Seanad E´Ireann

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Seanad E´Ireann Vol. 187 Wednesday, No. 20 21 November 2007 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES SEANAD E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Wednesday, 21 November 2007. Business of Seanad ………………………………1537 Order of Business …………………………………1537 The Irish Market in a Globalised Economy: Statements …………………1558 Seafood Industry: Statements ……………………………1592 Postal Services: Motion ………………………………1617 Adjournment Matters Farm Waste Management ……………………………1649 Estate Management Companies …………………………1651 1537 1538 SEANAD E´ IREANN There are no objections from this side of the House to the issues raised. No Member of this ———— House should be lied to or misled by another Member or by anybody making a presentation or De´ Ce´adaoin, 21 Samhain 2007. otherwise responsible to this House. The credi- Wednesday, 21 November 2007. bility of some people is open to question and the reputation of institutions is being badly damaged. ———— A few weeks ago the Department of the Envir- onment, Heritage and Local Government seemed Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar to indicate through the words of its Minister of 10.30 a.m. State, Deputy Batt O’Keeffe, in this House that it was aware in October 2006 that housing starts ———— were going to slow down. However the Depart- ment of Finance made a number of forecasts to Paidir. all the political parties that indicated the econ- Prayer. omy would go well for at least the next three years. Six months after the last general election ———— we are now told this is not the case and the situation has changed in the housing market. Business of Seanad. It is clear to everybody that things are not An Cathaoirleach: I have notice from Senator going well. One of the most amazing comments I John Paul Phelan that, on the motion for the have heard in the past few days is that the Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to Taoiseach is trying to say the downturn in the raise the following matter: housing market had to happen. That is how he The need for the Minister for the Envir- has dismissed the crisis in the economy. Some six onment, Heritage and Local Government to or 12 months ago the Taoiseach and the Minister outline the feasibility of putting in place a for Finance said everything was well with the national scheme to adequately deal with farm housing market but that is not the case. Many waste materials other than plastic, e.g. spray have been fooled into borrowing large amounts containers, medicine bottles, fertilizer bags, of money. The Taoiseach and the Minister for etc., and when such a scheme might be Finance should issue a statement on why their implemented in the future. forecasts were so wrong, what the Department of Finance knew before the election, what it knows I have also received notice from Senator Dominic now and whether we were misled on economic Hannigan of the following matter: forecasts before the general election. The need for the Minister for the Justice Deputy Carey should send the Garda Sı´ocha´na Equality and Law Reform to clarify the posi- to Government Buildings, not to RTE as he tion on legislation regarding the regulation of announced, on that other issue on which people estate management companies. have been misled, namely whether a Government Minister took cocaine. It may not be true, I regard the matters raised as suitable for dis- however if we are to be serious about the cocaine cussion on the Adjournment and they will be epidemic in our society, let us debate in this taken at the conclusion of business. House what we should do about it. Have we views on mandatory drug testing or could we use Order of Business. softer options to reduce the amount of cocaine Senator Donie Cassidy: The Order of Business consumed? is No. 1, statements on the challenges and oppor- We should not go on a witch hunt after a tunities to the Irish labour market in a globalised journalist who may or may not have made up the economy, to be taken at the conclusion of the story that a Government Minister took cocaine. Order of Business and to conclude not later than Cocaine is a serious problem. Let us debate what 2 p.m. if not previously concluded; business will we can do about it, whether they be hard or soft be interrupted from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.; No. 2, options. statements on the Cawley report, to conclude not The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law later than 5 p.m. if not previously concluded, Reform has been asked on numerous occasions spokespersons to speak for ten minutes and all to come to the House to discuss issues such as other Senators for eight minutes and Senators gangland killings. There is a need to show how may share time by agreement of the House and accountable the Minister and Garda Com- the Minister to be called upon to respond for the missioner are to this House. More than a year final five minutes of each debate; No. 13, Private ago we were promised that the Leas Cross report Members’ motion 32, re the postal services, to be would be sent to the Garda Commissioner to taken at the conclusion of No. 2. examine whether anybody should be prosecuted for the deaths of patients at Leas Cross. What Senator Liam Twomey: I am taking the Order happened there was a scandal and a disgrace to of Business on behalf of Senator Fitzgerald. our health services. What was a greater scandal 1539 Order of 21 November 2007. Business 1540 [Senator Liam Twomey.] Senator Camillus Glynn: He is getting it all in. was how Ministers and senior officials in the Health Service Executive washed their hands of Senator Liam Twomey: I would appreciate an their responsibilities and described it as a system answer on all the issues I raised. error. If the Leas Cross report was sent to the Garda Commissioner, the Minister for Justice, Senator Terry Leyden: Bring back Frances. Equality and Law Reform should indicate whether any criminal prosecutions will follow or Senator Joe O’Toole: The matter I wish to whether the Commissioner has quietly shelved raise was mentioned yesterday by Senator the report. It is important that the House be Fitzgerald. We should be given an indication of informed of progress when it requests that some- the Government’s legislative programme. At thing be done. This issue must be pursued. What present, six Seanad Bills are before the Da´il but are the views of the Garda Commissioner on the no legislation is coming to the Seanad from the Leas Cross report? Da´il. Can we have clarification on what is hap- Moving from the issue of misleading Members pening in the Da´il? This reflects badly on the of the House, there is a report in today’s news- House. Our programme of work over recent papers which indicates that Professor Drumm weeks has been light in terms of legislation. might not have been totally clear when he Is there a sense of instability and uncertainty in addressed Members two weeks ago. It is unbe- the Government at present, especially in the lievable. If I remarked in the House that the Fianna Fa´il Party with regard to the leadership of health reforms had stalled and that the health that party? It appears to be a constant theme. service is dysfunctional and very expensive, This is a serious point. Members on the Government side would accuse me of exaggerating and spreading rumours and Senator Jim Walsh: That was put to bed last would urge me to support the HSE and Professor night. Drumm. However, an internal memorandum Senator Camillus Glynn: He is not serious. from Professor Drumm to his managers clearly states that the health service reforms have stalled Senator Joe O’Toole: Will the Leader and that the health services are dysfunctional and clarify—— very expensive. I am aware that they are expensive—— An Cathaoirleach: The Senator should speak to the Order of Business. Senator Terry Leyden: He is very accurate. Senator Joe O’Toole: Perhaps the Taoiseach Senator Liam Twomey: ——but he should tell might be invited to the House to clarify his inten- Members of the House what he means when tions. I listened to him last night—— describing them as dysfunctional. What does he mean by saying that the health service reforms Senator Jim Walsh: He is staying on for five have stalled? He has held his position for the last years. He made that very clear last night. three years and the Minister, Deputy Harney, who has executive responsibility for health An Cathaoirleach: Senator O’Toole without services, says the health reforms are proceeding interruptions. as expected. There is due to be a meeting today with Professor Keane. He should be made aware Senator Joe O’Toole: I note the Taoiseach of what exactly can be achieved with regard to indicated last night that he would be around until reforming cancer services. I could speak further 2011 at least. That, coincidentally, is the same on that issue but there is no time. year as the next presidential election. Is it the intention of the Fianna Fa´il leader to do as Mr. Senator Terry Leyden: How long will this last? de Valera did—— Senator Liam Twomey: Professor Keane has Senator Jim Walsh: It is a possibility. his work cut out for him. The last issues I wish to raise are important so I will take this opportunity Senator Joe O’Toole: ——and move from here to do so. to the Phoenix Park in one swift movement? An Cathaoirleach: The Senator should be brief.
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