Impact of Excessive Groundwater Pumping on Rejuvenation Processes in the Bandung Basin (Indonesia) As Determined by Hydrogeochemistry and Modeling

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Impact of Excessive Groundwater Pumping on Rejuvenation Processes in the Bandung Basin (Indonesia) As Determined by Hydrogeochemistry and Modeling Hydrogeology Journal (2018) 26:1263–1279 REPORT Impact of excessive groundwater pumping on rejuvenation processes in the Bandung basin (Indonesia) as determined by hydrogeochemistry and modeling Ahmad Taufiq1,2,3 & Takahiro Hosono1,4 & Kiyoshi Ide1 & Makoto Kagabu5 & Irwan Iskandar6 & Agus J. Effendi7 & Lambok M. Hutasoit2 & Jun Shimada 1 Received: 22 March 2017 /Accepted: 15 November 2017 /Published online: 14 December 2017 # The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication Abstract In the Bandung basin, Indonesia, excessive groundwater pumping caused by rapid increases in industrialization and population growth has caused subsurface environmental problems, such as excessive groundwater drawdown and land subsidence. In this study, multiple hydrogeochemical techniques and numerical modeling have been applied to evaluate the recharge processes and groundwater age (rejuvenation). Although all the groundwater in the Bandung basin is recharged at the same elevation at the periphery of the basin, the water type and residence time of the shallow and deep groundwater could be clearly differentiated. However, there was significant groundwater drawdown in all the depression areas and there is evidence of groundwater mixing between the shallow and deep groundwater. The groundwater mixing was traced from the high dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC- 12) concentrations in some deep groundwater samples and by estimating the rejuvenation ratio (R) in some representative observation wells. The magnitude of CFC-12 concentration, as an indicator of young groundwater, showed a good correlation with R,determinedusing14C activity in samples taken between 2008 and 2012. These correlations were confirmed with the estimation of vertical downward flux from shallower to deeper aquifers using numerical modeling. Furthermore, the change in vertical flux is affected by the change in groundwater pumping. Since the 1970s, the vertical flux increased significantly and reached approximately 15% of the total pumping amount during the 2000s, as it compensated the groundwater pumping. This study clearly revealed the processes of groundwater impact caused by excessive groundwater pumping using a combination of hydrogeochemical methods and modeling. Keywords Over-abstraction . Groundwater age . Groundwater mixing . Numerical modeling . Indonesia * Ahmad Taufiq Introduction [email protected]; [email protected] Groundwater is an essential and valuable water resource in 1 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, many developing countries, especially in cities where there 2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumomoto 860-8555, Japan is pressure on public water supply because of insufficient in- 2 Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of frastructure. In many areas, groundwater can be used easily Technology, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia and inexpensively, and it normally has good quality with re- 3 Research Center for Water Resources, Ministry of Public Work and spect to human health and industrial purposes. Population, Housing, Juanda 193, Bandung 40135, Indonesia industrial and economic growth are often significant, with 4 Priority Organization for Innovation and Excellence, Kumamoto consequent increases in groundwater exploitation to meet de- University, 2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumomoto 860-8555, Japan mand. Thus, a sustainable use of groundwater resources is 5 Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Science, Nagasaki required urgently in many cases, taking account of the region- University, 1-14 Bunkyo-Machi, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan al groundwater flow dynamics (Kagabu et al. 2013). Some 6 Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of subsurface environmental problems have been reported that Technology, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia are the result of excessive groundwater pumping such as in- 7 Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute creasing underground temperature (Yamano et al. 2009; of Technology, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia Taniguchi et al. 2009), groundwater drawdown and land 1264 Hydrogeol J (2018) 26:1263–1279 subsidence (Foster and Chilton 2003), and groundwater re- hydrogeochemical characteristics, aquifer heterogeneity, and newal (Yamanaka et al. 2011;Kagabuetal.2013). field-scale parameterizations, and then simulating a ground- In some large Asian cities, groundwater level drawdowns water flow model (Dai et al. 2010, 2014). One of the impacts have been reported (Taniguchi et al. 2008; Yamanaka et al. of excessive groundwater pumping is to cause changes in the 2011; Kagabu et al. 2011, 2013). It is also suggested that the groundwater rejuvenation process. Understanding these degree of groundwater drawdown depends on the development changes is an important task for effective groundwater stage of each city (Taniguchi et al. 2008; Onodera et al. 2009; management because such changes can cause unexpected Kagabu et al. 2011). In Indonesia, significant groundwater problems such as groundwater quality degradation and the drawdown, and consequently land subsidence and even disturbance of regional groundwater flow systems (Kagabu groundwater quality changes, have been reported in cities such et al. 2013). as Jakarta, Bandung, and Semarang (Wirakusumah and This study describes the rejuvenation processes of the Danaryanto 2004; Taniguchi et al. 2008; Umezawa et al. Bandung basin by using multiple hydrogeochemical tech- 2008; Hosono et al. 2011,Kagabuetal.2011, 2013). niques (stable isotopes, major ions, and CFC-12 analyses) In the Bandung basin, groundwater pumping has been and estimating a rejuvenation ratio (R)for14C activity, recorded since the early 1900s and found to be increasing and then testing this with numerical modeling. The objec- (unpublished report, 1991) by Sutrisno, see Table 1). tives are to systematically examine the groundwater flow Since 1970, many textile factories have been established system, to trace the rejuvenation processes, and to reveal in this basin. These factories rely almost entirely on the groundwater fluxes, thus demonstrating how under- groundwater and have caused significant groundwater standing the rejuvenation phenomenon is important for drawdowns. In addition, 60% of the total water demand management of some human activity with respect to of the Bandung basin is supplied by groundwater groundwater resource protection. (Wangsaatmaja et al. 2006). Consequently, land subsi- dence has occurred at a rate of 5–75 cm between 2000 and 2008 (Abidin et al. 2008). According to calculations Study area by Taufiq (2010), the groundwater drawdown has contrib- uted to 30–70% of the land subsidence rate. The Bandung-Soreang groundwater basin, commonly known Recent studies have emphasized the impact of subsurface as the Bandung basin, is located in the center of the western environmental problems, but in this study the focus is on part of Java, an island of Indonesia. This intra-montane basin describing the processes that leading to these impacts. is surrounded by up to 2,400-m-high volcanic rocks of the late Understanding and predicting these processes at basin Tertiary and Quaternary. The Citarum River flows in the cen- scale entails developing and integrating knowledge of ter of the basin, and is the main river. This basin is one of most Table 1 The unpublished reports/papers featured in this report Author/s Year Title Organization (Republic of Indonesia) Geyh MA 1990 Isotopic hydrological study in the Bandung Basin – Indonesia. Directorate of Environmental Geology; Project Report No. 10 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Iwaco – Waseco, Ministry of 1990 West Java Provincial Water Sources Master Plan for Water Directorate General for Human Public Works Supply, Bandung. Settlements; Directorate of Water Supply; Ministry of Public Works Office of Energy and Mineral 2010 Evaluation and updating of conservation zone in Office of Energy and Mineral Resources - Resources - West Java Bandung-Soreang groundwater basin, Bekasi-Karawang West Java Province Province groundwater basin and Sukabumi groundwater basin Office of Energy and Mineral 2004 Monitoring of groundwater condition in Bandung-Soreang Office of Energy and Mineral Resources - Resources - West Java groundwater basin, Bogor groundwater basin and West Java Province Province Bekasi-Karawang groundwater basin Office of Energy and Mineral 2002 Master plan study for the utilization of groundwater in Office of Energy and Mineral Resources - Resources - West Java Bandung-Soreang groundwater basin West Java Province Province, LPPM–ITB Sutrisno D 1991 Utilization, impact and countermeasures of groundwater Directorate of Environmental Geology; abstraction in Bandung basin Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Hydrogeol J (2018) 26:1263–1279 1265 developed basins in Indonesia. It has an area of 2,300 km2 A geological map of the Bandung basin has been generated and five administrative areas—three regencies (part of by Hutasoit (2009), and is presented in Fig. 1.The Bandung, West Bandung and Sumedang) and two cities hydrostratigraphy of this basin is classified (older to younger (Bandung and Cimahi). The central part of the basin, order) into the following three formations: Cikapundung mostly comprising urban and industrial areas, is a plain Formation (basement rock), Cibeureum Formation (the main measuring about 40 km east–west and about 30 km north– aquifer), and Kosambi Formation (aquitard). A description of south. The population
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