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Harwich DL Leaflet.Indd How long will it take to construct? If you need help accessing this or any other The construction programme will be developed once the Highways England information, please call detailed design is completed. At this point we anticipate the 0300 123 5000 and we will help you. works taking about 6-9 months to complete. How will the works affect you? We are still working on the detailed design but we will ensure that the impact on road users is minimised as much as possible. How much will it cost? A120 Harwich Road The current scheme estimate is £3m but this will be updated as the design progresses. junction improvements As the timeline below shows we aim to commence construction Public information event - Wednesday 19 August in summer 2016 however this is dependent on the completion of the land purchase and highways orders processes. © Crown copyright 2015. You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium,under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence: visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government- licence/write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU,or email [email protected]. This document is also available on our website at www.highways.gov.uk If you have any enquiries about this publication email info@highwaysengland. co.uk or call 0300 123 5000*. Please quote the Highways England publications code PR51/15 *Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and must count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls. These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobile, BT, other fixed line or payphone. Calls may be recorded or monitored. Printed on paper from well-managed forests and other controlled sources. Registered office Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford GU1 4LZ Highways England Company Limited registered in England and Wales number 09346363 Further information available at http://www.highways.gov.uk/roads/road-projects/a120-harwich-road-improvement The length of road affected lies on the A120 between Proposed gap closures The long term solution the Harwich Road junction and the Pellens Corner Whilst closure of the gaps would remove the risk of right A number of long term solutions have been considered to junction, near Colchester. There are a number of side turn collisions, we recognised this could have an adverse improve safety on this section of the A120 such as; road junctions and central reserve gaps through which effect to the local community. In June 2013 we undertook vehicles are able to make turning manoeuvres. n Permanent gap closures at Harwich Road, Pellens Corner traffic surveys to inform us of the likely impact to the local and Park Road. road traffic and the analysis showed that the diversion In the past five years there have been 23 recorded would considerably increase some local journeys, collisions at Harwich Road junction causing 52 n A roundabout at Pellens Corner with gap closures at particularly through Little Bentley. casualties, three of which have been fatal. At Pellens Harwich Road and Park Road Corner junction there have been a further 12 reported 50mph speed reduction and average speed cameras n A roundabout at Harwich Road with gap closures at park collisions causing 19 casualties, of which none were Road and Pellens Corner fatal. The majority of collisions have involved right turn A secondary option of the road safety audit suggested manoeuvres to or from side roads. that a 50mph speed limit enforced by speed cameras These solutions were reviewed and two final options were could improve road safety. Although the problems at this considered, roundabouts at either Harwich Road or Pellens location were not due to excessive speeds, by reducing Corner with gap closures at the other junction and Park Road. speed drivers would have more time to react and the Little Bromley severity of any collision would be reduced. We have developed the option to build a new two lane roundabout at Harwich Road and to prevent right turn In December 2014 a new 50mph speed restriction manoeuvres by closing gaps in the central reserve at Pellens A120 was introduced. While it’s too early for valid evidence, Corner. Following consultation with Essex County Council local residents have suggested the 50mph speed limit the roundabout will include a new link road to Park Road Great Bromley A120 Little Bentley is having a positive effect on driver behaviour. Local and we are also proposing to install new crossing points for Junction improvements residents have reported feeling safer using the junctions. pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders as part of a package of Harwich Road However, in the longer term further measures are important safety improvements. Hare Green needed to provide safe access to the A120 and remove the risk of injury. This option directly addresses the location of the fatal collisions at Harwich Road junction, requires less intrusive land acquisition, has a smaller impact on surrounding residential properties and was the most economic option. Weeley Great Bentley What has been done previously Key points Short-term improvements Due to serious and fatal collisions at the Harwich Harwich Road junction Road and Pellens Corner junctions, in March 2012 n Newly lit roundabout at Harwich Road we changed the layout of junctions along this section (requiring land purchase) and reduced the dual carriageway to a single lane. The aim of this scheme was to reduce the number and n New crossing point for horse riders and cyclists severity of collisions, particularly those involving turning n New link road to join Park Road to the new roundabout movements, by providing improved visibility and being funded by Essex County Council easier access. n Diversion of electricity cables and drainage Although initially the severity of collisions reduced, there were a number of serious collisions in early 2013. The Pellens Corner junction post completion 12 month road safety audit concluded n Close the gaps in the central reservation that further measures to improve safety should be undertaken, identifying the most effective way would be n New crossing point for cyclists and pedestrians to close the gaps in the central reservation. n Extending the central reservation and banning U-turns This would remove the conflict of traffic turning right across the carriageway..
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