CURRENT VITALITY OF THE FL TORISM INDUSTRY: OCT – DEC, 2019 The most recent calendar quarter for which information is available on the vitality of the Florida visitor industry is October – December, 2019, also referred to as 2019Q4. This is the best available processing schedule as this report was prepared in April, 2020.

The domestic estimation methodology was developed for VISIT FLORIDA by George Washington University and the University of North Florida. Canadian estimates are derived from Statistics Canada and other sources and overseas estimates are derived from aggregate card usage data provided by VisaVue® Travel and incorporates data from other independent research sources.

VISITATION OVERALL In 2019Q4, Florida hosted 31.4 million visitors, an increase of 6.4% from 2018Q4 based on preliminary estimates. The volume of air visitors was 13.7 million, while the volume of non-air visitors was 17.7 million. See the attached report on the Visitor Estimates and Industry Trend Indicators for 2019Q4.

CANADA Canada is Florida’s top international origin country. VISIT FLORIDA’s preliminary estimates indicate 758,000 Canadians came to Florida in 2019Q4. This is an increase of 4.1% from the same quarter the year prior. The volume of air visitors was 585,000, while the volume of non-air visitors was 173,000.

OVERSEAS VISIT FLORIDA now uses data from VisaVue Travel for its quarterly estimates of overseas visitors to Florida. For 2019Q4 Florida hosted 2.8 million overseas visitors. This is a 1.6% decrease from 2018Q4.

Copyright © 2019 VISIT FLORIDA Research, All rights reserved. VISIT FLORIDA data and information may not be otherwise reproduced or communicated without prior Page 1 written permission from VISIT FLORIDA. FLORIDA VISITOR ESTIMATES AND TRAVEL INDUSTRY TREND INDICATORS Released February 15, 2020 FLORIDA VISITOR ESTIMATES

Quarter Four 2019

(October - December)

Preliminary Calendar Year 2019

(Including Revised Preliminary Q3 2019)

Final Calendar Year 2017

Revised Preliminary Calendar Year 2018

Copyright © 2019 VISIT FLORIDA Research. All rights reserved. VISIT FLORIDA data and information may not be otherwise reproduced or communicated without prior written permission from VISIT FLORIDA. SUMMARY OF VISITOR ESTIMATES AND TRAVEL INDUSTRY INDICATORS


Visitor Estimates: > Preliminary estimates indicate 31.4 million total visitors (in person-trips) traveled to Florida during the fourth quarter of 2019. This represents an increase of 6.4% from the same period in 2018. Domestic visitors accounted for 89% of total visitors, while overseas and Canadian visitors accounted for 9% and 2%, respectively. > An estimated 27.8 million domestic visitors traveled to Florida between October and December of 2019, an increase of 7.3% from the same period the previous year. > The preliminary air/non-air split for domestic, non-resident visitors to Florida during quarter four 2019 is estimated at 36.9% / 63.1%, which parallels that of 2018. > Overseas visitation is estimated at 2.8 million during the fourth quarter of 2019, a decrease of 1.6%, compared to the fourth quarter in 2018. > Preliminary estimates indicate Canadian visitation to Florida between October and December of 2019 grew by 4.1% compared to the same period in 2018.

Travel Industry Trend Indicators: > Total enplanements at 19 Florida airports increased 4.9% during quarter four 2019 compared to quarter four 2018. Orlando International captured the most passenger enplanements with nearly 6.4 million (+5.9%) enplaned passengers reported, followed by Miami International where there were just under 5.6 million (-1.4%) enplaned passengers. > Domestic enplanements at 19 Florida airports grew by 7.3% during the fourth quarter of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018. This increase led domestic enplanements to account for 80.2% of the total enplanements reported during the period. > The number of hotel rooms sold in Florida during quarter four 2019 increased 3.5% from quarter four 2018. During the same period, Florida’s average daily rate (ADR) increased by 1.1% and occupancy increased by 0.9%.

Note: Figures shown in italics are preliminary and subject to revision.

Copyright © 2020 VISIT FLORIDA Research. All rights reserved. VISIT FLORIDA data and information may not be otherwise reproduced or communicated without prior written permission from VISIT FLORIDA. ESTIMATES OF VISITORS TO FLORIDA



2018 Air 9.568 M * 2.855 M * 558 K 12.980 M * 44.0% * Non-Air 16.371 M * 171 K 16.542 M * 56.0% * Total 25.939 M 2.855 M 728 K 29.522 M *

2019 Air 10.266 M 2.809 M 585 K 13.660 M 43.5% Non-Air 17.566 M 173 K 17.738 M 56.5% Total 27.831 M 2.809 M 758 K 31.398 M

% Change '19/'18 7.3% -1.6% 4.1% 6.4%

Visitor Arrivals to Florida Fourth Quarter (in person-trips) 31.398 M 28.743 M 29.522 M 25.990 M 26.794 M 13.660 M 12.468 M 12.980 M 43.5% 44.0% 12.645 M 12.197 M 43.4% 48.7% 45.5% Air Non-Air 17.738 M 14.597 M 16.275 M 16.542 M 13.345 M 56.6% 56.0% 56.5% 51.3% 54.5%

Q4 2015 Q4 2016 Q4 2017 Q4 2018 Q4 2019

* Revised

Note: Figures in italics are considered preliminary. Figures have been rounded to the nearest thousand and may not sum to the total as a result. Figures shown in the table revised February 15, 2020. Sources: TravelTrak America; D.K. Shifflet & Associates; Airline Data, Inc; Statistics Canada; U.S. Department of Commerce, National Travel & Tourism Office; VisaVue Travel; Diio



Visitor Estimates: > Preliminary estimates indicate 133.7 million total visitors (in person-trips) traveled to Florida during the 2019. This represents an increase of 5.2% from 2018. Domestic visitors accounted for 89% of total visitors, while overseas and Canadian visitors accounted for 8% and 3%, respectively. > An estimated 119.4 million domestic visitors traveled to Florida in 2019, an increase of 6.0% from the previous year. > The preliminary air/non-air split for domestic, non-resident visitors to Florida during 2019 is estimated at 34.1% / 65.9%, which parallels that of 2018. > Overseas visitation is estimated at 10.6 million during 2019, a decrease of 2.1%, compared to 2018. > Preliminary estimates indicate Canadian visitation to Florida in 2019 grew by 2.0% compared to 2018.

Travel Industry Trend Indicators: > Total enplanements at 19 Florida airports increased 4.9% during 2019 compared to 2018. Orlando International captured the most passenger enplanements with 25.2 million (+5.8%) enplaned passengers reported, followed by Miami International where there were 22.8 million (+1.6%) enplaned passengers. > Domestic enplanements at 19 Florida airports grew by 5.4% during 2019 compared to 2018. This increase led domestic enplanements to account for 79.7% of the total enplanements reported during the year. > The number of hotel rooms sold in Florida during 2019 increased 1.8% from 2018. During the year, Florida’s average daily rate (ADR) increased by 1.1% and occupancy decreased by 0.8%.

Note: Figures shown in italics are preliminary and subject to revision.

Copyright © 2020 VISIT FLORIDA Research. All rights reserved. VISIT FLORIDA data and information may not be otherwise reproduced or communicated without prior written permission from VISIT FLORIDA. ESTIMATES OF VISITORS TO FLORIDA

CALENDAR YEAR 2019 PRELIMINARY in person-trips


Q1 Air 11.765 M * 2.693 M 824 K * 15.282 M * 41.9% * Non-Air 20.556 M * 607 K * 21.163 M * 58.1% * Total 32.320 M 2.693 M 1.431 M 36.445 M % Change '19/'18 5.6% * -2.4% 1.3% * 4.8% *

Q2 Air 10.285 M * 2.568 M 389 K * 13.241 M * 39.3% * Non-Air 19.875 M * 542 K * 20.417 M * 60.7% * Total 30.160 M * 2.568 M 930 K * 33.658 M * % Change '19/'18 14.0% * -3.0% 2.8% * 12.1% *

Q3 Air 8.431 M * 2.570 M 345 K * 11.345 M * 35.3% * Non-Air 20.664 M * 157 K * 20.821 M * 64.7% * Total 29.095 M * 2.570 M 502 K * 32.166 M * % Change '19/'18 3.4% * -3.1% 1.8% * 2.8% *

Q4 Air 10.266 M 2.809 M 585 K 13.660 M 43.5% Non-Air 17.566 M 173 K 17.738 M 56.5% Total 27.831 M 2.809 M 758 K 31.398 M % Change '19/'18 7.3% -1.6% 4.1% 6.4%

CY 2019 Air 40.746 M * 10.641 M 2.142 M * 53.528 M * 40.0% * Non-Air 78.660 M * 1.479 M * 80.139 M * 60.0% * Total 119.406 M * 10.641 M 3.621 M * 133.668 M * % Change '19/'18 6.0% * -2.1% 2.0% * 5.2% *

* Revised Note: Figures in italics are considered preliminary. Figures have been rounded to the nearest thousand and may not sum to the total as a result. Figures shown in the table revised February 15, 2020. Sources: D.K. Shifflet & Associates; Airline Data, Inc; Statistics Canada; U.S. Department of Commerce, National Travel & Tourism Office; VisaVue Travel

Copyright © 2020 VISIT FLORIDA Research – www.VISITFLORIDA.org/research VISIT FLORIDA data may not be reproduced or communicated without prior written permission. ESTIMATES OF VISITORS TO FLORIDA

CALENDAR YEAR 2017 FINAL in person-trips


Q1 Air 10.863 M 2.691 M 769 K 14.323 M 44.9% Non-Air 16.971 M 609 K 17.580 M 55.1% Total 27.833 M 2.691 M 1.378 M 31.903 M % Change '17/'16 6.1% -2.5% 3.2% 5.2%

Q2 Air 9.588 M 2.647 M 374 K 12.609 M 42.0% Non-Air 16.875 M 531 K 17.406 M 58.0% Total 26.463 M 2.647 M 905 K 30.015 M % Change '17/'16 7.8% 2.0% 1.5% 7.1%

Q3 Air 7.246 M 2.705 M 332 K 10.283 M 36.9% Non-Air 17.431 M 157 K 17.588 M 63.1% Total 24.677 M 2.705 M 489 K 27.871 M % Change '17/'16 3.9% -4.8% 14.0% 3.1%

Q4 Air 9.037 M 2.888 M 543 K 12.468 M 43.4% Non-Air 16.105 M 170 K 16.275 M 56.6% Total 25.142 M 2.888 M 713 K 28.743 M % Change '17/'16 8.6% -2.5% 3.3% 7.3%

CY 2017 Air 36.734 M 10.931 M 2.018 M 49.683 M 41.9% Non-Air 67.381 M 1.467 M 68.848 M 58.1% Total 104.115 M 10.931 M 3.485 M 118.531 M % Change '17/'16 6.6% -2.0% 4.2% 5.7%

Note: Figures have been rounded to the nearest thousand and may not sum to the total as a result. Figures shown in the table revised February 15, 2020.

Sources: TravelTrak America; D.K. Shifflet & Associates; Airline Data, Inc; Statistics Canada; U.S. Department of Commerce, National Travel & Tourism Office; VisaVue Travel; Diio

Copyright © 2020 VISIT FLORIDA Research – www.visitflorida.org/research ESTIMATES OF VISITORS TO FLORIDA



Q1 Air 11.143 M * 2.759 M 791 K * 14.693 M * 42.2% * Non-Air 19.469 M * 622 K * 20.091 M * 57.8% * Total 30.612 M 2.759 M 1.413 M 34.784 M % Change '18/'17 10.0% * 2.5% 2.5% * 9.0% *

Q2 Air 9.543 M * 2.605 M 375 K * 12.523 M * 39.7% * Non-Air 18.440 M * 542 K * 18.982 M * 60.3% * Total 27.983 M * 2.605 M 917 K * 31.505 M * % Change '18/'17 5.7% * -1.6% 1.3% * 5.0% *

Q3 Air 8.152 M * 2.653 M 334 K * 11.139 M * 35.6% * Non-Air 19.980 M * 159 K * 20.139 M * 64.4% * Total 28.132 M * 2.653 M 493 K * 31.278 M * % Change '18/'17 14.0% * -1.9% 0.8% * 12.2% *

Q4 Air 9.568 M * 2.855 M 558 K * 12.980 M * 44.0% * Non-Air 16.371 M * 171 K * 16.542 M * 56.0% * Total 25.939 M * 2.855 M 728 K * 29.522 M * % Change '18/'17 3.2% * -1.2% 2.1% * 2.7% *

CY 2018 Air 38.405 M * 10.873 M 2.058 M * 51.335 M * 40.4% * Non-Air 74.260 M * 1.493 M * 75.754 M * 59.6% * Total 112.665 M * 10.873 M 3.551 M * 127.089 M * % Change '18/'17 8.2% * -0.5% 1.9% * 7.2% *

* Revised Note: Figures in italics are considered preliminary. Figures have been rounded to the nearest thousand and may not sum to the total as a result. Figures shown in the table revised February 15, 2020. Sources: D.K. Shifflet & Associates; Airline Data, Inc; Statistics Canada; U.S. Department of Commerce, National Travel & Tourism Office; VisaVue Travel

Copyright © 2020 VISIT FLORIDA Research – www.visitflorida.org/research


Quarter Four 2019

(October - December)

Calendar Year 2019

Copyright © 2019 VISIT FLORIDA Research. All rights reserved. VISIT FLORIDA data and information may not be otherwise reproduced or communicated without prior written permission from VISIT FLORIDA. TOTAL ENPLANEMENTS


QUARTER QUARTER % CHANGE AIRPORT FOUR 2018 FOUR 2019 '19/'18 Daytona 93,034 84,987 -8.6% Destin-Fort Walton Beach 157,303 170,911 8.7% Fort Lauderdale 4,365,078 4,571,177 4.7% Fort Myers 1,132,382 1,250,174 10.4% Gainesville 64,642 76,647 18.6% Jacksonville 844,335 898,408 6.4% Key West 103,466 114,571 10.7% Melbourne 64,686 60,163 -7.0% Miami 5,687,045 5,604,816 -1.4% Orlando International 6,012,670 6,366,464 5.9% Orlando Sanford 361,524 387,593 7.2% Palm Beach 768,405 862,884 12.3% Panama City 104,377 137,543 31.8% Pensacola 250,671 269,158 7.4% Punta Gorda 188,068 199,295 6.0% Sarasota 184,830 277,356 50.1% St. Petersburg-Clearwater 259,559 269,677 3.9% Tallahassee 109,218 116,983 7.1% Tampa 2,647,018 2,816,407 6.4% Total 23,398,311 24,535,214 4.9%

Total Enplanements in Florida

23.398 M 24.535 M 21.944 M 19.951 M 20.456 M

Total enplanements up 4.9% in the fourth quarter of 2019

Q4 2015 Q4 2016 Q4 2017 Q4 2018 Q4 2019

Source: Individual Airports

Copyright © 2020 VISIT FLORIDA Research – www.VISITFLORIDA.org/research VISIT FLORIDA data may not be reproduced or communicated without prior written permission. DOMESTIC ENPLANEMENTS


QUARTER QUARTER % CHANGE AIRPORT FOUR 2018 FOUR 2019 '19/'18 Daytona 92,570 84,256 -9.0% Destin-Fort Walton Beach 157,303 170,911 8.7% Fort Lauderdale 3,262,162 3,479,157 6.7% Fort Myers 1,093,831 1,202,061 9.9% Gainesville 64,642 76,647 18.6% Jacksonville 842,352 896,379 6.4% Key West 103,466 114,571 10.7% Melbourne 64,686 60,154 -7.0% Miami 2,814,938 2,896,440 2.9% Orlando International 5,148,614 5,544,631 7.7% Orlando Sanford 338,697 364,035 7.5% Palm Beach 753,809 850,767 12.9% Panama City 104,377 137,543 31.8% Pensacola 250,671 269,158 7.4% Punta Gorda 188,068 199,295 6.0% Sarasota 179,761 270,831 50.7% St. Petersburg-Clearwater 257,989 268,807 4.2% Tallahassee 109,218 116,983 7.1% Tampa 2,518,934 2,676,513 6.3% Total 18,346,088 19,679,139 7.3%

Domestic Enplanements in Florida 19.679 M 18.346 M 17.395 M 15.851 M 16.158 M

Domestic enplanements up 7.3% in the fourth quarter of 2019

Q4 2015 Q4 2016 Q4 2017 Q4 2018 Q4 2019

Source: Individual Airports

Copyright © 2020 VISIT FLORIDA Research – www.VISITFLORIDA.org/research VISIT FLORIDA data may not be reproduced or communicated without prior written permission. HOTEL AVERAGE DAILY RATE

CALENDAR YEARS 2017-2019 CY 2019 ADR up 1.1% from CY 2018

$220 Quarter One 2019 Quarter Two 2019 Quarter Three 2019 Quarter Four 2019 ADR up 0.4% from ADR up 2.0% from ADR up 0.6% from ADR up 1.1% from $200 Quarter One 2018 Quarter Two 2018 Quarter Three 2018 Quarter Four 2018










$0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2017 $146.19 $161.87 $168.48 $151.57 $130.76 $125.63 $129.47 $114.15 $115.34 $125.65 $130.15 $148.41 2018 $154.01 $171.53 $182.79 $155.22 $135.99 $132.81 $131.52 $118.06 $115.10 $129.69 $132.16 $152.40 2019 $154.20 $174.52 $181.84 $160.80 $139.01 $132.54 $133.38 $119.80 $112.67 $128.44 $134.47 $155.84

Source: STR, Inc.

Copyright © 2020 VISIT FLORIDA Research – www.VISITFLORIDA.org/research VISIT FLORIDA data may not be reproduced or communicated without prior written permission. HOTEL OCCUPANCY RATE

CALENDAR YEARS 2017-2019 CY 2019 Occupancy down -0.8% from CY 2018

100% Quarter One 2019 Quarter Two 2019 Quarter Three 2019 Quarter Four 2019 Occ. down -0.4% from Occ. down -0.6% from Occ. down -3.3% from Occ. up 0.9% from 90% Quarter One 2018 Quarter Two 2018 Quarter Three 2018 Quarter Four 2018









0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2017 70.6% 79.5% 84.0% 78.4% 72.3% 73.0% 76.9% 67.8% 66.1% 74.1% 71.9% 70.1% 2018 72.2% 81.1% 85.0% 77.3% 70.9% 75.8% 75.7% 68.3% 62.5% 68.6% 69.6% 68.3% 2019 71.6% 81.1% 85.5% 77.1% 71.9% 73.6% 74.4% 66.2% 59.0% 68.0% 71.1% 69.3%

Source: STR, Inc.

Copyright © 2020 VISIT FLORIDA Research – www.VISITFLORIDA.org/research VISIT FLORIDA data may not be reproduced or communicated without prior written permission. HOTEL ROOM-NIGHTS SOLD (IN MILLIONS)

CALENDAR YEARS 2017-2019 CY 2019 Demand up 1.8% from CY 2018

14 M Quarter One 2019 Quarter Two 2019 Quarter Three 2019 Quarter Four 2019 Demand up 2.7% from Demand up 1.9% from Demand down -0.7% from Demand up 3.5% from Quarter One 2018 Quarter Two 2018 Quarter Three 2018 Quarter Four 2018 12 M

10 M

8 M

6 M

4 M

2 M

0 M Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2017 9.3 M 9.5 M 11.1 M 10.1 M 9.6 M 9.4 M 10.2 M 9.0 M 8.5 M 9.8 M 9.2 M 9.3 M 2018 9.6 M 9.7 M 11.4 M 10.0 M 9.5 M 9.8 M 10.2 M 9.2 M 8.2 M 9.3 M 9.1 M 9.3 M 2019 9.8 M 10.0 M 11.7 M 10.2 M 9.9 M 9.8 M 10.3 M 9.2 M 7.9 M 9.5 M 9.6 M 9.7 M

Source: STR, Inc.

Copyright © 2020 VISIT FLORIDA Research – www.VISITFLORIDA.org/research VISIT FLORIDA data may not be reproduced or communicated without prior written permission. FLORIDA VISITOR ESTIMATES METHODOLOGY

On July 1, 1999, VISIT FLORIDA implemented the current system for producing domestic visitor estimates, applying recommendations made by the University of North Florida. VISIT FLORIDA commissioned a review of our visitor estimation methodology in 2008 and implemented revisions to both the domestic and international components.

The current methodology includes three components of the visitors to Florida: > Domestic Visitors (includes air and by non-air) > Canadian Visitors (includes air and by non-air) > Overseas Visitors (air visitors only)

DOMESTIC VISIT FLORIDA collects enplanement data for 19 of Florida’s airports used in developing a preliminary estimate of domestic visitors to Florida by air 45 days after the quarter ends. VISIT FLORIDA subscribes to Airline Data Inc. data that provides an actual air estimate of non-resident visitors to all Florida airports 100 days after the quarter ends, which is used to revise the estimate. In order to estimate non-air visitation, VISIT FLORIDA subscribes to D. K. Shifflet and Associates’ Travelab dataset that provides the ratio of domestic air and non-air visitors to Florida. Collectively, this ratio and the data obtained from the airports are utilized to calculate the number of domestic non-air visitors to Florida. It is impractical to collect primary data on the non-air segment. (Non-air is dominated by private automobile, but not restricted to it in this new system.)

OVERSEAS VISIT FLORIDA’s estimates of overseas visitors to Florida are based on and extrapolated from aggregate card usage data provided by VisaVue® Travel and incorporates data from other independent research sources. Since the final data for a given year that is incorporated into the overseas methodology is not received until halfway through the subsequent year, estimates are considered preliminary and subject to revision until all final data is received.

CANADA VISIT FLORIDA’s preliminary Canadian estimate is derived by analyzing historic visitor data alongside indicators of Canadian travel trends. Prior to 2018, the final estimates were purchased from Statistics Canada, a government agency in Canada which no longer offers state level data. VISIT FLORIDA is in the process of developing a new methodology for final Canadian estimates.

Copyright © 2019 VISIT FLORIDA Research. All rights reserved. VISIT FLORIDA data and information may not be otherwise reproduced or communicated without prior written permission from VISIT FLORIDA. UNAUDITED

Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA Operating Consolidated Statement of Income and Expense For the Six Months Ending December 31, 2019

Projected YTD YTD YTD Budget Projections Projected Annual VS Actual Budget Variance Remaining Adjustments Year End Actual Budget Budget A B C D E A + D + E= F G F-G= H Revenues State of Florida Proceeds 24,500,000 24,499,998 2 24,500,002 (2) 49,000,000 49,000,000 - Partner Investment 833,085 798,915 34,170 417,628 (52,993) 1,197,720 1,216,543 (18,823) Strategic Alliances 30,436 24,998 5,438 25,002 (5,438) 50,000 50,000 - Events Revenue 629,669 616,995 12,674 444,620 (6,949) 1,067,340 1,061,615 5,725 Trade Show Revenue 209,679 820,890 (611,211) 604,699 (205,339) 609,039 1,425,589 (816,550) Welcome Center Revenue 258,523 304,688 (46,165) 32,790 46,165 337,478 337,478 - Reimbursement Revenue - 114,350 (114,350) 114,570 (114,570) - 228,920 (228,920) Publication Revenue 5,000 - 5,000 195,000 18,703 218,703 195,000 23,703 Interest Income 19,381 25,500 (6,119) 25,500 (381) 44,500 51,000 (6,500) Research Revenue 44,878 35,546 9,332 35,396 2,777 83,051 70,942 12,109 Website Revenue 4,385 4,000 385 4,000 (385) 8,000 8,000 - Other Revenue 319,100 839,375 (520,275) 940,625 742,232 2,001,956 1,780,000 221,956 Industry Contributed Promotional Value - Rev 22,106,503 23,000,000 (893,497) 27,000,000 893,497 50,000,000 50,000,000 - Industry Cooperative Advertising Value - Rev 2,711,331 1,060,000 1,651,331 5,620,000 (90,935) 8,240,395 6,680,000 1,560,395 Total Revenues 51,671,972 52,145,255 (473,283) 59,959,832 1,226,379 112,858,183 112,105,087 753,096

Expenses Salaries & Benefits 4,045,480 4,149,084 (103,604) 4,350,916 103,611 8,500,007 8,500,000 7 Fees & Services 2,614,689 3,312,531 (697,842) 2,821,999 667,842 6,104,530 6,134,530 (30,000) Citrus Juice - 114,350 (114,350) 114,570 (114,570) - 228,920 (228,920) Office & Computer Supplies 23,385 42,535 (19,150) 50,495 10,313 84,193 93,030 (8,837) Event Supplies/Resources 27,752 66,166 (38,414) 66,972 2,283 97,007 133,138 (36,131) Depreciation & Amortization 503,656 519,819 (16,163) 515,234 4,642 1,023,531 1,035,053 (11,522) Dues & Subscriptions 127,324 150,022 (22,698) 94,435 10,256 232,015 244,457 (12,442) Printing/ Copying/ Photo 39,285 74,898 (35,613) 262,382 7,212 308,879 337,280 (28,401) Business Promotion 272,441 581,748 (309,307) 405,813 (22,266) 655,988 987,561 (331,573) Repairs and Maintenance 83,203 92,863 (9,660) 45,844 17,886 146,933 138,707 8,226 Equipment Rental 123,054 257,505 (134,451) 101,573 16,077 240,704 359,078 (118,374) Postage & Freight 22,303 56,922 (34,619) 75,839 11,150 109,292 132,761 (23,469) Fulfillment 47,302 90,647 (43,345) 90,265 43,432 180,999 180,912 87 Grants 27,244 360,000 (332,756) 267,500 284,347 579,091 627,500 (48,409) Insurance Business 74,814 102,502 (27,688) 62,498 (10,335) 126,977 165,000 (38,023) Legal 4,405 98,000 (93,595) 8,000 43,595 56,000 106,000 (50,000)


Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA Operating Consolidated Statement of Income and Expense For the Six Months Ending December 31, 2019

Projected YTD YTD YTD Budget Projections Projected Annual VS Actual Budget Variance Remaining Adjustments Year End Actual Budget Budget A B C D E A + D + E= F G F-G= H Promotional Items 38,100 89,518 (51,418) 73,050 36,321 147,471 162,568 (15,097) Registration Fees/Booth Rental 773,920 828,369 (54,449) 704,560 (24,277) 1,454,203 1,532,929 (78,726) Employee Relocation - 3,500 (3,500) 5,000 - 5,000 8,500 (3,500) Office Rent 284,425 284,541 (116) 286,497 (1,235) 569,688 571,038 (1,350) Research Project 491,714 741,715 (250,001) 441,529 346,676 1,279,919 1,183,244 96,675 Taxes and Licenses 19,380 23,741 (4,361) 374 1,616 21,370 24,115 (2,745) Telephone 98,091 159,364 (61,273) 122,854 (17,306) 203,639 282,218 (78,579) Temp. Labor 3,012 19,190 (16,178) 11,306 12,349 26,667 30,496 (3,829) Training 24,393 97,374 (72,981) 77,303 6,929 108,625 174,677 (66,052) Travel 288,218 579,046 (290,828) 641,185 118,844 1,048,247 1,220,231 (171,984) Travel - Projects (Non-Emp) 283,116 694,226 (411,110) 843,674 182,684 1,309,474 1,537,900 (228,426) Uniforms 3,861 6,623 (2,762) 6,112 1,440 11,413 12,735 (1,322) Utilities 28,409 49,646 (21,237) 46,480 11,287 86,176 96,126 (9,950) Warehouse-Rent 11,282 15,702 (4,420) 15,702 4,461 31,445 31,404 41 Agency Fees 1,481,232 1,443,678 37,554 1,395,172 278,003 3,154,407 2,838,850 315,557 Media 4,772,162 10,372,271 (5,600,109) 13,883,590 4,993,929 23,649,681 24,255,861 (606,180) Production 1,437,967 1,364,944 73,023 693,324 665,401 2,796,691 2,058,268 738,423 Industry Contributed Promotional Value - Exp 22,106,503 23,000,000 (893,497) 27,000,000 893,497 50,000,000 50,000,000 - Industry Cooperative Advertising Value - Exp 2,711,331 1,060,000 1,651,331 5,620,000 (90,935) 8,240,395 6,680,000 1,560,395 Total Expenses 42,893,454 50,903,040 (8,009,586) 61,202,047 8,495,156 112,590,657 112,105,087 485,570

Revenues Over Expenses 8,778,518 1,242,215 7,536,303 (1,242,215) (7,268,778) 267,525 - 267,525

Generated By: Shanna Pace, VISIT FLORIDA Generated on: 04/20/20 11:46 AM Confidential information. Do not distribute without permission.


Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA Veterans Marketing Program Consolidated Statement of Income and Expense For the Six Months Ending December 31, 2019

Projected YTD YTD YTD Budget Projections Projected Annual VS Actual Budget Variance Remaining Adjustments Year End Actual Budget Budget A B C D E A + D + E= F G F-G= H Revenues State of Florida Proceeds 46,324 499,998 (453,674) 500,002 453,674 1,000,000 1,000,000 - Total Revenues 46,324 499,998 (453,674) 500,002 453,674 1,000,000 1,000,000 -

Expenses Fees & Services 1,060 16,266 (15,206) 16,260 (15,320) 2,000 32,526 (30,526) Printing/ Copying/ Photo 820 - 820 - - 820 - 820 Promotional Items - - - 1,000 8,180 9,180 1,000 8,180 Registration Fees/Booth Rental 22,455 1,395 21,060 14,815 10,730 48,000 16,210 31,790 Research Project - 35,000 (35,000) - - - 35,000 (35,000) Travel - Projects (Non-Emp) 11,138 6,000 5,138 6,000 (2,138) 15,000 12,000 3,000 Agency Fees 850 155,508 (154,658) 155,492 (124,939) 31,403 311,000 (279,597) Media 10,000 191,130 (181,130) 191,134 593,313 794,447 382,264 412,183 Production - 105,000 (105,000) 105,000 (5,850) 99,150 210,000 (110,850) Total Expenses 46,324 510,299 (463,975) 489,701 463,975 1,000,000 1,000,000 -

Revenues Over Expenses - (10,301) 10,301 10,301 (10,301) - - -

Generated By: Shanna Pace, VISIT FLORIDA Generated on: 04/20/20 11:46 AM Confidential information. Do not distribute without permission.

3 of 3 Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA DEO Contract #SB18-003 Budgeted Public Funds Usage For FY19/20 Qtr 3

Annual Budget Quarter 1 Actual Quarter 2 Actual Quarter 3 Actual Cumulative Total Budget Remaining State Appropriated Revenue$ 50,000,000.00 $ 12,266,074.00 $ 12,280,250.00 $ 12,410,602.00 $ 36,956,926.00 $ 13,043,074.00

Expenses Salaries$ 5,349,612.00 $ 1,394,488.00 $ 1,364,716.00 $ 1,284,654.00 $ 4,043,858.00 $ 1,305,754.00 Fringe Benefits$ 1,378,826.00 $ 368,283.00 $ 354,047.00 $ 331,555.00 $ 1,053,885.00 $ 324,941.00 Equipment Rental$ 269,974.00 $ 8,075.00 $ 77,517.00 $ 35,572.00 $ 121,164.00 $ 148,810.00 Utilities$ 86,319.00 $ 15,838.00 $ 12,571.00 $ 22,077.00 $ 50,486.00 $ 35,833.00 Travel$ 1,003,474.00 $ 95,536.00 $ 137,021.00 $ 126,227.00 $ 358,784.00 $ 644,690.00 Advertising/Marketing$ 36,175,902.00 $ 3,101,234.00 $ 8,380,161.00 $ 9,086,439.00 $ 20,567,834.00 $ 15,608,068.00 Promotions$ 1,277,498.00 $ 40,796.00 $ 234,303.00 $ 194,540.00 $ 469,639.00 $ 807,859.00 Research$ 1,130,618.00 $ 369,011.00 $ 125,190.00 $ 210,123.00 $ 704,324.00 $ 426,294.00 Grants$ 627,500.00 $ (22,094.00) $ 49,338.00 $ 40,588.00 $ 67,832.00 $ 559,668.00 Visitor Services$ 681,711.00 $ 74,397.00 $ 45,909.00 $ 223,845.00 $ 344,151.00 $ 337,560.00 Indirect Cost/Overhead$ 2,018,566.00 $ 456,734.00 $ 438,325.00 $ 404,277.00 $ 1,299,336.00 $ 719,230.00 Total Expenses $ 50,000,000.00 $ 5,902,298.00 $ 11,219,098.00 $ 11,959,897.00 $ 29,081,293.00 $ 20,918,707.00

5/8/2020, 2:21 PM VISIT FLORIDA QUARTERLY REPORT Quarter 2, October 1 – December 31, 2019

Four – Year Objectives by June 30, 2020 A. Keep Florida top-of-mind among target audiences. B. Stimulate balanced incremental growth that delivers the greatest economic impact to Florida. C. Identify and engage advocates in promoting the Florida brand. D. Promote industry alignment and collective impact through partner investment and thought leadership.

Research A B C D The Research team responded to data requests from Partners, government, media, the public and industry. Also X X responded to ad hoc requests internally. Conducted and reviewed the Integrated Marketing Effectiveness Study to ensure accuracy and efficacy in marketing X X efforts Presented and provided research insights to stakeholders at the Florida Tourism Forum. X X

Held monthly international research briefings with International marketing and public relations teams to improve marketing X X efforts in international markets Conducted a survey of Florida Encounter attendees, then analyzed data and provided insights to stakeholders X X

Released preliminary Florida visitor volume estimates for Q3 2019 showing 31.6 million total visitors came to the state in X July, August, and September, up 1.2% from Q3 2018

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VISIT FLORIDA QUARTERLY REPORT Quarter 3, January 1 – March 31, 2020

Four – Year Objectives by June 30, 2020 A. Keep Florida top-of-mind among target audiences. B. Stimulate balanced incremental growth that delivers the greatest economic impact to Florida. C. Identify and engage advocates in promoting the Florida brand. D. Promote industry alignment and collective impact through partner investment and thought leadership.

Industry Relations Department Main Initiatives A B C D Rural Area of Opportunity Marketing and Education Program: Provide operations, marketing and product development training to help counties better serve the Adventure Traveler. Planned a multi-channel marketing campaign to align with VF Adventure Seekers campaign. X X X X

VISIT FLORIDA Partnership Business Model: Reviewed current Partnership model, researched other state DMO models and worked with Industry Relations Council on planning and developing strategies for re-structuring our current X Partnership model over the next five years. Quarterly assessment of co-op programs and Industry participation. Prepared for roll-out Co-op Programs Assessment: X of 20-21 programs.

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VISIT FLORIDA QUARTERLY REPORT Quarter 2, January 1 - March 31, 2020

Four – Year Objectives by June 30, 2020 A. Keep Florida top-of-mind among target audiences. B. Stimulate balanced incremental growth that delivers the greatest economic impact to Florida. C. Identify and engage advocates in promoting the Florida brand. D. Promote industry alignment and collective impact through partner investment and thought leadership.

North America A B C D

International Media Marketplace New York - January 23-24, 2020: VISIT FLORIDA and Partners attended TravMedia’s International Media Marketplace in to have one-on-one appointments with domestic and X X Canadian media to pitch story ideas and discuss press trip opportunities.

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VISIT FLORIDA QUARTERLY REPORT Quarter 2, October 1 – December 31, 2019

Four – Year Objectives by June 30, 2020 A. Keep Florida top-of-mind among target audiences. B. Stimulate balanced incremental growth that delivers the greatest economic impact to Florida. C. Identify and engage advocates in promoting the Florida brand. D. Promote industry alignment and collective impact through partner investment and thought leadership.

Public Relations A B C D North America and International Earned Media Coverage from October 1 – December 31, 2019: X 1,194,105,843 impressions In-Market PR Programs, Events and Initiatives from October 1 – December 31, 2019: - Canada: Discover America Day – October 2, 2019 - Domestic: Media and Influencer receptions and Satellite Media Tour – October 15-17, 2019 X X X - Germany: Media Mission – December 2-5, 2019 - UK: World Travel Market – November 3-6 Proactive PR from October 1 – December 31, 2019: - Ongoing press and influencer trips to the state from key domestic and international markets: o Canada: 2 Individual Press Trips o China: 1 Individual Press Trip o Domestic: 2 Individual Press Trips o Germany: 3 Individual Press Trip X X o UK: 1 Individual Press Trip - Influencer Campaigns: o Brazil: 1 Influencer Press Trip o China: 1 Influencer Press Trip o Mexico: 1 Influencer Press Trip Media FAM Tours from October 1 – December 31, 2019: - Canada FAM: October 25-31, 2019 X X - Domestic FAM: November 13-20, 2019 - Mexico FAM: December 1-8, 2019

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- Germany FAM: November 8-15, 2019 Press Releases from October 1 – December 31, 2019: - 14 press releases were posted via the media site - Brazil: 3 press releases were written and distributed to media - Canada: 2 press release was written and distributed to media X - China: 2 press releases were written and distributed to media - Domestic: 5 press releases were written and distributed to media - Germany: 3 press releases were written and distributed to media - UK: 5 press releases were written and distributed to media

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VISIT FLORIDA QUARTERLY REPORT Quarter 3, January 1 – March 31, 2020

Four – Year Objectives by June 30, 2020 A. Keep Florida top-of-mind among target audiences. B. Stimulate balanced incremental growth that delivers the greatest economic impact to Florida. C. Identify and engage advocates in promoting the Florida brand. D. Promote industry alignment and collective impact through partner investment and thought leadership.

Visitor Services Department A B C D January through March 2020, visitation to the four* Official Florida Welcome Centers reflected a decrease of -244,553 travelers to Florida compared to the same time period in 2020. January through March 415, 600 visitors came into the Welcome Centers. (* Due to COVID 19, the Florida Welcome Centers were closed March 13 and remained closed through March 31, 2020. Citrus Juice x x also was discontinued due to budget cuts for the same period, July 2019 – March 2020 affecting visitation and contributed to the significant decrease in visitation) Staff at the I-95 Florida Welcome Center operate VISIT FLORIDA's live operator assisted 800 Call Center. January through the end of March 2020, 764 callers received travel and counseling information from our staff on Florida vacation planning and secured x x x information for their upcoming trips to Florida. YTD live callers assisted were 764. Florida Tourism Industry members partnered with the Florida Welcome Centers to showcase their products to the traveling public through our lobby booth program from January through the end of March 2020. Overall, 27 participants from VISIT Pensacola, Destin-Ft. Walton Beach, Santa Rosa County TDC, National Aviation Museum Foundation, Chautaugua Vineyard & Winery, Visit Tallahassee, Guest Services Inc., Pensacola Bay Cruises, St. Johns County VCB, Homewood Suites by Hilton Daytona Beach x x x Speedway-Airport, Homes2 Suites I-95 St. Augustine, Visit South Walton, Florida State Parks, Sun Pass, Amelia River Cruises, Brevard County Tourism Board, Sunshine Communications, Florida’s First Coast of Golf, Gulf Coast TDC, Amelia Island CVB, Visit Jacksonville, Big Fat Coupon Book, Inc., New Smyrna Beach Area Visitors Bureau, WonderWorks Orlando, Visit St. Lucie, and Eat NSB. For the period of January through the end of March, the Visitor Services staff made a total of 480 room night reservations for visitors totaling $39,330 through the Florida Welcome Center Concierge Program. The room night reservations represent new Florida x x x tourism business and is largely concentrated on Florida hotels and campgrounds. YTD $39,330 in new tourism business for Florida was arranged and planned by Florida Welcome Center staff.

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VISIT FLORIDA QUARTERLY REPORT Quarter 2, October 1– December 31, 2019

Four – Year Objectives by June 30, 2020 A. Keep Florida top-of-mind among target audiences. B. Stimulate balanced incremental growth that delivers the greatest economic impact to Florida. C. Identify and engage advocates in promoting the Florida brand. D. Promote industry alignment and collective impact through partner investment and thought leadership.

Corporate Meetings A B C D Florida Tourism Forum November 18-20, 2019: This new event featured much of the content that was originally planned for the 2019 Florida Governor’s Conference on Tourism that was cancelled due to Hurricane Dorian. In addition to educational key notes speakers and marketing learning sessions, attendees will X have the opportunity to discuss the strategic priorities of Florida’s tourism industry and participate in workshops which will inform VISIT FLORIDA’s future marketing. Florida Encounter November 20-22, 2019: Florida Encounter, the Official Meetings Show for Florida, is a three-day one-on-one appointment tradeshow that brings together qualified meeting professionals and top Florida destinations, hotels and resorts, attractions and event suppliers with the end goal of X X booking meetings in Florida. Every year, over 200 attendees network and do business at a beautiful and unique destination in the Sunshine State.

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VISIT FLORIDA QUARTERLY REPORT Quarter 2, August 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019

Four – Year Objectives by June 30, 2020 A. Keep Florida top-of-mind among target audiences. B. Stimulate balanced incremental growth that delivers the greatest economic impact to Florida. C. Identify and engage advocates in promoting the Florida brand. D. Promote industry alignment and collective impact through partner investment and thought leadership.

Department Header A B C D The Florida Flyaway Song of the Day (ph.3) promotion ran August 5 -11, 2019 in Boston with WMJX-FM. It generated $403,600 in x media value and 1,833,800 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Beacon South Beach Hotel and Vizcaya Museum & Gardens The Florida Flyaway Song of the Day (ph.4) promotion ran August 12 -16, 2019 in Boston with WMJX-FM. It generated $403,600 in media value and 1,833,800 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Orlando at SeaWorld, and SeaWorld x Orlando The Labor Day Florida Escape promotion ran August 16 - 23, 2019 in Atlanta with WKHX-FM. It generated $376,342 in media value and 1,840,254 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, The Island Ft. Walton Destin by Hotel RL, Buccaneer Pirate Cruise, and Saltwater x Restaurants. The Sunshine State of Mind (ph. 1) promotion ran August 25 - 31, 2019 in New York with the Daily News. It generated $471,328 in x media value and 9,461,864 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, The Diplomat Resort, Sawgrass Mills, and Oceans 234. The Miami Beach Pop Festival Flyaway promotion ran September 3 -24, 2019 in Charlotte with WPEG-FM. It generated $35,191 in x media value and 1,197,200 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA and Hilton. The Miami Beach Pop Festival Flyaway promotion ran September 9 -22, 2019 in Charlotte with WLIF-FM. It generated $92,273 in x media value and 1,934,400 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA and Hilton. The Endless Summer Escape promotion ran September 9 - October 6, 2019 in Boston with WLXO-FM. It generated $129,212 in media value and 651,700 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Orlando World Center Marriott, Boggy Creek Airboat Rides, iFly Orlando, x and Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament. The Florida Football & Golf Getaway promotion ran September 9 - October 1, 2019 in Long Island with WBZO-FM. It generated $67,211 in media value and 1,073,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Florida’s First Coast of Golf, The Collector Luxury Inn & x Gardens, THE PLAYERS Championship. The Miami Beach Pop Festival Flyaway promotion ran September 10 - October 6, 2019 in Boston with WQBT-FM. It generated x $92,725 in media value and 1,587,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA and Hilton.

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The Experience Northwest Florida promotion ran September 11 - November 3, 2019 in Atlanta with Gwinnett Daily Post. It generated $73,499 in media value and 3,318,040 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Sheraton Panama City Beach Golf & Spa Resort, Pier Park x and Simon Malls. The Miami Beach Pop Festival Flyaway promotion ran September 20 - 29, 2019 in Atlanta with WWWQ-FM. It generated $235,502 in x media value and 2,613,600 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA and Hilton. The Miami Beach Pop Festival Flyaway promotion ran September 23 - October 6, 2019 in Dallas with KVIL-FM. It generated $94,078 x in media value and 1,428,800 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA and Hilton. The Florida Fun, Sun & Family promotion ran October 7 - November 11, 2019 in Toronto with CKLH-FM. It generated $107,629 in media value and 3,394,800 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Lake Buena Vista Resort Village & Spa, Fun Spot America, and Boggy x Creek Airboat Rides The Skip Winter in Florida promotion ran October 7 - 18, 2019 nationally with The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show. It generated x $969,708 in media value and 9,042,900 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Loews Miami Beach Hotel, and Sawgrass Recreation Park. The Skip Winter in Florida promotion ran October 11 - 18, 2019 in Boston with WMJX-FM. It generated $463,756 in media value and x 3,425,400 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, TradeWinds Island Resorts and The Florida Aquarium. The Skip Winter in Florida promotion ran October 13 -19, 2019 in New York with the Daily News. It generated $741,328 in media X value and 9,960,356 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA and Wyndham Orlando International Drive. The Skip Winter in Florida promotion ran October 14 - 25, 2019 in Atlanta with WWWQ-FM. It generated $674,062 in media value and X 8,276,400 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Beacon South Beach Hotel, Jungle Island, and Island Queen Cruises. The Skip Winter in Florida promotion ran October 14 - 25, 2019 in Atlanta with WKHX-FM. It generated $563,247 in media value and X 6,908,400 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, South Seas Island Resort, and Kayak Excursions. The ’s Escape to the Sunshine (ph.1) promotion ran October 14 -18, 2019 in Detroit with WDVD-FM. It generated $88,749 in X media value and 1,298,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Bahama Bay Resort & Spa, Boggy Creek Airboat Rides. The Skip Winter Sweepstakes promotion ran October 15 - November 15, 2019 nationally with Expedia. It generated $351,556 in X media value for VISIT FLORIDA, Hertz, and Simon Malls. The Detroit’s Escape to the Sunshine (ph.2) promotion ran October 21 - 25, 2019 in Detroit with WDVD-FM. It generated $88,749 in X media value and 1,298,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Sheraton Sand Key Resort, and Clearwater Marine Aquarium. The RipeTide Music Festival promotion ran October 25 - November 8, 2019 nationally with Hilton. It generated 1,033,705 impressions X for VISIT FLORIDA The Escape to the Sunshine promotion ran October 28 - November 25, 2019 in New York with Metro. It generated $332,288 in media X value and 10,902,843 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Hilton Orlando, iFly Orlando, and Ripley’s Believe It or Not. The Detroit’s Escape to the Sunshine (ph.3) promotion ran October 28 - November 1, 2019 in Detroit with WDVD-FM. It generated $88,749 in media value and 1,298,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Hilton Cocoa Beach, and Exploration Tower at Port X Canaveral. The Z Jet Florida Flyaway promotion ran November 1 - 11, 2019 in Toronto with CIDC-FM. It generated $74,008 in media value and X 1,168,281 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA and Hawks Cay Resort. The Florida Flyaway Fridays promotion ran November 4 - 22, 2019 in Nashville with WNRQ-FM. It generated $147,965 in media value and 1,600,200 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Beacon South Beach Hotel, Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, and Island Queen X Sightseeing Cruises.

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The Winter Escape to Florida (ph. 1) promotion ran November 4 - 8, 2019 in Detroit with WDZH-FM. It generated $38,396 in media X value and 994,400 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA. The Winter Escape to Florida (ph. 1) promotion ran November 4 - 8, 2019 in Detroit with WYCD-FM. It generated $59,041 in media X value and 1,533,600 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA. The Winter Escape to Florida (ph. 1) promotion ran November 4 - 8, 2019 in Detroit with WOMC-FM. It generated $70,683 in media X value and 1,836,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA. The Skip Winter Free Trip Phone Tap promotion ran November 9 -15, 2019 nationally with The Elvis Duran Morning Show. It X generated $849,466 in media value and 7,492,500 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA. The PLAYERS Championship promotion ran November 11 - December 31, 2019 in Atlanta with Gwinnett Daily Post. It generated $58,668 in media value and 3,769,677 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Florida’s First Coast of Golf, The Collector Luxury Inn & X Gardens, and THE PLAYERS Championship. The Thanksgiving Day Parade promotion ran November 11 - 27, 2019 in Philadelphia with WPVI-TV. It generated $135,753 in media X value and 17,269,735 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Hilton Orlando, Icon Park. The Winter Escape to Florida (ph.2) promotion ran November 11 - 15, 2019 in Detroit with WYCD-FM. It generated $97,079 in media X value and 2,442,400 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Don Cesar Resort Hotel, Clearwater Marine Aquarium. The Winter Escape to Florida (ph.2) promotion ran November 11 - 15, 2019 in Detroit with WDZH-FM. It generated $60,162 in media X value and 1,020,800 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Don Cesar Resort Hotel, Clearwater Marine Aquarium. The Winter Escape to Florida (ph.2) promotion ran November 11 - 15, 2019 in Detroit with WOMC-FM. It generated $116,221 in X media value and 2,924,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Don Cesar Resort Hotel, Clearwater Marine Aquarium. The Escape to Florida promotion ran November 14 -27, 2019 in Boston with WXLO-FM. It generated $123,907 in media value and 1,243,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Conrad Fort Lauderdale Beach, Museum of Discovery & Science, Jungle Queen River X Cruises. The Winter Escape to Florida (ph.3) promotion ran November 18 - 22, 2019 in Detroit with WOMC-FM. It generated $116,221 in X media value and 2,924,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Beacon South Beach Hotel, Vizcaya Museum & Science. The Winter Escape to Florida (ph.3) promotion ran November 18 - 22, 2019 in Detroit with WDZH-FM. It generated $60,162 in media X value and 1,020,800 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Beacon South Beach Hotel, Vizcaya Museum & Science. The Winter Escape to Florida (ph.3) promotion ran November 18 - 22, 2019 in Detroit with WYCD-FM. It generated $97,079 in media X value and 2,442,400 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Beacon South Beach Hotel, Vizcaya Museum & Science. The Winter Warm Up in Florida (ph. 1) promotion ran November 18 - 22, 2019 in Houston with KODA-FM. It generated $95,592 in X media value and 1,680,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, and South Seas Island Resort. The PLAYERS Championship promotion ran November 24 - 30, 2019 in New York with Daily News. It generated $471,328 in media X value and 8,410,381 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Florida’s First Coast of Golf, THE PLAYERS Championship. The Ring in the New Year in Miami promotion ran November 25 - December 8, 2019 nationally with Cumulus Media. It generated X $8,860,580 in media value and 73,522,400 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA. The Winter Escape to Florida (ph. 4) promotion ran November 25 - 29, 2019 in Detroit with WDZH-FM. It generated $60,162 in media X value and 1,020,800 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, TradeWinds Island Resorts, The Tropics Boat Tour. The Winter Escape to Florida (ph. 4) promotion ran November 25 - 29, 2019 in Detroit with WYCD-FM. It generated $97079 in media X value and 2,442,400 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, TradeWinds Island Resorts, The Tropics Boat Tour.

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The Winter Escape to Florida (ph. 4) promotion ran November 25 - 29, 2019 in Detroit with WOMC-FM. It generated $116,221 in X media value and 2,924,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, TradeWinds Island Resorts, The Tropics Boat Tour. The Winter Warm Up in Florida (ph. 2) promotion ran November 25 - 29, 2019 in Houston with KODA-FM. It generated $95,592 in X media value and 1,680,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Loews Miami Beach Hotel, Island Queen Cruises Sightseeing Tours. The Kiss 104.1’s Florida Flyaway promotion ran December 2 - 15, 2019 in Atlanta with WALR-FM. It generated $107,876 in media X value and 1,430,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Hilton Orlando, and Icon Park. The Holiday Double Play Florida Flyaway (ph. 1) promotion ran December 2 - 8, 2019 in Cincinnati with WGRR-FM. It generated X $24,627 in media value and 409,200 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Hilton Orlando and iFly Orlando. The Winter Warm Up in Florida (ph. 3) promotion ran December 2 - 6, 2019 in Houston with KODA-FM. It generated $95,592 in media X value and 1,680,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA,Sundial Beach Resort & Spa, and Kayak Excursions. The Escape to the Sunshine #01 promotion ran December 8 - 14, 2019 in New York with Daily News. It generated $471,328 in media X value and 9,643,680 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Sheraton Sand Key Resort, and The Tropics Boat Tours. The Winter Warm Up in Florida (ph. 4) promotion ran December 9 - 13, 2019 in Houston with KODA-FM. It generated $95,592 in X media value and 1,680,000 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, and Hawks Cay Resort. The Holiday Double Play Florida Flyaway (ph. 2) promotion ran December 9 - 15, 2019 in Cincinnati with WGRR-FM. It generated $24,627 in media value and 409,200 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA, Beacon South Beach Hotel, Vizcaya Museum & Gardens and X Island Queen Cruises and Sightseeing Tours. The Escape the Holidays promotion ran December 9 - 20, 2019 in Atlanta with WWWQ-FM. It generated $912,212 in media value x and 8,309,037 impressions for VISIT FLORIDA and Hard Rock Hotel Daytona Beach.

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