Outram West Taieri

21st – 28th February 2 0 1 5

Outram has a long history with the gold rush to Central Otago. Outram was the last place to stock up on supplies before heading for Clarkes junction and onto the ‘’ which was the preferred route for those in a hurry!

“Outram is one of the finest and healthiest places in New Zealand, and is a favourite resort for excursionists from Dunedin…” “There is also a recreation ground of about six acres planted with macrocarpa trees for shelter and with a well laid cycle track!” “The board is free from debt. The cost of the work was paid out of the fees obtained from licensing the sale of whisky, etc.” “At the time of the Dunstan “rush,” the armed escort had quarters at Outram.” Taken from THE CYCLOPEDIA OF NEW ZEALAND 1909.

Organised by the Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust PO Box 91, Cromwell, New Zealand Cavalcade Coordinator: Terry Davis. Office - 03 445 0111 Cell - 021 284 6844 e-mail [email protected] web

To register: Complete the enclosed registration form, the two declarations and return with full payment to: OGHT, PO Box 91, Cromwell. Make cheques payable to: Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust or pay by direct credit to: ANZ 01 0695 0034150 00 - Include Rider Name and Trail Code

1. ‘SURF to TURF’ WALKNG TRAIL Waihola - Outram Trail Boss: Sandra Cain Phone: 03 488 1033 Email: [email protected] Duration: 4 days Meet: Tuesday 24th February Limit: 50


This is a 4 day trail starting at Waihola. This year our trail is a little different with a mixture of coastal and country walking. You will be rewarded with some awesome views along the coast and the wind swept tussock tops to the plains. We will have a great group of people and lots of fun. We gather at the Titri Woolshed on Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday: Leaving the woolshed we walk along the banks of the and join up with the Millennium Track which takes us to the small fishing village of Taieri Mouth. Taieri Mouth is about a 35 minute drive from Dunedin. The afternoon is cross country with views out along the coast. Thursday: An interesting day with beach and country walking. We will pass through the small coastal townships of Brighton and Ocean View before climbing from the sea to Saddle Hill which is well known locally as a unique land mark in Otago. The views of the Taieri Plains and towards the city of Dunedin are well worth the afternoon climb. At the end of our day’s walk we will bus to Traquair Station on the Maungatuas. Friday: The open spaces and tussock clad country of the Maungatuas. Today we make our way across the tops into Lee Stream and on into Outram. We have a great woolshed and in the evening we will enjoy a night to celebrate our trail. Saturday: Morning we have a loop walk to the Outram Historical Museum where the first walking trail began in 1994.

This is quite a different trail with changing scenery each day so join us to find out more. A high standard of tramping fitness is required, as most days involve 6-7 hours tramping over varied terrain. Our backup team will transport your gear, but walkers will need to carry a daypack containing personal effects. Caterers will provide our meals and accommodation will be in woolsheds.

A safe parking area is available for those wishing to leave their cars at Outram. A bus will leave Outram on Tuesday afternoon and take you to Waihola where our trail begins. This is a non smoking trail.

So! Register, get yourself fit and come and join us, we look forward to your company.

2. ‘DUNEDIN 45 DEGREE HILLS’ WALKING TRAIL. Port Chalmers and the Silver Peaks

Trail Boss: Matthew Sole Ph: 03 447 3336 Email: [email protected] Duration: 4 days Meet: Tuesday 24th February. Limit: 30


Tuesday: Meeting from 5pm onwards – briefing 7pm on the 24/02/2015 at Leith Valley Touring Park Dunedin Wednesday: Heading to Port Chalmers from Heyward Point expected time of 6.5 hrs. Via coastline and over Mopanui. Thursday: Heading to Leith Valley via The Three Peaks from Port Chalmers, expected time of 7 hrs. Organ Pipes, Mt Cargill, Swampy and Flagstaff Friday: A day in the Silver Peaks and bus back to Leith Valley Touring Park. Expected time of 7hrs. Historic Snowy Mountain track. Saturday: Drive our own vehicles to Outram for the parade

With the retirement of Mary and her fabulous team we are teaming up with a new and exciting team of caterers led by Fiona Mackley from Alexandra Primary School who are keen to continue the great support and partnership with our Cavalcade walking trails

While following mostly tracks and the odd gravel road, good climbs and descents are involved in all three days. A good level of fitness with ability to handle climbs and descents is essential with stout supportive footwear.

Accommodation is arranged only for the night at Port Chalmers Harbour Rugby Club Rooms. Please make your own bookings for Leith Valley Touring Park. 0800 555 331 be sure to book early to ensure the best option for your accommodation.

The trail is fully catered. All overnight gear will be transported for you - you need only carry a day pack on the trail.

3. ‘ONWARDS TO OUTRAM!’ WALKING TRAIL Loganburn Reservior - Outram Trail Boss: Steve Clark Phone: 03 445 0920 Email: [email protected] Duration: 5 days Meet: Tuesday 24th February Limit: 12


Tuesday: Meeting between 8:30 am and 9:00 am on the 24 February 2014 at West Taieri Rugby Club, Formby Street Outram. Leave cars in safe parking area for the week then mini bus out to Loganburn reservoir. Tramp to Makarara Station homestead : expected time of 6 hrs. Old Dunstan Road, Loganburn Reservoir and Lammermoor Plateau. Wednesday: Heading to Glen Lee Station woolshed : expected time of 9 hrs. Lamermoor Plateau and Moodie’s Diggings. Thursday: Heading to Round Hill Station woolshed : expected time of 5 hrs. Notes/points of interest: Black Rock Creek. Friday: Heading to Outram : expected time of 9 hrs. Over the Maungatuas! Saturday: The Grand Parade through the streets of Outram.

This trail is for fit, experienced trampers who must be capable of carrying up to 16 – 18 kg for up to 23km per day over rough farm tracks with some steep ascents and descents. The trail is independent with all personal gear, food and shared gear carried by the walkers. There will be no back-up vehicle. It is self-catering with walkers sharing in cooking the evening meal for the party.

4. MOONLIGHT WANDERERS – Clover leaf RIDING TRAIL. Middlemarch and Clarks Junction

Trail Boss: Jane Whitmore Phone: 03 976 6519 Email: [email protected] Duration: 6 days Meet: Sunday 22nd February Limit: 70


Sunday: Meeting between 3pm and 6pm at CraigLynn Station- 29 Sheep Wash Creek Road, Middlemarch. Monday: Loop ride. 7hrs. Ride around the crater on Taieri Ridge. Drop down to Middlemarch for lunch. Home passed Cottesbrook and up Sheepwash Creek valley. Tuesday: Loop ride. 7hrs. Ride east over to Summer Hill. Views of Clarks junction, Saddle Hill, Rock and Pillar ranges and Strath Taieri then loop back. Wednesday: A loop ride. 7hrs. to the north taking in Nenthorn and Moonlight valleys. Thursday: Heading to Clarks Junction. 40km, 8hrs. We travel south to our 2nd base at Strathview Station. We cross over the Taieri River at Sutton and go up through Matarae and Deep Stream to Strathview. Friday: Loop ride. 7hrs. We follow the Dunedin Water pipeline, follow the edge of Deep Stream up to the old Dunstan Rd. Lunch at Clarks Junction Pub then back to Strathview. Saturday: Heading to Outram. Float horses to our Outram camp. Ride up to the meeting point with the other trails before the grand parade through Outram and back to our camp.

Most days will start at 8am, 1hr for lunch and aim to be back by 4pm, but we will be flexible as far as riding conditions on the day allow. Special thanks to Stu Stevenson at Craiglynn Station and Robyn Stevenson at Strathview Station.

The terrain makes for easy going but riders are expected to turn up with fit horses and gear that is worn in and comfortable for your horse. This ride will suit those who enjoy returning to their set-up each night with floats, campervans or tents. For those without floats or other living areas there is plenty of room in the two large, modern woolsheds.


Trail Boss: Malcolm Oakes Phone: 021 141 1874 Email: [email protected] Duration: 6 days Meet: Sunday 22nd February Limit: 70


Sunday: Meet from 3pm onwards at Maritanga Station woolshed at Kokonga, Kyeburn. Monday: We head towards Flat Hill to Macraes Mine and will be hosted by Kent & Rebecca Tisdall at Stone Blend farm. This will be 7-8 hours riding over open tussock country. Tuesday: Today we ride through the Nenthorn valley to Attadale at Middlemarch. We will be hosted by Trevor Peters. Expected riding time of 8hrs. Wednesday: Will be riding around Mt Stoker in to the Taieri Gorge to our destination in the Silver Peaks vicinity. We will be hosted by Alistair & Carmen Hope for the night at Roads End. We estimate a shorter day but plan on 7 hours. Thursday: We will be riding from Hopes following the Taieri Gorge in to Lamb Hill and then in to Hindon. We will be hosted by Dave & Christine Graham. Again a shorter day but will be 7 hours approximately. Friday: This will be open country through to Horse Hoof Station where we will be hosted by Mike and Annette Harrex. Expect an 8 hour day. We have planned a band for the night so bring your dancing shoes. Saturday: We ride 2-3 hours in the morning to our mustering point at Traquair Station and then in to Outram by 12 noon for the parade.

6. ‘BEN LEDI AND BEYOND' - RIDING TRAIL. Dansey’s Pass – Outram

Trail Boss: Bill Butler Phone: 03 207 2787 email: [email protected] Duration: 7 days Meet: Saturday 21st February Limit: 70


We will meet on Saturday 21st February at Ian and Tracey Andersons Ben Ledi Station in the Dansey’s Pass. Leaving Sunday morning, our first two days will be spent riding in the Kakanui mountains. We are riding along the roof of the world. Great mountain trails, a real contrast to later in the week. We drop down to spend Monday night by the “Dunback - Morrisons” road then a short hop up to Macraes on Tuesday. We will arrive at the Macraes domain with plenty of time to put on your war paint for the “Red Indian” themed fancy dress party. Our next two days (Wednesday/Thursday) are on the great open rolling tops of the iconic Middlemarch country arriving at Lamb Hill. Then down thru the gorge and over the Taieri river, winding our way up onto Mt Hyde for the Friday night. A short hop down to Outram on Saturday morning and we are there. I welcome the chance to meet up with old friends from previous years back to join us again and invite all those new riders keen for a traditional Cavalcade Trail.

We are a welcoming bunch with an experienced crew of wranglers to guide and inform you along the way. The day lengths are between 7 to 9 hours with plenty of breaks and we travel at a good steady pace. Our cooks are outstanding, producing amazing meals in even more amazing places and we have a handy refreshment trailer that meets us each night. You and your horse need to be fit and have done hill training, good warm wet weather riding gear is essential. Your horse needs to be recently shod. I personally invite you along to join the “we-ride-m-long-way tribe” Look forward to you joining us - Bill

7. ‘OAMARU VETS - CASEY’S TRACK’ RIDING TRAIL Kokonga - Outram Trail Boss: Dave McAtamney Phone: 03 444 9196 Email: [email protected] Duration: 6 days Meet on: Sunday 22nd February Limit: 70 CODE COST CODE COST RIDER MCR $700 BACKUP MCB $672 WRANGLER/BOSS MCW GOFER MCG FIRST AID MCX VEHICLE FERRY $60

Meeting between 2pm and 6pm on the Sunday 22nd/Feb/2015 at Eskvale Station -Kokonga back road. Monday: Heading to Pigroot creek, gentle ride, good views of Kakanuis, back into Danseys, and over the . Tuesday: Heading to Stone Burn. Skirting the boundary of Shag Valley Station, through McRae’s gold mine and on to Nenthorn. Wednesday: Heading to Waikouaiti – great coastal views! Could be quite a big day. Thursday: Heading to Silver Peaks Station – lots of native bush – virgin Cavalcade country! Friday: Heading to Waiora Farm via Swampy Summit – great views all around right back up to Pulpit Rock. Saturday: Heading to Outram via Boulder hill to the mustering point then on down for the grand parade.

The trail takes a route through the East Otago hill country, off roads and tracks. Most days will be of comfortable length. Riders need to be competent and able to handle their horse unaided. We do have very capable wranglers should you need some help for one reason or another. Horses must be fit and freshly shod. Cold and wet weather clothing essential. Backups welcome. We will again have excellent catering by the Ranfurly junior school children’s rugby committee. See you there. Take care, Dave and Jim.

8. ‘SPEIGHT’S HEAVY WAGON’S (Riders welcome) Middlemarch - Outram.

Trail Boss: Tony Cumberbeach Ph hm 03 453 4134 cell 021 2200 201 Email: [email protected] Duration: 7 days Meet: Saturday 21st February Limit: 70


Join the happy ‘self- catering’ campers of the Heavy Wagon Trail for 7 relaxed days of wagoning/riding. Starting off from Middlemarch we’re gonna head towards Outram and then veer right along the western side of the Maungatuas to Waipori. Down through Waipori Falls and then left back along the eastern side of the Maungatuas to Outram. “Absolutely beautiful!” Entertainment provided by the legendary John Grenell. There will be some trail BBQ evenings so bring some meat! Mostly farm tracks, some gravel roads, only a couple of km’s of seal. We take it easy - no more than 25km per day.

9. ‘TUSSOCK CREEK LIGHT WAGON TRAIL’ (Riders welcome) Clinton - Outram

Trail Boss: Chris Bayne Phone: 03 489 4921 (evenings) Email: [email protected] Duration: 7 days Meet on: Saturday 21st February Limit: 70


Our trail is named after Tussock Creek moleskins based in Mosgiel on the Taieri Plains and owned by Graeme and Karen Pertrie. The Tussock Creek Trail will lead you through tussock country, creeks, rivers and tracks and amazing country. Saturday: February 21st we meet at Wairuna near Clinton at “Douglas Park” and our hosts are John and Steff Black. Horse check will be from 3pm onwards. Dinner 7pm followed by a welcome talk. If your vehicle is to be ferried please fill up with petrol in Clinton or Gore if coming from the South. Sunday: Great day for your first day as we go over rolling farmland looking at the Blue Mountains and stop by the Pomahaka River for lunch we then go to Clydevale cross the Clutha River and climb up looking over Waitahuna East and Mt Stuart and stop for the night. Monday: We go across country to drop down to the Waitahuna River which we follow around then have lunch at the old Gymkhana grounds. After lunch we climb up and go down to Lawrence the historical gold town with so much history where gold was discovered in 1862, and 7000 miners were in the Tuapeka. We go to the rodeo grounds for 2 nights. Tuesday: Today is a BBQ lunch day and we are going to Weatherstones old breweries for a look around the old ruins where beer was brewed in 1863. After that great tour we ride up to have lunch in a place with two big ponds full of trout and native bush this is a really special place. And John McCabe will entertain us for the night. Wednesday: Big day today with a climb up to look at the Lammerlaws, Black Rock, The Maungatuas and Lake Mahinerrangi. There will be a few big pulls, but well worth it and we are staying at Waipori Station on the shores of the lake which was once a thriving gold town in 1865. There were over 1000 people in the gully. If it’s warm enough, we will be able to swim in the lake. Thursday: Another great day as we go through farmland with view of the Rock and Pillar Range looking down towards Post Office creek where gold was discovered and onto our next night stop. Friday: On our way to Traquair Station and you will be able to see the hills of Dunedin City and at the end of the Maungatuas is the little town of Outram nestled below. You will see the Taieri Plains with the town of Mosgiel and also the Dunedin airport. You will see Mt Hyde and the Mt Allen forestry and the City Forrest. Saturday: Our last day and we head down from Traquair looking down at the Taieri Plains and Saddle Hill and come into Outram where we go through the town past the old library and old shops and onto our last night stop and looking forward to their country fair and hoe down at night. This is a limited back-ups trail. Outram and West Taieri are going all out for your final day. A big parade through main streets, markets and entertainment at the rugby rounds, a sumptuous dinner and a raucous Hoe-Down! Make sure you tick the box for the dinner and Hoe-Down on the registration form and add a couple of tickets for your family and supporters who’ll be meeting you at the end!

Ross Wilson will be making his wonderful DVD’s of the trails again this year.

Specific information on the trail of your choice will be sent out later in January.

All people on the trails MUST complete a registration form, and sign the back of that form in two places to show that they have read the “Terms and Conditions” and have understood the Health and Safety Form.

Participants must be over the age of 16. Trust members have priority booking for the first four weeks.

Because of the high fire risk factor over late summer, all our trails essentially have a NO SMOKING policy. Trail Bosses set rules concerning smoking depending on conditions. Absolutely no smoking in woolsheds, hay barns or other high risk areas.

• Riders need their own horses, which must be fit. Walkers and riders must also be fit. • Standard trail fees include meals, woolshed accommodation, agistment, hay for horses and gear transport during trail. • Accommodation or tent space will be provided at Outram for all cavalcade participants. • All participants on trails will assemble at the starting point on the afternoon or evening of the meeting day, for horse inspection, registration verification and briefing. • Bookings are NOT transferable between people. • Badges are included in trail fee. • DVDs of the Cavalcade will be available to buy.

POSSIBLE EXTRA COSTS • Cancellations received before 1st February 2015 will get a refund less $55. Later than this, refunds will be at the discretion of the organising committee. • Hot showers will be available at Outram. • A late fee of $40 is payable for registrations received after 1st February 2015.

CLOTHING Must be ordered before January 20th. Those that have been ordered on time and paid for with this registration will be distributed at the start of your trail.

OUTRAM OPTIONS • Tickets for Dinner, Hoe-down and Breakfast at Outram- if not paid for at time of registration, can be obtained from the host town. Please contact Greg McSkimming on 027 282 1101.

VEHICLE FERRYING • For the horse trails, vehicles can be ferried from the start of the trail to Outram. The cost for this is shown in the trail details and must be paid at time of registration.

CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION • Registered participants will receive confirmation of their bookings within 2 weeks of receipt of the registration form.

SAFETY FORM FOR ALL CAVALCADE PARTICIPANTS The purposes of the Safety Plan for the Cavalcade are:- • To make the Cavalcade as safe as possible for both participants and the public. • To satisfy the requirements of the Department of Conservation when using conservation land. • To comply with NZ laws and legislation (OSH) regarding accountability for the safety of outdoor events. YOUR TRAIL BOSS HAS A COPY OF THE SAFETY PLAN THAT YOU CAN READ and you can view one on our website

ALL CAVALCADE PARTICIPANTS are required to sign the Registration Form in Two Places. The first signature is to cover the indemnity of land owners and other liabilities. The second signature is to confirm that you have read and understand your responsibilities in order to comply with the Safety Plan. BOTH BOXES on the Registration Form MUST BE SIGNED and received by the Cavalcade Co-ordinator BEFORE you can take part in the Cavalcade.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF ALL CAVALCADE PARTICIPANTS All Cavalcade Participants are responsible for abiding by the terms and conditions specified in this Registration Form, and all further instructions from the Cavalcade Co-ordinator and the Trail Boss with respect to the Cavalcade. PLEASE NOTE THAT Special groups of Cavalcade Participants such as Leaders, Horse Riders, Wagoners, Gofers, First Aid and 4WD drivers have additional responsibilities which are listed below. In particular,

ALL CAVALCADE PARTICIPANTS are responsible for: • Ensuring that you are fit, healthy and experienced enough to take part in the Cavalcade. • Providing, carrying and wearing appropriate clothing and equipment as advised by Trail Boss or other Leaders. (A recommendation list and suggested First Aid kit will be provided later.) • Taking personal responsibility for your own health, personal medication and minor ailments. • Advising the Trail Boss of any medical condition that could affect an emergency situation. • Ensuring an adequate amount of personal food and liquid intake. • Maintaining a high standard of personal hygiene, particularly with handling food and toileting. • Staying with your Trail group and abiding by the instructions of the Trail Boss, Wrangler(s), Gofer(s) and Backup(s). • Taking personal responsibility for understanding the trail route and attending daily safety briefings.


Responsibilities of All Wranglers and Co-Leaders • Assisting in the safety and emergency management on the trail, including alternative route choice and weather assessment. • Together with the Trail Boss, walking or riding the entire route prior to the Cavalcade, and assessing and determining alternative bad weather routes and escape routes. • Assisting the Trail Boss in setting up and running Trails, organising overnight accommodation, and implementing the Safety Plan. The Trail Boss has a copy of the Safety Plan which you should read. • Assisting the Trail Boss in any emergency situation.

Responsibilities of All Cavalcade Participants with Horses (either on Riding Trails, or with Wagon Trails) • Ensuring that your horse is fit, healthy and suitably experienced, including ability to cross rivers. • Ensuring that your horse is properly shod, or have and use horse boots approved by the Trail Boss. • Ensuring that your horse is well fed and watered. • Advising the trail Boss of any unforeseen problems arising with your horse.

Responsibilities of All Cavalcade Participants with Vehicles (either as Back-ups or as First Aid Support) • Ensuring that your vehicle(s) are safe and in good mechanical order, and comply with all legal requirements. • Ensuring that there is a fire extinguisher in the vehicle. • Ensuring that all road rules are complied with. • Ensuring that all passengers are carried safely and that drivers have the correct licences.

Responsibilities of All Cavalcade Participants on Wagon Trails • Ensuring that the wagon is in sound mechanical condition. • Carrying equipment to cope with any difficult terrain which might reasonably be expected.

Responsibilities of Cavalcade First Aid personnel • Working with the Trail Boss to deal with all safety and health related incidents and matters. • Ensuring that your First Aid qualification is valid and current. • Working with the Trail Boss to deal with any injury situation, dealing with patient(s) as first priority, and advising on any necessary communications for outside help from ambulance. NOTE if HELICOPTER assistance is required it must be requested through the PHONE 111 system. If this procedure is not followed, you may be charged for helicopter assistance.