Notification of an Emergency Authorisation issued by Estonia

1. Member State, and MS notification number


2. In case of repeated derogation: no. of previous derogation(s)


3. Names of active substances

Dimethoate - 400.0000 g/l

4. Trade name of Plant Protection Product

Danadim 40 EC

5. Formulation type


6. Authorisation holder

Cheminova A/S

7. Time period for authorisation

20/07/2020 - 20/10/2020

8. Further limitations

The derogation is granted only for the disposal, storage and use of existing stocks.

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9. Value of tMRL if needed, including information on the measures taken in order to confine the commodities resulting from the treated crop to the territory of the notifying MS pending the setting of a tMRL on the EU level. (PRIMO EFSA model to be attached)

Not relevant

10. Validated analytical method for monitoring of residues in plants and plant products.

Validated analytical method available.

11. Function of the product (E.g. systemic long acting insecticide; foliar fungicide, used for regular control, elimination scenario etc)

acaricide insecticide

12. Type of danger to plant production or ecosystem (Provide reasoning for what category the 120 day authorisation is given: quarantine pest; emergent pest, either invading non-native, or native; emerging resistance in a pest, etc. Whereas reference to the EU quarantine legislation may suffice for quarantine pests elaborate reasoning should be provided for the category 'any harmful pest')

Serious danger caused by frit ( frit) on winter cereals. There can be three generation cycles throughout the year. It is the third generation of adults emerging from pupae in late summer which presents a threat to autumn drilled crops. The maggots are able to survive in the decaying plant debris and can migrate to feed on the newly sown crop. This generation of frit fly maggots feed on the host plants throughout the winter months until pupating within the plants in spring to produce a new generation of adults. In the absence of effective pest control a significant risk of serious crop failure would remain.

13. Size and effect of danger (Describe shortly the area affected, the development over time of the infestation, and the agronomic and economic effects it has)

The area under winter cereals has been increasing from year to year and winter cereals are the most cultivated crops in Estonia. It can be very difficult to cultivate winter cereals without effective chemical control of Oscinella frit. Frit fly maggots can move from tiller to tiller and attacks on very young plants can lead to plant loss. In severe attacks in 2019 whole crops had had to be re-drilled where control measures had not been used.

14. Absence of any other reasonable means (Describe the alternative control measures (chemical, non-chemical and cultural) and indicate why they do not (in combination) suffice. Describe which, if any, authorisations for the pest to be controlled exist in other Member States.

Danger caused by Oscinella frit could not be contained by any other reasonable means. There are no insecticide alternatives with the same MoA against Oscinella frit. There are no biopesticides against Oscinella frit registered in Estonia. None of the alternative non-insecticide methods are practical, acceptable or established enough to substitute chemical pest management.The ministry of Rural Affairs commissioned a study in 2019 to examine the impact of withdrawal of insecticide dimethoate on Estonian agriculture. It was concluded in the study that currently there are no reasonable alternatives to control several cereal pests, including frit fly.

15. Rationale (Reason the risk management decision based on the findings of 15 to 18, containing especially a description of measures taken to ensure consumer protection).

The rationale for the use of dimethoate lies in the inherent practical advantages over contact insecticides. Frit fly is an emerging pest in Estonia. Currently the only active substance authorised for the same crops and against the same pest is thiacloprid. However, since thiacloprid is less effective than dimethoate in controlling frit fly and it should be applied several times in the early stages of crop establishment, it may be more dangerous and hostile to the environment. Moreover, the use of active Generated by PPPAMS - Published on 20/07/2020 - Page 2 of 5 early stages of crop establishment, it may be more dangerous and hostile to the environment. Moreover, the use of active substances with different mode of action classes is essential in effective resistance management. Due to the climate change and global warming, the increase of cereal pests, such as pests of the family Chrysomelidae, has been detected in recent years. Similarly to frit , a systemic insecticide is needed to control these pests.

16. Mitigation measures (Describe what mitigation measures are taken if needed for minimising risk to humans, , and the environment, attach summary risk assessment. Describe what measures are taken to limit and control use)

The conditions of the emergency authorization ensure careful management and monitoring of the emergency use. The derogation is granted only for the disposal, storage and use of existing stocks, sale and distribution of Danadim 40 EC is not allowed. Following restrictions must be followed: 1) It is prohibited to use Danadim 40 EC when plants are in flower 2) In the absence of flowering plants, it is allowed to use between 22:00 and 05:00. As an exception the control of frit fly is allowed during daytime on cereals in growth stage BBCH 20-29. To protect aquatic organisms respect an unsprayed buffer zone of 15 m to surface water bodies. Dimethoate containg products have been used in Estonia for several years. Since the grace period for dimethoate containing products expired on 30 June, the labelling of the products is still up-to-date.

17. Applications in progress (The use notified may have been applied for already, or a suitable alternative PPP may be in the process of authorisation. Describe such applications, including a possible date of authorisation)

There are no applications for cereal insecticides in progress.

18. Research activities (Describe the research efforts undertaken and/or in progress, their aims, their funding, and their expected date of results. This is needed for all categories of dangers, except quarantine pests that can still be eliminated, or infrequent pests, for which no official application for a normal authorisation or extension of use of the plant protection product exists. In case of a repeated notification: indicate the state of works of the research projects.)


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20 GAP

1 3 4 5 6 7 8/9 10 a/b 11 a/b 12 13 Use-No. Crop and/ Pests or Group of Application Application Rate PHI Remarks: or situation pests controlled Method / Timing / Max. number kg, L product g, kg as/ha Water (days) (crop destination (additionally: Kind Growth stage [min. interval / ha L/ha e.g. safener/synergist per ha / purpose of F developmental of crop & between a) max. rate a) max. rate e.g. recommended or crop) G stages of the pest season applications(days)] per appl. per appl. min / max mandatory tank mixtures or or pest group) I a) per use b) max. total b) max. total rate per rate per b) per crop/ crop/season crop/season season winter (HORVW) a) [ None ] (days) winter rye(SECCW) a) 0.5 l/ha 1 F Oscinella frit (Oscinella frit) 1 to 59^ G a) 1 200 g/ha (Dimethoate) / winter triticale(TTLWI) b) Major Use b) winter (TRZAW) b)

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21 MRL: Reference to product code number in Annex I of regulation (EC) No 396/2005 MRL: reference to products Pesticide residues EPPO Code for CROP Product Dimethoate HORVW winter barley 0.02 Barley Reg. (EU) 2020/703 (barley (winter)) SECCW winter rye 0.02 Rye Reg. (EU) 2020/703 (rye (winter)) TTLWI winter triticale 0.05 Wheat Reg. (EU) 2020/703 (triticale (winter)) TRZAW winter wheat 0.05 Wheat Reg. (EU) 2020/703 (soft wheat (winter))

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