corresponding figures.for the total count are 5,316 and 4,684. _ tThe number per mille (of the 10 per cent. sample populatioD) of each sex aged 5 years and OVer who were returned BS lit arat"" are as b~low; Females 1951 1951 1931 211 35 11· xi 2. The census data presented here has been derived from the census slips by a pro­ Processing of cess of sorting, compilation and tabulation. In previous censuses the slips were first sorted census data by religion and this division was maintained throughout so that all data was cross-tabulated by religion. This procedure has been abandoned at this censns and substituted by a division based on economic characteristics of the pop ulation. The whole population has been di vided into eight livelihood classes, four of which arc of tho agricultural category and four of non- agricultural category as follows : Agricultural Olasses- I-Oultivators of land wholly or mainly owned ; and their dependants II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned; and their dependants III-Cultivating labourers ; and their dependants IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers ; and their dependants Non-agriculturaIOla8ses- V-Production (other than cultivation) VI-Oornrnerce VII-Transport VIII-Other servioes and miscellaneous sources Anothcr spocialleaturo of the sorting of this oensus was the separation, from the very start, of slips of displaced persons and of a 10 per cent. random sample from the re­ mainder. This has ena-bled the data of displa0ed persons to be presented separately while thc 10 per cent. sample has been utilized for the preparation of Age Tables. The slips of this oensus have beon copied by Households into a National Register of Citizens, which has been prepared village-wise for rural areas and mohalla/war d-wise for urban areas. Table C-I is based on a 4 per oent. sample extraoted from this register. 3. The slips were first sorted by villages for the preparation of the Primary Census Tracts Abstraot. For the purpose of further sorting the State wa.s divided into tracts oonsi sting of (a) ruraJ tracts, comprising the rural population of each tehsil, (b) urban city traot9, comprising the population of areas whioh had been declared as cities, (c) urban, non-city tract8 ~ comprising the population of urban areas of a district excluding areas declared ar; cities. Eaoh tract was treated as a unit for sorting of slips. AU data were compiled first by traots and then by districts. This volume presents the tract-wise data for one distriot (with the exception of A and E Tables, which have been presented tehsil-wise) while the distriot-wise data for the whole State is contained in the following State volumes : Part I-B-Subsidiary Tables Part II-A-General Population Tables Part II-B-Economic Tables Part II-C-Age and Social Tables 4. Detailed explanatory notes are appended to eaoh State table in the printed volumes Explanatory notes of State tables. They apply to the tables in this volume also and should be referred to when necessary. A few notes of some of the tables are reproduced below: Table A-I-Oolumn 5 relating to "hamlets" has beon introduced for the first time. Any distinctive cluster or agglomeration of houses has been treated as a " hamlet". A clear distinotion has been made in this oensus between a " House" and a " Household". A house is anyhuman dwelling having a separate main entrance while a household is any commensal unit living in a census house. In previous censuses the figures under" Occupied Houses" used to be that of households, while the figures under columns 7-9 of the present tables refer to occupied oensus houses. as distinot from households. The Economic Tables-The Indian -Census Economic Classification Scheme, 1951, together with the 00cupational division and sub-division adopted for this census are given in Part II-B of the Report. - 'Table B-I-Eaoh of the eight livelihood classes mentioned above has been divided into three sub-classes, with reference to the economic status, as follows: (i) Self-supporting persons;- (ii) Non-earning dependants j and (iii) .Earning dependants. These were defined in the Instruotions !fo -Enumerators as follows: " A ' self-supporting person' is one who is in receipt of an inoome and that income is sufficient at least for his own maintenance. To be 'self-supporting' a person need not be able to support his family. All that is necessaTY is that he should be earning sufficient for his personal needs. For purposes of this question the person enumerated is the unit and not the family or household. Anyone who is not a 'self-supportihg' person in this sense is a 'dependant '. A' dependant' may be either an ' earning dependant' or a 'non-earning dependant '. The test is whether he secures a regular (and not oasual) income, even though it may be small. SUch income may be in cash or kind i it may be continuous or seasonal employment. When the income which he secures is not sufficient to support him that person is an ' earning dependant'. A person who does not earn any income either in cash or kind is a 'non-earning dependant '. Where two or more members of a family household jointly cultivate land and secure an income therefrom, each of them should be regarded as earning part of the income. None of them is, therefore, a non-earning dependant. Each of them should be classed either a 'self-supporting person' or an ' earning dependant' according to the share of income attributable to each. The same applies to any other business carried on jointly. The share of the income is what the head of household deems it to be. This does not mean that everyone who works is necessarily a self-supporting person or an earning dependant. Thus, for instance, a housewife Who cooks for the family, brings up the children or manages the household is doing very valuable work. Neverthe­ less, her Economic Status is that of a non-earning dependant, if she does not also earn an income, and should be recorded as such." Economically active, Semi-active and Pas8ive per8on8-All non-earning dependants are economically passive. They include persons performing house-work or other domestic or personal services for other members of the same family household. But they do not include" unpaid family workers" or persons who take part along with the members of the family household in carrying on cultivation or a home industry as a family enterprise. All earning dependants are economically semi-active only. Though they contribute to the ca.rrying on of economic a.cti vi ties, the magnitude of their individual contribution is deemed to be too small to justify their description as economically active. (Their contri­ bution to economic activity is, however, taken into account in the tabulation of data based on secondary· means of livelihood.) All self-supporting persons are, ordinarily economically active with the exception of the following classes and groups: (a) All self-supporting personS of agricultural Class IV. (b) The following groups of self-supporting persons Who are included in non­ agricultural Class VIII and derive their principal means of Ii velihood from miscel­ laneous sources (otherwi.. 'e than through economic activi~y): (i) Persons living principally on income from non-agricultural propeJty ; (ii) Persons living principally on pensions, remittances, ScholarShips and funds; (iii) Inmates of almS-houses and recipients of doles; (iv) Beggars and vagrants; and (v) All other persons living principally on income derived from non-produc­ tive activities. Table B-II-For a self-supporting person who has more than one means of liveli­ hood the secondary means of livelihood is the livelihood next in importance to his principal mea.ns of livelihood. For an earning dependant it is the source from which he secures his own income, where there are more than one subsidiary occupations only the one providing the largest income has been taken into account. Table B-III-" Employers", "Employees" and "Independent Workers" have been defined as follows in the Instructions to Enumerators: An " employer" is only that person who has necessarily to employ other person in order to carryon the business from which he secures his livelihood. Thus if a person employs a cook or any other person for domestic services, he should not be recorded as an " employer" merely for that reason. An "employee" is a person who ordinarily works under some other person for a salary or a wage in cash or kind a.s the means of earning his livelihood. There may be persons Who a:re employed as manager, superintendents, agents etc., and in that capacity control other workers. Such persons are also employees only and should not be regarded as employers. An "independent worker" means a person who is not employed by any OIle else and who also does not employ anybody else in order to earn his livelihood.. (Sweepers, dhobie8, kahar8 etc., who work for several masters are independent workers. If, however, any of 1;hem accepts Whole-time employment under one master he becomes" employee". Daily wage-earners who work for different masters are likewise independent workers. But if they accept employment under one master, e. g. -under a factory, they become" employees".) - Table8 0-11, Q-Ill.. Q-IV; and O-V-The figures presented in these tables are based on single year age returns and have not been smoothed. Pablee D-V (i) aM (ii)-For the purpose of this table a " displaced person" has been defined as follows: " A displaced person means any person Who has entered India having left or being compelled to leave his home in Westeln Pakistan on or after the 1st March, 1947, or his home in Eastern Pakistan on or after the 15th October, 1946, on account of civil disturbanoes or on aocount of the setting up of the two Dominions of India a.nd Pakistan." PART I



A-GENERAL POPULATION TABLES A-I-Area, Houses and Population

Oocllpied hOllsas .. .t> :sa 1:1 ;e Area in .;: square . Urban ro.. Tahsil miles Villages Hamlets Towns Total Rural

------~~ 2 :3 4 5 6 1 8 9

District Total 1,912 J,524 1,906 22 240,154 2(J(J,823 39.;m Anupshah.J.o 456 385 516 5 57,647 50,60! 7,046 2 Bulandshahr 476 384 455 7 691J97 56,785 12,312 3 Khurja 459 350 451 5 53,080 44,123 8,957

04 Sikandrabad 521 405 484 5 60,330 49,314 11,016

-"---- ~---~----~------~ --'------_


--~~--~~- Persons Males Females .. ------, .c.. S "<:: 3.. .J3 Tehsil Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 10 IT ~-1-2-- 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~ ~------~---~-

District Total 1,499,884 1,266,448 233,436 797,31~4 672,051 125,263 702,570 594,397 108,173 Anupsha.hr 386,746 339,568 47,178 204,476 179,436 25,040 182,270 160,132 22,138

. ~ 2 Bulaudabahr' 455,701 371,299 84,402 243;206 197,580 45,626 212,49S 173,719 38,776 :3 Khuria 340,199 278,464 61,735 lSO,IS3 146,944 33,209 160,046 131,520 28,526 4 Sikaudrahad 317,238 277,117 40,121 169,479 148,091 21,388 147,759 129,026 18,133

NOTE-The area figures given in column 3 are b88ed on the district records of tehsil areas. The area of the distriot as oommunioated by the Surveyor General of India is 1;S89 square miles.

A-II-Variation in Population duting Fifty Years

Net Varil1.tion Years Persons Variation 1901-1951 Males Variation Females Variation

~---I-- -~ --2 ~-----5- -""~- T 4 6 7 8 "" -- ---~-----~~-- 1901 .. 1,137,039 59S,571 538,468 1911 .. 1,122,743 -14,296 591,736 -6,835 531,007 -7,461 1921 .. 1,066,149 -56,594 562,338 -29,398 503,811 -27,196 1931 .. 1,136,873 +7Q,724 603,971 +41,633 532,902 +29,091 1941 1,317,223 +180,350 689,861 +85,890 627,362 +94,46Q 1951 1,499,884 +182,661 +362,S45 797,314 +107,453 102,510 -t15,20S TABLE A-m 4

Towns and Villages

Total Population Towns and villages

.. _ ~~-----'---- -.-~-~------_._------... Total CD number Total 8 ""r:l of 01 inhabited

"---j ------2------.~------. '3 4 5 6 7 8 9

District Total 1,546 1,499,884 191,314 101,510 1,418 518,519 461,184 Anupshahr 390 386,746 204,476 182,270 356 135,449 120,n3 2 Buiandshahr 391 455,701 243,206 212,495 352 149,214 131,241 :3 Khurja 355 340,199 180,153 UiO,046 331 119,040 106,656 " Sikandrabad 410 317,238 169,479 147,759 389 124,826 108,~4

Towns and villages with a population or 2,000-10,000 Towns and

... ------" .. _---- CD ------~---~-- __ ----- .&J S Total 2,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 Total "s:I -_------3 t Females Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females III Tehsil Number Males 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

District TOlal 111 188,416 166,188 101 155,964 138,353 9 31,511 18,435 1 80,309 68,598 AJ1upshahl' 32 54,555 48,120 30 46,580 41,720 2 7,975 7,000 2 14,412 12,817 2 Bulandshabr 36 61,765 54,405 33 50,743 44,705 3 11,022 9,7QO 3 32,227 26,849

3 Khurja 23 40,255 35,786 20 30.316 21,083 :3 9,879 8,703 20,858 17,604 4 Sikandrahad 20 :31.'~01 27,877 19 28,265 24,845 3,636 3;032 12,152 11,328 5 TABLE A·III Classified by PopuJation

with lElll8 than 2,000 population

Less than 500 500-1,000 1,000-2,000 _----

Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females

---~15------[-7------10- - 11 12 ------n- 14 16 -1-8- ---- .,- --~----- 579 89/)94 77,136 500 190,760 168,513 349 148.p15 • 111,525 128 19,184 16,923 m 51,215 45,391 91 65,050 58,413 III 18,120 15,816 138 55,220 48,339 103 75,874 67,086 131 21,562 18,957 122 44,875 40,332 78 52,603 47,367

209 3O,22~ 25,440 103 39,450 34,455 77 55,148 48,659


villages with a population of 10,000 and above

10,000-20,000 20,000-50,000 50,000-100,000 100,000 and above

Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Female. Number Males Females

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

4 15,990 21,819 3 54,319 45,119 2 14,472 12,817 2 11,518 10,062 20,709 16,787 20,858 17,604 i2,752 11,328 TABLE A-IV 6

Towns Classified by Population with Variations since 1901

...... a" ~ <= -; Nat .;:; Variation Towns Tehsil etc. Persons Variation 1901-1951 Males if.}" Variation Females Variation ·'·4 -7----8-.-.- 2 3 5 6 9 ----~.- .. ------~----- ...• --- 10

Class III (20,000 to 50,000) /


1901 29,277 15,264 14,013 1911 27,387 -1,890 14,549 -7i5 12,838 25,719 -1,175 1921 -1,668 13,963 -586 11,156 -1,082 31,279 +5,560 1931 17,135 +3.172 14,144 +2.388 1941 35.376 +4,097 19,586 +2.451 15,190 Municipality 38,462 +9,185 +1.646 1951 .. .. +3.086 20,858 +1.272 11,604 +1,814


1901 18,959 10,326 8,633 1911 19,383 +424 10,679 +353 8,704 +ii 1921 19,509 +126 11,056 +317 8,453 24,898 +5,389 14,248 -25.1 1931 +3,192 10,650 +2,197 1941 29,701 +4,803 16,800 +2,552 12,901 Municipality 37,496 +7,795 +18,537 20,709 +2,251 1951 .. .. +3,909 16,781 +3,886


1901 18,290 9,332 8,958 1911 18,946 +656 10,062 +730 8,884 16,857 -2,1)89 9,008 -74 192! -1,054 7,849 -1,035 1931 18,974 +2,117 10,Q49 +1,041 8,925 +1,076 1941 23,307 +4,'\33 12,568 +2,519 10,139 1951 Municipality 24,080 +713 12,752 +1,814 .. .. +5,190 +184 11,328 +589 Class IV (10 000 to 20,000)


1901 .. '11,572 6,039 5,533 1911 .. 11,218 -354 5,840 -199 5,318 1921 10,279 -939 -155 .. 5,420 -420 4,859 -519 1931 10,745 +466 5,869 .. +449 4,816 +17 1941 .. 12,922 +2,117 7,106 +1,237 5,816 1351 Town Ar;;a 14,679 +1,757 +940 .. .. +3,107 7,183 +617 6,896 +1,080


1901 .. 10,579 5,500 5,079 1911 ~,~73 .. -1,C06 5,114 -386 4,459 -620 1921 9,697 +124 5,224 +110 4,473 1931 11,269 +1,512 +14 .. 6,112 +888 5,157 +684 1941 .. n.21! +1,949 1,241 +1,129 5,977 1951 Munioipality 12,610 -608 +820 .. .. +2,03i 6,689 -552 5,921 -56


1901 .. 12,249 6,305 5,944 1911 10,278 .. -1,97i 5,305 -1,000 4,973 -97i 1921 .. 9,795 -483 5,138 -167 4,657 1931 10,655 -316 .. +860 5,680 +542 4,975 +318 1941 .. 11,783 +1,128 6,276 +596 5,501 1951 Town Ar::a 11,47S -308 +532 .. .. -714 6,016 -200 5,399 -108


1901 .. 7.615 3,911 3,104 1911 8,274 +659 4,391 +480 3,883 1921 ..1-179 .. '" 7,485 -189 4,028 -363 3,451 -426 1931 M47 .. +162 4,156 +128 3,491 +34 1941 .. 10,882 +3,235 5,511 +1,415 . 5,311 Town Area +t,820 ~951 .. .. 10,IOS -771 +2,490 5,442 -129 4,663 -648


._------~ 7 TABLE A-IV

Towns Classified by Population with Variations since 1901-«(onld.)

.. .JO'" S s:: " Net .;:: Variation ~'" TowDs Tahsil eto. Persona Variation 1901-1951 Males Variation Females VSl"iation

--5-~----6-----7------8--- 3 4 ') 2 - ----_.---_.__ - 10

Class V (5,000 to 10,0(0)


190 1 7,208 3,746 3,462 1911 ., 6,027 -1,lsi 3,083 -663 2,944 -518 1921 ;,692 -335 3,022 -61 2,670 -214 1931 6.527 +835 3,;07 +485 3,020 +350 1941 .. 7,901 +1,374 4,210 +703 3,691 +671 1951 ., Town Area 9,862 +1,961 +2,654 5,196 +986 4,666 +975


1901 8,601 4,565 4,036 1911 6,419 -2,182 3,463 -1,102 2,956 -1,080 1921 6,872 +453 3,817 +354 3,055 +99 1931 7,499 +627 4,215 +398 3,284 +229 1941 S,3IS +816 4,602 +387 3,713 +429 1951 .. Notified Area 9,358 +1,043 +757 5,011 +409 4,347 +634


1901 7,718 3,934 3,784 1911 6,884 -834 3,609 -325 3,275 -509 1921 6,;64 -320 3,465 -144 3,099 -176 6,693 1931 +129 3,573 +108 3,120 +21 1941 8,592 +1,899 4,431 +858 4,161 +1,041 1951 .. 'l'own Area 7,917 -675 +199 4,125 -306 3,192 -369'


1901 1911 1921 3,092 1,617 1,415 1931 4,036 +944 2,181 +5iu 1,849 4,419 +434 1941 +383 2,421 +234 1,998 +.149 Town Ares 6,668 1951 .. +2,249 3,636 +1,215 3,032 +1,034


1901 5,916 3,048 2,868 .. 5,752 1911 -164 3,092 +44 2,660 -208 4,936 -816 2,635 1921 '.. -457 2,301 -359 1931 5,052 +116 2,673 +38 2,379 +78 1941 .. 5,354 +302 2,770 +97 2,584 Town Are .. 5,824 +470 -92 3,106 +205 1951 .. +336 2,718 +134


1901 .. 1911 .. 1921 .. 1931 1941 .. 5,312 2,676 2,636 1951 ,. Town 5,617 +305 2,964 +288 2,653 +17


1901 .. 5,04S 2,631 2,417 1911 4,602 -446 2,388 -24~ 2,214 -203 1921 .. 4,108 -494 2,113 -275 1,995 1931 4,398 +290 2,349 -219 +236 2,049 +54 1941 .. 5,382 +984 2,881 +538 2,495 1951 ,,. Town Area 5,;3() +148 +482 2,973 +446 +86 2,557 +62 TABLE A-IV 8

Towns Classified by Population with Variations since 1901-(concld.)

.. .Qa'" 1:1 " Net 4i '0:; Variation ., Towns Tehsil etc. Porsons Va.riation 1901-1951 Males Variation '" Females Variation ----5 -- 2 3 4 6 7 8 ------9 10 15 'pAllASU ... KllURJA 1901 5,603 2,924 2,679 1911 5,555 -48 2,934 +10 2,621 -58 1921 4,876 -679 2,570 -364 2,306 -315 1931 5,418 +542 2,864 +294 2,554 5,609 +248 1941 +191 3,025 +161 2,584 +'30 1951 .. Town Area 5,135 -474 -468 2,781 -244 2,354 -230

Class VI (Under 5,000)

16 BUGRASI BUIoANDSllAHR \901 1911 1921 1931 4,660 2,394 2,266 5,918 1941 .. +1,258 3,056 +662 2,862 +596 1951 .. Town 4,934 -984 2,637 -419 2,297 -565


1901 1911 1921 .. 1931 1941 1951 .. Town 4,914 2,593 2.321


1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 .. 1951 .. Town 4,706 2,460 2.246


1901 .. 5,574 2,954 2,620 19U 5,394 -180 2,818 -136 2,576 -44 1921 .. 4,531 -863 2,396 -422 2,135 -441 1931 4,769 +238 2,570 +174 2,199 +64 1941 5,045 +276 2,847 +277 2,198 -1 Area 4,691 -354 1951 .. .. Town -883 2.472 -375 2,219 +21 20 DANKAUB .. SIKA.NDBAlIAD

1901 5,444 2,893 2,551 1911 5,340 -104 2,909 +16 2,431 -120 1921 5,177 -163 2,758 -151 2,419 -12 1931 <1,839 -'138 2,678 -80 2,161 -258 1941 5,289 +450 2,801 +123 2,488 4,;00 +327 1951 .. .. Town Area -189 -944 2,390 -411 2,110 -378


1901 3,345 J,808 1,537 1911 3,101 -244 1,597 -2ii 1,504 -'13 1921 2,679 -422 1,391 -206 1,288 -216 1931 3,034 +355 1,599 +208 1,435 2,990 -44 1,592 +147 1941 -7 1,398 -'7 1951 .. Town Area 2,471 -519 -874 1,343 -249 1,128 -270


1901 3,152 1,634 1,518 1911 1,245 -1,901 662 -972 58, -935 2,761 1921 +1,516 1,466 +804 1,295 +712 1931 2,476 -285 1.267 -199 1,209 -86 1941 3,041 +565 1,574 +307 1,467 +258 1951 .. Town Area 2,402 -639 ' -150 1,267 -307 1,135 -332 9 TABLE A-V Towns arranged Territorially with Population by Livelihood Classes


~~- --~- .--- --.---,--~ ~-~--~ Non-agricultural

Persona (inoluding their dependants) who ... .0" V VI i3 Production other "s:: than cultivation Commerce :3 Name of Town Persona Males Females Males Females Males Females 00" ~I~- 2 3 4 ; 6 7 8 9

District Total 233,436 125,263 108,113 26,703 23,902 29,285 25,828 1 Khurja (M. B.) 38,462 20,858 17,604 4,613 4,417 5,870 5,039 2 Bulandshahr (M. B.) 37,496 20,709 16,787 3,793 2,972 5,202 4,538 3 Sikandrabad (M. B.) 24,080 12,752 11,328 ',122 3,040 3.246 2,890 4 Jahangirabad (T. A.) 14,679 7,783 6,8% 1,974 1,163 1.614 1,366 5 Dib.. i (M. B.) 12,610 6,689 5,921 1,240 1,054 1,974 1,734 6 Shikarpur (T. A.) 11,47; 6,076 5,399 1,785 1,655 1,030 860 7 tHana (T. A.) .. 10,105 5,442 4,663 1,135 964 1,143 1,262 8 Gulaothi (T. A.) 9,862 5,196 4,666 1,120 971 1,522 1,350 9 Anupshahr (N. A.) 9,358 5,011 4,347 1,047 882 1,137 1,100 10 Jewar (T. A.) .. 7,917 4.125 3,m 923 900 838 140 11 Dadri (T. A.) 6,668 3,636 3.032 795 710 1,014 826 12 Aurangabad (T. A.) 5,824 3,106 2,718 627 580 602 500 13 Khanpur Gantu 5,617 2,964 2,653 552 481 396 383 14 (T. A.) 5,530 2,973 2,557 548 496 535 468 15 Pahaau (T. A.). 5,135 2,781 2,354 400 309 565 463 16 Bugrasi 4,934 20637 2,297 110 610 468 398 17 KHALAUR 4,914 20593 2,321 289 273 112 95 18 SAIDPUR 4,706 20460 2,246 554 454 103 92 19 Chhatari (T. A.) 4,691 2>472 2,219 417 395 512 416 20 Dankaur (T. A.) 4,500 2,390 2,110 464 440 813 698 21 Bilaspur (T. A.) 2,471 1,343 1,128 256 181 290 213 22 Kakore cr. A.) 2,402 1,267 1,13S 299 277 299 271



-~~~-----~ _------, ---~--- ClaSBes Agricultural Classes

derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from - _------_. IV VIn Non-cultiva.ting I-III " Other services and owner8 of la.nd; a.gri. Cultivators, culti- 8 VII miseellaneous cultural rent receivers; vating labourers and '"s:: Transport sanrCIlI! and their dependants their dependants ------~ Males 1!'emale. Males Fem ..les Males Females Males Females 00'" Name of Town --12-~-~ '--f4-- -T 2 10 11 15 16 11

District Total 6,649 5,534 36,314 30,896 J,811 1,651 '24,501 20~62 1 Khurja (M. B.) 1,574 1,383 6,164 4,999 527 364 2,050 1,342 2 Bulandshahr (M. R) 1,224 869 8,109 1,212 343 274 1,438 922 :3 Sikandrabad (M. B.) 1,171 992 2,709 2,212 125 124 2,379 2,010 4 Jahanllirabad (T. A.) 398 375 1,620 1,496 41 2,128 1,8,5 5 Dibai (M. B.' 313 312 2,070 1,819 1~~ 166 938 836 6 Shikarpur (T. A.) 296 231 1,722 1,501 , 87 92 1,156 1,054 7 Siana (T. A.) 193 134 1,663 1,149 129 136 1,179 1,018 8 OUIBoothi (T. A.) 334 313 1,332 1,210 21 32 867 784 9 Anupshahr (N. A.) 180 162 1,186 1,572 42 30 819 601 10 Jewar (T. A.\ 91 61 ,181 780 29 21 1,463 1,284 II Dadri (T. A.) 106, ,84 882 703 25 30 814 679 12 Aurangabad (T. A.) 167 140 871 784 61 74 712 640 13 Khanpur Oantu 11 14 843 153 26 39 1,136 977 14 Rabupura (T. A.) 93 59 630 541 20 31 1,147 962 15 Pahllsu (T. A.) 78 68 1,138 1,003 14 11 586 500 16 Bugrasi 25 26 840 707 36 41 558 509 17 RIIALAUR 12 5 355 364 39 47 1.786 1,531 18 SAIDPUR 5 4 569 594 25 38 1,204 1,064 19 Chbatari (T. A.\ 84 60 540 "/98 8 15 911 175 20 Dankaur (T. A.) 174 147 591 555 55 25 313 245 21 Bila.pur (T. A.) 74 60 329 280 2 .. 412 328 22 K,;,kore (T. A.) 46 '35 170 158 8 8 445 380 _------TABLE E 10

Area and Population of District and

PopulatiOll Percentage .. ~ a 1951 1:1 1941 0:: :3.,... Area in squo.re OJ District and tehsil miles Persons Males Fernals" Persons 1941-1951 4 5 6 ----- 2 3 7 8

District Total 1,912 1,499,884 791,314 702,570 1,317,223 +13'9 Rural Total 1,810 1,266,448 6721151 594,397 1,106,867 +14'4 Urban Total 102 233,436 125,263 108,173 210,356 +'1-0 Anupshahr- Total 456 386,746 204,476 182,270 339,667 +13-9 Rural 435 339,568 1",436 160,132 299,900 +13'2 Urban 21 47,178 25,040 22,1:38 39,767 +18'6 2 Bulandshabr- Total 476 455,701 243,206 212,495 392,940 +16'0 Rural 448 371,299 197,580 173,719 321,401 +15'5 Urban 28 84,402 45,626 38,776 71,539 +18'0 3 Khuri_ Total 459 340,199 180,153 160,046 302,381 +12.5 Rural 431 278,464 146,944 l3!,52O 242,377 +14-9 Urban 28 61,735 33,209 28,526 60,004 + 2'9 4 Sikandrahad- Total 521 317,238 169,419 147,759 282,235 +12-4 Rural 496 277,117 148,091 129,026 243,189 +14'0 Urban 25 40,121 21,388 18,733 39,046 + 2'8 -----


Agricultural Classas-(concld.) Non·

~------Parsons (including their

IV-Non-oultivating owner.s ~ ,.Q of land; agricultural rent re- S III-CUltivating labourer~ ceivars ; and their dependants V -Production other than and their dependants cultivation I;!'" c; .;: rn'" District and tahsil MLlles Females Males Females Males Females 2 16 17 18 19 20 21

District 'I'otal 43f,87 34,867 6,443 7,712 89,952 81,514 Rural Total 40,526 32,208 4,632 6,061 63,249 57,612 Urban Tot,\l 3,161 2,659 1,811 1,651 26,703 23,90? Anupshahr- Total 16,733 13,582 1,533 1,944 21,189 18,825 Rural 16,195 13,142 1,223 1,621 16,087 14,366 Urban 538 440 310 323 5,102 4,459 2 BulandBhahr- Total 12,683 9,974 1,989 2,362 32,207 28,862 Rural 11,969 9,388 1,281 1,669 22,483 20,650 Urban 71'1 586 708 693 9,724 8,212 3 Khurj_ Total 5,270 3,780 (,738 1,955 18,314 16,881 Rur ..l 4,452 3,123 1,140 1,507 11,353 10,304 Urban 818 657 598 448 6,961 6,571 4 Sikandrabad- Total 9,001 7,531 1,183 1,451 18,242 16,946 Rural 7,910 6,555 988 1,264 13,326 12,292 Urban 1,091 976 195 187 4,916 4,654 ------NOTE-The areas given in colurnn ~ are based on the district records of tahsil area~. 11 TA,J3LE E Tehsil. by Livelihood Classes


Variation Density Agricultural Classes

1- CultivatorB of land wholly or II-CuHivators of land wholly .maiD.ly owned and their or mainly unowned and their dependants dopendants


1931-1941 1951 1941 Males Females Males Females ---_. -~--9- ·_------12- IO~' II 13 14 15 ---~------.

+'509 184 689 442,187 385,201 14,825 il,971 +15-1 700 610 422,684 369,U24 12,988 1<),446 +20-3 2,289 2,171 19,503 16,177 1,837 1,526

+17-B 848 145 123,359 110,043 2,831 2,304 +15·9 781 686 117,360 104,906 2,567 2,075 +3+7 2,247 2,093 5,'~~9 5,137 210 . 229

+14'8 957 826 126,797 108,733 2,199 2,205 +13-7 829 712 120,919 103,803 2,217 1,130 +21)-4 3,104 2,873 5,878 4,930 582 415

+17-0 741 659 93,446 82,577 5,686 4,668 +17'1 646 562 88,779 18,915 5,014 4,124 +14-2 2,205 2,143 4,661 3,662 672 544

+]3-9 609 542 98,585 83,848 3,503 2,195 +1304 559 490 95,626 81,400 3,190 2,517 +17'1 1,605 1,562 2,959 2,448 313 278


agricul tural Classes dependants) who derive their prin.. ipal means of livelihood from-

VIII-Other services and VI--Commerce VII-Transport miscellaneous sonrces

Males Fem.ales Males Females Ml1les Females --22------2T---· ------'--.24---- 26----'- . -- .- -2-7-'

--- "'-~------.-----~----

44,675 511)44 12,444 10,680 136,'132 125,949 21,759 18,847 5,795 5,146 1()(),418 95,'<53 29,285 25,828 6,649 5,534 36,314 30,896

9,779 11,211 1,972 i,795 25,642 23,998 ',978 ',101 1,0,8 927 18,968 .4,678 914 17,994 5,233 868 6,674 6,004

16,667 14,740 4,068 3,273 45,996 42,~46 6,597 5,740 1,824 1,556 30,290 9,000 2,244 29,183 10,070 1,717 15,706 13,163

13,081,' 11,366 3,419 3,028 39,139 .35,791 4,761 4,180 1,559 1,397 29,886 8,320 1,186 1,920 27,970 1,631 9,25' 7,821

10,085 8,790 2,925 2,584 25,955 23,814 4,423 3,826 1,354 1,266 21,274 4,964 1,571 19,906 5,662 1,318 4,681 3908

---~----- _------.._--_.- TABLE B-1 12


Livelihood Classes



Total Population . Total

Tract Persons Males Females Persons Males Females - -2 ------'6______7:__------8--

District Total 1,499,884 797,314 702,570 946,894 507,142 439,752

Rural Total 1,266,448 6721J51 594,397 898,569 480,830 417,739 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 339,568 179,436 160,132 259,089 137,345 121,744 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) •• 371,299 197,5BO 173,719 252,976 136,386 lJ6,59O 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 278,464 146,944 131,520 187,054 99,385 87,669 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 277,117 148,091 129,026 199,450 107,714 91,736 Urban Total 233,436 125,263 108,173 48,325 26,312 22/}13 Urban Non-city 233,436 125,263 108,173 48,325 26,312 22,013


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and thair dependants

------.--- .--.-----s.-~---.~- Total Self-supporting S_ C. (ii) Non-~arning per_s_ons d"pendants

T1'act Males Females Ma.les Females Males Females Males Females

2 15 16

District Total 442,187 385,201 247,833 6,724 183,964 350,198 10,390 28,279

Ul1ral Tolal 412,684 369,024 238,342 6,477 174,590 335,053 9,752 27,494 'l'ahsiI Anupslmhr (Rural) 117,360 104,906 66,195 2,008 48,692 96,663 2,473 6,235 2 Tahsil Bulandshahr (Rural) .. 120,919 103,803 66,578 1,772 51,512 96,281 2,829 5,750 3 Tahsil Khurja (nur,,)) 88,779 78,915 53,813 1,191 33,898 76,348 1,068 1,376

" Tahsil Sikandrabad (numl) •• 95,626 81,400 51,756 1,506 40,488 65,761 3,382 14,133 Urb" .. Total 19,503 16.177 9,491 247 9,374 /5,145 6311 785 Urban Non-city 19,503 16,177 9,491 241 9,314 15,145 638 785



III-Cultivating labourers

Total s. C. (i) Self-supporting s. C. (ii) Non-earning persons __dependant"-- __ •

Tract Males Female. Males Females Males Females 36

34,867 26,802 1,475 U;,026 District Total 43,687 30,692 32,208 24,938 1,383 14,855 Rural Tolal 40,526 28,z24 Tehsil Anupsbahr (Rural) 16,195 13,142 1O,Q45 338 5,867 11,879 2 Tahsil Bulandshabr (Rural) 11,969 9,388 7,341 251 4,384 8,348 3,123 2,824 119 3 TebBil Khurja (Rural) ·1,452 1,574 2,917 4,728 4 Tahsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 7,910 6,555 675 3,030 5,080 3,161 1,659 1,864 92 1,171 Urban Tolal 2,468 2,659 1,864 92 1,171 Urban Non-oity 3,161 2,468 13 TABLE B-1 TABLES

and Sub-c1 asses



-~~------~~-- S. C. (i) Self.supporting S. C. (ii) Non·earning s. C. (iii) Earning persons _ _ dependants~_ dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females

9 10 II 12 13 14

286,282 10,451 209,147 397,385 11,713 3J,916 273,320 9,867 196,662 376,936 10,848 30,936 78,465 2,813 56,054 111,580 2,826 7,351 15,833 2,518 51,418 101,411 3,135 6,661 60,165 1,881 31.999 84,186 1,221 1,602 58,857 2,655 45,191 73,159 3.666 15,322

12,962 584 12,485 20,449 865 980 12,962 584 12,485 20,449 865 980

------~------~ ---_--_------~-~

CLASSES-(eonld. )

II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unownod and their dependants

Total S.C. (i) Self-supporting S.C. (ii) Non.earning s.c. (iii) Earning ---_----- ____-"--per""ns _ __ _ d~pendants ____clep'"Il~ltB ____ ~ Males Females ]lisles Females Males Females Males Females

23 24 25 26 21 28 29 )U

14,825 11,972 8,509 138 5,926 11,010 390 824

12,988 10,446 7,554 109 5,123 9,602 311 735 2,567 2,075 1,565 20 912 1,884 60 171 2,217 1,730 1,236 15 932 1,640 49 75 5,014 4,124 2,883 32 2,038 3,957 93 135 3,190 2,517 1,870 42 1,211 2,121 109 354

1,8J7 1,516 955 29 803 1,408 79 89 1,837 1,526 955 29 803 1,408 79 89

CLASSES-(contd.) ------and their dependants IV-Non-cultivating ownors of land; agricnltural __ ... _... _E~~t receivers; and their ~!~enddon~ ___._

S. C. (iii) Earning Total S. C. (i) Self.supporting dependants perSOll8

Males Females Males Femakle Males Females ------37 3.8 9 40 4J 42

8;9 2,700 6,443 7.712 3,138 2,114

733 2,601 4P32 61J61 2,486 1,898 1,223 283 925 1,621 660 447 244 189 1,281 1,669 678 480 54 87 1,140 1,507 645 539 152 800 988 '1,264 503 432 126 99 l,8lJ /,,651 653 216 126 99 1.811 1,651 652 216 TABLE B~I 14 'Livelihood Classes


IV-Non,cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers; and their dependants-(oone/d.) All

S.C. (ii) Non.earning R.C. (iii) Earning dependants dependants Total

Tract Malee Females Mal~B Females Persons MaJes Females

2 47 46-~-'-~

District Total 3,231 5,485 74 113 552,990 290,172 262,818 Ru.ral Total 2,094 4,057 52 106 367,879 191,111 116,658 Tehsil Anupsha.hr (Rural) 553 1,154 10 20 80,419 42,091 38,388 2 Tehail Bulandshahr (Rural) 590 1,142 13 47 118,323 61,194 57,129 3 Tehsil Khurja tRural) ';. 489 964 6 4 91,410 47,5S9 43,851 4 Tehail Sikandrabe.d (Rural) 462 191 23 35 77,667 40,377 37,290 Urban Total 1,137 1,428 22 18S,11I 98,951 '16,160 Urba.n Non·oity 1,137 1,428 22 7 185,111 98,951 86,160


-~--~--~------V-Production otber than oultivation

S.C.(i) Self·supporting S.C.(ii) Non.earning S.C. (iii) Earning Total persons dependants dependants

Tract Males Females Mllles Females Males Female. Males Females

___--_-~===_~-~_~ ____::__:56:______:51 ---,8 __:_59___ _:c60:___~-~--,-6-,--1_---==~_62_' . ~==--=--'-63-

District Total 89,952 81,514 50,280 5,526 37,426 71,337 2,246 4,651 RUl'al Total. 63,249 57,612 35,983 4,646 26,035 49,213 1,231 3,753 Tehail Anupahahr (Rural) 16,087 14,366 9,5S0 1,261 6,335 I 1,916 252 1,123 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 22,483 20,650 12,821 1,817 9,234 17,766 428 1,067 3 Tehail Khurja (Rural) .' 11,353 10,304 6,386 930 4,713 8,86~ 194 514 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 13,326 12,292 1,216 632 5,693 10,611 357 1,049

Urban Total 26,703 23,902 14,297 880 11,391 22,124 1,015 898 Urban Non·oity 26,703 23,902 14,297 880 11,391 22,124 IPl5 898


VII- Transport

---'---~ ~------S.C.(i) Self-supporting S.C. (ii) Non'earning S,C, (iii) Earning Total ,__ __E9rs0_"_8______

Tract Males ]<'emales Males Females Male. Females Males Females

~~~~2--'------~1~2--" 73 14 _-===-=7_:c5~--~--_~_~7::..::6:______77 -~_~.~~ ~~'_~7~9~

District Total 12,444 10,680 6,878 109 5,302 10,320 264 251 Rural Tolal 5,795 5,146 3,250 73 2,486 4,926 59 147 Tehsil Anupahahr (Rural) 1,058 927 597. 10 451 898 10 19 2 Tehsil Bulondahahr (Rural) , 1,824 I,5S6 1,038 9 765 1,511 21 36 3 Tehsil Khurj .. (Rur.. I)- •• I,5S9 1,397 878 II 675 1,369 ,6 17

4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 1,354 1,2" 737 43 595 1,148 22 75 Urban Tolal 5,534 3,628 36 2,811> 5,394 205 104 Urblm Non·oity .. S,514 3,628 36 2,816 5,394 205 104 15 TABLE 'B-1

and Sub-classes-(concld.)



S.C. (i) Self-supporting S.C. (ii) Non·earning S.C. (iii) Earning persons dependants dependants

------_. ._------~---_------Males Females Males .,lI'emales Males Famlliee

5a 51 52 53 54 55 ._------160,382 24,561 123,602 226,;19 6,188 11,738

108,334 20,884 79,626 145,865 3,261 9,909

24,313 4,959 17,031 30,988 747 2,441

34,126 6,678 26,107 48,015 961 2,436

26,903 5,011 19,995 37,004 661 1,836

22,992 4,236 16,493 29,858 892 3,196

52,O48 3,677 43,976 80,654 2,927 1,829

52,048 3,677 43,976 80,654 2,927 l,829 ------

CLASSES-( co"td.) ------VI-Commerce _.-_._------R.C. (i) Rolf-supporting S.C. (ii) Non-earning S.C. (iii) Earning Total persons dependants dependants

______o ______

MaleR Females Males Fern"les Males Females Males Females ------6-9-- ---7-0 64 65 66 61" 68 ---7-1-

51,044 44,67; 26,941 917 22,821 43,224 1,282 534

21,759 18,847 12,213 63,2 9,219 17,796 327 419

5,978 5,101 3,434 145 2,447 4,835 97 121

6,597 5,740 3,636 192 2,866 5,456 95 92

4,761 4,180 2,651 141 2,055 3,990 55 49

4,423 3,826 2,492 154 1,851 3,515 80 157

29,285 25,828 14,728 285 13,602 25,428 955 115

29,285 25,828 14,728 285 13,602 25,428 955 115

C LASSES-( concld.) ._---_

VIII -O~her services and miscellaneous sources


S.C. (i) Self· supporting S.C. (ii) Non.earning S.C. (iii) Earning Total persons d~pe_~_~_,:,~tR dependants , ---_.. Males Females Males PemaleB Males Females Males Females

---.----80------81 82 83 84 85 86 .- --S-7~

136,732 125,949 76,283 18,009 58,053 101,638 2,396 6,302

100,418 95,053 56,888 15,533 41,886 73,930 1,644 5,590

18,968 17,994 10,782 3,537 7,798 13,279 388 1,118

30,290 29,183 16,631 4,660 13,242 23,282 417 1,241

29,886 27,970 16,988 3,929 12,492 22,785 406 1,256

21,274 19,906 12,487 3,437 8,354 14,584 4.33 1,915

36,314 30,896 19,395 2,476 16,167 27,708 752 712

36,314 30,896 19,395 2,476 16,167 27,708 752 712 TABLE B-II 16

Secondary Means

Number of persoDs deriving their

Oultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned

·Self.supporting Earning Self·supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females Males Fema.les --2--


All Agricultural Classes 10,716 27,056 1,313 26 9,463 27,030 1,075 513 826 25 I-Cultivators of land 9,290 26,327 9,200 26,327 787 41 752 25 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 374 140 314 60 140 210 472 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourers 942 552 154 If) 188 542 76 72

IV-Non-cultivating owner" 260 37 245 16 15 2J 2 2 of land; agrioultural rent receivers All Non-agricultural Classes 5,853 1,099 5,436 133 417 966 546 38 516 6

V-Production other than 1,749 419 1,576 55 173 364 204 20 189 I cultivation VI-Commerce 91.9 76 862 8 57 68 62 56

VII--Transport 214 23 209 5 23 23 21

VIII-- Other services and 2,971 581 2,789 10 182 511 257 18 250 5 miscellaneous sources Tehsil Anul>shahr

All Agricultural Classes 2,946 5,862 622 5 2,324 5,857 374 132 321

1-Cultivators of land 2,271 5,706 2,211 5,706 282 7 217 wholly or mainly oWl'led II - Cultivators of land 123 12 119 4 12 46 125 wholly or mainly unowned JII-Cultivating labourers 457 140 411 2 46 138 46 44

IV-Non-CUltivating owners 95 4 92 of land; agricultural l'entl receivers

All Non-agricultural Classes 1,443 197 1,369 30 74 161 85 8 83 J

V -Proquction other than sn 108 531 15 41 93 34 8 33 cultivation VI - Commerce 195 4 189 6 3 8 8

VII-Transport 67 5 67 5 7 6

VIII--Other servicos and 609 80 582 14 21 66 36 36 miscellaneous sources Tehan Bulandshahr

All Agricultural Classes 2,979 5,116 271 3 2,708 5,713 287 71 244

I-Cultivators of hmd 2,50! 5,4!.O 2,591 5,410 246 25 236 wholly or mainly owned II_Cultivators of land 35 6 30 6 31 46 wholly or mainly unowned III-Ouitiva,!,ing labourers 320 290 212 2 108 788 10 8 IV_Non_cultivating owners 13 10 29 9 of land; agricultural rent receivers All Non-agricultural Classes __ 1,750 439 1,.,60 .58 190 381 70 2 6S

V_Production other than 544 156 454 25 90 131 3S 2 34 cultivation VI-Commerce 244 23 227 4 17 19 10 9

VII-Transport 49 9 46 3 9 21 . VIII-Other servICes and 913 251 833 29 80 222 21 miscellaneous sources 17 TABLE B-ll

of Livelihood secondary meanS of livelihood from-

---- ~ ------_ land Employment as cultivating labourers Rent on agricultural hm-d

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Fema]es MeLles Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females :Males Fem&les

---:-';c"2-----OC ;c---'1c;4-----,-1-5--"'6----;1"'7--'1"'8----,-;19 IS 20 __2~1 ___2=2~_~2~3 ___2_4 ___ 25 Total

249 1,647 1,314 29 591 1,618 1,508 488 1,905 134 1,478 83 30 51 140 1,/.s.5 23 88 117 /,436 16 1,243 III 1,416 81 20 30

2/0 125 13 23 3 472 138 28 2 3 1 1

4 486 1,474 486 1,474 59 59

/ 4 38 5 34 4 10 20 10 2(J

30 32 900 228 774 35 126 193 1,149 58 1,115 36 22 15 • 19 363 IJ3 328 12 35 101 172 12 168 7


.53 132 1,037 .590 802 2 235 .588 310 24 309 9 I 15 7 746 38 71 I 2 35 36 279 278 22 9 13

46 125 85 9 R2 9

2 197 543 197 543 3) 31 9 9 2 2

7 340 132 320 29 20 103 171 7 171 4 3 7 186 76 180 10 6 66 30 2 30

28 7 28 2 53 53

6 5 2 2

120 44 lQ7 17 13 27 86 4 86 2 2


43 46 363 35/ 242 2 IZI 349 /;16 36 502 .J/ 14 5 10 247 12 226 21 II 494 33 482 30 12 3

31 46 10 3

99 334 99 19 19 7 2 6 2 2 2 2

2 163 22 115 / 48 21 240 s 17 239 10 7 4 2 77 4 63 14 3 51 4 51 3 11 6 63 2 62 4 2 2 10 10

71 16 44 27 16 116 11 116 6 5 TABLE B-II 18

Secondary Means • Number of persons deriving their

Production oLher than cUltivation Com-

Self-supporting Earning Self.,upporting Tota.l persons dependants Total persons

~]<'emaleB Males ~Females Livelihood Gl"85CS Males Males Females Males Females Males Females 29 30 3l"'- 32 3; 34 35 --~---~~- ~~------=-~- District

All Agricultural Classes 5,712 1,498 ;,094 150 618 1,348 3,538 241 3,396 47

l---{)ultivators of land 4,189 929 4,325 78 464 851 3,050 180 1,941 30 wholly or mainly owned U---{)uitivators of land 239 63 19B 2 41 61 93 JI 83 wholly or mainly unowned Ill-Cultivating labourers 555 444 41;7 35 98 469 198 11 191

IV--'Non-cultivating owners /29 62 lJ4 35 15 27 197 18 180 16 of land; agricultural rent receivers

AU Non-agricultural Classes 4,351 4,830 2,277 211 2,074 4,619 2,987 477 1,789 63

V-Production other than 1,.162 3,115 73" 85 1,627 3,690 958 215 42 cultivation VI--Cclllmeree 484 211 372 24 112 187 1,467 192 517 5

VII-Transport 152 88 116 4 36 84 66 9 43 VIII-Other services and 1,353 756 1,054 98 299 658 496 61 395 IS misoollanel)us sources 'rebsil Annpshahr

All Agricultural Classes 2,013 404 1,901 44 112 360 9.>2 54 932 1/

I-Cultivators of land 1,664 256 1,585 32 79 224 828 44 808 8 whollY or mainlY owned II_Cultivators of I"nd 52 8 51 8 14 14 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourers 258 128 230 8 28 120 89 7 89 IV-Non cultivating owners 39 12 35 4 4 8 21 3 21 of land; agrioultural rent 1'6cei vors

All Non.agricultural Classes 689 11J99 449 34 240 1,065 364 79 196 1

V-Production other than 36S 920 184 13 181 907 142 23 138 cuJtivation 51 86 VI-Colllmerce 90 64 66 8 24 56 142

VII-Transport II 6 9 2 2 4 Ii 4

VIII-Other services and 223 109 198 11 33 98 74 4 68 miscellaneous sources 'rehsil Bulandshabr

All Agricultural Classes 1,383 322 1,253 47 130 275 630 J7 621 5 I_Cultivators of land 1,195 179 J 095 24 180 155 566 29 565 4 wholly or mainly owned I1--Cultivators of land 29 12 23 6 1\ 7 2 6 wholly or mainly unowned HI_Cultivating labourers 115 104 94 7 21 97 24 24

IV -Non· cultivating owners 44 27 41 [5 3 12 33 6 32 of land; a.gricult'lfal rent reoaivera

All Non-agricu !tnral Classes I,O()() 1,125 656 53 344 IP71 443 45 388 6 V_Production other tha.n 471 864 209 16 262 848 219 10 208 cultivation VI-Commerce .• llO 36 91 19 31 139 25 103

VII-Transport •• 53 19 46 2 7 17 6 6 wn-Other services and 366 206 310 30 56 176 79 10 71 2 miseeUaneous sources 19 TABLE B-U

of Livelihood-(contd.) secondary mel>ns of livelihood from- rnerce Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-s,',. ppor ting Earning dependants Total persons dependant. Total persons dependants

Malos I<'emalos Males Females Males Females Males Females Malos Females Males Felllaies Males Females

40 41 42 49

Total-(concld.) 288 142 194 699 16 667 2 32 14 9,169 1,461 8,581 588 1,173 151 455 109 150 562 13 543 19 13 7,630 926 7,ns 775

10 II 88 3 80 2 8 1 436 121 388 6 48 /15

6 21 31 27 4 69.S 344 622 90 73 154

17 12 18 17 408 70 396 41 11 29

1,198 414 1,077 58 805 11 272 47 5,124 5,772 3,087 327 2,037 5,445 191 124 173 655 21 578 6 77 15 1,31/ 371 1,120 87 284

950 187 100 63 .37 457 82 363 4 94 78 2 51 23 8 163 17 24 139 119 98 68 96 234 1,701 101 46 159 10 140 5 19 5 3,237 5,221 1,536 4,987

(Rural)-(concld.) 55 20 43 116 " 113 3 6 2,307 405 2,219 78 350 20 36 86 6 85 6 1,990 246 1,929 39 61 201

18 17 68 18 63 5 Ii

7 8 7 172 125 163 8 9 111 4 4 77 16 74 7 3 9

68 72 131 2 128 9 2 778 1,013 444 51 334 1,022 4 17 92 2 86 6 2 212 51 199 21 13 30 56 50 6 6 87 8 76 II 7 2 8 5 3 8 5 7 4 6 4 31 3[ 471 1,009 162 28 309 981

(Rural)-(concld. )

3 32 164 164 2,413 305 2,197 64 1I6 241 25 145 145 2,132 187 2,038 41 94 146

2 14 14 45 8 39 6 7

2 2 135 73 121 3 14 70 5 3 3 101 37 99 19 2 18

55 39 163 8 148 15 8 917 J IJ(J4 614 98 303 906 II 7 118 116 2 330 93 285 19 45 74 36 24 17 14 3 81 16 68 13 16 9 2 3 6 2 23 7 20 3 7 8 8 19 5 15 4 5 543 888 301 79 242 8:)9 TABLE B-I1 20 Secondary Means

Number of persons deriving their

Cultivation of owned land CnlHvation of unowned

Self-supporting Earning Self- supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes, Males Females- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

--l 3 -4 --- 8---9 10

Tehsll Khu rja

A II Agricultural Classes 1,191 1,102 232 4 959 1/)98 172 56 134 I -Cultivators of lalld 939 1,085 939 1,085 123 122 wholly or mainly owned II--Cultivators of land 107 95 12 5 37 55 wholly or mainly unowned III- Cultivating labourers 94 6 87 7 5 12 12 IV-Non-oultivating owners 51 6 50 3 .3 of land; agricultural rent receivers All Non-agricultural Classes __ 1,266 44 1,244 24 22 20 112 166 V -Produotion other than 275 9 271 4 4 5 40 40 oultivation . VI-Commerce 168 162 6 9 8 VII-Transport 33 33 2 2 VIII - Other services and 790 34 778 19 12 15 121 116 miscellaneous souroes Tehsil Sikandrabad

All Agricultural Classes 3,210 13,765 64 7 3,146 13,758 147 198 89

I-Cultivators of land 3,096 13,540 3,096 13,540 88 7 83 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 46 100 26 20 100 53 191 wholly or mainly unowned III - CUltivating labourers 62 116 35 5 27 III (; 6 IV -Non-cultivating owners 6 9 3 2 .3 7 of land; agricultural ..rent reoeivers

!lUI Non-agricultural Classes 688 383 612 15 16 368 141 27 135 4 V-Production other than 216 137 187 10 29 127 73 10 69 oultivation VI-Commeroe •• 116 4S 105 11 44 8 8

VII-Transport •• 37 9 36 9 8 1 VIII-Other servioes and 319 192 284 4 35 188 52 17 51 4 miscella.neous sources


All Agricultural Classes 450 611 124 7 326 604 95 56 38 I-Cultivators of land 303 586 303 586 48 34 whnUy or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 63 17 44 19 17 43 55 whoUy or mainly unowned III-CUltivating labourers 9 9 2 2 IV-Non-cultivating owners 75 8 71 7 4 2 2 of land; agricultural l"ent receivers All Non-agricultural Classes 36 651 6 55 3D 78 67 V - Production other than 142 9 133 9 8 HI J3 oulthlation VI-Commeroe 196 3 179 17 2 27 23

VII-Transport 28 27 5 5 VIII-Other services and 340 24 312 4 20 27 26 miscellaneo11s sources

-----~------._------_- 21 TABLE B-Il of Livelibood-(contd.) secondary means of livelihood from- land EmploYDlEInt as cultivating labourers Rent on agricultural land

Earning Self·snpporting Earning Solf'supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Fem.. les Malea .lfemales Males Females Malee Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

__:..:12=--_---"-13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 23 24 25

(Rutal) 38 56 122 14 91 25 13 3D 466 14 3 6 95 2 83 12 30 459 24 :3 6

37 55 18 14 4

9 12 9 12 6 6

6 54 2 41 13 '2 161 8 163 4 4 18 16 2 30 2 30 4 4 53 2 53 2 2 30 2 19 II 2 84 4 80 2 4 2

(Rutsl) 58 lq8 213 582 IJI 24 82 558 146 16 138 11 8 14 5 7 104 62 101 19 .3 43 137 14 136 12 2

53 191 14 13 12 5 2 8

14 504 14 504 21 3 18 3 3 1 II 7 11

6 13 213 53 187 4 26 49 85 8 85 1 1

4 10 57 26 46 II 25 13 2 13 2 10 5 1 3 4 Z6 2 26 2 4 2 4. 2 8 8 13 142 20 130 2 12 18 38 " 38 3


51 110 lIfJ 42 128 llO 61 18 63 7 4 II 14 51 26 34 17 26 64 12 61 6 6

55 II 3 1 4

107 81 107 81 2 2 5 5

II 130 19 III I 19 18 486 18 451 II 29 1 6 2S 7 23 2 1 f8 2 44 .. 2 4 IS 9 6 206 4 195 3 11 7 5 4 3 5 12 10 2 83 6 75 8 5 220 12 208 8 12 TABLE B-1I 22 Secondary Means ,

Number of persons deriving their

Production other than cultivation Com·

SeH-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants 'l'otal persollS

Livelihood Classes Males Females Malos Fomales Males Females Males Females Males Female_ 26 2-7---28 29 30 31

Tehsil Khur;a All Agricultural Classes 846 92 '111 9 15 83 588 28 575 1 I-Cultivators of land 731 47 684 .3 47 44 529 20 520 2 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 16 48 16 16 IS 3 12 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourers 35 23 25 10 23 21 21 IV-Nou-cultivating owners 16 6 14 6 2 23 5 22 5 of land; agricultural rent receivera

All Non-agricultural Classes 628 654 402 60 226 594 303 44 246 4 V -Production other than 209 476 83 36 126 440 100 9 92 cultivation VI-Commerce __ 60 17 55 5 5 12 97 21 56 VII-Transport •• 14 8 II 3 8 8 2 8 VIII-Other services and 345 153 253 19 92 134 98 12 90 4 miscellaneous sources Tehsil Sikandrabad

AU Agricultural Classes 1)62 595 11)25 44 231 551 11)25 80 911 16 I-Cultivators of land 1,027 376 842 14 185 362 912 51 864 13 wholly or mainly owned II-CuUivators of land 83 20 67 16 19 26 6 - 22 wholly or mainly unowned Ill-Cultivating labourers 135 183 103 20 32 163 S4 15 52 IV-Non-oultivating owne.. 17 16 13 9 4 7 33 8 33 2 of land; agricultural rent receivers All Non-agricultural Classes 61'1 1,016 359 27 318 989 228 128 160 9 V-Production other than 386 783 129 13 257 770 91 43 84 2 cult,ivation VI-Commerce 43 41 37 2 6 39 83 57 33

VII-Transport 26 21 20 6 21 2 3

VIII-Other services and 222 171 113 12 49 159 46 25 42 6 mieoollaneous sources Urban

All Agricultural Classes 208 85 144 6 64 19 34J 42 291 8 I-Cultivators of land 172 71 119 5 53 66 21S 184 3 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 11 7 9 2 1 31 29 wholly or mainly unowned IlI-Cultivating labourers 12 6 7 6 10 6 IV-Non-cuUivating owners I3 II 2 81 6 12 5 of land; agrioultural rent receivers

All Non-agricultural Classes 1,35'1 936 411 37 946 899 1,649 181 699 3'1 V-Production other than 931 732 130 7 801 725 400 130 312 31 cultivation VI-Commerce 181 S3 123 4 58 49 1,006 38 239 2 VII-Transport 48 34 30 18 34 44 3 24 VIII-Other services and 197 117 128 26 69 91 199 10 124 .3 miscellaneous sources 23 TABLE B-U

of Livelihood- (cant/d.)

secondary means of livelihood £rom-

merce Transport Other servioes a.nd miscella.neous sources

Earning Self-supporting Ea.rning Self-supporting Earning dependantR Total persons depenrjant,s Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males FemA,jes Males Females Males Females Males Femal~

~ __~3~6 ____~3~1 ____~38~ ____~3~9 ____~40~ ____~4~1 _____4~2~ ____ 43----44 45 46

(Rural)-(concld. )

13 21 150 141 J 2,IJ9 353 2,034 29 lOS 324 9 18 . 130 127 1,789 241 1,735 20 54 221

3 3 Hi 16 215 59 194 21 55

2 2 64 47 36 28

2 2 71 6 69 5 2

51 4() 20S 2 188 2 l'l 1,288 1,223 912 41 316 1,176 9 145 130 15 365 75 326 16 39 59

41 21 13 12 88 16 87 15 - 2 14 7 II 3 1 8 8 47 2 46 2 821 1,125 548 30 273 1,095

(Rllral)-(cQ"cld.) 54 64 143 4 131 2 JZ 2 1,150 311 IpSI 134 69 17'1

48 38 105 2 98 7 2 1,237 186 1,200 47 37 I~

22 2 18 2 4 86 29 16 10

14 12 12 310 87 293 79 17 8 6 4 117 9 112 8 5

68 119 210 31 196 4 24 33 861 1,690 493 16 314 Ip14

13 41 174 12 157 3 17 9 190 86 164 19 26 67 50 56 7 1 46 16 36 2 10 14 3 9 24 2 7 24 16 17 10 6 16

4 19 30 30 615 I,S71 283 54 !l32 1,517 Non·city-(conoid.) 52 34 JZ6 5 IlZ 14 5 560 81 340 (, 110 81 31 33 96 5 88 8 5 482 66 273 4 209 62

2 18 15 22 7 16 6 1

4 7 4 3 14 12 9 5 12 15 5 5 42 2 42 2

950 144 352 .9 145 5 207 4 1,214 1B2 504 55 110 127

88 99 126 6 89 3 37 3 214 66 146 12 68 54 167 36 57 24 33 155 26 96 59 26 20 2 137 14 123 58 62 20 38 62 15 7 32 2 18 2 14 787 628 242 43 545 585 TABLE B-lII 24 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in


Independent Total Employer. Employees Workers

Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II

District Total 181,531 157,454 24,077 1,830 174 21,999 2,389 133,625 21,514 Rural To!al ·127,002 106,443 1(J,559 283 84 9,952 1,511 96,108 18,964 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 28,719 23,852 4,867 136 17 2,329 391 21,387 4,459 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 40,142 33,604 6,538 93 21 3,444 431 30,067 6,086 3 Tehsil Khurjll (Rural) 31,336 26,376 4,960 44 8 2,169 498 24,163 4,454 -4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 26,805 22,611 4,194 10 38 2,010 191 20,591 3,965 Urban To!al 54,529 51,01I 3,518 1,541 90 11/)47 878 37,411 1,550 Urban Non-city 54,529 51,011 3,518 1,547 90 12,047 878 37,417 2,550

Sub-division 0'1 Stock raising

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 20----2·C- 22 25 26 --2-1-

District Total 3,371 740 8 6 44 8 3,319 726 Rural To!al 3/)70 694 4 3 27 8 3/)39 683 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 728 Jl4 3 9 716 114 :2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 1,028 336 3 2 1,027 331 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 605 128 15 4 589 124 -4 Telsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 709 116 2 2 707 114 Urban Total 301 46 4 3 17 280 4J Urban Non-city 301 46 4 3 17 280 43

Sub·division 0'3 Plantation industries

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers.

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

District Total 134 2 11 123 2 Rural Total 78 2 5 73 1 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 31 2 2 29 2 :2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 20 20

:3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 9 3 6 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 18 18 Urban Total 56 6 SO

Urban Non·oity 56 6 50 25 TABLE B-IlI Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Division O-Primary Industries not elsewhere specified

Independent Tot.. l Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females M"les Females Males Fern"le.

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

4,043 1,112 9 6 77 8 3,957 1,098

3,388 1,017 4 3 52 8 3,332 1,006

819 185 16 800 185

1,152 447 ::I II 2 1,141 442 652 254 23 4 628 250 765 131 2 2 763 129

655 95 5 3 25 625 92 655 95 5 3 25 625 92 ------

Sub-division 0-2 Rearing of sman "nimals snd insects

Independent Totsl Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Msles Females Males Females Males Females

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


2 2

Sub-diviaion 0'4 Forestry and wood-cutting

Total Employers Employees Independent Workers ,-

Males Fem"les Males Females Males Females Males Fematee

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 --51- --~---- 532 370 22 509 370 235 321 20 215 321

S9 69 54 69 102 111 10 92 III 37 126 32 126 37 15 37 15

297 49 2 294 49

297 49 2 294 49 TABLE B-III 26

Employers, Employees aod Independent Workers in

Sub-dit'ision 0·6 Fishing ------Independent Total Employers Employee. Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-1·_· 2 52 53 54 55 56 51 58 59

District Total 4 4 Rural Total J J Tahsil Annpshahr (Rural)

2 Tahsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 2 2 Tahsil Khurja (Rural) 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural)

Urban Total Urban Non·city

Sub· division )·5 Stone·quarrying, clay and sand'pits

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female&

68 69 70 11 12 13 74 15

District Total 53 5 48 RUN/Total 48 48 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 7 7

2 Tehsil Bulaudshahr (Rural) 34 34

3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 7 7 4 Teh.il Sikandrabad (Rural) Urban Total 5 5 Urban Non-oity 5 5

Sub·division 1'1 Salt, saltpetre and saline sUbstanoes

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers •

Tr80t Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ------0.84.-----85-----86---81'.-----c So'8,-----8"'9;------;v90 91 ------~---...:.- ---_ Di sttict Total 48 2 Ii 40

Rural Total 48 '1 6 40 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) Tehsil Buland.hahr (Rural)

Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 24 2 6 16 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 24 24 Urban Total Urban Non·city 27 TABLE B-lII Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Division I-Mining and Quarrying

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

60 61 62 63 - 64-- --65~------;cr--66 --~

112 4 17 91

107 4 11 91 7 7 45 2 6 37 31 2 6 23 24 24 5 5 5

Sub-division I '6 Mica

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female. 16 77 78 __7~9 _____ '~~ __ -~8~O'~~~~~~~ __ ,8~1--_--_--'8~2------_-

11 2 6 3

1I 6 3

B 2 6

Division 2-Processing and Manufacture-Foodstuffs, Textiles, Leather and Products thereof

Independent Total Employers Employee. Workers

Females Males Females Males Males Females Males Females 94 95 92 _---93 96 ------n 98 99 3,710 409 27 1,242 25,342 23 23,691 3,660 16,893 3,062 llO II 493 12 16,290 3,038

5,058 935 64 4 149 4,845 931

5,815 1,179 24 136 5,655 1,169

3,010 589 22 131 2 2,857 587

3,010 359 77 7 2,933 351

8,449 648 299 15 749 II 7,401 62Z 8,449 648 299 15 749 II 7,401 622 ------TABLE B-III 28

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division 2-0 Food industries otherwise unclassified

k ..0 S'" Independent Total Employers Employees Workers "<= al ------~~-----~ -C., U1 Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female9

2 100 101 102 103 104 105 - 106--~I~07~

District Total 1,207 II 57 135 2 1,015 9

Rural Tolal 344 11 7 31 2 306 9 Tahsil Anupshahr (Rural) 138 6 14 123 6 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 75 3 69 3

3 Tehsil Klwrja (Rural) 60 2 12 2 43 4 Tahsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 71 71

Urban Total 863 50 104 709

Urban Non~city 863 50 104 709


Sub-division 2-2 Vegetable oil and dairy products .. ..0'" Independent S Total Employers Employees Workers '"e ~- ~-.------~-- -C Tra.ot Males Fem"les MalAR Females Males Females Males Females U1'" ---I---~~------~---ffi~ 2 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

District Total 2,700 294 27 7 173 2 2,500 285

Rural Total 1,796 U2 3 3 108 1,685 239 Tahsil Anupshahr (Rural) 626 82 9 617 82 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 591 95 2 6 583 92 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 424 44 19 404 44 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 155 21 74 81 21

Urban Total 904 52 24 4 65 2 815 46 Urban Non-city 904 52 24 4 65 2 815 46

Sub-division 2-4 Beverages

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

132 133~~~~_13_4~~~1~35~~~~~~~~136 137 ____ ~~~~ 138 ·139 ~ District Total 155 8 70 77

Rural Total 82 21 60

Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 28 2 26 2 Tahsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 27 lD 16

3 Tahsil Khurja (Rural) 25 9 16 4 Tahsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 2 ? Urban Total 73 1 49 17

Urban Non-city 73 7 - 49 17 29 TABLE B-III Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 2'1 Grains and pulses

Independent Total Hmployers Employees W(}I'kers

MaleR Females Males Females Males Females M ..tes Females ------1-11------112- 108 109 110 113 114 ------m:-_ 1,598 569 147 3 438 1,013 565

869 530 36 3 186 I 647 526

334 117 12 60 262· li7 28-1 132 15 2 80 1&9 129 184 208 9 43 132 208

67 73 3 64 72

729 39 III 252 366 39 729 39 111 252 366 39

Sub "division 2·3 Sugar industries

~ ~ .. ------Independent Total Employers "Employees Workers ----- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females _---- 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 124 ----_.-_.. _------558 15 72 176 3 31'& 11

379 II 54 97 228 10

144 42 48 54

123 9 21 91 8

65 2 7 28 30 2

47 47

179 4 18 79 3 82 I

179 4 18 79 3 82

Sub.-division 2'5 Tobacco

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females ]\'Iales Females Males Females Males Females

----14-0------'1""41 --144-- 145 146 141~ -----~~-----~--- 30 159 20 16 IS8 2 2

2 2

28 159 1 18 10 158 28 159 18 10 158 TABLE B-III 30

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in .. Suh-di vision 2·6 Cotton textiles ~ .0 8 Independent Total Employers Employees "'" Workers - .-s.. ------_ rn.. Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 148 149 150 151 ------152 153 154 155 District Total 8,855 2,120 39 12 100 7 8,716 2,101 Rural Total 6,312 1,796 8 3 40 4 6,264 1,789 Tehsil Anupshshr (Rural) 2,044 605 8 3 12 2,024 602 2 Tahsil Bu1andshahr (Rural) 2,177 705 8 2 2,169 703 :3 Tahsil Khurja (Rural) 1,254 293 20 1,234 293

U,bun Total 2,543 324 31 9 60 3 2,452 312 Urban Non-city 2,543 324 31 9 60 2,452 312 "----_-- --_

Sub-division 2·8 Textile industries otherwise unclassified

41.. .c 8 Independent Total Employers Employees Workers '"

District Total 906 262 9 39 858 261 Rural Total 463 252 3 460 251 TehSil An.upshshr (Rural) 208 85 207 84 2 Tehsil Bulandshshr (Rural) 162 149 2 160 149 :3 Tahsil Khurja (Rural) 89 6 89 6 4 Tahsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 4 12 4 12 Urban Total 443 10 9 36 398 10 Urban Non-city 443 10 9 36 398 10


Division 3__:_Processing and Manufacture-Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof .,.. .c Independent e Total Employers Employees 'Vorkers· 1':1 ~ __------"------~- .;::di Mu,les Females Males Females Males Females Males Females rn.. Traot 2 180 181 -182 183 184 185 186 187

District Total 3,574 30 53 7 240 3,281 23 R ....al Total 2,315 8 52 2,27.l 8 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 436 3 19 416 3

2 Tehsil Bulandshshr (Rural) 801 2 26 775 2 :3 Tehgi] Rhurja (Rural) 476 3 7 469 3 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 612 612 Urban Total 1,149 22 52 7 188 1,009 IS Urban Non-city 1,249 22 52 7 188 1,009 15 31 TABLE B-I1I Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub·division 2'7 Wearing apparel (except footwear) and made-up textile goods

-~------Independent Total Employers Employees Workers ----- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 -~----

4,562 206 37 66 2 4,459 204 3,295 159 3,293 159

803 35 802 35

1,042 55 1,041 55 580 32 580 32

870 37 870 37 1,261 41 36 65 2 1,166 45

1,267 47 36 65 2 1,166 45

Sub·division 2'9 Leather, leather products .md footwear ----- Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179

4,771 74 13 2 25 6 4,733 66 3,351 61 1 4 5 3,341 55

733 5 3 730 1,332 31 1,331 30

329 2 329 2

957 23 957 18

1,410 13 13 21 1,386 11

1,420 13 13 21 1,386 II

Sub·division 3'0 Manufacture of metal products otherwise unclassified

------Independent Total Employers Employees Workers ------_- Males Females Males Females Males Femalee Males Femalel

188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195

3,059 21 31 135 2,893 21 2,208 8 .. 27 2,180 8 414 3 to 403

772 2 16 756 2

459 3 458 3 563 563

851 13 30 108 113 13 851 13 30 108 113 I!I

"' .. ----~- -- TABLE B-IH 32

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division 3'1 Iron and steel (basic manufacture)

Independ~nt Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ,- -"'2------19-6--- --197------198- -- -_.. _--- District Total 13 2 10

Rnml Total Tahsil Anupshahr (Rural) 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural)

Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 4 Tahsil Sikandrabad (.Rural)

Urban Total 13 1 2 II)

Urban Non-city J3 2 10

Sub-division 3·4 Elect/rica.l rnachinery, appara.tus, applia.nces a.nd supplies

, Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Malos Females Males Females Males F~males Males Fema.les

_ ___2 ___ ~ 2__ 1_3 __::::::::::2~14'----"C20i1"'5---"2iOIL6 -- __-_-_--_2_17 _ 218 219

District Total 14 13 Rural Total Tehsil Allupshahr (Rural)

2 Tehsil Bul»ndshahr (Rural)

3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural)

Urban Tola! 14 13

Urban Non-city 14 13 ------

Sub-division 3'6 Basic industrial ohemicals, fertiliser and power alcohol

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers"

Tra.ct Males Males Females Males Females Males Female.. --1------2 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235

District Tota I 72 4 14 54

Rnral Total 9 9 Tahsil Anupshabr (Rural) 7 ~' 7 Tahsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 2 2 3 Tahsil Khurja (Rural)

4 Tehsil SikandrabaJ (Rural)

Urban Total 63 I 4 14 4S I Urban :Non-city 63 4 14 45 ------33

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(tontd.)

Sub·divislon 3'3 TransporL equipment

Independent Total }iJmployer8 Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-[04 ~ - 205 206 ---207 268 209 2l

253 15 60 178

30 9 21

5 4

17 12

6 3 2 2

223 IS I.S1

223 15 51 151

Sub·division 3'5 Maohinery (other tban electrical maohinery) including engineering workshops

.Ind~pendent Total Employers Employees Workers

Male, Females Males Fema.les Males 'Females Males Females

220 221 222 224~~ ____~22=5 ______~2=2~6 ______~2n

90 15 75

60 8 52

10 8 2 3 '3

47 47

30 7 23 30 7 23

Sub-division 3-7 Medical and phaTtllaceutico.l prepa.rations

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

239 -. - ---~ ----"2741.------.,=-----~~ 236 237 238 ______::__c__ 242 243

19 5 14

15 5 10

7 2

8 8

4 4

4 <) TABLE B·lII 34 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub·division 3'8 Manufacture of chemical produces otherwise unclassified

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers ------Tract Males Females Males Females Malos Females Males Females --1-- 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251

District Total 54 7 2 7 8 44 Rural Total 3 3 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural)

2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 3 3 4 Tahsil Sikandrabad (Rural)

Urban Total •• 51 '1 2 7 5 44 Urban Non·oity 51 7 2 7 5 44

Sub· division 4'0 Manufacturing indnstries otherwise unclassified .,.. ---"----- .0 Independent a Total Employers Employees Workers '"

District Total 2,427 42 47 41 2,339 41 Rural Total 1,284 30 '1 10 1,267 30

I Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 274 7 6 3 265 1 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 490 10 3 486 10

'3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 203 8 199 8 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 317 5 311 5 Urban Total 1,143 12 411 31 1 1,072 11

Urban Non·city 1,143 12 40 31 1,072 II


Sub·division 4·2 Bricks, tiles and other structural clay products ., .0'"' a Independent Total Employers Employees 'Vorkers . '"

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Division 4-Processing and Manufacture-not elsewhere specified

Independent Tutal Employer. Employees Workers ------Females Males ~'emales Males Females Male. Females

- --252----- 258 ---_-- 253 259 11,209 674 166 10 515 25 16,468 639

13,210 559 16 339 23 12,905 536 3,180 144 J3 85 3,082 143

5,008 189 II 141 4,856 186

2,217 84 2 53 2,162 84 2,865 142 60 19 2,805 123 3,9J'J 115 140 10 136 2 3,563 103

3,939 115 140 10 236 2 3,563 103

Sub-division 4'1 Products oi petroleum and coal

Independent Total Employers Bmploy.es Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 268 ---- 269 __=----.21_0 ::::-=~ --ill--__- _ 272 - _=-----=-=_ 213 --==----274-- - - - 275 w w 1 10 1 10 I'

10 10

Sub-division 4'4 NOll-metallio mineral products

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

-~. ~----

Malps Females Males Females Males Females Males Females --285 - 286 287 -289 284 ------_------'='---- 288 290 191

4,739 292 10 96 4,633 291

3:J45 150 10 21 3:J14 250

806 54 4 2 BOO 54

1,564 76 5 5 1,554 76 665 60 II 653 60 910 60 3 9G7 60 794 42 75 I 119 41 194 42 75 719 41 TABLE B·IlI 36 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division 4·5 Rubber products

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Traot Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 292 297 2\19

District Total 3 3 Rural Total Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural)

Urban TolciL 3 J Urban Non-city 3 3

Sub-division 4'7 Furniture and 6xtures

Independen t Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

308 311 312 313 314

District Total 88 2 9 77

Rural Total 7 7

Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 6 6 2 Tehsil Bulandshshr (Rural) 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (RUral)

Urban Tolal 81 2 9 70

Urban Non-city 81 2 9 70

Sub-division 4'9 Printing and allied industries

Independont Total Employers Employees Worke""

Tract Males Females Males Fomales Males Females Males Female" ------2------~-I--- 324 325 326 327 328 329

District Total 83 9 50 24 Rural Total 29 14 15 Tehsil Anllpshahr (Rural)

2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 19 4 15

3 Tellsil KI1Urja (Rural) 10 10 4 Tehsil Sikandro.bad (Rural) Urban Total 54 9 36 9 Urban Non-city 54 9 36 9 37 TABLE B-III

.lndustries and Services by Divisions and Sub.divisions-(tontd.)

Suh·division 4'6 Wood and wood products other than furniture and fixtures

Independent Total EmploYE'r. Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 351- -~-----.-~ ~---. 8.046 175 62 10 28 7,956 165 6,582 131 I 10 6,511 131 1,695 55 1,693 55

2,462 42 :3 2.459 42 1,215 13 4 1,211 13

,'.,210 2' 2 1,208 21 1.464 44 61 10 18 1,385 34 1,464 44 61 10 18 1,385 34 . __ ----_ -- .------~ --~------~ -

Sub·division 4'8 Paper and paper produots

IHdepend<>nt Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females :Males Females Males Females Males Females

:116 317 318 320 _____3_2_1 _____....:3..::.2"-.2 ____ 323

22 21

22 1 21 22 21

Division 5-Construdions and Utilities

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

------~--.------~~------.-- Males Females ~lales Females Males Females Males Females

332 ------~ 333 334------_. 335 536 337 ::U8 ----_.. ------.-~~-- 12.448 10,382 21 2 ',409 257 11,018 10.123 10,219 9,356 8 749 38 9,462 9,318 2,166 1,990 6 301 4 1,859 1,986

2,851 2,955 247 29 2,604 2,926 ',6S' 2.118 2 89 1,560 2,118 3,551 2,293 112 5 3.439 2.288

2,229 1,1126 13 2 66() ZI9 1,556 80S

2,229 1,026 13 2 660 219 1,556 805 ------_. ---_ TABLE B-IlI 38

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers jn

Sub-division 5-0 Construction and lBaintenance of works-otherwise unolassified

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

--'-~~~~~'2'-~--~====~-_==-3~4~O~=====~3?4~1~==-~._-_',_~~4_~2~_-~=~-_-_3~4:3==-__~_-_o34~4'-~~"~5 ~_·_:3:._:4-=-6 ~~~347 District Total 56 2 40 14 Rural Total 55 2 4(J 13 Tahsil Anupshahr (Rural) 2 Tehsil Buland"hahr (Rural)

3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 16 2 I3 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 39 39

Urban Total I I Urban Non·city

Sub-division 5-2 Construction and maintenance-roads, bridges and other Transport works

Independent Total Employers Employees Worker.

Females Males Females Males Females Malee . Females

~"-~~~~~--<><7~~---"357---358 359 360 361 --~~--__:~----~~---~-- 173 72 165 72 I 69 13 34 56 24 3 38

8 8

Sub-division 5-5 Works and services-electric power and gas supply

Independant Totol Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females "'iales Females Males Females Male. Females

-1-·---- 2 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379

District Total 178 178 Rural Total 44 44 Tebsil Anupshahr (Rural) 16 16 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 19 19

3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 7 7 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 2 2

Urban Total 134 134 Urban Non-city 134 134 39 TABLE B-Ill

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub_divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 5'1 Construction and maintenance-buildings

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

~----- Males Fema.les Males Females Males Females Males Females ---353"--- 348 349 350 351 352 354 35~

2,912 12 18 191 2,703 12

1,590 I) 5 J3 1,552 I) 482 5 14 463 521 14 507

302 5 297 285 4 285 4 1,322 6 13 158 1,151 6 1,322 6 13 158 1,151 6 ------

Sub-division 5·4 Cotlstruction and maintenance operations-irrigation and other agrioultural works

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female"

-----,,3;;-O6~4-----3O;6'"5_-_-~_-_-~_-_-_-~_3£6_'6~_-_-_·_::_- '--o3"6=7===-==-=-=-=-~""3_6-'-~8~-_-- 369 370 -----_371 400 301 99

348 256 92

241 184 57

38 35 3

66 34 32 3 3

52 45 7

52 45 7 -----

Sub·division.5·6 Works and services-domestic and industrial water supply

------. -_.- Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Fema]e. Males Females

380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387

67 2 67 2 67 67

67 67

2 z 2 2 _------TABLE B-III 40

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sull-division 5·7 Sanita.ry works and servioes-including scavengers ... ..c" S Independent " Total Employers Employees Workers ~ ~ Traot Males Females ~.bles Females Malos Females 1\'[,,108 Females

,88 389 ___-'3'---9-'--0 _____::_:39~1 ___ 392 393 )94 ~

District Total 8,590 10,367 2 459 255 8,130 10,110 Rural Total 7,878 9,349 144 38 7,733 9,3JJ Tahsil Anupshahr (Rural) 1,345 1,989 18 4 1,326 1,985 2 Tahsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 2,116 2,955 78 29 2,038 2,926 Tahsil Khurja (Rural) 1,233 2,116 18 1,215 2,116 4 'Tahsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 3,184 2,289 30 5 3,154 2,284

Urban Total 712 1,018 2 315 217 397 799'

Urban Non·city 712 1,018 2 315 217 397 799

Sub·division 6'0 Retail trade otherwise unclassified

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males

2 -----404 405 406 _____-'4~07'______4~0~8 ______4~O~9 ___ 411

District Total 14,393 516 367 12 898 5 13;128 ·199 Rural Total 8,087 434 42 3 67 Z 7,978 429 Tehsil Auupshabr (Rural) 2,188 98 14 2 21 2,153 96 2 Tehsil Bulandshabr (Rural) 2,377 145 2'] 34 2 2,323 142 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 1,700 97 2 1,698 97 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 1,822 94 6 12 1,804 94

Urban Total 82 Jlfi 9 831 3 5,150 Urban Non-city 82 325 9 831 '3 5,15J 70


Sull·division 6-2 Retail trade in fuel (including petrol)

------~--- Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Ma.les Females Males Females Males Females Males

2______420 421 423 424 425 426 427

District Total 679 21 33 19 ti27 21 Rural Total 161 6 6 3 158 6 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 51 2 4 46 2 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 55 3 2 51 3

Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 27 27 4 Tehsil Sikandra.bad (Rural) 34 34 27 16 469 15 Urban Tot~l 512 15 Urban Non·city 5i2 15 27 16 469 15 41 TABLE B-IlI

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions -(contd.)

Division 6-Commorce

- _------_.------Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

----_-_.------Males Females :Males Females Males Females Males Females

596 397 398 399 400 4Ul 4u2 41))

26,941 917 783 19 1,981 I3 24,177 885

12,213 632 97 4 251 4 I1,865 624

3,434 145 41 3 61 3,326 142 3,636 192 41 97 2 3,498 189 2,651 141 6 36 2,609 IH 2,492 154 9 51 2 2,432 152 14,728 285 686 15 1,730 9 12,312 261 14,728 285 686 15 1,730 9 12,312 261 ------_

Sub-division 6-l Retail trade in food"tuff. (inc.1llding be.verages and narcotics)

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males :Females Males Females --4-14-----415---- 412 413 416 417 418 ----m-

8,194 269 233 2 311 7,651} 266 2,928 164 30 76 1,821 163 988 36 21 39 928 35 783 38 7 14 762 38 705 34 705 34 452 56 2 23 427 56 5,266 105 203 1 235 4,828 103

5,266 105 203 235 4,828 103


Sub·division 6'3 Retail trade in textile and leather goods

Independent Total Employors Employees Workers --_._------. Malo. Females Males Females Male. Females Males Females'

-428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435

2,436 19 92 3 102 2,242 16

680 6 7 4 669 I>

155 3 2 152 3-

250 2 2 246

142 2 139 2

133 132

1,756 13 8,; 3 98 1,573 10

1,756 13 85 3 98 1,573 10 TABLE B-llI 42

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-di vision 6-4 Wholesale trade in foodstuffs

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers -_------Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 District Total 136 14 2 9 2 . 12S I'}

R'~Tal Total /36 2 9 12S Tahsil Anupshahr (Rural)

2 TehsilBulandshahr(Rural) lOS 2 9 94 '3 Tahsil Khuria (Rural) 31 31 4 l'ehsilSikandrabad (Rural)

Urban Total 13 2 Il

Urban Non-city 13 2 II

------"--" ---_------_------

..... Sub-division 6·6 Real estate a Independent ::l g Total Employers Employees Workers ...-;:: ~ Tract Males Fern .. les Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 ----- District Total 20 52 10 9 50

Rural Total 2 /

Tehsil Anupshahr (\)

:2 Tahsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural)

Urban Total 18 51 10 8 SO Urban Non-city 18 51 10 8 50

Sub-division 6·8 Moneylending, banking and other financial business .,... .0 S Independent ::l 'fotal Employers Employees Workers I'! ------...-;::; ., Females Males FemalES III Tract Males Males Females Males Fema.les 2 468 469 47,) 471 472 473 474 475 ----"------District Total 891 24 31 607 4 253 20 Rural Total 142 19 4 62 1 76 18 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 34 6 2 32 6

2 Tehsil Bulandsbahr (Rural) I3 4 8 2 4 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 44 7 36 7 7 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 51 2 16 35 Urban Total, 749 5 27 545 3 177 2

Urban Nbn-cHy 749 5 27 545 177 2 43 TABLE B-IlI Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 6·5 Wholesale trade in commodities other than foodstuffs

I"dependent Total Employer. Employees Workers

Males Female" Males Females Males Females Males Fema.Jes

444 445 441 448 449 451

163 2 15 s 143

42 6 36 1 16 15 25 5 20

121 1 9 1 5 107 121 9 5 107

Sub·division 6'1 Insurance

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

460 461 462 464 460 467

29 29

29 29

28 28

Division 7-Transport, Storage and Co=unications

Independent Total Employer. Employees Workers ------Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

476 477 478 479 480 481 4~2 --4B3

7,209 114 138 92 1,912 13 5,159 !I J,3'19 73 I7 64 954 'I 2,408 2 636 10 4 10 158 414

1,077 9 13 9 195 869

902 II 8 327 515 2 764 43 31 214 6 490

3,830 41 121 28 958 6 2,751 7 3,830 41 121 28 958 6 2,151 7 -----_._---_._------TABLE BIll 44 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division 7-1 Transport by road .,.. .0 Independent a;; .: ToL31 Employers J

Rural Total 2,452 64 17 64 112 2,313 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 478 10 4 10 30 444 2 Tehail Bulandahahr (Rural) 911 9 13 9 52 846 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 584 8 8 38 546 4 Tehsil Sikandrahad (Rural) 479 37 37 2 477 Urban Total 2,240 28 120 28 650 1,470 Urban Non-city 2,240 28 120 28 650 1,470

Sub-division 7-3 Transport by air

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Female. MalA" FAilla-les Males Females Males Females

2~ 50[--- -- 502 503 504~- 505 506 507

District l'otal 7 7

Rural Total 6 6

Tehsil Anupsh ..hr (Rural) 6 6 2 Tehsil BUlandshahr (Rural)

'rehsi! Khurja (Rural)

4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural)

Urban Total 1 Urban Non-city

Sub-division 7-5 Storage and warehousing

IndepeDl!ent Tot_al Rmployers Employees Worker.

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ---·-2--- 516 517 518 519 520 521 ~522 523-

District Total 10 10 Rural Total 7 7 Tebsn Anupshahr (Rural) 7 .2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural)

3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 4 Tehsil Sikandrahad (Rural) Urban Total 3 3 Urban Non-oity 3 3 45 TABLE B-III Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(conld.)

Sub-division 7-2 Transporb by water

Iudependent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males :Females l\Ialoo Females Males Females -- 493 ------494 --19[

80 19 60 70 19 51 44 18 26 24 23

2 2 /0 / 9 10 9

Sub-division 7-4 Railway transport

Independent Tot"l Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

----5Oif 512 ----m--- - 514- --515

2,099 17 783 8 1,316 9

112 9 678 7 44 2

69 65 4

103 103

29.. 3 265 29 2 256 6 245 6 II 1.J17 8 lOS I 1,272 'i 1,377 8 105 1,272 7


Sub-division 7-6 Posbal services

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Mal"" Females Males ~'8mal.s

314 314

120 120

32 32

39 39

24 24 25 25 194 194 194 I~ TABLE B·IlI 46 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub·division 7-7 Telegraph services

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males , 'Females Males Females Males Females -- ---2------532 5i:f- -_ 534- :;35 536 -5"31 ..- -.-.~.- - -- -~~- District Total 2 2 Rural Total 2 2 Tehsii Anupshahr (Rural) 2 Tabsil Bulandshahr (Rural) :3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (RDral) 2 2 Urkn Tolal Urban Non.city

Division 8-Health, Education and Public Administration

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females MaIDs Females

548 549 550 551 -553 -----.5~-555-

District Total 8,421 397 54 7,657 294 710 102

Rural Tolal 3,712 115 3 3278 68 431 46 Tehsil Anu!'shahr (Rural) 684 12 553 5 130 7 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 1,335 36 1,193 14 142 21 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 770 15 2 675 It 93 4

4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 923 52 857 38 66 14

Urban Total 4,709 282 51 4,379 226 279 56 Urban Non-city 4,709 282 51 4,379 226 279 56

Sub-division 8-2 Educational

Total Employers

Tlaet Males Females Males Females

--. __------~ 2 564 565

District Total 2,628 ISO 3 Rural Total 1,534 46

Tahsil Anupshabr (~ural) 215 7 2 Tehsil Bulandshal),r, (Rural) 633 14 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 318 10 4 Tebsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 308 IS

Urban Total 1/)94 134 3 Urban Non.city 1,094 134 3 47 TABLE B.lII Industries and Services by Divisions and SUb_divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 7'8 Telephone services

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female.

54U 541 542 543------544,------.5~4~5------'5u4~6-

5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

------.~----- ..------~

I Sub.division 8'1 Medical and other Health services

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

---~-~~------______, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females -559------560---- - 556 557 558 -- 561 562 563

9()1 135 51 275 48 575 86

391 63 3 53 22 335 40

87 5 12 2 14 :3

15~ 20 J6 142 19 64 5 2 8 54 4 82 33 11 19 65 14 510 12 48 122 26 U() 46

510 72 48 222 26 240 46 ------_-

serviae. and ·Research

Independent Employees Workers

----~-~ ------Males Females Males Females

568 569 -··------~5~7~1-'

2,490 164 135 16 1,438 40 96 6 219 3 56 4 633 12 2 279 10 39 307 15

1,052 124 39 10 J,052 124 39 10 TABLE B-III 48 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division 8'4 Police (other than village watchmen)

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Malss Fema.les Malos Females

2 572

District Total 1,145 1,145 Rural Total 334 334 Tehsil Anupshabr (Rural) 112 112

2 Tahsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 72 72 3 Tebsil Khurja (Rural) 31 37 4 Tebsil Sikandrab",d (Rural) 113 113

Urban Total 811 81/ Urban Non-city 811 811

Sub-division 8·6 Employees of Munioipalities and Looal Boards

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females -1----- 2 588 589 5'1_0 ______59~1 ___ _::592- ______5~9~3 ___

District Total 242 33 242 33 Rural Total 11 2 1'1 2 Tehsil Anupshabr (Rursl) 3 3 2 Tehsil Bulandsh.. br (Rural) 9 2 9 2 3 Tebsil Khurja (Rural) 2 2 4 Tebsil Sikandrabad (Rural) '3 3

Urban Total 215 31 115 ,31 Urban Non-city 225 31 225 31

.. *Sub-divi.ion 8-8 Employees .c'" a Total Employers c" or:';; Females Males Females 00'" Tract Males 2 6Q4 605 606

District Total 165 II Rural Total 15?

Tebsil Anupshahr (Rur.. l) 24 2 Tehsil Bulandsbahr (Rural) 61 Tehsil Kburja (Rural) 27 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 45

Urban Total 8 10 Urban Non-city 8 10

*Figuree under tbis sub-division include tbe figures 49 TABLE B-III Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-division s-(contd. )

Sub-division 8-5 Village officers and servants, including village watchmen

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males , ~'emal&S Females

--384- 585 586 581

966 966

223 223 1

45 45 62 62

109 109 143 743 743 743

Sub-division 8'1 Employees of State Governments

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

_------_------~------_, Males Females Males Females l\Iales Females Males Females

596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 -----.-~ - .-- 2,314 38 2,374 38

11156 3 1,056 3 176 176 351 351 260 260 263 3 263 :3

I,.U8 35 1,J18 35

1,318 35 1,318 35 --_-_-- -_-

the Union Government

Independent Employees Workers

------~ Males Females Males Females

608 609 610 611

165 II

157 24 61 21 45

8 10 8 10

Sub· division 8'3 Army, Navy and Air Force. TABLE B-llI 50

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Division 9 -Services not elsewhere speoified

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

'l'ract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 612 613 614 __6~1~5 ______~6~16~ ____~51.7~ ______6~1~8 ____~61~9

Dillfrier Total 52,155 6,7·11 193 JQ 6,889 1,756 45,073 4,975

Ru.. aZTmal 40,937 5,737 13 3,772 1,351 37,152 4,386 T"hsil Anupshahr (Rural) 7,432 1,443 981 381 6,448 1,062

2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 11,884 1,529 2 1,392 378 10,490 1,151 :3 Tehsil Kburja (Rural) 14,016 1,745 7 822 480 13,187 1,265 ., Tehsil Sikandrabsd (Rural) 7,605 1,<120 577 112 1,027 908

Uman TOlal 11 ,218 1,004 180 10 3,117 405 7,921 589

Urbau Non-oity 11,218 1,004 180 10 3,117 405 1,921 589

-----. ------_-_---_--_-_-~

Sub-division 9'1 Domestio services

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Fema.les Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 628 ____~~ ______63_0 ______6_3_1_ .. =_~_-__ _:6"'3:z=__.. ___-__'63:..:c3 ___ ...:6:.:3",4 __ 635

District Total 4,370 1,609 4,370 1,609 R ....al Total •• 2,829 1,303 2,829 1,303 Tahsil Anupshahr (Rural) 779 370 779 370 '2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rulal) 1,030 3M 1,030 364 :3 Tehsil Khnrja (Rural) 663 477 663 477 4 Tehsil Sik"ndrabad (Rural) 357 92 357 92

Urban,Tolal 1,541 306 1,541 306

Urban Non-city 1,541 306 1,541 306

Sub-division 9'3 Lsunddea and laundry services

Independent Total Employers Employee. Workers

Tract Mal". Females Males Females Males Females Mal"" Females

~I --- 2 644---645- 6~4~6 ____~6"'47~ __~64~8~ ___6=__4~9 ______:6~58~ __~651 ------_- ~------District Total 3,441 1,300 19 9 2S 3 3,397 1,288 Rut'al Tmal 1,'189 1,161 8 8 2,'173 1,16/ Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 866 417 863 417

'2 Tehsil BulandBhahr (Rural) 718 235 7 710 235 :3 Tehail Khurja (Rural) 723 389 4 718 389 4 Tehsil Siksndrabad (Rnral) 482 120 482 120 3 U~ban T.t,d 652 139 II 9 17 624 127 Urban Non-city 652 139 II 9 17 3 624 127 51 TABLE B-II! Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 9'0 Services otherwise uncla•• i lied

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males J!'emales Males Females Males Females Malas Females

- 62j -625~~~ - ~~~626---~ ~ - 620 -622 62~ 624 6~7 -- --.~~~-~ 36,310 3,433 l,9SS I3l 34,355 3,302

29,413 2,926 722 38 28,751 2,888

4,175 552 142 II 4,033 541 8,360 828 285 5 8,075 823

11 ,465 809 134 2 11,331 807 5,473 137 16\ 20 5,:312 717

6,837 507 1,133 93 ,;,604 414 6,837 507 1,233 93 5,604 414

Sub-division 9'2 Barbers and beauty shops

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Femalei';;! Males Female. :1.1ales Females Males Females

~--~~ -~- "6'i9 - -~642 638 640 MT ~

5,414 289 8 49 2 5,357 286

4,446 269 2/ 4,425 169

1,132 65 6 1,126 65-

1,379 85 15 1,364 85

897 62 897 62

1,038 57 1,038 51 968 20 8 28 2 932 17

968 20 8 28 2 932 17

Sub-di vision 9-4 Hotels, restaurant. and eating houses

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

~52- 653 654 655 --656 ~7

18S 18 133

45 45

15 15

5 5 25 25

U(J 18 88 34 140 18 ,88 34

-~,-~------~------~-- TABLE B-III 52

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub·division 9,5 Recreation services "'" 8'" Independent ::J Total

Sub·division 9'7 Arts, letters and journalism " .t:l'" 8 :;; Independent c: Total Employers Employoes Workers ~ rJJ'" Tract Males Farnales iYIalos Fema]es lHal~s Females Males Females - [ :2 679 680 b81

District Total 68 9 58 Rural Total 40 40 Tahsil Anupshahr (Rural)

2 Tehsil BulandshBhr (Rural) 37 37 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 2 2 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural)

Urban Total 18 9 18 Urban Non,city 28 9 18 53 TABLE B-IlI Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(concld.)

Sub-division 9-6 Legal and business services

Independent; Total Employers Employees \Vorkers

Males Females Male. Females Male. Females Males Females -672 ------668 671 -_---61'S 674 6i5 417 134 140 143 117 3 84 30 9 8

64 37 21

10 Z 6 2

34 1 33

300 131 56 113 300 I3l 56 113


Suh-division 9-8 Religious, charitable and welfare services

Independent Total Employers Employeos "Vorkers

Males Females Males Females Males Pemales Males Females

-684 685 -~- 68'l 688 - 689 ~~-690 ffli- -- -- 1,346 81 8 134 11 1,204 10 824 71 49 10 774 61 346 39 36 310 39 208 13 3 9 204 4 144 5 10 134 4 126 14 126 14 522 10 7 85 430 9 522 10 7 85 430 9

--~----- Note-Self-supporting persons who are not economioally a.ctive ha.ve been "xcluded from the table. 'rbsi. number for the distriot is as follows:

Non-productive sources of livelihood Persons Males Females

~- ~~------~-3-~ -T """"4

I-Persons Ii ving principallY on income from non-agricultural property Total •• 54 29 25

Rural •• 2 2

Urban 52 29 23

II-Persons living principally on pensions, remittances, scholarships and Total •• 807 705 102 funds Rural •• 275 209 66 Urban .. 532 496 36 III-Inmates of almshouses and recipients of doles .. Total .. 5 5 Rural •• 5 5 Urban •• IV-Beggars and vagrants Total .. 2,501 2,188 313 Rural .. 1,929 1,682 247 Urban .. 572 506 66 V-All other persons living principally on income derived from non·pro- Total .. 4S 6 39 ductive activities Rural .. 5 5

Urban .. 40 6 34 Total Total .. 3,412 2,928 484 Rural .. 2,216 1,891 325 Urban .. 1,1% 1,037 159

--~~~--.~~ TABLE B-IV 55

Unemployment by Livelihood Classes

Number of persons out­ Number of persons Total Population side the labour force g"jDfully employed

Livelibood Classes Persons Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females

4 5 6 7

District Total

ALL CLASSES 1,499,884 797,314 702,570 342,782 626,078 454,144 76,411

All Agricultural Classes 946,894 .';07,142 439,752 216,140 398,3.50 290,')01 41,384

I~CIljt,iv,,~ors of land wholly or 827,388 442,187 38.';,201 189,973 350,66R 252,126 34,515 mainly owned and their dependanM II-Cultivators of land wholly or 26,797 14,82'; 11,971 6,084 11,035 R.738 937 mainly unowned and their depAndants III~Cultivating labourers and 78,.554 43,687 34,867 16,428 30,719 27,253 4,148 their de"endants IV-Non·cultivating owners of 14,1.>5 6,443 7,711 3,655 5,928 2,784 1,784 la.nd; agricultura.l rent recei .. vers ; and their dependants

All Non-agricultural Classes 552,990 290,172 262,818 126,642 227,7/.8 163,143 J5/}ll'r

V-Production ot,hor than culti­ 171 ,466 89,952 81,.;14 37,785 71,367 52,135 10,147 vation VI- Commerce 9.>,719 51,044 44,615 23,131 43,293 27,840 1,379-

VII-Transport 23,114 /1,444 10,680 10,330 7,104 350

VIII-Other services and miseella­ 262,681 136.732 12J,Y49 60,400 102,73/1 76,164 23,21t neous sources

Rural Total

ALL CLASSES 1,266,448 672,051 594,397 284,200 .';U,714 387,674 69p6S

All Agricultural Classes 898,.';69 480,830 417,739 203,009 377,734 277,725 39,987 I-Cultivators of land wholly or 191,708 422,684 369,024 L80,519 335,458 242,082 33,556 mainlv owned nnd their d~pendants II~Cultivators of land wholly or 23,434 12,988 10,146 5,214 9,625 7.171 821 mainly u,10wned and their dependa",s III-Cultivating labourers and 72,734 40,526 32,208 14,905 28,241 25,615 3,961 their dependants IV - Non.cultivating owners of 10,693 4,632 Ii ,(161 2,371 4,418 2,257 1,643 land; agricultural rent recei­ vers ; and their dependa.nts

All Non-agricultural Classes 367,879 191,211 176,658 81,191 14fj,980 109,949 29,678 V-Production other than culti­ 120,861 63,249 57,612 26,157 49,221 37,083 8,391 vation VI-Commerce 4(),606 21,759 18,847 9,255 17,852 12,486 99S, VII-Transport 10,941 5,795 5,146 2,489 4,928 3,304 218 VIII-Other services and miscella­ 195,471 100,418 95,053 43,290 14,979 57,076 20,(114 neous sources , Urban Total 6_ ALL CLASSES 233,436 /1;.';,263 [08,173 .';8,582 101,364 66,410

All Agricultural Classes 48,32.'; 26,312 22,013 13,131 20,616 13,176 1,397 I-Cultivators of land wholly or 35,680 19,503 16,177 9,454 15,218 10,044 959 nlainly owned and their dependants II-Oultivators of land wholly or 3,363 1,837 1,526 810 1,410 967 116 mainly unowned and their dependants III-Cultivating labourers and 5,820 3,161 2,659 1,523 2,478 1,638 181 their dependa.u ts IV-Non-cultivating owners of 3,462 1,811 1,651 1,284 1,510 527 141 land; al!ricultural rent recei­ vers ; and their dependants

All Non-agricullural Classes 185,111 98,951 86,/60 45,451 80,748 53,0194 5,409- V -Production other than culti. 50,605 26,703 23,902 11 ,628 22,146 15,052 1,756. vation VI-Commerce 55,113 29,285 25,828 13,816 25,441 15,354 384 VII-Transport 12,183 6,649 5,534 2,837 5,402 3,800 132 VIII-Other services and miscella­ 67,210 36,314 30,896 17,110 27.759 19,088 3,137 ' neous souroos 56 TABLE B-IV

Unemployment by Livelihood Classes-(concld.)

Numher of persons unemployed

Under six Between six months Between one year Over two Total munths and one year and two years years

Livelihood 0lass9s Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 17 19

District Total

ALL CLASSES 409 388 21 65 3 62 16 88 173 All Agricultural Classes 119 101 18 1 25 16 30 J 31

I-Cuitivators of land wholly or 106 88 UJ 23 16 22 30 ma,nly owned and their depe"dants II-Cultiv ..tors of land wholly or 3 J :2 maInly unowned and their depeudants ill-Oultivating labourers and 6 6 4 their dependants IV-Non-oultlvating owners of 4 4 2 land; agliculturaJ rent recei" vers; and their d~pendants

All Non-alj;rioultural Classes 290 287 3 51 2 31 58 J4J J V-Produotion other than oulti­ 31 32 5 7 19 "VatJOD VI-Commeroe 76 73 3 10 2 3 25 35

VII-Transport 14 J4 :2 11 VIII-Other servioes and misoella­ 168 168 35 33 24 76 neous sources Rural Total

ALL CLASSES 195 1'l7 18 26 42 16 49 60 AJJ Agricultural Classes 114 96 18 10 25 16 30 31 I-Cultivators of land wholly or 101 83 IS 9 23 16 22 29 mainly owned and their dependants U-Cultiv ..tors of land wholly or 3 2 mainly unowned and their dependants ill-Cultivating labourers and 6 6 4 their dependllnts IV-Non-oultivilting owners of 4 4 2 la.nd; agricuhural rent recei· vera;and their dependants All Non-agricultural Class es lJJ 81 16 17 19 29 V_Production other than culti­ 9 9 2 vation Vl-Comweroe 18 18 3 2 8

VIl-Transport 2 2 VID-Other services and miscella­ 52 52 8 14 II 19 neous BoUteeS Urb$ln Total

ALL CLASSES 214 211 3 39 20 39 113 An Agricultural Classes 5 5 4 I-Cultivators of la.nd wholly or 5 5 4 mainly owned and their dependants U-Cult'''tltors of land wholly or mainly unowned and their depe.udanliB IU-Cultlvstmg labourers and t,hel r dependants IV-!ilon.. cultivatl(1g owners of land; agri(·uJt.ural rent recei .. vers; aud their dependants

All Non-agricultuml Classes 2(}9 206 3 35 z 20 39 112 V-Produotion otber than culti­ 23 23 18 vation VI-ComlDflrce 5S S5 3 1 2 20 27

VII-Transport 12 12 iO VIII-Otber services and miscella­ 116 116 21 19 13 51 IlOODS sources 57

Index of Non-agricultural Occupations

Code Code no. Oooupation Persons Males Females I no. Occupation Persons Males Females --5-- 2 3 2 3 4

ALL INDUSTRIES AND 181,531 157,454 24,077 Other food indu.tries 8 8 SERVICES 2'1 Grains and pulses 2,167 1,598 569 Division O-Primary Indus­ 5,155 4,04.J 1,112 tries not elsewhere specified 2'11 861 382 419

O' I Stock raising 4,111 3,371 740 Hand pounders of rice 25 25 {l'11 Herdsmen and shepherds 895 845 50 Persons engaged in manual de­ 836 357 419 husking and flour grinding 3,213 2,523 690 0'12 Breed"rs and keepers of / cattle and buffaloes 2'12 Millers of cereals and pulses 549 549 0'1 0 Breede~s of horses and mules 3 3 2'13 Gmin parchers (Bharbhoon. 757 667 90 0·2 Rearing oj small animals and 2 2 jaB) in8ect8 2·2 Vegetable oil and dairy 2,994 2,700 294 0·21 Rearing of hens 2 2 product. 0·3 Plantation industries 136 134 2 2'21 Vegetable oil pressers and 2,862 2,571 291 refiners ; oil kolh.. drivers 0'30 136 134 2 2·23 Ghee butter and oheese 132 129 3 Cultivation of vegetables 110 liD manufaoture

Cultivation of singhara II II 2'3 Sugar indu8t., e. 573 558 15

Gardening of fruits 9 7 2 2·31 Gur manufacture including 152 143 9 ~ur kolhu drivers All ot,her Plantations not 6 6 including special crops in 2·30 Other manufactures and 421 415 6 conjunction with ordinary refining of raw suga.r, syrup field crops find ~mnnlated or clarified sugar from sugarca.ne Of' '0'4 Forestry and wood.cutting 9U2 53? 370 from sugar beets

0'42 621 420 201 2'4 Beverage. 155 155 Collectors of honey 9 8 2'41 Brewers and distillers 3 3

Grass-cutters 544 357 187 2'42 Toddy drawers 8 8 Labourers in foreRt 60 47 13 2'43 Ice manufacturers , 139 139 ];'orest contractors 8 8 2·40 Milking of aerated water and 5 5 vinegar 0'43 Wood-cutters 81 80 2'5 Tobacco 189 30 159 (}O44 Collectors of cow·dung and 200 32 168 preparation of dung cakes 2·51 Manufacture ofbidis I79 20 159

0'6 Fishing 4 4 2'50 Manufacture of raw leaf to· 10 10 bacco and tobacco prod ncts 0'60 Catching and selling of fish .. 4 4 2·6 Cotl.n T.xtiles 10,975 8,855 2,120 Division 1-Mining and 112 112 Quarrying 2-62 10,529 8,424 2,105

a'5 Stone-quarrying, olay and 8and­ 53 53 Dh1tnia 1,251 1,129 122 pils Cotton spinning 810 46 764 Stone.quarrying 53 53 Cotton wea.ving 1,237 6,226 1,011 '·6 Mica 11 11 Workers in .cotton millS 1,231 1,023 208 i'1 Salt, saltpetre and Baline 48 48 8ubstances 2'63 446 431 15

Divi.ion 2-Processing aod 29,052 25,342 3,110 Cotton dyeing and bleaching 151 15a 1 Manufacture-Foodstuffs, Textiles, Leather and Cotton printing 289 281 8 Products thereof 2'1 W.arinfl apparel (.xcept Jaot­ 4,768 4,562 ZI)(j 2'0 Food 'induAtries olherwise 1,218 1,207 11 wear) and made.up textile unclassified gOod8 2·02 Canning and preservation of 1 7 2'11 Taillors, milliners, drees­ 4,534 4,350 184 fish makers and darners

2'03 Slaughter, preparation and 438 438 2'72 Patwagiri 214 203 II pr~serva.tion of meat, in· oluding sale 2'7() Umbrella manufacture and 20 9 II repair 2-00 773 162 II 2'8 Te",tile industries oth.,wise 1,168 906 ,262 Holwais 715 712 3 " ..cla88ijied Bakeriee and bisouit factories 29 29 2·80 All other ( including inoufli· 40 40 cif'ntly described) textile in· dustries including artificial Tandoor bread· making 21 13 8 leather ------'---- 58

Index of Non-agricult1ual Occupations-(contd.)

Code Code no. Ocoup,.~ion Persons Mules Females no. Occupation Persons Males Female..

3 4 5 :3 4 5 ~--.------~~~- 2·81 Jutepressing, haling,spinning 3 3'61 Manufacture of acids, alkalies and weaving and salts 3·62 Manufacture of explosives 58 58 2·82 Weaving and manufacture of 260 133 127 and fireworks woollen goods 3'64 Chemioal fertilisers 12 12 2·86 MIluufacture of rope, twine, 865 730 135 strin~ and other related 3'7 M e,fical and pharmaceutical 19 19 good~ from cocoanuts, aloes, preparationg stra.w linseed and hair, mann· facture of mooni products '\ 3·8 Manufacture of chemical pro· 61 54 duct. otherwi8e unclas8ified 2'9 Lealhp,T, leather products and 4,771 74 footwear 3-82 Manufacture of soap" 61 54 7 2·91 Tanners and ,,11 other workers 1,173 74 Division 4 - Processing and 17,883 17,209 674 in leat,her Manufacture-not else· where specified 2'92 3,059 3,059 4·0 M anufactu,ring indu8trieR 2,427 42 Cohhlers 1,672 1,672 otherwise uno/a88'ijied

All other makers »nd repairers 1,,87 1,387 4-03 Repair and manufacture of 44 44 of boots, shoes and sandals watches and clocks

2·90 Makers and repairers of all 613 613 4-04 2,363 2,327 36 other leather products Workers in precious stones 11 11 Division 3-Processing and 3,604 3,574 30 Manufacture - Metals, Che­ Makers of jewellery and orna­ 2,309 2,299 10 micals, and Products ments (sarraj) thereof Makers and repairers of stone 43 17 26 300 Manufacture of metal products 3,'1811 3,1J59 21 chakkis otherwise unclaSSified 4'05 Manufacture and repair of 19 19 3-01 2,626 2,6J9 17 musical instruments and appliances Horse·shoe makers 449 439 10 4'09 Toy makers Blacksmiths and other 2,\77 2,170 workers in iron 4'00 Other miscellanoous manu­ 42 36 6 factmring industries includ­ 3'02 Workers in coppe" braes and 120 117 ing bone, ivory, horn, shell bell metal etc. (comb manufacture)

Kala-igars 180 179 4'1 Prp,zuct. of petroleum a~d coal 11 10 1

3'03 Workers in other metals 14 14 4'11 Kerosene and petroleum II 10 refineries 3'05 Locksmiths 13) 135 4'2 Bricks, tiles and other strue· 1,954 1,79/ 163 3·06 Makers of arms, guns eMI. tural clay products including workers in ordinance factories Brick kiln workers and brick 1,954 1,711 makers 3'l lTon and sleel (basic manu­ 14 13 facture) 4-4 Non·metallic mineral product. 5,031 4,739 29Z

Iron smelting, refining and 14 13 4·41 Pot~ers and makers of ear· 4,586 4,304 282 alloying thenware 3' 3 Transport equipment 253 2:i3 4'42 Makers of porcelain and 26 crockery 3'32 249 249 4'43 Makers of gl.. ,," bangles, beads 412 409, Manufacture, repair Ilnd 203 203 and necklace. assemblage of bicycles 4·5 Rubber products 3 3 Repair of railway equipment 46 46 Manufa.cture of baloons and 3 3 3'34 Coach builders and manu­ 4 4 other rubl}91' products facture of carriages 4'6 Wood and wood product. other 8,221 8,1J46 175 3·4 Electrical machinery, appara. 14 14 than Jur nlture and fixtures tUH, applianfJes ana sup­ plies 4·61 Sawyers 122 122

3'40 Manufacture and repair of 14 14 4'62 Carpenters, turners and 5,925 5,904 2l electrio household applian­ joiners ces 4·64 Ba.ket makers 1,548 1,494 54 3'5 Machinery (other than el'ctri­ 90 90 cal machinery) including 626 526 100, engineering workshops Makers of lear prod uets (patta!.. 49 30 19 Engineering workshops 2 and dona.) 3-51 Mechanics 38 88 Makers of bamboo and cane 577 4% 81 prodncts (fans and chattal 3'6 Ba.ic industrial chemicals, 73 72 eto.) fe,.tiliBer and power alcokol 4'7 Furniture and fixtures 88 88 59

IDdex of Non_agricultural Occupations-(contd.)

Code Code No. Occup"~ion Persons Males Fema.les no. Occupati(>D Persons Males Femal.,. -I-- .. --- 2 3 4 5 2 4 ------~------~~. Oot repairer 88 88 Radio dealers 21 2f

+8 Paper and paper producu. 23 22 Toy shops 393 385 & Makers of paper and paper 23 22 Eleotric goods shops 8 8 bOlnd products such as o ..rd board buxe. and kite Aluminium stores etc. Kabari shops 17 t6 4-9 Printing and allied indu8!ri.,. 83 83 Sale of earthenware 10 6 4 4'91 Workers in press (p-'inters, 80 80 lithographers etc.) Sale of rope, .ull' aod moonj 6 6 etc. 4-92 Book: binders and stitohers .. 3 ~ Unclassified shop-keepers 39 28 II Division 5-Cotlsttuction and 22,830 12,448 /0,381 Utilities Watch sellers 2 2 ,.

5-0 GondruClion anti mr.J.intsfl.ance oj 56 56 Cycle and motor dealers 8 8 'Workd otherwi8e ur;,cla88f,jied Dealors in wooden articles

5' J GOnllruclioro and mainten"nce­ 2,924 2,912 12 Arms and amunition dealers 13 13 build""us Lime, cement., sand a.nd stone 2,746 2,734 12 dealers 5-12 Stone-cutters sud dres.ars Retail dealers in u~ensils 125 125

5'13 Painter. and decorators of 109 109 6-1 Retail deal.,. in fool1.,uff8 8,463 8,194 269 hOU!:W8 (i,&clu,ti"y bev8 ra:JB8 and narcotics, 5-10 Building oontraotors 68 68 6,790 6,540 250

5·2 COn8£ructio1l attn mairde.f'taooe­ 246 245 Retail dealers in grains and 1,494 1,486 8 'f0 l,d'1, b i'ige,'/ a,l.d other plll... s transport works Retail trade in sugar and 51.3 505 8 Railwa.y coolies or mazdoo"Jj 200 200 spioes in. coustruotion and supply Egg sellers 65 65 Road and blliiding contrac· 46 45 tors Fruit shopkeepers 90 87 3

5·4 Oon."truclion and mai·ntenance 400 Vegetable .allers 1,380 1,329 51 opB'·a~iol •."-l.r,.igatiort and other agricultural workB ~eller. of rodder for animals 270 171 93 Canal contractors 400 400 Biscuit and oake sellers 14 14

5·5 Work~ and .fl1'vir•• -electric 178 178 Milk shops 23 23 'lNwer and, gl),s Huppiy Sweetmeat sellers 2,071 2,057 14 5'51 Employees of electric supply 178 118 eomp""uy Gh.. shop. keepers and 862 812 5() dealers in other dairy 5-6 Works an,d t'r6r'vic6s-ciomestic 69 67 2 prodl!ots and induijlriaL walBr lJupply Gur sellars 8 8

5'1 Sanitary works a'11rl8fuvic6S­ 18,957 8,590 10,367 6'12 Ice sellers 303 .303 '"cluding 8c.ven.qer. 6'13 Tobacco shops 133 133 Division 6-Commerce 27,858 26,941 917 6-14 571 558 13 6-0 R.tail 'rade olherwi•• unela86i· 14,909 14,393 516 fkd Oil hawkers 541 "31 It}

6-01 2,198 2,125 73 Street vendors of foodstuffio 24 21 like cllat etc. Bangle s"Uers 1,638 1,570 68 6'15 Retail dealer. in pan, bidia 666 660 Hawl(ers and street vendors 560 555 5 Bnd cigaret.tes otherwise unol"ssified 6·2 Retail trad. in fuel (includ­ '100 6'19 21 6·02 Chemi.ts and drllggistB 160 159 ing petrol) 5-03 Publishers and booksellers •• 152 151 6·20 Retail dealers in firewood .. 100 21 6-04 Dealers in cattle 2,249 - 2,238 6" RBtail trade 'n textile and 8,455 II l.utk.r gooda 11 5·00 10,150 9,720 430 Cloth merohants 2,185 2.16~ 16 General store keepers 3~o 353 3 Boot and shoe merchants 143 141 2 Koran", p .. rchoon& shops 8,557 8,159 398 Leatber sellers 127 126 Unclassified contractors 432 428 4 6·4 Whole8ak trade in food.tuff. IS} l31J It Hardware merch"nts, paint 160 159 Wholesale dealers in g.ains 15:> lJ6 and varnish o&ller. and pulses 14 60 Index of Non-agricultural Occupations-(contd.)

Code Code -. Oocupa~ion Persons Males Female. no Occupation Persons Males YemaJes

5 --1-----~ 2 4 2 3 4

.6.5 Whol&!"l", t,."de i.. commodi­ 165 16J 8·1 Medical and olher Health 1,036 901 135 .ies o,h.r .han Jood.tuffs service8 P.ll Registered medical praotitioners 214 200 14 AU other artioles other than 40 38 2 foodstuffs 8'12 Vaids;hakims 485 485

Wholesale dealers in utensils 125 125 8'13 Dentists 4 4 -6·6 BeDJ eatate 72 20 52 8'14 Midwives, dais 97 97 House and Estate agents 12 20 52 8'15 Vaccinators 29, 29 8'16 Compounders 38

All persons connected with 29 29 8'11 Nurses insura.nce busiues8 8'10 All other persons employed 196 113 23 6'8 Money '.n-ling. banking ar.d 915 891 in hospitals no~ including other finanet'" btlsin... soavengers and sanitary staff )loney Ie n ding 658 639 19 8'2 Educ'lti.nal ••rv'cs. and 2,808 2/i?8 1IW Research Joint stook and co· operative 178 174 4 8'22 2,648 2,475 173 bank employees Teachers in schools 1,879 1.745 134 )loney brokers and their 79 78 agents Private tutors .• 769 130 39 Division 7-Transport, Stor­ 7,323 1,209 114 8'20 Clerks and serv Bnt. of edu­ 160 153 7 age and Communications oational and researoh i!JB~ titutions 7'1 Transport b!l road 4,784 4,692 .92 8'4 Police (other than village 1,145 /,145 watch"",.) Palledar' 305 299 6 8'5 Villoge ojfic8'. and Rervan's, 966 966 inr/uQI,ng village wfllchm6n Rickshaw owoers ann drivers 32 32 Village officers and servants 681 681

Bl1l1~ok.oart owners and 1,260 1,209 51 Village watchmen 285 285 drivers 8·6 Employ, •• oj M un;cipali.ti•• 275 242 33 lCkka owners and drivers 1,122 1,109 13 anri, Local Boardlt Other Munioipal Board and 275 242 33 'Taxi owners ~nd dri verB 773 771 2 District Board employees

Transport of goods by mules 10 2 8 8'7 Employees oj Stat. 2,412 2,374 38 and horses Gov,rnments Employees of supply depot 115 110 Persons engaged in loading 286 286 of mules and horses for . P. R. D. employee. 348 345 3 transport of goods Employees of rationing 150 145 5 Tonga owners and drivers •• 2 2 department Employees of oo·operative 436 436 Dandy owners [md drivers .. 39 39 service Employees of agrioulture 25 25 Service in government 15 15 department roadways Palwar" 657 651 Hiring of horses for 940 930 10 nonveyanoe Employees of OBne depart. 51 57 ment 1·2 Pransport by water 80 80 Provincial P. W. D. em­ 46 46 Owners and employees of 80 83 ployee. boats and Bampana Other St.ate Government 518 553 25 7" p,.anspor' by air 'I 'I employees Aero-pilot.s and persons 1 7 *8'8 Emyli;yee8 oj Ihe Union 176 165 11 engaged at aerodromes Government 1'4 Railway transport 2,116 2,099 17 EmployeAs of excise 13 2 II dep,utment 7'41 RailwBY employeAs of all 1,874 1,857 17 kinds ex""pt t.hos" employ­ Other union Governmedt 163 163 ed on oonstruotion works employees

1-42 Railway porters •• 242 242 Di vision 9 -Services noli 58,896 52,155 6,141 elsewhere specified 1'5 Storag. a .. d warehou.i;' g 10 10 9'0 Services otherw •• e unclo8s{fied 39,743 36,310 3,433 Cold storage of Potatoes 10 10 9'00 '9,743 36,310 3,433 1·6 Pose,.! service. 314 314 Palmists and astrologers 12 II 1'1 Telegraph .or.ice. Z Z Independent labourers 39,731 36,299 3,432 09 Divisi()11 8 - Heqlth, Educa­ 8,818 8,421 391 cltJ.d~·n.g 8ervlCe/l rendered by tion and Public Adminis­ memb.r. oj JamtZ:y hou•• - tration hold. tt) 0". another)

-Figures under this sub-division inolude the figures of 8ub·division 8'~ Army, Navy and Ail' Force. 61

Index of Non-agriculturRl Occllpations ·-(contl!d.)

Code Cade no. Occupation Persons Males Female8 no. Oooupation Persons Malea Femaillf =-~_1-=====~__ .__ 2_~ ______3_. __ -,4 __ __::_5_! _-=-___~ ___' -_ .z- 3 " 9' II Private motor drivers and 27 27 9·61 401 407 "leane,," Lawyers 322 322 9-12 Cooks •• 163 67 96 Mukhlar8 85 85 62 61

9'10 _ Karinoo Zamindar 5,127 4.215 1,512 Private engineers

9·2 Bo~beT8 ,.... d beauly .hops 5,703 5,414 289 9'64 2 2 Barbers 5,414 5,414 Stenographers and typists Lady hair dressers etc. 289 289 Auditors

~'3 Lauwlr;u and laundry 4,741 3,441 ·1,300 9'65 1 7 86f'vi08t1 Managors and employees of 1 7 Dhob... 4,741 3.441 1,300 labour orgflniza.tions Ar'8, letters and journalism •• 68 68 9-4 B GI.18. , ••'o",.anI8 and ealing 185 185 kG ..... Soulptors and image,makers 59 9'72 Editors and journalists Employees of hotels and 185 185 reetaurants 9'73 Photographers 8 8 9·8 RelirJI'Oll8, charitable an" ",el. 1,427 1,346 81 9'5 Bu,.alioo service. 633 604 29 Itlre services Parodiea' 1,397 1,317 80 Clne,ma employees 538 531 7 9·82 Persons engaged in religions 21 20 edifices Danoers and singers 95 73 22 9·83 Managprs and employ~es of 9 9 charitable inst,itutions and 9·6 LegaZ and bUBinoss 88Tvic88 417 417 welfare services

Non-This index givBs the number of s~lf·supporting person., m"les and females, having as their prinoipal means of livelihood, the prod'.cteiv6 occupat.inns arranged aoo~rding to divisions, 811b.divisions, and group. of Indus~ries and Services according to UJe Indian C8QSUS Economic Classification Soheme. TABLE C-I 62




Total Household Population Sample of household population

.Total number Total number of s ... mple Claases of households Persons Males Females hou8eh~lds Persons Males Females-

-2-- --3~ ----~6------4 -5---- 7 8 9- -~---.~- _---_ ------~.--.-. -- All CJasaes- Total 288,810 1,495,360 793,413 701,887 10,427 54,190 29,217 25.573 Rural 238,496 1,264,846 610,812 594,034 8,839 46,407 24,790 21,617 Urban 50,314 230,514 122,6111 101,853 1,588 8,383 4,427 3,956

Agrioultural CIasses:- Total _6,328 34,849 18,75S 16,091

Rural 5,959 32,873 17,69~ 15,178-

Urban 369 1,976 I,O~3 913

Non·agrioultural Classes- Total 4,099 19,941 10,459 9,482 Rural 2,880 13,534 7,095 6,439 Urban 1,219 6,407 3,364 3,043



Composition of house.

------~~--- Infants, non-adults and adults in

--- -- Infants (Bge less than Non·adult. (age I- I year) 20 years) Other ma.le Other famale ~.------Oi\ughtero relations rel!l.tions Sous of hea.ds ofhMds

20 ~-2~1- 22 --2-3---- -24 - -25~- -26 --21 .. ----_ _- ~------. ----- AU Classcs­ Total 12,661 1,596 6,161 9,241 990 921 14,162 J1,62O'

Rural 10,828 6,452 5,181 1,195 848 1S7 12,O~5: 10,611 Urban 1,833 1,144 980 1,446 142 164 2,097 2,p03.

Agricultural Clasaes­ Total 8,On·- 4,693 4,275 6,205 611 582 9,117 7,880' " Rural 1,515 4,365 4,021 5,830 585 533 8,642 7,435 Urban 457 328 254 375 26 49 535 445

Non·agricultural 0Ia88e8- Total <1,589 2,903 1,892 3,036 379 339 4,985 4,740 Rural 3,213 2,087 1,166 1,965 263 224 3,423 .3,182 Urban 1,376 816 726 1,011 116 115 1,562 1,558 63 TABLE 0-1 (SAMPLE) TABLES

(size and composition)


------_-- --.---~-- _" Compooition of Size of households -households


Smail Medium Large Very large Heads of house- ~----~------~- - ~------holds and 3 members or less 4-6 members 1-9 members 10 members or above ~heir wives

------_.------Number Persons Number Persons Number Persons Number Persons :Males Femalee ---jl)-- - II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ------~----

2,755 6,993 4,775 22,842 2,056 15,673 841 9,282 9,818 1,896 2,285 5,788 4,066 19,375 1,754 13,295 734 7,949 8,353 6,621 470 1,205 709 3,467 302 2,378 107 1,333 1,465 1,215

1,492 3,765 2,823 14,004 1,392 10,422 621 6,658 6,049 4,705 1,389 3,557 2,673 13,211 1,306 9,119 591 6,320 5,116 4,428 103 208 150 787 86 643 30 338 333 277

1,263 3,228 1,952 8,838 664 5,251 220 2,624 3,169 3,191 896 2,231 1,393 6,158 448 3,516 143 1,629 2,631 2,193 367 991 559 2,680 216 1,135 77 995 1,132 998

-- ---_--_ ------

HOUSEHOLDS holds-(concld.) households Civil oondition


Males Females Males Females Males Female. Males Females

- 28"""- 29 30 ------~~--- _-_

14,065 12,032 13,750 10,054 12,740 13,102 2,727 2,41'i 11,977 10,243 II,618 8,505 10,771 II ,016 2,401 2,096 2,188 1,789 2,132 1,549 1,969 2,086 326 321

8,910 7,629 8,820 6,344 8,009 8,165 1,929 1,582 8,468 7,210 8,298 5,990 7,557 7,700 1,840 1,488 502 419 522 354 452 465 89 94

5,095 4,403 4,930 3,710 4,731 4,937 798 835 -3,409 3,033 3,320 2,515 3,214 3,316 561 608 1,686 1,,70 1,6ta 1,195 1,511 1,621 237 221

~-~---~ .. ----- TABLE C-II 64 Uvelihood Classes



I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of land III-Cul~ivating wholly or mainly owned wholly or mdinly unowned ldohourers a.nd Sample Population and their dependants and their depel1dt>nts their dependants

Age Group Persons Malos Females Males Females Males Females Males Females


Total 149,016 79,852 :69,224 ,A4,2l3 '38,061 1,~13 1,241 4,311 3,372 o 5,191 2,947 2,844 1,666 1,583 59 54 164 153 1-4 16,242 8,404 7,838 4,733 4,311 172 144 420 413 5-14 36,651 19,623 17,028 11 ,/26 9,488 368 32a 948 804 15-24 26,267 13,458 12,809 7,381 71)27 258 218 804 65£} 25-34 21,011 II ,136 9,935 5,917 5,408 239 J80 134 487 35-44 16,413 8,90lJ 1,573 4,817 4,117 182 128 518 344 45-54 14,106 8,053 6,053 4,499 3,311 149 107 40.'. 295 55-64 8,208 4,860 3,348 2,705 1,783 92 52 237 1ST 65-74 3,004 1,756 I,U8 1,002 666 36 27 62 53

75 & over 1,139 700 539 378 294 17 11 19 16 Age not stated .. Z4 1,5 9 9 7


Total 126,141 67,341 58,900 42,157 :36,359 1,326 1/)75 4,001 3/)91

o 4,950 2,503 2,442 1,591 1,519 51 47 151 140

1-4 13,901 7,183 6,718 4,533 4,199 151 127 381 381)

5-14 31,131 16,617 14,434 10,606 9,087 3J3 285 885 743

15-24 21,985 11,193 10,7n 6,936 6,717 202 187 749 585

25-34 17,915 9,375 8,540 5,585 5,164 207 161 686 451

35-44 13,964 7,536 6;428 4,611 -3,910 161 106 483 304

45-54 11,989 6,807 5,182 4,299 3,152 131 86 379 279

55-64 6,898 4,074 2,824 2,575 1,686 79 44 212 140

65-74 2,496 1,456 1,040 963 638 33 24 57 48

75 & over 993 ,,52 441 350 280 7 8 18 15

Age not stated 19 10 9 8

Tehsil Anupshahr

Total 33,933 18,088 1.';,845 11,754 10,311 252 214 1,627 1,270 o 1,364 679 68S 48Cl 475 ') 52 51

1-4 3,548 1,812 1,676 1,262 1,095 33 21 146 148 5-14 8,379 4,466 3,913 2,921 2,6ClO 57 58 382 31]

15-24 5,660 2,910 2,750 1,876 1,823 35 30 282 218 25-34 4,902 2,538 2,364 1,631 1,481 32 37 259 195 35-44 3,780 2,034 1,746 1,264 1,141 28 27 2?2 129 45-54 3,347 1,892 1,455 1,211 902 28 18 [59 127 55-64 1,941 1,115 826 733 528 22 8 8[ 66 65-14 721 426 295 268 19C1 14 8 22 75 & over 281 lSI 130 [05 81 2 9 7 Age I10t stated 10 5 5 4 3 65 TABLE 0-11

by Age Groups



IV -Non-oultiV'ating Person. (inoluding tlleir dependants) will> '.ierive their principal meaus of livelihood from- owners of 1.. 00 ; agri­ ouJ.t;u~tll rent. reoeiverd; v.::. Produotion-other -"VIII- Other aervic8a anj[­ and ~heir d ..p ....d ..nts than oultivation VI-Commerce VII-Tra.nsport miscellaneous sour"""

Femal"" Males Fem>ll.. s Males Females M.. les Females M ..l"s

____~ll~ ______~12~ ______~I_j ______14 I? 16 I7 I~ 19

Total 616 7Jl 9,1.59 8,W7 4,882 4,225 1,275 1,051 13,803 12,446 10 14 328 310 181 174 42 41 497 49S1 59 63 923 883 465 454 143 160 1,489 1,344 116 145 2,237 1,991 1,131 1,124 291 242 3,.146 2,914

92 73 1,538 1,519 819 791 211 189 2,.1SS 2,332. 42 81 1,319 1,156 698 568 201 159 1,916 11196 56 114 11)61 877 552 456 171 109 1,.543 1,428.

66 104 896 733 sal 337 IJ6 19 1,4.01 1/l8'Z 56 79 561 411 363 203 55 41 191 621

31 33 213 143 III 76 16 16 269 2.14 28 IS 72 63 48 42 9 9 129 89

J J 2.


466 542 6,424 5,8[;9 2,151 1,911 612 514 10,104 9,[;48

8 11 249 245 77 I,,) 18 21 363 379

50 48 647 642 232 194 76 74 1,113 1/)48

136 luI 1,569 1,393 518 SuS 1.35 122 2,495 2,245

,5J SO 1,103 I,V76 335 335 lUI 98 1,717 1,744

33 59 898 854 323 2li 99 82 1,444 1,492

49 89 746 632 268 212 85 49 1,133 1,126

47 85 638 565 239 159 7U 36 1,004 820

39 64 386 3U5 184 97 23 22 576 466.

32 25 144 101 52 37 3 6. 172 161

10 44 46 22 13 2 87 65



127 153 1 ,679 1,465 595 5JJ 97 84 1.,957 1,&5

3 55 62 24 2Cl 4 63 65 17 16 158 146 50 49 14 8 192 193

39 23 391 334 149 143 21 16 506 432

12 15 300 263 95 80 U 20 291 301

8 19 242 234 68 94 18 12 281 292 18 25 206 156 66 46 11 9 213 213 15 18 174 141 70 50 II 10 224 189, 20 81 43 27 3 3 129 95

6 9 45 30 20 10 38 26- .5 9 12 9 'I 2 14 11 .2 TABLE C·II 66

Livelihood Classes



I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of land III-Cuitivatinj!; wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned labourers and Sample Populat.ion a.nd their dependants and their dependants their dependants

Age Group Persons Males Females Males ; Females Males Females Males Female5

____~ ______~2 ______~3 ______~4 1 8 9 10

Tehsil Bulandshahr

Total 36,665 19,539 1'1,126 12/)71 10,262 232 114 1,138 833 o 1,338 689 649 418 398 12 8 38 36 1-4 4,067 2,115 1,952 1,326 1,193 18 15 104 116 5-14 8,803 , 4,725 4,078 3.0)6 2,474 53 53 2'3 196 15-24 6,541 3,359 3,182 2,003 1,890 38 26 249 16l 25-34 5,101 2,647 2,454 1,560 1,458 44 26 208 120 35-44 4.043 2,138 1.,905 1,307 1,131 29 11 126 86 45-54 3,508 1,924 1,584 1,218 95, [8 19 98 70 55-64 2,148 1,303 845 812 482 14 9 68 31 65-74 780 443 337 301 191 5 4 II 15

75 &; over 333 195 138 119 84 3 3 2 Age not staw,d 3 2 2

Tehsil Khurja

Total 21,812 14,186 131186 8,923 7,794 483 404 446 33U o 1,127 573 554 328 314 25 18 19 18 1-4 3,100 1,589 1,511 950 937 61 47 51 37 5-14 7,033 3,722 3,311 2,325 2,026 117 115 81 70 15-24 4,817 2,378 2,439 1,440 1,451 64 73 83 79 25-34 3,929 2,081 1,848 1,188 1,040 18 63 92 48 35-44 3,028 1,649 1,379 951 806 61 40 49 29 45-54 2,601 1,476 1,125 926 662 45 27 37 28. 55-64 1,508 901 607 543 352 22 16 22 16 65-14 524 304 220 199 143 8 3 5 3

75 &; over 201 110 91 70 62 2 2 2 Age not stated 4 3 3

Tehsi1 Sikandrabad

·Total 21,111 14,928 12,84] 9,409 7,992 359 283 790 658 o 1,121 567 554 365 332 II 16 42 35 1-4 3,186 1,607 1,579 995 974 39 44 80 85 5-14 6,916 3,734 3,182 2,354 1,987 76 59 183 170 15-24 4,967 2,546 2,421 1,617 1,553 65 58 135 121 .25-34 3,983 2,109 1,874 1,307 1,185 53 35 127 88 35-H 3,113 1,715 1,398 1,089 832 43 28 86 60 45-54 2,533 1,51S 1,018 944 629 40 22 85 54 55-64 1,301 755 546 487 332 21 11 41 27 -65-14 471 283 188 195 114 6 9 6 8 i5 & over 178 96 82 56 53 4 5 4 Age not stated 2 by Age Groups~(,ontd.)



IV-No11'cultivating Persons (including their depe11danta) who derive their pri11Cipal means of livelihood from- owners of land; agri­ cultural ranli receivers; v _:Froduction Qt~he£ ·and their. dependants than cultiya.pion VI - Copu:nerce VII-Transport VIII-Other services and miscellaneous: sources

Male. Females Males Females Males Femfiles Males Fe~a.les Males

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 lil ·-19------20------._-----._------(Rural)

124 149 2,201 2,116 675 567 180 138 2,918 2,887 3 97 69 18 . 25 6 8 99 102 15 14 228 237 74 49 28 23 322 305 30 25 527 479 158 1'17 40 29 618 675

12 15 395 426 103 100 23 23 536 511 13 13 314 296 89 74 26 25 3,3 442 16 23 227 229 74 77 25 13 334 335 10 30 203 204 76 .'I" 20 8 281 250 16 16 139 116 66 35 9 6 179 150 4 8 55 37 12 57 . 69

1 2 16 23 8 4 2 2 39 18


100 111 1,197 1,051 509 431) ·170 147 2,958 2,819 49 57 14 II 6 6 131 129 8 10 113 104 52 52 B 24 341 300

'i.1 23 289 270 117 117 40 42 720 648 l' 8 194 154 69 81 33 28 482 565 5 14 157 163 82 58 36 19 443 413 7 IJ 159 120 70 50 21 II 331 3'13

8 21 121 114 41 32 13 8 285 Q~3

13 16 83 49 45 20 6 166 ." 1~2 11 5 21 18 15 5 3 41 . 40

4 3 11 2 4 4 18 ·;16


115 129 1,347 1,127 472 392 165 145 2,?71 2,017 48 57 21 24 6 3 70

148 155 56 44 21 19 258 3) 362 310 94 101 34 35 5S 1 12 214 233 68 14 32 27 4)2

13 185 161 84 51 19 2' 327 :< 15 31 15~ 127 58 39 22 16 255 265 16 140 106 ,2 33 26 10 214 143 12 65 53 30 15 4 7 102 8) 3 23 16 8 10 2 36 26 8 9 16 14 -TABLE d-iI Livelihood .Classes



1-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of land III-CuWvating wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly nnowned labourers and Sample Population and their dependants and their dependants their dependante

Age Group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 ____:1l 9 "-'0- ~~--~ ... ------~--. Urbau

Total 22,835 1Z,511 10,324 2/)76 1,102 166 310 281 o 841 439 402 7S 64 8 7 13 13 1-4 2,341 1,221 1,120 200 178 21 17 39 27 5-14 5,520 2,916 1,544 510 401 65 3S 63 61 15-2" 4,282 2,265 1/)17 445 310 56 31 5S 65 25-3'1 3,156 1,161 1,395 Z32 244 3Z 19 48 36

.35-44 2,m 1,364 1,145 Z06 207 21 22 35 40 <15-54 1,111 1,246 811 200 159 18 21 26 16 55-64 1,310 186 524 130 97 13 8 Z5 17 65-7'1 508 300 208 39 28 3 3 5 5 75& over .. 246 /48 98 28 14 10 3 t 1 Age not abated 5 5 Urban

Total 21,835 11,511 10,314 2,076 1,702 247 166 310 381 o 841 439 402 75 64 8 7 13 13

1-4 2,141 1,221 1,120 200 178 21 11 39 21 5-14 5,520 2,916 2,544 520 401 65 35 65 61

15-24 4,282 2,265 2,017 445 310 56 31 55 65

25-34 3,156 1,761 1,395 232 244 32 19 48 36 35-44 2,509 1,364 1,145 206 201 21 22 35 40 45-54 2,111 1,246 871 200 159 18 21 26 16 55-64 1,310 786 524 130 91 8 25 17 65-11 508 300 208 39 28 " 3 5 5 15 & over •• 246 148 98 28 14 10 3 Age not stated s s 69 . TA BtE '0-11

by Age Groups-(concJd.)


------_------OLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL OLASSES ----_------_ IV-Non-cultiva.ting Persons (including their dependants) who, derive tbeir principal means of livelihood from- owner. of land; agri­ cultural rent receivers; -Y-Production otber­ VIII-Other servicea all.d and their depend,.nt8 than cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport miscelhmeouB souro88

Males Females Males Fema.les Males Females Males Females Males Femalee --1-4-- II 12 13- - 15 16 17 18 19


156 119 2.135 2,248 2,313 663 531 3,699 2~

2 3 79 75 104 94 24 26 134 120

9 15 276 241 233 260 67 86 376 296

40 44 668 598 613 616 156 120 ' 851 669 42 ,2J 435 4SJ 484 456 110 91 638 588

9 ,22 431 302 375 '291 102 77 532 404 7 25 315 245 284 244 86 60 410 302 19 19 258 168 262 178 66 43 397 267

11 15 175 107 179 106 32 19 231 155

5 8 69 42 69 39 13 10 97 73

6 5 28 17 26 29 7 5 42 24 2

150 179 2,735 2,248 2,631 2,313 663 537 3,699 2,898 2 3 79 75 104 94 24 26 134 120 9 15 276 241 233 260 61 86 316 296 40 44 668 598 613 616 156 120 851 669 42 23 435 453 484 456 110 91 638 588 9 22 431 302 315 291 102 77 532 404 7 25 315 245 284 244 86 60 410 302 19 19 258 168 262 118 66 43 397 267 11 15 115 101 179 106 32 19 221 155 5 8 69 42 69 39 I3 10 97 13 6 5 28 17 26 29 1 5 42 24 2 TABLE} C-lII 70 Age and Civil

.. Sample Population ..c.. Widowed 'or' ~ = Total Unmarried Married divorced

Tract Persons Males * Females Males Females Males Females Males Female. --3-- --I·· 4 5 6 --7----8-- 9

District Total 149,076 79.852 69,224 39,506 26,963 34,707 35,537 5.639 6.724

RurGI Total 126,241 67,341 ~58:;OO 33,339 23,018 29,351 30,150 4.645 5.132 Tehsil Anllpshahr (Rural) 33,933 18.088 15,845 8.774 6.191 8,131 8.096 1.183 I,S58 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 36.665 19,539 17.126 9,650 6,110 8,575 8,805 1,314 1.611 3 Tphsil Khurja (Rural) 'l7,872 14,186 13,086 1,294 5,311 6,453 6,367 1.039 1.402 4 Tehail Sikandrabad (Rural) 27.771 14.928 12.843 1.621 4,800 6.198 6,882 1,109 1,\61 Urban TDtal 22,835 12,511 10,324 6.161 3.945 5,350 5,387 994 992 Urban Non-oity 22,83; 12,511 10.324 6.167 3,945 5,3;0 5,387 994 992

Age 15-24-(concld_) Age

Widowed or Unmarried Married divorced Total Unmarried

Tract Males Females Males Females :Males Females Males Females Males Fernal...

26 27 2d 29 3J 31 33 34 .35 :

District Total 6,247 1.207 1.038 11.473 173 129 11,130 9,935 1.339 31 Rural Total 5/J22 898 6,036 9.785 135 109 9,375 8,540 1.191 23 Tehsil Anupahahr (Rural) 1.278 220 ' 1,615 2.498 17 32 2,538 2.364 273 5 2 Tehail Bulandshahr (Rural) 1,543 345 1.771 2.797 45 40 2.647 2,454 332 12 3 Tehsil Kburja (Rutal) 1,006 167 1.342 2,244 30 28 2,081 1.848 245 3

<4 Tehail Sikandrabad (Rural) 1,195 166 1,308 2.246 43 9 2.109 1,814 311 3 Urban Tala I 1;225 309 1/)02 1,688 38 20 1,161 1,395 /72 8 Urban Nou-oity 1,225 309 1.002 1.688 38 20 1,7'1 1,395 172 8

Age 45-54-(eoncld.) Age

Widowed Or Unmarried :Married divorced Total

Tract Mal"" Females Males Females }1a,le. Females Males Femal,,~

2 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 . 5"1 .

District Total 46S 5 6.103 4,138 1.485 1.910 4,8QO 3,:3ts Murat Total 405 S 5,141 3,520 1,261 I pSI 4,014 2,/J24 '

Teh.i1 Anupshahr (Rval) 109 1.466 1.024 317 427 I,IIS 82. 2 Tehail Buland.hahr (Rural) 1304 1.... 51 1,124 336 460 1.303 84.'1 !> Tebail Khurja (Rural) 70 1,121 7'9 285 386 901 607 ... Teh.n Sikandtabad (Rual) 92 1,100 633 '23 384 755 546 Urban Talal w 962 (dtl 224 253 186 514

1 Urban Non-oity 60 962 618 224 25~ 7SCi SU 71 TABLE C-III


Age-O Age 1-4 Age 5-14 Age 15-24

\Vidowed or Total ITo tal Total Unmarried Married divorced Total

Male" Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

--~---16-- ---17 1-9-- --12-- 13 14 18 2U ,I 22 24 25

2,947 2,844 8,404 7,838 19,623 17,028 19,074 15,018 539 2,005 1U :; 13,458 12,809 2,503 2,442 7,183 6,718 16,647 14,484 16,155 12,915 484 1,564 8 5 11 ,193 10,792

679 685 1,872 1,676 4,466 3,913 4,356 3,595 110 317 2,910 2,750

689 649 2,115 1,952 4,725 4,078 4,587 3,746 137 330 2 3,359 3,182

573 554 1,589 1,511 3,722 3,311 3,653 3,079 65 231 4 2,378 2,439

567 554 1,607 1,579 3,734 3,182 3,559 2,495 172 686 3 2,546 2,421

439 402 1,2Z1 l,no 2,976 2,M4 2,919 2,103 55 441 2 2,265 2/}17

439 402 1,221 1,120 2,976 2,544 2,919 2,103 55 441 2 2,265 2,017

25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54

VVidowed or -Widowed or Married divorced Total Unmarried Married divorced Total

M"les Females Malos Females Male. Females Male" _Females Males Females Males I<'em"les Mde; Felli,,!e.

.w--- 41-- 42 43 -- 44 - .. -~- - 46 47 48

9,356 9,520 441 384 8,900 7;;73 716 8 7,349 6,675 835 890 8,053 6,053.

7,860 8,186 348 3'Jl 7,536 ,6,428 629 7 6,222 5,656 685 765 6,801 5,182

2,158 2,283 107 76 2,0~4 1,746 132 3 1,713 1,537 189 206 1,892 1,455

2,226 2,344 89 98 2,138 1,905 163 2, 1,792 1,686 183 217 1,924 1,584 1,765 1,744 71 !OI 1,649 1,379 100 1,380 1,163 169 215 1,476 1,125. 1,711 1,815 81 56 1,715 ; 1,398 234 1,337 1,270 144 127 1,515 I,O!!!:

1,496 1,334 93 53 1,364 1,145 81 1,127 1,019 150 125 1,246 871

1,496 93 53 1,364 1,145 87 1,121 -1,019 150 125 1,246 871

55-64 Age 65- 74

Widowed or Unmarried Married divorced Total Unm6rried Married

M"I"" Females Mal~. Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females --5-8- 61 62 65 64 ---:_65_-_. ___ _:_~_ -- 67 8 --~--~-.. -----~-.-~ 214 8 3,161 1,423 1,485 1,917 1,756 1,248 62 925 242

182 '1 2,668 1,191 1,224 1,62(' 1,456 1,040 56 759 199 5; 2 778 367 282 457 426 295 15 228 52 61 2 879 426 363 417 +.13 337 17 249 79

34 2 588 203 279 402 304 220 13 158 39

32 423 195 300 350 283 188 II 124 29

32 493 232 261 29/ 300 208 6 166 43 32 493 232 261 291 300 208 6 166 43 TABLE C-III 72

Age and Civil

Age 65-74-(concld.) Age 75 and

Widowed or divorced IToeal Unmarried Married

- -.--~----- Trace Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females -- 70 -71 -n 73 --14- 75 ~16- - -- _._--.------_._---7'l---.----_ District 'total 769 1,005 700 539 28 2 231 56 Rural Total 641 840 552 441 26 183 44 Tehsil Anupshshr (Rural) 183 242 151 130 4 59 14 2 Tehsil Buland.hahr (Rural) 177 258 195 138 8 67 19 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 133 181 110 91 8 34 3 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 148 [59 96 82 6 23 8

128 165 148 98 2 48 12

Urban Non-city 128 165 148 98 2 48 12

NOTE-In the above table the figures r<>. widowed and

co ..c" All Ages Age 5-[4 Age 15-24 Age 25-34 S "~ 3... IX!'" 'fraee Pelsone Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-T---···-~ ---4-- -5- - 6 ------7 2 8 9 10 11 -_------.. _ District 'total 136 96 40 3 20 I3 23 15 Rural Total 112 77 35 3 16 13 20 II Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 38 24 14 6 12 4 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 41 30 Il 9 4 4 5 3 Tehsil Khurj" (Rural) 20 13 7 3 4 3 2 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) I3 10 3 2 Urban Total U 19 5 4 3 4 Urban Non-ciey 24 19 5 4 3 4 73 TABLE C-III

Condition-( coneld.)

over Age not stated

Widowed or Widowed or divorced Total Unmarried Married Divorced

Males Fmnt11es Males Females Males Female. Males Females Males Females -- -81--- 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 86 81 ------_--- 441 481 15 9 10 5 5 3

343 396 10 9 6 1 ., 5 3

88 116 5 5 4 4

120 liS 2

68 88 3 67 74 98 85 5 ., 98 85 5 4

divorced have been combined. The figures for divorced persons Bre as follows:

Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55-64 Age 65-74 Age 75 & over Age nuli stated

Males l!emaJes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ----i8 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 ---n

15 9 25 3 S 9 9 10 Z 7 1 3 3 6 3 2 8 2 2

3 2 4 6 5 1 1

6 5 TABL:€ C-IV 74

Age and


------Total Literate

Tract Males Females Males FemaJes

~~~ -2 4 5--

District Total 79,852 69,224 14,47g 2,037 Rural Total 67,341 58,9oo 10,346 813 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 18,088 15,8-15 2,381 212 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 19,539 17,126 3,166 263 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 14,786 13,086 2,430 170 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 14,928 12,843 2,369 168 Urban Total 12,511 10,324 4,133 1,224 Urban Non-city 12,511 10,324 4,133 1,224


Age 5-9- (coneld,) Age

Illiterate Total

Tract Males Females Males Females

--~15 17 ---- ~-TIl-

District Total 8,893 8,592 10,012 8,291

Rural Total 7,720 7,461 8,394 6:;78

Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 2,154 2,092 2,195 1,810

2 Tahsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 2,110 2,045 2,456 2,010

3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 1,721 1,690 1,883 1,617

4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 1.735 1,634 1,860 1,54I' Urban Total 1,173 1,131 1,618 1,313 Urban Non-city 1,173 1,131 1,618 1,313


Total Literate

Tract Males Females Males Females ----;0 --l~~ 2 ~ 32

District Total 11,136 9,935 2,476 366 Rura! Tota! 9,375 8,54{} 1,763 164 Tahsil Anupshahr (Rural) 2,538 2,364 410 51 2 Tahsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 2,647 2,454 527 52

:I Tahsil Khurja (Rural) 2,081 1,848 440 38 4 Tahsil Sikal'ldrabad ,(Rural) 2,109 1,874 386 23 Urban Total 1,761 1,395 713 102 Urban Non-city 1,761 1,395 713 202 75 TABLE C-IV


Population Age ,-4 Age 5-9 ------Illiterate Total 'rotal Literate

Males ~'omale" Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 8 9 IU It 12 IT 14

65,373 67,187 11,351 10,682 9,611 8,737 718 14S

56,995 58,081 9,691 9,160 8,253 1,506 533 45

15,707 15,633 2,551 2,3tl 2,271 2,103 117 11

16,373 16,863 2,8J4 2,601 2,269 2,068 159 23

12,356 12,916 2,162 2,065 1,839 1,6!14 118 4

12,559 12,675 2,174 2,133 1,874 1,641 139 8,318 9,100 1,660 1,522 1,358 1,23/ 185 100

8,318 9,100 1,660 1,522 1,358 1,231 Ib5 100

10-14 Age 15-24

Liter6te Illite.ate Total Literate Illiterate

Males Females Males Ilemales Malee Females Males Females Males Females

19 20 21 22 :.n K 25 26 27

3,072 440 6,940 7,851 13,,:158 1,2809 3,829 659 9,619 12,IS(),

2,339 167 6,055 6,811 Il,193 10,192 2,619 262 8,514 IO,5JO

492 38 1,703 1,772 2,910 2,150 622 65 2,238 2,685- 737 61 1,719 1,949 3,359 3,182 865 85 2,494 3n97'

530 23 1,353 1,594 2,318 2,439 593 42 1,785 2~9L

580 45 1,280 1,4% 2,546 2,421 599 70 1,947 2,351 133 213 885 1,040 2,265 2/111 1,150 397 1,115 1,620

733 273 885 1,040 2,265 2,011 1,150 397 1,115 1,620

25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54

Illiterate Total Literate Illite.ato Total

Males Females Males Females Males Fomales Males Females Males Females

-33- 40 41 42

8,660 9,569 8,900 1,573 1,699 210 7,201 7,363 8,053 6,053

7,6/1 8,316 1,536 6,428 1,233 75 6,303 6,353 6,801 5,182

2,128 2,313 2,034 -1,746 296 27 1,738 1,719 1,891 1,455

2,120 2,402 2,138 1,905 333 26 1,805 1,879 1,924 1,584

1,641 1,810 1,649 1,319 306 9 1,343 1,370 1,476 1,125 1,723 1,851 1,115 1,398 298 13 1,411 1,385 1,515 1,018

11)48 1,193 1,364 1,145 466 135 898 1,010 1,246 871

1,048 1,193 1,364 1,145 466 135 898 1,010 1,246 871 TABLE C-IV '76

Age and

... Age 45 -54-(concld.) ..Q" El " Literate Illiterate ~" ~ Tra.ct Males Females Males Fema.les T 2 ·43 'i4 ~--;cs 46

DiHricl Total 1,523 114 (j,53ll 5,939 Rural TOlal l,oll 44 .;,796 5,138 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 254 14 1,638 1,441 2 Tehsil BIlIa.nd.bahr (Rural) 289 8 1,635 1,576 Tehsil Kburja (Rural) 241 16 1,229 1,109 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad ,U.ur"l) 221 6 1,294 1,012 Urb

... Age 65 -. 74-(concld.) Age 75 ..Q" ------El " Illiterate Total Literate " -- ~------~ .. Tract. Males Females Males Females Males Females 00 - -- 62"- T "2 57 58 59 60 61

District Total 1,485 1,204 700 539 102 7

Rural Total 1,218 1,008 552 441 58 4

Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 379 294 lSI 130 16

2 Tahsil Bu]',ndshahr (Rural) 398 334 195 138 25

3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 243 193 110 91 6 3 4 Tehsil Rikandrabad (Rural) 258 187 96 82 II

U.,.hfln Total 201 196 148 98 44 3

Urhan Non·city 201 196 148 98 44 ::;

NOTE-Persons who oan read but cannot write were sepa.rately enumera.tAd in the Census. In the tabla thair

OJ ..Q All 8ges Age 5-9 Age1O-14 Age 15-24 S " ------~-.- --_._------.;:;~'" Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males ,Fpmales Males Females <7:l'" ~~~-4- .- "-~5~-' '--7-'-' -8------f 2~ 3" 6" 9 10 II

District Total 1,530 1,205 325 133 47 181 59 229 87

RUN'! Total 1,196 1,018 1'18 98 19 141 ,29 204 51 Tehsil Anupshabr (Rural) 281 253 28 22 3 44 6 51 9

2 Tahsil Buland"habr (Rural) 340 289 51 31 42 II 49 19 3 Ta"sil Khurja (Rur"l) 263 192 71 14 13 31 44 16 4 Tahsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 312 284 28 25 3 30 7 60 7 Urban Total 334 187 141 35 18 34 30 25 36 Urba.n Non-city 334 187 147 35 28 34 30 25 36 77 TABLE C-IV Literacr-(concld.)

Age 55-64 Age 65-74

Total Literate Illiterate Total Literate

Male'S Females Males Females Malee Females Males Femal.... Males Females - 4T -- --5:)- 51 55

4,8611 3,343 782 52 4,078 3,296 1,756 1,248 271 44 41)74 2,824 SSIJ 20 3,524 2,804 1,456 JIUO 178 32 1,115 826 126 5 989 821 426 295 47 1,303 845 186- 4 1.117 841 443 337 45 3 901 607 128 8 173 599 304 220 61 27 755 546 110 3 645 543 283 188 25 186 524 232 32 554 492 300 208 93 IZ 786 524 232 32 554 492 300 208 93 12

and over Age not stated ------Illiterate Total Liter.. te IlliterMe

Mal"" Females Males Females Males Fem"les Males Fem"les ------u-- -- I J

598 532 15 9 494 431 10 9 8 9 135 130 S S 4 170 137 2 104 88 3 2 85 82

104 95 6 5 104 95 5 5

n umber bas heen included in the column for "illiterate." The number of suoh semi-literate persons is a. follows:

Age 25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55-64 Age 65-14 Age 75 and over Age not stated

M"les F~m"les M ..lee Females M"les Fem.. les Males Females M"les Fema.les Males Females Males Females

--- I4-~ - -- T5 ------1-6------17 ---1-8-- - -19 1'1 L4

252 53 173 36 lSI 22 67 16 14 5 4 219 36 147 20 129 13 59 'I 13 2 3 58 3 33 2 30 3 II 2 3 'IS 9 49 6 37 5 22 5 34 19 24 11 21 2 14 3 3 2 19 5 41 35 3 12 2 2 J3 /1 26 16 22 9 8 9 1 1 3 17 26 16 22 9 8 9 3 TABLE C-V 78


Sample Population Age 0 Age 1

Trac~ Perfolons Males Females Males Females Males Fe~ales

------~----2------~4- 5 ------6------7 - 8 9 ------~---- District Total 149,016 79,852 69,224 2,947 2,844 1,996 1,969

Rural Total 126,241 61,341 58,900 2,5OB 2,442 1,133 1,113

Tehsil AnupBhahr (Rural) 33,933 18,088 15,845 619 685 453 438 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) •• 36,~6S 19,s39 17,I21i 689 649 550 498 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 27,S72 14,736 13,086 513 554 405 4J2 4 Tehsil 8ikandrabad (Rural) •• 27,771 14,928 12,843 567 554 325 375 Urban Tolal 22,835 12,511 10;114 439 402 263 256 Urban Non-city 22,835 12,s1l 10,324 439 402 263 256

Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age II

Tract Males Males Females Male. Females Males Females

2 ------2"''2~---c-Loo3 ----;;2"'4- 25 26 --2~7.-~l ·~2~8--~2ru9~-

District Total 2~79 1,811 1,600 1,496 2,442 1,989 1,496 1,349

Rural Tota 1 1,181 1,528 1,310 1,286 2,096 1,654 1,159

Tehail Anupshahr (Rural) 4)6 421 399 57J 55J 409 339 302 2 Tehsil B uland shahr (Rural) 501 378 348 350 601 484 308 322 3 Tehail Khutja (Rural) 411 398 303 293 492 319 330 284 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) .. 319 33[ 320 213 447 382 293 251 Urban Total 292 283 230 200 346 335 226 190 Urban Non-city 292 283 230 230 346 335 226 190

Age 18 Age 19 Age 20 Age21

Tract Males Females Males F~male8 Males Females Malps Females

-~--~- 4) 44 46 47 48 49

District'Iotal 1,968 1,894 757 630 2,339 2,843 840 592

Rural Total 11>15 1,519 619 549 2,004 2,366 598 '>15 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 445 389 134 122 534 668 142 III 2 T"hail Bulandshahr (Rural) 5)2 458 202 177 593 688 114 153 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 326 385 125 115 448 531 131 122 4 rehsil SiktUldrabad (Rural) 402 3-17 158 135 429 419 151 139 Urban Total 293 3/5 138 81 335 417 242 61

Urban Non-city 2~3 315 139 SI 335 411 242 61 79. TABLE CV Age Retutns-(contd)

Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 Age.5 Age 6 Age 1

Fem.. le~ M ..les Females Males Fern.. le. Males Fem"les Males },'em .. les Males Females

-- H) II ------12~-- ---13-- 15 16 17 -----~ ----" 20 21

2fJ56 1,829 2,193 2,158 2,159 1,882 2,243 2,004 2,144 1,930 1,545 1,so, 1;;61 1,549 1,851 1,851 1,826 1,599 1,922 1,121 1,856 1,685 1,318 I,2SO 491 388 461 452 467 398 520 4% 492 453 364 363 526 461 539 545 500 448 507 472 553 530 360 338 381 351 405 395 398 363 441 388 396 316 288 299 369 349 452 465 461 390 454 371 415 386 306 280

289 280 336 301 333 283 321 211 288 24$ 221 226 289 280 336 3QI 333 283 321 211 288 245 227 226

Age 12 Age 13 Age 14 Age 15 Age 16 Age 17

:Male. Female. Males F~males Males }:I.... emales Males Females Males },'emales Males Females

~5 38

2,693 1,9'15 1,378 2,003 1,156 1,802 1,513 1,398 1,708 1,614 924 696 2,z99 1,614 1,113 962 1,616 1,529 1,287 1,148 1,484 1,355 144 593, 609 285 475 226 412 398 364 296 419 352 173 132 112 481 353 281 416 436 376 354 482 384 226 203, 484 361 224 243 353 344 272 252 289 332 174 141. 494 351 251 206 375 351 275 246 294 287 171 111- 394 321 265 194 38'1 213 226 250 224 259 180 103: 394 321 265 194 387 213 226 250 224 259 180 IOl

Ag.. Z2 Age 23 Age 24 Age 25

Males Females Malee Females Males Females MalE'S

___-.:5-,1 ___ - - 5?----- ~ __=_~_5~_- ___ "'_" ___ ~-'~-_54_--_--_~ __-_- _5_5_- . 56 .--~------_ 1,6'14 1,786 709 558 1,006 798 2,897 2,886 1,437 1,526 595 461 150 684 2,437 2,439 406 432 135 112 158 136 7'3 107 441 428 172 140 191 197 656 68t 203 321 176 ,83 234 157 436 55t 387 345 112 132 167 194 552 50G 2.;1 260 114 91 256 114 46IJ 447 257 260 114 91 256 114 460 447 TABLE O~"V 80 Single Year

Age 26 Age 27 Age 28 Age 29

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 58 59 60 61 63 64 ___~

District Total -; 874 630 626 423 1,240 1,137 302 199 Rural Totul 121 526 ,,16 308 1.f)68 993 224 184 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 154 131 112 86 273 282 53 53 2 Tehsil Bulandahahr (Rural) __ 240 154 138 112 307 305 66 68

3 Tahsil Khurja (Rnral) 158 103 109 81 222 196 44 24 4 Tehsil 8ikandrabad (Rural) __ 175 138 117 89 266 210 61 39 Urban T6tal 141 104 156 55 112 144 18 15 '-1 Urhan Non-city 147 104 150 55 172 144 78 15

Age 35 Age 36 Age 37 Age 38

rfract Males Females Malas Females Males F"males Males Females ---7-7------7d -'--1--- '16- 79 81 82

District Total 2,754 2,430 529 309 347 207 S21 474

Rural Total 2,424 21J1l 41J 268 241 176 424 414

T.hsil Anupshahr (Rural) 677 588 80 48 52 24 94 121 2 Tahsil Bnlandshahr (Hural) __ 678 573 137 91 65 62 122 m Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 521 398 97 61 68 43 112 15 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) __ 548 452 99 68 62 47 96 81 Urban Total 330 419 I16 41 100 JI 91 60 Urban N()ll-city 330 419 116 41 100 31 97 60

Age 44 Age 45 Age 46 Age 47

Tra.ct Malee Females Males Females Males Females Males Female.

2 94 95 96 97 99 IJJ_____ I )1

District Total 163 127 2,484 2,036 303 ISS 288 136 Rural Total 138 117 2,195 1,130 255 146 2Z6 I"

- Tehsil Anup.hah. (Rural) 27 25 653 485 38 35 42 ~

2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) __ 42 45 609 506 n. 41 4B ~ 3 Tehsil Khurjs (Rural) 27 24 468 375 50 33 46 37

4 ~ehsH Sikaudrabad (Rural) __ 42 23 465 364 95 3\ 90 ZI

UrI",,, Total 25 10 289 306 48 15 62 6 Urban Non-oity 25 10 289 306 48 15 62 6 81 TABLE C-V Age Returos-,(contd.)

A~ 30 Age 31 Age 32 Age 33 Age 34

Males Females Males FeIllBlea Males Females Mal.. Females 'hIes Females

·-'6"6~--"767 . 6ll 69 70 1! __._ .. ~ 72 ------_------_------~ -----~------.- -:::-..-=:------n--=--7i ____ =-=-- 7S _. 3,258 3,149 257 190 1,048 832 362 229 272 260 2,796 2,663 216 174 926 "I Z" 2~ 2~ 229 756 768 44 42 219 190 ~ " H W 180 713 65 6() 251 219 12 11 66 11

721 590 56 38 218 183 Q ~ e ~ 539 592 51 34 232 169 61 .3 5:7 60 462 486 41 16 122 11 77 26 52 31 462 486 41 16 122 11 71 26 52 31

Age 39 Age 41 Age 42 Age 43

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fem.. leB

- -8-:r-----t>5 -_=-86.:::=--==~ __. _. __::~ ._---_--91 92 ---- 95 340 121 3,127 3,101 222 lI8 682 S43 liS 143 123 108 2,789 2,592 168 114 629 496 181 132 27 30 822 140 43 26 160 100 52 44

38 38 m M ~ 45 163 162 61 47

30 23 574 595 40 2~ 138 115 42 22 28 11 601 552 45 20 168 llq 26 19 217 13 338 S09 S4 4 53 41 34 II 217 13 338 509 54 4 53 47 34 II

Age 48 Age 49 Age 50 Age 51 Age 52

Males Females Males Females Mal". Females Males Female. Mala. Females ---,,'0"'2.------,,'')'''3---'104...:c:.:'-- ______- -IIJ5 .. ____106 .______101 _ 108 109

493 373 243 102 3,034 2,609 292 9T 491 339

4JI 338 140 95 2,615 2,151 189 <436 316 -ttl 97 28 23 799 644 51 "20 III 7f)

t~B 114 4'5 40 740 653 58 2. 121 ~ 82 68 29 15 575 457 48 18 104 82 109 59 38 11 501 40' 32 23 100 68 63 35. 103 'I 419 452 loa 10 55 24

6~ 35 103 1 419 452 IDS 10 55 24 TABLE C-V Sing1e Year

Age 53 Age 54 Age5~ Age 56

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ------2------'-12------113 --- -116--- --lT7- 114 -" 115 '18 119 District Total 20S 108 220 98 1,579 1,159 2% 104 Rural Tolal 169 100 152 90 1,449 996 119 88 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 45 26 14 12 407 326 42 16

2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 49 44 54 36 438 277 56 33 .3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 31 19 43 21 303 206 49 18 4 Tehsil Sik";"ndrabad (Rural) 44 11 41 21 301 187 32 21 Urban Tnta! ... 36 8 68 8 130 163 In Url;>an Non-city 36 8 68 8 130 163 117 "16

Age 63 Age 64 Age 65 Age 66

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females


District Total 130 58 61 41 723 478 49 20

Rural Total 64 51 36 33 630 311 42 19 T .. b.il Anup.hahr (Rural) 20 16 7 10 172 1M 12 2 2 TehAn Bulandsbahr (Rural) 26 19 19 9 187 109 19 12

3 Tphsil Kburja (Rural) 9 10 6 8 137 81 7 4 4 Teh.i1 Rikandrabad (Rural) 9 6 4 6 134 83 4 Urban Tolal 66 1 25 8 93 101 1 Urban Non.city 66 7 25 8 93 101 7

Age 73 Age 74 Age 75 Age 76

'rract Males Females Vales Females Males Fem"les Mules Females

I ~2 153 156 157

District Total 54 16 25 8 193 153 19 _ 14

Rur"' Total 31 16 11 5 131 130 15 10 Tehsil Anllpsbahr (Rural) 9 6 34 38 5 2 2 Tehsn Buland.hah. (Rural) 9 8 3 42 42 4 1

3 Tebsil Kburia (Rural) to 7 4 34 25 4 Tahsil Sikandr ..h ..d (RUral) 6 4 27 25 U",ban Total 23 14 3 56 23 4 Urban Non-city 23 14 3 56 23 4 4 83 TABLE C-V

Age Retufns-(contd.)

Age 57 Age 58 Age 59 Age 60 Age 61 Age 62

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 125··

181 90 310 179 195 84 1,702 1,428 157 Ii4 243 I'll 141 81) 250 IS7 120 41 1,496 1,191 Il9 58 220 129

26 19 65 40 31 9 441 346 13 15 51 29 55 25 84 61 33 19 504 336 26 22 62 44 39 21 55 32 31 1 291 271 58 11 54 23 21 15 46 24 19 6 254 238 22 10 47 33 46 10 60 22 75 43 206 237 38 6 23 J2 46 10 60 22 75 43 206 237 38 6 23 12

Age 61 Age 68 Age 69 Age 70 Age 71 Age 72

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

4_2 ____4~ ____ 14_4 __ ....:-~.=145 __J46 - ~--- 148 --149 :::.:_ ~50 _:::.:_-=-~

so 30 6S 35 32 17 666 577 25 16 67 51 45 26 49 31 18 13 547 490 22 IS 61 48 II 7 15 8 3 3 119 146 .3 4 22 14 8 7 16 II 6 5 161 161 7 8 21 13 10 6 6 5 5 4 114 1O~ 4 2 10 1.3 16 6 12 1 4 81 80 8 8 8

S 4 16 4 14 4 WJ 87 3 1 6 3 5 4 16 4 14 4 119 81 3 6 3

Age 71 Age 78 Age 79 Age 80 Age 81 AgeB2

Males Females Ma.ies Fem&ies Males Females Males Females Males Females Malss Females

_.-rw.. ---'-6-'- '62 163 1M

15 5 24 12 12 9 221 219 14 3 IS 13 15 4 16 Jl 10 9 183 ITI 12 2 11 12 .3 2 3 2 2 2 51 54 2 4 2 5 2 7 .3 4 2 56 44 7 .3 7 4 3 2 5 39 43 2 2 .3 3 6 2 31 30 2 2 8 I 2 38 48 2 1 4 8 2 38 48 2 4 -----_.__ . __ ._--.. TABLE C-V 84

Single Year

Age 83 Age 84 Age 85 Age 86

Traot Malee Females Males Femalee Males Females Malee Females

li,r~ - - 175- 172 113 116 i17 178 J7~

District Total 10 2 15 48 32 2

Rural TOlal 10 2 /3 39 16 2 2 Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 2 )0 8

2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 6 II 19 7 2 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 2 5 3 4 Tahsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 2 8 Urban Total ' 2 9 6 Urban Non-city 2 9 6

Age 93 Age 94 Age 95 Age 96

Tract Males 1!'emales Males Females Males _ Females Males Females

19i 193 194 197 198 19')

District Total 2 5 8 Rural Total 2 6

Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 3 2 Tehsil BulandshBhr (Rural) 2 2 3 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) •• 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural)

Urban Total 2 2 Urban Non-oity 2 2 85 TABLE C.. V

Age Returns-(concld.)

Age 87 Age 88 Age 89 Age 90 Age 91 Age 92

---- Males Ft>males Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-j80 181 -- 182 183 184 185 186 187

4 2 3 77 43 5 3 2 61 35 5 17 10 2 25 14 12 6 2 7 5

Z 16 8 2 16 8

Age 97 Age 98 Age 99 Age 100 Age 105 Age net stated

------il'lalos Females ;\lales Females Males Females Males Females Males Fomales Males J.'emales

20J 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 2-IU- 211 ------~-- 2 II 14 15 9

I Z 9 II II) 9 4 4 2' 4 3

3 2 L Z 3 5 2 3

------~ ~ TABLE D-l 86 D-SOCIAL and


(i) Mother .. ,,,'" a Hindi Hindustani Urdu "'" ~ '"'" Tract Males Females Malos Female" ~[ale. .l:feluales [-- 2 4 6- f

District Total .. 609,564 533,624 123,600 108,913 62,188 57,751

Rural Total 532,812 469,632 105,843 93,278 33,151 31,317 Tehsil Anupshahrl(Rura1) 165,248 147,417 4,325 '3,470 9,837 9,238 2 Tehsil Bulands!.. 'hr (Rural) 121,410 105,930 63,416 56,053 12,694 11,697 :> Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 123,141 109,241 17,786 16,354 5,926 5,B59 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 123,S13 107,044 20,316 17,401 4,694 '1,523

Urban Total 76,752 63,992 17,757 15,635 Z91J37 26,434 Urban Non·city 76,752 63,992 17,757 15,635 29,037 26,434

.. ,J:J'" 8 PUBhto Nepali '" ]" t 00 Traot Males Females Males Femalee - I i 17 lli f9 20

District Total •• 34 20 24 4 Rural Total 7 Tehail Anupshahr (Rural) 2 2 Tehsil Bulandahabr (Rura.l) 5 3 Tehail Khurja (Rural)

4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural)

Urban Tolal .u 20 11 4 Urban Non-city 34 20 17 4

Oriya Tamil

Tract Males Females Male. Females -2- 29

District Total 3 3 Rural Tolal 2 i Tehsil Anupsbahr (Rural) 2 2 Tehsil Buland.bahr (Rural)

~ Tehail Khurja (Rural)


Punjabi Sindbi Bengali Gujarati

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fem8le.. To 11 12 -13 14 15 ------.~--~

1,690 2,051 96 89 f66 S4 33 33 219 165 3 9 14 7 6 54 38 88 64 :3 63 56 :3 1,411 1,886 93 89 5'1 53 JJ JJ 1,471 1,886 93 89 57 53 33 33

Rajasthani Marathi Telugn Marwari

Malea Females Males Females Males Females Males Femalea


16 9 2 2 2 2 I 2 '2'

16 4 .8 2 1 16 4 8 2 2

EngliBb Turki Malayalam

Males Females Female. Males Fem8les 34 35 -----·--36-- ---.-.--.. ----.. ~--- 38 . __--:.....--..l_~_....:::...... ,. 2 2 1 1

2 1 2 'tABLE D-l 88 Langu-

(ii) Bilia,..

Total SUBSIDIARY persons returned -- -~-~-- &s speaking a. langu"ge sub- Total sid ial'Y to that Mother Tongue Speakers shown in col. I Hindi Hindustani Punjabi Urdu Bengali

---~-- ~ -----1~~ , -2 3 "4 5 - il~- -, ~ ALL MOTHER TONGUES

Total 1,499,~B4 2,281 1,018 462 418 153 15 Rut'al 1,266,448 S06 162 118 1113 8 15 Urban 233,436 1,781 916 344 375 145

Hindi- Total 1,143,188 409 296 15 Rar .. 1 1,002,444 210 93 15 Urban 140,744 199 198

Hindustani- Total 232,513 121 I1B Rural 199,121 8 , Urban 33,392 113 113

Urdu- Total 119,939 64 64 Rural ,64,4611 Urban 55,411 64 64

Punjabi- Total 3,741 1,319 B56 414 109 Ru.... 1 384 267 148 112 7 Urban 3,357 1,112 108 302 102

'BeagaH- fotal 120 102 97 4 Rural 10 3 2 Urban 110 99 95 4

8iadhi- Total 185 53 19 4 30 Rural 3 3 3 Urban 182 SO 16 '4 30

Gujal'ati- Total 66 58 56 2 Rural Urban 66 58 56 2

Marathi- Total 14 11 to Rural 2 J 1 •. j Urban 12 10 9

1larwari- Total 4 3 3 Rural , .. 4 3 3 Urban

Tamil- Tot .. l 3 3 3 Rural 1 1 I Urban 2 2 2

Telugu- Total 4 3 3 Rural Urban 4 3 '3 Makyalam- Total J Rural Urban I I

Oriya- Total 3 3 2 Rural 2 2 2 Urban 1 I

Bajasthani- Total 16 16 16 Rural Urban 16 16 i6 89 TABLE D·l ages uaUacn


Sindbi Gujarati Garbwali Maratbi MaJ'wari Kaebmiri. Tamil

9 IU II 12 13 14 15 16 ~---~------~------_;_:_-~------

I Z 95 J 1 :I 95 2 I

94 3 94 2 I

2 t 2 1 TABLE l:>~I 90


{iiI BUing.

Total SUBSIDIARY persons returned· a" speaking a language sub­ Total sidiary to that JliIother Tongue Speakers shown in col. 1 Hindi Hindustani Punjabi Urdu Bengali

~------J---' - --"2 ---3 6 7 8

'Nepali­ Total 28 24 12 12 Rural 7 7 2 !i Urban 21 17 10 1 Englillh­ Toml 3 2 2 Rural 2 I I Urban 1 I I Pusbto­ Total 54 3J 22 11 Rural .. Urbe.n 54 ~~ 22 ii Turkllh­ Total 2 :I Z Rural Urban "2 2 2 9-1 TABLE !)it

age!; uaHsm-(concld.)


Sindhi Gujarati Garhwali Marat,lli }larwari Nepali Kashmiri

'9 10 14 TABLES D-II and D-III 92 D-II- ReB-


Total Population Total Arya Olhers Sikh

Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Male" Females Make Females

~7 ~ 6 ) I

District Total •• 1,499,81!4 797,314 702,570 654,864 575,645 12,922 10,739 641,942 564,906 3,471 2,952 Rural TOlal .• 1,266,448 6721J51 594.,197 574,182 501.,3(J9 12,106 10,142 562/)16 497,/61 2,895 2,483

Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) ., 339,S6~ 179,136 160,132 153,800 137,678 557 .590 153,243 137,288 1,772 1,478 2 Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rnral) 371,299 197,580 173,719 159,979 139,931 739 546 159,240 139,385 309 298 Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 278,464 146,944 131,520 128,961 115,713 1,603 6,549 121,358 109,164 620 529 4 Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 277,117 148,091 129,026 131,442 113,987 3,207 2,657 128,235 111,330 194 178 Urban Tolal .. 233,436 125,263 108,/13 80{J82 68,336 816 591 19,866 61,739 516 469 Urban Non·city .. .• 233,436 125,263 108,173 80,682 68,336 816 597 79,866 67,739 576 469



IT--C'llitiVRtnrs ... I-Cultivators n£ of l>lncl "h Uy III-CuHivRtil1g .0" ),,,, d "h·lly or or ffin.illly IlII labourArs 8 mHiJ,ly owu' d &nd OWlle I tIolld their and r,lJf'lir '"c: Total PopUlation Total their dependauts df'pelld'.loDIS deveud"nts ~ '"'" Tract Persons Males Females Males F~malesl Mules Femalps Malee Females ]\fales Females 5--~ . 6 9 I() -~I ~I'~ 12 -- 13

Distdct Total .. 246,663 121,7)2 118,966 70,969 64,771 45,7,)6 4.,,7)2 3,676 3,.141) 21,129 18,024

Rural Total 222,622 115,491 107,131 68,150 62,175 44,149 41,290 3,418 3,/[0 20,2:48 11,225 Tehsil Anu?shahr (Rural) 55,'>72 28,656 26,916 20,113 18,781 12,864 12,'10 505 465 6,661 5,873

2 Tphsil BI11andshahr (Rural) 64,982 33,772 31,210 18,474 16,556 11,4Q2 10,428 568 500 6,422 5,493

Tehail Khurja ,RUral) 57,318 29,448 27,870 16,237 15,202 12,518 12,019 1,54) 1,428 2,~87 1,633

·4 Tehail Sikandrab .. d (Rural) 44,750 23,615 21,135 13,326 11,616 1,365 6,513 7 6 757 5;J?3 ~,226

Urb,... Totfll 24,046 12,211 11,835 2,819 2,596 1,5.57 1,,;02 258 290 981 799 n.han Non-city.. 24,046 12,211 11,835 2,819 2,596 1,557 1,5J2 258 29) S81 719

NOTE-The following EM:ltement t'lhIlWSl t.hp I umbf'r of pf>~ons Pprsons ::'8 :Males 7 93 TABLES D-II a.nd D-IU


Jain Buddhist Zoroastria.n Muslim Christian Jew Trib"l Nbn·tribal

Males F'"males Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fam"les Males Females Male. Fema1es Males Females

16 - -j7- .-.d--!.j

814 7"J 94 41 136,649 121,439 I ,422 1,6 n 153 146 94 41 93,538 83,(US 1.189 1,361 79 15 94 41 23,574 20,739 117 115 36,812 32,931 480 583

34 17 17,026 14.911 303 350 4) 54 16,126 14,488 289 319 66' 644 43,111 38,394 233 J3(J 661 644 43,111 38,394 233 330



PerSODS (including their dependants) who derive their prinoip,,1 means of II veJlh'JJd from-

IV -Non ,,"It'v,,t,ing OWUPJ8 of l,.nd; agl'll~l 1 Udl! I'Hllt V-ProducHou recf'!ivPl's : and their other lhu.n VIII -01 hor SArvic('s Ilnd dependants Total cultiva.tion VI-Commerce VII - Transport mist!AJlclo,t6uU8 B,.uriJes

M.les Males Females Mal~8 Females Males Females Males Females

19 10 21 22 . ~ F- -~-

\3,1)11 ~55 5',5 56,'B3 54,1'15 12,168 1,625 1,476 1,332 1,'55 4',635 39,196

33.' 510 47,341 44,956 9,912 9,348 IIJ51 923 613 545 35,755 34.140 83 133 8,543 8,135 2,159 2,016 272 232 164 142 5,943 5,745

82 115 15,298 14,654 4,123 4,081 360 314 186 126 10,629 10.133 83 122 13,211 12.668 1,179 1,398 2CJO 2QI 173 172 11,159 10,897 81 120 10,289 9,·1,99 2,151 1.853 219 176 100 105 7,819 1,365 23 5 9,392 9,239 3,129 2,820 514 5,,3 159 610 4,930 5,256

23 9,392 9.239 3,129 2.820 574 553 759 61() ",93~ 5,,?56 ------_.. _._ ------~- who r ... turnel{ themselves as



District Total Rural Tot!,1

District St,ate Ate. or Country where born :2ersons Males Females Persons Males Females

6 ------7~-

TOTAL POPULATION 1,499,884 797,314 702,570 1,266,448 672,051 594,397

A Born in India 1,493,983 794,108 699,875 1,265,747 671,637 594,110 I Within the State of enumeration 1,475,6% 790,109 68'5,587 1,251,079 668,828 582,251 (i) District oj enumeration 1,338,425 771,730 566,695 1,136,598 656,129 419,869 (ii) Other distrlots 131,271 18,319 118,892 114,481 12,099 102,382 II States in India beyond the State of 18,287 3,999 14,288 14,668 2,809 11,859 enumeration

(i) States adjacent to the Btate oj enumeration 11,,685 3,731 J3,954 14,311 2,687 1I,69fJ

1 Punjab 11,989 2,350 9,639 10,375 1,838 8,537 2 Delhi 3,9;16 814 3,132 2,959 499 2,460 3 Madhya Bharat 204 57 147 III 25 86 4 Rajasthan 1,126 405 721 627 267 360 5 Vindhya Pradesh .. 6 3 3 5 2 3 6 Bibar 194 '51 143 133 26 101 7 Madbya Pradesh 214 50 164 165 29 136 8 Himachal Pradesh 6 I 5 2 I I

( ii) Other Stat08 602 268 334 291 122 169

I 21 12 9 14 8 6 2 Bombay .. 137 47 90 73 20 53 3 Madras •. 39 11 28 28 7 21 «i Orissa 7 2 5 5 I 4 ? Jammu rl:rr! f<:lshmir 19 12 7 14 8 6 6 Hydernl.ri"(: 39 26 13 18 16 2 7 ]\ly',·-'I' 18 4 14 17 4 13 8 P. E. }'. S. U. 36 18 18 25 14 (I 9 Saurashtra 15 9 6 4 2 2 10 Travancore·Cochin 11 Ajmer 47 27 20 17 8 9 12 Bhopal 14 :5 9 8 3 5 13 Bila"pur 14 Cutoh 15 Coorg 16 Manipu. 17 Tripura .. 18 _ 209 94 lIS 67 30 37 19 Andaman and Nicoba. Islands I 1 I I {iii} Rlaewhere in Indi ..

1 Chandernagore 2 .. 3 Foreign Possessions

B Countries in Asia beyond India inCluding 5,884 3,196 2,688 693 411 282 U. S. S. R. I Afghanistan 2 Burma 20 10 10 11 6 5 3 Ceylon 4 I 3 2 I I 4 China 2 1 1 2 I I 5 Nepal 74 SO 24 39 24 15 6 Pakistan .. '5,774 3,129 2,645 638 378 260 7 Straits Settlements and Malaya 2 I I 8 U. S. S. R. 9 Elsewhere in Asia _ 8 4

C Countries in Europe eXCluding U.S.S.R. 5 4 3 ., I United Kingdom and Northern Ireland .. 5 4 3 .3 2 Eire 3 Elsewhere 4 U nspeeified

D Countries in Africa .. 6 4 2 3 2 1 Kenya 2 Mauritius ~ Mozambique •. 4 Union of South Atrica 5 Elsewhere 6 Unspooified 6 4 2 3 2 E Countries in America 6 5 2 1 Canada 2 United States 6 5 2 :3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified

F Countries in Australasia 1 Australia ' 2 New Zealand 3 Elsewhere 4 U nspeoified

G Born at Sea 95 TABLE D.IV


_WBE_R_E_E]"UMERAT~=E=D:__~ ____ ------Tehsil Annpshahr (Rural) Tehsil Dulandshahr (Rural)

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ------9 - --,-,------;2- -- 13 ----1-4------"------339,568 179,436 160,132 371,299 197,580 173,719 339,475 179,376 160,099 371,037 197,433 113,604 338,188 119,150 159,638 369,921 191,110 172,817 304,159 175,348 lZ8,811 341,444 194,809 151,635 34{J29 3,802 30,827 11,483 2,301 20,182 681 226 461 1,110 323 787

614 189 425 1,035 194 741

220 62 158 500 152 348 129 32 97 312 80 232 48 18 30 15 3 12 113 62 51 139 46 93 39 9 30 38 7 3i 65 6 59 31 6 25

73 37 36 75 29 46 3 2 I 2 I I 25 4 21 23 8 15 4 1 3 12 4 8 I I '3 3 5 3 2 3 3 .. 1 , 2 2 7 6 I 2 I I

3 2 I 7 6 I 3 , 2 3 2 1

21 15 6 18 4 14·

93 60 33 257 14ii III

5 2 3 2 I 'i 2 \ \ 6 5 1 8 5 3 82 52 30 244 139 105 'i "t

3 3 3 :3


'j TABLE D-IV 96 Mig-


Tahsil Khurja (Rural) Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) District State etc. or Country where Lorn Persons Males Females Persons Males Females --[-5 -- - - I6 --IT ------20--'- 2 18 19

TOTAL POPULATION 278,464 146,944 131,520 277,117 148,091 129,026

A Born in India.. •• 278,248 146,808 131,440 276,987 148,020 128,967 I Within the State of enumeration 275,319 146,012 129,307 267,045 146,556 120,489 (i) Districl oj ."umeration 237,631 142,635 94,996 247,364 143,937 103,42'1 (ii) Other Districts _. 37,688 3,3'1'1 34,311 19,681 2,619 1'l,(J62 II States in India beyond the State of 2,929 796 2,133 9,942 1,464 8,478 enumeration

(i) ota Ie. adjacent to the Stale oj enumeration 2,861 770 2/}91 9,867 1,434 8,433 I Punjab 2,382 625 1,757 7,273 999 6,274 2 Delhi 222 71 151 2,296 316 1,980 3 Madhya Bharat 38 I 37 10 3 7 4 Rajasthan 135 44 91 240 115 125 5 Vindbya Pradesh •. 5 2 3 6 •• 33 10 23 23 23 7 11l.lBdhya Pradesh ..• 44 16 28 25 24 8 Himachal Pradesh .. 2 I 1 ( ii) Olher Stutes 68 26 42 75 30 45 I Assam 8 4 4 1 1 2 Bombay •• 15 5 10 10 3 7 S Madras .. 5 2 3 7 7 4 Orissa 00 4 S 5' Jammu and Kashmir S 2 3 1 I 6 Hyderabad 15 13 2 7 Mysore 9 '3 6 5 1 4 8 P. E. P. S. U. 4 2 2 14 6 8 9 Saurashtra I I I 1 10 Travancore·Cochin ... II Ajmer .. 4 '4 3 3 12 Bbopal 2 2 13· Bilaspur .. 14 Cuteh 15 Coorg 16 •. 17, Tripura .. 18 ·WeBt Bengal .. .. 17 '.1 10 ii '4 '7 19, Andamsn and Niaobar Islands 1 I

(iii) Elsewhere in India •• 1 Chandernagore 2 Sikkim •• •• 3 Foreign possessions B Countries in Asia beyond India including 215 136 79 128 69 59 U. S. S. R. 1 Afghanistan :2 Burma 4 2 :3 . Ceylon .. 4 China :; Nepal 10 6 4 IS 8 '7 6 Pakistan '.. .. 201 127 74 III 60 51 7 Straits Settlements Bnd Malaya 8 U.S. S. R. •• 9 Elsewhere in Asia .. 10 Unspeoified C Countries in Europe excluding U.S.S.R. I United Kingdom and Northern Ireland 2 Eire - 3 Elsewhere 4 U nspeoified D Countries in Africa I Kenya •• 2 Mauritius 3 Mozambique •• 4 Union of South Africa 5 Elsewhere O' 6 Unspecified 1 E Countries in America I Canada •. .. 2 United States I 3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified F Countries in Australasia I Australia 2 New Zealand 3 . Elsewhere· 4 Unspeoified G Born at Sea - ---.----- 97 TABLE D-IV rants-(condd. )

WHERE ENUMERATED -~------. ._------_._- Urban Tota] Urban non-oity

------.~- -"-- ---~----~---. - Persons Males Females PersoDs Males Females

------24 21 22 i3 -25 26 -----~------_------233,436 125,263 108,173 233,436 125,263 108,173

228,236 122,471 105,765 228,236 122,471 105,765 224,611 121,281 103,336 224,617 121,281 103,336 201,821 IIS,flOl 86,826 201,821 IISIJOI 86,826 22,190 6,280 16,s10 22,190 6,280 16,5/0 3,619 1,190 2,429 3,619 1,190 2,429

3,308 IIJ44 2,264 3,308 I/)44 2,264 1,614 512 1,102 1,614 512 1,102 987 315 612 987 315 612 93 32 61 93 32 61

499 138 361 499 138 361 1 I 1 1 61 25 36 61 25 36 49 21 28 49 2[ 28 4 4 4 4 311 146 165 all 146 16$ 7 4 .3 7 4 3 64 21 31 64 27 37 II 4 7 11 4 7 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 4 I 5 4 1 21 10 11 21 10 II I 1 1 1 11 4 1 11 '4 7 11 7 4 II 7 4 30 i9 ii 30 i9 11 6 2 4 6 2 4

142 64 78 142 64 78

5,191 2,78'5 2,406 5,191 2,785 2,406 ., 9 '4 '5 9 4 .; 2 2 2 2 3S 26 9 35 26 '9 5,136 2,751 2,385 S,I36 2,151 2,385 2 1 1 2 1 1 '7 3 4 '7 '3 " 2 2 2 2

3 2 3 2 ..

3 2 'j '3 "2 "i 4 4 4 4

4 4 '4 4 98

NOTE-The following table shows the number of persons born in foreigll places in detail.

State etc. or Country where born Persons Males Females ------3------4--

B (ix) Elsewhere in Asia 8 4 4 Arabia Iraq Japan 3 Turkey Siam Persia .. ------

'fABLES D-V and D .. VI 100

D.V (i)-Displaced persons by


Total Population of Displaced PersoDS 1946 1947 1948

District Pel"l!ons Males Females Uales Females Males Females Males Females

4 5 8 9

Bulandshahr 5,279 2,847 2,432 6 8 1,871 1,551 291 258

.. DISPLACED PERSONS '" 'S 1946 1941 1948 1949 s:l -;'" -~.-- '': CD.. District Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

~ -2- T- 22 2: 24 25 26 21 28 - ----29---

I Bulandshahr 2 :3


1946 1947 1948 1949

District Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

- 3';- ~~ --,- 38 40- ~-~ 41 44 45

1 Bulandshabr II 13 437 391 21 6 ~

D-V (H)-Displaced persons by


I-Cultivators of land lI-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly wholly or mainly Ill-Cultivating Total Population of owned and their unowned and their labourers and their Displaced Persons depend.mts dependants dependants

District Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females -- -;2 -3 5 6 --7 8 -9 ]0 I " - District Total 5;279 2,847 2,432 48 30 J3 16 12 10 Rural 447 262 185 39 24 5 12 10 Urban 4,832 2,585 2,247 9 6 8 II

NOTE-Village-wise and tehsil·wise figures of displa~erl persons will be found in the D-VI Non-Indian

Total Population

Persons :Mal('s Females District -2 --- 4 5-

Bu)andshahr 3 2 101 TABLES D·V and D-Vl

year of arrival in India


Childran born 1949 1950 1951 Date unstated in India

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ---14------15- - 16 17 III l':i 20- 21

19 12 9 9 4 3 9 14 108 104


Children born 1950 1951 Date unstated in India

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females )2 -'4---


Children born 1950 1951 Date unstated in India

Malos Females Males Females Malas Females Males Females

47 ------~--- 50 51 -rr- -

2 2 2 3 29 26

Livelihood Classes


Persons (including their dependants) who derive their prinoipal me.ms of livelihood from-

IV - N on-culti vating owners of land;agri. cultural rent VIII-Other services rooeivers;and their V-Production other and miscdl.. neou8 dependants thfl.n cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport sources

Males ~lalos Females Males Females Females Males Females Males Females 15 16 11 1$ 14 17 18 I~ 20 300 297 1,796 1,505 149 120 528 454 51 44 67 47 44 31 44 24 249 253 1,129 1,458 105 89 484 43()

Primary Census Abstract in Part II oftbis Volume.


Nepali AlnerioBD

Males Females Males Females -7

2 'FAB~]} D-Yll 102

Livelihood Classes by


I-~Cull ivators of II-Cultivator8 of lund wholly or hnd wholly Ol' III - Cultlvating D.ld.jlJJyowned mainly ullo·wned la.buul'ors nEd t,\!eir def)on- and tIJelr d~paIl· and th")'f All Classes (la.utR dan· R dp, f'Ul':!o\",,:;

Educational iltandards Persons :MaL'~ Females Male!:! Females Males Femctles ;\[ales Ferna,les

~----·i-- I 2 .J r Cij-


Liltrate 145,881 115,171 ZII,410 69,495 5,630 1,245 78 1,183 43 Middle School 9,236 8,519 1,)7 4,541 74 91 1 34 I Ma fLClJttto or S. L. C. 5,601 5,304 297 1,848 24 31 9 I Higher ~ccondal'y Intol'medi,tte in ArtR 1,398 1,323 75 49/ J 4 J Qr Scienco Deg e~,,, or l)iplomas Z,359 Z,153 1G6 461 9 6 1 Grad .~at,€s l1l Arts or 684 616 .'>8 146 2 :':kienet1 Post· Grad uates in 327 313 14 11 Arts or Science 'l'ea(·hing 253 22'7 16 60 1 1 Engineering 18 18 2 Agriculture 12 12 4 Vetellnal'Y / I Comilleree .6 16 Leg"l 168 167 1 IJ ~ledic"l 69' 66 3 6 I (_)t,htlrs 811 687 lZ4 12/ 7 1 2

Total 164,475 I 42,1S'J 21,695 16,836 5,740 1,377 80 1,831 45


Literate 100,7~1 92,533 8,203 6~i,: 7 4,"56 l,'}~J3 37 I ~582 28 , Middle School 6,8 J[ 6/,79 122 4,J51 54 ·16 I 34 I Ma.t,riculu,te or S. L. C. 2,523 2,496 29 1,1:5 12 II 9 Higher Second",y Intermediale in Art3 SH 53) 8 ,·)5 2 or Science DegJ'4'es or Diplomas 894 f:7[) .4 3'5 6 4 2 Gr,y.-:' u (1, l,es in Arts or 226 :2·1 2 ~9 I~Ci"IHlf~ Post-Gr ddates in 40 3J 2 II Arts 0.: Su.ence Te ..chi .. g I 134 i32 2 44 2 Engitl.f>eling 2 2 1 Agric"ltu-,-'8 12 12 4 Vt"te"lnruy Commerce Leg"l 26 26 [ 1 Itlouical 27 27 6 ,Others 427 409 18 ,49 5 2

Total III ,549 103,/58 8,391 71,622 4,930 1,064 38 1,628 19

Tehsil Anupshahr

I...itPorate 22,838 20,187 2,051 14,762 1,160 149 2 495 11 MIddle School 2,156 2,'0:5 31 1;\94 II 10 [3 1 Mat.deu ate or S. L. C. 556 552 ·1 327 2 [ 2 H'gheL' Secondary Intermediate in Arts [06 Wj 61 or Scif'of'e Degrees or Diplomas 256 254 2 102 2 Graduates in Art- or 51 5l 20- Science Post·Gr",duates in 2 ;~ Arts or Soience TeacIlIng 32 32 17 2 Engirwermg 1 i Agri(~1l1t{ll'e :2 , 2 2 V t"terina.ry Commerce Lpgal 3 3 2 M~dieal II !I 5 Others 154 [52 2 55 I

Total 15,81Z 23,723 2,089 16,616 1,173 162 SI1 18

---- ~------~-- 103 TABLE D-VII

Educational Standards


-~-----~--- ._----_--- IV-Non"culti vElting owners of land; agrioul~ural rent V-Production VIII - Other services receivers; and other thar. and 1lliscella" their dependants cUltivation VI-Commerce __V.!_I-Trans!'()l'!__ neOUB sources --._-- --~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Male. Females Males Females

------~~-1-3------~ 17-- ~-l-l--~ ---12 14 15 16- 18 19 21) ------~------~- --~- ----_


1,231 1 ,lSI) 13,330 1,135 18,331 5,813 1,689 360 1'1,361 5,601 143 37 407 28 888 251 64 23 2,361 290 ISS 13 231 12 863 35 123 '1 1,014 205

31 7 J6 4 183 3 37 538 57

54 II 49 3 173 16 21 1,387 167 42 11 99 3 11 319 35

3 6 17 3 173 14 3 161 13 2 14 8 1 ." 3 13 2 3 2 I 149 1 3 55 3 .5 11 II 3 46 II 1 394 91

2,644 1,218 14,053 1,782 20,438 6,119 1,934 391 23,667 6,32(1


,1169 493 7,338 381 6,903 942 714 130 8,747 1,341 114 3 2(j2 (j 392 (j 41 10 1,4<10 4l: 72 2 66 1 130 S6 2 64? 12- 8 4 23 20 129 4 19 17 33 11 459 17- 11 6 8 5 95 2 2 24 2

8S 1: 1 8

2 2 1 10 I 3 J6 4 I 7 21 ·s 22() 12

1,382 500 7,681 388 7,481 948 811 143 11,412 1,415


281 19l 1,588 104 1,124 261 84 19 1,104 297 66 2 72 1 98 3 8 2 364 IJ 23 1 11 34 9 145 1 2 2 4 6 30

6 3 13 4 123 2 4 2 2 1 22

12 I I

1 1 5 10 '3 83 '2

378 195 1,676 150 1,873 <164 111 <11 2,366 311

--.--~~---.~-" -- _--_-_---_------.---~------~~----.------" TABLE D-VII 104

Livelihood Classes by


------I-Cultivators of II-Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or III-Cultivating mainly owned mainly unowned labourers and their de pen- and their dopen- and their All Classes dants dants dependants ~--~----- .. _------Education",l Standards Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

i-~------4----- 2 6 '1--- 8 9-- 10- - ~--~ ------

Tehsil Bulandshahr

Literate 31,263 28,681 2,582 19,444 1,475 177 6 471 4 Middle School 1,313 1,290 23 783 7 6 10 Matriculate or S.L.C. 1,012 997 15 589 6 3 4 Higher Seoondary Intermediate in Arts 280 27; 210 or Science Degr ••• or Diplomas •• 340 325 15 101 3 Graduates in Arts or 101 99 2 41 Science Post.Graduates in 26 24 2 5 Arts or Science Teaching 63 61 2 13 Engineering I I I Agriculture 10 10 2 Veterinary Commeroe Legal 14 14 7 Medical 14 14 1 Others III 102 9 31 ~

Total 34,208 31,568 2,640 21,127 1,492 186 6 486 4

Teh.il Khurja

Literate •. 24,161 21,919 2,242 15,592 1,447 388 16 160 3 Middle School 1,676 1,649 27 1,088 14 12 I Matrioulate or S.L.C. 502 . ·196 6 297 I 2 2 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 80 78 2 36 or Science DefIT'.' or Diplomas •• 191 186 80 3 Qraduat"s in Arts or 41 41 22 Science Post-Graduates in 6 6 3 Arts or Science Teaohing 30 30 II Engineering Agriculture Veterinary ·,commerce Legal 6 6 I Medical

Total 26,610 24,328 2,282 17,093 1,466 403 15 163 3

Tehsil Sikandrabad

Literate 22,529 21,1% 1,333 15,329 774 289 13 456 4 Middle School 1,756 !,715 41 I,085 22 18 I 10 Matriculate or S.L.C. 455 451 4 262 3 5 I Higher Secondary Intermedia.te in Art.s 72 72 38 or Science Degree .• or D;p[oma. 107 105 2 42 Graduates in Arts or 33 33 16 Science Post·Graduates in 6 Ii 2 Arts or Science Teaching 9 9 Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal 3 3 Medical 2 2 Others S4 52 2 20

Total 24,919 23,539 1,380 16,756 799 313 14 468 4 105 TABLE D-VII

Educational Standards-(cl)l1td.) o LASSES NON-AGRICULTU.RAL CLASSES

----_--_------~- - --~----~-- -- IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent V -Production VIII-Other servi~es receivers; a.nd other than and misoeU ..- _ tlleir_d"p"n~ntR cultivation VI-Commerce __ _:YII-TT"",~p"<1;_ neous souroes ~--~-.-.-- - --,-_.- -- - ~------"-- Males Feme.les Males Females Males Females i\fales Fema.les Males Females

- - -Tl - ---12 -0------1-4---- - 15 16 ------yr--- - 1-8------~-- 20 ------_-_. __ .------~.------


345 128 2,646 104 2,192 273 156 20 3,250 572 13 63 3 91 I 5 1 3\9 1\ 26 32 1 49 13 281 8 2 II 2 48 4 1 5 10 2 200 12 3 3 2 2 48 2 19 2 48


I \ 5 I 2 10 2 2 5 62 7

393 128 2,747 108 2,353 274 178 21 4,098 607


358 141 1,531 72 ],559 231 306 77 2,025 255 21 71 82 20 4 354 9 14 1 9 22 44 2 106 2 4 :3 8 26 5 4 6 4 86 3 2 I 13 2 19


2 I 4 4 2 47 1

402 143 1,616 72 1,672 231 382 84 2,597 267


185 33 1,513 10\ 1,428 m 168 14 1,768 217 14 I 56 2 121 2 8 3 403 10 9 14 25 20 115 I 5 4 25 5 4 50 2 I 2 12 ;;


2 I °i 2 28 2

209 34 1,648 103 1,583 179 201 17 2,361 230 ------" TABLE D-VII 106

Livelihood Classes by


- --~ --_ .. _------~ -----~- -- I-Cultivators of II-Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or lIT -Cultivating mainly owned mainly unowned labourers and their depen- and their depen- and their All Classes dants d .. nts ------depen_da~ts

Educational Standards Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females ~rales Females

------2-- ---3 ------8-~ -T- 4 9-----10------_._- 5 6 7 Urban

Literate 45,090 32,888 12,202 4,368 774 242 41 201 15 Middle School 2,435 1,850 585 191 20 4S I Matrioulate or S. L. C. 3,076 2,808 268 373 12 20 I Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 860 793 67 146 4 2 or Scienco Degrees or Diploma8 1,465 1,283 182 136 3 2 Graduates in Arts or 458 422 36 47 2 Soience Post-Graduates in 287 275 12 Arts or Soience Teaching 119 95 24 16 Engineering 16 16 I Agriculture Veterinary 1 1 Commerce Hi 16 Logal 142 141 1 Medical 42 39 3 Others 384 278 106 72 2

Total 52:J26 39,622 13,304 5,214 810 313 42 203 16


Literate 45,090 32,888 12,202 4,368 774 242 41 201 15 Middle School 2,435 1,850 585 191 20 45 1 .. Matriculate or S. L. C. 3,076 2,808 268 373 12 20 1 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 860 793 67 146 4 2 or Science Degrees or Diplomas 1,465 1,283 182 136 3 2 Graduates in Arts 458 422 36 47 2 or Science Post Graduates in ,287 275 12 Arts or Science Tea()hing •• 119 95 24 16 Engineering 16 16 I Agriculture .. Veterinary I 1 Commerce 16 16 Legal 142 141 I Medical 42 39 3 Others 384 278 106 72 2

Total 52,926 39~22 13,304 5,214 810 313 42 203 16

----~--- -~---- 107 TABLE D-VII

Educational Standards-(concld.)


IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent V -Production VIII-Other services receivers; and other than and miscell,,· theit dermndants cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport, aeons sources

JlIales Fomales Males Females Males ]j'emales ~fales Females Males Females ']6 II 12 '13 14 15 T7 18 l~' ~u


1,062 657 5,992 1,354 11,428 4,871 975 230 8,620 4,260 29 34 145 22 496 246 23 J3 92J 249 113 II 165 II 733 35 37 5 1,367 193

23 '6 32 4 160 3 J7 409 53 35 10 32 3 140 16 10 928 lSi) 31 21 91 3 6 224 33

4 17 2 24~ 12

3 76 22 2 .. 13

3 13 I 1 I 139 39 3 10 4 '3 25 11 2 174 80

1,262 718 6,366 1,394 12,957 5,17J J,062 148 12,145 4,905


1,062 657 5,992 1,354 11,428 4,871 'Jl5 230 8,620 4,260 29 34 145 22 496 246 23 13 921 249- 113 II' 165 II 133 35 31 5 1,367 193

23 6 32 4 160 17 409 53 35 10 32 140 16 10 928 150 31 21 91 3 6 224 33 4 17 2 249 12 16 22 '2 13 1 ? 13 1 ) 139 .. 39 3 I )0 4 25 II 2 174 sa

12,957 1,262 718 6,366 1,394 5,171 1,062 248 12,?45 4,905



Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions houseless ci the houses alld houBeless persons) persons .,


1 Abhalpur .• Ahar .• Aurangabad .• 211 44 44 264 146 118 2 AchaJpur Anup"hahr .• Anup"hahr •• 280 42 60 3"12 195 157 1 1 3 Abar Banger Ahar Do. 2,485 469 411 2,131 1,121 1,010 2 4 Ahar Khuder •• Do. Do... 2,413 Un papilla ted 5 Ahmed nagar urI Toli I Anupsbahr Jahangirabad 1,373 229 262 1,473 755 718 6 Aidalpur •• 2 Dibai Dibai 211 29 57 277 147 130 7 Anchora 1 Anupshahr Anupshahr •• 7~7 101 151 880 477 403 8 Akbar Bas 4 Dibai •• Dibai 1,059 89 148 8!2 432 390 9 Akbarpur .• I Do. ... Do. 511 141 187 1,083 562 521 10 Akbarpur Bachi Khera I Anupshahr Anupshahr 403 92 99 467 247 220 Banger 11 Akbarpllr Bachi Khera Do. Do. 242 UnpopUlated Khader 12 Ala.mpur urJ \ Chihna- 2 Dibai Dib,i 723 72 112 594 321 273 pur 13 Alampur Nagl" I Aha. .• AUrolongab"d .• 201 4'3 46 287 151 134 14 Amargarh .• 2 Do. J ahangirahad 161c) 588 63) 3,513 1,849 1,6M 5 15 AmarpuT .. 2 DIbs. .• Dlbai •• '427 63 81 430 221 2;)9 16 Amarpm I Anupsbabr Anupshohr .. 473 38 55 340 182 158 I 17 Amamabad lAhar Aura gabad .. 194 63 85 437 232 20S 18 Amltrt]",] urf Uncha· 3 Do. Anupshabr •. 1,504 549 607 2,nS6 1,6Q6 1,380 gaDa 19 Arnba Anupshahr •. Do. 351 61 96 579 307 272 20 Ametha Do. Do. 239 75 94 538 291 247 .t. 21 Aniha. •. Do. Bo. 692 140 )86 8'15 46] 434 22 Anjni.. •• Ahar .• Jahangirabad 574 97 , 99 526 280 246 23 Anupshahr KhBder .. Anupsbahr .. Anupshabr 1,256 Unpnp1l1ated 24 Anupshllhr Do Do. Notifi~d Area 25 Asadpur Gher Debai Deb,,, 6"5 124 185 1)98 525 473 26 Ao"latpur B"nger 'urf Do. Do. 205 44 45 246 128 liS Nouzarpur 27 Asalat"ur Khader urJ Do. Do. 536 17 18 101 55 46 Nouzarpur 28 Aukhand •• I Do. Do. 623 112 128 804 404 400 29 Anrzmgabad Kaser " 3 Do. Do. 2,083 3)3 569 2,469 !,301 1,'68 30 Aurangabad Taharpur 2 Ahar Anupsbahr .. 1,152 238 239 1,202 UI 56l BangAr 31 Anupsbahr Rural Anupshahr Do. 1,403 27 63 SO 13 T{hader 32 A7.ampuf Torai Do. Do. 159 26 26 129· 63 66 Banger 33 Azallll'ur Toral'Banger Do. Do. 491 90 105 535 282 253 34 Aurallgabad Taharpur .. Ahar Do. 668 Unpopulated Khadar 35 Badarkha .. 1 Do. •. Jahangirabad 1,653 215 220 1,099 579 520 36 Baderpllr .. 2 Debal Deb.i .• 841 119 236 1,177 625 "152 37 Badhpura 1 Anupshahr Anupsbahr .. 488 220 244 1,375 696 619 38 Badlpur I Deb"i •. Deb ... i 379 90 106 5·18 270 278 39 Bad,hahpur Talab I Abar .. Aurangabad .. 648 95 96 504 262 242 40 Bagt.hari .. I Debai Shikarpur 1,119 126 195 1,011 539 472 41 Ba~sara 2 Anupshahr Anupsbahr •. 1,'150 372 49, 2,6"6 1,1"4 1,732 42 Bajhera I Debai Debai .. 716 155 175 9<10 551 4J9 43 Bb"ipur .. 1 Anupshahr .. Jahangirabad 466 1~3 121 M4 355 289 44 Bbailai I Do. AnupBhahr .• 472 135 198 1,201 670 531 45 Bamanrmr lAhar Do. • 522 171 172 904 466 438 46 Bamanpur Taluka I Do. J abangirabad 382 Ill! 1'15 5RI 285 296 47 Bandhar I Debai .• Debai 417 135 156 775 400 375 48 Banciugpur I Do. Do. .. 176 1 I 4 4 49 BanSM. 1 Ah,.. .. Jahangirabad 461 111 113 580 318 262 50 Banwaripur I Do. Anul'sbahr .. 2'09 109 \ 11 609 326 283 51 Barena I Debai Debai 469 45 61 362 174 188 52 Barari I Do. .. Shikarpur 661 69 131 698 372 326 53 Basi Banger lAhar Siana Basi .. 1,027 181 253 1,\73 624 549 54 Basi Khader Do. Do 484 Unpopulated 55 Bazidpur .. •• Debai Deba, 448 108 129 685 WI 330 56 Begumpllr urjJairam· Annpshahr .• Anup.hahr 261 67 83 481 255 229 pur 57 Belon 3 Deb,.. •• Debai .. 967 342 562 2,571 J .324 1,241 58 Bbadorn. lAhar •• Aurangabad •• 364 9B 10) 560 307 253 59 Bh~,dori Ashrllfpur 1 Do. Do. •• 392 19 19 103 64 39 60 Bhagwantpur 1 Do. .. Anupsbahr •. 943 170 113 913 486 127 61 Bhamrauh I Do. •. Anrangabad •• 719 71 75 477 260 217 62 Bhamarlla I Debai Debai •• 237 28 53 304 160 144 63 Bbensakhur urf Sarai Ahar Anupshahr .• 241 Unpopulated Adampur 64 Bhadkaun .. Do. .• Basi .. 830 171 252 1,263 ~78 585 65 Bbarra Do. Aurangabad • 385 91 148 680 349 331 66 Bhatpllra .. Do. Do. •• 111 22 23 113 59 54 67 Rhatadeo Anupsbabr Jahangirabad 136 UnpopUlated 68 Baberi Khera "I Ahar Do. •• 216 49 50 273 140 133 69 Bhopur 1 Do. ., Aurangabad •• 361 106 118 614 339 275 III



I1-Cultiva­ IV-Nan·cult,. I-Cultivators tors of land vating owners of land whollY wholly or Ill-Culti· of land; agri· VIII -- Other or mainly mainly vating cultural reo~ V -PmdLlc, services Dis, owned and unowned labourers receiv"rs ; tiDn other and mis· placed their and their and their and their than CIlI- VI-Com· VII-'l'rans· ceilaneouB ? perfJODS Lil:.orates dependant:" dependants dependants depend"nt. tivation meree port ~o 11 r(' ""8 ------G> :M F M j<' M F M F M F M t' !II :M F :M F 8 T4 15

(RURAL) 16 128 91 2 5 16 16 I 16 107 86 8 73 53 2 1 7 9 2 85 3 589 537 144 124 7 I 97 99 li9 96 34 28 131 125 :3 4 142 39 337 306 13 15 228 191 8 5 73 70 32 30 12 14 52 87 5 28 I 138 123 9 6 I 6 54 1 323 268 98 74 4 12 5 iii 13 28 39 7 49 352 307 2 I 5 5 60 55 :3 2 9 19 8 112 "2 277 262 12 11 30 25 10 15 145 124 27 26 61 58 9 4 225 197 I I 11 8 10 14 10 II

82 II 226 188 8 6 6 53 2 2 17 20 12 1 151 132 I 1 2 13 8 4 404 57 844 744 89 66 203 169 13 26 ~6 345 140 III 10 204 200 14 39 :) 174 150 1 2 14 17 2 1 .0 9 2 \ 5 13 20 15 28 163 147 9 4 3 1 J :3 3 4 2 16 15 208 187 5 5 19 13 17 173 . i6 985 862 3 109 116 30 2() 475 382 18 16 256 243 46 23 1 3 6 19 45 2 225 184 28 27 9 6 I'J 10 19 20 20 97 14 245 252 16 7 136 110 30 26 6 6 28 33 21 42 2 201 173 3 2 19 19 2 2 9 4 5 5 41 41 22 23 24 'l36 14 364 315 5 3 49 42 63 62 22 27 17 22 25 3 125 115 2 1 I 2 26 55 46 27 29 2 323 304 I 37 49 .. 2 2 41 45 28 1 1 160 14 867 801 16 10 98 84 6 101 92 38 32 8 168 142 29 52 I 520 456 13 7 3 26 24 8 4 14 67 30 30 12 IJ 31 2 55 55 2 3 4 G 2 2 32 10 259 240 8 8 6 7 33. 3i'

14 25J 222 2 2 2 7 63 53 145 127 117 f0) 35 10 2 463 422 8 10 59 42 4 5~ 27 10 7 '2 4 33 36 36 132 1 413 413 207 19~ 50 44 2 4 24 25 37 8 201 215 5 4 I 1 9 9 3 3 6 4 45 42 38 4 247 225 3 6 J2 II 39 16 391 333 9 II 62 58 23 20 6 3 48 47 40 125 8 889 8J9 40 23 136 115 4 7 143 121 40 29 142 128 4r 59 4 4'39 333 2 5 45 45 26 J3 4 2 35 36 42 9 2'9 17, 95 83 I 10 13 II 17 43 109 7 457 361.1 2 85 71 I I 64 40 1'1 14 49 38 44 23 321 301' 1 I 94 84 10 10 17 15 7 5 16 22 45 48 1 193 21's 18 9 27 17 8 2 23 16 2 .. 16 12 46 53 2 295 26) 13 14 25 21 12 7 13 2~ 4 4 9 12 29 24 47 1 4 48 85 3 282 2i9 2 4 3 4 II 10 3 15 24 49 8 ., 202 173 81 70 I :3 18 16 6 7 18 14 50 28 2 126 135 I 15 II 2 3 6 11 I '2 3 22 24 51 25 223 188 40 35 59 45 24 24 8 13 1 2 2 15 19 52 67 6 240 22'1 2 4 31 32 93 7) 26 33 232 183 53 54 50 9 245 243 71 55 16 21 2 12 10 55 48 2 161 136 5 5 83 77 3 5 6 2 56 2 4 409 165 521 527 2 200 165 67 74 18G 14j J53 152 8 12 19:J 166 57 7 27~ 223 16 21 12 9 58 I 53 29 .. 6 6 .. 5 4 59 67 ':3 244 215 4 4 12 13 6 J 1 213 193 6~ 32 3 107 90 48 40 5 2 10 J 85 61 6 156 \38 2 2 3 I 62 63 9J 4 303 254 4 2 4 12J 111 78 76 174 136 64 26 255 249 9 9 ~5 73 65 55 51 "i 1 2 3 66 (fl 22 63 67 12 7 5 10 II 3 2 47 45 68 49 284 235 28 16 2 27 22 69 112

Primary Census

Inmattlll of Total no. of persons insti tutiODS enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of instHutions houseless the hOUS6E1 and hOllseless personsl persons hamlets ----No. of Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house· TownlWard Village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F 6 8 10 CI

TEHSIL ANUPSHAHR 70 Bbimpur 4 DeLai .. DeLai 483 130 174 1,1123 527 496 71 Birauli I Anupshabr .. Anupahahr 593 240 262 1,443 782 661 72 Bodha I Do. Do. 252 65 15 442 246 196 7~ Bhopatpur 2 Debai " Anupshahr .. 729 199 244 1,179 . 616 563 74 BbopuJ' I Anup9hahr .. Jahangirabad 566 56 62 31)7 \74 133 77 Bhurawala Ahar " Aurangabad •• 92 UnpopUlated 76 Bibyana 3 Anupshahr " Anupshahr .. 1,009 221 256 1 ,S~6 822 744 77 Bicbaula I Do. '00. 381 93 112 648 350 298 78 Bicbpuri Debai Do... 187 Unpopulated 79 Bidhipur Anupshabr " Jahangirabad 304 36 36 200 112 88 80 BUdbanpur Khurd Debai Debai 353 69 76 397 220 177 81 Bihar;pur Khader Ahar Anupshahr .. 272 Unpopuhted 82 Bijai NagJia I Debai .. Debai 417 133 141 690 363 327 83 Bijaon I Do. Do. 510 120 124 699 362 331 84 Bilonarup Banger I Do. Do. 1,228 248 295 1,557 826 731 85 Bilonarup Khader Do. Do. 151 Unpopulated 86 Biraura 6 Do Do. 385 279 368 2,103 1,120 983 87 Birpur I Do. " Anupshahr .. 246 108 163 790 406 384 88 Bhirauli lAhar " .Jahangirabad 877 20a 221 1,162 591 571 89 Blldhanpur Kalan I Debai Debai 42g 65 98 657 330 327 90 Budbpur I Do. .. Shikarpur •• 488 22 29 157 92 65 91 (,bach."i I Anupshahr Jahangirahad 663 32 50 256 135 121 92 Chim"oli 2 Debai .. Sbikarpur 732 118 167 1,Os] 557 496 93 ('hamedi 2 Do. .. Debai 208 71 82 425 219 206 94 Chandpu. Do. Do. 162 Unpopulated 95 Chandyana lAhar •. Basi 1,680 417 527 2,790 1,479 1,311 8 96 Cbarauri Ta]uka 2 Dehai Deba; 444 91 122 933 497 436 Jargawan 91 Cbashi lAhar .. Anupshahr 503 93 93 43-1 245 189 98 Chauganpur 2 Dihll; .. Dib",i 371 66 85 495 248 247 99 Ohaundbera I Do. Do. 561 164 184 1,149 609 540 100 Ohebla I Do. Shikarpur 509 51 96 585 311 27·1 101 Chhaturya 1 Anupshahr .. Anupshahr 191 43 74 169 2SS 214 102 Ohhanora AhaI' .. Aurangabad .. 484 Unpopul"ted 103 Chafllnri Rani I Dibai Dib .. ; 427 60 82 469 259 210 Katyani 104 Charanra 1 Anupshahr .. .Tahangirabad R60 224 272 1,718 919 799 105 Chl1thera J AhaI' Siana .. 532 106 113 653 350 303 106 Dabka J Anupshabr .. Anupsbahr .. 61 I 59 85 466 253 213 101 Dabkaura J Ahar .. .Tahangirabad 487 114 117 585 315 270 Dangarh 108 I Diba; Dibai 1,773 198 408 2,063 1.089 97·1 109 Danpur 2 Do. Do. 2,124 416 765 ·1,027 2,116 1,911 J ro Darora Bishannath· 2 Do. Do. 791 81 139 70S 361 344 pur 111 Darawar I Abar Anupsh"br .. 763 234 265 1,342 672 670 112 Daraura I Anupshahr .. Do. 933 187 224 1,'96 62·1 572 20 I 13 Daulatnagar I Dibai " Sbikarpur 231 47 66 3M 184 180 114 DalllBtpnr 3 Do. Do. 2,060 377 632 3.217 J,700 1,537 3 '115 Daulatpur I Aha. Basi 1,421 450 654 3,140 1,675 1.465 116 Donk.. 3 Dilla; Sbikarpur 439 98 139 722 393 329 111 Deorau 1 Do. Debai .. 1,616 239 295 1,·1()7 733 674 118 Deolmranpur urf Baj. 2 Anupshahr .. .Tahangirabad 643 105 117 661 344 318 hera 119 Dhakka lAhar Aurangahad .. 307 14 d 164 ,~7H 3.96 348 120 Dhak Nap:la I Debai Debai 343 64 101 515 271 254 121 Dhnkrauli 2 Ahar " Aurangabad .. 1,174 281 282 1,315 703 612 122 DhHln" I Do. Siana 501 164 166 901 472 429 123 'harampur 4 Dehai Deb"'i 969 230 291 ] ,704 872 832 124 Dhara'


II -Cultiva:-~--- IV-Non-culti- 1-Cultivators tors of land vating owners of land wholly wbollyor III-Oum- of land: agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V-Produc· sarvices Dis­ owned and unowned labourers receivers: tion other and mis­ plaoed their and their and their and their than cul­ VI-Com. VII-Trans- cel)aneou9 p~~~ dependants dependants depetldan~ depend.mts tivation merce _£orf. IOtOHrcnH

M F M }' M F F M F M F M F M F M F M F 0~ -i4 f5 T6 If f8 laURAL)-(con,d_)

52 6 365 353 35 33 2 61 56 6 3 :3 I 57 48 70 62 4 .385 326 4 '6 42 31 151 123 25 16, 15 14 160 145 71 29 4 183 135 25 26 5 3 2 3 3 28 29 72 47 1 449 426 5 4 76 55 2 4 39 36 12 6 33 32 73 7 138 105 5 2 13 10 [ 6 6 I[ 10 74 75 101 10 492 425 3 175 150 19 28 66 80 [6 B 51 48 76 109 7 264 224 9 9 53 39 I I :3 7 3 16 19 71 78 1 112 88 .j 79 33 7 175 142 in 9 '3 '3 iii 14 2 7 11 80 4 81 15 3 8 ,21 9 I 3 [ -3 2 4 82 40 /88 219 54 47 I 4 15 8 83 2 .. 70 4 562 511 29 22 98 80 6 7 80 58 26 [8 25 35 84 85 87 6 875 766 47 37 36 19 33 30 36 26 9 13 4 4 80 88 86 45 3 315 315 17 13 34 27 I 15 12 3 3 5 19 II 69 16 281 302 .. 87 20 15 151 103 :3 2 57 52 19 lO 1 53 87 88 42 276 271 4 4 35 28 7 7 8 17 64 89 10 3 89 I 1 'i I 90 9 57 59 i; 5 45 46 18 ii 24 446 399 91 35 29 49 41 16 10 II 17 92 5 139 118 [ I 31 39 3 36 30 2 4 10 II 93 184 J I 523 494 94 101 91 158 12 I 5 3 J52 150 246 182 294 27J 95 52 458 412 4 I 23 II 3 4 -i I 5 7 3 °6 163 [ II 217 12 11 5 4 2 9 10 '17 5 182 188 35 33 18 13 9 9 2 2 2 2 64 2 389 330 98 % 88 32 40 23 24 69 58 99 9 228 211 6 2 23 16 5 6 12 9 37 28 18 187 157 100 51 42 2 15 15 101 12 5 106 76 27 102 27 115 104 5 6 2 103 108 576 492 132 106 148 144 16 13 4 2 43 42 47 3 271 227 6 104 7 27 22 7 45 41 105 29 208 166 40 40 5 7 82 13 195 4 -j 106 236 3 3 1 2 12 '2 7 '4 61 54 107 138 6 841 717 6 6!) 66 4 74 88 94 113 108 390 84 831 719 II 8 168 101 26 29 397 385 298 259 68 52 317 338 51 4 268 109 244 5 2 28 16 15 21 9 7 2 4 34 50 110 80 3 433 442 18 15 27 31 27 29 164 152 , 10 323 10 III J4 343 200 165 3 6 24 28 8 46 40 112 33 144 151 14 10 16 10 I I 7 8 2 340 88 936 113 870 59 39 218 173 5'! 53 239 194 66 67 8 14 115 127 114 216 16 800 688 9 IQ 40 110 366 330 123 1 7 12 i17 230 198 115 41 I 260 216 5 9 74 56 16 20 14 13 17 7 7 8 I .. 25 116 JIB 440 405 15 13 95 76 22 26 57 48 11 14 84 i!9 117 34 3 162 172 76 60 83 57 8 7 15 22 118 34 318 275 40 37 1 I 37 35 119 35 .. 172 179 9 6 40 30 18 14 3 2 29 23 115 I 120 605 sn 28 25 4 13 22 26 8 9 36 37 121 61 313 299 3 '3 6 2 2 7 40 36 I 8 82 120 122 " 17 489 475 4 2 175 165 52 44 5 2 147 144 123 I 51 8 556 530 4 5 88 58 9 9 11 9 2 4 11 34 79 124 4 526 469 2 148 130 91 73 15 [7 78 80 125 4 141 124 9 5 7 8 2 4 2 3 16 16 126 127 26 I 224 185 4 3 89 69 19 15 2 5 7 128 42 I 395 369 39 37 40 32 8 2 2 III 100 129 56 5 264 225 4 3 144 112 2 3 7 5 16 37 130 24 245 215 7 4 2 4 61 68 131 75 2 502 492 51 42 17 49 57 6 7 3 53 47 132 133 28 20 16 9 .. 134 27 J54 131 7 50 52 32 ii '8 21 24 to 9 135 35 244 214 9 6 I 18 13 24 20 136 41 110 75 56 5a 7 7 137 46 50 9 8 [ 3 138 115 3 616 540 18 ii 52 46 45 47 23 18 iii 10 59 46 139 21 12 I I 140 4 92 72 10 10 141 8 180 157 '7 '5 17 6 2 'i 3 22 23 142 39 2 431 367 79 79 I 143 139 21 383 334 5 4 61 51 4 '4 'j 's .. 9 i5 144 58 8 177 162 4 6 69 69 6 ib 9 13 I 4 4 '( 12 145 69 4 367 335 14 13 134 127 85 81 I " 65 59 146 114 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Ocoupied inmateq of institutions hou"elees the h()nRf'~ ann hf')llctplp'1Q; nf'rRonA) T'lf"T'qnn~ ci ~----~


147 Gesupur Ahar .. Basi 512 279 322 1,5'58 813 74'S 148 Ghatamwala .. Do. Aurangabad :: % Unpopulated 149 Ghungrauli 2 Do. Basi 2,04] 348 493 2,640 1,380 1,260 5 150 Ghusra Nagel 3 Debai Debai 926 234 300 1,73'5 894 841 151 Ohusra Nabar Singh I Do. Do. 677 160 216 1,231 641 590 152 Oanora Nagli I Ahar Aurangabad :: 1,176 182 218 1,076 588 488 153 Girora 4 Do. Do. 1,824 505 517 2,8n 1,498 1,375 154 Govindpur I Debai Debai 518 70 88 450 232 218 155 Gedhna I Anup.hahr .... Jahangirabad' 148 27 38 215 111 104 156 Godh.. na I Debai .: Debai •• 287 28 37 206 lOS 101 157 Gokalpur B ..nger I Do. Do. 770 12 13 78 44 34 I 00. Do. 1,808 110 122 S31 292 239 158 GokaJpllr Khader '-" 159 Gosmi I 00. Do. 314 I,,() 130 771 400 371 160 Gang.. ba. Pahara I Anupshahr .. Jahangirabad' 1,263 107 117 6'4 327 287 16\ Gurauli I Ahar Do. 153 235 211 1,250 666 '184 162 Hakimpur Banger I Deba; .. Deba; 333 19 21 lOS 57 48 163 Haldmpur Khader I Do. Do. 241 10 10 47 21 26 164 H ••chandpur I Anupshahr Anuu.hahr 684 77 129 703 :m 352 165 Hasan pur .. Debai .. Debai 289 Unpopulated 166 H .....npur Banger I' Ahar .. Anup.h.. h. 312 16 26 117 63 '14 161 Ha.supur Kbadar 1 Dv. Do. 1,5'5 36 76 380 211 169 168 H .....npur Ujjarra I Do. Jahsngirab .. ci· 200 15 15 77 35 42 169 Himmat Garhi I Debaj Sbik ..rpur 865 39 41 256 135 121 Hirapur Kalan I Do. Deb.. ; 324 98 1'7 711 362 349 170 70 111 Hirapur Kburd I Do. Do. 195 22 25 128 58 Hi.soti 1 Anop.bahr .. Anup.b ..hr 318 78 101 525 257 268 172 455 173 Hoshdarpur urJ A;": 3 Do. .. J ahangir.. baci . 496 104 152 9SS 500 dbiar 72 114 HU8Binpura I Deb.. i .. Debai 76 15 20 141 69 175 lIna I Ahar Aurangabad :: 1,173 285 290 1,570 85S 715 lmali" I Do. Do. 257 29 59 313 165 148 116 735 111 lnchh6wari 5 Deb"i Debai l,n05 166 290 1,504 769 ~ Do. 362 449 2,176 1,213 1,163 118 Indore " Shikarpur 1,816 Isanpur I Do. .. Deb ..i 289 65 85 403 212 191 179 1,850 1,724 3 180 .Tadol 3 Ahar .. A urangab ..d:: 2,655 604 669 3,574 Jadoli 1 Do. Do 523 99 102 535 285 250 181 9 7 182 Jafarabad uri Gang.. • I Anupsh.. hr .. Anupshahr 509 6 6 16 bas Banger Unpopulated 183 Jaf.. rabad urf Gang", Do. Do. 263 bas Kbader Town Ar.. a 184 Jahangirabad Do. J .. hangir.. b ..d Debai 62 279 148 131 185 J .. irampur Bangor 2 " Deba; 281 38 J"irampur Khader I Do. Do. 118 63 63 392 213 179 186 319 275 181 Juir.. mpur Kuden" 2 Anup.hahr .T.. bangirabad· 535 80 116 5"4 Deb.. ; Deba; 648 44 82 'lfl2 281 221 188 .Tala1pur Jat 2 " I Anup.hah. J"hangjrabad' 352 228 368 1,914 1,011 903 189 Jali1pur )59 145 Jamrao 1 Do. Dn. 547 52 57 304 190 " 613 525 .Titanli I Debai .. Anup.h.. hr 706 148 209 1,138 191 Do. " 4,34'1 2,261 2,084 192 J .. ragwan 5 Deb ..; 2,429 702 726 Ahar 91 160 840 431 ·i09 193 JaIY" Alampur I " Sian.. 485 I Anupshahr .Tabangirabad· 550 269 269 1,5'6 768 768 194 Jasar .. 264 Jarena I Deb"i Debai 255 78 96 563 299 195 Do. Unpopul.. ted 196 JaBupur Ganga Do. 1,116 1 Anup.habr Jabangirab ..d 1,090 283 359 2,025 1,103 922 197 JatpurI\ 171 .Tatwsl I Do. Do. 566 72 79 366 195 19R 644 Jawa.ss 1 Ahor .. Riano. 1,014 282 28~ 1,391 747 199 Do. 229 1,241 655 586 200 JlJgs,m .. Kalan I Jahangir"bad' 683 222 Jugssna Khurd I Do. Do. 173 37 43 259 14'1 114 201 Do 198 983 522 461 202 Kachrot 1 .. Ba.si 1,07d 166 I Do. Jabangirab.. d· 307 43 43 284 145 139 203 Kalyanpur .. 9'62 Kamalpur 1 Do. Siana 1,191 364 397 2,009 1,047 204 Do. " U npopulakd 205 Kamotha .. ,rahangirab .. ci· 395 Kaneb,a 1 Debsi .. Deb .. i 960 154 196 1,027 '151 476 206 r 6<)7 185 211 1114 583 531 207 Kanona. I Aha .. Aurangabad :: l{apsai Mahmudpur 2 Do. Riana 964 158 244 1,438 772 666 208 " 1,9'65 1,072 893 0 Karanb ... Banger I Deb"i Debai 1,'536 27t 388 20 Unpopulated 210 Karanbas Khader Do. Do. 313 Anupahahr Anupsla ..br 726 134 153 814 446 368 5 211 K .. ranpur Kalan I .. " 1 Debai Deb"i 393 65 85 429 229 200 212 Karan Smghpur .. 240 212 210, Kariri I 00. •. Do. .. 283 66 95 4'12 .30 31 170 89 81 214 Karetba 1 Anupslmhr .. J .. hangirab .. d 730 I Debai Deb ..i 483 106 124 727 371 356 215 Kumrua. 4'15 Khusrllpur I Do. .. Shikarpur 571 135 191 990 535 216 .. 193 954 512 442 2\7 Kary"ri I Ahar .. Anupshabr ., 644 170 I Anupsbahr Jahang;rabad 129 53 60 373 199 174 21S Karonji .. 1,134 1,026 Kb ..dana I Do. Do. 1,926 398 428 2,160 219 9} 363 331 Kherya BukhBh 2 Deb'" Debs; 241 132 694 220 .. 744 420 324 221 Kherpur I Do. Do. 403 95 III J ah.. ngirabad" Town 222 Kh .. laur Town Anupahahr " 412 215 272 1,500 797 703 223 Kharkwan 'i Debai " Deb .. i




lI-CuJtiva­ -IV=-Non-o~ I-Cultivators tors ofland vating owners of land wholly wholly:or III-Culti- ofland ; agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural root V -Produc­ services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers receivers; tion other and mis­ plaoed their and their and their and their th<\n cuI­ VI-Cam- VII-Trans- cellaneous ,,; .persons Literate" dependants depel'l~~t. _ (iependants _dependants tivation merca port sources ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F MF.3'"

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .__::_:___;:"'------~ - - -

{Rural)-(eoll!dl· 148 12 333 329 30 21 18 12 5 18 67 49 35 30 325 286 147 \48 2~1 8 932 844 21 20 23 20 7 19 113 85 22 15 262 257 149 59 549 537 7 3 76 58 I 2 171 149 25 28 I "[ 58 63 150 63 387 371 37 25 106 102 6 12 23 2! 16 9 9 3 57 47 151 65 4 485 386 2 2 2 36 35 7 4 56 61 152 144 6 882 1:122 87 66 i4 to 20 41 144 109 30 26 4 3 317 298 [53 18 2 187 180 2 1 23 16 12 13 ! 7 8 154 14 I 78 7[ 15 14 8 12 10 7 1,5 22 2 62 66 3 2 14 8 13 10 5 5 7 7 156 42 32 2 2 .. 157 ii 207 172 11 5 24 17 5 8 40 42 158 39 276 252 89 78 7 8 28 33 159 22 179 150 7 2 87 83 3 21 25 [5 [3 12 11 160 125 34 313 250 6 5 62 61 6 15 198 162 23 26 58 65 161 5 52 45 5 3 162 18 25 .3 I .. \63 63 252 262 3 18 16 37 31 16 9 27 28 164 165 57 51 2 3 2 \66 I 208 160 2 8 167 II '2 34 42 1 \68 10 109 99 22 20 I 2 J 169 41 4 272 273 28 31 60 39 'j 2 I I [ 2 [70 4 48 55 5 5 6 4 4 I7l 68 i5 132 127 11 JO 47 46 I 34 35 6 4 27 45 172 56 9 327 292 102 88 38 35 6 5 27 35 [73 7 58 61 II 9 2 174 29 654 557 2 2 76 60 11 9 112 87 [75 28 J38 122 15 12 2 II 12 176 92 II 504 497 3 7 45 32 71 58 32 26 114 115 177 130 4 944 925 91 65 58 58 37 32 2 2 81 81 178 20 I 198 178 JO 9 :3 4 I 119 331 25 J,I40 1,040 '5 .3 '2 267 264 50 39 383 377 18') II 238 194 7 14 18 17 22 25 181 6 4 I I I 182 183

184 39 9 63 69 5 3 15 13 4 2 I 5 4 55, 39 185 18 80 67 I I 42 23 1 I 6 IO 19 19 64 58 186 14 262 233 6 7 7 [ '7 3 18 20 5 1 .. [ 14 9 187 39 207 175 9 5 7 6 3 2 2 1 53 32 188 ,9 4 185 174 4 4 86 57 "1 I 451 416 192 177 86 74 189 13 4 109 95 2 44 37 .3 2 3 6 .. •• "3 190 2 7 84 12 360 300 13 12 8 6 23 18 67 69 4 9 14 7 124 104 [91 265 15 1,470 1,414 56 38 237 193 17 25 222 191 102 73 20 12 137 138 192 34 396 369 1 4 15 5 6 1 24 19 193 45 1 660 668 36 32 29 29 19 13 24 26 [94 9 I 280 247 3 3 13 8 I 3 5 195 196 233 11 532 438 71 65 254 187 .3 108 93 :31 26 3 4 104 106 197 8 142 126 43 22 .3 4 4 4 2 2 14 198 21 618 533 16 18 29 21 10 7 74 65 199 99 444 370 1 6 9 64 61 5 2 2 [33 143 200 25 III 90 2 16 9 I 15 15 20[ 16 278 '239 26 31 1 1 4 12 11 5 5 199 171 202 34 :3 97 105 1 13 7 2 6 4 2 28 19 203 103 616 536 1 1 1 1 7 170 c 154 21 i9 237 245 204 205 61 9 278 239 3 4 44 40 52 39 127 108 5 1 42 39 206 113 5 385 369 25 13 9 4 14 12 5[ 49 22 18 77 66 207 19 670 578 4 2 5 2 4' 7 32 27 7 4 o. 50 46 208 .3 " 314 85 396 338 2 .3 l83 164 87 91 71 65 81 60 '2 I 245 165 209 210 91 13 301 254 8 12 80 58 5 34 25 6 "3 4 13 10 211 32 .3 137 126 12 8 :.e 31 31 30 II 5 212 8 125 114 12 10 6 8 2 39 29 is 20 19 16 18 13 213 69 59 4 4 13 [I ,. "3 7 214 58 I 272 210 11 16 60 57 4 2 '4 .~ 14 8 215 20 4 380 319 65 48 52 52 7 7 3[ 29 2[6 54 227 198 1 74 61 6 :3 204 180 217 27 183 151 "ii 14 1 I 4 2 218 166 12 505 486 23 17 43 18 32 23 296 266 72 61 163 155 219 58 238 226 14 12 49 40 6 7 '2 53 44 220 42 288 208 2 4 4 34 32 18 13 3 74 64 221 222 143 6 492 424 5 6 63 41 1 8 [32 122 21 20 2 2 69 80 223 116

Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions ~numerated (including and No. of Occupied Inmates of insUtutions houseless hOllses ~nd hou_!eless persons) the ------NO:"" Of __persons_ hamle~8 NamA of Village or in the Area in No. oj house· Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F

6 8 10 II 12

TEHSIL ANUPSHAHR 224 Khalikpur Aha. Anupshshr .. 324 31 62 365 176 189 225 Khalikabad u.l Anupshahr Jabangirabad 900 194 225 1,489 824 665 DungraJat 226 Khanoda Do. Anupshahr 1,111 144 283 1,664 874 790 227 Khandoi Ahar Do... 691 144 169 1,041 546 495 228 Khanpur Gantu Do. Aursngahad .. Town 229 Khanpur Mazrl1 I Do. Do. 597 83 83 509 266 243 230 Khizarpur •• I Do. Do... 214 74 82 442 243 199 231 Khizarabad I Anupshshr Jshangirabad 232 17 17 148 80 (i8 232 Khuda Diye. 1 Deb.. i Shikarpur .. 379 84 152 739 412 327 233 Khanpura lAhar Jahangirabad 538 lI3 113 625 341 284 234 Khushalabad I Debai Debai •• 646 123 115 1,061 544 517 235 Khuehalgarh I Anupshahr Anupshahr .. 465 91 112 693 369 324 236 Kishall Khera I Do. Jahangirabad 524 93 94 624 363 261 237 Kubri Do. Anupshahr .. 123 Unpopulated 238 Kotl .. 1 Dehai Debsi 305 67 101 566 296 270 239 Kurheni 2 Do. Do... 1,119 82 105 (j28 332 296 2 240 Kor.. She.msabad lAhar .. Aurangabad .. 423 84 85 555 304 251 241 Kurena 2 Do. Jsbangirabad 833 147 141 719 406 313 242 Kutubpur 4 Dohai Deb"i .. 684 80 102 559 299 260 243 Katyauli •. 1 Anupshahr .. Jahangirabad 545 202 209 1,158 590 568 24,1 Laehbampur I Debai Dohai .. 366 121 129 (j54 322 332 ?45 Laehhmanpur 1 Anupsh .. hr .. Anllpsh.. hr .. 305 108 168 842 445 397 246 Lachhol I Do. .. ,J ahangirah ..d 454 145 166 937 507 430 247 LBdana lAhar .. Aurangahad 1,176 214 285 1,586 847 739 248 Lal Garh; .. Do. Sian" .. 97 Unpopulat('d 249 Madangarh 1 Do. .. Jahsugirsbad 215 28 31 190 97 93 250 Madhgawan 1 Do. .. Anupshl1hr 234 11 12 47 19 28 251 1 Anupshahr .. Jahangirabsd 409 39 75 403 216 187 252 Maharajpur Karkora .. 1 Debai Shikarpur .. 675 51 19 362 188 174 253 Maharajpur urJ Ratua· 2 Do. .. Deb .. i 656 66 66 320 158 162 Nagle. 254 Malakpur.. .. 2 Anupshahr Anupshahr 1,316 509 648 3,388 1,835 1553 255 Mandu Hasan Garhi 1 Ahar Do. 548 26 42 201 108 93 nanger 256 Mandu Hasan Garhi Do. Do. 502 Unpopulated Khader 257 Mangalpur 1 Do. .. Juhsngirabad 298 93 103 636 328 108 258 Manya Tikri 1 Do. .. Aurangabad 444 90 110 577 324 253 259 Manakrora I Do. .. Jahangirabad 266 73 73 371 182 189 260 Manpur 2 Do. Aurangabad 261 49 61 389 229 160 261 Mau 5 Anupshahr .. Anupshahr 1,149 239 286 I ,566 808 758 262 Mathra Nagai J Ahar .. Aura"gabad 544 77 77 369 185 184 263 Mewai .. I Do. •• Anupshahr 1,100 193 262 1.462 768 694 264 Mirzapur Nagli 1 Do. .. Aurangabad 188 42 49 249 134 115 265 Mojpur .. I Anupshahr .. Anup"hahr ., 466 87 114 614 348 266 266 Mauwa Kher.. lAhar .. Jahangirabad 460 152 154 940 479 461 267 .. I Anupshahr . . Do. 286 39 40 250 126 124 268 Mubarakpur Banger .. 2 Ahar Anupshahr .. 340 27 47 250 141 109 269 Mubarakpur KhBdar Do. Do. 246 Unpopulated 270 Mohammadabad urj I Auupshahr .. Do. 337 57 67 371 193 178 Beharya Hard war' pur Banger 271 Mohamm"dahad urJ Do. Do. 727 37 47 239 127 112 Beharya Hltrdwar· pur Khader 272 Mohammadpur Banger Ahar. Do. 248 25 47 305 177 128 273 Mohammadpur Bar· Do. .. Siana 408 131 134 687 345 342 ",ala. 274 Mohammadpur Kalan Debai .. Debai 277 44 61 410 206 204 275 Mumrezpur Do. .. Shikarpur 1,133 71 109 650 339 311 216 Mohammadpur Kha· Ahal' .. Anupshahr .. 330 2 3 12 6 6 der 277 Mohammadpur Khurd Debai .. Shikarpur 652 32 54 305 174 131 278 Moharsflo .. Ahar .. Anup"hahr 998 188 192 1,521 784 737 279 Mullani Do. .. Jahangirabad 463 192 192 942 506 436 280 Ma.u Nagl.. Debai Debai .. 371 102 113 679 359 320 281 Mundo. Khera Do. Do. 466 71 71 420 228 192 282 Mona"pur Khader Anupshahr .. Anupshahr .. 685 Unpopulatod 283 1 Do. Do. 355 61 82 317 205 172 284 Muradpur 1 Deb .. i .. Shikarpur 1,315 151 244 l247 628 619 285 Muzaffarnsgar urf I Do. Debai 164 13 24 148 84 M Ba.roni 286 Nabinagar lAhar .. Jahangirsbad 1,656 307 307 1,538 823 715 287 Nabipur Kherya 2 Debai . . Deba; 640 145 182 940 476 464 1 8 288 Nagore 1 Ahar .. Aurangabad 317 29 45 255 134 121 289 Nagla Chhotu I Debai Debai 531 69 94 597 315 282 290 Nagls Madaripur 1 Ahar .. Anupshahr 591 76 120 615 343 272 291 Nagl" Nalu I Annpshahr .. Do. 548 74 91 569 290 279 292 Narondrapur 1 Aha. Sian" 542 142 222 1,200 625 575 293 Banger 3 Debai .. Debai 941 163 206 1,065 588 477 61

------~ ----- 117 Abstract-(contd. )


11 Cultlva· IV .Nlln-cUlt' ~ I-Cultivators tors of land vating owners of land wholly whollyor IlI-:-Culti- of land; agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V-Produc. services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers receivers; tion othe'l' a.nd mls~ planed their and their and their and their than cui· VI-Corn- VII-Trans- ceUaneoU. .,; p~son'!_ Literates dependan_!_s_ dependant" _<:J'P_!n~ant~ dependant:_" tivation merce ~ ~~t___ sources 10::1

M F M ]<' M F M F M ]' M F M F M F M F 11-1 F

f4 15 I~ 20 30 31


I III 168 22 16 7 3 6 2 224 124 2 559 455 6 141 97 8 9 57 51 24 18 29 35 225 124 15 511 471 33 18 160 146 II II 76 54 12 II I 4 70 75 226 103 5 318 289 11 12 16 1Q I II 57 37 13 II 16 19 lJ8 1:J6 227 228 8 259 231 3 6 4 6 229 34 230 186 I 13 II 230 13 68 63 i6 5 2 231 38 352 269 49 45 2 5 2 I 5 9 23Z 27 240 184 7 6 2 40 33 4 6 50 53 23J 64 377 358 6 6 3J 36 45 35 15 12 5 4 66 66 234 25 298 274 11 5 49 29 2 2 1 1 2 13 235 38 287 186 I 11 10 23 27 I 6 40 32 236 237 19 2 244 235 18 ,8 4 2 I I 5 7 24 17 238 17 261 238 4 34 19 3 6 2 2 2 I 26 30 239 3 3~O 249 4 2 240 38 32J 230 14 14 21 15 6 6 22 32 2 2 21 14 241 35 261 212 12 19 2 6 2 5 _. 22 16 2 242 189 18 415 38,) 43 3\ I 65 71 12 9 5 55 71 243 38 212 213 87 94 f 2 4 3 3 18 17 244 11 241 235 30 25 137 106 12 8 6 4 .. 19 19 245 82 4 274 226 6 3 17 19 20 19 J 18 100 12 9 8 6 52 48 246 205 554 487 2 1 1 62 56 14 15 215 179 747 248 6 90 83 7 10 249 2 16 23 2 I 3 I 25D 7 ISB 162 II 5 9 8 6 12 25\ LO 155 138 4 8 16 16 13 12 252 3 119 124 5 2 3 3 4 3 16 25 6 5 253

278 26 800 644 34 26 1,48 III 16 31 347 313 274 245 4 212 118 254 89 82 7 2 12 9 255 256 41 4 169 163 2 5 64 57 45 42 20 II 27 29 257 3 216 187 B 15 75 36 5 4 4 2 16 9 258 17 2 144 148 14 1 16 18 8 16 259 25 189 126 '2 2 I 37 32 26a 79 571 537 15 20 82 80 86 83 32 21 21 17 261 6 13') 143 6 40 41 267- 34 562 495 '6 7 2'1 20 67 80 18 16 94 76 263 I 99 83 17 16 18 16 264 53 271 216 I 47 31 2 4 5 4 3 10 12 265 70 24 34~ 333 59 55 19 22 4 3 3 56 45 266 5 113 11\ 6 4 7 9 267 140 108 I I 268 269 17 158 15 \ 21 15 II 12 3 2(,()

23 2 97 92 6 6 II 5 2 11 8 271

8 176 128 272 29 256 245 2 18 24 1 2 70 69 273

2S 161 163 19 15 17 19 4 2 2 4 '\ I 274 46 292 275 '$ 5 6 19 12 3 I 11 12 275 6 6 " 276 13 148 116 22 12 2 4 1 277 26 388 359 31 29 129 118 5 14 Jis 102 31 32 82 83 278 26 409 344 18 12 I 13 14 17 17 '3 3 45 46 279 26 245 245 17 12 60 35 21 17 16 II 281 21 195 167 10 8 2 2 I I 20 14 281 282 12 112 100 35 25 38 33 4 3 16 11 283 40 5 432 417 8 17 98 66 '2 57 66 12 9 2 3 18 19 284 4 84 64 285 210 8 432 338 104 83 5 18 169 152 24 27 23 20 66 71 286 112 21 263 265 20 20 97 78 3 6 33 26 6 6 5 3 49 60 287 4 III 104 3 9 3 4 8 7 6 288 31 257 228 I 3 27 19 26 24 4 8 289 45 8 205 169 .. 70 53 35 22 '3 I 25 27 290 46 3 146 147 6 7 74 69 7 18 16 3 I ·3 3 40 29 291 38 I 537 482 15 16 46 47 4 4 6 7 11 19 292 1'10 22 267 223 '3 74 63 2 30 31 23 17 )6 20 173 122 293 lIB

Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of parsons institutions enumerat&d (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions houseless 0 the houses s:: - sEd housele~B perB!ln~_ _ _ ~~1'80n~ ., bam lets ---No. of 0:; Na.me of Village or in the AMain No. of house· 0 0 Town/Ward village Pargan... Thana acres houses holds Persons Mllles Females M F --I - - -- "3 -- 2 4 ""6 7 1f-- if II 12 -~-- '0 13 ~------TEHSIL ANUPSHAHR

294 )IarOl'8 Khadf'r Deba; Debai 352 "1 .. Unpopul ..ted 295 ~arsena. Ahar .. Siana 1,268 322 454 2,289 1,251 1,038 296 NitaDanapur I Debai .. Debai 265 34 47 209 120 8'J 297 !olawabpur uri Dh~: .. Anupshabr .. Anupshabr .. 410 Unpopulated rampur 298 Nayaba. Banger Debai .. l)(lbai 257 45 60 261 141 120 299 Nayaba. Khadsr Do, Do. lill UnpopUlated 300 Nitsnandpur Nagli .. I Ahar .. Siana 317 93 90 522 300 222 30 J Niwari Banger 1 Debai Deba; 651 109 151 919 506 413 302 Niwarl Khader 1 Do. Do. 229 42 44 289 161 128 3D3 Nizampur Khader Ahar .. Basi 172 Unpopula~ed 304 Nizampur Banger 1 Do. Do. 526 43 54 335 1'17 158 3~5 Nodsi Banger 3 Dohai .. Deb ..i 702 1:13 103 604 301 303 43 26 306 Nodal Khader Do. Do. .. 271 Unpopul.. ted 307 Nurpur ?J.rj Karanpur 2 Anupshahr .. Jabangirabad 217 52 53 279 146 133 Khurd 308 Pachdoora 1 Do. .. Anupshahr .. 615 76 109 723 386 337 309 Pagona 1 Do. Do. 444 62 70 452 ,:'12 240 310 Paharpur 1 Do. Do. 611 185 209 1,1·14 602 542 311 Peighamberpur I Doh Hi .. Debai 520 136 159 815 451 364 312 Pesari 2 Do. Do. 884 129 173 980 531 443 313 Palakeaar 4 Do. Do. 1,45";) 711 754 3,6J.2 1,928 1,704 314 Pali Anand Garhi 2 Ah.. r .. Siana 1,025 190 258 1,448 796 652 7 <} 315 Pali Partappur Do. Aurangabad 736 138 161 890 456 434 316 Parhauli 1 Debai .. Debai 470 157 204 1.049 515 514 317 Parli 1 Anupshahr .. Anupsbahr :: 999 14D 149 817 400 41'1 318 Parwana Mahmudpur 2 Ahar .. Aurangabad 2,561 567 811 4,230 2,236 1,994 319 Patrarnpur 2 Anupshahr .. J ahangirabad 458 101 101 674 367 307 320 Pempur I Ahar .. Aurangabad 256 25 25 151 83 6B 321 Phulera 00. Do. 319 Unpopulated Pilakhana 1 Deba; 322 .. Dobai .. 1,376 , 242 '340 1,888 1,022 8~6 323 Pilakhni I Ahar .. Anupshahr .. 5[4 126 128 847 ·137 410 324 Pinoti 2 Deba; .. Deba; 592 22 26 140 77 63 325 Pipera 1 Annpshahr .. J ahangirabad . 391 99 118 6'14 367 307 326 Pirpul 1 Ahar .. Aurangabad III 20 20 126 t5 61 327 Piana Kslan 1 Do. .. J abangirab ad 1,332 260 264 1,324 688 636 328 Piana Khurd 1 Do. .. Siana .. 413 127 129 731 389 342 329 Pot.a Badshahpur 1 Anupshabr .. Anup"hahr .. 422 107 130 820 421 399 330 Pokbarpur 1 Deb.. i .. Deba; 362 41 72 384 207 117 331 Prak... hpur 2 Do. Do. 650 35 98 452 225 227 332 Putha I Anupsbahr .. J ahangirabad' 507 95 96 54<1 276 264 333 Puthri Kalan 3 Debai .. Shikarpur .. 1,430 158 224 1,286 695 591 334 Raghunathpur 1 Ahar .. Siana 615 183 186 963 523 440 335 Rahim Ko, 1 Debai .. Deba; 1,146 99 163 927 472 455 336 Rahmspul" 1 Do. Do. 51B 108 126 725 386 339 '337 Rabma'puT Augna .. 1 4har .. Sia.na 433 101 107 522 281 241 138 Raiaur I Anupshahr .. Anupsbahr .. 803 98 162 997 517 480 m Rajghat Banger 2 Dehai Deh ...i 267 114 182 674 363 311 1 4 340 Rajghat Kha.der 1 Do. Do. 25J 1 1 7 4 3 3 3 141 Rajner 'Uri SOl I .. 1 Anupshahr Anup.bahr .. 645 113 171 i!67 -iSI 416 342 Rajpur I Do. Do. 530 57 76 528 295 233 343 Rambas I Deb .. i .. Dobai 362 62 75 413 216 197 341 Ram Biloni I Do. Do. 370 98 159 867 %0 407 345 Ram Ghat Banger I Do. po. 520 259 313 1.333 712 561 9 346 Ra.m Ghat Khader .. Do. Do. 622 C' npop ulated 347 Ra.mnBgar 2 Do. Do. 191 93 136 72'5 310 355 348 Rampur 2 Do. Do. 1,564 305 513 2,609 1,3S7 1,252. 349 Rampur .. Ahar .. Anupshahr 81 Unpopulated 350 Rampur uri Pitampur 1 Do. J ahangirabad 315 30 30 201 98 103 '51 RII8u1pur I Do. Anupshahr .. 450 104 105 607 330 211 352 R.sulpur urJ Narain· 1 Debai Shikarpnr .. 1,627 179 345 1,527 787 740 pur 353 Ratanpur 1 Ahar .. Aurangabad 228 129 129 666 34-1 322 354 Rand .. I Do. .. Jahangirabad 756 100 104 582 325 257 ~55 Rajapm 1 Do. .. Anupshahr .. 218 46 77 401 200 201 ;% ROfa I Anupshahr .. Do. 941 123 217 J,257 6S4 603 351 Rur BangAr I Do. Do. 402 70 84 348 176 172 358 Rur Khade" Do. Do. 5:.18 Unpopulated '59 Ruhallapur Kha.wa .. 1 Do. Do. 249 55 55 332 170 162 %') RupasPur 1 Debai Debai 210 44 54 330 102 Hi8 %1 Rurbas 1 Anupshahr .. Anupsbahr .. 523 93 138 717 385 332 362 Rasia 2 Abar .. Jahangirabad 250 39 46 221 122 99 363 Rutha I Auupshahr .. Do. 379 137 140 716 376 340 364 Sabalpu. 1 Debai .. Debai 336 122 212 1,001 538 463 ;65 Sahdalpur 1 Ahar .. S.:'9na 313 84 85 522 214 248 366 Bonina Rani I Do. Al1upshahr 461 99 110 62; 330 295 367 Sibali Jhayan 1 Do. AurBngabad 353 81 249 432 236 196 368 S;balin"g''" I Do. Anupshahr .. 408 71 74 417 235 182 369 Sojn.. Jhayan .. 1 Do. .. Aurangabad 801 nt 245 1,194: 630 564 370 S"hih"had uri Kakrai I Al>upshahl' " Jahan,;:;rabad 1,147 170 293 1,668 846 822 '71 Salagwan 1 Do. Do. 65[ 77 86 503 271 232




--II~Oult)V8-'------IV=Non,oulti. I-Cultivators tors of land vsting owners of land wholly ...holly or III-Culti- of land; agri· VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural rant V -Produo- services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers receivers; tion other and mis­ placed their and their and their and their than cui- VI-Corn- VII-'l'rans- cellaneous 0 Literates dependant,,_ dep!_ndants d_ependants ~peDdants tivation meroe __Eoft souroes; -~ ." M F M F M F M F M F M F M if M F M F M F8

14 15 16

(RURAL)-(conttl. ) 294 147 28 706 562 I 2 9 111 15 33 29 7 390 351 295 9 92 10 21 15 3 1 I. 4 3 2% 297 105 90 8 10 4 4 2 3 2 19 12 298 299 21 3 284 210 16 12 300 33 2 310 305 74 51 '6 io zi 15 35 32 301 14 158 126 3 2 302 303 11 144 133 21 14 3 3 I 2 2 7 4 304 14 236 260 5 12 10 3 1 41 28 4 4 3~5 306 6 61 41 44 . 41 23 31 16 II 2 301 66 9 273 242 2 60 44 4 8 5 4 9 38 33 308 14 126 159 6 5 74 68 5 4 1 4 309 24 442 408 6 3 120 87 6 5 3 I 25 38 310 51 .. 295 246 22 9 115 93 I 4 18 12 311 34 2 415 357 4 4 42 31 I 1 34 24 7 5 .. 34 21 312 238 13 1.101 940 1 2 26 25 15 29 407 337 81 75 °i 3 296 293 313 108 3 710 580 63 50 5 5 18 17 314 30 4 303 °287 15 10 1 10 22 20 10 8 99 99 315 155 3 375 351 22 22 77 71 37 34 5 9 1 18 27 316 90 II 271 288 70 75 26 30 7 8 .. 20 16 317 340 35 1,228 1,066 49 36 109 95 37 46 191 171 250 228 131 123 241 229 3\8 64 312 259 2 I 38 27 15 20 319 II 82 64 I 1 3 32() 32[ 2 94 10 595 517 20 148 124 11 II 71 61 65 44 2 111 97 322 43 3 288 264 16 12 26 15 2 2 105 117 323 3 52 44 21 13 .. 1 I 3 5 324 54 1 228 197 71 52 4 32 30 1 6 29 18 325 3 59 55 1 5 5 1 326 59 1 345 327 12 7 9 8 ii 6 lOa 117 7 3 [9 8 185 160 327 52 4 275 241 I 1 4 1 I 51 49 4 .3 51 43 328 69 2 272 263 93 75 32 31 9 2 15 28 329 36 1 175 150 19 14 8 7 5 6 330 42 4 199 210 II 7 7 6 6 4 2 331 to 165 159 I 40 37 31 25 8 5 31 38 332 97 '2 512 429 5 4 16 67 2 4 27 24 25 19 48 44 333 45 412 336 21 19 49 40 It 5 4 4 26 36 334 86 24 322 3')0 3 7 76 66 3 4 31 33 9 7 2 2 26 36 335 30 266 241 5 4 63 57 6 6 6 2 40 29 336 20 I 264 223 11 5 1 4 5 8 337 68 2 344 325 117 103 .. 20 14 8 5 28 33 338 1\0 22 79 93 4 5 I 4 1 I 39 27 66 63 31 26 142 92 339 2 I 2 .. I 4 340 60 7 335 306 3 2 72 61 1 3 23 21 4 3 13 20 341 50 5 242 187 I 27 19 3 I 5 3 3 3 4 6 10 14 342 9 181 160 6 6 2 2 3 3 4 4 18 24 343 49 4 165 169 II 8 114 83 6 8 126 106 7 3 3 2 28 28 344 240 31 253 201 9 5 17 % 7 3 132 114 103 63 7 7 244 160 345 346 32 238 239 D 15 35 24 32 29 5 6 36 33 It 9 347 226 6 959 850 12 11 119 162 28 36 84 70 \5 24 \ 5 19 94 348 349 19 4 77 82 6 5 5 4 2 .. 8 11 350 36 3 279 225 13 15 9 5 4 8 25 24 351 126 10 479 416 17 13 74 66 17 29 108 !O5 12 14 9 75 88 352

5 344 322 0. 35~ 16 " 277 212 .. 7 7 5 3 1 5 35 29 354 23 1 173 173 4 1 2 6 I I 21 19 355 57 493 459 74 55 9 26 16 17 15 9 7 26 32 356 2 151 136 8 7 11 19 3 6 3 4 357 358 25 2 112 106 21 16 21 18 2 14 21 359 31 138 155 I .. 11 8 2 I I I 9 3 360 94 26 193 171 I 4 140 112 2 15 14 1 I 33 30 361 28 6 80 65 5 1 3 10 5 24 28 362 49 2 305 275 I I 17 16 II 6 42 42 363 44 9 139 130 19 31 65 37 10 12 126 112 39 36 74 59 66 46 364 45 I 193 159 6 7 75 82 365 34 266 225 49 50 2 5 13 15 366 5 214 181 2 2 1 19 13 367 3 159 116 33 29 20 20 2 21 17 '368 65 2 457 404 2 4 55 55 23 15 93 86 369 107 2 484 422 9 13 66 47 37 42 1.52 181 42 50 2 I 54 66 370 46 I 160 134 60 45 34 26 3 4 4 5 10 18 371 120

Primary Census

No. of Occupied houses 0 the <: hamlets No. of- '0'" Name of Village or in the Area in house- 0 No. of (.) TownJWard village Pargana Thana Rcrea houses holds :[ -_ '3 4 5 6 ~ ---- 7 TEHSIL ANUPSHAHk

372 Salamatpur Anupshahr .. AnupBhahr 1,268 105 135 373 Salempur Ahar Do. 96 374 Sangdalanpur urI Ratanpur I Debai Debai 814 228 296 3'/5 Sankhni 1 Anupshahr .. Jabangirabad 1,268 348 551 376 Sarmsstpur 1 Debai .. Debai 381 40 40 377 Satbara 2 Do. Anupflb"hr 835 181 270 378 Sataha I Do. Debai 1,084 269 347 379 Shadipur Banboi I Ahar .. SiRna 203 10 10 38Q Shehdwan I Debai Deb"i 926 93 158 381 Shafinagar I Ahar .. AnupBhahr 557 122 147 382 Shabjahanpur I Anupshabr Do. 348 56 88 383 Sbakarpur I Ahar .. Siana 362 54 54 384 Sbeikhupur I Debai .. Debai 2,062 212 356 385 Sheikhupura 1 Ahar .. Aurangabad 513 92 93 386 Sheikbupur ..rJ Rora I AnupBhahr .. Jahangirabad 909 199 274 387 Sberpur 3 Debai .. Debai 533 26 29 388 Sherpur Banger 1 Anupshahr Allupshahr 218 111 132 389 Sberpnr Khader Do. Do. 85 390 Sbeopnri 1 Do. Do. 545 42 69 391 Sheor.. rnpur I Ahar Aurangab .. d 578 54 97 392 Soharkba 1 Anupshabr Anupshahr 562 71 95 393 Sbeorarnpur Jinai 2 Do. Do. 647 97 126 394 Shako; I Do. Do. 702 302 320 395 Sikri I Ahar .. Aurangabad 478 103 103 396 Siror.. Banger I Anupshabr Anupababr 1,284 295 379 397 Sirora Khader I Do. Do. 1,399 20 23 398 Sultanpnr Bilouni 3 Debai Debai 1,407 171 275 ,99 Sunai I Anupshahr Anupshahr 626 201 210 400 Sunana I Do. Do. 485 177 222 401 Surajpur Makhena 5 Debai .. Debai 2,034 530 605 402 Surajpur Tikri I Ahar ., Aurangabad 548 225 227 403 Suratgarh urJ Lodhai 2 Anupshahr .. Anupsbahr 1,522 167 261 404 Tahgora I Ahar ., Jabangirabau 349 54 55 405 Talwar 2 Debai .. Debai 1,491 397 420 406 Timarpur I Abar .. Anrangabad 848 41 42 4~7 Titauta urI Birgawn .. I Anupshahr ., J ahangirabad 1,145 214 226 408 Telia Nagla 1 Do. Anupsbabr 479 106 130 409 l'ban8o Gajro) .. 2 Abar Do. 1,218 159 235 410 Tbona I Do. .. Sian" 604 205 211 411 Tilokpur 1 Deba; Deb"i 762 45 92 41? '£ulsi Garhi 2 Do. Do. 469 67 74 413 Udal Garhi Banger .. 3 Do. Do. 359 148 191 414 Udal Garhi KhBder .. 1 D(). Do. 218 I 1 415 Udaipur Kalan .. 1 Do. Do. 631 147 185 416 Udaipur Khurd Banger 1 Do, .. Anupshahr 820 38 46 417 Udaipur Kburd Kbader Do. Do. 741 ~418 Ugaiwan I Anupshahr .. Jabang;rabad 149 32 32 419 Umrara 1 Debai Deba; 841 258 296 420 Umrar; I Do. Do. 511 115 125 -;124 UncbagaonBanger .. I Do. Do. 477 201 203 "122 U ncbagaon I~hader 2 Do. Do. 1,422 84 84 423 YuniBpur I Ahar .. Siana 338 48 67 424 Y"bapur I Debai Debai 576 104 109 425 Umarpur I Abar Siana 913 494 500 426 Dibai (Rural) " 6 Debai .. Debai 416 218 232 427 Jahangirabad (Rural) 3 Anupahahr .. Jabangirabad 2,916 51 51

Total Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 516 278,579 50,601 63,$61 TEHSIL ANUPSHAHR

24 AnupBhabr Notified Area AnupBhahr Anupshahr 1,703 1,()S9 1,305 133 154 2 266 308 3 244 295 4 46 53 5 370 495 _ ------_------121

Absttact-(~onJd, )

Inmates of Total no. of persons enumerated institutions (inculding inmates of institutions and houseless Displaced and housele•• persons) persons persons Literate. .,; ------., '0'" 0 Persons Males Females M F M F M F 0 - ---9 -- -ro -- -If -~- 13 14 15---- -)6- 17-, _---- _--- --_- (RURAL)-(contd.) 758 421 3J7 79 7 372 Unpopulated 373 1,628 865 763 182 21 374 2,893 1,486 1,407 154 33 375 209 109 100 376 1,361 726 635 80 4 377 1,881 991 890 152 10 378 52 29 23 4 379 801 403 398 44 380 899 470 429 I 37 381 516 284 232 92 1 382 349 190 159 25 383 1,830 977 853 115 '4 384 539 298 241 1 385 1,490 758 732 125 i5 386 182 97 85 13 387 660 374 286 25 388 UnpopUlated 389 331 182 149 11 I 590 488 243 245 1 I 30 I 391 583 292 291 87 12 392 690 358 332 65 5 393 1,786 948 838 1 185 1 394 573 322 251 43 395 1,786 953 833 69 I 396 104 59 45 2 397 1,395 739 656 182 20 398 1,020 526 494 'i 49 1 399 1,105 567 538 44 2 400 3,573 1,878 1,695 8 3 3 1 292 24 401 1,133 604 529 60 9 402 707 57 1,513 806 2 '103 307 153 154 J 27 404 2,422 1,292 1,130 144 21 405 222 133 89 406 1,169 627 542 57 I 407 713 386 327 39 408 1,222 612 610 8 .i 409 1.284 666 618 20 410 451 235 222 33 1 411 426 229 197 11 412 802 436 366 16 78 i5 413 1 7 5 414 1,049 515 534 72 10 415 243 I3l 112 6 1 416 Unpopulutod 417 199 112 87 7 418 1,586 884 102 195 9 419 711 377 334" 78 5 420 1,060 54il 520 '2 59 4 421 344 190 154 1 422 410 223 187 15 423 745 389 356 36 424 2,692 1.464 1,228 178 5i 425 l,1l8 603 515 39 I 426 292 147 145 9 127

339,568 119,436 160,/32 221 62 25 19 22.211 1962


9,358 5,Oll 4,341 562 tOO Z3 18 1,382 477 24 1,905 998 907 81 42 7 7 ISO 34 1.858 1,018 840 216 48 285 47 1,;24 797 727 244 ISO 46 1.458 SO:: 656 16 2 2,613 1,396 l,2l7 21 10 15 11 181 348

------~ 122

Prim~r, Census

AGRICULTURAL I C"'u"'ltCCiv-c-a::-;t-C-or-:::.C-:o"'f ------­ land wholly or II-Cultivators of land mainly owned wholly or mainly un­ rII--Cultivating and their owned and their labourers and their dependants dependants dependants

Name of Village or Town/Ward M F M F M F 2 18 19 __- 22 =-____ 23 . TEHSIL ANUPSHAHR

372 Salamatpur 265 217 12 8 120 82 373 Salempur 374 Sangdalanpur urj Ra.tanpur 600 52g 140 112 375 Sankhni 828 797 116 88 376 SarmaBtpur 109 100 377 Satbara 521 433 106 93 378 Satoha 572 500 126 99 379 Shadipur Banboi 29 23 380 Shehdwan 326 '3Q3 2 32 30 381 Shannagar 274 244 8 8 8 7 382 210 183 65 32 383 Shakarpur 176 141 9 12 384 Sheikhupur 644 557 14 14 96 76 385 Sheikhupura 273 Z08 386 Sheikhupur urI Rora •• 518 !;O1 Ii6 167 387 Sherpur 89 18 I 5 388 Sherpur Banger 312 251 32 19 389 Sherpur Khader 390 Sheopuri 132 98 34 37 391 Sheorampur 182 173 4 3 392 Soharkha 184 179 15 15 393 Shoorampur Jinai 28, 271 38 27 394 Shakoi 600 525 18 18 152 124 395 Sikri 262 191 2 2 396 Sirora Banger 666 605 3 2 107 62 397 Sirora Khader 54 43 ,4 2 398 Sultanpur Bilauni 592 510 6 4 43 35 399 Snnai 266 267 9 4 I I 400 Snnan", 294 298 31 13 105 94 401 Surajpur Makhena 1,136 1,0,0 74 65 94 72 402 Surajpur Tikri 398 353 2 403 Suratgarh urJ Lodhai ., 556 492 2 I 67 53 404 Tahgora 77 88 2 2 I 405 Talwar 92S 819 116 101 80 66 406 Timarpur 127 88 3 I I 407 Titauta urj Birg.. wn .. 446 393 81 65 408 Telia Nagla 289 258 4 2 75 53 409 Thana Gajrola 503 508 55 29 410 ThaDa 490 451 \5 15 411 Tilokpur 202 192 7 6 412 Tulsi Garhi 213 191 I I 413 Udai Garhi Banger 219 218 14 13 15 17 414 Udai Garhi Kh.. der .. 415 Udaipur Kalan .. 361 370 3 .... I 9 9 416 Udaipur Khurd Banger 114 94 13 12 417 Ud,upur Khurd Khader 418 Ugaiwan 104 84 I 7 3 419 Urnr... a 410 348 108 77 49 37 420 Umrari 2153 222 5 4 3 3 42 \ Unchagaon Banger 362 361 5 5 1 422 Unohagaon Khader .. 190 154 423 Yunispur 199 164 6 4 424 Yab .. pur 267 !231 16 5 30 34 425 Urnarpur 47' 422 18 14 q 2 426 Dibai (Rural) 280 258 12 II 32 22 427 Jahangirabad (Rural) 85 79 58 62

Total Tehsil Anupshahr (Rural) 111,360 104,9(J(j 2,567 2,075 16,195 13,142


24 Anupshahv ~otified Area 656 479 98 78 65 44 140 118 39 37

2 169 95 7 8 13 8 49 41 15 II 1• 4 197 157 22 16 51 35 101 68 15 6


A bstract-(contd.)


----~------IV--Non-aultivating --- - owners of land; agrioultural rent V-Produotion VIII-Other sArvices receivers; and other than and miscellaneous their dependants cultivation VI-Commeroe VlI--'I'ransport sources 0 - - _--- '"C'" "0 M F M F M F M F M F Q 26 -- - -27" ---28 ----- 24 i5 29- 1G -31 -32 33 "[ --_--_------(RURAL)-(concld.) 4 4 13 25 372 Unpopulated 373 2 3 51 48 20 18 2 50 53 374 10 31 262 215 89 79 45 43 136 154 375 376 3 I 48 38 26 34 :3 5 19 31 317 148 141 39 38 4 4 102 108 378 379 2 14 22 24 6 9 15 16 380 7 12 76 71 5 6 4 5 88 76 381 I I I 2 7 14 382 5 6 383 7 3 101 88 57 41 58 74 384 0; Z 21 25 4 6 385 4 36 30 ii ·7 14 23 386 6 2 1 387 ·3 2 8 3 :3 3 16 8 '388 Unpopula.ted 389 15 13 1 I 390 8 8 6 3 43 58 39l 4 6 36 49 8 6 45 36 392 5 1 5 13 2 1 23 19 3<)'3 4 7 71 62 26 29 2 2 75 71 394 I I 43 44 2 1 12 12 395 125 93 25 28 27 43 396 1 397 14 12 21 20 63 75 8 398 2 4 58 55 13 10 Ii 166 145 399 2 52 42 12 15 11 5 62 69 6 400 1 2 141 122 68 57 15 349 321 401 109 84 28 24 67 68 402 15 15 83 59 19 14 4 3 60 70 403- 1 17 16 9 9 .. 47 38 404 87 67 29 19 4 1 56 57 405 2 406 39 33 4 2 I 54 49 407 5 I 3 I 10 12 408 25 16 6 I 43 56 409 4 12 40 35 2 2 115 103 410 3 4 4 3 19 17 411 5 5 412 I 46 31 38 33 10 3 94 50 413 2 5 414 3 8 62 61 6 9 2 4 69 72 415 4 6 416 Unpopulated 417 .. 418 7 5 151 114 59 38 8 6 92 77 419 72 74 14 jO 20 21 420 46 41 14 10 12 18 100 85 421 422 7 9 5 2 6 8 423 12 10 18 23 1 3 2 3 43 47 424 4 11 313 272 318 251 332 256 425 120 84 13 II 34 33 112 96 426 1 4 3 427

1,213 1,611 16,087 14,366 51}18 5,101 1/158 911 18,968 17,994


42 30 1,047 882 1,137 1,100 180 162 1,786 1,572 24 5 175 133 197 200 29 23 417 391 11 178 137 65 70 25 25 550 497 8 6 249 231 145 148 73 64 258 225 9 3 164 117 161 151 37 35 161 142 14 16 281 264 569 531 16 15 400 317

-~------~ 124 Primary Census

No. of Occupied houses ,; the .: hamlets Ko. of Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- 0'" '"c.:> Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres house. holds

---~ 2 4 5 6 -----8 TEHSIL ANUPSHAHR

127 Dibai Municipal Board Deb"i Debaj 3,408 1,894 2.914 497 549 2 179 197 3 449 1,102 4 261 361 5 508 705 184-J"h"ngirabad Town Area Anupshahr Jabangirabad .. 5,346 2,745 3,268 637 738 2 631 717 3 881 967 4 596 846 222 Khalaur Anupshahr Jahangirabad .. 1,265 663 849 228 Khanpur Gantu Ahar Aurangabad 1.567 685 1,086 Total Tehail Anupshahr (Urban) 13;289 1/)46 9,422 Total Tehail Anupshahr 516 291,868 57,647 72.983

~--- ~- 125 Absttact-(contd.)

Inmates of Total DO. of persons &numerated institutions (including inmates of institutions and honeelE>lls Displaoed persons Literates <5 and houseless persons) p&rsons c

--- ~------., ------~~-~ ------_ --_------_ ---- 'T:l 0 Persons Males Females M F M F III: F 0

_-~- --1- TI- 15 ------16· 17 10 II --_- 14 '" --- --~ -- - l' ----_-_ ---_---_---- URBAN NON-CITY-(conta.) '12,610 M89 S,9ZJ 136 11 157 151 1,956 814 121 2,595 1,378 1,217 10 10 268 71 1,119 573 546 5 3 113 '8 3,224 1,682 1,542 5 4 76 62 300 122 2,565 1,324 1,241 48 2 21 27 583 307 3,107 1,732 1,375 82 5 45 49 692 276

14p19 7,783 6,896 150 60 56 47 1,920 451 184 3,776 2,021 1,755 62 2 6 4 653 153 3,840 2,103 1,737 44 29 21 27 407 76 3,655 1,879 1,776 43 29 21 15 539 116 3,408 1,780 1.628 2 321 106

4,914 2,593 2,321 568 35 222 5,617 2,964 2,653 437 41 228 41,118 25/)40 22,138 848 111 236 216 6,253 1,818 386,746 204,476 182,270 1,oti9 233 261 235 28,470 3,780 ------126

Primary Census

AGRICULTURAL I-Cultlv .. tors of l ..nd wholly or II-Cultivators of land m ..inly owned wholly or mainly un­ III-Culti vating and their owned and their labourers ..nd their depend.. nts dependants dependants

Name of Vm .. ge or Town/Ward M F ]<' M F

-l~~------19---- 18 -21 22 ----23' ------~ -- TEHSIL ANUPSHAHR

127 Dibai Municipal Bard 821 735 39 36 78 65 285 259 8 5 16 I3 2 98 92 4 3 8 9 3 164 202 21 19 47 36 4 73 44 2 2 5 201 138 4 9 7 5

184 Jahangirabad Town Area 1,948 1,704 43 50 137 101 467 393 II 19 17 7 2 625 498 26 28 43 28 3 419 403 52 41 4 437 410 6 3 25 25 222 Khalaur 1,458 1,260 86 61 242 216 228 Kh.. npur Gantu 1,116 959 4 4 16 14 Total Tehsil Anupshaht (UrbanI 5:J99 5,137 270 229 538 440

Total Tehsil Anupshaht 123,359 lJO,043 2,837 2,304 16,733 13,582

------~ ------_ 127



-_---- ~------IV - Non-cultivutmg owners of land; agrioultural rent rooeivers ; V -Produotio n VIII- Other serVlces Ilond their other than and miscellaneous 0 dependants cUltivation VI-Commerco VI I-Transport sources <::

'tl '"0 M :F 1\1 F M F M F M F 0

24 25 26 2'i 28 29 30 3T -32 nl

URBAN NON-CITY-(concld_)

154 166 1,240 1,054 1,974 1,734 313 312 2.070 1,819 127 20 23 325 256 228 213 83 95 413 353 5 9 169 167 88 82 27 32 174 152 56 56 309 258 535 478 74 79 476 414

62 68 193 179 599 574 39 42 35~ 332 II 10 244 194 524 381 go 64 651 568

49 41 1,974 1,763 1,614 1,366 398 37,5 1,620 1,,496 184 14 16 587 508 404 331 37 42 484 439 8 7 628 531 368 313 64 69 341 263 14 II 380 390 590 502 91 95 333 334 13 379 334 252 220 206 169 462 460 39 47 289 273 112 9S 12 355 364 222

26 39 552 487 396 383 11 14 843 753 228

310 313 5,102 4,459 \ 5,233 4,678 914 868 6,674 6,004

1.533 1,944 21,189 18.825 11,211 9,779 1,972 1,795 25,642 23,998

- _- - -- 128

Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institntions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions houseloos g the bouses ~ an

1 Anhera.. .. I Agota .. Gul",othl 423 101 185 1,003 547 456 2 AbdulJahpur Huiasan I Shikllorpur .. Rhika, pur 700 24 25 110 57 53 3 Adohli I Baran ., BulandBhahr 183 49 49 244 137 107 5 4 Achheja Ghat I Do. .. Khurja 745 147 151 732 409 323 5 Agota I Agot .. Gulaothi 1,078 191 311 1,590 834 756 6 Ahmdanagar I Do. Do. 264 433 556 2.888 1.537 1,351 1 Ahmed pur I Baran Bulandshahr 283 29 35 160 85 75 8 Ahmedpur I Agota .. Gulaothi 433 82 91 511 272 239 9 Aimanpur I Baran .. Bulandshahr 639 74 94 476 260 216 10 Blank II Ajitpur Agota _. Gulaothi 443 119 134 708 367 341 12 Akbarabad Kurha Baran · . Aurangabad 636 62 65 438 239 199 13 Akbarpur .. Baran · . BulandRhahr 1,005 257 3a9 I ,487 765 722 14 Akbarpur Jhoja Agota Guloothi 871 156 157 789 412 377 15 Akbarpur Raina Do. Do. 384 78 128 750 405 345 16 Akhtiarpur Do. · . Bullmdshahr 1,044 90 148 826 4~5 381 17 Alabas Batr; .. Sian., ,. Siana. 514 76 82 424 222 202 18 AJamgirpur Baran .. Bulandshahr 808 134 186 998 520 478 19 Alamgirput Nainsukh Do. Do. 460 24 64 314 174 140 20 Alipura .. Shikarpur .. Shilcarpur 208 Unpopulated 21 Al1pur Gijauri 1 Baran .. Bulandsbahr 310 62 98 505 269 236 22 Anchru Kalan I Shik"rpur .. Rhikarpur 935 161 202 909 465 444 23 Anchru Khurd 1 Do. Do. 176 58 72 399 207 192 24 Aichana I Agota Gulaothi 733 113 147 742 381 361 25 Aqapur Tiana I Sian" Do. 1,285 178 256 I ,596 838 758 26 Arholi 1 Baran Bu1and.hahr 1,022 135 239 I ,284 692 '192 27 A~awar I Agota Gulaothi 708 141 144 915 492 423 28 Asdullahpur Baran Bulandshahr 157 Unpopulated 29 Asauri I Sikharpur .. Jahangirabad 759 153 153 876 ·183 393 30 Ashrafpur Abdul· Do. · . Shikarpur 190 Unpopulated lahpur 31 Asfabad Chandpura ., I A!(ota .. Gulaothi 906 125 199 1,007 534 473 32 Atta 1 Do. Do. 857 119 124 872 502 370 33 Olledha I Do. Do. 1,521 292 394 2,144 1,134 1,010 34 Aulina I Do. .. Aurangabad .. 1,140 294 298 1,730 953 777 35 Aurangahad I Do. .. Gulaothi ., "/28 157 177 1,163 607 556 36 Aurangabad Chandokh 2 Shikarpur .. J ahangirahad 3,636 391 592 2,997 1,574 1,423 37 Aurangabad Baran .. Aurangabad .. Town Area 38 AurangDur Mirpur Do. · . Buland.hahr 271 46 47 280 153 127 39 Aurangpur Mohsan .. Do. · . J ah.. ngirabad 505 27 21 183 99 84 40 Azampur Dariapur .. Shikarpur ., Shikarpur 178 83 90 521 265 256 41 Babupur .. Agota .. Gulaothi 322 154 158 980 495 485 42 Banhpur .. Siana .. Siana. 1.572 296 394 2,033 1,044 989 -43 Badnaura Baran · . Bulandshahr 307 52 59 278 137 141 -44 Badshahpur Garhia .. Siana .. Siana 518 ~6 57 343 196 147 45 Bagla Poothri Baran · . Bulandshahr 324 101 101 529 277 252 46 Bugrasi .. Siano. .. Siana Town 41 BaghwMB .. .. Agota .. Gulaothi 432 275 276 1,606 831 775 48 Bahadurpur Mah,sh· Siana Aurangabad .. 280 1')2 105 595 314 281 pur 49 Badda Eajidpur Do. •. Riana 862 207 298 1,548 793 755 50 Bahadurpur Pisoli Do. Aurangahad ... 536 142 145 835 451 384 51 Baharmandnagar Agota .• Gulaothi 460 211 211 1.168 611 557 52 Baroda Shikarpur Shikarpur 735 92 128 742 383 359 53 B",:)apur Pa1i urj .. SiEms .. Aurangabad .. 35 UnpopUlated Bahrampur 54 Baral 2 Agota .. Gulaothi 2,590 743 853 4.378 2,370 2,008 6 55 Barari 2 Agota Do. 432 83 124 845 447 398 56 Barasau .. I Shikarpur .. Shikarpur 453 45 61 377 211 166 57 Barauli .. I Do. Do. 543 85 120 660 352 308 58 Earauli Basdeopur .. I Siana .. Siana 2,456 349 444 2,456 1,295 1,161 1,875 59 Barhan" I Do. Do. 1,770 241 293 997 878 .. Aurangabad .. 652 129 129 652 357 295 6~ Bakora I Baran 61 Barkatpur I Siana •• Siano. 523 59 77 467 240 227 62 B80sendua I Baran .. Khurja 49~ 156 162 797 402 395 Bondra I Siana Aurangabad .• 619 74 103 576 298 278 63 124 64 Billot I Baran .. Bulandshahr .. 447 23 24 72 52 65 Benipur I Siana .. Siana 832 112 191 1,035 561 47·i 1,370 191 223 1,638 909 729 66 Bihta .. 1 Do. Do. 'j 67 Bhagwanpur n,1 I Do. Do. 355 12 23 147 87 60 Harbanpur 68 Bhainsakhur Do. .. Gulaothi 126 193 371 1,460 762 698 69 Bhainsoda Do. •• tHa.na 874 211 299 1,542 807 735 70 Bhainsroli Nasirpur .. Shikarpur Shikarpur 813 170 210 1,172 635 537 1209 71 Bhai Pura Baran Bulandshahr 1,005 135 216 665 5·14 321 1,744 ~9 72 Bhamra Agoba .. Gulaothi 629 223 795 73 Bablim Pura Baran .. Buillondsbahr 646 164 207 971 543 428 127 74 Bhandoria Agota AUTa.ngabad ., 396 15 42 228 101 Shikarpur 1,019 152 185 1,125 573 552 75 Bb8~ola Rhikarpur 76 Bhatola najipur Bara.n .. Kharja .. 652 286 300 1,624 853 771 22 12 77 Bhatpura Baran .. Aurangabad .. t09 2 2 10 129

Abstract-( &onrd.)


- ~II-Cultiva- -Yv -No1i.cufti: I-Cultivators tor8 of land vating owners of land wholly wholly or III-Culti- of land; agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V-Produc" services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers receivers; tion o~her and mis­ placed their and their and their and their than oul- VI-Com- VII-Trans- cellaneous si p~r.~~ _Literates dependants dependants dependants d~pend6ntB tivation meree eort sources '"' ~ M F M ]!' M F M F M F M F M F M F M ]' M F.8

- 14- l5 16 20 22 23 24 25 -26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 r ~- '-_--_----_- (RURAL)

123 2 398 320 34 28 II 21 36 30 13 '3 55 48 I 13 5' ". 44 48 2 ii 4 31 30 3 5 39 24 25 20 I 38 2S 3 43 5 214 I73 2 4 78 61 2 '\ 54 33 9 6 13 15 31 30 4 174 34 349 289 47 48 50 35 151 135 45 51 21 16 165 182 5 371 45 707 620 9 3 81 59 I 5 192 169 148 98 :3 4 396 393 6 3 74 69 3 2 3 I 5 3 7 II 21 I 184 19 12 3 14 ii; '2 I 26 23 8 41 1 200 17J 14 6 10 8 3 I 6 4 1 26 26 10" 5 70 3 90 97 19 60 62 91 80 8 10 99 92 II 6 143 115 15 17 10 34 28 27 21 10 14 12 120 13 316 323 66 53 61 57 24 18 298 211 13 19 192 186 I 3 138 114 37 27 44 47 14 62 5 276 240 4 4 8 5 68 57 2 3 47 36 15 40 315 268 7 6 4 2 28 21 7 5 4 I 80 72 16 3 129 114 36 36 1 13 1 43 45 11 38 452 426 31 28 14 9 7 3 16 12 18 9 I 120 93 3 1 I 2 I 48 45 19 20 29 4 155 134 1 9 52 51 I 2 20 10 15 14 19 16 21 lOI 2 219 201 12 10 64 52 7 17 31 34 49 40 9 8 74 82 22 42 2 188 175 3 4 15 8 I I 4 23 22 235 248 50 44 49 26 7 5 I 40 37 24 59 469 405 30 10 35 44 21 17 283 282 25 19 614 528 8 31 23 39 41 26 21 3 203 173 2 71 64 15 16 22 22 181 146 27 28 61 413 319 14 13 23 26 32 34 29 30 27 .397 352 8 3 33 22 16 18 7 7 19 13 54 55 31 37 I 308 236 7 3 31 24 12 4 6 4 m 99 n 392 21 584 504 31 17 28 26 212 254 61 40 22 20 136 149 33 55 t 154 58Q 5 4 91 90 7 96 99 3<1- 87 1 450 395 66 65 21 20 24 23 46 53 35 352 79 1,030 888 29 16 144 123 41 59 144 134 59 34" 16 16 III 153 36 37 56 138 118 6 4 4 3 5 2 38 I 82 72 I 16 12 39 61 1 207 201 44 35 3 4 1 11 15 40 52 L 264 235 2 "4 112 III 1 8 16 85 4 6 30 36 41 322 57 494 448 16 II 33 23 30 24 115 133 43 40 !l 11 302 299 42 25 I 56 59 18 16 40 39 2 4 11 13 4 I'.) 43 31 129 105 3 I 46 35 3 2 2 13 4 44 32 225 235 17 3 14 8 7 2 14 4 45 46 47 302 315 I. 7 6 285 253 126 104 110 91 47 34 288 260 26 21 48 170 6 421 3,9 45 33 2 6 64 55 61 66 1 194 195 49 75 7 366 298 I 9 1 2 4 32 31 8 It "2 .3 31 30 50 26 415 352 11 10 30 24 32 36 7 10 116 125 51 63 5 247 229 94 16 I 2 II 12 3 2 16 19 II 19 52 53 4 444 32 1,061 904 63 44 173 135 29 32 428 359 106 91 40 37 470 406 54 44 1 273 227 15 17 8 7 28 29 :.I 1 8 8 112 109 5; 4 157 127 22 I; 27 20 5 4 56 22 1 3~1 252 12 15 2 25 22 14 17 57 197 13 874 769 10 13 131 100 21 38 134 128 24 14 22 19 7, 80 58 173 7 699 602 23 16 75 21 4 5 54 74 19 15 2 .3 121 142 59 42 2 274 216 2 2 9 12 5 5 15 II 52 49 60 38 :3 117 124 15 9 14 16 5 I 34 28 3 8 5 .3 47 38 61 93 14 221 226 20 13 5 :3 4 5 28 40 12 6 112 102 62 72 13 167 158 19 15 1 III 105 63 28 2 70 52 2 64 106 14 357 287 5 5 7 58 51 13 11 14 14 108 102 65 182 8 517 388 2 :3 197 170 22 21 I' 171 146 66 17 79 52 I I 7 7 67 105 3 451 376 10 7 5 ') 1 92 94 23 34 10 10 170 172 8 510 ') 6B 145 577 14 '> 8 79 86 14 II 4 I 114 114 69 93 1 511 408 67 63 2 2 22 24 4 4 .3 .3 26 33 416 70 8 514 6 3. 7 4 77 71 15 9 10 7 36 34 71 32 1 392 347 2 218 155 45 26 3 290 262 72 37 467 381 '3 21 II 7 8 5 '".3 37 28 n 15 116 84 4 Z • I 2 .. 6 13 74 1'2 15 368 330 3 91 83 8 10 47 44 19 13 .3 .3 34 69 15 53 2 595 527 5 3 2 3 5 9 30 36 19 13 197 ,I~ 10 12 16 77 130 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of porsons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions houseless ,; the houses and housoless persons) persons I: hamlets No. of .." Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- '"0 0 Town!Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Fema.les M F

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12- 13 -~------~------~- TEHSIL BULANDSHAHR

78 Bhan Bah~durnaga; .. 2 Siana Siana 3,333 695 823 4,100 2,150 1,950 2 79 Bhikanpur 1 Baran .. Aurangabad •. 356 21 23 173 89 84 80 Bbandoli .. I Agola .. Bulandshahr .. 870 151 221 1,107 581 526 81 Bhirauti I Siana " Siana 368 46 65 403 220 183 82 Bhogpur I Agota " GulMthi 218 31 41 312 196 116 83 Bhopur Shikarpur " Shikarpur 172 Unpopulated 84 Bhatona I Agota " Gulaothi 505 730 858 4,742 2,638 2,104 85 Bhur 3 Baran " Bulandsbahr" 661 295 358 1,518 842 676 86 Bigraon I Siana " Siano. 1,115 174 204 1,114 579 535 87 Bihra I Do. " Anrangabad .. 956 160 237 CJ40 480 460 88 Basaich I Agoto. " Gulaothi 897 67 98 528 249 279 89 BishundAra. I Do. .. Aurangabad •. 836 197 271 1,473 826 647 'j 90 Bohich I Shikarpur .. Shikarpur 774 143 1~4 839 468 371 91 Burhaua I Baran " Jabangirabad 804 151 229 1,241 (M 596 I 92 Balandshahr (Rural) .. 3 Do. .. Bulandsbahr .. 1,904 131 134 568 320 248 93 Bulandshahr Do. Do. Municipality 94 Chandpur .. I Do. Do. 697 242 242 1,324 692 632 20 IE> 95 Chand pur Puthi I Sian" .. Siano. 812 248 260 1,3·10 701 639 96 Chhaprawat I Agot" Gulaothi .. 884 303 320 1,869 946 923 97 Chakla I Shikarpur " Jahangirabad 1,423 90 116 592 327 265 98 Chaoli I Baran .. Bulandshabr 270 82 82 290 162 128 Siana 99 Chingrauthi I " Siana 846 113 113 873 479 394 100 Chirawak .. I Agota .. Gulaothi 715 147 198 1,302 685 617 3 101 Chirchita I Baran .. Bulandsl:lahr 850 156 187 940 491 ·149 102 Charaura Mnstafabad I Do. .. Aurangabad 1,182 230 312 1,496 791 705 103 Chitsona AJipur I Siaon .. Siana 2,144 486 605 3,227 1,709 1,518 2 104 Chitson 1 Shikarpur .. Shikarpur 1,060 251 348 1,879 998 881 7 105 Dalpatpur Muktssh- 1 8iana .. Aurangabad 251 64 114 603 318 285 W[lol"fl,

106 Daroli Do. " Siana 626 56 80 416 233 183 107 llargahpur Shikarpur .. Shikarpur 469 59 71 460 247 213 108 Darveshpur Do. Do. 909 191 196 1,000 550 4;0 109 Darveshpur Siana .. Siana 239 Unpopulated 110 Dariapur .. I Baran " Bulandshahr 658 246 342 1,650 884 766 2 III Daulatabad I Siana " Aurangabad 261 44 45 250 144 106 112 Deh", I Do. .. Siana 884 243 257 1,279 666 613 Deoli I Agota Gulaothi 411 123 136 853 447 406 113 " " 'j 114 Dhakauli " I Siano. " Siano. 575 96 153 913 483 430 115 Dbakauh .. 2 Baran " Bu1andshahr 1,423 275 353 1,890 959 931 I 116 Dhalna I Shikarpur " Shikarpur \,008 125 158 821 441 380 117 Dhamera Kirat I Baran " Bulandshahr 446 147 160 761 392 369 118 Dhamraoli ., 1 Do. Do. 125 143 259 1,228 6S5 573 119 Daulatgarh I Do. .. Bulandshahr " 977 115 133 652 3S0 302 120 Dhimri Aidalpur I Do. Do. 693 148 156 821 458 363 121 Dhanyauli I Siana .. Siana .. 619 128 191 1,146 600 546 122 Dhaturi I Baran .. Bulandshahr 1,018 170 204 1.062 577 485 123 Dhoosri I Shikarpur " Shikarpur ,. 370 73 74 482 268 214 124 Dohli 1 Baran " Bulandshahr 486 129 177 606 323 283 125 Dostpur I Do. Do. 403 1I8 160 669 372 297 I 126 Domla Has!>ngarh 4 Shikarpur Shikarpur 1,935 141 176 1,058 580 478 121 Dudupur 1 Bal'an .. Khur]a 525 84 88 472 ~47 225 128 Ridhauli 1 Agota Gula"tbi 448 30 31 199 122 77 129 Faizullahpur Ajnara I Shikarpur Slukarpm 950 113 132 858 476 382 'i 131 Farhadpur 1 Baran .. Bulandsbahr 310 39 39 181 94 87 1 Shikarpur Shikarpur 316 22 30 190 100 131 Faridpur Haveli " \10 132 Fatehpur Buzurg I Baran .. Khurja 356 81 82 491 260 231 133 G"ngerua •• 3 Do. ,. Bulandshabr 868 199 218 1,Q47 561 486 'i 134 GayaspUI'a" I Do Do. 441 105 106 473 267 206 135 Ghansurpur 1 Siana .. Siano. 916 90 123 778 420 358 2 136 Ghungrauli Banwari- I Baran .. Bulandshahr 1,596 356 366 1,918 1,038 880 pur 137 Ghos Mohiuddinpur Do. Do. 187 53 53 328 171 157 ur1 J umnather 138 Ganaura Sheikh Agota Do. 831 205 216 1,247 639 608 139 Sulel.. Siana. .. 8iana .. 748 120 129 896 492 404 140 Ginaura Zannardar Baran Bulandshahr 460 134 131 746 388 358 Agota Gulaothi 1,056 122 209 1,146 616 530 141 GirchBrpur Newada .. " 142 Gulabnagar Sian .. Do. 492 2 2 15 11 4 143 Gulaotbi Agota .. Gulaothi Town Area 144 Guthaoli Khurd I Do. .. Bulandshahr .. 204 109 110 602 321 281 145 Gothaoli Tikri 1 Do. Do. 662 151 193 872 446 426 2 426 421 2,348 1,~53 1,095 146 Hajipur I Siana " Rh:ma 1,338 147 Halpnra I Sbikarpur " Sbikarpur 428 75 115 593 325 268 148 Rarchna .. I Agota .. Gulaothi 419 314 322 1,434 779 655 I 149 Harganpur Baran Khurja ,. 165 Unpopulated " 1,072 558 514 150 Ratmabad .. I Do. " Bulandshabr .. 131 103 219 3 151 .. I Do. Do. 411 96 163 71J9 416 383 152 Rirnot I Sbikarpur .. Sbikarpur 537 110 112 609 322 287 153 Hatampur I Do. Do. 344 26 27 159 87 72 154 Razratpur Shamsbpur 1 Baran .. Bulandshahr 496 63 76 504 281 223 155 Hazratpur I Shikarpur .. Shikarpur I,M2 147 147 844 457 387




lI-Cu!tlva' 1 V -NQu.cultl. I-Cultivators tors of land vating owners of land wholly wholly or llI-Culti- of land; agri- VIII-OLhe~ or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V -Produc, services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers recei vers; tion oLheT and mie­ plsced their and their and their and their than cui, VI-Corn- VII-Trans- cellaneous 6 personS Literates dependants dependants d,:!,_eudantH dependants tivation moree __ ~!_t _ sourcos =


14 15 16 f7 20 25 - 26 27 28 2<'


8 1 642 J 13 764 621 18 12 54 22 28 13 586 634 322 284 10 9 368 325 78 6 85 83 I .. 3 I 79 103 8 350 292 13 12 9 5 13 15 102 109 13 18 5 3 76 72 80 68 27 179 136 4 7 37 40 8t 61 2 190 113 2 3 3 I 82 83 579 54 1,479 1,020 I 96 104 4 7 319 345 In LOI 11 13 546 514 84 19 15 147 31 245 214 I I 31 34 103 72 67 49 23 17 312 289 85 65 2 417 38B 14 12 13 11 23 23 3 I 2 108 99 86 127 12 275 239 5 4 L 1 23 43 51 51 '7 7 1 I l!7 LL4 87 2 ,. 57 9 149 144 14 12 53 75 2 2 31 46 88 102 12 5Q6 395 18 12 I 104 104 17 18 .. 180 118 89 54 323 249 21 18 5~ 35 2 2 4 2 68 65 90 131 5 407 379 4 1 78 74 12 13 8 8 136 121 9t 57 43 161 lSI I 28 13 3 2 63 32 65 49 92 93 I " 139 4 387 351 3 3 69 71 81 63 3D 21 12 13 lLO 104 94 63 4 33D 305 21 13 160 119 10 8 85 80 25 23 7 13 63 78 95 " 2 182 7 525 523 24 15 154 138 1 113 113 26 16 9 15 95 102 96 42 10 231 191 2 30 57 6 3 7 8 5 2 2 1 23 24 97 I 72 53 9 8 47 38 3 2 I 13 5 6 4 12 17 98 113 8 317 246 77 42 18 17 67 8'" 99 [04 467 420 142 122 \ 25 30 I.) 13 42 31 100 40 9 321 256 2 114 104 3 4 3 o 3 3 45 76 101 20 422 362 1 2 'j "2 L83 158 5 6 5 3 174 172 102 1 1 210 172 37 17 12 11 217 II 1,137 962 2 " 311 334 103 241 36 529 451 ') 9 128 85 10 11 133 m 4R 48 62 58 79 86 104 36 1 226 191 2 6 14 1 27 38 I 6 8 49 14 105 14 176 131 2 2 2 4 5 51 43 106 20 216 189 IL 6 18 12 2 6 L07 114 15 437 340 II 9 3 38 36 17 19 44 46 108. 109 I " 208 3 319 269 46 34 114 88 10 16 163 142 137 II! 24 22 81 84 110 II 125 88 19 18 III 205 26 357 344 7 3 27 20 13 ii 120 I is i4 14 10 4 118 92 112 153 72 244 233 1 L14 91 2 L 86 81 113 8Q, 5 364 322 4 1 I -2 1 40 35 L I 7L 1() 114 123 5 610 612 60 47 5 2 100 78 21 12 11 15 152 165 115- 52 2 256 228 67 52 4 5 84 66 II LO 19 Iq 1I6 57 10 155 154 4 39 3Cl 36 40 46 41 25 23 87 81 117 85 2 405 341 16 6 41 36 57 70 14 14 23 23 99 83 118 4'1 20 I 18G 7 7 49 33 45 35 13 13 6 7 29 27 119 101 4 281 241 10 5 96 67 24 24 11 5 4 2 32 19 120 In 456 '397 3 23 52 45 3 4 86 77 121 65 4 419 331 6 9 64 54 16 16 II 12 18 22 43 4L 122 22 255 201 3 3 3 4 1 3 9 123 2(, 17 222 197 5 19 18 '2 2 5 '5 63 42 124 73 2~8 15? 59 50 57 5Q 5 1 I 42 44 125 38 534 427 15 17 I 3 14 12 16 19 126 5 145 138 14 to 4 5 3 14 2\ '9 2 56 51 127 26 92 55 22 iii E 2 2 4 178 53 354 278 4~ 10 '5 3 27 50 14 12 32 29 129 2 73 61 16 16 I 4 4 6 130 18 83 75 '4 3 7 3 2 3 4 4 2 131 9 164 154 4 2 o. 41 28 11 LO 40 37 132 85 2 293 248 19 62 I J 55 48 56 37 i5 2(, 62 70 133 4 99 81 15 7 41 35 3 3 59 38 31 20 19 22 134 95 7 293 252 22 21 46 29 8 5 's 8 43 43 135 258 21 667 526 121 107 20 22 119 105 36 40 1 74 SO 136 5'1 2 \% 132 6 5 10 6 \8 13 137

93 9 324 312 20 18 49 35 64 72 47 36 21 18 114 117 138 48 I 403 333 12 5 [7 8 I 59 58 139 43 6 350 31'l 8 2 12 18 18 25 140 41 I 421 321 16 57 51 6 9 122 m 141 II 4 142 , I 143 37 243 207 31 34 .. 8 3 6 lJ 27 27 144 79 13 158 128 12 9 n 61 '3 7 46 43 25 25 I 136 161 145 168 10 894 75S 6 5 5 88 12 L2 236 234 146 95 1 233 199 2 33 24 7 5 14 7 5 3 2 28 31 L47 270 33 416 332 28 16 53 36 2 121 107 46 32 4 7 109 125 148 149 112 7 II') 116 13 7 9 9 219 186 37 29 1 3 169 164 150 55 12 195 169 I L 129 116 18 23 2 3 70 71 151 16 234 198 25 17 35 33 5 8 3 23 28 152 J() 1 67 53 6· 3 8 11 1 2 5 :3 153 20 2 170 144 4 3 9 4 38 27 2 2 58 43 154 32 I 392 330 15 11 4 7 11 6 6 6 4 25 27 155


Pdm,ary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of OccuplCd inmates of institutions houseless C the houaes and houseless persons) person~ hamlets No. of ~ 'C'" K",me of Village or in the Area in No. oj house· 0" 0 TownJWacd village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F

2 3" 4 5 6 7 8 ~ 10 II 12 [3

TEHSIL BULANDSHAHR t56 Hazratpur AbhaipUl· .. Agota .. Gulaothi 2')0 15 25 106 89 77 157 Hingthala urJ Bhaosi .. Baran .. Aurangabad .. 756 133 133 660 346 314 158 Hingwara .. Siana Siana .. 1/>43 281 290 1,498 810 688 159 Hirapur Baran Bulandshahr 396 171 180 804 435 369 160 Hirnot Agota Guioothi .. , 254 l; npopulated 161 Hartauli I Baran .. Bulandshahr 381 146 148 706 382 324 162 Hurthala .. 1 Shikarpur .. Shikarpur 821 147 195 954 SII 443 163 Husainpur .. 1 Agots Gulaothi 276 38 39 198 102 96 164 Iklendi I Siana. Slana. 956 73 101 574 298 276 165 Itmadpur 1 Agotl], .. Gulaothi 399 53 12 380 202 178 166 Itmad Sa.ai 1 Do. .. Bulaudshaht 791 154 156 804 426 378 'i 167 ImiJia I Bara.n Buland.hahr .. 381 160 160 862 447 415 168 Ismailpur Dehlai 1 Do. .. Aursn ~aba,rl 312 1 I 6 3 3 169 Iamails .. 1 Do. Do. 760 54 110 666 360 306 3 170 Jafrsbad Patti Agota Gulaothi 305 Unpopulated 171 Jehr .. 1 Baran .. Bulandahahr :: 1,025 219 278 1,298 674 624 172 Jakheta 1 Shikarpur .. Shikarpur 588 156 156 944 516 428 173 I Siana Siano. 996 574 574 3,158 1,666 1,492 I 174 Jalalpur Katir" 1 Shikarpur .. Shikarrur 595 137 137 836

------Abstract-(Gontd. )


II-Cultiva'­ IV -Non·culti· I-Cultivators tors ofle.nd vating OWners of land ...-holly wholly'or III-Culti· of land; agri· VIII--Other or mainly me.luly vating culture.1 rent V -Produc­ services Di.· owned and unowned labourers reoei vers ; tion other and mis­ plaoed their and their e.nd their e.nd their th.. n cuI· VI-Com' VII-Trans- ceUaneous =0 persons _ Literates dependan~ _ depende.nt,s ilependants _

~ 0415 16- IT 19 20 21 22 23

(RURA.L)-(conld.) 12 79 70 .. 4 4 I 5 3 156 I 3 18 195 165 6 2 3 13 16 34 18 2 1 I 1 93 101 157 53 2 520 368 3 5 110 96 11 14 166 213 158 10 181 178 29 19 99 8) 68 41 19 12 39 33 159 16~ 143 17 156 114 9 7 70 49 5 3 50 65 4 5 2 2 86 19 161 62 3 263 253 3 118 87 84 61 4 5 9 4 30 33 162 I 49 51 .. 36 29 17 16 163 65 '3 199 167 2 7 1 4 4 16 15 8 5 4 62 74 164 5 124 102 42 41 8 1 28 28 165 23 325 268 I 1 2 15 17 6 10 78 81 166 57 2 210 203 II 4 36 35 71 76 13 9 12 5 94 83 167 3 3 168 33 278 222" 7 6 I 9 5 4 5 62 67 169 170 65 479 432 9 I 53 75 11 13 12 9 104 94 171 51 332 255 6 I 45 14 I I 40 71 5 6 1 I 80 79 172 284 6') 552 526 36 31 70 44 3 2 448 393 117 103 440 393 173 76 5 343 286 23 5 36 20 8 5 44 66 174 15 175 148 1 6 14 21 175 II I 176 18B 36 26 5 6 2 19 18 176 131 9 467 394 83 82 9 10 157 131 177 33 173 154 5 2 'i 1 9 11 178 23 3 79 64 17 14 24 20 9 4 21 18 3 '3 40 38 179 26 I 208 193 2 I 62 47 3 3 10 10 4 3 9 4 17 18 180 2 41 34 3 I 3 181 29 .. 343 287 I 3 9 '5 5 2 44 31 182 27 I 247 200 2 3 I 75 67 4 2 52 58 183

39 238 240 29 27 22 28 26 23 184 35 293 251 2 51 54 5 2 27 26 185 26 212 192 132 121 30 21 8 8 10 13 51 61 186 187 15 104 103 17 92 65 57 21 10 188 23 275 236 1 6 3 I 2 I 12 13 15 9 I 93 82 189 13 204 145 7 4 21 17 190 98 9 387 320 '3 '.j 20 12 46 40 46 41 23 18 7 "2 106 94 191 12 439 3B2 11 5 121 96 6 74 61 22 20 6 3 98 79 192 241 42 332 308 18 11 192 176 26 25 139 140 26 21 40 35 90 116 193 25 1 157 136 23 25 1 1 4 53 69 194 215 3 303 305 6 7 4 2 4 14 89 66 44 40 6 7 217 180 195 80 I3 310 324 2 18 18 18 18 215 233 196 191 129 14 872 703 11 8 10 7 107 62 32 25 335 289 198 28 289 247 I 5 8 23 17 2 2 23 19 199 272 28 316 316 34 30 1B 71 11 19 148 145 21 16 16 14 240 234 200 25 383 246 149 116 42 30 3 I 201 114 I 4Cl6 329 5 5 6 6 43 62 6 2 14 9 77 95 707 35 I 232 187 15 20 41 55 203 3 37 25 204 205 46 2 228 226 26 14 71 75 5 1 31 20 II 9 9 27 25 206 205 14 279 252 2 3 2 4 290 266 178 137 145 201 3 3 3:JI I 1,145 966 21 24 62 36 31 27 224 213 38 27 34 21)6 199 20B 91 4 333 310 67 46 9 14 2 20 25 209 85 234 198 2 3 6 5 210 64 612 467 130 125 6 II 211 212 140 437 382 2 2 1 2 61 53 8 8 232 180 213 16 188 153 10 6 19 19 20 24 3 5 2 1 12 10 214 53 8 154 158 24 II 1 6 5 4 5 23 23 215 13 282 225 2 10 12 35 40 7 6 23 23 216 108 '6 321 303 5 I 73 67 4 11 98 114 6 5 2 I 48 54 217 98 337 301 15 11 87 81 74 63 8 9 9 5 92 92 218 97 '3 438 3BB 2 5 6 1 5 5B 67 6 6 1 2 68 69 219 II 335 318 2 I 10 II 24 25 220 61 303 300 39 35 'j 2 38 34 5 6 2 I 24 19 221 107 2 629 525 158 95 3 3 178 190 40 24 35 24 134 150 222 68 245 198 85 69 -7 8 109 91 223 53 3 377 322 74 45 3 28 20 18 13 73 53 224 131 5 !;'49 444 27 27 96 68 2 8 121 115 17 28 4 151 m 225 18 115 143 1 2 16 10 2 4 4 I 17 13 226 12 334 28l 52 49 1 13 10 4 4 32 28 227 119 17 541 421 31 27 48 45 7 12 139 121 9 II 11 9 84 90 228 62 3 337 218 12 4 5 5 23 25 10 2 128 109 229 47 365 288 3 I I I 17 12 55 37 230 214 48 574 451 18 19 44 50 J7 19 326 308 62 50 6 4 206 199 231 3 2 363 36 1,871 1,584 14 15 12 4 5 9 138 114 51 38 15 7 614 545 232 7 188 157 23 15 3 4 9 J!) 9 5 51 55 233 18 2 49 41 4 7 13 14 1 I 52 57 4 7 83 63 234 134: Primary Ccosus

Inmates of Total no. of persons institution.. enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions houseless .; the bouses and honseless pe!sons) persons c hamlets -- - No.of-- ~ Name of Village or in the Area. in No. of house­ oo Town/Ward village Pargan.. Thana acres houees holds Peraong Males Females M F 2 4 9 to If 12

TEHSIL BULANDSHAHR 235 Ku.ala Baran ., Khurja .. 871 148 149 744 362 382 236 Korali \ Do. Bulandshahr 337 75 91 42'1' 225 200 237 Kurbal Banaras I Do. Do. 681 127 137 678 366 312 11 238 KurU I Agota .. Gulaothi •• 1,279 404 413 2,214 1,134 1,080 239 Lakhautl 2 Siana ., Aurangabad .. 993 249 250 1,532 956 576 226 4 240 Longa I Do. Siana .. 499 77 78 473 249 224 241 Lahark.. I Agota .. Aurangabad .. 538 53 60 428 227 201 242 Lahr.. 1 Sbikarpur ., Jahangirabad 838 130 144 760 407 353 243 Luharli 2 Agota Gulaothi •• 909 146 147 872 486 386 244 Loh ..gra 2 Do. Do. 1,402 254 384 1,452 771 681 2 245 Lohrara 100. Do. .. 647 81 173 1,005 552 453 246 Maohkauli 2 Bamn Bulandshabr 362 139 14Q 757 4fl1 3'16 247 Mohabbatpur Garhi •• 2 Agota .. Gulo.othi 534 120 173 881 488 393 9 248 Mahao 1 Siana .. Siana .. 1,100 230 231 1,220 674 '146 249 Mabarajpur 1 Baran . . Bulandsbahr .. 2\7 62 68 328 179 149 250 MahoH I Agota .. Gulaothi 775 161 162 822 416 406 251 Makbdumnagar urI I Do. Do. 448 131 157 823 432 391 Mithepur 252 Maman,Kalan 2 Baran .. Bulandshahr .. 534 134 232 1,255 669 58Ci 4 253 Maman Khu.d 1 Do. .. Khurja .. 417 81 106 624 330 294 I 254 Methna J agatpur I Do. .. Aurangabad .. 872 150 222 1.126 5n 573 255 Mamau I Shikarpur .. Shikarpur .. 694 9\ 92 557 291 266 256 Manakpur 1 Baran .. Bulandshahr .. 423 130 130 659 3'1'8 301 257 Madona Jafrabad I Siana .• Siana 2,281 521 569 3,Q53 1,583 1,470 2 258 Mandauli .. 1 Shikarpur .. Jahangirabad 26~ 18 27 16~ 89 73 259 Manglore .. 3 Barau .. Bulandshuhr .. 1,833 459 460 2,378 1,284 1,094 260 Manpur 1 Agota .. Aumngabad .. 509 146 148 757 400 357 261 Margubpur, I Baran .. Bulandsh"hr .. 204 73 73 370 189 181 262 Malagarh I Agota Do. 987 291 420 2,070 1,Q91 919 263 Maukhera .• 1 Baran .. Bulandshahr 469 96 108 486 251 235 264 Moroni •• 1 Shikarpur •• Snokarpur •• 810 \06 146 765 403 362 265 I Baran •. Bulandsnahr 320 9 20 122 74 48 266 Milal, MohBangarh 1 Do. Do. 154 82 112 685 365 320 267 Mirpur •• I Agota .. Gulaothi •• 288 91 97 551 277 274 268 Mirzapur Agarpur 1 Baran .. Bulandshahr 351 39 39 233 116 117 269 Mohamm ..dahad ,. 1 Agota .. Gulaothi 169 34 40 212 106 106 270 Mohammad Alipur uri 1 Siana Do. 353 5 5 17 12 5' NimaPati 271 Mirapur Shil

A bstract-(e-ontd.)


II-Cultiva. IV-Non-culti­ I-Cultivators tors of land vating owners of land wholly wholly or III-Culti· of land; agri- VIII-mber or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V -Produc· services Dis· owned and unowned labourers receivers; tion other and mi.- placed their and their and their and their than cui· VI-Com· VII-Trans· cellaneouB ,; Literates depend~ntB , depen

14 15 16 17 18 - 19 20 2T 22 2:3 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 I

(RURALI-(contd.) [4:, 13 250 209 " I 2 15 15 6 10 91 235 2 132 116 2 3 55 41 3 20 22 4 4 " 12 II 236 60 235 196 20 16 17 18 4 3 25 22 2 5 4 58 53 231 294 28 574 510 8 3 6 1 I 2 236 206 53 49 2 2 254 307 2.38 405 50 592 323 7 1 19 8 18 20 61 54 21 11 I 231 159 239

29 235 217 " 2 \ 2 I 10 5 240 85 27 127 118 4 3 20 19 19 15 28 23 ., 29 23 241 86 311 272 4 4 31 21 4 4 14 13 14 4 29 35 242 59 5 397 312 I 36 23 29 31 23 2') 243 22 2 545 474 84 75 6 9 49 41 24 17 63 65 244 57 290 253 16 iz I 53 55 15 13 '2 176 119 245 91 24 137 126 I 2 85 70 59 59 26 13 1 I 91 85 246 66 1 300 233 22 23 89 74 8 7 17 10 52 46 241 180 25 238 182 10 5 7 4 205 163 35 38 2 3 177 15\ 248 33 170 143 3 5 2 I 2 I I 249 18 251 263 12 6 13 3 50 45 6 6 I 82 83 250 32 311 281 6 4 13 7 23 19 12 13 II 10 56 57 251 41 3 412 364 8 4 44 l3 39 39 48 50 4 I. 113 105 252 84 128 115 7 :3 49 31 1 57 61 9 6 3 4 77 73 253 •. '! 67 2 365 354 I 16 18 5 II 70 90 15 14 4 1 77 85 254 5 261 241 I 2 3 4 24 21 255 97 3 170 153 I I 1 22 16 32 25 I 132 105 256 520 6J 908 817 28 18 35 26 i2 20 210 199 31 21 19 20 340 349 257 4 81 64 \ " 1 6 9 258 155 11 964 778 4 2 I 5 3 71 12 24 23 215 215 259 48 3 232 193 51 42 82 85 5 7 30 30 260

20 I 81 96 " 59 40 12 [0 7 . 9 30 26 261 197 37 388 339 18 16 93 72 !O 9 209 193 170 160 11 15 192 175 262 31 145 128 4 :3 1 I 30 33 11 10 2 2 58 58 263 50 206, 188 6 3 90 67 62 53 6 4 7 6 26 41 264 10 74 47 I 265 27 229 213 36 25 9 7 6 7 85 68 266 ..... 27 182 170 19 18 13 10 62 76 267 1 11.5 107 :3 2 6 8 2 268 5 49 56 7 II 16 13 10 8 24 18 2~ 12 5 27~ 15 159 119 5 3 6 7 7 II 8 271 41 172 170 8 7 2 16 20 2 41 37 212 14 130 117 12 10 2 4 273 64 11 537 430 69 69 29 21 33 25 274 3 41 31 215 179 674 649 2 I 2 84 79 16 12 4 6 235 211 276 10 258 228 I 2 79 70 1 3 II 10 27'1 116 '3 784 638 7 14 144 142 24 16 2 I 247 224 278 12 2 67 51 24 :i6 I 5 8 6 3 3 9 21 279 8 56 5') I I 280 37 1 489 426 70 60 3 3 87 74 12 9 52 62 281 '106 7 638 598 I 66 74 16 19 195 166 282 44 393 28" 7 4 81 61 2 12 14 2 5 15 23 283 335 63 447 352 8 10 2 34 34 402 341 180 172 7 280 283 284- 39 133 108 2 I 28 28 285 37 1 226 200 5 6 57 51 28 24 286 10 2 85 88 2 ... 21 22 287 31 6 264 279 2 I 4 6 6 9 1 72 65 288 39 268 208 24 11 75 47 20 17 II II '2 22 34 289 13 179 154 4 1 2 10 3 ·5 17 19 290 16 2 115 94 51 28 6 13 14 6 3 II 7 7 II 291 9 107 91 29 16 2 I 1 5 1 8 9 292 274 25 552 452 4 76 60 7 24 90 94 22 22 18 20 66 16 293 II 153 116 8 7 3 4 52 29 294 [ 106 lO3 I 2 II II 295 94 9 268 196 58 32 32 30 7 13 15 I 2 23 37 296 I 164 172 19 14 1 I 4 2 297 6 146 178 24 9 2 122 133 ii 7 i3 3 67 71 298 20 271 205 5 62 49 2 42 22 13 II II 8 43 36 299 58 3 268 243 15 17 23 23 9 6 I \ 53 38 3')0 202 5 516 444 154 101 25 25 4 312 286 30! 4 2 141 11 622 533 ·3 2 23 13 189 190 67 48 2 1 240 231 302 10 102 64 1 I 9 8 3 6 303 66 14 207 222 12 9 33 22 .. 15 80 74 6 12 4 3 42 50 304 107 4 643 531 17 19 10 12 I 3 88 73 38 27 1 210 184 305 I 45 34 19 13 2, 3 4 I I 6 I 52 49 306 17 203 170 21 15 13 18 307 308 3 32 29 309- 71 8 200 185 1 '2 'i ·5 19 24 21 25 310 74 2 366 278 22 20 108 9i 5 58 64 7 8 77 78 Sit 25 138 120 10 7 42 33 7 18 13 19 14 19 312 136 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of per"ons mstitutions enumerated (including and No. uf Occupied inma.tes of Institutions houseless the houses and houseless persons t person:?; hamlets No. of Name of Village or in tho Area in No. of house· TownjWard village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Ma.les ~'cmalel3' M F ______3__ 4 9 10 II-----_ IT If TEHSIL BULANDSHAHR

313 Partabpur •• I Agota .. GUlaothi 1,155 194 277 1,407 729 678 314 Pipala Ikhlaspur I Siana Aurans' bad .. 1,825 116 289 1,755 939 816 515 Pondri :; Baran •. BUlandshabr 1,616 352 465 2,419 1,256 1,163 316 Poth 1 Do. .. AurBngabad 801 93 93 548 283 26S 317 Poothri Kburd I Sbikarpur Sbikarpur .. 538 51 79 421 223 198 S18 Qabulpur Pot.. I Sian6 .. SianI' 991 250 319 1,793 931 862 319 Qayampur I Agota .. Oulaothi " 123 14 18 105 67 38 320 Qazlpura •• I Baran Bulandshabr 471 161 163 844 441 403 321 Qutuhpur .. I Sbikarpur Shikarpur .. 508 114 119 732 408 324 322 Qutubpur •• I Bara" •• Bulandshahr 386 36 39 192 106 86 '23 Ragsoutb ., Shikarpur Shikarpur •• 185 UnpopUlated 324 Rahtmpur Alawa I Siana AurangobBd .. 326 136 138 719 36S 354 )25 B ah,mpur Bbagwan I Agota Oulaothi .. 406 61 76 385 188 197 126 Rahmapur •• I Shlkarpur Shikarpur 424 22 35 179 102 77 327 Ralpnr Katoti I Agota Guloat~i .. 471 49 68 358 182 176 328 Raipur Talab 1 Baran .. Bulandshabr 328 77 77 345 172 173 329 Rahmapur Sioli 1 Do. Do. 426 147 141 811 431 380 330 Rangpur •• I Shikarpur .. Shikarpur .. 851 190 262 1,460 747 713 331 Raj Garbi ., 1 Agota Aurangabad •• 588 24 58 358 200 158 332 Raj mana 1 Do. Do. 693 149 151 9.'5 489 436 333 Raj pur.. I Sbikarpur .. Sbikarpur .. 402 51 74 426 216 210 334 Rajupur Do. Aurangahad •• 158 Unpopulated 335 Ramgarb Siana .. Aurangabad •• 221 56 56 349 182 167 336 Rampur Kaloni 'UTi Baran .. Bulandshahr 576 203 283 1.428 738 690 Mirzapur 337 Ranaput •. I Siana .. Siana 1,266 154 179 1,161 612 549 338 Hanau Raham Alipur 1 Shlkarpur .. Sbikarpur .. 465 51 58 327 171 J56 339 Ra.hidpur •. 1 B ..ran .. Bnlandsbahr .. 315 100 101 616 352 264 340 Rasl.lpur .. 1 Agota Olliaothi 399 48 64 313 171 142 J41 Rasulpur ., .. I Sh,karpur .. Shikarpur 468 125 175 1,058 513 485 342 Ra.ulpur Nagla BiBar 1 Do. Do. 313 37 48 266 147 119 343 Rasl,lpur Telia I Baran .. Aurangabad .. 626 III 182 997 - 537 460 344 Ra"am Katiri Banger 4 Sian" Siana .. 2.096 283 381 1.9·10 1,026 914 345 Rawani Katiri Khader Do. Do. 83 Unpopulated 346 RijLal1ra .. I Baran Bulandshahr " 718 176 176 955 507 ·148 347 Revara .. :3 Sbikarpur .. Jahanl(irabad 2,818 507 517 2,679 1,449 1,230 34S Sadharaupur I Agota .. Oulaotbi 633 74 102 615 316 299 349 Sabdalpur Maz"" 2 Baran BulandBhahr .. 561 151 152 S06 412 394 Buchauagar 350 Sadarpur .. Do. Do. 724 93 93 499 274 225 351 Blank 352 Saidpur.. .. Siana Gulaotbi Town 353 Saidpu. Khurrampur •. 2 Ag"ta Aurangabad .. 422 52 85 444 223 221 354 Saidpura. .. 1 Baran Do. 749 74 131 781 439 342 355 Senta 3 Agota .. Gulaothi \,095 321 445 2,311 1,236 1,135 46 356 Sakbia Do. Do. 267 Unpopulated 357 Salabatnagar Gaugauli I Do. Do. 822 138 181 1,'02 574 528 358 Salemgarh .. I Baran lahangirabad 5)9 52 97 481 241 240 359 Salempur .. 1 Shikarpur Shi1



- -II (Jultlva- IV -Non,cu!t,­ I-Cultivators tots of land vating owners of land wholly wholly or III-Oulti· of land; agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V-Produc- services Dis· owned and unowned labourers receiv61's; tion other and mis- placed their and their and thoir and their than cul, VI-Com· Vll-Trans· cellaneous .,; rr::: lle_!son~ Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tiva.tion merce port sources '" M F M ])' M J<' M F M F M F M F M F M F M J" 8 T8 T9 20

(RURAL)-(contd, )

44 5 386 3'B 7 5 12 3 67 65 25 6 8 226 230 ~I~ 149 4 646 552 22 22 54 52 65 74 21 10 4 121 98 314 75 2 6<9 632 3 1 119 106 '3 "3 251 253 31 24 22 120 119 315 11 241 228 3 11 11 5 1 21 18 316 25 'i 181 157 21 22 11 II 2 I 2 1 :m 204 36 594 551 66 54 5 8 186 177 8 12 58 318 11 2 62 36 4 2 I 319 40 ! 264 257 'i "8 '6 10 6 75 47 18 26 23 39 41 320 21 366 286 22 15 I 10 6 :2 1 8 14 321 12 'i 64 48 23 28 4 2 2 '9 5 2 1 322 32~ 44 271 2t6 ., 1 12" 14 3 4 78 90 324 5 167 161 .. 6 I 5 2 14 19 325 9 1 8B 64 14 13 326 13 123 1\3 ii 3 2 3 4 1 I 41 39 m 2B 114 105 25 31 7 6 2 I 24 30 328 100 311 210 16 17 76 62 [5 10 I 22 21 3~9 154 15 387 344 118 106 121 139 31 36 25 20 59 67 330 22 185 140 2 I L 12 17 331 23 '3 40B 354 2 4 7 16 9 '5 4 7 59 50 332 19 13 i23 104 3 5 51 53 8 12 14 12 1 4 1 16 19 333 334 31 147 140 3 15 14 I I 16 12 335 147 40 145 130 15 18 98 95 2 3 203 201 124 105 27 17 124 t2t 336 37 483 439 12 8 30 35 27 16 11 10 43 41 337 23 2 154 140 17 13 3 338 11 305 229 10 6 .. 19 14 6 5 12 10 339 2 116 104 3 2 9 9 13 13 2 I 28 13 340 67 I 409 342 3 1 53 45 I 38 36 16 13 54 47 341 11 110 105 13 12 2 2 I I 342 83 II 298 250 7 4 I 3 94 84 19 16 3 5 115 'l8 343 132 8 686 5'l4 17 2 2 2 72 101 25 21 27 32 192 155 3# 345 47 373 309 15 II 64 54 9 7 46 67 346 169 9 938 785 12 7 108 64 32 38 194 172 41 43 5 7 119 114 347 19 194 IS2 16 11 48 42 I 9 16 49 47 348 76 10 212 210 124 94 38 36 2 2[ 22 2 [5 '30 349 15 257 215 8 3 9 7 350 351 3521 36 2 153 152 17 6 15 11 14 26 24 26 353 21 409 321 30 21 354 151 31 549 440 23 do 70 3 6 241 272 140 150 '4 "6 150 161 355 356 35 419 390 6 8 59 52 9 7 81 11 351 21 .. 151 174 7 3 6 5 .. .. 5 5 2 62 53 358 149 9 789 658 II 198 136 8 10 102 106 37 37 lOt m 359 94 6 361 277 8 2 1 4( 50 6 9 84 10 360 5 IDa 87 7 10 5 4 6 9 361 6 202 175 37 25 1 4 II 6 7 2 1 31 39 362 11 218 196 4 '2 15 12 37 4[ 7 2 202 20'1 363 319 49 581 546 II 12 3 3 12 21 594 496 251 246 j'[ 8 199 204 364 120 22 485 423 16 20 155 99 5 5 95 96 35 27 II 15 56 66 365 10 6 243 192 1 58 42 6 2 20 34 366 233 25 652 527 14 I 40 26 29 30 III 131 2i ii 194 208 367 4 22 15 3 4 1 2 4 4 368 144 :i7 426 382 3 I 83 60 13 i5 24 is '9 5 36 63 369 60 17 300 260 5 7 8 5 19 19 90 99 20 23 2 2 112 104 370 10 201 180 21 15 6 5 % 70 49 43 113 100 371 22 112 118 I I 13 9 23 31 '8 i4 18 22 372 5 76 57 373 176 4 606 517 13 14 46 31 27 36 160 139 57 42 ii ii 223 223 374 104 3 810 691 6 5 IZCl 88 42 28 2 200 169 375 123 12 45Cl 419 5 5 6 4 01 6 43 18 2 4 3 50 39 316 68 I 409 305 7 <; 56 46 15 ii 2 (53 140 317 378 91 6 418 353 ., 20 21 62 59 33 36 25 16 73 65 379 79 1 731 , 629 29 28 7 8 97 138 199 162 23 22 22 13 315 248 380 24 1 125 102 20 8 2 1 3 3 12 381 59 5 247 229 4 2 1 6 85 92 19 18 '2 65 61 382 115 33 175 \49 29 29 129 100 69 61 31 34 2 58 51 383 149 II 319 284 6 61 49 16 14 5 2 114 J 12 384 29 3 101 112 24 16 23 25 2 2 2 I 42 43 385 386 5S 299 283 22 17 2 3 133 [11 381 38B 389 69 2 III 106 :3 80 42 25 22 23 19 13 16 68 80 390 59 I 183 146 37 35 16 15 5 3 17 17 391 14 235 195 392 138

Primary Census

No. of Ocoupied houses 0 the .,

--4- ~------T '5 6 ---8 '2 ~ '1 ------TEHSIL BULANDSHAHR

393 Shujapur 1 Baran .. Bulanrlshahr 411 252 257 394 Surlthru I Shikarpur .. Jabangirabad 815 155 200 395 Sutari I Baran .. Bulandshahr 513 116 116 396 Tayabpur .. 1 Shikarpur .. Shikarpur 395 81 104 397 Tajpur I Baran .. Bulandshabr 398 118 137 398 Tajpur I Agota .. Gulacthi 659 121 155 399 Tanda .. o. I Baran .. BUJtmdshabr 468 102 156 400 Taqarrabpur_Ladpur •. 1 Siana .. Siana 1,492 226 255 401 Tatarpur .. I Baran .. Bulandshahr 332 199 203 402 Tomri 1 Smna Auraugabad 277 28 61 403 ThaI Inayatpur 2 Do_ .. Siana 1,515 137 206 404 TihJ'a 1 Do. Do. 604 68 91 405 Utrauli I Baran B~land8hahr 708 364 365 406 Utaara I ~ta .. Gulaothi 349 64 113 407 Wera Firozpur 2 Siana .. Siana 2,089 711 840 408 Walipur 1 Do. Do. 650 155 216 409 WaJipura I Baran .. Bulandshahr 377 80 93 410 Yaqubpur •• 1 Do. Do. 1,264 274 214 411 Gulaothi (Rural) I Agota .. Gulaothi (Rural):: 18 18 412 Siana (Rural) 1 Siana Slana 163 165 413 Saidpur Tejgarhi (Rural) 1 Do. Gulaothi 57 70

Total Tehsil Bulandshahr (Rural) 48S 286,512 56,185 69,3'19 TEHSIL BULANDSHAHR

93 Bu)andshahr Municipal Board Baran Bulandahahr 953 4,718 6,521 1,011 1,412 2 501 1,005 3 1,257 1,388 4 9% 1,259 5 545 653 6 468 804 37 Aurangahad Town Area Eartm Aurangabad 2,965 1,001 1,161 143 Gulaotbi Town Area Agcta Gulaothi 2,120 1,463 1,746 378 ShikBrpur Town Area Shikarpur .. Shikarpur 4,379 2,171 2,Z34 386 Siana Town Area Siana .. Siana 4,352 1,188 1,587 46 Bugraai Do. Do. 1,518 1/)04 1,166 352 Saidpur .. Do. .. Gulaothi 1,964 767 891 Total Tehsil Bulandshahr (Urban) 18,311 11,312 15,.J06 Total Tehail Buland.ham 48S 304,883 69,097 84,685 ------139

Abstract -l..{&o1ttd.)

Inmates of Total DO. oC persons enumerated institut.ions (including inmates of institutions and hou."l~s. Displaced a~d ho~~~s l'ersons) persons perSOl1S Literate" ;8

Persons -'g'" Males Females M F M F M F '0 9 10 T1 ---rz 13 14 15 16 I7 T


1,456 165 691 81 393 1,019 585 494 JOO 5 394 6t16 342 264 10 395 574 31Z 262 13 196 142 416 326 23 \91 832 451 381 ~5 '7 198 ~2 453 399 13 \99 1,583 874 709 153 8 100 1,104 514 53() 71 2 ~l 309 152 157 47 7 ~Q2 1,256 691 565 145 ) 103 560 300 260 36 1 104 1,827 963 864 179 l!l ~O5 597 323 214 29 6 to6 4,261 261 :,000 507 48 In 1,077 551 526 110 8 108 467 256 211 142 \2 409 1,445 167 618 164 8 410 80 48 32 6 411 914 489 425 86 4 412 401 224 111 32 1 4l.'l

371,199 197,58(J 173,119 411 8S $il 29,426 2,5/iQ URBAN NON·CITY-

37,496 20,7{)9 16,187 965 92 865 830 8,426 JIJ6ii 93 6,187 J,nO 3,061 193 32 264 249 1,634 654 6,662 3,542 3,120 18 34 33 621 82 5,813 l,2S1 2,562 15 2 1,016 327

6,698 3,132 2,966 13 6 202 [84 [,854 90S 5,996 3,167 2,829 110 25 141 149 1,525 214 5,540 3,297 Z,243 496 26 224 215 1,716 SI7 5,824 3,106 2,118 18 12 11 563 116 31 9,862 5,196 4,666 16 42 34 1,006 404 143 11,415 61116 5,399 55 45 1,481 381 378 10,105 5,442 4,663 50 33 1,110 377 386 4,934 2,637 1,297 354 102 46 4,706 2,460 2,246 427 85 ~52 84,402 45,616 38,776 999 93 1,024 9.,3 13,367 __ I 4,52'/ 455,701 243,206 212,495 1,410 lSI 1,076 989 42,793 7,087 140 Primary Census


I-CuJtiva~or8 o:r­ land wholly or II-Cultivators of land mainly owned wholly or mainly un· III-Cultivating and their owned and their labourers and their .; dependants depelldBnts dependants CI Name of Village or ~ Town/Ward F F -I 21 -,23 TEHSIL BULANDSHAHll 393 Shujapur 352 322 31 22 394 Sukhru •• 337 288 2 I 125 84 595 Suta.i 264 200 3 3 396 'fayabpur 212 175 0; 89 8; 3~7 'fajpur 135 148 iii 56 41 398 Tajpur I •• 290 234 4 :3 51 40 m 'fallda, .. 192 153 12 i3 400 Taqarrabpur Ladpur 576 432 88 i~ 40 I Tatarpur 275 1 278 ° io 402 Tomfl 93 101 8 4 6 1 403 Thallllayatpur 454 388 15 II 106 70 404 Tibra •• 236 118 2 I 405 U trauli .. 446 429 6 .. '; 2 406 Utaara 188 160 I 18 10 407 Wera Firollpm 1,084 908 14 65 100 8t 408 Walipur 322 312 15 11 41 5~ 40!l "alipura 183 146 35 30 410 YBqubpur •• 558 490 108 97 411 Gulautbi fRural) .. 46 32 412 Siana Sarai ,Rural) 369 523 2 39 ;6 4U Saidpur Tejprhi (Rural) 194 l~ 5 2

Total Tebsil Bulandsbah~(Rural) 120!119 103,81)3 2,21'1 1.730

95 Bulandshabr Munioipal Board 1.tal 663 220 173 116 tI6 251 208 68 54 18 46 2 166 157 33 38 18 11 3 80 55 37 24 2 4 226 143 65 45 5 8 5 12 25' 3 2 15 l~ 6 301 75 14 10

37 Aurangabad Town Area 697 574 11 14 64 52 143 Gulaothi Town Area 547 499 32 24 288 261

378 Sbikarpur Towli Area 1,010 924 58 55 88 75 386 Siana Town Area .. 850 773 220 171 109 74 "\6 Bugrasi 517 479 15 11 Z6 19 352 Saidpur 1,155 1,018 26 27 Z3 19 Total Tehail Bulandshshr (Urban) 5,818 4!130 582 415 114 S8f> Total Tebail Bulandshahr 126,797 108,733 2,m 2,205 12,683 !I,!I14 141


CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES - -IV-Non-olll' h'atlng - - -~ ------owners of land; agricul~ural rent reoei ver,; V -Produobion VIII-Other aervicea and their other than and miaoollaneoUB .; __de_eoQdant!_ ouIMvati')n VI-Commerce _VII_-Tl'anaport BOuroetI ..,•r:I at 11' M 11' M F M 11' )f 11' 1:3

-~_. 24 ZS----29 _ _ ~~ 25 26 fr - -'-I- n u--y- ---~------_- ~---~--- -.~------(RURAL)-(oonold.) 1!l8 138 20 19 204 190 393 3J 39 9 7 5 6 17 69 394 22 22 3 1 50 58 395 8 3 I 3 ii 21 55 24 48 29 20 11 69- 43 397 43 45 1 2 62 57 "*398 ·2 ·5 171 168 3 I I 66 ~ !99 4 3 "4 19 14 11 158 165 400 2 25 49 65 44 li4 67 86 32 401 , 3 42 42 402 n i4 47 '2 15 12 43 38 I 4 29 19 [ 1 30 58 ~ 8 18 113 148 55 59 11 '9 26\ 19S 405 , 4 18 14 I 94 86 406 U 22 347 306 81 103 5 ,. 551 512 401 I 3 53 49 3 1 14 12 96 85 16 15 5 3 11 11 ~ .. ~ 34 1I 7 52 so 410 411 1 4 46 35 [ 2 5 28 2G 412 2 2 2 I 21 18 41'

I,lSI 1,669 22,483 10,650 6,591 $,148 1~24 1,556 3(J,l9O 29,183 URBAN NON..cJTY-(ooncld.)

343 274 3,793 2,972 5,202 4,538 1,224 869 8,701 '/,212 93 5:1 41 451 380 1,050 914 309 243 1,451 1,175 S 13 1,103 1,007 866 803 .285 231 1.063 854 '2 24 198 382 789 139 128 41 1,387 1,295

45 24 569 486 HS 6')1 253 150 1,834 1,5~' 61 82 595 538 1,244 1,056 100 14 1,011 1,039 141 84 211 179 SI8 4[9 149 130 1,897 1,346

61 74 627 580 602 500 167 140 871 784 37 3t 32 1.120 977 1,523 1,350 334 313 1,332 1,210 143 87 92 1,71J5 1,655 1,030 860 296 231 1,722 1,507 '78 139 136 1,135 964 1,143 1,263 193 134 1,663 1,149 '86 36 47 710 610 468 398 25 36 840 707 46 35 38 554 454 103 92 5 4 569 594 352 1(J8 693 9,124 8,212 10/)70 9,000 2,244 1,111 15,106 lJ,lfi3 1.989 2,362 32,207 28,862 16.667 14.740 4,068 3,273 "',996 42,346 142 Prfoiary Ceosus

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied irunates of i:astitutions houseless <) the houses and houseless p~rsons) persons -----No. of =C> hamlets ." Name of Village or in the 0 Area. in No. of house- 0 Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Perilons Males Females M F

~I -2 -5 -, 4 6 8 ~ IU II 12 n

TEHSIL .XHlJRJA 1 Achonda Pahasu .. Pahasu 603 Unpopulated 2 Achalpur I Khurja Khurja 310 14 16 47[ 239 232 ~ Achalja Khurd I Do. Do. 336 86 105 473 242 231 4 Agwal 1 Do. Do. 535 121 110 737 377 , 360 5 Ahmed Bas 2 Pahasu .. Shikarpur 728 84 101 56§ 278 287 6 Mmod Garh 1 Do. Do. 2,102 389 495 2,~2 1,26[ 1,14[ 1 Ahmedpur Chor.,)i I Jewa. .. Jewar 2,396 355 499 2,750 1,424 1,326 8 Ahrauli I Khurja Khurja 1,263 69 93 467 268 [99 9 Alawralpur I Jewar .. Jewar 511 13 25 167 82 8S Ie Amarpur 2 l'"ha.u .. Pahasu 61B 92 93 591 311 280 11 Amarpur Pa1al

---~ ------~--- 143



------iI=Cultiv.. - IV -Non·culti· I-Cultivator" tors of land vating Owners o£1 .. nd wholly wholly-or III-Cuiti. orland; agri- VIII-Oth~r or mainly mainly vating oultural rent V --.I.'rodllc­ services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers receivers; tion other and mis .. plElCed their and their and their and their tl"m cul­ VI-Com­ VJI-Trans- cellaneous ci Literal"" d~ppnd"nt~ _"ltlpAnda"!". dependants ~f'e~~_a.nts tivation mArca ~!__ I'mnrC'oS ~ !,erso~ " . -0 M I<" M F F M F M }<' M F M :M F M F ~rF 8

14 15 16 17 18 20 21 2:: 23 24 2:0 26 27


1 49 2 157 145 32 32 I ~) 11 5 l2 4 6 3! 26 2 49 3 155 149 36 18 2 I 15 28 6 6 28 29 3 18 118 90 53 43 5 9 36 46 77 103 21 15 67 54 4 39 6 203 2~Q 3 8 I 21 26 17 10 33 43 5 186 40 609 525 24 31 13 6 22 25 185 172 137 120 13 12 258 250 6 219 36 715 624 123 lOl 59 29 30 25 ll8 149 97 78 23 19 259 301 7 47 2 117 75 46 40 7 8 I ·44 32 2 3 52 40 8 II 71 73 11 12 -- 9 20 262 229 4 8 2 l ~ 7 7 33 32 to II 9 1 IS6 102 3 3 6 4 II 8 27 2) 12 39 6 189 186 3 2 34 26 2 4 6 13 13 2~ 13 13 I 39 31 25 23 9 2 I 6 5 12 5 14 15 203 64 I 215 32 34 1 I 3 I 7 -- -- 39 39 16 116 2 336 274 27 18 12 2 4 6 42 3D 10 II 14 17 107 94 l7 12 8 54 2 243 251 13 8 1 I 40 46 54 30 7 4 77 73 18 24 148 139 -. 55 17 12 8 10 10 29 26 19 6 54 17 7 8 -- 26 26 2() 24 166 161 3 4 5 10 G 5 29 34 21 30 228 213 9 8 .. ! 2 20 33 5 6 2 2 74 7' 22 I 3 334 21 (,25 571 -- 43 25 12l 117 52 53 8 II 240 221 23 19 134 104 4 2 3~ 22 24 15 57 56 8 6 3 2 I 2 2 24 13 25 49 116 1'l7 23 24 -- 1 5 q 7 5 26 23 7 2 2 3 32 24 7 7 4 73 65 27 32 108 91 3 4 9 40 44 28 47 258 25:] I~ 7 4 7 12 6 98 73 29 134 14 353 327 14 6 3 2 4 62 78 10 16 5 .; 194 172 3D I 1 24 t1'1 115 27 20 10 12 4 4 2 4 I I 34 24 31 8 215 162 7 I 2 2 I 3 8 9 -- 24 23 32 101 262 251 II 11 36 25 3 5 27 4 6 2 1 SO 8"3 33 4 108 101 2 2 1 2 15 5 34 31 3 143 124 13 16 I 4 21 21 5 5 33 44 35

114 G 452 405 29 22 119 79 6 3 49 5. 56 47 2 106 102 36 81 6 294 306 II 9 14 I 44 55 12 ICI 3 172 185 37 79 I ~ 18 391 25 25 2 6 6 58 49 4 2 4 174 179 38 8 126 124 50 32 S4 74 5 2 12 13 39 4 235 206 III 101 8 9 G I'; 39 44 C) 40 22 192 16:1 -- 5 I 3'1 18 41 13 153 117 2 I I 5 C) 1 13 I"l 42

67 7 288 239 25 16 20 19 3 'I 3 5 28 31 43 102 3 279 235 7 4 61 49 51 64 14 12 239 214 44 40 2 166 171 13 9 I 3 2 48 35 45 87 19 246 219 30 16 119 98 2 59 61 19 21 6 6 59 46 d 46 12 426 389 9 II I 9 10 22 16 3 I 1 2 141 129 47 29 217 191 58 47 I I 32 47 3 5 91 97 48 25 I 223 194 28 12 2 -1 12 7 49 4 52 4(, I I I 248 219 5 7 50 19 2 3 2 3 2 5 2 2 25 2-1 51 '9~ 50 1,143 1,045 95 76 21 19 34 25 125 115 49 41 3 7 4al 363 219 57 55 7 222 -- 6 3 7 3 1 117 122 53 5~ 239 231 12 3 I 8 I I I 3 8 2 54 57 54 186 155 9 10 26 15 4 22 _.' 13 4 8 71 7'] 55 21 2m 242 4 8 7 7 24 3~ 47 24 214 172 31 28 2 2 II q 56 68 7 13 4 4 94 96 57 39 I 1213 101 4 6 I 2 I 44 31 15) 132 9 9 "3 23 58 29 4 21 II 10 37 36 59 I 2C,9 223 1 2 I 18 I") 38 5 5 5 49 44 60 31 179 123 l3 8 13 5 74 58 75 21 61 13 79 18 8 II 7 2 6 6 5 62 158 16 279 241 30 26 82 55 63 8'\ 13 15 10 8 IC)] 9] 465 22 20 2 14 63 132 8 511 6 9 l3 3 8 56 58 6·) 128 97 6 4 16 I I 8 15 20 5 8 6 58 5'1 65 2~ 176 14 II 2 5 (, -- I 214 2 5 5 I 77 92 66 II 181 7 5 2 5 T 70 50 81 222 6 7 6 72 57 67 9 I 97 75 12 6 13 II 10 4 -- 14 22 4 4 68 93 2 237 230 28 18 I 34 42 17 13 68 55 397 4 5 6 4 2 11 12 69 77 1 456 28 27 6 l31 126 70 136 4 617 545 12 9 5 7 3 10 184 159 55 ~5 3 182 159 33 1 122 122 34 22 I 4 22 21 2 71 2 49 64 72 32 6 193 162 2 7 3 6 7 15 13 I 52 34 187 158 39 "39 18 20 I 20 28 73 78 7 4 72 61 74 144

Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions houseless ci .: the houses _ ~nd hOllsoleSA ~ersons) persons hamlets No. of 'C" r-;amo of Village or in the Area in No. of hOUSA- " Town/Ward village Pl1lgana. Thana aores houses holds Persons Males Femalos M F '"' - 2 "3 4 6 '1 8 9 10 11 12 13


75 Bhullall Garhi 1 Khurja .. Pahasu 262 36 36 176 81 95 76 Bhunna Taga 1 Jewar .. Rakore 732 74 103 603 311 292 77 Biehola 1 Khurja .. Khurja 468 141 149 763 415 348 78 Bichat Sujanpur I Do. .. Kakore 1,097 223 227 1,289 674 615 79 Bigbapur .. 1 Do. Do. 813 122 123 636 334 302 80 Baghau.. " 1 Pahasu .. Pahasu 464 125 125 643 322 321 81 Hussan Garbi 2 Do. Do. 805 43 45 219 ll2 107 82 Budhansi 4 Do. Do. 1,142 236 251 1,282 697 585 5 83 Chak Birampur 1 Jewar .. Kakore 417 51 94 5ll 273 238 84 Chak Jalalabad I Do. Do. 2J1 12 22 78 41 37 85 Chanchli 1 Do. .. Jew",r 1,177 117 155 809 436 373 86 Chandpur Khurd Khurja .. Khurja 218 Unpopulated 87 Choganpur 1 Pahasu Paha.u 668 134 134 937 476 461 88 Chondora 1 Do. Do. 2,426 462 678 3,246 1,751 1,495 9 7 89 Chatanga. Khurd I JeWar .. Jewar 879 50) 69 304 169 135 90 Chattari ... Pahasu .. Pahasu Town Area 91 Chao.na 1 .Tewar .. Jewar 739 122 128 652 353 299 92 Chiti 2 Khurja .. Khurja 566 115 120 6U1 312 295 93 Dalel Garhi 1 Pahasu .. Shikarpur 253 25 45 249 148 101 94 Danwar 2 Khurja Khurja 1,018 170 203 I,OUf 527 474 95 Darapur 1 Pahasu .. Shikarpur 379 21 23 166 96 70 96 Dashera Kherli 2 Khurja .. Khurja 1,249 151 159 816 HO 376 97 Dastampur 1 Jewar .. Jewsr 747 14C 143 704 365 339 98 Dtlstura 1 Khurja ... Kakore 1,129 202 205 1,046 539 507 99 Deorala 3 Do. .. Shika.rpur 1,850 299 450 2,500 1,361 1,199 100 Door"r I Jewar .. Jewa• 1,290 84 115 625 331 294 101 Dhakpura 1 Khurja .. Khurja 283 28 28 184 93 91 [02 Dhanpura I Jewar .. Jewar 287 39 47 257 145 112 103 Dhansia ) Do. Do. 535 69 74 359 180 179 104 Dharari I Khurja .. Khurj" 726 105 III 549 301 248 In5 Dharari Do. Do. 1,323 Unpopulated 10 6 Dharpa Choharpur 1 Do. Do. 828 214 218 I,O~5 557 ·198 IIJ7 Dhorau 2 Pabasu .. Pah"su 928 184 209 1,075 587 488 1~8 Dinol I Khurja. .. Kbllrja 795 194 196 1,048 543 505 11)9 Dospur Dadupur I Do. Do. 345 32 38 205 11; 90 1)0 Dongerpur Pahasu .. Pah8SU 502 Unpopulated III Dharaun 1 Khurja .. Khurja 1,323 231 334 1,151 620 HI 112 Dighi I Pahasu .. Pahl18u 883 277 340 1,654 867 787 113 Dayanatpur 4 Jewar .. Jewar 2,8'lO 380 531 2,~ 1,588 1,407 9 3 114 Dansnli 1 Do. Do. 365 78 85 476 250 226 H5 Fatehg~rh 1 Pahasu .. Shikarpur 490 71 87 -4SJ 262 191 116 Fazalpur JeWar .. Kakor" 325 Unpopulated 117 FazUpur I Pabasu .. Pahasu 354 118 144 7U 362 349 118 Firozepur I Rhurja Khurja 870 220 228 1,212 655 557 U9 Go"ila 1 JeWar .. Kakore 867 108 III 506 250 256 120 Gawan I Khurja .. Rhurja 1,003 160 188 f,Ul1 550 461 121 Ganga Bas I Pl1ha"u .. Skikarpur 481 48 64 333 192 141 122 Gangagar!:l I Do. .. Pahasu 981 226 254 1,572 812 7(j1l 123 Gangaul; 2 Do. Do. 1,261 289 290 1,422 736 686 124 Ganglhala I Khurja Khurja 462 55 55 315 169 146 125 Gauroli Bhoj Garhi .. 2 Do. .. Pahasu 1,404 335 349 1,762 917 8-15 126 Ghanshiampur D(). Do. 441 Unpopulated 127 Ghalal 1 Do. .. Khurja 575 115 119 600 297 J03 123 Clola BaH Pah.. su .. Slrikarpur 204 Unpopulated 129 Gothni 2 Khurja .. Khur.ia 1,962 311 402 2,144 1,106 1,038 30 130 Gospur Tena I Do. Do. 859 65 71 405 228 177 10 \31 Jhuppa 1 Jew .. r .. Jewar 911 79 92 418 235 183 132 Gawanshgarh 1 Do_ Do. 2,288 44 54 214 126 88 133 Habibpur 1 PahaBu .. PahaBU 528 57 57 291 11i7 130 134 Haidernagar Madkola I Kbnrja .. Khurja 331 33 33 200 102 98 \35 Hamirpur I Do. .. Shi'

Absuact-(tontd. )


II-Cult.iva· IV-Nno·culti I-Cultivators tors of land vating owners of land whollY wholly or III-Culti· of land; agri· VIII-O~her or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V-Produc. services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers rec~iver8; tion other and mis­ their and their and their and their than eul· VI-Com- VII-Trans· cellanea us Q plooed c ~ perRo~8 Literates dependante_ dependants dependants dependant. tivation meroe _._~~ souroeS


18 2J 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 T

.(RURAL)-(conldo) 25 2 68 84 13 II 75 41 I 186 177 16 19 7 8 52 45 7 6 4 2 39 35 76 82 4 314 263 2 3 "l 2 4 6 24 16 I 12 12 51 46 77 14C H 46':1 424 3l 25 to 2 64 49 21 21 82 88 78 16 260 226 2 4 6 3 2 I 64 68 79 39 232 2J9 9 to 4 3 4 5 5 11 2 I 66 82 80 3 ., 99 94 2 2 3 9 10 81 43 4 4"6 337 23 17 87 68 1 2 70 54 38 35 11 7 61 65 82 16 I 158 131 29 22 11 6 1 11 9 2 1 62 68 83 23 21 7 6 2 I 1 9 8 84 75 6 293 267 42 21 :ii 18 ii 8 68 59 85 86 17 361 361 7 3 6 1 6 1 30 96 59 87 338 52 634 578 201 190 105 82 62 60 254 2\0 158 103 12 15 325 257 88 14 112 98 3 1 3 [ 1 49 36 89 90 179 152 6 2 2 I 24 25 6 3 3 4 132 112 91 42 I • 40 10 164 143 5 3 47 29 7 5 52 76 I 36 39 92 8 I 119 85 1 24 [3 4 3 93 5 118 II 263 225 20 23 7 8 6 ii 43 36 29 24 23 23 136 123 91 8 82 65 2 1 4 8 4 95 162 33 323 293 I 11 8 12 8 22 ii; 71 51 96 82 IQ 232 215 I .0 3 26 16 7 7 96 101 97 26 2 379 379 38 12 11 2 11 17 23 21 I 4 72 65 98 2a4 9 879 731 75 54 3 16 24 32 34 32 34 Os 324 322 99 64 7 201 169 36 27 1 4 38 39 7 8 43 47 100 36 14 69 61 3 I I I 2 4 3 3 3 13 20 101 10 59 48 22 10 2 1 3 62 50 102 18 I 15) 151 2 1 28 27 103 42 2t3 166 2 1 31 21 '5 3 5a 57 104 1~5 12a 9 327 292 5 4 38 40 2 4 60 63 8 4 2 2 115 89 106 55 48a 4a7 8 55 38 3 I 49 34 In7 51 3 373 338 I 8 2 62 65 12 8 87 92 In8 17 72 57 19 10 1 '2 3 2 1 5 . 8 II 14 109 110 154 14 326 28Q 41 25 4 5 14 16 45 42 53 34 2 I 135 128 III 20 13 476 436 1 [ 3 2 68 81 12 13 23 15 284 239 112 302 17 849 789 159 129 32 16 22 17 81 74 43 39 11 12 391 331 113 36 I 142 123 II 14 1 20 22 17 12 12 55 43 114 4 213 143 34 29 6 8 9 II 115 " 116 127 18 cit 210 3 27 20 2 25 33 7 9 89 85 .117 49 \ 42() 354 10 1\ 25 17 2 7 41 31 15 2 2 6 140 129 118 24 131 144 4 2 3 9 6 5 2 98 102 119 152 3 314 255 26 23 14 28 34 11 9 7 7 150 133 120 2 181 128 10 lI} 2 3 J21 llO 10 569 544 It 10 6 5 38 25 20 18 168 158 122 146 17 331 3D4 56 48 16 8 14 17 80 79 103 82 6 7 130 I'll 123 10 72 65 27 25 5 6 7 12 7 3 5 4 46 31 124 156 449 403 82 67 5 I 14 22 III 105 34 29 8 11 214 207 125 (26 25 199 203 7 9 4 5 12 4 3 2 3 76 76 127 128 304 34 479 435 6~ 53 68 34 121 106 48 52 21 7 309 35t 129 41 I 147 121 8 5 2 4 I 70 47 130 3 219 169 I I I I 2 5 11 8 131 17 114 79 2 2 3 2 o. 6 6 132 12 I 79 66 7 5 2 5 6 8 8 63 47 133 12 83 76 ,0 3 7 16 15 134 32 7 98 87 6 6 I 3 I 2 5 3 51 51 135 57 2 309 264 2 6 2 2 39 28 27 33 1 10 145 141 136 27 4 3DI 263 2 3 38 30 5 8 1 I 71 51 137 27 4 197 160 44 45 1 1 11 17 :3 9 2 4 52 35 138 19 155 141 8 9 14 6 4 1 20 16 1 2 37 43 139 8\ 1 281 233 19 19 39 27 5 4 153 138 140 141 \7 168 186 35 50 142 6 02 61 49 14 8 10 4 5 7 143 83 224 209 4 5 89 70 29 44 42 135 127 144 45 3 184 175 10 10 I 3 6 26 30 2 6 66 68 145 110 8 244 176 9 7 II 20 38 26 19 14 89 73 146

25 149 122 9 8 1 37 38 147 13 198 191 8 7 8 2 4 96 87 148 93 4 123 109 20 21 I 4 5 30 24 44 45 1 76 83 149 80 14 404 351 78 62 14 7 8, 6 54 64 33 36 8 4 172 159 150 20 2 2t6 183 3 6 42 23 30 19 25 14 129 130 151 t9 20 I 1 I 152 49 1 450 378 8 8 12 7 10 6 008 7 1 2 77 58 153 146

Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inma~ea of institutions hous.less .; tho houses and hOllseles9 perRooFl) _persons _ hamlets No. of ...,=C> Nflmo of Villago or in the Area in No. 01 house· 0 D Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds PerRons Males Females M F l :1 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 _-_12 13 - TEHSJL KHURJA 154 Jalalaplld Chinaraoli I ,Jewar .. Kakore 1,604 205 223 1,169 582 587 155 :Jananpur .. I Kbnrja .. Khurja 5,2 85 87 41}3 257 236 11 8 156 Jairajpur .. 3 Pahasu .. Shikarpur 1,110 179 196 975 527 448 157 Jalalpur I Do. .. Pahasu 267 20 22 134 77 51 3 158 Jalpi I Do. Shikarpur 719 70 72 425 203 222 159 Jama1pur .. I Khurja .. Khurja 426 51 63 325 115 150 160 Jamespur .Tewar .. Jewar 165 Unpopulated 161 Jabsngirpur 3 Do. Do. 2,544 533 873 4,487 2,409 2,078 11 10 162 ,Tonohana I Do, .. KB.kore 575 100 126 636 336 300 3 163 .Tatola 1 Pahasu .. Pahasu 976 151 199 1,014 517 497 164 .Tawal I Khurja. .. Kburja 903 226 227 ),177 603 574 165 Jewar Khadar I Jewar .. Jewar 139 41 52 252 152 100 166 Jinllwa.in 1 p ..hasu .. Pahasu 819 93 105 565 302 263 167 JID''' I Jewar .. Jewar 1,518 164 266 1,404 737 667 168 Jewar Do. Do. Town Are" 169 1 Do. Kakore 929 142 145 701 360 341 170 Kala Khuri I Do. .. Jewar 776 114 J4() . 696 359 331 171 Kelauli I Pahasu .. P"ha.u 140 12 13 91 55 36 II [ 172 Kburja .. Khurju Do. Included in Municipality 173 Khutena Do. Do. 414 85 90 476 251 225 16 174 Kala_Khuri Do. .. Khurja 443 101 109 53S 281 254 175 Radun .. .. Pahaf!ll .. PahaFlu 349 72 79 m 2)0 158 15 116 Kamalpur Mazra Bha- Khurja .. Khurja 519 50 55 295 143 152 doa 117 Kamalpur Mazra Do. .. Khurja 587 96 97 525 280 215 Nu,iser 178 Kamalpur Pabasu I Do. Pahasu 321 52 60 363 192 171 179 Kamona I Pahasn Do. 1,092 258 378 1,946 996 950 180 Kaneni Bed Rampur .. I Do. Do. 503 16& 172 944 496 448 181 Karaina I Do. Do. 5811 161 165 945- 480 465 182 Karora I Do. Do. 2,?29 539 668 3,644 1,943 1,701 183 Karoli Ba~~er 5 Jf"war Jowar 2,473 247 331 2,019 1,052 967 184 Kalol'ura •• I Do. Kakore 1,115 153 211 1,205 620 585 23 20 185 KaroJi Khader Do. Jewar 964 Unpopulat.d 186 Kasomi 4 Pahasu Pahasu 1,O15 216 226 1,196 612 584 187 Eeo i Kalan I Khurja .. Khurja. 932 135 141 705 398 307 188 Keoli Khurd I Do. Do. 1,284 190 250 1,398 742 656 189 Khalbra I Do. Do. 1/178 133 14~ 753 391 362 190 Kha.., ia Choharpur 1 Do. Do. 416 95 95 477 254 223 191 Khander I Pahasu Pahasu 668 126 142 692 355 337 192 Khandopnrl1 I Khurja Kakore 335 27 36 186 110 76 193 Khurauli .. 1 Do. Kburj" 563 120 127 705 366 339 194 • Khurja Do. Do . Municipality 195 Khera. 3 P"hasu Pahasu 1,322 166 226 1,148 632 516 196 Kerola I Khurja Khurja. 66~ 138 183 898 ·167 431 197 Khwajpllr •• 1 Jewar Jewar 725 127 145 813- 444 369 198 Kiratpur .. 2 Pahasn .. Pahasu 1,618 158 246 1,442' 762 680 1 '2 199 Kirra 1 Khuria .. Khurj[1 1,1195 233 236 1,214- 625 58'! 200 Kishorepur I tTflWar .. Jewar 743 94 108 679· 340 339 201 Kunwerpur 3 Pahasu .. Pahasu 1,167 101 157 968 4Q3 475 202 Khurja Khurja Do. Included in Municipality 203 Kasha Dhaddu 2 Pahasu Do. 764 1"12 187 1,005 500 ~05 204 I~apn&. I Jewar .. Kakore 1,054 155 180 1,053 586 467 205 ]tirauli 1 Pahasu .. Pahasu 409 137 154 7l!?' 411 376 206 Kureb 'l Jewar .. Jewar 1,191 300 346 2,08'7 1,078 1,009 3 2(\7 ](warsi I Khurja .. Khurja 884 101 104 532 276 256 208 Kalaina I Do. Do. 647 78 84 500 274 226 209 Lakhauti Thiirzapur .. I Do. Do. 531 179 185 887 445 442 210 Lakhan Wara I ])0. Pahasu 669 61 72 426 221 205 211 Lal Garhi ., I Pahasli Do. 792 201 201 1,030 545 485 3 212 Lalpllr Chitol" I f{hurju Khurja 218 21 21 114 64 50 213 Larler 2 Pahasu .. Pahasn 1,562 309 318 1,<;7.8 815 763 214 Ludhpura .. I Do. Do. 420 2C 34 247 131 116 215 Murad Garhi I Jewar Kukore 894 55 81 501 28·1 217 216 Ma.danpur Muhal",kpur .. Pahaslt .. Pahut:iII 457 . Unpopulated 217 Mahdipur Banger tTewar .. ,Jewar 753 14~ 1(7 822 428 394 218 Mahdipur Kh"dar .. Do. Do. 592 Unpopulated 219 :\fen .. Kalender Garhi I Khnrja .. Khurja 291 61 61 316 162 154 220 M_ancbarU_ .. 1 Jewal' .. ,Tewa. 1.925 161 232 1,163 630 533 221 Mancbipur I Khurja, .. Khurja 450 76 81 355 193 162 222 Manchi Banger I Jewar .. Jewar 152 6 9 49 20 29 221 Manchipur Khadar .. Do. Do. 329 Unpopulated 224 Mundra I Do. Do. 1,006 136 140 780 408 372 225 Mangraoli .. 1 Do. Do. 593 121 156 999 531 468 14 21 226 Mansurpur 1 Khurja .. Khurja 465 133 133 698 387 311 227 l\Jaqsoodpur I .Jewar .. Kakore 337 60 72 435 222 213 228 Mevl.. Gopalgarh 1 Do. .. .Townr 1,047 79 122 682 371 311 229 Mil'pur Kach urj Kani 2 Do. Do. 878 122 161 682 374 308 Gsrhi 230 Mil'pur Pahasu Khurja Pahasu 134 91 96 469 258 211 _ ------~ - --~----- 147



-11:=Cultiva­ IV":"Non-culti­ I-CUltivators tors of land vating OWners of land wholly wholly or Ill-Culti- of land; agd- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V-Produc- services Dis­ owned a.nd unowned labourers l'eoeivers ; tion other and mis­ placed their and tbeir and tbeir and their than cul- VI-Com- VII-Trans- cellaneoUE ,; rl~pp,nrlftnt~ depAnda.nts t.ivation m~l'oe port souroes ..: _~!B~~~ Litera.tes depondH.nt~_ _depenrln.nts 'g'" M F M M F M F M F M M F M F M F ::..>

14·15 16 18

171 19 329 326 28 24 3 3 3 4 39 40 7 7 L73 183 154 20 188 176 2 2 4 2 5 5 58 51 155 33 2 388 334 2 3 4 4 22 19 25 19 6 85 63 156 1 I 73 56 I \ 2 I 151 41 2 159 167 14 15 II 16 7 10 I 1 12 12 158 12 I 100 83 -5 6 I 8 4 8 7 54 49 .159 160 7 6 537 126 <;33 826 33 22 20 15 6 8 385 256 404 357 46 59 582 535 161 1\J5 15 116 IU7 25 19 35 33 3 2 77 69 4 7 9 3 67 60 162 93 8 315 294 II 10 16 7 5 12 68 61 12 14 6 5 84 94 163 140 II 288 262 I I 2 106 112 20 17 3 3 185 177 164 21 128 85 16 8 8 7 165- 28 3 212 195 16 9 8 II '2 1 2 4 62 43 166 235 4 354 304 46 28 17 7 93 88 19 20 24 25 184 195 167 168 38 262 241 3 5 9 7 2 28 22 4 4 53 60 169 33 2 199 173 20 19 12 21 I [27 118 170 18 2 35 28 2 2 I 10 3 6 4 171 172 36 123 118 5 2 36 27 2 [4 39 30 5 5 10 3 31 26 173 66 15 158 152 5 2 30 26 2 3 II 18 3 I 10 5 62 47 174 48 3 1'0 108 13 14 8 7 1 4 38 25 175 2Q 2 98 95 I 1 1 3 4 8 12 4 6 28 34 176 II 199 176 6 4 6 6 9 4 8 9 52 46 177

36 11 135 122 () 3 4 5 2 7 \ 4Cl 38 118 114 17 764 737 4 104 79 I 5 36 35 9 9 78 85 179 45 3 3'>0 323 4 4 6 4 4 39 39 I 92 78 180 '>0 3 278 274 3 4 107 98 3 3 36 38 4 I 49 47 181 465 57 816 710 28 19 298 277 21 27 295 241 128 108 24 32 333 287 182 221 20 no 644 70 63 46 23 4 33 33 10 12 I I73 187 183 183 II 375 356 23 19 14 10 5 16 10 31 34 27 -2 2 137 124 184 185 39 434 424 I I 3 50' 51 3 4 124 101 186 57 5 267 215 3 5 19 9 19 18 27 16 9 5 I 3 53 36 187 201 16 363 309 8 5 6 2 6 6 94 93 35 38 21 22 209 IS! 188 42 268 220 4 3 3 3 41 42 8 9 2 67 S3 189 28 2 169 152 2 I 9 2 31 25 1 I I 41 42 190 43 245 234 3 I I 24 28 2 3 12 12 68 59 19! II 93 67 II 6 5 2 I9Z 77 246 230 9 10 3 21 12 2 7 8 14 77 66 193 194 57 2 318 249 1 6 5 -- 80 59 4 5 2 4 221 194 195 47 23 163 150 43 39 7 2 22 25 46 30 22 22 9 4 155 159 196 34 .. 272 240 43 33 2 I 1 31 22 to iO 4 5 81 58 197 148 14 557 5J9 43 40 2 4· 6 I 33 23 9 3 112 laC; 198 56 6 404 364 2 41 32 14 10 .- 1.64 183 199 23 I 217 215 13 12 15 8 15 22 12 II 4 6 64 65 200 82 5 374 378 2 I 22 15 3 12 5 5 5 75 78 201 202 4 4 45 I 392 381 8 12 52 49 2 5 16 15 10 9 20 34 203 I 116 7 400 325 4 2 3 2 I 84 62 " 1 93 76 2C.4 66 10 191 169 5 10 4 .. 85 81 14 14 2 3 110 99 205 55 I 762 708 27 25 I 9 15 64 54 6 3 210 203 206 21 196 172 5 1 I 3 7 5 4 6 I 3 62 66 207 51 " 215 167 7 4 12 6 2 11 10 29 37 208 14 217 216 18 20 I I 3 47 52 161 151 209 38 7 144 121 I 3 3 I 3 9 4 5 4 59 69 210 51 2 280 232 23 24 10 6 8 14 41 44 14 10 11 13 158 142 211 5 35 27 3 3 7 'I 9 9 3 3 7 4 2[2 140 12 422 410 12 7 II 6 2 3 154 138 20 18 4 8 190 173 213 20 I 124 JQ3 7 13 214 25 I 229 174 18 9 8 4 3 4 23 26 215 216 24 29J 273 21 22 2 :5 16 21 12 9 9 7 78 59 217 218 2 2 35 I 44 37 16 II 8 7 14 14 4 6 76 79 219 67 2 343 296 58 43 .. 51 36 6 5 172 [53 22C1 3 107 94 II 4 I 10 2 2 II 3 3 59 45 22\ I .. 7 2 7 IQ 2 2 10 15 I 2 222 223 45 I 268 237 12 13 6 9 19 24 3 3 5 5 95 81 224 107 1 372 318 30 27 27 22 3 3 2 2 97 96 225 25 2 236 192 13 15 42 31 1 3 4 91 70 226 47 141 120 22 22 5 29 22 5 3 20 45 227 36 I 255 207 11 9 3 7 10 7 14 4 1 :3 4 81 66 228 38 277 229 23 17 2 3 6 21 18 2 2 4 3 42 33 229 42 2 8!) 11 6 3 88 70 22 11 30 35 230 148

Primary Census

Tnmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Oocupied inmates of institutions houseless the hOUBeS ann hnnf::pl"'~R ppr80n~' __r~r_sons '"~ hamlets CD No. of '0 Name of V iJlage or in the Area in No. of house- 8 Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houseB holds Persons Males Females M l<' -T 2- 3 4 5 6 8 'i 10 II 12 iT TEHSIL KHURJA.

23[ l\1iyana ., .. Jewar .. Kakore 971 89 134 732 382 350 232 Mohamm.. dabad Kheta Do. Jewar 728 82 160 915 492 423 233 Mohammad Karimpur Kburje. Khurja 674 149 168 802 438 l64 4 urj Dhsnker 234 Mshus Khera Pabasu Pahssu 345 56 109 595 307 288 235 Mumreinnr Jew ... .. Kakors 653 81 109 53i 277 261 236 M.oha.mma,dDll' Na.r .. Do. Do. 662 2[2 256 1.5&40 809 775 3 231 :MUak K80rimabad .. Do. .. .Jewar 297 14 17 120 59 61 238 Mohammadpur MSll.ira l{hurja' Khurja 499 40 48 259 138 121 Barh GaOD 239 Mohammadpur Mazr80 Kbutja Kakore 311 78 98 526 281 245 Biohat 240 Mund,.Kbera [ Do. .. Khurja 640 537 583 2,631 1,384 1,247 241 Muni 2 Do. Do. [,OSI 200 264 I,!OI 712 689 242 Mukimpul' 'Shiwara I Jew,.r .. .rewa. 432 47 72 418 211 207 243 Malpur l\Iumrezpur .. 2 Khurja Khurja 619 51 57 304 147 157 244 Mohamm ..dpur uri 1 Do. Do. 577 28 35 199 106 93 Bhogpur 245 Mitpur 2 Do. Do. 629 [62 189 1,072 581 491 14 12 246 Nagia Daipatpur 2 Pahasu .. P"haBU 633 150 154 837 441 396 :'1'1 Naga! .. I Khurja Do. 986 105 III 538 302 236 248 Nagaliya 1 Pah,.su Do. 234 1 [3 123 623 348 275 249 N8galiya Mazra NaN\- I Khnrja Do. 299 29 30 147 78 69 inpur 250 Nagaliy,.~1] daibhan " I Do. Khurja 711 223 25() 1,341 722 619 251 Nagar 1 Do. .. Paht>su 604 183 184 9,8 484 434 252 NaglaKat I Do. Khurja 408 69 70 414 207 207 253 Nagla l\lahiuddinpur I Do. Do. 329 71 107 585 293 292 254 Nagla Nao I Pahasu .. P",hasu 429 64 77 376 196 180 255 Nag!a. Rumi 1 Kburja Khurja 492 92 107 496 259 237 256 Nagla Sarangpur 3 Pahasu .. Pt>hasu 931 165 166 888 470 418 257 Nag!.. Shahpur 1 Jewar .. Kakore 412 64 69 329 172 1S.7 258 NagH,. Lachhmanpul' 2 Pabll8u .. Pah808u 588 39 58 338 168 170 259 Nai Pha! u,j 1]ncha- 1 Khuril], Khurja 838 147 152 738 382 356 gaon 260 Naiser 2 Do. Do. 898 207 208 1,096 567 529 261 Narainpur I Do. .. Paba"u 1,165 61 71 354 190 164 262 Neem Ka Sh80bjahanpur I .Jewar .. Jewar 215 391 423 2,112 1,119 993 263 Niz'ampur I Khurja .. Khurja 362 36 45 237 121 110 264 Nagla Shakhu I Do. Do. 1,009 151 114 1,024 555 469 [ 265 Niamatabad 2 Do. Do. 364 58 14 364 202 162 :266 Nagla Nau .. Paha"u Do. l,(l99 1] npopnll.led Jewar .. Jewar 150 377 ~261 Nekma 735 107 ~ 440 '268 r;'oliokm Do. Kakore 383 47 70 16 153 163 269 Paharpur Khurja Pahasu 385 29 30 16.1 94 67 270 P"hasu .. Pah8Bu Do. Town Area 271 Pharanc_!. .. Khurja .. Khurja 853 95 III 571 312 259 :272 PaDJ:oi ,Tewar .. Jewar 576 27 31 16S 90 75 3 5 213 P-aja Pabasu .. Pabasu 716 118 [71 837 453 384 274 Pain> Khurja .. Shikarpur 1,067 145 181 1,064 543 521 2 2 275 PindI'lJowal .. Pahasu .. PahwlU 804 382 397 1,992 1,015 977 276 Ph .. leda Banger ;rewar .. JeWUl" 1,233 .329 455 2,329 1,2SS 1,074 277 Phaleda Kh"der Do. Do. 657 Unpopulated 278 Pharakna Ganga Garhi Khurja .. 'Pah"9ll 2,518 644 686 3,31"3 1,784 1,589 279 Pilkhan Hari urj Pabaeu Do. 977 220 262 1,412 152 660 Sabitgarh 280 Pitampur Do. Do. m 15 18 117 66 SI 281 Padba Do. Do. 298 55 56 2?1 ISS 136 282 Blank 283 Rabupura ., Jewar .. Kakore Town Area 284 Raipur Mauzimput .. Khurja .. Shikarpur 565 229 265 1,568 833 73S 285 Ram Garhi Do. .. Khurja 177 179 182 897 4&1 416 286 RamNer .. Jewa. .. .rew,.r 595 65 84 522 266 256 287 Rampur Banger Do. Do. 678 90 154 822 428 394 8 288 R,.mpur Khader Do. Do. 335 1]npopul,.ted 289 Rampur Manpur 6 Pahasu .. Shihrpur 1,34[ 292 299 1,687 916 771 290 Ranaioh Narendrapur 2 D9. Do. 986 ,201 206 1,100 591 503 7 4 291 Ranauli I Jewar .. Jewar 1.886 277 341 1,841 959 882 292 Runda I Puhusu Shikar!'ur 375 24 25 1% 108 88 293 Ranauli 1 Khurja .. PabaBII 656 129 149 821 414 407 294 Rasulgurh 2 P"hasu Do. 698 117 174 1,122 601 521 295 Rasulpur [ Khurja .. Khurjl> 380 73 83 ' 352 170 182 [ [,094 208 1,115 536 296 Runda Do. Do. 208 579 2<;1 Rakhetjj I Jewar .. Jewar 469 79 79 382 196 186 298 nlBaiu- 2 Pahasu Pahaeu 764 103 [36 -m- 425 389 299 Rudri [ Khurja Do. 364 53 62 368 2115 163 300 Rohi 2 .Tewar .. ;rewar 1,275 133 [45 891 495 4V2 5 [ 361 30\ Rukanpur Khurja .. Khurjl1 914 108 126 707 346 Runfli I Paha"u .. Shikarpur 951 82 1% 623 327 296 302 Kuknrfl ?OG 230 1,17'1 S03 Ronija I Jewar .. 1.114 655 520 149



- 11-- Cultiva- IV --Non-cuW: I-Cultivators tors of land vating owners of land wholly wholly or III-Culti· of land; agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V-Produo­ services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers receivers; tion other 6lld miB­ placed their and their and their and their than cul­ VI-Com- VlI-Trans- cellaneous .person". .Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivat.ion merne port. sour~M


14 15- T6 17· [8 19 20 21 22 23 24 - 25 26 27 28 29- 30 31 32 33· I·

(l\URAL)-(co7!td, )

95 6 17J 135 60 61 1 56 18 20 9 8 67 51 69 231 122 2 382 318 20 20 I 3 3 34 38 12 11 4 41 28 232 23 2 253 218 6 5 115 79 1 12 13 7 5 1 44 43 233 67 4 216 180 4 9 6 2 5 27 27 I 1 I 47 64 234 36 5 172 \56 2 3 13 8 4 4 2 3 84 87 235 120 11 483 464 3 5 2 50 50 20 16 253 238 236 11 58 56 1 2 .3 237 28 117 105 5 5 2 15 9 238 24 158 127 8 8 2 2 52 48 2 5 3 56 55 239 7 5 267 12 348 324 6 5 5 3 29 24 386 331 172 142 46 28 392 384 240 169 16 433 433 2 49 41 17 II 11 12 2()2 190 241 29 180 174 8 6 5 4 I 4 17 19 242 17 92 95 8 11 13 13 17 14 1 16 24 243 20 2 85 67 I 3 I 1 426 14 15 244 53 9 213 202 81 43 4 7 116 104 31 18 10 12 126 105 245 146 4 269 240 .. 20 14 56 42 10 5 4 1 82 94 246 21 1 179 135 12 10 8 8 3 2 35 24 5 2 1 2 59 53 247 44 2 223 183 7 4 74 41 20 20 4 4 I I 19 22 248 5 64 58 4 3 I 1 9 7 249

244 16 451 364 7 8 5 6 11 19 73 64 21 20 153 138 250 5\ 288 262 5 1 6 9 9 13 13 6 163 143 251 76 10 135 134 2 2 1 9 10 6 6 54 55 252 57 2 239 245 2 5 6 1 2 1 44 4Q 253 19 1 163 148 5 '2 2 2 I 2 3 I 23 24 254 38 \ 156 137 15 20 58 59 I I 15 13 14 7 255 25 33U 283 1 8 8 3 6 7 6 14 10 106 104 256 17 138 118 3 5 10 26 29 257 71 14 162 158 1 I 4 2 4 6 258 72 2 224 196 4 4 4 17 11 ii 9 121 133 259 82 8 356 332 6 C 26 17 .. 32 30 23 19 4 122 121 260 20 73 62 5 3 5 5 1 18 18 4 4 &5 71 261 1 3 302 28 502 435 56 36 11 12 2 3 130 119 116 120 2\ 26 28t 242 262 25 6 42 46 14 9 25 17 46 38 263 31 7 378 314 93 67 I 10 8 !O 7 7 9 57 6~ 264 -9 1 115 92 8 4 4 1 9 8 2 8 9 58 46 265 266 ... 117 17 268 250 10 3 33 23 .. 25 21 4 3 99 77 267 22 4 83 93 22 16 4 7 8 5 4 2 35 36 268 11 77 55 3 1 12 9 269 " 27() 23 252 205 3 2 12 14 13 !D 6 .3 26 25 271 8 70 56 .. 1 I .. 18 \9 272 52 1 249 214 5 I 37 28 11 6 4 2 147 133 273 109 10 299 288 35 26 29 22 34 39 25 32 10 6 III 108 274 151 35 317 299 31 23 S 2 25 45 183 172 158 139 19 14 277 2q3 275 162 4 745 651 153 UO 2 1 71 54 73 76 36 18 I! 8 164 156 276 277 353 37 862 782 33 28 20 4 5 4 174 147 60 55 'J 3 627 566 278 164 16 358 323 43 27 28 19 12 13 113 99 42 30 156 149 279 5 I 57 38 .. 1 1 8 11 28':) 18 2 I~ 88 6 3 2 7 4 28 30 281 282 " 283 135 11 493 433 15 10 73 73 16 16 3 7 232 195 284 54 3 199 174 2 I 18 2 95 87 26 12 I 2 140 131 285 46 1 196 182 8 4 4 5 3 6 6 5 49 54 286 57 2 214 220 17 13 6 2 78 59 9 12 4 3 100 85 287 288 64 4 7Q7 595 10 9 5 4 8 22 15 7 3 2 2 159 139 289 85 3 398 346 6 6 2 1 3 5 33 25 5 7 3 3 147 110 290 296 24 451 388 88 80 16 12 5 2 116 95 62 55 .3 7 218 243 291 25 98 78 1 2 I ., [ 7 8 292 134 32 130 126 47 29 23 30 2 72 77 8 14 8 7 126 122 293 87 5 496 441 5 1 2 4 3 7 11 87 65 294 8 .. 112 125 3 1 6 4 13 13 6 7 30 32 295 12 7 265 240 2 16 12 94 85 25 22 179 t75 2% 30 1 95 86 1 2 8 51 48 47 44 297 24 1 350 316 1 4 2 3 3 14 15 2 1 51 52 2q8 73 19 144 In8 3 3 3 9 10 2 .. 44 42 299 38 321 257 63 61 4 1 17 11 6 5 2 I 82 66 ~OO 90 6 173 161 '3 9 21 14 2 2 29 29 25 21 1 3 m lOt 301 32 I 277 256 20 10 .. 30 30 302 128 7 482 373 7 5 36 27 8 2 56 44 8 10 2 56 59 303 150 Primary Cenaus: , Abstract-(rOnJd.)


------U-Cultlva. ' IY::'::'Non.cujti· I-Cultivators tors of land vo.ting owners of land wholly wholly·or III-Culti­ of la.nd ; agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating oultural rent V -'Produc­ services Dis· owned and nnowned labourers reoeivers; tion other andmis· plaoed their and their and their and their th<>n cui­ VI-Com' VII-Trans· cellaneous ci !",~ons Literates _ d"Rendant"_ dependants .d~e'_l'i_aE_ts dependants tivation merOfl port sonrCeR ""~ '0 M F M F M M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 8

14 15 16 17 is 20 23 28 29 30 3i 32 33 ~--

(RURAL)-(coned.) 35 155 151 5 5 19 14 7 3 2 3 .: 16· :21 .304 157 21 284 26() 24 18 41 21 2 31 60 37 49 2 2 211 166 3)5 176 1 575 472 14 II 1 3 4 14 II 12 14 t 76 10'· 1()6 112 5 545 491 11 16 28 5 12 23 9 9 5 7 " 68 63:'301 3 101 95 10 15 3 1 2 3 3 4 .31 25 c 308 29 156 128 28 14 4. 2 5 18 20 16 106 . 78 ' 309 5 144 128 2 4 2 4 7 5 .. II.. Sec 3111 43 6 481 428 11 4 I 2 32 23 8 10 10 3 . , 61 . 86 311· 4 57 52 2 ,.. .;2, .• 2 L.312 82 10 280 275 39 32 8 5 3 i 32 32 17 15 1 159,,176; ,313 227 33 820 675 37 31 10 8 13 18 IDS 115 18 23 13 24 291 330 314- 23 2 216 189 12 1 5 5 2 6 12 12 1 I 2 2 59 44 315- 31 I 12S 128 5 6 11 4 8 I 56 4S 316 317 2 73 75 2 2 8 8 c ...... [8 20 318 ... .. 31 213 210 II 6 1 6 4 6 99 95 319 I 2 .203 to 368 323 24 29 2') 10 31 26 8 11 1 6 149 139 32(} 96 15 182 201 7 2 9 I 2 29 20 11 8 6 9 89 79 321 lIO 3 271 261 1 121 95 11 11 15 15 55 58 3L2 167 2 422 414 4 2 3 20 18 9 1 58 52 118 129 323 32 3 193 195 15 13 18 8 2 20 , 28 7 4',' 2 'I :.51 46 i 324- 25 2 186 149 5 2 7 8 I 23 20 325 17 I 551 491 19 18 4 7 6 14 12 8 9 M 64 326 29 104 88 39 34 5 5 321

20 10) 9J 5 3 1 I .- 2 2 16 9 328 11 144 129 4 2 24 18 3 3 1 2 3 329 7 38 20 6 4 ,. 3 330 21 77 87 % 33 4 4 i2 II ,24 31 19 17 331 332 25 2 126 104 II 4 3 2 3 3 ,," .", 9.' .. , . 7: 333 42 7 195 175 12 14 15 14 2 2 3 55 53 33'\ 27 6 177 168 79 46 I 24 17 7 4 38 49 335- 89 477 438 4 I 4 61 63 33 31 130 148 316 251 II 788 612 42 31 I 3 7 68 .. 65 17 17 5 :5 118 127 331 4 91 81 3 2 7 5 37 23 338: 15 61 66 1 5 63 58 3~9' 64 i2 182 171 8 6 3 I 2 10 9 ... 49 51 W 23 3 69 61 12 5 S 7 41 23 I 17 18 341 124 15 397 363 26 24 1 3 11 15 68 65 13 9 127 123 342 39 247 251 10 :z_ 30 .,22 ,[ I 3' . 7~" '12,,:343 3 7 4 .1 344 ; 345- 25 8 44 53 3 5 4 33 2) 4 5 3 69 69 346 36 125 117 I I 5 9 48 31 347 I 36 24 4 I 1 3 I 348 349 168 15 635 573 9 4 .. 2 53 45 II 10 2 210 175 350 1 .. 206 22 1,109 950 36 25 22 8 2 3 91 76 27 32 3 5 352 3Q2 351 352 61 369 349 67 68 3 2 15 .15 12 9 3:. '5.' 23L~_05 !)353 17 332 273 8 3 2 3 8 10 22 20 28 24 354 18 175 147 3 1 16 to IS II ,5 2 4 2 84 82 355 4 ·2 3a2 61 160 617 95 81 4 7 18 31 120 96 llO 82 11 6 359 337 356 66 7 211 182 41 34 4 6 5 5 23 25 2 76 64 357 9 I 82 61 6 3 I I 19 23 3;8 88 .; 231 233 6 5 33 21 1'8 21 42 37 4 7 69 73 359 22 146 128 I 7 3 9 24 23 8 I 38 34 360 132 21 2F7 .259 8 10 4 2 31 31 10 6· '12:: J '13:" )·95-''''D1 ":361 13 238 182 8 6 6 23 21 3 I 41 27 362 2~, 119 102 23 33 \8 18 19 ,12 I 2 II 8 38 28 363 'I 61 44 9 4 364- 365- 45 2 288 250 II 8 13 17 7 48 56 366 361 36 189 193 23 14 II 13 4 3' .' i,,' ., '15 368 10 86 64 77 it 113 166 18 43 29 9 2 .. ' ,,16 13 3~9 7 .. 129 143 9 8 12 9 to 10 .. 49 53 310 10 I 64 55 34 32 2 IS 17 6 3 5 4 127 106 371 78 4 334 3W 6 7 26 13 2 3() 26 6 5 6 '3 182 147 372 237 76 2')2 165 2 4 3 58 45 53 34 370 253 114 101 313 56 221 210 17 14 3 6 22 18 5 6 4 6 53 55 374- 24 5 156 127 16 19 III 78 14 18 2 3 5 4 3 375- " 376 1 124 80 3 5 1 4 377

__ ._---,---_. "S 152

Primary Census

Occupied houses No. of g the ., hamlets No. of '"0 Name 6f Village or in ~he Area irt No. of huuse- 0 ,(.) TownJWard viJJage Pargana Thana acres houses holds

-- - -I-~ 2-- 3 r 5- - - 6" _-_.------. __ --__ --_ ._- ._------7 is' TEHSIL KHURJA '79 .380 Rabupura (Rural) 2 Jewar .. Kllkore 58 89 381 382 38'3 Narllu Pabasu PahaBu I,m 81 106 384 Usmanpur Jewar K"kore 558 49 79 385 l'orari Do. Jewar 959 81 106 386 Sahabnagar Mazra Do. Do. 39 49 Jewar (.Rural) 387 Said Garhi Paba.u .. Shikarpur 505 84 114 388 Sikri ., Khurja Khurja 1,131 151 199

" " 'roml Tehsil Khurja (Rural) 451 :nS.8J6 44,123 52,396 TEHSIL KHURJA

194 Khurja Munioi"a' Board Khurja .. Khurja 3,750 5,393 7,770 1,195 1,675 2 3,360 4,828 3 838 1,267


168 Jtwar 'I'own Area .. Jewar ., Jewar .f ,730 1,169 1,514 482 597 2 316 441 3 371 476

27() Pahasu Town Ares. Pahasu .. Pahasu 3,1)35 904 1,033 412 548 2 432 485

283 Rabupura T Jwn Area .. Jewar ., Kakore 3,950 728 1,073 233 311 2 251 337 3 244 425

Total TehsU Khurja (Urban) .. 11~34 8:J51 12.uo Total TahsU Khurja 451 293,790 53,Oao 64.726

__ ._--- ._-_------. ------~--~-- - -~ - ----_ .. _------Absttact-'"-«(()l7ld. )

Inmates of ins~itutions Total no. of persons enumerated and (inoluding inmates of institutions hou.eless Displaced Literates ... ______"_~hou.eless p_srsoDs) __~_ pe~soll_8 ~er~~~ = Persons Males Females M F M F M F j- .- -" -10 --rr --14 -15 -16 I 9 - -- "_----12 - 13 If -.~~--.------_------_ _-_ .~-----~------(R'URALI-(COr&I'·) Blank 379 SOt 268 236 2 24 ~O Blank 381 Blank 382 l.lS5 6.21 534 67 17 ~8' 240 211 21 384 !-,. 284 1 "i 67 ii 385 "3137 III 1l .. 386 614 330 284 38 381 992 SO 44!1 4 130 it %8

218,464 146,944 131,52fJ 479 176 91 61 is,ll6 21)99 URBAN _NON·ClTY

38,462 20,858 ITPJ4 468 19 981 817 6,272. 2.,087 194 13,177 7,398 6,379 262 2 249 199 I,.U9 463 12,652 6,623 6,029 39 2 2!'iQ 22l 3,360 I,Ola 12.033 6,837 5,196 161 15 482- 391 1,493 554

4,691 2,412 2,219 34 21 3 3 567 178 90 429 217 212 24 1,704 895 809 12 9 :'I 3 315 114 2,558 1,360 1,198 22 12 228 64

1,911 4,IZS 3:r9Z 24 29 10 941 192 168 3,114 1,637 1,477 11 2 289 52 2,486 1,314 l,ln 17 7 430 8& 2,317 1,174 1,143 13 5 222 52

5,135 2,181 2.'JS4 5 5 468 197 210 2,689 l,tiO 1,239 2 288 85 2,446 1,331 1,ItS 3 4 180 H2

S,5JO 2,913 2,551 4 4 535 135 283 1,766 910 796 4 4 190 46 1.725 935 790 129 35 2,039 I,C63 971 216 54 61,735 33,209 28,526 526 40 l/)13 Ba9 8383 1;89 340,199 180,153 160,046 l,oos 216 .,110 900 :Jt,999 ',888

------_._-_--_._------~------_ . 154



~------I-Cultivators of land w holly or U-Cultivatore of land mainly owned wholly or mainly un- III-Cultivating and their owned and their labourers an d their 8., dep~dants _~e!,dant_s_~ d"pendants "0 Name of Village or 0 M F M F ~ Town/Ward M F 2 i8 19 20 21 -22 ~ --23 ------I --~ TEHSIL E:HURJA 319 114 109 380 Rabupura (Rural) ~. 38 23 16 9

: ~ j81 382 383 Narau 448 393 2 4 2 384 Usmanpur 153 119 385 Porari 1,6 146 24 24 3 :3 386 Sahabnagar .Mazra 98 82 5 1 Jewar (Rural) 381 Baird Garhi 205 188 3 .219 158 3~8 Bilt 13 8

88,119 78,915 51)14 4,124 Total Tehan Kh,:,rja (Rural) 4,45.1 3,123 TEHSIL KHPRJA

1,325 74/J 339 254 194 Kburja Munioipal BOaI'd 386 340 279 400 97 87 165 133 232 2 260 153 135 132 120 231 3 665 89 32 89 81

513 404 90 Chbatari Town Are" 39 32 359 279 22 19 II 11 35 28 239 2 262 6 4 40 25 203 3 232 22 17 284 226

1,.101 ~ 1,147 132 122 168 Jewar Town Area 30 15 751 656 48 35 23 12 2 452 400 7 15 91 3 98 77 12 6 j

270 Pahasu Town Are" 532 400 33 22 21 1~ '239 210 11 6 4 .. 250 2 293 22 16 17 14

. 996 843 283 Rabupura Town Area 129 114 22 5 290 227 101 85 10 2 382 320 14 15 6 2 3 324 296 14 14 6 2

Total Tehail Ehurja (Urban) .. 4{.61 3p62 612 $44 818 6$1 Total Teban Khuja 93,446 820571 5,686 4,fi68 5,270 3,780

-.------~~-.- 155

Abstra ct-(,onflt.)


.~------._-- --IV_Non-cuILl vatUlg owners of land; agricultural rent receivers; V -Production VIII-Other services and their ot·her than and miscellaneous dependants cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport_ souroes M F M F M ill F

£4 25 -26 27 30 31 32

(RURAL)-(concld.) Blank 379 9 10 91 85 380

Blank 381 Blank 382 2 10 6 11 II 145 119 383 14 22 6 8 67 62 384 14 15 18 21 12 9 65 65 385 19 12 15 16 386

2 3 40 35 I 80 56 387 18 23 66 62 8 4 10 11 209 183 388

1,140 1,507 11,353 10,3(}4 4,161 4,IdO 1,559 1,39~ 29,886 27,970 URBAN NON_CITY-·(concld.)

527 364 4,673 4,477 5,870 5,039 1,574 1,383 6,164 4,999 194 1,954 606 495 19~ 121 1,811 '1,817 1,653 2,166 1,78& 136 125 1,755 1,609 1,904 1,810 675 603 1,608 1,395 192 112 1,107 1,051 2,012 1,576 293 285 2,390 1,816

8 15 417 .195 512 476 84 60 . 54) 498 9J 76 83 32 29 3 44 36

4 II 158 149 122 118 25 22 278 24t 4 4 183 163 358 329 59 35 218 221

29 27 923 900 838 740 91 61 781 780 168 13 13 255 255 141 121 53 27 353 358 221 207 411 338 3 219 210

16 13 447 438 286 281 35 33 209 212

14 11 401) 309 565 463 78 68 1,138 1,r)U3 270

2 220 155 322 296 59 50 593 517 12 10 180 154 243 167 19 18 545 486

20 31 548 496 535 468 93 S9 63U 541 28) 2 4 67 66 133 114 17 13 350 286 6 9 233 206 153 125 9 132 104 12 18 248 224 249 229 67 37 148 15[

59!! 448 6,961 6,577 8,320 7,186 1,920 1,631 9,253 1,821

1,738 1,955 18,314 16,881 13,081 11,366 3,479 3,028 39,139 35,791 156

Btimary Census

InWll!"" of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including :::;ro.oC Occupied and C inmates of institut.ions hOlHleies8 t: the houses a.nd honseless rerRons~ hamleLs -No: of ~--, " ~I arne of Vill,,€e or in the 0 Area in No. 01 house· 0"" Town,'Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females 1'\1 F -[- f -~------3 '" 7 ~ [0 II 12 [3- TEH~!L SIKANDRABAD Abdullahpur urj Dadri Dadr; 791 Bad"lpnr 242 249 1,328 699 629 2 Aohheja .. [ Do. Do. 996 235 245 1,412 3 Achho]a Buzurg I Dankaur 743 669 Dankaur 1,031 7') 95 489 263 4 Achheypur I Do. Rakor" 226 5 Arm .. 325 120 137 820 459 361 1 ilikandrabad Sikandrabad 1,465 255 25( 1,268 6 Allah pur 1 Dadri Bisrakh <176 592 7 Agrai 657 36 37 245 138 107 1 Sikandrahad ,. Khurja 745 159 162 8 Ajabpur 2 Dadri Dadri 830 454 376 175 15 15 58 9 Aliahad 1 Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 29 29 !O Aliahact 3~8 25 28 161 81 74 1 DsukBur I DBnkaur 675 lOt 13! 11 Alliplll' Sik!lodrabad Sikandrabad 6-l~ 3~0 316 12 271 Unpopulated Ali~lJI:l1 Daokaur .. Kakore 424 13 Alabas Dadr; 53 62 J30 179 IS! .. Bisukh 532 53 330 14 Abwnrdip~~ Do. Do. m 176 IS4 15 AirnoI1JlJ)ad 323 17 24 !3·i 71 63 Do. Do. 357 32 16 Aml:lrpllt' D'-"1n.ht1i.1r 32 191 III 80 Danko.ur 1,186 69 75 333 17 AmiJJaiJad ur! Miana •• Do. Do, 191 142 [8 Ainchar 534 99 104 592 324 2611 Do. .. ' Dadri 999 19 .\minpl.It Banger 47 49 236 137 99 Do. Danka.ur 457 62 73 20 Amka .. D,l(lri Dauri .353 lSI 172 21 Anandour 443 127 13 1 694 349 345 Do. Do. 265 74 22 Andhail 8ikrJ,ndraba.d ?7 356 186 170 SikandrulHld 574 9C 96 487 23 Aqilpur Jag'ir DJ:lod r j Dndri 232 255 24 &rnian 263 12~ 126 644 353 291 8i1;;:andrabau Kakoro 352 25 -Arpt>da .. J)[). Unpopulated Do. 706 92 487 26 A,adai urf l'irangarh Do. n 260 227 Siknndralmd 407 209 210 1,305 673 27 ABadUllah PUy 1)""ri Bi."Jrakh 632 Asafpnr 318 1 1 1 1 28 SikBndl'abud B nlandshar,r , , 287 29 ARhgr:,rpur Jagir I)a,iri rnpupuln,teo Biilrakll 636 64 J4Q 30 Astoli Sil{iLmll"abad 68 IS'! ]51 Sikaudrabad 940 190 2lCl 1,167 590 31 Attnin .l\.ful"t-\dpur 2 Dankaur Dankaur 577 32 Atem .. 931 44 '15 181 99 82 Dadri Bisrskh 936 64 66 338 33 ALta Gnjra)) lJi:tllI{H.ur 182 156 Danka"r 9~9 11] 113 568 \316 252 34 A.>rnngabad Dadri Dadri 557 35 Aurangpur Danka.ur U r~'poplllaf.ed Daakaur 1,236 33 33 181 36 Azampllr Garhi Sikanrlrabad 1001 77 Rikandmbad 339 67 6)'\ 385 208 177 'j"( A~aJnpur HJ~kl.ainpu.r " Sib,ndr"bad Kakore 754 38 B3.haiyn. .. 112 113 562 323 239 Do. ilik andrabad 24C '30) B<1doli BJJ.DgBr 57 63 267 151 116 D"nkaur Dankaur 1,071 49 49 171 95 ,40 BadhpurH .. Dadri Dadri 76 41 Bdi,?hpur •. 551 179 180 1,015 532 483 Da.nkaur Dankaur 285 8) 82 42 B~hmanpur Gajrauli> ·151 240 211 D"dri Dadri 573 12 j') wrj Newada. 68 42 26 43 Ba.nlhnwar Do. Do. 967 336 336 1,817 969 44 Banehauli Sikanrabad I{akore 848 531 210 240 1,091 601 49Il 4.5 Ba}jlo]pnr. Dadri Bisrakh 611 46 Banjarpur, 216 220 1,175 62V 555 Dankam Dilnkaur 103 III 47 Bftt'oln 115 551 304 247 29 Dadri Bisrakh 905 284 3J3 ),712 918 48 Baroda Sikand,abad ' 794 "I Kn.koro 1,839 333 344 1,820 974 49 Easantpur Banger I Dadr; Sikundrahad 846 294 44 48 202 104 '18 50 Basi Eurh.anuddin~ I Do. Bisrakh 41O 15 naQ'al' 18 8-1 53 31 51 Baziclpur Banger I D(), Do, 538 52 Bedpura 68 82 455 243 212 1 Do. Do, 374 204 228 1,231 641 53 "Begumpur .. 1 Do. Do. 596 458 10 12 53 33 20 54 Benipuf " 1 Sikandrabad .. 9ik andrabad 859 123 55 Bairsngpur 128 620 301 319 1 Dadxi Dadri 825 19() 194 972 507 56 Birkhera .. 1 Sik,mdrab"d Sikandrabad 465 845 255 256 1,194 7{)1 691 57 Bhanota I Dadri Dadr; 524 80 Bhang.! Beguwpur 84 445 250 195 58 .. 1 Do. Bisrakh 718 [05 tOS 614 333 59 Bhsrana 1 Siksnprahs.d Sikandrabad 281 1,214 230 238 1,291 707 584 6Q Bhatol.. \ DD, Do, 466 Bahorah3. 10~ Uo 597 301 2% 6J 1 Do, Khurja 523 105 109 626 326 Bha.tpura 1 300 62 .. Do. Siksndrabad 393 lIO 116 665' 334 331 63 Bhatt,a. 2 Dankaur Dankaur 1,188 206 254 1,434 756 Bhogpur '. 1 Dadri 678 64 Dadri 579 61 63 299 156 143 65 Bhola Rawal I Do. Do. 204 36 53 283 150 Bbonkhera I Sikandtobad, , 133 66 Sikandrabad 764 74 75 457 255 202 67 BOOnr" " 2 Do. Kakora 1.137 232 237 1,068 588 n.r""kba,rpur Dadri 4811 68 1 Dadri 928 79 80 382 213 169 69 Bilaspur .. Dankaur Dankaur Town Area 70 Bironda 1 Do, Dadri 182 20 26 131 83 Birondi Dhaka'Bonpnr 54 71 1 Dadri Do. 442 135 135 647 366 281 lIirondi Foladpur [ 72 Siltandrabad Bulandshahr 612 106 WI 608 306 302 73 Birandi Tnjpur 2 Do Do. 1.253 291 213 994 518 Birupor 476 74 Do. Sikandrabad 261 U UpD pulated [ 75 Bisaich Dankaur Dankaur 141 45 50 29{) 165 124 7fi Bieara 2 ,Dadci Dadr; \,271 486 5[2 2,615 1,404 Bi.ho,,,,li ., 1,211 7Z I Do. Do. 431 190 200 1,133 609 524

------~~---.~- 157



---iI-Cultiva­ IV-::"'Non-culei I-Cultivators tors of land vo.ting owners of land wholly wholly or III-CuUi" of land; agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V-Produc- services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers receivers; tion other and mis· plaoed their and their and their and their than ouI- VI-Com- VII-TrlWs­ cellaneouf:J ci Litl'rates dependants d~pendants deJ:endants derA-,,-d_~ts tivation meroe _pInt BourCAB C ~_E~!~~~.

I4 15 16 17 TB. 19 20 28 29 30 iY 32 33 r

{RURAL) 154 461 402 4 5 54 61 40 18 10 16 129 127 108 598 533 24 23 12 10 43 39 24 14 3 4 39 46 2 30 "i \'05 \53 "5 ""6. 1 7 21 28 6 \ 33 3\ 3 84 11 345 271 18 8 4 5 10 29 20 5 2 1 51 51 4 69 .3 339 291 13 9 2 1 13 9 132 123 34 25 143 134 5 43 \ 15 92 1 1 1 2 I 8 7 5 4 6 2. 6 89 "4 314 25i 11 4 55 60 12 7 62 54 7 -3 .3 8 I 16 21 I iz 8 8 r 5 1 62 56 13 9 1 1 1 11 7 9 66 232 229 1 29 20 14 13 8 5 :3 5 44 43 10 11 25 III 90 8 4 4 4 8 II I 47 38 12 14 146 128 1 7 4 6 10 4 4 t2 8 13 I 65 61 4 2 14 15 103 75 .. B 5 \5 19 105 69 9 9 6 37 37 6 2 25 23 16 32 265 221 5 11 6 I I 42 36 17 5 101 73 5 2 1 30 24 18 26 117 WO "2 4 12 15 5 6 45 44 19 84 iii 75 86 12 6 39 38 19 18 27 25 177 172 20 15 110 94 34 26 1 23 27 I 18 22 21 26 "6 164 165 3 2 .. 3 36 49 3 5 23 31 22 n \ 265 207 1 1 38 40 1 28 22 6 1 15 19 23 24 83 176 153 2 6 5 10 12 1 1 65 56 '25 63 385 354 [9 21 3~ 32 ... 24 28 9 14 201 182 26 1 27 28 I 155 II? 22 23 .. 2 2 10 9 29 110 2 335 346 23 16 17 6 3 5 60 54 38 36 2. 2 112 112 30 10 79 62 1 4 4 2 1 14 14 3\ 8 146 122 12 6 24 28 32 5 270 218 20 16 16 12 I 2 8 4 33 34 2 97 66 .. .. 6 11 35 17 147 116 1 16 14 2 2 43 44 36 26 247 169 8 3 5 8 II 13 6 6 46 40 37 16 127 101 1 3 3 1 20 11 38 5 86 7() 1 .. 3 6 4 39 73 440 38G 7 1 35 38 9 19 11 14 to 6 20 25 40 38 186 167 10 3 2 11 9 5 5 26 27 41 .3 26 16 13 6 1 1 2 I 2 42 226 641 545 2 4 4 3 7 142 124 12 6 165 162 43 69 277 212 82 50 2 I [9 18 85 85 12 17 t7 9 107 98 44 104 .. 466 420 16 16 2 45 36 14 6 6 4 73 71 45 51 \ 156 149 1 18 12 4 I 4 1 121 33 46 250 12 749 663 9 4 1 44 43 16 17 95 66 47 1 5 112 726 612 2 4 112 79 51 44 24 19 3 4 56 84 48 27 65 61 " 21 19 2 8 3 4 13 6 49 1 52 30 I I 5Q 4 .. 46 3 202 168 l! 9 30 35 51 170 29 3GO 263 4 5 5 I 2 4 128 135 47 54 155 134 52 1 I 3'.1 15 1 3 4 53 69 9 176 182 18 • i9 35 31 48 60 3 1 21 26 54 69 3 339 293 18 14 33 25 9 16 51 48 11 to 46 5~ 55 239 22 488 467 30 37 7 4 33 41 14 7 129 135 56 17 204 154 13 11 19 22 t o. 13 3 57 46 .3 148 123 32 30 12 8 1 76 71 18 12 1 42 36 58 44 I 411 38C) 5 3 25 25 2 3 42 39 12 11 144 123 59 64 4 183 184 1 2 48 49 11 'I 17 13 2 37 37 60 III II 249 214 I 3 5 15 20 6 5 51 56 61 45 193 194 45 45 26 24 55 41 15 27 62 37 579 515 4 4 61 57 55 38 10 2 41 62 63 16 113 102 6 _5 8 10 II 3 19 22 64 8 123 107 15 t9 3 2- 9 5 65 53 199 154 1 6 2 1 21 12 5 2 21 27 66 94 4 320 264 34 25 3 6 119 102 7 5 17 7 88 71 61 8 157 120 1 2 8 9 2 4 11 10 1 2 21 22 68 69 4 63, 37 20 17 70 101 8 258 188 24 6 1 '39 38 "i2 "8 27 23 71 73 1 181 171 13 17 33 32 3 3 .. 75 79 72 87 1 350 310 21 16 1 36 37 27 21 I 31 90 1'3 74 24 1 139 109 2 1 10 5 15 9 75 406 36 904 740 4 2 91 91 11 25 123 111 29 35 236 201 76 96 462 383 50 55 2 44 36 17 12 2 2 34 34 77 158

Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions houselesB C the hOl1ses -"'Jl~ _bclUselesR p_e"S0. I Do. ... Kakora 600 75 75 303 176 127 86 Chakrasenpur urf Gha' I Dadri Dadri 517 75 77 391 199 192 nobas 87 Chaehoi I Sikandrabad Khurja 847 129 129 692 401 291 88 Chamrauli Buraki I Dadri .. Dadri 290 155 156 890 504 386 89 Chamrauli Ramgarh .. I Do. Do. .. 883 108 109 564 293 271 90 Chanderu .. , 5 Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 1,246 410 418 2,143 1,201 942 91 Chandpur .. I Dankaur Kakora 377 49 64 352 202 150 92 Chandrauli I Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 407 136 149 818 424 394 93 Chandrawal I Do. Do. 228 29 32 141 82 59 94 Changoli .. I Do. Kakore 605 54 54 317 171 146 95 Chaokhandi I Dadri Bisrakh 302 123 125 654 342 312 96 Choki I Dankaur Kakore 446 69 84 425 210 215 97 CIiaiIra Sadatpur I Dadri ... Bisrakh .- 1,279 159 172 1,119 592 527 98 Chhainsa " 1 Do. " Sikandrabad 877 211 214 1,236 614 622 I Blank (06 Chhapraula 2 Dedri .. Dadri 1,609 23n 334 1,513 804 709 Do. 101 Chhalera " 2 " Bisrakh 1,313 317 330 1,656 867 789 102 Chhaprauli I Do. Do. .. 351 66 82 339 184 155 103 Chhola. 3 Do. Sikandr\lhad 1,684 548 567 2,760 1,482 1,278 10"4 Cbipiana Buzurg I Do. Bisrakb 1,160 256 278 1,628 862 766 Chipiana Khurd I Do. 105 Do. " 446 41 42 22J 118 103 106 Cnirsi I Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 504 85 86 438 238 200 107 Cbitera l Dadri Dadri .. 1,905 428 441 2,440 1,302 1,138 lQ8 Chiti 1 Sikandrabad Sikandrahad 730 243 244 1,345 722 623 109 Chol" 1 Do. .. BulaDdsbahr .• 1,420 231 236 1,201 612 589 110 Chotpur I Dadri .. Bisrakh 465 7 7 39 23 16 Dankaur III Choharpur Khader urf 2 " Dankaur 1,864 16 24 96 55 41 Atta Mazra 112 Choh"rpur Banger ])0, Do. 448 39 53 283 159 124 113 Dujehra Sikand. abad Sikandrabad" 584 86 89 409 219 170 '2 3 114 Dabra Dadri .. Dankaur 366 107 115 651 359 292 115 Dadha Dankaur Do. 1,Q50 87 99 483 264 219 Dadri 116 Dadri .. " Dadri Town Area 117 Dadupur Dankaur Dankttui' .. n",nkaur 506 232 233 1,092 655 437 118 Dadupur Khto.na Dadri Dadri 380 40 45 239 115 124 119 Dadupur Nila Sikandrahad Sikohabad 746 197 220 1,111 577 534 Dankaur 120 Dalelgarh .. " Dankaur 553 120 123 592 316 276 121 Blank 122 Dostpur Mangro1i Dadr; Bisrakh 443 55 62 249 138 III Banger 123 Dankaur .. , Dankaur DankBur Town Area 124 Datauli 1 Dadri Dadri 408 99 102 498 245 253 125 Daudpur " I Sikandrabad Kakora 311 43 43 260 143 117 126 Daudpur I Dankaur .. Dankaur 234 33 33 188 109 79 127 Dola Rajpura I Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 958 179 189 844 416 398 128 Daya Nagar 1 Dadri Do. 264 27 34 196 9R 98 129 Deola 'I Do. .. Dadri 395 15 15 61 ,15 16 130 Deota I Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 740 189 196 1,143 574 569 131 Dhamira Nara I Do. .. Bulandshahr 892 167 174 1,030 551 479 132 Dban'l.ura .. I Do. Kakore 98,', 368 378 2M3 1,165 928 133 I'lhanau!i ,. 3 Dankaur Dankauf 1,540 300 304 1,762 937 825 1?-4 Dhoom Manakpur 3 Dadri .. Dadri 2,889 578 615 3,166 1,654 1,512 135 Dugli I Dankaur Kukore 660 48 55 275 150 125 136 Dujana 2 Dadri Dadri .. 1,439 634 643 3,512 1,856 1,656 40 13 137 Dabkaura " Siku.ndrabad Rikandrabad 302 Unpopula~ed Dungarpur Rilka 1 DankauJ' Dankaur 909 121 132 665 348 317 ~~ Duryoi I Dadri .. Dadri 913 161 165 990 530 460 140 Fllriu I Sikanl1rab"d Kakore 809 13!) 168 587 306 281 143 Fatehpur Ladabas I Do. S;kandralmd 251 25 25 157 98 59 144 Fatehpur Rah I Do. Do. 142 I I 2 2 145 Fatehpur Rampur 1 Dadr; Dankaur 376 103 t07 500 277 223 146 Fazalpur .. [ Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 155 49 . 55 300 155 145 147 Gada~ I Dankaur .. Dankaur 791 112 152 766 416 350 148 'Gangraul .. 4 Sikandrabad Kakora 2,723 296 298 1,647 861 786 149 Garhi Sarmastpur I Dankaur .. Dankaur 246 17 17 71 37 34 150 Gwana I Sikandrabad Gulaotbi 376 22 22 1~ 74 62 151 Gejha Taloftabad 1 Dadri Bisrakh 1,820 146 146 801 431 370 152 Gijhor I Do. Do_ 493 49 52 340 180 160 153 Gaindpur urf Sheikh: I Si.kandrabad Sikandrabad 381 74 77 457 251 206 pur 154 Gaisupur .. Do. Do. 2,246 707 737 4,222 2,195 2,027 159

Absttact~(GOtIld. )

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES -f{=-Uuluv-;';'::--- - -IV-Non-oulti- I-Cultivators tors of land vating owner. of land wholly wholly or III-Culti- of land; agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V -Prooluo- services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers receivers; tion other and mis­ placed their and their and their and their than eu [_ VI-Corn- VII-Trans- eellaneous 0 _p-,,-rso~~_ Literates depe~d~ depen_<1ants d_epend."Tlts ~ependants tivation meroe __R~___ sources _~ ~ "0 M F M F M }' M F M M M F M ]' M F M F 8

. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:i 28 29 - 30 31 32 33 • (RURAL)--(eonld.)

19 3 437 392 21 22 2 34 28 19 17 7 4 123 105 78 8 1 91 55 1 3 3 8 6 79 4 45 27 2 2 .. 80 20 155 )5'.) 2 2 17 19 6 2 35 28 81 82 71 248 213 20 11 7 4 18 21 4 8 75 58 83 35 377 323 32 29 10 14 7.6 25 5 l 21 25 84 26 105 81 2 I I .. .. 5 2 63 43 85 15 104 93 1 28 31 44 47 2 2 20 19 86 65 271 192 12 7 2 18 12 2 .. 96 77 87 61 .. 394 286 ~ . 70 48 5 6 I 34 46 88 21 4 162 136 19 3 54 56 2 1 14 20 6 II 36 44 89 221 1'1 623 432 34 25 118 76 4 10 11.3 124 151 129 3i 35 127 til 90 47 6 136 97 1 1 I 14 12 13 8 4 6 33 26 91 68 3 314 291 29 24 16 13 20 16 12 16 33 34 92 12 59 37 \\ 10 3 6 3 6 6 93 29 129 95 27 34 7 7 j 8 9 94 59 250 221 2 3 89 88 95 32 9 100 113 4 3 28 27 40 37 2 2 36 33 96 53 3 394 361 8 5 30 19 36 35 11 4 113 103 97 86 404 397 6 11 99 75 62 83 7 4 1 35 52 98 99 113 11 587 510 17 22 27 14 .. 51 57 15 7 13 10 94 89 100 3 .. [28 492 444 22 15 103 99 24 18 74 70 27 25 56 48 69 70 101 .. 38 160 133 6 6 .. 1 17 16 \02 1 .. 166 1 617 563 6 7 17 to 1 227 183 125 lOa 6 2 483 413 103 _112 10 522 457 I 10 I 100 51 62 6 8 173 138 104 13 70 60 q~ 26 4 2 .. 16 15 105 41 169 139 2 .. 'I 4 3 l 59 57 106 324 6 965 841 11 7 1:37 116 1 103 92 19 22 8 4 58 56 107 132 '156 400 82 86 91 57 17 16 8 5 68 59 108, 145 19 417 372 I 3 23 22 4 90 99 24 \4 20 24 33 50 109 11 19 14 4 2 110 4 18 37 7 4 111 12 126 91 3 3 2 4 6 2 2 19 20 112: 2 3 61 170 112 11 1. I 3 12 12 3 1 41 35 113 81 327 259 4 5 4 8 8 4 4 10 17 114 II 186 154 12 8 I I 65 56 115 116 196 5 352 260 16 16 2 5 118 17 17 15 15 16 130 112 117 26 4 98 [01 I I 5 8 10 15 118 172 312 270 10 47 I 101 118 14 -9 4 4 76 85 119 191 26 17 234 4 11 2 2 20 27 4 2 26 36 120 j06 121 19 129 5 2 122 123 148 9 2 24 2 I·rt l 33 16 .. 25 32 I 18 31 36 124 29 4 lHl 86 I 4 4 :5 :5 26 23 30 6 125 7 .. 42 11 1 33 21 23 21 126 30 2 285 258 120 92 15 26 2 24 22 127 24 88 87 10 11 128 4 34 13 6 5 I .. 129 104 25 403 385 .. 48 41 I 34 35 8 5 83 102 3 2 130 115 6 381 335 21 II 16 15 19 19 III 97 131 305 6 688 542 .. 77 64 3 6 123 96 69 54 53 42 152 124 21 132 138 2 670 582 23 41 32 4 10 69 62 17 13 4 6 III 97 133 417 106 931 806 67 66 232 226 42 47 144 142 10 52 31 29 137 144 134 82 17 , . . . 12 .. 101 16 I~ 10 8 8 3 5 7 4 135 6 8 292 3 1,328 1,181 38 36 17 23 13 16 177 135 21 23 17 15 245 227 136 9 137 21 .. 247 204 8 .. II 11 3 4 79 8) 138 159 17 321 270 7 6 6 3 I , 36 40 29 22 3 127 118 \39 129 136 8 339 258 125 21 19 4 3 I 34 24 140 5 .. 193 140 II 4 .. .. 14 II 141 108 4 188 17l 8 5 8 14 24 4 9 3 2 84 67 142 38 29 30 2 3 5 I 1 61 25 143 :;> 144 21 2 240 189 4 3 2 31 31 \45 32 I 109 88 9 11 30 ~8 2 2 5 6 146 .. 93 8 331 276 4 3 10 9 7 3 I 59 57 147 3 1 113 2 467 421 2 5 7 4 69 52 14 17 36 266 251 148 37 34 .. 149 7 50 48 3 1 1 16 \2 4 \ 150 66 3 362 315 19 6 24 20 8 6 18 23 15l 15 149 121 3 1 3 2 1 3 10 8 \4 18 152 39 3 168 126 15 17 )8 13 14 10 1 2 33 38 153 181 9 811 686 3 18 12 3 417 414 184 187 15 i7 146 708 154 160 Primary Cellsus

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions houseless the houses ~<.1"'!l0"se~ess _'Persons I _pe!so~_ hamlets "No.-of Name of V mage or in the Area in No. of house· TownlWard village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F I 2" 8 [213 --~~.--.---- TEHSIL SIKANDRABAD

155 GnarlYa!'" .. 2 Dankaur Dankaur 1,489 60 68 296 168 128 156 ., 1 Sikandrabe.d Sikandrahad 564 150 154 763 383 380 157 Ghanghola 1 Dankaur .. Dankaur 777 130 204 1.123 655 468 158 Ghari Bachhera \ Dadri •• D"dri 1,756 371 410 2,279 1.206 1,07:) 38 11 159 1 Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 216 92 93 410 247 163 ,160 Girdharpur San"rsi 1 Dadri •• Dadri 211 72 75 427 225 202 161 Gopalpur .. 1 Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 239 20 22 1I5 62 53 162 Gujarpur Dankaur Dankaur 552 Unpopulated 163 Gulauthi Khurd I Dadri Dadri 502 119 123 683 '388 295 164 Gulaoli 2 Dankaur Dankaur [,853 76 106 445 251 194 165 Gulistanpur 1 Dadri Dadri 2,887 80 93 429 231 198 166 Gunpura 1 Dankaur D"nk"ur 728 26 27 130 79 51 161 Hahihpur ., 1 Dadri Bierakh 1,111 71 72 286 148 138 168 Haibatpur ., I Do. Do. 1,441 59 62 272 140 132 169 Hajipur ., I Dankaur . . Kakore 209 9 10 III 57 54 170 Haldona .. I Do. .. Dankaur 1,599 16 18 78 47 31 171 Haldoni I Dadri Bierakh 538 86 90 445 238 207 172 Hamidpur .. I Sikandrabad.. Sikandrabad .. 319 44 45 256 145 III 173 Harol" Makanpur 1 Dadri Bisrakh 970 141 144 754 409 345 174 Hasanpur Jagir 1 Sikandrabad.. Sikandrahad .. 455 127 183 709 375 334 175 Hatov .. 1 Dankaur .. Dankam 495 121 125 610 323 287 176 Hazratpur 1 Dadri Dadri 207 10 10 63 38 25 177 Hirdeypur .. I Sikandrabad .. Sikandrabad .. 252 91 92 495 254 241 178 Hirnoti .. I Do. Do. 1,276 171 178 8'i7 449 408 179 Hoshiarpur .. I Dadri Bisr.. kh 594 113 117 646 337 309 18;) H\lS8.im;Iur "6aJtlWa .. 1 Sikandrahad.. Kakora 454 75 18 455 243 212 181 Hu.sinpur Fskhrud· I Do. .. Sikandrab"d .. 282 65 65 352 175 177 dinpur uri Nsibasti 182 Jhilsuri ". Do. Do. 5\3 275 368 1,606 8401 762 183 Imaliaka .. Dankaur Dankaur 383 66 III 660 368 292 184 InUfMll.Ur ". Do. .. Kakora 741 140 144 721 361 360 185 1:radatpur Rajatpur Dadri Dadri 409 4\ 4\ f99 106 93 186 lsupnr Sikandrabad '.. Sikandrabad .. 511 325 361 1.855 950 905 187 Islamabad Kelda Dadri Dadri 251 76 79 396 209 187 188 lsmailpur •. Sikandre.had.. Sikankrabad .. 387 302 308 1,615 817 798 189 :Jafilfl'n iii .... Dankaur '.. Kakore 472 57 58 :}IO' 176 140 190 Jl1ganpur Afzalpur '.. Do. Dankour 2,')10 17 17 88 53 35 19\ Jl1gatpur urI Sultanpur Sikandrabad .. Kakore 706 86 88 434 216 218 192 Jahanabad Dankaur Dankaur 250 Unpopulated 193 .J1li~pllr .. 1 Do. Kakore 606 50 58 328 176 152 194 Jaitpur Vaishpur I Dadri Dadri 881 89 98 'HI 260 251 195 Jaitwarpul' I Do. Do. 527 142 143 625 351 27·1 196 Jalpura 1 Do. Bisrakh 769 53 60 ~93 158 135 197 Jaroalpur ., I i-likandrabad Sikandrt.bad .. 268 110 118 50s 269 239 198 Janaidpur I Do. Do. 612 74 75 348 181 167 199 Jarcbll 6 Dadri Dadri 3,399 721 73() 3.463 1,819 1,644 200 Joli I Sikandrabad, Sikandrubad .. 814 164 169 949 522 427 201 Jba~har 2 Dankaur, K",koro 2,51 \ 452 532 2,5.94 1,386 1,208 202 ,Hlatta I Do. Dankaur 756 36 48 ll!O 103 77 203 Jonsimana I Dadri Dadri 385 76 76 409 215 194 :204 Janedpur .' I Danl,aur Dankanr 189 124 126 671 373 298 205 Junpat I Dadri Dadri 384 127 128 605 334 271 1 Do. Do. 206 Katehra 292 78 79 426 228 198 .. / Kach(m1 Waris9bad .. I Do. Dadri .. 1,044 340 342 1,859 1,022 837 207 Sikandrahad SiJ;andl'abad 208 Kako.o - Town Area 209 ~alollda I Dadri Dadri 1,771 545 567 2,913 1,513 1,400 Kamllipllr ., I Silmndrabad Sikandrabad 285 4Q 40 224 III 113 210 I Danhaur Dankour 632 211 J{ambuknshpur 41 41 192 108 84 Kakraln. Khawaepur .. I Dudri Bisrakh 1,~48 45 54 269 J41 128 212 I Dankaur Danlmur 810 223 213 Kana.rsi 266 1,250 648 602 214 Kondu I Silmndarahad Kakore 438 162 167 '113 477 436 I 3,709 105 215 Kasna D""kaur Danka"r 131 567 313 254 Kut'EllJla .' I Do. Kakore 149 34 34 '62 88 74 2\6 3 Sikandrabad SH,andl'abad 1,421 217 ltanwa.ra 181 246 978 525 453 218 Kemrala Chskara· 3 Dadr; .. Dadri 977 149 143 871 460 411 senpur 219 Khagua Bas 1 Sikl1ndrabad Sikandrahad 682 63 66 441 234 2()7 220 Khairpur Til I Do. Do. 253 68 75 407 205 202 221 Khaudera I Dadri - Dadri 1,433 150 150 841 448 393 222 Khanpur ., J Dankaur Dankaur 573 83 128 671 359 312 223 Khanpur .' .. I Sikandrabad.. Kakore 471 89 qO 547 286 261 9 224 lrhatana Dbir Khera 2 Dadri .. Dadri ],235 236 254 ) ,615 870 745 225 Khwaiapur I Dani2 101 102 712 379 333 161



--If=ciiitlva- . -IV ':"Nou·uultl: I-Cultivators tors ofland vating owners of land wholly wholly or III-Culti- of land; agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating oultural rent V-Produc­ services Dis­ owned and unowned labourers receivers; tion other and mis· placed their and their a.nd their and their than cui· VI-Com- VII-Trans- cellaneous persons Literates __


15 107 94 21 5 7 1 3 7 10 2 4 I 16 18 1~5 85 '2 181 [74 .. 75 16 57 61 6 6 58 63 156 29 386 271 27 16 12 !O 33 26 197 139 157 •. .. 307 22 133 666 28 17 I 169 138 29 23 5 4 241 225 158 _. ____ .. _- .. 5 207 127 3 I 19 18 9 9 5 2 4 6 159 .'___"';8 3 166 157 4 10 6 10 12 5 3 1 1 29 23 160 9 55 46 I 6 7 161 162 55 9 248 lSI I 36 11 6 13 41 41 I "3 4 3 51 37 63 22 17 1 16 1 177 134 14 17 20 10 4 3 12 9 2 4 164 41 14() 134 7 3 3 3 3 23 22 16 12 39 24 165 2 72 48 6 3 1 166 'I 120 104 10 8 13 14 I 3 4 9 J67 38 13 12[ liS 3 1 4 2 5 2 8 7 168 2 53 50 2 2 2 2 J69 37 18 3 6 3 5 4 2 170 8 167 I'll 25 29 8 8 9 10 29 19 171 2 83 72 9 4 45 31 5 2 "3 2 172 16 342 274 8 5 6 3 21 26 9 "3 6 23 28 173 44 272 241 2 2 49 43 26 26 4 21 22 174 41 119 [SO 23 14 32 21 4 5 36 28 11 [2 38 27 175 5 23 20 1 2 12 5 116 43 175 156 4 I 43 43 15 20 1 iii 21 177 42 292 256 .. 39 35 13 13 105 104 178 44 271 247 3 11 12 I 10 14 :3 39 35 119 50 3 III 102 60 50 3Cl 25 2 1 40 34 180 26 79 79 6 6 27 19 1 7 6 4 2 2 6 50 58 181 273 [[ 492 416 36 31 20 20 9 9 81 76 36 28 6 8 164 174 182 54 322 238 5 2 36 47 2 2 3 3 183 93 2 236 220 7 5 32 31 29 32 4 '6 53 60 184 [7 87 S4 I 8 3 .. 6 4 I 4 I 18'} 272 32 492 469 7 5 122 95 7 12 129 121 86 85 2 "3 105 115 186 31 160 142 4 1 4 7 13 12 8 7 .. 20 18 187 [67 9 . 419 376 28 24 63 59 9 12 167 112 31 31 L I 99 123 188 58 159 126 I I I I 14 13 189 1 43 32 6 2 3 .. 1 1 190 33 I 99 91 2 3 4 5 3 64 55 3 6 1 39 55 191 192 16 I 100 87 18 12 20 11 3 2 35 40 193 30 3 174 171 .. 26 38 10 4 50 38 194 112 15 211 153 :3 5 4 2 II 21 62 44 20 19 40 30 195 4 135 112 3 3 9 9 5 5 2 5 4 I 196 33 181 160 4 4 38 3f 1 7 8 3 2 .. 36' 33 197 ., .. 3 97 92 3 47 36 32 26 I 9 I "3 I 198 17 [4 220 65 738 611 44 38 121 106 17 29 264 272 285 257 3 3 347 328 199 7 420 328 9 5 29 23 14 17 9 6 I 40 48 200 155 2[ 499 430 9 9 8 3 10 21 225 215 t77 124 88 84 370 322 201 8 74 62 5 4 10 1 1 1 10 6 "3 3 202 42 166 144 1 4 18 16 I 5 3 3 6 19 22 I 203 30 340 264 11 9 2 2 6 4 14 19 204 63 .. 224 182 I 24 16 26 19 59 54 205 48 4 206 174 2 .. 4 6 5 5 11 13 206 159 1[ 742 590 4 4 6 4 7 10 63 82 37 28 163 119 ~07 208 340 79 884 775 12 11 47 36 187 180 154 140 30 36 199 221 209 13 88 86 1 2 I 2 21 23 210 2 104 82 I I 2 2 211 I 121 [05 7 5 12 i5 1 3 212 34 472 419 7 12 42 46 6 9 38 43 '5 3 4 78 66 213 .. 54 .. 342 3QQ 20 17 37 30 2 2 20 22 13 19 I 4 42 42 214 9 8 40 [ [27 113 75 46 4 4 26 16 38 42 4 I 39 32 2!5 19 69 54 7 4 2 2 10 14 216 52 1 325 3Q6 9 7 18 14 13 14 J60 112 217 54 363 325 13 7 25 II 24 17 11 4 24 46 218

24 211 188 4 1 5 5 .. 14 13 219 6 131 108 46 62 15 17 8 7 5 8 220 70 3 196 189 38 43 11 6 1 99 56 15 J2 .. .. 88 87 221 20 [ 215 198 70 51 7 3 22 22 4 2 4 3 37 33 222 52 239 208 8 4 I I 10 9 ... [I 21 17 18 223 [60 20 480 373 47 40 80 54 6 15 110 98 44 48 6 11 97 106 1.24 49 17 86 96 ... 39 36 1 9 8 2 2 .. 225 65 241 235 2 2 5 4 2 12 12 2 2 10 8 100 92 226 [ .. 30 142 t03 2 3 8 5 .. 2 7 9 14 5 227 29 226 . 189 4 2 6 7 I 2 58 60 7 5 23 23 228 9 4 108 iii 136 94 3 ... 22 13 87 51 92 62 59 54 97 61 229 95 310 292 5 3 148 125 15 13 79 77 230 136 8 417 374 6 3 [6 19 7 4 59 45 10 6 6 5 103 111 231 21 145 125 4 I 3 5 16 19 2 54 46 237 29 283 249 3 12 8 4 5 77 71 233 162

Primary Cen8US

Inmates of . Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions hou.el~ss the houses and housel ..s" persons) ~ persons hamlets .No. of Name of Village or in the Area. in No. of house· Town/Ward village Pargan.. Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F 4

'TEHSIL SIKANDRABAD 234 Kishanpur •• 1 Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 366 56 61 261 131 124 235 Kondli Banger I Dankaur Dankaur 1,184 44 44 185 100 85 236 Kot 2 Dadri .. Dad.i 1,396 210 222 l,l4n 602 538 237 Kulesrs .• I Do. .. Bisrakh 978 79 83 404 708 196 238 Kuri Khet'a I Do. .. Dadri 687 132 142 753 410 343 239 Kulipura ., I Dankaur .. Dankaur 284 68 68 297 174 123 240 Ladla Bas .• I Sikandrabad Sibndrahad 371 55 56 299 157 ]42 241 Lsdpura .. I Dankaur ,. Dankaur 639 223 226 1,183 647 536 242 Lskhnauli I De.dri ., Bisr.. kh .. l.G'I1 70 72 352 171 175 243 Lalpur I Sikandrnbad" Sikandrabad 32{ 34 34 185 92 93 244 Lathore I Do. Do. 391 35 35 245 135 110 245 Lstifpur .. I Dankaur .. Dankanr .. 469 47 57 271 160 III 246 Lohsksr Kalan Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 231 U npopnlated 247 Lohsk"r Khurd I Do. Do. 453 37 37 242 130 112 248 Lohsrli I Dadri . . Sikandrabad 1,509 209 258 I ,464 789 675 249 Luksar .. I Dankaur .. Dankaur 813 37 44 212 116 96 250 Mahswar .• 1 Dadri Dadri 733 173 179 9l.1 481 450 251 Mahepa •. I Sikandrabad .. Siksndrabad 1,241 209 219 1,090 625 465 252 Mahtahnag'1r I Do. Do. 592 61 61 316 166 ISO 253 Makanpur Banger I Dankaur Dankaur 415 50 55 310 169 141 254 Maineh» I Dadri Do. 1,262 264 375 1,95'1 1,022 929 255 Makanpur Khader I Dankaur Do. 1,2~8 61 61 346 197 149 256 MakrandpururjFateh. I Sikandrahad . . Sikandr.. bad 405 67 67 306 171 135 . I'ur 257 Malakpur •. I Dadri . . Dadri 660 33 34 206 107 99 258 Mallahpur .. 1 Sikandrabad.. Sikandrahad 393 48 49 244 129 1I5 259 Mamllra I Dadri .. Bisrakh [,002 124 135 754 381 373 260 Makora I Do. .. Dadri 608 80 83 448 239 209 261 Madwara .. I Sikandrabad.. Sik.. ndrabad 439 191 199 1,006 538 468 262 Mandhpa .. 1 Do. Do. 411 150 156 686 358 328 263 Msnjhupur I Do. Do. 252 9 9 66 41 25 264 Manoba. .. I Do. Do. 417 97 99 579 302 271 265 Masota I Do. Do. 779 147 148 826 436 390 266 Msthrapur I Dadri .. Dadri 358 10 11 40 19 21 267 Miloik Khandera I Do. Do. 210 25 29 159 93 66 268 Milak Lachhi I Do. .. Bisrakh 138 119 122 767 404 163 269 Blank 270 Mirzapur 2 Dankaur .. Dank .. ur 1,497 237 431 2,412 1,359 1,053 271 Mohammadahad Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 189 UnpopUlated 272 MohlUllmadpur Alipur .. Dadri .. Dadri 396 Unpopulated urf Garahpur 273 Mohammadpur Gujar Dankaur Dan)



------ll-VultiVa- IV-Non-culti­ I-Cultivatore tore of land vating owners of land wholly wholly:or III-Cuiti. of land; agri- VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating oultural rent V -Produc­ services Die­ owned and unowned labourers receivers j tion other and mis­ placed their and their and their and their th!m cui­ VI-Com- VII-Trans- cenaneous ,; person. __Literat~s .rlep!,Jldant~ depe~ dependants merce _ ~~ sources ~. . ._- -- ~~_~~a~!_:: tivation 't1 M F. M F M F M F M F M F M F M FM FMF:3

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . 22 ... 2; - 24 25 26 27 2] 29 30 31 32 33


32 3 92 89 5 5 39 28 234 1 83 12 .. 3 7 2 2 .. 12 4 235 129 'I 395 356 2 2 57 33 82 68 18 25 5 7 43 47 236 16 2 134 139 17 .3 I 3 43 39 4 13 8 237 83 231 203 11 8 41 28 19 20 20 14 82 65 238 31 119 89 2 22 22 II 4 20 8 239 7 I 90 81 'I 7 8 5 51 48 240 49 466 363 3 .. 55 46 17 12 lG6 115 241 8 130 138 8 4 8 4 1 2 3 4 27 23 242 14 10 65 6 3 4 2 3 3 4 9 16 243 26 '5 93 .77 2 4 2 2 12 II 2 20 19 244 27 7 119 86 9 12 3 17 5 12 8 245 246 24 106 93 6 7 15 3 ...... 3 9 247 185 '2 528 458 37 35 38 31 7 13 69 64 17 10 6 87 57 248 2 1 . 80 71 15 12 4 4 5 I .. i2 8 249 122 7 349 309 4 3 4 18 23 38 38 11 6 57 71 250 138 9 401 268 93 79 2 .3 6 21 II 6 2 2 97 99 251 12 118 109 29 24 2 2 6 5 II ]0 252 13 I 168 137 .. I 4 253 148 716 599 7 10 41 54 16 26 7 4 235 236 254 24 197 149 255 II 121 98 2 44 35 256

3 25 98 87 I I 8 II 257 'I 79 69 3 :5 12 13 15 II .. 20 19 258 56 210 203 9 8 8 5 58 72 23 17 73 68 259 41 153 129 5 6 2 19 16 \0 7 49 50 26() 88 2 335 294 8 10 88 65 72 76 3 I 32 22 26t 14 265 242 6 4 .3 18 20 5 7 64 52 262' 5 41 25 .. 263 81 2 265 242 I 11 9 5 10 .. 4 3 II 12 264 128 I 245 220 8 6 II 12 2 2 29 21 9 8 132 ,115 265-- 'I 17 16 2 4 1 .. 266 7 86 64 2 \ 4 2 267' 94 366 315 11 20 4 3 3 2 I 19 23- 268 269- 175 8 898 633 9 8 125 86 13 23 118 124 36 28 17 17 143 134 21() 271 272

9 183 138 2 2 3 5 24 22 273 51 5 212 209 44 27 5 47 48 21 18 29 23 214 78 I 273 225 16 11 29 19 57 44 13 6 3 .3 202 165 275 276 31 71 57 13 7 12 10 12 12 6 6 277 245 23 319 301 54 49 18 21 6 10 136 113 23 23 208 173 278 6 75 59 3 I 9 3 279 31 27 I I .. I 280 31 142 116 2 4 7 14 9 3 I 3 6 14 14 281 I II 5 282 :3 279 233 3 2 6 4 8 4 7 3 15 II 283 52 320 241 10 9 6 4 I 39 41 3 I 100 82 284 3 48 33 10 6 2 I 2 5 5 285 19 149 134 I 2 1 1 47 52 286 2 126 12) 56 59 5 8 10 'I 4 7 9 287 18 151 123 19 4 5 1 7 288 32 220 178 46 41 2 3 33 33 6 9 28 22 289 290 13 105 91 11 10 4 16 13 2 4 4 291 32 95 70 11 5 292 5 .. 142 94 14 11 2 2 \7 14 293 52 8 148 129 31 37 42 46 4 9 19 20 294 295 26 .. 225 175 .. 24 28 8 8 .3 19 21 296 5 I 86 71 I 2 9 8 6 6 297 I 5 5 298

3 4 .. .. 2 2 299 14 60 67 4 I 2 4 5 4 2 2 .. 5 300 66 2 384 360 23 26 31 29 61 62 30 19 25 18 199 163 301 2 47 34 2 I 4 5 I .. 302 13 67 61 6 5 21 21 !O 9 I 7 7 303 69 3 451 381 18 15 22 21 46 38 40 19 1 4 3 3 56 44 304 20 26~ 248 14 10 27 23 3 6 4 4 145 110 305 15 3 322 264 3D 23 7 5 74 47 6 3 14 8 26 21, 306 15 155 114 9 9 2 2 2 2 .. 34 28 307 23 " 340 . 213 9 5 I 21 17 9 8 I 96 90 308 38 203 ~ 155 3 I 34 36 17 21 I 4 36 45 309 164 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions houseless 0 the h011ses ~_~nd _~01]8ft]nsR p~rsonB) persons: = hamlets No. of "Cl'" 1\ ame of Village or in the Area in No. of house· 0" Town/Ward village Pargana Than" aores houses holds Pmsons Males Femalos M F -1---- -2-- -4------fa- 6 1 8 9 T! 12 13------~-- --_-_----


3.10 Pah Dadri Dadri' 900 188 190 1,123 611 512 311 Palla Do. Do. 631 163 172 921 485 436 312 Pempur Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 199 8 9 66 35 31 313 l'arsol Dankaur .. Dankaur 1,496 404 498 2,822 1,418 1,404 31'1 Parthala Khanjarpur Dadr; Bisrakh 1,020 III 112 538 310 228 315 P"tadi Do. .. Dadri 678 127 130 592 314 278 316 Patti Hirdaipur Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 72 Unpopulated 317 Patwari I Dadri Bisrakh 1,731 162 162 868 424 444 318 Pobari I Dankaur .. Dankaur 236 9 10 41· 25 16 319 Phakana. ... I Sikandrabad Sika.ndrabad 694 126 135 832 454 378 320 Phulpur I Dadri Dadri 367 77 78 407· 238 169 321 Pilkhanwali I Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 887 251 292 1,272, 674 " 598 322 Pipalka Suratpur I Dallkaur .. Dankaur 559 129 132 761 404 357 323 Pirbiya Bani I Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 920 125 127 676 344 332 324 Pito Bas I Do. Do. 534 91 101 557 297 260 325 Piauli Tajpur I Dadri Dadri 706 252 259 1,114' 596 518 326 Qaderpur I Sikandrabad Kakore 237 32 32 189' 86 103 327 Qadarpur Muazzam~ I ,Dankaur Dankaur 166 77 94 479' 264 215 pur 328 Qasimabad Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 6~\ Unpopulated 329 Qeyampur 1 Dankaur Dadri 325 6 7 18, 13 5 330 Raghunathpur I Dadri BiBrakh 339 26 30 186 88 98 331 R .. ipllr Banjar I Do. Dadri 536 85 85 443 229 214 332 Raipur Khadar 1 Do. .. Bisrakh 316 57 6~ 314 162 152 333 Rajarampur I Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 451 26 26 I1Z 60 52 334 Rajpu. Kalan I Do, Do. 428 99 102 555 294 261 335 Rajpur Khurd I Do. Do. 153 17 18 97 61 36 336 Rampur Bangar 1 Danka.ur Dankaur 511 49 65 354 198 156 337 Rampur Jagir I Dadri Dadri 479 5 5 2~ 16 9 338 Rampur Khadar I Dankaur Dankaur 754 49 49 245 )30 115 339 Rampul' Mazara I Dankaur Dankaur 405 53 111 651 336 315 340 Ranauli Latifpur I Dadri Dadri 867 170 177 969- 494 475 341 Ra8ulpur Ikbal 1 Dankaur Dankaur 226 7 7 52 26 26 342 Rasulpur Dasn80 1 Dadri .. Dadri 723 113 120 498 276 222 343 Rasulpur Rithauri I Sikandrabad Kakore 1,665 252 253 1,554 818 736 344 Rauni I Dankaur Dankaur 344 48 49 233 132 101 345 Rawagi IjIUi;'" 2 Do. Do. 599 52 57 3.110 163 137 346 ihtauli .. I Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 640 126 129 ~ 399 363 347 Ritbauri .. I Dadr; Dadri 672 185 187 1,009 525 484 348 Ro,hanpur I Dankaur Dankaur 368 92 96 422 211 211 ~49 J{oza JaJaJpur I Dadri Bisrakh 676 184 189 1,109 575 534- ,.----_.--.. Roza ); aqubpur I Do. DQ. 1,%9 193 2Q2 1,187 612 575 ~~ Rohallapur I Do. Do 344 5 6 31 15 16 352 Roh .. Uapur Dankaur .. Dankaur 4~2 Unpopulated ·35~ Roop B .. s .. I Dadri Dadri 343 100 100 442 252 190 '35' Roop Bas p.,•. hgai 1 Sikandrabad Sikandra.bad 1,190 140 141 674 366 308 355 Salarpur Kalan I Dadri Dadri 1,~45 218 232 1,127 571 556 356 Sadonpur .. I Do. Do. 468 263 264 1,422 765 657 357 Sactull~pur 2 Do. Bisrakh 518 276 304 1,7n4 9O~ 795 )58 Sainthli .. I Do. Sikandrabad 1,110 218 330 1,341 726 (j21 359 S.larpur " I Dankaur Dankaur 1,319 55 74 384 211 173 361 S"larpur Khadar I Dadri Bisrakh 8JO 164 171 1,009 580 429 161 Salehpur 1 Sikandrabad Sjkandrabad 346 64 69 370 205 165 362 S"I~mpur Guja" I Dankaur Dankaur 736 32~ 321 1,657 905 752 36~ Saiem'luf J:a.t ___~ .. c1 Sikandr.. bad Kn,kOTe 766 177 177 570 ·444 361 'S"a_empur Kayasth .. I Do. Sik"ndrabad 578 99 115 ~ 263 196 365 Suhuu~i "q:..aoni I Do. K",kore 450, 106 108 .JS9. 276 2t:l 366 -&;mauddinpur I Dadri Dadri G57 124 124 619 329 290 Siinji:HpUr 367 " Sikandrabad Sikandrabad W) Unpopulated %8 Sikandrabad Do. Do. Municipalit,y 369 Sanauta. Do. .. Golaothi 756 226 236 1,313 686 em 371 S~"nwali Do. Sikandrabad 639 81 86 442 244 198 371 Saqipuc Dadri Dadri 754 158 295 1,286 7'1 555 372 8arai Dull13. Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 659 99 loa 482 259 223 3(0, Rdbt:t.u}.JUr ... Dadri Dadri 223 Unpopulated 374 SadHorpur Do. Bisrakh 1,638 168 177 994 509 485 315 Sarai Gha.i Sikan~rabad Sikandrabad 1,'142 268 281 1,454 743 711 376 H .. jipur uri Sarai Dadri Bisrakh 545 48 72 294 182 112 Sadar 377 Sa' ~i Jagannath Sikandr",bad Sikandl'abad 617 49 49 300 159 141 378 Beni Dadri Dll.dri 918 152 172 1,146 606 540 37~ Shafipur Dankaur Dt1nkaur 459 4 4 22 14 8 380 Sbahbazpur Sikandrab ..d Sikl10drabad 245 8 8 43 19 24 ,(381 Shah Behri Dadri Bisrakh ...... 471 29 29 173 89 84 382 Shahdra Do. Do. !,446 91 99 490 254 236 383 Shah Pani .. Sikandrabad Sikandrab .. d 1,')45 157 16~ 925 492 433 384 ihabpur Gordhanpur oadri Bisrakh 393 79 88 423 235 188 385 Blank 386 Shahpm Khurd Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 250 24 24 127 75 52 387 Sha.hpur Khurd oadri .. Dadri 5~6 45 45 265 137 128 388 Shnma.:;pur Daukaur Dankaur 118 11 12 51 32 2'1

--- ~.- ~.------165



II-Cultiva· IV - Non·culti I-Cultivators . tors of land vating OWners of land wholly wholly or III-Culti· of land; agr;. VIII-Other or mainly mainly vating cultural rent V -Produc- services Dis· owned and unowned labourers recei verB; tion other and miB" plooed their and their and their and their than oul- VI-Com- VII-Trans· cellanoous 0 __psrRnns Litorates dependants dependants dependant.

14 15 16 17 18

(RURAL)-{oontd.) 62 2 421 350 I 1 I 58 58 9 5 121 98 31G 70 I 321 300 19 II 10 5 53 52 15 8 67 60 311 6 25 24 .. 4 5 6 2 312 325 115 838 790 39 36 41 25 14 7 125 155 73 86 3 4 285 301 313 55 216 141 21 11 9 9 1 63 55 314 52 I 152 122 II 9 33 25 19 31 36 36 21 15 42 40 315 316 48 7 240 259 24 17 14 5 1 8 25 32 15 11 36 25 63 87 317 24 15 .. I 1 318 110 13 323 257 5 2 38 30 49 35 7 5 I 1 31 48 319 15 172 118 8 10 11 6 2 3 22 19 5 4 18 9 320 53 2 373 314 8 9 17 15 1 41 33 10 9 224 218 321 83 I 256 224 6 7 2 I 49 41 3 I 3 6 85 77 322 52 7 194 189 6 1 66 50 4 26 32 12 16 1 1 39 39 323 68 II 151 145 2 1 68 54 50 34 2 2 3 3 21 21 324 91 19 179 142 40 30 38 35 9 16 128 120 49 36 6 4 141 135 325 21 9 48 48 I 3 5 9 32 43 326 5 I 264 215 327 328 13 5 .. 329 25 68 77 5 4 12 14 3 3 330 19 152 120 9 8 \3 16 5 18 20 1 3 36 42 331 11 120 116 12 7 1 2 11 9 2 4 16 14 332 5 5:1 38 9 14 I 333 10 224 188 33 32 I 26 17 3 7 1 17 3S4 2 55 31 4 4 2 I 335 39 3 147 114 3 10 11 8 4 14 18 3 2 13 1 336 1 8 5 8 4 331 5 125 100 I 4 4 11 338 31 1 211 18C) 32 42 38 33 55 6() 339 22 I 366 345 5 8 38 43 24 26 22 22 9 6 30 25 340 26 23 3 341 43 6 152 102 10 4 28 24 10 19 30 26 14 9 2 I 30 37 342 82 487 436 28 22 I 76 70 11 14 216 193 343 34 122 93 10 8 .. 344 25 2 137 120 20 9 5 6 3 345 106 I 278 246 42 44 44 36 6 2 29 35 346 78 6 283 251 II 4 7 3 6 47 !il 31 31 77 80 69 52 341 .... 26 123 129 21 21 I 3 18 13 I 2 4 41 39 348 I .. _154 ~ 5 453 433 ··2 4 .. 56 35 21· 26 19 13 24 23 349 96 I 378 356 18 18 7 2 .. , 71 61 9 6 38 40 91 92 350 5 I 11 14 3 I 2 351 352 36 225 163 1 26 27 353 47 3 2·09 171 17 19 3 31 26 17 23 89 69 354 93 3 280 263 43 32 50 41 10 15 106 105 II 17 21 18 5~ 68 355 91 2 JI0 43& 7 6 ., 2 4 3 115 98 32 27 4 2 9Q 81 ;56 .. .. 277 13 555 48Q 22 16 5 129 1\1 33 31 39 32 126 125 357 I 3 96 4 428 378 6 8 100 92 1 65 49 20 17 3 4 103 73 358 15 172 135 6 5 6 10 15 \0 2 In 13 359 59 446 329 5 7 10 3 4 2 39 32 18 20 19 15 39 21 360 21 III 102 3 2 4 5 1 2 2 3 84 51 361 89 569 456 126 118 9 8 4 5 1"'1 165 362 72 3,1 269 58 38 68 56 9 5 1 I 103 75 363 7 18~ 149 30 22 53 25 364 36 4 196 144 25 28 34 24 2 I 19 16 365 48 224 192 9 6 15 6 22 25 \0 8 49 50 366 367 368 126 7 278 243 28 18 9 13 13 19 157 136 23 16 3 2 175 181 369 49 1 225 170 6 5 4 I 9 22 370 126 457 314 31 28 II 17 117 109 24 13 91 14 371 35 131 114 57 53 54 43 1 1 15 13 372 373 93 5 328 3'38 6 4 28 23 46 42 II 6 32 28 58 44 374 204 20 354 329 5 4 I 1 la6 129 64 62 1 1 212 185 375 17 85 64 6 6 1 76 29 2 6 2 1 10 6 376 18 2 112 134 34 23 2 II 9 377 I 416 383 6 2 64 55 7 113 99 318 14 & 379 19 24 380 14 2 66 67 8 5 15 12 381 189 10 182 30 21 I 2 14 14 18 11 ~82 113 36 27, 230 130 116 42 42 9 41 36 383 12 185 136 39 44 5 5 :3 384 385 lQ 53 38 3 ·19 14 386 21 78 78 35 30 19 13 3 6 2 387 4 28 20 2 3 I I ~88 166

Pdmary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and No. of Occupied inmates of institutions houseleas 0 the houses: and houseless persons) 1'1 _person_A II> hamlets No.-of "t:l Name of Village Or in the Area in No. 01 house· Town/Ward 8 village Pargana Thana n.croa houses holds Persons Males Females M F I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 'i 10 fl 12 13-

TEHSIL SIKANDRABAD 389 Sharfabad .. Dadri Bisrakh 586 234 252 1,221 666 555 390 Sharaqpur Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 417 11 71 328 172 156 391 Sheikhpur Mam Do. Kakora 666 65 65 445 237 208 392 Shahpur Kalan Do. Bulandshahr 581 42 46 151 145 106 393 Sherpur .. Do. Sikandrabad 359 60 61 339 185 154 394 Sherpur Mazra Gang· Do. Kakora 437 45 47 231 129 102 rool 395 Sikandrarod (Rural) .. 8 Do. ... Sikandrabad .. 412 412 2,139 1,174 965 396 Sirodhan .. I Do. Do. 1,038 313 383 1,918 991 927 397 Sirss I Dankaur Danksur 590 18 80 448 247 201 398 Srss 1 Do. Kskore 497 79 79 462 239 223 399 IIllihedi Muhiuddinpur I Do. Dankaur 489 14 15 73 40 33 400 Soharkha Zahidabad I Dadri Bisrakh 2,541 199 217 1,224 647 J 577 401 Sultanpur ., Do. Do. 848 42 42 291 177 114 402 Sut/prss .. 2 Sikandrabad Kakore 1,518 212 212 1,131 616 516 403 S'ur.. jpur 1 Dadri Dadri 1,632 111 III 0159 264 195 404 Suthari 1 Do. Bisra.kb 910 140 156 850 466 384 405 Blank 406 Suthy.. na .. .. I D ..dri .. Bisr.. kh 1,336 45 47 229 131 98 407 T .. libpur urf Kanakpur 1 Sikandrabad Sikandrabad 697 87 87 573 340 233 408 TaIra 2 Dank.. ur Dankaur 528 116 116 563 309 254 409 Blunk 410 Tul.. bpur urf n .. thipur 1 Dadri .. Dadri 223 13 13 70 48 22 411 Thupkher.. 1 Do. Do. 200 94 95 511 259 252 412 Thasrana. o. I D .. nk.. ur Dank.. ut 670 95 131 674 352 322 413 Til Begumpur ;I Sik ..ndrab .. cl Sikandmbad 1,454 344 352 1,870 1,004 866 414 Tilaptl1 Karanbas I Dadri Dedri 1,004 290 335 1,633 844 789 415 Tilwara I Dankaur D ..nk .. ur 660 6 6 20 13 7 416 Tugalpur .. I Do. Do. 1,785 25 26 106 SIj 50 417 Tusianf} I Dadri Bisrakh 1,279 59 60 291 155 136 418 Uplarsi I Do. Dadri 681 ll6 119 544 278 266 419 Usmanpur .. I Dankaur .. K ..kore 888 129 158 887 479 408 120 Utrauli I Do. Do. 1,249 80 107 570 320 250 421 Wailsna 2 Do. Do. 1,174 230 279 1.391 768 623 8 4 422 W"i~aa~ur 4 Sikandmbad Do. 2,318 445 450 ~,IM 1,131 1,033 423 Yakutpur .. Dadri Bisrakh 13 Unpopul .. ted 424 Yakubpur .. I Do. Do. 495 32 32 186 104 82 425 YnBufpur urf Ch&k I Do. Do. 251 30 30 173 101 72 Sh .. hberi 426 Zauqabad ., Sikandrabad Sikandrsbad 242 17 20 91 52 39 427 Amin.. b&d wi liaqir .. Dank.. ur .. K .. kora 368 Unpopulated G ..rhi 428 Arninpur Kh.. der Do. .. Dank .. ur 517 2 2 13 9 4 429 A"gh ..rpur Bisari .. D ..dri .. D ..dri 582 Unpopul .. ted 430 AUl',mgab ..d .. Dankaur .. Dankaur 120 Unpopulated 431 B ..doH KhMer Do. Do. 460 Unpopulated 432 B ..zidpur Kh ..der .. Dadri ... Bisrakh 209 Unpopul .. ted 433 Bela K ..I ..n ... Dankaur ... D .. nkaur 277 Unpopulated 434 Ch.. k B ...antpur .. D .. dri .. Bisrakh 384 Unpopulated 435 Ch.. k Dad ... ia Do. Do. 219 UnpopUlated 436 Chhalor.. Kh.. der DG. Do. 869 Unpopulated 437 Chh.. ! rouli ·Kh.. der Do. Do. 129 Unpopulated 438 Ch .. k Manjh.. uli .. Dank.. ur .. Dankaur 283 Unpopul&ted 439 Chak Mangr.. ula Dadri .. Bisr.. kh 94 4 2 2 44') Chak M ..habatpur .. Dankaur DaiJ.k ..nr Unpopulated 441 Chak Mauzam.. bad .. Do. Do. 49 Unpopulated 442 Cbak Sh .. hjah.. npur .. Do •. Do. 115 UnpopUlated 443 Ch.. k Sheikhpurne.. r .. Do. Do. 87 UnpopUlated Atta 444 Chak Sheikhpurne.. r .•• Do. Do. 130 UnpopUlated M.. kanpur 445 Chak Sal ..rpur .. ... Dadri .. Bisrakh 261 UnpopUlated 446 Dostpur M.. ngroli Do. Do. 918 Unpopulated Kh ..der 447 Ch.. k G ..rhi Begumpur .. Dank.. ur .. Dank .. ur 301 Unpopul.. ted 448 Ch.. kwalipur Do. Do. 390 UnpopUlated 449 O .. ng.. pur Dadri .. Dadrl 234 Unpopnl ..ted 450 Ibr.. himpur .. Sikandr"bad Bul.. ndshahr 329 Unpopulated 451 Inayatpur Do. .. Sik.. ndr .. bad 358 Unpopulated 452 Jag.. npur.Doaba .. Dank.. ur .. D ..nk .. ur 388 Unpopulated 453 Kheri Dadri .. Dadri 463 242 242 1,387 714 673 454 Kondli Khader .. Dankaur .. Dankaur 531 Unpopul.. ted 455 Latifpur Khader Do. Do. 428 UnpopUlated 456 Mohammad Anwarpur D"dri .. DBdr; 324 Unpopul"ted 457 Mohiuddinpur urI Do. Do. 325 UnpopUlated Gambpur 458 Mukandpur Garhi Siksnclr.. bad Sikandrab .. d 233 Unpopulated 459 Mustafabad Dank.. ur Dank.. ur 26 UnpopUlated 460 Mustar.. bad Sik .. ndrabad Khurja 180 I I 461 Muthrapur Dankaur .. Dank ..ur 103 Unpopulated 462 NaglaJalal Sik ..ndr .. bad Sik.. ndr .. bad 185 Unpopul.. ted

------_----- __ -_"---"- -~-~----.. _---


Primary Census

No. of Occupied hou Ses 0 the No. of No.-or- 'tl Name of Village or in the Area in houBes house- 8 TownJWard village Pargana Thana acres holds

2 3 '1_ j ------6 7 ~ TEHSIL SIKANDRABAD

463 Nagla Sheikh Sikandrahad " Sikandrabad 224 464 Norangabad Banger Dadr; .. Bisrakh 347 465 -Norangabad Kbader Do. Do. 348 466 Parll8rampur Dankaur .. Dankaur 99 467 Raghunathpur Sikandrabad .. Sikandrabact 258 '\68 Rasulpur Rah • Dadri .. Dadri 577 469 Shadipur Chidauli .. Do. Do. 638 176 179 . 470 Shahpur Gardhanpur Khader Do. Bisrakh 563 5 7 471 Sikanderpur .. Dankaur .. Dankaur 327 472 Sunpura 1 Dadri Dadri 350 155 161 473 Tamolipur;. Do. Do. 369 474 Billl8pur (Rural) 4 Dankaur .. Dankaur 100 100 475 . Dadri (Rural) 2 Dadri .. Dadri 63 66 476 Danltaur (Rural) 4 Dankaur .. Dankaur 356 380 477 Rakore (Rural) 3 Sikandrabad Kakore 191 201

Total Tehsil Sikandrabad (Rural) 484 317 ,559 49,314 53,160 TEHSIL SIKANDRABAD

368 Sikandrabad Municipal Board SikBndrabad SikandrabBd 5,883 8,147 10.040

69 Bilaepur Towll Area Dank Bur .. DankBnr 2,349 524 609 116 Dadri Town AreB Dadri .. Dadri 1,877 1,113 '1,226 37 43 2 273 299 3 123 133 4 212 231 114 209 6 294 311

123 Dankaur T~wn Area Daukaur .. DankBUf 3,869 831 958 208 Kakore Town Area Sikandrabad .. Sikandrabad 2,019 401 423 Total Tehsil Sikandrabad (Urban) .. 15,991 I1P16 IJ,2Sf> Iotal Tehsil Sikandrabad 484 333,5% 60,330 66,416

._--~,--~-.. ---.-- --~------_------• 169

Abstract"'":"""(~onld. )

Inml\tes of Total no. of persons enumera&ed institutions (including inmates of institutions and houselees Displaced and hooseless persons) persons persons Literates

Persons Male8 Females M M F M F ____! ____ - 10 ~ __ =-= II -=-:.__:_=. 12 ~_:- -13- ___-_14_·_ --_ [5-.=.-=--=--_-_16__ -- 17 -1- (RURAL)-(contd.)

Unpopulated 463 Unpopulated 464 Unpopulated 465 Unpopulated 466 Unpopulated 461 Unpopulated 468 799 412 387 32 469 40 22 18 2 470 Unpopulated 471 932 475 457 35 2 472 Unpopulated 473 476 246 230 31 414 289 lSI 138 4 6 32 8 415 1,812 940 872 205 22 476 961 S18 443 29 471

277,117 148,091 129,026 128 J1 88 69 1,444 URBAN NON·CITY

24,oso 11,752 II,328 IB7 14 220 159 4,1ge 1,304 368 2,471 1,343 1,128 363 97

6,668 3,636 3,032 42 2 82 70 1,039 340 116 212 176 96 42 2 138 33 1,480 835 645 55 47 173 50 749 402 347 15 9 136 49 1,401 770 631 1 :3 181 81 1,227 641 586 342 116

l~ 812 727 5 11 69 5

~.sOO 2,390 2,110 10 10 941 275 123 2,4(}Z 1,261 1,135 6_265 31 203 4(},IZI 21,388 18,733 229 16 312 2IJ.f'I 317,238 169,479 147,759 357 53 400 29,853 3,491 170

Primary Census


--.-----~ I--olll~ivato.. of land wholly or II-Cultivators of land mainly owned wholly or mainly un- Ill-Cultivating and their owned and their labourers and their g dependants dependants dependants ., Na.me of Village or 8 TownfWard M F M F M F

---~------2------20------21------1- -18------19 -22- 23 .------TEHSIL SIKANDRABAD 463 Nagla Sheikh 464 Norangabad Sanger 465 Norangabad Khader 466 Parasrampur 467 Raghuna.tbpur 468 Rasulpur Rah 469 Shadipur Chindauli .. 219 186 12 10 36 34 470 Shahpur Gardhanpur Khader 22 18 411 Sika.nderpur 412 Sunpura. 366 345 473 Tamolipur 414 Bilaapur (Rural) 178 159 II 15 6 4 415 Dadri (Rural) 98 91 476 Dankaur (Rural) 508 444 11 5 29 41 471 Kakore (Rural) 288 244 II 14 84 68

Total Tehsn Sikandrabad (Rural) 95,626 81,400 3J90 2,51'1 7,910 6,55.i TEHSIL SIKANDRABAD

363 Sikandrabad ~Iunicipal Board 1,187 984 181 159 1,011 927

69 Bilaspur Town Area 3~ 253 68 51 36 24

116 Dadri Town Area 775 642 34 34 5 3 34 3 2 110 160 5 6 3 44 26 2 4 3 4 271 231 5 130 110 6 126 \1J6 29 26

123 Danka.ur Town Area 278 213 24 29 11 3

203 Kakore Town Area. 411 356 6 5 28 19 Tl>lal Tehsil Sikandrabad (Urban) 2,9$9 2,448 313 218 11191 976 TC>tal Tehail Swndrabad 98,sSS 83,848 3,503 2,71JS 9,001 7,531

~-. ----.~.------_._------_------.~ 171

Abstract - (cone/d.)


IV-Non.cultiV-ating- ownors of land; agricultural .rent receivers ~ V -Production VIII-Other sert'iees and their other thaD' and miscellaneous 0 dApendants cultivation VI -Commerce VII-'l'ransport sources .,; --.---~

24 25 26 27 28 29 3U 31 ~32 33 -I

(RURAL)-(co71cld.) Unpopulated 463 Unpopulated 464 Unpopulated 465 Unpopulated 466 Unpopulated 467 Unpopulated 468 9 12 33 44 ' 34 21 2 69 72 469 470 411 9 9 7 8 11 18 82 77 472 473 11 7 4 6 2 2 34 31 474 2 24 20 28 24 1 I 475 I 2 163 137 72 67 18 18 138 158 476 I II 13 3 7 5 2 Il6 94 477

9/J/J 1,)64 13,.126 12')92 4,423 3,826 1,354 1,266 21,174 19,9f)6 URBAN NON.CITY-(concld.)

125 124 3,122 .1,04J 3,240 2,890 1,171 992 2,709 2,212 368

2 236 187 29[) 273 74 60 329 280 69

25 30 795 710 1,'114 836 106 84 882 703 116

18 15 97 69 26 9

207 153 220 176 25 18 207 132 4 142 154 163 116 23 18 26 24 17 20 132 l03 215 181 134 90 8 6 202 182 221 204 3 2 77 82

94 103 98 80 53 46 412 366

35 25 404 440 813 698 174 Nfl 591 555 123

8 /; 299 277 299 277 46 35 170 158 208

195 J81 4,916 4,654 5,662 4,964 1,571 1318 4,681 3,908 1,183 1,451 18,242 16,946 10,085 8,790 2,925 2,584 25,955 23,814

------~--- _--_ ------172 Pargana and Thanawise Population


Population No. of Serial Vill"ges and No. of no. Name of l'argana Towns houses Persons lIlales Females

-l '2 3 4 5 6

TEHSIL ANUPSHAHR Ahar 128 19,312 119,475 63,299 56,176 2 Anupshahr 107 16,917 115,410 61,114 54,296 3 Dibai 155 21,418 151,861 80,063 71,798 TEHSIL BULANDSHAHR Agota 88 15,318 104,520 55,56l 48,959 2 Shikarpnr 71 10,849 70,084 31,399 32,685 3 Baran 143 24,939 157,333 84,228 73,105 4 Siana 83 17,991 123,764 66,018 57,746 TEHSIL KHURJA Pahasu lOI 16,015 97,391 51,514 45,877 2 Khurja 159 24,721 155,469 82,605 72,864 Jewar 95 12,344 87,339 46,034 41,305 TEHSIL SIKANDRABAD Dadr; 167 30,693 129,216 68,959 60,257 2 Dankaur 104 10,806 61,612 33,322 28,290 3 Sikandrabad .. 139 18,83! 126,410 67,198 59,212



Population No. of I%ri.. l Villages and No. of no. Name of Thana Towns houses Pel'sons Males Females

-"------~-- - _------T------5 --~-.------I :2 -4 6 7-


1 Aurangabad ,. 42 6,167 38,951 20,689 18,262 2 Jabangirabad. 69 12,206 74,937 39,558 35,319 3 Siam. 28 5,660 36,127 19,201 16,926 4 Shikarpur 18 2,170 17,565 9,254 8,311 5 Dibai 132 18,614 129,585 68,317 61,268 6 Anupshahr 101 l2,830 89,581 41,457 42,124 TEHSIL BULANDSHAHR

Shikarpur 69 9,359 60,669 32,338 28,331 2 Gulaothi 77 13,473 92,949 49,258 43,691 3 Siana 57 14,19B 99,647 53,112 46,535 1 Aurangabad .. 48 6,141 44,688 24,012 20,676 5 Khurja 10 1,450 7,945 4,157 3,788 6 Jahangirabad .. 14 2,()23 13,509 7,236 6,273 1 Bulandsbahr .. 116 21,253 136,294 73,093 63.201 173


Population No. of Serial Villages and No. of no. Name of Thana Towns houses Persons Males Females

~---I------Y - ~ -- ·----~7 ~- "3 --:r- -- 6 ------TEHSIL KHURJA Khurjll 119 19,343 119,627 63,734 55,893 2 PabaBU 98 15,745 96,982 51,204 45,178 3 Shikarpur 29 3,643 24,414 12,971 11,443 4 Jewar 70 9,553 66,799 35,241 31,558 5 Kakore 39 '1,796 32,377 17,003 15,374 TEHSIL SIKANDRABAD

Dadri S8 14,648 81,238 43,216 31,962 2 Dankaur 86 9,198 53,610 28,980 24,630 3 Sikandrabad ., 110 22,466 103,096 54,821 48,275 4 Bisrakh 68 6,424 36,730 19,598 11,132 5 Kakore 41 6,205 34,882 18,130 16,152 6 Gu1aothi 2 248 1,449 760 689 7 Khurja 4 394 2,149 1,182 967 8 Bula.ndsha.hr .. 5 747 4,084 2,132 1,952 ----_-_----




1941 1942

Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban ----~2~-- 3 5


Live Births Total 56,311 47,658 8,653 49.111 40,380 8,731 Males 30,193 25,755 4,438 26,388 21,929 4,459 Females 26,118 21,903 4,215 22,723 18,451 4.272 Slill Birlk8 ,. Total 137 144 Males 84 79 Females 53 65

Birth Rate .. Total 42'5 42'7 36'6 (per 1,000) Males 22'8 19'7 Females 19'7 16'9 B--Deaths by age groups­ T!'tal . 32,073 25,599 6,474 27,186 21,346 S.840 Males 16,995 13,818 3,177 14,376 11,504 2,872 Females 15,078 11,781 3,297 12,810 9.842 2,968 Under I Year .. Males 4,6,Z8 3,566 1,Q62 3,888 2,950 938 Females 3,843 2,855 988 3,082 2,198 884 1-5 .. Male!< 5,927 4,925 1,~02 3.874 3,203 671 Females 4,930 3,975. 955 3,274 2.583 691 5-10 .. Males 635 530 105 546 454 92 Jfemales 526 419 107 487 388 99 10-15 .. Males 325 267 58 360 3~0 60 Females 327 245 82 263 206 57 15-20 •• Males 295 243 52 252 211 41 Females 387 264 123 307 203 104 20-30 ., Males 643 525 118 627 515 112 Females 1,014 725 289 956 674 282 30-40 .. Males 614 531 83 567 469 98 Females 770 625 145 761 621 140 iO-50 " Males 719 610 109 767 637 130 ]<'emalss 671 518 153 672 537 135 '50-60 .. Males 816 669 147 848 688 168 Females 684 565 119 706 582 124 60 and over .. Males 2,393 1,952 441 2,M7 2,085 562

Females 1,926 1,590 336 2,302 ;1,850 4?2 C--Deaths from selected causes­ Cholera 158 83 75 W 18 SlDaIl-pox 3 2 22 21 Plague Fevers 28,602 24,895 3,707 24,356 21,032 3.324 Dysentery or Diarrhoea 814 267 547 548 16 532 Respiratory diseases 931 82 8,9 799 37 762 Injuries 279 1% 123 280 133 150 Other causes 1,286 114 1,172 1,162 92 1,070

D~tb tate from all causes (pet 1,000)

Total 24'2 18'9 Maleq 24'5 Females 23'9 177


1943 1944 1945

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

8----- 9 12 [3- - - - I4 -16--

39,046 32,ll7 6,929 43,421 36,092 1,329 52.608 43,365 9,243 20,988 17,393 3,595 23,6'16 19,8Q5 3,851 28,541 2S,766 4,115 18,058 14,724 3,334 19,765 16,287 3,478 24,067 19,599 4.468 91 19 1I0 60 49 64 31 30 46 28'1 28'1 31'5 '37-7 3'7'1)

IN 11-2 20'4 13'3 14'3 17-3

33,160 26,31fi 6,845 31$61 30,859 6,702 27,701 22,971 4,730 11,316 13,873 3,443 19,943 16$57 3,386 14,963 . 12,564 2,399 15,844 12,442 3,402 11,618 14,302 3,31Ci 12,738 10,407 2,331 3,280 2,387 893 3,582 2,734 848 3.777·· 2.99'1 783

2,773 1,971 796 2,908 2,174 734 21876 2,226 650 5,054 4,107 947 6,005 5,063 942 3~77 2,191 436 4,442 3,486 956 5,044 4,090 954 2.495 2,0% 459 1,143 967 176 1,368 1,172 196 175 690 85 949 768 181 1,114 920 194 579 483 96 592 497 95 596 527 69 47Z 411 61 461 314 87 540 442 98 437 370 61 386 331 55 534 449 85 420 379 41 433 326 101 476 379 97 408 325 83 781 641 146 996 826 170 SCi2 745 117 1,077 813 264 1,327 1,037 290 1.087 858 229 723 598 125 950 811 139 798 687 III 1,022 834 188 1,140 969 171 1,022 856 166 907 750 157 1,174 998 116 950 826 124 875 720 155 1,086 934 152 875 757 113 1,106 916 190 1,309 I,ll'! 195 1,018 884 134 957 809 148 1,111 974 I37 817 714 103 3,338 2,679 659 3,429 2,863 566 2,614 2,157 451

2,SS5 2,335 520 2,872 2,383 489 2,142 1,782 360

27 6 21 971 778 193 329 234 95 13 40 33 395 368 21 2(j5 246 19

30,557 25,970 4,587 33,639 29,411 4,168 23,Ci32 21,024 2,608

537 43 494 507 20 481 598 23~ '53 713 19 694 893 25 868 1,1I3 395 718 226 115 111 199 113 86 254 161 93 1,027 122 905 957 84 873 1$10 672 838

'27'3 240() 27'S 19'1 26'1 19'9

______-- ______A_ 178


1946 1947

Partioulars Total Rural Urban TotaL Rural Urban

T8 2U 21


Live Births .. Total 43,949 35,830 8,119 46,461 37,750 8,711 Males 23,892 19,578 4,3L4 25,177 20,614 4,563 FemaleI'. 20,057 16,252 3,805 21,284 17,136 4,148 Still Bi,th8 .. Total 84 83

Males 49 39

Fomales 35 44

Birth Rate .. Total 31'1 30'2 32'5 31'4

(per 1,000) Males 16'9 17:6

Females 14-2 14-9

B-Deaths by age groups­ Total 24,524 19,329 5,195 25,587 20,632 4,955

Males 13,214 10,573 2,641 14,052 II ,513• 2,539

Females 11,310 8,756 2,554 11,535 9,119 2,416 Under I Year .. Males 3,274 2,495 179 3,551 2,733 818 Females 2,673 1,986 687 " 2,777 2,111 666 1-5 .. IIi[a]e" 3,246 2,532 714 3,676 2,961 715 Fema.les 2,551 1,907 644 3,036 2,338 698 5-10 .. Males 638 528 LLO 635 561 74

Females 515 415 100 492 415 77 10-15 .. Males 380 338 42 441 397 44 Females 370 290 80 367 302 65 15-20 .. MaleR 365 322 43 427 38> 44 Females 394 298 96 360 292 68 20-30 .. Males 661 560 101 667 561 106 Females 865 641 224 791 602 189 .. Males 694 586 108 689 602 87 Females 750 600 150 719 595 124 40-50 ' .. Males 835 714 121 835 723 112 Females 733 624 109 671 579 92 50-60 Males 943 772 171 967 834 133

Females 739 623 116 701 591 110 60 and over Males 2,178 ,1,726 452 2,164 1,758 406 Females 1,720 1,372 348 1,621 1,294 327 C-Deaths from selected causes­ Cholera 183 114 69 96 89 7 Small-pox 120 68 52 141 105 36 Plague

E'evers 21,217 18,309 2,9U8 22,556 19,6~3 ,2,923

Dysentery or Diarrboea 456 116 340 4'il 69 382 Respiratory dise·ases 961 226 735 860 175 685

Injuries 227 131 90 348 271 77 Other causes 13,60 359 1,001 1,135 290 845 Death rate from all causes (per 1,000)

Total 17'4 17-9 17-2

Males 18'0 18-9

Females 16'7 16'8 179


1948 1949 1950

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Tot.. l Rural Urb,m

_. _ 26 _-~_T! -. 27 28 29

45,738 37,146 8,592 45,267 36,560 8,707 44,144 35,478 8,666

25,233 20,73~ 4,5~3 24,991 20,453 4,538 24,171 19,650 4,521 20,505 16,416 4,089 20,276 16,107 4,169 19,973 15,828 4,145

58 54 34 32 30 19 26 24 15

31" :l0-5 30-9 29-7 29'7 28-5 17-4 17-0 16-:, 14-1 13-8 13-4

22,417 11,745 4,672 22,5B 17,853 4,660 29,551 24,455 5,096

12,317 9,927 2,390 12,665 10,213 2,452 16,561 13,880 2,681

10,100 7,818 2,282 9,848 7,640 2,208 12,990 10,575 2,41S

3,046 2,3~ I 145 2_982 2,174 8!l8 3,411 2,583 828 2,420 1,755 665 2,290 1,624 666 2,597 1,91C 687 3,010 2,481 6!l9 30536 2,875 661 6,180 5,347 833 2,448 1,858 590 2,497 1,893 6Q4 40541 3,818 723 738 641 97 774 669 105 1,031 916 115 571 488 83 5U 457 87 720 602 118 475 417 58 578 524 54 5211 482 44 40\) 332 68 394 340 54 386 334 5Z 419 371 48· 427 39( 36 492 441 51 423 336 87 42S 353 72 458 402 56 651 548 (03 631 539 92 611 527 8'1 174 562 212 715 545 170 726 563 16)- 616 522 94 562 482 80 S83 494 89 622 502 120 607 499 108 S99 500 9!t-. 679 595 84 645 551 94 109 616 93- 541 455 86 494 424 70 567 419 88 867 100 161 822 700 122 949 193 1% 656 545 III 578 491 B1 712 596 116

1,816 1,431 385 1,708 1,3:)8 40Q 2,069 1,681 388

1,z4!i 985 26J 1,304 1,014 29J 1,684 1,311 313

851 643 208 401 270 131 64 44 20 147 128 19 573 288 285 1,894 1,614 28') 8 i:s 8 8 19,232 16,739 2,493 19,520 17,103 2,417 25,395 22,523 2,8n 430 27 4Q3 3@ 64 316 323 32 291

732 73 659 II~ 43 593 805 ~j 114

104 31 6 96 37 59 126 38 88 9:?1 98 823 899 48 851 936 113 323

1;-; 15-3 19-9

16'4 16-6 21-5 14-5 14-0 18-2 180

Agticultural Statistics


From April 1 to P-rom S.pbember 1 l'rQm Nov"mb<'lr 1 _".ugusl.31 to O.tober 31 to March 31 Tota!

Number Number N'uml>er :Kumb.r During of rajny During of rainy During Q!rainy DUring "f r,,;ov Year ~ormaJ the year d .ys Nom",1 the ye-ar da.ys i>rormal the year' nay? N().'mal tho year d ..y.- -I------:2 - -'--3 -- IJ IT _. IT- ---13-

Tnooos Inuhoo Inohos lnohes I nahes I u ahe. Inoh.. lnohe_. 1901-02




1905.06 19'57 10 2·22 2-21 6 2[)

Total for 1901-06

Quinquenrrisj aver­ ngQ-19QI-06

1906·07 19'37 23-57 25 4-72 2-21 4-80 10 26-3(1 35-20 43 1907·08 .. \'1'37 ]0-5) 22 4-72 2-21 0-67 26-3(1 ][-23 24

1903·09 .. 1~'37 26'38 30 4-72 0·34 2-21 26-31) 27-55 34

1909-JO 19'37 23-ll 34 ,4-72 6 20-31) 28-21 45 1910-11 19·37 11'86 21 4'72 7 26-30 3N'i6 31

Tot.. 1 for 1906 -II 96'85 95-47 J33 2'1-60 21-05 22 11'05 11-39 26 131'50 llHI 183

Qui.nqoonnial aver~ &ge-1906-11 . 1'-37 4'12 26-78 "36-6

19.!l-12 ... 19·37 4'72 1%8 12 2'21 8 26-30 21-14 28

In2,13 19-37 17-32 , 21 4-72 1-94 6 2·21 2-8~ 6 26-30 28-]1 33 1913·14 19-37 14-E4 22 4-72 0_84 2-21 0-94 26-30 16'42 27

1~1')'15 19-37 25-21 29 -4-72 g-l2 ' 7 2-21 6-90 10 26'30 40-46 46 1915·16 .19-12 '1'74 14 4'12 4-56 2-13 I-II 2H1 1541 20

'T"lial for i91 I-J6 ~6'6G 32 10'97 14-16 28 131·11 121'54 1s,t

Quinquennial aV8r~ "$.. -1911- \6 19',)2 IB·8 '·07 26-23 24-31 3O-S

19'11l-l7 '19-12 22-51' 3~ 4'72 ,-15 12 2-13 [-42 5 25-91 33-08 ' 41 19'1~'18 .. 19-12 20-10' . 31 4'12 17-76 ' 14 2-30 0-51 26'14 38,31 46

19'18~19 :." 18-62 9'44' 13 4-97 0'18 ~ 2-27 2-91 25-86 12-53 IS

1919·2Q , ' IB-62 25-29 25 4-97 5·56 2-21 3049 25-86 l4-34 36

1920·21 .. \8-62 11'25 21 25'86 19'15, 25

9H9 120 24'35 32'99 33 11-24 9-89 19 12!1-69 137-47 " I7Z

Quinquennial aver~ ~g,!."..1916-2' 18-8Z 18-92 23-94

19~1·22 .. 18-62 22',5 7-24 31-73 14 \1)22·23 18'62 21-8& 24 g-5J 4 31-82 36

1923·21 18-62 3J·t1Z 23 4·97 4-1)1' 8 38-89 3S

ln4·15 ~:; lS'05 15-'l~ 5'1'3 16-36 26-00 33'68 34 1925·26 .. 18-65 34-55 36 5-13 l-23 6 2600 39-!7 45 Total lor 1921-26 9,-16 125-11 124 25-17 31-40' 24 129'55 175-29 184 Qu;nquennial aver .. ...'!"-1921-26 IN3 4'8 25-9L lSi

A gricultutal Statistics-(contd.)


From April I to From September I j!'rom November 1 August 31 to October 31 to March 31 Total

Number Number Number Number During of rainy During of rainy During of rainy During of rainy Year Normal the year days Normal the year days Normal the year days Normal the year days

10 IT 12 13

Inches Inohes Inches Inohes Inches Inches Inches Inches 18'65 17'05 25 1926·27 5'13 3'15 4 2'22 ['08 2 26'()O 21'28 31 .. 18'65 24'31 21 5'13 1927·28 2'25 3 2'22 4'13 1O 26'00 30'69 40 18'65 7'90 13 5'[3 1928·2~ 1'34 3 2'22 1'91 'I 26'00 Il-lS 20 1923030 .. 18'65 12'37 20 5-13 l'46 2 2'22 2'03 4 26'00 15'86 26 1930·31 .. 18-65 14'95 23 5'13 ['26 3 2'22 1'14 5 26'00 17'35 31

Total for 1926-31.. 93'25 76'58 108 25'65 9·46 15 11'10 10'29 25 130'00 96'33 148 QuinquennIal aver' 15'32 age-1926-31 •• IS'05 21'6 5'13 3'0 2·22 2'06 5'0 26'00 19'27 29'6

1931·32 .. 18'65 11'90 23 5'13 9,28 11 2'22 0'54 26'00 21'72 1932·33 .. 18'65 11'43 16 5'13 8'12 8 2,22 1'24 4 26'00 20'79 28 1933·34 .. 18'65 40,39 36 5'13 13'61 14 2·22 2'09 5 26'00 50'09 55 1934·35 18'65 25'39 29 5'13 2'51 3 2,22 2'97 7 26'00 30'87 39 1935·36 •• 18'65 15'72 20 5'13 12'03 9 2'22 3'20 8 26'00 30'95 37

Total tot 1931-36 93'25 104'83 124 25'65 45-55 45 1l'10 10'04 2S 130'00 194 Quinqllf!nnial aver· age-193 1-36 .. 18'65 20'97 24'8 5'13 9'11 9'0 2'22 2'01 5'0 26'00 32'09 38,S

1936·37 .. 18'65 25'27 27 5'13 9'58 8 2'22 3'30 6 20'00 38'15 41 ,937·38 .. 1865 10'47 18 5'13 5'47 4 2'22 1'92 4 26'00 17-86 26 1938·39 .. 18'65 14'11 18 5'13 0'97 2'22 1'83 2 4 26'00 16'91 24 1939·40 .. 18'65 10'31 15 5'13 6'39 7 2'22 2·59 8 26'00 19'35 30 1940-41 .. 18'65 19'06 20 5'13 0'39 2 2'22 3'20 6 26'00 22'65 28

Total for 1936-41 93'25 79'28 98 25'65 22'80 23 11'10 12'84 28 130'00 114'92 149 Quinquennial aver· age-1936-41 .. 18'65 15'86 19'6 4'6 2'22 2'57 5'6 26'00 22'99 29'8

1941·42 .. 18·65 8'18 11 5'13 ['57 3 2'22 2-41 7 26'00 12'16 27 1942·43 .. 18'65 22·35 30 5'13 5'74 8 2'22 0'86 3 26'00 28'95 41 1943-44 .. 18'65 22'92 24 5'13 3'30 5 2'22 5'31 12 26'00 31'53 41 1'344-45 .. 18'65 18'36 22 5'13 3'21 3 2,24 1'28 4 26'02 22'85 29 194~H6 .. 18'55 16'78 22 543 14'01 12 2-27 0'37 26'25 31'16 35 Total for 1941-46 93'15 8S'59 115 25,95 27-83 31 IH7 10,23 27 130'27 126'65 173 Quinquennial aver' ",ge-1941-46 .. 18'63 17'72 23'0 5'19 5,56 6'2 2'23 2'05 26'05 25'33

1946·47 .. 18'55 28'32 30 5'43 3,32 3 2'27 1'03 26'25 32-67 36 1941·48 18'55 1l'00 11 5'43 10,30 12 2-26 4'99 9 26'24 26'29 38 1948·49 .. 18·55 25'01 29 5'44 4'84 7 2'27 1'45 3 26'26 39 1949·50 .. 18·55 20,85 23 5'43 5'S7 5 2'27 1'55 6 26,25 34 1S'55 25,78 28 5,43 1950·51 7'15 8 2'21 1'91 2 26'25 . 38

Tot",l for 1946-51 92'75 110'96 127 27-16 31'48 35 11'34 10'93 23 131'25 153'37 185 Quinquennial aver' age 1946-51 .. 18'55 22'19 25-4 5'43 6'30 7'0 2-27 2-l9 26'25 30,68 37.0 --_._------182


II-Area a. classified with

Other uncnlti vated Not available for land excluding Yoar 'I'Cltal area Forest oultivation curren~ fallows

--~-~----I--~~-----~--~~ ~ ------"_ -~-3 ~- ~ -i 2 ~~ ~--5----

Acres Acres Acres Acres 1901·02 1,215,642 127,427 169,421 1902-03 1,215,614 121,460 166,355 1903.04 1,215,937 127,544 163,513 1904·05 1,217,436 127,526 162,923 1905.06 1,219,016 129,29) 163,522 Total for 1901-06 6,083,645 639,247 825,734 Quinquennial average-1901-06 1,216,729 127,849 165,147

1906-07 \ .. 1,217,620 129,389 158,215 1901·08 1,218,225 130,482 157,905 1908·09 1,217,853 128,912 158,292 1909·10 1,219,916 125,923 161,081 1910·11 1,219,940 127,190 162,819 Total for 1906-11 6,093,554_ 641,95& 798,312 Quinquennial average-1906--11 .. 1,218,711 128,391 159,663

1911·12 1,221,217 129,647 164,'85 1912·13 1,224,395 129,808 168,872 1913-14 1,221,993 123,618 172,281 1914-15 1,225,202 131,101 174,124 1915·16 1,225,438 1",772 175,731 Tot.. 1 for 1911-.16 6,118,24; 651,946 855,399 Quinquennial average-1911-16 .. 1,223,649 130.389 17J,08O

1916·17 1,225,484 132,862 177,212

1917-18 1,223,'306 140,373 I72,26~ 1918-19 1,219,292 137,671 176,015 1919·20 1,219,352 137,206 175,447 1920·21 1,219,'370 137,133 178,433 Total for 1916-21 6,1068Q4 685,24,) 879,430

Quinquennial aversge-1916-21 ., 1,221,361 137,049 175,886

1921·22 1,219,444 136,783 179,788

1922·23 1,219,394 136,6~3 175,578 1923·24 1,219,409 136,409 114,399 1924.25 1,219,391 136,896 172,288 1925.26 .. 1,219,423 136,566 172,259 Total for 1921-26 6,097,061 683,347 874,312 Quinquennia' averagc-192 1-26 1,219,412 136,669 174,863 183 Statistics-(contd.)

details of aJ:ea under euld vadon

Details of area. not 8va.ila.ble for cultiva.tion

~~--~~~------Net area sown duro Percentage of ing the year, i.e. Normal cui· difference between Covered with Sites, roads and Current fallows cultivated area tiv8ted 81'e& columns 7 and 8 water buildings, eta_ Barren lands

6~~------7 ~-- ~ --9-~ ---~- 8 lu II 12 -- --~~----

Acres Acres Aores Acres Acres Acres

24,171 894,62~

15,161 906,6~ 17,405 907,475 16,440 910,541 10,835 855,369 900,000 -5'0 144,012 4,474,652 28,803 894,930

15,664 914,352 900,000 +1'6 161,081 168,751 900,000 -1·4-6 28.634 901,955 900,000 +0'2 28,410 904,442 900,000 +0'5 27,381 902,550 900,000 +0'2 261,230 4,l92,056 4,500,000 -204 . 52,246 878,411 900,000 -2-.

33,333 893,852 900,000 -0'1 23,013 902,102 900,000· +0'3 128,141 191,941 900,000 -12'0 20,147 899,830 900,000 84,819 833,050 900,000 -1'4 289,519 .,321,381 4,500,000 -4'0 57,904 864,276 900,00 -4'0

26,481 888,929 900,000 -1'2 30,993 819,611 900,000 -2'3 241,265 664,281 904,000 -26'5 35,144 811,555 904,000 -3'6 118,417 185,327 904,000 -13'1 452,360 4,089,769 4,512,000 -9'4 90,472 817,954 902,400 -9-4

21,084 881,189 904,000 -2-5 23,103 884,020 904,000 -2-2 20,858 881,143 904,000 -1'8 25,041 885,160 904,000 -2-1 3l!,329 812,269 904,000 -305 -' 128,421 4,410,981 4,'120,000 -2'4 25,684 882,196 904,000 -2-' -.--'~'-'- ---_--- .-~- ---- 184


II-Area as classified with

Other uncultivated Not ava.ilable for land excluding Year Tota.larea Forest cultivation current fallows

~- --3~--~~-- 2 4 5 ~-----.------~----~------~ ----- ~-----

Acres Act"" Acres Aeres 1926.27 1,219,469 136,752 173,041 1921·21'1 1,220,298 136,139. 174,850 1928·29 1,221,672 151,670 118,161 1929·30 1,221,771 137,358 18(),529 1930·'1 1,221,782 137,047 178,744 Total for 1926-31 6,104,992 685;166 885,925 Quinquennial a.veraC _1926-51 .. 1,220,998 137,113 177,185

1931.32 1,221,783 136,882 177,504 1932·33 1,221,819 1,136 137,119 113,922 1933·34 1,219,720 136,259 110,872 1934-35 1,218,828 413 135,857 110,552 1935·36 1,219,132 473 136,054 170,326 Total for 1931-36 6,101,282 2,082 682,171 863,176 Quinquennial a.verage-1931-36 .. 1,220,256 411 136,434 172,635

1936.31 1,219,132 473 136,124 170,815 1937·38 1,219,133 413 136,744 113,857 1938·39 1,219,147 473 136,666 175,746 1939-40 1,219,177 1,538 136,122 170,261 1940·41 1,218,962 1,538 135,801 163,986 Total for 1936-41 6,095,551 4,495 681,457 854,665 Qninquennial average-1936-41 ],2]9,110 899 136,291 ]70,933

1941-42 1,218,962 1,538 136,152 160,994 1942·43 ],222,058 1,526 137,139 151,015 1943-44 1,222,016 1,526 m,207 145,996

1944·45 1,222,021 1,52~ 140,559 141,121 1945·46 1,222,051 144,137 135,937 Total for 1941-46 6,107.108 6,116 695,494 735,]23

Quinquennia.l aver~ie-1941-46 .. 1,221,422 1,223 139,099 147,025

1946·41 1,222,os4 ' 141,256 131,169 1941·48 1,222,057 147,205 129,887 1948·49 ],222,057 ,147,263 125,832 1949-50. 1,222,384 151,610 ·119,199 1950·51 1,222,386 15(),208 114,510 Total for 1946-5 I 6,110,938 743,542 62],197 Quinqaennial average-1946-5 I .. 1,222,188 148.709 124.239

---.--~------~------185 Statistics-(contd.)

details of area under cultivation-(concld.)

Details of area not available for cultivation

Net !lrea sown dur- Percentage of ing the year, i. e. Normal.cul· difference between Covered with SHes, roads and ClJrI'ent fallows (Jult.ivated t\rea tivsted area. columns 7 and 8 watel' buildil.lgs, etc~ Barren !n.fid~

-_-_------~---7------8 - --i2--- b 9 10 II _-_------~----- _--_ -~-~-~---.- ----_- -Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 31,372 812,304 904,000 -.3'5 33,063 875,646 904,000 -3'1 60,883 844.353 904,000 -6'6 31,480 36,100 69,490 94,833 809,051 904,000 -10'5 30,951 36,719 69,688

46,449 859,542 904,000 -4'9 ~H,009 %,158 69,280 172,600 4,260.901 4';20,000 -5'7 54,520 852,180 904,000 -5'7

27,818 879,579 695,000 -1'7 3D,:m 36,168 69,737 29,692 879,95Q 895,000 -1'1 30,517 36.814 69,188 41,969 810,620 865,000 +0'6 30,770 36,743 68-,146 56,810 855,136 865,000 -1'1 3:l,406 36,812 68,639 44,967 861,312 865,000 +0'3 30,895 36,88) 68,219 201,256 4,352,597 4,385,000 -0-7 152,965 184,(1l7 345,189 40,251 870,519 877,000 -0'7 30,593 36,803 69,038

~7,130 814,590 865,000 +1-l 30,679 37,')55 68.39'2 31,153 876,906 865,000 +1-4 30,615 37,283 68,846, 91.437 814,825 865,000 -5'S )0,932 37,465 68,269' 21.110 890,086 865.000 +2'9 30,318 37,563 68,181 32,046 885,591 865,000 +2-" 30,113 37,122 61,966. 112,936 ~,341,998 4!325,000 +0'4 152,711 181,086 341,654- 42,587 868,400 865,000 +0'4 30,543 37,417 fiS,33l

11,154 8'13,124 865,000 -2'5 3(l.,639 36,927 68,586 18,953 913,065 865,000 +5-6 ::10,142 36,849 10,448 21,516 Q09,711 865,000 +5'2 29,614 36,904 10,629 29,586 909,229 865,000 +5'1 29,122 37,368 13,469 25,668 916,389 865,000 +5-9 29,950 37,286 76,901 178,937 4,491,438 4,325,000 +3-8 150,127 185,334 360,033 35,787 898,288 865,000 +3'8 30,025 37,067 72,007

31,579 912,050 865,000 +5'4 30,916 37,752 78,588 25,293 919,612 865,000 +6'3 30,818 38,115 18,274 31,462 911,5')0 883,000 +3-9 31,2l9 38,368 17,616 32,478 918,497 883,000 +4'0 30,761 38,712 82,131 31,123 926,545 883,000 +4'9 30,454 38,915 80,839 151,935 4,594,264 4,379,000 ,+4'9 154,174 191,860 397,508 _30,387 918,853 875,800 +4-9 3O,8~ 38,372 79,502 ------186

A gticuitural



Early Late TOlal Wheat

Year Total Irrigated Tot,,1 Irrigated Total Irrigated Total

2 5 6 - ___-' 8

Acres Acre. Acres Acres Aeres Acres Aore.

1901-02 !j,993 251,871 1902·03 5,131 258,193 1903·04 3,519 271,410 1904-05 5,476 258,377 1905-06 3,758 1,265 ;,023 184,601 Total for 19D1-06 25,142 1,224,452

QuinQllennial average-1901-G6 5,028 244,891 1906-U7 2,544 730 1,202 200 3,746 930 233,168 1907-08 3,081 955 1,626 468 4,707 1,423 116,358 1908·G9 2,833 785 1,198 207 4,031 992 163,756 1909-10 2,905 809 1,233 209 4,138 1,018 186,958 1910-11 1,501 238 669 54 2,170 292 218,543 Total for 1906--11 12,864 3,517 5,928 1,138 18,792 4,655 918,783 Quinquennill.l average-1906--11 2,573 703 1,185 228 3,758 931 183,757 1911-12 510 m 147 48 657 221 256,509 1912·13 1,035 266 533 72 1,568 338 210,282 1913-14 1,257 321 782 192 2,039 513 144,682 1914-15 1,469 393 736 107 2,205 500 210,118 1915-16 2,010 564 821 214 2,831 778 146,950 ':rotal for 1911-16 6,281 1,717 3,019 633 9,300 2,350 968,541 t.'luinquennial average-1911-16 1,,256 343 604 127 1,860 470 193,708

1916-17 3,068 448 2060 137 5,128 585 In,056 1917·18 2,321 399 1,622 86 3,943 485 216,525 1918-19 1,463 438 765 225 2,228 663 132,567 1919.20 1,738 423 696 101 2,434 524 19'6,311 1920-21 2,015 436 716 209 2,731 645 149,876

Total for 1916-21 10,605 2,144 5,859 758 16.4~4 2,902 887,335

Quinquennial average-1916-21 2,121 429 1,ln 152 3,293 581 177,4~7 1921-22 2,116 377 746 63 2,862 440 197,968 1922·23 1,659 282 893 79 2,552 361 203,299 1923-24 1,312 163 735 54 2,047 217 206,178 1924·25 1,116 75 667 37 1,783 112 220,434 1925-26 1,254 149 693 71 1,947 220 202,366 T"tal for 1921-26 7,457 1,046 3,734 304 11,191 1,350 1,030,245 Quinquennial average-1921-26 1,491 209 747 61 2,238 270 206.04!l ."187 Statistics - (&ontd.)


Batley Juar Bajr.. Mandua Kodon Sawan Maize

Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Total Total Total Total Total Irrigated

- 14 -15

Act"" Acre. A.ar"" Aorell Aores Acre. Aores Aores Acres AorH

122,017" 100,132 60,823 14 90 137,441

114,903 98,603 65,589 6. 146 119,958 145,194 100,005 77,640 1 181 120,351 136,811 106,187 68,4)5 7 2,:0\ 112,023 156,366 102,44) 56,961 1 120,481

675,297 507,367 329,418 41 610,266 135,059 101,474 65,884 8 122,053 109,551 132,862 53,007 115,126 72,193 13 7 117,964 19,520 109,006 161,340 149,880 96,812 70,647 14 23 128,225 94,694 95,110 169,214 93,990 101,128 87,991 49 3 37 122,811 13,599 106,119 157,904 10,561 86,042 73,914 50 2 27 113,875 13,351 88,153 134,486 36,486 93,745 65,673 6 9 116,113 27,846 ;09,139 755,806 403,927 492,853 370,418 132 7 103 598,988 169,016 101,828 151,161 8(1,785 98,571 74,084 26 21 119,198 33,803 122.916 184,950 53,785 78,127 57,543 2 85,135 53,304 127,220 147,578 71,453 100,334 78,4)9 4 15 124,087 26,121 115,607 156,675 123,834 78,517 56,168 2 105,534 66,99& 129,473 148,849 72,782 92,868 81,676 II 12 114,733 34,532 111,717 154,068 103,705 72,063 82,123 5 4 12 136,766 102,390

600,933 792,120 425,559 421,909 355,919 23 4 42 566,255 283,343·

121,387 158,424 85,112 84,382 71,184 5 8 113,251 56,669' 120,442 152,532 74,726 95,434 86,471 12 27 119,043 4,135 127,383 187,358 77,124 61,008 64,813 5 13 125,459 10,214 121,353 140,990 127,799 57,220 95,082 4 4 116,049 81,572 126,411 151,469 83,20 I 90,592 94,690 9 44 12 135,244 25,271-

123,959 129,567 103,057 78,166 77,649 2 2 15 118,284 62,596 619,614 761,916 465,907 382,420 418,705 32 4li 71 614,079 183,794 123,923 152,383 93,181, 76,484 83,741 7 9 14 122,816 36,759

120,135, 152,313 66,571 92,923 94,23) 9 2 39 li7,725 11,63~ 124,461 144,194 64,868 .83.546 91,836 27 112,439 13,151 55,542 135,230 20,118 96,116 79,647 25 110,6)1 25,']91 87,192 131,864 32,609 102,901 63,210 2 24 98,672 5,581 121,142 125,335 65,718 92,715 59,231 2 8 100,129 7,336 508,478 688,936 249,884 468,201 388,154 13 4 123 539,566 62,801 101,696 1l7,7S7 49,917 93,640 77,li) I 3 2S 107,913 12,560

~ - --'---~'--'-' - .. ----.-.---~------~~---.. ------'- 188




Early Late To~al Wheat

Year Total Irrigated Tota) Irrigated Total Irrigated Total

I 2 4 5 ··_-...•-6 ~._-_-_-.•. _-.I_-_-_-..~--o --~--. ----~---"------

Acres Acres Acres Aores Acre. Acre.

1926·21 1,912 247 681 94 2,593 341 193,601 1927·28 2,613 546 827 96 3,440 642 208,283 1928·29 1,818 551 310 130 2,178 681 226,015 1929·30 1,915 495 622 210 2,537 705 156,969 1930·31 1,584 418 963 331 2,547 749 185,839 Total for 1926-31 9,832 2,257 3,463 861 13,295 3,118 970,707 Quinq'tennial average-1926-31 1,966 452 693 172 2,659 624 194,141 1931·32 1,544 314 903 118 2,447 432 203,296 1932-33 1,~99 101 715 52 1,814 153 216,561 1933·34 1,678 103 552 15 2,230 118 238,884 1934·35 2,740 232 1,555 170 4,295 4Q2 189,607 1935-36 2,967 421 953 10 3,920 491 185,026 Total for 1931-36 10,1l28 1,171 4,678 42'S 14.106 1,602 1,033,374 Quinquenniallwerage-1931-36 2,006 235 935 8S 2,941 320 206,675 1936-37 2,618 318 1,208 41 3,826 362 188,494 1937·38 2,408 413 964 82 3,372 495 224,279 1938·39 2,495 390 1,300 249 3,795 639 221,667 1939·40 2,299 413 1,214 172 3,513 585 222,096 1940·41 1,791 294 1,709 238 3,500 532 216,797 Total for 1936-41 11,611 1,828 6,395 78S 18,006 2,613 1,073,333

~uinquennial average-1936-1I 2,322 366 1,279 157 3,601 S23 214,067 1941-42 1,48,) 239 610 116 2,D90 355 193,958 \942·43 2,103 166 1,437 48 3,540 214 220,211 194'3·44 3,1S7 362 2,880 217 6,071 579 . 202,991 1944-45 2,7 )7 508 1,638 190 4,345 698 2jl,2.33 1945·46 3,517 521 2,115 93 5,632 614 239,199 Total for 1941-46 13,004 1,796 8,680 661 21,684 2,460 I,L07,658

Quinquennial average-1941-46 2,601 359 1,136 133 4,337 492 221,532 1946·41 4,213 764 3,357 215 7,570 979 217,560 \941·48 4,775 1,482 ',161 306 8,542 1,788 183,569 1948·49 4,624 1,056 4,589 153 9,213 1,2G9 218,454 1949·50 6,227 2,504 6,251 1,128 12,478 3,632 227,986 195M! 6,885 1,639 9,743 377 16,628 2,016 213,601 Total Cor 1946-5\ 26,724 1,445 27,707 2,179 54,431 9,624 1,061,170 Quinquennial average-1946-5'T S,34S l,4S9 J,SH 436 10,886 1.925 212.234 189



Barley Juar Bajra Mandua Kodon Saw&n Maize

Irrigated Total Irriga~d Total Total Total Total Total To tal Irrigated


Acrea Aoree Ao1'6& Aores Acrel Acres Acre. Acres Acres Aores

118.061 112,208 60.681 98.140 10.997 22 96.107 13,440 121.814 131,353 63.639 .96,591 72.113 2 116 116.052 12,236 15,.676 221.684 133.571 84,938 71.752 11 105.565 77.657 13).049 189.191 162.136 105.181 90.123 29 33 126,431 73;357 131.4,4 166,691 109.292 99.085 89.235 21 45 130,529 72.836 661.100 821,727 529,319 483,935 394,280 53 3 233 574,684 250,026

132.22J 164,345 ·105,864 96,737 78,856 11 47 114.937 50,005 126.83J 136,722 71,273 116,371 86,766 3 50 109,878 42,195

149.735 J 144,137 84.792 94,645 76,956 93 118,690 37.942 116.34() 162,623 55,570 98.605 80,333 2 21 109.648 13.193 I 25.()93 129,63 [ 76,096 95,653 73,392 26 112.235 9,361 1J6.967 117,385 53,295 1O~.624 80.291 31 m,SIO 22.679 62·1,965 691,098 3-11.026 505,904 397.738 6 221 564,261 125,976 124.993 138,220 6.8205 101,181 79,548 44 112,852 25,195 1u7.13.! 122,6()1 51,541 99,795 68,247 2 31 109,688 9,427 143.571 124,092 67,905 92,060 63,308 2 29 130,595 83.785 193.888 157,478 127,270 106,710 63,143 23 144,799 72,229 15'7.248 17J,466 107,813 117,426 71,720 6 14 152,850 101,295 173.)98 176,066 126,H4 I04,5J5 85,234 2 43 147,300 64,373

716.~36 750,71)3 481,323 520,496 357,652 6 8 140 685,232 331,109

155.331 15J,141 96,265 104,099 71,530 2 28 137,047 66,222 168.942 194,717 151,742 99,854 102,098 4 2 10 104.759 77.008 154.724 176,238 IQ5.909 124,06) 124,575 4 45 152.089 16,874 135M8 153,108 87,IJ3 96,045 94,461 29 2 41 155.873 16.')56 176.892 138,,,86 78,244 86.215 108,243 23 159.965 64.131' 168.336 155,812 93,981 112.2)9 105.695 9 24 16Q,478 27.991

804.492 818,921 517,v5' 518,333 535,075 46 5 143 733,164 202.060

160.898 163,784 103,412 103,617 107 ,0 LS 9 28 146,633 40,412 159.365 146.469 8S.73 I 93,471 109,3;8 22 15),986 10,620 115.233 171,394 93.091 98,045 110.960 27 157.591 33,209 156.993 156,905 88,566 92,016 118.243 16 145.232 8,102 168.319 152,333 94.:m 94,056 121.024 150 132,812 30.270

160.281 165,285 103.229 80.463 115.591 19 136,865 14.632 760,191 792.386 467,992 458,051 575,216 5 234 723,486 96,833

IS2.0lS 158,477 93,598 91,610 115.043 47 144,697 19.367 190


Gram Fruits and vegetables including root crops Other food orops ------

Fruits snd vegetables Potatoes other than potato'

Year Total Irrigltted Total Irrigated Totsl Irrigated Total Irrigated

.. 23 19 __--=2::..0 _____2_'1 ____ 22 24 --,_25 26

Aores Aoree Aores Acrea Aores Acree Aores Ao ....

1901·02 131,511 1,620 90,204 1902·03 141,314 9,300 87,857 190'·04 121,206 8,883 81,304 1904·05 112,536 13,046 81,099 1905·06 111,483 16,617 110,362 Totsl for 1901-06 630,176 5S,466 450,826 Quinquenni&lsverage-190l-06 126,035 11,093 90,165 1906·01 :'126,516 32,232 12,27.3 7,912 83,654 35,C62 1901·08 55,455 49,361 14,036 11,398 92,822 56,393 1908·09 123,79B 46,538 10,012- 6,227 88,620 40,875 1909·10 146,681 46,251 10,003 6,044 95,5J5 35,528 1910.11 143,674 25,133 ,9.163 5,884 95,349 22.160 Totalfor 1906-11 596,184 200,121 55,487 37,465 455,950 190.618 Quinquennial average-1906-11 119,237 400,024 11,097 7,493 91,190 38,124 1911·12 173,225 34,149 11,220 9,343 82,877 27,191 1912·13 111,569 42,035 10,237 7,035 97,119 39,947 1913·14 83,681 57,919 10,530 1,633 96,251 62,946 1914·15 150,475 51,010 14,131 9,422 97.881 42,830 1915·16 141,011 14,463 16,023 12,764 103,746 69,701 Totslfor 1911-16 659,961 259,576 62,147 46,191 477,874 242,615 Quinquennial average-19 11-16 131,992 Sl,91S 12,429 9,239 95,575 48,523

1916·11 146,920 51,518 13.161 6,994 85,268 32,5)2 1911·18 158,204 50,059 1,433 1,433 9,901 4,506 97,117 32,708 1918.19 50,832 45,965 912 912 11,425 9,615 64,016 37,919 1919·20 112,152 48,051 ),510 1,508 I),Z:JG 7,152 83,084 48,221 1920·21 74,959 52,963 1,841 1,840 9,540 6,579 82,175 ' 49,842 Totaifor 1916-21 543,067 248,5S6 56,227 34,846 411,720 201,198 Quinquennial averag_1916-21 108,613 49,711 11,246 6.1l1j9 82,344 40,240 1921.22 151,299 46,082 1,463 1,463 12;958 8,025 78,461 28,055 1922.23 150,831 52,107 1,930 ,1,928 ·13,335 6,223 . . 88,387 31,145 1923.24 163,446 15,375 1,805 1,796 11,034 5,924 116,237 18,8)8 1924.25 151,518 24,516 2,051 2,036 ,-9,068 5,264 126,455 27,876 1925.26 147,630 50,066 1,696 1,695 )0,674 6,343 117,376 62,250 Total for 1921-26 764,724 188,206 8,945 8,918 57,039 31,779 526,916 168,134 Quinquennial average-1921-26.. 152,945 37,641 1,789 1,784 11,4008 6,356 105,383 33,747 191

Statistics -(c()ntd.)

Area.,.....(contd. )

Total food orops Linseed Til Rapeseed Groundnut Other oil seeds

Total Irrigllted· Total Total Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total

~ ---2b~_-- -~30-~---_---ri _~-- ~35- - ~27 29 32 34

Acres Acres Aeres Aores Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

907.78B 10 1.105 2,009 907,060 19 1,091 2,357 935,706 68 1,451 4,36' 896.277 54 2.679 11,579. 864.341 13 1.463 6.135 4,sIl,172 4 164 7,789 26.443 902,234 33 1,5;8 5.289 897,583 263,537 4 9 1.519 ' 320 4,453 140,439 484,190 :> 27 573 415 5,445 871,450 305,458 50 683 176 1,988 875,099 282,387 78 1,019 167 6,615 878,932 211,344 39 712 53 5,3Jl' '4,263,503 1,546,916 7 203 4,566 1,131 23,83&: 852,701 309,383 41 9J3 226 4,768 930,246 321,956 11 9 2,217 295 12,244 881,202 319,418 6 39 2,104 520 5,970

734,080 439,191 31 8,333 793 414 912,965 347,451 9. 7,918 424 1,196 855,602 488,353 33 7,522 674 542 4,314,095 1,916,369 19 121 28.094 2,106 20,366 862,819 383,214 4 24 5,619 541 4,073 896,052 293,921 43 5,035 458 1,395 ' 925.779 305,716 20 3,252 357 2,237 .672,449 449,099 8,918 804 975 878,751 350,083 66 13,89IJ 460 374 724,,807 417,120 3 156 36,132 479 186 4,097,838 1,806,539 4 290 67,227 2,558 5.167 819,568 361,308 58 13,445 512 1,033 902,252 289,173 258 6,564 392 , !,094 892,347 298,930 124 3,337 145 812 922.366 148,878 4 lIZ 12.574 156 2,504: 907.983 190,759 7 92 4,852 159 ;>,636_ 859,109 319,560 9 134 6,970 593 858 4,484,057 1,247,300 22 720 34,297 1,445 7,904 896JH2 249,460 5 144 6.859 289 1,581

-~---~---~------,- "-----_---- ·The total irrigatej food crop.. area shown in column no. 28 will not correspond with the total of irrigated "re"s shown for individual food crops owing to the omission of the irrigated areas of oertain crops. 192


JII-Croppccf .

Gram Fruit. and vegetables inoluding root crops Other food crop.

Potatoes Fruns and vegetables . ~!,er than _potato "

Total Irrigated Total Inigated Total Irrigated ltot,,1 Irrigated

19 2D _-=2..:..1 ___-=-22::.. ---~·---24----25------g-

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Aores Aorea Acres

1926·21 145,351 50,513 1.214 1,21' 11,528 6.622 109.331 58,616 1927·28 I 55,D63 45,660 1.893 1,890 12.102 7.771 108.680 45.582 1928·29 42,870 9,382 1.555 1.555 11.730 9,901 136,891 82,277 1929030 13,143 6,345 1.814 1,813 14,893 11.0]8 104.409 72.740 193M I 47,630 11,531 1,983 1,982 13,655 10,573 131,375 93.535 Total for 1926-31 404,057 123,431 8,:519 8,513 63,908 46.851 :590,686 352,750 Quinquennial average-1926-31 .. 80,811 24,686 1,704 1,703 12.782 9.370 118.137 70,550 1931·32 105,727 15.'JCO 1,825 ],824 1l,729 8.245 128,913 68.736 1932·33 87,530 18.973 1,140 1.74Cl 11,678 8,24' 119,572 69,531

\933·34 8~.510 6,669 1.125 1,70\ 9,856 6,123 155,063 46,216 1934·35 114.m 16,462 2.170 2,159 10.975 7,995 125,911 68,964 1935.36 128.338 13,58) 1.610 1.669 10.058 1,017 141.483 78,296 Total for 1931-36 525,335 70.774 9,130 9,093 54.296 37.629 671,002 331,743 QUinquennial average-1931-36 .. 105,067 14.155 1,826 1,819 10,859 7,526 134,200 66,349 1936·31 152,3 \5 19,736 1,740 1,738 9.513 6,499 126,513 61,887 1931·38 \38,94:3 28,116 1.690 1.690 9.823 7,559 116,641 71,713

'958·39 35,998 17,882 2.~70 2,'70 10.3~3 8,282 121,435 88.169 t9,;! •.,Q 79,965 18,906 2.095 t.095 11.090 8,921 131.870 92.072 1940·41 55,899 17.170 2,352 2,351 11,976 9,779 129.193 94.481 Total for 1936-41 463,120 102,,110 9,947 9,944 52.705 41,040 625,652 408,322 Quinquennial average-1936-41 .. 92.624 20.482 1,'189 1.989 10,:541 8,208 125,130 81,664

1941·42 3~,168 11.353 1.781 1.781 12.506 11.1)5 127,127 97,616 1942·43 84,928 . 15,471 2,']20 2,020 12,212 8,869 135,847 85.098 ' 1943-44 97;30 19,024 2.545 2.539 10.902 7,364 142.365 9.0.989 1944·45 \21,666 25,852 2,'236 2,233 8,436 6,433 128.131 .75.277 1945·46 100,556 25,426 2,973 2,972 8,677 6,673 143,570 84.519 Total {or 1941-46 435,848 97,126 11,:555 11.545 52,733 40,444 677,040 433,499 Quinquennial average-1941-46 .. 87,170 19.425 2,311 2,309 10,546 8,089 135,408 86.700 1946·47 101.04\ 28.423 2,826 2,821 8.249 ~.751 144,464 89,504 1947·48 111,830 20.808 3,519 ~.496 9.67Q 7,524 157,779 80.650 1948-49 14~,327 33,269 4,040 4.014 11.320 8.784 162,2C4 79.698 194 :.5) 113.338 31.468 4,913 4,910 9.861 8,051 152.675 83.645 1950·51 97.562 28,614 4.037 4.012 10,791 7,952 164,951 86.529 Total for 1946-51 567,098 142,582 19.33:5 19,253 49,891 38,062 7821)73 420.026 Quinquennial average-1946-5I 113,420 28.516 3,867 3,851 9,978 7.612 156,415 84.005 193 Statistics-(e'onld. )

Total food crops Lineeed Til Rapeseed Oroundnn$ Other oil seed.

Irrigated· Tota.! lrJ'igated Total Total

Acre. Acre. Acree Acree

841,15~ 316,984 51 2,668 196 1,716 905,149 304,422 59 3,464 233 2,816 905,196 499,155 98 24,420 505 31,291 805,353 474 723 120 48,059 534 569 868,636 442,418 232 17,085 825 2,150 4,326,087 2,038,302 560 95,696 2,293 38,602 865,218 4()7,660 112 19,139 459 7.720 903,793 343,204 6 266 13,481 315 3,915 874,076 318,813 B 208 16,011 641 5,025 948,580 252,119 2 93 1,541 102 2,313 858,066 309,646 5 48 6,854 105 '16 882,636 290,637 35 11,597 209 1,278

4,467,071 1,575,019 21 650 55,490 1,432 12,907 893,414 315,004 130 11,098 286 2,581 882,765 264,081 ," 94 5,409 191 2,006 904,834 415,420 11 109 6,%8 190 796 867,422 523,7j9 2 61 5,850 367 878 969,112 5:19,732 15 17 8,'39'3 162 515 1.721 932,867 501,593 50 9,947 526 39~ 686 4,557,000 2,214,535 32 391 36,067 2,042 6,087 911,400 442,907 6 78 7,213 408 1,217 869,134 555,987 31 12,789 677 122 7 830 1,035,836 4J5,S76 1 105 6,447 304 87 764 962,372 365,818 7 45 3.6:J9 193 57 3 545 1,009,419 439,493 31 6,821 315 13 2 986 1,034,834 425,']42 76 4,684 328 18 3 1,293 4,912,255 2.192,316 15 300 34.350 1,817 297 15 4,418

982,451 438,463 3 60 6,870 363 59 3 884

985,056 393,233 , 140 5,460 SOD 1~9 II 1,051 1,012,929 366,498 195 11,355 512 52 5 1,910 1,051.970 390,613 205 3,229 362 6) 2 1,217 I,'J21.628 436,983 123 2,719 351 16 2 629 1,005,794 418,814 '00 4,612 1,0,0 60 , 930 5,083,377 2,006,141 963 27,375 2,75'$ S60 23 5,797 1,016,675 401,228 193 5.475 5St 72 5 1,159

'The total irllg"ted food orop.. rea shown in oolumn no. 28 will not correspond with the total of irrigated areas shown for individual food crops owing to the ominioll of the irrig.. ted ..re ... of oertain crops. 194



Sugarcane Cotton Hemp Jute

Year Total Irrig"ted Total Irrigated' Total Total Irrig'!ted

-36-- --31- -3b-- 39-'-'-'--46 41 '42 ------~~-.,

Acres Acres Acres Aores Aores Acres Acres

1901·02 33,65l. 88,138 521 1902·03 34,968 91,191 344

1903.04 40,20~ 65,839 244

1904·05 38,361 109,570 338 1905-06 22,020 144,666 ...., 364 Tot,,1 for 1901-06 169,212 506,610 1,817 Quinquennial average-190I-06 .. 33,842 101,322 363 1906·01 33,312 32,[33 132,183 52,192 348 1901·08 51,146 49,397 125,706 80,822 515 1908.09 37,424 36,636 128,571 59,971 310 1909·10 44,531 43,255 113,783 41,562 311 1910·11 41,431 .. 40,535 118,863 39,013 247 Total for 1906-11 207,910 201,956 619,106 274,220 1,SSI Quinq uennial' average-1906-11 .. 41,582 40,391 123,821 54,844 370

1911·12 57,71~ 56,087 92,056 60,454 59 1912·13 59,124 57,347 96,231 41,705. 257 1913·14 53,653 51,100 135,512 81,981 366 1914.15 35,346 34,168 129,499 59,811 414 1915·16 ., 46,725 45,521 68,137 35,478 438 Total for 1911-16 252,561 245,423 521,435 279,429 1,534 QUinquennial average-1911-16 .• 50,512 49,OSS 104,287 55,886 307 1916·17 .' 47,703 46,962 112,631 19,136 356 1917·18 65,138 62,137 L05,275 28,905 197 1918·19 60,829 57,529 69,785 51,506 64 1919·20 48,302 46,312 97,403 59,814 199 1920·21 53,462 51,897 103,923 I 10,353 582 Total for 1916-21 275,434 264,837 489,017 229,714 1,398 QUinquennial average-1916-21 .. i55,087 52,967 97,803 45,943 280 1921·22 42,191 41,245 71,859 31,430 539 1922.23 62,189 60,875 61,Q42 18,047 658

1923·24 63,543 62,066 79,001 39,196 639 1924·25 44,234 42,710 115,405 53,415 786 In5·26 58,174 55,924 99,375 51,110 789 - Total for 1921-26 .. , 270,331 262,820 426,682 193,198 3,411 Quinquennial average-1921-26 .. 54,066 52,564 8S,337 38,640 682

-----_ ---,--~------195 Statistics-«(Olltd. )

Area- (coned.)

Indigo Opium Tobacco Fodder crops Other non.food crops

Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

46 47 52

AcrllS Acre. Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

14,914 5,134 34,900 20,778 9,677 4,350 40,132 24,478 16,333 4,206 46,967 25,401 9,142 6,764 43,210 31,223 ',691 9,722 52,793 34,524

53,757 30,176 218,002 136.404 10,751 6,035 43,601 27,281 4,366 4,199 3,628 3,628 67,023 16,275 27,626 25,524 7,810 6,893 3,347 3,347 55,758 16,395 28,834 23,731 i 5,660 5,540 4,936 4,936 52,378 15,531 16,975 16,569 6,750 6,122 4,672 4,672 55,476 12,097 17,586 17,266 3,961 3,890 5,474 5,470 61,144 10,841 22,839 21,444 28,553 26,M4 22,057 22,053 2!i1,77!} 71,139 113,860 104,534,

5,711 5,329 4,411 4,411 58,356 14,228 22,772 20,907'

3,455 3,406 5,051 5,049 80,507 30,113 25,729 23,38b \414 3,439 5,235 5,232 61,351 14,223 25,395 23,558. 4,133 3,991 5,316 5,316 67,466 14,882 11,346 11,24& 4,013 3,969 5,642 5,641 70,661 23,183 23,251 21,44Q 6,031 5,947 3,980 3,980 76,582 25,011 14,809 14,334 21,106 20,752 25,224 25,218 356,567 107,412 100,530 93,%1

4,221 4,150 5,045 5,044 71,313 21,482 20,106 18,792 27,415 26,349 5,586 5,585 69,369 20,278 16,355 14,933 35,097 32,482 3,815 3,814 70,964 13,028 15,778 13,859 8,285 8,169 4,021 4,021 77,125 28,719 11,841 11,733 12,231 12,138 4,831 4,829 66,589 27,404 16,548 15,947 10,504 10,387 3,065 3,065 62,000 21,004 IO,L03 9,874 93,532 89,525 21,318 21,314 346,047 lIO,433 70,625 66,346 18,707 17,905. 4,264 4,263 69,209 22,087 14,125 13,269 10,551 10,422 5,233 5,233 72,632 27,439 12,482 11,731 9,633 9,752 4,433 4,432 61,411 15,583 10,735 9,928 5,300 5,289 2,663 2,657 56,762 15,062 18,943 16,081 3,234 3,227 3,798 3,796 59,999 15,211 23.134 20,122 4,178 4,175 4,123 4,123 58,537 16,873 16,072 15,177 33,015 32,746 20,250 20,241 309,341 90,168 81,366 73,039 6,603 6,549 4,050 4,048 61,868 18,034 16,273 14,608 196



Sugarcane Cotton Hemp Jute

Year Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Total Irrigated

--_--- -__--- :)6 37 39 ------40 41 42

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

1926·27 68,313 66,808 86,253 45,776 838 1927·28 63,587 62,394 74,737 40,034 704 1928·29 39,511 38,369 85,641 72,641 730 1929·30 43,162 42,249 103,793 81,200 666 1930.31 50,805 49,300 91,407 67,800 708 Total for 1926-31 265,378 259,120 441,831 307,451 3,646 Quinquennial average-I926- 31 53,076 51,824 88,366 61,490 729 1931·32 47,')25 45,161 97,749 62,292 1,096 1932.33 59,383 57,045 74,639 51,648 1,023 1933-34 41,199 39,557 98,145 62,774 851 1934·35 44,571 42,753 80,686 39,784 964 1935·36 59,046 57,475 77,883 54,557 1,079 Total for 1931-% 251,224 241,991 429,102 271,055 5,013

QuinqueJ1UiaJ average-1931-36 50,245 48,398 85,820 54,211 1,003 1936·37 76,612 7<1,816 87,160 48,855 1,711 1937·38 76,i04 74,475 77,533 54,242 1,383 1938·39 41,141- 39,883 87,336 67,945 1,132

~939·40 ~O,249 49,130 69,961 56,5:)5 1,460

194~·41 72,286 70,564 61,368 49,607 1,654 Total for 1936-41 316,698 308,868 383,358 277,154 7,400 Quinquennial average-1936-41 63,340 61,774 76,672 55,431 1,400

1941·42 56,239 54,635 76,186 61,228 1,346 1942-43 51,797 50,225 43,741 25,073 1,354 IY43-44 74,067 72,380 53,664 30,095 1,235 1944.45 71,768 69,932 3O,374 20,152 491 1945·46 54,5Jl 53,620 33,753 22,747 826 Total for 1941-46 308,372 300,792 237,715 159,295 5,252 Quinquennial average-1941-46 61,674 60,158 47,543 31,859 1,051

1946-47 71,691 70,598 26,661 12,432 1,209 1941-48 92,657 91,285 25,182 18,815 1,061 62 !8 1948-49 82,180 80,812 20,116 13,464 1,186 105 19 1949-50 84,561 83,320 19,101 15,813 ' 545 108 64 295:)-51 J 15,070 113,378 18,679 14,874 1,116 89 29 Total for 1946-51 446,165 439,393 110,339 75,398 5,117 364 130, Quinquennialaverage-1946-51 89,233 87,879. 22.068 15,000 1,023 73 Ui 197

Statisti~s-( (ontd.)

AJea-( eontd.)

Indigo Opium Tobacco Fodder crops Other non-food crops

Tot.. l lrrig.. ted Tot.. l Irrig.. ted Tot.. l Irrigated Total Irrig.. ted Total Irrigated

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Acre. Acres Acres Acres Aores Acree Acree Aoras Acres Acres

3,751 3,422 3,137 3,136 60,761 21,160 15,634 15,239

2,730 2,71~ 2,843 2,841 57,124 17,171 16,852 15,998 1,753 1,658 3,202 3,201 68,8()5 30,171 19,648 19,211 1,416 I,m 4,988 4,981. 53,219 23,510 1l,016 10,919 1,264 l,26() 3,732 3,730 53,425 23,441 n,S91 13,283

L~,914 10,456 17,902 17,895 293,334 116,119 76,541 74,650 2,183 2,091 3,581 3,579 58,667 23,224 15,308 14,930 1,219 1,208 1,913 1,912 57,659 31,106 20,331 19,641 601 594 3,755 3,754 54,181 20,092 19,704 19,104 i.on 1,013 4,310 4,301 54,968 17,715 22,831 20,585 759 741 3,683 3,682 60,488 18,350 20,806 20,263 971 959 2,4()3 2,4()3 60,611 26,632 23,082 22,340

~,581 4,515 16,064 16,052 287,916 113,895 106,754 101,933 916 903 3,213 3,210 57,583 22,779 21,3:51 20,387 1,229 1,201 2,631 2,629 59,906 21,940 17,836 17,063 1,'138 1,370 3,598 3,597 63,051 23,846 23,835 22,840 1,416 1,378 4,106 4,105 71,165 32,568 18,929 18,661 851 784 3,094 3,092 74,848 ,42,812 24,733 24,366 1,911 1,853 2.418 2,418 67,667 36,861 24,Q48 23,670 6,845 6,583 15,847 15,841 336,637 158,093 109,381 106,600 1,369 1,317 3,169 3,168 67,327 31,619 21,876 21,320

1,098 ~87 3,23~ 3,238 78,4Q5 47,120 21,541 21,296 1,542 1,472 2,660 2,66() 7),332 36,280 21,881 21,052 1,185 1,097 2,124 2,124 66,704 3(),395 18,452 17,660 1,091 976 3,536 3,535 81,576 33,210 17,322 16,1S( 1,863 1,835 1,761 1,761 81,281 44,738 18,482 17,388 6,785 6,361 13,320 13,318 384,301 191,743 97,678 94,147 1,357 1,273 2,(j64 2,664 76,860 38,349 19,536 18,829 [,308 1,269 1,724 1,723 95,658 42,328 16,985 16,170 32' 314 1,556 1,555 85,540 39,894 20,517 18,435 134 113 1,789 1,189 79,928 39,635 18,858 17,114 ll2 98 2,418 2,411 70,841 39,217 11,648 16,115 181 I'll 914 9ll 11,815 41,108 19,121 18,055 2,064 1,935 8,401 8,395 409,842 202,782 93,129 86,549 413 381 1,680 1,(;79 81,9(;8 4O,s5(j 18,62(j 17,310 198



Total non·food crop. Kharif Rahi ------

Year Total Irrigated* Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

"5[-- 53 54 55 56 58

Acres Acre. Acres Acres Acre. Aorea

1901.02 201,771 535,014 566,715 1902·03 215,214 529,541 585,0'>0 1903·04 205,081 521,212 610,862 1904·05 252,920 546,415 587,726 1905·06 275,392 546,760 570,543 Total fo~ 1901- 06 1,150,378 2,679,008 2,920,936 Qilinquennial avera.ge-1901-1906 230,076 '135,802 584,187 1906·07 271,531 135,003 575,931 130,968 585,177 257,537 1901·08 279,164 181,940 583,782 267,281 427,027 390,148 1908·09 249,035 139,560 583,129 145,469 528,227 290,648 1909·10 250,941 125,367 541,720 124,091 577,364 276,780 1910·11 260,059 121,458 545,180 128,103 584,8')9 195,901 Total for 1906-11 1,313,730 703,328 2,830,342 796,512 2,702,604 1,411,014 Quinquennialaverage-1906-11 .. 262,746 140,666 566,068 159,302 540,521 282,203 1911·12 279,051 179,165 471,144 224,476 730,038 268,646 1912·13 259,186 146,528 565,563 150,558 564,821 305,781 1913·14 286,570 170,281 539,497 229,503 470,173 369,162 1914·15 217,950 149,527 566,993 165,472 609,222 317,575 1915·16 224,800 131,319 519,861 224,901 552,476 386,866 Total for 1911-16 1,327,557 776,820 2,663,058 994,910 2,926,730 1,648,036 Quinquennial average-1911-16 .. 265,511 155,364 532,611 198,982 585,346 329,607 1916·17 285,888 134,041 596,353 112,637 575,913 305,860 1917·18 301,773 154,941 562,142 146,223 659,535 308,620 1918·19 241,848 163,349 512,664 251,000 391,842 352,183

1919·20 260,434 167,097 576,582 179,626 553,966 329,13~ 1920.21 280,116 167,253 542,117 225,423 455,635 342,612 Total for 1916-21 1,370,059 786,681 2,789,858 914,909 2,636,891 1,638,414 Quinquennia!average-1916-21 .. 274,012 157,336 557,912 182,982 527,378 327,683 1921-22 223,404 128,060 537,597 123,620 578,646 284,392 1922-23 214,494 118,701 528,933 121,841 569,785 287,852 1923·24 242,045 140,635 539,925 160,217 618,158 123,191 1924.25 258,177 138,914 536,151 130,055 621,867 191,648 1925·26 249,219 148,311 517,732 144,270 580,576 314,103 Total for 1921-26 1,187,339 674,627 2,660,344 680,003 2,969,032 1,201,186 Quinquennialaverage-1921-26 .. 237,468 134,925 532,069 136,001 593,806 240)37

. .-~------'The total irrigated non·food crop. aTPa shown in columD no. 54 will not correspond with the total of irrigated areas shown for individual non·food crops owing to the omission of the irrigated areas of certain crope. 199 Statistics-(contd.)


1';et area cropped during Area cropped more than Zaid Total the year once

Irrigated Total ,Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

---5':>------60 61 6j 65 ------66

Acres Acres Acres Acres Aeres Acres Acres Aer€8

7,710 1,109,559 4,32,554 894,623 432,554 214,936 1,697 1,122,274 386,661 906,638 386,661 215,636 8,653 1,140,787 416,727 987,475 416,727 233,312 )5,056 1,149,197 351,314 910,547 351,314 238,650 22,430 1,139,733 496,478 855,369 496,478 284,364

61,606 5,661';50 2,083,734 4,-174,652 2,083,734 1,186,898 1,132,310 12,321 416,147 894,930 ·116,747 237,330 10,035 1,172,114 398,540 914,352 11,006 336,680 257,762 61,000 8,701 1,019,603 666,130 768,757 8,194 488,183 250,846 177,947 8,901 1,120,485 445,018 9,129 9~ 1,955 377,082 218,530 67,936 6,883 1,126,040 407,754 904,442 6,956 352,368 221,598 55,386 8,198 1,138,991 332,802 902,550 8,402 280,139 236,441 52,663 44,287 42,718 5,577,233 2,250,244 4,392,056 1,834,452 1,185,177 415,792: 8,858 8';44 1,115,447 450,049 878,411 366,891 237,036 83,15S- 8,115 7,999 1,209,297 501,121 893,852 390,660 315,4~5 110,461' 9,601 1,140,388 465,946 902,702 10,004 398,436 237,686 67,510, 10,980 10,807 1,020,650 609,472 791,941 458,073 228,703 151,399' 13,931 1,190,915 496,978 899,83J 14,700 40'1,491 291,085 92,487 7,905 1,080,402 619,672 8,065 833,~5~ 458,275 247,352 161,397 51,864 50,243 5,641,652 2,693,189 4,321,381 2,109,935 1,320,271 583,254 10,373 10,049 1,128,330 538,638 864,276 421,987 264,054 116,651 9,465 1,181,940 427,962 888,929 9.674 375,936 293,011 52,026 5,875 5,814 1,227,552 460,657 879,677 391,957 347,875 68,700 9,265 914,297 612,448 664,281 9,791 435,807 250,016 176,641 8,637 8,415 1,139,185 517,180 871,555 416,483 267,630 DO,697 6,938 1,004,923 574,973 785,327 7,171 435,735 219,596 139,238 41,148 39,897 5,467,897 2,593,220 4,089,769 2,055,918 1,378,128 537,302 8,230 7,979 1,093,580 518,644 817,954 411,184 275,626 107,460 9,221 1,125,656 417,233 881,789 9,413 361,841 243,867 55,392 8,123 7,'i44 1,106,841 417,637 884,020 310,063 222,821 47,574 6,105 1,164,411 289,513 887,743 6,328 244,769 276,668 44,744 7,970 1,166,160 329,673 885,IW 8,136 286,787 231,000 42,886 9,498 1,108,328 467,871 872,269 10,020 ~394, 124" 236,059 73,747 42,020 40,738 5,671,396 1,921,927 4,410,981 1,657,584, , 1,260,415 264,343 8,40·, 8,148 1,134,279 384,386 882,196 . 331,517 .. 252,083 52,869 200



Total non-food crops Kharif Rabi

Year Total Irrigated* Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

53 54 55

Aorf'ls Acres Acres Acres Aores Acres

1926·27 243,183 156,600 528,734 159,983 548,139 306,367 1927·28 224,921 141,710 526,677 143,286 595,553 294,787 1928·29 275,099 167,G48 490,174 248,517 682,655 410,949 1929·3Q 267,008 165,298 566,313 245,865 494,612 383,052 1930·31 234,200 160,442 559,727 232,977 534,5')0 361,449 Total for 1926-31 1,244,411 791,098 2,671,625 1,0)0,628 2,855,459 1,756,604 Quinquennial average-1926-,31 .. 2.18,882 15,822 534,325 206,126 571,092 351,321 1931,32 244,666 162,422 548,615 184,847 594,026 315,053 1932·33 234,541 153,662 525,671 179,613 574,770 344,777 1933-34 233,284 146,347 519,606 145,897 654,213 245,422 1934-35 219,240 125,857 513,146 115,064 554,424 311,117 1935-36 2;7,991 164,965 521,929 163,584 592,051 285,511 Total for 1931--36 1,1(j9,722 753,253 2,628,967 789,005 2,969,484 1,501,886 Quinquennial average-1931-36 " 233,944 150,651 525,794 157,801 593,897 300,377

1936-37 254,657 167,164 544,962 162,375 585,~7 261,990 1937·38 254,626 180,881 543,974 251,108 607,191 337,156 1938·39 232,022 165,349 554,296 227,716 535,734 452,063 )939-40 235,917 178,527 578,371 267,990 610,098 412,952 ;(J940-41 242,435 186,090 574,259 232,885 593,687 447,669

"Total r~r 1936-41 1,219,651 878,011 2,795,862 1,142,074 2,941,063 1,911,830 Quinquennial average-1936·-41 .. 243,931 175,602 559,173 228,415 588,213 382,366 194H2 251,833 189,747 548,803 277,148 563,116 459,102 1942-43 200,717 137,404 686,599 147,197 623,378 389,711 1943·44 221,694 154,134 581,595 155,315 595,739 358,303

1944-45 214,l21 145,141 573,420 197,632 643,,)17 ~79,974 1945.46 204,538 142,824 594,976 165,144 636,964 395,381 Total'for 1941-46 1,992,803 769,250 2,905,393 942,436 3,062,214 1,982,471 Quinquennial average-1941-46 .. 218,561 153,850 581,079 188,487 612,443 396,494 1946-47 222,059 145,378 587,685 141,922 613,464 391,043

1947-48 24),471 171,306 609,6D2 194,320 637,032 336,820 1948-49 209,010 153,655 575,891 150,172 683,416 386,525 1949-50 199,427 158,336 566,982 185,385 645,814 '101,755 1950-51 238,953 190,615 591,965 197,727 646,351 405,461 Total for 1946-51 1,109,920 819,290 2,932,125 869,526 3,226,077 1,921,604 Quinquennial average--1946~-51 ... 221,984 163,858 586,425 113,905 645,216 384,321

-.------.The to~al irr;;..-;-~d non-fo"d crop"'~;;;-dhown jn~lumn no. 54 will not correspond with tt':; tot~;-;;iirrigated ar~;---"b~~-fur­ individual non-food crops owing to the omission of the irrigated areaS of oertain crops. 201

Statistics-(tontd. )

.Al:ea - (concld.)

Net area oropped during Area oropped more than Zaid Total the year once

Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

60 61 64 65 66--

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

7,463 7,234 1,084,336 473,584 872,3~4 401,106 212,032 72,478 8,440 8,059 1,130,670 446,132 875,646 384,227 255,024 61,905 7,466 7,331 1,180,295 666,803 844,358 482,945 335,937 183,858 11,436 11,104 1,072,361 6,~.021 809,051 468,746 263,310 171,275 8,6J9 8,434 1,102,836 602,860 859,542 451,383 243,294 151,471 43,414 42,168 5,570,498 2,829,400 4,260,901 2,188,407 1,309,597 640,993 8,683 8,433 1,114,100 565,880 852,180 437,681 261,920 128,199 5,818 5,726 1,148,459 505,626 879,579 402,361 268,880 103,265 8,176 8,085 1,108,617 ;32,475 879,950 439,002 228,667 93,473 7,965 7,747 1,181,784 399,066 870,620 338,095 311,164 60,971 9,736 9,322 1,077,306 435,503 855,136 377,359 222,170 58,144 6,647 6,501 1,120,627 455,602 867,312 375,262 253,315 80,340 38,342 37,381 5,63(),793 2,328,272 4,352,597 1,932,079 1,284,196 396,193 7,668 1,416 1,127,359 465,654 870,520 386,416 256,839 79,238 7,113 6,880 1,137,422 431,245 814,590 369,354 262,832 61,891 8,289 8,037 1,159,460 596,301 876,906 445,370 282,554 150,931 9,414 9,279 1,099,444 689,058 814,825 518,864 284,619 170,194 7,560 ·7,317 1,205,029 688,259 890,086 496,633 314,943 191,626 7,356 7,129 1,175,302 687,683 885,591 534,233 289,711 153,450 39,732 38,642 5,776,657 3,092,546 4,341,998 2,364,454 1,434,659 728,092 7,946 7,728 1,155,332 618,509 868,400 472,891 286,932 145,618 9,648 9,484 1,121,567 745,734 843,124 551,062 278,443 194,672 6,576 6,472 1,236,553 543,380 913,065 456,147 323,488 87,233 6,732 6,334 1,184,O6() 519,952 909,711 445,454 274,355 74,498 7,063 7,028 1,223,500 584,634 909,229 467,264 314,271 117,370 7,432 7,341 1,239,372 567,866 916,309 468,085 323.063 99,781 37,451 36,659 6,005,058 2,961,566 4,491,438 2,388,012 1,513,620 573,554 7,490 7,332 1,201,012 592,313 898,288 477,602 332,724 114,711 5,966 5,646 1,207,115 538,611 912,050 470,666 295,065 61,945 6,766 6,664 1,253,400 537,804 919,672 438,343 333,728 99,461 7,673 7,571 1,266,980 544,268 917,500 469,570 349,480 74,698 8,259 8,179 1,221,055 595,319 918,497 491,335 302,558 103,984 6,431 6,241 1,244,747 609,429 926,545 514,036 318,202 95,393 35,095 34,31)1 6,193,297 2,825,431 4,594,264 2,383,950 1,599,033 441,481 7,019 6,S60 1,233,660 565,086 91S,853 476,790 319,801 88,296 202



---_------_- Irrill.. ted Irrigated

------Government Private Wells Year canals canals Reservoirs Tube Other Total _. I 2 -3 ------4 5 Eo 'I

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acre~ Aores 1901-02 215,237 4,813 207,596 1902-03 193,683 4,890 183,700 1903·04 206,778 6,095 198,460 1904-05 186,439 6,394 156,124 1905-06 256,682 3,019 229,091 Totalfor 1901-06 .. 1,058,819 25,211 974,971 Quinquennial average-1901-06 211,764 5,042 194,994

1906-01 182,125 .. 146,870 1'107-08 242,628 234,G99 1908-~9 208,588 163,129 1909-10 181,537 158,858 1910-11 152,595 121,181 Total for 1906-11 973,473 824,131 Quinquennial average-1906-11 194,695 164,827

1911-12 205,091 177,037 1912-13 204,241 185,549 1913-14 211,634 236,540 1914-15 213,011 180,468 1915-16 229,641 220,422 Total for 1911-16 1,063,618 1,000,016 Quinquennial average -1911- 16 .. 212,724 200,0030

1916·17 193,538 174,621 1911-18 206,737 174,695 1918-19 228,379 202,893 1919-20 222,667 187,560 1920-21 209,148 220,102 Total for 1916-21 .. 1,061,069 959,871 Quinquennial average-1916-21 212,214 191,974

1921-22 191,035 165,700 1922-23 189,827 174,601 1923-24 136,298 105,819 1924-25 149,048 133,923 1925-26 208,944 180,389 Total for 1921-26 875,152 760,432 QuinquenIiiala"erage-1921-26 .. 175,031 152,086 ------Stat~8tiGs:...-(contd. )


area. Number of \Veils

by.,- Masonry Non-masonry New masonry wells buil~ during the Number Other Actually Actually year included of sources Total used Available us.ed Available in column 11 reservoirs

·8-----9 - -10 --_ .. ·-11---· .... ·-· --~'12- ... ---. 13 ~---~- _--_---. Acres Antes

4,908 432,554 . '13,820 5,076 343 148 4,388 386,661 13,886 5.168 283 732 5,394 416,727 14,054 5,492 214 849 2,351 351,3!4 13,184 5,970 383 1,263 7,686 496,478 14,108 7,539 500 1,260 24,133 2,083,734 69,652 29,245 1,723 4,852 4,947 416,747 13,930 5,849 34S 970

1,685 336,680 10,958 14;479 6,087 7,054 709 11,456 488,183 12,953 14,997 7,58l 8,022 546 5,365 377,082 11,991 15,323 6,852 7,710 552 5,973 352,368 11,813 15,575 6,684 7,611 425 6,363 280,139 11,446 15,743 6,253 7,492 292 16,842 1,834,452 . 59,161 76,111 33,457 37,889 2,524 7,368 366,890 11,833 15,223 6,691 7,578 50s

8,532 390,660 12,460 15,936 6,154 7,634 329 8,E'46 398,436 12,466 J6,121 6,802 7,692 321 9,899 458,073 13,748 16,492 1,564 8,259- 486 JI,012 404,491 13,166 16,846 7,276 8,101 508 8,212 458,275 14,133 17,281 7,919 . 8,578 674 46,301 2,109,935 65,973 . 82,676 36,315 40,264 2,318 9,260 421,987 13,195 16,535 7,263 8,OSl 464

1,m 315,936 13,155 17,407 7,411 8,200 370 10,525 391,957 12,131 17,429 6,740 7,506 268 4,535 435,801 14,090 17,585 6,775 7,590 292

6,25~ 416,483 13,582 17,736 6,685 7,455- 294

5,88~ 435,735 14,272 17,862 6.675 7,471 249 34,978 2.055,918 67,836 88,019 34,286 38,222 1,413 4,996 411,184 13,5(i7 17,(i04 6,857 7,644. 295

5,106 361,841 13,504 18,055 6,077 7,061 293' 5,635 310,063 13,295 18,182 5,841 6,815 244 2,652 244.7Ci9 11,959 18,2% 5,343 6,558 226 3,816 286,787. 12,270 18,423 4,776 6,039 226 4,791 394,124 13,194 18,610 4,213 5,219 284 22,000 1,657,584 (i4,222 91,566 26,250 31,692 1,273 4,400 331,517 12,844 18,313 5,250- 6,338 255 Agrroultl1ra 1


_~ Ir~~ted ~ --,~ -~~'~-"------_---- .-~------.~------

_~ill'a~ed --~~----- _--- ._ ------_ -

Wells Governmellt Private Year ca.nal.e canal. Reservoirs Tube Other Total

~--- --I---~------3-- 2 5 6 i~- ---~-. ------" ~- Acres Aores Acres Acres Acre. Acres 1926-27 212,195 183,625 1927-28 204,619 173,193 1928·29 254,816 222,035 192~·30 250,911 210,911 1,)30:31 248,403 191,180 TotaHor 1926-31 .. 1,171,604 986,950 QUinquennial average- 1926-31 .. 234,32i 197,390

1931-32 211,358 179,133 1932·33 228,997 2C3,526 1933-34 111,400 156,027 1934-35 193,718 179,'197 1935-36 191,631 118,655 Total for 1931-36 .. 1,009,110 896,838 QUinquennial average-193l-36 .. 201,822 179,368

1936-31 183,463 181,632 1931-38 216,964 36,640 182,724 1938-39 ., 252,716 256,155 1939-40 231,410 53,Q42 204,032 251,074 194()·41 255,316 61,842 208,514 210,416 Total for 1936-41 .. 1,139,869 36~O 1,148,601 . Quinquennial average-1936-41 227,974 7,328 229,720

~1941·42 262,780 62,790 220,113 282,903 1942·43 226,571 57,947 165,995 223,942 1943-44 220,409 60,844 159,144 219,988 1944-45 223,768 66,753 171,285 238,038 1945-46 226,086 69,447 166,107 235,554 Total for 1941-46 .. 1,159,620 317,781 882,644 1,200,425 Quinquennial average-1941-46 .. 231,'l24 63,'l56 176,529 240,085

1946·47 223,714 85,125 155,254 240,379 1947-48 215.182 85,592 132,824 218,416 1948-49 223,091 97,391 143,112 240,503 1949-50 228,857 99,694 156,046 255,740 195()-51 235,115 108,849 163,648 272,497 Total for 1946-51 .. 1.126,019 476,651 750,884 1,227,'l35 Quinquennial average-1946-51 .. 225,204 95,330 150,177 245,507 ---.-- 200 -

Statistics - (condd.)

Area-(collcld. )

arl!6 Number of wella

by- New masonry Masonry Non-ma.sonTY wells built during the Number Other Actually Actually year included of souroes Total used Available used Available in column II reservoirs ------8 --9------10----- 11 12 13 14 15 -----~~ ... ------.----.------~-. ---_------~------Acres Acree 4,686 401,106 13,584 18,866 4,406 5.233 '86

6,41' '384,227 1',575 19,1~ 4,,38 5.151 388

6,O~ 482,946 15.160 19,411 4,915 5,538 563

6,918 468,746 15,594 19,8)3 5,230 5.770 ~OO 5,800 451,383 15,401 20,138 5,751 6.392 391

Z9,8~'3 2,188,407 73,314 97,466 24,706 28,084 2,228 5,971 437,682 14,663 19,493 4,941 5,617 446

5,870 402,361 15,133 20,326 5,456 6,183 266 6,479 439,002 15,472 20,529 5,617 6,373 299 4,668 338,095 14,405 20,623 4,949 5,801 202

4,144 377,3~9 14,855 20,748 4,691 S,520 256

4,970 37~,262 14,800 20,931 4,524 5,326 289 26,131 1,932,079 74,665 103,157 25,237 29,209 1,312 5,226 386,4U; 14,93:' 20,6'31 5,047 5,842 :%62

4,259 369,354 14,424 21,091 4,276 5,009 '03 9,042 445,370 15,263 21,273 4,219 4,928 S03 9,'93 518,864 16,276 21,688 4,714 5,303 529

8,149 496,633 16,740 22,125 4,~14 5,266 599 8\501 534,233 17,191 22,768 4,473 5,101 1,'93 39,344 2,364,454 79,894 108,951 22,4S6 25,607 3,127 7,869 472,891 15,979 21,790 4,491 5,121 6lS

5,~19 551,062 18,162 23,396 4,989 5,548 764 5,628 456,147 17,214 23,695 4,368 5,203 454 5,057 445,454 16,724 23,843 3,927 4,755 235 5,458 467,264 16,963 23,985 4,121 4,815 258 6,445 468,085 16,827 24,097 3,875 4,636 250 27,967 2,388,012 85,890 .119,016 2-1,280 24,957 1,961 5,593 477,602 17,178 23,803 4,256 4,991 392

6,513 470,666 16,588 24,323 3,542 4,323 331 4,745 438,343 16.187 24;616 3,401 4,314 106 5,976 469,570 16,031 24,756 2,869 3,6'!l 220 6,738 491.335 16,506 25,014 2,793 3,559 356 6,424 514,036 17,110 25,536 2,691 3,439 654 30,396 2,383,950 82,422 124,245 15,302 19,332 1.667 6,079 476,790 16,484 24,849 3,060 3,866 333 206 Live.Stock nd Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1920-5l

Numbe~ enumerated in

------.----~~------1951 1944 1935 1930 1925 192()

Partillulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Total Total Total

----7---8- ·----9 2 4 --5---· 6


Total 400,739 385,280 15,459 361,747 344,444 17,303 319,002 328,883 384,274 338,448 Males 272,362 263,305 9,057 243,306 232,992 10,114 208,192 Female. 128,377 121,97'1 6,402 118,441 111,452 6,989 110,810

(AJ Males (over 3 years) 223,199 216/)95 1,104 193p35 185,811 7,818 162;15 110p33 192,566 173:114

(i) Breeding bulls, i. e., 80 67 13 152 134 18 291 entire malee over ara kept or used for breeding purposes only (it) Working bullooks. 221,465 214,772 6,693 191,177 184,112 7 fJ65 160,332 i. e., bullocks and unoa.- hated males over 3 years kept for work only ('U) Bull. and Bullocks Ip54 1,256 398 2,306 1,571 735 1,592 over 3 years not in use for breeding or work (other bulls)

(B) Females (over 3 years) 81p84 77,803 3,881 11,034 66,160 4,274 10,574 84,835 74,4J4 (tl Breeding cows, i. e., 81,411 77/>91 3,780 10,140 66,547 4,193 63,413 cows over ::I years kept for breeding or milk prodnotion (0) In milk 40,709 38,389 2,320 42M2 39,348 2,704

(b) Dry 36,364 35,117 1,247 24,813 23,440 1,313

(0) Not calved 4,398 4,185 213 3,875 3,759 116 (Ol) Cows over :3 years 6 4 2 . 61 17 50 used for work only (iiiJ Other cows over 3 107 108 99 121 196 31 1,129 years not in use for work or breeding purposes

(C) Young Stock (3 years and under)

Total 95,856 91,381 4,474 91/}18 91,861 5;11 91,245 81 p16 106,873 90,110

Males 49,163 47,210 1,953 49,611 47,175 2,496 45:111 Females 46p93 44,172 2,521 41,401 44,692 2,715 45;68 (i) Under I year

Total 45,884 43,426 2,458 45,609 42,688 2,921 28,771 Malee 23,662 22,631 1,031 23,278 21,878 1,400 14;32 Females 12;22 20,795 1,427 22,33/ ZO,81O 1,521 14,545

(it) I to ~ years

Total 49,972 47,956 1,016 51,469 49,179 2,290 62,468 Male. '25,501 24.579 . 922 26,393 25,297 1,096 31,145 Females 24,411 23,377 1,094 25,016 23,882 1,194 30,723


Total 318,653 307,660 10,993 302,339 290,074 i2,265 285,812 257,455 .288,378 210,6S7 Males 30,937 29,197 1,740 34,6tl • 32,~0 2,011 39,919 Female. 287,716i 278,463 9,253 267,728 257,474 10,254 245,893 207 Live·Stock and Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1920-51-(contd.)

Number enumera.ted in

1951 1944 1935 1930 1925 1920

Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Huml Urban Total Total Total Total

1.- 4 5 6 9 lU 11

(A) Males (over 3 years) 6,526 51>75 851 4,514 3,912 662 6,867 4,536 6,334 6,840

(il Breeding bulls, i.e., 165 155 10 133 124 9 836 entire mah~s over 3 ye~rs kept or used for breedmg PUl'poses only (ii) Working bullocks, i.e., 6,128 5,395 733 4,270 3,686 584 bullocks and uncastratod males over 3 years kept for work only 233 125 108 , (iii) Bulls and bullocks 171 102 69 349 ovaL' 3 years nob in use for br<-~ediog or work (other bulls)

(B) Females (over 3 years) 190,060 183,971 6/}88 165,450 158,911 6,539 144,116 138,235 145,600 112,184 (i) Breeding cows, i.e., 189,699 183,725 5,974 165,001 158,555 6,446 140,394 cows over 3 years kept for breadi og or milk prod uc- tion 91,077 '88,123 2,954 91,737 87,766 (a) In milk 3,971 88,~05 85,624 2,681 60,813 58,527 2,286 (b) Dry 10,317 9,978 339 12,451 (0) Not calved 12,262 189 (ii) Cows over 3 years Jl4 7,} 35 154 110 44 usod for work only

(iii) OUler cows over 3 247 168 79 295 246 49 3,18~_ years not In use for work or bl'eeding purpo::.(lS

(0) Young Stock (3 years and under)

Total 122,067 1181113 4,054 132,315 127,251 5,064 134,'169' 114,684 136,444 91,533

Males 24,411 23,522 889 30,037 28,688 1,349 33,052"

}I'CInales 97,656 94,491 3,165 102,278 98,563 3,715 IOJ,717"

(i) Under 1 ye,,"

Total 64,668 62,221 2,447 67,627 64,802 2,825 66,863

Males 18,780 18,106 674 24,168 23,144 1,024 25,591 45,888 44,115 1,773 43,459 41,658 1,801 41,272"

(ii) I to 3 years

Total 51,199 55,792 1,607 64,688 62,449 2,239 67,906

Males 5,631 5,416 215 5,869 5,544 325 7,461

I;~emales 51,768 50,376 1,392 58,819 56,9U5 1,914 60,445

III-SHEEP 14,320 13,796 524 32,133 30,910 1,223 33,156 ~8,753 32,428 46,497

(il Upto 1 year 1,884 1,860 24 7,532 7,289 243

(ii) 1 to 3 years ..

Total 5,012 4,649 363 24,601 23,621 980

Males 932 875 57 2,455 2,297 158

Females 4/}80 3,774 306 22,146 21,324 822

liii) Over 3 years

Total 1,424 7,287 137

Males '123 707 16

Females 6,701 6,580 121 208

Live-Stock and Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1920-51-(t·ontd.)

Number enumerated in

1951 1944 1935 L930 1925 1920

PartioulBrS Total Rural Urbau Total Rural Urban Total Total Total

3 6 7 8 9 - iO ---u----- r ---__--

IV-GOATS 38,530 33,320 5,210 66,056 58,683 7,373 63,826 69,614 83,735 50,048

(i) Up to I year .. 7,059 6,067 992 22,363 20,026 2,331

(ii) I to 3 years Total 13,529 11,596 1,933 43,693 38,657 5,036 Males 3,242 2,775 467 5,455 4,931 524 Females 10,287 8,821 ',466 38,238 33,726 4,512

(iii) Over 3 years Total 11,942 15,657 2,285 Males 1,512 1,308 , 204 Females 16,4JO 14,349 2,081

V-HORSES AND PONIES .. 8,650 7,854 796 8,379 7,105 1,274 10,964 11,103 13,272 12,002 (il Opto 1 year .. 351 325 26 5.18 S06 32 (iiI 1 to 3 years .. Total 1,5Z9 1,448 81 905 842 63 Males 646 606 40 3B8 355 33 Females 88J 842 41 511 487 30

(iii) Over 3 years

Total 6,110 6,081 689 6,936 5,757 1,179 Males 2,654 2,255 399 1,551 1,874 683 Females 4,116 3,826 290 4,319 3,883 496

VI-DONKEYS 15,429 13,363 2,066 13,99S 12,248 1,747 15,554 14,714 Ui,767 15,303

(i) Upto I ye~.r .. 893 846 47

(it) I to 3 year Total 2,185 ',Z,537 248 .,Males 1,422 1,259 163 lFemales 1,363 1,278 85

~i#) Over 3 years

Total 11,151 9,980 1,771 Males 6,221 4,891 1,330 Females 5,530 5,089 441 vn-OTHER ANIMALS 24,397 22,102 2,29S 15,567 14,386 1,181 1,389 1,106 1,003 8911 (i) Mules 1,644 1,463 181 JP71 913 98 84J 145 103 654 (it) Camels 2,548 Z,498 50 815 750 65 646 361 JOO 345 (iii) Pigs 20,205 18,141 2,064 13,681 12fJ63 1,018 \lUI-POULTRY 55,568 42,525 13,043 42,314 '30,780 1l,s34

(i) Fowls 53,760 41,578 12,182 41,246 30,329 tOP17

(a) Hens 17,723 13,294 4,429 18,960 13,651 5,309

(b) Co<\ks 8,274 6,793 1,481 5,810 4,271 1,539

(0) Chickens 27,763 21,491 6,272 16,476 12,407 4,069

(it) Ducks 1,808 947 861 11)68 451 617

(a) Ducks 911 419 492 471 208 263

(b) Dukes 393 280 113 - :202 125 77

(0) Ducklings 504 248 256 395 118 271 209 Live-Stock and Agricultural Machinery and IiIlplements, 1920-51-(concJd.)

Number enumerated in ----_ 1951 1944 1935 1930 '1925 1920

----__ .. -~- -- Partioulars Total Rural Urban Total Ru"al Urban Total ',rotal Total Total

------6------2 T 4 5 -~T B 10 11- 1 ------.~ lX-PLOUGHS 109,195 106,213 2,922 99,411 96,521 2,944 18,800 83,066 91,962 84,012 (i) Desi (Wooden) 108,619 105,737 2,882 99,004 96,0'14 2,930 18.,3'18

(ti) Imp~oved (Iron) 516 536 40 461 453 14 422 X-CARTS 45,624 44,653 971 33,340 32,274 1,066 26,772 28,525 29,205 22,438 XI-SUGARCANE CRUSHERS 2,989 2,792 197 3,582 3,295 281 3,136 (i) Worked by power 132 126 6 20 19 33

(oi) Worked by bullocks 2,851 2,666 191 3,562 3,376 286 3,103 XU-OIL ENGINES 18 71 7 13 11 2 9 XIII-ELECTRIC PUMPS 91 75 16 163 150 13 25 XIV -TRACTORS 72 65 7 6 I) 19

XV-GHANIS 1,549 1,179 370 2,156 I~ 616 1,914

(i) More tban 5 seers l,'lNJ 969 211 (") Less than 5 seers 369 210 159 ------_._---_._------_--- 210 list of Primary Schools

Number of I Number of pupils on pupils on Serial January I, Serial January I, no. Name of the School 1951 no. Name of the School 1951 -3- -\-, - "3 TEHSIL ANUPSHAHR Debai Municipal Board School

District Board Schools 88 Municipal Board School 274 I Gaina Gobardbanpur 123 An\Jpshahr Municipal Board Schools 2 Surkbru 114 3 Talwar 112 89 D. B. School 164 4 I\"urBnpur 60 90 Achhub School 146 5 .son,jna Jhauya 129 91 r.lami!< School 54 6 Rajor 123 92 Gandhi Basik School .. 65 7 Mavai 86 93 Yagya Dutt Bhola Dutt School 152 8 Urnrari 71 94 Jain Pathshala (Girls) 75- 9 Unchagaon 82 95 Arya Pathshala (Girls) 201 10 Dangarh 66 96 Jahangirabad (Girls) 128 II Biloni Sultanpur 63 97 Belon .. 45 12 Kalkatti IQ9 13 Mohammadpur Kalan 60 TEHSIL BULANDSHAHR 14 Baderkna Sheerbas 77 15 Sirora 80 District Board Schools 16 Dhakrauli 61 17 Darora 69 1 Dhakauli 75 18 Gar"hra 110 2 Dhamera Salehabad 99 19 Kothera Kuran .. " 90 3 Olina 90 20 Jaser 84 4 Pabsara 104 21 Satoh" 116 5 Barhana 114 22 Kaser Kalan 111 6 Hajipur •• 105 23 Tauli 85 7 Gadhiya Maupur 65 24 Chiroli 4~ 8 Pondri 135- 25 Darawar 57 9 Mahmoodpur 110 26 Riwara R6 10 Sarai Lonhga 76 27 BhiroJi 27 II Budhana 125 28 Ajnara 92 12 Anhm'ft 120 29 Raghunathpur % 13 N<1g1aKatak 96 30 Kakrai 77 14 Aqapur Tiyana .. 88 31 Pilakbni 5<> 15 Dadwa Mustafabad 96 32 Amba 66 16 Yakoobpur .. 116 33 Dungra Jutt 74 17 Girdhal'pllr Nawada 78 34 Dogavan 84 ,8 Gangera ~uner8 ... 84 35 Dharampur II? 19 Ghansoorpur .. 98 36 Pilakhna 60 20 Sheikhpur G"rhwa 100 37 nhimpur 89 21 Mironi •• 96 38 Aurangahad Kaser 67 22 Chand pur Poothi 89 39 Narainpur 43 23 Achejha Ghat 77 40 Keera,tp"r 68 24 Rijhora 68 41 Khush Hala Bad .. 73 25 Hl'lzratpur .. 81 42 Chandiyana 45 26 Sharifpur Bhanaroli 10\ 43 Kanhera 45 27 Asifabad Chandpur 56 44 Amargarh 226 28 Bohich 165- 45 Belon 140 29 Muquimpur 104 46 Danpu< .. 124 30 Surjaoli 99 47 Daula!'pur Deba; 149 31 Khaliya 110 48 puraoli 1\7 32 Buklana 144 49 Jadol 18~ 33 Bhikarnpur 77 50 Jatpum 11<) 34 UtroH •. 114 51 Jargavan 159 35 Mithna Jagatpur 69 52 Khal1pur 198 36 Shiwali 97 53 Katiyaoli 221 37 Gsngaoli 78 54 Khalor 23? 38 Samkola 73 55 Malakpur 21q 39 Bhansaklwr 83 56 Karan Bas \21 40 Pipala 64 57 Nabinagar 237 11 Rookhi 5~ 58 Makhena 224 42 Nayabans 66 59 Jahangirabad 275 43 Dhaniyaoli 90 60 Anupshahr 16Sl, 44 Mahav 73 61 Parwana 236 45 Lalner 64 62 Rhiroli 33 46 Baroda 8~ 63 r.adana 119 47 Jirnjpur 75 64 Daulatpur Ah"r 137 48 Sherpur 83 65 Shikoi 142 49 Pachota 79 66 Nabipnr Kbariya 79 50 Harchana (Girls) 46 67 Bibiyana 109 51 Sathla (Girls) 54 68 KhBdana 99 52 Ahamdanagar 1?8 69 Badpura 99 53 Orangabad 171 70 Khandoi 71 54 Banahpur 132 7\ Rora 107 55 Banboi 129 72 Kharakbari 82 56 Bugra.i 119 73 Amarpur 62 57 Baroli Basdeopur 166 74 Parli 94 5g Bhatona 195 75 Kanona 191 59 Bhon Bahadurnagar 166 76 Rampur 135 60 Bechra R6 '17 Narsena 156 6\ Chitson 175 78 Mohersa 105 62 Chandokh 154 79 Indor 84 63 Jaul; 160 8D Bagsara II') 64 Jaialpur 104 81 Soherkha 32 65 Kota 139 82 Raj Ghat 84 66 Kailawan 152 83 Umr.. ra 39 67 Loherkha 78 84 RamGI, ..t 7\ 68 Manglor 181 85 Sankhni 34 69 Mirzapur 114 86 Jiroli 57 70- Nisurkha 139 87 Ahar 23 71 Balka 211 211

List of Primary Schools-(contd.)

Number of Number of pupils on pupils on Serial January I, Serial January I, nco Name of the School 1951 no. Name of the School 1951

T 3 -I 2 -3

TEHSIL BULANDSHAHR-(concld.) 9 Bagsri 73 10 Chandpur Sbabpur 44 'District Board Schools-(collcld.) II Nagl.. Daulatpur 59 12 Kaneni Bedrampur 54 72 NOMna 48 13 K"la Khuri 109 13 Nsithla -118 14 Rsniya~li 59 74 flarai Chsbila 183 15 Bsdha 64 75 Sathla 147 16 .Jawa 75- 16 Sihi 151 17 Ronijba 96 77 Vera Firauzpur 174 18 Mangroli 93 78 Saidpur 274 19 Neemka 135- 79 lIartauli 131 20 Agora Mirpur 53 80 Ghunghraoli 149 21 Araniya Maujpur 13 81 Siana 275 22 Moonda Karimpur 90 82 Shikarpur 384 23 Muhi Uddinpur 95 83 Gulaothi 241 24 Narao 52 84 Utr"oli 122 25 Bankapur 130 85 Agota 129 26 Papilka 65 86 Mandona 138 27 Gangrol 92 87 Risola 58 28 Kishorpllr 122 88 Chitsolla 149 29 Pharekna IOc) 89 Kurli 142 30 Choroli 117 90 Badhs Bazidpur __ I'll 31 I(unwarpur 43 91 Dehra 88 32 Lslgarhi 67 92 Lakhaoti 2M 33 Hasanpur Ladooki 62 93 Dhamerha Kirat ., 124 34 Firozpur 107 94 Hatmabad 81 35 Araniya Kh urd 86 95 Rahmapur Siaoli .. 120 36 Keoli Kalan 53 96 Maukrhi 147 37 Usmanpur 52 97 Sega 103 38 Dharaoon 117 98 Kutchesar 185 39 Palra 76 99 Nimchana 142 40 Hazratpur 82 100 Veri 129 41 Ga.van 65 101 O)edha 109 42 Da..hehro. 92 )02 t'hhaprawILt Harchana 181 43 Naiphal 36 103 Bisundra 114 44 Jarllra 74 104 Bhoor 109 45 Rampur 48 105 Allchru Kalan 88 46 Gangasarh 141 106 Ladp'lr 189 47 Jatol" 46 )07 Machkauli 181 48 Machhar 44 108 Malagarh 95 49 Ramgarhi 63 109 JaJl1lpur Kari.a 106 5~ Danver 57 110 'l'haJ Inayatpur 86 51 Deorar 33 111 Sikherhu 92 52 Chhanchhli 39 112 Darveshpur 95 53 Chhatanga Khurd· 18 113 Luharli 81 54 Haso.npur 64 114 Jasne.oli Khurd 10'7 55 Hisara. .. 35: 115 Bhainsora 92 56 Kurev 51 116 Kh .. d 117 57 Donka 76- 117 Khush Lalpur 121 58 Abamadgarh (girls} 5f 118 Salempur 112 59 Birampur 67' 119 Khakunda 83 60 Aterna liB; 120 Deoli 137 61 Ahmadgarh 132 121 Beehl.. 111" 86 62 Ba.tauli 126 122 Aurangahad 8.UZa. 105 63 Ching.aoli 14 123 Naya Bans 19 64 Chondhera 46 124 Shikarpur (D. C.) 120 65 Fazalpur 182 125 Badha Bazidpur (D. C.) 32 66 J ahangirpur 99 126 Kamalpur (Islamia) 71 67 Karora 222 -127 Chirawak (Islamia) 58 68 Banel 149- 128 Shikarpur (Islamia) 50 69 :Moonda Khe.a ,,9 129 l{ala;uli 69 70 Pindrawal 811 130 Guthaoli (Islamia) 19 71 Kahrola 131 121 Siana (Girls) 202 72 P"hasu 218 132 Shikarpur lGirls) -_ 124 73 Rauher", 123 14 Rabupura 13 1 Municipal Board Schools 75 Thora 108 76 Surjasli 164 133 Upp.r Kot 172 Meerpur 134 77 205 Dabipura 201 78 Muni .. 137 135 .Ruta Rc>ri 112 .rewer .. 136 7'" 208 Munshi Para 119 80 Sarangpur 127 137 KazfWara. 190 81 Dayanatpur 110 138 ;~hite.1 Gang 100 I 8? ChllllLari 1.39 Bazar 94 75 83 Diyorala 155 14O Groos Gang I'll 84 Soneta Shafipur 1-11 Shiva Puri 82 J()8 85 Bahlolpur 81 86 Dharpa .. TEHSIL KHURJA 113 87 Nagaliya Udaibhan 125 88 Panchganee Hamirpur District Board Schools 88 89 Nagl .. Karoli 123 O[) ,Jo.unchana 68 I Nat l'vIohammadpur 98 91 Jawel._ 2 Seekri 128 134 92 Phslooa 106 3 Sbahpur Pabasu 101 93 Lodone. 4 Sainda Faridpur 115 115 C!4 Maina 85 5 N!>galiya Takkar 91 95 Badgaon 6 Rampur 102 48 96 KiryaeJi 70 7 Sabitgarh 95 97 Soi 8 .Kamona 87 106 98 Shahpur Kalan .. 92

------~----~ ------~ _----- _'-_"------~.----.-- 212

List of Primary Schools- (contd.)

Number of Number of pupils on pupils On Serial ,Tn.nuary 1, Serial January 1 no. Name of the School 1951 no. Name of the School 1951 2 3 [ 2

TEHSIL KHURJA-(eoneld.) 46 Kulasra 29 47 Prahaiad Nagar .. 30 District Board Schools-(eone/d.) 48 Nithati 46 49 Navada 58 99 Gangaoli 67 5a Sirondhan 87 100 Bhaipur Brahamnan 63 51 Kasna 18 101 Digh; .. 45 52 Rillea 93 102 J ahangirpur (Girls) 31 53 Utraoli 116 103 Pabasu (Girls) 75 54 Choki 94 104 Kakore (Girls) 80 55 Gadana 82 105 Chhatari (Girls) .. 60 56 Chachoo!", 61 106 Thor", (Girls) 34 57 Chido!i 63 107 Banel (Girls) 62 58 Jauli 39 108 .Jewar (Girls) 75 59 Jauli 39 60 Ritauli W7 Municipal Board Schools 61 Bharara 63 62 Badalpur 41 109 Basic School No. I 2il 63 Hirdaypur 52 110 Ba.ic School No.2 322 64 Faridpur 42 III Ba"ic Schoo N·). 3 295 65 Rasanpur J ageer 65 112 Bas,e School No. 4 150 66 Roza Yakubpur ... 76 113 Basic School No. 5 137 67 Rasanpur Baksava 36 114 Basic School No. 6 141 68 Jamalpur 64 115 Basic School No.7 129 69 Imalya 56 116 Basic School No.8 136 70 Kaoli Khurd 57 117 Basio School No. 9 152 71 Mohammadpur Kal.,an 58 !l8 Bssic Sohool No. 10 137 72 Beerkhera 167 119 Basi" School No. II 85 73 Sanota 78 120 Ba"ic School No. 12 107 74 Gesupur (Girls) .. 46 121 Basio Sohool No. 13 65 75 Bisahra 125 122 Basio School No. 14 70 76 Bilsspur 98 123 Government Normal Training School. 102 77 Bhonra 176 124 Junior Rifaian Sohool . . . . 82 78 Chola 180 125 Madars8 Kusimululum 70 79 Dadri 199 126 Madarsa Khajinululum 91 80 Isapur 163 127 English recognised School .. 119 81 Ismailpur 159 128 Dbarmik Sobool " 290 82 Jhajher 125 83 Kakore 255 84 Jarcba 87 TEHSIL SIKANDRABAD 85 Masona 76 86 Sarai Gbasi 122 District Board Schools 87 Paraual 212 88 'Til Bagumpllr 62 1 Kamalpur 80 89 Piaoli 106 2 Kaloopura 92 90 Dhoom III 3 Kapna 129 91 Gesupur 165 4 Mahepa 79 92 Dankaur 139 5 Sadllliapur 83 93 Vedpura 63 6 Shahpur Goberdhanpur '10 94 Chipiana 79 7 Sadonpur .. 89 95 Ghori 132 8 Astauli 107 96 Dujana 151 9 Sharfabad 70 97 Mirz"pur Niloni .. 117 10 BiJsoori 115 98 Panchgaill Roopbans 59 II Cbhaprola 85 99 Baroda il4 J2 Milak Lachhi 86 100 Muhsna 153 il3 Mahincha \06 101 Dadupur 61 14 Kberpur 60 102 Wailalla 96 ~5 r.llotifpur 62 103 Chitehra 119 ,16 Sunpors 66 104 Chhalors 102 17 Saqipur 69 105 Gazibenipur 65 18 M&moora 63 106 Bisrakh Jslalpur 92 19 Ritbori 102 107 Chhol.. s 79 20 Junpat 88 108 Fatehpur .radon .. 103 21 Khanpur Sirs", 77 109 Dhanora 89 22 Junedpur 54 110 Achheja 87. 23 P",rthala 53 111 Khatana I !6 24 Dnryai 73 112 Deota 130 25 Hatewa 42 113 K .. londa 101 26 Ladpura 70 114 Chanderu 60 27 Birondi 57 115 Harala. 107 28 Ha\batpur 54 116 Soherkha Zahidabsd 51 29 Mada.\7er 81 117 Luh.uli 84 30 Mahaved 96 118 Pirangllrh 113 31 Sharakpur 84 1-19 Sainthli 80 32 Khanpur Chola .. 93 120 Adha 70 33 nalelgarh .. 54 121 Amka 51 34 Dbanori Khurd .. 81 122 Gejha .. 33 35 Salempur Gujar .. 94 123 Choora Sadatpur 48 36 Bambsver 95 124 Kishanpur 41 37 Salarpur 65 125 Chitee 45 38 Kheri 105 126 Chhainsa 41 39 Gaffar Garhi 60 127 Kondu 61 40 Khaohera Versabad 94 128 Dhamera Nara 64 .III Beechat 110 129 Danksur (D. C.) .. 27 42 Chbapraula 88 130 Dariyapur (Islam;a) 75 43 Pat.. di 39 131 Dankallr (Girls) .. 148 44 Sunpara .. 69 132 P"rsaul (Girls) '49 45 Aqnalpur Jagir 50 133 Kakore (Girls) 44 I -

I ---_ ------~---- -_._---- 213

List of Primary Schools-(condd.)

Number oj Number of pupils on pupilS on E:erial January 1 S~rial January 1. no. N 8me of the School 1971 no. Name of the Sohool 1951

~ .. I '·2--·'-· .. 1 .. -=----_____ L __ ~ __ -'3 - T)l:HSIL SIKANDRABAD-(concld.) 138 School No.5 104 139 School No.6 109 Municipal Board Schools-(concld.) 140 School No.1 127 141 School No.8 ... 93 134 Sohool No. 1 233 142 MaktabJallia Masjid 110 135 Sohool No.2 189 143 Jain PathBha.la ... 161 136 School No. :3 203 144 Aga.rwal PathBha.l" 198 \~1. '\;Aw"\."",,,,"_ ...~