Book of Abstracts David Celetti Department of Historical, Geographical and Antiquity Sciences, University of Padova (IT) & Fundația Noua Europă (New Europe Foundation) – Bucharest (RO) (IT)
[email protected] Immaterial Circulations. French Cultural Influence in 19th Century Black Sea Region (1800–1854) The paper aims to give insights into the French cultural influence in the Black Sea region and its role in the process of “westernization” of the area as seen by French local consuls. Consuls have been since the Early Modern Time a relevant institution, playing a key role in building international networks, collecting information, supporting the interests of fellow nationals abroad, facilitating trade, and, last but not least, enhancing the “image” of the country among local ruling classes. This last aspect involved a wide range of activities including public lectures, private meetings, but also the support and control of French schools, as, for example, the renowned Lycée Richelieu of Odessa, created in 1816 by the Jesuit Dominique Charles Nicolle. From the 16th century onwards French consuls were normally supported by a “chancellery”, an office administered by the consul’s personal secretary, the chancellor, who registered facts, letters, official acts. This way, we have at disposal a vast documentation all diverse aspects as the consuls’ activity, including cultural ones, the daily life of French and local residents, cultural interchanges. This wide range of sources, mainly preserved at the Archives Nationales in Paris, has been, as recently noted (see e.g. the conference “Consuls, figures de l’intermédiation marchande”, University of Nice, FR, April 2014) only partially exploited, mainly focusing on diplomatic, but only occasionally going deeper into the daily-life, not to say cultural issues.